WSw&tV.W r":m ft'?:, Developments Cen- lttaintly Strengthened Position r?i me of Constructive Leaders i, . &'n V ttuL iw Yerk. April 1.". The frcsli out eut t of itneculntive enthusiasm In tliP stocks In today's brief fplmi was aracterUtle of the nresent innrlset. Al- Auch this nnrtlcu'nr crenn commanded Jti3".fcB foremost attention the trading in i.:i' " rna renprni it rnntiniiei nrnnii nnd Wl Uct,ve' The heavy accumulation of TvV li hiiTlne- nrdprs ever the holiday stmnlled 3 "tm Mnllrltif ittnwlixitlim nf flin nnntnvlntm .y i t..,.....- n ! aHAnillnllln frtfnn ..'hint. :i? ' Miewa rIkps of running rnmtinnt. Thp rmfnHnn hnvlne wave Increased In IK 4: lutamltr .Itirlne tlin klinrt KPSelnil nnrl ty,aneWn was the seeking for something K "&- vtkat hnd net vet ndvnnced JS .New highs for the yenr were pstnb- iVtt Mlahed net only by the oil, but n!e in pv 121II numeer ei rue iiim-r iiuuuinis nnii . wraic of the lower-priced rniK Al- 'though quite n geed bit of tirnllt'lnklng ivas eneeiiiitcied the i-entant shifting ite"dlffcrent groups served te keep the ''Hirenil of the market upward until the & closing. , Liberty lMiei were irregular- In the bend mnrket. but ether domestic a well no ferelrn Nuies continued te utrengtlien. Mexican. .Tapanese and Jlelalan ("!nv eminent Nmiph gained from LfT r Vti te IVj points, Mejclcan 4 leading. Advances of 1 te nlinet 'J points fea tured the further demand for Krle gen- iral 4s, Pennsylvania general 41..-. Sea- I beHfd Adjustment ."i. and Interboreugli iftapld Transit .".'. rractlennl Improve- . ,jfaient wa shown by many ether rails, .I'netablv the cealer, with active buyliiR Jfjpf Baltimore and Ohie and Chesapeake ,'lind Ohie convertibles, I The nueptlen unnermest in the mind B-V of virtually nil market Interests is when the much-talked about and long-looked-for reaction is going te tnke t place. I'p te the menipnt, the market simply has refused te react. On sev- 'ral occasions during the lat week. It teemed te be en the brink of n ma terial setback and seemed te be all set for n temporary reversal. The reac tien, however, did net extend very far I before It uncovered a fresh strata of i underlying buying order, which net . only quickly overcome the (lewiinr(. , tendency, but Invariably started the , .forward swing en a fresh tack. In many Jntnnces cairylng the speculative lead- ' era te new high prices for the year. ! '-The week closes with virtually the ma ma ''jerity of the active sucs near tnt- i 'lop" of the current jear. which in many cases represent the high marks ' flncc 102f i The supporters of the constructive movement have net suffered because of the lack of ammunition. On the con trary, en almost each succeeding day there crops out some event or develop -Taent serving te confirm the almost phc- nemenal transformation tnking place, jiiet only in the financial situation, but nu in iuu i wiiiuitririui .11111 iiuiul( as well. About the only remaining tstumbling block te a speedy return of I tbuslness prosperity N the lamentable i fjceaU strike. Notwithstanding Increns Jinf evidence that curtailed production ' ijet coal Is already beginning te hamper ' lindustrlal operations, the powers-te- i Z and the mnrket world in general arc 3ill disposed te. treat this unhappy tlt- j , nation with singular Indifference. The e.V4 per cent Interest rate for the , tew issue of Treasury Certificates of t aslndebtedncss, supplemented by the low lew ejng of the Hank of Kngland mini- , xnura ratp of discount te I per iw,1 Staking the British rate, with the e. e. Jceptien of Switzerland, the lowest bank i irate of the world. Is monumental tetl tetl rtneny of the complete restoration of the credit situation and releasing of funds (for commercial and Industrial purpoet. (besides the rapid approach of a degree of normalcy of the international finan cial situation. , r These events, together witli the prom , .tees of geed influences that are expected 'Je come, out of the historical Henna conference, the wonderful Improvement and outlook of the steel industry nnd many ether favorable happenings of the last 'two months tell. In their own way. 'the re.i6en for the rising values of the country. The only trouble there seems te be found is the possibility of allow -ing the imagination te run away with geed hard sense and create n weak po sition which may be somewhat difficult te correct. I i In consequence, there are some weak elements te be considered in the current market which naturally have been paused slightly ever b.v reason of the lure of spreading specualtlve enthusl- ' asm. One of these, which may Mid- denly precipitate the longed-for renc- . jtlen. is the Increasing number of "step- ! 'Jess" orders, which man of the traders are niacin: te si:aril against nn pntlrp '.less of position. This is building n t weak understrata te the market struc- ture by which some unferseen accident tJay cause It suddenlj te topple ever. FOREIGN EXCHANGE J New Yerk. Am II 1.". The market a ,the opening today was of a nominal character and there was eme conflict between the various ngeni-les quoting .rates. This morning, steiling was oueted at l.lli for cables and 1.11 U for demand, n gain of ', cent: francs reached a new high record at It. 'JO for cables and ILL'S for ehecks. There were jieme nominal rates as high as O.'JIH" for cables. "The mnrket continued extremely dull' without any appreciable change In quo tations. In the middle of the second hour sterling wan quoted at 1.41 -"s te 4.41 for cables nnd 4.41 te t.ll'i for demand. Franc caries continued Arm within a fraction of the hlgli rec- ' erd. Cables were quoted at H.'J.'.. and check at li.L'T',: lire rubles ."aP... checks r,.4; marks .:.li4; guilder cables 37.MI. checks JJT.lfii. ,' The Central Kurepeau exchanges were f nominal today at the following quota ; liens: Humaninn. ."."; Ilulganan, .70 ;i .Berblnn, l.;i.: Czocho-Slevakian, 2.01 ; ' Greek, 4..r0; Polish mark. .O'JTO; Km- ( "JiUh, l.(K5; Austrian, .0135, llungar "'Jan. .13. ..The premium en New Yerk funds in 'Montreal tednv was n shade lower at .y1)! per win. The discount en Canadian , (funds iu New Yerk was 1' 5-1(1 per cent, THURSDAY'S ft.OHt.NO Qt 'CITATIONS HtTlllIB l-'rancn I, rp Uulldfm V namand . . 4.41 ' lias t, 44 CtblM .. ..4 41 O.L'S'j R.44W 37.0s ! TODAY'S OPENING QL'OTATIU.NS B" Hierline Franca Lin- Guilder ... 4 41 Vi 0 2S .1 44 1J 37 du ,. .. 4 41! li I'll 45 37. Hi CI.OHINO QUOTATIONS Sterling Krwrirs !.ir QuIUlfira . , I 41 II I'Sl, ft It 37 7 4 II U i'U .1. I44 37 I0, THmand Cables t tltnu ml Cable RAILROAD EARNINGS KltlK UAII.IIOAI1 '... avf ." urter end Decemlrr .11 BF4' nil'.' In'n" ,Qre .-'! 1111 31ll M6. 731. 622 P 2.'imi,'heT net nrirr taxes Total. Incemn . Humliim after rharvn 4 Ml 5111 ' 3115 Mil .1,400,501 FA. 3 517.612 a iu3,ii: 8.S I. DELAWAHE AMI IIL'UfeON E'V .f- Quarter ended Uccmbcr 31 II 70.1,061 !.:?. V 'Net after ta . I MS 11' ine'iiSi I '.!ie';:iJ Jia.v-f I I 4 in. list rata Income 3,314 2.15 1.05M.32I i (.! us after clmriiei vrji.r reae. 8 "W BANK CLEARINGS mr clearings today compared with cer- aay laai le yean; 123 id.i is." 1. ..ftl.QVQ.OOO tM.70V.159 183,316,800 urns .aw .k rwflixiiD HER THE HOLIDAY i,' Ttaa. ft .Jfc.l k s HHR nwept everything neiere it. ut)tnn lsSTtl addition te the recent ndvnncei of iyU$irIees wan virtually recorded nil through 0.L m llt Tin. nnlv iliei'rlnilnnttnn brine J2 T mMmfflmk NEW 'YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS 1 biv. BVL ln STOCK Hlth Teday'i Clene 54J4 Lew 54 J4 17V4 4914 67 V 48 94 39 fa754 73 H 41 J4 72 46 48 162 12 6V4 16 71 H 107 47 11 34 K 115 7J4 1514 58 37 !4 73' 34 12014 141 137 101 14 13 32 92 14 104 37 45 52 5414 81 Ji 116 99 90! 4 4 98 4J4 33 224 2014 25! 4 11714 4614 60 14 46 47 35 Hi 75 79 Vz 100 111J1 13 76 !4 6 106 23! 4 21 39(4 6 ?8',i 14U 77 !4 57(4 97(4 6Ji 141 39(4 73(4 36 !4 77 64 '4 8Ji 8 22(4 24 41(4 74(4 112 44 81 95 93 18(i 28i 64 88(4 b3 49 32(4 48 61 13 '4 -'4 74 28 Ji 109'4 13!j 66 72 1 02 Ji 41 64 23i 16 35'4 62 119(4 114 107 19 776 344 12 21 14(4 177 82 95 39 U 119Ji 95 17(4 17 14 61 (4 6514 74(4 164 12 79 40 86 26 17Ji 7414 45 '4 2914 12 14 33 831,4 2 19 75 81 I7"i 7(4 108 6 3 41!j 3 8(4 35 -7 95 !4 20(4 81 17J4 47 67 (4 IBJi 32 21 69 38 27 Ji 57 '4 5 96)j 107(4 48 31 i 19 14 140 5'i 16(4 32!4 33 62 114 uu 4 Alp T?f1uplnn 11T,i 4830 100 1030 1000 200 300 100 100 400 100 500 1500 103J 400 200 400 700 300 2900 200 100O 1700 30O 6700 1100 2600 1500 500 1500 800 500 200 600 100 6300 100 400 100 1700 200 400 200 4600 100 9800 200 5700 1200 100 600 1100 4400 6600 300 100 3600 400 100 700 4100 800 100 200 200 200 500 7330 33:0 100 830 230 6200 200 4430 200 500 2203 1930 503 6 33 18)0 330 530 100 500 3200 7200 503 100 30)0 330 400 100 2700 830 400 100 100 630 330 200 100 603 2630 800 100 100 330 5930 300 100 1700 . A.iax Buhber IB 3 Advanc Tlumely pf. 49J4 Allied Chem A Dye. 67 H Ailla-Chalmera .... 49 1 7 Allls-Chalmera pf . . 944 .. Am ArtIc Chem .. 39H . Am Aarlc Chem pf. 6714 .. Am Benk Nete.... 73H .. Amer Beet Sugar... 42 6 Am Beet Sugar pf. 72 . Am Besch Magneto. 47 Am Can .. 49 X 12 Amer Car ft Kdy...164 .. Am Chid 12 Ji Am Drug- Syn .... 6!i Am Hide ft Leather 17H Am Hide A Leath pf 72 H 7 Am Ice 10814 Am Cerp.. 47!4 1 Am-La France Ens 11 H Am Linseed 34V4 Am Locomotive ...116J4 Am Safety Razor . . 8 Am Snip & Cem .. 16 Am Smelt 58 Ji 3 Am Steel Feundrlea 38 !4 Am Sugar Rtt .... 74 Am Sumatra 34 Ji 8 Am Tel ft Tel 1204 12 Am Tobacco fl4ljj 12 Am Tobacco B ....137 Am Tobacco pf new 101 14 .. Am Waterworks .. 13J4 .. Am Watrvvka 6?! pf 32 7 Am Woolen 95 7 Am Woolen pf 104H . . Am Writ Paper pf. . 37 Vt .. Ann Arber pf 45 .. Anaconda Copper.. 53 X 4 Asse Dry Goods... . 54H 6 Asye D Goods 1st pf 82 6 Asse Oil 116 6 Atch Tep & San FelOO 5 Atch Tep & S F pf 90i .. Allan Blr ft Atlantic 5H 7 Atlnntle Coast Line 98 .. Atlantic Fruit 514 .. Atl Gulf ft W I S K 34V4 .. At G ft W I 3 S pf 22'2 .. Atlas Tack Cerp... 2t H Austin Nlchela.... 26 7 Baldwin Locomotive 1 17& .. Baltimore ft Ohie .. 47 4 Baltimore & Ohie pf 60 H . . Barnett Leather. ... 46 . . Burnsdale (A) 49',4 .. Bnrnsdale Class B.. 35i .. Batepllas Mining... 1 Vi 5 Bethlehem Steel.... 76 6 Beth Steel B 80 7 Beth Steel 7 pf..10l 5 Beth Steel 8 pf..111Ji .. Brit Km Steel 13 7 Brit Km Stl 1st pf. 76?i .. Beeth Fisheries.... 6Ji 8 Brooklyn Edisen... 108 .. Bklyn Rapid Transit 24 U . . Bkln R T ctfs of dep ?2 2 Burns Bres B 39 'i .. Butte Copper & Zinc GTi .. Butte & Sup Ced.. 28J4 .. Cadde Cn OAR.. 1514 6 California Packing. 78 .. California Petrelm. 58'4 7 California Petrel pf 97 'i .. Callahan Zinc A Ld 6J4 10 Canadian Pacific. .. 143 .. Central Leather.... 40, . . Central Leather pf.. 73? .. Cerre-de-Pasco .... 26H 6 Chandler Meters... 77! j 4 Chesapeake A Ohie. C4J-J . . Chicago A Alten... 91 .. Chicago A Gr West. 8 .. Chi A Gr West pf.. 22 J, .. Chi Mil A St P 25 U .. Chi Mil A St P pf.. 42 JJ 5 Chi A Xorthweatern 74 7 Chi & Northwest pfl 12 . . Chi R I & Pac 5li 6 Chi R I A Pac 6T, pf 81 H 7 Chi R I A Pac 7 'I pf i5'4 7 Chi St P M A O pf. 93 n .. Chile Copper 184 .. Chlne Copper 2814 .. Clev Cln Chi A S L 65 6 Clev cln C A S L pi 88! 4 .. Cluctt-Peabedy .... 53 4 Coca-Cela 49i .. Cole Fuel A Iren.. 32 H 3 Colerado ft Southern 48 4 Colerado A Se 1st pf 61 6 Celum Gas A dec. . 14 .. Celum Graphonhene 3'4 4 Cemput Tab Rec... 74 .. Consel Cigar 28 Ji .. Consel DIs Ins 7 Consolidated Gaa...109H ..Consel Textiles.... 13'4 .. Continental Can.... C6'4 5 Cen Insurance .... 72 18 49 4- 67U- 48- 94 39 - 6714- 73 - 41 14 . 72 47 49 162 12J4 6!4 16 .. 71- 107 47 11614 4- 1 7 7i .. 16 58 Ji 38 73!i 34J4 120 141 J4 I 137 '4 101 !4 -13!'i 32 95 104 37(4 45 53 116 100 90(4 5!i 98 5 34(4 - 11714 46J4 60 46 49 (4 35 1(4 76 80 100 111 J 13 -76 6- 106 -23 21 39'4 !4 15 78 !j 6Ji 143 39(4 73 14 36 77 64J4-J- eji 8 T2'4- 7514 1 42 .1 74(4 112 45(4 81 -'-18!-28(4-65 88(4 53 49! 4 32(4 , 48J4 61 83 (4 - 3'4- 74-:- 28Ji 109-r-13'2-66(4 f 72 103 -42 !4 4 Cern Products Ref. 103 18100 214 Cosden A Ce 42 1200 .. Crucible Steel 65 U 1830 .. Cuban Am Sugar... 23 600 .. Cuba Cane Sugar. 161 10) .. Cuba Cane Sug pf. . 25'2 1930 .. Davisen Chemical.. 63 'j 100 3 Delaware A Hudsen.1 19l4 400" .. Del Lack A West .115 100 g Detroit Edlsn ...... 107 200 .. Ktk Hern Ceal 19 40 10 Eastman Kodak.... 785 3700 0 Kndlcott-Jehnson .. C6'i 1800 .. Erie 13 "4 1000 .. Erie 1st pf 11 100 .. Erie 2d pf 14i 2030 12 Elec Storage Bat... 179 2203 S Famous Players L. 83 100 8 Famous Players pf. 95 300 4 Fed Mln A Smlt pf 39 Ji 1900 10 Fisher Bedy 123 100 8 Fisher Bedy of O pf 95 14 4400 .. Flsk Rubber 18 2200 .. Freeport Texas.... 18 200 .. Gasten Wms A Wig 14 500 3 Gen Am Tank Car.. 62 'i 2030 .. General Asphalt... 65 430 6 General Cigar 75 200 12 General Electric ... 164(4 65 23(4 16'4 35(4 62 - 119(4- 114- 107 19 785 15 65'4 1 13(4 -t-2114 14'4 178 -f 82 95 39(4- 123 95(4 f 18 18 4- 61 "4 65(4 75 164(4 12 79 - 40 Ji 66 26 -18' -75 '1 f. 4D' 29 Pi x 12 : '4 -84 2 19 75 01 17(4 8 109 6 r 4 r 41 '4 -f 35 15930 .. General Meters.... 12Ji 430 6 Gen Meters deb 6 79 . . Goedrich B F 40 Ji 7 Goedrich B F pf. . . 86 . . uranl.y ("en JI & M 26 .. Gray Davis 18'., 7 Great Northern pf . 75 U 4 Great North Ore ctfs 45'4 . . Greene Cananea crop 29'j , . Uunntan.vme Sugar 12 .. Gulf Mobile A Ner. . 14J, . . Gulf Meb A Ner pf 35 'a . . 1 Till' State .s'teel. . . C4 ., Hablrshaw El Cable 2 . . lUndnj Mfg Ce. .. 19 3 Hemestnke Mining. 75 ., Housten Oil 82 1 Hupp Motorcar 1714 .. Hydraulic Steel.... 8 7 Illinois Central 109 .. Indian P.eflnlng ... 6 .. Indlahema Ref . . . . 4 .. Inspiration O-n Cep 41 2 lntcrb Cen Cerp... 3 .. Intern Cen Cerp pf 8 930 100 103 200 8)0 1533 300 100 400 600 830 800 200 500 2900 103 900 300 100 3700 800 5930 3950 100 2li Int Cement. 14J0 2 Inter Comb Eur ... 27 300 6 Int Harvst'r new. 96'i 1403 ... Int JIt Marln.i ... 20 4603 6 Int Mer Marine pf. 83 3700 .. International Nickel 18' 1300 .. International Paper 48(1 200 6 Inter Paper pf stpd 67!j 11603 .. Invincible Oil Cerp 19 800 .. Iren Products 33 100J .. Island Oil 500 .. Jewel Tea ...21 100 ., Jewel Tea pf 69 (i 800 .. Jenes Bres Tea.... Z0',i 503 .. Kan City Southern, 7 300 4 Kan City Se pf.... E7',i 1030 .. Kansas A Gulf.... 5Ji 100 g Kayser A Ce 9614 203 .. Kclany Wheel 107V4 1300 .. Kelly-SpR Tire. .. 48 !i 2300 .. Kennecett Copper.. 3114 4100 .. Keystone T A H.... 19J4 300 6 Kri'SKO S S 141 1400 ,, Lackawanna Steel.. 5b 100 .. Lake Krln A West.. 1614 100 ., Lake Krle A W pf 32!'j 300 2 Leu Rubber Tire 34 3100 3',4 IcfllBh Valley 63 200 7 Lima Locomotive. .. 1 15 100 12 LlKKett A Myers. . 165',4 27 96(4 20 83 18 48 -67 (4 . 19 i 32 Ji -f Ji r 21 -) b9!4 3914 27 Ji 57(4 :- 5 - 96(4 -'-107(4 -48!, f 31(4 19 141 J, E5Ji 16' 32 '4 33 -63 114 - 165'4 165(4- Total eales. 1.0.17 IUU eharee, cempare'l nh 1 37,10O Richmond Reduces Rediscount Rate'1) ner cjnt Richmond, Va., April 15 The Federal Rfierte llnnk et Richmond announced today that the d "count rate en ull c!asi of imer for all malurltieii had been reduced eiiuiiunn, in inw meantime, nae paiu un it nf the menv borrowed from ethtr lederal lUeerve llnnka." from 5 r cent le 4'i ier nirt Thla la the third reduction in the dlereunt rate rnn,j, (ince Njvmlr 3 laet when the rate wae 6 per tent. In announcing the reduc lien, tloverner Oergc J, Hmy. of the bank Farm Leans 11 aahlnsteii, Federal Farm I.) hitVM reacheil aald. "in uanxs nave uquiuaieii a con 11 arch by Cemmlaaluiier Ibdell, of the Farm MKr.hlR nortleif of their 'ndrbtedneaa in . Lean Heard In k ir,i.rai nnr.i IV 't nnrl th. r.nit I Federal Hetervfi ,,D .-... , - ,., .,,....., i.n.... has Dean a rian in . .airvv iiaauien ok tiu.nmvrii iiuwie.. r; pelrjt. 'areuad 40 Perjent. te approximately nd banks A.i the Federal Reserve liank from the le.est sUn 122.248.680, w 1 I I.6W 16 13 5014 110 150 3814 80(4 7414 19 22 43(4 5814 38 40(4 62 2914 2814 1614 30 31 69 19 118(4 134 90 2914 14(4 25 V 9 7 8 14 36 24 58 7114 104 19(4 3354 134 41 H 4 37 9114 554 1614 66 75 C914 64 33 22 2754 1C5' 74 57 42 76 11 1314 214 19 134 15(4 65 26(4 8 70(4 1514 59 54 64 Vi 57 8 14 16 4254 10 B4 29 64 Ji 39 3814 2314 48 9 54 5914 33 es 16 6754 10654 79 , 96 30 86 124(4 39 34 100(4 15J4 7814 34(4 32 5654 8114 204 46(4 64 14 29(4 5014 2954 44 2014 414 8(4 13 76(4 14 b 8 46(4 30 43(4 89 4854 24 55 91 104(4 181 114(4 99 40 !4 57 119 5(4 6 3714 3 1254 4714 43 34 29 :i 130 68 92 29 Ji 43 10 20 54 136 7314 .10414 3314 144 18 33 4914 36(4 69 47 5 65 66 38 Dlv. Fat In STOCK Itlth Leetra Ce 16 1500 200 1000 ,400 200 400 400 200 1300 1300 510 500 100 200 100 100 2100 100 500 100 500 800 600 139.30 100 1 Left candy 13 . Loese-Wllea Biscuit 91 (4 7 Loese-Wllea B 2d pf 1 10 12 Lorillard Tobacco. .150(4 . Mack Trucks Ine. : 39 7 Mack Trucks 1 pf.. 81 7 Mack Trucks 2 pf . . . 75 ' 78 McInlJ-re new 19 .. Malllnsen ft Ce..... 2314 7 Manhat ElevGuan. 44V4 4 Manhat Etee Supply 59 2 Manhat Shirt 28 .. Market St Ttvry pf. . 42 Ji Mar St Hy pr pf i-. 62 .. Mar St Rwy 2d pf . . 29 'j .. Marlln Oil 29 .. Martin Rockwell... 1614 2 Martin Parry 30 .. Meth Alkalt ...'.... 31 , .. Max Moter clasa A 6514 .. Max Clasa B 20 I May Dept Stores.. 119 12 Mexican Petroleum 1 35 J4 7 Max PatrnUum nf . . 90 I 600 2 Miami Copper 29)4 3S20.20 Middle States Cerp. 15(4 232 .. Midvale Steel 36 600 .. Minn ft St Loul 10 200 .. Me Kansaa ft Texaa 7 ,100 . . Me Kan ATex pf . . . 8 3200 .. Me Kan ft Tex (wl) 1414 1?22 M Kan A T (wl) pf 37 2100 ., Missouri Pacific... 24 4 ?Z2 .. Me Pacific pf 39 200 3 Mentana Power... 72(4 .50 7 Mentana Power pf.104 '600 .. Ment Ward ft CO... 19 H 700 Mulling Bedy 3354 300 7 National Biscuit. ..13614 600 .. Nat Cleak ft Suit.. 42 3U .. xat Cen ft Cabla.. 4 700 .. Xat En ft Stamp.. 37 Ji 100 National Lead 9' 400 .. Nat R R of M 2d pf 5 1200 .. Nev Cen Copper... 16 200 N O Tex ft Mex.... 66 100 ..NY Air Brake.... 75 8700 5 New Yerk Central. 92 Is 1 !4 14 14 '3J4 " "h !S " 14 J4 1 1(4 'l 400 6 New Yerk C ft St L t 500 214 New Yerk Deck. 33 3100 100 800 100 1300 600 100 700 100 4400 1800 400 400 1700 1600 2530 200 1900 100 11500 5700 2200 203 600 4700 2700 400 930 400 400 4600 4600 1030 6200 100 600 1600 V Ynrtt N' H ft H 2214 2 New Yerk Ont AW 2714 1 VnrfnlV A Western 106 4 Norfolk ft West of. 74 3 North Amer ctfs... 3 N American pf ctfa. . N Amer Ce rts .... B Northern Pacific... 5714 42 7 77 1 Hi 4 " A 214 1 Nunally Ce. 11 Ohie Bedy ft Blewer 14 nbln nrnii Jt, Tief... ZH .. Orphcum Circuit... 19 H 8 Otis Elevator 135 .. Otis Steel 6 .. Otis Steel pf 66J4 2 Owens Bett Mach.. 37 .. Pacific Dcvel Cerp. 9 6 Paclvc Gas ft Elcc. 70 .. Pacific Mall 1514 3 Pacific Oil 60 8 Pan-Amer Petrel.. 65J4 6 Pan-Amer B 9 .. Panhandle .. Parish ft Blnaham. 1614 2 Pennsylvania R R. . 42(4 .. Penn Seab Steel... lOJ-s 6 Peeples Oas Chlcaae 84 .. Pere Marquette.... 30 6 Pere Marquette pf. 65(4 3 Philadelphia Ce.... 3914 2 Phillies Pet 39(4 .. Plerce-Arrew Moter 23 .. Plerce-Arrew Met pf 49 .. Pierce Oil ?tt 8 Pierce Oil pf 5g 6 Pitts Ceal 59 J4 14 V IU 1.4 1 !4 Is .. Pitta ft West V.. mi 1 100 6 Pitts A W Va pf 85 214 '4 !i Ji 1 li 400 1 Pend Creek Ceal.. 17V4 67 106(4 81 800 400 Pestum Cereal S Pcetum Cereal pf. . . Pr.iH hteel Car 500 100 200 200 800 300 6100 300 2000 1200 203 1103 700 200 1300 2700 57005 1700 1303 100 900 100 7 Pressed Steel Car pf 96 .. Producers Refiners. 30 6 Pub Service of N J 66J 8 Pullman '2j .. Punta Alegre Sugar 40 2 Pure OH 35 8 Railway Steel Sf;.102 .. Ray Cen Copper.... 16V4 4 Reading; 7,8 J-t .. Remington Typewrit 35 .. Replogle 3teel 33 5 .. Bepub Iren ft Steel. 57 2 Rep Iren A Steel pf 81 .. Rebert Rels ft Ce.. 21 . . R T Reynolds Teb U 46 J4 .20 Royal Dutch N T.. 5 1 St Jeseph Lead 14Ja .. St Leuis San Fran.. 30 .. St L San Fran pf 50(4 .. St L A S W R R-. 30!4 , IU 14 !4 '. !4 !4 I V, 1 !i r. sniitnireac 01. I, 400 .. Savage Arms .. Saxen Moter .. Seaboard Air Line.. .. Seab Air Line pf.. .. Sears-Roebuck .... .. Seneca Ced Cern... 21 V 4(4 10 14J4 76 14(4 9 4614 33 !4 44 1 'I 14 1 450 103 500 3300 200 200 200 1'4 1'4 (4 Shattuck Arlx Cerp 200 SV, Shell Transport. 98603 Sinclair Oil. 200 4830 200 1100 300 50 6000 4400 500 100 530 503 12900 1993 1103 200 330 100 37700 900 1030 40800 300 100 2330 100 100 100 4700 15830 1330 .. Sleis-SheHeld .. 9055 .. Se Perte Rice sugar y .. Southern Rail 24 U .. Southern Rail pf . . . 56 6 Standard Mill pf.-- 91 4 Standard Oil of Call 07 (4 6 Standard Oil of N J J 83 14 7 Stand Oil of N J P" ' 7 Stern Bres pf 99 2 Stewart Warner Spd 41 .. Stromberg Carb.... 58' 7 Studcbaker ,zlf? .. Sub Beat Cerp 614 .. Superior Oil Cerp.. 654 .. Superior Steel 37(4 .. Sweets Ce of Amer. 3J4 .. Tenn Cep ft Cliem.. 1254 3 Texas Ce 48!4 .. Tex Gulf A Sulp.. 43(-a .. Texas A Pacific... 34 1 Texaa A Pac C ft O 30 .. Third Ave 22 .. Tidewater Oil 130 6 Tobacco Preducta.. 18 7 Tobacco Pred pf . . . . 92 . . T St L A W ctfs B. . 29 Ji ,. TStLft Wpf cfsB... 43 ., Tranrcem Oil 12 .. Union Oil 2114 10 Union Pacific....'.. 138 4 Union Pacinc pi ... . 73Ji 7 Union Tank Car DflOfJa United Alley Steel.. 3314 8 United Fruit 144 .. United Rwy Invest. . 18 .. Unit Rwv Invest pf. 34 6 United Retail Stores 4914 U S C I P A Fdy.. 36 6 u s c 1 p Fdy Pf 69 ..US Ind Alcohol... 48 L S Feed Products 5 ',. U S Realty ft Imp. 5 ..US Rubber 67 (4 !4 1 " Ji 5(4 !- !i 54 "t 1'J .'I 1 1(4 'A 100 103 100 100 1000 300 900 300 100 2700 600 800 5100 103 11930 200 700 200 2100 100 100 423U 603 5900 300 1100 90 530 1030 400 200 300 1603 3100 803 1600 5200 300 900 400 200 400 it Smelt ft Ref... 38 'BUS Steel 98J4 7 U S Steel pf 117 2 Utah Copper 6614 ,. Utah See 7!4 Vanadium Cerp.... 44 7 Van Raalte lit pf.. 96 6 Va Iren Ceal ft Coke 50 , . Vlvadeu Ine 1Z14 ,. Wabash J' , . Wabash pf A -Z , . Wabash pf B 20 1 Weber A Hellbrener 13Je . . Western Maryland. 10 .. W Maryland 2d pf. 19 . . Western Pacific... 22(4 6 Western Pacific pf . . 61 7 Western Union Tel. 98(4 4 Wtstlngheuse A Br 90 4 Westing K ft M.... 63 54 .. Wheeling L E.... 10(4 . . Wheeling A L E of 21 4 White Moter 45 .. White Oil Cerp.... 10 . . Wick Spenc St Cerp 1654 . . Willys-Overland ... 8 54 .. Willys-Overland pf. 39Ji .. Wilsen ft Ce 43 4 Worthlngten Pump. 53 54 25 Wright Aero 8(4 Thun far this week 0,073,100, 98(4 117 65 J4 16 42 96 50 12 9 31 20 13(4 1014 18 21 J4 61 98 88 6214 914 20(4 45 10 16 8 38(4 43 t3 814 1(4 1 i 14 114 !j 14 1 Mi 154 ' 1. 114 3 100 sharei eiter4'. The Federal neevvc Rank of Net Cht. IK 18.786.623. a total of 431.03B.275. "ThfH lent." aald Commtaalener I.etdll, "were widely dlitrlbuted and the placlna of thla i ll, i, Ull. UI .till, ly U((Vl.,.f .(I ,( ll(IUM ,l , farmers In a slnde month muit be a sub aliintlnl tuntrlbutlnc factor In Imprevlns the at Recerd In March April 13 -Oporntlene nf the central situation." Ian atrm were deelnred recenl pr porllena uurint BAR SILVER a atalement leaned tud.y LanLs. durlns Mnh. the ' Damcatlr. bar allver was .1.,-.., ..Of InaHa a..i.M- J. t. ..J.. .. 1Mb u,e. ,v,,-, ,,,- .nw iura may i v7iu cleaed 15 loins. Merecatlnj was closed. '.,n- ... jumi vvi. luriim, aaaci en wc The r ' f Sa4mm:. Iff A WINS unto Today's Net cie Chae.' 16 H 13 14 51 110 14 15014- M 39 81 14 7414 - .14 19 14 23(4 I 43J4 Y 5914 38- 14 4014 H 62 -j- 1 2914 2 2914 1614 J4 20 31 1 65(4 14 20 14 118 14 13514 1H 902 29J4 H 1514 3514 14 9- 14 7 14 8 14 37 2414 14 5914 1 71 Vi - H 104 19 14 3314 1 136J4 1 42 1J4 4 37 - 14 91 14 514 14 16 14 66 75 92J4 3 64 - 14 33 2254 14 2714 .. 105 74 ! t7 114 42 14 76 "' 14 11 14 114 2 .. 19- 14 135 1 16 14 66 37 114 8- 7014 H 1514 14 60 114 65 214 :9 114 8 1614 14 42 10 84 14 30 14 64J4- T9(4 3914 a.i 23 48J4 Ji 9J4 56 214 59(4 - 33 852 16J4- 14 67 (4 10614 14 81 114 " 96 14 30 14 8614 la 125 1 40.14 (4 35 1 102 1T4 1614 78 14 34K- 1H 33(4 14 5714 14 81 14 14 20(4 - ' 46J4 J4 65 1 14 54 30 - 54 52 !4 - 14 29- 14 44 21 Ji 454 .. 9 2!4 14J4 214 76(4 1414 .. 9 '.654 - '4 33(4 4 "4 4314- 14 0014 li 4814 .. 24 55J4 14 91 106(4 2 54 18354 314 114 54 99 - 41 14 58 1 119J4 6 1 6(4 14 37 14 - 14 3- 54 1214 14 48 1J4 43 14 34 30 1 54 21 130 5 C8 92 29 Ji- (4 43 54 12 2154 1' 138 73(4 .. 104(4 (4 33(4 .. 144 (4 18 - 34-14 4914- 14 36 14 69 J4 47J4 5 C5 1- 14 67 1 38 - 14 98 J4 J4 117 - 54 66-14 1714 44114 962 50 214 12 14 9 54 32 1 20 - 54 13J4 10 li 19 J4 2214 .. 61-14 98 - 88 63 54 14 1054 21 1J4 45 1(4 10 16 - !4 8 - "4 39J4 114 43 5314 814 - 14 . AT NEW TOP PRICE Many Attractive local Invest ment Issues Are Curiously Being Overlooked American Stores and Electric Stor age Battery were the outstanding fea tures et the buoyant local pinrkct. There was a further sharp rise In all the American Stores Issues, making new high recerda teje the, common nt 1054 ; and 140 for the two preferred Issues. The dealings In' the common were heavy but In the preferred stocks the turn over was light. The high prices rep resented a gain of 4b points for the commen: 0 points for the first pre ferred nnd ! points for the second preferred. Once again tire movement was unattended by any particular news or stimulating developments. Electric Storage llattery, responding te the favorable annual report published ever the holiday, again moved forward in common with the spirited trading en the New Yerk beard, establishing a new high for the year at 17V6. while the new ateck sold up te 45. The Income for the rear showed S22.50 earned en the stock, which compared with $23.31 In 1020. which was considered remarka bly geed ln view of the business cendi tiens. Renewed active buying cropped out for P. Tt. T.. which advanced the Que tatien ever a point te 32. Realizing caused a subsequent reaction te ,12. The Philadelphia Electric Issues maintained a firm position, with fractional rallies, the common advancing te 20, while the preferred made n new top at 20V6. Pennsylvania Railroad was well taken. Lehigh Navigation advanced i?i te 73 en moderate dealings. The week in the local market was again one of satisfactory and profitable results for the average holder of the home shares. Te a large extent, the position of quite a number of the local securities recalls the lessen of Dr. Con Cen well's famous lecture, "Acres of Dia monds." While straining their eye sight in attempting te find solid and safe Investments and sinking their cash Inte the securities of almost every known foreign land and varied classes of domestic preposition, they fall te see' there is in their back yard, se te speak, a grade nf securities that arc practically without en equel. This theucht Is suggested in the quiet picking up by shrewd investors recently of some of the stecKs ei tnc underlying properties of the P. R. T. system. That Is te say, what properly could be des ignated as the original street railway concern. As an illustration, the Frank- ford and Seuthwark Passenger Hallway stock. This company was Incorporated in 1RT.4 Ipnsed in 1803 te the Electric Traction Company at an annual rental, Increasing year by year, nnd new, ami for some rears past, paya the rate of $18 per share per year. The Electric Traction Company stock is the primary security for the Electric ami reepie s 4 per cent bends, and the guarantee of the Frankford and Seuthwark Railway dividend by the Electric Traction Com pany is a charge, of course, prier te the Income available for interest en the Electric end reeple'a 4s. The Elec tric and People's 4 per cent bends, ln turn, are guaranteed, together with all the underlying charges, by the Union Traction Company, whose 32 per cent paid makes the unpaid capital liable for the obligation assumed. The Union Traction, ln turn, is guaranteed fl per cent dividends by the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company. The same story could be repeated an concerning the position of all the ether Hemphill, uneharujsd m -.7 sxr nnv euncq Londen market lil A . h .- U-r ?V mL.yp-VT. .i.'jr j.i,.r KlAmm'.. mmaei firfi tUst warM ' mMwWwfMTTw Ttfrnr PnltlH Inll'iiil'ff ImTI hi tlMetleeVlhr rnrajnt' ths around 'rent 01 the P.R.'T. 8jtenl,''Bnd benefit byUha various' stages of the'yast Improvement made en. the properties through the suc cessive leasing prepositions. Nothing could be sounder, yet' conservative In vestors leek everywhere but nt home te find a safe lodging place for the money they have for permanent Investment. f LLW I1WU vunui V ? u rH laTm I l,i IsU M m MOVE WITH VIGOR Buoyancy, en Stock Exchange Finds Little Reflection en Outside Market Philadelphia Stocks Net Itlth 1015 Am Stra..l00 70 delstpf.140 108 de 2d pf.140 m Am Oas. , 63 lOOfAtl 1 &A 5B 100 ltrill J G. 44 IjQW Cleee chce. 103 100 18416 140 134 140 03 03 New Yerk, April 15. Tlfc buoyancy prevailing en the stock exchange was only partly reflected ln activity and strength en the Curb today, movements en thnt exchange being cbmparatlvely narrow. Only a few Issues moved up with nny degree of vigor. Ktrby Pe troleum was steadier than en the pre ceding days of the week and, after opening at lOVi, moved up te above 11. Mexican Seaboard was the strongest feature, advancing from 45 te above 40 en large dealings and there was renewed accumulation of Mexico Oil. although that stock did net make a material gain. Fensland was the strongest of the medium -priced issues, advancing from HVji te 12V4. Mara Mara caibe ranged from ,22 te 23 and In ternational Petroleum was traded ln nt 15 te 10. Standard OIJ of Ken tucky continued its advance, ranging from 81 te'82V4. Industrial issues were irregular. The henvlest trading was in Eastman Kodak, which wan also the strongest feature, moving up from 77. te the new high record of 70V. Klectrlc Storage flattery, new stock, sold at -15 te 45. Durant Meters was fairly active with sates at 34 te 35 Vi and the Indiana stock ranged from 15 te 15. Goldwyn Pictures sold at 0 and 7. INDVSTMAM . , , Hlirh Iw I.s-t i 421 180 Elec S ter. 170 177 170lVi G3 no new.. 45 45 43Vr- "j 200fGen Mtr. 12 12 12j-- ? 50 In Ce N A .Te 40fKennecett 31 14 80 Lk N8up O 10 4r.'i Lch Xav. 74 35 35 -- 31 tt 311i-H Vl 10- 74 2 10 7 55,Penn Cent !) L cht A 55 42 Man w n jr.,' uaa i enna n n M 10 Penna Salt 74 74 10 Phil In W 34 34 lOOPhlln Ce cum nf . . 30i 30V 34- t m nit i ni.a riec -i -cvu -e-, 282 de nref. . 20J. 20 V 20 4- -14 2785 Phlla RTT 32 32 32ty Km'ierce-Ar 23 m aa lOOfSlnclalr. . 32 32 32 2.)8 SOfTexas Pac. C & O.. 20 20 -20 4-1 210 UnlenTrac 41 41 414- U 245 U O I.... 44$ 44U 44$ 130 depref.. 53 533, 53$.. 100 Yerk Rwy 21 21 21 tN'et chines n ade by comparison with last eleven Ntw Yerk Stock Exchange. Tetil sales. 0(110 ehare. compared with 17.9TB. shares Thursday. Thus far this week, 88,612 shares. PHIUlDEUmiA BONDS 100 Liberty 1st 4Vis '47.... 200 Liberty 2d '42.... 15000 Liberty 2d 4s '28. . . , 200 Liberty 3d 4 Vis '28.... 00.08 00.54 00.74 00.80 10.00 Acme Ceal uuu Acme racKins 100 Am Leather 1114 100 Am Thread pref .. 4 A 10 Amer Oas A Elec. 148 30O Brad Plreprf .... 60 200 Br Am Teb coup . 17 H CflOO Tluddy Duds 3 ,100 Car Mtht 7S '000 Cent Ter Sug .... 3i 5000 Liberty 3d 4 Vis '28 reg. . 00.82 25000 Liberty 4th 4s '38 00.04 105000 Liberty 4th 4(Js '38 00.04 "8000 Liberty 4th 4V48 '38 00.00 r0OLIberty 4th 4'4s '38 00.84 10000 Liberty 4th 4 Vis '38 00.02 02300 Victory 4s '23. . . .lets.100.74 500 Am Gas & Elec 5s 84 1000 Cens Trac N J 5 84V4 1000 Elec & People's 4s 00 23000 Phlla Elcc 1st 5s lets 00 2000 Phlla Elec 0s 101 Tetll. l?4ft.flnn. enmnr,t with lelR.esn au ceiiuiem 100 Chi Nipple lOOCIeve Aute ' 3000Centl Mtr 1600 Dur Mtrs Ind .. 2100 Dur Mtr 7000 Eastm; . . , 2000 Elec Ster D .... 800tFrentetiac 700 Glen Alden C . . . . 110 Olll Saf Raz .... 800 Ooedy Tire 100 Ooed T pref prier 1100 Oeldwyn Pic .... 200 Ooedyear pref . . . 10O Hercu Pap pref . 3(10 Hevdrn Chem . . . Thursday. Thus far this week. 11,834,830. GRAIN MARKET Chicago, April 15. The wheat mar ket opened unchanged te Vic advance from Thursday's final and early ln the day was active nnd firm with gains V& te lc. The foreign markets were closed, but there were some less favorable foreign crop advices received, and ns stocks abroad are believed te be small the trade took n bullish view of the foreign requirements. The trade vvns a great deal perplexed ever the May situation ln Chicago, nnd n show of strength ln this month caused n reed flOO Hud Manhat 1000 Imper Teb .. . 2100 Int Sur Cuba 300 Int Rubber . . 4200 Julius Kayser 400 Jul Kay pref 1300 Llbby McNeil 200 I.lnc Mtrs A , 100 N T Tranep 600 Phil Merris .. 24000 Radie 2100 Radie pref . . . 200 Rep Tire Ruh 200 Ree Meters . . 00 Rotterdam Dk 1000 merlin Pred 2600 Seuth C & I . 200 Swift Inter .. 400 Tenn Rwy . . . WIO Teb Pred Exp 2500 Tedd Ship ... Ofltl IT R l, ft H . 300 IT S L & II pf I, deal of uneasiness among shorts. uern srnnea c te 4C nigner and ruled firm in sympathy with wheat and en ceverlne. iinni u s tiieam Oats advanced VSc te Vic with the BtlllM etner markets. i-revisiens were very quiet and a 1100 Wayne Wavna snndc lower. 100 Willys 100 West Wheat Prev, Cle, (tnn 11 A f May , . . luly , . , Sept. ... Corn Cern May . . , July ... Sept. ... Oats May ... July ... Sept. ... Itye May ... July ... Uird May ... luly ... 1.34U 1.3414 1.3JH 1.88H W 1.24'4 1.23IJ 1.18K 1.18'i 1ASK RTAND.VRD OILS 2100Ansle-Am Oil .... 11"4 10i inne Atlantic I.obes ... HVj le lOORuckeye P 1. ....ine tm 4SOaIena Oil 32 40 840 Imperial Oil Can. 10414 103 lOONat Transit 2ftti 20 ',i Ml Ohie Oil 280 280 no Prairie P 1. 280 230 lOOHeuth Penn Oil ..184 182 18800 Stand Oil of Ind. 00 03tt 1400 Stand Oil etKywl R2'i 81 200 S Oil of Kv hlalr 82 81U INDEPENDENT OILS 1 00O Ark Nat Oas 12 10 23A00noene Oil 13 13 3200 Best Wyom ,1 "O BO 03H 4eal BO'i 6M 37W 40 1 421 1.03 oevi 87 i 42H r,ei A4i S8'A 37 V, 40i 4214 8'; 10.7.1 10.D7 JO.flS 1O.0,-, $2,649,400v Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Ce. Equipment Trust 6 Geld Notes Dated January IS, 1920, te mature in fifteen equal annual instalments. Redeemable as a whole en any Interest date, nt the option of the Railway Company, at 103 and interest, en sixty days' previous notice. Interest payable January IS and July 15. Principal and Interest payable in U. S. Geld in New Yerk City. Coupon Notes in denominations of $1000 each, registerable as te principal only. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE These Notes are a direct obligation of the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company under an Equipment Trust Agreement, between the Director General of Railroads, the Railway Com pany and the Guaranty Trust Company of New Yerk, Trustee. The title te the equipment under the agreement remains in the Trustee until all of the Notes have been paid. Through supplemental agreement, dated January 15, 1922,33'4 of the Notes of each maturity, held by the Director General, are te be stamped se as te give preference and priority tp the above offered unstamped Notes out of any moneys received or collected by the Trustee under the Equipment Trust Agreement in case of default. Upen the execution of the supplemental agreement, the unstamped Notes will be outstanding te the extent of only about 58 of the original cost of the equipment, viz., $4,587,000, en which they are secured. Original issue $4,587,000 Paid off 611,600 Amount outstanding Held by Director General, one-third of each be subordinated te .Notes new offered Notes new offered The equipment consists ef: 1000' Fifty-Ten Composite Gondela Cars 20 Mikade Locomotives Fer the year ended December 31, 1921, the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company re ports net income after taxes, rentals, etc., of approximately $1,800,000, available for interest charges of about $1,435,000, including interest en the above Equipment Trust Notes. We offer the above Notes, subject te prier sale, when, as and if received by us, at prices te yield as follews: Maturity Yield January 15, 1923 5.40 " 15, 1924 5.50 " 15, 1925 5.60 " 15, 1926 5.70 ' 15, 1927 5.80 " 15, 1928 5.80 " 15, 1929 5.80 Payment for Notes allotted h te be made in due course in New Yerk funds adainst delivery of Temporary Receipts exchangeable ter definitive Notes when received. Noyes C& Ce. Cassatt C& Altheuab tbtK ettteretati arc net guaranteed they have been obtained '.... St icit BOO Continental : ? Qi O Cinten A r.n OOO Creele. Byn YtH iign Dominion oil ,..,,, lev 4100 Enslneere Petrel , sa saoe Federal oil ,. jx SSOOFeneland fill 0 ISOOOleareek oil I A. e"w nuunn uii . . . bpuu ini i-eirei .- 1RU ?.., 4700Klrby Pet n 2 shoe L.iinsten ret ... 'in 'in 'in 4aoOL,yene .pt. i.,.;,v oe siH j oe Mariana Mex , , , , 3 4 109 Marin oil 1 liOOMerrltt Oil ...,u ll afOOMntlee Oil ..!,'.. a 21800 Mexico Seaboard .. 47 S800 Mountain Pred ... 1 J 8800 Mutual Oil ....... n 900 Nat Oil N J 1: 2(H) N T Oil .....,., Uti ii! ', 2000 Ohie Hanrnr a .' 7800 Omar Oil iu f. f 1480 Premier Ref s 2 a? 11000 Red Banks l?r" 15s , 4tuu tf Mil VMB see 2800 Salt Creek Pred yoesapuipa rut , ltiv peaoearn uu at aaeu Bimme rei 800 Sinclair Cent 2900 aseiiK en ..... 1800 Seuth Pet ft Ret 800 Southern Oil B000 Texaa Ranaer 8000 Texon . . .' 63 100 Tidal Osm 14H lnr .,11,111a ......... mya 600 Victeria Oil (new). 88 800 Wilcox 4i 1000 T Oil 18 MINTNO 800 Alaska Or Celum . 3V4 7000 Alpha 40 2000 Amer Tin A Tuna . 8 200 An Am C of Se At 22U 20000 Bl Ledte 25 27100 llest ft Ment 24 4S0O0 net tient cons oe ifcKln Caled Mln n 28B0O Canada Cep . , . . shoe Cens Arlsena . . 0000 Cens Cep M . . 3000 Certes Silver . . 100 Cressen Geld ., 400 Doleres Esper . 2000 Eureka Croesus BOOOOadeen Copper . 3000 Oeld Cens IBOOOeldfleld Fler .. 7000 Hard Shell 2fc.T HirmlM Divide BOO Hews Sound .... 3uu independ Lead . 000 Jftrema Verde , . 100 Kerr Lake 200OMcKln Dar .... 1000 Julius Cens . . . . 65 4 e5H -nt V' 2'i 21 13 33 27 ....v.- Jfi .'rt lr 47 47 MS 143 11 14. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT no 60 17 17U Twi-iiaa Reaepva RmiIiiiiH 4a 4 aj n n n.... ........ ........ .. rll1l, 410 Heavy Lean Expamlen 3i 108 li 30 7!i 15 34i ll 11 48 ; Slfl 13i 714 OH 381 00 108H 30 ig& ?eS 48H 40 220 IS', 38 U S I 20 co prer.ius l: New Yerk, April 15. The 'actual condition of the Clearing Heuse ban.i and trust companies for the week shorn that they held $1,040,410 in excen of legat requirements. This is a decrfiN et $12,715,540 from last week. Leu nnd discounts showed expansion et $32,578,000, while demand depeilti jumped 552.516,000. With the tt. creased liabilities, reserve credit at the Federal Reserve Bank decreased S3. 175.000. . . Details follew: AVERAGE 30 iSs 3AU 70 l 4Ri 11 40H 220 18'4 7MJ .' 38'i ; 00 Hi 12T4, TilJ'i : A' . 20 i . as . 60 . 24 . 8214 . 43 15 .100 1 8i 2815 00 EISCT") Hiri.e .. ... .U.O..U l-lW,ll Asrreaaiv reeerve .ni.ipa.uuu 030,1 Leans, etc 4,401,1 25S M f:an in vauua member banks,. et, 033,000 13 in 3 '4 3H 60 Reserve In mem ber banks and reeerve banke . . Reeerva In State banke and truat cempanlee Reserve In Stats banks and truat company deposi tories 3i 3U 38 24 H Ml,, 321.000,000 B18,:8t,Hl 7.824,000 7,e4:cl 24H 824. 4SW ion UK ,5A 02 . li lB'i . 2H 2I . 73 73 . li 1A . 1W IVi Net dem. deeaa 3.033.723.(100 siuiiti I Time deposits ... 277,324,000 2H7,0B7 4U circulation l.U 33.835,000 United NiiIm de 11 . II posits deducted . 01,410,000 ACTUAL This Week Excels reserve.. It, 040,410 Ascreaate reserve 5311.320.0011 nnnv S Heffman .. 22Vi 21i 2li loe Vn rreflt fcharlns ll'J BJ4 ROD Un Ret Candy.... 5 4't 4 100 Union Carbide ... B8 68 08 coal Ceal 14 Cerp 14 14S I-eane, etc 4,484,383,000 4,452,OO9.00e Tn atK In a eaeiltai Knlttina .... 6S ins .... " OH and member banks Reierve In mem ber banks and reserve banks.. Reserve In State banka and trust companies ...'. Reeerve In state banks and trust company depoa depea depoa 'terlra Net demand de 10'i 00 82 103 2n u 280 230 184 P0. 21 12 13 71 C12.004.000 Sl, S. 003. 000 posits 3,081, 825.000 3.020.JM.OOO ' Time deposits... 28H.402.J0 27O,84.00il Circulation .... 33.034,000 33.910.UOJ Un'tedStatesde- nenlts dedlirld. 46 73ft O'Vl R i maturity te $3,975,400 1,326,000 $2,649,400 1 0 Mallet Locomotives 5Switching Locomotives Maturity yj-id January 15, 1930 5.80 " 15, 193i 5.80 " . 15, 1932 5.80 " 15, 1933 5.80 " 15, 1934 5.75 " 15, 1935 5.75 Ce. Freeman , Ce. from source, we believe te be tellable. I i? I! f 21 en 'u ' 22H M ft' 3 2211 22 22 75 5 BO .1 i 24 8U 22 10 11 .24 :s ,i H :i - A it ::i n - n u r ' MJ i i5 MM' 00 kl !,. -if s This week r.ait Mi, : 2,222.Th 5.144. i.t.Jm 02.9H.Hj 0.260.000 9.5U.M, 33.743.0ti ui.30J.Ml I.ait WmW tt4.66I,l u4j,nA.,,o()ey 02.203,000 63.71I.M) 7.6U.0M 0,320,000 0,303.000 f,')'.( vr.?ifu &li,!UJfiiteliMdtii