KK.JW tfA tv VnK H-i 1 . it ti i i .vr- .!' BLftjii'fri ifyXe- CZmSTj "KatT umps Mannfurlnrrd ly rrnr te., nv 7. zn t. L ' .Ifnrifrt ntsi ; "i ',&&&tilRTS TO ORnPR " ,.1 ,-"":" - - " wma'fca' i;VCC Sflio-fer Stoat, or Thin Men P'mit.'Baclu.lve pnttrrna of silk sml linnaf 1 lltiimrf.il V"SMraii nr hnyp ynur own itinterlnl. nin.la uhSStreitfeld Custom Shirt Ce. Is nin.la up Vt?IVN. 13th St. Lecu.t 55-23 TALK WtTM . FALSE TEETH? SURE! Dr. Wernet's Powder KEEPS THEM TIGHT Ifctllevea sere gums, sweetens the breath. A white powder. At DMt DrllaT or rWnarfmpnt Slnpu 30a, 60c., $1,00 or write direct te ' MMtD..i.1H(. r. ie.i c. it ....., llKMUUfl.ln. I. There Is Ne Reason te be Pai licky ,A pnnicky state of mind clouds judgment destroys clear thinking leads te panicky buying. The coal .situation is serious, but net alarming. w fciiw juieuc nielli- uviuiu Ulll customers need have then bins filled for the winter. . Se for the greatest geed of the greatest number, buy CALMLY the coal you need for the present this will permit the coal en hand te be widely distributed, se that none need suffer inconvenience. & nwrican COAL ICE COMPANY Unsightly skin trouble en face fresh yeast rids you of them ' Itts well knows thmt blemishes and blackhead! (acne) and boils are aften caused by errors' of diet. 1 Fleischmann's Yeast is new be 'rng recemmntf,-ed for these embar rasaing and f ainful akin troubles because frasn yeast corrects the errors of diet which cause them. The surgeon of one important New Yerk hospital states: "I have used yeast extensively and found It invaluable in curing boils." When 17 cases of skin blemishes were treated with Fleischmann's Yaaatathespitalsin NewYerkand Philadelphia the results were re markable. A typical case was a young man who had suffered from Ida disorders for three years. He ate three cakes of Fleischmann's Yeast daily. In five weeks the erup tion had cleared completely. If yea are troubled with eruptlers or boils, begin at once te correct tbetnby eating2er 3 cakes of Fleisch mann's fresh yeast daily before or between meals. Be sure it's Fleisch mann's Yeast -the familiar tin foil package with the yellow labeL Place a standing order with your grocer for Fleirchmann's Yeatt. J T i 4000 Square Feet Storage Space REASONABLE RENT 612-614 Chestnut Street Freight Elevator Immediate Occupancy Apply Mr. Dallas 606 Chestnut Street I I I t !i NBACH MIT.T.K1I rLEICIM v. nm e. AnW JdU ,mmm Ttinrn w minii.rli ..i.il i,. .,., '...., lmll- ".'.;'. " .1, kis nmiiews null rerier mm mil no-' iei- ihmiik.ii h... i- .. ..., ... 4J?1 .., x X ll t0 K '0""'J'snint L)r lldwin Siiser. ..I ReadniR. ,,.n,i the M-xten at work In a corner. . count r.x ." . . . "' '"- ih.-bi:iii. iic.i.iuK i-i-eiiii, uiui ! ue wa niie-icu uj i uinfineii -fi,,. ,,,1,1,,.,. ,, ttikcn the heavv can- ' A lepreseiuatues 01 one-nan ine unless the unexpected should ha)- Kielier aftci a cha-e en liimiien aMmue. ,1,.1,,1,,-ni,, from the ultur nml n" turn- pepiilatli n" the speaker said, the we- pen things will he adjusted "nearer Semes of iniunu- wen- win nod abmit u , jt,IU, ,l(, ,.,r(., W,P HanN. a "fii f Ameiicn must accept their n iki. .,,,...-..'., ,l..c,..,' i.c ..,.!.,., i.w. (a-1 I'lilef (iiavcner assh'tieil n .....t.i...i 1.1... , n i.. .limn ,e' iKsumisltillitv fee the n.lltl- ! v . I M , I & ''' ' BsVaaVBBBBBBaBjBfBfjBfjBsaBBBajaiBaMB giaJ amJWssT.fc jg if . illllaaKl sM-BiaBBSSBasSBBsSBSBWj L. VICHY s I llKatnralAlkalineB I ' I Water 1 1 , ' I Unexcelled for A9kl Tabid Use MUkmV Known and pre- SS5S " scribed by the Sft& M lkfedical Profession SS v for many years as $r5. 'A " mJpeBtag great MTAiIml Properties gLjgj tP J-Vtuvi'ST - - .F ' CAMDEN ACCIDENTS ARE FATAL TO TWO Delair, N. J., Bey Is Killed by Train and Companion Is Badly Injured MAN IS KILLED BY TROLLEY I A liny inn) n tniiti wete killed bv n trnln rinil n trolley car near Camden last night. Themas Mevn, seventeen years obi, J mid T.uiilt Te:', liftccn, both of Dclnir. i V. .1.. were walking lone tlip tracks , of the Pcuvsylvnnin Railroad near i , Fshoue Stnllen. when tli were struck bj a trnln fiem Trenten. Hetli Iieh were tnken In tin- Cooper llos lles pltnl, where Itevn died of his in.lurir- this morning. Edward Citniming. iweniy-flvc ,wnr "M' ,,n ?"'' "'"",' M' m7!"" i" "-"ruck liv ii trelci nil- en ( ive i e.ul. Meich.nitiille. at o'clock tliis uinmlng. lie died lipfefp Up I'elild lie taken le tin1 hospital. Lecal moterM en their waj te the -eii.liere eterday were wnrtied by l iiinib'ii molercjcle pellceincn l" click, I lie. i .fieed. I'tcd Mnnlah. nl 1!M'- t'.pie ti-eet. tin- i't. was aiiesled by Police- man I'ieil. who .ald the dl-her was ....... r i,.. .. i..ii. ii.uvn lliniilnii ! tm "" h . . ' i ,. ,,, , ,,..,. sluuilddeil nmn, mete than six feet tall, avail themselves "of till sucred duly mem... m t amden tHi a DM ciiait enter the chinch this meriiiiu: and walk ' of citizenship." I. Miian fate. f -t'-tl' " ,,vt 'ehiKh traicbt tewanl the altar. When Per- I "Is tt an wonder." she nked. avenue, thi- n. we- air"teil In 1 e- ter eutcied the chancel and went up the . "lluit w face the dlNheaiteniiiB scc licciiian Krdier P.eib iuled SL.i for- i ,,, Hauls darted utter bltii. Kittle ' tacle of political cowards rrlneliiR tvW" for a l-eai'-ia ieihi. ... 'i'H "" " ' . , , !l" ,llr luembcr- r the moterccii -ipmu speeding . I... .r ,iii.iilm tv iu nlvn liwli'ee ..l 1...1 , n.... 1 1 .. . tnt.! li:....1 f...... 1 tin. iiiikla ..r ..tir " i head and face. Ilanls went down, but All leieids let naiel our the I Vim - as lie fell grabbed Perter's leg and ilianla anil Heading I'eniis fi mil this tliiciv him heaul.i. The two weie roll tit) te Caiuileii are expected te be shat- lug about tile chance! and Harris get ter'ed In the gieat Easter iuh te ew- ting the worst of the light, lie called .Icrsei's scis,eii. resorts. Yesterday loudly for help, morning the penn-jlvuniii ferries eper- ' ated all its benis en tiie-u.iiuile sHie.l- I rotes .latin rei ifeiu nles le innvcy uiachlne- treni tln city lather Mitiiilii' heatd the sextons ia i, ,,,.!.,,, i.iisi iimlii the lush home- . shouts ueni his smdj mid hurried down waul started when the two feiries ngnin i eiieiaied ilieir eiillre fleets of leirjbeats ,', lairv machines from Camden te this ' .It.i. .. ( Camden tin-men were calbd out at 'J o'clock lesterdav meininic te light what , ivastirsVb.d.eiedtol-aserle,esii,,:nt the steie el .Minnie -"". ""'". " ' liiei.t. riiinden. Iwo kereene tank outside tin- store caught tire and the tlami's Ihreateuid the stele, but geed work 011 the pail of the liieiiieu pre lentei! a spiead of the flame With a bullet in hN tight leg. Jehn Keating, of ."71 Linden street. Camden, limped t" Cooper Hospital early es terdai nieruing, The surgeons extract ed the bullet. Renting said he was engaged in a "gang" light, during which shots wen- tiled. He Mild h" did net Knew wlie shot him. 1 Miss Theresa W11KI1. a iin-uibei of the Cnmdfli n-al e-tate III 111 of Causel & Walsh, was mnii-led tedaj In St. Mary's Catholic Chinch. Gloucester, te Edward A. Canlev. Eighth street and King's highwai. Iladden Heights The brb esroetn s,.1Vei en a siinuiarint' chaser during lhi in. mi i- a'hev will ' .,.'.. ,.,,l..- reside at I'.IU I! ihantville. N. .1. " 111. i-d I'M u-es and iinpa--lc m-il nb as for h-iileiuy bj Sunday speedeis left Receider Slackhe se. of Ciimden. 1111- lueii'il. and he imp d tines ,,v -i ini li.ntni-ist" bi-iMUlit In-line lulu ledll.i Sl of the drivers wen- charged with speed ing, the seventh uirh passing 11 tnillei ill' while 11 stepped 111 .1 1 01 ner. l'eili wen- Philiiilclphlaus Cm Priisecutnr Suuer -is.ei the 1-0111 1 in 11.se ll pewt'i i" ihe fullest I'MCIIt te -li'P 'I"' ini-U-aslllg sliced I'lenili e These who were lined 111" Peter Snlllie. PJlL' I hompseii slleel. Wijl Reepen Fail Head Discussion ( . Iill'iui'.l triini I'liar iliii ei uttie head" nlld s.iiil le Ijllil .illl'll- ,-l si'ierill wiled si-l mi iiieiilltliii'll iilb!lc meetings Alllll It. .lohll-eli. ll liieinli, i ( the fan Execuliie C.iiumlllee, w.s nsl.ed ... i emiiii'iit en the l-siic iippiuentli niiseil h.i Chali man .Mml.U n !!. -.t i 1 1 lie preferied c.iluineiil le i enie tinui tile M.i.i in- because Mr .Mi-.u- i- ii-ii-d in i engi essieiial inaii.-is .lehn 1 1 Masen, a nn mlu r . f the E.M'cutive Ceiiiliiitiee iiul t tin I per sonally he Mould be delighted te listen te any suj-ijctieiis leganling ilie in.in ngeuieul of the inii. se i,ni .,n i mild he iiclahed and the he! iii.lliuil possi pessi lilc iletel iiiin.'il. Mr .Mas-ill mi id he is iiiiiiiiiieil tlinl Ilie Si-sii..Ci mi tinui' will he I he gieut- i . meiIiI lair ui loin. li will lie ii .x.ill.llilii. uuu iii.ipiisiiiiiii. in -am, ,imi "imi in il should iippiepnntc ....lltll), Dil.i I nun nl that aiiinuni The Siaie should appiupiiate Slll. Illlll (Hill, he iidde.l. and .11 least SHI.. (Mill. llllll nun.' should he iiiised In lie liu-iiic nn n .nn! ether pnliHc-spirltcd iiu.i'ii- of Phi'iiilcipl.ia ( it.i Ready te Beem I'leje. t Ce, nn il mis p. i --nl ,i i c -ni.ii Inn pii.lglng ' i lie honor, tiiuh niu iinlii" of lhi i in te citry en piepai.itieus ler the air Tile icsidutiun -111 ' fil that S,"i. Obi), llllll "iiiiiI se iiiiu-li meie as may be ieiiiii"d" sluill be provided h.i lean or nth. I w ie. Eilwind Robins seiteiiiry of the Seseu -C.'iilcnniiil Exposition Assecia tien, declared tedai that no nfter le liead the Inlr has b.-i-u iiiaile te Kerdin nn. I W I'd k. of Chlcige Mr. Peck. In Washington, was ip.etcd as saiing he bus te.elieil the elfer and s ion- sideling ii ""In legar.l 1. 1 Hie lepert ,i,i ins been elTered the leiilliiand . 1' pesitl f illn.ter general of the Sesiiil-'eutennlal." Mr. Robins said, "I nm sa.i positively that neither the heaid of directors nor the cM-cuthe .emmittee of the association has In vited 11 11 V one le heiellie director geueitil. "Fiein lime te time a pai'ili-uliir per- seu lius liei'ii suggesieii ler Ilie pest, nnd theie mill lull" been Interiual ills. cusslelis en the subject el" a director generalship, hut no action has been taken tlnm far. ' Ml Pef.U H'Rli fl flilPI'Ini ,.T tlin ! World's Columbian Imposition In JK1KJ and American, Commlssiejur ,te the 1'arla Kprttlws la 1000. I '..inJi.ii I II I I lit 1 1 I liK f ,1 Is-niivui "lis 1111111 iiiii, nr -uiui 11,1 (im- nun hi . i . . i i . . , 1 V Tliiue.'eil s -ei n ailelil ""'"' "' "" "" '''l "''Id. I ii obliged te wiilie decisions without 1 w'il V, idol CI.', ei , Sutm.li. nigh, js nll.-a-d n. Iiave buineil consulting Paris en several eccas ens. , l sie Vi Ii. ' m.'.i C. I, ii, Ci,i' "! " iuit..itru.k and lis lad of .enlis. end that he considers extension of his, Jfr. 'M-dMick Messhlh! 'n-j-j '.".. ca.e.1 iliiuers. ettl. Indispensable te success. ... ,.,,.,,. ,l.iliiliiii Xir. Nm Hill- lllf Iltelceuii-iil chief ciilnpl.lllied of V. 71-j ' -, '";.;, m.. phi ,!!.. .' ""' 1:"l1 " -''?" -.v- HREST-UTOVSK PACT 1.I..-I S-'ll- (leei-i!!. s; Wini;. 117 '" OK''"1'' '' ""' Jeisey City pe'ice. IUXIjOI Hi s. kj w un sjm l'.,;,1;.Vi-ol;,s',,,,.eI.,t',,n.;,e,,.:,s,, tImIISTLIz: '", """ u"r" lq.g inoperative mmswmMm Grapples With Thugr f2ii -WBNBH v ' !... . M.. r-MMdt?s v " . RKV. KATIIKR McGl'IRK Recter of St. l'cter G'laverN Cbiinb, who. ulilcd by the sexton, feiiKht Mini licbl a huge Intruder Mho mis trying te steal a canda I ('brum Priest Fights Thug Over Church Altar ' eiilliiin-il from I'ukc One 4i,r ,., nuli'iitlne fnyn the thurcli te the prleM-' helle. ' Harris therefore became suspicious when he siw Perter, a bis, bread- Ucht came thieiish the heavy stalnVd -iii.iii'-i- IIIUII. lucKieii llllll. s tiuili ,,,, j.,,,,,,,. MWI1(. t,P .aVy can ilclnhi'iim and struck the sexton ever the He sprung at the big man with the caiidelabruin and shunted te Harris te run for the police." The robber proved mere than a match for lieth men. hew- A woman employed as housekeeper In the priests' house heard the noise am alter he had run Inte the chiUTh '"'""", ' :,.' . " :.. 1 V .V.'V r-i-MWU, illlllK (I Hill ill I illlM'l .1111111111 r direction and telephone the police of the Twelfth ami Pine streets station. Pries, m,d sexton, though unable te subline the lebher. held him at bnv until fi iintr.il tit.tfl kf titll lee 'arrived .. ........ ...., ... ,,,,., ...,,,, 4V- wsW sN'. ,Vj4 SSBBbY ''BBSBSBSBSBSf lietectives Amlerseu anil (iralev were " V. "-i"'B -" ,"'". " i" '"- the first in the church Andersen, who I' ranees 1 xed detenu nation net te Is the here of uumcreii -eunteis with , l",,r',,il ' slighfest revision of the ei- despei-nte creeks in the district, is a ! ?m'" ' ''n',v would undoubtedly prove big man himself, standing si feet three i B"'"' handicap te another economic or Inches, und noted for his strength. He Hnnnclal conference. , rushed Perter, who met his iittnik with Tim Hnanelal I einini en of the a swinging blew with the seiewdrlver. ' tene.-i Conference continued Its exam , ,. . ,,, inatleii today of scleral piopesals con- Blew Lnds Battle ' wrnUlg ctirrenc.i . Andeisen ducked the blew and cenn- ' The monetary conditions of the vn tered with a right-hand jolt te (lie .jaw rieus countries are said te differ se which ended the battle. .Perter cel- much that It is impossible te adept a lapsed in a heap and was unconscious rule which will apply te all. and the some time after he had been admitted mnjeriti of the delegates are agreed te the Pennsylvania Hospital. 1 upon 11 'plan for convoking an interna. W'lmii In. lit I f.nl I1.1 II iil .1 iw..., .....1 .. . .1 . I. . . V '" "" ,'"'. iiimer I'rr,wt "M(l ,",;,'n '". tl"' Iwclfth and, cine strect.s station. iinrri was trenteil for severe cuts of III amis indicted with the sereudilvei. DRY AGENTS PLAN RAIDS Jersey City te Be Cleaned Up With .. .. .. .. ividwmiic uuna. it i-ici;c5Sciry NeuiirU. N. .1.. April 17. (P.i A P.I .lei-sei I'm is in ler the greatest liiller 1 lc:i 11 - iiu 1111.1 1 it.i has ever known, l-'.icii if it luis te be made with the aid of a uuu liiue gnu. Samuel 11 Cene, chief I'edeuil enfeiceincnt agent of New .lei-sei, dfclareil lat night. His NURSES HOLD SERVICE - Decorate Founder's Grave In Wood - Weed - , . . lands Cemetery Mere than Jin I nurses of the Phil.i- 1 . .... .... . 1 1 1 1 .1 1 . 1 .. ... i.i. 1 lint i ifiii'T nun ini il'-lphla Genual Hospital . en.lii. ted , beimeii Geruiuin and Russia in . itinti seivlii., nt Woodlands Cciueiei i vkii-i.'iii), P.HS. but the deuiauds of the (.eli- ,iny i.K-r tin- graie nt .Mt-s Alne li-her. iln. I, mucin of tin- triiiiiiti" -. I I f,n Mill si's., n In, il.i'il ;it tin. Iiiispn.il n ' f ll'-lli jsss, -pii,. j.t meie by Russia was te nn t'lnuei. line strewn nii.n. II inniiii. l-'ebriiai.v 1U that she had l-'lher i- giaie. as well a upon nun of Mls Helen Petersen. II Illlls,. u,,, diel some e.iis age, just hefere In i i.idun lien. The nurses inndi.-il tinui the hes Itt t SI I I i the ceiu.'ler.l . Turn Sods for Buildings Then- was a huge . euun in.ii at teudanie nl the outdoor -uine in St lilies' r. 1,. i inn ll iiiepein ai Mene hurst .ii-sterday alteruoeii weie turiied for tin- recte: jh.(i Itnt i of t hose nn i Him. u,u i,,, .initi'il iii ii short tin'.- nid will be i.-aili f-i eciupauiv lnfei.. tin ,u.l of the iear. The.l.m.h iiai.le,i. .i-l-ted Ilie 'lector ill tin- well. Uncommon Sense By .ID1IN ItEMvi: ITfllAT is g.nerally nill.d help" is VV ti ft I'll reallv hiiiiliamu Help makes n- mii nuirl.ii, inul usii nllj has a geed deal i. de with thing lis own s.dar.i. The Milue of help lie hi the fn. i that It is necessary ie even business iiuill. te c wry einplejcr. te eiei peiseu who has salaries -or wages te pav. Ne man ewr made n million ilellur.s, or a hundred thousand dollars, or an considerable sum or nimu-i without the help of ether men. Finding geld or i en mines or winning money winning money in ine ' stei k mniket Is net making It, it is puic nccuieni , , , .go it was made A FEW .icais known ipnei ih among pliiUclanu that a wry well-known Amerhnn capl- tulist would be willing te giw a mil- biislnehs ns It Is rare, It s se useful and ' linn dellais or even ineie te nn.i phy- se inre that It gains lecognitleii erj siclaii or surgeon who would help him (pilekly. Hut It must be competent. I gel lid of a dli-figurlng facial hli-mlidi. It must consist net only of willingness, j It happened that it couldn't b-j done, , hut of knowledge of hew the Jeb Is se that pnillculiuly high-priced help dune, and of a certain cheerful eager was never furnished. ness while It Is being done. However, there w-m-e In that mans. nl.llllflV a hundred or mere men who I hail helped him pile up fils fortune, I nnd every One of thetu had mads cetulil- erably mere than a mlllton.dellar each ;WS2 D. A. R. IS WARNED OF BLOCTENDENCY False Democracy, Bern of Com munism, Peril te U. S Mrs. Miner Says CONDEMNS SLACKER VOTERS By the AsMX-lntcd Press Washington. April "17. Wui-nliig that a "false ilrniecrncy. ninsquprndliiR ns 'Industrial flpinerrncy' and leadline te bloc control of powerful minorities," wns jfeckliiR in overthrew the Amer lean form of geverimipnt 'iu voiced today by Mr-. (Jeergp Muvnniil Miner, president Rpncrnl of the Dailghtem of tin1 American Revolution. In formally epeiiltiK the thlrt - til t annual congress of that society. ' Min. Miner nppenb'il te niembeis of the orRnnlzatten a 'Riiimlliiiw of the pure tire of patileliMii" le prevent prpud of thp danscr which vlie deelnred I'liiiiimled birfiely fiem the doctrine "of the seclnlNt and communist." "It N mere. Insidious," hhe snld, "liecnu-e it mni(iieindes at the true demecriK founded en Kreiipi, iniliixtrli". Irnib" and clnssps. lii"tenil .f upon RPOKi'iipblu ilNtrlcIe or numerical divisions of the people rt pnidlevi of cliis' " A -ecend datiKPr. -cnrcely less fatal unless checked, she said, lay in the "slm-ker vole." Mrs. Miner declared that the cemmtiipsi of politics could l,,. u-accd le the fallllie of .'7,Tti:t,nii(i , cllcibte veteis out of M.-IUI.SIIJ te I iinder Hie whip of powerful groups? cal sitiiiitlell ami ter ine Kiiaroinn Kiiareinn sliip of the American home wnuh has been flippantly described as ln the dlseaiil.' " "It is sniil that the morals of the rising generation are as loose a-, its goleshes." Mrs. Miner said, "but I don't believe it. I have faith in tin Miiing of teila : faith that the.i will settle down when the world rocks a little less uneasily In the Wiinlpoeb jell b i lie war."' - - - Raylitt 12 trnfi1117PZ el ll" neLUytUZt: RllSSlCUl SeVWt ; dmilmu-tl from l'ane One (,)p K.01)call ,w,s 1)p. comes brighter, the Interest In Amer- i .,i. I . i 11 . I t , "'n." attitude toward ItiiaMn Increases. 'l'"1 "p J'h'atei. are eagerly asking he Americans In (,enea ltew lone the tiireit Htetes win ueiu nioei peiiiieaiiy ,110111 ine .iiosceiv iieveiiiineiii, iviiicn ...., ...,... .,,!.. ...I.I. f.l neniil meiieiiiry cniireniiiiii. 10 ue at- tended by reiiresentntives of the ccn- fml hanks of Issue. Sin Ii n convention would have as Its principal object formulation of advice as te the liesl mean of economizing the use of geld by maintaining reserves n the fei m of foreign balances, such. f'' instance, as the geld exchange 'standaid or an international clearing s.lstclll. Paris, April 17. liy A. P ) Loul H.iilhnu belleies the Frem h delegation mut have a freer liiiud If it is te ful illl the tasks befeie II. telegraphs Per- tlniix. iiellticiii eililer 01 ine r.cue ue Pnils. from tlenea. Pertlnax says it The lieniy of Brest-Llievsk was a ,sc(uel te the armistice netweeii i.er- ' ' uuim and Itussln signed t tliut place en Deieiubi'i- H. lli. lollewing tle M,(. llf ,M. i,el.hevikl te power in litis- .,,,. Peace ncggollutieiis were iK-gun 'Ital I'miei- lien- i-elsiuci.-u excessive, i l,i Kusslii. wliich icfuseil te concede, ,. ill,, I,-,,, ,i f i tlie war without sign nig a pe.ui- ami had ordered immediate demobilization of Ilie t reups. This ma neuver did net satisfy iiu- Germans, however. Declining the war was still mi llu-i iciiewed tlu'ir lninlen of Rus--in hilt lids was speedily uit short by n .iechirnlien n.v the Russhm (Jovern (Jevern uieiit that it acieptcd the terms for fer iinerlv declined, and Ihe signing' at 1 liii's'i-f.ltevsk en March !'. of the treaty ..... ... . .-...,- ... . -- , "I ii sis new- superseded. These teims were vlt .nid pnrMi nimlly dictated by tin1 Central Powers. ii,i.,,.i,tii 'ne liiilemnitli-s were re iioiieeed. Russia nsieeil te icsign ail .llllii'ith" ..... . , ,, claims te Finland. l-:tlinnla, Livenlii. i Ceurlalld. Lllhuniiin. Russian Poland 'and the 1'klllllie. te ictuili all the Alia- Help Makes Its Market in the process He knew what help was wen ii. If ,ieu can show the mini you nre working for i lint jeu can really help him make a success, unless he is a feel he will make your help worth while. If he is a feel, it will puy jeu te get an other boss. IJ-ui you can never help anybody by hanging llm k, and objecting te hours, r te conditions of wink, provided thcr arc atemies 0f advancement in your eh- 1 tublishmi-nt. TTEI.P means lo-epcratlon, It means -L X ,,.IIl!t,.,.w,uu ft ,l llilimu llinf nlliitl I people haw net the lime or the dlspe- . ( ill ll llinn ,,f .... ,,,, ..., -.,..... j sltien te de. It means. In .short, what i the dictionary dclines It. i ,or),. ,, y . k0W ..eU . ally hew much It means If you de. tjiiniietenl heln is as useful In every I There Is nlways a market for that kind of help no matter whether the times tire geed or bad. There In alie tnferktt for tut ether kind, but only new and tbea, tad at very low ptik, telltn firevlnce te Turkty tad te evftc tiate RuMlan Armenia. This treaty wan effective, se far as Its continuing previsions were con cerned, however, only no long an tier many remained In the war. With her defeat and the conclusion of pencw wan the Allien, (lenniiriy, In the Treaty of Versailles, n treed te accept the abroga tion of the UrcHt-I.itovek and all ether treaties entered Inte with the Maxi malist Government of Russia, te lecog leceg nlxc the fult force of nil trentlcs en tered Inte by the allied and "associated Powers with states which were n part of the former Russian Kniplrc. and te recognize the frontiers as determined therein, It was added that the Powers re served the right of Russia te obtain res titution 'and reparation en the princi ples of the Versailles Treaty. ' Fusion for Pinchot Gives New Turn Continued from Tate One act and the second Is the appeal from the decision of the Dauphin County case which declared the hard coal tas constitutional. Heailcitial'trr.s for the Philadelphia County Committee for Pliichei for Governer were opened nt noun today at 417 Liberty Uulldlhp. A meeting of the Executive Committee was held. "We nre mapping out plans te knock the preps from under Alter and te threw monkey -wicnehcs Inte the Vare ma chine." said Councilman W, W. Reper, caiAuiialgn director. William Draper Lewis Is chairman of the County Committee, ami Mr. Reper and Mrs. Samuel It. Scott are associate chairmen. Jehn J. Cellier Is trcnsui'er and Allan Kckiiiitn in secrc tar.v. The Pinchot Slate headquarters will be continued In the Rpnl Estate Trust IJulldlns. State Senater I). Edward Leng returned there today fiem a west ern visit In "the Interest of the Inde- pendent candidate. "I'lie l'inei.et canipagn is me a snowball lulling 'down hi. Riitherliig momentum and substance. Iw Mild. I. Ill' I II.-I. transparency ha Plnrhot-fei-t.overiim- KPUt ,,e he,g b ap,)0ntment in a speech 1 " rl("-',,(l ,'""',ut Rending next Wednesday. Dependable "There's an Atlantic Pump en the read you are traveling" ATLANTI G GASOLINE m th hcadquarUrs of the Twenty-eighth Ward independent Republican Club, cpend dO. where leader ui !)avl Pcnnlck Is the Pinchot A complete fusion of the Pinchot and former Fisher forces-In Philadelphia Is expected this afternoon nt ft meeting of the Voters' League, .. Until Jehn S. Fisher, former State Banking Commissioner, retlird from the field ns n candidate, for the Republican nomination for Governer, the Voters' League favored him. New that Fisher Is out of the race, the league, tl l.s con fidently predicted, will Indorse Pinchot. Such leaders III the league are Frank M. Rltcr, chairman; Themas Racburn White, (ieerge f). Perter nnd Franklin Spencer Edmehds, who had been count ed among the Important Fisher sup porters, will new assist In tlje cam paign of the Ferester.. Werries State Committee At Women's State Committee. In the Interest Of Pinchot for Governer. Is rapidly being organized, nccerdlng te Miss Esther Everett Lnpc, of Pin chot headquarters. Among the well known women who have accepted In vitations te serve en the Pinchot com mittee are: Mrs. Mary Fllnn Lnwrence'. Pitts burgh; Mrs. Mary Roberts Hlneliart, Pittsburgh ; Mrs, Henrietta Ilaldy Lyen, YY IlllamVpert ; Mrs. Geerge Hor Her ace Lorimer, Philadelphia; . Miss Mi Carey Themas, llryn Mnwr; Mrs. Jehn n. Hammc, Yerk; Mts. Lyman D. Gil bert, Harlrsburg: Mrs. Walter Slinrpe, Chamber-burg; Mrs. J. W, Scrnnten, Scranton; Mrs. Ramsay lturten, Erie, Mrs. ,T. E. Steckpr, ltcthlclipin ; Mrs. Jehn Heward Harris, Lpwisburg; Mrs. Adele II. Shannen, Mllferd : Mrs. Her man Veelkcr, Mntameras, Pike County ; Mrs. J.-C Crlswell. Waynesboro; Mrs. II. Dttrd Cassel. Marietta; Elizabeth Lord Senders, Lebanon; Mirn L. Duck, Fnyettsvllle. Agnes Darlington Sivnrtley. Uoylrs Ueylrs Uoylrs tewn; Mrs. J. 1. Menree. Langhorne; Mrs. Frank Lehman, Bristel; Mrs. Gertrude Dougherty, Butler ; Mrs. Leah Cobb Marlen, Emporium; Abble Suth- ,.llnili1 Itrn.vli Pllrlna Vnrl ' Mrs. D.' R. cbj, Coudersnert : Mrs. Wlhncr , UeppH Ncn.f01ldlnnd. , Senater Geerge Wharten Pepper will eppn hiH eampalgn for election te the i s .... j. 25s2jss ATLANTIC Nothing is se essential te dependable meter perform ance as geed gasoline. But what is geed gasoline? Te meet the widely varying operating conditions that speed, lead and temperature impose, a gasoline must have mere than volatility, mere thar potential calorific power, mere than purity. It must have balance; and range. And uniformity! There is no mistaking these qualities in Atlantic Gasoline. Atlantic contains net only the lighter or mere volatile ele ments required for quick and positive ignition; net only the heavier energy-producing fractions but a scientifically balanced combination of both. Its uniform "chain of boiling points", gives Atlantic sure ness of actieft, fullness of power and an efficiency range net exceeded in any ether gasoline en the market. Atlantic is made for present-day meters. The results of half a century of refining experience are summed up in it. It is dependable because it is RIGHT. And because it is' always uniform! GIRL SAYS THREE MEN KIDNAPPED HER IN CAR Police Tryln-f te Unravsl Story of Yeung Weman After hearing the story of a twenty-three-year-old girl that she had been kidnapped from the eldewnlk nnd Inter thrown from the machine te the street, police are today making every effort te run down the ninrhtne and the four men who were In it. Four young men saw the girl thrown from the car at Wlster street nnd Clarkseu avenue last evening. They found her conscious, but unable te wnlk, nnd had her sent le the (for (fer (for innntewn Hospital, where physicians think she has a fractured ekiill. . She gave her name ns Normn Mis slmcr, of 57124 North Lambert street. Her parents nre Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Mlsslmcr. She Is n clerk In a mall order house. , According te her story told te police nnd physicians, she had been with.a tmi-tv of friends nt Point Pleasant ves- I tcrdny and had returned te the city and bad dinner at the Heme 01 a menu. Jesephine Furstcrmnn, 540 Chew street. She said she was walking home when the four men In an automobile drew up alongside the curb, and one get out nnd said '"Geed night.". This, she said, occurred at Sixteenth street and Olncy avenue. Then she said the car stepped a short distance ahead and the three men gout out nnd lifted her Inte the automobile. "I screamed when the men took me Inte the car." said the girl, "but the men put their hands ever my mouth. Twe or three times 1 told, them te take my money 'but let me go. I de net remember whether I jumped out or was thrown out. Te Take Bullet Frem Lenjne Ijonden, April 17. Professer Bor Ber chnrdt, of the Menblt Hospital, has gene te Russia te operate en Nikolai Lcnine, the Bolshevist Premier, for the extraction of a bullet ledged In Leninc's shoulder in the iiutumn of 11)18. when he was fired upon by the student, Dera Kaplan, says 11 dispatch te the Times from Berlin. Gasoline is ur'Moter " ' --1 r - ' f till 1 kREADf IFOR iMl Cats Against Qevtrntr Iturc' , r login Today )f . Wukn, 111., April- 17,nj!, 1 P.)-Trlal of Governer Lcn M charged with conspiring te mbttiii State funds; will ba started in the Q7 ' cult Court here tedy unless tnetka, postponement Is added te the numeuM ones during the last few mehthi i" ! parently nil difficulties which 'a,w tnuse further delay have been eiiir nntpd. sum. nntcd Judge Claire C. Edwards has concerned the trial can be statl'ed I1.1 11.. ..-In.lltn.. ll. 1.... ""M-U Willi neiiiiti'ii uiui. be nir as 1 he t h ltll L.V.. u " "l "'" J,,r as the flrif process. BELGIAN8 ACCEPT WAQE 01 Brussels, April 17. - Tte B.1J.' '1 metallurgical workers yesterday aeeiSS '1 1 "i.-:" .r .vuS'"" ,7"wi. as H ! AH nANf ktflllMlUa M "''"I"''- workers In ine BiasB maustry UZ 9 ner cent. cut. "" agreed te a 20 per cent cut. V DRIER'S Early Vegetables should be pttnttd nor. ns ulltht -.J will de no harm te aueh ventabtM Beet. Swim Chard. Ctrret. KndlvV. Vtff ii ! s.imrci, carrot, Kndlv ij Ijattue, onion Heu, Early rc. 11. illb, K"J''."""Se"LiP' .'t awl ea?Fy,crop"ea " nm WOrk n ' Dreer't Retei ltvbrld-Tca snil Tre nesa In ni.iii folpctlen: also plants of Viela. piill!? r-nladlum or Elephant's Ear hiifS llhubarb noets. etc. r D,,l,, Flower Seeds Sew Sweet Pets at once, alie trim im. of annual newera for cutting- dutina 11! entlr summer and early fait. WJ! selection new of seed for VxSM Aster. Alyssum. Blue Lic VSZ0 Calendula. Calllepslf MamSfd. W ' tc. aet a copy of enERR-a OAnnrb HOOK nnd our Special leaflet. iR'i.'! OreAnnu...... both Y"l $ DRlffl'SaaSat . rt .. V -r ll-. t, ' I v t'f, A'g.. jl,.. . '. I . , ' -is. t "VI & .6 - ., !(,.' , 'v -.H S. J.Fil.9.'--- s. uniwnv-.e' t'i siiiii. ,.,'J r.-i-v. .. M J lCt yj BO.-., v.. . l )'.., .1-1., ir.i.hm.,1 mmmmm