Mi Tafrfflw' $'&tiV - THE WEATHER Fair, tonight aa-J Bmfey; slightly cooler tonight; rials tewMratare Hun day fret wettcriy was. I '." y w tfr TBFI PMUIUM AT KA1II HOUK TX e 10 11 12 .1 I 2 I a I 4 LUa 01 60 60 60)60 61 i i r fp v VOL. Vin. NO. 183 EnUrtd m frond-Clan Matter at tht Poitefflee at Philadelphia. Pa, 'PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1922 Published Dally tCicapt Sunday. Subscription Fi-lee t t. Taar by Malt. Cepytlabt. 1B23. by Publle Lwlur Company DUTir rptTjr ntiMnrta ' SMfl V,Y .-.. . w.iu.r HI AfJl OI Mrcn , 191V J etf ' '.a-v. ' r ' --1 - iv . . ' .'f . . ," I ' ' "TSwfJIi TFttihmrt IftithAtY feftrier ( SSST 1 m AJKt I'liP EPVt V--TV V. . -. 7m. m T t ..,,,, . : ! : ' ' ! 1 F i in. -. ii ii ' IFTLE NAVTMAY TENSE BATTLE Drawn Taut as President fjelns Forces Opposed te & -. ... n I JM Siasnmg rersonnei A ...... EXPECT -SbNA It IU IUHN POE FOR "BIG" FLEET MEN k - : ' 1 Bf CLINTON W. OIL.BBRT Hair CrrMndi Evaalat PnMIs IXccr . tmrleM, HI, tf fMHe Ltdgir Company Fl Vaap'lngten, April lS.-VThe hottest '. i ...... ..i i r . . i tut mm nns uixuriL-u ju vuuhej hi I lour time will ceme te an end thlrfr trnoen II, as is bxik-cigu, n uie is ehed en naval appropriations. Everybody la taking a band In it. A ter from President Harding in favor tie larger personnel was read yes ay and a similar letter from Secre ry Hughes was .published previeusly: The 'country Is busy 'nmbardlng Con Cen greumen with telegrams and' letters for the little navy or tne big navy as tne MM may be. Propaganda fills the Bill. The Heuse organization leaders arc ill lined up for the little navy. The Ainlnlitratlen is nil ter the big navy. Pirfy lines in the Heuse are split. The Bepubllcnn chairman of the Heuse Cstttatttte en Naval Affairs, as dis tinguished from the SobGemmittee en JflTil Appropriations, IMr. Butler, is I llltlnvy man, though his committee is a Dignavy committee. 'J no ran King Democratic member. Mr. Padgett, is a blgnsvy man. The Appropriations Committee went 27 te 6 for the little wry. ', little navy and big navy, that Is the wtj everybody speaks of It. But the aft Issue Is n personnel of 67,000, Mr. KeOey'a, figure, ngrtlnst'ohe.ef 86.000, Mr. MeArthur's figure. Even 86,000 eu hardly be called fairly a big navy. ' Ne one can guess what the result will be, though the swing is all toward the W,vw. Hut the Heuse machine is nrtrful and will probably v. In. it Kelley Is Ambitious IT' vp w a xew uays age Mr. Kclley wi almost certain te get through his 'Kit navy, made according te the mtw b no interpreted it. Fat Kelley, ucnigan, n smiling Celt, is one of Mt popular-men In 'the Heuse. ma1&Jf0P'J POMr in the i.wmrn.,:gsm iie-a re-elected. '4.. Z'r BiraB l0 run Ier tne senate Michigan agalast Senater Townsend, IS seeks nnnmlmflnn A ....t.i... nwry for an economical ,navy, which (MM be proved te conform te the spirit mm treaty, would help him in the Ikalgin primaries. Ills friends in the "E- t0 wn ln the P"" Cvmlhlnff Ml vnlni. Mm t. YT- trlMphed ever Secretaries of the Navy Ud ever naval nffioem vl.. ... k.... Ill iub-cemmlttee. He was as con cen iTlnetag as an efficiency expert is ever Ml. rule-efthumb man wbe runs guts en old-fashioned lines. He mwm them that thry were wasting Jjteey, that they Kept useless ships MMt., Hp convicted them out of their m .mouth, of Inaptitude. He has a W with h mi. has Pnf KAllr ?.hl.", n,rc1 -nte tbe coutreversy getbir man who haa a way with him. if McArthur, sometimes called Bull MeArteur, this' time from Oregon, n SS.IuInembfr of ,h N"T, Affairs teraralttec with no particular stock In !? ,"ept his popularity and the tbut the Administration wanted p.. n,eP. " i,B snlP8 than the ether it would grant. In a few days this jeuld-dtfy the "whole I ..e" owanlza ewanlza owanlza t.en.Mondell Madden, and aU the rest VI tnem, UcleCStienS frnm thn tramh. K.?;. .Lat ih Wfrp for th" w? ny. till. iei nPV(r Mw a shlP and where tne pacifist t?ntiment was strong. Net en Floers of Congress. eelal. political, patriotic, propaganda. Any one who thlnkB that the Uorcrn Uercrn mint of the United States consists of m i J !F'":,men,f" wutlve, judicial nd legislatue. In two branches, should Wy the history of the Uuie i,vy. ilLnuy, 50n,?8t ,nnd fiCu hew leglsla "8" is determined at tea tables by the -.... ,.,. i-uiiirm nominating conven cenven SJH nr,8Japer 1'orieTs. In the ESi.,ty Hctarif9 and everywhere else euw be, namely, en the Heors of Cen- rti' Jfi il"pT,'lbl(' t0 My what u""nd IS. MMe. what elcated Pat, or Bull, DlCrf r,MArthur. from an lncon lncen R.a. S?w fcllew- men"" te be a :?"! strn5 as the Heuse erganlra-it,.-- '"PPOsp It Is the real support Wet that th. w.Im ce"niry "?a tne teMtJi 1. i '"hinJVn Conference. ieni CVnilL?!" lt sheu,d be aPd ent VH "wOncressninn tT. ihh. iimUii ' II1VV nHR 111 IDA MAMttt.K .,1 1L- UD li Vn, I. . """ "cii. ! MBf2npmere Bb0Ut " than the eie conference . Feared Third Rank It Was IH7V..fnJ k. VT. Tr-.il. M lelng te cut down the sea for ShSi,.tb" Vn,ted 8tB would rank tq established it en a nartv n.m. n.... ii dVnn;nIUh Jnpan in -hlrd & it u depends en hew veu reckon it. t, ( C"ttenia en Pwa Taar. Cnln-nn R VOTE TO OUST TEACHER Atbury p,rk Beard( 3.2f Aflan,t A. A. Wltsen Asbur, Park N . A 15(B StchwT' ' W"sn. High Scheel W fr am h J8lrl pup,1 'eund his of ?urud".iremeved' nt ract The ,ii2Le,&h001 Beard ,,e--0 ' night, in,? r,en. wa Kven three hours 'The 5bZi 0l w'tnewes were liearu. toe'sl. "' Tel wn th"e te two for re- wKct9 Yltn T" dccl"'d Bl,ty of -ed in ."nb..emln' teacher, the Het fimi :V' "'" neemciit stated It did inersl A..V- "' ,enuuct eJ-0JI?w,. - the meetl ln.. I ". HIS Ci Is conduct involved im iiieetlng, Witson's Ssact'irliT,,,C' 8""es. of Freeheld: ln.n.u?r'"d the accusation and sui ii J,' ,'":up7" The "cue l. ; emt 15 I?'. rf (CONGRESS IM Why Shere Is Popular -Baaaaakw l?MLVILIIIIIIIIIH L .'aTtBTa flBTaBTaBTaBTSB ""JaPr TaBTaVSpBBTaa''TaBTal s 1 l4H:lHIHlitaSi One of several thousand reasons v.-hy Atlantic City will be popular tomorrow who filled shore bound trains today in the annual Easter exodus IN JAWTAT FERRY Flivvers Become 7-Passenger Cars and Shere Trains Are Crowded te Deers AUTOS FORM LONG LINE The Easter exodus te Atlantic City and ether . seashore resorts begau In earnest this morning, with the railroads handling record-breaking traffic. Af early as ii o'clock the first of a long llne'efipleasure nutomebiles lined up-at the Market street ferry, and from then en every Camden ferry carried its quota of cars. Small automobiles were temporarily converted Inte seven-passenger cars, while one family group occupied -n mo torcycle sidecar, with hubby at the helm, wifey, in riding breeches, en the rear scat, and mether-ln-lnw stuffed Inte the sidecar. Tbe railroads began te meet the rush shortly before 1) o'clock. The 8:44 Wlldwoed nnd Cnpc May trnln proved unusually popular, nnd before the crowd had departed n stream of vaca vaca teonists were arriving for the 0 o'clock Atlantic City express. But the real crush was from nijen en. All' the travelers carried heavy suit cases, nnd dogs nnd golf Micks weie frequent. Many women who arrived early took a few minutes te give their pet dogs an airing. Sleek Pekingese frisked about the ferry station nnd made friends with fuzzy Pomeranians until train time, when they were hastily gathered and put In deg satchels. Children of all nges were in evidence. The ferry station blossomed with petted lilies,' most of them carried by little tots scarcely ns tall as their burdens, launch baskets were also nmeng th luggage. The vanguard of flappers commenced te arrive shortly before 10 o'clock. Tin rush of fair damsels usually takes place In Iho afternoon, se the, appenrnnce of even n few was considered somewhat unusual. The Pennsylvania 'put en si extra trains this nfternoen nnd the l.Vadlng one, This, with the extra cars en the uv-nlng train nnd the usual Sat urday ernoen special ferry serrlce, was r ,ccted te hnndlc the crowd. Beth reai' run S o'clock extras, nnd, nc nc ceru.ug te ihn "old-timers" nt the ferry Continued en Pace Fenr, Column fieren A'S-BOSTON GAME0FF Rain Postpones Final Contest With!0" Red Sex This Afternoon Bosten, April 15. The fourth and final game of the series between the Athletics nnd Bosten was postponed this afternoon en account of n heavy tain which fell oil this morning. The Mackmen will leave here tonight for Washington, wneje they will play the Senators tomorrow. This postponement elves the Athletics .. ... ,.,. i-..... -m in" r os wuii jiesinn, iney wen two - lJ the hemc tCBm's one capttir Ing tne opening uny game ami yester day's contest. Can't Sec Why Spending Is Basis for Income Tax New Yerlt, April 1.". i My A. P.) Ralph Blumenfeld, I iden pub lbhcr, admits he doesn't understand the United States income tax law. Yesterday when he applied nt the custom beuse for n sailing permit, se he could return te England today en the Homeric, internal revenue officials demanded SOet.")!) Inrome tnx. Mr. Illuincnfcld admitted that during the thtjce weeks he 1ms been in this country he had puichased .$220,000 worth of ninclilneiy, but declared thnt he did net knew, ns the eflicinls informed him, that Con gress recently passed a law in which no distinction wns made between the man from nbrend who makes pur chases in this country and the man from ubiead who comes here te sell goods. He refused te pay the tax based en his tuniingB during his stay here. ir IT'S A t'sra ALTnMnniij; veu want, seu'll tin J It en paias IS and SI, 4li. EASTER THRONGS SWARTHMORE CLUB ANNOUNCES PRIZES Somerville Society Awards Are te Ce te Henrietta Keller and Grace Cochran TRIP TO EUROPE PLANNED Winners of the Somerville Society scholarships at Swarthmore College this year are Henrietta Keller and Grace Cochran, it was announced today at the annual "Somerville Day" exercises. It Is the annual reunion of the women graduates. Miss Keller receives the I.Meretla Mett scholarship and Miss Cochran the Martha E. Tyson scholarship, for graduates who have taught two jrears. Miss Cochran Is teacher of French at the West Chester High Scheel. She studied in Paris last summer and ex pects te return tcre this summer. She was graduated in 1017. Miss Keller lives nt 103 West Upsal street and is a daughter of Harry Kel ler, principal of the German town High Scheel. She is president of the English Club nt Swarthmore. Although a student of note, deeply interested in the English classics, par ticularly Shakespeare, ehe Is distin guished also as an athlete. She was n member of the Swarthmore swimming team. She is also n graceful dancer, taking part In the plays during the May festivals. Sht plans te take a post graduate course in English at Radcllffe College. The fifty-first anniversary of the Somerville Society, the organization of Swarthmore women students, was ob served today by the opening of a forum along the line's of the old-time girls' debating society. Somerville was founded ns n literary nnd debating society by the girls of fifty years age. Its membership was based en scholarship. With the onceme of Hie modern and mnny interests for women, the society censed te held the undivided interest of Its members. Twe venrs age It was decided te cetftlnue it only as an organization of alumnae, who cherished its memory. Last year the original constitution was aban doned. "The modem grl," with all her nd nd miratien fei . ullvlduallty, showed her self, however, te be appreciative of nnd responsive te traditions. Thin winter the girls definitely revived Somerville as n forum for the discussion of art and music. Its offerings are for all the girls in rne stuuent neuy, wnicn was tne original ideal. DENIES POLACCO WILL SUCCEED MARY GARDEN Statement by Inaull 'indicates-01 va Haa Net Reslejied Chicago, April 15. (By A. P.) After publication ln the Chicago Tri bune today of n renert that Mnrv finr den would retlre ns general director of tne Chicago Ufrera Company, Samuel insnii, nenu et tne civic upern Asse elation controlling the company, issued n statement denying specifically that uiorgie I'oincce, conductor, bad been employed te succeed Miss Garden ns di rector. Mr. Tnsull's statement Indicated thnt Miss Garden has net resigned. "Ne ene has been discussed te take Miss Garden's poltlen In the event of her retirement," the statement sold, "and, as n matter of fact, the execu tive organization will be of nn entirely different character should Miss Garden retire." SHOOTING AT RATS, KILLED WOMAN; GETS TWO MONTHS Harleyavills Butcher Receives Light Sentence i'sr Accidental Sheeting N erris tow ii. !., April 18. E'er ac cldentnlly sheeting Mrs. Annn Landls 'f Hnrleysvillc, a neighbor, nnd killing ier instantly, William Kulp, thlrty ve, e butcher, with n veiit in Phlln .elphla, was sentenced te two months in the Montgomery County Jail by Judge Swart today. Kulp was tnken at once te prison by the Sheriff, with a fine of S25 and an condition that he pay the funeral ex penses nnd the cost of having (he dead woman removed te Philadelphia for nn X-ray observation for tliu purpose of locating the bullet. Judge Swarthy said that in consider ation of nil the circumstances he would give him the smallest scntence he had ever given for such an offense. Wliile Kulp was sheeting at rats, try ing out a new liich-newered lovnlver his farm at Hnrlevvsvllle. a bullet 5he wiih Ironing in the kitchen. 1111. imiu urn. Olllltl. llin. J-.11UUIB wiuie LAST CHANCE, YOU LIM'RICKER CASH IN ON THAT ONE BIG IDEA Final Liiririck in Our Regular Contest Is Published Today. Consolation Verse, With Three Prizes, Next Saturday Well, the t me has come. Today Is the last day for the I.lni'rleks, just by way of proving thnt all geed things came te an end. no de veur very best. 4fans. nnd sce if you can t maKe inn final nnd success ful effort for that hundred dollar check. Or at least get en the ballet and be eligible for one of the three prizes for the Con solation I.lm'rlek next Snturdny. Leen Yarnall, of 00 2 7 llezclbui-u street, is thn win ner of Mni'rii'k Ne. M. Illn office Is at filS Wulnut street, I'EON yabnam, and that's about all we hnve against him. because we had te climb three flights te get there. We sputtered nnd puffed nnd made all sorts of motions, nnd finnlly gnlncd sufficient breath te gasp out the geed news te Mr, Ynninll that he had wen the hundrcd-dellnr check. Of course, he diun t bciicve us; it we ever met a fan who did we would ucver recover, but when we showed him his answer he took It into his partner who obligingly mZ 3lBJEKX6jHESKSt May flfarry Wales 'JnBR' i ' lnaaaaaaaaaaaaT'i MrT'y !fHAIHPf ' -f g' B filh$xffiZ$iiCi i' 'A LADY MARY CAMBRIDGE Unofficial cable reports nnd per sistent Londen gossip tell of the engagement of Lady Mary and the Prince of Wales, who is new in Japan. It Is rumored that the en gagement will be announced en his return te England IDEAL EASTER WEATHER PROMISED BY FORECASTER Temperature of 70, With Fresh Westerly Winds Ideal Easter weather is premised by Forecaster Bliss and he backs his pre diction up with figures and actual con ditions. Balmy conditions will prevail tomor row and it is predicted that the. tem perature will rise te nt least 70. Fresh westerly winds diminishing just enough te make conditions comfortable for these who seek the outdoors is also prom prem ised. The temperature will drop te between forty and forty-five tonight, says the weatherman, but In the morning there will be a gradual rise, reaching the high point predicted just about the time thnt the big Easter parade starts en the boardwalk and ether netmlar places. Unsettled, mild nnd showery weather Is predicted for the first part, of next week, followed by generally fair nnd normal temperatures. , RUBBING IT IN! Ridge Avenue Stere Robbed Five Times In Flva Months Fer the fifth, time ln the last1, five months thieves broke into the clothing store of Alcxnndcr Walters, 1380 Bldge avenue, early today and stele between $5000 and $0000 worth of suits and overcoats. The entire stock was taken with the exception et one rack or suits ana n pile of overcoats. Mr. Walters said the total less ln the five robberies would reach $10,000. The robbery today occurred while Mr. and Mrs. Walters were nslecp above the store. They dis covered it when they came downstairs at C :30 o'clock. The first robbery occurred ln Decem ber, just before Chrlstmns. Twe mere followed ln January, one ln February, and the Inst one today. JAIL WOMAN FOR TEN YEARS Convicted of Complicity In Robbery of Michigan Bank Grand Rapids, Mich., April Iff. Mrs. Alice Eyer, of Tra verse City, Mich., was sentenced today te terve from ten te twenty years ln the Detroit Heuse of Correction fellow inc her con- victlen of complicity In the robbery of n Drnncu et tee uranu unpins savings Bank. She is believed t lie the first woman te be sentenced en u bank rob bery charge in Michigan. Lthnn A. Cenklln, who confessed participating In the robbery, alleged Mrs. Eyer helped plan it. whlle he nnd his son carried it out. He said he gave the S1S00 obtained from thn bnnV in Mrs. Eyer. THORTJE IOWA CANDIDATE Farm Bureau Federation Counsel Out for Senate Chlmre. April 15. fBr A. P. iyimeni i imnif, general counsel for the American Farm Bureau Federation, to te dav formally announced his rntwii.in..,, si.a- ,.. . . '. for the Republican nomination for United Stales Senater from Iowa. He simultaneously tendered his res ignation te the Farm Bureau Federa tion. ?i" !d' Vl11' rD he Mewed,' or some thing te that effect. st-1.!1"' Y.nr"".", Iim.1 nnered nlmest all Of the I.lm ricks, hut serta became dla- TWA "," ,k,Cpt nwny from "hem. for a time and then ene night, jest by i imns?,J,c,!kid in,(. the, papcr- "nw this Mm tick nnd completed It as fellows t Llm'rlck Ne. 85 A moterboAt bug In Cape Cay Decided he'd sail up the bay, Hut his nuter went dead And he whistled and aald te iJueheat I've moved here te Until about a year age, Mr. Yarnall "n n'u, h.. "-"t department of the Cur Is Publishing Company. One fine morn Ing. as the story books say, he epeged n studio of his own, and is new doing advertising. ""l He regretted that he did net knew we were coming, se that he could have had some real "atmosphere" ready for Mr. Yarnall Is married and has two children, a girl and a boy, nnd is qu te sure he will have no trouhle in dls dls pesing of th money, what with Raster here, nnd the fact thnt lie In m niiut rp,aceSVie i"1"01 W'' Wn I Ime Peter uu nun- uiur lUMirxillll U He '( en son, 6030 Irving btreet: llairv Garvin, csathwrf m rM TwcTuXTiu .W BURLINGTON CHIEF IN PISTOLBATTLE Fight in Street of N. J. Town With Three Thugs Results in Draw SAFE BLOWN, LOOT OFFICE A pistol bnttle in the streets of East Burlington, N. J., enrly today between Captain of Police Jehnsen nnd three bandits resulted ln a draw, the cap tain being unhurt, nnd the bandits escnpimj. The bandits hail dynamited one safe, and rilled one office, getting nothing. They dropped a set of burglar's tools ln their flight. t The dynamiting occurred in the office of H. H. Garwood, coal' dealer. Lnst Pearl street. The cxpllen nreused the neighborhood. The office of Wllllnin Tenes, coal denier, ln Inst Burlington, was ransacked. Captain Jehnsen wag walking along by the Pearl street bridge, near the Jenes vnnl. uhen lie saw three men carrying n satchel. 'Rie men stepped nnd bearded n trolley car, and the cap tain get en the same car. The men jumped off, leaving their bag under n seat. In this bag wns later found the 1iurglnr.v, tools, cap tain Jehnsen nlpe left the car, nnd than the three men faced him and drew pistols. Jehnsen had n geed leek nt all of them, nnd believes he liai been their faces lif the recues' gnllcry nt Mount Helly. He drew his gun nml the fight commenced. Six or eigiit shots were nrcu, men the bandits retreated, crouching low, nnd firing ns rapidly as they could lead. Being nlenc, Cnptnln Jehnsen snld, he ceulu net rush them, hut he followed tnem cieseiy, returning tne nre until ne lest them nmeng some narrow ways In the renr of several fnclerlcs. Captain Jehnsen will go te Mount Helly tonight te see If he can Iecntc photographs of men resembling the bandits. They nre strangers te Bur lingten, he snld today. ASK HAYS Tel ShTfTmS FEATURING ARBUCKLE New Yerk Lord's Day Alliance Calls Acquittal "Whitewash" New Yerk, April 15. (By A. P.) Will II. Hnvs. director of the National Association of Picture Producers nnd Distributors, wns called upon te pre vent exhibition of motion pictures fea turing llosceo C "Fatty" Arbucklc, by the Lord's Day Alliance of New Yerk ln n letter mads public today. Calling 'Arbuckle's acquitment a charge of manslnughtaryaiitl tbc-jury'S statement In his behhlfa "whitewash," the letter te Mr, Hays, adds; - 'The request which we respectfully uige upon you is that you use our authority te lntcnenc and prevent the outrage id the moral sensibilities of the citizens of this country threatened In the preputal te again exhibit nny Ar bucklc films." San Francisce, April 15. The de fense of Kecee C. ("Fatty") Arbuckle in the three manslaughter trials in con nection with the dentil of Miss Virginia Kappe cost mere than $110,000, net in cluding attorneys' fee. it was learned yesterday. It is planned te release nil of the Ar buckle films that were completed nt the time of his nriest. it was stated. Ar buckle himself has no immediate plans. He refused te appear in n monologue in local theatrcs. The offer was made immediately after his acquittal. "I de net care te capitalize my geed fortune se seen nfttr achieving It," I Arbuckle said. YALE'S OLD GRADS BEAT .PENN ALUMNI ON RIVER Ells Win Half-Mlle Beat Race by Three-Fourths of a Length Yale's graduate crew defeated Penn's' alumni eight in a half-mile rain en the. SlMillvlL-llf Tlln. .I.le .,r. .,..., i I three-quarters of n length. Yale's time wn- two minutes, three nnd two-fifth seconds. It was the first time the Yale and Pcnn Old Grnds had contested nnd one e fthe rules governing the race was that, neither crew should train for the event. The race was preliminary te the three bis crew luces Inter In the ntternoeu. 'b..i. .... .,L, lllt MIIVIIIUUII . Coach .Ilia Hice, of Celnuililn, was the uidee. and (Jeorce Mnllev. former com. - y ? ,i "t, i i in V- . ------ . ..,...,-, ,,- oueoomn, .,,..,, m-ii-,1 n The vfll i,.m tnt fi, inn,i .1,. ...... ........ ... .... ... .. hi. inan hours a dny must listen. Such wns the decinen of .Tudge Ilartlett in ' the case of the Helen Wells Abbet con- .,0r r.fVl!,r ".'l'"." "I1 Wnll0CC Complaint wns made by Kathaiine latter was insufficient, Judge llnrtlett dismissed the motion for an injunction. The world has gene wild ever the man els of RADIO Everybody wants te knew about it hew te mnke n set, hew te put It together, hew te operate it. We've found the really simple PRIMER for the indle novice. Nothing technical -but everything accurate nnd complete. Reglns Xct Monday in the Eiiening public Sedgei: sunt mm inn u inre igneiu. ,c inn temers se ?cd in a l e.icrai rain en a i scpiiirnrni eund. followed by a very Whv Ihev .-he-e the man he V ill I f r ipiai er.uille mark both crews spurted I place ion Olrartl nvenne. gentle tapping, which developed into a Geernnr' the hnVe . el le Ins Th laid Pen gained en the Mis, hut alc , "Wouldn't their- be n line mw. he rapping en her chamber deer. The things Urn aie ". ii l' a n out Tim are still wns lending. .Near the finish said. "If thev get the IM of ouMemc.s mysterious voice grew- louder and three exn ctlv the kind f thin"- h.. n l.l a nel her spurt was staged and this time T sewed? They were among the fltie-t child.en of Mrs. William, 1 , e mi Milt If . in . i?e . Ic Z r Vale pulled away from Penn and went 'people in Philadelphia and N'w.lfi- an upper fleer, began te scream ntrac or n ,, tcs ., tl , n i ht ever the line n winner by Hie tunrgln of i y. I didn't deal with Utile fellows. Ilelleving that some one intended "nuuiiucs wiue th, might thice.qunrters et a length. nnd I didn't handle chrnp stulT. Thev harm in them. Mrs. Williams niiene i'itlnnr.l en ! ie.,r. column n fcin, inu im'-il iiuiii mt' .-! mil'-. i iim fleer nri(l rtlMinrl intn tlwi hfilUtfit MUSIC WINS DECISION :; ;' " 'p. "f ;''V ''Ti p"--'""-" '" pp. i , ,1 - - - When I get nny of the Kind of stulT I , hanging, alihuugh no one was , isih c Court Ru.es Reemer. Must Listen , TtVtti JX WT te Trill. whisky I sold was stialght everj time. ,,rnt hrnvelv te their room" I Willy-nilly, these who lire cln,c te ,"'r,hn l,0,"p, et ,n.v li t niedn't be what happened after that is best a plaee from which sounds of music, i nfrnid- . ke1ptI.,nr0V, ,of "V b,1'"n0!"i '" told In hei own words. veea and intrumentnl. issue forth for i '." "' '"" " ."" """ '."'' "- IWnsleu- Slllni1ei mill hnr innliir-rs u Im "" '"' ,l umii.viki.iu.ii-i hi mh- i null - '" ' u raimiil me nOUSC. ecc"pv ? the ndjV dnlng premises O her ' ,T-V- ',0 Kal,l ''l" hn"H. llml ,a h" ' Sl,n HUbC(i ter n '""'""'f the mem- ne&rs. he Z" l i .'old hlnfr,! 1. u'V ' "'WeundX'" bre?'t " the thrills of the embryo songbirds. Mrs. ,h,nT,! ' b" ,,' V '!. ' ' u 'v ,KCl ,U .,i ri k. h iil11111,' l:t'"1' Ks,h(,r Sninifier declared in her reeuest for hlm- "-V ","' 1r,,!,,, , Nnt en,-v 11'1 nml Pnrnly ' huddled in a corner in rcsrSS ha the e ac.wer? nn a, Se ' U,J ',Cl ,,hnt "iBh,i ' Z i'T ,mnP?JP,,,.cr,n", ' ' " ance ami n nuisance. As nroef of the '! abhlngten. H. . And I paid all net have much faith in tlfe supernatural Candidate Pinchot Is Study in Real Perpetual Motion Day With Aspirant for Governorship Suc cession of Conferences, Phenes, Speeches, Mere Parleys and "Mr, Fish" Glfferd Pinchot and his family, who nre living during the campaign nt the Bellevue Stratford, greet new day In eemethlng like the way customs officers greet an Incoming ship. When the young woman nt the hotel exchange pushes u plug into the little orifice marked "1022'" and says "geed morning, sir; It is 0:30." the resnensivp "thank you" comes in a voice net'at all disconcerted. Which enn mean but one thing: that the Pinehets nre up nnd quite indubit ably doing ; that for them the day began "'JSPn minutes or nn hour earlier. The probability is that already Mr. linchet 1ms composed n slashing state ment en seme phase of his campaign; una nnswered a few dozen long-distance, telephone calls nnd appeased the Inquisitlvcness of five or six news papermen: thnt Mr. Pinchot, whose hair ln the early light would thrill the fingers of n Titian, Is restoring the nparfment te n daytime nspect, keeping, neHcver, nn alert attention en nil ether activities, particularly the activities of "Mr. Fish." "Mr. Fiit" Really Important As for "Mr. Fish," himself, he Is chucked Inie n day In Its wny ns imper- tailtlv fermlilnliln n. Iiis fntlipr'u. Mr Fish is otherwise and bnntlsmail.v Glfferd Br.ice Pinchot, stuuly legged, yellow haired, blue eyed nnd nine. The origin nnd mystic meaning of the name .iir. i isnrr are uoueticss a carefully guarded family secret. Already, tee, n campaign manager LAST-MINUTE NEWS THREE-YEAR-OLD CHILD STRUCK BY TROLLEY Clarence AbrnmBOn, three and n. hnlf years old, was knocked down by n northneund enr en' Fifth street this nfternoen whlle plnying in front cf his home nt 500 Seuth Fifth street. His in juries are net serious. FIND HOSPITAL PATIENT BENUMBED BY COLD Mrs. Ruth Oeldblntt, a patient who had wandered from the Philadelphia Hospital tei the Insane at Byberry, was found today lying at the side of the Northeastern Boulevard, benumbed by cold. She was wrapped in n blanket and apparently unable te rise. She was tnken te Frsnkferd Hospital and later returned te Byberry. BODY TAKEN FROM RIVER OFF PENN TREATY PARK The body of nn unidentified man that had been in the Dtla ware River about two weeks, 'wab found by the crew of the police beat Steklcy today, off Peuu Tieaty Paik, at Columbia avenue. BOOTLEG PATRONS T MEN I Itlhl l In "Confessions of a Bootleg- . ger," Hertz New Admits Game Is Net Werth Candle t-iir- - ,..nu nr--.,.,-s FINE TILL WORRY BEGINS "Seme of the mnt prominent men in Philadelphia" dealt with Maurice Hertz, Camden bottler, who is new serving a six months' term in jail for ' ...-.II -l.-I i:n,.An liiln tUn Tlrt,l iMiiuKKiins i;iiuu.t iniuw. nn.- iu .-mini States Hei the C mltted Fclern - - i . iiiiirM. ,,,,,. .,, , ....i "X. JiL- ; r n "ii- nt t. I iniuFuuir uiir iiduui i . ;. - . '; -,VV", l " ' """c "" beiiy could find them, Scotch for Washington "T recall one night ge,nK a tele V""' "". '' '.V. . ." ..'.' ' .V ""n " i in- '.- ji ......... ..i. .... . tit. i-u ii the cxpeni-es myseii. , ,. Uert7. declares Hint great quantities of choice liqums nre still being smug- gled into '' cnuntn. though net much , is coming in near Philadelphia. He sajs 'that there nre "off-shorn peddlers" r.tnr hi. ..iit.wln the lhrna.ni Ha lln.i, who are selling big cargoes of whisky i I-H1..1HS .-...-" - -...,.c num. who are M-eiiiK nm hhrui-s ei unisKv bv thb case up nnd down the const from I Key West te Maine nnd making huge' nrnnis. nrnflts Hut Hertz declare he Is out of the whisky game himself He Is "taking ' tun EAnianiin nn trio nnca ' 1.. I presses it, nnd Isn't "squnwklng." nut ...I. a.. a nnl.. .ill Im ilfinln... 1.. it. I llin ruiiirn-. "it i ii""-, na iv x "ienstr,lluS"OU1, UP ,,PdarC, " wMI "It's net worth the game," said I Hert. as he puffed en a hie black cii-nr "Yeu may go n long way In this smug pllng business, but jou're bound te slip. They'll get jeu, no mnteer hew OMtlnnti en Pass Four, Column rr PROMINEN U made thi statement today in atmosphere ideal for ;n ghost that yearns de there no one knows but themselves. nmden Jail, where be Is he,-, per ' X ' tm' n., sp r t A ,cr while they open ,1,,, deer and te serve his ,erm lntc,d of in a minutes hefere mldn VB h nccrn , ' in "'"u. "" ' "" VV " .. .m . ' '"""i1 1 nr.snn. hecnuse of his men of members of tl. fe.,.7i.. ...i . ..". ' V.."1. "" 7 ,"'. , ''' ' .eicrs. has called and white Mrs. Pinchot is looking after the breakfast eggs (sent I specially from the farm In Pike County) there Is some energetic debate ecca siened. It would appear, by the con tents or a porueno tnai may nave necn . brought by the manager or may have I been fished out from behind the sofa. , MORE BACKERS TUMBLING In n campaign portfolios would secm,'""" DHUIVCnO I UMDLinU te be, next te principles nnd a geed ONTO EX-FORESTER'S WAGON larynx, the most indispensable pieces of w" w tA runc; " O WHUUPI equipment. , A couple et reporters unecK nnu ara admitted immediately; after them n shuffling knock by a houseman who has liii'l a commission from somebody i?, .V . " ".r ' '"" 'fn"Vinn i; a tray-bearing servant. , ,,.V. corn;t"-besses te neml- "Have you breakfasted." nsks Mrs. nflte Attorney General Alter for Oov Oev Oov Plnchet. "Yeu, or you?" erner. Seme have nnd some, it seems, have 'rie indenendenf ranriMm.. A(r net. Fer these latter an order Is Im- ,,r, ."3 a'" c?m,1,!nte i(11rect mediately entered. "Mr. FIbIi" has his . 'me "Wln-t Alter In the Attorney mcnl against n bureau. Mr. Pinchot cncral s home county wns described Sharen the tables with his guests. Mrs. here today by A. Nevin Detrich nnu Pinchot, who limits her brenkfasta te I of .,, ,. '.., ,e,'" " "" -in, .-i.nU tM. .. c.-iin- nn. A ii "lc c,IInf a'dcs of the former State nreutid there is discussion of what the morning papers have nnd haven't said, nnd five or six ether npparentiy im portant considerations. The cnndldate is eating oatmeal, bacon, n roll and n couple of Pike County eggs. "Wnnt n piece of bacon, you hard fish?" Little Time Is Wasted "Ne, thaalc you," "Mr. Fish" re plies. He I" interested ln a pigeon en the window i dge. The activity for this meal Is ever Continued en race Four, Cel am n Three SEPULCHRAL VISION TERR F ES N. 1 HOI I kllllll ILU I li Ji I IUIVIL. Rappings Followed by Ghastly Figure That Faded in Haze Testified te by Family EVEN THE CAT SAW SPOOK With characteristics akin te these of pec's Hnen. a ghost is prowling nbeut the home of Mrs. Rehert Williams, white City Park.. X. :,. ' 111. .. .-.. . . "nite lUy 1 thrpp ml p frnmTrn. w . . ... -.- --..... - .,,111,,,, .in, , iiiiihjk'i "'" " " "ccempusnmcnts, turned the ' .ir. vvmi... " 1 . . " ni-i n iinnhCIIPfl IIV S ri i ""'i -u.iuw, loiiewro. A....I..1.M-1 ..-1 .ll. . . Says Heuse Hocked "I ran upstairs nnd ns I Ket near nn- luiim uie ciiiiureii the noises be- linn." iiiuiesi. uenieuiii); Thn house -riin-ii hi in- UH-King. there wns tan- t.i.ir rtt. ,1... ..tlM.l ... i a... ..m.i .. i. . t .... L "P ' ' iV" .""'i'V. I'?" "n the sills and In all parts of the house." . -i , . .. . ----......,.. lllcll, nut tne nelseN could net be de. nien. l assured the children nn harm 'would ceme te them and procured h ' light I "WlUle I was comforting them tnv brother was awakened. He eut n ,-ii.k nml unnr n innl ,Iia kA.i.. v. .. ' burglars might be trying te cntc -s .-".' " UUII51-, ne tneup it lll" iimkiu in trying te enter Im could find no trace of anv one ti, r,..i-i .. n w- - Continued en Twe four. Column Twe ..... GIRL THRASHES BANDIT Id-UD Man Beaten Until n.. Holdup Man Beaten Until Uneen. . . s..iww, c,eu y Mah"y City Weman y.J'Tv.&.L." iV'-Ti1 ,5' An Zlgaresky, thU city's clghtcen-year-eld champion girl athiete, last night beat into unconsciousness ene bandit who tried te rob her father while a second robber, frighten!, fled. The held-up nin. .Tnhn Mru.kil '.... j.ii.j "" "I" man, Jehn Seckel, was jailed. mil. ii is n quiet little hamlet with room and hIiiii ilw m it,.i ..h.i .,.. PINHO T E THROWS SPIK INTO GEARS OF OLIVER MACHINE! Magee, Lukewarm Toward AN ter, May Swing Strength te Pike Ce. Farmer Glfferd Pinchot has driven a welgs Inte the Magee-Leslie-Oliver combine in Allegheny Counts which, with the '"nP """.length In this city, Is counted li ln this ' ' ""''try Commissioner Mr. 1'lnchet's recent cenfrncA wlfl. William II. Flinn. Roosevelt lender in 1012, was the first big move toward undei mining Alter's support ln Alls gheny. Mayer Magee. of Pittsburgh, a prims fncter in the combine there, is reported te be lukewarm toward Alter. Magee' reccrd as n Roosevelt follower in 1013 and his friendship for Flinn make a Drcnk in the Allegheny combine ranks nppnrenttj Inevitable. I Even the organization leaders admit , (hut Altei s main strength is In Phlln jdelphln nnd Allegheny Counties, where iwpll-nlled political mnchine are ready te get out the .etc for him en May 16. , prlmnry election day. it's. ..it., blew ngnlnst Alter here onelSiT) Allegheny County will help tenake I Pinchot the G. O. P. standard bearer In tli rcarapalgn for Governer, as the in i dependent Is far outstripping Alter in i the rural districts. -v j Sentiment Grewing for Pinchot 1 '.Sentiment Is flaming up for Pin- chei. said Mr. Detrich. who returned i tndn. from a tour of Pittsburgh, Rend . Ing and ether cities. "In Allegheny County the friends nnd political lleu ; tenants of Mayer Magee are swearing in for Pinchot. They are just tumbling of! the Alter bnndwniren." A big rally will be held In Reading 7j tonight, Mr. Detrich said, and tbs MirCTH rnill nnr Mr- aitnnn.Mni. IaIin S, Helier Zlve nrhltllsc nt nlll-lne Ihnm. MlvWwjtfi AhOPfo'chet campaign, 1 .Among I lie lenders In Reading whe M , ii.ui turni-u in ier j'inciiet nre J. KUs ,-" weitn Illnebaugh and Heward Shome. ' '.Mr. netrich said. Other iccruits te Hie Pinchot muse, he nid. nre .1. I.h;.d Ilnrtman, Miffllntewn : Samuel S. Weed", former Penrose lender of Mif "'" '"unty: Frank Shannen, of W ilkes-Iiarre, and the Rev. Txirense ; IhiMh, n Stute Iteprcscntntlve, of ilkcs-Hnrrc. Mr. Pinchot, who resigned se that he could Menk Lis mind nbeut condl cendl t .in in the Htnte Capitel, denounced the "bnek-ioeiu slating" of Alter by the bes-es in nn iiddress last night at ashiiiKien. Pa., and described thn leiil which hieiight it nbeut "its raw mm wrong ns it enn lie. ss&s&ts ,-s . her opened ,s i-ampnign nt h& lieine in Snilnednle. Alleehenv rniintr. Mr I'lnrlietV Wnshingten speech, in wIih h he npped ime the contractor eiiiibinc which Ims its eje en the mll luiis nf State highwny contracts, and in which lie also premised a searching ime-tlKiitleii into the nllegcd misman agement of State finances, was in part U" lilliuw 3 aeme tilings can be done just as well as ether things, and one of ths things i lint can be done, and needs te hn flntie unit fu nniiii . v.- .i i te prevent Ihc contia'-ter combine from faking posien of the government of l'pnylvnnla. "Llltle Handful of Men" "A lutlr KnmlfMl .,! , ... i- .. "Ill IIUMUtUI 11. Ill VII .UL ill ne aa pe anil -e for the ncu Governer of J 'nubjuniiin lie suits u.' "Teil Is. IIIWM v ui. - - I .- '. ' I APHRODITE A FLAPPER. MICHIGAN ARTIST SAYS Ne "Absolute" Female In Art, H. Cress Declares Aphrodite iiuij lime been a flapper. This icwlntlen iniiie lednj when II. It. f'lOss. el tne l iucrst of Mich- igaii. iiddress nc the ineetni" if the " "ege Art Assoclntieii of America ill i ne .-xnnei ill i me .Arts nt I in Inl erst of l'enns.lania. declared the liust of Aphrodite le-emliled llie modern Mimp. lie was spi King of the balance nf sex as it 1 found, or lather is net found, in (iru-K weiks of nit. This bulimic, he said, was hard In discover. The decks did net like women loe feminine, he Haul, nor men tee mascu line. Yen ii-., he said, Is masculine te n inaiKcd degu-e. He snld there could 1 he found no "absolute initie or abso lute femnlii In the Greek works of art." "Modern-day artists seldom discover inn.Whlng new," mid Pief. Cress. ...i.i ., . ,r . .. . .. v. --.. hut inn. I , 'nirp i. I n mnr m.ii.. ......... . ..r.,,,,,,,, um.. fn'r,,l nt N""! time or oilier In ths t'"'cK werlH' - FIND BODY IN SCHUYLKILL ! The body of a man wns taken from . llin .slelmrlklll Itlvei- hi- lln.l ...i...l. tedaj. It bore no murks of Identlflca- ., ..,. i iieii ier iiiiiii iin evidently nilOllt sixty cnrs old, weighed 180 pounds and wns six feel enn Inch in heivln. Police say that the body hnd been la the water all winter, , m ueciueil inu veu are in take) 111 IttlAMAll GOOD BEAT. ESTATB nrrtimei AUKiSf'f'fil l)f. asUV-. Hud CUMllSS tW 1'vJSK-H r j-nttra i tut 1 m m l V i . 1 V J- '?' 1 Wl "1 VI ij S3 -W-!.l Hi . ', . -, . , V ' i V i fa&a&fa&b&m SA . ii rrfSrt ''-.' ia.-ahi