1V-1-. ggpl ' mrnvwri Tjwmm -tfc Nancy WynneTalks About the Engagement of Miss Emily Hammend, of New Yerk She Tells of Charity Ball for Disabled'SeldUrs-yOther Matters of Interest IIASN'T it Interesting 'te heflr of the VV engagement of Emily Hammend? She is the daughter or Air. anu Mrs. Jehn Henry Hammend, of New Yerk, and is engaged te Jehn Merryman Franklin, also of New Yerk. She is n granddaughter of the late William Douglas Sleane, and a great grand daughter of the late William H. Van derbilt. Her fiance went te Harvard, and una In the class of 1018, but in 1017 he joined the army and became a cap tain in the Three -Hundred and First Battalion, heavy tanks, that formed a part of the British Third Army and the Svcend American Cerps, and he received the British Military Cress. Emily came out several years age in Sew Yerk, fihe went te Farmington with Nannie Dale (whose marriage te Edward BIddle will take place cm May 20), Kllner Thompson, of Greenville, Del., and Mary Hebard, of Chestnut Hill. Marv especially is a great friend of Mrs, and Emily has come ever te lets et Philadelphia parties. She was at Mary's coming-out dance year be fore last, and every one thought she wa most attractive. She Iibb wavy brown hair,' brown eyes and a lovely complexion. She is some relation te Jessie Da Cesta, tee, I think. TT SEEMS te me as if Lent had gene X en wings. Could you believe that yes terday was Geed Friday and that to morrow will be .Easter? I de hope it will be a clear day. Holidays mean se much te some people, and It dampens spirits very much when the out-of-doers is wet. That's net meant for a pun, you knew, it's true the weather has a great effect upon your spirits. I HOPE this spring Charity Ball, v.hlch is te be given next Friday, will be a great success, and from all I hear about it, it will. It Is te be at the Lerraine Hetel, end it's for the benefit of the disabled, crippled, wounded and tick war veterans. ... As the war gets further and further away from us in years some of us for get thnt there are still wounded nnd tick. We knew there arc crippled and disabled, because we see them new and again, but we are apt te forget that men nre still in hospitals, still suffer ing, still pnying for the victory they helped te win. Se I am glad this char ity ball will give us an opportunity te help them. While the war was en we were always going te see them and taking them things and giving tbem lit tle rides. I nm afraid there are net Tery mnny doing this geed work new, and this ball is going te help, for tunately. I sav Ernie Celeman In town en Wednesday looking well in ft red frock and n top cape of dark blu,c. She has pretty, fair hair and is jelly and at tractive. She was wearing gray stock ings and patent leather slippers, and her hat wan a black straw model made In a very becoming shape. SPEAKING of becoming, reminds me of Freddie, who takes n great in terest in his mother's appearance, and especially is he particular about her hats. lie Is five years old and he in sists en purveying her costume before she leaves the Heuse for any occasion. The ether day after she had gene te a tea he came back into the nursery from escorting her te the deer nnd rcmnrked : "Thnt hat of mother's is jubt tee bc camlng for anything." NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr. and . Mrs. Henry D. Harlan, of Baltimore, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary Lelta Har lan, te Dr. Jehn R. Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nclll Paul, of Gravers lane, Chestnut Hill. Mr. Rebert Pearsall, of Chestnut Hill, announces the engagement of his daugh ter, Miss Margaret L. Pearsall, te Mr. Cuthbert Parrish, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Parrish, and grand son et Mrs, Geerge D, Parrish, of this city. The wedding of Miss Prlscilla Merris, daughter of Mrs. Alfred Paul Merris, of Dundale, Vlllaneva, and Mr. J. Kenten Elsenbrey, son of Mrs, J. Kenten Elsen brey, will take place at neon en Sat urday, May 27, In the Church of the Ceed Shepherd, nt Roscment, instead of Tuesday, June 27. Miss Merris' aunt, Mrs. Reginald H. Morns, will be the matron of honor, and the bridesmaids will Include Miss Merris' four sisters, Miss Ottille Merris. Miss Lydla L. Mor Mer ris, Miss Virginia Merris and Miss Con stance Merris; Miss Allda B. Kisenbrey, Miss Dorethea M. Balrd, Sirs. Geerge Jarnum urewn and Miss Henrietta Mc Veigh Fritz. Mr. Matthew Balrd. 3d, will act as best man for Mr. Elsenbrey. and the following gentlemen will be ushers; Mr. Jehn K. Ewlng. 3d, Mr. Albert Carey Wall, Mr. De Ferrest M. Alexander. Mr. Themas Bancroft, Mr. Walden Pell, 2d, and Mr. William II. Jacksen, of Princeton and New Yerk; Mr. Charles Christopher Merris and Mr. r Holllngswerth Merris. Jr., of this lty. A Btnall reception will fellow the feremeny at DundaleT Vlllaneva, the Heme of Miss Merris' mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wllmer BIddle, of Blnderten Heuse, Chestnut Hill, will en tertain as their guests ever the week end Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cotten, of Bal t mere. Mrs. Cotten, before her mar lage, -was Mrs. Jesse Tynen, of Balti more. Mr. nnd Mrs. Blddle will enter- . .i..1 d'nner this evening In honor t their guests. Miss Harriet BIddle, aughter of Mr. Blddle, will give u dinner this evening, followed by a the tu "SJV. The Kuests will Include Miss iilce,D; Benedict. Miss Elizabeth Gor Ger nOl ,MSS Virginia Gorden, Mr. Hugh if'. h, .Mr. Max de Schnuensee, Mr. Austin M. Puivea mid Mr. Hamilton, nLuVVi.JeiA!y' ,M,SS BIddle, accom accem ?iiS'"i..,hyu MM Virginia Gorden and ?iLl8s .E?abeth Gorden, will spend Sun lay in Atlantic City. ,i,XJl?' EL' K.,rk ?,lce of 1709 Walnut ii.?e'.wh? 1,ns ,becn spending a few hi? i J" Annni'ells. Md , returned te 'r home last evening. Mrs. Leuis C. Baker, Jr., of St. iunnil? rea5',Balai wl Kve a" Informal "PPer en Krldav nvnn inn., no , tl uid,'.n,t r,?he.Ffal f Her daughter. te itW1? D Unker. whose marriage Mr ; BSPJttm,.n. Glyde Brlggs, son of of s?nn M.rB',.', hauncey Milten Brlggs, fUtii",iPauJ' M,lm.. will tnka pluce ui .? ida afternoon. Mny.87. at o'clock, i at. Asaph's Eplscepul Church, Bala. .t&.Ir',,!7' WI'h,fep Ceftln will entertain Itltz.Pn?Pilli f.l' ewctl by dancing, at the 'iiu-Larlten th s eMenlnc. In honor nf Iiii?... r',aUM Katheiine II. Coffin. fi7SeuiBi,r. .et M.r8' SI- " '-'enlii. of 231 Si te Mr bMUt nth. blrcct' wllc"e tnarrlage & m sK;,.h',!.'! ey. A-..WS'8'' W.HI tnka place st i ,.i7 'I iV"" -- al l -iiuicn or win ffi n,nl the Epiphany. The guests "HI Include the entire bridal party. wiii,1?;,(I.rellcrlcI Schmidt, of Radner, Be S rJa',,.,at v Bma" luncheon at the te hn f,ratf.rd cn We.lnculay next, l te followed by u theatie party. Iie7'i,-Ini'0?.,',i w,,. w'" ,,UcnJ th" din wi I V li1 ,elc anJ Mrs- Je" Mupkle "ireet m, ?.t,ne,r ,,wne 202:l Walnut 'Vf Mi'f,HU,iJ'rlrtay,c?nlng next In honor rlauBilnr ci0,,.,.n Ue I-oiiKPre Heckhcher. lecksl.hL0' ;";, und Mr"- Blclmrd M. wter ..Pf B.T Mn"r. before the AVuriH' i T5'PB f, Mrs. Cliarles Stew ait Mr V,mf '!!c'...Mr- "ernnril ('. I Hen I, ilnl ii h.i i V, ..;:.. ,jr" A,r 'teneit M. t M. Vai!reucr?,Jl?ml,,FAen' nf ,2 Se"' ami wtfpU'e'n n.y'kft"- YWkWW , iM?y,EJuiW.M!WT,WP''' KMWmWW'iJ 'M - v JEV WrXMD-t erneen iiaxt. In honor of her daughter, Miss Betty Remington. Mr;. Murdoch Kendrlck, of Fifteenth 5H2 nkcun streets, will give a Mask ?Jid 5 pa.y In honor of her daughter, Miss Christine Kendrlck, en Saturday next. xtM& "J.d ?,rs- 3- Pltchen, et 1639 North Thirtieth street, nnneunce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Netta Pltchen, te Mr, H. I.. Katz., Mr. and Mrs. James Aubrey McCurdv, 08403 Navahoe street, Chestnut Hlil, are receiving congratulations upon the birth or a son. yesterday. Mrs. McCurdy was Miss Idetla L. Qrlbbel, daughter of Colonel and Mra Jehn Grlbbel, of Wyn cote. Miss Mary Lamb, daughter of Mrs. Jeseph Lamb, cf 015 Spruce street, wilt entertain nt a supper nnd dance at the Rltz-Qarlten cm Wednesday evening, April 26, In honor of Miss Carel E, Medlar, daughter of Mrs. Jtemuel It. Hammer, of 2130 Spruce street, whose marriage te Mr. W. Rey Bell will take p,nfei 0I? Hattirday April 29. The guests w II Include the bridal party. Miss Lamb will attend Miss Medlar as one of her bridesmaids. Mrs. .Geerge E. Bartel, Miss Eleaner O. Bartel and Miss Marian G. Bartel, who have been abroad for several months, are at present in Paris. They will remain In Europe until the autumn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kearsley Mitchell, of 227 East Rlttenheuse square, have closed their town heuse and are occupying their country place at Roscment. Mr. and Mrs. C. Emery McMtchael and their family, of 2041 Walnut street, will close their town house en Thursday next and will occupy Knell Heuse, their country place at Deven. Miss Phyllis Huhn Walsh, daughter of Mrs. F. Huhn WalBh, of 6012 Drexel toad, Overbrcek, left yesterday for ft visit te New Yerk, where she Will spend the Easter holidays as the guest of Miss Belle Baruch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Baruch. She will return te her home en Monday icxt. Mrs. Walsh has returned from a visit teew Yerk and will spend the week-end at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Clayten Gilbert Dixen have returned from their wedding Jour ney nnd are spending a few days at the Rltz-Carlten. They wtll leave en Mon day next for the Virginia Het Springs, where they expect te remain about two weeks. On their return they will occupy apartments at Green Hill Farms, Over brook. Mrs. 'Jehn Hunter Lloyd, of Lans Lans dewne, announces the engagement et her daughter. Miss Kathryn M. Lloyd, te Mr. wtlllam Alexander Brown, of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn S. Gustlne. Jr., of 6438 Woodbine avenue, Overbrorek, and their small son, Master Rebert Gustlne, left yesterday for a visit te Atlantic City, where they will remain ever the week-end at the Hetel Chelsea. Mrs. Hampton G. Sllcex. Jr., of Over brook, has left for a visit te Atlantic City, where she expects te remain for two weeks. The members of the Phi Sigma Chi Fraternity will give a reception and dance en Monday evening next In the North Garden of the Bellcvue-Stratferd Hetel. GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Brush and tnelr family, of 6133 Germantown ave nue, will spend the week-end In Ocean City. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Hemlller an nounce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Marien Louise Hemlller, te Mr. Graham Parkinson, of Sellersvlllc, Pa., en April 12 In Philadelphia. Mr. William P. Hull, of West Scheel lane, is spending the Easter holidays with his family at Milten, Fa. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn B. Henkels. of 6534 Merris street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Beatrice Mac Alllster Henkels. and Mr. Harry John John Jehn eon, Jr., of West Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Herman M, Hessenbruch, of 3115 West Queen lane, are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son, Herman M. Hessenbruch, Jr. Mr. Herbert T. Elliet has returned te New Yerk after visitinir hla nlster. Mr. Frank Hermnn, of Tulpeheckcn street. , WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. nnd Mrs. Reuben V. Mesley have returned from their wedding trip and are at home at 5203 Osage avenue. Mrs. Meslcy will be remembered as Miss Freda E. Campbell, of West Phil adelphia. Representative and Mrs. James Frank lin, of 5726 Themas avenue, are enter taining a lieus party ever the Easter holidays at their home In Ocean City, in honor of their daughter. Miss Mil dred Franklin, whose engagement te Mr. I Williams, also of West Phila delphia, has recently been announced. The guests include Mr. nnd Mrs 'Harry Tayler, of New Haven, Conn., who will meter down; Dr. and Mrs. S. Williams. Mr. nnd Mrs. J, W. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. P. White 6nd Mr. L. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Dorff Moere, of 6239 Jeffersen street, will spend Easter as the guest of Mayer and Mrs. J, Hamp ten .Moero ni meir summer nemc, 1'inc crest, Island Heights, N. J, Mr. and Mrs. William Shelble. of 1011 Seuth Farragut terrace, are the guests or Air. anu iurt. uiarence uill, or 5833 Springfield avenue, nt their bungalow In Clcmenten. Mr. James J. Cantwcll and Mr. Reb. ort Cantwell, of 6209 Lansdowne avenue. are spending the week-end nt Atlantic t-lty, wnere tney are attending a house party. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mathews, of Johnstown, Pa. will be the guests of honor nt a bridge party this evening which Mr. and Mrs. F. Kduard Nelan, of 239 Seuth Flfty-thlrd street, will give ui ineir neme. Among tne guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Dorff Moere, Sir. nnd Mis Douglass Dewncs Durand, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cadwallader Stnnilbrldge, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Krlcksen, Miss Cath erlne Heward and Mr, Charles Carrell Hicks, 3d. . NORTH PHILADELPHIA Ml' nm! Mru f'linrlia 1? Un,au(ts of 1341 Hunting Park avenue, announce the engagement of thelr duughter, Miss Cecilia Doleres Uenawitr, te Mr. Wil liam Weed Kane, son of Dr. and Mrs. Evan O'Neill Kane, of Kune, Pa. Miss A. B. Leftus. of 1824 North Fif teenth street. Is spending the wcck.enr nt Atlantic City. Miss Florence A. Morehouse and Miss Ruth A. Morehouse, of 192J North Cuniac street, are spending the holidays In Chelsea: Mrs. Harrv Wnid, of 0014 Master street, nnd her daughters, Miss Flor Fler Flor ence Ward and Miss Dorethy Ward, will spend the Easter holidays at At lantic City at the Hetel Montlcelle, Miss Anne M. Klein, of 2103 North Mnrvlne street, Is at Atlantic City for u. few dnjs. Mr. Paul H. l.eattiprman, of 4725 North Mai vine street, accompanied by Mr. Ulchnrd Krepp, of Ogontz, and Mr, James Brlce, of England, who Is ls itlng In thin country, nie spending h few days In Chelsea. NAW YARD Mi. and Mrs. Jehn Troth, of the Mnrljn Hetel, Fortieth nnd Walnut Htieef, entertained lit dinner en Thurs day eenlng In honor of Admiral nnd Mis. Abhley Robertsen, The guests t!ie Lieutenant Commander and Mrs (Uaienee (lulbiuusun, Lieutenant Com mander nnd Mrs. Timethy Keleher, Lieutenant Cemuinnder and Mrs. II. II, Norten, Commander nnd Mis. Geerge Simpsen, Mis, Stella Dixen, MIph Fiances ('iehh. Commander W. A. Aug win and Lieutenant Commander Reif Reif keltl. Among these who will enteitnln at dinner en Friday evening. April 21, befeie Iho N'uvj uid Imp, will be Lieu tenant Cemmaiuler and Mis. A. Herbert "tfAJ ',,' , 'tm TW -A!Iwi71 aPrlVIIFBilT .IplbpJjflBw .bbbLLLk BBLBBBBL aHhiDHiLv' bbbHIbbW 'H ' LLBmBBBBBBBmBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLBB ' bbbbBbbbbHbbbbbHbbbbbbbbBbbbbbbH L'bbHIbbbH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP HiBBM Baaaaaa)iBaaaaaaaaaaaaa W;JK vm y&k Ledger Photo Servlc MISS PEGGY DALLKTT AND MISS THEODORA LILL.IE Enjoying an afternoon stroll. Miss Dallett is the daughter of Mrs. Merris Dallett, of 230 Seuth Twenty-first street, nnd Miss Llllle Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Llllle, of Brian oed, Haverford. Beth are accomplished dancers and will appear in "Why Net 1022" at the Little Theatre the week of April 24 Allen. Majorr nnd Mrs. Arthur B. Owens and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Magoffin. Mrs. Littleton Waller Tazewell Wal ler, wife of General Waller, will enter tain at a bridge party en Wcdnesdny afternoon, April 26. Mrs. Unit Rasln will entertain at bridge en Tuesday afternoon, April 18. FRANKFORD Mr. and Mrs. Jehn H. Brown, of 122G Fillmore street,, have opened their sum mer home at Ocean City. They will en tertain several guests ever the Easter holidays, Including Mr, and Mrs. Lewis J. Ceeney, Mr. and Mrn James U. Hearl. Mrs. E. Brown nnd Mrs. E. Dav enport. ' Mr. Henry X. Schmidt, violinist, will give n musicale en Tuesday evening, April 25, at Assembly Hall. Mrs. C. Henley, of Frnnkfeul ave nue and Orthodox street. Is spending a rertnignt in Atlantic city as tne guest of Mrs. James MacDonald. of Seuth Iowa avenue. Mr. A. Hunt Vautler will lecture en "Current Events" at the next meeting of the Weman's Club of Frankford, which will be held en Tuesday, April 25, at the Frankford Library. WISSINOMINQ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Munch are new living nt Orsten, N. J. Mrs. Munch was Miss Helen S. Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, Cook, of 3407 Devereaux street. Miss Mildred B, Cook enter tained In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Munch recently. The guests were Mr. nnd Mrs F. Keller. Mr. and Mrs. J. Danzenbaker, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Munch. Mr, nnd Mrs. J. Cook, Mrs Heffman, Miss Margaret Stevens, Miss Frances Kapplcr. Miss Mildred Cook, Miss Frances McCall, Miss Vera Hellerman, Mr. Frank Velth, Mr. Afiert Feery, Mr, Paul Depman, Mr. Paul Mctzger, YARDLEY A recentlen wns given In honor of the Rev. and Mrs. Daude c-n Tuesday eve ning by the members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Miss Elizabeth Weeks is spending a few days in Doylestown with Mrs. Carl Carl eon E. Rich. Mr. William M. Welch, of Pottstown. was a week-end visitor at his home here. Miss Mae McCarthy is spending the Easter lielldajs in Ashland. Mr. Harry Barnes, of Pittsburgh, Is a guest of Mr. and Mrs, E. Ynrrlngten Barnes. TIOGA , Mr. and Mrs. William Wayne Russell. of 18i!7 West Ontario street, announced the engagement or tnelr u.iUKUter, MIhs Imeajene UufflnKten Russell, te Mr. I Rebert Majer. Jr., of this city. The formal announcement wits iiimlc nt n ' luncheon and bildge party today at their neme. nuss uuaseii is tne grnnii daughter of Colonel Themas i:. Xufflng ten. LAWNDALE Mr. nnd Mrs. Michael Stevens have returned te their home en St, Vincent street after spending the winter In Flerida. Mr. nnd Mrs. .Stevens in.ide the trip by meter from Miami. Mlsa QladvH Deemer, of Jarrctt ave nue, l spending the Buster holidays In New Yerk, where she Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. Brandln, Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Teller, cf Levlclt street, are tecelvlng congratula tions upon the birth of a son. NORRISTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Russell K. Genser, of West Lafayette street, celebrated their first wedding aulversary en Wednesday by entertaining Informally at u dinner at their home. Mrn. Harry R, Tyson and Mrs. Jehn Slade Carter, of Curren terrace, are spending some time at Atlantic City, Miss Anne Heysham. Miss Dorethy Aner. Miss Allen Resslter. Mlsa Hettv Hurst nnd Miss Isabel Webster nnd Mr. Perry Rogers, students at Hticluiell Uni versity, Lewlbbtirg, Pu,, arojiemo for the Kaster holidays. Mr. If. 13. Williams, of New Yerk, Is the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs, James M. Langham, of 1336 Markley street, Mrs. Jehn mill, of New Yerk. In visiting' her brother, Dr. Reine Fnbrl, of l:ast Main street. Miss Ruth Welst. of Ibanen. la th guest of Mlsi Ksther Prentice, of the jNeins Apartments. Mr. Oeeige Ycakle, of De Kalb btreet, hns returned from I.afavctte College, Kasten, and la spending the spring hull, days with his parents. DELAWARE COUNTY Mr. nnd Mrs. Lesley G. Campbell, of Swarthmore, are entertaining Mrs. C. C. Martin, of Summit. N. J. Mrs. Walter Durnull gave a bridge party In honor of Mrs. Martin en Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Henry V. H Steever, Mrs. Edwin D. UlauHer and Miss Helen Dentn, of Chester, will spend a few days In Wash ington next week, where they will go as delegates te .the national convention of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion. The meeting of Dclaware County Chnpter will be held en Monday after noon at the home of Mrs. Bennett Y. Wilsen In Chester. The Fortnightly Literary Club of Swarthmore will meet en Monday after noon nt the home of Mrs. Harlan Upde-graff. , Henry Loveless A nrettv home weddln? will tnlm niaj today nt 3 o'clock, when MUs Helen Marguerite Loveless, daughter of Mrs. Fred Wing Loveless, of 1261 Seuth FIftv-thIrd street, will hemma fh h,M of Mr. Heward K. Henry, also of West Philadelphia. The Rev. Harry Craw ford, D. D pastor of the Frankford Presbyterian Church, will officiate. The bride will wear a gewn of embroidered whlte net ever satin and a veil of tulle arranged wltlv orange blossoms. She will carry a shower bouquet of white roses and sweet peas. Miss Irene Love less, peusln of the bride, of Portland. Me , will be the maid of honor. She will wear a gown of pink crepe de chine and will carry nn arm bouquet cf pink roses. Mr. Ralph Pollock, of Pough Peugh keepslc, N. Y., will net as best man for Mr. Henry. A reception will fellow the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Henry will leave en an extended wed ding trip. NURSES PLAN CARD PARTY Proceeds te Ge for 8t. Agnes' Hos pital Heme Finns are being completed for a card party and reception which will take place in the new Nurses' Heme of St. Agnes' Hospital, Urend and McKenn streets, April 'M. The proceeds will be devoted te the new home. All the various organizations includ ing the ladies' auxiliary and the junior aids, the nurses- nlumnae nnd the men's association, the S. A. II. N. A., have joined te make the event suceesful. The joint committees, under the lead ership of H. J. Martin nnd Mrs. Fran- els Patterson, vice chairman, will held n nieetlug Tuesday evening. Little Benny s Notebook By Le Pap THU I'AHK AVE. NKWS Wcnther. Grate, Spearts. Hid Hunt challencetl Sam Cress te n hair-pulling contest last Satidday te we who eeulti lceve their hair be nullril the lmi.ilt i.i,,.. ... pulled tiie Hardest without yelling, nnil .Sum (.ters exeenfed the challcnce nnd then ent nnd had his hnlr rut se bhert nobody ceuldcnt "grab n held et it, net delnj htm euy geed however en account of Hid Hunt saying It was n fowl anil taking beck the challence, ' Intrlbtlng Ferks About Intrlsting I'eeple : Sam Cress wasent allowed out after supplr last Wensdny en neceunt of tlieuglitljtbly ialng his buby Istcr Udecn leeks like his father wen she cries. I'nine by Skinny Martin Yeu Never Can Tell Although my cullcctien of pencil stumps Is the Intgest one in bkoel, I nil ways get the worst pos&ible marks 1'er penmrn&hli) us u rule. lllzzlnles nnd Flnnncial: I'uds Sim kins lest a nickel 'J weeks nge and nets os If he's nep rgelng le step tnwklng oheut it ami looking, at people susni susni cleus. ' Wy net be n mused wile standing there doing nullilng leevlng your dress, maker stick pins crreund ou? Wc will set there and tell jum jeuks for 'M cents n hour. The 1M Wcrnlck nnd Lew Divla Amusemlnt Ce. (Avveitizc-ment.) ME ')J,V r I Letters te the Editor Approval Uncle Blm'a Ceurat Te Editor of (As Evtnlne rubliirl-cdatr: Sir At the risk of offending the sen Mbitltles of nt least one-half et .our readers, I hereby declare my hearty ap proval of the conduct of Mr. Benjamin Unmp in leaving- his expected bride waiting at the church. . Ne, I nm net n hardened and cynical bachelor, but n settled Benedick, sur rounded by n wife, three growing chil dren, an Airetlale terrier and a caunry bird. My tastes are domestic in the ex treme, nnd though I don't pretend that life under mine own vine and flgtrcc lias been "ene grand sweet song" biiipb .iu lla and myself plighted each ether for better or for worse, 1 confess te the shudder of apprehension thnt overcame me a few weeks age as I watched that siren, the Widow Zander, weaving her web around peer old Uncle Blm (sirens de weave webs, don't they, Mr. Ldl- It was plain an n. pikestaff te even as an unobservant person as myself that n diabolic attempt en the part of a de signing woman te ruin the hnpp ncss et n generous If somewnat eccentric mini, at the very heyday of his career, was about te be put into execution nt the marriage altar, and for no ether rea son 'than the sordid one of money. Had this modern Delilah net mnde the mis take of dropping the diary that told her real sentiments toward the intended victim of her wiles, nnd If that little memorandum book had net providen tially fallen Inte Uncle Blm's hands, there is no telling what tnlbcry might have befallen an imperiled gentleman. Yes, I'm mighty glad Mr. (Jump took the course he did in averting the ca tastrophe that threatened him. Drastic action en his part was the only wny of escape; nnd while I knew n geed many women will condemn there views I have the happy assurance of my Julia that she wholeheartedly approves them. Julia, by the way, Is a jewel, nnd as she looked ever my shoulder a few min utes age and noted what I had sold about our life together net having proved "one grand sweet song," nnd weh inclined te resent the remark, I mollified her Instantly by what I wild: "Ne, my denr, it has been a sym phony of continuous delight, te which a song et any kind, grand, simple or otherwise, would be n tallow dip along side the refulgent sun." Rather clever In me what? JULIUS PKUKINS. Philadelphia, April 18, 10'J-'. Annoyances at the Theatre Te tft Editor e the Evtnira PuWIe Lttecr: Sir Allew me a few words te Geerge Parker, nleasc. It takes nil kinds of puts te make this old world go around. Te forget our troubles for a few hours we go te sec a show, but there Is always borne old grouch te spoil our evening. I can't understand, either, wjiy such pee pie as yeuvdescrlbe don't stay home with their grouch, instead of spending geed money en shows, which their shallow minds arc unable te digest. As for the angel child drummer. I simply could murder the kid. A thing like that hn.s often hnppened te me, nnd If you get up nnd seek a different tcnt, you knew what angel child says. She says: "Toe bed about her or him!" and keeps en drumming. AVhy in thun der don't people leave their kids at home? Geerge Parker, you have a fine scne of humor nnd you must be awfully geed-natured. I for ene In cases de scribed can hardly held my temper, for my evenings are spoiled. Hew about the ones behlud you in the movies reudlng the titles out loud? I just could twist their necks nreuniL I, tee. lead a deg's life; work every day and seek a little pleasure In it, show once in n while, but can't enjoy the evening with such pests around me. I. tee, get a plle of fun out nf life by making a study of It. Life, It seems te me, is nothing but n big joke. A SISTER NUT. Philadelphia, April 13, lOL'L'. Ex-Drinker Upholds Prohibition Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledecr: Sir I nm an Inveterate reader of your People's Forum and find most of the letters intelligible and interesting, but I feel constrained te say that some writers air their ignorance concerning prohibition. These person say prohibition nv forced en them by n minority. The Eighteenth Amendment was lawfully nnd legally consummated In the ene and only way it could possibly have been done namely, as nrevided for in the Constitution of the United States, which u.. t ,i.,uin , ,, ,... ' provides for submission, te the Mates i nnd for a ratification by n requisite three-fourths of paid States, it was passed In the same wny that every amendment te the Constitution lias ever been passed or could he passed unless the Constitution should be amended te provide for another wny. Others say it wa put ever while the "boys were ever there." If the bes hud been ever here they could net huve eted en It any mere than the people nt that time here. Except, of course, In the few States such ns Ohie, which provides for n popular referendum en constitutional amendments. But that is n 8tnte law. We find eurbelveM. then, with n low or amendment lawfully executed. It provides for the prohibition of in toxicating liquors. New come the Velstead hater. Why pick en Velstead? He couldn't pas's the enforcement net himself without the aid of Congress. What would the-p birds have? Frem the trend of their I remarks ene gathers they are strong for i n prohibition amendment ns long m whisky, gin. champagne and 10 per cent I ucrr nrc iicnucu as inni-ininxicilllllg. , I Next we have the bush league I I bacchanals of the present generation vv hi miiu i nun iiiiii ui Ldd.-ii Willi'.- with a dash of inoenshmn nnd get eh. just gloriously spiffed null mess up the .lonennr In .nnil i. "mnj e,. .. . I ". i . i """; ,, , ".'! They arc pointed out ns herilhlc ex- amplCS Of preIllDttlOU people Who in ever pru wine. inm nn.s .it.i,.e .llrib ,.,.,11 ,,aI,ii.ii! i, Down lanes that make ih heart rejoice dldn t drink until prohibition, li is V(.a ,he en, lll0 00li uirun brink-.. nbeut time some old henil buzed n little i I hear Thy voice knowledge into the ears of these sinnll Tjl, ,,.. (,,n ,. ,. time inebriates The nm net "fast." , lMTe Tew ih? merping1. hr mminK ,. Tliey only think they nre. A driinkaid Drink e my neui the wonder up worthy of ills spurs would need mere! " net Thine .- boere for an ee-epcner than these up- The Brea, u,r,i Ged mu.ih prentice hephends linve In tlicir cellars. iruli reused 10 rapture the sreen Kr,u Met of them can't leek nt U pretzel Threusb sunlit meud ami dcw-dreiche. without beginning te talk in n lmul ' i ,ce Jum pm. veice nnd tell about their operation. 1 i ,1. !u& I i. ii likmi a1 I Imliirvplal r1i-ir si el as veice nnu ten nnetit tiielr operntien. Vet they nre pointed out ns "roiie tii,"r,0,,J the deg becnife of tlrinkiiift sinee pre- mi inri hlbitlen." Vnrden me if I pause n The d mil me n ajji cruRh Jvyz:t- (vinous nnd distilled) nnd malted brews . cireen Arm is Thy very soul, te float n bnttle-hlp. Fer ears I ic- j 'lhau Brcat ,,erd ae1 tirrd every night tvith the entire snlnn system nnd the first of the nsterehK ' Peem Supplied Ceres, te keep me optic company. I 7e ,, , ,fr 0, ,h, r;vnh,a PllbUc Ud liave squandered several joungfei tunes SI. ,,, i m,ins. the poem asked ever the bur and I knew whereof I ' for .S a Dosl.-newn leader. Lentululns the apeak. hut few tnrntnl cells still re- lines. Bieln te function tell me prohibition is I Tinm Zn.i 'or Ves"' aDJ " "et ene of the most benellcial laws ever ' vn 'n MVTini.Dn von kucii enncted. As for the young squirts don't i riuiaieiphia April it, 1022, worry. They have enlj been drinking ' Jenn whte Chadwick colored water. They only think thev " -m.eth low in eve r hiart, nre ilrnnk " mi J we hear It each and all, urc iiiuiiiv, nrvnisr ,i,.., x A eenc of these who answer net. bA-HOTKL HOLM). However e may rail. Fllllnilelpllln, April 8, 1022. 1 Thev thnma- the silence nf the breast, ' ' -, 1 ... .hem as nf vnre. ' iT.k' t,,,,l' S"21!n r"J ,Mr dallr In the Ktenlnc 1'uhlle ldcrr. and ulse In the Hunclay, mhlle I.edVfV. ItterS illaciiaslnc timely topics will he Printed; pa well as required feems. nnd que. Hena of leneral Interest will be answered PEOPLE'S FORUM She's Going Back te England Te the Idlter of the fivtilne Public Ltdatr: Sir May I be permitted te reply e Mr. Garrett's letter In your Issue of April 11? And In case I should DC teia in your next Issue "te pack Vny carpet bag and git," may I remark that I am only here en a visit', that 1 am net "earning my sustenance here" and that IVAM going back. I absolutely deny that the English arc jealous of the Americans, for 1 see no cause for jealousy. (l America te us Is never a "foreign country, and we arc always delighted at the prospect of making its acquaint ance, but. and there is, the crux of the matter: We arc net prepared for the hatred which, en nrrlval, we find in Ihc hearts nf some American people hatred and prejudice. It acts en us like n bombshell! There arc a few bread-minded and widely read Americans who knew nnd who will acknowledge the cause of It the "ancient grudge" taught In the schools since 1770 or thereabouts. How ever, Hritulii gees en in her pwn even way. net knowing and net caring. hy should slier . MAIMOKIK MAXWELL-SI UAiu, 1'hllndelphln, April 11!, lO'-".!. Useletsness of Wrangling Te the Editor et the r.vcwine Public .tdetrl Stir t Imrn l.een rrnillnE the English- American and Amcrlcan-Kngllsh argu ments In the Forum ever since tney started and must say they have been amublng, although net very enlighten ing. , I cannot see what difference It makes new whether Knglnnd or America did the most toward winning the war, as I think each did Its best. AVhnt Prin cess Mnry were en her wedding day. or hew much space her press agents used in the newspapers te write it up or whether nn Englishman has a senvc of luiinnr and really can sce a joke if It Is nxnlnlnpfl. it seems te me that what matters met new that the war Is ever und Princess Mnry is t,ecurely married is whether Americans nnd English and the ether folks In this world nrc going te settle down and make the world a fit plaee te lle in. This Is no time te be picking flaws nnd cmjihasiaing each ether's shortcomings, nnd surely we all have our slinrc of them: but rather n time te overlook such things nnd all put together te try and get this old world balanced again. We arc nil geed Americans if we nre living In America nnd working for the geed of America nnd net banking Amcr lenn lnws (with possible exception of the Velstead net) even though we may lime been born in Englnnd or (Jblim. and I cannot see thnt wc are any bet ter AtnerlennH for being able te trnCC our famllv history hack te the landing nf the Mnvflnu-er. Surelv we were net Americans' then. Sud te relate, the only i real Americans nrc getting te he very few nnil are net evt'lt allewt'd the priv- iletze of liflnK Amorlenn cltizeni. 1 miild net help but be amuspd by Ihr- nrtlcle from "Knglish Ulr l Dnrbj. Slip ery emphatically sits en the eiips who have bfen kccpillS IM lirgUlllPnt going, pspoeinlly the ones wlie hae vritlcizetl th Knglish. and after alie I1. through stirring it up and raking It ever and hns added mere fuel, she Kins slip liencM tn sep the matter dropped. She surely is strong for the theory that the woman mut have the last word. I suppose she will Iip highly indignant te think that any mere man would dare violate that snered woman's privilege by writing further en the sub ject after she hns decreed that It shall end with her last word.- It. LEWIS. Mount Carmcl, I'a., April 12, 19'Jl'. Questions Answered Officers In U. S. Army Te thn Editor of the Eiemng Public Ledecr. Mr Please sle iii some Information con cernlng the regular nrmy of the United .Slates I would llke te knew If It Is pos sible for u prlwite te become an officer through his own efficiency, or Is It neces sary that he prauuates from West Point te Je se" Alse, what Is the reputation of a regular te the average American? I thank seu In advance for th pe.ice of mind sour answer will Rle me. D. K. H. Atlintlc City April 12. 1022. The United States Army has had many distinguished officers who liaie rlsnn from tb" rank as a result of their efflelencs nnd without West Point training Majer Gen eral Nelsen A Miles und Majer Oenrnl Adna R Chaffee, both of whom hae b n nt the head of the arms-, might b men tioned as conspicuous examples, and the list could be largely extend?)!. At present the military educatlennl system of the United States i under the supervision of the Gen eral Staff It provides for the mllltnrc- rtn. catlun of the efflcwis nnd enlitUd nun and for spec ,1 training of the latter i usii as of the graduates of the West Point Acad emy prier te their assignment te duty with troop.. A" te 'f ""putatien of a regular te the average American," It can tru y be sad ,hat tim wearer or a United states uniform whether In the regular or nurmr service ' mm iMiciner mm ui mi euitvr or private t soldier, hns nluass had the highest respect of all Americans vchese rem id In worth having. ' Benus; Scheel for Cartoonists Te thi EUter of the Eicnlng Public f.edeer: Mr Will S"U kltdy inform me whether the Slate of Pennsylvania wave Its soldiers k bonus and, If fe, hew muvh" fun seu iel mi If there Is a school for ev.-serviie men te learn cartooning In 1'h'li delphla? p. r. Philadelphia April 13 11122 Answer te sour first uuestien Wis made In' the Kerum .wstcrdas. The Y M t. A. conducts a school for cartoonist' "Subscriber -proffered here, -Multi a! advice cannot t'ensult a phssician. b Poems and Songs Desired "An Easter Canticle" Te the Editor et the En una Public f.rda sir win xm Kmdiv piint in the w leium an ;,.ir rami, t !'.? efve"s1;lc.hrcmbiinr;'.',uV,nn?i i DOTTIK Philadelphia pril 13 19.'.' N EASTER CA.STH I.I Ky r,,rV, nnnsnn Town In every trcmbllne bud and bloom . That cleaves tliee.irth1 u n.iwers w,rd, I Thee come from out the tomb Theu ilsen le)rd V uhlnr HtrramM nnd m.rAM hn . nrtent trumrt efll fhakes The ttuneailfl. Th" Kind '!"' iiiave me I re, the sweet Who vi,illv wlih us no mere. ' 'TIs hard 10 isKe the burden up When tliese lime laid It dewn1 They brightened nil the joy of life, 'Ihey softened every frown; Hut eh! 'tis cced te think of ihem VTien we nre troubled tore, I n i . jt.f'WO"! Thnlt be te'-Ood tht. ueh hats besn. Though they are hare no mere. Mers htmllka ami the vast unknown, Slnie they have entered there: le. fellow them were net ae hard. wnerever they may fare) They cannot be where Oed li net, Oiv any aea or aherej Whate'er betldea. Thy love abldei, Our Oed, foretermore. ' bent alto ly Mary I; Ke. Lanadewtie, I a, , "Bebble's Predicament" Te the Vltter e the Evening TsbHe Lldeer: Sir Unclosed pleaae find veraea atked for by a People' Feri'm reader. HOHBIE'S PrtEDIfAMENT , Once there urm n little bn, Ilia name wa HeWt nces, Ani ttry Friday afternoon He had te my n plrce, t'e many peema thua he learned That goon he hed n store Of recltntlena In his h,d. And. Mill kept learnlnir mere. Aril new thlj In vhat happened- He waa called upon one week. And totally foriret fhe piece He was about te apeak. Ilia brain he cudgeleil, net a word rtenmlred within his hafl. And ae he rpekn nt random, And this l what 1-e nld "My beautiful! My beautiful That atnnds te tniudly l , It hh tlie schooner lliiprui!. '"I,c bteaklnu wnvn daihed high. Why la thin Kerum irewded What means this kllr In Keine Lnder the spreading thestnut tree. There Is no place like home. "V-1,"1. K!T4em ,tem her mountains height ( Ned 'Twinkle, lit, i .ie..i. Sheet If you must this old gray head: Kin Henry of .Vnvarre. Rell en, thou clr-ep nd dark-blue castled Craita of Drarhenarels: My name In Noral, from the Grampian Itlng out', mid bells! "If u're waklmr, call me early. rn tje or net te be, T,lr.uSurf,,w. Inun net rl"R tonight; Oh woodman, sr.im that tree! a'i "e?t,r' 'barge: On. Stantey. en! And let who Hill te clecr. The )uy ,teod en ,h, ,urn)pg dPcli. ... Hw .in ifjrcer. file elocution a Miperb, ..,'" ,velcn nd jestures line Ills kchoelmni.H nil epplnudi-d As he finished th. last lin, '? " ,,"'"n'1 matter." Heb-rt thought. Se !emf as r derlalm maelf .Mth oratorical display!" Referred te Readers Te the Editor e the Evening Public J.tiatr: u t,lLrr"(T',n J0J' Jer our feaJera tell me wher- I con nnd the p.Jm entitled "I-or,i Heus .Nin ' i!ave ,red )n tevera pul). He libraries, bet as I de net knew the neme of the author have net met with any success. K K S Audubon, N'. J , Mnrch ". 1022. ' ' .. .,. uiun i su , Who Wrete It? Tc the Edite' of the Evening PuUe l.rdoer: Mr Will jeu kindly print in .our slu slu able page the answer te this: Who wrote a poem caned "The Trailing Arbutus." It begins: "Them's a flower that srrnua hv the Rrrrnuoet tree. MARY ATMOrtE. Phiindeiphin. April 1022. Can a reader supplj? Wants "Absent," a Japanese Seng Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ude'r: , slrWin ou piese riuest senB caifd -Absent." It Is an Anirle-Japanese song and Is en- of n, suite. I b-llevc. The only I wcrJs that 1 can rcmembT occur near the end and nre m) many moons, se many Hundred lie Yet arc ou far when seu are In my heart." I would like the nam" of th" composer, se that I ran purchase the music. .. MAHOARHT stii.l,wi:li.. Ches'-r. Ta.. April 11, 1022 GLOUCESTER BOY MISSING Police Are Asked te Search for Sixteen-Year-Old David Brlney Thief of Peller Vnn i MetPr. of fileucpvter. has asked the police of nearby towns te leek for Mxtcrn-ycar- -Your Old Furniture- mar he I'nlntal nnd Decorated or Reflnlched In a Ucllchtfulls antique way that renders It far mere attractive than the new, and lit considerably leer cesV ESTIMATES rt'RNISHED A. L. DIAMENT & CO. 1SI5 WAI.Xl'T STREET and at Strafford, Pa. HAT FRAMES The largest assere- meni ni lllll Frnmei la Tblla- - ' . deiiin.a. Call snjr time and Bike your leleclien DALEY Largest Hat Frame Display 613 ARCH ST. 'srtTiwiii One n II A, M, In I P M. First Unitarian Church Chestnut Street West of Zlst Mreet HKRMON 1V Rev. Frederick R. Griffin, Minister Sunday Morning, April 16 at Eleven o'Cleck "The Meaning of Easter" ALL ARE WELCOME LBMjCEg 'Ne Splash in Sink" "Positive Shut Off" Name "SAVILL" en Faucet "Ask our I'lumlwr" Themas Savill's Sens, Mfr. 1110-12-14 U'allac SU. l-ulla. WE SERVE YOU RiriiT e Ol-nit IUU KIUHT ittr-BiA- i. ,-, f 18' "fifes ilk t 1012 'fnff cHj Pee SJK' I I i. er.e, -&XifeZ J) I'lMI'I.V. T 'i-WijiisN mjtyi 3s3LIlSffil 4 WBEST R COAL i II I II 11 OwenLetter'sSens: H ! II Lartttt Ceal.Yard in PhiUMpkU ' SPtraisnKl ssir. m I II WESTMORELAND ST. I II WRITE OR PHONE NOW i eW' aWJ freM IHs Tuesday hlgnti r xf,4 His mother is In t MriMl from werrlment ever hie at MEMOffUm MOTIC vv WftlWP TIIK TKMM.r Bread and Berks its. (1100 N.). SOOfl aaala. Heme of the Orr Bandit Chi HU88ELI, H. CONWEL.U Paati Win, Dyra MeCurdy, Atteelat j. narvin nanna, musiesi ui rraderlck E. Stark. Orssnlat. Eaater Sunday aervleeil ? SA A 4 A fk.SA A 1 :M 10.10 A. M. Mernlna- worihle. Mill men br Buiiell H. Conwall. '':.'.; ZM&& 10:48 A. M. Children'! Church la,Z4Me J Temple. ", tXtf,?-! 2 .HO p. M llaetlimal service. ' .'A ' 7:45 P. M. Evsnlna werahlp, with SfHHS) ; The Temple CemunM Choruses WINS the follewlnsr nrecram mernlns aaSt ln: .. . Ji. "They Have Taken Away Mr uetm, Hsrringien. , 'P-llnv VI the Oates." by BIS "The Magdalene." by Warren. . A "Mft Up Your Heads." by Ashref. Ctbltat Hadtrtr ACADRMV Or MC8IO, 11 A. MJiS.! CflNFEBRNCR Cf-AHls. 15th and RjWjM .5' 11:40, 1eader, Clyde Mllner. JSSSiinS-) Methods of English and Weitern TJiWI HS I te Kitcnd Their Werk." Mestln t Wl'jfe worship. 10:30. Visitors welcome:. ,i?j-ffl$ ' W1.MAS PENN wtiHaiuiM5.i.Al. TJFriT, OLD JtrAKEB MEETINU HOtJHR. Msifc,',, I'a,, just euteiaa or wny ins. rfwj meeting was established Irr 12. BcnjaMJ are held every nrst-aay taunaayrmerajssMiLs,,! at 11 o'clock. A welcome Is sitendsd ts'ljlffl-. Meihedlst Eptsenpal ntnv' - FLtTTCIfER. B4th and Master sU. ;.$" 7:43 P. M "OL.1VET TO CAbVAIlT,'5J!9l Hurrt-rt Cantata Iire Chorus Choln. fjifsUfti Itev, RICHAnD RADCLia-FE. MnlMttV IAI 10.3U A. M. ."A LlVlflU liurii: Mrs. Alice Zalini Nagle, Organist. t)r. J'rank O. Nagle. Violin. Mr. Jehn A. Themas, Celle. Mr. Wnrren It. Union, Piute. Preahyterlsn ARCH STREET CHURCH. 18th and Aretwj, At iO!45 iir. .Macartney win Dreacn en ui. . subject. "If Christ Had Net Ween." II-'J win HiHcusa the nlntA or the Keaiirrftcuert i ,jtM ns the great evidential fact of the Chris- Mi ,inn rvi.intien ana new dv inn nesurrac tlen Christ was declared te be the Bea- eC M' Oed with power. If the nrst Christians A" bad net Possessed mere lalth than a ttNt " inan UI He nnntiaita ui iuub.j w r'.euld htie bien the MtQ of th Chur At H Up, Mrartns wm Dreacn en Thmi Nlinw Venrlm te th Ueadt r , our Mm fathrrn hart a faith in lire te coma mac , w innuncn tnir lives nere, mevinc intm'T j Hern- thrwnMAli minv nf th Dttaiiura anJ ! nutnm nt thlts Wftri,! tftr Ihtt Mslfi Of IK te com, Hut row that faith haa fftdtfi' fj tmmeanu rainy, in inra a connection v ' tween thu Ruanldenre of thli treat MV4 nt.Tu t.nii Ika s-nASnl 4 SkA t I tsa tl f I SnfltllS 1 ftU' st3 inutai ureimg iseb '. " i. 'i rv.rv itrpa of life? A aeeela inviiausu "ji te mii tne near t-wear j- ana seui-nunarr wbhi , wish te think for an hour of the wenitrs UU I1KIII BIMfV-ll IV limn ,.viwm, WQMU. - k Kaeter Music bythe Choir. Church -dear y np.n hi i. kiiu ,. i DKTIfl.EirKM PRKMHYTEB1AN CHVBOB' Hread and Diamond sts. nv. wii.mam i.. Mccormick. Pasta. Hrv, SAMUKI 11. CURRY. Assistant. PRlKHtAM OF SrBCIAi, KA3TER KUSIO MORNINO AND nVENINO: 10 SO A. M. "The R-surrectlen." 2.30 P.M. Surinam Kcnoei. 7,t P. M. "The Light of the World;" AL.I SEATS niCK AT AL.L. HKKVI' Idas. CALVARY I'REMnYTKRlAN CHURCH Locust at. above 13th, Service 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Rev. HUGH LENOX HODGE. D. D., wilt' preach at both eervlrva. I Mernlnr subject, "Hepe ty the RMM rectlen of Jesus Christ Trem the Death." Afternoon subject. "The Future Life." Special Easter music will be rendered V Mrs Elsi Inns Toek, soprano! Mre. I.llllan Holmstrand Kraaer. contralte: H;. Jehn R. Hlpwell. tener: Mr. Merris Ware, hass, and an augmented choir. under the direction of Mr. David, X. rosier, ertsnlst nnd chelrtnaiter. .music at mnrmns service: , "I.lahfa ailtterlnc Mern" Parte "I Knew That My Redeemer Hveth., i Handelf Mii lr at afternoon service (cemmendns at 3.30 P M.l: . . . "As It Recan te Dawn" FVderiemij "The Weman at the Sepulchre" . .Wreyael "Heheld. I Shew Yeu a Mystery." ' n n Wmia "Rreak Ferth Inte Jey" uartresr 'j-j "O Filll it rtllae" Old FreweK.-pfel 2 30 P. M. Sunday Scheel In Parla HUM. , ;$ . .. ... rs.j Wednesday n p M.. miaweex Sen Ire. nendueteA hv Rev. Dr. aiACCaaHMr i Teu are Invited te all service. y HBCOM) rRKSnTTOlL.V C'HVKCK itl and walnut ata. .... Ilev. ALi:XANDKK MacCOLL. D.D..M1" Hev. ALVIN n. UURLET. Assistant. . Dr MacCOLL will preach at 11 an4 o'clock, . Sacraments of Baptism and the LerCa Supper, with reception of members, at P. M. Morning music: "Llaht'n Qlltlerlna; Mern" Weef "Three Women Went Ferth". . .Matthew "from; of Resurrection" Fischer He In Risen" McCelUR ' Hallelujah" Chorus Handel Hvenlnc music: , "The First Communion" Tins I "Shine Ferth O New Jerusalem". Telskrakeff "They Have Taken Away My Lord." . fltalner Chorus of Seraphim Dubois Kaster Ben FWirmaan "Jlv Hepe Is In the Everlaatlna". .Stalnsr Instrumental tries, violin, harp and organ. Hunday Scheel and ruble Class at 10 A. M. All seats free .it the afternoon and evenlsw , services. A cordial welcome at all'aerr- ' Ices Protestant Bplarepal CIIL'KCll OF NT. JI'IIE AND TSK NATIVITY nicventh anil Ml. Vernen sts. Rev JAMRS COPE CROSSON. Recter. Services Kaster Oay 7 00 A. M Hely Cnmunlen and Carat .'ervl e. 0 00 A. M. lle'y Jommunlen. 10 3( A M. Hnly vommunlen and Hemen 7-3 I". II. Church Scheel Festival arr- HASTKRTtDK MUSIC rKSTIVAIi Auspices of the Men's Club TAI.I.S OF HCHUYI.KII.T. UtAT.B CHORUS OF FORTY Vnil'Es umAS . rdui'0'18 LEED0M ' 1,Ea I THURSUAV. APRU. 20. at 8,15 F. jr. I Tickets nn sale. " till RC11 OF TIIK IIOLV AI'OSTLKS - '-'1st nnd Christian ats I Ri. HEOROn 11. TOOP. Recter. I SERVICES ON EASTKR DAY' Dnvhrtak Carel Service, Recter's GraaV Ins and Hely Communion, 7 A. M. Hely Communion, 8 A M. Hely Communion and Sermon, Recter, Annlversars of the Sunday Scheel and lllble Classes Dr. Jehn Weed, of New Yerk, head of the Department of Mla Mla slens te deliver the address, and taklnr up f Easter efferlnir 3 P. M. rRe-tATHF.nn.w. OF FT. MARY llrend and Seuth sts Re. cJeerne I. Richardson Ii D.. Vlear, Ilev silne V Creascv. Assistant. Services it 00 A M. 7 M A JI., S.30 A. M Hely Communion 10 30 A M Mernlna Prajrar l and Hely Eucharist lermen by l'.ISHOP RIllVKI.AN'nUR. ' THE RISEN CHRIST OUR ONLY HOPE " 00 P M. -Evenlm Prayer and i, hun. h Scheel Ufferlps Address s bv the Vicar .ST. I'KTKR'S ClirRCii " third and Pine b's k Edward M Jeffervs. S. T D,, Rtctar, fi 30 , M Hely Communion. S SO A M - Hely Communion 0 30 A M Hely Communion (Sunday Scheel Service) II 00 A M .Mnrninc Praier and Hely Oimmurflen Sermon by the Recter. Tba Choir will sins ' ( hrlst Our Passover (In D) , , .Parkar 'Festival Te Peum" (In C) . ...Jerdan ' Jubilate pen' (In Ol , ...Calkin 'As It llesan te Dawn' ....Martin h Oil v M - Ilrlef Service, short Addresa and Recital hv the Choir. "Xwake Up M Olery" tlarnby ! T.h. '.'V J a."ul ..Sinking ' . . .Matthiwi "Ha. lelujah ( herus ' Handel K linn,. In In lh 11i.d..lln'i a. -.-. 1 NT, SAI VKI'B (French). 22d and De Laacar' i sts in A. He.v Communion. aem nm- ter will simr. Fine program Rev, T. 0. &J MA LAN. S T. D " ,.;rJL 7T T&P& filiatien Army , J VJfle T,,K hi.vatiev army MEeiiX 1 OKI'S. Till W. Ilresrt .tre.1 mVT,P'f.Wi Enslan Jehn U, Slmpseis. nerir.r i nurse ,,: ii-i ,..u.. .. .y." - ' ,i'vit Sieclal Easter services led by Enslrn ','? and Mrs Charles Mhllng. Hundar. ill . Sit A M.. a se p. M.. in Kvancelln HaJL,iX ' Delightful Ensler program and canlaSKL J enilileil "Easter Morning." w be iSit""-t ilered Hun-lsj, H P. JI.. In Memerial ASr-ifs.?l lerlMin, anil same pregrum will bs ,! pealed Monday I M. Admission frSt'Ml I'nllarUn I I'IKST I.MTMtlAN t'Ml'Hlll .1.0 i nesinui Hev FREDERICK R. fJRIKFI.V. MlnlaiaW'VKf . 11 A JI. Mr. Orlffln l nreaih. " "Wtm" SiihJeeii '"ihe Jleanlng nf Easlsr." "Wyil INITARIAN llll'RCH OF OKUWisitt' a Orcene st and West Cheltcn va? aV-jU 1 l!.,n..i.lmn. ri,ll.l..l.i.. " " W r if Sunday. April Id. 103J, ' Sxtylsi It A. M. Raster Bervlce. Tht Hl(atal w ' A Hav. Reer H. Ferbes, will m-aacV i!T ii Church Behoel In thaari ' i&tilfQLd . l- . iWS X'i: ;1 M m "si ti M rm 1 1 ui .ciCW ' Itr V " en ra mviltu, j wii( v ' t v W 7l l 1" A r" A KuJ, . f.J m n M J,.3K "if(.V J,MJL- "' $' ft,!'.,M t ,vuy 2 '.,sr,l a.X V,l)fev.fcS V. Jtu -n -, l.'1 MMm .-".. m&zi - Wsi.TO I1 1 v r mmf!L i -- t ?riSLiriYs C .Jf. ... '.kiia. Li&7'j tf'i'Mlitei I S U-J ,!