M M 'four Openings flext Week, With Mere te CorneJehon, Elsie Fergusen, Sothern and Marlowe and Mask and Wig Lend Variety , iTtJBT 'Dn let et P0"1' weJelnnlnK te pack away, things theatrical in J MOth-balla for another ieaaeil, and devote their mental energies te auch inMearabka as golf manual, aeed catalogues and time-tables, the Towers That sTchanged their minds, and new It leeks as If 1'blladclphla -would have Its BUjheuiea open tjlt the first of June. An even stranger thing is that the remainder of the season will see n con !....,. nf the Interesting fare that has been vouchsafed the cltv recently. It will jaducle such widely divergent entertainments ni melodrama, Russian grand erj.ra mute, fantastical play, drama and Shakespeare. There ought te be emetblng there for all tastes. NEXT Monday will see'tbe opening of four new shows at downtown '. .nnilier at th Metroneli. In Optra Heuse, and another Geerge Tin "l';1.,, .....ntiit en ' tk TJf. rlleE H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe jStkespea""" repertoire at the Lyric ffkMtrc. opening en Monday with ihfT have net given in some time. wftl.i Fergusen will appear at the Breid Street Theatre for two weeks in En. Varying Shere," whirh is by Hec AklBi. and will give Philadelphia ikMtreers a chance for comparisons with the etame author's "Declassce." TBS I11BSK HHU " . v,un e aiiuuni 1.0".,;.. tt.1. tlnu nl, A T.1I JtiiHnn Tales. " will be given "for one' week "" v. - .. ..... f ...... ..i. . th. Ferrest Theatre, Charles H Morgan, the ihdefatlguable dancing mentor of these University of Pennsyl vania bevs, is also the author of tue Seme people consider that a thcatrt nl year isn't a year at all unless Al jolten eemci te town, and they'll wel come this black-and-white-face come dim In his latest, "Dombe," which opens a three -week engagement at the The show nt the Metropolitan Is Bringing Up Father in Wall Street," nd the Little Theatre performance is Bernard Shaw's "Captain Brass bound's Conversion." HAS anybody noticed hew few and for between have been the per formances here this year of straight, un adorned dramas? There have been nlenty of the color melodramatically tWed affairs like "The White Peacock" nd "Bleed nnd Sand," a nanutui or. plays thnt balanced delicately between k. .ftmnrlr ntirl nrrinus values, aa lu "The Circle." several, in the class of "Miry Rec and '"Lillem. ' which trewed the border into the land of fan Uy,'and an. occasional anomaly like "The Wandering Jew," half apectacle, half drama. But what used te be known ii "straight dramatic productions" teem te have been noticeable by their icnreltv. There was n "Bill of Divorcement" it the outset of the season. "Thu Easiest Way." later "Declassce." ireund the holidays, "The Skin Game" ind "Main Street" of mere recent date. But that about completes the list, therefore. It seems rather odd that en the books between new and the imminent ileilng of the theatres are three ''straight dramas." including "The Varying Shere." Grace Geerge in "The Exquisite Heur" coming te the Lyric ind William Gillette in "The Dream Uiker" booked for the Bread. The paucity of this particular kind If theatrical entertainment, which, only I few years age, reigned nlmest su preme, can probably be explained by the Inevitable cycles through which the Itiie gees. This year It was Philadelphia's let te kive a preponderance of pleasantly tuned light comedies, things like the wjrant "Mr. Pirn" or the atmospheric ''Happy Ge Lucky." the Gallic-flavored "W or the satirically barbed "Bad Uin." As a etrie dish, the city has seen l number of plays of fantastical ele tnti as in "The Emperor Jenes" and "Ltllem." Melodrama has been present, but net if tie "creek" variety,' except in the aiei of "The Bat" and "Cornered," lut rather the exotic, aa before men loud, nnd exemplified also by "Drift ." "Spanish Leve" and "In the fight Watch." There was a time ind that wasn't se long age when the Fimmy Valentines were as thick as iudclcbrrrles. Farce, of the mere flamboyant order, las been represented but twice all sea jjn, and both of these were by Avery Bopweod. Think of It! Just two left mt of the Fceres of bedroom, door doer deer lamming, masquerading yarns of ether fin. Where arc the "Charlie's junta"? Ilns Margaret Maye and her Baby Mine" no successor?" Musical shows, of course, go en for mer, l'.xccpt that this season has seen fucr in piopertlon te straight produc preduc produc Iens, they need no mention. Since the ticep.tien of the revue, te take the usee, in a large part, of the musical nay with a plot, there has been no sdical innovation In this field. The I'errttn. romantic and comic, Is still ii the Land of Limbe, though occa ecca occa lenally peme of the best of thcra fas ritness "The Chocolate Soldier" and The Merry Widow") are given an Jring. (her in Londen they seem te wv.merr- consideration for tradition, if ' story that recently enmn by cable of nthulat-tic scenes nt the final perform perferm Jicc nf the IVOyley Carte revivals of IHbert nnd Sullivan are te be believed. Next te analyzing the plays of the urrcnt tensen, it is probably of most Merest te conjecture what type of fientrical production will "be the nshlen" next year. Itlght new the ipettncle is at its lowest ebb, the heledrama in disfavor and the society xama ranks much thinned. On" the top de are the fentastical affair, the ay of strange setting in fnrawav mdi ind the straight, or "polite," eraedv. A glimpse at programs of theatres in 'w erk, which, is naturally usually 1 year ahead of this city, shewH one ijlng decidedly, and that Is thnt the "" ei inn exotic locale still is HH "ter. iiiissin has the call twice, India Kft a Paris apache den Is shown in Iul . nm' bcre are tevcral mere nil i colorful continental settings. ,1,1. r,is1U0 nrce 8tl11 ls ,n abeyance, "in only one really legitimate example . ?.w Vrk but the society drama LS! ,,eably en us Wfly back en the F.? '16 of popularity, and a prehpecy . .M8eaben'H flKurc f "'" here (se will be tripled next year ls net Willy rash. PEEP nt the dress rehearsal of this l year's Mask' and Wig show ills ills Mie.8i0n?.nevelty that ought te give .iilladelphl.i u hint of the sort of thing Pv weulil liave seen if thnt Itusulan t company really bud been coming. i. i mw?. en the program as n "Tey iv.i TJ' """1 consists of seven stiff, Msht soldiers in brilliant green who L,i reUR" seme me,t delightfully X . ftcP8, nml nrn Jelncil by seven g'lmated dells. Watch espcclnlly for - HLiiii:irni n .... .M.nu a .... ....... laUie pompous (shall we-sny?) ser- F" " dnncing wny It leeks HUc the Ti &i tllp. w,,eIe le,,K ""'m nf Mask t l 1 fihews' nn(1 "s iar "H ""slng iwumcH nre concerned, It is far n."witf nl,c,ul of u" '"''nt produc preduc Z JtH, n,Kd thing, though, that hnw r,Hrh ."'l"' doesn't control that bnnl. h03r d ",1,ke iheHC huid-weiWiig ""ruses casu uj, if they did. JOflfiBI1 MAMEM, who finishes M fit Phitadelehia enaaamat tmdau. W i ewsyi known at a real lever, ef tkt eukrmtGmmjp Shows That Are Coming Te Philadelphia Soen April 14 "Welcome Stranger," with Geerge Sidney. Qarrlck: Russian Grand' Opera Company, Ferrest. Mar l "The nxqulaltf Heur." wltn Grace Geerge j "The Dream Maker," with William Qilctte, Bread. belt thing of the ttage. Without any prearranged fireworks or any an an neunccment tchatieever, he icent down te the Walnut one day thl$ week and atked for Charlt V ana maker, the manager. And tchat de you tuppeae he wanttdt Why, just te walk acrein the stage, te tread these beards that xcerc se familiar and te him se lull et ntcmerii and intrrett. Hew fust and equitable it would be if, booking arrangements Icing removed, all the Shakespearean companies that came here could play at the old and historic Walnut. Walter Hampden set the style last year and found it lemarkably profitable. rnHB two weeks that Sothern and A Marlowe play here will be their last of the season and, in fact, for two sea sons', as they arc planning their every-ether-season rest. In the meantime It is just possible' null one ei inn memecrs et tne cempanv will try Shakespeare en his own ac-fount- Frederick Lewis is the man, and he has for n long time been nnx nnx ieus te essay certain of the bard's roles, notably Hnmlct. He did hope te de it this spring, and Mr. Sothern even offered him the entire scenery used by his company se that Lewis oeuld put en a matinee performance in New Yerk te show, what lie could de. The Sothern supporting cempanv was willing te lend Us services te help n fellow -member, but the scheme fell through, luc prob ably te the miserable theatrical condi tions. However, Mr. Lewis hopes te try again. Sothern is one of these actors who ineu tne films nnd wnt nbemlnably I'vuicu uirrrin. u is net generally remembered thnt he did three pictures, two of them rathe- flat and the ether, "An Enemy te t' King," gec,d ro mantic dramn. I 'en land Bui-kstnne, that fine old veteran new In his support, played with him in that film. It does seem a crying shame that se worthy mii actor could net have left n few great films behind as testimonials of his skill. . IT WILL have been nine years since Philadelphia saw Elsie Fergusen upon a local stage. Thnt last occasion was in "TIip Strange Weman," which played nt the Garrlck. "Sacred and Profane Leve," the drama made from Arneld Bennett's "Boek of Carletta." In which Miss FerguRen returned te the stage n year or se age, never get te this city. Her present vehicle, "The Varying Shere," Is an elliptical sort of a thing which starts nt the present flay and gees gradually back te hrlno' hrlne' llnes nnd tile like. Miss Fergusen, by the way, is te appear in a screen ver sion of "Outcast," the Hubert Henry Davies play In which she Bcered se heavily. Sethern'a First Serious Rela The first serious rele pleyed by 13. II. Sothern. who with Julia Marlowe Is at the Lyric Thentrc next week In Shakes pearian repertoire, was In Henry Ar thur Jenes' "The Dnncing Girl." Sothern was fearful of his reception by the public if he changed from comedy te drama, but Daniel Frohman urged him te make tlie-attcmpt. Later, as nn artis tic approach te the performance of "Hamlet," of which'agaln he was ncrv ncrv eus, he appeared in Hauptmann's "The Sunken Bell," In which Rowland Buck stone, new in Mr. Sethcrn's company, had a part. He did se much worrying ever the production of "Hamlet" that Mr. 'Frohman aald te him, "Some time you are going te act one piny for mc ami think of nothing but your own role." He agreed and later appeared In "The Kings Musketeers," based en the Dumas novel. Miss Fergusen's Stage Career The screen career of Elsie Fergu Fergu eon, who will be seen In person begin ning next Monday In "The Vnrying Shere" at the Bread Street Theatre, linn eclipsed the memory of many facts connected with her previous successes en the stage. Miss Fergusen started in musical comedy and scored her first big bit in Channlng Pollock's "Such a Little Queen.'' She also pleyed at one time or another with Leuis Mnnn, Kyrle Bellew, Wilten Lnckaye, Edgar Sclwyn nnd Cyril Maude, the latter In Londen. One of her greatest successes was scored In "Outcast. " Her last nppenrance here wns in "The Strange Weman" nt the Garrick. After her success In Minis, bIie re turned te the stage In "Sacred nnd Profane Leve" nnd then ageln in her present vehicle. Trocadero's New Shew Fer the first time the Crackerjaek Uurlcsquers' show will appear In this city, playing at the Trocadero Theatre next week. In the cast are many fn fn verltes, including Frank Mnlhy, Sam Bachen, Bert Lester, Vivlnn Lawrence and Thelma Savlllc. An extra feature of especial Interest Is the dancing und singing net of Mitchell (ind McDew, Uncommon Sense : By JOHN blake IF THE top were the only place where there was loom, nobody would ever get there. , The fnct thnt people are continually arriving n little travel worn, hut Mill liUHk,i at the top, is pi net thnt thu bot tom isn't mi oter-crewued us is pouti peuti luily suppebcd. Twenty years age a boy came te ew Yerk and. looked ever the theatrical busliK'hK. .... . , , "Don't go Inte that" lie wab told by his "wise friends.". "It is over ever over ciewdcd. Only the iiu.drrs ever get liny money out of it." ., , "All right," bald ttie boy. "1 11 step Inside." HK DID step Iiihlde, and lie stayed there. He found plenty of competi tion, of (ours-e, but in buttling it he developed the fighting ability Hint ccn ccn tuelly tonic him te the top. And wlien he gut te Hie lop, ji'Mcml nf luWllg it eb, nml allowing LilKsi'ir te vegctute. lie Kepi en fighting He didn't luie lu light for money buceess nny mere, lln hud that. Hut be Old have te Ugni ler i-it-niici methods of business, and for a Ntter quality In amusement, whleu he sin- ,lw'wStAMWtHE'st6BlMiN6HERE NfiXf WEEK ' .LLLm d iff i' .tSx -S1HBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW WHK. M KIlKtVwf, MiH'lil BSBBBBJBBJSBBBBBBBBBBBBBK gBJ IfHB UJffiM V'BVVH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBST iiK-taBBm ! BBbV BB r V KBkV. BBH VNE1Ci , W AEA. k. VBBBBBBh tW '" -W ELSIE FERGUSON cJAMCS XWrssWsWmkTsWsWsWLMKsWssW HLLLLsVi'l iLLHHlBLmCSH sssaw- WIG Ferrt- "X'ALTCR C. KELLY KVs KlH VILLLLLLLbPLH , . MARGARET VRKjIBtliH (rrrniiitflHlHEirTi m'er xiliemslh .M 'isiiiiiiHL'V Aaiphi. - QsBiKMiiH lBfc .LLLLLHsWV'ilBiLLHBi fH k Syjy.Srt, NrtTViSSSSSSJBSJSBSJBSJBBSJBJBSJBSSSSSSSSSlSlSSllSaaSM Pll E?lRv?$ MARUOWE" HAMLET 'Lutne BBBBBBBBKti BBbVF ? JbtTSuLmRBBBBBBBBBBBBbT BBBBBBBBBBBH f:WmLWkWaLW."Lvl 4SvIbbbbbbbbW MHbbLH ri" T "'. : JSBBBW9r' JHV ? '-I : e',BTBBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBBTBVFaTBTBTBS tBBTBTBTABBBBBBBBBTBTi Vil'BBWfP'' I till ' li'l' ''BLBM W BHKHkBBBBl "s' J-;illlBi?iBBBEV .''' BIHbk TslmiBlV I fV'lkSBBBV mmKBm :A P:sBBWf ERbH EMMA LAWRENCE 'CAPTAIN M JbbbbLbW W'IbW BRABOUND'S CONVERSION Wm?ilM ytLM LlfcH Tllt " JsflHsBHiBBBBBPW. y BBBEbV iwHmHH BBsHsHsN HffiLdOLSeNt: : B'TpB BlOBBH PL30MBO KAROL MILLEK. g;CViH B'MV.liBil - Htlb?rtr BRINGING UP FATHER" Htlli'-Bl ltm (M Mobrepotitati Ib SlBk - WKmk '!9i llkv'Tiiv" ; TlP'Jsf V BlBBBK' 7r;,Pfl M :,r-:-:; ,ubbbbbbW - SJfjWy.H LBBrT- "s 'PLHl bbbbbbbbbbbbKbLHbV Vlfrr --SbbI KLUl VJsIbbbbH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbK BBBBLBLS3bHf 'H BBBHBr40''3V- M LBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK iHLLV Mii m i BWF M OIMMV HUSSEV SVitfbffrtr Vauduvitt ABOUT THE THEATRE GUILD Presenting a Few Facts About Or ganlzatlen Which Is Giving 'Lillem' The Theatre Guild, which is present ing Fran?. Melnnr's "Lillem" nt tlie Adelphl Theatre, hns n full-fledged Beard of I" . lers, i; Benrd of Mana gers und uu Advisory Committee te keep auytlilng from going astray. The personnel of these beards in cludes well-known plnywrlgbts, nrtistf, actors and young producers. The guild Is financed en the co-epcratlvo bnsU nnd net for private profit. The surplus money from the box-office, nfter the leases, the salaries, tbe scenery nnd the furniture are paid for, is devoted te signing longer lenses, buying better 6cenery and mere furniture a kind of Heuso That Jack bum. The Theatre (infld Is net endowed. It Is self-made and self-supporting. Its members become Hubribers te the per per fermancw, thus assuring the producing Arm a certain nmeunt of money te shirt with. This year there were 1C00 sub scribers, ranging from $15 te $0 each. Its plays all of which are chosen and pnsscd by the Ilenrd of Directors have included "Bends of Interest," "Jehn Fergusen," "Jane Clegg." "Mr. Pirn Passes By." "The Faith ful," "Power of Darkness," "Heart break Heuse" nnd "Back te Methu scla." Follies at Walten Reef Walten Reef Gurham's Follies will be entirely chnnged ns te numbers and prlneipnls. Gcerginmt Hewlett is the primn denna ; .lennnn Plcnrd, premier danscusc; Arthur Bewman, juvenile singer. Spectacular f-eng settings will be "My Lady's Fun." "The Wedding Day" and "The Girl I Want te Call Wife." FRENCH PLAY AT TEMPLE "La Poudre aux Yeux" te Be Given April 24 In Bellevue The annual play and dance of 1 Ccrcle Frantnls of 'IVmple University will be given in the Bellevue-Strntferd April i.4. The piny, a comedy in two acts, "La Poudre nux Youx" ("Dust In the Eyes"), by M. M. Eugene Labiche and Edouard Martin, ls given under the di rection of Prof. Andre F. Bcrtblcr, head of the department of French. All of the members of the cast are students in the Frencli department of Temple. The play will de followed by a bal let, "The Carnavnl," given by mem bers of tlie physical training depart ment of tlie Tcachcis' College, of the University. The proceeds of the piny and dance will he divided betnrin the Temple University building fund and the fatherless children of France. Wwc's Enough Roem at the Bettem ccrely believed te he n public necessity, lie is still lighting, hut he is mnUlug hcadiwiy. AT Tin: iiiiiu can sninc time unnther young ine In New Yerk, nnd looked ever the theatrical business, lie decided thnt he could make money by establish ing ngencieri whcie people could buy tioIieiH nt their convenience, "Theatre ticket spcRiilntnis control Hint business," he wns told. "They mc ii let of pirates. Yeu don't want ty be one of theui," "I don't want te be n pirate," he sniil. "1 want te be n ticket Inlying ngent for the public, nnd te charge them only whnt my services urc worth." He did what he wanted te de, nnd lately refused an offer of n million dollars fei his business. Ileic nre two cnes of men who enme Inln n business where the bottom wns supposed te lie mir-rinwdrd. nml climbed le the tup, It wasn't e y for cither of tliem, but they pievcd that It could be done. Mere Impei' 'lit, they pi med tluit ,;iii' ilici i ' m great ilenl nf room nt the hetiuiu, there is piutvil nun ii.ui' uie-i i i limit. ilenl nf room at the hetiuiu, there In enough loom te give nny determined and cnergcllu man a start. CewUiM m$ , V . P" wmMm .uumnmm dOE MACK H tH ANGEL FACE HHl '1 sH 888888888817101 s s bTbTbTbI vSJBBBBBKidSBIM'rw BBBI ADA MAE WEEK'S. THE O'BRIEN QIR.L" Garrick Gus Edwards Speaks Gits Edwards, who has one of his famous condensed revues as a headlinrr en the bill at B. F. Keith's next week, predicts higher-class vaudeville next year than ever before. He declares that, as a result of scouring the entire world for tnlcnt, patrons next year will be given programs Including a dramatic sketch, a monologue, an act doing syn copated numbers, a dancing act, com prising ballet or modern dancing, one or two female voices in single numbers or duets, and a big musical comedy enscinble or revue. Mr. Edwards' musical c.imcdy this year is called "A Fountain of Youth," nnd thcre nre thirty people in his support. rllOTOPLAYH itMUyJ TWU l. eAiauiv r A Dm !ft D - THOMPSON BJS. PirULUJ 1IAT1NKU DAIL.T .Weley lUrry In "ffe-hiB-rt ;'.'.' 1'. Waaley Parry In "Hrhoel J , IV. Wealey Harry In ''ehoel paa r,WiS. H. Hart n ".Trave n; ; ADPAnlA CHESTNUT Bel. AKCA1J1A 10 A.M. te 11:15 10TH P. M. p.uiMn Kredi-rlclt. Twe Knda et Wenini 3. Pauline Frederick. Twe Klndn et Hemin A PTAO BiaHTH A GinAJtD AVE. MO 1 UP. HATINER DAILY M. Orac Darmond T n.i.M Tlnrmend. d. "I tan 1. "IImi id. "Hiii andle Wlh Care' .11 ivllh f'nr mm i W. Orac Darmond, ndle With Cure" FHKUj cSSpSS: "i.w Xnl the wen;; 8. Betty Compaen. "Iw und the Weman" l.iiw and tne woman BALTIMORE BE. SOTS? ?.?? a n snjg, .. W. Will ReKera In "One (llerlmia llay T. Will Hep-re In "One .J'lertmij IMy K i;nr nne Orlfflth In "lylend "''?. 5. Corlnne Orlltlth lu "Ii anil Mltra" lit tlliDIDn llretirt A ausnuehatine BLUbBlKU Comlnueue 'J until 11 . ,.il. a ,n nl.niell" T1-aeer,?e ArllM ft W.ra.ll" W -"A "cennrrUcut a"." V." ieiinrtllcut Yunkre" '. "A Connecticut .Hnkee i, pustln 1'ernum In "The Ilftll W Ithln" -ADITril 'a I'AHKr.T ST. CArl IULj in A. M te 11 1.1 P. M. M awanien. "Hr Jliialmiul Trailrnmrk" T. ejwanfcen, "Her llualiaiid'H Trudeinnrk" T. awanaen, F, Swaneen, a. Hwaneen, "llrr lliiHlHmd'H Trnitrmnrk" "Her HMilmnd'a Trudemurk" "llrr llimhund'a Trademark" COLONIAL Otn. & Munleuoed Aes. 2:30, 7 and 0 l M 'I.OTe'a RcdemDllen" nr. Nerma Talmartue, X Nerma Talniailise, "l.er.'a Itcdrmptlen" W Nerma Talinnilue. "Uitc'm nrnrinptlen" T. Valentine. "Meran of the l.mly ,Ut" V. Valentine, "Meran of the J.ndy J-etty H Valentine, "Muran of the lidy Letty" FAIRMOUNT ae,hJ,lS!srM- m. ntty Cfl'mren."I,aw and Hie N union" T "The Four lleracmen of (lie Aperiilpae" W "The Four llereemcn of the Aperulyp.e'' T ."The Keur lloraemen or the ApeculypM" K "Die 1'eur lleruemen of the Aperutyuar" H -Chaa llluck) Jenea, "Piirden My Nerve" KATUl QT THKATIIE-Belew Spruce DO 1 rl a 1 , MATINKII DAILY M, Cecil I). De Mllle'i It t'ccii u. xe Mliie'a 1 8r'i,i0.V1fi nIJJ2m2" '"wj'.l glrrr In B,-WHy Bsrrr ft "i , Cecil B. n Mllle'e "Ktiturday Nlalil" -Cecil 11. He Mlllc'a "Saturday Nlghi" '. Lionel Barrymery Jn "Boemerani- UIU" 'Nrheel Iajra" "Hchoel pay" "Scheel Dure" BROADWAY Dro-5 .?5-' W - vi!?n ine. "Moren nt the Ludv ltty" .;. vm 11 Mliie'a "MU l.nlii Itett" I'Wm lie Mle'a "MUa l.ulii lletf H.-WmV D Ml'lV'a "Mlaa l.ulu llctt" TO HOLD BENEFIT MATINEE Shew te Aid Vaudeville Artists Here April 21 A special bencdt-matinee, which will be participated in by mere than COO theatres in the United States and Can ada, will be held en Friday, April 21, nt B. F. Keith's Theatre. The receipts will be given te the National Vaude ville ArtlstM. Among the nrtists te appear in the special features will be Andrew Toombs nnd Ada Mny Weeks, of "The O'Brien Girl" company, nnd there nle will be Impromptu offerings during the afternoon. The N. V. A. is nn organization with a membership of ever 12.000. nil vaudeville actors. The proceeds of the "testimonial matinee" will go Inte a fund which will pievide every member of the N. V. A. with an iusurnnce pol icy of $1000: Chinese University Head te Speak The Ttcv. Dr. Alfred A. Gilmnn, president of Beene University. Wu chang. China, will mldres the Foreign Committee of the W6mnn'a Auxiliary of the Diocese of Pennsylvania in Hely Trinity parish house Wednesday morn ing. Dr. Gllman will tell the inside story of conditions in China. Walking Club te Start Hike Members of the Athletic Walking and Outing Club will held their weekly "hike" tomnirew nt Atlantic City. The wnlkers will meet nt Seuth Carolina nnd Atlnntic nteniics at !:-15 o'clock. The leader will be Gedfiet Knee, Jr. rnoTen.wn Weekly Photoplay Guide Week of Apr. 17 te Apr. 22. Subject te Change The following theatres obtain their picture through the STANLEY Company of America, which ia a guarantee of early ihewing of the fincat production!. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtain ebtain ing picture through the Stanley Company of America. GREAT NORTHERN.-T"? e'V?. M.-Nerma Tnlmji.. I'lnk.'. IlMlmnflnll" i ' . Nerma Talmailee, "l.em'a Iteilpinntlen" I l;,LNerma'rlniilBe, "livr'. Itedemptlen" 7. Nerma Talmailffe, "li' Itedrmntlen" r. .-serma Talmail(. "Uie'a Itedrmutlen" 8. Nerma Talmadge, "lve'a Kedotniitien" IMPFRJAT 60TII A WALNUT ST8. UVil 1A1AAI, iIa,, e 3Ui KtKS- 7 & y ;t, 'Nrn' Talmailae. "lre'R llrdruipllen" ,,.'ii'r't"1 Tl"iile. "leic'i Itrdeiuptleii" V Verrn,.rlin''lBe. "I.eic'h ItiMlemntlen" .. V,elnl,i lalmiidue. "Iiic'i ltrilenuitlen" P. .Nerma Tnlniadte. "U' llt'ilrmiitlen" H .Nerma Talmadge, "l.evn'i Itrdriuiitlen" KARITON CHESTNUT Above BROAD r T 1?., .U-3.".A- " " l,,,n '' -M- J! J'" JJ. ,en. "' Matrimony u rnlltirr?" T. LeU W llen. "la Mutrhiieny u Kullure?" . Lela WlUen. "Is Matrlinenv n Vulture?" ?-"" W. son' ! -Miilr meny a failure?" h'"2!: w "en' ...'" J!r meny a I'ullure?" S Lela Wllaen, "la Matrimony n Fnlluref " LIRFRTY B"OAD A CniVMriA AV. Liiuuixi i MATiNm: liAir.v m ran wtntf in 'Aif Ulfr r ORIENT voedlanit Ae nt 02d at. MATINKK, DMLY M WalLue llld in "Pclrr lhlielien" T W.illiue Bell lu "Peter IhU-l-cn" Un'hir. 11 M ill "IVIfr ll,l,.l.,, T Valentine, "'lerun of Ilic l.udv Im" P. V.ilentlnn, "Merin nf the Ijidy t.elt'j" a. Vulentlnu. "Merun of Uin Luily Letty" O VERBROOK 03D ,v.A:!;!rre'lD M, Weale Banv III "Vlioel Hn.va" T Weelev Ilurri In "Srlienl liii." W. Oce, I'lUmnuiUn a "Three IJvv (iheita' v. i"e, i iKiiinuiun "inrre Ulc (ilieita" T. Oeo. FlutiMurice'a "Tlirce Live liheata" K, Special I 'net In V ltusn'a 'Miiilgment" ' Hlchanl Talinddse In "The t'nknewn'' i . V. f "ALirvwC, "ie A mahkct PrnKirr M. Aene. Arca In "Bought nml P.ild Fer" i . rtmn .vyrcn in "iidiikiii iiiiu I'iiiii I'nr" i W Ak-nca Aries In "Bought mil I'nl.l i,. T AttnM r.m In lli.nili, i.t.l I...I.I ... P. -Afnea Ayrea In ''Bought nml Paid Fer" ' Sv Avnea .rcs In "Bought .mil fiilil Fnr"N --lour lleraemcn or the Annralin..- t .,.... TJ5,.'.""? ."Jne Conn.,,i. .V' ".. n - iV ."oiir.llerariiini ,.f I lie A mic sine" STANTON MARKLT Above 16TH V -i i.t,' , " rinrfr"f h. V"?; H-A.KoL.ke, "The He,,, ,n ,1,, wW . , S'.-HVtUSn-fflK ffir' Kn",!?" rleS' fW "."""V"" '" '' B AT' OTHER THEATRES, MEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. A. A I 1- Biltlmore Ave nt tlOth MllUrtSSauui Cenlluunui t 30 te 11 P M ti uu "!? -!. -.hi I'liiiin-iiii T. "Koellah Mlvea" Willi Ven Hnehelm W. "Koellah lvc" ltli jii Hiru'icini T "Koellah WlVfa'l wilh Ven rUtnhelm F, -"Koellah Mir" iillli uii Mrehelm H, "Fnellali Wives" with mt Htrehclm r lll'.ll..l llliau11 iillli .,ii uimliiin r ' a iiiiiu utrriiuntew 11 a ij a ij k iuuiji; avi. a. iiAnniiiv ci mv .. .. ... .... iTnVC-. .IrTfr"". "W.-;,A.,,e'.lLV M.-D. nrlfflffiV'-WS i.HVi., " M SCn "Me a Tu,fi CT. ?&m .$ffl b.-D. W. Griffith'. "Wy Down IH.t" C.-8.rt LvUll In "Th. Idle inn" Z a.-vilmuSll "SSm .t ti Iffe gig." SElS sffiStt t'JSSUhNft&tA fMfift .firm ciTirefn .vr:" " ' w- Atv rvix. --..-. -. sa u a. : i a. n ivn t urmiininun a .. i h tiaaaiiaiii .raau Maai.t... ta m urn-r Theatrical Billboard for the Coming Week NBW ATTHACTIONS LYRIC Hhakespearean repertoire of fered by E. if. Hethern and Julia Mnrlowe; program as follews: Mo Me day niBlit and Saturday matinee, "Atcrchnnt of Venice" J Tuesday night. i wen, it -,i(f, it t...w-w, .- ' Friday nights. "Hamlet." and Thurs- .,.. -ji c?.,..uttf-.. hIIi(b "Tnmlnv of the Shrew." ttneAD "The Varying Shere," dramBj by Zoe Akine, author of "Daclaase, with Klsle Fergusen returned te the siase In the leading role, and Bone I'eters, Jamea Crane and Charlea Francis among ethers in her support. FOnitEST '-TeW Tales," thlrty-feurth annual production of the Mask ana Wig Club of the University of Penn sylvania, with book by Charles Mor gan, music by Charles OlTpIn and cos tuming designed by E. M. kavlne. SUV BERT "Bembff," latest Shubert revue, starring Al Jolsen: extrava ganza using life and voyages of Co Ce lnmhii a hnrUoreiind : comeany OI 1B0; book by Ilarctd Atterldgei mu sic by Slgmund Romberg ; sUged by J. C. Huffman. N METROPOLITAN "Bringing Up Father In Wall Street." latest of series of musical comedies based en Qserge McManus' cartoons, with Tcmi. Hav Hav erly ns Jlggs and Alice Dudley as Maggie. LITTLE "Captain Brassbeund'a Con version," Geerge Bernard Shaw com edy, presented by Little Theatre Players, under the direction of waiter Oreeneugh. SHOWS THAT REMAIN ADELPHl "Lillem' Krana Molnar "comedy of life," a Theatre Guild pro pre pro ductlen, with Eva I.e Qaltlenne and Jeseph Schltdkraut featured. OARRICK "The O'Brien Girl," last week announced for Geerge M. Cehan, musical comedy. WALNUT "Angel Face," Victer Her bert operetta, presented by Geerge Lederer, with Jehn E. Yeung and Marguerite Zender. VAUDEVILLE B. F. KMTH'lmn Is headed by Gua Edwards' annual song revue, called "A Fountain of Youth." wltn a casi headed by Alice and Hatel Furneas and Chestcr Frederick ; al8e, Marien Harris, phonograph star, song lilts; Walter ('. Kelly, the "Virginia Judge' monetogist. Kd Flanagan and Alex Morrison, "A Lessen In aelf," com edy chatter, with real hints en tlie game, Three Misses Dennis, vocalists; Frank Murt, comedy sketch, and ethers. VIltiSTXL'T NTKKKT OTEKA JiUUBIiif Anether Shubert Cameo Revue, en-' : titled "The rremenader," wltn Jimmy Hussey .is featured comedian, is an nounced , cempanv of mere than fifty neenle Ineludlne Itath Brethers. Kthel DavK o'Hanlen and Zambunls. Burns nnd Pern n. Alfred Latell with Elsie Vokes. in "The Tup"; Florence nay-. Held, Henry Stremel, Buddy Deyle. 1 J.eu I'd ward. Eddie Illckey, Betty Stanley and Marjerle Carvllle. - GLOBE "Cava Man Leve," novel offer-, Ing In five scenes, presented by Rich- i arrt Uartlett and company, heads the hill , nlRe, "Psychic Jim." presented by ' JamcaBrndbury, Sr. and Jr. ; Little i Caruso, tenor treat : Criterion Fcur. musical offering ; KeTir Illckey Girls, . - songs, comedy and instrumental mu xlc: Archer nnd Belferd, comedians; Celd and Edwards, novelty, ana ethers. ALLEGHENY Patten and Marks re vue, elaborate musical cemedy tabloid, headi the bill : also. "Just Around the Cerner." first North Philadelphia showing cf Fannin Hurst human-ln-tereit film, with lewiH Sargent and Klgrld Helnniulst ; Harry Sykes, come dian; Seymour and Bates, versatile pair, In "Between Dances" ; "The HanHane Trie," novelty, and ethers. BROADWAY Lillian Conrey and Brether, aquatic novelty, will be the headllner for the first half of the week; also, Air. nnd Mrs. Mel Burne. farceuri in sketch. "On the Sleep ing Perch" ; Joe Armstrong, funny monologue ; Exposition Four, melody nnd novelty. Last half of the week, Jesio Flynn nnd company, minstrel offering, headllner for last half of week ; many ethers. CROHH KEYS Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, J. C. Mack, famous com edian ,anu his company, In a brand new musical farce ; nlse, Jee White head, cemcdlnn, songs, parodies and inonelORue; Dave Rafael nnd com pany, ventriloquists; Vic Plant and company, musical offering : Terlne nnd company, novelty. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. "The Gelden Bird, novel headllner, and many ethers. WILLIAM PENN Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, Charles Ahearn and his big comedy company, in an elab orate eirerwB. oife, nist west rnua delnhla nhewlug i "Tcl'able David," I with Richard Bai thelmcss ; (ieerre ! Bobbe nnd IMdle Nelsen, comedy con- ' ccptlen ; Jehn McCoy and Ralph Wal Wal eon, skit, and otheis. Thursday, Fri day and Satuiday, Ed Pressler and . Ulnnehn Klals-i, fun and music, film, and ethers. F.IV'S Bill headed by Six Stellas, rilOTOPI.AYS REGENT Market t Belew 17th 11 A. M. le 11 r .11. M. W. i' T W C. W. W. I' T.W. . v. w t. I'ahnnne'a "At the -tuKe Ioor" t'atia in" a " t ' 'ttzr Iloer" I I'alwitn h "M .tage Doer" I t'ahanne a "Al Uu tne "oer Cnbanii" i "At Ihe htaae uoer;; a. Vlilan Maitln Ii "Parden My I'rench" RIALTO OnitMANTOWN AVENUE A I' I't.LI'EHOCKEN ST. 51 - IVcIl II. 11.) .Mill" i "A lenra i-nriu" T fcill II !) Mill" m "A I'oeI'n I'aradJie" t Peuil Whlte Hi " Mrnin 1'nrndlaf" P.-Klh"l ( Idjt.m in "llrr Oivn Miw" William lUit in "Tnivcltii' On" v I'eurl vn tc III "A Irani i-arauia' CLir:Dv;f-r fcJl 1L-IX V JKJLS MAT M iVill II. De Mlllc'a "A Teel T CVcll 11. 114 .MIMa'a "A Feet -. r.v r. uj" il'a farad ae" W. Cell 11. De M lle a "A FoePa raraillae' T. Wallacn Held In "Peter llilictien' P. Wallaie Itclil In "Peter lbbetaen" 8 Wallace Rcld In "Peter lbbetsen" QTANll PV MARKET AT 10TH OlrtlNLCI n A M. te M 13 P. 11. M. Mae Murray In "Fearl tint Ien" T. Man Munny In "rnaclniiilen" W .M.ie Murray 111 "1'iiicliiiitlen" T Mae Murra) In "Fua, Inatlen" I' Mn Murrav In "rilartniitlnn" H Mje .Murmy In "l'uwlnutlen' I -Tnlll MiY In "fhtlblnir thm 1fru.n' 1". Tem Mix lif "Chaalna- the Moen" H -Tem Mix In "Chu.lne (lie Moen" rRAMT " OIItARD AVE varx-rM 1 Mnt pally Ri. a sn M Pnla Nert In "Vctidettn" T Ml rIr i-bt in vv All-slur Caat In "Keen te the ItUhl" "Kis-e te the Right" men of the Anernlvnae1 m liTl.. Pn.iv lln...M.i. .. .U- . L.' T . 1 "llir Four ller-cmni of the ApiKatrnee" "The l'ur Herarmrn of the Apecabpee JEFFERSON Oth A Dauphin fiti. l 1TIVLL r . t f ii ii i.meni. t 4 n...n. .. ! it r uiiib a , riHM lliriuila,f T c II. DiMlllea "A I'pnl'a f uriid Ua" W Wm DeMllle'a "Mlaa l.ulu llett" T".- 1). Ciiin(Hi "Lan nml I hi) It Oman" I' - Will llepers. "Denhllng for Romne" a, Win. De.mend in "Fightln' Mad" i ;iit aa. nmiriiiiK iHit nuikiilt i ri a rh. H - i i i L m it . .- .. V UlUH 111 tv Uiln,I.Pl,iP llnv T..I.I.IOM I H I 1L U I,T' JL 1 ... . . V T -Tem SllaT In "r-kV liiih" S Z J!" MHI.'. -s'S Sfwij nS !!" I ' WWCAIN - I I 1 . IN.vJ. Tern Mix n ".Sky High" bJ!c,LIilH2il,e "Saturday v S I iTnWTTnTui Malln Teir.. .. ljurepaan 'T Ilici Bart ilni". In "Tet'ahle narlil" I nr, inTZr -i-hjht" IULE.WILU ','" , "" ";', ',. 1u,r,"ITirD ;.'?,"." ""rnielmrn In "TeJ'uhte David" LULUOl r.AND LOCl'HT httTd.Z'T - - - nun i.ariii..iiiirpi in -terapie iiiivin- M Wallace li.M i l "' a B' M i it KAiil.JlSMKUr. PAItli. PA. VICTORIA MET, a,I ,rb,. ? Klra i'" '- ''". ffiSPii M -Tem Mix in "ho.theMeon"- "" K -Wn U? . IfcW !" "Th? lti. V Tem MU in "J haalna- the Moen" , h '2'e! r.l.,Hd .'" ."" f'hamnlSS" W 1'mn M x In VPhaMnc the Moen" -Tivauace Held In "The rh..n -?.. W$m rwvWWSi !' nastat Lane fcnd Freeman, senga and cemedy: can ana ine, cwneuy win , Mentland l'artli syncopation artist" i nim' feature, Footfalls," with. -"Tyeone Power and Estelle Tayler: also, two-reel comedy, "Held the Line." IflXON'B OR AND Deuglaa Leavllt and Mary Lockwood, with a comedy, sinking and dancing offering, are next week's licadllncrs : these stars, late of "Take It Frem Mc," call their ahlt "Ourselves" ; also, Ham Lewis and Bum liAriv. rrnntiHtna: jMCDll 1 Bernard anT company, In comedy, "Who la She7" : Cenner Twins, sengs: Rowland and Meehan, singing come fllans: Larimer and Hudsen, cyclists, and ethers. KEYBTONE Mme. Deree's Operalegue, presenting "upernile Hwceincari,- in six scenes, Is ucadllner next week; also, AVIlseii Aubrey Trie, comedy gymnasts and wrestlers: Paramo, ec centric cemedian: Nancy Ueyer and company, In a. comedy -dramatic play let, "Mary Leu" : William Tayler, ec centric dancing, and first chanter et film serial, "Ge Oet 'Em Hutch"; ether films. NIXON Monday. Tuesday and Wed nesday, Heven Honeyhey Minstrels, In "A Beehive Full of Heney," Is head line offering; also, Bebble Bernard and company, In a remedy skit : Lew Wilsen, "variety boy" ; Lew and Paul Murdock, "bootleggers with a kick"; Breslus and Brown, novelty; "Bully Jim," Fred Stene film. Thursday, Friday and Baturday, new bill, with "Deubling for Remee," Will Rogers flln1" BURLESQUE TROCADERO "Cracker Jacks Buries quers," first time here, with a cast headed by Frank Malby, Sam Bachem, rDtlCATlOXAI. Beth Hen Banks Business College w tlen te builneia men. They knew Its irradu- In, are apeclallnti. Day Scheel. N'lght Srhoel. 130t Walnut Street. I'hlladelph)a CTDAVFR'4 Xbe Heel Unetneee hefe4 O I lv SOT CHESTNUT ST. feettlen reeren'd. Enter m. Par er nlaat. Yenna Wetren an Olrle Newark Beth Israel Heepital efTera 3 yeari nnd 8 months' ceuree In all branchee of Nursing-. Attractive tieme aurreundlnce. Liberal monthly allowance white tralnlnf. Further particulars, apply Superlntamlent of Nureee, Beth Iirael Heepltal, lllfh and Kinney I'll., Newark, y. J. IHOUSESj CLEANED THOROUGHLY ' REASONABLY '. t $T7,mTt,ml Window Cleanlns C. t t 13 10 rilbert 81. Locust Stss , mmmmmmmmmmm m m m x' MGLOJVANNEX Sr ti Frera Noen te 8 T. M. C FECIAL SUNDAY DINNER. $1.50 'Alia I Table D'Uete Dinner, 11.00 Special Platter. flOe te SI, no m 1604 CHtSlINUI SPORT OXFORD Fer this smart smoked elk sport oxford with Russian calf trimmings and the new suction sol. We liave them aa low aa $4.00 Silk-clocked hosiery te match $1.45 REISINER 939 Market 20 S. 52nd 1 N. 10th Parcel Peit. lOe PHOTOPL,TB iJheNLXON.NIRDLINGERJBi;"'! IHEATRES Wf BELMONT l2D A??VE MARKET MWe.l.y B.rr ,- ..L.L... "' ..S0 " T. -Weali BaUC , ." ..? 1-.W0, JJ, SI"' "' 2oe Da" H.-lV,a,Wy g.',rg. 'ft ",'. Sj:-'. CFDAR 0TH & CErTTrj Tvw.'Z V-C.L-'Ar i a? an a- AVENUB 'm -rt. Valentine In "FVUofe'ua VI ' "" . -vva lace Itelrt in nm. """f" ' . C'en.tance Talm.!ilhe, CnnpTen" COLISEUM "kt"Tte7h" eeth h. anii u ! arnc.h',rs,?si,e; ::?S? til rte, JUMBO TOL?.;eTn7DrvF NIXON MD AOMAlliw? .eawJwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiw I $5.45 I JBBB m nu-AW.X ' markct sts. feVe'd1 StSX IS jtell ' """ rmmv$2k. ' Vlli it "L " . .. T "Bssiih i? gssS" --i-li nomre" RIVOI I AND RANSOM STS '-.wlln.if0.?Vl,.ynJ..M- M, Herbert S -Convay Tearle"WjHe-JKfc,: 69TH ST. Th"'sv3pTp L 7 M -Wnllace Held In "Th. VLPnnI?0S..P' J f.-WfllHi. Held in "Thi rKSSleiP iJ -Tw."cr. "'W ln "Tlie ChamSlen" r "Four llnraemen of the AwwiIiV.'i H -'Tour llereemen of ttiS ApSc.yl" J ,BertLke.l'VlvIari La HavlUe! also. Mitchell I HavlUe; also, Mitchell and ilanrlnv nun nltiirlii. nnnTa1tir.A. .." "!..'.. . ECIB fllimBTUIliUB -tl .. .V.b-1 ntlMnNT'R Entire chnnsn nf bill week, with n inlnstril satire ort coal strlke its the leading feati first nart tnnde ill) of inulcdv fun. with Emmett Welch. Chai Beydcn, Jehn Lemuels and ethers fimlllur roles. 1,I"TKN IN" TII RADIO HALF Why buy rudle t whun yen esn "Ml In" en ftalfsT He (h flrst Nr Hsrur strwt la et a flsdle Pt. Don't a 'flaiiln Rair"lh new r!nMlfJ MT J wllnan, pprlnc vry rty In the KvsafJ PiTFTtn T.snem. xtiik. It a taM." ,prmNn.BK."eRTH ATLANTIC f'lTV. N- COMFORT WITHOUT KXTRAVAGANCtT: HOTEL. 1. f Mifji OlLVERTOls Kentucky At. djtcent te Dch, nawlr raasa, vaud and rtrurnKhra; near cupett, enttrei end eltcefl of amunement! ell entelde chMT resmt. comfortably furnleher): eleetrle llgkttJe perches, tun parior.,elevater; net end eeu RIMMI WATER IH EVERT IVfi .;; rsmuiee Bccommeuaieti. jruiy wuiiuvnwe hotel at meet reasonable ratee. II. M up dally. 8peclal weekly. European plan. Bee ee before aeklnl reeerealleae. OWNERSHIP MANACCMr.NT. H l.nidAV A K. T HnARIlWAI.K ... A-II.ANTin C11 MON1 nr.AllltrM. lltl'IKI. MkCTIe: IUNNING WATBR IN EVERY ROOM Private Bathe. Electric Lishte. Elevator BatrlM ' European Plan J 52 up Daily Deuble Roem $10 up weekljr Hlnxln Roem, fl no i er uny mm Phillips Heusq alueectiaMIU Ate. near Bueai Attaining the Highest Standard et American Plan Service at Moderate Rates Extensively Imnrevrd. Aililltlnmil private batha nnd runnlnc wutrr In rneme. ' A. C. & K. II. Mtt'I.KI.IW CE.NTKAI. IIOMKLIKbCOJlfOKTABLB Kntitti Carnllnjt Ae nr Tlach , A 1-eUI for Wife. BHtr, Mether or Dad Running Water in Every Roem 1 American Plan. Weekly rnlee t2 te U. rrlief halh I3S le $30. Dally l te 19. 1,1 XTON n. A UNO l.n. tlwner It ManiKff jDeVBLLE I Heal eelert. beaatlfal hcmtlllie, eannr ereen-elewl I 100 reeme with hat anil cold runnlnt water; bridal totted ulnt. imI nnklfi. hatha DMh.ilM Amnritim. mnn kit. coBMrr.terir. ntm, nelf.prl-11-fee. PereeaeJ wner-hlp direct ion Mturttjtnrf gutrantM. Mttmi- ene ffu.ranceei paiiviaw IS Ml wrtk op. Amertajfj TU0UA8 ki O'BEUal dm, DpriKi epnns rtui. 9Uft. T!Mnwl I all. KENTUCKY gE.NTUCKY AVE. NCAF. "EACH Antilcu rite $ te s diilr. $17.10 weekly P.B.t.r E.raaaa R.t-t Pfiater ts etreet. CI wtrleitr andeheeM la all raaaa. PHrau batha. fUnnlnc WMte ! ilea. Owaeitahli, aaur. rire-rroer aiMltlaa. t. KiNOeiEaJUiaaw AUSTINE rclfr nvfiitK' anil St .lm rii"e. clme te beach, opposite Catholic Church, Running Water in Reems Kat- S3.SO dar up. Special Veekly F. II. JONK .' AM. TOD'D BXPBCT A nOTBL, TO NEW ENGLAND 3 n4t wUgfS0.OOO UIT and GOLD IINNINQ WATER IN ALL ROOMS Getf prirUtiw). UedrraU rafai. bralnnlnc at M. I See Je STITZSR A ST11ZEB. Owaeie Virginia ae. eeeend heuM from llerdwal and Steel Pier. Kv.ry appointment. Hlihen tRndard in culelne and aarvlee. BoekUb Speflal weekly atea. J. Dnthwell. Prasw RIO GRANDE New Terlc Tf. nt llnardwalk. Fireproef1 European. Elav . Itunnlnc water In all rmir. V, guarantee accomniedatinn. nrr Kaster rwrinn nw or mr rewrvanen.. Ciresltetti .On Beaidwalk at Mentpellcr ave." Opens I April 18tb. Sultea wttb tiatha. Runnlna water an ivuuji, Alemar. npriai eprina racea. II. M. nr.KVKt I HOTEL BELVEDER E I Se. Carellnn Are. near Beach rapacity ;sn EverythliiB new and modern, nunnlne water In nil room. Many with private btti. Elevator. Sunrler rulalne. Moderate ratra. filnnrttl Bre... Owner.. GRAND ATLANTIC Virginia e". Beach. Het ft Celd runnlnj w.ier. rriv. ,i. iiuiea s aav up. epee. wkly. Cap. BO Hklt. Orch. O. D. Painter. HOTEL RAVENROYD Chel.ea Ave. & nesrdwalk. Itneme, overlook ing ocean J", day ui, I2S Week up. Including meala. Private hHths. running: water. Elevator. Theng 3002-W. laaae Bewer. ?rfl I RA5TMORE A1WV ,: "Worlds Greatest Hetel Success COLONY INN 15 S. Bosten Ave., adjarent te Ambaaaader. Kneel eul.lne. Attrac laica J. O. Cenner. THE LOUVAN Tennee.ee ave. nr. Beach. Huren, plan. Out aide rma. Running- water. MRS. B. OtINN ER. HOTEL CONTINENTAL Clwaya open, alw.xya ready: term, mnderawa rtu ac pboee, M. WAL8H DUWCAM. Hetel BoiCebd Kentucky Ar, nr. beaei "ulw ww.ww Kgeellent table. Wkly. ratea. Jia up. Ph J17. AK. MARIOM G00bFELL0W:Man,,,fctl Kyr n7iieT?s uvvw. ..,! American Plan Kvr apr ntmntMei ral". vlra r J unndfellnw CHESTER INNhN" " Ave nMr eca n A 111 " r I p a It n jn All cnn"nl"nr"a MrtH 1 KS'AITJR. MARTINIQUE Kentuck, 'Ave A Board Beard nail.. i;urnp"an nt,n. 1 Ml up d?L r"f' ar"l rilajirant mtached New Clarien Kentucky "Ave. Ju."t efT "CW " '""Boardwalk j, K BenUace THE PLAZA "' Charlea and Paelfla. inc im.n select. Homelike Alwayg epn. Evry apn'm't Peltrlcli A Ruaaeli Mar. Westminster JJfntucky Ave. nr. Reach. running water. Open all year. A V. KOPP. EAdLLS MKRK PARK, PA. Dealrable furnl.hed aumgier iiittmei near lake and golf ceur.e fei lent hy th. menrh or aeaaen Wrltn II. V. YKAOKR. Mr. " TOl'ltS Cltrk't Crulsei by C. P. R. Steamer, gJUlKS3d CRUISE, JAN. 23, X9U 'ROUND THE WORLD Cltrk't Cruises by C. P. R. Staamera Br the SpeclaUr Chartered Superb C. T. R. .a. "Empraaa of France".18,4SI tnm um A lettltt p.l.ee for the whole trip. Routes New Yerk, Panama, Hn Fr.oeiieo. Heaa lain, it aeys la Japan, Uhina, Maaila, Jai Blnaapere, Barseah. Option ei 19 daya inn, it aays la Japan, Uhina, Maaila, Java. . ... w . . ii . . -I"T -- unaapere, eargaaa. uptloe el IV dayt Mt edla. Cevlen. 4 d.v. in Htlm. N.nl Harre. South.metont I. Ien evaral i--' By. le Moetreil aad New Yerk. 4 MONTHS. 91.000 mad u. laeledleg Hotels. Drhres, Quid... Passi.ata, v CLARK'S 19th CRUISE, FEB. 3, lt2J MEDITERRANEAN SpaaUllr Ckartet ed. HaetptWHis 1. 1. EDISON rar nr.Ai n awd Tl livfe y at : v r v. i, & im I'J i ""Xl M m 'i il'.l. t., jv ll'j 'l I- fi 3. ... fj '-lj-f"r-i-j; itftfbmiisiaL f7U"i " f 1 . I... iJaJttaalktQhAU.. l.A....teA. l I. Al.ja.WrtMy.Vft1aa i. r.. T