FOTlWWMBB5ft:jrHBMI tKr.7i.. p fn riv '.i .3 j ,a i.i wsk! "Tir'.ri .' ax ju n ,t.i zvvaf.! "" r-ryjsr ma in"". . ' " 'i'1 iuvrv"1 ' '" PHlCSDEiar ifOifOAyygBni '17,'a1922- T. . . '11 WWm?i'M mf RADIO IN THE HOME "By HENRY M., NEELY ' ilew tnercmcnt Jippcaifctt) if be rather long, ewlnjr, perhaps, te the'fnct Hint It was taken nt ,nn unusually . slew tempo. This tvas compensated for In the speed, delicacy and grace with which the las,t movement was read 'and played. The concert closed with n repetition, by request, of thc'Bach O miner Pas paiaglla, orchestrated by Mr. Hto Hte Hto kev, ski, which was the feature of the program at n "previous concert, when It ua-Tperformcd'fer the first time. ' t Meva te New Offlcat' The trustees of the Mothers' As- Trfstanee "Fund, moved today te tnnr new offices at -017 .Locust teet, .from their old headquarters at 1037 Walnut street. The fund administers pensions from public funds, te widowed mothers with miner dependent children. Nearly eight hundred mothers and three thou sand children are receiving aid from this source, the society announces 1 Radie is ah actual home entertainment today. Here we have a tplcal family seated listening' te music from several hundred miles away. We '' hate the long box which contains the first part of the receiving apparatus i and then the small box which builds up the strength' of the signals se i that ihey can be transferred te the loud speaking horn. Everybody In the room can then hear them as plainly as they would hear a phonograph - Ne.l. What's It All About? What's in the Air? i 1 What Is this .radio craze all about? ' pit Is 'there Jn the air te Interest people he don't knew anything about radios Don't you hnve te knew a dot-and-dash cede or something te get anything out of It? Nine men -out or. ten wne rcau every itr rbeitt the wonders of radio bread -aiting nsk themselves and their friends tkew questions. And unless they can t satisfactory answers, they go en ibeut their dnlly routine cenvlncd that -J!- iu tin nnd them ene of these itte and Involved sciences that require Apparatus that only an expert can keep In working order. But they ere wrong. Yu don't have te knew anything nbeut radio te get the enjeimcnt out of this broadcasting, leu don't have te .knew any dot-und- -'? jeu buv a standard set designed te rcIc n broadcasting station, you itmnly put en the head phones, turn a couple of knobs until they get the best results nnd then sit back and enjoy such in evening of Instruction and entertain ment as no ether invention has yet of fered te us. There Is, of course, a let of broau breau Mitlng done In the "dot-.and-dash cede. But there is'nethlng In this te Interest thetverna layman. Fer him, when his nhenes arc en nnd his fcet adjusted, there ItneSOl"'" Ul IUK i.i.i.ii... ""- ""O thit station It is Bending. The voice comes in even mere clcarlv nnd dis tinctly than It does ever his house or efflce telephone. Then comes, perhaps, a vocal bole a wprane. we win say. singing u uuiuvm ilr, nnd the music Is received in the phones almost as purely nnd distinctly u though the listener were in the same turn with the singer. There are orchestral concerts, lec tures, speeencs, marKci reports ier uiu Jit, general nnd sporting news, all the results of the day's games or the aisht's fights; there arc dance music Bfeframs which, with proper apearntus, einbe put en a loud -speaking horn, or, with an Ingenious nnd cheap little at ticbraent. transferred directly te the tone arm of tne pnonegrapu anu u room reom roem lul of people can dance te the music of in expensive orchestra pernaps inree or (our hundred miles away. On Sundays there arc special sermons In the afternoons and, iu the mornings tnd evenings, actual services nem in Mil phurclies nnd sent broadcast en the Me waves ever the country by, menns ( transmitters installed in me lehufches. He clearly de these services e in under favorable conditions mat mi can near tne response c rcua-ngs M the congregations, the sermon and iriTprn. the erenn nnd the choir and ilmest the coins dropping while the cel- krtlen is being taken up. i'.Thls ull sounds like a madman a rav ins In mie .who linn net nettially done It, mit if jeu knew nn amateur who hae i set, gci jeursuu niviitu iu iivu some evening nnd jeu will come ewny chortling about radio te jeursclf and jour family nnd your menus just ns Irreprehsihly as the rest of us chortle te you new. Tw iun't n Knnfc in the whole area Het the United States or Canada which cm t get nt least one of tnese rauie concerts. The mall of the big broad bread carting stations, even In the extreme East, brings almost dally an account ofyeinc one In the wilds of the Vnr N'etth weeds or the mountains of Mex ico who Is finding life less dreary Mnce ihc ether waves have started bringing home nnd art und news and civilization te his lumber camp or ltis ranch or his nine or oil well. There is one thing about it, of ceusc -the farther you. are away from a broadcasting station, the mere expensive a set you will liave te Have. Hut the result can be achieved by any one any where between the Atlantic and Pacific. And It's all se well worth while that you will find the money for It some where, once you hnve had a taste of what Is In stern for the owner of a set. - Nip diabetes in the bud. with nrlnU a ptavj tt Mountain raltcv watrr everu ftetir me newr. .oil iff'. "Radie-active" 'J tills pure drinking water, plurf ft medicinal radio-activity put there by Nature. Stubborn cases of Diabetes frequently yield te this Kreat natural water. En dorsed and recommended by physicians. Office nnd Na.enroetns, 718 Chentnnt St..FhllR. Call and aample Water free. Ph. Walnut JJ07 Mountain Valley Water W f ndle ( , Ann tome ORCHESTRA GIVES ITS EASTER CONCERT Novelty, a Werk by Spanish Com poser, Heard for First Time Here TUG PROaitAM "l.a Orande Panun RiiNse," rtlrnxky-KorsakefT E'xccrptB from "El Amer DruJo".,,le Fnlla Hympheny In 13 flat Merart I'asiucaslla C miner t Much In pursuuncc of its usual custom, the Philadelphia Orchestra gave the first concert of the Hely Week pair at the Academy of Music en Saturday, evening and the concert usually given en Friday afternoons will be performed today at three o'clock. The concert began with Klinsky Korsakoff's "La Grande l'nqun Uussc" or "The Russian Kastcr," which Mr. Btokewskl has been in the habit ei putting en the program for Hely Week for several seasons past. The compo sition has all the gorgeous orchestral color for which Rimsky-Korsakeff is unique among the modern Russians, but while much of the thematic mate rial is admittedly drawn from the music of the Itussinn Church, the ef fect of the work Is net entirely relig ious, nt least from nn Occidental stand point. The composition has nlunys the effect of grandeur nnd dignity and It wus splendidly presented by both con cen con ducter and orchestra. T.ike ether compositions of Itlmsky-Korsnkeff, it Is becoming better appreciated with hearing and last evening It was mere cordially received by the audience than at any of the previous henrings. The novelty was a beiics of excerpts from "Kl Amer Uruje," described np a "choreographic fnntusv" by dc Fnlla. u Spanish composer. There wcrp twelve excerpts, nnd they covered n wide range of emotional feeling. The work pal pably was net a composition for orches tra, and its merits, or rather the merits of the composer, are. difficult te judge for this reason. There is a decided originality of thought shown, but whether this is originally of the composer or the strangeness of the Spanish 'musical luiem, wuicn is new te Amcrlenncars. cannot be said. The work ns a whole was very pleasing nnd composed and orchestrated with much skill. The symphony was tbe lovely 13 flat of Mozart, the first of the three great 17S8 symphonies in date of composition. It was beautifully played, with great re gard for the sentiment, nltheugh the Today's Programs (Alt en 260 mrtrrn rhlladelpMa Station (WFI) iy(.il,lrfM A f'lnthlrr) lHT.MI.ate newa Ucm from the Tun. no i.rixiun. . ,,,, 10 T. M Seprano sole. "Theu nrlll ant Illrir (Mary nenacreun. pimmu, 40r. M- ii. nie Jehn Vandcrloel J V. M. 'itner koIe Wilbur Jlerwlr It r. M Seprano sole. "Kemn. ueiiin. Sinn Me n Hene." Mary Aldr ill. P. M - Hhhk koIe Jehn Vnntl. raleni (OP M 'lener nole Wlll-ur Miwl ctenlnj iiregrnit bralnnlnc ul 7 30 r, M.. ' RftHI.. 'I..I11B f.. li.i.tnnirH.M lcwla 1. ,Kndal. Jr. irijrlJEi & Clelhlcr Main wuiici jtrtniin kOe Helen Acknurt Olai 'nor sei i;uni'ii iym no reiu. Iiv Ilfirm 'I liener, inn ihi t"nni. iiiirtoen earn old i ivuii. '5 K miner (Lliepln), tb) Prelude. In u, In.rn .!.... ...... . "J teni iio'e Hareld Minendi iri)riiise & I'letlilrr Male iju-inci. I'lilladrlplilu htutlen (WIP) , , (dlmbrl Ilrelhrra) Pwm Ureihers OrchBtra Violin. Jacob - piniiu. H.iunend Htnn; naxepiuinc. i ". uginmn; cello, ucoice u Annuiinu, ui- L'S Vlullii nole, Jacob Uhl, accempanlfil r.te'wnil Hlecn. ! icner hele, I.ce Hheehan. S-fJ I'lnne sole, Mrs Frances Bibceck. ije rener Beln. Ue Hhwhan 13 l'lann mln II.. I'lum n. lt..ruMinU. ntjempantfii by cii'ar'lcH '. HalHall rii V' Afnllan Uuartct will aim? bcv- ".""" "OPrailO, Alllia ll. l-una. l-uii-rIlu. I! n v ittn.ii... .Inhii ic. rtuh- l..btltiini., William V. J'aa. aLCom aLCem iik Chailulte H. Hnbiun- ,. jH.iT"'"" Items, courtesy et tne i-mik 7 iJ"inpemicemcntii . ,.t t.l.V IlOtltlllin .IiipIe. tnf thn Idddlll. "Thu Bu!Jrlur('" "f HeddN Kox." Thornten W. lV'.u,.a,, l "Unde Win." - rieii musical selections. 10 l,'i,!.". I'ltUbumh. V. (KIIRA) in .'.',' ' M. Music. mf. bV imi,,i"" 0l ' ' C " ! Ja,;A:?.r'..'i..:"'-- r m.'..,. 1. M. Kne. lui imiii. ilniprnni'-nt Mcha.i.epurl"1 f'linmary of .Vi! Verk .Sle. U r '!''. athi.r rcuert. endiif'Jl:"H',tklv Itevlew of HubIiii-bi :iib ni! " L,J e National Industrial Cen- n ii .- ." .U ,."! L Stene i 1306 Walnut Street t The Entire Stock Sacrificed at Prices Far Belew Cost in This Remarkable RECEIVER'S SALE 4. New Dresses of Tricetinc, Canten, Reshanara, Taffeta and Crepe Knit 1.75 75 75 Value te 49.7S Values te 65 Value te 125 Capes and Wraps Canten Crepes. Twill Cords, Belivias and Veldynes in every new hue and mode. Spring Tailleurs Stylishly mannish suits that re flect most expert tailoring. 75 Valuee te 8S 75- Valuee te 95 fhc Human Klde of HankliiK.' ' J f. V. ... Mv ..unin.l eiuu " i.iiiii. t Tru.i '.'" iresldi'nt Hast Und bavlnus 3u .-"!l,',iu. I'lttaburah. . f se..;..?1, .'."'I'ert by U rare Hrften Ma !lh"r tl?,'iu,i '. Tdlnand l'emajcr, vlellnlsli " l0 1" r. M. Arlhmtei i(ten time slunal, X. ,...!. . !.... . 'r,""i . . IIUI II te i . I'CVBruiu every hour from 1 1 . STuTZ Efficiency That Can Be Acquired Only by Inherent Perfection The prowess of the Stutz with the "D-H" Engine and Compensating Spring Suspension is inherent. It is net acquired artificially by adding intricate auxiliaries te the fundamental power unit. The Stutz is the first fine car te rely solely en the mature refinement of its basic design instead of multiplication of parts for its splendid versatility. As a result, the Stutz, we believe, is mere nearly 1005 efficient throughout the entire range of meter car perform ahce than any one car built today. Its attainments are the sort that can be acquired only as the result of inherent perfection of design. STUTZ MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF AMERICA, Inc. Indianaelu, Indiana, U. S. A. S. R. BLOCKSOM MOTOR CO. 667 North Bread St. Phene Poplar 0392 0393 0335 " Ien i ii'"1" t'very n ..l"iSr i".r.eH,"l (efficii fikir-r" M- II -dall), i - at n swi 111 II 1 r? 'uv,-,,ia.;,). il Ulrl l. Lh. tu.s ,...i..i ii Wlii J" t Hltlln Hull, by Plr.-0ricrt, Char) Jacien. dl- ".Il""-""IS, ' ' r r,,,i" i te laiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaia . Bililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililil ii SlJiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaial '.SliMSBBBGCSIHIBCSSS '..Tv'iiKrsiw'jfsra ir.ri .flj'. ii.i!F Economy Basement Specials for Tuesdct Spring, Sale of Women's Bungalow Aprons, 98c ea S MONDAY. APRIL 17, 19. Htore bpi-n l A. M. 'le f m0 Vj W nellenburgS rJMTIRE BLOCK -MaKE1 Hfre2 STREETS J Smm !Mmm8im fwffiJr InliUl lllliiRllf ill immmwmmi Siilire w I T I . Im Mam fw Of percale, chambray and cretonne. Several pretty styles, finished with contrast ing color a a all, piping and pockets. Apron and Cap Sets 98c T'l.iln . color r li a m b r a y, trimmed with ilckrack braid, belt and pock ets. One pictured. 79c Percale Bungalow Aprons . . . Several nttractUe pat terns. Finished with bind tnif. rlckrack braid, sash and pocket. 45c SNELLENBURflS Economy Basement 1000 Brand-New $3 Crochet Bed Spreads, $lJ98Ea Crochet weave In pretty new patterns. I'lnln hemmed ends. All full double-bed size. SneIlCNBURCS Economy Basement Beys' Spririgrl Clothing Closely Marked te Save Yeu Substantial Sums Continuing Our Greatest of All Sales of Men's & Yeung Men's $25.00 & $27.50 Spring Suits $15 Each Tailoring These garments arc wnll cut and finely fin ished in every detail. Materials Tweeds, Pure Worsteds, Cassimeres and Cheviots Patterns and colorings arc the newest and smartest. Styles Conservative, Sports and Snappy Youthful Medels This wonderful let includes every new style version plaited or straight backs, semi-belts, patch or flap pockets, Values that eclipse anything we have ever seen! j . . . Men's and Yeung Men's One and Twe Trouser Spring Suits Remarkable Values at $19.50 Wide variety of new models made of serviceable materials in choicest colorings and patterns. SvflTenbUrJgS Kconerny Basameil A Splendid New Greup of Girls' Lingerie Dresses yjii; rfirJlul let i 1W1 If 1 Considerably Belew Real Werth $1.95 Shown in a diver sity of pretty models, daintily tnmmeti wmi 4 a.rtl... l.irt.i ti.lrl Vln- 1,J, bon. Alse a few or gandies and figured voiles and dimities in let. Sizes 1 te 14 years. One pictured. Girls' Spring Coats & Capes Extraordinary Qrj CA at Fine veleurs, hemespuns and her ringbones in all the newest shades. Geed-looking spetts and dress models, smartly trimmed. Mostly full lined. Sizes 7. te M years. One pictured. SneIZeTIbUrZJS Economy Basement Babies' 79c te $1 Short White Dresses at 59c Each y"T $7.30 Made of soft white" nainsoek in many cun ning styles, prettily set off with dainty yokes, tucks or embroidered cellars. .Sires 6 months, 1 and 2 uears. Twe Pictured Sy.Lt.' L'.BJJS Economy Basement re !r Heys' $8.75 Twe- Pants Suits, $6.93 Mixed cheviot suit. Knlckcr pants, full lined. Sizes 6 te 17 car.M. Beys' $15 Twe-Pants Suits, $11.95 All-wool tweeds, with me-halr-llnc'il retitu and full-lined knickers. .SU-s 7 te 18 years. Beys' AH-Weel Reefers, $3.73 UIup erIe und tueed'". with f.lree chexren. Sizes te 8 yenra. Beys' Knickers, 95c Mlnl cheviets. Sizes 8 te 17 j ears Beys' Play alls, 81c Ktra quality hlue denim. Sizes 3 te 7 years. bNrU.LNBURCS l:cl),lemv Uasenient 400 Dezen 60c Doilies, Tray Cevers & Ovals at 29c Ea. Talnl pieces that add se milch te our table. Fine nier rerlzert damask ccntcis, with hlRh-Rrnile l.iee edgings. SNELLLNBURCS Economy Basement Furniture & Bedding At Greatly Reduced Prices .$20.00 Five-Piece Breakfast- 01 O QPC Roem Suit at vlfl.W Only 100 of These $15 Felt-&-Cotten IMattresses Te Sell Tomorrow Only at $7.95 Helt edge, If, pounds te the full nU( Mailu te tit all rcKtilatlen-slr.f beds. One pletn enl. Nene sold te de.iler.s Mali tirders tilled wlun renilltance is stilt ltlt order. Nene sent C. O. 1 Sample IMattresses at Half Price $8.00 Steel Felding Cot and Pad te Fit at $3.95 RaiE9 $8 Drop Drep Side Bed Couch, $1.19 $12 Mahog any End Table, $4.95 $25 Bureaus $M.9.ri nr j Solid oak Three deep drawers Ual Krench Pl.tle lull lull rer, 14i" IikIics. $17.50 Mahog any Library Table, $9.95 Ilcautlful veneer lop. lilRhly pollhh pellhh ed 24x36. Inch size. Krcnch-shaped lecn. deep drawer nnd wide shelf. $5.25 Dining- Roem Chair, $2.95 Slip seal, 2-Inch Con tinuous Pest Iren Bed with Ten Fillers, $6.95 s warn MansLrfaMw $7.00 Parler Table, $3.95 S 1x2 Much pel. ikhed (i.ili top $25 3-Jiece Bed Outfit $14.95 Pillows and Bolsters Qll Keather Pillows, One, URe. $1.19 Feather Holsters. 1.3S, 1.B0, 3.50 bNELLBNBUROb Economy Basement Great Mid-Spring Sale of Undermuslins Women's Chemise and Nightgowns 89 C Generously propeitioned of white lingerie cloth and prettily trimmed with medallions and cm cm breidery. One pictured. Women's Night gowns Neatly taileied. Women's Corset Cevers Nicely mauc and finished wit!. neat embroidery. women s vtl weraens Pajamas at. . -7,v' Chemise at Twe-piece htylcs of pink Lingerie (.leth, lingerie models. 49c 35c cloth. Tailored models. 39c tailored iMTLI TMBJRu? I'conemy Basement Hosiery and Underwear Sale Continues te Offer Remarkable Values Women's 25c Stockings, Pr. 12' c Women's Vests.... :jc 12'!c 19c Klne lisle. llnish lotion i.loeK i.leeK liiB" lilack while and tordo terdo torde hti.enda Women's 39c Stockings, Pair. Klne meieei lecl Hale stooK steoK stoeK IliK". ileuhle sole, puperiei (liiallly HluU, Inte and cei- dea.n. Seeends Women's 50c and (i5c Outsize 2P Stockings, Pair. . " Klnet meieei ized lile sloiU sleiU Inca III out Mitt Plain qr libbed tnpx Hlack and toi tei toi deiin hccend I' Inn nblied hedke 8-1 lr s C HKill t und" and 59c Women's 35c Kxtra Size Vests, 3 for 50c llibhed niten low ne K Me.MleFB ind liodlie Htj. Ir Set eudd Women's (i9c Extra Size Union Suits, 48c Hand lop low lie, U slrrxe lesj. liui idKC oes Knit and i le( lltilnc at l.nn Women's 75c Extra-Size Union Suits. . . Sizes trt -IR. fin Klne ribbed lotion band tops, shell cle loose Kmi and i-lesi lltting at Knee, Women's 69c Deuble Extra-Size Pants, 48c Kine rbbel cotton, Mirll edue loose lnce. HIih 4fi, 4S ami TU Deuble 59c Women's $1.00 $1.25 Silk Stockings. Pair. . Pure Ihiead RllU and IU-nud-tlber mled NieihiiiKs In Id.ieK, white, tordevao Kiax II till lllldi' color? SllKllt el-emU Men's 35c Socks, 3 Pair for 50c Kin est mereerled Hide hoi Kb with double stolen and extra BPllced heels nnd leeH Hlaik roiaevnn. navy and Bray imi , di.iwerH wlili Htr.n i , k. ,,n.i lilHeK cotton with unbleached ' c r, ,,,,, ' iit.u rf in euit'i m-uitnr .Men's $1.00 aye Men's 59c Underwear. . . HalbrlKKnn shirts with whert t-lerxes Iliiuble - seat nnlOe 45c Beys' 59c Union Suits Checked nainsoek union sulta. athletic Union Suits. 69c I'ancj n i ail ran athletic milts and white gauze cotton ath. letlc sulta. ii 14 r SNELUNBTTRft & CO. iiV-s.W-V,V'! . AWIsK??tS!!t5r4VX -. '.. - 'i Av Ir'' ' ,Jr.'Al .. V&iXl - ' ' - jm.1 bHELLENBURaS Economy Basernent Pu tllMMV nnMM kjiJ . 3 an mitLitiN uuku s .''jM jFi Women's $1.50 and $2 Cersetsr 69c and 89c SnejunliurR Special, r n and Tictene makes Pink ceutll with, medium bust or Kirdle top $2.50 & $3.50 Corsets, $1.39, $1.98, $2.98 and $3.95 Kei tbe large tlfiure Medium-bust or Rlrdle-tep stj les will buued and rc-en-feupil. f-Ues "O te 10 S1.10 $1.50 Bandeaux . Pink satin in stripes or llnuii-s Heek back PvWb I'enuemy B.ixeincnt Wall Papers 6c 25c Wall Rell .... 15c te Papers, l.arKe ,i-ieitim nt of block kitchen, (Icured llxinjr room and Het al bedroom pap is Sold in combination icith matching berdira at 5c and 10c yard. 35c te 45 Wall Papers. Hell . . . i n tout e 11 e i a I brecade sfipe .mil plain !'"' null itii il p.ipir Binders or Borders te Match at 7' ;c te 15c Yd. Circular en '1eit' te Hang Wall Paper" Given Free Sn1' - '"h""-'Aj5 'oe,i"ni Hicemml 15c Women's $2 Jaunty Jumper Sweaters at 95c i leer si p-ens In Midland weaxe with round neck, short slrer and patent leather belt. Light wulKlit Brawn, Gray and Jade ShcuJ'burgS ''le'i'y llaseinent ($c Bris-Bise Half Sash Curtains Extraordinary at 39C Ea. Made of Scotch thread net In pretty ullever designs. Willi and Arnbinn. lyeps nt lop, ready te liane. Offered Just In (linn te meet Spring house heuse cleanltisT ntedal ' frrmeJi4ii-u f r j itaT er r. jst KMmmjr H 7Si Wwa & ar- ld vu ,Si !-! lira 1 l4 b'i ifj '1 .1 f l e w )'l m iv m n .. &mm& mmt&$mm Hvti WrwaM.MiKY"!& H SsfcA tUk V . Yev' W, ,.-. j'-tf-i IsliJiHststsMlaVliiTi!! in ,U.mLLJLuJt1tiA!iA.iMB1.iAk , iWKkmim 1 ' II ft v msmv- . il it"l'W! Va ' Tbf 'J .