WmmW'mmWM Wmm mnSSmml mxmx htiWs Remarkable 150-Peimd Crew Was the Surprise of Penn-Yale Regatta en SatuB JM'.'? i in IS M ai tlw fttl i r 1Mb etr cnlet rk 14) SKI PENN LA CKED NO THING, SO YALE fewer, Speed and Ferm Combined te Bring Triple l Triumph te Red and Blue 1 in Opening Regatta J POLISHED EIGHTS POWEIt, speed, form. These were tlie qualitlcR Which enabled the University et Pennsylvania crews te mnke a sweep of the regatta th Yale en the Schuylkill. Unmarked the fi$H time in seven , that Red and Blue crews have Irttn the measure of Ell oarsmen, and was probably the most brilliant vic ltJj of their fifteen meetings. Penn Is going te have a busy season n the water this sprlnp and its open ing performance augurs well for future "riie' distance of the three races was he tame in each contest one mile and fivcXccnths. Coach .Toe Wright's "I ...ntie itnn the vnrsltv race bv two Se a half lengths In 0 minutes 53 .,mls: the junior varsity ilnlslicil ene ind a half lengths ahead of lale in iVs-B and the IfiO-peund crew beat, the "Kits by three lengths In 0:45. Speaking of his vnrtltu crew after the rare Coach Wright said: 'I ieutbed if my heys could get at high t) J.W., hut Jim Rice, the Columbia eeach, 'and several ethers checked up nith wic and thcu insisted we were cctually doing. Ufa short stretch. 160'Peunders Brilliant The most surprising performance pfiwus net lit te play upon. ticdav was that of Penn's 150-pound- "v . . ......1 u.iil. Hntntillili . MS. Tins crew ruwra xxim ubiuiiibh Int precision nnd form, notable power and splendid speed. With no particu lar difference In current or jwiul. the llxht crew made better time than either of the varMty shells. la the junior varsity struggle laic mde a most premising start, but here, tsln the ether two contests, the power, ipcctl and form of the polished Penn crra liccnulc manifest, and the Bed ind llliie beat seen drew up en even terms with Yale, forged te the front, never te be headed, and wen the race. The nrslty crews get away te a perfect start under the guidance of Daniel New hall, of Harvard, the ref eree. Penn went te the front as seen as the eights dipped their Oars. Thuy rowed an exceptionally high btrekc, Penn going forty-four te the minute and Yale forty. At 'Mi) jiuds Perm was lending by a length, and there itemed te be no possibility of Ynl ever leading the Bed and Blue, even at that early stage. The Yale . eight, nvciaging 109 pound", had an exceedingly linn! strug gle against the Penn crew, which aver aged 17! pounds. Added te this handi cap the Blis were unable te mutch the iplemlid form of Penn. The hit fire-sixteenths aw Yale rally dcspciutdg tirke, hut it fell lail as Venn nut vhailcnyc with counter. challenge. Wright Praises Muggier Penn's victories in the three laces terc te clean cut Hint there was little te be said by the experts after the re- lalta. .Mm Ceulerry, the Yale mentor. Mid that while he naturally hoped for tictery he hardly expected it. "Ve nre H teaching a new NjMcm at Yale." he aid. "anil Penn'n cicw.s were better ttan ours. loc Wl'icht would linvn none nf tlie leners. "Jive thp bes the ciedit," he aid. lie paid n tribute te Muggier, Ne. 8 in the ltinier varsity, who took the place of Hugh, the latter being ill. JtlM linac lie that luiv iiimk.imi- ntn ttj shell ut the last minute ami rowing the rail he did," enthused the Penn wter. "it was the lust ruce he had Iter rowed in." Tla Juana Entries for Tomorrow i'fflr1 u,id up - up - up - Atip'ejnik 10- riiculate It.'i 1 MaW of Ansel. . .1111 reucher Ilu I eilitirud 7 Mniy Ja ihn , Veraln 110 -Hreun llee . ..insl ;niem nu -Dalwoeil , .!. Un Fink Tenm- . ...113 Ashton Ulil . . .11:1 .aa&v-ras. "J 'S "SE "Iter lluek ....110 I'olnt-te-rolnt ..111) -r.unLni i nm j'icrpeit lir, t Crown 100 J. J). .Sijbb .'.m Dalny N 10S .Senater DenUn... 07 '.Alnnllnn T . .I. m. MaI.a. .n. " Ma ,'!ll3 Nebraska Lad".!! nil w ThlTil Inrw fur MirAn.vi.nr.n1il nrnl ,.n lalmlnc. rurse J500, mile. 'Ojienlatleus ....ion Kthcl Ill JQi-lnam 108 Canolen loe 'llermtn Whit II.10S Cebrltu ion A".- -"U" Ul Ven l.adv ill Dixie Musen 107 'Call .Me 108 ,JI 10S Dehra Ill I'eurth I.c-p. for llirpn.v. it r.nlilu uml tin .almlnK, purw $3(10. mile. I'rle A lir. 'Peerless One . .101 .10.1 .10S . IIS 110 .111! up, .111' 111' Kcd Wlllam . ..107 '81110110 "Old Homestead .111! C'epan . i Z, l. '.Hill lull t IUI.H loJIte . . 107 'Vel.et -vneirin istci , 111' Dlciiere . ... 1 If 111 fill f ftf tin rn. nn p.ilile n ml tlilmlns pJrsn $700. '. mile. Will 'Ihuiisliii. ., ifp jir. forhett . . ft KhJ't . S edil "Mtlle l.iss . . till 'Ann Uenln.L . .100 .1,1" " ."' niin-'jvai-u ua ami UP, MlmlnB nurse 1300. mile. S lth .in.. ... .I........ - ..i.i.. i IS'0.",. 10, '"eesttlnij 107 ,'.!"" lfuiBOMie.110 Vermnk ion kim. '"". ...ii- .nii" unrper . . st 0imoe flj 'Leuis Liichmuiid.107 6.lSi?'".'..-.-:,,,,5 J'en,''! "0 Sn.Anili r .n . ....... ... elimiV irt mren-jcar-ems ana up, ''mini, puihu .V,00, ii tnlteH. TSne"s, HI 'Conlchen no Tem nrnekij . . . 110 'Antonie 107 tli?,ii"8'."ri'' .'!" -'lBn' 101 MUMJI I'ciirce.ll'j 'Chkk Hurklei...l0 tiZ i '' ''"','' 'or threo-M'Hr-elds and up. 'Wnir, purne $.-,ei), RS furjenun WJllaii'ti Heir. .lit 'Aryanim 11)0 rjfrai...?r ,14 Hubert I. Owen. 11.1 Blil"11 HI Herder nil n'Wce ies -coca Cela . ..10S rcn j Kim? i i.i ul?h,'eun,''', 'U'Prenllcn allowance allowed. r iii-di , iratit usi. THE KERNEL H i ii i -- t I CRAH MN - 'MX: SWSO ( WrAAT De YOO iHhIkTI 9 rl H I Te aee? sri'SBUSY. J sleep "?? hs pfcfefcs i what prompt '?? I BUBBY! r yTS ?? SLEEP??? L M V ' HTS ?l t ' 1 mT ' " ' " 2s J I v -Cf mm& ' ' , " ., - , 4 c v i 'ii CREWS LOST Here's Hew PcAn and Yah Finished in Regatta VARSITY IIACE JTOrtt-PennayUnnla ...'.....,.. n M 8ccent Yale 7;ej Wert by two and one-halt lengths. JUNIOR VARSITY Flrnt Pnnylnnln 7 02 2.-, Secflnd-Yale ......... 1 1 1 J J : 1 .7:08 5-5 Wen by one nnd one-hull lengths. KiO-POUND CRUW 11ACK rirt Pennsylxnnla n:t,i Second Yule e 50 Wen by three length. OFF Rain Prevents Opening Clash of Series With Dodgers en Lecal Grounds ROBINS WIN SUNDAY TILT Tile opening game of the Mrle m'IioiI m'IieiI ulcd between the llroeklyn and Phillies at Bread Mini Huntingdon streets for this afternoon was called off by the local management shortly nftcr neon en ac count of rain. Aihrrvc weather condi tions prevailed all morning, and when the rain started te come down in tor rents, Sum Payne, the Phil ground keener. HTdtlnlrcd thp field nnd re ported te Generalissimo Wilhelm that It t Lite nuuiii-4 jiiuijieu uii ever uur i nils '1.1... 1....!.. . 1 ., ..U lil... jcsteniay arternoen lit I'lntbusli, wal loping the locals by u 10 te 2 count, and Klze Wllhelm, the Quaker, manager, was all prepared te cu-ii the count this afternoon. He intended te uc Lee Meadows, his bespectacled ace, who turned the Braves back In the opening game of the season last Wednesday with four blnglcs. After winning three out of four games from the Bobten Braves, the local Na tional League club started the wrong way in the set of scraps with Brooklyn by losing a 10-te-2 1911st te the Bobins In their own nest jesterdny afternoon. And it enme nfter Brooklyn hnd lest three out of four games te the Glnnts. The Dodgers took revenge en the Phillies with seventeen safe blows. Six .u in,- iiiiM were rnnK lexns i.enmierH. but these were balanced by HI Mvcrs' home run into the left-field bleachers in the sixth off Ccerge Smith and Zack bent's home run ever tin right-Held wall In the seventh off Behim. with Johnsten nnd Griffith en the bases. "Dutch" Bucther, whose left-handing wen the first game of the season from the Giants, was in top form ngaln. He allowed eight hits, hut took things easy in the last half of the game. Geerge Smith starteil for thp 1'hllli.w but was diivcn te (ever In the sixth JnniiiK by Mers' four-bugger und two 1 singles that followed. j Bchaii finished the game. Seven hits and four runs were culled from Smith and seven hits and six inns from iBehan. I FIXIN' FOrTDEMPSEY Hall for 1 . IW. IWI , British Moguls Hire Bouts Londen, Apill 17. The Crystal Pal ace arena, which seats 10(1,000 person, has been engaged by n syndicate which hopes te stage two bouts during Jack Dcmpscy's stay in Knglnnd. Geoigc-McDennld, prometer.'ls pie pio pie pesing that Dempeey undertake te fin ish Jee Beckett, British heavy-weight champion, in nix rounds, and Jack Bliiinenfeld In four. Seat pi Ices will ranse from six shil lings te five pounds sterling. Havre de Grace entriM .. t,,..... jnrff,.r - iccfop?TurioiS'. jnrff,.r - iccfep?TurioiS'. jnrff,.r - iccfop?TurieiS'. ma"ien '--ear- 1'alth W J'atiiiHaln ..1U S0II8I 114 ..111 i:ilzlielh Uean ..114 ..111 Ki.eet nnd I'rett114 ..111 .Sweep Haul. ,...114 wiue .. H s.tt'l: i;il7lllet 1 llrfl II .lit AlltrtiMlMua ,1, .Seul .Mate Ill nihere.il Illue" .' .'l 1 1 .-.i-i-unii rnie, i auiiunK, purxe Jl.'Ul), tlireu- Tllnnla 10.'. Dnuith lllrl ..10R ..10.1 ..nil ..inn ..101 ..101 ..no ..ies ..10 J Thu W'air nil f 'liiehni.i.i Lhnent ins Uunfra ... Iledanicky till Lucky Olrl Pretender 108 'Dara .... Llttle itaudle .. lit 'I'ekey It. Jtlsht Ansle . ...ins 'Hatana, .. Hele) lll.'t S.mdmark PerlReurdlne ...103 'DHlriman Third ram nurne Sl'JOO ..103 ar-eld9. .''a furleni:H: maiden three- (a)Htnr Jester ...1IH (a)ltnce.uetla , My Piny Mil '1 he Peruvian Wolinme Mrniiiierlin l'nn;.irille , ., (larcla llrnmle ..ltd I'uten OlMilhua ... III! Iturki.ned .. Vitamin Mil hunerlatlie .. MaKRl'i Murpli. . Ill ('iiII.-Iek.i .... Uinahmeur .. . .111 Anna M Vines ard us lluxeni Toeilles ... . Ml (a)ileiis mid S.ilillil I.i Stnble entry. 1'eurth iftie, tin- ItUlte, pure Ihreo-.ear-eliN, 0 furleiiKH, Alex 1C IIS I'limHman .... Lxcuse M Ill llialnHtniut .. Coinle Senff ...11- eppermHn .... Dlek Deadejn . .un (iilLolljpep .. (a)Aie .. .101 Mf Plav .... ...111 ...Mil ...mi ...Ml) ...Mil ...Mil ...Ml ...Ml ...Ml J 1300 .. Ml . .114 '. .'.lel ...104 . . .104 uis Heart .. .. 104 TruteDn .... .Mars laud Helle UJ anion nnd Xelllcuuer cntrj. l'lflh race, thn IK'Iuuiuc Hiindicnp pur Ti-'.-iOO, thrtc-s car-olds und up. 1 mlle and 70 sards: lloniruee 151 Tlunca Duck ....Ml Pelly Ann 108 Oljnlhui le.l Sixth lace. eliiiml ncr. puri-n M'.'OO. feur-M..r-uldi and up. 1 l-lll miles; Kim; Jehn lit Clean (lone ... ,M1 Pasteral Hivnin .11.' Park 1IIII 1011 Tem MiTaKuart.lO'i rhe Lnnih . ..lnil liieuB lmi '(lain ilu t'ause ,t0,t Tianslate . . .Ml' Tlppe .Sahlli ...lOil S'n.i ulli race, ilulinlni,- put se il'.'OO, three- .eai-iiins aim up, i' nines WauKenit - .11" 1 in .110 .10". .101 .111.1 .10.1 .101 . VI Austral ... .ies ilu lllKh Ilendrlu . . ..IO.'i Alllhe . ltv Leu .. ..I ill Hill Hunley . KeLie . . le'i Alhina Lues Kntn .. le.l MIs rontnlne hammy Jay . .Phi 'Cohcerroa ..., Llttle Ammle ... 01 Appienllu) nllottanee ilalmed. Wedlher clouds, track iteud. PHILS-BROOK LYN GAME CALLED A'S NEW INFIELD RflBt MACK Defensive Quartet Plays First Division Ball as Senators Fall Before Harris, 5 te 1 BRYAN SHOWS REAL FORM By EDWIN ,1. POLLOCK Washington, April 17. CONNIE MACK is well pleased with his new Infield. In fact, thp gaunt general has a few words of praise for his entire hall club. And why net? Certainly after winning three out of four game! In this young campaign the A's nre deserving of cempilmcnts. The Htntlennry cellar champs leek movable this year. At least they did yesterday, when the slugging Senators were turned back, " te 1. Tlie A's didn't play seventh-place ball yester day: they played first-division ball. Thin wns due. In the main, te the splendid serving of Brynn Harris, that elongated flipper, who, right new, ap pears te be the best bet of any of flic Markian meundsmen. However, the work of the Infield wns highly com mendable. Likes Yeung "That Infield combination leeks much better," said Mack, with a wnile of confidencp and a merry twinkle In his ginv eyes. "I llt Yeung at sec ond, lie'n going te be n big help te us. and Jimmy Dykes Is playing that third bug in geed shnpp. "Yeung Htcndies (ialleway at short- I step, nnd Johnsten Is n reliable man at in -ii. miu.v l 1.1HI uui.Jii'i iui iuiiii-- ten, Djkcs nnd Yeung, and I feel that .(iallewiy is going te come through. The thing I admire most nbeut (ialleway is his eagerness te give the best that is in him. "When Galloway beets one he doesn't take it te heart. An error jus-t makes him go nftcr the next one all the hnrder. lie's always trying, nnd I be lieve he's going te come through. Walker's Return Helps The i-nlnrn ,,f 'Tlllv- WnlLee linlns i the eutlield and puts mere strength in our offense. ' "'rim r...n l,i.. .1,0. n,.n. Int. ' though, Is the pitching. New Bryan -tiv; uur laiiiik tiiui n uuiiujiiiri 1 Harris leeks geed. Se docs Bommell. but thc ether members of the staff don't seem ready et. And I don't I -" - ew... .vi.-.j j- .. ...... - ,... m why. They have had plenty of time; te get ready, and there's no leasen wliv thcy shouldn't be In shape. However. I guess they'll come along." , I The inlield pieved its worth against I the Senators today. "Dec" Johnsten came through with n trio of hits, one of which cume lit a pinch. Dkes wns the only ether member of the quartet who connected safely ut bat. nnd thnt blew scored one run. "Jlmmv" also ium1iAi1 Itt 11 1- tlwt til n t lilmanlf Neither Yeung nor Gnlleway hit l"c iieruj seeing the race nlme-t eer. safely, but they did some smart field- awoke the sleeping champion, and with ing. This pail weiks well around thcia bum of speliiilinii't bewlldeilng. the Ifiitatnlin knnW Mini tlirirn ..-111 lip IlinilV I illis Sllliriie Killliei' CI'lllillL' I'lline from a double killing while they arc guarding thc short field and second base. Bingles and Bungles The A'h centlnunl thflr dltiy iare bjf nklnic Ihclr Hrrnnd ntntlrht brfere IB.OOU .... . ....! n. 1.. .... .... .... I!.lff. fitnu In tliM National CiLnltjii frnm Uip (IrlfTM Thrfd out of four lt-tarlrH mukes us nendrr nlmt It Is nil r.txmt and hope tlltlt tliry renttnun In this uiunncr the rrxt of Ihr miniiiirr. ' lirjan Iliirrin ni the wlnnlns Mncl. hurl--r. AKheJKh eutpltrhvil 1)1' Jee CIiiuheii. a recruit, he wan lielprd by six errors en thn part of Mlliin'H men. The slim ene held them te ene lull and seen hit nnd ulwn held the upper huiiu. Jle net uewn eism men by wa et the Mrllteeut reu '' ; ad mew ui.,... vnrliril for it 10-'; uhl liv the Kelilns (irorce Columbia .smith slnrted en the mound for the (Maker and 1 Itched tfoed bull for the first four InnliiRs, hut blew le Ihe ski In the llflh und sltli Inning. The Robins pounded out se.enteen hits for a total nt tenis-feur bases This nueta Included home runs by Wheat and Mscrs. Dutch Iteuthep hurled his left-hand sloels with much nccurai. and had tha Phils sttlnglne durlns Ihe mtlie b-ame. Oroiee KfVu, 1931 Xatteiial I.raeue home. nm cwimpleii. fnlllnf Ml Iit 1 111 circuit drive la the Oiant-Urme eamrat the Pnle (ireuntls vettrtUiu. Killu swe W Dick Ru Ru ilelih'n attempt te come bnclt, hi hltttna tie. nrlvlnu the ernicr jilldilnfl slnr or the llravea et a victory. Kcllv made a double. In (iiiifltteii te his hemc-rvn clout. The score tiua S te t. Unix- Ruth. Ihe exiled Yankee who has spent Ave dn.s nf his thlrt-elcbt-dny sus pension In clUllun rlelhes. rejoined M trnm nt lliiltlmere je-lenhi. and eennirtnl with u homer In nn exhibition came iiialnst the Orioles. Tlie XVhlle Sex ciptur'd the first extra Irnlnc of the 10-'2 b.isrbill sensen from the Tlccrs, 7-0. nt Naln IVM xesterdny. H.v Kaber. xvhn lest a teuMi Raine en the npen. Inn dav. xvas the x. limine pitcher, he hurllnit ten Innlnits and heldlnu the Tigers le twel.e hits durlnir this time. Maili. v he III in hntliu ler the fmlinui Inst wrfir, enee premise of hii rrturn te 1130 form bv shulllnn out the St. t.eulu llrewni nt Cltl eland uritrrdiw. The enma from the slatt uns a pllrlins' battle brficrrit Maih ami Urban Sheihcr. The Indian registered their run in separate limfiiff". Tha laraest .tin II rreud in the history of the park uan prevent. The CanllnnN kept their shite (lean and nrn still nt the top of Ihe National Iirnmie I ulder l laklnic their f mirth rmim-cuflie Kiinie. They Imit Ihe Cubs In their en Kill jard by the score of .1 te ''. i online from behind In the rleslne Innings nf the Kiinie. Mierdel ..as the x Inning hurler. Dutch Ileuther. besides hurllni; mnslerlv ball aealnst our Phils, did much te Insure his xlctery by Kettlmr four litis out nf four Hints nt bat. They Included a triple nnd three singles. Seme bnttluj record for a pitcher. ;)eiie Bush. Wahlnaten' ulilllu inf.rldrr. who uni wsprmfrrl by I'rcildcnt (SrlJJUh for net repertinv te the Tampa trnlnine camp un reiiiilufnl vetferdau. Ilr renched at third base during the A'-Seuater3 game. first oavliie ei Ie ,i's, llcn out inrcr e; " in... n mi- inn- .u runee ne was - .nni.t-i nirrn ...ineiiai innic a. I rank- ihe Machmen c innea uicoseh .in w.rec j-eiHK at When lie WCUt under the wlie. ' ... IrS ,11'tim hit. wre e-r-ban. Wi Ceininamler .1. K. 1,. Uess ( p.,,.,,. I "' pVny vs'".1..'' T-rnUy"-The I'lilU cot iiprteus stricken b?fere the who had conic from Canada te Havre -,,!rVdGf, J;"!,V?,ll,-Tru,t Cempanv V. Siimiii. , rnuil ut 1 latliiiHli and ceiiHeuuentli I iln f!.-ni. I,, unn Itlll.- 1.-..H.. ..i . Lc 1 niudelpnla rule und Trnm I'nm. the vin;ning smile BT x T e aWV.4JHMMaaWMM( IflMMl aaalBIIHiL ' 'aaaaaHaaaaV w z ,' Piiu "VaaaaaaaaaaaH wrr'f jU ;- IkaaaaaaaaaW aaaaaam .kaaaV ' v' aaB .aaSaH ' f ' aaaaaaaaaaaB I,:V' .x. - aaaaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaH akV r,W. S- i : kw . . - r ( ,aaaaaaaaaaaaaarraaa Captain Itescnuiirg, of the I'enii varsity, Is being congratulated by Jee Wright, Penn rowing coach, following Saturday's races en the Schuylkill, when the Red and Blue defeated Yale In three events SURPRISING FEAT OF EXTERMINATOR Cup Champien Fooled Public and Himself in Winning Sprint, When He Prefers 2-Mile Reute TERRIFIC STRETCH DRIVE THE feat of Exterminator in winning the Harford .$."000 Handicap at Havre de Oraep Saturday In 1:111-5, ever n very heavy track, was n peculiar, tribute te the worth of that grand racer, the champion distance gelding of the world. The word "d stance" points out , the greatness of the feat. j Extermlnnter. Miimnseil te nrcerve i during his active career en the turf a ?!"" "!"n..,'i0.1pr,rnv.,i'l;- ! proving lie Is a Mee horse of the lligll- ' -.j . ihi.111 utv,i at, tnte in'''"""' est pe- But the public did net re- Bnr'. ''. as ery dangerous te the Krcat snrintei-. Illll.- Ivellv. In 11 six- . , r --..-, - - --- " luneng dabli. Lterminater never he-; iB'ns 11s races hefen three-quarters 0 " ,np nas neon pat-seu. nc siiewp' , i"ac no expecteii te pnss tiie graiuistnnii . , , . ----- -v . -- --- ------- aiaSt in leem tliellnrtenl. lie was , iyi'ig u nan leurin coming 11110 me '" . Lxtermlnnter is one of the-i wite i"""r,"ieis uini iiuihes 111s own ,.u, ..,.,, .jiuiimriiy ueeus lime iismsi- ,,, j,.,,,, XVpst pjalndplphin Title mm L. 1 1 ,iecUl'K-, Bu1t as l.r wn:,ind Tiust Company and Commercial moving along In a leisurely gallop at 1 'i'r,,st Company. ..nVl ...f. ''.. "i ""Yi " ,U'B set ;-; " v v.rti tiin, iuiuij 111 iiiutu tu 1 ill- front nt will. Jeikei- Albert .Tohn.en I who, by the way, will lido Mervleh in , the icar of the three lenders te e,eu teims with the three-times winner of thp It,iif.T-.l TIn...lt.,e.. ...1 1.. r... . strides was under the wire a length and a half in front of Billy Kelly. He made the finish in exactly the manner In which Sir Barten meteor-like swept bv his stablemntP. this same reliable Billy Kell. te wlu the Kentucky Dei by. Great Stretch Drhe . , .t.iin ii. 111111 111 it iv.. 1 Hew fast I'xtciminatei- inn Hienin.li I thestietch at Havre deGi ace will never The schedule for the Masen is an an eo known. The track was two and one- ! pended : half seieiids slew. The nice en a fn-l .April iruci. nuuiii nuve eccn run in III !-, at least. The extra dNtance made up, '' Kxtfrmlimter in the Mretch give's uic iimsc .iii-piiM'u ei un When their favorite was forced te jlehl tlie "sprint" inmn te n ili"tnn'e runner. Ceininnnder Uess hud seen l.'xteniiina l.'xteniiina ter defeat his Ileiiifuce h.v a short nose In a grueling race of two miles and a hnlf liltt In. !invm iivr.i.tiul I., l. .. .1... inn .l.ampien beat llilly Kelly al six' fiilleiiKs. The two leaders carried i:!'.' (ion nils etch. And the Unijedy of Exterminator is that he Is gelded, and the nation can (jet no reproduction of his marvelous qualities of speed ever a distance. There is plenty of sprint bleed in this country, but leng-dl-tniice horses of quality nre scarce, which Is a blew te the Government. I.IICliy Hours bend Shew ing Of ll.,. rwi... ,.,..ll.ln.c .1 IT , ,'', ' . , "."" . "L I iiu.i.' ui- vii utv -. ,jiruuiK me lcmUm- ten Miuuie s i.ucKV neur is cntilled le lirst place. The Kerele or Ilourlcte. ielt had an easy victory eer a licet Iriud. includinc Last Kffert. which ran third after a bad beeiiiiiluc. Again VlnlinM showed n spnrMlng performance in run ning second te Diesilen, n geed hnnili- up horse and conceding inudi weight. It is a certainty that I.ucl.v Heur will hi highly considered in tlie Derby. It should be said for Ilavre de Ciaie that the racing .Saturday was In exci, way high class. Kwrv Iiei-m in.evci'x race appeared te be doing hia be,t, anil there wns no suggestion of tough tiding or poorly judged rides. The jeikexs acquitted themselves In cemmendulilp fashion. The ll'.OOO persons nt the tinik were entertained en a scale torn tern mensurutc with the best traditions el the turf. Annie Oakley Has Perfect Score I'lnehurst. April 17. iviint i. . ,. .. ,.. I.. n nu,.. ,.,,rl.1 ....'..-. '""""" " , .... ....v. .v. ... v ..i.i., iii. ..in. ...'ll . n-i. -- - - muni llllinn- unm.in C 1. I f.i.i i ,. . t SI... ......I T l.. Bunner x.uh pmiiWIMhiI hur x. in ' """" 77 '""" ' """ """Kins, Oakley, tlie fjimeu iniirk.nnnmn nnu I fe?,'Sr'"u MnjcrHt lifth Our MilK, Kair- UrKeu In a row. hoetli!- Vre n he J xtecn" . ''! Illl',ll,t "" ' cnth UefllRCC. ' d "n'- leul I Helster, I.n-v I-tm. .ry . v 'aaaaaaaaaaWw ' aH i ' "'aaaPaaaaMtV--'fv'aal BfcaUMaaW HbII BANK TEAMS SET E Provident and Land Title Inau gurate Season This Afternoon en Legan Grounds EIGHT TEAMS IN LEAGUE The first of thp "llttln leagues" In this city lifts thp lid en thc 1022 base ball campaign this afternoon when the Bank and Trust League gets under way at Legan Ball l'nik, Eighteenth and necklnnd streets, at .' P. M. Th , , ,.'.,, , , of thc "vldent Life and Trus he teams st Cem- nand nnd Land Title and Trust Coin- nnny conic together in the opener. The managers of the eight teams In . . , II i a i t I me icuSu nine nil m-cii inicrvienf... and no le-s than eight make the official announcement that they will win the pennant. I .wry team admits It has tlie htrongest club .nnd a glance nt the ppr- senIU,i 0f ti,p team would convince the lcn,iCI- ,i,nt the cames will be ceed The teams In the ciicult arc: 1'revi xnu luiuin in uir viilui ((l,lt j(lfe 11(I Tut c,)mlnny. Land .j.jte ,,,! 'i'nt Cempanv, First Nu- tlenal Bank. Heal INtate Title, Insur- ,.,, nll(1 Trllst Company. Market street Natlennl Bank, Fiunklln Xa- Th(. j,,,,,,,,,. wilI ,,,ny four 1)Ights FOR OPENING AM each week at the grounds of the Legan 1 Montgomery County League, was te ' new for an open-air arena in the north A. A., at Eighteenth and Beckland open the season with an exhibition con- em -ectlen of the iltv and cxpetts te -tieets. The games will stait at ." P. test with the Quaker City Pres. l,ut the 1 sta-e weekly bouts, -tartlng (Oily next M.. and the playing days are Men- plans hne been upet and the opening , week. d.i. Tuesday. Thursday and Frldaj . postponed seveiul week". While in Bnltlmme Sansom wn-. ideu- Jehn J. Wblte, who has (ailed 'cm in Manager Nick Matins wants n game I tilled with Bcnnv Franklin, piometcr. tin- Blue Itidge League for a number nwuy from home for thU date. He an- ..), is imltinc en the twehe-teund de- 01 'canons, has lieen appointed efliclul uinime. A schedule of twciit.v-cleht rnmeshnu been arranged and the season should be a iiui'-t successful one, us the officers are a bunch of Ihe wires. Thev uic: President. CntI M. ChafTee, nssNtnnt cashier Flist Natlennl Bank; secre tarj and trensiuer, William It. .Mun .Mun derf, of Munderf & Ce., leal e.tate. ind who is the lather of man athletic cnterpiKes In the bunks i, I'reiiuent i.irt and Trut I'emnaiiv 1B l'.!1"',1 'C!"m 0"',' '.r,ruV '"mp.m ""UiV. tl0"" IUnk 8' ll"' l, 1 Hstate infill ljk.il?"11 lan"' ,9 rpanh,,n t -7V,'.lTket 'VTr01 -N'n'Jenl Hank s. Land Title nt.d Ti list ' einpins-. " JS Meal l.state l.tlu xs CeniniercliI 'im.t Company. May watL,,ut,", Tru" cny .V rifllrirLVh!!.11S":I0?1'iT" Cem- ?-nkl.n,,S5B,Kr,1,. Wk. C""""l"y " "-RsVN'k'tlen'al JnkT""1 CmMny 9 -T,fllntk"t?eu1pr,al ItanU " """erclal "-.'.'fen'aV'nk'f"10 Market S'rt P.' West PhiladelphK Tltle and Trust Cem. . Puny v. Lar.,1 Tltle nnd Trust CemiSw le Prexldent Life and rust Cem winy vs" Cemrr.erc al Trust Company; V 1 ra,1.'Lr!r ?ianJ Tn"" Company x. Heal r , " ...... -.--'..... ...iii. IS Market Street National Dank xs Pirst .1.. National IJjnk. iu i rnnhlln National Hank m n.lnUihi.. -rui .,.i .i ....... . 'W,L en ... ni.ti ... 7V. i nT.i . .. ' u'u v-empanx-. "- Land Title and Trust Company xs. Fl National Dank. v ' i-'lrst 2'l Prexldent Life nnd Trust Company vs. Piunklin National Hank 1'-, Market Street National Hank xs. Cem- merclil I rust Cemi'inj ;flUest Phllailelnhl.i Title and Trust Cem pinv xw Ileal Luati. Title. '.'1' Common lal Trust 1'eniii.inv xs. i.n.i Tltle und Trust Ceinp.ins June . '. Market Street Nntlnnal Hank xi. West I'lilladelphl.i. Title and Trust Compans. i 3 Ueiil Ustute 'litle s Pi.inklln National II ink. i, I'eimnercinl Trust Cemp my xs. I'irat . Natlen.il Hank 8 Prexldent Life and Trust Cempanv xs. , Market Slret Natien ll JI ink. Beets and Saddle Hern's which seem best nt llnwe de 1 fit uic today are; I'livt rnctv Tine I'ljer. Dnniel, Set ting sun; i-ecend (Steeplechase) jntj. del II. I.e.Masiniln, Fair Jlnc; thirtl ('ituiiiiliilitle. Iltra iinlil, Wut- Neteii Running Pa Up a Tree I JUNIOR LEAGUE STARTS SPORTS New High Scheel Organization Will Stage Baseball and Vol leyball This Week CATHOLIC LEAGUE GAMES By PAUL PItEP THE junior high schools athletic sea son will get under way some time this week. Ne ilciinltc uatn nas ueen set as et. Four Institutions will get Inte action In two different sports. The baseball season will be opened with Tilden Scheel meeting Mitchell Scheel nnd Helmes Scheel being enter tained by the Themas Scheel. Mitchell Scheel will be opposed te Themns Scheel nnd Tildpn Scheel will bp the guest of Helmes Scheel In the Volleyball League. The idea of having n Junier High Scheel Athletic League has been In the minds nf the. Supervisory Committee for some time, but before this jenr nothing definite was done . Carl Hummell, head of the boys' de partment of phvlcal cducntien in the Philadelphia public schools, wns one of the main factors in getting the circuit formed. Up helped In urrnnging the schedules and will b '" charge of ac tivities. Mr. Hummel! nlwajs has been inter ested In athletics Among the jeunger schoelbnjs, and was ery much pleased when the lengue finally wns formed. He sajs it won't be long before the junior high schools will takp care of all the athletics that formerly were freshmen sports. He declared that freshmen atliletiei would seen be abolished in the high schools, nnd thnt all such netlvities would take place In the junior highs. Twe Catholic League baseball games arc en the card for this afternoon. Catholic High will be Vlllanevn Prep's opponent en the Main Line and Saie slanum High will mnke Its first np peaiancc as St. Jeseph's Prep Scheel's guest. ClItlleliY IIIl-Ii will nlnnn ilu vti'enrr. '"i line-up in the ffiime In fni'n the Mnln r.lmifu 'iM.n r'ni.Mii.ne ..., ,in. fentisl in a slucfest last week b We-t ,.!....!.. . 1 7. . . Catholic, and Conch Fercusen "doesn't want a repetition. It is probable a , big shake-up will take place In the ' Purple and Geld camp hefoie the gam.. I Sulesianun. High has never appeared , in this pit., ns n mimilmi- ,f tim fnfiiniie ' Baseball League. The Wilmington 1 Anether eight-round bout will be tenm. heuewr. Isn't considered verv ' Tenv Capen! vs. Jimmy Siteee. Mx strong, nnd the Crimson nnd Grav is I leiinders are te be Clenic Tint .s. pep looking forward te an easy victory." 'O'Brien. Gcergic Hussell vs. Bay Mit- " j .hell mid Johnny Majhoek . Al Men- OPENING IS POSTPONED 1u,mn- Lansdale Team Will Net Meet Qua ker Glty "Pres" Next Saturday The Lniisiliilp team, eliniiitiinn f tlm nmmces that he has -Igned Johnny I.ayan. coach of the Sr. Jeseph nine andwiie fermely pltied with tin I'lii- ersity of Pennslvania. Last jear he was with Clearfield in the. Oil League I.aiisdnle held a practice Satuiday with the St. Jeseph College nine and all the plaers showed up well. An team wishing te play I.ausdale en Sat urday should phone .Manager Nick Manns, Columbia 0270, In the daytime, or (iermaiitewn 1000 at night. Y's Krax TDASEP.AU, rookies don't mind being jVeter STCJlVillue heVc!' !, - looked ever, but they hate te be, withdrawn from the Football Advisory overlooked. Beard at Princeton. ..... , , . "This does net mean that the beard Sonic Hoping Uamiiihilensfiatiie their eannet call upon me for such assistance yeli it te put borer out of commtisien. I ns 1 am able te give," ntnted "lllg 'Bill" tednv, "but I hnxc slu.red my Our Dally fiucssliig Contest What uctixc iclatiens with It." job docs Ihe .secretary of the Treasury This leaves only two nctlxe members held? en a beard which Is supposed te have five members. The ut tiw members left , xvre v Hpi-I,lfPJJ,nVA-V C'l"r 0L'T are C. W. McC.raw. captain of the 1010 His JIONM.I nusiNEhS. eleven, and Sumner Union-: Miller, .. I chI., ,,.- i,.i,r. i r I'hilndelphla. The ether llitee members A woman is suing her I usbanil for , bc appointed sheitly. tobacco nieue.x. All she has is the, ' pnpeis. . t . Thc hnmr-hreicist getting sunrise in hi cellar chirps, thc ether band!" I shot at "OImmme "' "" 1 . NEARLY HALF THESE OWNERS GOT MORE THAN SEVEN YEARS' SERVICE BETWEEN June, 1914, and June, 1916, the Fess-Hughes Company sold 168. cars in Pidelphia. Eight years later, March, 1922, 70 of these cars were still giving satisfactory service in the hands of their original owners; 54 had been traded in for new Pierce-Arrows; 15 owners had died; 6 had moved away; 1 car was burned; 12 sold their cars and only 10 had traded in for cars of ether makes. Fess-Hughes Company, list and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Reading, Bethlehem, Lancaster Pierce -Arrew Five Leading Hitters in Each Majer League NATIONAL I.KAUUB Pliifr nnd Club. . A, II. II. T.r. Oreh. New erk... ll 1 . tVelllnmit. I'hlllle.s . ft it! .?S I'nrklnsnn, I'hlliifn. . n 17 7 .411 IlUHllniN. Nfw Yerk. ,5 30 H .400 AMKRICAN T,E(lt'K riBTfr nnd rlnh. (I. A II. II. V.C.. i Mrlnnlx. (irvrlnnd... I in It .RR3 Kit, Wtfihlnicten. .4 II 7 .ftOO hlalrr. Ht. IiiiIk.,.. 4 IK H .441 L'ulnhnw, llrlrnlt... 4 III H .IJI hnenkrr. Clrirlnnd .4 17 7 .11 I Judge, MWilngtun.. 4 17 7 ,i BUSY SEASON IN RING FOR DRONEY Lancastrian Has Had 37 Bouts, Meeting Tendler and Leon Leen ard Among Others MET TIPLITZ FOUR TIMCC I irnte liy LOUIS II. .IAFKK TI)IUJNi:Y. e ..lirliiteniwl 'I'l f lrih parentage. imethy nnd hulling from Lncaster, P., has been one of the busiest list men In America during the 1021-22 reason. Although out of the ring two or three times for short periods owing te injured hand, the Lancustiiaii has competed in thirty seven bouts for the indoor listic cam paign nbeut te cle-.e ,1. ....'. V 1" .w". Being an In-between beer, Drencj has becd lightweights and welter- weights, including some of the leading leather pushers in thc l.n-t. 11111 s list of oppenenw this sen'-en includes bouts with Lew Tendler, itenny i.een- , ard, Geerge Clianey, Jee Tlplit-5, Pete Hartley and the Latze brethcis Stcc unit Pete. 1 Dreney and Tlplit. punched at caeh! ether In four different tentests. while ! he met both Pete Laue ami Harthj three times. A little thing like weight' never has bothered Timethy in accept- 1 ing mutches. He always has been read te go when In shape. , . ,, I Tonight Dreney is te mcei ici icr again, this time at the Olympla. J hey . , 1 . ...1... 11... !,i If iiti.lliir. boxed seeral months age in Heading, Pn., ami Tim was far fiem being 11 t - et - up. Tendler is picked a winner for their encore this evening, hut Dreney is n game guy und there Isn't a chance of im illpffal howl of foul being made. Sansom Is Heme llnrrv Snnsniii has returned te Phiiu lelphia" after visiting sceral cities In the Seuth In the piometion of boxing .....I l..,r,,ltli.i. ImTprv. He is nccetiatllli' ,.ki,.i then, tomorrow nlisht betwien I vnd. Chancv and Jee Dundee ' 'iJundee is a piemlving ji sa,i Harrv teda, "and he eungster. may feel these nicking Jee a, a soft thing for Chancy." "BIG BILL" EDWARDS OFF TIGER FOOTBALL BOARD After Twenty Years of Service Famous Guard Withdraws New Yerk. April 17. After twenty Fitter Nine Opens Season Today Th Tltler . A. nlne faces Oermantewn A c- for tlw openlne of th rnen this afternoon Ht 3 30 o'clock, at Tacony street' aboxe Ilildjje. 1 their Pierce-Ai -rrews BURYWANSOI ON 70TH BIRTHDA1 "Grand Old Man" Will Be Laid .& a Dae4 ih nb.aMMl mma .V. ufc nciii iii vannuuu WOIIIC- tery Today ' N Z77 m THOUSANDS rMT imtsuiv: 41 uirnge, April in "mp Ansen, 1 "50 llic. "rrr...l...1.l f 1 .. ...111 V ' il " ft.illMI Hill mull 111 P1MIII1, ..111 UT laid In rest this afternoon In Oakwood Ceineleiy. The grave will be only n stone's threw fiein Jacksen Park, where Mr. Anen sppnt most of his re cent years en the golf links, the bfach or thp sheeting gieunds. 1 Today would hap been the seven tieth birthday of the great diamond star, who' led chnmiileushlp bnscball teams In the dnjs when present grand Vk I c.ii .. . ,1 ... .., . i"(Sa, weri' .veungsicrs. 11 in innnncu 1 ,0 jlltpp ()p )mIy ,)f MrM ,M)n nt 1,1s side In a few dajs. She Is burled In ' Philadelphia, but her uedy will be breitghl here. Mr. Hejdler, Mr. Vceck, Mr. Cemls- - ZMXuWVk who were ebscrwd in the chapel were i.iiicK 1. vans, internationally known golfer; 1'red Pfcflei. Jim White and corgi Cere, who plujril ball wTth Mr. Aiheii ; Johnny Kers, "Kid" Cleason, Beh I'mslle. eteran Nntlennl Lcumie lunipln and ball placr: Dan O'Lcary. . j. . ...II. ...., I '111,- -I , L'KII .J.V.I.J, 1 famous walker : Tem 1'elcv. who headed a delegation of old-time plajcrs, and leprc-entatlves from niimcreii's athletic Hubs ami organizations. All of thc nln.crs en the Chicatre and Detroit Aineilcan League teams j attended, their game being postponed until after the services. r aQFRAI I TVwfav ?.?np M B'tNPvLNr.r l??SI,.I?: M Vini.uiY, !'YiiioekiXnC sPnt en hule ut eimlirN ami hiialdlnc I n PDP KflOPhflll , Hely CrOSS VS. Pennsylvania 1 aj j Anril 17th 330 P M ' , rti"ui.. iipni Kill, .J.cJU 1. m. 1 Aamiss en ................. ......50c Tlrkrts ,. mi, nt 1 rkiin Held - e LYMPI A BOXING Apnl i: nreia ec eainuridf Aprit n JOHNNY Al, MAYHOOKvs.MONAHAN CJKOIIflir. RAY RUSSELL vs. MITCHELL CI.OMH PEP TATE vs. O'BRIEN k nien.bn TONY 8 Rda. JIMMY CAPONI vs. SACC0 T.FW 8 lids. mi TENDLER vs. DRONEY PRICES, 50c, $1, $1.50 1.50 .1216 SfUtK nn Hillr. ScIieII'h Cur. Fllbrrt St. I'linnc, Locust 4900, ( nnnlnKliam'n. in S. r,3i Ht. Tncllrr'ii Teel I'nrler, 730 Mnrkrt Wl Slmnn'a, S. K. Cor. Hlh & MrKean St.. w riiESTON' a loe west 1074 Ice palace 45TII AND MARKKT STKEETH Trust kald xtc could net run W will raa BOXING TSV Prices,!, 2,3,JL 4 fclUMT ROUND BOUTS 4 WORLD'S GREATES ALL-BANTAM SHOW (Champien. Ex-Chuoiplen und 8tz l.fiiillng Title Ciintdnlcri.) .101. (8 IteuniU) iOUN'O NELSON v,. MONTREAL ThlladfliililB Prexlflyncs K. II. JOK (8 KeunUs) 0'DONNELL . SHARKEY JACK tileiirfntfr. N. J. Nrw Yerk .ll.MMV (8 Round.) MEND0 - LYNCH JOE riill-xiMnlila Nexv Yerk llTTl.lN(l (8 Bound.) .IOII.NNy" LEONARD v,. BUFF I'lillKiIfllililn, JrrMiT Clt llrkrtM ut Ice ruluci UM ,s. 1'rnn Ha 1 l'i iiid.ill'.. JBI s. iithi locust CIbVi" Ce 1S8 H. .I.'dt hli.i!ef.:0a.1 Miirketi P? '. ten C.ifr. .JI s. lethi The Huh. 23 N. isthi iscmlnela ( leur Mare, 4(101 I.untu.trr At. RACES TODAY AT Havre de grace SEVEN RACES DAILY hiwlal I'rnnslnnlii II. It. truln liir llrnnil St. Millien l-'::il I. M.i rt riilln.. I' -.10 I". M .lire. t te inire. -.iH-riil It. nnil ll, tniln Iciixi-h Sllli und Clirstllut Sin, l'-ItUO 1'. M.. nurlar und dlnlne our. ilmlslmi (IninilstimU inn) m. 'ml., 1SI.U3, liirliidlinc lieirrniucnt 'l.i. riRvr rac'i: at -aii p. m. frSy OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 612-614 Chestnut Street 900 Square Feet Frent Roem Geed Light Elevator Service Apply Mr. Dallas 3 .v4 I M ) V X WA VI r.i 'Irl. ta .i?a ni m r M ' 1 M 1 JI !Ol iVI mm 1 i'S :M 606 Chestnut Street i evg wucsuiuc street it fm iasjii MBmM (tsv..injp.1 hfeiAi-xV