Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 17, 1922, Night Extra, Image 5

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    M9?re?r iWFfjwhMWiiliKW&WiWJ
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Multicolored Easter Precession
't Flews Along the Great
, , ( Weeden Way
' tin a Staff Correspondent
"Atlantic City, April 17. Every color
fmm the white of the Illy te the red
.T ircen of the Christmas holly
Moemwl forth In the nrrny of milady's
Uppnrel In the Enstcr parade here yes-
I. One wliftc-clenkpdnnd whUe-cnpped
LtiAt promenaded the Uenrdwnlk. Heme
.tutancc behind her followed two "fnlr
en,!!" one In brllllnnt red dress nnd
Mny red lint, nnd her companion, n
glUWnlnB vision of green.
Between them nnd beyond them,
meti the nunrtcr of rf million folk en
,he Boardwalk, the sport clothes whleh
nrrfemlnntcd were In the. hues of the
Lwemlng peach trees, of the blushing
flelet and the yellow daffodil.
The crowd traversed the length of the
jjeirdwalk from early morning until
lit evening.
While the bnthlng season will net be
officially opened for unetlicr month,
twenty sun-baked veterans of n dozen
umrecrs volunteered their services te
Safety Director Cuthbert en Saturday
nliht irnd yesterday pulled their bents
eutsl'lc the line of brcnltcrs te snfp.
ward the hundreds of bathers who tool;
The "flappers" who skirted in and!
out among the throng en tlic Uenrdwnlk
nlared the unusual, of course. This
time they did net den emethinK ad
ditional, they doffed nemcthlnjc. Whnt
they took off wns their hats- With their
bobbed locks flopping it the breezes,
arm in nrm, in group thej passed
crowds with sprightly gait.
One group of sub-debs was par-
iSSvlrefihem,, ;.l'f
.. .iirrriiv i-uiern 01 nair, an the
winie height, wero full-flowing capes
of large, dark plnii materials.
liven flu' weather pesslmlstM could
net resist tliu glorious weather, nnd
joined the promenade in guy spirits.
There wejn numerous fur coats and
much darlf appnrel. all of which made
nn effective .setting for the vivid
touches of, the outburst of the spring
rejuvenation of the bright coloring of
the out-of-doers.
Among the notables of the shore vlsl vlsl
ters were Mr. and Mrs. llnrclnv II.
Warburton, Miss Mary Itrewn War War
burten, (J. E. Warburton, ltedmnn
Wanainnkcr, Mr. and Mrs. A. II.
Wetherlll. Mls Estlier Walsh, C. II.
Vnndcrbcck, Mr. and Mrs. Jules Mnst
baum and family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Her
bcrt Allman, Colonel Samuel Lit, Ocerge
Costelle, Jumes C'urstnlrs nnd Mr. and
Mrs. Hnmttcl l'. Hetnn. nil of I'hlln
dclphla. nnd the following New York Yerk
ers: Mrs. Cornelius Vnnderbllt, A. F.
inwrence, imreness no uartier tie
Mnrchicnnc nnd Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Neighbor Sought for Deuble Shoot Sheet
ing at Curtlsvllle, Pa.
Pittsburgh, April 17. (By A. I'.)
The lifeless body of Michael Carbesky
was found en n hillside nenr his home
in Curtlsvllle, a mining village, late
last night. Nearby was another man,
unconscious, with a bullet wound in
his side.
Police expressed the belief the shoot sheet
ing wus the outcome of n feud and had
nothing te de with the coal strike. They
arc searching for n neighbor whom they
suspect of doing the sheeting.
Penn Student's Machine Strikes
Children Near New Castle
New Castle. Pa.. April 17 (Iy A. P.)
Little Mary McCarthy, live years old,
died In a hospital here early today as
the second victim of nn automobile' ac
cident Inte yesterday, when nn auto
mobile driven by Lauren Thayer, son
of n prominent local nrchltcct, struck
&' Wiirlinew &W'iaVlrV.
Klcaner Hague, four years old, died nn
hour nfter being struck.
Thayer nllcged that the two llt'tle
girls stepped .directly in front of his
machine nnd that he wns unnble te
avoid hitting them. Thnycr is u student
nt the university of Pennsylvania.
State Department' Takes Charge of
Private Institution
Pittsburgh, April 17. (ly A. P.)
Notices posted en the Pittsburgh Com
mercial Hank announced thnt lt nffntrs
had been taken in hand by the Stale
Hanking Department, and it would net
open for business today. The bank is n
private Institution, with sinled assets
of .$1"0,000 nnd liabilities of $110,000.
Persistent withdrawals of deposits
upon circulation of rumors affecting the
seivcnry 01 mu uhhk were given as the
Jut whnt you want te knew about th
radlo-ttlephenr. Stuart Hallntlnp, former
naval mu mm i-unsumnv rauie QWUnter.
It writing i series of articles te be miblliftrii
dally In the Pcbme I.kiujeb. te knew what
the radlopheno la, where It came from and
hew It work, read the merntnit I'chliu
LKDacn every day. "Make It u Habit."
i - " " l"-"- -- ifi, r ii. i " ""
jKJlm:J-scmn!-ltelrm-- i I "" l'ggg3 I1 ' WIS II
Octagonal Bracelet Watch
This new design has just been added te our stock.
It is made of 18-lct. white geld and fitted with a
1 5-jcwclcd movement $35.
Wc arc proud of our assortment of inexpensive
bracelet watches. All are guaranteed as te time
keeping. S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut st.
,l-v J.' "''
S I ,""
'r" -iruf'M'if, $?Kl
Women who purchase their wearing apparel at The Blum Stere are
noticed for their smart appearance. The announcement below is well
worth your consideration.
npO THE eye of the expert no
diamond will compare with the
Polished Girdle Diamond, exclusive
with the house of Bailey, Banks &
Biddle Ce. But it does net take an
expert alone te recognize the su
perior brilliancy and beauty of this
Diamond when placed beside any
ether. And se, the girl who re
ceives an Engagement Ring which
contains this marvelous jewel will
appreciate its greater value and
feel a glow of pride when she shows
it te her friends. Such an Engage
ment Ring should, of course, be sup
plemented by a Circle of Diamonds,
and these which are designed and ex
ecuted by Bailey's own artists nnd
craftsmen are exquisite beyond words.
fOU will be pleased te learn that
The Blum Stere announces that
the great volume, of their Easter
business has left tltem numerous
small groups of high-grade mer
chandise which they intend te dis
pose of at very liberal price reduc
tions. Beginning this morning,
they offer these various groups at
savings se substantial that you
may be sure the late season will
bring no greater opportunities.
The modes and materials offered
are the favorites of leading
ceurturiers and of smart women.
In eery respect they exemplify the
Blum Stere Standard et Quality nnd
Workmanship. Special values are
offered In every department of the stere
and will continue throughout the weelc.
"I MUST have my blankets washed before I put them away and they
will never be se lovely and soft again," the little bride et last autumn
complained te me. "Why don't you send them te Bargs', Cleaners and
Dyers, 1113 Chestnut Street, and have them cleaned?" I suggested. "They
will be just as white and fliiffy as new when you get them back." And
while wc were en the subject, I UM her about the wonderful way that
Bargs' clean rugs, hew they get out every little bit of grit and dirt, as
well as the many advantages of sending quilts, draperies,, curtains, etc.,
te be cleaned by experts such as Barg Brethers.
Wu Specialty tStep f Origination
Women's Crystal Beaded
Crepe Elizabeth Frecks
? ZQ ZCl
j v j
Heavy White Crepe Beaded in
Rouge, Old Blue, Black
DISTINCTIVE Frecks, interpretative
of the Athenic Silhouette, expressive
of youthful charm in their slender lines and
in their elaborately beaded decorative
motifs, beautifully contrasted with the
white background.
Women s Suits of
Imported Tweeds
Twe and Three Piece Interpretations '
25.00 te 75.00
Melrosa, Hewitt, rvclly, Denlwoed, Glen Legan Iweeds and
ether domestic and imported tweeds fashion ihese snappy sports
modes in two-piece box or belted models; in three-piece Ceat
or Cape arid Drccs modes. All smart coleiings.
' in '' I I
Apparel "of the Better Kind
Interestingly Priced
The aftermath of an unusually busy Easter business. We have gene through the
entire "Harris" stock.
Sports Apparel Tailored Suits
Coats Capes Wraps
Wherever lines were broken, prices have been reduced.
Te these we have added special lets,
Which Present Opportunity for
Real Saving
Sports Apparel, 20.00 te 49.50
Suits, two- and three-piece, 39.50 te 125.00
Gowns, for every occasion, 20.00 te 99.50
Wraps, Capes, Coats, 29.50 te 125.00
'We Specialize, in Apparel That Slenderizes the Larger Weman
I i
Weel Veleur,
One of Hip
I'Miip Wrai",
Keulnril ieid
repi fiMirffGtte,
tern i.-ii
kiK Since 1010 the L.B. Sales ree- -l-fr'py.- -""f:. jZfr-T;- ?
I J erd has been an important Z.-1
IJL factor in increasing iales for )
JhHMF Valentine and Company, N.Y., T z
manufacturers of Valspar ;-----
varnish. Every sales manager, Z Z Z Z I
needs the help that an L.B. ZZZZTZZZITZZZZI
Sales recerd con give him. ZJZ '. : Z
The Six Big Divisions
of Library Bureau
Library Bureau has
for 46 years satisfied
the filing and record
needs of manufactur
ers, banks, insurance
companies, retailers,
and practically every
ether kind of business
and profession large
and small.
I. Special Service
Ankljil Seivlca
' Indexing Eerrice
BUtUtlcal Sirvice
2.- Specialited
Bank Department
Government Department
Insurance Department
Library Department
3. Filing Systems 0
L.B. Automatic Index
4. Card Recerd Systems
L.B. Sales Recerd
L.B. Stock Recerd
L.B. Card Ledger
L.B. Vlilble Recerd File
5. Cabinets Weed and
Card Index cabinets
Counter-bight unite
Horizontal units ,
L.B. Card record dejke
Vertical unlta
L.B. Recerd Sets
6. Supplies
Over 1,000 itjlei of plain
Index and stock forma
L.B. Reinforced folders
Plain and lab folders
Plain, printed and cellu
' lelded
Removable label guldei
Metal lip guides
Up went the sales curve
with L.B.'s help
ACCORDING te the sales manager of Valentine &
Ce., New Yerk, one of his staunchest aids in
the phenomenal increase of Valspar sales, has
been the L.B. Sales record.
Right outside his office are four L.B. Card
record desks, housing Valspar's sales records
for the last ii years, posted en thousands of
L.B. tards.
These records help the Sales Manager place
his salesmen te best advantage, help him plan
his sales campaigns with an accurate picture of his
markets and his customers constantly before him.
Library Bureau can show you hew te make
filed facts work for you, by helping te increase
sales and decrease expenses.
If every important item of sales data is net at
your fingertips if your files are undermanned,
cramped for space or unable te produce a given
letter instantly if your credit and collection
departments are net building business and good
will for you Library Bureau can help you.
Phene for a representative te call.
Library Bureau
Founded 1876
Plans H Makes f-) Installs
1 Card and filini systems" Cabinets Supplies I
910 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
Telephone, Hell 3304 anil Main 7301
Capes and Coats at $100
Many Werth Deuble and Mere
In fact, the least saving is one-third. This is a sample line of Capes and the new
Blouse Coats, including duplicates of the choicest models in our regular stocks. All of
the soft, fine velvet-like materials, hardly any weight at all, and in the beautiful shades
which are te be had only in the finest materials. Many are elaborately embroidered in
self-tone, and all are lined with handsome silks and satins.
High-Grade Capes at $35.00
The remainders of several special purchases, including a let of fine Twill Capes, all silk
lined throughout. One model, of fine wool vcleur, shown in the sketch.
-t Straw Lnden & Clothier Second l'loer. Centr
Continuing the Sale of Fine Foulard
Frecks, $23.75 and $25.00
Delightfully cool-looking, summery affairs of foulards in brown-and-white, navy
blue-and-white, black-and-white and navy blue-and-tan, with evei'-draperies and sleeves .
of plain crepe Georgette; some almost completely veiled with the Georgette. One
smart model entirely of foulard has plaited panels smartly bound with grosgrain
l'ibben. One model, at $25.00, comes in extra sizes, 421. te 50. Altogether it is the
finest and most satisfactory under-price let we have ever had se early in the season.
Fine Canten Crepe Afternoon Dresses, $Jt5.00 te $50.00
Beautiful Showing of Neiv Cotten Frecks, $8.75 te $15
Strawbrlilse i. Clothier Second l'loer. Market Street
Homespun Suits at $18.75
The remainder of a fortunate purchase of the smart, plain-tailored Homespun'
Suits in one of the best styles of the season, jackets well-lined with peau de cygne",
and every detail of finish perfect. Blue, tan and heliotrope. The best Suit value this
snriner nnrl tint, ltknlv in he flunliVntfifl SlR.Tri '
Tricetine and Twill-cord The High-Grade Tweed
Suits, $32.50 te $45.00 Suits, $27.50 te $47.50
Straight-line belted models and semi-fitting Herringbone effects, cassavant twills, Dent and
models unbelted; some plaited, some with tailored Skibo tweeds. Tans, blue, gray, heliotrope and
folds, some in the smart slashed-seam styles, i russet. In all the new belted and unbelted styles.
Black and navy blue. f strawbrldee & Clothier Herond Fleer. Centre
Dr. Adelf
Endorses Neme
This great surgeon recog
nizes the great benefit re
ceived by women who wear
Neme Corsets. Never losing
sight of the Corset as a style
feature, the manufacturers of
Neme Corsets have gene far
beyond that and have designed
every model from the stand
point of health.
Every Neme Corset contains
some exclusive patented hy
gienic feature that means
health as well as an improved
figure for the wearer. Thou
sands of women already recog
nize that Neme Corsets give,
them a poise and sense of
physical well-being such as
Nemes alone can give.'
A Complete Line of
Neme Corsets Here and
Specialists te Fit Yeu
Str.iw bridge i Clethier - Th nl l'loer
M.irltet strict. Wei-t
A Whole Carload
of New Grass Rugs
Joins the Sale
Anether carload of these Japanese double-warp Grass Hugs,
has just arrived. We shall have these newly arrived Rugs ready
te-morrow and, then-fore-, can premise assortments as attractive
in variety of patterns and number of sizes as they were this morn
ing. Many sizes, many patterns, many prices and every price a
low one. rer instance:
Grass Hugs, 27x.vl inches 7. ic
Grass Ruys, :H.72 inches $1J,5
Grass iJffy.s, 6x9 feet $3.00
Grass Ruys, SxlO feet $3.9.1
Grass Rugs, 9x12 feet $4.60
Grass Rugs, 1.6x7.6 feet $2.00
' - .Mmul.iidue A Clothier l'loer 4i,. IMbrt Street
III addition te the Imported Grass Rugs are hundreds of
ethers. Oriental Rugs, AxnuiKters, Carpets, Lineleums all spe
cially priced for this great Semi-Annual Sale.
I Mm'rlJe & CleiliUr -1'eurth l'loer, Wet
Available Te-morrow Several Hundred
Men's Suits Reduced
A frvniimnrr n-f litinc vnti!ninrl irtrri0rt In ..i.. -i ; a..i . .
the remarkable selling activity of the past few weeks and a substantial reduction'
w.n xv.i.ii.1 I'uvra iu iiiauiu MiiMiuuuuu tic-uutucu. npnng aims and Uaiilornia Uaiilernia
weight Suits are included. Five price-groups
New $18.00, $23.00, $28.00, $36.50 and $44.00
Stein-Blech Suits, Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits, Alce Suits, Wickham Suits
and Suits of ether dependable makes are included in these lets all at much less than
former prices.
Reductions Range from One-fourth te One-half
And there are all sizes and all proportions in the collection. Net in any one style or
at every price-however. strbe c...i.iw-H,c0na wr, K..t
. .i
ft 'tfTCLPJ
1 Sleitm
v 1
v u v;i;tikixs
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,A. Ml ite A--ifel&
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