fmrmmsf JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE fancy Wynne Tells of Many Doings Which Interest y Society Today Harvard's Dramatic and Musical Clubs te Appear Here This Week W, HAT wltli Betty WeIrIi'h wedding i,iu nfiprnnen. tlir Mnnk imd AVlB Atileht nml one thins nnd nnetlicr, c JJS win te be biiny little brinus, It .rerns te mc And men tiierex tlic ' Philadelphia Dnnrtiif CIiihm mpctliiR nt fhe Illt for the marrlel net. and these livewl the debutante Mngc. The Wclrfi wedding will take plnce In Ht I'niil'H Church In the afternoon. Yeu "knew Ur,,'. t n,tt"in, Arthur Pmil a brother of Ted Paul, who innr fi".i '.(.iniini- I'enner. nml of Dr. .lehn Paul. vheM eiigngeiiicnt te Mnry I.eltn I Unr nil, 01 e'i'"'u"'i """ miiiumm-u e H.(turdny. .Anether brother. Mill Paul in engaged te Adelaide Newlln. Betty WeIhIi Is the yeungeat of the Welsh family. Her younger ulstnr, Katherlne, eii remember, died of in fluenza during the epidemic. Her elder ililcr. Marls WcMi. married I.euIn Mn. j.ire. and nnether ulster, Kmlly, It new Mm. Illlllc Myertt. Kmllv Thayer Dixen' little daugh ter T.llwe, in going te be n little flower lrf at the wedding. She Is about four tears old. and an cute an can be. Her father wii Be Dixen, who watt killed In the war. Betty Welch's mother married Sir. Henry Dixen, you remem ber, m Be Dixen and Betty Welsh were step-brother und ulster. His widow was Emily Thujer. Tilt" ilnnl meeting of Mr. Witi-tn' dancing clasM for thii year will be held en May " nt the Bcllevue-Htrat-ferd. .The I'asfer meeting is te be en Friday night of this week. The May 6 meeting will take the plnce of the one which was postponed en Murch -4. I hear there willbe n number of din ner.i in Mny, and tlicre certainly are u number planned for this meeting en Friday. HARVARD boys will have their in nings here this week and 110 mis take! Tomorrow night there is te be the Hasty Budding Club ploy nt the BrtleviiP-Strntferd and the (Jlee Club will have its evening of music nt the Academy en Wednesday night. There are any number of dinners and parties planned for tomorrow night. The William Struthers Kllics will en tertain fan their daughter ('intra nt the HaMy Pudding show, followed by dancing and nipper. The Beb I.e Centes will entertain for (Say lirnlmm nt dm nliiv. nml Mr. nnil Mrs. Thee dere will give a pally for I Amellc. Still 'another party will be I that glen for Kllen Mejd by tlic .Mi- thmi llaywards. of Wnne. On Wedncxdny nfternenn Mrs. Wnlter Ope will give a ilnnsiint te meet the members of tlie (Sice Club and the Ilumiril Club will give 11 buffet nipper in their honor. Anion the box holder for the Glee Club performance are P.Hiep lthlne- 1 Edmund Bcikelcy Tavlur. Mr. lll'chard laniler. .Mrs. Arthur Mr. Percy 'V"', ,;V''' ,V lnAam H". Mr. Itlch (la.k. Mr Stevens Hrckher , Mr. uhaPKiefdlnr,brn CrCSe" nnd Mr Alexander an Keiissclacr, Mrs. A. J. ... Dallas DIteii. Mrs. .lames Cromwell, trs. Prank Thomsen, Mrs. Jehn Mur Mur Iiee. Mr. r.iuceln (Jedfrcy. Arthur E. NeulmUl, Jr., nnd miuiy ethers. M ISS JULIA LEWIS tells me that the Pennsylvania Leugue of Women Voters of the EUhth Wnrd is te give a ploy, "Mellcrc," nt the Little Then Ire, next Saturday cicning. It's te bpneted hj lueinlicrs of the Hilliiilel pliin Scheel of l-Aprcshlen, mid the wnrK of the Veter' League of thut ward Kill hen ell t by it. Mr. (icerire I'nteu Fnierltc !. in-esi- j. ,1 , ,, . , , '. . dent of the League, which is doing 11 I tpiriniiii iiiimuiii 01 worn. i no mem- , . ,, .- .... . , .. iflTll?1 n'"r V' TUi"r ,F,,,,,-, I-m-in" "'' 8o.UhMrfettre?ruron'rS I.MIe, Harriet Leaf Favorite, Sue , ccivng ccngint.ilatlens en the birth of Head. Mlhlic.l l-cely. Frances Leaf. M daughter en .Saturdai. Helen TeusNiint nnd a number of I M .,nm ,w , JM "n rt' I'nvls Bewie, of 281 Seuth Fourth mill' family were discussing the re- b rS,nrnrSr;i!,,,lI!!ei: A cent lire at I lie Fidelity Storage nla. Mi-h Large will occupy .Summer .Summer Se many of their friends lmd le.-t their ,'r,al carl' "PXt month. TiluaulcH they were mere thnn niiturnlly Interesleil In it. Ilnddj reiuiirked : "The prelmhle iiium' was spmitnnceus com cem com wi'tlen." "What's spontaneous com cem com miiMieiisV' nsked Fred. "Oh," mid Margaret, "that's one of fhesc new elscates." NANCY WVNNn. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES M .. , , , , , 1 r .111! Mr.u .Inetilt T'r n. K ltiitl.i, , ,, , .' .I '.'"- I !L,,mw,"lti1' l1"""1 H,ret,. M''i''t Airy, KmlI 1 ' .rnx"'"'"t, , "f the ' ten1' n eV.,Mi.MilrlS"illu,Vh,'"un" RuU of Mr m MrJ,leT'.,.,Br.ttlk.t,ftyf -i"" !u '""', S,rs' Jen" ' 'Sa' ,f s--1 Ule, Wash. Ir. ('. P. Beauili.-iniii JefTeiiM w dU V .. " .' ",,""".i "I'm -", Ml me Heemul Presbyterian Cliuich. Twcntv ?'i?il i11"'1 Walnut stieets. The ushers mi iieiinic .vir. nenry u. cni', Jr., Mr Ihnddeus M. Daly, Mr. Albert F. A. ving, of Wiishlngten. H. C ; Mi. W. arllii I.lllnid. of Cincinnati. (). : Mr. gnj.iinlii Hush, ,lr, and Mr. (Jeeige c. Purv-es. The guests who will attend the thentie TOrtv followed by supper at the Rltz Rltz ""irlten which will be given by Mr. and ys I'll ki,U Price, uf lTO'i Walnut 'reet, In i(1ei- of Sllss hiua Meiide ynnlMin. d'uiBhter of Str. ami Mis. '"H'ph I! ii-ilsen,' of Ardinere, whose rrhr,. te tli ir son. .Mr Philip Price. lake .,e i Saturday. June 10, JIM Include Mr. nnd Mrs Algernon iiapp si,- and .Mrs Henry Adams, Mr. Ji'l Mis Jeseph II. Rollins. Mr. and Mrs 'larrlHiii I-'mzler. Jr.. Miss Margaretta I'arrlseii. SIIhs Rachel Price. Miss ..y.?'leIv" Mai tin. Miss .Mildred Long Leng cLu"1;. 'Mr ''t'tUP I'' lee. Mr. Fiedeiltk J5,7",f?r- J'r. Herace Jayue, .Mr Tliud-tm",1- ,a,v- s,r- I'rederlik Muller. Mr. -Win Uarnweli and Mr. Albert Kins. The guests who will attend the partv J '"'"pel fei in line of the Ifast.v Pud "ng l lull loineiiow ev ruing, followed D II Mlllliei- lit Hie II. air.! Ulrntfni.l 1 ''Jhi.Ml'' ","1 Mru- -N'-ithuu Ha.vwnid, f.i i"" Wuvne, will give In honor r thjii, !,, suhs j;ieri Douglas I.leyd, J"1"'" f Mr and Mis. Stucy U Xll-V ' . ".'" lUCIHIIO SUSS tail-ll Slc- n'V'?" -Vlss "''nnlng C.iange. Miss .,i ,. "rewiiing -(lingers, sir. l(l Madeira, Sir. Kjdnev P, i i m"! Lnndicth, Mr. ChHilew Davis f"l Mr Hlchaid ('hew. -A,r .-'nil Mrs William llninien Ueerge t.i." ''',s'1,!"h I'lfteenth street, will enter Jin t dinner Ibis evening In honor of 0"lr ilaiuhter, Sllss K. Miutyn (i.erge. V1" ,li1llr" w-hicli sir and Mrs. lm.?? ,,1"rrlen Flshrr will give nt the di!m.'i. l,"!, ln "nner "f llph' Bland ""iKliter, Mls (Cleaner Hart. hnll.Siil:""'sllll, C.imdinaii. of Betllle "'n Pike, I'lieslnut Hill, will enteit.iln Vnt! """ !IH evening In honor of Miss MrIB if "'-'Jer (Irnbain, dniiKhtei of in?,.! ,rn"uid Spencer liiahiim, win se n?ni 80 '" -Ml'- Dcvcieux Josephs, of Juiiu 2r WlU laKe llliu' " Sll,",'i,.v' efMf.H. u.!!0,la Menls Itroekn. daughter Hr,..l.f' ,'lr'nhaid Kinlen New bold, of iJ."v? ."low, Aldiueie. will leavu en all i .." V for New oil. whele she efni,e"-ii " few 'lil' "H 'he guest Mjm. i5.1",1""' Jamisen et the Hetel Jrie Atitelnctte, Rnd'u.FlleHts who Will attend the Mask Sav i..K ,,nr, ,0 l' B've" c'i Wednes Wednes Inirle , ,",10V!;.lu,xt bv M,H- ,V,' 't""1 n l?n,',."f s",ltl1 v 1'elt street. nemliL.' "f ."''' ilauKhtcr. Miss Hetty Kills In"' w."' Include Jllss Wllleugliby UravVu,?. s?..' "Ih Nenls, SIIhs I.inilsc Anne ,.'V,,,H. Je,,e,hlnn 's,'ele'-- '""' wVe-M,a giv?.0" Cancr' "'' wl" A Mr. lIVnnMl.. .-.! mii . - t.... Ret US liPMt t.ifin ... tl... .. n.1.41.... '. r ,!.. 1 Bmhi 1 1 ZV, in , r. .' '.' . nw, or Im.i:; limleii stieet, Oerninn- H I ;,Jie'H'i'dni!l,te' "eihT ,,,w' le,t (,n K.tuiU.iy ler Bnltlmerp. fl nl.u.' neiibei. 1.1 201 I std.. where she will be the guest for a K ?n' i L" ' ' J,r' i11,0!1""',. ' fortnight of Miss Mary .Marshall Scott. iartr,M" Softer? Miss Carrell Harris, w he has been At II -inn mx Uni.H.i... k ... tt tm t t. iiiiMiiii t- HMiHii i-'.Wu 5.7 ir. A'wr Wdnmuers na lilt 1 Y&imi?,n,"8h,rV MlM Katharine t). JMnu)Wa und Mian ChrUUnftF. ChatV-' HfikfcJfc.., , 1 Betrothed MISS KSTIIKR V. SCIILEIINKK Daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. Leuis O. Sclileliner, of Elklns Park, whose, engagement Is announced today te Mr. Geerge Frederick Bauer, son of Mr. and Mm. Geerge A. Bauer, of Oak Lane Jhift .?L,r,,1? Fine street, will close tnclr home the mldd e of next month PpnM.':ccu"-r ,hclr wuntry pl."e at Penllyn until the autumn. Mts. J. Mltchfll, of S!12'J n (limit street., will entertidn ut luiicli fn ni.5mVh0 V'ilV l",-.Kr'"f'"-l tomeniw. ...te: "I Mi" KB,lar!nf II. f'emii: Seuth .Sixteenth stieet. mairliice t'JIi;.. Stanley A Welsh, son of Mr. ;.-"!." ... :" "."" " ii. icnin. or 2.11 j ne will i 'i . ..i, . w un' or,," AI" 2' en. "A, ; ?,,,nce, ,?.'.' &r ft? "- ,,h ,een ImenUiNir n fw- ' iV ..'.' n "? ten, will return home this exenlng. At the KuMer nieptlnpr or Mrs. Wurts ... rlSL T ' mSH ilt "n "ellevue-.Strntferd ion Friday evening next, the pntiiinn i-ui lie led ,1 Mr T "eiill"0 ?" n ".'I1 Mrs. Tteberl P!mrl Hn ..r inn ........ guest for ten days of her Kn-ln-law nml daughter. Sir. and Mrs. W lam I'ledcrlck Heliinnn. In Washington, w return te her home this evening! Mlsj Cnrleen Breeke, daughter of Mr. ami air, i-rnnis p. nrnnlte nt :m l',3""0," '7"me. 'hchtnut Hill.' will ci ctril. ... .. .1. . ..i . .... l III ....,.. 11 M n u.wiuc in ici- nome en Wed- 1 nesdnv- eivn nir. Anr I , 1. .... . ' Miss Helen 15. AfcKluney, daughter or M,r,-c il,n', MrH- 'Temi r- McKlnney. et 743S Doen avenue. Mount Alrv, whose marriage te Mr. Frank ales Oetty will take place en Wednesday evening, Stay I'.'i ilt, "'', Mount , Airy Prcsbyteilan 1 1 hiireh. Miss Breeke will atttnd Miss TnIv ttmnv n u tuilrl ni lWk.,. "'"vii. .,nsn iiruum- will 1 McKlnney as maid of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes II. 15 Cromwell, of 1821 Walnut street, will sail earlv next month for Knrepc, w Ik re they will spend the summer, Mr. and Mrs Ciemwell nre new spending u few days In New Yerk! Mr. ilelllster Stuiges, of 79lr Semi nole avenue. Chestnut Hill, who Is spending several months abiead. Is at 1 present In Kngtnnd, where he Is visiting i 111 it lit tin daughter. Miss Hetty Slinges, 1 .. i.n 1.. . 1 1 i .,i nu ir. .uiriiiiiiiK -uimiei llieru. tvillie t.. i... c. .. m . i i. .. IN lillKlllllll n. .TiuiKes Will isii 111s brother-in-law and sister. Lord nnd .,iy Sandwich, at IllnchlnbroeKe. their estate nt Huntfngtenshlre. and Mr. nnd M,s - Davl(1 Mnrgcssen. nt Westen Ma- nor. Huntington. Ml?-! Marian Cahlr Doneghue, daugh ter et .Mr. iinu iiiis. (-, uaiilei ucnO' ;H'aaaaV ' '&". " ; iLH L.V" . I ' " ! V s . ..-' BONWIT TELLER &.CQ c7ie Specialty tSAep oTOnainatieiUi CHESTNUT AT 13T" STREET TUESDAY EXCEPTIONAL SALE 100 Women 's & Misses ' Coats, Capes & Wraps TAKEN FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK 58-00 Values 85.00 te 110.00 Included in this extraordinary collection of Coats and Wraps are the most advanced modes in the most fashionable fabrics and shades. Fer Misses Gcrena Bex Coats, Tricetinc and Vcl dync Coats with long wing panels, two-tier Capes of Tricetinc and Vcldyn Wraps in several models. Fer Women Squirrel-trimmed Piquetine Coats, two-tier Piquetine Capes, Piquetine Wrap Capes, Wrap Coats of Prcttina. Marvella, Sports or Day time Coats, Sennetta Wiaps and Duvetyn Capes. THIRQ ylsltlnir Mian Dennghue, has returned te her home in Baltimore. Mrs. Harry S. Ehrct, of 1818 De Lan cey plnce, who lifts been spending a few days at her summer home, Pine1 Tops, bdRewater Park, N. J., will re turn te this city tomorrow evening. Miss Careline 1). Nixon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heraco V. Nixon, of 2203 Walnut street, Is entertaining ns her icuest for a few days Miss Corinth Tracey, of Wllllamstewn. nnd New erl. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon nnd their family will leave the latter part of this month for their home, lied Crest, 114 Evergreen avenue,- Woodbury, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Themas J. Berry, who have been spending the winter at their npiirtments. Eighteenth and Walnut streets, will sail early In June for a trip abiead, where they expect te travel en the Continent for severnl months. They will visit thelr son, Mr. William B. Berry, who has been living nbread for some tlme The first of 11 series of Thursday night dinner dances was held nt the Bald Oolf Club In the new clubhouse last Thursday. There were about 200 Riicsts. Mr. William Andersen Is In chartje of the dances, assisted by Mr. C. H. Sllvey and Mr. J. A. llaulersen, of the house committee. Mr. nnd. Mrs. Edward Bcttle Holllns Helllns head will entertain at a buffet supper nt the Morchnntvllle Country Club en Tuesday evening In honor of their daughter. Miss Mantaret Helllnshcnd, and Mr. Edward Tredlck C'atlett, whose imirrlasTQ will tuke place nt St. Paul's Church. Camden, en Wednesday eve ning. The guestn will Include the' bridal party. Mr. and Mrs. James I'aten Hunter, of Media, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Hepkins, Miss Yvonne Mer rill and Mr. Waller A. Merrill, of Montreal, Can., nnd Mr. Frederick W. Cnrringten, et Hlchmcnd, for a few days. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn C. VeRler, of this city nnd Chelsea, announce, the engage ment of their daughter. Miss Olga Amelia Vogler, te Mr. James Klngslnv Kerr, of New Yerk, son of Mrs. Eugcnl.i Kerr and 'the late Samuel V. Kerr. ALONG THE READING Mls-4 Ktuma Crewcll, of New Second 1 Niruc. ann uiiy nnc, uak i.ane. nas been spending seernl days In Wash ington, whero she has been attending the annual convention of the Iaughtera of the American Revolution. Miss Crewell wa the regent of the Quaker City Chapter from 1897 te 1921. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry O. Drucdlng, of Spring avenue, Elklns Park, have re turned from a trip te the Mediter ranean. Mrs. Jeseph S. Bunting hni returned te New Yerk after visiting her fatner, Mr. Charles D. Barney, of Ogontz. The bi-monthly meeting of the dra matlu deparment of the Dak I.ane Re view Club wus held Thursday after noon nt the home of Mrs. diaries Crewcll, at Oak Lane. The Inst depart ment meeting of the season will be held nt the home of Mrs. Chailes Frlck, 0105 Ncrth Seventh street, Oak ( A meeting of the music department of the Review Club will be held at The Oaks, the home of Mrs. 15. Clarence Miller, at Twelfth Btreet and Alnsley read, Melrose. On Wednesday afternoon the regular bi-monthly meeting of the club will be held In the Oak Lane Library at 3 o'clock. The Review Club Magazine, edited by the Juniors, will be the topic of the uftcrnoen. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Mnry Murjihy, of 1420 Mc Kcnn street, accompanied by Miss Anna Ceurtenv nnd Miss Virginia Manning, l.i spending a few da8 In Chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. William .1. Welch, of 26 1) Seuth Chadw-lck stret, are re- ceiv ng cengraiu unions upon 1110 uirin, of a son. Mr. William J. Welch. Jr. . Mrs. Welc cb was Miss Mary muihi, et . south Phlladclnhla aeuiix 1 niiaui.11111111. The Delta Delta. Sorority and the I Alpha Phi Fraternity Mill glve a re-, ceptlen anil toce at the Bellevue- Stratford en Friday evening next. Tim member of the Tau Alpha ' will clve their faster , ic Hetel en Saturday Kappa Fraternity will ilinrn nt thn Aldlne I evening next. The Entertnlnment Cem- tnlttee Included Mr. Wesley Ayiirs, sir. Charles Daub and Mr. Stanley Shields. GERMANTOWN Mrs. William R. Nichelson, of Wis Wis sahlcken and Mldvale avenues, nnd Mrs I'msted. of Pelhnin read, accompanied by Mrs. Uiurence Winlleld Baxtet, Miss Katharine I, Baxter, Miss Winifred Nichelson. MUs Ruth t'nisted mid Mlsa Orace Sltley, Iladdeiideld, left Friday for a trip te West Point, where they attended the military hop Hatuiday eve ning. Mrs. Alfred Wolstenholme. Kitchens lana and WI"sahlcken avenue. Is sp. nd Ing Kaster week at the Chelsea Hetel, Chelsea. Miss Betty Russet and Miss Alice Feibcs, of Bosten, will arrive In this city today. Thev will be among the attendants of Miss Cenevievn Dlllen- beck, whose innrrlage 10 .iir, Kentrt Swain Perry. Jr., will take place en I April 20. , Maver and Mrs. .1 Hampton Moere nnd 'their family, of !I9 Carpenter lnne. nie spending the Kaster holidays nt their summer home, Plnecrest, Island Heights. Mrs. C. Knmen and her daughter. Miss Helen Kumen. of West Sharpnack street, are spending the i:.istcr holidays at Atlantic City. FLOOR v ' i !' a -avi .,..!' . Te Be Married Today Photo by Plillllri & Phillips MISS HETTY C. WEISH Daughter of Mr. and Mrs, T. Henry Dixen, of Khodera, Chest nut Hill, wliose marriage te Mr. Arthur Paul, son of Mr. anil Mrs. Henry Nelll Paul, will take place nt luilf-past 4 o'clock at St. Paul's KpLscepal Cliurch. Chestnut Hill. A reception will fellow at the home of thn bride's parents STRAWBERRY MANSION Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stern, of .1007 Oxford street, celebrated their twenty-I fifth nnnlvcrsnry at n dinner nt thelr home. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph Press. Mr. und Mrs. W. WahtrmlBt, Mr. and Mrs M. Gottleb, Mr. and Mrs. I Halprln, Mr. and Mrs. II. Oeldbacher, Mr. and Mrs A. Frlcd land, Mr, and Mrs. W. Meldawer, Mr. and Mrs. C. Moldnwer, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ii. WIcscn. Mr. nnd Mrs. N. Sherman,, Mr. and Mrs. O. Fuhrmun. Mr. and Mrs. K. Welnsteln, Mr. and Mrs. A. L I.avln, Senater and Mrs. Max Aaren, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Lehrfeld. Mrs. R. Ousncr, Mrs. It. Stern, Mrs. J, Kntz. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schrelher, of New Yerk ; Mr. und Mrs. F. stein and Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. Shapire. Mr. and Mr.-, .Michael Marks, of !231 I Clifferd street. bae Issued Invitations I for n dinner-dance en Friday evening 1 next nt the Progress Club. In honor of . their daughters. Miss Frances Marks and Miss Johanna Marks. I NORRISTOWN ' Al thn thirty-first CentltKntal Cen-' gross of the National Society. D-iugh- I ters of the American Revolution, te be held at Washington, I). C, this week. ' the Valley Ferge Chapter, of Norrls Nerrls Norrls tewn, will be icpresented by Mrs. N. ' Hewland Brown, regent; Miss Marie R. I Yest, alternate : Mrs. A. S. Buchanan, Miss Isabcllq Walker, Mrs. Trwln Fisher, I Mrs, W. Ij. Stauffcr, Miss Mnry Kvnn-i. Mrs. Harry RlgTiter. Mrs. Jehn Rex. alternates ; Mls IMIth C, Fisher and Miss Anne Hunhberger, pages, and Mrs. ' B. IT. Buchanan. Mrs. Ueerge F l.ea- , man and Mrs. J. Kenneth Stauffer. Mr. nnd Sirs r.irl Pese. of 211 Knst Weed street, nre iecellng cengratula- - - , ",.,, "ii," timm en the birth of 11 dauglu-: r. ! Mnry "; "V;-,-. .-"- ,xi.Yr,""- ' I lll't IJ flil--t-i tMIHIVIIIIi; Hi-wii iiimiiiu. I Klt.1i,lln,n.i l).hnl PnlnTOI tl lintl 11 f Ml. aml M'rs ,,,.,,), ,. Celeman, of r , nrewn strcets; Midshipman I(0UM N chllds. son of Mr. and Mrs, l.enls N. Chllds. of 1040 PeKalb street, Midshipman Reyer Creutlier, son ci air. I und Sirs. Hitijamln IJ. Creutlier, of l-t-'lG Powell stivet. ami Midshipman Nan Brant, son of Mrs. Frank Brant, of Trooper, are home fiem the Annapolis Naval Academy for the spring vaca tien. I MNs Margaret Fecht and Miss Kiln Feeht. of (ieo'rge stieet, havn lift for a I stnv In Reading Pa. Mr. and Mrs. II. It. Onn&or, of Powell street, will spend the neM week In At-( hintic City, N. J. Mrs Kdmimd Wlngerd ri ml her dill., (Iren, of Ch'inilierslniig, Pa., .ire guests i of Mrs. Wiiigtril'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. , Jeseph A Celeman, of Powell nnd Brown streets cA Vtrt iSUj-ii .u . i . - i -v-u i-v ".wvy 1020 rlimtnnt Mreet OUR STORE ORDERS Answer the Buying Question Our .10 jenrs' experience U fvl ilr n re Unit jen urn dnillne with n rcll.ilile llrm from whom yeii run imrrli.ihe ficrj-tlilns nrnlrd In the lioimrhelil. Our nlun ciuililrs seu te go te the Irndlni; Htnrrs of I'lilln. In ntlrci your pun liners. WRITE FOR DETAILS TONIGHT MCI IR7'! trt If)!-: i SARRIOTT ORGS. 1118 CHESTNUT STREETS r lEimfflr pKrmniirai HRmMW ' -JT aaaaaaaaT S MiiiaiiiiiHiaK ''' AtUM fiHiHHiiial - J -SPECIAL vliP V ISPHTl BEOAPWAY PRO-PUCTIOfffll m, UlVWM ALL STAR CAST s H WM The s-5x Stellas PHnmpi av iPMT I .KL?emaTT- m m m m m m m m ar m - mp.w . . -i av '.mr kirm'aavr VTBBBBn. .. ania i imi 111 iiiiiii-.ii with a yWraB Q' I s.nSnJS..jPS?" li lwllumzilAkiaamJMviiiTl j'Tlli'M liJ 1 I "I I I m m -Br a -vv a MM J&Q71M1 fMi!1 MSSFfT 1 KLT J mMMVMMT dT i lia-fK aaBaaawaa-aa-a - - -' lltlF-i r TSV taygMMMMiMTeraWB? :&3ftlgaBlMWgMBKgaK'lWB tjmr v i iW. iw x. a ',i'f'i .iv nww f i l wuur i MISS BETTY C. WELSH WILLWED MR. PAUL Ceremony te Take Place Thla After neon at Chestnut Hill A wedding of much Interest will be that of Miss Met lv (Vfnrml Wclnll. daughter of Mr. und Mrs. T. Henry nixen, of Rhodora, Chestnut Hill, and mr. Annur 1'aui, son or Mr. anil Airs. Henry Nelll Paul, nlun of nheNtniit Itlll. which will take place at 1:30 o'clock at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Chest nut Hill, this afternoon. The Itev. Jehn H Chnuman, rector of the church, will officiate bride will be clvcn In marriage by Mr. T. Henry Dixen. Hhe will wear a gown of white satin with a veil of rese point lace und will carry n single Illy. Mrs. Leuis Madeira, 3d, sister of the bride, will be the matron of honor. Hhe will wear a frcck of yellow chirfeii and a hut te match; Miss Mary Fisher (llendlnnlng, the maid of honor, will wear violet chiffon with a hat te match. Beth will carry spring flowers. The Mower girl. Miss Elise Dixen, daughter of Mrs. William B. Dixen, will weal pink chiffon with a hat of the same ma terial and will carry a basket of pansles. Mr. Samuel Welsh, brother of the brlde, will act as best man, and the ushers will Include Mr. Theodere H, Paul, Dr. Jehn It. Paul, Mr. William 1 A. B. Paul and Mr. Hamucl H. Paul, brothers of the groem: Mr. Ilenty U. Thompson, Jr., of Greenville. Del. : Mr. Jehn H. Whelen, Jr., Mr. Alexander C. ' Kabrlskle. of New Yerk, and Mr. Hew ard C. Coxe. of Hartferd. Conn. A I reception will fellow nt the home of me enuc s parents. Merrill Hunter The marriage of Miss Margaret Mail son Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Paten Hunter, of Media, and Mr. aeoffrey Oliver Merrill, of Ment- Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 If Yeu Would be Smart fn Springtime Wear an Allen Hat Fer every occasion when you want Hut that is out of the ordinary nnd unusually attractive, there is an Allen Hat te fill the need. Hair cloth nnd fine hair, the favorites of the chic Farislenne, form the mere elaborate hats, while flower wreaths, French ornaments and ostrich vie for the honor of trimming them. Here Are the Dainty Trimmings for Your Crisp Summer Frecks An orgaiulle or Sulsa dress nccils a little touch et white or color at till- neck. What could he mere cliarmliiB than I'lnlc, Blue. Hcd or White ergandta cd-ilnc? It comes in vnrlnus Ktyle .1Sr1.00 jil. The wheln cellar may he made of organdie embroidered in color, with a colored hum te match the dress. In Orange, Green, Hed, Illue and Lavender Hl.t.1 11 jurd. A liner fdKliiK Is made of net and organdie In deep scallop-". S4.00 ii yard. land-made nut and orsandie Insertion Is cry charming In Blue. White, I'lnk or Cernl ss.en n yard. Sheer organdie with a permanent llnlsh, l.'i Inches wide, comes In all the newest colorings, at 1.00 a y.itd. Colored St. Gall Swiss lias embroidered dots and N 3J Inches wide, at HI. 50 a yard. Birdseye by the Piece Way Under Price Fer a few days only can we offer this blrdscye cloth at a price that Is lower than we have been paying for It up te new. Here is the opportunity te lay In u supply. 1ft InrlieN uldft nt XI. 16 a 10-jurd piece ?0 Inclir nlile nt S1.2 n 10-ynrd piece ii InclieN Mlde nt Sl.n.'i u lO-.Miril plere M InflieH wide nt u lO-.xiril pine 'il Iiii'Ik-k Midi- ul XI. nn ii in-.nrd piece Children's Leng Stockings 19c each, 3 for 50c New Is the time In nte k up In children's long steckingu . n. y .ire Idial lei c.implng wear and for school Our lints are broken and juii will net find all coleri In all Mzis, but there are lets of the larger s.zei left Colers: K, White and African Brown, Value up te 00c l!)r n pulr: 3 for ."illi-. Alhn chlldien'H two-tone silk and wool sjieits socks In Xay and Light Blue, Cordovan and Sliver, Black and White u.le h pulr." And don't forget that there Is still time te get our regular 73c Imported lisle stockings for women, In Black, White and Coulewin at tl fur V.'.iie. Vanity Fair Sunnisilk Is Coel for Spring and Summer Vnuil I-'.ili- Suunlsllk underwear N Jut the thing for warm weather. It cenns in White, 1'each, Kli-h and uri-hld. The step-In panties li-ue lustli- tops, lests and pantli-s SJ.ue em-li. Vnnlty Fair Itlbbed .Silk vests aie nls-e delightfully thin for Sum mer Kegular $3.00 value, ery hpeclal at si.n.l, And we hae Just leceKed another slilpiut-nt of Vanity Kair Glee. Silk Vests at I.Ht and bloomers at S'.'.-jn u pulr. New Beaded Girdles in Every Celer $3.5037.50 The popular glrdle idea was never carried out mi evmlsitelv -is In theee beaded ulfalis. They c-enin n evcrv color In steel in Black with nrleus ellnr tolers m combination, and In Iriikic. iu effects The lengths range from 7(1 inches te S2 lnUie It Is ntcis-aiv te eee them te realize truly what a value they au ?3.50-s:..'i0.' " Beautiful Foulards in Many Patterns Reduced te $1.65 a Yard This is mil- r-giHai- yi CO Foulard pai tleularlj .liatnung for .Sprli.Btlmi. trerk.s The,., are iuan diffe.ent t 1. s- strip.." 0 s and tiBtirfh ns well a variety of color combinations- Hun n. VaVy 1 lack with U'h if a and Tan, Xnj and ..-n ami r Blown and Tan si,ns. ' 'iv an" '"" -- mrnvrnmrnw.wi 7T.i.fFivwiiiiimiuRnD u t nn jflii.jivu nvt.-ir. 'W'' '- ''.j4'iit real, Canada, took place quietly In the presence, of the Immediate Tamlly nt neon today. The Bev, Fnthcr Heban, rector of the Church of the Hely Na tivity. Medie, officiated. Miss Hunter, who was unattended, was given In mar. rlage by her father. Mr. Walter A. Merrill, of Montreal, was his brothers best man. A breakfast for the fami lies followed at the home of the bride H parents nt 60G Seuth Orange, street. Upen their return from 11 wedding trip, Mr. find Mrs. Merrill will llve In Montreal, DELAWARE COUNTY Mr. nnd Mrs. Bayard Morrison mm their family are spending the taster holidays at their cottage nt Island Heights. Among these who will assist Mrs. Albert Dutten MncDade. at the dance which she will give en April 20 at thu Mnsor.le 'Temple of Chester, for tn benefit of the Chester Day Mirflery, will be Mix. William D. Hewland, Mrs. I). Sproul Hlnksen, Mrs Jesse K. i-ev.,s. Mrs. Cresby M. Black. Mrs. Hebcrt Hewnrth, Jr.. Mrs. B. 1. Wright. Mis. ( nntmell Wright. Mrs. Wl llatn 1. flalev, Mrs. W. Wallace Oayley, Mrs J. William Weed. MIbs Sara Sweeney, Mr. Jeseph Deerlng. Mr. Samuel Turner nnd Mr William Turner, Harvard Glee Club Dr. A. T. Dntlien. Condnfter ACADEMY OF MUSIC Wednnilny Eienlnr. April IB. "ii" Itfttn J2.S0 te 00c no tax at 1IL.PI'Jj.'3. ing chestnut Htreet. nilMnNT'4 OTH Alicu. Kg., fesir. UUIVlUm D statu. EMMETT WELCH Minstrels Sn tire The IIIk Htrlke With Our Oh 11 ('eulMlne Tnnr Anrne ciiackkii jackh ami MITCHKMi . StcDOW '?. PHUjA.'H l.BADINO THEATRE!' D1HBCTION nt" t.RB A J. ,f. HHUIlEltT woteJ6WOTfnrrreTAiwi LCOM imhic kttrftST MIT B0MB0 SMUBEBT THt WORLDS BEST Dallr Mam. at tilfi. Kve. at 81IB JIMMY HUSSEY Hmlily Deyle llflh Wtnnley Kllifl limit 2 lliirnn A lerJli I lerenre Kn nrlil O'lliinlfn K nnililinln Alfred l.ntdl with BlMla Veken In '"''C I'm' , Leu. .'iiiril' limliryn I'eniinin Henry Slreinel I'dilli- lllrkey Alerlerle (iirilllr Tlic Miirlil-H MnrictieiM Allilelen ..RATH BROS. In Aildlllnn le the . 1. M Inter (Mrilen 3d C'nmen Keltic A t'oniuniilen rrariitrtlen In "TIIK Mlllltl, ni' M:V TtOKK" .SlH-rliill)- erinntreil far Slmlierl ViniilrTllle "THE PROMENADERS" Midi nn All-Stir Cunt 11 nil ( liuriiH nf HewllilerinK lleiiutleM. A Cnniimny nf BO I'ennle I YRIP TONIGHT 8 SHARP SeTrtERN - Marlowe JUS MERCHANT OF VENICE Tue.. TWKI.FTII NKIIIT) Wed.. Tri. Kies.. IIAMM'Tt TIiiim.. Hat. Keen,. TAMIM1 OF TIIK miRF.W! .nt. .Mat.! MKItrilANT Of VKNirEjJI S3. ADF1 PHI" Ev" ,l 8:10 FIIANZ MOr.NAR'9 Comeay of Ufa "LILIOM" ynfitei" JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT wither &EVA LEGALLIENNE 111 UIIT pep- MAT. WED., f ALNU I 50c TO $1.00 VICTOQ. HPftRFOTV; . eiGQEsr itrcu comedy sucass ANGEL FACE OR.IGAAL NEVJ YOQK CAST' Direction Maurice E. Felt -aMM AldikF JnLCNESTHUT ST. AT irJW inMIMllll II A Jf. TO l ' Jl iinai. m'i:kk tikis. 11. ici:'s "HAIL THE WOMAN" 10 Great Stars : it 01 1, a 1 jr v 11 11Y I I'K-S AMi I'flll.rc -nn: giikati:jt I'lr. I'fltK KVCI1 slf..- i.v l'lnt.ADnu'iuv a Meiirjii.v DitAjr.v or ti:akh a. DO NOT MISS IT! I-OMIMI M-.N - - UK "TIIK .HIII'IK's MIFK" METROPOUTAN JJ',;- ee(Meek Beginning Mat. Today Othrr M.itlneet Wed., Frl. nnd Sm. The Fun Shew of the World and All New This Trip BRINGING UP FATHER In Wall Street Take the Kiddltt fa See Jtgf 1 and Magg'n Alive. It Will llrlnj: .ler te Ttieir Little lleurte. MAI 1NEE PRICES. 25c, 50c Se NIGHT, 25c, 50c, 75c & $1.00 Hithtr BROAD TONIGHT y f'J. AM IIM'.HIS Arnuimr's Till: ItBTfltN TO TIIK STACii: OP flie fergussb THE VARYING SHORE"1 It Zn Ai nt uth r rf I ln(n ' Orlcml (' inpam ji rrixln tl n FORREST TONIGHT "-; ;-' "MASK and WIG CLUB" lMFt-IT III' I'lWsll.MMl - 1 1 ti limit t I'reiliif (Iciti "TELL TALES" V AIut-i.Ml llul f I' ' -.heis K ASlt.Mnt -llrlnl-J -n Hf -,0 , ,,.. M W I ltl's'.IW (jhxMi i-,ts ," GARRICK LAST 6 EVGS. I'el" I'Ull I Jt I-IM . h pv ,'t GEO. M. COHAN'S COMEDIANS t i U hrvli ciln r p i THE O'BRIEN GIRL M MtV i in mi - i Wl I ( I Ml vt W . k Mir.iiv or mi sic DH1LADELPMIA ORCHESTRA VAV,JlfikJJl i 1,1 III ill. IP -llllumMv , :a-i i it mh.n. irr.. Ai-i'ii i" -ion iwiii!" iniiiiiiii. iiuii '.'.''" VilBll " ICIIA MTI.ItMlilN, AI'RII. "i r i no nlnlt! Kllll tltli I tvi .7.".-. '.' "'! "S-T ,:,,,'.iH;;'rr,,i!..i!,r,1,1" '". 1M IIAIIWM1 "Miiiilinn) .. . inlnnr no. ." in r TIiI.pU i-t IIe (irr. , llfnn,.', J.I 111. I hut. ti'-i pi iinr i til t irr a. ii., . ." PHILADELPHIA ' n vr ,.7 ORCHESTRA , v,&:V'JiaA .. TLt- e 10 . 9wt Ifr.... ET Opera Heuse i-nn,n Mn. i-vr w j. TffirllfBtlII0ai WS A M R0 I KJW1JZJ T IVll. ipril iO b, xh v?) Mi mm 1TI aH -ususr ""auspicbef QS& t Phila. Chapter, National War Mothers STARS FROM ALL THEATRES. INCLUDING AI Ml SUN , n UllJS I.I.SII, l-UUlllSOS MARI-IN IIMIR'H 7 ll Nh . MM M.Ss B w. MIli: rOMMKH l.1 ' ,i'vsN" .U ''.i. ' '.' Wl- ' HNt"" Jill! AIIMHTRUNII II IV MAS.S '.MHIN'si M'Wl'UI Ii MAlllll'KIII'I'l. v.i!Mriun I'iml'N a si I i .N Tlil.i'l New till A.I l.lllr I H.,.,.1 V V.'.K ''""""''I' '..' f Plill-iMMili Th' trie I M in-iBtr' A..rllV- Mhi,.i llri-illiin nt I It' n l, IIV.Mi'l)l.ll ;u i-, JIMtltV 'f JiiiiuV Ml.TI-'irOlir-iN IPVK Mill HP. CJUVAIM) I.0KII. JlVn,fa,r), II re ?rt MW- - . A A '1 .Mi. . . ---"-" P-f I .frtrnnwwwKwiiWKiflt ft' Direction Stanley Company of $HSSnt N'lNMTKENTH AND MAH.ll 11. 1:30, .1-30, n:3(l. 7-30. t IlOIIEllT '.. M50NAHD Pft MAE MVRRA IN 2 BTaTtT-a-a-B'K MMm MWm Mm . m MM Mmmv a-a-a-aW-aTat ' & iiueiinaWLV I nviiri AHMKt) ATTKACTION 'IV ' TONY SARG'S lJjL i:asti:ii rnor.eai'E "humnieb'"' Atlantic City Easter Pi HPI'C'AIj Jll'HlG FKHTlVAti Jv MAHKKT 11:20 1 :.10 3:30 n -10 7-30 0:30 FIHHT I'llKMB.M ATIU.N j Where is my wandevina boy tonight? With the echo 'of the' tremendous applause ei thousands of New York ers still ringing in its ears and direct from its sensa tional success at the fa mous Criterion Theatre, Times Square, Manhat tan, comes the picture j magnificent "WHERE IS MY WANDERING BOY TONIGHT?"- the picture with the heart punch, the picture of smiles, tears, laughter, joy, sorrow and happiness all entwined around a beautiful love story. You'll love the way ward boy, you'll love his mother and his sweet heart. You'll love the picture. It's great. Filmed from the old song of the same name, it presents the utstanding melodra matic success of the pres ent season. i:iNA WAI.r.ACi: KINNEY. Contralto Ttfirlten 0 0 13ROAD & CHESTNUT 11.30, ISO. 3 3t .V30. 7 30. 11:30 IT-.S A I'ARA.MOl'NT P1CTURK "IS MATRIMONY, A FAILURE?- With T. Rey Barnen. Lila Lee, Leis Wilsen, Wnlter Hiera A rearlnfr comedy hit all about blUKhinff brlrlf-H and opr-enfl-rtPiit h-ubnti'lM nml u Ray elop elep tnrnt that almost annulled every iiiHrrl.vBH In tow n. PALACE 12T" A MARKET w 10 A M le M'13 P. M. n-.r-ir, n de mii.i.R's BOUGHT AND PAID FOR JAC'li 1IOI.T AND AC1NKS AYRE3 A.idi Charlie Chaplin ,pAV Alirji-lmn ""J'- wfr,m nAT., ARCADIA ,rt'rn MKSTNUT PAULINE FREDERICK nnd TWiMA-. SWMMII In "TWO KINDS of WOMEN" VICTORIA N'XTH & MAHKKT TOM MIX ,,t,l;N;s..,"n CHARLIE CHAPLIN ffff PAPITOI TH A. MAItKUT UMT1 1 WU 1() A te ui-. P.M. GLORIA SWANSON "Her Husband's Trademark" REGENT 1TT" & "t.Tb cTOK DOOR" PI rMJTC Ji ii'i:h i market uLUDJj ai nrvn.i.K l ilVTIN'l ill's 11 TO 11 "CAVE MAN LOVE" PRIM Y M'TI RSiMIN N HRNIJKIT NEXT WEEK '"" ',;;"',",' ,7'" DEMPSEY-CARPENTIER FIGHT PICTURES J rB.F. KEITH'S-s It V . 1 ri II Wl I'K I'PSTIVAL GUS EDWARDS' SONG REVUE I "(';;;:.',.'.,,'.,.'" 3 i.l.l .N(. V A -MOKKmilV- 1 "I-.1-!.- IH M- I IIA-SK A. s luin v-.iiTir i vniirus h R"i ii n "nini-i P 1 H4r?inM UAUDK f. nnd MARION HARRIS ii I I i - ii-h hi il Star r ai -I I'nilu 11 i "-ih j Jubl'iie" iTiitiuiiiiiinnriiiiiiiiiuiitiiiiiiiiiuiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiuiiiitiiiieiiuJn ( II.M1 or Ml Ml Ml lltlli'OI irN (H'l.RA COMPANY tVl!'"-.".'"" Last Pera PerfermaBM SAMSON et DALILA '""''rilen.Slal. lliitbli-i-, 1 1 ml t I kiiil. llnHmiin. Ilikil- i 'limit ml lli-IMn-'". 1110 Chfi. Hl.XTKENTll 41" jy MAHKKT flW P0LITAN -Bread and Poplar JL ;, Bread and Poplar JL j m i - ,i, A -I ID .1 ALL-d.Ai. rnuriiaaiuwAL y5g IhM KtTBiX 6C1B!K; aU Pt 'aa'.' " . V. .. jtV II WITT . Idi'WVeill JUSI'l'll VVIMTi:ilKAI III- III Mrlrnn.i Inn. (. nil !,.. U IILIii.nli. Ill s II .7. . .....I I. .11... .'.I.. ......... "" ' "'""I c M I - Ml ' w& x r Vtn-fi 7 K 'W i " V. -X Mi Mm f". .n&Kj ''Sy ... . K .. l&a-yA-.-cl.,i-ml'dl Jtkail&ifS if. '