81$ VwlttS WpBI VI fei'.lM t l-ia :tlCLfiMEfi2iF STO-: . .t u - . ,i BM at HtF i" " j,a r 5rwVl ? 'JEM- - ?. w &: "h i ; l.v '" (r I r b r't M w m ' ;?4fe m Kir i ft i BV f r.fi luf Ft TS- li; . WPh ttiVlEGRAMS . .. ., Mg ifote "reufft Mtu Be MtiMMn a Ci f ttCWf Fwr1. '"M'ry e owreiey w nere is my wandering Ueyf" M W at Stanten Other WvJVOUTH Is being constantly served ,'.4ssl7 e''8 suppose n couple of red-het KtS!i ucime iniHaiuuurit-n in viiinn or Auys-sinin, nnu returned home iS"'" week, film-hungry because they hadn't been te a picture show since they left. yr M'fii; iivAi nrr a I'tuftiaiu ub (.fBHni wuat would they tlilnkY V BKi'fpHB Stanley has n Mac Murray fen M ture w,th thc Intriguing, If Indefl- tf&fv "ie line et "tnscinntlen. wcven jcib age, .uiss .Murray wns unauunu .te the screen, but she made her Mm debut shortly after that time In "Te HaTC,nnd te Held" which, It H Inter esting te note, is ngain te be screened, ; this time tltli Hetty Coinplen, iti'Atf The Mae Murray of old wai a miss of calico and ginghams, of downcast eyes , nil sweet-sweet pnrtH, all of which militated against her success ns the Miry Johnsten heroine. The Mac Mur ray of today Is a ery sophisticated young person with as few clothes ns necessary. In the cast of "Fascination" these Mme fans of yesterday would find one ery familiar name Courtenay Peele. Nowadays, he Is seldom seen en the screen (if memory serves, his last ap pearance here wns with Nerma Till nudge In "Thc Passion Plewer"). but in these "olden days" he was n familiar ficure In Vltimimu films In which h'dith Storey, Julia Suit up Gorden, Kejcr Jyrten. Charles Kent and Florence Tur ner played. I Geerge Stnnle. .Myrtle Gonzalez, whec 'Vincent Celemnn. who is Miss Mur- i untimely death removed one of the Tay's lending man in this exotic te- , lc,''t the ?""lr screen leading mnnce of Spain, is a very newcomer te ' '"' lc" ' Murgiuet Gibsen and Anne the screen; Helen Ware, who hn u , ei-iiaetfcr part, was seven j ears. ego. a prominent i "( haslng the Moen" (te digress a tagc actress who lind probably never minute) tell.s of a young nillliennlr, fensidered screen acting; t'rclghteu with tlie usual Hint craving for excite excite Hale had vet te make his first hit if. ment. who liuds it In such romantic thrilling scrinls with Pearl White In , M'ets as Spain and Ilussla. Of course, wblch thc two vied with each ether In lern s horse Teny Is used. Retting into the villain's power. . A word in passing about "Fascine- .. ., . , ... , tlen !" This Is another of the "Spanish rTMlE Nugent s feature is "At the Stage Leve." "Bleed and Sand" and "While A Doer." a W. Christy Cnbanne pic- Peacock" school. Se far this jear the stage has about controlled an option 01 me members of the cast arc young in this sort of thing, except that "Sere sters, both In age and sclten experience, nade" with Geerge Walsh and Mlnau though Billy Quirk is an old Vita Cooper upheld the screen side. In past ' grapher of days following lftle; Hunt seasons, however, we have te remember ley Gorden pla.cd with the cempanv "Oypsv Leve," "Cnrmen," "Thc Pas- even later, and (. E. Griffith played in slen Flower" anil "Tarantula," while , 'Deuble Trouble." ene of the earliest en the wnv arc the screen versions of Fairbanks films, which, however, wns "Bleed and Sand" and "Spanish Jade." some tlme later. The ethers. Miriam Bnttista. William Cellier. Jr.. and T THE Karlton next week is a pic- turlzatien of the old IMasee farce, "Is Matrimony a Failure?" and here again, these fans of yesterdny would be ntunned at the names of the cast of characters. T. Itey Barnes hns sprung te screen prominence within u jear: l.ila Lee was started enj her ill-fated star ring venture by Lasky about three and a rfhnlf years aee: I.eis Wilsen bail net.' appeared in Teter 15. Kyne's "A Man's Man" and was unanewn te meiegnize. Madge Hellnmy js a newcomer. fana of that year; Salter Hlers was. iui Florence Vider has appeared since qually unknown, and such famous i m4. Jack Helt, in "Bought and Paid creen fat men as Jehn Bunny, Hughie Fer" nt tln iainW( gnincd his stnrdera Mack and 'James Lnckaye held the ,eniy recentJy, having alwav, before been avoirdupois championship; TullyMar- a scheming villain. Agnes Ayrcs, in Rhall had yet te make his film debut the same ,iIm hat, net y t . under Griffith's auspices in Triangle , nlen b. her k , h delightful features; Otis Harlan was atarrtaf In 0 Ucnr'y HterIes in wiachs played auaicnl comedies en thc stage, al though he made his screen debut a short time later for Sellg In a series of thc faircM of the late Charles Hevt. jn Charles Ogle, however, we find en familiar name in the "Is Matri mony a Failure?" cast. Ogle was, at the time of which we speak, with thc Edisen Company, playing with Marc McDermott, Gladys Hulctte, Mary Fuller, Herbert Pryer, Viela Dana, Miriam Nesbitt (new McDermott's wife), Mabel Trunellc. Rebert Brewcr and Blgelew Coene. There is one pic ture that emea te mind especially In which Viela Dana plnyed the part of a Continental drummer boy, nnd Ogle portrayed Washington n favorite part for him these days. Thn ntlip memheps In the rnst of this farce, which, by the way, sounds like I Bemetblnz the films need badly a geed, , wholesome, laughing tonic that does net spread its laughs sparingly eer sis reels of arid spots are names which would have meant nothing te the photo play followers of 1014 except In the case of Sydney Braccy, who wns then well known ns a serial player with the defunct Thanheuscr Company. He played a butler In one of these serials. W! IS MY WANDERING BOY TONIGHT?" the second film with nn interrogative title here , next, is even mere definitely a picture of young players, uuiien L.anuis, wnese first appearance (if memory nerves aright) was in the part of a breezy cowboy character in a Lasky film two or three years back, pla.s the title role. Patsy Ruth Miller, n very new face en the screen, is the girl who waits nt home while the country lad visits and Sirsenallv Investigates the lights of roadway. The ether members In the enst of this feature, which Is based en the neng written by Rebert Lewry (a I'hlladel pblan, by the way), are all newcomers. nJ,:. wh-e . M'.n.lelHHebn Choir, day, would net recognize a single furall Mr race. Incidentally the admirers of Mar Garr, Kate Rruce, Mary Alden and Margaret Sedden, rival "mothers" in Hcreen plays of heart appeal, will la-re have a chance te see still another actress 'in this kind of role. The mother of the "wandering boy" will be played hy Virginia True Benrdmnn. Seme time neme vigorous and hard-working stuti" 4iCif U'l1!1 ii bik, l"1.' b?il I"any plnt I jars could be filled by the tears wept toy, spreen metnera grieving for recalci trant children and hew many hours they have spent by home firesides waiting for their neus' return. It will make iaterestlng reading. PAULIXR FREDERICK is by no means a recent convert te the screen, Tajlla telentefl atnr ivlm nnnnnu iinvl v' "" wjek at the Arcadia ill "Twc Kinds of twenty-second yenr, and each of its , here, tlie singing will net be of the nma nma ef' "n," was one of the first of the public performances hns added net teur tjpc indigenous te college glee 8j ''"I series of famous flayers unrs, t'f, pat in JU14, at any rate, she wns tin- &n. JCBOWn te tha arreen. rhnuirh the Rtntri EsM' d seen her magnificent performance B'JV.' . - - . - v . e., ..." '.. bjkh jn jesepn ane mih iiretnren. it He was in liue that she went te Heme te film Hall Caine'H "Eternal C'lrv. There is ene in her supporting cast of "Twe Kinds of 'Women,' however. that nur Fnnn nf YwtrprHnv tennl.l r,.! einize. Ills nnme is Themas Santsehl. and he appeared in mnny n Sellg film before he became firmly established later in "The Spoilers." In fact, Santsehl it probably one of the "most veteran" of leading men en the screen. Others 'fit ,JnBewn sc rnprtasinaiw riminis- SjWtaBFarnum te de it. William Elmer, . of the support ng players in tills Mini at the Arcadia, is n real old- L 'Watieaair.. "nlmlenllv" Knenklns'. nnd hla ,yter., "fllmlcnlly' ;x nr countenance may have been ting fans seven years back. re Kinds et Women" is one of stories of a city-bred sirl. who at-into the "great West" and !WBatusBe),.Cla da. in ' manaclni! i L y -z-t-.i ' r.v- vajawi.rBicamrn snu me uMM-iJmk 4VVT OF THE WEEK g ' Servcd'Ven the Screen Mae v a a wr a Film News of Week flrnt upon the screen these davs. fans of nix or seven years nge had left mu uuniliunil I1UU8C9 DC piaCCU DCIOrc Photoplays te Be Seen On Lecal Screens Soen April 24 "Tlv Seventh Day," with Richard Carthelmins, Stanley; "The Cradle." with Ethel Clayten, Arca dia ; "Iren and Oeld," with Dustln Karnum. Victeria: "Fnlr Lady," with Betty Blythe, Aldlnc. TOM MIX, who graces the Victeria screen in a new yarn called "Chasing the Moen" (xhndes of Fairbanks' "Beaching for the MoenI", is by no means a youngster, but his days of stardom en the screen hnve net bpen se very tiinnv, at that. He played ' with Sellg before that, and was preb- I ably just about beginning te show what a wicked lasso In- could swing (he was n I cow boy anil retighrlder once, you knew) back In the dnjs of which we speak. Ills present leading lady, En Novak, is decidedly of a later period than that of IDM-lOle, but the ether I Novak, Jane, wns playing with the estern Vitagrapli Company beside ' i .such old fnverltcs as Geerge Helt, Wil 'Ham !). Tnjler then nn ncter), Otte i.euerer, who still appears occasionally ttire with an explanatory title. Most I i"ie I'eve. w-euld he jut names te these Fans of Yesterday returned from i.uuia. AND no of tl: running quickly ever some of the morn important film show- ings. we find "Hall the Weman" in its second week nt the Aldlne hns Theo Theo eore Heberts, one of the real old-timers U the lilms, u pioneer at the Lasky Stllllie mill .1 Striking fmitvn itlinm Fans of Yesterday would probably rec- with Ldward Earle. Tyrene Power, plajtng in "Footfalls" at Fay's, was en the stage seven years age, having just finished an engagement in William Faversham's production of "Julius Caesar." Tem Douglas nnd Estellc layier tin tne same mm) are youngsters in reality. Gleria Swanson, In "Her Husband's Trademark" at the Capitel, had net even been seen ns a Scnnctt bathing girl, but Stuart Helmes, new in her support, was beins featured in such plays as "The Scarlet Letter" by Fex. One ether old-timer, known then as new, Is Herbert Ilawlinsen, playing next week at thc Rlveli in "The Scrap per." THE CRITIC TALKS TO MUSIC LOVERS NOT the least important of the events of the preseut musical sensen have been the opportunities Philadelphia has had te hear choral singing of the best pesi-lble kind. Three of the finest choirs en thc Continent have ung here. St. Olaf's Choir, the Mendelssohn Choir of Terente, Canada, and the Bach Choir, of Bethlehem. Net only hnve thpkO crrent nrfflinizntlnna ptvnn tit. oppertnunlty te hear choral hinging at the best that this Continent (or any ether) knows, but the three organiza tions represent three highly different spheres of choral work. There Is no doubt that St. Olaf's Choir stands entirely alone in the ex cellence which it hns achieved among i the educational institution of the I country, Detn in. tenai quality ana in perfection of training, ur. least 'e far as mixed choral singing is concerned. The Uach Choir, en the etner hand, de votes its attention entirely te the works of the great Sebastian, which means that It gives sacred compositions ex of Terente, finds its field In both sacred i ml secular music, but does better in i lif latter. Ter this reason, any comparison of the three choirs Is futile. Earh has its own field in which It stands at the very head of choral singing. But they are alike in two Important particulars; each has a director who has made a sneclnlty et the work in whlcn his choir exce's and has a genius for choir training nnd conducting, and each choir has devetcu nn enormous amount of time and study te the work In hand. Without both of tbesi' things thn rn. suits which hnve been accomplished could net possibly hnve been reached. i TTIAPII nf thn fhrpn phnlpa na n linAt,. Jli sreuna of tradltlen ttnWl ftlse ,, an rlement: if net an ps&entini nf mn. nu..u rPl,A TlnnL 'I...I. I.. i. l. only te its prestige abroad, hut lias none the snme thing at home in the helnif n niemher nf kiipIi n fimn,u ,,,, .--"- -..--. ... ....... ,. .U...WM.3 .A. ganizatien means mere and mere every ,.'"'' AU year. The same thing exists at St. UlaiH, where te be a .member of the ciieir is the greatestl dlhtinctlen In tinu-Kf a 1 1 1 , wiun: iorento film In ii ; ; i . .i.n ",,, "- ,- ki,cui cicui u ciuiiiui iruuuiun regard- . ing membership. " may be noticed that all of these great choirs come from the smaller cities rather than the large ones. This is net cbiinre, but is based en some very definite factors. Following the (.nine line, it will be remembered that the l)(.st min choruses of New Yerk nnd , Philadelphia, borne of which lind been 'heavily nugmented for the content by profeKslenal singers, and the lirHt prUe ' tnr. lw,pnl Llnclnir nt tl, llV.U',. p.i.. eisteddfod in Chicago was wen by the Cymroderions, of Scrunten, both med- erate-sized cities, And these are only two ei many cubch wuicn ceuiu ee in stsneed. mHJ!JSBllr!,plJ(J, hsi a tremendous ftBtaaasi M' 'jkMm STARS APPEARING ON LOCAL SCREENS NEXT WEEK j wvuvy VWB ,k v'k KiSaV':irKwH'HI SYLVIA A3HTON iti Scne 1 1 "'jjBr"" tK'"! ' V 17JMff fH from " IS M ATCIMOHV A rjKv' ' ;::".; ," 11 i'tJmM failure? Kfitet UiHr')' ':im ; -U t'MwMM BBBBvi " BBBBBXP r! iB Wv ,BBBiwBBBBBBBBBBBBl R - HPArar J gleria swansen."her PJSaBBBBBBBBBBBl "KH Btl-1 HUSBAND'S TRADEMARK" 'l RRvC 1 V rvl- -v. v PDPiPiH m- -1:mL 'VRH Ruline FRJEDCRiCK. tem Miy" BPR!?B MAE MURRAY "FA9CINATI0M? "TO KINDS OF - CHASING THE l4 Jftl'B fcatrtU Bv" Bl rKl " I y--.-vlM. HPVI "' iV Hitv'S IS MY WANDERING BOV Kpr ,' iX&F&tF Wil'-"' f iV KL TO-NIGHT"? StattteTi vHpRr?P' t.jgneg,; -, - ' t i xJ:FX iCVB Charac-fcen in "AT THE THF STAGE DOOE" WESLEY BARRY'' "SCHOOL PAYS" Bel wen tr matter of a gicat chorus. Of ceur'i?, i thc city must have a sufficient pepuhi-1 tien te allow a wide choice in the mat ter of the miallty of the voices and their ' number. But in thc smaller city the ' choral organization, if it achieves t enough pretigc. becomes n municipal , affair, in which all the citizeas take1 pride and for which they will de nny thing possible te help te success. This is never the ense In the large city, ' where the distances arc areat and where I there is u multitude of musical interests both vocal and Instrumental te divide I thc attention of the musicians and an even greater multitude of orchestral concerts, operas, sole recitals, et cetera. In the small town the musical interest is focused en the choral organization; in the city it is subdivided. This is the chief reason why no great city has n choir which can compare with these et Bethlehem or of Terente. Then, again, there is thc matter of the leader. Dr. Welle. of the llach Choir; Mr. Frickcr, of the Terente organization, and Mr. Christiansen, ei St. Olaf's. are pre-eminent in their respective fields, both as musicians and te fully ns great a degree as men who are nble te inspire witn tneir own en- tlnmlnsm thnsn who sine under their batons. Without this last element -l.n ii.U nt .Via l.lrvlinuf cfnnflnrtl ' cannot be attained. Unlike the pre- fessienal orchestras. the members of the choral organizations are net paid for their services, and whnt they de must be brought out by enthuslnxrn for the work. The tactics frequently employed te train a professional or chestra would brenk up a volunteer choir in ene rehearsal. AXD, - mui while en the subject of choral music, there is nn organization coming te Philadelphia next week which stands unique In n new field of vocal work. This in the Harvard Ulcc OI..K .l,l. nt nn etrnnllVlln.. enn. iiuu, nuiiu ";'-. '" "--'" h - cert in Philadelphia a season or two age. The former mission of the collcge elee club was te sins mere or less w ell the songs of the college, with a few of I the easier grade of part songs for , men's voices. Its aims were about nfty-fifty of a maintenance et tne "cellcce spirit" and of wwial actlii tied, and no town where n concert was Rivt,n was supposed te have done It duty unlcs there was a reception for the Glee Club after the concert, ar ranged by the nlumni. The "making" of the Glee Club wns largely a matter of thelce and of personal appearance, and it was desired as much for the winter tour as for any musical en joyment that might be ebtnlned. Thc leader was always an undergraduate and, therefere, nn nmateur, usually a geed dllettaute musician, but usually a boy who knew little if anything of the training et a choral organization. But the Harvard Glee Club, under the professional leadership of Dr. Archibald T. Davisen, has broken this tradition te shreds and this club at least I has sprung forth as one of the eminent singing ei ionizations ei me country, The program which It w-Ul gle next week would challenge the beht efforts of nny body of men's voices anywhere, ranging, us it does, from Bach and Pnlestrina, te Cesar Kranck and Dvorak, with a "Chant du guerre" by Hchmltt (presumably the radical Fler- cnt) thrown in for geed measure. And, ' . ,,.lr. tmn tl,Alr fnpmul nriTinfira,,nn , clubn; it ranked then ii it doubtless .will again with any male chorus in i .1... ,..h,imp Tlr PlnvUfin. Illfe Afr. I lilt -'J ,... , . .-. ---. ..... .'V. I Christiansen, of St. Olaf's, lias made ! belne a member of the glee club or cel leite cbelr have n new meaning nnd stand for something of real musical i . ..nl, uiuc ami: Xl wl MEMBEU of the Musical Art Club he wishes te remain anonymous, but who is him"clf an excellent per former nnd sincere lever of chamber music, has offered u prize of $100 for the best nmateur or student btrlng The entries mum de nd the contest will club some time during . members of the quitr- , must bn net mere than ' rs of nise. ' This Is an excellent move te heln establish ene of the mext delightful, i as well as Improving, of musical pas times, the playing of Htrlng quartets. There is a great deal mere amateur prl prl vate quartet playing done in Phila delphia than the average musically in clined person has any Idea. The cham ber music enthusiast offering the prize has piacett tne .age . limit ratner low, and probably needlessly se, for the . . . ', t. : . T AGNES AYRES, "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" Palace forty years or mere of nge docs se for rue pure leve et it, nnu for no ether reason. He could net be drawn into n competition for two rensens. First, he will net de the work nwessarv te cct I into, "concert form," nnd. second, he is old enough, and has heard enough geed quartet playing, te have 'lest nil illusions ns te the merit of his own playing, lie knows by that time hew badly he really plnys quartets. IX AX article en thc choir of men's voices of St. Mark's Eniscennl Church which appeared in this column borne wceKs nge, it was stated that at the dissolution of the original nheir mnny year.s ace. the mpmhprx fnrmeil themselves into the nucleus of thc prcs- Otlf T,r ,1 Iwhf l- 11, ,1. tttwln .1... .1!..- tien of the late Mr. Guhlmann and that at his death the nfc-ent director. Henry Corden Thunder, succeeded te i tue leadership. Tills was an error. After the death of Mr. (iithlminn Mr. Mnurits Lccfen became the conductor und held thr posi tion for mere thnn ten yenrs. He was in turn succeeded by Mr. Thunder, who has been the leader ever since. MUSIC NOTES "Ssi.sen et Dillla" will clee the Metro politan Opera season nt the Academy of .i Mulc next Tuesday evening. Olev.tnnl Mar "n!'"..?J" W." '"..J1" r. " .ntl, nu Jeanne uoraen will oe me uania Mr. IJI I IKI .Bsm NIXON'S aajaiBtjw i GranD IIUOAIl AMI MONTOOMKRY AVE. F. tl. Nlxen-Mrdllnrer. t.en'l Mgr. Mat. Dally. 2:1,1 17c i. 'St. Inc. Tax. Hie., 7:80 te 10:40 23c A 40c, Inc. Tax. B 2 bhewH Mat. Eve.. 0:110 & 0 7 ACTS B.F. KEITHS POPULAR VAUDEVILLE 7 ACTS PICTORIAL PRFMJDKS ALL NEXT WEEK Afternoon 1 :30 and 3 6t30 te 11 P. M. WAtLACE REM mi LOB WILSON THE CHAMPION Frem the stage play in which Grant Mitchell appeared last season a romantic comedy and a pleasing plot. s s s BELMONT tStfiHjfackj'a (jeCrwj te &15iXnvvt H.et uuk te Ut Gut tvwkmis Scheel pay5 Daily 1 )30 and 3 6i30 te 11 P. M. Children's Special Matineei Tueidajr & Thursday at 4 P. M. Bring the Kiddies T3 B3I & HAN IVMr'GfU' 80' 3 A ANNUM 8TH. I5 te It Monday. Tutsdar & Wrdnrsdur llerbtrt Kswlln.en, "THE SCRAPPER" Tlluradar. Prldny Ii Kutiirduy rlHAUOWH OF TIIK SEA" Ckarles Cfcaplia ia "Pa? Day" iMnnMWMMnMMmwmnwnnwmmHmmmmmmmm FLORENCE VIDOR "HAIL THE WOMAN"Alditi- p I.uca will h.ivi tlin rnle cf the ltlTh Prleat. and Mr. Itetliler that of the Old Hebrew. Others In Hie cast will he Merr. Hilda. Paltrlnlerl, lleflchlgMlan and Schlerel. Mian Oirden will lead the ballet and Mr. Haaaelmana will conduct. I The precram of the Philadelphia Orho- ii uh rrmay mi naiuruuy next oner . l new comDea tlen by one of th inli ' ented member of iti nrrhHtn. en,. fni. i irr. and the miprarnnrp of the Stekuwikl inrdallat of 101:1. lMwnrd I.nne. ulnnlst. I he symphony l Tachnlkewaky'ii Ne. 8. In i I. miner, op. 04 .Mr. Lime haH elected te ii'ara in tne Liszt U nat concerto. Mr. I Mueller, n member of thn nrst violin .,,-. tlen et the Phlledelrhla Orchestra alnce 11107. has been represented before through the medium of the orchestra by his sym sym Phenlu poem. "Atlantis," nnd the "Dra matte Overture." The rarnUal overture. tlr,h.',ftrnf ltt.d.a wn" completed last summer In Philadelphia, The Harvard alee Club, Dr. Archibald T. DaWsen, conductor, will present at the Academy of Male en Wednesday evening next a program composed of works of llach, Palestrlna, Pergeleil. arechanlnev. Hchmltt. Dvorak, Franck. Mllhaud. Laesus! Urahms, Merley and Handel. The Cheral t'nlen of Philadelphia. Anne McDonough, director, has again reached Its former strength of 20Q voices', and will sing the opera of "Martha" In concert form en Tuesday. May 2, at Scottish Illte Hall. The solelsta will be: Mildred Faas. soprano; Marie Ptone Ijingsten. alto; Henry Ourney tenor; Tranklln L. Weed, bass. t The Philadelphia season of two weeks of the Russian opera begins at the Ferrest Theatre Monday. April m. Th mri,.T.. the MOI eimslsta of ninety-six members fermerlv f "' J. " "'".. "" in i-etregraa, escuw. Odtssa, Kleff und Kazan. ThX I ffMBeKT: ,SienndTy.W"Tksa?.Pi'rlA.e'1Phb5 ' Kimaky-Korankev; Tuesday. "Plaue name." or "flaaulka." by D.irgemlrsky: Thuradiv 'Snow Malilen." bv nimnk.ivnpninv ci ' lllm,Ul.1tnp..l,nii K.-I ' day. "Euren Onegln." by Techalkewikv; The Demen." Rubinstein, Saturday afitr. neon and night. "Carmen," by Ulzet. Saturday The Matinee Musical Club will give Its an. nual spring choral concert. Helen Pulaski Innts, director. In the ballroom of the Belle-ue-Stratferd next Thursday evening. The chorus will be assisted by the Matinee Musi cal Club Orchestra. Thaddeus Rich, directer: the Matinee Musical Club harp ensemble of ten harps, Dorethv Johnstone lUseler, di rector, and the Eurydlce String Quartet. Jascha Hslfetz will make hla final ap pearance this aeasen In a Uellrr recital en 69 STREET THEATRE OITOHITE TERMINAL Man,, Tees, eni VfeA. WALLACE REID In Ilia Nenent and Rest Picture "THE CHAMPION" Thursday. Friday A Saturday "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" Featuring Rudelph Valentine S2d and Locust Sta. F. G. Nlxen-Nlrdllnwr. Manaaer 52d St. above Market F, G. Nlxen-Nirdlinger Manager eCetulea 4 1 st a I.snratr Ave. 2 10 te 4 180. 7 te II f-jidw fmM and lvvflntaaas' WAI.lJCrE RKII F.I.HIK KERdtmON in "PETER IBBETSON" Thursday. Friday JSatnrtlay ur.iii. n. urn iui..Kf "SATURDAY NIGHT" " '' ,K . i xmA .,. Wlnaiy vn'lnr, April 30, In the Actl- tmy ei ui!0.v- i Th rndlwehn Club. N. LlndisyNerden, ftnHi,fIAP. will nMunl an tnflirtfllllnv DfO' rami at IU iteend concert en Wanejdy nitnt nt in1 in utuevue-mraiiera e, room. Mlu EtUtbeth Bennar. contralto, wl b th aolelit. A mealeal event ef.tntsreit la the cenerrt tei ba given en Wadneaday avenlni at With; erapoen liall by Karl Benawlti. planlat, and Ma alatar. Caellla nanawltz. vlellnlat. The pretram Includea "Bonata," Op. t, uneaj. W1W.VI, Vlll 1IUIISITH.I (IUIHII-h -" '&aiiBnM" vniitunn. Lezchetlikyl 'Lleba- traum." Maiti Prrluda In c miner. Itach Itach manlneff: "Tha UoIlywevsi CakewalU,", Do De buaay, and a .croup et Chepin, for plann. Miaa Benawni win piay ins kt eonearto. Traeludlum and Alletre.' nanlKralaleri "Tambeurln ChlnelKe." Wlanlawakl rut Krrla er: "Neclurna," Chepin; "Air 'Alt tlnnarrolae. Haani. "Kiccuanarwalaan.v us innrwifien.'.' tiaraaate. and "Remance," uenawltt, Tha Philadelphia Operatic Society .wll preaant '.'Carmen" Monday eenlnK. Aprl , at the Academy et Atuale. Wlnlfre; III April i. ;n AMeraiy or Aiuaie. "'""rT" Wilav will elnv th ltU ,aI. fjirt rvvn will be heard aa MlcaeU, the role et Den Jesa will ba aun by Chrla V, (Irahvim and I'r. Andrew Knox will be heard hi Nescamllle, Helen E. Betirrlcht, Veronica Bwelt-art, 1). h, Mathewa. Jr., Charles I). Leng- and Heward F. Hauih are In the cast. . T.HM.M OlMkl.k ... ......M &HAvtMB. b.la prane. will lve bar annual sonic recital nn u.m, VVCIllIieT, AVrll hO. in HID AIUIIQUU et Muale fejer. Mlaa Olnrlch will hae thc aaalatanca et Ullta dark Haminanu at the Piane. The program for the anniversary concert of the Cheral Society of Philadelphia, te bi, liven at the Academy , of Music en April -I, embracea axcerpts from the great compose;'. both modern and ancient. It begins with the Sanatua from the llach 11 Miner Mn.s, followed by "The Heavena Ara Telllnu" from. "The Creation 1" "the Night Is Ur-parting-," Mendelasehn; "Tha Tempest nt sea," by Max Druch, and ether moie model n nuinbera. Te aceerd with the plan te make muilc week aa elaberate aa possible, the memlier of tha Treble Clef have arranged te have their spring concert Friday night, May f. In Wltherspoen Hall. A program IB which the works of American composers predominate will be given, with the performance of tne aenga by the talented Philadelphia com poser, Elizabeth Qest. Tha Philadelphia Mualc Club will held Its next regular meatlnir In thn, rtoie Oardcn. Uellevue. Stratford, en Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. Tha following club members will ap pear In selected numbers: Vera Murray-Cevert, soprano; Teckla Farm-McKlnnle, so prano, assisted by Jeseph Ia Monaca. ndtlst of the PhlladelDhla Orchestra: Mary Bray. contralto; Kathryn C Nell, contralto; Irene Hftle Hubbard, cellist: Derenco Adele nightman, harpist; Ebba SJohelm, pianist. Lulgl Bbccellt. baritone, will gle a recital In the foyer of the Academy of Musle en Friday evening, April VS. He will be as sisted by Rachel Troest Htitempflg, so prano, and Mary Miller Mount at thc piano. Special Easter music will lie txlven at tl." Second Presbyterian Church, Twenty-am and Walnut atreeta. Sunday eeinnit, nt 7:.in 'I " chorus choir, under the direction of N', Lindsay Nerden, will sin? "The first Cot.i Cet.i Cot.i munlen." Tlnel; "Shine Ferth. O New Jem salem,"' Tolakynltelf: "Thev Have laker. Away Mv Lrd." Stalner' "Chorus of 8cru Phlm," Dubois, for women' elces: "Raster Keng," Kehrman, and a sole by Mr. Stnlil. "My Hepe la In the Everlasting." Stalner. There will also be tries fur lelln, harp and organ. The second series of free .Sunday afternoon concerts of the Academy of Finn Arte 111 bealn en April 16. Master Day, at 3 o'cleol:, The performers will be Cera Frje. pianist: l.ulgl Heccelll. baritone, and DaMd Cehen, violinist. The Tall Cedars' alee Club, of Philadel phia. Ferest Ne. 10. assisted by n number f 7i.-. .' --t- ,--..-., -., r eelOlSXB. will IVO n nvtui tumrn .-, va- Tern rreaunenan nurre. urimu u u - ford itreeti. en .me. evenine ui -wi - one of Its 'activities In tne general piegrnni ' for music week. The choir of the Church of St I.ukc nnd te Epiphany will render nn HaMer p ...-am nt nneelnl lnterent tomorrow after UIV neon at the 4 o'clock aervlce. The program will Include: "Aacendlt Deus." a cappelln, Palestrlna: "Mern of Beauty," a cappella, Sibelius: "A Joyeua Caster gong," tradi tional; "Three Women Went Ferth." eight Parts, a rapella, II. Alexander Matthews, and "Beheld, I Shew Teu a Mystery," Daxld D. Weed. The service will be preceded by a recital of Instrumental musle begin ning at 8:80. with violin, cello, hnrp and organ, under the direction et II. Alexander Matthews. Caster musle will be sung Rundav night by the choir of Old St. Peter's Church, Third and Plnn streets, under Hie direction of Hareld W. Gilbert. The program will be: "Awake 1'p My Glory," Iiirnby: "The, Diy Is Gently Sinking." Matthews: "Hallelujah." Handel: tenor sole, "My Hepe I In the t:erlaatlng" (Stalner). Wharten W, Weir. Jimmy Huitey's Career Jimmy Hussey, who wns thc prin cipal comedian in the Century Revue, the Shubert cameo revue which re cently played here, and who, returns in 'Th Premenaders." a new revue playing nt the Chestnut Stiect Opera Heuse next ween, Einneu nis incniri ml career nineteen years age in Chi cage in thc name part of a show called "The Little Outcast." Frem that he went te the "Babes in Teyianu, nnu later organized "Thc Three Urchins." which had an Ill-fated vaudeville career of ten days, tie was aise, nt one umu, in the support of Richard Mansfield, playing SbaKespeannn repertoire. When the war broke out. he was nlay- ing In Londen with Jack Beyle, and since then, he has played in several Shubert ibews, In vaudeville, and with his own production, "Tattle Tales," which he later condensed for vaude ville. STRAND OEBMANTOWK ATE, and VENAWflO AM, NEXT WEEK Rudelph Valentine & Dorethy Dalten in "M0RAN OF THE LADYLETTY" A OEOROB MELTORD rRODCCTIQN lUxen, Bill Bel. MAKKI.T HT. wnilj in '4 in K mines, 7 & 0 5 ALL-STAR VOD-VIL ACTS AVn FRED STONE. ''BllAY HU" Maaii ' ' t ''r J I B ataVKr v .1 '. y.-irl i ii i ' rr.kimk' LEADING THEATMS. ii ' SAMrUllfhElaT a jniWEKi 1?JHE WORLDS OP LISTEN IN r j " JaW V'& lsii!i71lgsiiHEassssmasssasl!W V ::: viv'tVBgaamVP:i: iliii'i':.'';V'!T.'.llftjs EWSffla PfP?a!, AyiwDtHmLVAupeviuwe. J' . feilil'vi R ivgSkV il sVaaa fuiiitassrBaaa V v't :::'iiL m? MP vauBeviiIcs scntillatjq stak. lfffiiP liL jSBPPV DOVI-E I ETHEL DAVIS m-J Wmm ZAMBUNI5 c FOR. AN iflffinWH K J$$m ALFRED LATELL , FLORENCE . ?MPH Wjmay) withEISIEVOKESwIHIPUP P.AVFIELD mj J HKf f LOU EDWARPg ' HENRY STREMEL fljfafaJ BMpP I KATHRYN PENMAN EDDIE HICKEY "(y-H Blpyl.) BETH STANLEY MARJOBIE CARVILLEl yPSrj THE WORLD'S MARVEIOUS ATHLETES R.ATH i a ADnmma sN.Y. WINTER GARDEN 3R.D. CAMEO KEVUS AlempilMrMuetbtlM THE VJHIRLef NEW YORK" MIDNIGHT fcOUNDER?" SPECIALLY OMAWZEO OIL SHUUtMl VAUDEVILLE PROHEHADERS WITH AN ALL STAR CAST AND CHORUS OF BEWLDFRNG BEAUTtSS f tUMfflNY NO A0WNC IN REGULAR PRCSS arKlWPast DAILY MATS. 27.3Q AndheliSavs LYKRC MONDAY AT 8 SHARP Only Mat. Sat. at 2 Twe Weeks Only under the Personal Direction of Lee Shubert E.H. OTHERN - s IN SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS Last Visit for Twe Years Rrpeiielrs First Week! Men.l MEKCIIAVT OF VENICE Tuea.t TWELFTH MIOHT Wed.t IfABILET Thura.l TAMING OF THS SHREW Frl.t HAMLET Hat. Mnt.t MERCHANT OF VENICE Hat. Ee.t TAMING OF THE 8HRBW NflTF J1'? curtnln rif aharply at 8 at nlsbt and 2 at the Saturday aaaUaat. LSJ 1 JU. I.nteernera U1 net be seated nnUfthe latermtaalee. LOWER n,OOn. 8 nAI... S.0. S2. Sl.BOi skcend bat... si. twh tax IDN,?8SWe .I Mr teW- rwr.i & 30 THEATRE GUILD Inc. COMEDY 1 II HK1 asi uvn THEMOUGHHECK) Sg2l3icStXm, MATS. WAWUTil JK BlUBY ScJt Onmtr 2nd BIG WEEK FUN MELODY YOUTH BEAUTY VICTOR HERBERT'S ANGEL rTA.i. ORIGINAL N.Y CAST A MUSICAL COMEDY im t K.I4.IS. a. - aBaisava.- A mT AND A STRONG SUPPORTING C WED.MAT IllO eEVE5 - SO rei 2.00 f lTl!layVV SAT. MAT- 5 Q te 1.50 WALNUT ST. THEATRE-Tues. Ait., April 25 nwa av .JlNEnT ,N A,n op this m CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN CLUB, Inc. SYDNEY OHN L vnM2rW,,JlASiCUER,TE 2ENDE. NORA KELLY, GEORGE PANY FEATUHFS SGi JB0E " THE RUSSIAN CRAND OPERA COM PANY, FEATURES FROM B F KEITH'S AND SHUBERT VAUDEVILLE. mw l ....... " "niiiiii Harvard Glee Club Dr. A. T. Davisen. Conileitor ACADEMY OF MUSIC Wrilm'ilii Kwntns, April ia, lit H1I3 f.ats J,n tu fiOone tax at lli:i'I'K'S 11111 flietnm Street, ' r' "' Wia'Vr'VLast Opera Perfermaac. SAMSON tt DALILA8.. agig. uu i T t.J '. " ,. "ain DUttCTlOM Ltt J.U : - i . r-"ns BEG. MONDAY AT Sill sweeksjOnlyinw TllssrsLEEJ.J.SHUBERT Pnsent GREATEST ENTERTAINER. IN AN ORIENTAL DREAM INCOMPARABUMSXTBtAVAQANZA JOLSOH A SIZZUN6,WWZZLM6 CYCLONE OF lAUGHn WITH ORIGINAL. SUPPORTING COMPANV AndaPeswie Gardt'n of Radiant Girlie &&0 ) WHEN JOLS0H5WS HIS NEW SQNGl BROS, rn yvsjr Ul- 3U KtOHLt JULIA mARLOWE TUI IRC kk AT nwKQ. I'IMI -te 1.50 OP UIFE I AaJ m iCe5)-Xik PLTili 1 J05EPH 5CHILDKRAU7 V&'EVALeGALUENNE THUOS.&SAT.2.ISP.M. WALNUT ATNINTrt CCWNArVUttA rft. 5ik MARGUERITE ZENDE& NORA KELLY .InUM C VOMKIfi nnnm;i IIUA UIC Ibd J - iiii it n0x OFFICR ASHER'S SWIMMING SCHOOL H, V. Cor. Hi A Walnut gl ( Mixed BalhrngjfeVji!' Instrurlten (llien te Ilelli rlnra PARTY NIGHTS . Tnesilay. Thuradar. Saturday. 'M ' '- ' Acaaara-'fkt. Bex 0,a HPP,",u,.Ss!Si'i nHlLAOELPHIA "V? r rmcmrinM "TT:?I:vl Kjv;j i&l85HSKkiijCJh5rli. v f t ili?J