viit i!&'i m tU k- Xi,i $m a tew ti( MAT fi. 'ZJ frv f l 1 k K i' j' . i ,v fui V tv. IK W-t . ?. I.J r. m w wy m IF' &&: AtBYem tt-rttA gOCKWAy lOHLAMl PAJ.H. ', fciw-w fcSf. .vlBv-. w; V. w .LAND e raemii and balh let netUSi 177 . a-mrnss.iKiu uncsinut. wainui wd, PARK Medrn anlngle bunga. 100, laAXBDOWNK, lANSnoWNK-Celonial country home. 10 room, J tiatns, x acre. stable, apples, peaches, pears, cherries, small fruits and asparagus, nil bearing! near train and trot tret lV! neli hberly community. Inquire J. It. Header. S.1IQ Lancaster nv., Phlla. Bar.llMti MAf.VKRN PIIYHIUIAN'H residence. 14 roema, ateam heat, electric light, gas. all cenveniences: large perch; shade, garage; fine location; A-l Condition; let 00x171 ft.: near station; mod med rate price; can be used m 2-tamlly apart menu. I'hnehe i:. Tayler, Malvern. Pa. MKRION 103.000 STONE HOUSE! elate reef! very large !eti Immediate occupancy, w, 8. Huiherlaml, Bnla-Cvmvyd. Cynwvd 242. NKSIIAMINV FALLS FKRQUSON'H TRACI- Veate ftf. nmt ereeta! fine beating and bathing: aroed train eerv.i near Lincoln Hlghwiiv, Inrge leta. ITS up; easymthly. p'j"n, guar title. Send for ball. FERGUSON, Frent & Yerk n KnnnneK NEW LAST ONE LEFT 0)04 Oxfenl st . 3-story t.vln house, ft bed- tecms, 2 baths, living room, dlnlnir rcsim, .eukfarl room, kitchen, outs d kitchen; Karaite, laundrv, Inclesed perch; price tl.l.r.OO; open Sunday i te ft reslvv Building Lets ROSLYN "Rnln Homesteads" SO-acre tract, Just opened, 500 bldg. let, size ROx 17.1 and larger, several lnrrc tracts $1200 I'nch, come tedn d i net miss this oppor eppor opper tttn'ty, or ct.II Onenti Sils.R for Information MiitArreiiii mix tat fob sal 1-NNHiTaVANIA rARMW CHOICE amall farma, within IB mltra from City Hall, Phlla., ftH acres, gentleman's country feat, ll-rm. dwg.e all cenvs., stable, poultry house, garage, fruit, old shade, run nlnr brook i 8 minutes' walk te station en State hlihwayi & acres, atone dwg.. 0 rms,, electricity, gas. plpcless hetter, garage stable, old shad, orchard; en State highway, near statien: price, 1(1000; leti acres, Ideal for country club ur sanaterium: Ifi-rm, dwg.. bath, heat,, geed water, beautiful crave, with runnlnr brook, stable, garage, poultry house; near Houthampten: price, SH0O0, 28 acre J. near Langhorne, trnme dwg., 7 rms., nice lawn, old shade, orchard all nee, eutb'dga.: price, tSSOO; 24 acre hnlf-mlle te stntlen, en wtewn Dlv., splinddl soil, southern et et Peseurr, 10-rm. dun,, some cenvs.: barn, poultry house, variety of fruit, asparagus and strawberry beds, price, 17300: SO acres, etene-and-frame dwg , 14 rms.: suitable for 2 families, new bni, nee, eutbldirs.: some oedland and small stream, best seil: half 7lle te station; price, 110.000, arranxe for Inspection. W. FORREST MAGEE . SOUTHA.M1TO.V. I'A. T ACRi:S. NKAfl NK8IIAMIKAT 1'AM.S ntone-and-frame dnelllnx. 10 rooms; all con. leniences; necessary eutbulldlnirs; old shsde, fruit, woodland and stream; price ft;. 000. W. FORREST MAGEE SOUTHAMPTON, PA. yr.Y JF.RSKY FARMIS WOULD YOl' LIKH te en a beautiful re modeled I'olenlu' stone tour?, painted white, with urcMi .-huiteii, seiicluus well tilnntrd Rretind of nearl 3 n. re, fln Isheil en the inside in whitf and thee nre 10 lame moms, with 3 h-ithe. rtesm heit: with tlie pi ice Is a nnlnt;r ctttaKe of fti rnms an I ba'h al"i s.ab'e and uaruge cum blned. cesh tu tatlim, t rnv I n.UOO i TUBVT . TRHAl Wavnc. I'a. TLLDIKII TKI.reRD On mam stn-i-t. 3 acres' 7-ree-n (lvrelllnir Imrn. t" vn water and electrlcltv mAtl&hle cement walks te nlace cer prep erty. IJ.0. S minutes train or trliy at i te-date town last year's Income, JtiyO'j, til fuireru or toue.'iiin. nui.tei .jj l.'e- acres tuunia rich loam, spring pasture, bat- FARM "3 Acre nn dandy suburban home, l fWMII t4 n), , ,hrvnir en,., r,rin line, school, (traded, high and State, normal, churches, and stores; land Alen read front frent front aae worth $.1000 as bulldlna- let preposition. .1 acres weed. 10O apple. 3(1 peach, a acres pears, grapes, fine .1 story house, newly pa pered and painted; perch cellar, bath run nlnu wster. sis h-ater In cellar r:ery-thlna- In excellent condition; laree bani. wairen shed 2 poultry houses, corn crib, feed heu. bulldlnus worth JMOii. Owner Is forced te leaxe this section en account of bU'lncss and will sacrlflce l'er uulck ulc Include 371 laylnir pullets, herse heifer, harueHS, small tools. ftddr. hs. baskets, etc ; cnlv 12100 cash ne d. d I'rlci ninu I reseHl(in it ence One chanc In a luit'lr d te secure a first-class fuburbin home en pa ' Ititf ba'ls must In sold at once, act qulckli 'Other farms. tt'l,TCI OeCAMI'. 27 Coep'.r 1st Woodbury N. J WIDOW FORCED TO SELL PTOCKRO 117AC'nn I'ARM Pair herss 2 mules con 3 neus, 73 ch!ckns wairens, gisellnn enBlne. thresher, corn sheller mewing machine, hay rake, all plows, harrows. cultlaters and ether equip ment thrown In with mency-mak'nic general farm, situate en eloatten; neat, thriving, up- ln..lil. tnuen dial nase'a liijAhia tililAn -f -U- r . y'l'i'VVt '" ' i. " -.. .. .' ."'" - ....ri. "X --- - T? AT 7 .- ,.'' - ' T '. 1 Eft rssa"""'! SEAL BSTAT1 VOB BXKT tllTW Tlnslness rreprrlles and Hleres S, V. COU. RI1X1E AVI3. AND WALt.ACK HT. In automobile, distrlcti stores suit able tot any purpose; will Impreva te suit tenant Apply 1111 HIiIr ave. . IV H, I'RONT ST. Keur story and base ment. $160: 108-10 Walnut st floors, aex 40, $40. J. ri. WKSTNEV. 203 Liberty Hldf. locust 3(103. SAt.i: OR RKNT. 210 H. 2d St.: will finance; It-story building, ISxlOe Ot:e, !. I'AHKmt, 1ft37 t'hestnut st. Faeterlra. Warehouses. Mannfafttirlng Floers 1010 CaVfilAIlINi: ST. Three floera, suit abla for light manufacturing. , J, II. .lAItOKLI.A, 1.V1.1 t.'hrlsllan. st, . fliier: Houth I'hlla. : C. Hlnex, 1010 W. 10.10 HU. IT., second rent $30. Apply II, ' Bi? 'ink live. , WII.Ti HIIKCr bulldltigT". 10,000 te 100,000 square feet DinTi:nU'II. 73f Walnut st. TIllllD FLOOR. 110 H. 17th st : $'0000. OKO la I'AIIKKtl, 1037 1ncstnui SI. flnrnira PRIVATE (lARAOB, roe.n for 1 big car; hiatcd and water: connected with prlvsts horn. Pheno Qermantewn 2003 J. 8031 Vvane ne. I'lllVATn garaKe for rent. i.itn st Apply 1R25 N, ernrni. ni'MMS Roem ROOMS, i:te. TO SuHLKT, Roem 1302 rennsuanla Illilg aVpply Oreeii I'usl Kcotiemlier Ce., 80.'i"tJ!'! tf"' Yrl -'" . . . rtHIltAliLD offlce sp.111'. tlrepryef liulhllra, cleviiter rT ce, modetate rent. Arply U. J i:illett U 14 i jieJimitst . OFKICK ferrent lu'lleal ifatate rrust Rlda.; Immediate occupancy. Phene Walnut 9314. DKHKfPAt'K for rent. 1001 rommetiwealth Trust llldjr i'nll Rlttenheuse 3174. t a FOR RUNT -M. W. ier. .1th and Snnteni, 2d , $lQO DAILY Fer the Best Last Line Supplied by Any Reader te the Incomplete Limerick Printed Belew RULES. OF THE LIMERICK CONTEST OOM FOR JU5WT ry.' TA'MnnnMKt.T netlerfi tirlvate minutes te City Hall funrished nema vavim In latl aiainifiia, iianfsf Phene Baring 04 3 ATTRACT1VK furn. apts., some heusekpg. Hharwoert Apt, Agency, 1334 Walnut st, , M'KST I'nilaAHKLI'lllA 1. Nn Icleohene rails or personal call! 1111 tins Llnieiirk Ktllter will be per milled, n letters will he answered. The decision of the Juries Is abso abse abso letrly llnal and net open te discus sion. 2. Contest open te any one. Only necessary te send In last tins te Limerick, using for convenience, cojpei below, thei-gh this Is net essential, 3. All answers te today's Limerick must be received by the last mall Tuesday night, lie careful te tend te the Pest- en ice nex given in coupon. Ne en swers will be received at this office, ll must be mailed- .,... nur 4. The of. cl. ..? . itinfii ni tHi.ii '". .."'". lii'NDRBD DOLLAR I'l"..!'' '" announced one.week alter, of the Limerick. rt.. ifttsjnnr.n B. In case of lle eles .LUNnD",Ven . DOLLARS will be wd.c r "JJ?,1? ' Huccessful centesiani. ".m nut ba spill up 'enlt.,,t'"ri.'mh.r of SJSrJ- "f. "."iV ,,av'un"m.tfrbu each llnejhTsf-be en .ep nrnle slip of pilr Hh ""ne no aauress. fleer F HIIRMAN, 111.1 locust st NTFDIO. 720 HANi-OM ST nilW. V LANSDALi:. 712 Walnut eity nuu. W YNF. HKIU: LS AN lIin.M. HOMi: for the aerag fani ly ui 11 pr 00 that Is as tttritcitf as tb" prcipiTta holism U but t "I stone .brlcK and shltiKle. !i rueins an 1 bdth. plenty uf large cli'cts let 2nfl'e tr.iis and hedies, located in Wmne un . f the most delightful sulurbs if I'h I dtlrli.a 3 m r.utes from sta tion. 30 mtnutis frum Ureud st : unusual unpertv f 'r Snen. TRLATjl Tr.HAT Wnvne. Ta. A FEW .MINUTK"' walk freai th "tatlen, we hae a mud tmusuil st ne-und-stucce house en the t' rst fl.inr a lare living room, with open flrri'lace light loemy dining room, pante and l.itilm efp.i.ate en this fleer la the msld's room iml bath, reiend lloer, 4 bedrooms and huth. with sic Ting perch, hardwood floors h'twiter heat, fine old shiide, nice size grjunJs price J13..100. TRUAT A TRiUT. Wayne. Ta. H4 ACRUb with quilnt eld rooms, attic no cenvs., ble. lets of fruit, jsoeo J. M FROVFI'lKl.P Wavne. Pa. NEW UUNOALOW .1 rms. bath, h -w. ht., clec. fireplace ideal I. Prb r.l low. Pea our add en speclil pige of this lsue RTAN 3010 .Mark-t or Klrklvn. willow (.iitivi: TEN-ROOlf dwel.lng. all conveniences, cor ner property, garage, fruit shade, $SOO0 ."CHI'.MAI.'IIER W Ish rd WtllowJ3reve SIX ROOM "buneljw conveniences garage, neir trn'n and trolley bargain: $3f00. PCHUM VCHER Wish rl. Willow Prove ance timber: apple pesveh orchards, ether fruits. -room resuience; running water, tele rhene basement barn with 23 tie-UDs dilry inultrv hjuses, corn cribs itc . phote.irap'i IJST JHIL.UIKI.PHI , 0410 WHITIIY AVH After Slav 1. all, cenva , ste i.erey vverren nwni .vnrKeisi. Iluslness Properties anil "iteres COR. prepert 2.'.7i.".. ster". basem t ard 2d fleer. $.'.. Apply . i:. cer. (13 1 . Anh st KKMAXiimy I 701H OKR.MANTreWN AVC-Twelve rooms. 3 biths and garage, partly furnuhed or unfurnished K.e per month. LAND TITLE' AVI) TRl's'T CO Heal Estate Deranment , l"uiil npil chestnut. . sts. tlTN -Oresne riid Tulpehecken sts.. test section 111 O'.n nttrnctlve homes, with garage 1 Dreiiv ft i; 101)7 Lincoln Hid; 72(11 LIMEKILN PIKK, inched open dal privileges Oak Lin". THE vtriVKB nv TnnAva rnMTV.KT WILL - ANNOUNCED ONE WEEK FROM TODAY Cut Out and Matt TO THE LIMERICK CONTEST, Eveklnu Puhlie Tannern, P. O. llev ir.2:.. I'lillndrlphln. ., (All lines aMUST be sent (0 (hl box. Lines ntltlresscd In nny otlier way are net eligible.) ' LIMERICK Ne. 61 1 There once was a golfer named Knett Who pounded the pill 'round the let; He'd step and yell, "Fere!" And then hit it once mere n hi n t a a a . a a taaaaaaaa (Wrlle your answer en this line) A'enie Street and Xe.. , Ciiv and State. anil nuaus page J-. price reauceu irem .uun i-nrn,rlvs Warrlielisrs Mnniifiirttirltir Ptnnrs t . $3,100. en easy terms, for quick sale. Call ULrJrjJ"nrrU,,,'"I or virte for free cat. ISO 1022 farm bar- J Ft 11 UKS T J.IOi) Sf) , FT HlOH-CLAsS gMlns at prs-wir prices. NEW JERSEY STORAOE, ln I... i 'Arroiie IT. OKI 5 I FARM AGENCY. 303 IJ. Ileal Estate Trust MAivjuvv.-s. v.n-n.ii..'. w. nirjii? f,3 i r Illdg Phlla. Pa. DAY AND NKI1IT. J. A. 1'ATrEHSON A ,.i ... . - - .---.a. .. ..... ... a..-, -i...,. . ... ..., . e.. (J 1.Ttl WT I .Its .-i I Ull .'I . i eakTxxk X SssC fSfdViSS? , S And there'll be a Limpin' Lim'rick for you tomorrow in S the isUtWJAr rUULlU LUUUnti, lOO. imev pi ..sce $200, $100, $50. ' V1LLAOK FARM. .10 I nlal house, ga'ages. ttuiii house. 3 spt irui.euse. sic- acres, 24-room Colo Celo Cole barns, etc arteslin well flowing 200 gallons per minute in H -P. water grist mill lake cners 200 acres. 1IX building lets, n cettaees M E LAMH New Fgvpt N J 30 ACRES rich dark soil, bblgs.; mvchlnery 1 mile from Mt lletlv en main reid bar- gain. 14300 Fcchtnburg, 0J30 Limekiln pike Philadelphia Phene ink Lane fll-0 J. EIOI1T roemi nnd b..h, benutlfullv flnislnvl .. I,,, 'lu-nr mrnL'i kl n ttln Hmiaa .161 V Ilre I s"t Phene Oak Lur.e 1037. Fejter ' lelhman I'KNNsii I.VANI SlIHRnAX ! ii i. vruvi Viniruiint i Last Chance Fer Litn'rickers IIVBMI II Kllllll II II ll'ICII II Ml II I.'IMIFI mi SFMMKK llerKS mt. rorexo Continued from Tnge One Tort Mifflin, rhlladelplila : Anna Hecli- ti'l. U.H Atwood reari; inner t ex, Mnlvcni. I'n. ; Willis Lord. Lancaster, r.t. ; 1 Mcrnrland. Wilmington, Del. ; Mr. Prank Hartzcll, Allcntewn. I'e. ; T. i:. Reynolds. Atlantic City. N. J.. . . nnd Philip HetT, 2310 West Dlnmend HAVEll'-'ORD Rent furnished. June 1 te I v(r()0. October 1. (I b. droems. 2 baths. 2 maids' i ' '' nAn.u i.n.l L.itll ir.irflffn. In I rI'l.n i,m ...vtv. , a tf nf .Mnmlinea CORNER prcpertv storefront .pare ( r ! rrickd C ub. $230 in r me.lth Phen Ard- ,., .,e inPiinrel f'horleu V Tleu-ltt rage, reasonable 23 W Susquehanna. mere IQO'i or r.' Jlex '.;il2 llaverferd I "' ,l,p t-drjierai Ulfiries . MCMItt, WaMIINOTON CROSMNO. PA Camping " i "M. .su. .n. , . r . .. uini uic urd bungn sttrs un tne u. niwixrc River, inec in incir rooms at -jii-u .eriu IX)R RENT Attractive furnished cottages nnd bungalows, E. E MERW1N. MT POCONO, PA. B. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE sriU'RRAN STUDIO AND REMIDENCE . Ne-v Heiv unlets coleney Kuclts County arvosslble from New He;- or I.ambertvllle i. stitlens ful lurtnsnect; 2W ster. large i I mi'lle. S rooms kitchen and pantry, 2 1 baths 2 aires. Iniliiding garden $10u per, month reduction for vear or season, i I OIR-RD TKU&T CO.. Philadelphia I W Isi.SIXOMIXO it $4200'HOMl. twin. trie; nei-air neai $.1700. 0 rooms luith stucco. 7 rooms bith. ern. nt a rni price Williams A WlllUms. 0113 Torresdale rooms bath, elcc- 0134 Olllesple st ; gis. Glenlock st . elect . gas, a real ave. WYNXKFII.IJi REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE I OWNER modern business property v ilued 1130.000. rente. Packard Moter 10 years lease, will exchanie for Philadelphia apart ment house, details required for attention. p 1300, imager of ace REAL ESTATE SALE OR RETTI x;:w .Tr.RKY -ii'nvRnAV CETIIALLY lecited detached stone house garage, avalluble seen. WVLTER S 81JTII KRLAXD Ha 1 e-C)iiwv cL Cynwyd 242 WlNXKWOOlf MOD. HOUSE 12- . 2 baths. 2-car garage; large let well painted P 1300 Ledger Off. NFAV 4i:KKY M'UFRIIAN HROMXS MILLS FOUR LOTS at Urewns Mills, block DD. plot D 32 Isoe A 412. Ledger Office. COLI.IXt.HWOOD NEW SEMI-IIUN 1U.OV. ril rooms, bath and xatitr. elclr.clty gas. ail modern conveniences, llreplacc. front and back perch. j house finished In pear! and mhegan: en let 43x100. a lines of transportation within a gquare of your deer, this prurwrty Is worth mere than we arc asUin; cannot le appre ciated unless seen, price $3Nie. we will help finance. Colllngaweod Rul.dlng snd Realty Ce . 1020 Iladden a.'. Be' I S2l W. aVi-BTORi' frame house en high ground. overlieklng Inke; let .10I30 n rooms nd bath; all cenvs . cenv te trolley train and b-u; only $OS(IO cither iemes of the better ease. Severn 'C)l-r Agency 72U Haddei ave COLLINOSsVeiiD S(!im7i. 2'-s"-story. remi- detache.l house nil conveniences Including garage het-water heal electricity excellent condition near trolley. 001 Maple ave. Pheno Colllngsweod 709 iiAniiiiNrii.i.n $7B00 FRAME HOUSE slit. bath let 00x200 b ley, schools, etc 10S CLE.MENTON HTS . N .1. llung-ilews for sa'e or rent, farms and leta, easy terms. See A. Lynch. 7th ave., Hts., and get your choice Licensed AllTlllll l1 TOWNhENiD W.ifhliifcten i resjung I'h TRACT 10 acres 2." out water front suitable for leys' or girls' cunip, re- strl. t.d. A 320. Ledger Office. AltriiT'ri stuile furn leg cabin. 3 rooms llreplace overlooking ChcHter Val., near Deen. $230 for sjni'r Merse 1324 Chestnut LAL'REL CA'HN tea room, furnished or un- furn , en State highway, from Deven te Vellev Ferge Merse 1S21 Chestnut st Itreail street. Te the tiiiie of it popular melody en n phonograph, wc climbed the stnlrs nnd poked our head about the corner te see what it wan all about. Thrv spied ur Immediately, and the chaplain, fjeeige llutlcr, took us in chaise and collected tliu he for us. Sever il member's of the jury nie also members of the "On-te-Scatlle" Club, which is cndcnvnrlnc te bring the . F. V." te Philadelphia or Atlantic Citv in 1023. Tliew iv he served en the jury arc Ouy l'uhrman. 11.02 Wyemins avenue; C. Albert Mrlnk, 1S20 (Ireen street; Clierlcs (iallcnn, 2141 Grange street, Oennantevwi: UeeiRe II. Rhoede-t, 204 East 'Vihart street; Leen burg, 2(M)!1 North Eighteenth street; Albert Chae, (ill West Schiller street ; Ueorge Kmcrlcb. L":i7 AVingoheeking street; Arthur Clever. ri2.!7 North Ainerican -ti( nt ; V. Ileiililmn, l!020 McCdlliini -tt cot ; Samuel Kaneran, 1H0 East Walnut lane, (iermantewn, and Rnlph Knlrtl, -l.'l.'i" Germantown avenue. XF.W .IKR-iF.'a SKA-linRB ATLANTIC CITY 'JKN-IIM. '-j-slme t-oue' lease shvlelre... (HI near sta . yearly fllitle Rcnl Estate DEVON ON" YEARLY lease, n. lovely old Co'enlal house. 12 rooms. 4 baths, which 1 en en . of the most b'aullful estites outside of ATI.ANTIC CITY Iirfccst list apartments i Philadelphia, 2 acres cf ground go with this and cottages, rent or sile; salesmen and ' house, nnd It. has the advantage of n won wen won autemob.los at your .-nice, prompt alien- derful Mew; large stre im of water, use of tlen te mall Inciulrles COAST REALTY I gar.ige 10 inlnutei from station. $150 a CO IN .Seuth Car. Una ave epp Pa S'tn menth: cin nle be rented furnished; wc feel cu . I .-. ,-iemn c ar una vt hU most ,s,rable country place ri,.l.inil.l.l.'l f is .a-- iur rent n wuuiu i'w ijubiiu.e lu uu.uui. TRKAf Jb TIlliAl LARUE 1.1-room house, old shade, fruit and garage. 3 acres: also 0-room house, close te trolley. Jehn Meyer. Hersham. Pa. Way re Pa. l'KRX ROCK REAL ESTATE WANTi:P WE HAVE a demind for prep-riles In all sections of the city: 21 YEARS' EXPE RIENCE INSURES REAL SERVICE. A F. RUSSELL. N E. cer. 13th and Taster sts Real estate mortgage. Injuranee. loef. !) rooms; k from station, trel- Washington ave. I.M'IIKI, M'i:iXr.i Owner mjst seil .n account e death SUBURBAN HOME JVW Newly pnpervd and filmed throughout, every modern In prnn rnent finished ettlc. be us. d as private dwelling or Is ar ranged for J apartment overlooking beau tiful lake, plen'y fruit tre.s M ff-rent kinds), larg aspuragu-. b d berrus. modern chicken louse; let lOOtl Ml ft IIIUM l'- ""tl te le Hpprecln I Mr -.nrin for a erlllral buyer. Pheno 1 aur I Sp ei-s 17(1 or write Mrs. J. L. Irwin Hen 11 j.iur. I Spr n .V J MLIIFOKD WE HAVE clients who will purchase hems west of llread and south of Locust sis , If veu want te sell. Hit your houses with us, no charge unless succssful Whiteside 4. McLanahan, 13th and Pine sts. WANTED te rent stera and dwelling suitable for general merchindlse: 3.1 or 20 miles out. state full particulars In tlrst letter. j.r.21 S Hancock st. I HAVE a cash buyer fur a med.-n dwir net ever $3000, above AUenheny ave.. east of Kensington ave llewltt. .Mil 1 r.i UK ford nve. Frankfcrd 0012 WANTEri 1-sty. bldg , aoeut 10.000 sq. ft.: 1 acre greund: must have sldlru, wntsr nnd sewer: Ph.Ia. or neurby. give location price or rent In first lett'-. I' 1-20 Ledger Office, HAVK you real estate te soil In the north west? I have prespvctlvj buyers if the rr 'srilVAItTZ. 250.1 W Lehigh nve. MCril' dlli. N I2ini) terms J H-a ftrm gee-1 h.iuse, Wes'nev 2.1 I.ll-rtv Hide MLKC1I VXTVII.I.E WANTED Te rent n 7 or h remm house In Wayne Junction, cenvenlencer; l"st refer enccs A 021, Ladue r rifrl.-e HUYERS waiting for your property' If rea sonable, all loc-ulens. FRE.MON I" .v: CO Nonh American Rldg lU.lnut (itrtl 1 WILL open a branch etflca at 500.1 N 3th, your listings solicited In Nt E section. ILjiryClnexIlealtcrM010PaHsvunlcave WANTS TO nUY for cash, real estate any where In Phlli.: must ba decided barga-ln, give full particulars p 12J7 Ledger Office. REAL BhTATE THAT s ALL STORES, anartm-nts furnished houses. II. Hep- .Will llre id si Wyoming 4.137. (.i.ENsmi; VERY large store fur nny Kind of business, preferably mum Mere gains' furnishing or mllllnerv all of wh h are needed, JOHN PATANE. CI. nslde NEW .IF.REV -IIIHR.X IIRCIOKLAWX 120 TO J47.30 reur. B 0 nnd 7 rrems an-l bath, all modern conveniences, slngle and semi-detach, d, immediate possession, open nnd attractive surroundings, large y irds community club 17 minutes I v Penn i Elec tr'c Rillrcnd nnd 3.1 minutes by autobus from Federil St Ferries Camden. N, J. office hours, 0 te 3 dlly, no.'n .e 5 P. M. Sunday. NORFO REM.TY TO Eroeklawn. N J Pheno (Jieucnter 272 FAIUVIEW SEVERAL iparttnents cunslstlng of II and 4 rooms with bith for rent. Immediate p s- sesslen, sltuitud jn Yerkship bquare Apply J. a Cloud Yerkshlp square. Falrv.en. Camden They're Going Like the Proverbial "Het Cress Buns" And little wonder when you see all the fun, clean amuse ment and unrestricted joy boys and girls and jjrewn-ups get out of each copy of the INVISIBLE COLOR BOOK. The INVISIBLE COLOR BOOK is truly a wonder book, for, in addition te the pages with Magic Ink Pictures, there are Jim-dandy cut-out pages. Every page is a surprise something new, amusing, in structive all te delight the hearts of little folks. Funny thing alpnuVJ these INVISIBLE INK PICTURES! They don't like ice water. Luke warm is best or just as it comes from the spigot. All you have te de is te moisten these INVISIBLE INK PICTURES and le! they turn te colors in a jiffy! This MAGIC INVISIBLE COLOR BOOK is the greatest feature for the children of the family ever published by a Philadelphia newspaper and the demand for the Public Ledger tomorrow will be greater than ever. In addition te the six-page All-Star Comic Section, the beautiful Rotogravure Section and the Complete Magazine Section, you receive this eight-page INVISIBLE COLOR BOOK with each copy of the Sunday Public Ledger. Be sure te get your copy tomorrow. Order it new. "Make It a Habit" CEDAR AVE.. 4887 Largs thlrd-fler front rm , alt, furn.; elec: pvrrh: Pflv. fam.; bt'slness women preferred. Woedlaficl 74BI J.. rnxxsyiaVAxiA sununnAN , QEHMANTOWN Tha Hedges. ISO Mrde- weed ave., near M'ayne nve.s private home, front room, bath; meals optional; ref. ROOMS WANTED YOtl.MI MAN of reflner.UM . desires, B fur- nlshed room In West Philadelphia with private family; no objection te cest: refer- ence furnlihed, A 003, Ledger Office. BOARDINO . taERMANTOAVN AN ATTHACTIVE HOME for business men. refreshing nlmespherc. 20 minutes from nrciad at. Htatldn. 1 block from Queen Lane station; charming house In midst of beauti ful grounds; rose garden with poel: every modern cenvenience: shower bath: sleeping perches: adjoining' tennis court of club: breakfast and dinner served. Wyoming 1883.. I'KXXHVt.VAXIA Htm'BllAlsT OTN. Qretner. 102 V, Walnut lane: de lightful second-deer room; modern con cen veniences: excellent home cooking; individual service: large living room; perchea and lawn; reasonable. Utn 0882. IDI.EWILD FARM Just outside of West Chester; het-water heat, electric light, pri vate bathi all cenveniences: adults only; open nil the year. Phene 177. Mrs. Themas S. Me'.ler, West Chester. Pa. APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS 231-33 SOUTH 17TH RT. Just cemplclnd. .1 story ; modern In every reject: particularly homellke: housekeeping and bacheler: also one housekeeping apart ment. 104 H. Pread st. Arrilv owner, 132 S. st. Pheno Lembard 300. . ONE AND TWO ROOM APARTMENTS STRICTLY MODERN P. J. LAWLER Se-tsts. Phene Lansdowne 830 1620 (TRUCE ST. Large furnished apart ment, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths; cool In sum mer: available for 0 months; low rent te re liahle. tenant. Apply office Teuralne. HAMILTON, .1013 Unfurn, apt., med., 3 large rms., bath, kitchen. Preston .101.1 W. ONE nnd 2 room, sunny, unfurnished; In the llluecrcst: exclusively for business women; 17.S0 te 32,r.O month. 410 H. llread at. 22.13 N. 33D ST. Deslrnble cer. apt.. Or. nnd bath. hdnd. fl'rs elec. lights, all renv, Apply E. J. Elliett. 1112 Chestnut. Fll. 3838 APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartments n specialty, Sherwood Apartment Agency. 18.". I Walnut st. 1018 V. PASSYUNK AVE Six roema and hath, medern: rent J0O. Apply H. C. 31NEX. Iflltl W. Pnssyunk nve. 1012 S. 17TH. Mifflin Apis. Unfurn. .1 rms, K. bath: beat & het water. Oregon 81148 W, MODERN furnished 2 rooms, kitchenette und hath, 100; 1022 Pine st. Locust 2321. .7 ui,.,.. TO aa-iV;".'' W, :t. - " ffiJBgMBBt'." 7rTi whibkwmn''MkMIBtiBKn inn kt ST. .NO. 1530 A few desirable apartments still "YayaKe In this new 10-story fireproof . housekeeping apartment house; inspection invueu 16TH ST.. NO. 257. SOUTH Very desirable apartments available! one co ntalnlng 3 hedreer" i'"ii hatn, tii'i-rUNiifiimK 8B. uniurn.. e.. 1830 a pns and bath. ice. Vj maid and extra furn.i ,sS.. mSI- 1. Apply DKTUH. en premim. HELP WANTED FEMALE) . COOK, white. Willi r,f"enecj.Y,TLVtlm7 able of erderln (. c lOking well and Kn along with ether help: comfortable home and geed sa arv. I' 1301. Ledger Office. -l t.ft'liV's-r... , rvfiy i.'.. ' ATWWOir tAlM UNUSUAL PMRKMPTenr AUerASn v OF TUB RNTIRB BTOCft"!! r" . r i tYpii . . 1 rixiures, uoea -win and OF Tltll LIGHTHOUSE 'CORP (retirlrtrf from business) f W il..a' J M1- e. r.ll vaiuuiiuii vpiaij.uuy. , I3LKUTRICAL FIXTURFll . i ULEmniCAL AND OAS PAIJTsi'j TARLE AND FLOOIl LAVrV'fl GLASSWARE. SILK SHAUEH EstJ H. Karp, Auctioneer SELLH WEDNESDAY. APIUL tn, i AT 1IIMO Ac M.. t)N PtlEMtHWli DICTAniONt: OPERATOR Ooecl opening for an experienced wemnn capable of doing flrst-elais Apply Iftireau of Employment. WANAMAKER'S. young work. DRERSMAKERS Wanted experleiced Dressmakere. Apply Bureau of Employment. WANAMAKER'S ami, atn, for gen. housewerk: .flrat .tlppl In : fam. of 8 adults. Wve. 4114 J. MAID wanted. Protestant, te attend leml Invalid lady: call after 2 Saturday and Sunday. 400 H. 13th St., ninth fleer. SURSE, graduate, wanted for ger.eral night dgty In n small private hospital. 20 min utes from City Hail; salary 1100 per month! applicants must be well recommended. Ad dress M 02.1, Ledger Office. OPERATORS wanted, experienced en malt ing small cellars for shirts; button w era and ether parts; best price In city paid. In one of the best, cleanest and brightest factories In the city. There are advantages here for operators that jannet be found In etner raciery. aimer urn.iners v-vaii- any pany. 8. W. secepa noer. cer. Bread and Wallace its. OPERATORS en silk linings of leather cases. Sea Mr. Stern. at Relber's. 22.1 and 'Arch sts. I iO'.'il LOCUST ST. Modern. HROWN, 310 Lincoln llldg, ALRERT P. Spruce 7301. wkst riniaAnni.PiiiA CHESTNUT ST.. 380.1 Exceedingly de de slrnbeo unfurnished 'J-roeni-nnd-bath'apart-msrrt, 3 bedroems: S100 monthly; possession May I. Thenc Preston 3377. APARTMENTS. .1 rms.. bath, ther'ly med; rents tee tn S 80. 403 N. 113d st. Bel. 3777. 428 N. S4TH ST. Five rms bath: 10 mln. te City Hall. Preston 4001 .1 nfter 0 P. M. HAMILTON. 3013 large rms,. ball . OVERnitOOIi section Second-fleer unfurn. housekeeping nut. Phene llelment 4311) W, -t'nfurn. npt.: med.: 3 kitchen Prertcn 301.1 W OERMANTOWX 801 VERNON ROAD U00: an unusual housekeeping apartment, where the work in cut down te a minimum: new and modern with tiled bath, built-in tub, shower, si pa ra tn nerch. refrigerator, etc.: ever an ncra of lawn with old shade; 1 sciuire te country club and golf links: 2 squares te stntlen MAURAN & DOLMAN, N. E. cer. Uread and Chestnut. TRIVATE SECRETARY TOUNO WOMAN OP EDUCATION AND REFINEMENT. WHO IS WILLINO TO START IN AND LEARN THE WAYS AND ADAPT HERSELF TO THE METHODS OF AN INDIVIDUAL: MUST RE GOOD STE NOGRAPHER AND KNOW THE RUDI MENTS OF DOUELE-ENTRY DOOKKEBP INO: COLLEGE OR THOROUGH BUSINESS SCHOOL EDUCATION ESSENTIAL: 8T TE QUALIFICATIONS FULLY; DO NOT SIM PLY ASK FOR INTERVIEW. 1' 1301. LEDGER OFFICE. 118-100 DLKKClftm bt NEAR MERCER BT.. NEW YORK m Auctioneer's Telephone.- SprlngST l! . 11 HELP' "WANTED MAIlii'v HAl.tVtlUM . a . ----"1 I am looking ler une is i represent iklnr for a particular lyft. ht .i! inherently honest, who e.n'aSl . ah organisatien nl K.ii.Jl.fcfl ...v. -. ..-r. :ii. r- "-'.wnsi assa iniiun ana.iBreiui regaraiess of yeiii' ent occupation yen may be that parti wuuiia a can in a position lat than 13000 a year. c.?i man whom I place In a posltlena.' nnt less thnn I.IOnn ... H??. '! 0413 te arrangi for interview. SALESMAN Wanted, travel!-,. .i."" sell. Install and operate newradleThM.) speaacri muni ue raain expert cnaracier reierenccs; graaua 'TtBQH (A a&Iaka.l.llltsHri gineer preferracl; successful selling eitsXifrB ' required. Write, staling age. edueilTI'"M perlence and salary desired, M 027 "liiS". rifrtee ' -assTM SALESMAN fcr Philadelphia and r.t larrllnrw In aia?l aitntnraei.At... wsaSBM tunltv te nsseclats permannntly wlnfS1' established manufacturer of delivery i.iia truck-selling experience net esentlir,5! ssentlai tl.ll BOIO..I10H Ut.lVMCU, IietllV. ...TTT full particulars. P 1233, Ledger WuSlsJ t. ; .--.. , manufacturing the highest gradi , mAiSM eV' SALESMEN A large, vvell-establlshetl lag i e rt ' and ; wi Income te n, man of exn. in riuir." and bookkeeping machines lnunched en extensive adver campaign already showing results' SW a Phlla, City territory which win pay IS! income iu ni'tn ui mp, in relllns'i office appliances aa nddlng, calcuiail bookkeeping machines, cash registers? ii you are . censisiem, nara uerkae .7J have made geed and wish te Msia . cnange, wrue 'or interview, giving YneV office appllancea sold. A 028, Ledr ivsfl r salesmen uoe.i uve, wires t0 seTisSsU rintn health and sreMpnt nnlui.. .s ' - . .:;-:-. "- - fuiivics. ia-a in. line en.nnnn... . n. " .iii pn by a strong, old-line company D. Menleu, 2012 N. ISth ally tench you te sell. Write or phenS W aminencl ll2isi ,'j 'I TIME-STUDY MEN laS. Bread experience in metal-werldng Indu'iin Hnil viiuruuaia aiiuwi jse ei ine Use of fry;! ana speeuu cbbchuiii, ie receive cenii.iaMBT& tlnn send nhnte In Ilrst lell. e .... .'"'0?'M details regarding experience. eiineeiK..' ! Jmer employers, nge and salary expected , Write the Cincinnati Rail Crank Ce. a Bex Bl. Oakley. Cincinnati, n ".ta, SALESMEN Wanted. 0 tot anlesjntn f Musc'e Sheals suhi vision, i,.,. 11 J" vnti'rat A lttn wire A net! f . "yCi?' tlen With large cernni illn,,. ,,.i L"sal nerlencerl unci nutelr. .int. Ain... Zl sss ncrlence In reply. A 022. Ledger Offi-i-W flrneral CIVIL VIL SERVICE has positions for rnmB men. 18 upward; 1130 monthly; eiirlU en nnmvaaaarv. t7V,w Cm ii.. .eeejjr encp unnecessary. l'-or rree list lieiltlaaa open write J. Leenard (former civil SensZK examiner!. 002 Boullable B dg.. U'.,M.7I -V. ten. D C. SAIJCS PEH80N: must have grocery cxpsrl-l Kf:i.i. ttq veur an.ra time ence. te sell ever telephone; no ether need Bt1' te .yrite shewcarcls r annlv. l-nl nt nnm TICIO llarmanlnen I J0!1 . tO Write SnOWCardS. r ave. ' YOUNG WOMEN, between 23 and 85. per fect health le assist with a girl 11 years eld: must be willing ie following directiens: state salary. Replv bv letter te 1 1302, Ledger Office, Orneral CLERKS, t;plsts. stenegs. qualify for Gevt positions. Write ter sample test Instruc tion particulars. P 1422 ledger Office. APT . 3 light, airy rina. attractive neighborhood and kitchenette; PhOtn 3'IHO J, rKNXSVT.VAXIA HTlUBnAX APARTMENTS FOR RENT AT WAYNE Unfurnished Possession Miy 13: yearly lease: 3 bed rooms, 2 baths; parace; heat and water In cluded. $123 per month Furnished May or June 1 te Oct 1: living room, din lni: room, kitchen, 2 bedrenma and bath: storage space. $130 per month Apply te r. E. TROUT 103 V. WAYNE AVE.. WAYNE. PA. MODERN, 3-room, bith perch npt.. near cjueen lnne station P. It R.; Janitor serv ice. Phene f'.ermantnwn 4000. J300 TO Jii.10 buy's anv one of 14 lets, 30x 1S2 ft., for dwelling purpes s en'y, 2 blocks tn station and trolley J M aJansir, '-"J J Market st . f'xnidcn DWH en large I jI ,-ar train and trelley: 7 rooms, bmh natjial weed finish, steam i heat, stat tub' 2 perches, reasonable erfer censld J. M. Dar.iier 2.'0 Mar'cet st t ainden, MimiirtTfiVN ' STONE and rough-cast Dutch I'olenlal dwell . Inff. thoroughly inederu in evatrv respect I let 120x20"!. formal gurden beautiful shrub l.ery and shade ev Inane residential section ' .ID B. Oak av.: possession price S2LS0D James M. Stakes. Jr. Phene Moores- town 127. i . N ATIONAL PARK THREE and '" room bungalows from 11000 up. See Mr Philips, (lalt and Ifsss'an nve. en Wele'l. 3212 Fr ink ford. Oar 0017 D.VY AND NIOHT REALTY CO , 2041 KENMNr.TON AVE PROPERTIES wanted in 30'h Ward, buyers watting; rents and interest collected. prompt return. ORISCOM, 2100 Catharine. WANTED Central real estat. manv appll cants. S. M. Oayley 1l.(e. Pine st OL'ICK cash for real ba ka n What 1 ave y!.u WBaTNEY 201 Llbertv Jtldg prompt re- MEItril NTVII.LE 20 W WMVT AVE, after April 1.1 rorlnferiniil n call I'uluin 2ssS Phils NEW Jl.llsE'y SFVHIHIE OCEAN i 1TY 17 W "ley ave Ielrn c.i t igi In gii I. n I I. Iroein ttnvy ij.icfie .lilly Af0Jt se i. n l-,r.$10e IIFF.W CITY jOR BENT FURNISHED PIAXVLVAXIA SFItt'RIUX CVXUY1) MORTGAGES 2D FLOOR c.eslruiile apt rms and bath garage, North MJe JV00, 4 months. 631 Park plice Jl NE 1-OCIOHEK 1. In ec.uslve hectien. 1 tedroems. 3 baths, large perch, 2-car I garage, 3 minutes te station; every renve.ii- I I nee nlc.'L furnished Phene Cytuvyd 10T J f irppeiiitnient; i ST, MARTINS RENTS turns. anc Interest co leeced GIBSON. fl.'O ft Rre.d REAL ESTATE EOR RENT FORRENT FURNISHED ATLANTIC CITY Huuse for rnt. fur nish d 210 l'lclfc ave Attractively fur- I nished corner cettuate southern expe.ute ha.f srji.are fruin ttoarewaik kurage iverv eenvennce Q bedrooms June te heptem- b. r M Ji. Ie-dier Hf lc e ATLANTIC i ITY- Iteachfrent ceunge med cenv. garage Trey a., and Iurdu.ilk Overer ( HK-.rNl'T Till I, i CRN"., for summer, cer. reuse .1 bedrooms, dressing rm . 2 bathsa Pn. C Jjjj, e338 FOU SUMMER Cerner house, 0 oc.lreoms, 2 b'iths near garage I'll Cheat Hill 0483. MORTGAGES 6 PITMAN WEST AVE. Sumner cottage, und modern Dam, eiccinruy 3 txrtlrOORU (furnished), perch; geed cendltl r end beit location price 12800, Deane, 3037 Ovi iv Tlnra 11734 " RIVLKTOV COLONIAL CITY 260-70 S AMERICAN -Fer rent, reas , 1st A 0th floors also basem't. about 4000 srj. ft each: geed light, new building, large elec tric elevator. S. S. Oarrett. 23J S. 3d at. FURNISHED HOFSE. 0 bedr. cms. 2 baths van! T-1 (Mini Chestnut Hill PF.XNYI.VAXIA M'lll KllN DOCTOR OR DENTIST Desirable offices. first-class location FERDINAND D FLEMING 1384 Walnut st 117 S 11TH STORE AND BASEMENT R. W LLCYj) 712 WALNUT. 'a, HEIUtY bT tlth iluslness properties for rent, !4Sx7u feet, 3 floors, Inquire 134 N 11th st. A FACTORY warehouse and noer specialist. ARTHUR H FRASER 21 S 12th st limbics rrepertlew and Sterfai UUK K HOUSE 11 IIDOMS H.-w. heat I hi sun parlor fiarag-, s; acre shad . fr lit and shruhlerv Photo I-ETyj"' i -."y ""'.' H-" 'li'S feliVEUAL, flops and business build FOR HALE Reautirtil corner property. 4th ;" thl "" st. and Themas ave all modern cenven-1 "" .... ,- rf-CTr- I Uncea; 3nr garage hnt.ater heat, will ARTHUR ( VLL- -..... Hl.rtHu tlliaSthas 1AI ' nniiiwii i iwii'j si m i i i vk4t (ni.i.ixdsinnefi 2.11 N WEST COLLlNOSWi" ill -Bungalow, Or. & bath. h -w lit , gnrage en trolley line Imis III'. e 400 Itlchev uv Hadc'en Ills cir. WOODIH'RV HEIGHTS 3000 BLK Rlgberg. C.T 30(11 13TH IT AVE - Stere and dwelling nermantewn av OWYNI'DD Stene house, 0 bedrooms, bath lectrlclty. gas. cltv water truck patch stable, garage for 2 cars, chicken house cm Chinut Hill-Lansdale trolley near Wll- i Hum Penn Inn H. miles Unynedd Velley . Sta'ien rent furnlsh-d for Jl.lel mentliv nr unfurnished by th yeai A 01.1. Le-dk-ec. (mice ' RENT furnished, for summer Colonial . s'u" heuc lnrge r, r i erch 7 i.hainler'. ;, lath 2tararnke unn s room , . n 1 I ilb ei.rl r i. op rt h.i 1 tree ehrulbry l mtlfullv 'u it. I reiseinl., ' references leeiured Pher-i Ilryn iMaver 3 te e.ritrgH I SI It VFI Hill) I'nwe n Wuvin. jiii I) vTm 1 en Main I me r. m.nutca tr m statlcm, 14 iiiris ijeiiuiuui in h , i r rri1. ;i bams kiirue, JHO ter mmth ..An. r Trlvfiluu.. i-nc 1,1 KEN I' furnlsheif for summer im nth Med cm subuihan heus . t id tti i le garage P 1211 Ledger Olfire, , QUirK SETTLEMENT Quick .esns without publicity and no red tape We lean en first, second or third mort mert laji. without dlnturblng any mortgages new cutstanding, If unable te call personally our representative will call en you. drop ua a letter. I KAHN MAYNARQ . .. I hll S. ren'i Su. Bldg locust . FUNDS I FirNDS In ANY AMOUNT 1 IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT BUILDING ASSOCIATION MONEY. DKMI'SEY at CO., 27 S 10THJHT. Full FIRST AND SECOND. MTGS. WE ItEI'RESENT -i tf the lnrgewt building nnd loin .iHserlatinns and eleslm applica tions afer tlrst K'tend and split mortgages lii i imv section of the tits, or suburbs. WILLIAMjMES KEecill, Land Title Bldg, PRIVATE Fl NIM and "building association ineniy tvallibic. tn geed mortgages en city or nervrby suburban property, prompt decisions, Rehert J Niftij 1214 lxicust st. ANY "AMOUNT JOHN A HAIlltY 307 .AND TITLE BLDG. V II HA LI. ft SUN 43S LAND. TITLE BLDG. FUND-, for ' Hnil-aecur d first mtgea.: reas. charges !redT Lew is (111 Merris Bldg. rVrNl? IV '" ""' -I rntges.. quick reply". M II Mutslnger. Ileal Ertnte Trust Bldg WAYNE (I.ueiln Apts.jV-DIn rm. H. Ball H Sen. Land Title Bldg. serv. W. Spr. 300. NORTH WAI.EH LAROE ltltch. unfurn. 2d-floer med. apt.; 3 rms . , bath: poss. May 1. A 023. Led. Off. NMV .IF.RIEY SUIURnAN LAUREL SrBIXfi.S SECOND-FLOOR ipt furn.: overlooking lake, 3 rooms and bath: all med. Improve. ments: t3.1 per me. Ph. Iturel Springs 170. NEW JKltSI'.Y SKISIIQBB ATLIXTIC CITY ATLAN4TIC CITY rurn. net. of 4 rooms, bath and perch: the Clinten. Delaware nnd Pacific aves.: for April, May and June or summer months. Pheni 4100 R. FURNISHED APARTMENTS WEST PHILADELPHIA ONE BIJCK from (lllth St. Terminal One loom, kitchenette nnd bath, clcvuter apartment, completely furnished for house Vi eplig Telephone I.nnsdnwne 17111 .7, SOT' JKRSi:V SEASHORE ATLANTIC CITY CHELSEA Attractively furnished 3 mem-uml-bith nnt,: reasonable, 2 D Sovereign Apts. Atl.intle City. Pheno 41.11 W. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE UTII AND PINB STS. ABSOLUTELY TIREPROOF HELP WANTED MALE ADVEIITISINCJ YOUNG MAN TO DO CLERICAL WORK INt NEWSPAPER OFFICE: ONE WHO CAN OPERATE TYPE WRITER PREFERRED: GOOD OPPOR TUNITY TO LEARN BUSINESS; MOD EIIATE SALARY TO START. V 1234. LEDQER OFFICE ATTENTION We can use I", men for Important special work; perminent: married pref: refa. req.; a., n ween wnne learning, aii.i aaiDerty muff. BOOKKEEPER Must be experienced, ener getic mid capable. Reply, slating uge, ra ng mi, salary desired, references, etc. V 130.1, Ledger Office. UOi wanted; about 10 years old, for general office werk: advancement: state references. A 004. Lr cigar Office, BOY for West Philadelphia real cstate office. 1' 1311. Ledger Office. BRICKLAYERS 11.23 per hour. . lingers, I'lymeutn pi. und Ocenn Cltv, N J. AedIv J. Beardwulk, we Will tr amlt.-tl .no" mth -tinrtitr rmi isaltk . .!.. n 7 s-ai.v.iacii IIV -l'' - .-villi nilUvi UlBTIf no ebject: ou can rurn from $IS tn toil WPfk. WH unn Mclhert. huh. )m Ul " -" ' " ....... ..v., .Ilftll.! no iai iuu ti.i te j.iu per week lewrtb. show-cards for ua nt heme: p tesrh .SW provide the work. Kwlk Shewcard Schca Tirnn.n CnnaHd. CIVIL service examinations May and m rnsnr vacancies, apiary sisgu-iisoe: Mail tie test Instruction, particulars. P 1422, Cpj SITUATIONS WANTED-MAUtl ACCOUNT.NT. with wide and varied ness exn.. Is open for engagement- refs.; loyal, energetic, capable: much ttbrn the average. A 013. Ledger Office, ' ' BUTLER Japanese wishes steady pqiltfei; wiiiiiik cei ciu coeKioK, eiewnicairs wetl, eutslde city or will go anywhere; rience ana nest city refs, A HOv h&vs ima Ledger flj CHAUFFEUR wishes positien: 12 yean' perlence; drive nny car; city or co summer, t'nene i-i esten llj J, CHAUFFEUR, colored, wants pos'tlen ctrteB ng Sundays ana nena.iys. A p. 320 N. Ml EX-NAVAL OFFICER, of business and til ecutlvc ability, desires position of truitml executive, secretarial or manager cansiJnJ capable nf handling men. purchasing nupplictB cie:.; i-iii'a, or vicinity, a mt, Leader utne INSTRUMENT MAKER wants work India home, anv making or assembling of llsfl trie, scientific radio. A 1101. l-edger Offlcal JOINERS AND SHIP CARPENTERS 100 WANTED: PLENTY OVERTIME BRING TOOLS SUN SHirilUILDINO CO,, CHESTEB, PA. TAKE 37 CAR. MARKET ST. MILLWRIGHT Must understand hanging shafting. Call Consolidated Papet Tube Ce.. Etlo nve and 20th. Ask for Mr. Aiken. MAN for hat-cleaRlng establishment: 50-30 propesition: some experience necessary. Applv National Hat Cleaning, 3012 Market. APTS , I.ONO FURNISHED. AND SHOUT I I : F LS n.i Ilrst nnd sec llrewn tin I tun n ml mortgages. Kills ROOMS FOR RENT ALLEN & REED VII iVl-V LARGE AND SMALL ..M(JU.- ia 1301 LOCUST ST MORTOAOES M , Ilul ding association and tuivate funds for t r.t H'cend umrlgages inn t-ervlce, A I" ltl'n-ELL. N E cer 13th &Tasker. l'RIVVTi; i'UN'D for small snitges" C C. ilenkert, 301Lih rty Ijidg Lec. 203 J. MONEY for 1st or 2d mtg"". city or country. Frank S Liwls. 310 l'inancii Bldg. HIGH CLASS censtrvaTlve first mortgages ferile; Iftix lit'.'. Ilethlehcm. P-i. HasT'yei II mortgages ben cilled7 Funds f.r Ilrst and s'cenl mertgagen en hand. II E SMITH. MO W. Krli nve. GP.ATZ. N 1S.M Twe nicely furnlshecj renms. nil cenv enJem es private family. PREsrON. N 4JJ Warm furn rm.; ei.n , coin, tn cars, h enis cjiek.'g. Pli.-tlar.l 137 XV W-VvNt1T.l,T" 'IS5' Al11 " Attrue. room corn bath. rellneJ t,en'man Bel 7BSH N. auaai. hi, jicjii;i. uuuic Central UNFURNISHED TCItM LEASES BROAD ST.. S., 113 I'a niuarcs Hetel I Wnlten: brand new, cclusn apartment i house, 2 large, sunny rooms, lath nnd kltch- euulte, hoi-water neai, r.nuinuuua net aier; paruuetry fleer), silver electric; wnll nences color scheme In gray and Ivery, furnished by Van Sdver: only 1 left. Spruce Oil. upejn 9 A. M. te 0 V. M. MACHINIST, hundv at anvthlng, wants In factory or keeping bldg. in repair, 313. Ledger Office. MARRIED MAN. mechanical en.'lneer. of naval serv Ice with honors, wlshei s'tlen around mnch'ne shop. Addreu W. IL. 223 S. 3d St.. Philadelphia SALES ENGINEER desires portion wttkl manufactuier of raw products; 15 yeirfl experience with chemists, engln. crs nnd Vatsl cnamng ugenia. a aiu, i,eager eiuce. AGENTS CATHOLIC representn lives for local aitncr.l Dennlnc's hat holders are used In nunjl churches; ethers need them: ccmmlsjlen Ml average order ISO; permanent connection far! hustler. Denning Mfg. Ce,. 1104 l'reipMtl nve.. Clevclnnd. O. THE UMP BEAUTIFUL, most srllHIll electric lamp In the country. deires Msl resenlatlen: unusual epp. The Lnrchratl Mfg. Ce., 2100 Woodland nve , Cle. eland, 0.1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES -) COOKS chambermaid c. waltlhg chlMnurKtl l-.tiiisonerlt girls and seamslresies victl noslllens, wemnn with child, .MUi e ueukiierev, ieij v, enrarci nve. LOST AND FOUND HONlel.nKt. bcmit. tamnnrftrv Fr.-Amidl Ind. deb. 7j. Ne. 1)277. $200 temrlJ A (110. Ledger Office. kl'clienette; I'res. iltlsH near Stat nn en.1 hitinlni. i.Ui.1.. K.....I fullv furn riiums.j.sjejpjiretlesM!. mvid rates. 32D ST., N, 122 Frent room, geed beard"; c upbir reiitltninn, 324 2 CHESTNUT -Large rm A , nejt. A eeld limning water I'h, elil 1NtS' i:yi KID ROAD near 03d and Lansdnwne ave Beautlfulli furnished hay-celnd'.w- room, next tu bath. J.I per week. Belu nnt (..IRQ W. nn.- MAMJNir ri.Uli .('-. (n.ftnut rt , rooms day, week or menih TVinie lieus 112.1 SA'I TERLEB APTS Nicely furn7 "room. next te bath prlvnti ant , modern cenvs ; twin lards, suitable for 2 gentlemen or couple. young ceuple only eccup'ts, Preston 2353 J, THE DELMAR-M0RRLS W. Chelten nve. QfcRMANTOWN 20 MINUTES TO BROAD SI. STATION Hetel or unfurn. suites, housekeeping apts. NEW HOTEL BARTRAM 33D AND CHESTNUT Apartments, furnished ur unfurnished AMERICAN AND i.URUPJ.AN PLAN PHONE PRESTON 2310 RIVETERS. HOLDERS-ON. HEATERS COMPLETE GANGS PREFERRED COME READY TO WORK 87 CAR, MARKET ST. SUN SHIPBUILDING CO.. CHESTER PA. THE HWAR'JHMORB. 22d and Walnut Furnished. 2 rooms and bath, and i room and bath, maid service and llcen Included. Phene Locust 3 1 82. HOTEL HAMILTON. 1331 Walnut st. (caVt of Broude A eiulet, censerv ntlve hotel OealUW liUJJiL'i'J I"' ! "-- "" euiiuueie-il i THE GLADSTONE, u nie't desirable 2-room apaitmeiit Apply nt efllcu for ai.,irlnn.nt S3 DBrtles leaving illy, THE GENEVA. 127 , H. 1BT I ST. In the SALESMAN with reisenallly and of geed address, between JO and 40 years of age, In clean, high grade heart ct the (hopping district e.ll.A.laVll.l.n.l business, can readily cam $10,000 annunllv opportunity te advance te sales manager, no . i .....ui.. 'iii.niiiM ,w cjijuuc anci commission stutc lust experience, references; It eon venletit forward camera rbote. which will he rMiirned P O. Bex 2r(l, Allentown. pn. SALESMAN Experlen.d uel car "wTuTsl man. Gorten's autu Exchange, 23H N Bread st, ?.V MODERN 10-room reslclcnce nil large rooms liardwoed finish and hard'voed floors, big open fireplace ras water, electricity garage for 3 cars large grounds betutlful lwn hrnbLn'rv and shnd. rlkht at statlDii 3H trains dally Fer particulars apply te JOHN MAYIIEW. own' rWe.'dliurv Height. N J NOT- JKKtF.V- !..) Ml OBI' rOURTEEN-neOM heue- new paint and paper: flreplnre, JU300 furnished n bar gain, Hi. E Hennet me Wildwisl, N J ' Al'l'iy Mjlj: XVIIdwnjil ave ('an b seen Sun AVAI.ON I AVALON Twe lets nil Improvements, ench 40x11(1, tiuse tn bench convenient train atop 11 II FRITZ 711 Walnut st THE DOO-DADS Relij Came Back OCEAN CITY trtjb ii. m TWO-FAJIII.Y net. t" completed next mouth, unseirpnssiai in 'oeatlon, conitrur cenitrur conitrur tlen and appointments 1 t (tuur. 4 bedrms etc. i second has 3 bedrnemn, 2 garages In rear; IHO 2d st foil i eati vlew. easy terms, might rent 1 1 ( 1 II e'll ger. 237 H 40th WlliDHOOD tOVlMl. and New Yerk icves.; (I r bath ana aitic. an coins'ij. i m'. -.e-. ... , lKNXri LVA.N IA FAKMS IB ACRES with .tnn'ii house. 10 rooms bath. pn beinullful 1.111 barn, sprlnghouse. erchard: located uu concrete Slate highway! low minutes' WH.k Pennsylvania Railroad -a-aln. wttli ..iimmlitlriir MOIvlce te I'llllacHI- is'iye. ", .-".;:.-:.'. ;.- .n.u...i..... 12.300. I have u farm for every buyer. .1. .11'. rivii.r.rn.i .' .. . ... -, r'fyM 51 MS. : fct4''iNii:.HALF xni.U rive"rfrent en the Upper I Ktjkv Delaware: Ideal spot for gentleman a st raM.r -.iVAVeit. 003 Land Till. Bid., WM ni-l T.ri.niii heu. KUOtl OUt' "' r. , " . n k M ev I re it irc, w - 4WMV enjy yiuitti cava, pwraretr, -ivy ! ret eni kit st. t " -fVH f t tvlMV-V By Arch Dale i -fi lmm&? 1 W w WILL NOW MOUNT ) - v K O k -rL W&& ?V V THE WILD. VICIOUS ZW' v l--7 -N W UNRIOEABLE MULE AKO 6? ' & ,' S " OXV S SLEEPY SAMS weNTbMA lend we mZJlZZ e-vv X, TrV ' zexarr' CIRCUS A NICKLE TO GET IN HTTfrCTrT - r .rTT---- Tv v .. ,Pe 7 a Z A c ( THA SHOW. I'M A -- VT ( WIN THE MONEY, eWfcfh ' V CRACKER-JACK RIDER, TTrN TTT . vK-c BUT VOOME GOT V a W c f lAM.ANOI'LLWlM Z HUH-HE S AH-H-H- VV.V ( TO ADMIT -I'M ) 5aS c V E DOLLAR, WTrrV C'-fSM USTEN TO THAT.) VVAeV ' V, H0NE5T - I ) S m. il I 1-SK. BUT BE SURE V, JS P HE COMES J CC , 7r "" -sV '- "T te cone aJ?ack A. Back jr "Vr)-!! ? '- -JamiTc ; 7 1 3 ey 's-- JVe Gi-'JV vVvl' c rt II II II ", T II etH e-s,-. - ,.!,., -. . - 'lOm.tAla. f i It tf: i ,.t'fL''.:,. . ,- V ' '' ,.,,... Uaa. . ,.v .. - i . ... iJB. . ---- - - cJM2mM r:r 'Yfwr lWiiiBiifi-i m ftmmjnmmaitfmi --r- BjR5s-T'w,rPT -t-i-- - COLLAR Lest, Aus. epes. cellar, Tnuri.1 Wannmalter'a or Stanley Theatre. r.ert ObK. 04.1. R. 1)0(1 Lest, small Seulvhnm deg. wK body, black with reme brown en ''jl mine Redman Wanamaker. 21 ".MaryUMI Weeds." Ardmeie, Pa., en miUr "Jl for return or nny Informa'leii rencernimi same Pheiw Llanerc h 10 1. RING Iaest, plutlnuin dinner rim:. 2 latlfl and 14 small diamonds, Arculli Cafe. Ml and hpruce. between ftth and Hth, en MarWI st. April 14 Liberal reward, n.linent Oalllj WATCH Iaest, Ilittnllten geld watch, InltWI w. (j. it-; un, row. rn, wjeming im 'i LEGAL ADVEIiriSI'JIENTS JSS'NOTICE OF I OI'Obi: CHANOKgl ' Article IV of Constitution el . Pl Building and I.ean Association, eullicmgl at ..tockhelclera' meeting held under, "a! March 8, 102.'. Article IV shall read! ARTICLE IV Olflcern .... in., -aai. ... ..... ...n.i,i nn .hill III" linn nn ue twieueira.iuii "- -., sloi'khel.lers and rhull consist of a prw dent, vlre president, soeretar. trcaf-tjj ...n.A. .. , - ....i a..l... .Iia.ii.r.. 111! fl li'iii. jiiiii.i ininv .ii. . v .... . H.M, whom chall ceiistltutu Iho beard of en-' ters whom rcsiiectui duties, cenii" nualieij' terms of offlce und time of election MJ as the ciuallflcatlen of the cluctnrs ar.a ralie and the manner nf wiling, a"", lK peirledlcnl meetings, sbull li i.r 'enb-J V tne H Liiuh, All mecllngs slu I 1 en .1.- .. .1 ...i .. ... ..., .. ....nn. .ll.ii.u tn IhS W lliu aillllissiuu uil.l lii'l luuci-. i.iiih" .- - y. spectlen of tliu btockhetdcrs undei reasci'i"? regulations. , , , , lai .special meeting te consider th PJR nmendment shall be held ut Vil''i. Hall, 1.141 N. iieth St., al ft 1'. M., Ht dujr. slPrll ID. Jv.IY-1,i rfJsBj, Ir-iS" FOR HAI.K IN AtCHKWAjCJ with llie prevision rei;uiatliig the t''L m"nl of a war. houseman's lien for "lerK, and ether c barges, goons stored In Ins f lowing names will le dli.peae.1 of ft P? auction ut our brunch wurcbeue ."'.."T. mantewii live,, al lu A. M. en APM V iitered m the nani of Mrs. Aniif Vn IJJJ ilia. IOt Nn. 40586 Tiunlti. caiten. bedding, cot. Knlhlrrn (.'. Heggs, I. m J WOM Boek, spring, bid, mil, "71', IS. carpet, tables, buskets. betns. tub pari j, flre Irons, plciure hassock, blncklearl. w" va.'iiuni. buinlles, sl"d, smoking "."""'.JSl. sltpladdci. shovel and iiltchferii. liBi- s rugs, saw, reckeiH,, racK. stnn.l, talking machine, tabeurciH, Jtirt Pictures, library table, mirror, lushlenaif-j mower, etc. William J. Jluri'lu, ,' ' ft Barrels, boxes, ciate. laJuls Mel jy. . n nuri i.iipu k nil . in iii'ra -. cemmnde, gas range, wash buskct. refrlgoraler, screens. piickages, t tl IHiii I ril as iuiiiu i vu; ni i. iimii ai taiifi ... , ia tension table, shell es, glass. "'- ,.u, springs. ld-be,ir.l, ihln.i 'l'',5t. clLeiu. Citlierlim Mursrh, lait " TT ,i?. tri spring, lampstand. fleer lamp. V . rhalrt. .nl. ......... .,!.. ...... .....UU uhlllleS. Cur... JurdlnbrH. rocker, crex I UB. r;lkP.' hollers. I" utile "!, errigorater, screen-. """r;,ra cel- pe'es. gecart. HOlninafbln,;,3. is, clialrs, grip, i Hb, ch L,'"er"bd. lad.' tulu, boiler, rrule', i hnn.le.ller. buckets nans, clock, gas ian. e xtenslun tu''1 8.'i(ft. i-a.ii v , . ' wm M'y h.iel.eti " caipct, barr.lH, plctuie's, registrater, P'"J bird cage, mcdlclni cabinet ",lll.,,J!r0i, dressing tabic, bed, bureau, .(Ionic, '"Vega clilna closet. i'ernflluM ( huiliUei '"'nijii. .firing. cliulrs, inups, desk. ,pl. crutch, pllcher und bowl, plctiires. ", stand, hamper, trunk, bureau, cabinet, w ruck, pjckuge, trunk, box., etc. .. JgA. The centrnts of bureaus, cbllTPDlfrja "JJ lands, buffets mid all cenlalnrrs r"0- a- tumii-A tu. ji-..-s a.f hv sale ais lenlrr nf MH'rr .Nv-ib Hroed Ht-JJ fj f . ' life 1. l si ,r i trifl .WS&,.$bTlMtr