MMHLnEZHIBsjHiItXafHaBH nffUr'f i. y?'. frTT"sW:rf.f.Mvv-- V ''(' .... TCT:.. i .. .)..'..-. . m.JLrr. ,..JCA,T-TJFW!:":3r.tTaKwwam:c.T .vj... .-i.t .mka t--um. im n i in i e mmmhi P ii. T'lirftSaBw a LriAM iem;iiUi lliLMTin Mtt'lift. v!iuaf ! em fAtl ,'w, 'ma - MAt MTATfO IUL1 miAt itTAM 6U iAUi- w rAt WtATM IQAtALl A t , I I ! - tYAlftA ypwrmiiAtf FKKWWTrTAJOA BtTBrWBAW PENNSYLVANIA BTmTmBAW Pennsylvania oetctiban PENNSYLVANIA HOBltAW FKNWBW.TAWIA WPOIWA!f. Pennsylvania- BRESgJSSI "$: P"W Sa&fva &.'. tr w. . sin' 'j T, W h 1$ T"N ii i i l ,.-. v k ;.. iTT fc?f 1Q22 is This is an actuality, neta prediction. A wise man will plan accordingly. Heme builders are seeing ahead, consequently throughout the Suburban area an unprecedented activity in building Jff 'P'aJ.8 Jf fiSS2?tSJa5iT2. t,"et? for the day of the Suburbs has arrived. The abolishment of tells-the magnificent highways-the par-excellent transit service and the high-speed electric lines. The day V?P!dlVPprea?inf J hfS"burb8 wiU hene8tly Mare with Philadelphia that world-wide B. K. BALE RttTLEUCK Jehn H. Spackman MORTON AVK. RUTLEDQB Specializing in Rutledge and Swarthmore Realty HOMKS, $4000 UP lilTILDINO SITES. $200 t'P BUNGALOWS, 17600 UP New ceSiIls $12,500 Phene Sw..i lore 217 W. WR HAVK A rnOl'EIlTr TO MEET 10UII REQUIREMENTS n. E. BALE ALDAN 1 Fare te 69th St. 14 MINUTES' HIDE TO TERMINAL Modern Hemes Bungalows Cr-TO DATE IN ALL RESPECTS GOOD BUILDING LOTS Vi ELL LOCATED EXCEPTIONAL PRICES This is the Year te Build Oliver Turkingten Pretldencc Read. Ph , Lansdowne 61. It. K. HLi: KIKKLYN & LLANERCH'S NEW DEVELOPMENT Opposite Kirklyn Station Facing en West Chester Pike, only 6 minutes from C9th St. One fare. 400 Heme Sites Wisely Restricted See This Picturesque Tract Today Many Lets Already Sold 8 New Hemes NOW ItEI.NO CONSTRUCTED THIS IS A BUILDING YEAR GET BUSY RYAN KIRKLYN. PA. Or COin Market St, Phila flOTH ST. SECTION ANNOUNCING OrEN'INO OP NEW OFFICE 69TH STREET SECTION WnCRE WE WILL nE PLEASED TO SOLICIT TOUR PATRONAOE IN ALL MATTElia TERTAIM-NO TO REAL ESTATE IN THIS VICINITY W. M. HAWTHORNE P. CLARK, JR , MANAGER rrn street theatre nciLDiNe, room 102 R. K. SALE MAIN LINE PBOPERTIEH EXCEPTIONAL ! MAIN LINE COUNTRY ESTATE. 170 ACRES RICH ROLLING IAND IV HlfiH HTATE OP Cl'LTIVATIOV ritEQI HNTLY THE SCENE Or A 1HRILLIMI IIASE I1V THE RADNOR HOL'.SDS IMMHLINr) STOVE IIOt'HH (IN HEAP riFt'LLY SHADbD LAWN Of HEVbRAI. ACRES. REACHED THROUGH A IKH'RLE ROW OF WONDERFUL OLD rltEEa rl IH IIOUMK HAH THE USl'AL ROOMS O.N FIRST FLOOR INCLl'IHNO AIULLIARD ROOM OR DEN IN SEPARATE WI.NUi SLVERAL OPEN riREPLAtES. IPPUll FLOORS HAVK SEVEN MASTERS ( IHMIIEHS, KOPIt MASTERS IIATIIS SIV MAID'S CHAMHERS 2 MAIDS RATIIS, HOT-WATER HEAT ELEuntlCITY. OA8. OARAOE WITH rilAI'FFEPH 8 Qt'ARTURS. CO.NSlsn.NO OF TWO ROOMS AND HATH. LAUNDRY WITH LAt'NDHESS" TWO ROOMS AND nTH WELL APPOINTED COVCH IIMIN FOR AIIOUT V DOZEN HUM) TWO TENANT HOPHES WITH MODERN CON ENIENCES, OREEN UOI'SE PARMER'S HOUSE, FARM RUIN. TWO HPKIM1 HOUSES. STUUM, LAKE. TIM11ER, FINE ORCHARD. PARTICULARS RY Jeseph M. Fronefield, Wayne, Pennsylvania B. E. iALK LAN8DOWNK This is in TIIE MOST DESIRABLE BniLDINO LOTS FOR RALE IUGHT ON LANSDOWNE AVENUE (Twe Squarei te HIgh-Bpeed Trelley) Plenty of oil ahade, excellent reaila and all ImpreTeraenta Is, beautiful bemea In thla nuburb that we bar built. ARTISTIC HOMES BUILT TO YOUR ORDER Pnena or Writ. New HARRY P. HEALD LH. 4 B. E. BALE CIIE9TT.R We Assume Entire Responsibility Ench one of the many perplexing little features In the buying selling and exchanging of Real Estate is of really vast importance. Yeu are mere sure of accuracy when such business is brought te the attention of OUR REAL ESTATE AND TITLE DEPART MENT, for here it comes before a number of trained men all work ing for your interest. DELAWARE COUNTY TRUST CO. I CROZER BUILDING, CHESTER, PA. BALE MEDIA BOWLING GREEN A Carefully Planned and Restricted Suburb We Are New Building the finest Type of Single Detached Stene Houses te be Found in Any Phila. Suburb NO TWO HOUSES ALIKE. 1 0 BUILT and BUILDING RT TV A I HT We Design and Build DC I r LjJ i Your Heme te Order We guarantee te plan and build you a substantial as well as artistic home 15 less than you can obtain elsewhere. All houses designed by architects. Ne builders' plans. E. KENNEY CROTHERS STSt, ALWAYS ON PREMISES MEDIA BIT EVENINOS MBDIA 842 Taka Media abort Line from etth St U Prerldsace Read tKe YEAR slegan: "The City of Hemes." B. E. BALK SOUTH ARDMOBK Se. Ardmore Oakmont Attractlrr detached homes! en the Ard more (reller: churches, schools, stores and iUtten nearby. 60MB ALREADY FINANCED AT TRICES DEFYING COMPETITION HOME SITES OUR SPECIALTY Desirable Location. Reasonable rrlces. Fer Inspection Make Appointment These, Llanerch 228 or Vltlt WM. S. DAVIS SOUTII AltDMORR AT STATION R. E. BALE BUnUBBAM SUBURBAN HOMES WELL FINANCED DARRY 14780 New home en 7th St , opposite High Scheel! rlilit up te date. A (en left. Open dull;. JU3n loot Lawrence Are Modern rorerr, semi detached stone and frama, het water beat, dec llghls. Only 11000 cash needed SHARON HILL 16250. 47 Cherry St. Futlrely r(ln. Ihed, het-water heat, electricity, etc : 80x123 Well located. Roem ter laraie. MANY OTHERS PRICED R10II1 JOSEPH HALLAS 1H MAIN RT DARtlY PA n. E. sale srnuiuiAN H. E. SHORTLIDGE REALTOR 311 SOUTH 56TH STREET West Phlla , Suburban & Country Realty DREXEL HILL Irgi Colonial home with two car nriti1, let l.'CVxlL'O' orerleoltlng Arenlmlnk Conn try ( lub fully appointed, l'rki', f 17,(100 Pheti graph en request. Alse 214-story, 8 btdrcem home; new; 2 leta; het water heat, electric, 1 block from statien: below lest. HIGHLAND PARK rnre Colonial cerner: new, $10 000, large Unlit room?, tin view; gnrnge, centre tl afc 1 1 ahfAriA1 hAln t ffnilhla MlAhlau urn it, iiuivjcu I'vilH i uuuuir UirillllTi rlest te cars and within walking dU innr 01 win n . ctner irem sis (.no te LIS uoe, anj a raw at lower flgurti eta alne LANSDOWNE Vear lansdewne Are Station, let "5'x lOiy, 3 itery Colonial, with centre hall llreplaie' tine ground', nhrublMrv and fruit hnt-wntcr heat, electric, line ion ien ion dltlen. 13U00 THE ADOVE ARE Bl'OOESTIOSS Our ftalemen and auten are watting. Fer appointment phone bhorweod KM I:m'mIe3 Llancnh 470 J or Woodland -231 00TH ST. SKCTION B. E. BALE LANSDOWNE Lansdowne See aerae of our Lanadewne A Plunatead Arti B. E. SALE CHESTER E. BALK MEDIA The many exceptional offerings en this page grant you an opportunity te secure euner a H. E. BAM! WAYNE-ST. DAVIDS Wayne & St. Davids ATTRACTIVE HOMES 7 bedroom! and bath, corner let 111,000 0 bedroemi and 3 bath!, 2 car garage, let 100x230.. 15,000 7 bedroemi, 2 batbi, central atrem heat, 4-acre of ground 23,000 And a number of etheri HERMAN WENDELL 103 N. Wayne ATenue Wayne, Pa. Tel. Wayne 400. n. E. HALE PKOHrKCT TERBA?B SUBURBAN LOTS ON TWO TROLLEY LINES Wonderful chance. Large leta en Cheater Pike, Lincoln Are. and Darbr ( reek. Hare ill Imprerimenta Stere, choela, churches) corner Cheater I'lka and Lincoln Are , Moorea, Pi, Fer SO da) a enlr will eell theee Ieta en $1.00 denn and $1,00 neeklr. Immediate poa pea poa aeailen upon flrat pirment. O round efflce open Siimtera enlr from 11 te 4 P, XI, Ilrlng the wife and leek them ever Te reach property take Cheater Pike trailer at Darbr, or Chester and get off it Cheater Pike and Lincoln Ate. Offlce en greiinde DON'T OVEHLOOK TIIIH CITANm Barrv & Barrv Philadelphia Office. uaiiy w unity 4443 chtnet Mu Treston 47W n. E. "ALE BrBPBBAX I CUT OUT I AND MAIL (Pleaie Wrlte With Pencil) Fer Special List Hemes in Celwyn, Darby, Cellinndale, Sharen Hill, Glenolden, etc. KHATUnKS DESIHKD Number bedrooms Price up te I Invest about $ cash Kcmarks Name Address SEND ITTO SWOPE ennd 616-18 Main St. Darby, Pa. Member Phlla. Ileal Eitate Heard H. K. AALK ALDE.V BUILD YOUR HOME AT ALDAN ESTATES ALDAN, DELAWARE COUNTY, PA. OPENING OF NEW TRACT 60 ACRES Special opening prices te Heme Iiulldera. Hewers, RprlngSeld water, gaa, ttt 4 ft walks, cement lurba, LO minutes via P. R H. te Bread Ht. Station, CO mlnutea te City Hall via hlch speed line and "L". Take Sharen Hill trolley at 09th "L" terminal, get oft P. It. K. sta it Aldan, or from Bread St. Hta te Aldan, walk 2 siuares east en Springfield ue. te Elm ave. Salesmen en tract Saturday and Sun day afternoons, or by appointment. SECURE OUR PLANS FOR HOMEBUILDING Phene or Write ALLEN SCULL REALTY & DEVELOPMENT CO. 4918 Osage Avenue, Philadelphia, I'a. Phene Woodland 2041-W. B.E, SALE MAIN LANDIS, NAGLE & KAIN 3 CHRONICLE BUILDING ARDMORE, PA. LAW CONVEYANCING ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE ESTATES MANAGED WILL8 DRAWN NOTARY PUBLIC B. E. BALE T.ANBPOWNE LANSDOWNE $5250.00 te Bern! deached brick and frame; could alter for apartments 15250. 0 acres 12 roema, 2 baths, Spencer not net water hest electric light, 2 car garage, stream J3 000 Dutch Colonial central hall, 4 bedrooms, bath, easily financed $8000. CHESTER REAL ESTATE 1S24 Chestnut Street; Lansdown Thene, Locust 6037 B. E. HALE MEDIA TITLES INSURED TRUSTS EXECUTED IS Kwreaw 08 THE MEDIA TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY MEDIA, PA. ALSO SIXTY-NINTH STREET TERMINAL Cenrenlent banking In direct line of trarel. B. E. HALE NORWOOD ,;, f iu: ;: $' h" gW 'ii A YAGLE & BURNS Artistic Hemes w n M $"' ,VJ9 ". JPlnn'e "m. Bread St. Station (rla P. B. K-). 142 25 m.,?p!:n,..e' p,tu 12.80 t0 rdu" Mcd rneruaie. Large !Un,'.,aCTC2 home" i"V '? 23x.128 ' B"r7 modern con cen IluVch hail 'KSftif "i" ' neew laaa perch, fireplace In ?.?.. ?!''. beutlful breakfaet room; hardwood floera: het m!lr,i,ieB,'.1.lL8a ?-" "ullt ' 4"t reduction In coat of RVSif1 aJd ,aber' Tn,e hmea In I'blladelnhla would eel! for K1h0.hnii?ur pr!c,' '! Sn,y 7600' nih "oil. an MOOOOe' L. ,blu one bleS.k fro,a the hemea. Immediate pogieialen ,p,.e h.!J,?,0'" Bun,,,y '" wk Jaya. 0 te 0. Take P. R 5 rain and fellow arrow te hemea, or Cheater 'I'lka trolley from Darby, set off at Norwood Bank fellow arrewawaJt.7 VS i-uJtl W' u m fc :V Fer Appointment Call Woodland, S004 OFFICE, 1040 S. 55TH ST. Phila, V, k , v 7i r it i ' 7 is- -A - i i 1 P m m m m FOR PHILADELPHIA SUBURBS R. R. BALK NABBBBTK NARBERTH "On the Main Line" GEO. A. JONES Opposite the Station Specializing in SUBURBAN REALTY ViT B. E. SALE 8WABTHMOBE "The Superb Suburb" Located In Unquearleniblr One of the Vfeit Plctiiresiiue Sectteni of Penni, NOTED for EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES Enlerlng Exceptional Traaalt SerTlce. Abounding In Geed Boidi for Hoterleta Uatlng All Up-te-Date lmprorementa BUY OR BUILD IN SWARTHMORE nOMES AND HOME SITES FOR SALE CHAS. PARKER J" B. E. HALE NrBl'BBAN BALA RTONB RESIDENCE AND OARAGE Thla dealrible rcaldenci, located with in a few mlnutea of the atatlen en desirable corner let of nearlr an acre, IS roema, 4 hatha, het-water heat, large percheai aerranU' dining rooms "table and garage with aerrinta' roems: the owner haa placed thla property with ua at moderate figure for in immediate salt. CYNWYD New reRldence nnrt Barngc. This pre,ierty Is rendy for Immediate oc cupancy Hardwood fleer, i enter hall, lame llvincr room, 4 hedroeme and bath; 2 rooms and bath; lint wnter heat: let 1)0x200 ft. In depth; convenient te atatlen. WYNNEFIELD Thla If a new listing In Wjnneflpld and Is worthy of your examination; large modern brick Colonial residence, con lenient te the train ind trolley; con structed by the preaent owner and un usually well built; 14 rooms, fl baths: servants' roema with separate atilrway; large perches, excellent heating system; a Tery comfortable home, situated In the best section en a let 140 feet fronts immediate possessions Inspection by op (ointment only, EXCELLENT LATtOB LOTS AT AT THACTIB rillCES; convenient te trains, trolley, churches and schools. JAMES E. DOLAN & CO. OTNWTD, PA. Orerbroek 4383 Cynwyd 733 B. E. KALK ALDEN LINE PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES RENTS COLLECTED . AUTOMOBILE LICENSES B. E. SALE LANBDOWNB AND VICINITY $25,000.00 Alt stone S bedroema, het-water halt, let ammo 19000. New house, 0 roema and bath; $500 cash; prlre $sm tleauttful Colonial home, 12 rooms, 2 baths, 1 acre: ml country, yet only 7 miles eat, $24,000. OSBORNE INSURANCE Offici, 23 W, Baltimore Are Phene, Lansdowne 1205 K, E. BALE MEDIA FIRST MORTOAOBS FOR BALB B. B. BALB NORWOOD m m m R. E. SALE DREXEL HILL Commodious Cerner ALL-STONE DWELLING H-MINUTB TO MAIN STATION Slat reef, copper apeuti, copper n kihu, matal weather atrlpi, large open perch, alie ancleted perch. Large lltlng room, tiled kitchen. Excellent heating ?lant. Twe-car heated garage. Oarden, rult. Ne mero cenrenlent location In Drexel Hill, often unexcelled epmr. tunltr for phralclan or dentlit Quick (ill will hire bearing en price, T. M. MELOY DREXBL BILL LANBDOWNB ST1 B, E. BALE fiLENOLDEX GLENOLDEN New operation heuaee 6 rooms, ill cebt.j large leta; close sU. Price, 3M0. Uiny ethers, ind hnngi hnngi Iewa, some racant. Immediate possess. NORWOOD Deautlfnl homes ill prices. IIOORB Large brick garage, 48'xBO' en let 100'jloe.' Hemes ill prices I close te Westlngheiise R. R. Station, rOLCROrr New e mom houses, iquire te atatlen, It) nln.tea te Bread' St. All cenr. Large let, 48oe Alse B room heuae; large roema 11500. SHARON BILL 7-room brick. 4 bed rooms, eq. te at. Let CO'xlSO', $4500. Alse ethers. Largest list houses, bunga lows ind bldk. lets In Del. Ce Xlsnr Ticinti trained, pose. Chester Pike car steps at deer. Cor. Chester Pike and Isibel Ave , Glenolden. Phene, Sharen 1111 Si. Heme Offlce, Elmwood, FolcrefL Phene Sharea Bill 677-J. Always open. Aute ""'" M. J. MELHORN LANDSCAPE OABDENIKQ CONTRACTING & CONSULTING GARDENER Plans, Suggestions, Estimates and Sketches HUGH B.BARCLAY Montgomery Avenue Narberth, Pa. Telephone, Narberth 1623 B. E. BALK WAYNE Twe Desirable Tracts WITHIN y4-MILE of WAYNE STATION Comprising 27 acres and 80 acres. Absolutely ripe for Immediate Development. Three prominent read frontages Direct en "UlKh-Bpecd" Lines te Norrlatewn. Will sell all 01 In parts at attractive price. Adjoins prominent Main Line estates. Property offers unusual opportunity either for country estate 01 extensive, high-class development. Attractive induce ments offered; will finance If ae desired. A. F. GALLAGHER, R. K. SALE MAIN. THE SPRING REAL ESTATE MARKET A very active Spring Season in Main Line and Suburban Real Estate is anticipated. List your properties for Sale or Rent at the earliest possible moment. Prospective buyers or renters are also urged te make their wants known te us immediately. WILLIAM A. McCREA Real Estate Notary Public Insurance Breker 29 East Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore. Telephone, Ardmore 270, B. E. BALK LANBDOWNB LET US BUILD Your Heme in Lansdowne Lets 60' front en improved streets $1000 up Quick Service te 69th St. and by Train and Trelley te Phila. CLAYTON REALTY CO. 81 SO. LANSDOWNE AVE. OPEN TODAY LANSD'NE 1071 B. E. BALE LANBDOWNB Funds Fer Delaware County Mortgages W. RAYMOND EVANS PHONE. LANSDOWNE 895 LANSDOWNE, PA. LANSDOWNE TRUST BUILDING BUILDINO MATERIAL ARE YOU BUILDING THIS SPRING? IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US SPECIAL PRICES On Building Materials we can supply your wants Frem Joist te Finishing Paints CVil LTV! C . 78rd. GRAYS AVB. KjCAJ. IS. I Lt, : PHONB WEST 1403 B. E. BALE PENNA. HDBURBAN NORWOOD URBAN AVE. New 7-nn. atere, brick ind ihlngle homes I het-water heat, liundr, gas, else. Price, $6000. rlnmcid, Apply W. M. HAWTHORNE WINONA AVENUE OPPOS. 1. R. R. STATION Phene, Ridley Park 609 oupurean nume-uuunwy namm, . m,....., R. E. BALE MEDIA Colonial Apartment Hetel 21 Housekeeping Aptt. Desirably Located 7 Acres of Ground At Media Station BENJ. T. LEVIS 21 SOUTH AVE . MEDIA PHONB, MBDIA 4t B. E. SALE RIDLEY PASS RIDLEY PARK TERRACE :hebtbr PIKE SWARTBHOBB AVE. 10 MILES FROM FH1LA. BO TRAINS DAILY One of the beat pieces of ground be tween Derby snd Cheater. Has s nstursl slope for drainage. Views of Delaware River, cement walks, gai, elec Spring Held Water and Sewerage Bound te rapidly Increase In value. Here we hats a recegnised High Scheel, B churches, cut price grocery, etc. I AROC REASONABLE I ID1RAL OTS PRICES -TRM8 OUABANTEED TITLES FREE Visit Te-day Before Buying Elsewhere. Beached via train from Bread St. Ma. or Cheater A Wilmington Care at Dsrby. J. J. McLEAN MANAGER PHONB 811-J R. E. SALE Tv-TNNEFTELD WYNNEFIELD ULTRA-SUBURBAN HOMES AND ENVIRONMENTS 54th 5e Wynnefield Ave. All atone; containing 8 cbambere snd I hatha; modern In every detail with large Ieta and sepsrste stone garage for 3 cars. $23,000 $25,000 These houses could net be built today for the above price, snd will net be dupll ated In the future, rhe location la Impossible for duplication In the suburbs of Philadelphia. Only 12 mlnutea via into through Fair mount Park; snd surface connection te Market Street "L" vli 54th Street cross cress town Use. Daniel Crawford, Jr. BUILDER R. E. SALE WATNE S C200 Warren St. Phene Belmont 6376 LINE PROPERTIES B. E. BALK LANBDOWNB WM. W. W6RRELL Semi detached atone and stucco, modern plumbing, geed belter, 8 rooms, bath ind laundry; garage. 4 mlnutea' walk te Hue for eatli Ht. Terminal. Price, $11500. Semi detached atone and brick dwelling. Geed plumbing ind heating. 10 roema, bath, laundry, girage, tank heater, screens and aliadei, gaa and elec; corner property, facing south a minutes' te truln or trolley. Price $11,000, terms easy. Detached dwelling, itucce en hollow tlla, het-water halt, lateat plumbing. Large Ilrlng room with atone Ore place; B roema, 2 baths, laundry, acneens, ahades, hd'w. floors, gaa and elect. Let 50x120. Best location In Lansdewue. Price, $15,000. 13 Be. Lansdowne Ats , Lansdowne, Pa. Phenes lansdewne 2ga !,andewnc 120 R. E. BALE LANSDOWNE MUILDINO MATERIAL B. E. BALE TENNA. BUDDltnAN GLENOLDEN IB 1IINUTB8 BY TnAIN rilOU BROAD 8TIIEET STATION Detached and Semi-Detached neautlful henini desirable location. Prices ranging from HOOO te 10,000. W. M. HAWTHORNE 4 CIIKHTIIU 1'IKI; (JLENOLDKN Thene, Sharen I Jill tn R. E. BALE MEDIA I WHY LIVE IN THE CITY? Whan the Country la ae Beautiful A modern ttr home In thj ceuntrr. New Colonial heuae, 9 roema, bath, ilec trie Ilghta. heit, largi lltlng room with epin Bra plan. New bank barn for 12 head of Heck, wagon heuta aad corn crib, garage for 2 cim, V icrei of laral land, with 2 acrei of timber. Cloae te aehoel. church and atlle hlghwar. One mill from the P. B. K 23 "Ilia from Philadelphia, rrlci aiklnf, 112,000. Immedlati poauislen. A. H. MILLER 212 WEST STATB ST., MBDIA PUONR, MEDIA 7MJ FARMS AND PRICES TO SUIT ALL B. E. SALE SDBOB1IAW COLLINGDALE 70S Andrews ave Enclosed perch, Dutch hall (open fireplace); 4 bedrooms, het-water heat, gas snd electric) extra leti garage, etc B0 SHARON HILL IB Rensslt eve. Detached, 8 rooms, hot het wstsr hest, gsa snd electric I In excel lent rspslri let 100x1001 fruit snd abide tree tBMO COLWYN B. . eer. 4th snd Yfslnnt 2 story brick, 0 rooms, store snd dwelling; suit sbls for most any Una of business. J. W. CAMAC CO. West Phils, snd Delaware Ce. Realty fl2D AND WOODLAND AVE. B, E. SALE SPBINGF1BLD Springfield THE PREMIER SUBURB Ultra-Suburban Hemes That Radiate Individuality Only 4 Left Meet Representative Today en the Premises Rolling Read A Most Accessible Location via Aute or High Speed Lines W. PERCIVAL JOHNSON 4030 Lancaster Ave. R. E. BALE RIDLEY PARK BUY A HOME THE BOROUGH WITH THE BEET TRANS PORTATION TO ALL PHILADELPHIA. BUNGALOWS READY TO OCCUPY AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION 120 te $33 Per Menth I'aya the Carrying- Charge Large building lets with street Improvements, nesr train and trolley Unas for 1240 and up; easy terms Place your name and addrsas en the Usee below, dtp out this ad and mall fsr full partlculara. Name , GILMORE, McFERON & MILLER, INC. 703-700 Crozer Building, Chester, Pa. K. E. SALE MAIN LET US BE OF SERVICE TO YOU IF YOU WISH TO rtJnCIIASB. TO REKT OR TO BELL WR HAVE ON OUR LISTS ATTRACTIVE HOMES or medkiute sizn COUNTRY ESTATES FARMS ACREAGE TREAT TREAT SPECIALISTS IN SUDURBAN AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES WAYNE, PA. TEL. WAYNE 327 B. E. BALB LANBDOWNB GRIFFITH Will Finance YOUR HOME LANSDOWNE NATIONAL BANK BLDG. B. E. BALE ABDMOBB TRUST CO. SERVICE A REAL CONVENIENCE As a corporate body of the highest integrity and responsibility, this Institution is qualified te act as executer, administrator, guardian, trustee and .insurer of Titles te Real Estate. Our Trust Department is convenient te reach. Its specialized Knowledge, constant effort te better the progress of every individual client and willingness te serve make the use of its service te its patrons a real convenience. MERION TITLE & TRUST COMPANY of ARDMORE, Pa. ARDMORE BALA-CYNWYD NARBERTH B. E. SALE rEVNA. SUBURBAN A SUBURBAN HOME AWAITS YOU WE OFFER A FEW SUGGESTIONS NORWOOD $6000 "'."..'P'"" en I'rLan are . Ner. weed, loieu. 214 .f,ry. h rSernid heii.a! ments. Large let and gsraue prtsilegca. $700 CASH In" V.ku"".e' H,RPle house open !, .'.. Sunday, uiiin en premises troll y "aU"t"' " "' l and Our Autes Will Aid PURDY THE PROVIDER 1 UIKSlUll 1'JKB, DAIIIIV, PA. , R. E. 8ALBlErjA SKUTION FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY ESTATE nt Dr. P.rlwnrrl Muriu In Nether Providence Township iueuiK DKi, ncnr ue iree Hunt) Urge Manalon (With 4 Kaihs) Oarage holding 4 caraand 10acrtg wen Liaia ureunas E$peeially Pried Sweentyy 6c Clyde B&Vtyr .. "Biittera" ' ' -..- rzr'i Kit RAAJJC lUaUMaT A Vl IBstUItTB 'T 1 FARE FROM 69TH ST. 1 FARE FROM ANGORA Thla busy suburb enjoys all the city advantages; gas, elec, sewers and A Ne. 1 transit. Schools, churches and stores. Modern 8 room house; eqaare train srd 60th at. trolley; rental 35 Ticint; sacri fice $8300; S800 cash; garage apace. TVs modern Breem houses, new, $1300 each; garage apice. Three modern 8 rra, boosts, Broadway ave.. new, 80200; het-water heat l fine location; garage spsce. JAMES V.KANEcuffis 60 Baltimore ave. Ph., Lassdewae 784 W, It. E. BALE" HOLMES Before Buying Elsewhere See These, Modern Hemes F?aWi.f7tVee,: 100; Knrnge ....". $600000 Haffls.-tT,ueT.' & 13S ; a real bargain 4000 00 175; ffnrage 450000 TTaTkT UlCCl Q Mflmi. tin tuencuT stucco, enclosed perch, built-in fixtures In bam, ceme, ebb nnu range, atone fireplace; as and coal reelsce: en rage, 2 cars; let 44x147; one or the best nernes in county 7B00 00 HOLMES 10 rooms, two births, stone and ahlngle. suitable for two families; garage, 2 cars: let 89 x 130 : coil ever iv,uuu te build 8800.00 FOLGKUKT . ree me, stucco, het water heat ; large corner 1st ; near sta tion 020000 OTHERS FROM $8000 00 UP All of the above can be easily financed. Chetcs building lets. Houses built te order. JOHN S. KNOWLES HOLMES ROAD AND PABKER AVE. HOLMES, PA. B. E. SALE RIDLEY PARK as IN RIDLEY PARK .Address LINE PROPERTIES B. E. BALB LANBDOWNB Complete List of Houses $5000 te $25,000 BUILDING. LOTS $600 te $5000 All Improvements It. E. BALE ABDMOBB B. E. BALE PENNA. BCBDRRAN '- HOLMES, PA. Ssefcra house, almost new, ALL MODERN IUPROVEMBNT8, with let 23x100. COLLINGDALE NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE Celllngdale Must be seldi price S4000I 1000 will tike title. Clese te Derby trolley Junction, Yeu te Select That Heme TELEPHONE, DARBY MO a wAfr. stefmSSi jBA&wrj: vn2Aam'ismiK' - '1' 1 . . t- f tetkai mimiim IgBgamV liBl ggBHI , '- mrM-U CL!BB1 V "i aaaaas a -a . i