cnw OBVLES KILL II Tell of Easter Accidents Claims Trie of Youngsters Hurt by Swerving Car FIVE PERSONS ARE HURT Vniir ilcnd ami fic injured win the .-it nf nulamnblle nnll meter rip ni-rl j.i Niiliruay mm .. . . -,i Kntler Sunday. m..A nf Hip ilwid were children net -ere limn leu yrew old. Mary Coed, l ynrs 0,(l ,,4,'s Emersen street, wns killed liWnnlly when flu rnn i the pntli of nn nnto nnte nnto keWIc, driven by Steiilicn Murphy, clhitttreur for Mrs. Walter Mnssey, Terrrsdalc- The child wns geihs with iVrfethr-r te buy nn Easter egg. i,nn Pittpattlck, ten years old. .'JO jLltiMrerN nuc' Chestnut Hill, was .track nnd killed by nn nutomeblle JHH ,v Mrs.. E. T. Stntesbury. nnd SriJcn l!v (Jrec McCarthy. 20!) Eimf FrMfrce'ii evenue. The accident op ep Jnrrcil near tin" child's home when she Jin fro'" I" l"u'k et n Ocnnnntewn luniic trolley car, into the path of the lu(omebile., Killed in Collision TameM Levlngctene. HGt-i Seuth Franklin street, was killed when the Motertruck en which lie was rldins rellldcd with an automobile at '.twen tieth nnd Arch strcctn. Lcvlnftstenc was thrown en his head. Frank Dennelly, i'l"3 Cherry street, who wns nlse en the truck. siHtnlncd miner injuries. Kilwnrd Karl Hemy, live yenn i.n.1, ef "SliS Kpccc ulrccl. was found lying I In the strccl at Sjlxlli street nntl l.u- hit I UIMIUC Ul 0MllUi(, till, I IMIl'll, knriiii? been struck by nn iiutoineoilc. He win) rushed te the Episcopal Ho He tiltnl. where he died sheitly Police are looking for the dilvcr of I truck which was seen speeding uwny from the M-cne of the accident shortly fter the child was struck. The boy, wliec father is (lend, wandered trein his home nnd was seen plning in the. Tlclnlty by lielghberH immediately be fore he was run down. Jehn lb. -"2 North Sydenham rtrcet, was Injured when hi' bakery uncoil wii- struck ,ly. nn nuremnbile drlrcn bv William McDcvitt. McClel Ian street near Twenty-third. Erb wis )Lrn te the T.nnkennu Hospital. Mc Dcvitt was held in $300 bail. William Miller, twenty years old. J133 Eincrffld street, was arrested after his motorcycle crashed into n trolley or t Frnnkferd avenue and Orthodox ttrrct. MIHcr suffered slight injuries. He is charged with reckless driving. Twe Beys Injured Druiil Hatty, fourteen years old, and M brother Geerge, sixteen yenrs old, 4G32'I.clppr street, were injured when their motorcycle collided with an nuto nute nuto eoblle. driven by Dr. ,T. II. Oeschwlng, 128 i:nt Allegheny nvcniic. Dr. (Jesch wing anil the elder boy were arrested. The jnunger brother was taken te the Frnnkferd Hospital. Catherine McMcnamin. nged nix, her hretlier ICdward, 'two. and her sister, Anna, i-even. of 2.T25 West Firth street, were knocked down and bruKed at Krend itrcct mill I.ehlgli avenue last night by an nutomeblle driven by I.oe Harris, 521S Paikside avenue, who swung up onto (lie curb In an attempt te avoid hiintlier ini T 1 The three children -were waiting 011 ' WE CHILDREN the coiner te cre-s Krend street will. I le, w ft , , d f , , fer Pfe I,:.,..lh,:,r 'nil'rtu.nt of minions of the EpNcepal Bread, suddenly swerved and ran onto k curb, knocking them nil down. Their Iniiws wen1 treated by u nearby phy liciiin nnd they returned te their home. Harris was given a healing this morning before Magistrate Kcicher. in the I'nik and I.ehlgli avenues stutleu. nnd was lined .SlU.iiO nnd held under WOO bail for court for reckless diiv- 11111 iuiii. .ii. , m..... own .... CHURCHBUYS LOT lywoed M. E. Trustees Begin te Beautify Property The Kywoed M. E. Churc htrustees fcave jn -t purchnhcd a let of ground adjoining the church property and fronting en State read and Sellers uve- Bit ft ffii n iiii ik.rtiwifm 1 ti iiiilfii if Iiiki n - r-v .v. .. ,........... ... .,.,.,. ..t .,.- ttty the preiiertv Hie trustees Have just itnrted te grade the property uud plant I It with several trees which have been . contributed by Mrs. Grew F. IVnne. ti,,. nf tiu. ,.i, i. i.u planned te lay out nnd tix n number of tenuis courts en property ndjeluing the chinch. The boys of the church will take (lie gmund nt the rear for base ball recreation and hsve formed n base ball club. KtlNNICST I'FOl'I.K ON KAIITII! I ThafH uiiHt everyene gn Hlfut 'DODI PADS." You'll "av no. tee' Hccaun i "1)00 DAIh" nfe neteil fur thrlr mlrth-prn. ' Veklne pinclltllleH. Arcli Dale. fnmeuH ctrtoenlst. trcatnl Hip whole "1100 DAD" population, cxiire.'ely te ilcllKljt eins felkK nd elil felWH he wnnt te utiy eunu Hee I th "j)oe DADS" "rry ilay en imse oppeilte ' COMICS In thi Kvbmnii I'm t ie I.Euasn. "Mdke It u Habit." Adi. Cellins New Service The big things of life come te these who keep brain and body "hitting en all six" and that only requires real recreative rest along the lines of Nature's laws Cellins mjf.c w S e r v i c e has been this pur M. te 1 1 K'rtuueu iei just Pese. Frem 7 P. A. M. (except Sundays), consisting of electric and steam bath, massage, shower, alcohol rub, etc., for $2.50. And an all - night sound, sweet sleep in private room "desired for $3.50. e tip ping. .Cellins institute 01' physical cultuke 219-25 North Hread Street I.M.1.II1-J enjoy COLONIAL CHOCOPICS all j;iW iVKFffivr j..'.r.v) ,i-v, MIJl-., TO C. L MeKEEHAN iMAY BE NAMED NEW U. S., JUDGE Name Urged In Congress for Addi tional Eastern District Charles I; MeKcehnn. n Phllndclphln lawyer, mny be named United Millet District Court Judge for Eastern Penn sylvania, nccerdliiR te llcpubllcan State leaders. Fer the western half of the State, It U nld, Judge Jehn Q. Van Swearlngcn, of L'nlontewn, will be named. President Harding Is expected te arc neuncp the appointments shortly. Ik nccerdnnre Mrth ip Additional JutlgcH Kill recently. pns-ed by OengrcM, the J'-ajterir nnd Western districts get an additional Judge each. Senater Pepper nald today that Me Keelian s name hnd been strongly urged for the place. He said )ic is quite will ing thut the selection of the Western Judge should be left te Senater (row. lie In wild te have selected Judge Van Swearlngcn. McKcchan In January was the ehelet of Governer Sproul for" the appoint ment te the bench of Common Plena Court Ne. 1, as the successor te Hie lute Judge Kregy. He declined the place. Mr. McKeelmn, who W a member of .? J.nlen league, was a leader of the old City Paity and was advisory coun sel for the Town Meeting Party. He Is secretary of the State Ueard e( Law Exnmlncrs, an authority en constitu tional law and formerly Wes a pro fessor in the law department of the University of Pennsylvania. "GHOST" QUITS" BUSINESS AS ARMED NURSE APPEARS White City Park Spook Vanishes When family' Is Ousted A brave ilurse armed with a re volver routed the Trenten ghost last night and nNe its discoverer. The ghost's conqueror Is Mrs. Hcn- rleltu Kplscope, owner of the home 0C(.C(i by Mr. and Mrs, I Kebert Wil liams at White City Park, The Williams family has gene. Mrs. EpNcope is holding the fort alone. According te the nurse, the ghost in question was a vcjy strenuous spirit., She said that since its visits were first announced u gasoline engine, two top per tanks. and ether articles hud dis appeared from the place. Mrs. Eplscope said another fumlly, who occupied the house some time age, sold that a headless' man was walking around the house. He ceased calling, however, when .Mrs. Eplscope spent u night In the house. She is n widow nnd only ecciinies the house when net out attenilini: ceses. Mrs. Eplscope snys the Williams were several months In arrears In rent. LENTEN OFFERING $7133.82 j Contribution at Hely Apostles Church Thought te Be Recerd The Lenten offering presented yes- I terdny by the Sunday Scheel of the , Hely Apostles' Episcopal Church in accordance with the old Episcopal cus tom, is believed te have broken all rec ords for similar offerings lu any Sun day school ill the United States. Frem n membership of approximately 800 came a total contribution of J?71.'!.'!,S,', which will be turned ever tu the Gen eral Missions of the Church. It is certain that the total sum fur the Hely Apostles' Sunday Scheel Mir posses all previous records for the Pennsylvania Diocese, and since t lie Pennsylvania Diocese always has led the rest of the United States in the amount of its Eenteu offerings, officials bcllevfi they arc justified In including ."."".V.'.i . ,ih....Lj ,, hiifpli. nni!t'fw.pil rlw I'niriilni. vrwk nn of the Sunday school ycsteidny, e-pi-esslng his nppreciiitiun for the iiiagnanimeiib offering. SLASHES TWO WITH RAZOR Man, Apparently Rum-Crazed, Is Finally Arrested A Negro armed with a iazer ran wild n lien tf 11 o'clock lust ntghr mi Seuth Twenty -first street and slushed two white men w'lie attempted te Intercept him. He started en his rampage ut Twenty-lirst and l.emlmnl hticets nnd ran south en Twenty-tim stiect, ter ter reilzinc muiiy. At Seuth -street (jeerge Downey, of 2(U.r, Kalnbridge sticet. and William Hnggerty. of UM'Ji JJuinbriilge street, -i...i ;..i.i. n. .., ii....... ti .'. jsmii ;- :" 'j " '" f,l,:,, a,u slashed Iluggerty en H"" f'"T- 1'nn,'H "" h'- IIl5,)"' ,l'n were taken te the Polyclinic Hepitul. Arrested, the man told the police he was Ephrnim Kirkpatrlck, of Hicks street be'.ew Spruce The police say he was crazed by liquor, FINE FRAMING Etchings Prints Water Celers Paintings TEE ROSENBACH GALLERIES 1820 Wiilaut Hlrt Huiband "And Jane don't let your luncheon keep you after two. Remember we have a date for a Moen demomtra dememtra demomtra tien. Just want your O. K. en that car before I order." Open Cart $1785 Closed Car $2785 Display room open evening Moter Cars The car of the ten proven unite MACKIN MOTORS, Inc. J. Jay Vandergrift, Pres. 855 N. Bread St. Phene Poplar 7586 '. :U i " - -- this MrWHWy fMPmw- DEMOCRATS 1 JEFFERSON'S HONOR BIRTH Commemorate 179th Anniver- sary of Statesman's Natal Day CANDIDATES WILL SPEAK Commemorating the 170th anniver sary e the birth et Themas Jeffersen, mere than 1000 Democratic men and women will dine tenlsbt in Scottish Rite. Hail. Candidates lnuercrt by ttic Commit tee of Seventy-two nt its u-sslens In HarrUburg ure te bf thceipcnkcr. Out of the orators Is expected te come some thing In the nature of Democratic prin ciples as they will be enunciated during the.cainpalgu. Mazing the trail in this direction will be Jehn A. McSparran, who In without opposition for the gu bernatorial nomination. Democratic harmony in the State has taken en added significance because' of the bitter fight in the Republican organ ization and the 1 niggle for leadership that Is beinz waged simultaneously with the contests for nominations. Montgomery. Chester, Delaware and Rucks Counties will have large delega tions at the Democratic festival Judge Eugene C. Rennlwell, chairman of the Dinner Committee, who will net as teastmastcr, stated that the allotment of tickets presaged one of the biggest Democratic meetings in Philadelphia in cers. In addition te bearing from Farmer MrSjiarran, the nssemblcd Democrats will have an opportunity te give the "once ever" te Judge Samuel E. Shull, of Streudfcburg, and Colonel Fred Kerr, of Clearfield, candidates for the 1'nlted Slates Scnnte; Charles I). McAvoy, of Norrlstewn, candidate for Lieutenant (loverner. nnd Dean A. Mnislinll Thompson, of I'ittsbursh. candidate for Secretary of Intcrhal Affairs. McSparran, McAvoy nnd Judge Shull nre wen Known te uemecrats lu Knst ern Pennsylvania, but Colonel Kerr and Mr. Thompson ere newcomers te the political field. As a candidate for the Senate in tlip fall campaign Colonel Kerr, a former soldier, will be pitted against Senater Pepper. ' BATTLESHIPASTARGET Once Powerful Iowa Will Be Sunk by Fleet The battleship Iowa, in her nv the most powerful ship in the navy, left the League Island Nnvy Yard at 0 o'clock this morning for the Virginia Capes, where, she will fulfill her last duty ns the target of the Atlantic Fleet in bat tle practice. Without a man aboard, the Iowa will steam about off Cnpe Henry, controlled only by the wireless system which has been under process of development for the last two years. The fleet, cruising north from Guatanar.aine. will find her and sink her with gunfire. Dies Frem Heart Attack Jehn E. Wnlli-. of Williamstown. X. J., fell dead fiein u heait 'attack this morning at the home of his son. Jehn E.. Jr.. lUit Xeith Nineteenth htrcut, where he had' leme te spend Easter. He was sixty jenrs old and a farmer. flAMCKMAGEECe. Spring Display and ; Sale of Fine Oriental Rugs We have assembled masterpieces from, all the rug centers of the Far East in a magnificent as sortment of unusual designs and raijc colorings and in all desirable sizes. Our stock has never been se replete with beautiful offerings. As a stimulus te early Spring business, we have priced many of them at One-Third te. One-Half Less Than Actual Value And they comprise only these weaves that our experience as. specialists has proven practical and dependable in every respect. The following prices will give you an idea of the extraordinary values: Feraghan, 12.1 x 8.10 $175.00 Savalan, 11.0 x 8.2 185.00 Serape, 11.7 x 9.6 225.00 Serape, 11.8 x 8.5 265.00 Feraghan, 11.10x9.4 175.00 Savalan, 12.1 x 8.6 225.00 Turceman, 17.7 x 11.3 475.00 Sultanabad, 17.10 x 10.5 550.00 Kherassan, 16.9 x 9.9 . . ... 450.00 Serape, 11.11 x 9.1 295.00 Kirmansha, 11.10 x 9.6 475.00 Serape, 18.8 x 11.8 575.00 CHINESE RUGS OF HIGH GRADE 6x9 8x10 9x12 $165.00 $245.00 $285.00 ' Very much below usual prices. HajlwkMagkCe. Fleer Coverings' Exclusively for Almest a Century 1220 MARKET ST. :, ONE KILLED, 5 HURT IN EASTER BRAWLS Man It 8tabbed te Death at Ninth and Slegei Streets One man was killed nnd five ether persons, including a woman, were In jured ns n result et Easter affrays III various parts of the city. . , Mrs. Deminic Taimfelcne, bride of n dav, and .her husband, were shot at their home, 4032 Redmond street, ac cording te the police, by he wemnn s brother, Lulgana Celanerra. The brother, It Is said, became angered en learning et his sister's marriage, ami going te her home shot her aud her 'husband. Celanerra, who lives at 40.-.0 Trenten nvrnue, waq arrested. Sebastian Alesl, Ninth and Slegcl stieets. was stabbed te death by Themas I'Habifinl, Ninth and Slegcl stitcts, yes terday nltcrnoen, according in iuc po lice. During a unrrel Ronsrle Oaniblna, 810 Carpenter strcec, was shot in the chest by Ignnuie Spcne, his son-in-law. Mrs. Anna, (Iredy, eolerer, shot her husband, Raymond, nnd her brother-in-law. Clarence Grqdy. at their home, Twelfth nnd Ogdcn streets, according te police, during n fight. She was ar retted. Held as Drunken Driver M. Nlcmerewskl. 1541 Rewan street, was fined $7.00 and held under ."jyjOO bait for court this morning Jy Magis trate Belcher In the Park and Lehigh avenue station, en the charge of oper ating nn nutomeblle while under the In fluence of liquor. Moter Traffic Police man Wlntcrbottem, who made the nr rest, testified thnt he saw Niemcrow Niemcrew ski's car going north nt Ilread nijd Le high avenue last night with one of the front shoes wrapped around the axle and the bare rim running en the pave ment. He called Nlcmcrewskl's atten tion te It, nnd when the Inttcr get out te examine the tire, found .that tic was intoxicated and arrested him. Men with an eye for value are strong for Rogers Peet clothes. Quick te see the high quality of fabrics and tailor ing. Nene finer! Nene mere fairly priced! FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Peet Clethes Chestnut St. at Juniper TRS" (I l. m 7-iT-r iA. Easter Crowds See Pollcebeat in Thrilling Rescue en Schuylkill HALTED 3 FEET FROM BRINK Twe men were saved from going ever Ihe'Ealrmeiint Dam In the' Schuylkill Hlver in n rowueat at. ! e clock yes- i . i.... . i... it. t .i.t 11'IUH.V IIIITHUUII, M.V IIIU LTV 1)1 lllf. pollcebeat Rescue. The men nre Frnnk Merped. twenty-two yearn' old, 1)18 Dudley street, and Jehn Cooper, twenty-one years e'd. 1018 McKean street. Thcyiifld been rowing and lest a Ujjs s P 2 RESCUED FROM PLUNGE OVER DAM The Polished Girdle Diamond Aaa permanent ieauy tyj'iJi an intrinsic value and 'is wertly of careful consideration Exclusive with this Establishment The "Reter" Heel An exclusive Qreund Qripper advantage Makes Yeu Walk Naturally The scientifically designed Reter Heel en the Ground Grippcr shoe tends te make you walk with tees straight ahead as you should. A patented rubber insert en the outside of the heel encourages the feet te exercise its natural grasping action. Keeps the center of gravity of the body exactly where it belongs in relation te your feet. Yeu walk mere easily, mere grace fully with Ground Gripper SHOES 1502 Chestnut Street IIP P Old Seuth Church r , BOSTON is warmed by American Radiators Old homes can be equipped with Ameri can Radiators and an Ideal TYPE A Heat Machine at a cost which is small considering the comfort they bring. And because the Ideal TYPE A Heat Machine pays for itself in the fuel it saves, the cost comes back te you. A telephone catl or a card will bring you (inelr Illustrated booklet about the IDEALTYI'E A HEAT MACHINE. Have your secretary aiL us for it. AMERICAN R&DJATOR, COMPANY Ideal Boilers and Amerjcak Radiators for rrr.ry healing nee J 1711 Chestnut Street asiaavaBB?: yMM I HAVE no RETAIL STORKS in the United States. Mv creations are en sale at all high class Department Stores, Drug Stores and Specialty Houses in America. . XOTICE Genuine CeTV Perfumes are nude-only a: Swresnes, France, by Franceis J. de S. Coty. Ne ether Perfumes arc en titled te be called COTV IT.RKUMF.S. D. E. LEVY Silt United States tyfevt 711 FIFTH AVENUE j "H V'V" rowlock. Their beat drifted tewanf the breast of the dam. Try as they might, they could net control Jt. Frantically waving their arms and shouting for help, the men nppenled te the Easter crowds along the bank for assistance. Throngs steed helpless, watching the btrtigglc. The rowbent drifted tewurd the west bank where the 'current is swift. With one ear the men tried te scull away from the dam, but were un skilled In the use of ears. They were being drawn closer and closer te the brink, when the police beat Hectic ap peared, coming down the river at full speed. The Rescue appieachcd close enough fur Piili'elinen Snnkcv and Furmaii te reach out with n beat' hook and get held of the lowbeat when It was only three feet from the dam. Dr. Spencer Tretter te Lecture Dr. Spencer Tretter, librarian of the Academy of Natural Sciences and nn authority en nnlmnls of the Old and New Werld,wlll lecture nt the Acndcmy tonight en "The Domesticated Ani mals." s i"l (n 1 Philadelphia, Pa. M ! fa ft Hi h h i bbWti A itflll .;'T.2r.eVS!'v731 - twi -sg i Mr HI V pL -ff - r- M "1 "IB "'. ' -"F- 1 ) Super-Values All! Just remember this. It will save you money dozens of times. Our Super Value policy applies te every article in the store everything horn a pair of separate trousers te the finest obtain able suit. We are confident that any thing you purchase here proves it. Perry's Yeung Fellows Coming Inte Leng Trousers Yeung lads get right start-off into manhood with our Junier suits (sizes 14 te 18 years). Leng-wearing, finely tailored garments like big brother's, and sold by Philadelphia's favorite man's store. Light, medium and dark colors (every one handsome) in snappy tweeds, attractive cheviets and cassimeres net te mention plain blues and browns. Every variety of pock ets, pleats and belts te warm the cockles of a young fellow's heart. Single and double breasted fronts, plain or Norfolk. Don't forget our Super-Value prices for Juniors are $20, $23, $25 and $28. Try te match them if you can. But we'll tell you new they're unmatch- able. Perry & Ce. 16th and Chestnut SUPER-VALUES in Clethes for Men WWmSk XrW kwrkw. mfk feeing well dressed is merely a matter of knowing where te buy your clothes 1 Well-informed men realize this and naturally come te Reed's te make their selections in Apparel. CI Spring Suits ami Tep Ceais el a Quality, Type and Character obtainable only here are moderately priced at .10 and upward.1 Particularly strong values at $40, $4. and ??0. JACOB REED'S SONS 121-126 Chestnut StreH: - i ' 1 Si- It's a great day for the boy alright, when he dens one of these ; Dad is tickled with the price and Mether is proud of the fine, man-like appearance. rtAWrrf t J I ' J ill w 'sm iMt V twin . ,4T M "yfM s3 m . 'Mi : M 71 , - '"A J m n 7iNl $'J ; VK'i, ? V iVi m I i , 7 ..thTi i . week .?' timl s: HSlPfl m mi'- $$&& H it i ' .r' ?& ' 4JV - ') ivWd te&S8b&&itidte , r' t' 7 't&&m4 4k, SM!3b&$ v. V'f- f ..' s 1a k .-k- . - . L'il riJ !&i , im 'MM 1 PBiHHaVPalV'VkVaWMiiw t- . - n. 4