f. i." P? HI f'Lt !(' 3TCP MW. I tmt-l m, WTF V ! ? E&FP il tk. il'ir- - W S , f??' I f e ' lit N'V r. f. .- a. isT K fe-HSaL L''lJl ? lv M "til mv WW ML i iit , ft. I AW . t-W"w ".Vi 'AtaM 351V Vil. H., ravr FINE CARS come te us for fair priced re upholster Ing, re-painting and real meter repair. lieTvr?mrA t nswwrst r lilWlfiyiVRTLrtlVl. TMJUYLi. lie. I 0-...3 irfi cju i i .... jmtiMJmiiuiMeiiOMeeMiiici liiuelu ' 239 S.12 lii Slrcet PJiila- Rew ment Mentg Ce Pa .' CLEANSING or Fmesl Gowns Real Lacei Coats Skirts Spats Gloves for Women Svts Orerceats Spats Ties Fancy Waistcoats for Men Blankets Lace Curtains Draperies Portieres Hugs tmd all Household Fabrics DYEING All the latest Paris shades Alse ! Kxeeplienal Laundry Werk j en Cellars and Shirts LEWANDOS Americas Greatest CLEANSERS and DYERS PHILADELPHIA SHOP v 1633 Chestnut Street ) Telephone Spruce 4679 f Delivery Service New Yerk Philadelphia aar u aii ir citin of the u. Jlftfb Can Relr en Lctcandet" ScetTissue Towels arc synonymous with , cleanliness. The drying .qualities of ScetTissue rhave been accompli shed through Thirsty Fibre ,the medium that gives 'ScetTissue Towels alone that thirst se essential te a real drying towel. SCOTT PAPER COMPANY Scedissuc OFFICE SPACE f FOR t RENT ,608-612 Chestnut Street 570 Square Feet 5th Fleer Frent Reems l 2 . DtJk. , ) jSWSTW t4tiMt . kwmss wn alls 1 i h - WswrWsm issimlmm. WWWJsm ssH KTsbP ssksflsH Ytfj iB h '' AsA sBI s.Vy f Ani?siiti7.ti77W i t p- SX2EL. erV5r""Hv,v'S.''Ki' W8 DO IS GRILLED BUT SHIELDS W FE eledre nnv information about Mrs. Dler , .. Ijciii list ;ct It from her attorney. Tells Bankruptcy Referee He: "isn't it true that you cave jour , ,., wife a huge fortune?" Can Communicate With Her I -when our firm wax solvent I Rave . . , , i Mr.'. Dler some tireperty and maybe Only Through Lawyer .,nc jewelry, bm m that time i could ANGRY AT AIRING AFFAIRS "If lliey lve ine u chance I'll pej ' hack dollar for dollar " Klmere D. Dler. head of the defuncl brokerage linn of II. 1). Dler & Ce.. inaile this statement after he had beenl subjected' te two and u half hours of J merciless RrilliiiK at the hand. of at at teme.M representing Itecelver Manfred I'.lirlcli liefeie u refriee In liauktuptey In New Yerk yesterday Dler was "an elusive. cnKey uud forgetful wimp, epeciall when ior ier nered b, bis liiipiNlters, He was the i'liatnimti f two 1'lillndelplilans, 10. WnrliiB Wilsen, a lawyer, and .Maurice Itroeke. an accountant, who the attor neys endeaxiired te show, tlireiub Ihe benefactions of "Dee Dler became wealthy lie was equally vehement in the de- lirst wife, and the check I imagine was fense of his U1fe when It was hinted lip'l for alimony." ls keepins her In the background and Questioned about the money be drew Is afraid te produce her ler examl-I from the tliui between October I and nation by the tecclwr. He was delimit 'Dec iber .11. IIU1, he spoke of putting and shouted his ue-jmlve replies ulien i meie money buck. asked If lie weie new connected III a silent way with the New Yerk bioker bieker age lieuie of CatTerty Carpenter. lie was peeved and showed bis dis pleasure when he was forced te iiduill that the linn of lv D. Dler .V Ce ( had been in hubit of paying alimony te Dier's lirM wife, Mrs. Anna. (. Dler. Dler growled mill heed bis teeth when he mentioned that Ills seu's name K Uebcrt 1 lei. Hales the "Mnielight" "I w'uii te help this Investigation I want te tell everything, bill this con stant plodding and pniug iule my per sonal aftairs, especially my family of fails. in't going te get anything hack for the erediteis." growled Dier. "I'm m the square and I'm going te prove il, tee, befeie I linlh. They hnven't get me Mopped by a jugful, and I'll -he 1 1 ' 1 1 thai I can and will stage a real comeback, hut It's going te make a leugh light, especially when I urn being ('tagged centiniiully into the limelight. That doesn't get auybedv any thing. I late said I'll make geed every penny, and 1 mean evacth what I say," At that point Dier's attorney came 'along, and he get Inte a waiting eleva tor lu tl.c car lie encountered Saul S. Mer. one of the attorneys for the re- celier. "Helle, Myers." sajd Dlei- "Kind of wanned me up. didn't you?" Myers grinned. "De you think se? . Win. we haw only eegiin 10 get down te the leal t;n ts in this case ami stutted digging in." i "What c'e you mean 'digging In'? What de ou expect te llnd?" queried Dier "Well, nun be you will decide te give ine the key." was the quick leply. "Key te what?" Inquired Dler. "Key te your strongbox," answered Myers. "Surely you de net think I've nny spcuiltles bidden, de you?" asked Ujrr, compared with the macliiuc-giin uttiicK Yes, mid Plenty of 'Km 'of Mr. Van Valkenberg. "I'll suy I de. plenty of them, tee.", M Humped Fere ami Aft was the leply. and maybe sin ,v , , , , , , . we will find them, who knows?" ' ft . ' ""' informed, one or the Dier wan meM iiiicomferlohi.1 ' the- most scathing arraignments of a I thriiucheut his perieel en the stand. He I public ehVlai ever delivered under the , vdmllted he leaned K. Waring Wilsen., lower of ( ity Hall, lawyer, with etlices in the Land Title! Mr. A an nlkeuburg charged the Mayer llillldiug. S.i(l,(l(IO te liny an Interest in 'tin1 New erk biekcrage house of Caf- ferv A: Carpenter, but elenied he Is simply holding the Interest for him. "Isn't it true lint WiKen whs hreke1 -a peer InwM-r without rniu-li pracilce -when vim leek him up?" nsl.cil At- teriiei Myers while Dier was en the ' stand. ,. , . "'e, It i" net. replied Dler. "Mr. Wilsen wis m v iitlip-ticv. lie acteil as such for some time. Id1 was anil Is1 leday iiiIpivmpiI ill our mining pieper-j t es and lias been with me en iupcc ' Hen tiips. I simplv leaned him the meiii te tnke Ui Ihe interest in the f'nffptj -Carpenter firm and he icpnlil (leri cent of it. t- "Imi t it true thut the fit in of Caf ferv A. C.irpenter leaned te the tirm i.f K I) Diet- & Ce. MOO.fMHl imd Dier Jt Ce put up as collateral linns of the I'l I'rogresse iniiics?" iiiepnreel Mr Mypi-i. "Mube we did borrow such a sum.", lespended Dier "If we (lid the Isieks will show it and you hac ihein in yeui possession." i ' ' And you ineati te tell Ihe leferee iiiwlci e'lth that NVilssm eleew net lepie- sent Mm or thai you are ii"i a pumier in ,t In-( 'a (Tery A: Carpenter Ceinp.iny '" "I uieuii te tell you thut I am net In sn win. either dmslly or Indiiectly. i Interested In the CnfTerv Carpenter Cenipnnv and never was. and I inake ihBl stntunent uiiibr eaih.'1 replied Du-r Fiu.illy lleialls Kmpleyn ' mi l.iiew a in. in by the name of M.I lllll lilenl.e'' Is,l(M .MS ..s. I de I think he was one of in v puioleyc's "ou euK Ihilik he was nn empleye As a matter of fuel den t you knew thai lie was and that you were paying him a salurv of lit least KJfl.HOO u year. and. , the win what weie his eluties?" Yeu si e I vi' known Itioeki1 fei sev I'llil eill-. lie was unli i. trem ihe liegilllllllg He iMIiie le lis from the Itiiiquei Club III I'llilililelplii.i, wheie he was employ e-el as a bookkeeper whin we eigani.ed tlie tirm of Hughes A; Dler sfeu or e'ight years age ' Isu t it tine thin this mnn iiioeke bernme very weal tin while in wjiir em ploy ''" ' I don't knew anything about hew rich he in. Maybe I," has some tneiiei That is his bu-dncs.s and net mine " Mroeke, who lives at Uli.l Kast I'enn st i eel. (iermantewn. has an elllee lu the Liberty Itullillng. He was in 'e w erk a month aue. at wlibli tune Dier met him In connection with some busi ness transaction Involving the failuie. Itioeke ill bis home today denied he leceixed a "fortune" from Det "I never get a cent above mv alary nml fees," he said 'In llilti I was employed by Dler ns a beikkceppr en u sulary. Then I bii,inic n public at1- , iniintanl and leieived my iirofesHle.ial i fees nothing mere My fee was ihe tegular one of Silt) a dav when mv services were required I'm still fol lowing my accounting business" Anether I'hlladelpblan whose buM tieis transactions with Dler were sub jected te close scrutiny Is William A Ciirr. an attorney, with effiies in the 1 North American Iluilding Dler up I tiled he paid Cnir .S.'O.IHM) during llll i for representing him when be get lu 'trouble with the New Yeik Sleck F.x change. He also denied thai Carr had beep paid something lii1'1 .!!().( KM I lu i cash and about $1(1.(100 in Liberty bund. He said he had no knowledge jef such n payment if it was down in block anil white In the hooks. The attorneys met a rebuff when they RADIO IN THE HOME" Jutt wiat thousand, of peuplt have Letn wauin for. lOal radio prlrer written In A 1 O lanfuan. uiiiltriuneHbta te any eh pr nii aunvei ,nu vmuneiv in mi lv jMaa naaiii it in jianw - d Ttfaalg iictv Iflnrln the Erncma EVENING PUBLIC I Irleil te set Dler te reveal the where I abeuts of his wife. "Will you produce her for nn exam ination by the lecclver?" tisked Myers. "Hew can IV" replied Dler. "I de net knew where he K t haven't seen wife Mince the e.trly part of this my ineutli. She 1.4 III mid cannot lie Keen. lies dcs. she lia n lawyer and If you i well nltenl te de mat. "Vili ynu pieilliee your wlfeat the next inertliiK before the leferee?" i "Man. dear, you must unuersinnii. ' I have tin control ever mv wife's no : tleii". I have told you that 1 cannot Ir.lk le her." "De you want us le believe that you must .ee bet lawyer before you con I tall, te her?" I Stranger te liltn. Toe I de. I told you before and I new I repent. 1 de net knew wliere Air. Dler is and I would new knew hew te KOt In touch with her, elthei." Then the inquisitors switched te an- c tlier lack 'I show you n check for mere than SDOtl made iiayuble te A. (!. Dler Uatcl Mr. .My err. "Who Is A. !. Dler?" I Dler flushed and he'd his breath fur I ii minute mid then bit Ills III). He I looked iippealiiiKlv at Ills itterney and ' Uncling no refuge there he replied. "I i irnefs that must be Anna (i. Dler. my meie money buck. "The book's show you 00(1." Mr. Myers "iiid. '' ' Dier expressed surprine and dally if uled having drawn se much. He denied knowing anything about a great bundle of checks shown him. The total was $7(1.0(10. Ills memory proved bad en various ether checks. Dler denied that State Sennleis l.usk and l.ocl.weod, of New Yerk, had been paid for using their Influence te gel the tickers restated by the New Yerk Stock Cxcliungc. The npxt bearing will be held May 4. At that time Dler will be subjected te further questioning. In the mean time! it Is expected that the receiver may be able te put subpeenn service en Mrs. Dler and compel her attendance. Fair Backers A QQflll ill f Hint' 1,1i5U" it'Uyvi ( eiitliuivil fruni PitRe One nnd demanded te knen b jth.it light Mr. I!ok should take il upon himself te anticipate1 any action tue commission might de. The1 attack was se unexpected, se vio lent and se unjust In view of ull the cir- ciimstanccs that il shocked the benrcl. Fermer Majer Stuait Immediately took the fleer ami endeavored te calm the troubled waters with the oil of hlr geniality, (iovcrner rMunrt did net lie" itate, however, te decry the altack net only ns unworthy the Mayer but iinjiis- tilted. .lUedllne. Helen K. Poulsen, Mary- lie defended Mr Itek nnd ' declared KUzabelh Kager, Dorethy Alice Sealey. I that he was a imblic-spltlted citizen , r,,m. KHzubeth Fefnaehi. Hnnnnh A. I who was eudeaierlng te de the most for Schell. Mildred 11. D. Hug. Florence F. Philadelphia that was possible en His I part One or two of the women members 'of the commission also deprecated the outbreak, I These remarks weie metely rifle shots wiin mieuiiiing 10 mreci ine ii.niir-. ui he greatest exposition ever centem plated en the continent Inte purely per sonal channels for his own benefit. He pointed out that unless there was mi immediate nnd vigoteus awakening, the splendid enterprise would degener ate into tlie1 class of a eeiintty fair Mr ltek. lie said, hail been his friend for years, and every insinuation con veyed by the Mayer was unjustified mid untrue. Mr. link was In Flerida for a few weeks. lie pointed out, testing from a strenuous year of hard work in the pub lic's Interest Any suggestion that he might mnke In the Heard of Dliecters mjtJLMJLM imn Fifth Avenue at 55th Street NEW YORK It is a pleasure te the Hetel St. Regis te share with its clientele the advantages of reduced operating costs. The new rates are practically at a pre-war level. Single Roem with Bath ..... . . from $ 7 Deuble Roem with Bath from f 9 Suites Parler, Bedroom and Bath from $14 Specially Altractee Diiceuntt en Yearly Leases Dining is a fine art in the charming Restaurants of the Hetel St. Regi Prices no higher than ether first-class Restaurant! R. M. HAAN rnriinininrkr iiiiimil Wmter Topcoats Stored Free We thoroughly clean and renovate your heavy overcoat and store it free of charge in our moth-proof vault9. Then, whi it'll be ready pressed and smart Sand it in new cold weather's ever. I.HERZOG&CO. Germantown s Dyers & Cleaners 5904 Germantown Avenue Phene, Ger. 03-92 iDGER-PHlLADELtHIA,' TUESDAY, of the exposition should, at least, be treated with respect. His pergenal offer te pay a salary of .$r.0,00lt n year te obtain Hie services of such a national flRiire as Mr. Hoever le be director general of tlic exposition f was one of the most praiseworthy and lUbllcsplrlteil nets within the iniifjc of Mr. an nlkenburft a experience, Mr. Van Vnlketiburg nle charged the Mayer with playing petty and unbecom ing politics, particularly In his personal selection of Mr. Hesewntcr te be pub licity chief for the Sesqul-Centennlal. He demanded te knew who ether than the Mayer had selected him? He pointed te the lamentable fact that although the beard had n committee en publicity, it had never functioned and demanded te knew whether or net that committee had selected Mr. lteewatcr and under what conditions'' Attempt te Pass Ihe Kiirli There followed a general attempt le pass the buck In the matter of the !leewnirr incident among the two or three members involved. Mayer Moere subsequently stated that Mr. Uesewnter had been tentatively en gaged mid he thought It would be un fair le Ignore him after matters had proceeded us far as they hail. The HeHCwater nomination, or sug ' gesllen, as chief of the Itiircau of 1'ub- Icltv was net concurred in. Mr. Itose water, however, te save the Mayer's face, was made a personal assistant te Ihe Mayer as President of the Hearrf of Directors at a t-alary of $7ti00 a year. I but without authority te act in the i president's place. This afternoon the Beard of Directors of the .Sesqul-Centennlal will bold mi ,)tlel. ,cting. i m ,)f tllP 0I)jjim that sonic very , intprc.-t Iiik and thoroughgoing pre- I ccedlncs wll mark Its tuesres. A number of the niet influential ... A...1... n.. tP ,lin I.A.II..I Iie-n .1 f I .. t.i I .1 l.i I ' iiiimutin .11 iiiu ut.tiiij in u ii. n , iiiiii. . thut the incitement must imuiedi.ituly lake en a wide scope worthy of the proj ect, anil that peanut politics, selfish mo tives and personal aggiandienienl, which lias held up the SeMpil-Centcii-ii lit I, must go te the wall. Il Is te be regretcd that the lie.inl'' meetings are net open te the public. They should be under all ciicum stances, 20 NURSESJ5RADUATED Lankenau Hetpltal Qlrli Finished j Three-Year Course Twenty student nurses, members of the graduating class of the T.ankenau IliHeital Trnliiliiz Scheel for Nurses. ' received their diplomas at exercises held hu ,,fterwMin at the hospital. (Jirard and Corinthian .College avenues. 'Ihe girls have completed n three-year eon isc. The diplomas were presented by Her m.,, )t Smith, president of the hospital leard, anil ICneert (J. I.p( ente made the principal address. Prayer was given by the Hev. (ieerge W. Sandt at Ihe opening of thp program and the benedic tion was by the Hev. Adelpli Hellwege. The girls in the IDU'-' class are: presi dent. Clmrlette I.. Matthews: vice president. Margaret W. Kech: secie-l tary, Katherine ICllzabeth Krauss; IT.itmnli It ntnrlnAf Wnri-iipetCp Afnrin ,ai,,rn, Armeln Wltke. Lelah Margaret sitterlv. Florence A. Cressley. lilnnehe Moedv. C.rnce Alice Trace, Helen Na emi Weller, Hilda Margaret (Seddert. and Deaconess Anna M. Hunt. NEBRASKA APPROVES FAIR Rosewater Returns Frem Trip and Reports Interest in West Victer Itescwater, assistant te the president of Ihe Sesqul-Ccntcnnial Heard of Directors, is back at his desk after a hurried trip te Ids home in Omaha, "I found a great deal of Interest In the exposition manifested in Nebraska." I he said. "At a testimonial luncheon ' last Saturday, the Sesqul-Centennial I was the main theme of discussion mid 1 endeaveied le lay the groundwork te- ' wind securing Nebraska's participle1 tlen." Carl C. Kggart. (Jrand Tall Cedar of Philadelphia Fere-ct, Ne. 10. Tall CV- I dars of Lebanon, bus written le Mayer' Moere pledging co-operation for tlie, Hesqui-C'ciitennlnl. Mr. Kggart said lie will boost the fair at the annual nul veuitien of tlie1 la!! ( edars at NYivark this month sudden cold snaps come, wear at once cleaned, as new .1 ?rwu The Overture te Spring : -y - MEVOY THK robin doesn't always come en schedule, The early worm may bften oversleep, And the soporific breeze1! 8e provocative of sneces May be lardy In arriving from the deep. The trllllum and the crocus may be drowsy, And a lethargy possess the little bugs, Tint there's one unsneken token That the winter's back Is broken LAWN MOWERS in all the dependable make. Lawn Rellers, Garden Toels, Insect Destroyers, Poultry Supplies, etc. Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Hardy Plants, Reses, Hedge Plants, Asparagus Roots, Rhubarb Roots, Bulbs, etc. 518-516 Market Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts pa rr giililillll Broadening the Scope of "Stecker s m We Open Tomorrow These New Departments: Lingerie-Negligees-Swea ters Featuring the Exclusive, and Heretofore Identified Only With the Most Expensive at Uniformly Moderate Prices i The "Stecker" standard of courtesy, quality and value will be the guiding policy. A thor oughly complete stock including many copies of Paris models, from which we have selected These Special Values for Opening I Night Of crepe de chine and lace-trimmed. Special Opening Price il Il j JW 1 a 'l sN vj I - lv New Medes: Authentic, Individual spssjr ? jssary ' viSf Sr fl 1 1 ,ii i m -s A yyjeV . ,i. 'I m 1 ml SM 'If I .... ..-L.1 K r ?"' 18 1922 v When you' hear the wifely walloping of rugi, Hugs, rugs. The sounding and the pounding of the rugs. OH, IT used te be an eye cxhilara cxhilara ratien And rt premise of a gustatory glee When the lithographed precursor Of the beaded Beck immcrser Smiled from yonder corner window frame at me. wm MICHELLS GRASS SEEDS Mixtures for every purpose, ahaded lawns, terraces, seashore, golf-courses, pastures, etc. FERTILIZERS for garden and lawn, Bene. Meal, Sheep Manure, C w Manure, I'eudrette, etc. VEGETABLE PLANTS Cabbage, Lettuce, Caulilewer, Parsley, etc., fresh every day. PANSY PLANTS in bud and bloom, exquisite shades of color and flowers of large sice. GET OUR CATALOG FREE St., Philadelphia Vegt Chemise Of Crepe Satin; tailored models, hemstitched and French flowers. Special Opening Price $375 Step-ins Of Crepe Satin; tailored models with hemstitching and French flowers Special Opening Price $3.75 Night Gowns Of Crepe Satin; in pastel shades, tailored models with hemstitching and French flower, $g75 Special Opening Price Gowns and radium Tailored $3.95 Coats, Wraps & Capes UlliliillllllllllllllllllillllllllM Capes were never better in crepe, velvet, and many soft fabrics; Spert r .. : e...:..i i. i S.UOID iii bjrjiuaii spun buiurs una fabrics; and exceptionally attractive wraps, many fur trimmed, ethers with braid and embroidery. Prices are, throughout, exceptionally moderate. $25, $45 te $135 jipssiSTOfwEi! lint new a deem has fallen en that haven, And with ginger ale they desecrate these mugs! i (Jene the beck and fled the beaker, And the spring linrblngrr seeker Must content him with the ilusf of walloped rugs, Hiirs, rugs, With the trusty, musty, dusty, frusty rugs. E VEUT morning I'm awakened from my slumber ' Uy a grim reverberation far and -tf The Wider Strap Gray Sttie Com Cem Com iiMfiea or all Patent end ffauia Ceif. no Harpers Wakver 1022 CHESTNUT Breakfast Coats Of Satin and Crepe de Chine, attractively trimmed with ThmTn p. $5-95 Special Opening Price Negligees Slip en model of Crepe Satin, flowing Georgette sleeves; silver girdle. $10 () Special Opening Price -L 0'0U Pure Silk Sweaters Slip-en or tuxedo model; all new D shades. Alse Navy and black. Sizes JjfkWwr aB Ii i Hi utfi u Vs W I mv 46. Special Opening Price Mohair Slip-en Sweaters In fancy weaves; round or V-neck, C A IZQ Special Opening Price , i3Lt ull llillfl V Afternoon Dresses A liberal blending of "Spert" fabrics and colors adds a new tone te the Spring and Summer fashions. In their own field of mere formal wear Canten Crepe, Crepe Rema and Crepe Renee in a most colorful jetting are favorites. $39-50, $55 te p& ' k near, By the flail of wife and snlnat. On the maculate axinlnater, With Its consequent concussion en ii ear. ' . '" car. JJe t deprecate this overturn efeih.... Te the gedde. of ,.lc .a,,?. Ne, Indeed ; I rather fancy There's a mystic necremnne.. M In the somber roll and rumble t k v ruga, 0I , kubs. rugs. tt In the mystic roll and rumble of tie 4 rugs. Smart simplicity and such fine fit ting and poise as only Walk-Over achieves in low heels. Yf' :m Mil 'V.1 : 1228 MARKKT 2- Lingerie, Sweaters, Negligees 99 spring 34 te $1095 $95 - t ii im2;24 Walnut Street tsmtml'jJ-Uskit.i HtML'V-sieW mmm TiJSi, ,. hb. t Z' . . ,.;,&. v r. J III V. ' issaiii ifrM&SX3.,.. -.!.. klyV.. ih'iM .i'vAi''t isvMM'W.iir'. ..,