Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 18, 1922, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    ' -lZ i TLPmT;ATtaT,PmA TUESDAY, APRIU 18, 1922
J2i V JUBLLq.lJf rKXDUlXJ JJMU3Jxxjmt 1 -
The Muitc Makers
. .... ...A .innrl ennin iiDOtt Fred
ikthiiltt trying te catch a lovely
J that Is fUHlne around hi hit
i,rtrf Fred irants te bring ityput te
$Aeerld can enjeyjt. While they
. an euaid te hereon work in
auiA thru fall asleep. They,
wake in the midst of a wild uproar,
The Singing War
itr ALMOST lind caught it," cried
I Vred the Fiddler, tearing at his
l.i. "I lmil within my grasp the
fetely new tune that Is te comfort
ichlng hcnrU, seethe the sick, and make
little children dance with gladness.
Then this awful uprenr drove it nwny."
The racket that filled the weeds was
enough te drive away any timid new
,.n. It was made up of shrieks,
.cream?, hoots, squawks, creaks and
rattles, all mlxqd together. Juck and
t.net couldn't understand It nt nil.
"Something Is the matter with the
birds," cried Janet.
"Something Is the matter with the
frog'," cried Jack.
"They have all gene mad," yelled
' Fred the Fiddler. "1 will bring boys
te stone the fregi in ha begs; I will
bring hunters te sheet the noisy birds."
"Perhaps thcre has been an accident,
er Birdland is en fire," cried Jack.
"Let's go and see," cried Janet. Se
they ran ever the hill' into Birdland.
Fred the Fiddler picked up his violin
and bow and followed them.
Birds were pouring into Rlrdlnnd
from nil directions. They were being
hurried en by screaming messengers.
"War!" bcrccchcd Blue Jay. "Hurry
"Varl" echoed Purple Swallow from
high above. "Hurry te war!"
"War!" clanked Blue Heren, flap
ping heavily from the depth of a
iwamp. "Hurry te war!"
"War!" hooted Judge Owl,' rubbing
his eyes as he paused at the deer of
bis hollow tree. "Hurry te war!"
Jack and Janet ran the faster when
they heard this A war was worse
than n fire and mere exciting. But
jrhem could the birds be fighting?
King Bird went bobbing past, keen
for battle.
"Who Is en the ether side?" cried
Jack. .
"The frogs In the begs!" shrieked
King Bird. "We are fighting the frogs
te the begs."
"Down with tlie creaking frogs in
the begs," screamed ether birds. "War!
War!" ,
The loudest of the racket came from
where Birdland bordered en Marshland.
""There Jack.'Jnnct nnd Fred the Fiddler
found the birds swarming In the trees
and hopping about the ground. 'Every
bird was screeching, shrieking, squall
ireund in a circle. He couldn't catch
And the din they all made was se ter
rific that Fred the Fiddler covered his
ears with his hands and ran helplessly
around in n circle. He ceuln't catch'
any tunes in his head while that racket
was going en.
Frem Marshland came a clatter just
aa grctt, but of n different sort. It was
made up of hearse creaklngs, booming
bellows, blinrp pipings.
Net a frog was In sight. But from
the sound of the marshy peels and from
the thick hummocks of grass came the
mighty rasping chorus.
There were no signs of battle. The"
birds made all the noise they could en
one side nnd the frogs made nil the noise
they could en the ether.
"When iJ the fighting going te be
gin?" screamed Jack into the car of
Blue Jay ns the latter paused te catch
bis brentt.
"The righting is going en new!"
, screeched Blue Jay, suddenly regaining
bis wind. "This is a singing war nnd
we arc going te eutslng these creaking
frogs if we have te burst every threat In
I '
(The singing war has a very queer
cause and threatens te de a let of dam
.age, as will be found In tomerrow's'
French Ceat Dress in
Popular Cocea Tint
., i
Iren bridge at Bubbling Springs Inst
night, Geerge Coulter, of Spring Mill,
Rtruck n rut and the car ran seresa the
driveway, colliding with an Iren sup
port with such'fercc as te threw Coul-
... le wheel. He wns taken te
i?enytUA.t.1, where U wm
the brain .
9800 yards of
Cotten Dress Goods
Full pieces, mill ends, remnants. All worth much met
Exceptional values for home sewers. than ear prices
Ginghams, Chambrays, Lincnes, Organdies, Voiles; plain color
suitings; fine white nainsoek, and lets and lets of materials for boys
and girls' wear, as well ns grown-ups;
It .will pay you te come early nnd buy freely, ns these are all
very unusual at this price. We cannot sample or fill mall or 'phene
orders en these.
White rlc rac braid for trimming ' L yard
W. H; Smith & Sens - ?
mThamtandi of MilUEnit end Remnants in Cotten Dry CeetfV
If it's tea for two, It's cocoa for all.
There has been an epidemic of this tint,
nnd we see It used net only In the
crepes for afternoon nnd evening wear,
but . in the garments for less formal
hours. Here in today's drawing, for
example, cocna-celorcd cloth mnkux tills
lovely coat dress from Marie Louise.
As are se many of the nrcscnt-rinv cent-
frocks and frocks, this model Is braided
and much of the expression of smart
ness Is given by the original application
of this braid. The trimming, by the
way, is in self color and green, nnd a
belt of green composition defines the
long waistline. COBINNE LOWE.
Is the Essence of all THat is Best
in Tea
Fer the Bride
Girls always love fancy garters and
they meke a nice engagement or shower
present. A new kind is less fusnv than
the usual silk-covered ribbon-trimmed
affair, but just as pretty and dainty.
The rubber is covered with ribbon,
gathered en in a plain seam. Anether
ribbon makes n ruffle that hengs down
for the imneslnc leneth of nnn Inrh. A
bow of baby ribbon with long ends is
iasrenee at one aide. This may be
made of one -color ribbon or two colors
may be combined. It would be nice te
make the whole thing of lace and run
the ribbon through a beading te draw
up the ruffle.
"Te Taste is te Believe
Hurt When Aute Hits Bridge
While driving his nutomebllc ever the
Specialist in Facial and Scalp
Shampoo at Wave 11.00
M. R.FARRELL, 405 faith BMt
Beaded Bags Repaired
A' LsathW, Geld A Silver Meih Baft,
ar1retjrnn. Hemntttchlnc.
1810 Chestnut SI. Pprnee 7008
Chlnew Red nreakfimt Roem Furniture
r.larrd with lllnck.
Price I ISO 00
NOW $95.00
A. L. Diament & Ce.
Things You'll Leve te Make
, nna at etrarrerd, re.
4CW:A i
WtTLj J ii I ttpjii J LbESnpaMHIBial
fU. I " i
,S! Iittlc Nistcr what could be
mp.ul't,n"l Prettier thnn this KID
DIE'S Scarp FROCK? Make n sim
p one-piece ilip-ever frock. Have n
Z' trn'sht neckline. Make a slit
m! 1J1.,;1,m "'low ,ne neckline nt ench
iiri tllt n blnH -'rMlke strip of tig
fiE l.n?.,eilu, Hi te it nreund the
ft. .. ithc nw'k nnd tack the tctcr of
h. . rli,.,tn the ''enter of th- back of
fLl,cc.MI"0' . nrl"K ,l "found te the
front down through the slits nnd cress
.m.."Lnt.the waistline. Curry It
th m back te the hides nnd fasten them
KinnY.0,'". two nt eacl' "' This
ilen n?.R,8CAKP 'KOCK is darling
MBmSnif n P"in-colored linen
ten?,? a Wlth n W"' of dal"tv ere-
1 LaKjQl r H
Five fragrant blends
Orange Peko Mixed
India Ceylon Plain Black
I Old Country Style
With Working Materials In Weel or Dtndi
Genuine Canadian Hemetpun
(28 .rolerlnn. 14.80 d., 83 In. wld).
Fer Hulti. Jklris.fiearf. The Mpnlirr
Landieape Beia with Palitrnt for itnP.
Virginia. Candlewick Spreads
... JSPeelally Priced)
Germantown Novelty Shep
St W. CnET.TEV AVE. Otn. 4B0S
IB,5heppacd Sens
Let Us Make Your Summer Heme
Pretty and Comfortable
Sun Fast Fabrics, 65c a yard upward.
Marquisettes, Scrims or Mats
Made-up curtains, $1.00 te $9.75 pair.
In piece goods, 22c te $2.50 yard.
Especially geed ruffled plain Scrim Curtains with
bands for looping, $2.50 the pair.
Draperies and Slip Furniture Cevers
Cretonnes end Printed Linens with decorative
effects charmingly emphasized a wonderful range
of choice, 65c te $10.75 the yard. And skillful
workmanship that insures graceful draperies and
well-fitted covers.
Protective Awnings
that exclude the glare and welcome the breeze.
We recommend
The Painted Stripes
as best for wear and permanence of colors. And
they can be gotten in such unhackneyed and
attractive colorings. We de the hanging also.
Willow Furniture
The heavy, durable grade. In the natural color,
or finished te match any color scheme ; and with
harmonizing cushions.
Chairs, sofas, tables, footstools, end tables with
magazine racks, lamps, bird cages, ferneries a
greater-than-ever variety.
And We Can Help Yeu With
reupholstering and recovering the furniture; with
draperies, wall papering and interior painting.
100$ GhestnutSttreet
IV s fine!
Let's have it again"
THE unusual flavor of Abbotts Easter
Special Frezen Egg Neg delighted
se many that we are making it again this
Its pleasing taste comes from the Abbotts
way of blending and freezing just these few
simple ingredients fresh eggs whipped
te froth, rich, thick cream and old-time
Serve it tonight or tomorrow.
Frezen Egg Neg
afcryt AwM.yaw dtalirJtt bulk or in n tmttfUry
i$mmnHHH9H wmien ijctptm
April IS, 1922
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Sten
lallalaa-a a i
Hats Mere Charming Than
Ever $6 and $8
Every Springtime mode is here, from large flower-trimmed .
Btraw-and-Bllfc hats te smooth tailored haircloths in smart turban
shapes, with clever uses of glyecrined plumage.
Many carry out the navy blue or black of the tailored suit;
ethers are in light shades that go well with tweed suits or light
wraps and frocks.
Newly arrived are the hats with transparent brims of black tulle
edged with hair-braid. A hat made of blue hair-braid is trimmed
with blue cire ribbon and yellow California poppies.
Women's Lew Shoes
Special at $4.75
Black and tan leather oxfords have welted soles and low heels
and are of the type that almost all women are wearing this Spring.
The tan oxfords are of grained leather with full wing tips and brass
Strap pumps are of two kinds, both of tan leather with wing
tipa One fastens with a button and has a welted sole and low heel.
The ether has a buckle strap, rubber-like sole and fiat heel.
The Pest Assortment of
Hand-Made Blouses That
WeVe Ever Had at $2.45 te $7.50
Batiste Voile Dimity
Every tiny stitch, everv bit of drawnwerk, all the embroidered
dots, every inch of hemstitching and evert the pretty, wide laces with
which many of the blouses arc trimmed, are done bv hand and ex
quisitely done. Crocheted picot edging, filet and Irish laces are
liberally used.
Styles are myriad and include the fashionable Peter Pan w'aists
with back or front closing, roll cellars and V necks.
t j
Strength Is the Big Facter
In a Couch Hammock
These Are Essentially Streng .
Special. $10 te $30
A choice of 25 different couch hammocks at these prices and
every one of them soundly geed, with strength and safety as key
notes. These were made especially for us with extra features of safety,
comfort and geed appearance. Many have extra upper barrel springs
and all but one have nationally known springs that make them as
comfortable as beds for outdoor sleeping.
All four of the extra-heavy chains reach all the way down te
the lower spring frame, se that there is no weight en the fabric of
the sides.
4.6 and 5-feet hammocks of gray or khaki duck begin at $10.
6-feet hammocks begin at $11.50.
Cretonne Hammocks with Upholstered Backs
Special at $18.75
The backs make them most comfortable, and the cretonne is
in pretty colors and patterns. They are fully 6 feet long, and each
one has a magazine pocket.
Light Sports Suits Are
Yeung Men's Suits
All-Weel Tweeds and Herring
bones, $25, $28 .SO, $30
Goed-lookipg mixtures in various patterns and
tones of gray and tan.
Coats have fancy backs, which mean pleats, belts
and yokes. Many coats have the "golf back," a com
fortable arrangement of an inverted pleat from each
shoulder which gives te the motion of the body and
is designed particularly te allow a free and easy swing
and fellow-through in golf.
As Springlike and spertslike as a man pleases
and every thread guaranteed all wool.
An Ail-Around Geed Oxford
for a Manls Genuine
Satisfaction, $7.90
One of the best oxfords that we
have ever had. It is of black or
tan calfskin of a soft, heavy grade,
in bluchcr style with a straight tip.
The sole is welted and outlined with
white stitching. The lines arc ex
cellent and there is real comfort
built into this oxford.
(nailery, Market)
hr,. y .
Here's the New Sports Back in
Beys' All-Weel Suits
With Twe Pair of Knickers $13.50
All the boys are asking for this sports back with an inverted pleat
en each side, giving freedom of motion.
Coats with knife pleats are here also.
All the suits are well tailored of all-wool casbimercs in grays and
browns or mixed tweeds. Coats are lined with mohair, and both pair
of knickers are lined throughout and every seam is taped. Mothers
knew that that makes for real wear.
Sizes 8 te 18 Years
(Onllery, Market)
r wkm
Gay Tweed Skirts
They're made in two ways, as
you'll see in the sketch, one with
a side-fastening effect trimmed
with three buttons, the ether with
buttons trimming the two curved
pockets. The colorings are just
right te combine with Peter Pan
sweaters lavender, tan, rose,
Copenhagen and a few jade
green. Yeung women's sizes.
Twe Interesting
Discoveries in the
Silk Stere
First, some beautifully colored
blouse patterns of silk crepe,
radium or satin. They are printed
in exquisite colorings in patterns
bordering en the Batik. Navy
blue silk shows dull wistaria,
green and a dash of eransre.
White is printed in brown and red
tones. With only a tiny bit
sewintr a most fnsViinnnhln nv
j.i... i ": j " ivr rn r-i . &&&
Second. Dlis.se underwear rrnn -
in exquisite tints apricot, flesh,
pink, white, orchid, canary and
sky blue; plain or with wee sprigs
of flowers. This is a silk-and-eotten
material of delightful soft
ness which will make the most
charming step-in sets, night
gowns and negligees for Spring
brides. 30 inches wide, 75c yard.
$35 $23.50 $16.50 $25 $22.50
Corsets! $3.50
Xewct corsets for sports
wear are of fine, pietty ging
ham in white with checks of
lavender, blue or green. They
are serviceable, as well as
interesting and pretty, for the
gingham is of a sturdy, closely
woven quality. Each corset is
finished with lace and ribbon
all around the top and a bow in
front in color te match the
The aie in a lnw-butt model
with a medium-length skirt,
for slight te average figmes.
(( entriil)
Newest Spring Wraps Are of
Twe Distinct Types
And Beth Are Moderately Priced
Yeung Women Faver Canes anrl Wa w;u
opurie tweais
These coats are cut en nlmest the lines of n
man's overcoat. They are absolutely without
trimmingiand are plainly Tailored in everv par
ticular. Almest all have raglan shoulders belts
and plenty of pockets. Three geed examples
are sketched above.
$22.50 for a coat with a long Tuxedo cellar.
It is in gray and a misty rose-lavender. Silk
lined throughout.
$23.50 for a herringbone tweed in grav or
brown, silk lined.
$25 for a rough mixed fcveed coat, flecked
with color and lined with silk.
In addition, there are-many,, many pole coats
in creamy tan, and a number of sports capes of
plaids and tweeds, $16.50 te $32.50.
oerier JL.mes
, li,r,f variety! Scores of prettJ uiaps in
fee many different styles that thi-i mil t be
something for women of en cry type. Sergo
ienstnf;hl0rut Xrll lQl0W nd many Naria-'
t ens of thefaente llelivia weae are the nrui-
cipal materials. Three wraps are sketcl.edPn"
Jtao.eu for n velour wrap with embroider v
nnd tassels finishing the nrin openings" nlVkin
henMd0,nie.er w,th flKud si' linings. '
iim , for tnis nnvy tricetine cape with n
It U mtSLriaV threwtf cnd.nB ffatoiLef.
'! gathered from a shoulder yoke.
535 for soft hnliviM ..-... :.'. i
;... un,uiia nu a Delt, Silk
lined, of
Central Aisle
Stenciled Fiber Rugs
50c and 75c
Fresh, cheery, cool-looking
rugs nttraetivelj stenciled in con
ventional designs in rose, blue,
green and brown Just the sort
of rugs for summer cottages and
perches a ery practical because
the colors are fast nnd may be
scrubbed often.
27.r)4 inches, f0c; .10x72
inches, 75c.
Summer-Weight Gloves
35c te $1.15
Whethei gleen he long, short
or just "medium," they are sure
te be of chamois lisle for the
wanner weather.
Twe-clasp style in gray or
brown nt Tr
Strap-wnst length with cm cm
breideied or spear-point stitched
backs, in white, giay or covert,
at 7.rc
Special: 10-button length In
white, ecru, fawn and beige, with
sponr-peint stitched backs, at
?1 1.') '
Fiber Silk Scarfs
$2.90 te $5.50
llright hues in plain or lenirth-
wise striped effect make these i i
generously long scarfs with their '
iiiuji My iringe a striking note I t,
ir ne s sireci costume.
Cerselettes, $1
A Comfortable rarunt i.ii.Iu.J ,' ,.
from the bandeau in that It fastens i? W
in the back and tn.4i ,l i '...,'..:
frnnf in fnrm ...--!. 1 Tt '" !m ,ie$i
demen. Thera art kimm ftS i
aawaaaaaBr,,-fi.ML3 .. l-ie..". ''w-.K.W.?...lrU.n.aikaal1v
WS,?4iWWwW VHWrfV'JttjJil
w. . MiXclmMMrt
m aM ,r TB.IH Jiiij
n -