rm "st It Ttdde te Photoplays - ,, )Ml b for the Week te Come :.' nbW photoplays - 'STANLEY 'FanclnMlen," romantic itery e( 8faln, with Mae Murray an '' the exrtjc heroine, and a cait that inclUdc Vincent. Celeman, Helen 1 Ware, Crelghton ,Hale and Ceurtcnay V Teele. Alse, Teny Bars, cartoon, and VSrtciM'paaKr- features. ', 1rXKLTOX-'i Matrimony a Ftiur7" n aScturlffttlen pf ljea DIU-lehMeln't old iTIcturl(ttlen ptlsea Dl f 5EEW. with ;a cm cat that Includia 1 1 Luv I'?' Loiawiisen, waiter Hleri), V jgtis Harlan, t. Itey Barnen, Tully j I (Marshall, Sylvia Ashton and Charles ;i Ogle. fiTANTO'N"Vfhtn Is My Wandering ? Bey Tenlitht?" heart-Interest story, telllnfr of a' country boy. who went te i'the big city. In the cast are Cullen ' Landls. Patsy rtutli Miller, Virginia True Beardman and Kathleen Key. llRCADIAl "Twe Klndi of WAnen," f one of Jacksen Oresery'n Western jl yarns, with Pauline Frederick tea. J' tared as Judith of Blue Lake Ranch, i'lCtOllIA -- "Chasing the Moen," a j.temedy. with a setting, that moves J' from America te Itussla. featuring j role, pv'ft Novak Is the girl. fceBiVr "At the Htage Doer," Wll rilsm Christy Cabanne's latest fa 1 'ture, v.lth a cast that Includes Blllie rJrfve as a country girl who Jelm. J' the "merry-merry." i J Cv' SHOWS THAT REMAIN, tilDtNE "Ha" I" woman." strong " ipknmiui ir.'tnee feature, with a. hau. 'i around of a small Newz-England com- munlty. Theodere Roberts ,nT Fler ence Vhler outstanding. rALACi: "Bought and Paid Fer," pic ' turltatlun of OcOrge Breadlturst stage success, with Jack Helt, Walter Hlera ' and Agnes Ayres featured. CAPITOL ' "Her" Husband's Trade . trarfr " Ntnrv nf NAW TnrV nnA Mv. j lc. In which Ulerla Swanien haa an ' opportunity te display a wealth of '' beautiful gowns. jCOL jlONlAh Monday, Tuesday and wertfipsdav. "Leve's naitemntlnn." ... n .rnmnlrt bmA V.I..M.i .! awry ui iii,i- "'2. "", wiui I Nerma Talmadge. Thursday, Friday I and Saturday, "Meran of the Lady ! Letty." with Rodelph Valentine and Dorethy Dalten. IMPERIAL "Leve's Redemption," pic turlzed from Andrew Seutar's novel, , "On Principle," with Nerma Talmadge V Staged as Ginger, a little girl of ' Jamaica, who reforms and falls In ' love with a young Englishman. ALU AM BR A Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, "R. 8. V. P.." Charles Ray's latest comedy feature. Thurs ! day, . Friday and Baturday, "Any ', Wife,1' society drama, with Pearl ' Whlta In the main role. QREAT NORTHERN Monday. Tues day and Wednesday, "Leve's Itedemp- Talmadge. Thursday, Friday and Sat- ,.A "filf Mttrh ' mltli OS-. t MIU'VI -..0... nav.a AWIII ATAlA MARKET STREET Monday, Tuesday j and Wednesday, "Sky High," with Tem Mix In a Western ntnrv. Thnre. J day, Friday and Saturday. "Tel'able uaviu, -wuii menara juartneimese, J MONT "Scheel Days," childhood (Jassle .with -Wesley Barry as "Speck" Brown, the juvenile here of all the arieus pranks and adventures. 100UST "The World's Champien." adaptation of stage play by Thomaa , Leuden nntf A. E, Themas, with Wal Wal Uce Held In the title role, and Leis Wilsen as the heroine. HlVOJ.l Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday, "The Scrapper," with Herbert . iinYimeui4. nuieuj. rnaiir unci ! Saturday. "Shadows of th Sea." with Q0U8EVAI Monday and Tuesday, "The World's Champien," with Wal Wal lare Held. Wcdneadav. "T.tim ne ', Geld," with Ncal Hart. Thursday and Friday. "The Cub Reporter," with I Plthnrfl TnlmnilirA Raliiai. ili-.. ' the PeSr Oiri.'' .'. ' VEDAR Monday and Tuesday, "Friv olous Wives," with Rodelph Valen- tttif WArlnAirlaw ttrkA 'Pliieaa-xVn ltfPha 1 Wnw.Aa PknMlnH it .lfc. lLlU iiuiiu (i wiiuiiiiJiuu. Wild tvMiiaue Held, Friday and Saturday, "The Cub Reporter." with Richard Talmadge. a j r-.j.Tr jxj STREET Mendnv. t Tuesday and Wednesday, ."The world's Champien," with Wallace , iieiu. 'inurpaay, Kriday and Satur day. "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." with Alice Terry. tlRANIJ "Moren of the Lady Letty," tea story of Frank Nerrls. with Ro Ro eolph Valentine and Dorethy Dalten featured. IIADKR Monday. Tueiday and Wed nesday, "Peter Ibbotsen,'f with EUle Fergusen nnd Wallace Reld. Thurs- ! day, Friday and Saturday, "Satur- , Cay Night," with Cenrad Nagel. I Jee Mack of "Angel Face" Jee Mnck, who Is making one of the ladMdual hits in "Angel Face," the Victer Herbert operetta new playing at tbe Wnlnut, by his eccentric dnaic ln, wus born In Lynn, Mass. Twice, an n boy, lie ran away te dance for patent medicine shows touring the coun try. Twice he was brought back and thrashed by an angry father. Later he get a job at the Charleston Nuvy Yard ail n draftsman, but found 'the work tee lull, and ke went Inte vaudeville. Then lie married, and he nnd his wife danced tejithcr us a team in Al Weeds' "The Weman Hater' Club." Later he joined HiMiiend Hitchcock's "Hitchy Koe, 1818." Shaw Play te Be Given "Captain Brnssbeund's Conversion," OeerKc Hernnrd Hhnw's piny telling hew raeman principles were overruled by the eternal feminine, will be presented ly the Little Thentre Mayers for one veek beginning Monday at the Little Jhealrc, He Lnnccy htrret above Seven- '"h.'1, "1P 11,ay '" l,u' the direction f alter (ireeneugh. and the cast in !ules .lu,per Deeter, William Whit ne.v, I.mmn Laurence, Jehn Halsten, iwlph Muss, Walter Oreeneugh, irenry ). Sbepparil. Hebcrt White. Jr., Wayne i ?mV. Kliv-arA J. Urewn, Albert jicht, Geerge Edwards, Earl Uees and Hirry Fex. Willow Greve Concert Dates Willow Greve Park will open its Vr,ent70-hT('nt!i season en Saturday, May l.,. The following mtiHlcal ntlrac J'eiis have been anneunced: May 13 te June :t. Xahnn Frnnke and his or er Jpf'tin; June 4 te June 24. Patrick tenwuy j,d j,Im band j June 2T te July il V.';ter !f('i'l'frt nnd his erchestra: 'uiy 1(1 te August "i, Wnsill Leps and w wmphpny orchestra, nnd August 0 'e September 10, Seu'sa nnd his band. Change of Bill at Dument'a .An entire chnnge of bill will take fffi," nfMt ,u'ek nt Dumenfs. The .i ? ,f,,,lt,,rn will be n satire en the real.MHKn Mtunflen. The first part n - u,,e t-fctiens of the bill will also m re new Iiiizll Miets. liitfliiillnir snnmi i Ii'"f"nett, SyvMi ","1 tl10 clowning of Telm nverlt;s " 'hrli Heyden nnd 1 &iwn"a hk" I,Cd "",,h 1M ( "Bringing Up Father" Here fltJn,rl'.,sl!!R ,lTl J,'tl""- Wall SSj.1,i "'"'"'t of the herleb of M. cmmU uusfd en Geerge Ml enr . u,rt"na, will open n week's jngagemem nt the Metropolitan Opern iieiibe next Meiiilnv in ! ,.,.ti ., iem HuerlJ. UN .iiKgs! Alice Dud w0,fBf,1Vi n,,re1 1J- mj',p. Will I.," I "1 ii i ;l.l. Merris, llerm Or W.l10 M,i'I'l'. linhe Oulnii. I.e Jem Hnerl. us Jlggs: Alice Dudley. llllmii 'Srci'ii. v ',"" V .VKl ,,nljc Um, Louise ekV..u i ' ' '. ' wers. A big beauty fus in nnbther feuturc. U. of P Club in Play flie Yellow tlureii i . " .V "ii'Kff will He pr f Hi .' '", "IviTHity Druiiiiitlc CI I Itth? ,Vil,,vt,r"i,y "f I'eniisylvanln at t J.utiy Uumr,. durliij. the week of M fLLS? Montlte te Friday and ti Jacket" will he pre- liib the Slav unccs-Mn , ' '". "r.V." '. "B J" ,or'"' iii.h... "'."' '" uiiuy uini two The l"';HrVc(llK'sllny ' Hnturday. i .. "M" "irt-x-iunim is virtually tue H Afi5r.M tha. which presented "The kitfiSHEM .rltei last year. Jeb m., .,.., erj wu, ftin direct the play, AtJelMn'a tlaWihtaa''' Al Jolsen, who will be seen In 'Hornby' at tbe.Shubcrt Theatre be ginning Monday, first saw New Yerk ?i"Li.be? ?f MTeneen' Before that time he had spent six years as n child super, a singer from the galleries of burlesque hettses nnd a camp follower and general entertainer of a Pittsburgh militia regiment during a part of the Bpanlsh-Amerlcan Wnr. Ills first an pearahces In voudevllle were In white face and were net very successful. It WftH en the advice of nn old Negro dresser that he first used burnt cork, ami when Me finally 'get n place en the bill of the Colonial Theatre, New Yerk, he put his comedy ncress. He has since plnyed In "La Belle Parec," "Vera VIeletta," "Whirl of Society," "The Honeymoon Express," "Daiiclmr Around." ' 'Robinson Crusoe, Jr.," and OlnDftu Stock Company Again Mae r)mnnd mi1 hi mmnim. ayers will return te Philadelphia en May 1. and encn a serin stnek an. gatcment at the Cress Keys Theatre, Sixtieth and Market streets. Frank Fielder will again be her lending man. The first play has net yet been selected. BROAD nrm4 Belaw Leeaal rSANK NMDUNQKK. Bas. Kite ' ' Jlli" SAM H.HARRIS ANNOUNCES THE RETURN 10 TM6 STAGE OF (N 'THE VARYIHG 5H0RE HV ZOE AK1NS. AUTHOR OP "DECLABBKK" OntOINAb COMPANY AND PRODUCTION reruLAB tbick jiatinee Wednesday GARRICK Ckcetant sol Janleer Streets BAM'X. MtXON-NIBDUNOKR, Ban. Met. FAREWELL TO THE BEST GIRL OF ALL! gOBrieiii S(MAy MUSICAL T"aWvSr ..aBBKTVHa' Last Popular Price BEGINNING MONDAY, APRIL 24 TT Return Engagement . .a. ,a. am aaTaaBM aaaa WLLUU T L 0 1 FORREST Bread and Hnnnem 8t. THOMAS M. LOVE. Um. Mtr. SEASON'S GALA EVENT! li MASK 12 WIG CLUB UNIVERSITY OP PENNSYLVANIA 34TH ANNUAL PRODUCTION "TELL-TALES" A MfKICAI, IIUI.I.'S-EYE IN TWO SHOTS ROOK RY CHARLES S. MORC1AN. JR. MUSIC AND LYRICS HY CHARLES QILPIN COSTUMES DE3IONED RY E. M. LAVINO OVER 100 STUDENTS BRILLIANT ENSEMRLES NOVEL DANCES AND SPECIALTIES THE GLEE CHORUS A BIG FEATURE AS USUAL A GOKCIEOUB M'UCTACLK IN HCENK11Y AMI i'OSTUMEH Better Than the Best of Mask and Wig Shows mSar?" 50c te $2.50 fKtS 50c te $2.00 SMSS58 MONDAY, APRIL 24 RUSSIAN GRAND OPERA CO. 100 ARTISTS CHORUS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA DALLET FROSr THU OREAT RUSSIAN THEATRES MOV "TSAR'S IJRIUB." TCK. "PIQltK DAMK." WKD.-."MKRHArD" OR"BUhi" TIIUBfl.-''8NOWXMm HAT. MAli "UMIU. r.r. .. " irOR BENEFITS AT THF. RKOADmREST AND GARRICK THEATRES AVrhi AT TUB tlENERAl. OFnCE. UROAD STREET THEATRE WklilLM ?ANCAHTraKELOWiai; IAT.. ttlB EVHS.. 1KB Next Week tasier Uemeay pih CHARLES AHERN & COMPANY 20 MINUTESOKLAt.CiHTER "TwRWZOi5!-J-,,AI!!!y5:?'i:A- Mc5?OVft WALTON RICHARD BARTHELMESS . vmHT WEST. PIHL.. hllOWINO ' .. .. ft. ra Y "TOL. ADLE. JSS DAVID" nep rhnnird Thurily Bill EVELYN NESBIT NOW PI.AVl.u . CAFE BAL TABARIN .. ..... ... ...4 llnnnlualk W OIK nir, ", ; i - - .ti ax. 'rill nil. A Direction .Mftuicfl i.. ii L D I N HAIL THE WOMAN ulthtriioen Hall Wfd. Kve.. Apr. 10 CONCERT h, DnNAWIT KA Scflir ' MWIWIHIS- j. u.a. 11 te 'h.l. t rim. Thcain V. vrty ati.a. i y?jziZLUZjmX . ffB. A "NrQHT IN BOHEMIA1 Prominent Actera Will Aialat at Nn and Pencil c)ub'e"thew The Penn and Pencil aub'."Nltbt in Bohemia" will be held at tbe Bread Street Theatre Monday evening, May 22. Many theatrical stars havevolun havevelun teered te appear. Ahdrew Maek, Le Carrllle, Frank Mackln and Ralph Bingham will be the end men in the minstrel show, while James A. Camp bell, president of the club, will be Inter locutor. The second part of the show will in clude a number of original sketches, songs nnd skits, written and acted by newspaper writers. The entire ahew will close with n sketch written espe cially for this performance by Geerge V. Hobart. The orchestra will be directed by WnHsllll Leps. Special music for the occasion has been composed by Miss Irene Marshand Rltter and J6hn Heinz man. ceMstRRCB or rne pert J Byerj' en Interested In thlpplnf .news, scheduled islllnti, mevmnt of vcli and complete, uthpjltnt'vj Jthlntilnr Infermttlan (beuld rd "MAR1NR NEWS CeifMICRCR OF TUB l'Onr' every rnernlijs In IhtPVSMO .iness. "Miki It a Habit.'1 Adv. MONDAY EVENING Matinees Wednesday and Saturday Nights at 8iI5. Mats, at 2tlB MATINEE TODAY K LAST WEEK Matinee Wednesday THURSDAY By Popular Demand aaw a am aa amaa aamk. nHRUEIt Cee. Sidney MONDAY EVENING Matinees Wednesday and Saturday HEATS TUUBSDAY ..m....ju.-i." rmi.. RICKS SOe TO S.b'e. CHESTNUT ST. OPERA HOUSE SHUBERT VAUDEVILLE AI,I,IAK llll.l. SAM s. 5HUBERT MON. EVB. AT (:10 SHARP AL JOLSON In III. (.rnitral lilt "UOMlift" LYRIC MATINEE TODAY 1 , -. TONIOHT LAST TISfB Mr. Jehn Drew& Mrs. Leslie Carter ,.ln "THE CIRCLE" NEXT WEEK SEATS NOW e ' JtIIJA Sothern-Marlowe ADELPHI "AJJXJ01? i,m .. ...... EVES. AT S'10 ' LILIOM" K- Y- pnoDucrieN """ WITH Jnh HfhlldUreiit A Era I OnlllMina WALNUT MATINEE TODAY VICTOR HKHnrRT-'?; V-l'cS "ANGELFACE" FORRESTUst Mat. & Evg. FRED STONE In the Fnnlnntlr Munlrul Frolic "TIP-TOP" MASK AND WIG CLUB In "TELL-TALES" SITU ANNUAL PRODUCTION BROAD LAST MATINEE TODAV JULIUS CAESAR KORf RT II MANTKLL nnrt IENKVIKVK HAMPER TOVIi;ilTMI'Kt'HANT OP VENICE NEXT WEl.'K HE TH HEM INO HM II. HARRIH Prwnt! ELSIE FERGUSON lu "THE VARYING SHORE" GARRICK MATINEE TODAY UEOROR M. cnilAN'H COM WHAN 8 " III I he U linlfunme Mu.lrnl Hit "HIE O'HIUEN (iIRL" PAUL WHITEMAN'S ORCHESRA D'r-uOnu Al Hurl Spftlal Enxacpment M CAFE LA MARNE Uuarilwalk at Orcun Arc. r - ATLANTIC -CITY. N. J, - Btur4mr an4 Sunday Only ERKUHI W namwrcmMM - " ' gjjij -'.JOYOUS EASTER WEEK FESTIVAL5 Magnificent Floral Display in Th Seng Santatlen of GUS EDWARDS' SONG REVUE Wrfl! THri,POPUIR.AilRICAN COMPOSER AND PBODUCBn - Gus Edwards (Himself) and Company of 20 AUC AND'HA2BL FURNEBB' CHESTER FREDERICK AND .A ' , . OROUP or TOUTHrUL STARS 3 MISSES DENNIS-3 Ana,, Cbwrr., BUrtk. ta'Saan' A LaVichfrem tka First Th te tke Elghtaantk Melft EH-FllANAGAN & MORRISON-Aitx. A1X FAIR" WAT "A LESSON IN OOLT" NO RUNKEKg hiladtlphia's own MoaetogUt Star SpaeUI Add.d lrVALLI fe.K tl. Featura WITH A BRAND-NEW BUDOCT OT "SANbY" ikATEiWiLlY W Marry Itaadtrl "Wnteh Tour 8tp' AEBOP'W TjmEf PATllK news" Extra Added Attraction I AND Extra Addad Attraction I MARION HARRIS THIS FAVORITE PHONOGRAPH RECORD UAKRR IN A RECORD-BWEAKINO MU8ICALB Matlnrea Exeiit Batutdaj and llelldari), site te ai.nu, ineinaina- iai. 2 Bhewa Dally. SUP, M. Baata Qui WmIc In Advanet Phenaf Fllbrt 801 NATIONAL VAUDEVILLE DAY, fipreUI ntnrrlt Mailnrr. Entire Freferna te Inireranr Fnna A OREAT SHOW I REMEMBER THE DATE I SPECIAL FEATURES I A SECTION MAURICE C. FELT 11 ldinP CHESTNUT AT I9IB STREET ..yy- NEXT WEEK LAST WEEK THOS. II. INCK'S MASTERPIECE CAST OF yAHrXlt A 10 STARS Florence Vider Theodere Roberts Tally Marshall Edward Martindel Gertrnde Claire mem Proclaimed by PreM and Public the Greatest Picture Ever Shown in Philadelphia. A Modern Drama of Tears and Laughter. DO NOT MISS IT! COMING MONDAY. APRIL 24 ONE METROPOLITAN opera neuse I Next Tuesday Mat. April 18 Si0 I ALL-STAR PROFESSIONAL BENEFIT AUSPICES OF I Phila. Chapter, National War Mothers STARS FROM ALL THEATERS, AL JOLSON QUS EDWARDS 7 HONEY BOY MINSTRELS AI.ICK A HAZEL FURNES8 MARION HARRIS JOHN E. YOUNO HELEN MANN RODINSON LEAVITT & BODIIY & NELSON AU Acta Through Cearteay of Philadelphia Theatrical Manacera' AaaecUtiea E.mJMxAN-: 'RED (J. (PEHA HOUSK rnnrtMv of W. FKEF.LAND HEMUHil'K, en benaii pi nnriee. . . x The mualrlana of the errhentra Lecal 77. A. F. of M.. TIIOMAH M. HIVEL, rreaiaent. ana ne atave .eepari- -Sent. Volunteer their aer lrra. by , uermiaaien of the I. A. T. B.E. Lecal Ne. S. "f jnuv wNN. Prxaiilenti WILLIAM J. UARRAH. Bualneaa Aaent. ONE WEEK Bafinninf MON., MAY 8 OLD SHOW riROUNDR. lOTn STREET A HUNT1NO PARK AVE. W i niNCLINC,,lDARNUM fl 1 1 OlaOSI. tf" DIHtV L, 1 SaNDOUaLCI ivv n. it. cars 1500 PEOPLE 700StV5i OOORSOPCNATIATKM. larenruuKis at 2ti.M, MCTKktTADrinSTOEVERmiNC HEATS ON HALF. AT OIMIIFIX' 'nCKET OFFICEHONDAY, MAY 1ST. ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE. W1MID INTIRrAINMfNT' (R?OOF 1:13 I Service, SI Saturday, SO Everything New GORHAM'S Tellies ACADEMY OF MUSIC SXSGZ" April 26 at 8:15 VIOLIN RECITAL HEIFtTZ Ticket New At Academy una Heviie'a filelnway Piane IVil ACADEMY OF MUSIC Evg. April 20 and Aft. May 2 LEE KEKDICH PRESENTS SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE Tn n. HnurflA nf Twn TtrtuvAa . THE NEW REVELATION Genna Ttekria, SI.OS te S5.SS HSaTPETI. Ut vaMMiMrMi M,lSKil'Kmv ''jm'i'vmL M the Lebby,, " i tha Saatent FRANK A. BURT AnUM kr MrrtU Re4aU Th. KELLY Virginia Judge HI8 NEWEST BTORIEB THE RAMSDELLS & DlYO A Smart Dane OfTerlna TOPICS Or THE PAY LOU HANDMAN AT THE PIANO 80s and Hit, Boica 88. ETenlngi. FRIDAY, APRIL 21 Lloyd Hughes Madge Bellamy Charles Meredith Vernen Dent Mathilde Brandage WEEK ONLY "THE SHEIK'S WIFE" nrean ana rupiar INCLUDING ELSIE FEROUSON ANDREW TOMDES J JOE ARMSTRONG. MAROUERITB ZENDER NEwHOLD miiuiiiiu .-.-i. . LOCKWOOD JOSEPH WHITEHEAD I ION-MHDU( EH and UAHKV X. JUluiAfi (EDWARD LOEI1, Manager), through J elunteer tnelr aericea or permiaaien 01 t STARTING ADD II IT MON. mat. ArKIL 17 nU..un.,....lu.,. M Frt ,,nd . The Fun Shew of the World and All New This Trip BRINGING UP FATHER In Wall Strut Takt tkt Kiiiit ! St Jiff and Mag g m Alie. It will nriec Jey te Their Little Heart.. MATINEE PRICES, 25c, 50c Se NIGHT, 25c, 50c, 75c & $1.00 Highn SEATS NOW SELLING MMronelltan Onra none and Olmnala' ACADEMY OF MUSIC I Monday Evening, April 24 CARMEN Philadelphia Operatic Society Brilliant Cast and Chorus I With Ballet SfrtU flOe te S2.00 UfPix'w, U1D c'hritt, St. DUMONT'S $ A' A EMMETT WELCH Minitref,1 atlrea SHIFTERS, P. R. T. ft WILD HAN MSV Luitrne Circus Ground I B I R stfaVtal II V aaaatT aaaaVlilaaip aEVwKCvaaaaa IBaM' aflGflNaGEIB I" 3.MII Hlrret TTWrMLI I DallJ nt 10:30 A. M. HflVj TROCADERO. t8SJffJ0aHP V'xffjy Y"X JaiJBaBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBBBbH ' s9aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBW -ABBBBBBBBbT 'JaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBbW WBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr aa'llaBBBBBBBBHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBPi aHt' ajLjBBBBBBBBBBBBBaiBBBBBBBBBmL.iBBi HviilaLHBvPLBr7 M BBBBBBt , "RaBBBBP',"7TBi! JbBBbB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbU "BBbIj 1 f"H9 !' T jrBUBBBBBBBBBBBBV bbbbbbbbbV "i. ''& AbbbbbbbbbbbbbW &hiM,..PDMUND'GOlUNNi "DMumcc M'riBsH: y"'' BBBBBBBBBB JZ M57Z3? gNCE OFTHEBUNNIESI ' FIRST RADIO (liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiH zx csttsi CF J'Miiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiijif . 5e 7.30 9&e9 VA)P W Mir IW market .- GLOBE JUNIPER AND MARKET VAUDEVII.LK 11 TO II N't Wk A Nevel Spectacular OfterlnK CAVE MAN LOVE A rropeil ejilemle In four different urn rs 1th venxa and Oanrea. COMING NEXT WEEK I'lIisT TI.MK IN PENNA. DEMPSEY CARPENTIER FIGHT PICTURES In Conjunction With Vaudevllle ALLEGHENY FRANKFORD AND ALLEQIIENY NEXT WEEK VFIVE AUTS OF r AUDEVILLfc AND A PARAMOLNT PICTURE "JUST AROUND THE CORNER" FROM THE STORY RY FANNIE HUliyT BROASWAY UROAD AND SNYDER AVE. liEWN'NINU MONDAY LILLIAH CONROY and BROTHER A UNIQUE AqUATIC NOVELTY RUDOLPH VALENTINO DOROTHY DALTON IN PARAMOUNT PIPTtrnH M0RAN OF THE LADY LETTY IUI.1. CIIANOI-D TlIl'RSDAY CROSS KEYS SIXTIETH AND MARKET NEXT WEEK J. C. MACK . (OF "MOTHER OOOSIV VAME) and COMPANY IN A PRETENTIOUS COMEDY, llll.l, CHANO ED THURSDAY AUAMBRA TWELFTH AND MORRIS HF.HIVNINO MONDAY "THE RISING GENERATION" CHAS. RAY in "R. S. V. P. , Jz$,'w w nui ' f- . i - rf j T 'NINETEENTH WEEK ONlYjCOMMEMCTNG MONOAV nOIIERT !5. LEONARD PREBENTB MAE M U RRAY FASCINATION IT'S MORE THAN THE rjASClNfitfiONsr'cfifryrecucec'tjs star's powns.Perisiani XT creations, unbQliwably siunnmQfQr dancing is daring .original MOLOGUEX VV .NEW I UiNY bAKfc CARTOON IKarlteri Bread, smi .Chettnut At 11:30. 1 30, 9 81), R'SO. 7:30. 11.30. ONE WEEK ONLY FROM LEO DITRICHSTEIN'S OSCAR HLl'MENTHAL PALACE 12T1I AND MARKRT 10 A. M. TO 11:15 P. 51. SEXT WEEK WILLIAM DE MILLE'S BOUGHT WITH JACK HOLT & AGNES AYRES ADDED ATTRACTION CHARLES CHAPLIN IN PAY DAY CAPITOL . KIOHTH alAUKUT GLORIA SWANS0N IN A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Her Husband's Trademark NORMA TALMADGE IN Leve's Redemption AT THK KOI.IDWINO THHATREB COLONIAL UISRM'T'N AND CIIKLTEN NTHK OREAT HwT ertherIN IIROAD AND KHIE IMPERIAL 3X&&T Wab PARAMOUNT iY jrSCifiL PICTURE tttVl V Li, Lee mm h :!v i. - W ! HINBBBBant l 5 " JbbbbbK.e' fJV Leis Wilsen fiBLi' bbKl C Walter Hiers QBBlpHi ,1 1 ,. ,' 'fs-) &sj 1 CONTINUOUS HAMTOIMSPf AND MARKET "I TITLE IMPLIES At 11 -30. 1:80. .1 80. S.30. T 30. U:30. COMMENCING MONDAY ADAPTATION OF THE PLAY HY AND OUBTAV KAIJKLHUIIH VICTORIA NINTH AND MARKET A m tu 11 no f M COMMENHNO MONDAY IN CHASING THE MOON ADDED ATTRACTION CHARLES CHAPLIN PAY " DAY ARCADIA OlAlftbtllll Am LrICflTNUT 10 A. M. TO 11H5 P. M. UEOINNINO MONDAY PAULINE FREDERICK and TOM SANTSCH1 fa aTwe Kinds of Women" rrf EGRNT UBVXNTm A MA! wmrrcic AT THE STAGE DOOR ?Q? MarlMl SL """flay. Tqaadar, WWIkmHi temjwix, wnrfl yemUm . JvJ flra ""?? 3t rm m m m3!M ! '4M V , XV. UMI irrj?J -ta u i m - m 'VrA i im j iS ii.61 lm1 ' iii new iz.M KBT III '' tfM ttW 1Xk k'V. .1 . ' n, .. ., i. 1V . 4 vv t 'V , -w , . i. II tfT'i T M-4M fe. : ,A MtMiJi I'iftVi ttmk&&&&teLfi ir.3l WiflKS. A 1