v. 1 IV v '' V 11 K pi IS E m "JO x,' MIIIIREB IM SUMMER MONTHS UM ?icF rff DEI.tNO AJn RKPAIHlSfl AijiV . A "PKC1AI.TV BKOWN A nnxiw.nv.n llft W. Pfcatlaw A itene; Oermcinfeten at te 8WB a iff DEVICES RULE HH08f V. n ' ' in some transcendent manifestation of Kplrlt power. ilicrp imve been spirit communion Cuticura Soae SB g Velvet Touch Fer the Skin aaaaSKryftgsa." AT BUILDING SHOW .tlenM with tlie living nil down the ngp They imve been tiej htoed, misinterpreted They Imve been neglected, ntlsuncfcr Airplane Heuse One of Many Features Exhibited at Exposition PTFM Ml' r , " ' i Kj5 , If Kmant paint I pHflS and PfiB var?ish lutl PER I II I ruxi rn.fm.P Mixed ready ter , Oif. All tilt beat , color. Hi tt in a ii . t W. 1. UK AIM I LU. I 20 Market St. ; y f - . : r ju iiv i ' I FiViN ill ' NEW WINDOW POPULAR & Hew quickly RESINOL Soethinq &nd He&linq healed that eruptierv That's the point! Almest the moment this gentle ointment touches the sick skin,itching steps , and healing begins a Tested sKm treatment Fer sale by all druggists BaMESKSWtrc Ij ' R'Tt- VW wvy ,. ,V iVw ,rrw Big New Shipment u SBBBHBJp I'verythinK for the home, from ornn ernn ntentiil nntcrnckers te complete radio phone eulfitH, Is en exhibit at the feutth annual real estate nnd building exposi tion nt the Flret IteRlirtent Armery, llreml nnl Cnlldwhtll ntrect. One of the feature Is n dlsnln licv- Inft the progress of home building from the drawing up of the deeds nnd title through the nrehltcetn' plans te the final Ntnges of development of the modern dwelling. Kven the fire insurance pol icy is net forgotten. Among the vn'rlmm types of house Illustrated is the "airpluue t.e." n form of heuce very popular In Califor nia. The heuc is he called because of the llkene.ss of Its loef te the wins' of an nit p one. Among tlie modern imiuyvements is a tiny bathroom, which occupies only the .corner of a geed -sized loom. Medel pallers, kitchens and sun perches are mmh in evidence, many of tliem being -i;t up merely te demon strate some new article that may be installed. in one room a gelatine tish glebe hangs suspended from n tripod. The walls of the hiiuill aquarium ate as clear as cr.xstal. A closer inspection shows ', that the glebe I constructed from u Mm or varnish, ami 1 son exhibition te show the untci proof qualities of the wirnMi. A window that "turns inside out" forms another novelty that is eulte popular among patrons of the cxpesi- , ueu. me winnow is n snsli witliln a sash, and when the weary housewife i wNhes te clean the window nIic does net need te cllm outside en the s 11. lly lifting the outer each nnd pressing a button the inner sash does a lllp-tlep, ami tne outside comes inside. A re J versa) of the process puts the window back In its normal position. , I Among th( paint and varnish exhibits is a new style of shellac that etuins and 1 Mirnishes all in one operation. A laige dell house that gladdens the eyes of the kiddles is furnished te demonstrate the i iiiiustml qualities of the new product.) I One room U i-ulncd In mahogany, an- I ether In old oak, and ethers in various tpc of finish. I A house, about live feet high, is I covered with mineral stucco. Other I miniature buildings ere reefed with asbestos binsus. One mail-order con cen cern has itv block en eIiibitien, tin dozen or se houses all being of tla portable vnrletj. A feature of the many stove ehibit Is a miniatuic locomotive of a some what nut intuited style, mode un of I sfevenines. Anether con! ri wince iu nnl iippnnitiis ter ciiargmg tiatteiics, te lie used either en the "lllwer" or for the home radio set. An icre (ream sandwich m.iehine Is weiking steadily every afternoon. It I is leaded with crisp cukes and nenth slices off (luniks of ice cieam, which fall between the waiting cakes. The,' machine is designed for children' puitlea or chinch sjeciuls. "The World lias failed in linderslnml the lawH that govern thene communl cemmunl communl eatletis from the unseen. Even these of us whejjnve made n study of them de net as et fully interpret the mys tery. One thing Is manifest; these who desire te derive the greatest benefit from spiritualism mint put themselves In n receptive mood. They must as- Mime n s.wnpathetlc attitude if they expect te accomplish results nnd receive spiritualistic communications. World's Classical Seance "The classical seance of the wnrbl was the gathering of the Disciples in let the upper room ages tlie world has overlooked the para through all the mount feature of that gathering. contained in list three words : 4 f . k ,1 t br f 1" w.i h J J ' ' I I ' ' ' ' be unable te understand that mcdlumn, particularly clairvoyants, receive the truths they Impart in the way of sym sym lels. Hew Visions Interpret "Thus n clairvoyant inny catch a glimpse, in a misty way, of a ship at sen nbove the head of n visitor. It suggests that the visitor is a sailor, or lias been at sen, or is related te aorae seafaring person. "A moment Inter the flgure of a innn appears In aller garb. He bears n close resemblance te the sitter. A brother, perhaps, nnd the symbols are mus interpreted: 'ion nave n brother who is ii sailor, lie has been In n storm.' "At this moment there appears the vision of this same, sailor hurrying along the streets of Ii cltv. He mnv he In civilian clothes, It is of n man ap parently returning te Ids home. Se the message as interpreted rends: " 'Your sailor brother has escaped shipwreck. Hc'is en his wuy home. Ien may expect him te arrive any time new. He is In geed health and spirits.' "We snlrltiinllsts de net exneet me diums te impart with the utmost clear ness nnd luc tv messages from these en the ether side. The difficulties of -fci :r,i Tiw are immeasurably greater than any thing we can Imagine. We must make messages It Is Ther were 'of one accord.' "There was perfect hnrmenv among the Disciples. They had gathered te receive n sublime spiritual visitation. They were ready te receive the spir itual radiance, nnd they received it. Theyc "were 'of one accord.' "Investigators of societies for nsvchl- cai icsciiren iissun e tne nttitude of, due allowance, for distorted these who hear the knock nf tin nni. n...i k-..i... iNi, u nnd Immediately proceed te investigate! ' the knock. They neglect te inquire as Mistaken ConAptlens te who is at the deer. Because, nrter Thcrc Is one thing which I cam all, these various manifestations, foel-.estly desire should be set right before Mi, undignified, puerile, perhaps, us the American public, because It is net they may seem te be, are merely nt- ienly unjust, but it will create a wrong tempts te attract our attention. I impression about spiritualism," said "Anether weakness in the attitude of Sir Arthur gravely, psychical leseareliers is the assumption "The ether da a woman in Newark that all spiritual mediums are liars, or, killed her child and then nttcmntcd practice deliberate dccentlens. everv suicide In the belief that If denil rIic I clalrvejant Is n fraud. They seem te would be able from the world beyond te I aid ami assist tier husband te better ad vantage than if she bad remained at his side here in life. - "Thcre is no sect or religion in tile world that does net contain somewhere among its adherents these who nrc morbid, who nre suffering or who other wise have grown tired of life nnd who, ultimately, take the mistaken read te end their troubles. "The unfortunate woman in ques tion, if she were n spiritualist, failed te understand the doctrines and teach ings of our religion. "We stcfteut of this life into the life beyond carrying with us the at tributes, the wenknesscu, the will and the capacity for geed or evil that in fluenced tls in this life. Divine Provi dence has set the limits of our ex istence and for us te undertake te frus trate divine law is a grave and serious mistake. Suicides' Hereafter Unhappy "We will be compelled te explntc ever there the wrongs we have com mitted here. "The fate of n suicide going into the ether life will be a very unhappy one. Fer this reason it is manifestly unjust jvi -y ,sJ : ti lAfWJCJ y v n vii mi: inner ritit.. mi' wiuiiuilil'S un . i i - --- -- - ., - - - ,,-,,; communication between the two worlds!10 W n.?alnlit nnyel'Slen, or te held It icsjiuiiiuiu iui, iuc ucis ui un mis guided member of it faith. Misdirected religious fervor has, unfortunately, led te many snd and unforeseen crimes agnlnst self. It Is net right In this case te held spiritualism responsible for any such thing." I cited te Sir Arthur the fact that a distinguished professional gentleman of rhllailelphia, whose name I was net at liberty te mention, believed that ninny of the se-called cases of Insanity in our nsyiums were nothing mere than oeses. slens; -possession by evil spirits similar te these mentioned in the Illble, I explained that this gentleman held i t llMtlli It pessible: te restore these victim te ' formal mental condition 'by exercising the discarnate spirit and compelling it te relinquish lis held upon the body and lout of the unfertunate victim. I furthermore informed him thnt my friend was prepared te expend a con siderable sum of money te establish a clinic for the treatment of such cases. "I have given the subjec't. only the most casual thought." said Sir Arthur in reply. "I think it entirely reason able thnt such conditions exist. I have never had an opportunity te Investigate the question, but my daughter has written me about some very interesting experiments along that line thnt have been conducted in California with con siderable success. "She has n friend who Is a physi cian, whose wife is possessed of con siderable mcdiumlstic power. On a number of occasions he and his wife have vistcd a hospital for the insane In California where he has conducted experiments very like these you sug gest. Chases Spirit te Wife "His method Is te cast his wife into a state of coma, or trance. He, then places beside her in a chair n victim of whnt he believes te be possession, or seizure, by nn evil or mischievous spirit. He then directs his wife by the hypnotic power which lie holds ever her te get ln.te rapport with the victim by her side nnd by the newcr of suggestion compels the annoying spirit te. enter into his wife. Once this is accomplished he obtains control ever the malign spirit and forces it by bjs power te depart irem nis wiie, "My daughter writes me that the experiments have been successful in a number of cases, but I have no personal -.i'n JKt! '' -' VV- .?! ,t: II ii miiM iii' ' ' ' ',"'' "" kowled5?'t3he;?Pe,t,eB of' ,", "Wherever I go en my lectures I make It plain that I am a spiritualist," said Sir Arthur, "that'I de net present theories but recite facts that come from my own experience." "One of the criticisms directed against you, as I prcsume you have''hcard,'J I said, "Is that you go further In your positive assertions than any one else has done. That you accept as eviden tial matters that de net justify such n profound faith en your part." "Oh. ves. I've beard all that." was the reply with a geed-natured laugh. "Hut you see, I knew whut I knew. I've experienced tjils. It Isn't hearsay. When I receive n communication about n matter that Vnly one ether person knew of, and he is in the ether world, and it Is communicated te me, I have a right te believe that such n communi cation absolutely beyond -question is true. ' "I have a deep nnd sincere sympathy for the peer man, the humble citiscn, who is a spiritualist," said Hlr Arthur shifting the discussion, "the man who has caught some glimpse of the great light that shines for nil and who is still seeking greater light nnd greater truth, "He is often the subject of ridicule. I am seeking te help him, and it is for that reason thnt net n penny of income from my lectures Is devoted te my pri vate interests. Every cent nbevc nctunl' expenses is te be divided between the British and American spiritualistic or ganizations nnd utilized In the propa gation of our faith. "When I was in Australia en my last lecture tour there was n surplus of $3500 after expenses had been paid, and tbat was left there te be used by tne $V S?HE MKT tne ngat. ". w-m vtA; sir Armer teucned lneldmtli.!l the troubles that beset 'tlHSIfftS . He had reference particularly te'w! element- of fraud among certain .i. '$ of mediums. This he wntended .? te be expected, iiynecrltes are '? found In every religion nnd In t.JSl' walk of life. It sneuld net wffi2' against the facta and experiences WhuM' have been testified te by theuwOTl repmuuie men ana women. v7 RpccM Cable Dltpnhh. Cepurtcht mi. .., Londen, April ITV-Slr iS?fliurC0?,B Deyle's outspoken prediction miwu the United States, tSt ?wlthhjdfl!' years spiritualism will replace the ent-day religion, "has created a mSu tien among clergymen of many dennm!' nntlens in this country. The Itev n?'' ence Mny.in a lengthy answer 'te X noted British nuther, nays that m!v statements ns lie made nre tiethlnifc. .felly, and cencludes: "The ri.flitt which Is tn enmrnnnrl nllnln. ';'." Si? .ft"1!? &yM" W b8' iuiiu. umii ler irutu s sake nnwei be a religion free from sugnicienI" fraud and felly. Whatever thereMfi spiritualism may be in the future I t certain that up te the present ' tWA mny very largely be descried ns foelhV flippant and negligible, " .. ''What de they tell us of the fnh... life that is or nny use te any one? wlit henr of gates of liquid stone, vn.t ill Jf ture halls, spiritual cigars; and eS il whlskv nnd soda, te snv tintM .. 1 pamphlet which I received the ethVSi! in which a snlrlMnade n m,m2.W that he hn'd just returned from ;.!!.?Vi! his quarterly Vete. If this is ill JH 1 future life has In store for us we et''1 an wan until we nna out for ourselves?! s myww.,MV.: WMVV,WMMMM77nmzWMV,J s REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING EXPOSITION April 15th te 22nd. First Regiment Armery, Bread and Callowhill Streets- WMMM,VMMWM.W.,W jBtBgflaaii C -fcWI Valiant Einiuraie-nt- 1822 CHESTNUT STREET THE VALIANT Galleries show fine exam ples of important Antique Furniture, to gether with VALIANT Reproductions of surpassingly authentic character and precision of detail. Interesting Reproductions are being shown this week at Real Estate and Building Exposition. CURTAINS DRAPERIES DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR DECORATION VALIANT SERVICE IS CORDIAL- VALIANT PRICES ARE MODERATE' 1 '"" - - " g&ia&j&gsg tf PJ-vl Ll sW-sfTPV sHJii World in Shadow of Second Coming Firtt Quality CHAMOIS SKINS 12x16 inches . . 29c 15x20 inches. . 59c 20x26 inches. $1.00 Thousands from which te se lect. The best let we have ever received. W.T.Grant Ce. 920 Market St. Next te Potteffice Centlntird from r.ict Onu Jl of some of these who comprise its corps if cMiinluers and inve.-tiguters; ranks J them cr low en the Male of efficiency. Attitude Hostile jj "The defect in the s.Wem of psjchl p cal icscarch is that it gee e far and ( no further," said SIi Arthur. "It In -ji vpsflgates plijchlc problems up te a p certain point and then steps short. n Their nttitude U hostile from the be- p , ginning. Sri cenr the '555Srv.v vv " " t?-ww - fl Ct d They nre unwilling te uc evidences of their scne et lan.Mliing el-c that cannot be weighed,1 4 I nieusured. tested and e.Miuiined ucceid- t A ing te their self-tstnblMicd rule-." i Then the distinguished unielM ' H straightened up anil with u vigor of 'A expies-len that he did net dl-pl,i at ' n any ether moment of the interview. I h centinued: f "Thee nrc the people who mium- and 'A scoff at some of the gicatc-t intellects i jl and finest minds of the ccnturv, because a they refuse te be bound. and cenlined l j bv tluir narrow lule. Sm h men ns Sli William t'renkes. Sir lier Ledge and 0?5ST?SR ethers I might mention among the world's greatest scientists. As a rule I your psychic lesenrcher gees leund in i e drile. He begins at n point nne ' I winds up et th" same point. i 1 "Their methods are dicumscrlbcd land beyond certain limits thej decline ' te go." I asked Sir Arthur hew he came, originally, te be Interest! d In spirit- I iialism. i 1 "It was shortly after I began the practice of medicine," he icplled. "I had a patient who heard lappings and who informed me that he hail le- ' I reived messages by that means. Vat-,. uralh, as ihystdans uually ile. I hu See Our Exhibit at the Real Estate and Building Exposition SMALLER GAS BILLS - SKi: OUt NKW r.NAMF.I.KIl TO!. I'ltllllP ,i.MN!T l)ls('().(iKIN(i. (iRKAsK, hist, ai.ww- riiK. smi:. hh.iii.v I'ei.isnr.n ami nsisiiKn. We Carry Quality and Acorn Gas Ranges W. H. Pearce & Ce. 52 Seuth 2nd Street Phene Lembard 4145 " .S"ik( for Circular " filfclttllllM The unequnled satisfaction and economy of CALORIC heating is proven beyond question by the thousands of CALORICS new giving service in Philadelphia and vicinity. Beware of imitations. The gcnuineCALORIC is identifted by the name en the register and en the feed deer. MAHLON H. RICKERT & SONS CALORIC FURNACE AGENCY (Authorized Caloric Distributors) 1531 Locust Street PHONE SPRUCE 1328 Visit Our Beeth, 127, at Real Estate and Building Exposition See these permanent Asbestos Hemes at the 'Reab'&state Shew- ! 1 SLOAN'S RELIEVES NEURALGIC ACHES ! i?PR tertY ytin Slean's Liniment 'J has been the quickest relief for neuralgia, sciatica and rheuma lnttn, tired muscles and lame backs. Ask your neighbor. Yeu just knew from Its stimulatinR aalthv rvtnr Kir(- iy n-ill ,1 ..,. .ji m Keep Slean's handy and apply i meriMl nn I" tie t In w at I ieS1Illec, frtelv at the frst twintrr ftw,i, ah his liallucinatiens lhe pcMcnee SaiJruAA.-L S dtPmelraUs of the phenomena led me te b g n an iTI0 sudden sprains and strains wuta unfit you for work or play are Mm eased when Slean's is used. The sensation of comfort and wtrmth surety and readily fellow its IMS. Slean's masters pain. Yeu 11 find Slean's Liniment clean Ii J m 3r, wmm rv- ','ccrt( Bl UiL liMinli; iUUDHOTWATEP STORAGE OR INSTANTANEOUS Y V-'- A modern hoi water service for the modern home. Het water is always ready for you at the turn of the faucet. Convenient Permanent Economical SOLI) IIV THE OAS CO.. YOf It I'l.UMIIKK Oil Attl,e.hou,tenieht BARTLETT&C0. and all next u,eeh 108 ABKEt ST. J Visit Our Booths SEE THE NEW CRAWFORD GAS RANGE WITH ADJUSTABLE BROILER NEW AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS in t:tctrlcal Tixturcs and Lamps Pennant Ceal Tank Heaters (.us Water Ilruters and Heller Special Prices Fer the Shew ij ii d3 HeS l If I roLes out ill Heating Boilers Radiators Pipeless Heaters ADELPHIA SALES CO. 23 N. 10th St. 2d Fleer Plumbing, Heating, Electrical Material Ilfll I'll ene: Walnut 2201 PLACE YOUR NAME ON PRIZE LIST. "IT (w NIGHTLY PRIZES "Ohe Maner" They net Tftily give you protection against fire, but they save painting, repair, insurance and coal. Eleven different styles, all reasonably priced. Net ready-cut houses,, but substantial homes, materials for which are shipped com plete, except for foundations. Many at Willow Greve, Elkins Park, Glenside, Brookline, etc. Call at Beeth Ne. 74 and let our representative show you plans. Asbestos Buildings Company 2013 Market Street, Philadelphia, Penna. 1900-ELECTRIC JRQNERS rs ii hi m j Emery 4 Super!) Vacuum Cleaner In that nerusiun-staimnc. At all druggists 35c, 70c, 51.40. Slea Liniment OFFICE SPACE FOR kTwT Mh& -Lr"! Bp? A tn 11 ''I'm m l mm lfS (pairiS Th terrur of tkla Itch vrlllquleklybilitTdby ppllnjt twfer ratirinc, Dr.IIolMen'tEcMroaOlnt. RMnt. One of Dr.Hobaen'S aimiy imcmuici. r '.Hobsenls EczemaOintmenti RENT 608-612 Chestnut Street 570 Square Feet eta fleer Frent Roem Apply Mr. Dallas Street A-j&'e luvpitlcntlen of tliem I 11 time I Iitul been a nuitprlulUt. tCdniiind C'IIiicIimI 1 1 Iui "I rend a nuiiibi't' of nrki en the hiibjcct. hut wih particularly luiprebcil by IiidRP KdniundV book. Hi- w:ih an Aincilraii. en rcciill, and his ctmlglit ctmlglit ferard, dlrect, KtutcnuMit of fai't con cen rcnilUK his coiniminicatleiii with Ills wife, who was In the ether wen Id, were co (eiivlliewiB that the left no doubt ' In inv mind that thcie win. imetlilns in the clelniH of spiritualists. Nnnvtlilni; I weith looking into. "This led me te further Investiga tion, until I received icvelatiens my. r-vt that left no doubt whatevei' of tlie truths of hjilrltunllMii. ' "If but one niesmcc or communica tion fiem the world bevend has come through, then everj t lug has been proved," (-aid Sir Aithur. "Thousand of vlrdleal stateineiit.s. unci authen tic mesmges, ever one bearing the evi dence of truth, have ceii.e thieugh, until new theie is no question whatever of the fact that there Is a line of communi cation between the M-en and the un seen; that It Is possible te receive lues- ages from these who have gene befeie. "One convincing fact te these who linve followed the developments of spirit Intercourse is that It Is becoming mere rctincd. The gross demoiihtiatleiis of loud rappings and uncouth manifesta tions are becoming decidedly rare. "They were, in the beginning and nt best, merely puerile, and primitive methods of communication. It was a rimiilnL- nt the deer an attempt te attract attention te thepe who were be- I yond. We have opened the deer ami new knew who is beyond. M'tliedM Itcllned "Instead of gross rappings, auto, niatle writing, trnnce-tulltlng and ether mere rellned met heds of commun ication are taking their place. "The. entire method of nplilt com munication bus risen t n higher lever In recent years. It Is for thnt reason that I am of the opinion that the bum of our experiences with tbe spirit world will, la the Immediate future culminate 5SSS Enter the LIMERICK CONTEST At Beeth 140 Charles R.Har risenfi C e. STATIONERS PRINTERS 1309 Sansom Strept "Just u round the miner jram your ejjlcc" l ngsy sg' in m wrwv,-i-w um & s ( ir VISIT OUR EXHIBIT ODERN OVING .ETHODS Knntli 30 t the Shew 20TH CENTl'RY STOR AGE WAREHOUSE CO. Oppetlte Wen PhlU. Station' M! I BOOTH 119 'If il hai a wrimtr it nn' a Lauii-DryElli" yDRYiraii electric wanning macnine rtirirr-njiiTir-i-iu.! nuvi ll'Ml'l The Laun- Dry-Ette does the moil wash' infj FOR you with the least work BY you SUPERB VACUUM SIEMERS -ssi Philadelphia Made and Philadelphia Guaranteed "19G0" Cataract Washe With its exclusive double oscillation. "1900" Electric Irener that can't Only cercli. one Ask! Chas.Wimery&Sens 1304 Diamond St., Phila. Ml It PEOPLES BANK is pleased te announce a very interesting exhibit of rare old coins and bank notes dating from Revolu tionary dates at its exhibit at the Real Estate and Building Exposition FIRST REGIMENT ARMORY APRIL 15 te 22 BOOTH Ne. 8 Walnut St. at Ninth Seventh and Wolf Sts. Girard Ave. at Seventh 410 Seuth St. J. F. Buchanan & Ce. 1715 Chestnut St. 1 rj? I rrrrri I ii,i r ': KwrfSXSs&iiSSS" I E h: r "x. uij?- i ' CkVv iE v. v " SvN I y i: I J J METAL LATH Stoos Flre Prevents Cracks L PEARCE FIREPROOF CO 1340 Alltli"! L . Bwlh 30-31 t th Kl gtiU Shew Build Your Own! ; Bungalows $300.00 and up Garages $75.00 and up See BARTLETT AT THE SHOW imni.mnnmiimiimmxu f sism",1 j t! Ill MM "tTTS... 3 Leuis F. Eisele & Sen jrANurACTum:ns ok Patented Shower Stall Deers Special Crates Metal Medicine Cabinets Rolling Fireplace Screens Rolling Fireplace Blowers, Special Dampers Special Backs and Jambs Mioureom itnd bliup, Hi mill (ilenwnuil Aie PHILADELPHIA, PA. Brew Frames for Fireplaces Iren Frames ler Fireplaces Mirror Frames and Fireplace Fitting Complete LgJs-! 8 Bsmsy ms Usial 1 There i& no .siKn of "hard times" in our shops. We are always busy. Ce-operate ! te bring about normal conditions. Visit our Beeth at the Exposition. Lloyd A0 Petteift'eir TJ,...H..1.... r. """" i-ainunp; ler Particular People Make a Special tu of Fine interior Werk 1829 Filbert St. Philadelphia s ' 1 . - - " r . . --ii i i A Pleasure te Demonstrate At Beeth Ne. 20 Abse Clean Vacuum Percolating Electric Washer ABSO CLEAN SALES CO. S13S Market St "Glenwood Gas Ranged I Umm M i D VMI Our I I Itoellin 1 nm, et una a 1 llOtffr tnnilA "nil iiu.re pta pta lienilctil n "inaumptlen of fuel. Siwclal J'rlccs te ult "II nil kzh lU BUlt Pery nc-ed, reme "," "ur mm w or enJ IllP O ran ,m Henry M. Miller 48-48:50 N. 3d. St, Take Every Afternoon Utt! jSUkm -Automatic l Use an tCOTlX Automatic Cooking Machine and spend your time as you wish Cooks Entire Dinner While Yeu Are Out Cooks Each Article Correctly The Same Every Time Saves 48 of Your Gas Bill Saves Time and Feed GEO.M.MILLSPAUGH, 1342 Arch SU Phladelphla .. rt It A - "i-i 1 . BW'UT.vli' B&ik -X 'J!A , ' l.rii . j . V siMrs.!fs J5fi,isffta.