Stiff fv K.V41 J " wast . saw t Kf 1h . fwi?wr fmpm&iiffl&fflmE :i ' inCtf ? !B,?ii?a EVMNLNGtf' THJBDUJ , UummiWriUI irfrVi,7ntt,',ft-s vjk t fwrt' - y4 T5fe I) aily Mevie Magazine F0K 27E J7L1 FAN'S SCRAPBOOK "Av pn-tV -J" .C -J ' . -' P.kT.H K-j Tj - ..:A'.c t'.111t'V' vwHUSfi. fellow, wlie 1 much mere llknble tliiui muHt movie ticters who lmve iichlcvcil hli jiremlncnec. Hi has In dian blneil In lils vein-", yen knew, ijnu Is n wi.tutl en n horse ami In nil tutu WVxtPrn sort of stuff. He was horn in Indianapolis, In 1SIMI, and wlucntcil nt Purdue nlver sit., and then went en the stage In viuiilcxlllc lie's been In picture a Ieiib time nnd played with tirlmth, Dene Kali banks. Mary l'lckfenl, U'm "Stpinw Mnii.'i "In MI""eurl, "'i:veivweinan.M "Toe Mui'h .lobn .lebn .lobn "en" and n let of ether", ami "Smiie thiiiR te Think About" and "The Ken tuckiiitw" and "A Perfect Crime mill then that isreat pint .of pnnten In iipluiiis of the Storm' and with Mae Muira In "Peneeek Alley" and since then In "Queen of I lie Meulin Ueurc. and t him-n'r heard anything from hlin slni'c tih. ves. "A Itreken Dell" he mim tine In that, lie' a great bij! chap (I feet '-' tall and weighs about 111(1. ) XEIL'W HAS VISIT FROM THREE OF FORMER PLAYERS THIS A CONVENTION CITY ft? TkWixia.TirMJrtdi'; wii. ;v3'i ci yr,rw wraKWH'Cx . : : F I. A ' ' ' " ' ""'-'.' I t. m lr f - I I'M H Mere Than 51,000 Visitors Attended' Meetings In March (irewlli of Philadelphia nt it cenven- (tiiti rttv fiinl flu. Itiinnrtimi'p of roll- veiitieui te the buslucvs and prestige of the municipality are Indicated In n re port of the conventions and exhibitions bureau of the I'haniber of Commerce. More than 01.(100 vMtevn at tended eighteen conventions in. this city In March nml seven new conventions were added te the future list for Philadelphia through the effeits of the bureau nt large conventions In various sections. llesldcs these, the report adds, n dozen 'ethers are beliiR worked upon, with n strong possibility of naming Philadelphia as the meeting place. FOB ABINGT0N SCHOOLS (l ncavv ,imicn upon her conscientious Beard of Education Authorizes heart." She must he head of the house S100 000 Lena-Term Bends since her father's death, for her mother $100,UUU Leng ierm oerius )c twelltUc siMcrs Were Ablngten s Heard of Education hns n, rcStenelblHt v. authorize.! SWO.OOO long-term bends te in iiurrtSllv intherril up her work improve schoe properties nnd te erect , mnkp , , f-,. fest ti1(. t luttenlng n school for chi Wren In Keslyn and in (J 10 tlnl',, . ,,c nttle ones must have th,; Ka-teii IIlKliwn.v . 1st rlet. , ,, ( iU wllt0 (ll.cs,p, for Enstcr. IteiulH te the nnieunt of ."?fc0.000 will ..f)h ,f j (.(,)(l iv lm,i;e elnc umpy mature en jiuj i, -i v'i""' ,ist a little would help.' sue signed '' i ,". i1, She was thlnklnc of The Dally Novelette Mary Ellen's Easter Fortune. By BARBARA HKRR you'd" help' meryeu re se foefl te Kit sewing lav neglected In her lap. I she turned enthusiastically te Hi She was leaning eagerly forward, .low. ''Why, I knew already carefully pushing aside the white nil- nIcc e,., mak let et thcs fled curlains, lips parted, eye nicri ier a glluipse of the first thrush tlat was singing as If his little life, depended upon carrying the news of spring te every living thing. Mary Ellen drank In his rhapsody enviously. She did se want te be happy and carefree, even for a little while. But she could net, for death had laid niiinimf I'.irh ttvc years up 'eluding May 1. H'-. according te the Inuiimiiicemi'iit made by officials of the .school district. TO TALK ON TEETHING B CONSTANCK PALMKR Hollywood. Calif. ftTARSIIAU. XKU.AN. who Is IVi. i lu midst of producing Man." with l.entrlee Jey mid Mali Weekly Lecture at Phlpps Institute te Be en Babies' Care i.. .. eklv Inlk te mothers, the i ler i nei.if,..' Primlivlnciir in the and DOROTHY DALTO.V , mil be yliitl te puliliih the pictuyri of mci sfia'ii plmjert ui ure sugyatcJ by the fans f THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX By IinXUY M. NKKLY 'I Ada Telr writes: "Sometimes I ngre, of the story until we're irady te ee ir with ou (as In the Valentine cu-"'). Ne date set ct. R. V. met certainly I n but 1 rertnlnlv de net agree witu you does play tin p.n I m a uun ngiiier in nbeiit (ieerge Hnckatherne. Personally, I think the boy has talent. lie was wonderful in 'What De Men Want?" nnd the best mah; player in it. Of course, 'von may h.ue your reason, and I did net see 'The Little Minl-ter," but one picture does net make talent, and. knowing that you are a piett geed judge. It seems strange that Mr. llatka - there does net appeal te ou. "There are inanv geed plucr en the screen, but the Lord save ine from Rodelpli Valentine, the lady-killei : Vallace Reld. the blase: Olerlu Svvnn Svvnn sen, the sophisticated, whose eyes -nine-hew remind me of a deep. deep, green. green Kea. She can't act, and is tee cold for my temperamental nature. "Deugla.s Fairbanks, seems te me te be just in the pliu e where lie ought te retire: ditto William S. Hart, who . r-TTMlckiiig with all bis might, and has .played out lung age. Ditte Pearl White. The camera does nor hide age, nnd thce three player.-, although geed once upon a time, reallv ate tee old tn be in popular favor any ineie. "Anether em- who is -lipping haul nnd faH is Nerma Tiilmudgc; tin nl thing that can -ave her i-, geed sto ries. Antonie Morene I necr could M-e. nor Constance Talmadge comedies. This young lad would new haw gotten Inte popular favor out ier .--i-icr .ui , ma. And the ICliner C.lyii-Uleria Swnn Swnn hen stories nie tlie limit. What a "I like Mu MucAey eiy mueii. ami think (iaifth Hughes ean bear all thee beautiful ladv -killers ( Wulhuv Held inid the aforementioned geiirlemeiO. even though he i-"n'r geed-looking. I like Themas Melghan. Richard Bnitliel- ' rniess and Klme Lincoln, and think the last Is. the best Taian ever. Won't you pleas print his picture? Thank ..en " (Hepe it dee-n't iiiak' you iery inad when veu find y"i de agree with me. Thanks for the nti e thing- with whi'h you began our letter I had te nil em out because a fan wrote In the ether day nnd said I was hernbl conceited and I'm trjiug t reform Aiieihei fan said I was tee stupid, or -eme thing, te be Interesting, hut unfoitu unfeitu natclv I can't leferm that I haven't the slightest piejudice against tJeurge llackatlienu' I den r think I have ever s.iid iiiitluiig about him except that I decidedly did net like his perfei lu.tnee of "The I. '. Minister." Ceniparcd with ilie acting "f James Morrison in the Vitngi-iph -r-slen, line kathei lie'- fell far sherr.. In my estimation. I note that you evidently think tilor tiler la'fi ejes aie rim deei nnd tee gieen At leat you .va it twice .U'', y?l have n temperamental niiuiie'; l',.7-li ' Hew does it feel? I'm perfectly cod blooded and materlah-tie. Please don't cet me talkliia a'-eiit Pcnrl White. I'se already said very ntiFtv, rude things about ether players, but if 1 eve i- get -tnit'd en Pcnrl AVhite I'm likely te feiget that the boss wants ine te iiieteud I'm a gentleman Pearl White'. I'gl. ' Verv vegietfully I'm forced ' agree with veu about Nerma Tinmudgc. I love her above all women In rTie world Bleed nnd Sand." Bet the girl- are going te rave ever him ineie than ever when they see him In hi- matador's costume. Yes. Talinadge i- inairled but is suing for diveice. SVhat tl'in mean, have Bu-ter and Natalie any childien? The weie mairied en Maj !U. 'I'he.H haven't one ?t. te -av nothing of "tin ." What'- my oidnien of Naziineva'' Whew I Haven't been rending this cel.Mim very regularly, haw ou? I'd lather net ghe it again. It made me pretty unpopular la-r time. Proiieuuce it Na-eem-e-vM. with the accent en the "zecm." Don't ou knew hew te ' piouetince Schlldkraul? Yeu knew hew te pronounce saner kraut, don't jeu? .lu-t pronounce the "Schild" te ih.wue I with "build" and add the sauer kraut ' 1 mean the kraut and Miu've get it j Yeu'ie -etiie little ijue-tiennalre jour- -elf. aien't jeu? But onus again: I i like ir I "A." - Yeu both le-e that box of cigar-, se bring 'em In and I'll smoke ' 'em. Will Reger- wh- with the Zicg l'eld Follies ter serial jeais. Tlil-s ijesir. however, he is with the yCIegfeld Ftelic I didn't knew my humor "bub bled ever." Thank-, theugh: some- i timt-s it's bard te de. especially around ' the tiis of the month or the d.ij be fore p.ijd.iy. Yeu understand. "Jean" write- "lleiu 1 am m W.i-hliigteu. I). . and far tiemitur K K.MM'r Lrix.ui. It'- aw ful! I jil-t icceiw'd Wednesday's, llie liisr one l'w had since la-t Saturday. and inn.. be 1 didn't mis- it, se I h:ul te write and tell ou. "Won't you please tell me some thing about Monte Blue? lie is my favorite meile star. He is -e difterem from the rest. A long time age I -aw him in a picture iiilb'd 'A Perfect Clinic of ii . Tililntic Institute. Spvpiitli Moeie in the leading roles, was surprised , j embnrd streets, advl-es en the care of em da last week at having tluee cmvm during trcthilig., of bis feruur plnjers visit him en the I Uefcreme Is made te the fact that same afternoon. Tem Wilsen, the' v small iiuantlty of feed m nece.s nece.s cemedian, called en etlii lal business, as I . -'.. that time, especially If the ttie director Had siiiumened him te tdgn ,pPti, begin te appenr during the warm a cetil i act te play n pait in the current i weather. i picture. Then Mnrjerle Daw dropped In i - ju-t te -n j hello, and called attention cub t0 Give Banquet te the fact that two ether leading plu , . ,, ,,.,. ,. ... , ... eis of WHnii'- cemedv "Don't Kxer The Inenrnatien Catholic Club will Man.." wcie )c-int. Matt Moeic. celebrate Its eighth anniversary with in Tern Wl .en nnd herself were the three' bamiuet and reception in the parish in ijue-tlen. hall tonight. ' I'leckle- Marry I- expected back fnnul the La-t thi- week. He is daslihiL mil i of town dliectly afterwaid te make fuither personal appearances In con-i neetlen with the ceuntry-wldtf pre-eu- j latien of "Pernod." I j It 1- planned te make the premieiv of Richind Walten Tullv's production I of "The Mn-ipierailcr" a gala ewnt in I Les Angeles. Hepe te be Invited, -n will tell you all about it. I Anether pie-view of interest wa an earlv -hew lug of t'harle- Raj'- "Alia- iJuliu- CaeMir." which was held at the Ra studies last week. Miriam Cooper, featured plajer in "Kindred of tin Dust." seen te be re leased, lias tvfu-ed 'in eiler made b) Mexico Citv motion picture com pany capitalized at sri,e0(1.0(Ki te -tai in photoplay- for the European and Seuth American minket. Mabel Nernuind'- starring picture: "SiiyaniiM." Is rapidly Hearing lom lem lom tdetieii at the Mack Sennett studies. The steij i- laid In California duilng the time of the .Spanish occupation. Man of the elder residents of the State, hearinv of the nature of the plc t ui e. leaned Ml Nennand heirlooms heirlooms net only furniture, but jewelry, shawls and di esse-, which -he is using. F Richard Jenes, who lees Eskimo ides, i- diiecting. The cempjiij tilming "The Brother hood of Hate" has spent the last week tilming exterior-. Negotiations are new being made for the i;sp of an entire cir cus, elephants, monkeys, clowns nnd all. Marguerite De La Mette, n fav orite of mine; Frank Kecnan, Lloyd Hughes, another of the adored, mid L'dwaid Burns make ,up an all-star cast. Harry Brand. Buster Keaten'.- pub licity man. wnu he- for the statement that the i emediah froze one of his eat nt Tiuckec la-t week making scenes for his latet timed , "The Fieen North," and jc-ietdny leturued from Death Vallei Willi the same ear se sunburned that ii i beginning te peel. But ou never tan believe tnest: piess agents Sltliu Franklin, the director, has leturnetl from New Yeik. and is pie puruig "Last is West," Constance Tal iiiatlge's net -tarring '.chide, for the screen. I al-e hear that Nerma Tul miitlge js theKc: lug for the tilm tight te "The First Year." the phi which Is making such a success en Bienduav Ra.Mueud (irltlith. appearing in Mar- ju-t i shall Nellan s "I oel- I-lrst. a? re I cently piesented with a rubber inn- epi'iicr by tue Nellan stall, nils a the lirie-winner: "Cameramen Sheet Feels Fn-t." renil (irillith uleiul from a newspape'' the ether dj. then lie added. "It - a iclp.' ic Ens iii of ttie unster eggs sue must bity.nt eighty cents u dozen, eggs. te color, te eat and te hide in the nests. Mar.v Ellen had n secret. She had been -avlng the eggshells, carefully emp tied ami was painting them for table decorations. She sighed again as she reflected that nt present prices her fam ily wns net eating eggs. A thought In spired her. She would take some of her prettiest shells, show them te the baker and ask him te save shells for her. Mr. Bewer was net busy, lie admired tin gretcsuuc faces and was vastly amused nt the brownies whose thin legs were- made "ef-fclt and glued te the sides of the egg, which wns burmeunted by n cuniilijg' paper can. "IJIesu my soul ! Miss Lene, you've solved ti problem that wns vexing nie my Easter window," he declared, draw ing Mary Ellen's box te hlin.. "New, leek here, suppose you help me. Yeu furnish enough of these, and I'll pay you for them, besides putting In some of my stuff for the kiddies. "Oh, Mr. Bewer. I'd love It," nnd HrrraJrajrajrajrajraJraraj raeger Introduces a Most Inclusive Selection of SPRING SWEATERS TO GREET THE OUTDOOR SEASON m, r ' 'BI the win- hat we roast a these little brownie figures climbing nreund ever the platter, nnd have maple sugar cups out of the shells " "You're n genius, girl! Why couldn't I roast n turkey " "Oh. and I'd get out grandmother's old well-an'-trce " "What's that?" "Why these Sheffield silver meet platters with" the gravy well In the end ; they called them wcll-an'-trees. I'll polish it pp, nnd thnt will be the cen ter. Then, Mr. .Mower,, If you're sitru they'd be Safe, I'll bring ever some ether old things and we'll make n gor geous window. I'll color the eggs and rlx everything." "My window "usually costs me from $50 te S100. New. vnn leek ni'eiinil. figure eniwhnt you want te de and ask my helr when you need it. I'll give you f $25 for yourself if you can keep tun expenses uewn 10 aoeut JJliU. Mary Ellen was In .-the seventh heaven of delight. She asked for meas urements of the window, went outside te perspective, walked up nnd down en each side of the street te get effect, roughly sketched the window en n card, noting her findings, oblivious te the admiring gaze of Mr. Bewer, who was chuckling te himself: "A sure find she's a natural window trim mer!" She came back, her blue eyes dancing with enthusiasm, "Oh, 1 kuely- it's going te be the very nicest work I ever did. Of course, I'll have te have help " "Fine! Clinten',- my son, Is coming home " mmmmmmMm ,- j ; :"I'thbtiitifc idotf'te'un derstnnd, nnd " Mr. Bewer smiled. "New, ye go ahead and get your plans up. If the young man wen t de, then I will. Mrs. Lane listened, at first wearily ; then she caught the Infection of her daughter's happiness. When alt was ready Mary Ellen asked Mr. Bewer te come tiiul Inspect the work. They had It staged In their little parlor. She was disappointed te find Clinten nt home, and Mr. Bewer Insisted that he come, tee, though no was secretly amused that Mary Allen did net assent cordially. And Clint, who had watched her expressive face, was dcternilned net te be left out. Mary Ellen had become very fend of Mr. Bewer, who treated her like n daughter, and she laughed nnd blushed with delight at his unstinted praise, declaring. "New all we're get te de, Clint, Is for veu youngsters te transfer this te the store window." "It renlly ought te be done over night," said Mery Ellen, "and mother says, Mr. Bewer, If you'll lend your car she'll come ns critic." "Just the thing," declared Clint. "Dad nnd your mother can supervise. taunt:" " " ,.J"H.;ih &! Vlled t J 'in unje uciurti r.nnter, lh . display was the artistic top.nete?l window trimming. The wendeffniTil with its old silver, Us dclect3ri9 tnc Dcnutmtiiy browned, tttrkev . old I.ane wcll-nntree platter it,. Imltable brownies climbing .ii ' thlnij the eggshell favew. fij " beautiful dells dressed as wallr.L: the Easter rabbits fenced off in?' ner 'were nil exclaimed nv t... -. ..V nnd grownups alike. It surelr t!M tTie trade. Mary Ellen and h ,E8l were kept mere than busy innkln SZM for thtf children. 'ur,nJ "We've just go te have Mnry En in me Diisincssi ncc nrci i n te Clint as they reckoned up the dmSI en the window. vnitm "She's se fend of you. dad liM Clint., ' ; Lumpi,IH Ills father .laughed delightedly "net vuuu ! - ... ui J I'll 1 up "man as your dad when you're nj2 Fer if you don't brace up arid n2 her I'll disinherit you and make htt business partner." Se Clint' just had te brace up Te Retail Shee Dealers The Pell Parrot Line of Grewing Girls', Misses' and Children's Shoes re new en display at tti Hetel Adelphia from Monday, April 17, te April 29 Mr. F. D. Clarke in charge ROBERTS, JOHNSON & RAND ST.IOUIS, MO. WiTiHil km HORACE SBW1CE TO meet every whim, te suit every mood there are original types for all occasions prescribed by Spring from diaphanous chiffon-like simple slipovers, all-ever striped sweaters, these with matching scarfs and hats, the interwoven silk types, te sweaters that seek their charm in the glorious mottling of color. ILLUSTRATED SWEATERS IN UNUSUAL COLORINGS 10.00 and 9.50 RESPECTIVELY c)f. Oram Incited 1701 Chestnut Street at iyth Street I'rlnu. It wns great it thice times: IMil suppe-' ,eii tlitl. 'At for It. Valentine, in !(! of In tn . I uiiln l Vent i see 1 thlCe weeks Horsemen et the Apecaljpse ill nil. The wiiy he hues'. 'I'ei rible ! It'? ;il :i i the smile. "Wheie in the world I- Milieti SUN? I thin U lit is awfully geed. He i eiiies next, in my opinion, te .Mente Ulue. ".N'obetly ever writes unj i liiug fihetit Harrison renl. Whj '.' I lliinl; he i" also geed. "f'eiibl .. en tell me the name of the pictiin in which 1 think lieu. Comp Cemp son nhi.cdV It get s liUn tint: She I lie. Thej've been shoetiti; nml I m tillvc jet. Malt Moeie. who overheat d the I'm getting se , ( Vl L-oliseleil Crillitli with: like "The l'tiiii i "Isn't It tee bail our cameramen "9$ t3i-,. & v tm$ j i1 7- 8f NNenderftfl g. Juspi $500 sdrJWudngS2 en I WHJTra tiww :iVIVi Jf $6.50 te $13.00 ::i"ipp.r. -a 0010 $' 9.oe w..n. 24 J -1- ftft tA 410.00 loeft vmaiN wool. WenderUit Service ;ir--' KPServ,ce Geed Stere. Everywhere NEMO HYCIEWC.FASHION ..." pun are such noer tiiarksnien '." Kathcrlne MneDetiuld has been tii,te serleusl.v ill at Truckee. She went then with her rempuii) te tilm exterior scenei ler "The Weninn C'eutUers," ' ami was suddenly stricken with pneti pneti nieniii. ller sister, .Muiy .Mac 1. 11 re 11, Mill tettuliutely Willi her at the time. Violet Clink. who wiete "The Weman Ceni'iici" for Mist Ma Den ti UI. us well in "Demestic Uchmen.' u lermer picture, iin. eeen iippeiiiivu New Yetlc San Franciice Boiten Chicije EirHifHifHJfaiifHiRJHJffEJrarHJraJHiraJfait5Jfaiai wax ilch tiiul her fniher took her out 1 scenario editor for the company Vcit 011 11 speiiai ti.1111 one tune, aim while out then she met 11 iowIiev nnd fell in hue with Inn,. When ler lather 1 told her it was time te go back home tin didn't wHin te hiiNe tins tow boy, se they took him along and educated him iihreutl, I think. Then, when lie 'came buck, nil educated mid e fulth, , she didn't like him iliat in,' se they went buck out West t'.tii ou iiniler- , stand that"; Who wns the fellow V" ! fl'm afraid that't 11 IS 1 1 Compson I picture tlint I never sn "" or '"Old-Timer" may iecngiue tin plot and send in me lniormaiien. n waieii ,V wiilled-111 tet deesn t serin te make much difference when 11 gnw art doing a .legfeltl net nt the .asU studio. With or Hither without full legnllu tiny were rehearsing for n so se (liienee in "The (illdetl Cage ' whleli Sam Weed Is tlirecllng. w Hi (lleiia Swuiiseii In the btiiriing pair Meicy. Mm should have seen the men' Bui I'll admit It was worth 11 Xetlced several Christie ititni'dy Kit If 111 the aggregation EZ.Z!3LLLZIMmm1hvmmmmLLIh.MHHIJ)L (cept 11 let of ethers), but thtueH , (len.f ,.n,nv jln u,iaf tQ , no doubt In my mind that she K at i , alfjMt MeMC ,!lll(, ,0Mmal, ,e't rcry critical stage in her career. J hat n unassinnliig, conseientieut. Isn't just my own opinion. I in giving " the conclusions 1 jeacli from i"utlin my own mall. Ycb; I'll piint n picture of Llme Lin coln. He as hem net long age and hH n verv attractive man ) Aleynliw O'Neill MeGlniiU: That'- a pretty name. What part of L'eliind did Teur'famiiv come from'" I've taken the 1 advice at the end of your letter and Jiaven't read It all. Se here iir your answers . . If you le seen Louise. Uutt ami met Alice lirady. what de miu want te get any cleter te this uieie werhl for.' Should think that would be enough (That's deep; I'll give you two guesses which wiiv I mean It.) ls. 111 publish u plcliue of Ken neth Harlnn, us been fin they semi me fome geed ones. These I have 111 e awful leek an if Ji was hh brutal us hi wlfe said h wax when 'li sued for divorce net long age. Vliv don't you envy me mv Jeb.' Most people think H'h prett soft. Ami. iinfertunutely, I don't answtr .ill tin letters I receive Tlicj'ii' ';ettlng he he jend me 1 theusht "liiecji Teiiipt'ilien .. very punk Hlery with some tnlghly tine acting neiiibly Thrndeit Koslell'- i)cinll(l perreruiHiice iiinl .w:iiiiu Haul- Iteira work, iintl lovely llelty i.emp- m proving herself mere versatile tiiuii "jujH'cttd altheush I'm expcctliii; a iritta umr. VlBtJne la making "IMoednnd .hiiMci,iiu1.un-, Aftcr-Dinner Trivhs Lr 4Lv J , 138 . tSwQiMMmk' 1 fw Ne. lilK ltiiig l'Vmn hiring A paper tlbtc It threaded en n siring, and thu mis of the string nre held l,v two pei'KUis. Thi' tlUc Is covered with a lleiiehhig heiientli the cloth, tile perfnmiT m.steii)iisly lemeves nt disc unl hands it for tnsiectleti. The secret 's a tltipl cate tllkc. which the pertermer heltlt concealed in his hand. When he reaches under the cloth hu tiulctly tears off the disc that Is en rhn string and conceals It In his hand. Ilemevlng his hands from the napkin, be tesaes the duplicate, disc for inspec Hur aAd avflrr one nuita natarallr be Cerns? just say Blue jay te your druggist Steps Pain Instantly The simplest way te end a corn la Blue-jay. A touch steps the pain in stantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in two forms a colorless, clear liquid (one drop does itl) and in extra thin plasters. Use whichever form you prefer, plasters or the liquid the action is the same. Safe, gentle. Made in a world-famed laboratory. Sold by all druggist!, ftrtaluaiU took?' Cern CMihw Jjiif." Net next week, or the week after, but new before het weather nets in is the ideal time te install a Levekin. The Levekin is an all-year-round convenience, but a hummer nccesnity. Don't put up another summer with unsatisfac tory het water appliances which are constantly en your mind; needing attention or keeping you wuitinfj for water te heat. WITH a Levekin you are always assured of abundant het water when you return, het and tired, from business or pleasure. When letting your coal fires out for (he hum mer, install it Levekin. See the Levekin Dementtrated at Beeth 12S Real Eiiate Exposition, April 15th te 22d, inclusive, Jit Regiment Armery THE LOVEKIN WATER HEATER CO. 39 te 43 Laurel St., Philadelphia Made In Philadelphia ! pU 1 1 3 i I'HOTOl'I.AYS rilOTOI'UtYH PHOTOPLAYS M The following theatres obtain their pictures through l&ianlui, J antee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask iw ..v v..w.v, .ii jum 'us"V vJi,liillln, JJILIUICS through the Stanley Company of America. OMMurv r-i ArVjLyLAJ .MAT1NKI'. DAILY WESLEY BARRY In "hCIIOOL DAYS" ClIESTXt'T lift lfll'H 10 A M ti 11 IS It. M. ORIENT ARCADIA PAULtNE FREDERICK In "1HU KINDS Ol' WO.MKN" ASTOR MytefarfiV KIU1ITH A OIltAUD AVK. MXTINI'.I! 1ILY SYMPHONY IIKI'IIKSTKA 1 (IKAfK DARMONII K llKKY MVFItS lu j "HANDLE WITH CARE' BALTIMORE 1!f.T rfflK I Hl'irtAL CAM lit "Bunty Pulls the Strings" tStTt ICOIDrS I'leail it tuiulit(iinj DLUCDirtU Cuiitlmieiiii - until 11 GEORGE ARLISS iiii,iMsit.i:i.i" BROADWAY Ur' Sii RUDOLPH VALENTINO In "MDKAN UP IIIK LDY l.l'.i l" irAPITHi ' 7" AK"r ST. 1 LAri 1 yJi-i 10 a m in 11 is p. u GLORIA SWANSON I!!HANI''' UlMlhAIAItK" 1 COLONIAL mn .AeJr? Avm: NORMA TALMADGE IiiJ'I.OVK'S nKDKMJMJON" I BETTY COMPSON In "TUB LAW AND TIIK WOMAN" tfyTU QT TUKATltU- nelew Sprues 1 JO 1 n J I . MATl.S'KH DAILY c cp.cil 11. Mii.1.1; 1'iteDt tvne "SATURDAY NIGHT" GREAT NORTHERN '.VssVi'u"' NORMA TALMADGE inj'i.evi:'s iti:nr.MPTieN" AVoeJIand Ave itt 6itl fit. MATIXIIK DAILY Wallace Reid & Elsie Fergusen In "PETKK llllUn'spN" OVERBRbOKu:,;,,'";11,:):,.f1T WESLEY BARRY In "SCIIOOI. AYS" PAI ArTT -t mahkei'" snu:ET J.'K lllll.T i ml AtiNK AYIIP In "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" PAI M "PHANKl'DHD AVE. I ' ' rVL,lVl MJIllilri HTUEET AI.I-STAR PAST In "MADONNAS AND MEN" RPr.FMT MurktTt ht ltelew ITtlt xx-vsJ'-,, ' te a .r te 11 v, ,i, M. P. PAHWNi; I'lKIDPf'TKIV "AT THE STAGE DOOR" RFA1 TO OEIIMANTOWN AVENUE IM-Ii 1 KJ A.T "I'LI'lIIKil'K'K.V hT. P: II IL nK MII.I.P. I'KOIIPPTION ; "A FOOL'SJPARADISE" SHERWOOD "JrVp- '.V'WA'd PKPii. i. 111: mii i.p.'i'nniii'PTiiiv "A FOOL'S PARADISE" 'STANLEY WiT .''? MAt IV1UKKAY In "JJNATIOV' STANTON mauket uT ,,,, Sll'S'Cltl. I'ltlllWTTKll.' "' ' " Where Js My Wandering Bey Tonight W The NIXON-NIRDLlNUbK UJ THEATRES I markM r.4 BELMONT Br?JTO,JSA,? WESLEY BARRY lu "SPIIOOI. 11AY.S" CEDAR C0T11 it- CEDAIt AVBJW 1:3U ana .1: 7 iin'l 0 r.m RUDOLPH VALENTINO! In "IfHIVOI.Ol'H WIVES" rT 1CC1 ll Market bet Etth 1 v-v-'l-lJlilslVl i:ae nnd 3 7andr. WALLACE REID 111 "THE CHAMPION" . 1IIMRO MtONT ST. & OinAItD Ai JUaiDU .limit..! .Innr. nn rrai Meri 'TJ RUDOLPH VALENTINO 1 III "TIIK PONQlKKIMi POIVKIT I CAnCR ist ic iancaf ri:n ij I LhAUtK ...30 te 4,80; 7 te 11 M Wallace Reid & Elsie FerH In "PKTKH IIIIIKTMIN" AND LOCUST ."jn"! .Mats. S 00. C 3tl LOCUST it 333 MARKET..8? fBfi 1UM MIX VICTORI A"MA'V?IF T" '""" 69TH ST. '""'" a VwJT v ivi J"ir ti a ji, (e u i. m. iai iiPDPin 1 UM MIA ' wuuc r.c.-- iii "CII.YSINIi Tin; MOON" , ' "tUK PIIAMIMON LiKAN I v'" " A " Ar.K' b 1 KAfNU u'"""m"sf. '7VdR WALLACE REID In "TIIK PH.VMI'III.V' . NION"&:'D"ANU MAI!,S7Ti FRED STONE In "llll.l.V JIM" RIVOI 1 c- AXU HANSOM STJJ rlVV-L.l iise t ai mis te ii r.l HERBERT RAWL1NS0N In "TIIK hCBAPPKK. LeveKTn AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER hT.4 7 4 l IMPERIAL ,i".1 NORMA TALMADGE In "I.OVF.S HKniiMPTHlV" lifARI TnST' "UMTS'l'T AhetellttMT) rvAtLlUlDh 11.30 A. M. t 11.30 p lj J.OIS WILSON In "Is Matrimony a Failure?" .linAHD AVK. M ri l' '?! .1 !! t ft POLA NEGRI In "VKNIIETTA" nimnipu VALENTINO In "MORAN OK Till. LADY l.l'.TTV AT OTHER THEATRES. MEMBERS OF M. P. T. CVj AMBASSADOR WXritiL 1V,?,1,h I IRFRTY ,l0AD -"i.uiiiiirAvT L.lDE,r. I SIATIMCi: DAILY PEARL WHITE TU'O 1VKPKM. Ill'tllVVIVil Tiimv "FOOLISH WIVES" vjermaniewn matineb daily w. rK-qaT":e.i.rKpjiscB D. W. r JEFFERSON Vm$. pkcii, ii. in: SHM.K i-nnniTTij "A FOOL'S PARADISE rtAnvr niDQI! AVE. DAUf'HJ rAirv Mat. 2:iri bv. y . w.ieaiFriTjrt mahtbsj. l:im;ilmi4lu-i)terutH!ii.'-ikt erijlnilUUe. v i,. rj-T-r--e -'"fegiMr?."1 r ft r s i In. "ANY jthtjj. WAI.UUWN tLAST' rH !? tffAMuJmffmXiJiJfi Si A ' r f ir 'C' ." .. P. r-'y H - wntt f ,, t -TVt.i)p;w.iitiW't)r-M & !in, r 4 v "J8-M ks t, - --)iSIL--'Krf - i- .v f ( . '.vmy., . j.-. . i.Bsw.tK tisrif . vt "-.''. i .V iTOH'rr.f xrz:AMm Vs i .r. .nw' rt ,j :,w, JUs"-'' "rf - i r: " 7f i .u ; j..."jai