TO BE ELABORATE icial Music and Sermons Will Feature In Protestant and Catholie Churches SERVICES IN THE EVENING 'Betel' church services will be held TOW, waster fj """ cl""" nresrams. irfa the Catholic churches of the city will be a solemn nign mass, wun rdl Bermeiu, In addition te the 1 low masses. In many of the Fret- 1st churches there will be mere than ie morning service and In the majority ! ,Ctbellc nnd rretestnnt churches . will be services tomorrow evening. Uxhe Episcopal churches of the city observe the Easter festival with ettl services and music appropriate , the anniversary of the Resurrection. Bithep niiinclander, head of the Die- of Pennsylvania, will preach at the i:80 o'clock morning service in the ..Cathedral, of St. Mary, at Bread id Seuth streets. In this service the Biihep also win emcintc at tne Messing f tee soiie-hohi mumenui Dnptismai fishlened from the Jewelry and fcmily belt looms of the late Mrs. Annle iuden Vnughan Watsen, wife of Cen- resimsn vtaisnn, 01 mucks ueunty. Pl.hnn (larland will officiate at his. rlcOd Christ Church. Second street love JlarKct, wnerc ue win preach the jitter sermon at the morning service I Administer confirmation te a class Kwented by the rector. 'RUIinn Heur, of Alaska, will nrenr-h Lt the 10:.'IO o'clock service In the Utmermi uimrcn 01 mc Advocate, at Eighteenth and Diamond streets. The Easter music at 8t. Peter's rimrcli. (iernmntewn, rendered bv the Choir under direction of Harrv M. Stn. Ien, organist, assisted by Jeseph Tes- rme, barpisi, nnu j.cenaru Epstein, flellnl.'t, of the Philadelphia Orchestra, L-tll Ih.Iiii In flm ' 'Tl T)nnm " lt ihI ITIII llll.."'..; ." - V. "IIIIUI, lachj "Aunc wimittis, K Hat, J. E. rest; "Hesannn," Granier; "Halle ifah Chorus" from the "MesHlnh"! Snetus" from St. CeclIIn Mass: "Avn ilirln." Bach-Gouned: "When It Wn ft Dark." Weedman, and "The Lord nien," by Sullivan, will be sung if Mrs. II. M. Stilton, contralto. 'm i?ifi i..tin r.i m.i a . .v ninct- ieu.' iwna Ljci iiriu awmips i 31iurch lins observed the custom of held ing a service ei special music at (J j'cleck en Knster morning. People Irem all eer the city have made this nearly pilgrimage te attend this Easter lervlce. At tbc JiiMU services en Kaster Day setting will be dedicated In memerv bf the late Priscllla T. Llpplncett, a taember of the Simpsen family. hln. builders, who for many years were nemeers et urn veucs . The offering nt the Easter morning wrvlce will be for the endowment fund. le endow a sitting in memerv of thn late Rev. Charles E. Rettlcher, .Tr., who r tnrce years was assistant te the Kev. r. Slmes. The rector, the Uev. Percy . Stockman, will preach at nil serv ices. The Sunday Scheel carol festival nrrlce will lie held In the afternoon at ::JV, at whicii time the annual offering ir missions win ee presented. In the nt tnenty-twe years the Sunday tool or Old Swedes' has given mere in $25,000 te missionary wert hreujb Its Knster offerings. Summit Presbyterian The choir of Summit l'ri-shvtpi-lnn E lurch, in Gcrmantewn, willing Man x's "Resurrection." Mr. Itawdcn will pirect the choir and will also ploy the 4tuic w,i-mri- ijl uubsvuci. The choir of the Episcopal Church of be Annunciation. Twelfth nnH nin. toad streets, will sing special Easter DSlc at both ni online nml nftitrnnnn Irrricfs. Farmer's Mess in It flat rith the anthems "Hail, Festal Day," r iuc nry. .iiunt-s unuen iawen, Will flung nt 10:.-.0 A. M., nnd Stnlner'B Jgnitlcat and Nunc Dlmittls in A with t anthem "Alleluia. Christ Is Risen." 'H. 1. DnnkK. nt -iV M Alh n fells, cheirmaster: Helen C. Wells'. ipprane; .Jnnc II. Delan. contralte: E. Hsll Downey, tenor; Russell Delan, a; Aen.unt Shlppey, organist, nnd lielr of twenty-five voices. "TELL TALES" AT SHORE k and Wig Club te Put en Shew Tonight f One hundred members of the Mask "I Nig Club of the University of (ennijhanla left Chestnut street ferry t II o'clock this mornlner fnr Ailn.,.; rii' mi U nftcrnoen nnd cvenlnu r.V..SIU ?r,'ent their show. "Tell Jls," at the Apelle Theatre. Atln..H air. ' HeSCllkOl Welherlll rrn.l.... fc. ------. niuuuuLC uiniini ripi t (haJ'iIC 1f ,he nnrt.v- which IJ fr"'" i.amien t Atlantic City mi cosines. n f.jr.M, . ' ifwrr man 'On., i re ,,,"u!". including the i,i, ...viuuh-b j it joy nuaariiic "Itn seven ntin,.wr,i t'i.iiJ." "". Vn whirling dells; a Pege Dance a "with1 15X1?. n,lmber callpd "' 111 tflP IMIbt nn. k(s his third un .T. II :m his third appearance as leading ."i. '.'". (-uIh, who repeals his rtw II .. "-" fc" vmtdv ,mi;" '!.""" !vv1 " I I. I.. I'llWlu ...1,,. B Hn-V. . . l" .Previous years; B. ., t llvu jirevieus . Ilnrteimlpln n xi vvt niii-i iiuu fw & . "fnnlr' "i, and ILB "b"' tatim i ..b0?k i?. by Charles Mer- it Yft.... """"j uy "-nnricn Ol p n nnd tTlne! lcsl'"ni- by Edwin M. The Nth Nut l Dill, (lie flPCPASniV linnnfl vea lllSt lint.1., ..I ,. i., . , ... .. beksd i r;:v""" '" " l",s "'"; v6 Bpdi7i """ "'' nnu (irciuea sne TOl(l ft n(1... ,l,,.....l. Mf... - ! .....111 ic , IIKJllKll Uin hnOW)3 n univmAt.. l.n.... n mere appropriate.. .And then Hill gie her a clock se Mt i we,,,,,,-l - feel as though she And - uu mi me running, ."en lllll Installed an electric lilfhtnr ii. , ...,i. .. i .. temnil i ...V ..."..";" c'.v"v "" "" tin nV, ."""" ir NwnDeing en me M?(,i,,ust wh,1 "' motion" I inCIl p took n ilev ,.fF ..,.1 .,... e w nenKlii.i ni.. i .L" ."'....".". in inr uruKPM nnu . u automatic oiling system. u , S xJm. ,!0'1''K en the running H. SO II KllHf ..nvlllnn.. .,,.,7 Lnn.':. "!!!! ""H ..n the ether.. A 'w out in '..1 : f" ",v K"u"1' I Wli: mi-, R TI1IK time (he car was getting se lckVn.u!,bl l!1" l,n'' whelR '""-t of VvKS Dut nn ll r.. i .1.. . i.. lther'H?","":r tl,e transmUslen, an lw he Ignition, another the gas. r wh.i a l0 en the rel,t nnl1 Ren C' ,,uui" en tne spare anu ytfflft,1,1" ' bonnet. y '"''dded ion,i 0f ncreswrkr. M READY BBrTVPmPIRBHHHilBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBliHBBBBBSHBBlBM MaaaBBMaaMBMaa-aiBaa . f9mmmmWSm 1Mll jfcl sVfJ f'7' VkX-BBBBBBBBaVi-CBH 1 . -: 'a :'''.. WWWWWW nBlinSIUivBiiPiMiiBIBBMkH v Wt i im I.LLLLLHB ''ft-itmWm mmm x OLJBHDiK9rsLv VUH;HBBI ;x ' ' .. WfmWm tYm-m mm W mt' " l' "ifK '''' mmm t' V "4$l&f f ' 'm 'B fmWmWmmmmmJ A' JkK gUKjD9UiBK'' A sm?l mmim A- t kB ' it" ! mW jf.M Renowned Gloucester Fleet Down Frem Northerly Demain for Mackerel Run BRING TALES FROM BANKS Bv a Staff Correspondent Cape My. N. .1.. April IB. A ferct , of masts, rising from the wind-swept I flats of Celd Spring" inlet, betrays the ' presence of the Gloucester fishing fleet I -thnt renowned company of deep-sen fishermen and their sturdy craft which has come down from Its northerly de- j main te meet the summer run of mackerel. Twe hundred and fifty strong, they lay last night at sunvet In the shelter of the Inlet, packed se close that their crews passed freely from one te an other, while outside tne white-crested surges came in endless ranks, te break with a heavy rear upon the bench. With some the work of unloading the cntch had net yet been completed, und the sliver bodies of the lisli. as they were conveyed from held nnd ilpck te the deck, flashed again In the sinking sun. On beard ethers the day's work was done, and the breeze carried away the smoke of a hundred galley tires te attest the proximity of supper. Here and there en the shadowy decks of the beats a sailor man sat working ever the nets, while In the small fo'c' fe'c' sles' ethers sat or lay In their bunks with their pipes, which they replen ished from time te time with scraps pared meditatively from adamantine slabs of chewing tobacco .Most or tnesc men nau removed tneir J0!!. W- .'.I? '."m0"1" -5,t . .. .... or se, but thus uttlrcd they were ready for bed. A flood of golden light, pouring from the aft hatch of one of the mere dis tant vessels, indicated the presence of a harassed skipper whose "kicker," ns the auxiliary engines are called, ie quired expert care. These heavy-duty gasoline engines are the object of the most solicitous attention. Their faith ful performance of duty, when the wind docs net serve, may mean success or fallure for the voyage. The fishing of mackerel is done by net entirely, and net by line, us with the cod and haddock en the Hanks. "We cull it 'gill fishing,' " explained an old man in the ice of a pile of nets, who might have been the Ancient Mar iner himself. "All them nets in spread out in the water, one end made fast te the beat, and the ether end just fleatin' loose. The free end is marked by one of them bandana handkycherfs." "Nev the mackerel swim along," he continued, "nnd the first thing they knew they have run their noses into one of them nets. Once their nose is In they get caught by the gills and cun't back out again, be there we have em." WHO IS THIsTnTROPER? Women, Liking Him in Politics, Then Learn He'a Football Leader It's one thing te be famous in the sporting world. It's another thing te be of prominence In the political world. William W. Itepcr happens te he both. The trouble is, however, that the Ptnchet women followers with whom he is dally associated de net realize that lie Is the Reper who yearly cenchas the Princeton eleven te victories en the football field. The ether day. nt the end of Mr. Hely Trinity Presbyterian Is Leg Leg Reper's address en "Getting Phllndel- .. ,. phla Lined Up for Plnchet," one of the atee of Helen Shuster most attentive women listeners said:. Hely Trinity Presbjterlnn Church. "Mr. Reper is surely a convincing Legan, which wns recently burned, will talker and I believe he will make njieceive $-1500 from the estate or Helen splendid Plnchet leader here. Hut what N. Shuster, of Kansdew-ne, whose will does he de beside serve In Council?" uns filed for probate today. The estate Rut the women nre learning fast, and It's a pretty safe bet that next fall the majority of them will be watching two campaigns Plnchet in Pennsylvania and epcr et Princeton. By J. P. MeEVOY Hill had te put in new pistons nn.l rings and carburetor and change the spark plugs, after which he lustnllcd a plant ter lighting and starting, -i tire pump and a device for pulling the car out of mud holes. I often regretted that last one. And then signals! First he had one. of these red bands installed en the back te prove te the people be. Lind that he lied stepped. Then he bought a system of rrar lights. A blue one showed he uns te turn te te right. A grecu one te the left, n white one that he was going straight ahead. Above thcbe he had slogans lettered in electric light bulbs: "Hafety First," sold one. "Step, Loek und Listen," nld onethrr. Hut you didn't hnve te step or leek either te hear Kill's Lizzie, And then there was "Slew Down I Am Coming te a Step," What Town Is This?" "E cuse My Dust," and "Hew D'ye (Set That Way?" ,gt' Hut uetlilng came of it. Eerv uierii Ing the nurse, coming in, would find Dill attaching shock absorbers made of cotton batting te the bed springs or else he would be under thn bed oiling the casters, With csster oil, I suppess, (1 In Continued) FRIENDS of the family had Hill I fesser of surgery in the Jeffersen Medl sent te n sanitarium after this. ' i-al College, has tempeinrily left his rr - V Y FR RAID ON MACKEREL Gloucester fishermen are new at Celd Spring Inlet for summer fishing run. Photograph shows part of fleet. At bottom Is Captain Celin Derey en "Alice Wilsen," getting nets ready, and Harvey Slnnet, of "Hemer II.," climbing rigging OLD CITY HALL MAKES IT A Werk About Complete and Plans Are Being Maile for Dedica 4- ,. ., en i ,. s ,a i tlOU May President May Attend Philadelphia's first City Hall, at the southwest corner of Fifth nnd Chestnut streets, which Is being carefully re stored, is about ready for the ceremonies of dedication, which will be held May !!. This beautiful old building, in all the simplicity nnd dignity of its Colonial architecture, is fresh from the hands of tlm nni,,i.. ,i.i.. i . i i MniS i t....4j" - .... " ". ?? ' Mncc"' e ine nuprcme i;eurt of It ia rnnftitler.i.1 fUtlnt Hml !. T..e. inp f 7, ..... "r -"i-leeeij scraped and oiled. Around the lMlt,-,l L iS Pn il01!1 f ,h'lw' the original wainscoting of rnnnili ti nC'1 ""A cctt'. I)lain beer,IN about four feet high. All he r;,lte,ltiftnSt na1"?m (;"rt "f woodwork is white enameled, except In Moerew 'inv .h JS5 L & & ?! mahe "and - en in? .r"'?r "?IL Lc.B.?e" SL r.nfMlarBe stair halt is the first apartment. and bar of this and nearby Common wealths. A meeting te arrange details of the dedication ceremony will be held in Mayer Moere's office en Monday after following committee. A special committee of lh Plilln. llnlnMn Pknn.A. n .1.. A I. T uwa.fu.u . I UULl'l III I III JlllllTll'Iin III Bl,tu,e f Architects several years age '" ' -klg plans for the' rUpS- ueh et tne building. Herace Wells Sellers heads this committee, which presented tneir services and experience i.inT..r?hii;n" &- Y.C" ' -.i li ' i.n: -u"i i""'" I for inn pnfirn nt.iii.i .l...l.. Hn... mil that had been discovered by Wilfred Jerdan, curator of Independence Hall. In brief, all the unsightly "Improve ments" that hud been installed from :r : , ,' '""''. "t. "" .'"" D. A. R. FIGHTS CITIZENSHIP I OF ADELBERT FISCHER Fermer Head of SrhuHe A. Knrfinn r.n w.. 7.;'" n7..7' .:""' co. was interned Ourina War ,.w . ...a ..,, A resolution pretestlnc analnst nd- ml,.ln . ,.l.l..l.l.. .. 4.I..II 1 mission tn citizenship of Adelbert I r Ischer, interned during the war as an . enemy alien, has been passed by the Philadelphia Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution The resolution, signed by Mrs. Wil linni Henry Haven, of Wnwie. re gent of the Philadelphia Chupter, has uecn sent te Jehn U. r (ieidin, chief naturalization examiner In the Federal Uulldlng. llbchcr filed an application for cltt After extensive investigations bv the Government secret service. Fischer wns arrested uh a dangerous alien and was ' Interned nt Fert Oglethorpe, (Je., iu February, 1018. lie wus released en parole in December. 31)111. CHURCH TO GET $4500 amounts te 50000. A bequest of S'MW Is made te Anna M. Hemier, a niece. Other wills filed for probate ere ; Jehn K. Muller, 4020 North Seventh street, S7300; Susannah Williams. 1.108 North Fallen street, .$7200; Sarah A. Yeung, Presbyterian Hospital, If 1400. Habe llancreft. Atlentic City; S30.000: Max nium, 1320 Wagner avenue. ijinOOO; Charles Itrecher, Mcdicn-f hlrurgicnl Hospital, 810,200; Richard Dengler, Methodist Hospital. .$(1000; and Pat rick J. McKeown, 5217 Sansein street, 915,201). An Inventory filed today of the per sonal estate of (Jeergc .1. Stniubinuller, of 2155 Hest Yerk street, head of Jeseph S. Straubniuller and Sen, brewers, showed a total of $100,(110.51. Other Inventories were: K. Matilda McCulley, $11, 21.1. II); Jeseph W. Non Nen neiiberger. Stl.2.15.50; and Minnie M. VJOlser, $0,182.74. Letters were issued for the adminis tiatinn of 'the estates of Dr. Maurice L. Malliis, (T051 Catherine street, $25,000; and Frank J. Xcrbi, Iliead and Race streets, $1)500. DR. DA COSTA IN HOSPITAL But Temporary Heme Is for Con venience, Net Illness Ilr,,.!. Chalmers Da Cestn. chief sur- nn.m Hip .Ipffersen llnhiillnt nml tu-n. home at -111." Walnut street, and laken up his lenidenre at the hospital, us lit is crippled with rheumutlsni, und is unwilling (e give up his urgicnl work, Ue is continuing his lectures and con sultations, and .his physicians expect seen te effect n complete cure. ' ZPllsnin two IlinnthM nun A Imnr in. nn ,;. i F ,, , ," out in ie- wan organized ey Nicholas the petition will be tielcl in a month. HeWermii. a man of manv trades. hen this country entered the war BIIMmK whlch was the manufacture of fnCiML'", hcml ef,,,?0,8.c,i"n,e, ceffi8- "c sold the privilege of burj--Kecrtlng Company, which obtained im- ing a body for $0. but no title te the wh uuiiiiiiii.iiL ii'iiiiMii-'i ttiftr tt'iiki int'd ttmi iiiti vt ' ...if RESTORATION COLONIAL GEM time te time have been ripped out nnd the structure restored te its original calm, simple beauty. The front 'deer, which had been- heightened and dis torted out of all proportion, has been brought down te its proper height again, and a new fanlight constructed ever it. The ugly center staircase has been tern i"ul """ " c"'r i uoienini iiesign emit the. exact lines of the .original .- ..-.. . .B..v ,...., ,- K VVI iimvc iuv niitirt'UBVH, vow. as tin- hiill.llnir 1- pnir.,l . I In the rear, through a doorway, Is the vi .njvi b i-uuruuuiii, I'lirruHUunuiUK te the nrcsent-dav "Central Htntien." Upstairs, directly ever this room, Is the chamber of the first Supreme Court. The first session of that august tribunal was held there Monday, February 7, L701, and the final session Augus't 5. 1800. In 1854 Councils moved te Independ ence Hull, where they met en the second fleer, as they hed mere room. Mayer milium d. Biiiiin wns tne last Mayer !?..!PW kM SK . "." Mayer Kuwin ii. uier. ener ins inauguration . - .1 , l . ....... n ueuncn cuameer in jnucpendence Hall In 1887. went te the new Citv Hnll at Itreud and Market streets, being the first Mayer te occupy the Mayers' suite there. OLD CEMETERY TO MAKE WAY FOR PLAYGROUND I - . ! c,-t r.i,.-uu a... . r. 7.:","":?:0,"oury-,ynner.heur na Greuml 12s v.3P. A rpmptprv i.ins tn i.-. ....u i,i established in the days when "bmving ground" was the term accorded 'the . . ' .. . '" -T" ""'" "'" icstlnc nlace of the denurted. is tnltreuble, ready te kill if it comes. He give way te a plavitreund. A fund from I the city und permission from the Heard j of Health are all that lire necessary for the next step in the trnnsferma- tien The plot 1 en East Columbia ave nue, bounded by East Thompson street, Enrl and Livingston streets. Fer manv years It was used as a free burial place. J.eii.i .i... iti it..' ,. '.", .. ,. ue plu,iV, und it is estimated that te (lute ;ttKK) ncr.sens have been laid te r..Kt ., the property. Later purt of the property was sold le the Vnlen Wesleyan Chinch and later still a section te the Kensington Methodist Episcopal Church. The orig inal company remains In existence, under the control of William 8. Hel Hel versen, of (Ml) North Tenth street, who today showed many old records con nected with the history of the place onesslhlo relntivPH nf th.'uuXL I i.fgui nonce mis eeen served the !".;.... - ...... u in iiii-..he cemeti-rv inur iiipv innv ihihhi .......-. i and claim their own, if they desire te plnce them elsewhere. Otherwise the company has been directed by the Court of Quarter sessions te procure lets in Fernwood Cemetery for the transfer of the bodies. Ne data has Isien set for the start of work en the new playground. i , BOYS FIND RIFLE BARREL; ONE IS SHOT IN ABDOMEN Were Inserting Cartridges and Fir ing by Use of a Spike A shot from a detached rifle barrel which boys had found whlle at ploy' seriously Injured Mitchell Mareka ten years old, 4300 Kermudu street, lute yesterday. The shot was tired by Clies ter Nerwieki, thirteen jeurs old, 1S130 Duncan street. The injured boy wns shot in the abdomen. He wcy token te the -Frankfort Hospital. Bejs found the rllle barrel yesterday at Church street and Frankford Creek' The gun had no stock, and the hammer was gene, but they found that by in serting ammunition In the barrel and striking the cap with a spike, the shot could be discharged. The injured boy was operated n inu. night. He wns considered out of dancer this morning. The Newlekl boy dl. nppeared alter the accident. He is a brother of Policeman William Newlekl Of the Frankford station, l.icuti-iinni Herrett today told Newlekl te find the boy and bring him in te malte an ex plamitiuu. note iff'VXlSiV V m,'h""-"v.0.!'" SMH& i&imitBn .'lu.CIj ."! "I"-I"" WH1C xrmi'..'eSXMrhr'is,i! &ist frpiiqTtDea.. -M.W ff nffit.mXIS7 w EX-BURGLAR GIVES ADVICE TO PUBLIC II m - . . Tells HemeOwner What te De When- Confronted by Criminal - , HERO STUFF- ALL WRONG "What would you de If you woke up and found burglar r In your house?" asksi Jehn W. Gray, "reformed bank burglar." writing In the current num ber of Physical Culture. "What would you de if a held-Up, man stepped you, stuck a gun In your ! face and told you te threw up your hands? ! "Before you can decide wbnt you would de eti must knew first what1 the burglar Is going te de, hew he, thinks and acts under certain cendi- tlens; what effect certain actions )m On him : hew be views resistance and what different kinds of burglars will de ir you resist them. "Let me classify the different castes. In the underworld, as In -the upper, t;here is a se-called aristocracy. The aristocrat of the underworld la the bank burglar. In the middle class are the confidence men and gamblers. "The se-called 'peer folks' ere the pickpockets, the sneak thieves and the night house burglars. Let us put the 'dinner-hour house burglar' In the mid dle class. "There are three kinds of held-up men: the bank held-up man, the train robber and the thug who operates en the streets. The first two belong te the underworld aristocracy. The lest comes under the 'peer folks' classifica tion. "There is an intctcstlng psychological phenomenon here in relation te the degrees .of underworld nerve. ! or in ciantA ttia nlnlnAitrel rtattnt ttnnTma O ' ninMVi 111V HIVHIIV.nCL IICICI ulvifuh n u cpuiu a neuse Durg ar ue pcrsuaueu te , lLl" .& iB.fM:,!."S 3fti mc en a bank burglary. When he heard the explosions he nearly collapsed with fright. The Dinner-Heur flurgUr "The 'A Xe. V house burglar al ways works nt a certain time, and that time is the dinner hour. While you are at dinner he climbs up te your i second-story window, nlwnys in the rear of your home. While yen eat he works. 'He works very cleverly and" leaves everything as he finds it. se that If you were pectediy you would arouse hears you coming your way until dinner. "New let us suppose that n burglar . Is In your house, working upstairs, while you are at dinner. Yeu leave I the dinner table te te upstairs for something. The thought of burglars Is the furthest thing from jour mind. Yeu go te your 100m. While there you hear noise in your closet, see some body behind n deer. In a word, jeu have seen a burglar in the room. "Doesn't the fact that the burglar Is hiding imply that he has net come .. a ....ilj imuv .. ... .. into your house te kill or mulm jeu; tnat he Is trying te avoid you, tnet ne lias come te 'rob you and go away, without a personal encounter? f course, it does. "Well, what should be done? Sup- pesc yen nre a man and you give him a battle. Yeu may be killed In the battle. If you area woman you will probably scream and dash downstairs, You're All Wrenr a .1 , ., """"" "Beth of these decisions are wrong; Uiese aVe the th i rigs you should net de. The really sensible thing te de Is i this: Leave the room immediately. Ce tn jour phone. If it is downstairs, and call up the neurest police station, explain- ing in detail just what happened. Ot if there Is a key en the outside of your deer close the tloer qulclcly nnd loes It; then de your screamlug, shout te the , rest of the family that you have seen fl htli-irlnf. In vml. .nntn Ttnfni-f. till. cba ' "" words has died away the burglar will have gene. "Alwajs bear this la mind: the burglar' alwaja tries te finish the job nnd eet nwav without disturbing you. Unlike the desperate night burglar, he does net go into your home loekinir for trouble, antlclnatine w"l net sheet unless he is cornered nless you stand between him and liberty. " nave known many geed house (Durgiars tuui never carried a gun, tei tei lews thut were net addicted te drugs. If you were te run up against this type of burglar in the dark, the type tuat is nec easily rattled, tnat doesn't use drugs, you would have a chance for your life. But since jeu de net knew whOjt type of person you will have te deal with, whv jeopardize ettr life? Watch the Night Thug "The dinner-hour burglar is the least dnngereus of nil house burglars. Drug nddirts among this class of prowlers are rare. The fellow from'whem you may expect anything Is the fellow who enters jour home In the dead of night, the one that prowls all ever your neuse with the stealth and cunning of n tiger in the jungle. He is the Individual with murderous Instincts the wild, hungry, drug-crezed burglnr. "If veu de net abide tn the udvlce that I urn going te give you nbeut this leuew, jeu uu uui-annua mucti value te jour life, ter .here is u criminal kll s en tne hllcntest niovepinli.n He gees Inte jour home armed. loeL "" . r - " - ing for and expecting trouble. A life means nothing te tins drug-craei thug. I have never known one et these thieves who wasn't a (euurmed drug nddlct. They nre without doubt the meanest, the most bloodthirsty and cowardly class of thieves in the under world. "What is the sensible thing te de if you nre in ueu arid neur a Imrgln downstairs.' asks lirey. --If there is e nhene in jour room and ion can reach it without getting out ' bed, call the police. If you must get out of bed, be very cautious, because If he gets he Idea that you are phoning te the police he will probably come up after you. If you can't get te a phone, close your deer quickly, lock It, raise your windows, sheet your gun, have your wife scream. Fer nothing se tcsslfies a burglar as tile weird, hysterical scream of u seared woman. "Every home should hnvc fuearms, but never seek the burglar with them. Don't Try the Here Stuff "Keep out of his way! If you see him crawling in jour window or forcing nn entrance, blaze away ut him. I'nder these conditions lt Is al right te de se, but don't go looking for him in the dark just te convince jour wife that ou are a hcie. "When jeu sit down te dinner draw your shades. The first thing the dinner hour burglar docs Is te peek in the win dow te see if 'everybody Is present.' Leck all jour windows upstairs before jeu go down te dinner. Leck all the doers te jour rooms. He sure te de tilt latter it is very Important. Few burg lars carry skeleton keys and will jtavc your home Immediately when they find their entrances blocked. 'If a burglar Is working in the room where you are sleeping, lie still,; If i.l,nTnnpLT,?.Cl of ,l10 ,h"K' ,,,,' KnKtrr. the dope h!$A Mn bePiffi 2 P Hrt..m&rpiS ,,,,,,,l . If " nK'et n "f ,uw M' lM,?fcM?.!E-l.-V.?.J!.?l'0,' 'Wt " " '""' " ut te go upstairs unex- , ' . "'."" ,''', "'"' "'u'V.'"'iV.".'. ?"erter tnen tne rigut, uut tnat ine mi-- would see nothing thnt " " : ' "' ;,'..""" , ,l "'. " """" nap uid net uiministi tne nerse s i.peeu. veur susolciens. If he I?"1"?"1'. ' l,e.-'1.'vrr "aPPer dinner- fOVer isn't lame, he said, bcoeii'c il.e he hides, gets out of i . - J"1,r","',.t:,,V..V".l".,"" 10,r. for" ".oet."n.s ?rewu "ienuj v, y you return te your , ". ,. ; L i ",,'""""" inane up tne men. lllece lV lllpc.1' frnni ntir tiinf.l ih.l, If .. ' . . ... r r "l" IS? "Get Inte Politics" Harrli I Kwlnc. mks. medili. Mccormick Such was the advice given Phila delphia Republican women by the Chicago worker en her visit here this week. She told hew Chicago women defeated the forces headed by Mayer Thompson 1 mWWVm mm'm VWmWVmm-mmmW".'i-, WmmW i"i " ifBV Wtif IW. '''"mm mJKJr AT ,? -'i'mmmmmmV mfiimmm MsssWJRsBs1feBsssssssssssssH " "" days. jeii are a woman, don't scream. If you . ''Clever is n tine old horse, a re nre a man, don't get up. If you have merknblf horse. He is a dark boy. n gun nnd nre u geed Kliot. blaze away , stands sixteen hands high nnd is of Hint N. If tlici'i- ntmi'i mif cliltilren in TTnmbleteninn stork. I beurlit him in the room. Don't jeeimril'lze thp live of your children. Id-member, your family iippi1 jeii. thin nil the jewelry In the world iMi't werli jour life. ci. . ! r a street I hug Desperate "The held-up man of the streets is . . . ' a tiHil ennnutpr. I am net speakliie of tlm linttl- lmlil.titt ein. i nm speeu- i .,10u. ,0 , -,, , t wlth .ih . "." . '"" '.. Th The easiest way is the. best. If I met one i nf tliem t i nitl.l ,1. tun. nu lm .r.1.1 m I of them, I would de just ns lie told me te de without any ceremony. "New for n word or two te the em ployers of servants. Don't permit servants te hrlng their .friends Inte your house l Knew dozens of profes sional house burglars who meke a prac tice of culthatlng the acquaintance of servants. 'The dlnner-.heur house bur glar of today works with n woman. She gains the confidence of servants ft0." J '"" ' ' "Mv rl?" ""'. f t,,r I i,Xiii N rle",s. ,el)u"e'1 ' "- "mmltte.l In this way.' TO ANNEX HARRIMAN Bristel Will Absorb ....- l UOVernmentl Settlement May 17 ;uicMi may i lent settlement of Harri- - ,,.,, , ,i, .,-., ,, , inexed te the borough of The Gevernim mmi u-tlt tin nti. fJ . - . "nstel, Pa.. May 1i. according te u ...... ..a.. w, iiMtiMMi ii. , i, i- uijiuuiiii iji resolution passed unanimously bv the i nrq0 borough (Council last til eht The . i,f .... ir ' , nniuxntien was sought by llnrrimnn residents, because nfter Mny 1 they cease te he under Government ndmlnls- .(ration and want better fire and jieilce protection and educational nnd ether uchiintuges. ' ','"'' l '"""n"1" op main-, ,M result of the annexation The mev- B of the IlrMel High Scheel te Hnrri- man ,H MuK (011Hi( ( rellv,.r, ,, present building Inte another school There Is ulse a movement en feet te linunce and icepen the Harrimnn Hes-1 pttul for the use of the entire com- , munitv. The annexation was delated until .May 17 se im hoi t i iiiavt .. i.i. plans ler th primary election Mnv 1(1 Harrlinun has about LTilKl,,... (MM) houses, fcw-ral hundred acres, ,-'t iiiiiii unii run iuikc industries Anglers Fleck te Trout Streams With tieut leperted plentiful in nil sections of the State, thousands nf i.n,.. lers will visit the streams tedaj , the . . '. -I Tinill llliriTIHI lf trtttn unan n ., ah m. . . .it . ... .. . . ...-, ja mi- ei tne read, when another diiren lv I hnreahU:,elVHle,The0,fe,;1NISt1l, " W. ' AslK !.nve.", '."' . ,'. ","' 11T 'ce Is 51. ,m crashed into t 1'ppl.Iprii.ii ,.....! j.;::!"'t. " e.,, tm-head ! sheuw;;; -i t..v. ... w. .... . fc.. J.....V.V nuu lliu tillllM i I Inn intr nf mnm.nV, :.. .. .. i wardens In Keeping tab. lishermen nml c,l te the arests. WdllPitQ) WEDDINC ClFTS OF CRYSTAL Old Colonial Blue Charming old ccJer, iut new ui Crrscal Flower Centerpieces - Competes and various ether articles HaaMMaHBHPnsBV i l APRIL jl klte&& II WML m I; - FOR Automobile Accessory 1310 Pacific Ave 77 Bread 2601 Atlantic Ave. ATLANTIC CITY 804 Cookman Ave. ASHURY PARK RED BANK 45 Broadway HAYONNE l....l.Hj:en L3a ,.. ..... .Y,,0,,ulBs1,,,rV,MurCB' A" Ee.uties. Ready te Onen In hxccllent Locations Seven Stores for Sale in Xe Jersey P In He Sold Before April 24th H. Collin Minton, Jr. Ancillary Receiver, United Aute Stores, Inc., District of New Jersey, M West SUtrBt.Triitcm, N. I, limmmmmm 47-YEAR-OL M FRISKY AS EVER Clever, Owned by the Rev. Uriah Myersv Catawissa, Pa., Is Deuble-Gaited Nag HAS BEEN A MILE IN 2:17 Clever, one of the eldest horses In the world jind still able te step out briskly often raced along the famous Wlssahicken drive in Falrmeunt Park. The pedigreed animal, owned by the Hev. Uriah Myers, of Catawissa, Pa.. I Is commanding attention because of ' his age, which a former owner places I at forty-seven jears. Rdwin .T. AValker, 100 West Tiega street, bought Clever in 1884, his pedigree showing he then was nine yenrs old. Four years Inter he sold I Clever te Mr. Myers, his cousin, who premised the horse n home for life. I "I often drove Clever ever the Wis- i snhlcken drive, either te n sleigh or a one-man wagon," said Mr. Walker. "After snowfalls I wen six or seven bottle of wine by being the first te reuch thn old Falrmeunt Inn, an honor that was hotly disputed back in these 1884. from Leu Henl. of Camden, who .had bought him two ears earlier nt , Bridgeton, N. J. "Seal, new dead, pnld $7fi0 for ' Clever, the eriglnnl name of the horse. j pa,l $38.1 for him, making the pur- chose at Develin'x stnbles, Crertkey street and Montgomery nvenue. Phil- nuelpliia. "Clever was nlwnys 'babied.' n wan kept 111 n padded stall and alwuy had the best of cure. I suppose that' e ys sunnesu that s ..I... l.n utltl litiu .Afitli utwl lirltv llf Ih still as fine ns silk. His eyes nn-1 geed and he recognizes me every time r ...& f- - t .... n..,.. .!...... I Tlf-lL .ir, .MJITN ill. WHUWIOWI. Seme Stepper! j "Clever Is what is called a 'double- j gaited' horse. He trots and con swing, easily Inte pneing when en a track. He I tins' muJe the mile en the old Belmont i track in 2.17. When he was forty-two ' j ears old I drove him ever the quarter- I mile in .10 seconds. ' Mr. Walker said a blacksmith twisted ' Plover's left foreleg, making it one. Inch $100." Mr. Walker wunted him te have a tlrtiiulljr mode him a r went en. i geed home and se gift. Mr. Mjcr Is a nntural-beru horseman nnd has given Clever every cnie possible." Mr. Wnlkpr said he hnd Clever's pedigree but lest it seen after he bought , ,nru. Tr trU.I lnnr In .. n rrnv 'from Mr. Seel. but Seal had died a nil irem my, reni. mil rpai nau uiea unii "'''' relatives could net supply the data. Mr. Mjers. Clever's owner, is seven- .,p eI(, ,, , (or Pmi,rtu, ... r.. - --.. i.i i . .... t,.-..,. ,.t-..T mi. unit .n j.ii-iiii, nuriliui of St. Mntlhew's Kvangelical Lutheran pusiiir pmeruu-i Church nt ntnwUsii. Tne retired pns- tel' llis wlfe nni1 " dependent relative nre living en n small pension Mr. Mycu. recehes from the church. It was a recent appeal from the mln- isler for aid in keeping the horse which brought Cleer's record te the attention ' of many hoi se levers, Already responses arp coming in te the ' minister irem tliesp who want (.leer te "Ihe in oleier" while life lasts . nielMCDO lltprcn JM" OWNERS JUGGED " Aute 8maih-up Causes Arrests en i i-..- -u Liquor Charges -1 meter smash -up en Old Yerk rend carlv tednv revealed u nuantltv nf llmmr '" "'"' of '"-' machines. The occupants of the wrecked car me lieinir held In ''' Dguuta police. chatge, with the tianspert of Iliiuer. They gave their names as 'lenj- aleunki, owner and driver- of the automobile, et Me' rose street, l-'rniikferd, and Leuis Dallas, of Hrideshurc. A third member of the p.irn escaped. ilie machine wns standing at the side AU lri - DHOSS ' " ' COLONIAL CWCOPfc fVKFlf FOR - -". ML EVEN s DADDY- MOTHER BOY 3L GIRL SALE and Supply Stores St. 2.-i8 Hnlsey St. iS'EWARK 17.1 Patcrsen St. PATERSON TRAINING CRUISEf ENgl 1 " S1 Vj4B f Mill,- 7 i.t Schoelahlp Annapolis Pimu ;', M?i ueiaware i nil niern ma ;? Kl.. mmmm m . A i. 1A-, A wireless rpnert frnni flip Innal. ?, vania nnutlcal schoelsfilp Annapolis . says she Is behdlne for the Delawnr "fc Ilreakwatcr and passed up the rlyer Q ieih morning. t; The Commissioners of Navlrallen i-J pect the Annapolis will deck nt Pean ' Treaty rarK this afternoon. Hlie left Ban .luiin, Perte Hlce, en April 2, after a winter cruise In the West Indies, which Included visits te Itarbndes, Martinique, St. Themas and Gundaleupe. Hhe haa about ninety-six boys en beard. McClees Galleries 1607 Wnlnnt Btt "VUwi of Old PhiUdelphi" 1V FRANK It. TAYLOR " Sold flppsrsttly or nn Folie Nellrn Collection Displayed In Window frtmlnr. nllnln. Hfterlns Jewelry Remodeled w up rlslls In nil klada or . pistinnm meanllnr nnd Jerrrlrr rrpulrlns M menpr-MiTinc p r 1 1 1 1, HutUrnctlen (unranteed. Novelty Jewelry Ce. 33 Se. 9th St. ROAMCRi V.&ny te Drhf lUntful te Illdr In KIM nrlhtrtd I'lillaaVlplilk Hbowreoin Oiwn F.trfnlnsn PHILADELPHIA ROAMER CO. S4t NORTH BHOAI) ST. Special Easter Family Dinner $l.SO 12 te 8 P.M. $1.30 GREEN TREE INN West rlimler, I'll. Htadqnarttrt for the Teariit l.l'hTAVK 1'. .H'NCKnt. Msr. Atlantic City New Jersey Furnished Apartment Apartment luxuriously appointed, consisting of drawing room, dining room, It'tchcn and bath, three bed rooms, Inclesed perch, sleeping prch and earage. Fine location, three side exposures, l-'or summer season $1200 00 4301 Winchester Avenue Owner en Premises "SEE US FIRST" FOR LADIES' HAT FRAMES VII Ullh a Teiuh of Samrtliliuc Diffrrrlit. l-rlrn 4Sc. STRAW CLOTHS Our stock of shtct Insii anil hair cloth for 3 i r I n g Mil llnery ranee In erlen from S1.00 tn B.-..-.0 a yard; Silks Flowers Ornaments MILLINERS' SUPPLY HOUSE DAVID GOLDSTEIN, Prep. Wholesale and Retail Ce te the Mlnnt "Ceaw tttly mi ttt tht httt IttMim" 62 N. EIGHTH ST. SECOND FI.OOII Omn L'atll 7 P. it.. iDRRy-KIKME SHOES Give Twice the Wear Men and women wearing: small size shoes have found that they can be fitted with our boys' and girls' shoes. They save from $2 te $4 per pair. ANS'JSmRY:.H0USE SLIPPERS. RUBBERS, SHOE REPAIRING FOR THE FAMILY , G$2kwmmGx I 9cerE' 9th & Chestnut "TAe UBERT ESTAURANT I PASTRY SHOP UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! Vip want nu I. !etn. i anf) s a- iu,ilnieil a.l mer ai,n with tlir . ( shop utitiei nw niHinrcriini Uraaanahle I'ricri Heal Viennese, Danish and French Pastries ulse Birthday and Wedding Cakes Retmnnably J'ricrd! rd-vfCev) liestautanl Willi Iiraxenablr I'm en llrraKfiikt, l.iinrlipnii (llnilrr T&c n '"" .. Sl.OO 1AII, & S Mill Our CeflV Ckc Are the Tnlli nf I'hlln!- 248 S. Bread St. Husband "And Jane don't let your luncheon keep you after two. Remember we have a date for a Moen demonstra tion. Just want your O. K. en that car before 1 order." Open Cars $1785 Closed Cars . . . .$2785 Diiplay room open wvningi Moter Cars Tht car of thm Un prevtn unit MACKIN MOTORS, Inc. J. Jay VaaaVgrift. Prss, Ml .rasa' St fhsMl I fXffiwfeC r-j-. - ,f ms&M mi aaaBBWBaBiMBaBBBnaBBlBaBaaBaaaaaaaaBhMa- I 'W -w .i ...iy .S?(l .;1 -a ,s; :m ii 1 '$ . .1 ! , ll V'li 1. 1 ? 1 .. F 1SI P . vim m tJvffi -v. Ti V'& "fl! M j1 s, :' m m i i i m fi a "-' m 'uA m T-M 6k M ? 15 t m -m m .ilb mi 1T1 n y .i S. teMlU litet . 1 w,1 y-j, V M7t &V r mmmLMmm 'M&t Sfefli: Vi Us ftte .-aUr m z '&s y&mmS, y .'-.JJtMmiAMmm