Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 17, 1922, Night Extra, Image 12

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" 3 HI PmIh
Clear, heated w I r.
Own 10 , A. M. te in
I. St. All atrekea taught,
lliprrt Instructor.
THE Y. M. C. A.
f Philadelphia
till ARCH ST.
1013 W. I.K1IIOH AVT.
LWMHPHW8sPnvl '!?HV'i( nHyr ii mftffiiiTlrfaT"'SaaSMrriiiVji''ia
-' ' - - - -1 - - - '
. S 'ft.yV.
WMmswA j hw VWr, :&&
meat Bipr(clBtd 1 nnv woman
la a dainty bottle of choice per
fume. Ami lcaue of a rarely
complete, Meck of foreign mid
domestic faerlte-'ransme In
price from It te tsil Till
place te get what nil! rlease
her In
riilltidrtiihliiV tlumlunl
Drue Stere
1518 Chettnut Street
OitrildiU Tiilrum. 3."n-
THE MASTER OF MAN :-: By Sir Hall Came
An Outspoken and Moving Study of a Deep Sex Problem by the Noted Auther of "The
Manxman," "The Deemster," "The Eternal City," "The Weman Theu Gavest Me," Etc.
Is Man's Lat Toe Hard for the
Weman in the Case? Is Con Cen
science Enough Punishmenl
for Him, While She Pays
the Legal Penalty?
In This Frank end Gripping
Story the Man. as Judge, Sits
in Sentence en the Cirl Tried
for Their Sin.
-x''i & 'i-'
A finish that will net craze
or crack. Durable, acid proof
and of high lustre. Such it
Shnfce. applied in all colors.
The Chas. W. SchafTcr Ce.
S2M riieatnnt St.
Buy direct from manufacturer
and save middleman's profit.
60 lb. all pure cotton mattrers
in heavy ticking, de e-
33 lb. silk floss mattress In beau
tiful patterns, special CIO Kfl
45 lb. curled hair mattress In
lr.T'atA: c A-.tlck-. $18.00
I All innttrer cuurnnteed. Vre
delivery In IMiiludelphtn.
129 X. 2d St.
Why drive
a shabby car?
A shabby trip, faded paint.
or frayed upheNWy spoils
the appearance of any ear.
The Oltlsmebile Ilenovat Ilenevat
Ins Service will make your
car leek like new at a
ery reasonable price.
Get Our Ettimate Ne Obligation
Phene Poplar 4697
Larson-.OIdsraebile Ce.
800 North Bread St.
Can ba
Purcnaied en our
Credit Plan
Immsiiat potifilen
with small uitshly or
monthly payment:
The buying power of our two
large stores enables you te buy
here at absolute caah prlc.a with
caen valuta.
Tlaiflaa Simciu
1510 CHESTNUT ST. gffW
eq c RO J Cf Oeen Kery '
flOO 3. OZa 3t. Kvcnlnr Sim
or I i
Mflrr' i"- in ilia m rn"T
r K- All iisei,
I V Styles and I
II I Finishes I
Tbe gas range that bakes with fma
air and reduces yejr gat bills.
(oil .u.d ,jt Wali'i IIi-jUt
(sands In. .mtniu'imi ti-r Hellers
i me I'll (. i iritr I lues
(r).ll Mhte lU'frlst-r.itnr
Wm. Akers Jr. Ce.
10th & Filbert Sts.
lintel inn! Krttmir.int 'ni'iillex,
( lilnii. (ilui mill NlUeruiire
Tlll K AMI 111 II I IM V-
' "tV ' aay k ' V
went te Larlsbaa
last yeav
Anil '!jy fn lfc ' 'in h'l nifr l;e
wur il vi I"i k i f ir.n nniurd!
curate pr i'" r , nfniaeli
trouble, )h- a ! k 'Iri y il Huaiie
rheumatmin punai pail .n etc con
lalni-. jn Car hi ail 'prudei iprln:
''ainujn fur initirles
New jeu can ebia n iipe natunl
rtinllH at uur Jrutslst
a t-iriiDjd ipruan tyiitr aea
cl Salt
ft M.csfcaity.-' ra,"jfflin
,'( all "
M M Wt St., Nsw Ycrk
aii. :
V in
aL " M4 laaak.'' V)
- ' T all
PYBTUtll tikWi
! MvmAmm i
J IkK.'" vJH
1 icer Stnirctt. eii e fir Itermsler
or (7nV Judge of the lute of Man, is
handsome and of fine nature. He i in I
love with I'cnftla Stnntcu, daughter of
the (Inventor, a beautiful girl and tcith I
advanced vtetcs en the righti of irenic ii.
In a moment of mutual passion he
has hud illicit relations with Jfessie '
Cellistcr, a handsome peasant girl,
stepdaughter of Dan. Haldremma, a
hnrih Jiicbrand. Sie is levid by Alick
Orll, Victer's chum and fellow at
torney. Victer feels he must marry her ,
csjicciallii ichen he finds her trying te
tducate hmclf. lie dicidci he must ,
tell 1'enelU Am ferdid secret.
a i) iiEiu: it vnsi isi e$
The IC'rlastliic Nmg (if the Sea
1 1 l;L: I: ,ou au at lat : .lu-t
111111', for a brreze prauc up
:iii lieur iu'e. anil tin- uiptuln weiilil
Iium" unlit' wltlieiil jnu bin for me. Tlie
herring 1 1 - t liuve irime alrenil'. I.iwK.
tlii-ru tlicj iii'i-, fallltiR into the 'un-et."
reiiulla wiin in
liili spirits, llav-
mW ' 'iw''l t'"' "everner te let
W.l , X j'Jk . tliem have a r-al
r - - . . mS n l s h t w 1 1 li tlie
j herrings (turn 1 u k
iiiu j uviii jnie a
tUliliiK beat) she
hud borrowed a net
a n il hired timber
men's clothes oil eil
Mtlns und a sou' seu'
wester for lierself
ami a "khiizj-" ami .
bis beets for Sto Ste
well. It was impossible
te resist the ena ena
tanien of I'enella's
uajetj "Why trj ':" theuRht Stowell.
U wuii'd be his a-t night of happiness. '
Tummrew hi' would have te bury it'
In a few minutes, 'having cleared the I
harbor, they had opened the land en
either vide nnd were standing out for
the fKhing ground. Within two hours,
in the niid-t of the lleet. they were
tailing eer the t'arllngferd sands'
midway bitween the Island and Ire
land, and the sea-birds skimming above
the water were showing them the shoal.
Dinner was eer, and Stowell. in
jerej- and big beets up te his thighs,
saw renella conic en deck in her oil
skin ee.'it and seu'wester with the
new and surprising beauty which freh
garments, whatever they are, give te
every woman in tiie ejes of the man
who loves her.
What sheutsl What laughter!
Stowell kept saying te himself:
"Why net? It will seen be ever."
They slackened sail and waited for
the sun te go down before sheeting their
uets. Presently the great ball of flame
descended into the s.ea, the admiral of
the fleet ran his Hag te his masthead,
and the captain cried, "Sheet!"
Then the brown 'net. with its lleats,
was dropped ever the sti-rn (Fenella
taking a hand and shouting with the
men), the fore-ail was hauled down,
and the mizzen set te keep the ship
lnad te the wind. And then, all being
snug for the night, came the fisher
man's prajer:
"Vy hnnnie Patrick Xm shin as
nyn inaatj" (May St. Patrick bless
it- and ' hi r beat l, with -niiiethiug about
the living and the dead the crew and
the fish.
After that came the throwing of the
salt, a mere robustieus and less re
ligious eereuieny, which threw Kenclla
Inte (its of laughter.
"What does it menu''" she asked.
"(ioedness knows!"
"Mew delightful!"
The i;ra twilight mine down from
the northern heavens, and then night
ti'll- a dark night without moon but
with n
wiitrh the phophero-cent gleams which,
like fin-diet, of light under the surface,
came fi em the ll-h that were darting
uwai from the prow.
"Isn't it wonderful the fish going
en and en te the goal of their per
petual travels?" said Fenella.
"The alwajs oeine back te the place
they were spawned, though.
Like humans, nre they? Yeu re
member "Hack te the heait's place
hei'i' I keep for thee.' "
Stowell felt as if a hand were at
hi-, thieat again. "l!j and bj,"
he thought. Uefnre lhe turned in for
the tuiit he would tell hi-r cverj thing.
Suddenly then- was a crash at the
-teni the anchor had been lifted up
and then banged down en tin- deck.
"What's that?" cried renell.i.
"Thej're proving the mis te ee if
ilie tish are coining." niid Stowell. and
huirjing aft together thej fniiii.l the
waier inilkj while and full of nnlvs
ci lit raj-.
A CMlple of wnips of the net were
tin iita il a heard, ami twehe (r fifteen
be! nag fell en te the dick, I'enella
p.i ked them up, wriggling, cheeping
, ini't twisting in her fiiinds, and threw
t ieui into a basket she was in a fever
of ec itement. '
After that scleral nf the beats that
well' Iishlng alongside called across te
knew the reiiilt of the prnlng, and the
captain nuswired them in Manx, with
the crude sjinbelisin of the sea,
"l.er me de it net tiuie," said
"li'j jnu think jeu can. miss''" asked
In' captniu.
"She can de aiij thing," 'aid Stowell,
iiii'l win it the nct bout Hilled. Fenella
iMtli Stowell te plempt hi r i stum!
leiuh te P'plj .
Il'iiu plew.il, liliuj ?" i rleil the voice
elll of the dalktiess.
What's he nijlng? '.iiilck!"
"He's asking wete eii pi evlng,
be. Say 'Vn I was." "
I'enella put her open palms at each
side of her mouth, under her sou' seu'
wc.ier, nod cried, "Vn !"
'ijiieid en er j pijr?"
' He aslvs vvhat jeu found In jour
int Saj 'l'ehiiiiar a child.'"
"Hi, ui) goodness! Pehnnar," eri'd
' Fi nelln
('ii' n ciis dv pehaniir?"
'lie asks what is the age of your
child Suv 'Iiin-iiii ny (pllcg-yelg
twelve le llflecil ' "
",Mj goodness giaiieiis; liussnn
ipileg.jeig," cried I enellu.
Ilv this time everjliuily was in con
vulsions of laughter, and Stowell could
cnrci'l) ii'sist the iiupuhta te threw
us anus about i eueiin and kiss her.
"Soen! Soen' I must tell her seen!"
I.e thought
The wind hud dropped and n great
stillness had fallen en the sea. The
glow from the lights) of the Dublin
was in the western rk.v ; the revolving
light of the Chicken Heck (the most
southerly point of Man) was In the
AVyVvY i
When the next beat called, renella (with Stowell te prompt her) steed
ready te reply
cast : nnd for two miles round lay the '
herring beats, with their watch-lights
burning en the reefs of their net houses, '
und looking like stars which had fallen
from the darkening sky en te the besom
of tin; sea.
Fenella began te sing, and before
Stowell knew what he was doing he was
singing with iter :
She: "Oh, Mella-caraine, where get
jeu your geld?"
He: "I.ene, lone, you have left mc
It was mitraneing tlie hour, the
surroundings, the chnrm nnd sonority
of the sea ! "Hut this is madness,"
thought Stowell. It would only make
it the harder te de what he had te
Nevertheless he went en, nnd when i
they came le the end of another Mnn
haliad, "Kiree fe naightey" (the sheep
under the snow I he said: I
"Would jeu like te knew where that I
old song was written?" '
"In Castle Itiwhen by n peer
wretch whose life had been sworn away t
by a vindictive woman." v
"And what nail lie clone te nor; je
trajed her. and then deserted her for
another woman, I suppose. That's the
one thing a woman can never forgive
never should, perhaps."
"I must tell her seen. thought
Stowell. Hut he could think of no
I way te begin no natural way tu lead
up te whin lie had te say.
The night was new very dark and
silent. The majesty and solemnity
around were grand nnd moving. 1 e
nelln, who had been laughing all the
evening, was serious enough nt last.
"It's almost as if the sea. grown
old. had gene te sleep with the going
down of the sun. isn't it?" .she said.
"The s, ., in't alwajs like this,
though," said Stowell.
"Ne. It mil he very cruel, can t it:
Rolling en und en. with its liieessnnt.
monotonous rear through the, ages.
What heartless things it has done.
Millions and millions of women have
prayed and it has paid no heed te
them "
"Hew inn I de it? Hew can 1 de
1 it?" Stowell was asking himself.
"Oh. what a thing it is te be a
sailor's wife!" said Fenella. "(Jnlj :
think of her with her little breed, in
win lil e! stai- Mmu ami lier cenage at. I eei, pennips, inn ,i
were leaning ever the fide, te sudden Merm comes mi: fliving iln-
chlldien tlieir supper anil wasiung laem
ami undressing tiiem, and healing them
say their prajers and hushing them te
sleep, and then guins downstairs te
the kitchen, and listening te the rear
of the sea en tin castle nicks, and
thinking of Iht man out here in the
diiikness. struggling betvfecn life and
said ' death.
Stowell knew, though lie dare net
leek, that she was brushing her hand
kerchief out her eyes.
"Victer," sin- said, "don't jem think
women are rallier brave creatures?"
"The lnavest creatines in the
world !" lie answered.
"1 knew jeu would say that," said
Fenella, in a low voice. "And that's
why I alvvajn think of you as their
champion, lighting their battles for
t lii-iii when thev arc wronged and help
less." Stowell fill as If lie wete choking. I
He could net go en with this h.vpee-
lis) utiv lengei. He must tell her new.
It would be like' committing suicide,
but vv hat must be, must be.
"Fenella "
Hut just then the loud voice of the
captain cried "Strike:' nnd nt the
nest moment Fenella was ii.vlng uft, te
tug at the net and shake out the her
rings that came up with It.
What shouts! What scieamsj What
peals of laughter!
It was midnight befi re the joy nnd
bustle of the catch were ever, and the
net was shot again. The liovemer wns
then smoking Ids last pipe In the rap
tain's taliln, and Slew ell, with Fenella
en his arm, was walking te and fro en
the deck.
"Need I tell her nt nil?" he wns
lie filt as if he wimp being swept
along hj mi irresislib e tloed. lie could
net deem himself te death. Willi I'e
nellu by his side he could think of no ne no
hed) and nothing but her. Sometimes,
when 1 In v ciesei the light flein the
skylight, they turned ilnir faces toward
each ether und smiled.
Afler a while Stowell found himself
bantciing Fenella. I 'niching a Hash of
her ring (his mother's rlngj en the
hand that was en his arm, lie pretended
it was gene and asked if it had fallen
off while she was pulling at the net.
"Hene! The ilng jeu ga - I
mean the Deemster gave me! Ne, here
It Is! What a shock! I should have
died if 1 had lest it."
She was iiidlaiit: lie wns reckless;
n v i the little tilik had uncovered their
hearts te encii oilier.
They hi aid a stee en the ether side
of the deck.
It was the (loverner going down the
companion. "Time te turn in, glil!
We iiie te hrenkfiist at Pert St. Mar)
at I in (lie morning, )ou knew,"
"I'm coming, father."
"(iiied-nlght, Stowell!"
"(loed-night. sir!"
But he could net let Fenella go, It
was a -sin te go te bed nt all en such
a heavenly night. At last, at the top
of the companion, he loosed her arm,
with a slew asundering. and said,
"The Governer says we arc te break
fast at Pert St. Mary de you think we
shall if this calm continues?"
She laughed (her laugh seemed te
come up from her heart) nnd said,
"I'm net worrying about thnt."
"When n woman has all she wants In
the world in one place why should she
wish te go te another?"
"And have you?"
"Geed-night!" the said, holding out
both hands.
lie caught them, and the touch com
municated lire. At the next moment he
had lifted her bands te his lips.
She drew them down, nnd his hands
with them, pressed them te her breast
and then broke away, and was gene in
an instant.
Stowell gasped. "She loves mc! She
loves me! She loves me!"
Nothing else muttered ! Let the world
Stowell did nor go below that night.
Fer two hours he tramped the deck,
laughing te himself like a lunatic.
"She-loves me! She loves me! She
loves me!"
When the watch had te be changed
at - o'clock he sent the man te Ids berth
and took his place. And when the dawn
broke and the lamps of the Iishlng tleet
blinked out, and the beats showed gray,
like ghosts, en the colorless wasti
around, nnd the monotonous chanting
loves mc!" , .. .,
A light wind sprang up. a cool blew
lng from the south, just enough te rip
ple the surface of the water. Already
some of the fishing beats had swung
nbeut nnd were standing off for home.
Stowell helped te haul the mnlnsn , ami
shouted with the men as they pulled at
the ropes and the white canvas rose
above them. , , a.
"She loves mc! She loves mc I She
Within half nn hour the wind had
.A1.A.,n1 I, n mnntnnr irnlQ fltUl U1C
were running before a rearing sen. lhe
'sails bellied out, the yacht listed ever,
the scuppers were half full of water, but
Stowell would net go below, ter n long
(hour mere he held en nnd looked around
nt the fishing beats as they flew together
in the brilliant sunshine between the
two Immensities of sky nnd sen.
"She loves mc ! She loves mc! She
loves mc!" , .....
, Hellea! Here was his own little
'islnnd with the sun riding ever the
mountain-tops! The plunging and rear-
' lng of the yacht gave the notion that
'the mountains were nodding te him.
"Geed morning, son." What nonsense
came into n man's head when bis heart
i was glad ! . . , .
"She loves mc 1 She loves me! She
loves me!" .. ... , ,,
At, l,nn tvnrn ilin rllfffl 01 tllC LQlf,
with their hoary heads in the flying sky I
.,,.. ,.. 1. . ll...HilnM et fill, Dflfl ! .
And here was the brown belted light
house of the Chicken Heck, which len
ella and he had picked up last night!
And here was the shoulder of Spanish
i Head, and here was the belly of the
Chasms, ringing with the cry of 10,000
sen fowl! . , , .
"She loves mc ! She loves me! She
loves mc!" , ,
Suddenly there came a shock. They
, were opening the bay of Pert St. Mary,
with the little fishing town lying asleep
along Its sheltered arm, when he saw
across the Toelvnlsh (the peel of death)
tlie gray walls of Castle Rushen, and
the long reach of Langncss. And then
memory flowed back en him like n tidal
i wave. ,
Derbv Haven ! The old maid's house !
Tim pIpI bnrnlne her cnndle In her bed
room te educnte licrseit mat sae migm
become worthy te be his wife !
"O Ged! O Ged!"
If Fenella loved him he had stolen her
love. He had no right te it, being mnr
ricd already, virtually mnrricd bound
by every tie thnt could held an honor
able man.
He felt like a traitor a traitor te
Fenella new. lie recalled what he had
said last night. One step mere and
Thank Ged, he had gene no inriner i
If he had allowed Fenelln te engage her
self te him, and then the facts about
Rcssle Collister had become known, as
they might have done through Dan
He must go. He must go immediately.
Ills miserable mistake must net bring
disgrace en Fenella also.
The yacht was sliding Inte the slack
water of the bay, nnd the row beats of
the fish-bujers, each flying its little
flng, were coming out te meet tlie fish
ing beats, when Stowell went down te
the saloon still dark with its blue silk
curtains ever skylight and portholes.
He took off his fisherman's clothes, j
put en bis own, nnci sac ciewn nt me
tnhle te scribble a note te the Governer :
"Excuse inc. I must go up te Doug
las by tlie first train. Have just re
membered an important engagement.
Hepe te call nt Government Office to
morrow." As lie wns leaving the saloon he looked
hack toward the cabin in which I-enella
Little Lenten Slngen at Church of
Atonement Celebrate
' The "Mttle Lenleii Choir" of the
Church of the Atonement, Forty
seventh street and Kingsesslng avenue,
held its twenly-llftli aunlversity last
night at the Knster choral service.
The Hev. .Tames M. Cellins pre
sented te Mrs. I. Newton Stnneer.
widow of the former rector, nn llluinl-
noted scroll which served te express
the purpose of the choir nnd Its history.
The scroll Is the work of Miss Hutli
Enrl, a student In tlie Pennsylvania
Museum and Scheel of Industrial Art.
A similar testimonial was presented
te Mrs. Heffern. widow of the Hev. A.
D. Heffern, who wns associated with
Mrs. b'tnngcr for ever twenty years.
Philadelphia Club Dance Tonight
The Philadelphia Club will give Its
annual Easter ihinec at the Twentieth
Century Club, Lansdowne, tonight. The
club Is composed of I'lilladelphlans who
are attending the Pennsylvania Stale
Little Benny's
By Lee Pap
In skoel this nftirnoen Miss Kitty
kepp nipping with her ruler en her desk
en account of all the tawklng going
en. and after a wl!e she scd, New, I
refuse te stuild It cny longer, the fol
lowing boys will rise nnd come up beer
te my desk, llcnny Potts, Charles Sim
kins and Lewis Davis.
Wich we did. Miss Kitty saying,
New, jeu wlP kindly tel me wnt your
various siibjccks of conversation were,
and If they were of vast and over ever
wclmlng lnipertnnts, well and geed, and
If they were of no Impertnntn wntcver,
as I slspcet, you will each stay nn hour
after skoel. llcnny Pelts, I would like
te knew wat you were wlsperlng te
Haymln Levy se nssldulsslyV
Me thinking. Heck geed nltc. And
jest tljen I lind a grate ideer, saying,
I was asking him If he dldeiit think
von leek swell In veur new blue waste
sml'ed; a , short Malta; l
cwls Dnvii
I lawklng te each oilier aliantVl
was telling Lew I thnwt you iJ
te today, wasent I, I.ewV red IK
nt' lcestgallnrilr.ilfTwe'
H ink ns nmi I.cwb
you Invvkln
Hiiui: iiiiiiq! mimic i, j.cvv red PZTI
H ink Us. i lV"wa
Sure, nnd I was saying i0 l'.ifi.
thnwt se loe, scd Lew Davis. He
Me tniiiKing, neck, ilnrn the
wy cant thev think one nf n..
New theyve went nnd spoilt It.
icii uiey i inn, .viiss1 IsiUv .(.-
lie, you will oil rcinnln 'one lieiirafc.1
skoel for trtwklns nnd an cxter Cm
hour for Ivlnif. r
Wich wc did, me giving i,i. oil
klrryt nmi Lew Dnvls ? t"'1B'",
hole hour 4indn half. elt
sn m ,'
.!..' ". I
".'."'"r ewbII
Itn very mutch afraid the ;j
nre leniiig uenurit lnitsiioeds nnd iC:
Is unfiling mere renerlipn.il.v A!
. . t.,l ttattllrrVit liaBnl.11 ....
premlaca te hMi n clldeclly benencllre1
fluence In further ilavcTpnlnic the cltV l
"Mecca" of baseball. Every twllif
nlayer awl fan will wnnt tn keen fViiCTt
fe?niel. need the TwHInht ,Babali $L
every mernlnu In the l'Lm.le Leikikii. V3
11 n Ilnlilt." trfu. fW
lay nslcen. Ills eyes were wet. his
heart throbbed painfully, he felt as if lie
of the crews far and near told him the were being banished from her presence
nets were being hauled in, he shouted I ns by a curse. Henuncintien life-long
down the fe'c'sle for the men. And renuncintlen that was all that was left
when they came en deck he bellied them te him new.
te haul In their own net and te empty The tleet were In harbor when he went t
their catch (it was the Governer's or- en deck, a hundred beats huddled te-
tier) Inte the first "Nickey" that came get her. And when be stepped ashore I
along' I the fish salesmen were selling the night's
J he gray sky in the east lind reddened cntch by auction, and the brenze-fneed I
te a llame by this time. Then up from nnd heavy-bearded fishermen, in their,
the round rim of the sen rose the ever- ihig beets, were counting their herrings
lasting bun, and le, it was day ! Ged. j mixed English and Manx:
What an cue united world it was! All "Nane. jeer, three, kiure, eiuieg
the glory and majesty of the sea seemed warn tally!"
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