Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 18, 1922, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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msur-ru w it ? hf ' ti
f-HWHtft -IV A
APBIL 18, 1022
7MD0 AT 77 IKMffi
.-p 5wr? Viang jN
A radio set might be likened te a
house plumbing supply. The pump
Is the sending station. The tank
Is our aerial which receives the
water. We guide It by means of
pipes (wires) te the places where
we can use It. We have various
apparatus like tubs and spigots
and steppers where the water (cur
rent) Is made useful. Then we.let
It go en down into the drain or
sewer (the ground)
N0. 2. Hew much naaw ue I Have te Knew?
' m ((, Is one Ihingiinere limn nn-
, .K. 1..1 keens Hie evcrnge airman
"' T --.in. Inte the. fascinating game
?m K ft Is the belief that he has
' fZ'lVtte about electricity
'J k-n. . mnnlnulute a set nnd hear
w .mpm news and lectures that are
. SKSdcnited day nnd night all ever
Ut.cettntry. fi . . lt
'. .."Kriiihirtd with the necessity of
' Tj.tii the Intricacies of electricity.
' CdSppecl!tbe subject of radio us
'. 7v. would approach the purcbttbe of u
' ZX ?. iVry knew what rc.rt.lt
T Vrnt They den t care nuetu tnc
SSSl delell. of hew this result is
"ena'cnr, tlier want n self-starter
j . ulircl nml a genr-shlft mechnnlHin
, ,B brf P cfer te get along without the
' kit If Uey could-but they don't want
t " I" r , , . hnlenl-Ioek-
im fewgaws inside.
Ttadie doesn't hate te be any mere
Jsnlcal than the running of the best
JET.nroef car. It is mucli mere iiin
Wf leu de knew something about the
litnee just as the man who tinkers
Sih the mechanism of his own car
, JJlJllJ has mere fun with it than the
..rhlmnarity gec, further.
talking of the average amateur, the
-Vn who doesn't tinker with his car
tTtinllr gets mere use out of it than tnc
Sin who does. Se the man who bujs
ritindard radio set nnd doesn't even
? 'ulie what Is inside it will probably
K?!'I! f the breadcastlrie than the
.n? takes it apart and tries every I
fan magazine. , ,
But, in ninety-nine cases out of a
lundred in the radio game, it Is safe
?u .i- h nreillct en that the mull
I who hates the thought of studying clcc
i tricky and using technical terms will.
, within it nientns ei me lm-mimiiui. u
M .first wt, b.c talking glibly nnd
uninc forcibly about variable con cen
SiUn and scries nnd shunt Indue
' Janets and mlcrefntads and milhenrles
..j mii.iimni. Iticbt new. he would
, Ht Mi !t cent that he won't. But
tht'iiKiniii.eii ei it bum uuiu ui. u...i
"ai hifinds himself, in spite of himself,
mlcklj drifting into the real "nut"
Un And it is one phase of life in
which it truly Is "great te be crazy."
Working a radiophone set in the home
Jetjn't require nny mere knowledge of
niie than working n phonograph re
flulrti of acoustics and mechanics, leu
irt your phonograph furnished complete
k that all you have te leurn is hew te
Insert the needle, hew te put en the
record, hew te wind the machine and
te te Mart and step it.
Se with any of the standard radio
Yeu have a switch for turning en the
electricity for lighting the little in
CindcMcnt lamp through which the re
eelflng is done ; you have a knob te turn
te let In mere or less current according
it the signals grew better or worse with
the operation and you have from two te
four ether knobs the turning of which
ileeti the clearness with which the
itgnals come in.
leu den t unvc te ec n scientist te
Jedie this. The result in your phones
tells you when you arc getting the best
And, unlike your phonograph, you
don't hare te wind her tip again and
riinre the records and be careful te step
It when the record is through.
leu simply find your best signals,
law the apparatus set that way and
it tuck and enjoy it for the rest of the
The fundamental electricity necessary
(or undei standing the installation and
terUng of n radio set is no mere in in
velred than the knowledge necessary te
tikrstaml hew your house plumbing
jittm works.
We'll sny you linve n tank or nn
incoming supply of water up under the
reef; it is piped down through the
toast, led into certain rooms, turned
en or off with spigots, stored in tubs or
ether receptucles by means of steppers
isd, when used. Is allowed te escape
through the druln.s into the sewer under
the heufc.
Exactly the same thing happens in a
tireless set, using electricity instead of
We are net going te become technical
in these articles but we nrc going te
hew new and then hew extremely sim
ple the basic principles of radio arc and
we will probably use that house-plumb-leg
idea te teach it all the way through.
Biggest bread value today
Leaf Q
Sold only in our Stores
New Yerk Man Kills Himself After
Wounding Estranged Weman
New Yerk. April 18. (By A. P.)
Frank Mtillcr kissed his wife good geed
by en a subway platform today, then
shot her and killed himself. She was
taken te a hospital In a serious condi
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Mtillcr had been es
tranged four years. When she refused
te return te him he said, "Well, you
tell the police hew it happened," cm
braced her, then fired.
In Muller's suitcase, found en the
station platform, was a letter te his
parents saying:
"By the time you receive this let
ter yen will probably be somewhat up
set. Everything Jibs Dccn n innure. i
cannot live without my wife, lt Is
tee bad Elsie and I could net agree and
must be parted. Please take care of
Mildred" (his daughter).
86 Standard Make
en ! at 10 off Ilat prlespHer te
our meTtna te 10 Seuth 10th Street
Mar let
S. W. Cor. 11th anal Walamt
Embarrassing Hairs
Can Be Quickly Removed
(Beauty Culture)
Hairs can be easily banished
from the undej-erins, neck nnd face
by this quick, painless method : Mis
Inte a stiff .paste some powdered
dclatene and water, spread en hairy
surface, and In 2 or 3 minutes rub
off, wash the skin and it will be
free from hair or blemish. Except
ing In very stubborn growths, one
application Is sufficient. Te avoid
disappointment, buy the dclatene
In nn original package and mix
fresh. Adv.
keSpeckdhfiShep ofOriqinaiienb.
Taken from regular stock and reduced
65.00 te 175.00
Heretofore Priced 9S.00 te 250.00
Women's new Spring Coats, Capes and Wraps of twill fabrics,
nap fabrics, and crepe silk wepves' in the most. exclusive modes
and the season's best colorings.
Missel? Cellegienne
Shagmoer Coats
Miaaea' swagger ceata of soft,
fleecy Shagmoer tn two distinctive
belted models, in grey, rust and tan.
Sizes 14 te 20.
Special Women's
Tricetine Cape-Coats
Smart coat that a fleet a the Inver
ness mode in its cape treatment.
Lined in self tone crepe de chene. In
navy and black.
Today's Programs
rhlladrlntiln Station WFI
(Slraubrldce & C.ethlfr)
"IIP, M,i.nB Mtts Itr-mn from the I'm.
jSr-Jne nole Minn Ann M Themninn
J.. Iner "0n Jehn u'n
il5jrrllnn nole.. . HenaM SIlle
JiJ-PJnn o'e . mIhm Ann M. Thnnuirnn
w Slnlne hy (in uuu of the M.itlnee
Miilra Club I
(hi "Sprrniu.i." Motkewikl
l "feky lllue Winer i
... Chni.HK W Ci'linan
'-Tmer ele lelm Owens I
.citnlnr concert. ! Klnnlntr nt 7..10: i
i-linj ,ele r. vcnrn.r It. Itr-lnn i
tni.5?'. """ b llh" -Milthi-HH. rtnently r--J
ii ', rre.m " ueriiful ccmirt tnur uhreiiil
k JW?, ?n"-nW IlHrrv Rime Shelly I
"' TH ItaJlnncu In Veur EfH."
Im .?.k "" ll llnny Stlten, roIe cornel- I
.tin.. rhllilephla Police Hand. Kdnu
TimJIJ" . . Mr., Warner It. Il-sten
!? ,!S v s'",lt rini".Mr MnlthPUN
Tner.i,- Warner It. I lesion .
IhfiJ0;. ,v MvtHKHl . Mr. .Mutthew I
"Ills Mether of Mine '
Kant ritUliiTRh, I'ii. (KI)UA) i
Te the man who is en
his feet all day
I.CRRue baseball i
!ij !( M Music
i? P....V.'.'"--. ..
?i V0,,''1 M "Muelp
" P M "r'lllina tnr for kiddie.
ij7p,r.!? 1M,llm"'1"- "f New Yerk Stock
' Dr i.,i 0-,".r,l-'rillii nd Citizenship
rltliblrgl K Manlej. Unhemlty uf
kVP-. r
P.l.lln.. i ..
In. ...... , . . " .!" ,1'epreciaiinn in
iniiiniii n ml I'reilix Tu i..
ry I'nn-
"t (.' mV. ' ' ' ruins mxc;
'i cl.r.lr'rHr!: "'.". rt i.vAt.u.
"V. JiSr; i V ", '. .. w,i- "'aritene. and
" 10
M Arlington lime lrniil
Klll.e.1 :NrM"rl" ' . (WJ.I
J ' lM8,u'" ,V"? "'". from l A.
. Wathi.V i. "" 'he hour
VitSl V".rc,V,1 '""Ii.I-iUII,I II A I
PT'm"""0"" ,"iii.uii)). u
I1" t'1 "n n" Li, ;,'""',",' ,hv nuimril I!
i.'." I, il -.,',", ' "' lel 'e. ev Yerk I
tljjel,! -' IUI by j-hlrley S.auldlng, ,
0rJh:.tri.M (0II,',, y ""n UnHer.lt !
&CJ" 1" ! M a
" " "Ift't"!
4000 Square Feet
Storage Space
612'614 Chestnut
Mediate Occupancy
STANDING or walking all day long en
hard floors and pavements is an un
natural strain.
The human feet was designed for soft
dirt paths. Under modern conditions even
the strongest physique suffers.
Of course hard leather heels give no re
lief. Ordinary rubber heels are little better.
Seme are soft, crumbly rubber that wears
down quickly ethers are se hard and
lifeless that you might as well wear leather.
O'Sullivan's Safety Cushion Heels give you perfect
protection. They combine just the right toughness
for long hard wear with the greatest amount of
You'll never knew hew much a real shock-absorber
can help you in your work until you wear O'Sullivan's.
The strain of standing the jar of walking
O'Sullivan's absorb them both.
The price of O'Sullivan's te you is generally the
same as the price of ordinary heels, in spite of the
fact that O'Sullivan's cost the dealer mere. Your
repairman could make a bigger immediate .profit en
any one of half a dozen substitutes but when he
puts en O'Sullivan's, he knows you'll bring trade te
him again.
Ask for O'Sullivan's Safety Cushion Heels when
you leave your shoes see. that they are attached.
The O'SulUvan Heel Company.
Hard leather heels
cannot protect you
Ordinary rubber heelt
either tee hard or
tee soft
) c J
O'Sulliran's Safety Cushion
Heels have maximum
springiness combined
with long life
Here is an Elegant
Tep Ceat, Special at
Yeu will knew at a glance,
that never in the usual order
of business would you find
a Ceat of this quality at
?30.00. It is superb. The
tailoring alone would stamp
it with distinction and the
beautiful, soft two-tone ef
fects of which the Coats are
made, are the kinds that
only come in high-grade gar
ments. One of the styles
sketched, silk-lined through
out. Coats and Capes
Under Price at
Capes and Ceata wiii cape-like sleeves, some
attractively stitched, some braid-trimmed, all
elegantly silk-lined.
fcr- StrawbrldBe & Clothier Second Fleer, Centre
Women's Fine' Jersey
Cleth Cape Dresses
Straight-line Frecks, with
narrow tie belt (sec sketch)
and graceful little cape fall
ing free from the neck in the
back. Light and dark shades,
trimmed with jersey bands in
Dresses, $30.00
te $42.50
Canten crepe, Krepe-knit,
chinchilla crepe, crepe dc
chine and taffeta, in over ever
blouse, lew-waisted and
blouse models, embroidered,
beaded and ribbon-trimmed
dozens of different mod
els and no two anything
First Showing of
Dark Voile
Frecks, $9.75 te $15.00
Many blue and black with white figures and
dots. In panel style trimmed with plaited satin
ribbons, or with plaited panels, plaited tunics, side
drapes, or side panels trimmed with narrow
flounces. Levely crushed girdles, and pretty
touches of lace or organdie at neck and sleeves.
5r- Strawbrldue & Clethlar Second Fleer. Mnrlet Ptreft
Women's Suits Like
This Are the Acme
of Refinement
une ininKs et them as
Suits for the gentlewoman
and they are; they have a
very pleasing presence in
the best society of clothes.
Nete the fine, clear-cut
lines of this model (S 15.00):
the smait bra id -bound
edges, the taileied perkets.
the distinctive cut of the
Others equally distinctive,
in semi-titting, r.lashed-seam.
straight-line and belted
styles. All of tricetine and
twill fetd.. Pi ices ?32.50
te $43.00.
Suits of All the Tweed
of the Season, in Blur,
Tan, Rese, Heliotre)),'
and Grai, $2 te $',.
Worsted Jersey
Outing Suits,
$17.50 and $18.7")
I'laxn black, brown ami nay blue,
heather-mixed gieen, brown and blue.
- Mi j brtdu.. ,t Cleth ei kun ' I oe-
Men's and Yeung
Men's Suits r
Incomplete size and pattern
assortments from the many lines,
that sold se well during the early
season, have been re-grouped at
much lower prices.
Almest 1000 Suits in the en
tire collection, Spring and Cali
fornia weights, for wear right
new. The vahies presented
are geed enough te tempt men
te buy mere than one Suit. Plenty
of sizes for stout, slim, tall or
short figures.
New $18.00
Fermer prides averaged
one-half mere,. Neat styles
of many geed fabrics,
New $23.00
Included arc some of
the famous, Wickbam, at
half price. Others reduced
one-fourth te one-third.
New $28.00
Alce, Wickham and ether
makes, in a geed selection
of sizes and patterns.
New $36.50
Many of the best selling
models in stock, made by
Stein-Blech, Hart, Schaff
ner & Marx, and the
Wickham and Alce shops.
Net every size in any one style, but all sizes in
the group special, $36.50.
Suits, new $44.00
Many of our finest Suits, practically all
Stein-Blech. Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Alce
makes, including Hockanum silk mixtures, with
some Suits of fine imported fabrics $44.00.
S Straw br!dK & Clothier SecenJ Fluer, K.tit
I AUsim
Men's Suits
Of Homespun or Tweed
Special $45.00 te $60.00
This is news that will be welcomed by Phila
delphia men who appreciate geed tailoring. Our
own expert custom tailors and cutters will make
you a Suit for sports or business wear of Done Dene
mar Homespun, Scotch tweed or American
hotecapun and twetd.
The fabrics are really beautiful, and there
is a wide variety from which te cheese just the
weave and shade you want. The prices are unus
ually low for Custom-made Suits $45.00 te $60.
Stranbrldue ft Clothier Second Fleer. Fait
II ml
Men's Hats
Every Type of Hat for
All Types of Men
Hats that set the style. Hats that men knew
are right, net only in fashion, but in value, fit
ihu III Jll'
Stetson Hats $7.00 and up
Horsaline Hats, from Italy $S.0
Fianl; Scheble Hats $5.00
en-; Heath Hats $8.00
Wickham Hats $3.75
Men's Tweed Caps at 95c
M.c ,1b,. 4 Clothier -SWend F'i.nr .Market Sireel i:it
Still Plenty of Men's
Shirts at $1.65
Clese te Half Price
Fine Shirts they are, tee, of silk-stripe
madras, heavy cerded madras and smooth-weave
madias in many shades, patterns and sizes.
We bought them from one of our best manu
facturers at a considerable concession in price,
and have marked them accordingly. Yeu will
agiee with us en the high quality when you see
the.se Shuts at $1.65
Mruu bi iJk,. 4 ( u. net
Ku.t store Ugluh Street
Grass Rugs
at Half Price
nicc I DC ,cl,es bl.ZD
Nratly stenciled, cool-looking Rugs made of
the finest prairie grass, and marked at one-half
the usual prices. Attraethe designs, some fig
ured ullever effects, some with plain centies und
appropriate borders. Stenciled in tan. green, rose
2.l.,d-0,t!Mfr, s,,ladL's' Tw teM - "'l iiu-hes. 75c;
HbxiU inches $1.:5. '
-- -Stiwbrl.liie i leth i n be, si, ...,,, v !
The Semi-Annual Sale
of Fleer Coverings
Upen the Fourth Fleer in the regulai Kug
Stere there is progressing one of the mu.t talked
of Rug and Meer Cevering Sales that this Stele
has held in many years. Oriental Kugs, Standard
Rugs, Carpets, l.ineltuins and Japanese tlrass
Rugs aie all marked at very low prices fei this
event. Hundteds and hundreds of Rugs te cheese
from, tee. Slribiidi:e & Clei'iltr Kemtb neu, Weit
Fine Linens
I.mciis that experienced heinemakers knew
are dependable l.ineus that spring brides will
cheese because of their beauty of texture, weave
and design, and because their mothers speak of
their own supplies of these biands of Linens
with pride These famous brands aie only a few
fiem our large and varied steck:
Exclusive S. & C. Humidor Linens
'I hese Deuble Damask Table Linens in cxclu
sue designs. SPKt'IAL: cloths '"e seat 4. 6 and
persons. $(i.0() te $18.75. Napkins te maU-h
22-inch, $8.50 and $15.Q0 a dozen; 24-inch $18.
lirewn's Shamrock Linens
Table Damask, Cleths and Napkins, u, choic
est designs and finest quality:
. Cleths, 7lx72 inches at $20 00t te 72x108
inches at $28.00 Napkins te match, 22-lnch,
$J.50 a deAn; 21 inch $24.00 a dozen.
.I intuit if reup ei Shamieck Cleths, SitxS
"n'-j and .'l2.iJ yards, new half price.
Ireland Brethers' Vleur de Us
Hand-Leem Tabic Linens
t leths fiem 72x72 inches at $18.00, te 90x00
niches at $112.50. Napkins, 22 inch, $.10.00 a
dozen; 21-meh-$.'W.0O a dozen.
Old lieach Irish Linen
leths, 72x72 inches at $21.00, te 90x00 inches
at $10.00 Napkins, 24-inch, $:i0.00 a dozen, and
-'G inch $115.00.
Huml-iiutuiliiiif, monetnuinmiuu and hemminu
etamattelu dove ul moderate cost.
l.- s i.Hbr,dn a ClKtlibjr- M, ,t c.ntr.
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