MsBlHsKBM&iBBMaflHBBKOTlib ' n v& l5OTBBBnMwlSm;XMBBHwslBBMI5OTiV.,7SsslHE , tui ' 'jlffSBrgflefcWflr. - ' 'TM'..:gra v,., ,.' fifeji'tti.Y.A Lii irfl' lii "!'f ' nwnnivni if vzggr.' U Hi' WwJiwM i FTHElRE here for inf SUmpt free witfi every 10c purchete! They .ecure valuable premium!. -' w' ,ii- .., I-flBi'iSh"IMI6fi it that gay Eatr Pint-eme dded advantage of Yellow Trad- vmr . ."rT7rr7iJ"r:.rTi"!w?a iT.,77r; J-.TV. "W. jr kjhmii .:-tvffv im' thtt i"t . m i . . J,ftyi,Wf(.w'g.,v -." -1 ri- ' i-i Mir r"fT, , 1,1,1, , ., JWJ-'. .WitS I."1' ' 'JWJfwVJVtW.IfJ.ji'jjl?.A'lfW'j,.'5 Cffi Vf' , WW HK-,-y HVrtrtf ' "T TiWV.Ji 'f TH'T,.tjy,y;.-t Jj.zajU r ,WWy,-,A", - i f' 'MHiIjk-J".? li"1 -. 'J..,! . n t-j 1 ii kitr'- , r T,y '--- .. .1 , if" it I-iy?-',t, . .wi rww 'Srr'yyiw -jSJsk Ht.TrimmU Fr f Chmrgs by petiMmiiBt "' i V V 1 a IIF U.l.lA 'JPV '-"J. 1 Beautiful Trimmed Hats, & s5- The all-important consideration .fef Ea'stsi hers te - incomparable showingwerth almost twit as much! . Jl!?.hm,nutVcl?),c? ,,s be;und t0 be. best here where ' vLl $??&& "' l"lHy highest!. headquarters for distinctive Easter Millinery and this v season s showing : ecHpiis our every previous display. Spert androssyMedeh and Chic Mat for General Wmmr in 'Every Popular Coloring x 1 Third Fleer r S HATS TRIMMEb FKEE OF CHARGE bbbbKsM mmmWmr M AV lUat FmwvmiAfaLm t V I ' iWtBBBWNiM JJ, i-J- llWip' h- 1 Will 1 ,i 1 1 nr sin an r flip 1 - fS , I I l ' iilli'm 'Ml, ' ' I III I liJH ! v ill lliIIH llllllllll ajf . na - ' .Mimmner rceAnv-rn-'w ear nau; wm minute choice here will be jiwt air satisfactory as any ether Jj m choice for there are hundreds of deligntiui si svittle later than 'scheduled will hurry out at scarcely mere than cost. Milan hemp and ether fashionable straws many chine with gay flowers, fruit, ribbon and feather U trimmings. Every pretty Easter color. J iV ' 'mV 'A T f a6 nremi Sprays, 1.49 t Saerts Hats. S2.M te HMS pallor and soft crushed effects. 9 w mm wmr m m m a a a e CfclMrem's Hats, $1JS ami $2.f8 Have band and. streamers. Dafitles. hydrnRaa, Kuttereupi, caraniumn f firRffTv - ----------- J.... . p bloiiein, f rpf. currants and fUntnmmed Hats, $1.98 te $3.ft X Various straws, shapes and colors. , vi s straws, snapes ana coiers. ,v ,i X,iF Bre.r First Fleer, Nertt'i Eatter in Almest Here Dta't Waite Time and Meney. Cheese Here Tomorrow! Men'sFinestTweedsferEaster f w r ana i omerrow lg Net loe Late Ner uan reu l A Duplicate Them Under $27.50 te $30 Elsewhere! f . p 20 Net only tweeds but hemespuns, worsteds, unfinished worsteds and blue serges you'll And exactly the materials you want: every aroed medel: veur very size! Besides our sales and tailoring forces are all primed te give efficient, satisfactory service up te the very iasc minute, te the man who wants an Easter suit. . Spert or conservative styles, single or double breasted. Choice grays,, browns and blues in stripes and mixtures. Superb linings, and finish. : Beys' $13.50 Twe By 8-50 ruBtmtar Tellow Tradiat SUapt art ,FKEE wilk ,Tt7 ar cnait of 10c worth or Bore. Atk for Mem ana tre i theM carkfallr. They te a Ttrjr dtfinite cub TIne Ibar ea be oa ea cataftd for Tiln Tiln able aad aiefel irebaa d i e '"if 4Sj mat a a. n a m kVaa, e W Mens '35 te ,'40 All- $ Weel Twe Trouser Suits , Excellent quality worsteds, cassimeres and cheviets in this spring's smartest conservative models. Twe- and three-button coats. Faultless tailoring, linings and finish. Beys' All-Weel Blue Serge SUITS. $10 With Twe Pairs of Knicker8 Knicker8 Fer Confirmation Superior grade blue serge, guaranteed fast color. Very carefully made and finished. Newest spring styles for lads who wear sizes 7 te 18. 27.50 c DIRECT FROM PARIS!-HAND-MADE! g g n Silk Feur-in-Handsby The eaaartptt patterm oeen en Iho Fraach Bowlevardel Personally selected 'by our representative abroad and shipped straight te us! Beautiful printed Pelka dots and figures en attractive blue or black grounds; also a remarkably fine variety of self figure effects in all the smart colorings. Most 'sensational values of all time. . - --. --..- - - - - - - - . - --.----------- ....-. -- " '. " ' - .------ ------. m fc m M (1 t.l.lRi.Uani1TI Sfi M1 7 Rin Hallr KFiiia SKA.KEn I f , " . . II K' " K " ?' T""" "'". T 4 T 1 OK M.raal HA Belt, complete, 4c II Made of Eagle Brethers Superb btifts f I i c "r t kVenh emnria -inaf-. nivnAd. Kacifl crerjes at cnine. iameus I """" - the best. Satin-striped jersey and rich, heavy broadcloths. 1 1 SeLf-atriped nil - white autiful colored .stripes; also plain and satin-striped all-1 SMart A bSk y 'I Full-grained one-piece f r I 1 Jl- t- an an T T RH eriuie icBwie' r. r e iT 7. ' fastener. Nickle silver f ijeautltUI , rolled buckle. t f white jersey. - Flrt Fleer, 7th St. .Pants Ner- ) $Q folk Suits J O Fxm Big Value! Cheviots, cassimeres, tweeds, brown and gray mixtures, and light and dark hemespuns, blue, brown and gray pin stripes. Peg top pants and belt loops. Lined throughout. iTaped seams. Sizes 6 te 18. Serge Spring Reefers, $4.98 Very fine quality. Regulation styles, belted all around, brass or bone buttons, and neat sleeve chevrons. Sizes 2?3 te 10. Lit Brethtra Second Fleer, 7th St. 22SAOy aJU ll IbI tfWh Easter gloves ' unquestion ably the finest values any where I Women's '3 GLOVES 1. 95 Strap-wrist style Kiu ana In white, black colors. cape; and Wemea'a $5 Novelty French Kid Gloves, $3.98 Newest im-1 nortatiens. Van ; Dyke c.ii f f s; I white, black and color combina cembina , tiens. 2-clasp. , First Fleer, 8th St 4 $4J8, Women's Strikingly Pretty Easter Lew Shoes Are Especially Lew Priced Exceedingly fine quality patent colt, gun-metal, brown and glazed kid, tan, Russia calf. The delightfully smart Mary Janes and very graceful oxfords and strap pumps. Welted and turned soles, solid leather heels some with rubber top lifts. Choice of Cuban, walking and military neeis. '"'" Women's $6 te $9 "Fex" Footwear, $3.85 Finest Easter fashions irem a famous maker. In patent colt, black, suede, kid, calf, satin and tan Russia calf. Mnrv Janes, stran rjumDS. also strap and lace ex fords. Turned and welted soles; full, junior and baby i Lieuis, uuban ana waixmg neeis. , ii V Misses' and Children's $3.50 te. $4 Lew Shoes, $2.69 and $2.95 New Mary Jane pumps in patent colt and white Nu-buck, also tan Russia oxfords with perforated vamps and rubber heels. Sizes 8J4 te 11 at $2.69, sizes 11 Vi te 2 at $2.98. Men's Shoes and Oxfords Tan Russia, black calf, t tan colt. All solidly con- I structed; solid leather heels ( some with rubber top lifts. . 3-49 W Yeung Women's $5 Oxferda and Marv Janes Smart lace oxfords in tan Russia, with! Deya $5 Tan perforated vamps and rubber heels. Alse I Oxford, $3.98 popular Mary Jane pumps in white Nu-buckt .,i'ace f ty!es v wlnjr I and patent colt Sizes 2J4 te 7. I Lit Brethers First Fleer. North tips, welted eal: noles and rubber heels. Sizes 2 te GL. Baatar blotueo you'll eartala ly t latoreatoa In our woador weador woader f nl ahewlng at inederata prieest Tricelette Overbleuses $3J8 T a a, j a d e. navy, orchid k nahegany. " Popular -Peter Pan 'styles with cellars and cuffs of embroidered net Tomorrow! St' W.teiffvtltWW BlMWSfitk. Crepe de Chine ''Overbleuses, $4.98 K I a berately beaded n a v y, JaeV. gray and rnohepnny. Alse a new and unusually charm lne Breitp with tlnv elalts and ) frllllnc. Flesh and ) white. ;i Hand-made Waists, $2.98 Fine batiste; with daintily embroidered and hand-drawn col cel lars, cuffs and verftee edged with met lace, Second Fleer Ready teAnswerEvery Last MinuteEaster ApparelNeed ibIbi&SSI iK JmmmwM m Iver Smart $45 te $55 Suits and Dresses Plenty of time and plenty of sales people te help you make satisfactory choice. Sketches show some of the many stunning styles in this sale. Chic Neckwear te complete the Easter Costume! Silk Sports Scarfs SO.98 J-A SC.49 .41 IV U- lib JS w llftnli'iifi VJ lllll in beautiful combinations. color $1.50 te $4 Vesteea. 98c te $2.98 Seme with cuffs all white, and ethers wit.h touches of color tuxedo, Teter Part and Buster t,Brewn styles. . Marabpu Capes, $4.49 te $7.49 Black, brown and natural. Seme Ostrich trimmcdf-Klrst Fleer, North' The 'smartest, prettiest Easter fashions at the fine sort of savings which have made us Philadelphia leaders in popular priced outer wear. AH Women s and Misses' Sizes. fhl,J,!rf.,!H',ihli1!!a0l.- 1R.' ii N. Stunning $45 te $55 Coats, Capes a n WMJw Wraps Pre-eminently the greatest values and greatest variety that you'll find in the city of Philadelphia tomorrow. A great one-price group that is typ ical of the wide assortment at all ether prices. Easter Dresses, $25 In canton erupt, crp beck tatin, crepe rema, georgette, taffeta, wool crepe, tricatine and peiret twill. Pretty tunic and straight-line styles beaded, braided and embroidered; also many jaunty sports effects. Every lovely Eatter thade caramel, beige, honeydew, mehawh, brown, navy and black. Easter Suits, $25 i Coats & Capes, 2 5 Jaunty tweed in heliotrope, brown, ' Chinchilla, Englieh tweed, tpengeen, . . j n ' . I shawheen, Pollyanna, veldyne, velour, green, rust, tan and Copenhagen. deuble.faccd ceatinge, pelaire and Chic sports effects with rakish cel- ; tricetine. lars, narrow belts, slender boyish lines Raglan sports coats with huge cel- and jaunty pockets. 'n's, htunning loeso wraps, beautifully ... ,, , , . ,M silk stitched; clever new capes in ripple Ahe beautiful dretty tricettne eutti, , am, circular styles embroidered and In navy and blacksuperbly tailored or fringed. beautlfuly braid trimmed. Plain or Every geed-looking gay Eatter thade fancy peau de cygne linings. and every practical color. '!$ l.H Rrnthm Second Fleer $5 and $6 Silk Envelope Chemise !pu9e $4.98 A beautiful le JJt received! Pink, blue and orchid Excellent crepe de chine or ra dium; lnce trim med, shirred and with dainty ribbons. 3 I. t styles I $1.50 Satin! Camisoles, S8c Tailored and lai-e t r 1 m m ed Uullt-u,i mid strap shoulders, JAt lirethera Second 'Kleer Silk Petticoats $4 Quality i $5 Quality $2.98 ' Messalinc, chiffon taffeta and silk jer sey. Straight models prettily embroider ed; also ruffled nnd corded flounces; changeable, popu lar shades and black. $6 Extra Size Petticoats, $4.98 Radium, rac- I saline, and jersey 1 tops with niessa ', line flounces. All colors. l,it Vietirr Second $3.98 Iffi I Mil : Wmm Mr3 lu r f jkn' II 4 -rrTTTT 1 liMTlll II I lllll 'K hvffiB4UM i I U 4ifffiiaiO i , J . f fi"imtia-' v )iMBaBBBBBaaBBiMaiaBaiasM Girls' $?5 Easter COATS $ 12:98 A delayed Easter shin- lrmnr. nt half for sDeedv clearance. Remarkably pretty styles and very Rimprinr nualities. Coats, wraps, cape-coats, dolmans and sports coats in wool velour, poletone, herringbone tweeds and ether popular coatings ail newest tiiiuuea, icuvuriiiy biii niui-imiK, ciuuiuiusi -clever new cellars and pockets. Sizes 7 te 14. Tomorrow! fill -rxr I fc-4-.- .... p ,, $12 White Frecks, $6.98 Fine Persian lawn; lace, and embroidery - trimmed Slpq n te 14. Lit Irelhcrj Second Fleer I t$4"Lucette" Frecks, $1.98 4 Gingham with pique or V nrirnndie rnllai'8 and cuffs: "- ...,,- . ' 4 Reme wun leuencs ei em- i breidery. Sizes 7 te 14. Qen't forget STOCKINGS all the beautiful kinds you'll want for Easter here and most nttractively priced; Women's Fine SilkSteckings Excellent quality pure thread silk ; full-" fashioned. Black, vhite, Russia calf, corde- ' van, beige, navy, gray,, etc. ' Women's Silk Stockings $1.98 $1.50 Value 98c $2.25 Value i $2.50 Value $1.49 $1.59 Full-fashioned. Black, white and 51.59 are "mill runs." shoe shades. -......... .......a........... Women's "Phoenix"! Silk Stockings, $1.55 I Wanted shoe shades; black and white. '........ Misses' and Children's Stockings. 59c & 69c English ribbed. Mercerized lisle. Black, white, gray champagne. '. e e. Women's 50c Women's $2 Union Vests, 29c ! Suits, $1.59 Ribbed;! "Scalpax." l'lnk and sleeveless; ' Wlme band top. Lit Rrathers First Fleer, Seuth SSffifV kjfe JteMedgise Beautiful$10French) jr 95 Beaded Bags i 3&" The delightful kinds wanted for Easter and Easter gifts just re ceived from a big im porter. Larpe, geed loekliiK. nw fchanea with cellu. '"1(1 frarn'a efUllt aesJgna and lovely, color ''. TaiTet,,lind and flc4 with mirrors. Virst Fleer 8th B(. Headquarters' for Easter Eggs! CoceanutEggs,5cto'1 v&eltiSUzsxkm WW . BBMBsesaaBavn BBOXXXM 1 (Decorated Eggs, I I Easter Nests,' I 10c te S3 1 t 59c te 75c - Filled Eatter Baaketi, 20c te 93 20.6s. Bunny Cream Eatter Egga, 49c '1 Dorothr Chocelataf, ft., 79c ( ' Levell A Cevall Chocelataf, lb. 89c 4 5-pound Eatter Bex of Choeelatat, $1.9 ,' " Wilbur Budt, 79c Eaitar Navaltiat, Be te S2.9B ' M, 8tehr Flrtt F)oer, er(h and Subway ..'' i $85 Platinum FOX FURS $4)J5 Very handsome Exquisite in finest pelts; all SIB nt Vex , Bearfa, All colern. tSS Bastara Ktak Okekara, just received 1 coloring; very guaranteed. IB SJaultM Ohektrt, MSB S3B BlBVtaU Ohekara. ' Tx anlmala. 'i. . MM Lit Brether Steend Fleer I MWPMb Je- wmmm morrow! $2.25 SilkSteckings 1.29 Full-fashipned; thread silk. Black, white. Russia calf and beige, borne slightly irregular. Alt tfretnert First Fleer, Seuth loer, a - . j. . . ... .!. . a. . i puwuirwii eiTarjWins; as lewfat rUaa-i.Ttth Jloer or Oa Haw SuMtag, Ttk aad Xarktt Its. I Men's $20 & $22.50 Twe ' Pants Suits, $14.98 Fancy mix tures and uencll stripes; many linlf lined with mohair. Alse blun scrKes Ith one pair of pants. Men's Suits, $18.98 te $24.98 . Seete with two peirt of (ranter!. All-wool serges, tweeds, cassl merea. veleurs and fancy mlxturas. Sports it cenaervatlve models. Wenea's $4 te $7 Lew Sketi, $1.95 kid. rjatant celtaVin .n kldilttn oxferda. strap pumns and brogues; mllltarj aad rubber heels, AH vlita in lob Trimmrd Frit el Chmrgm $4 te $5 Ready Trimmed Hats, $2.98 K X c p , 1 tlenal values , , l e p u 1 a r I shapes In 1 stiaw, tuncy .. in aid iierHe lomblnatleus HlHeK a 11 d " I Ich coleri, h m 11 r t 1 y trimmrd $2 Untrimmed Hati, $1.49 Tepular straws, smart, he- t cemlntf shapei. Klai-k ami some 1 coiers Women's & Misses' $10 te $20 Dresses, $5 & $10 Of taffeta, crepe " 1 de chine, satin. hull' nnd silk 1 Kenrgettu, fanten ' crepe, J'elret twill jcrsej. Hi'me, me etlni and tweed In ill Spring shades. Tan Men's S5 te $8 Oxfords $2.95 fPn.. ... ... V ktd All sizes in let. Misses' & Children's $3.50 te $4 Lew Shoes, $1.95 Tan kid. white N ti 1 u c k und patent celtskln Oxfords nnd strap pumps. Hlzes H te ! In let. Ne Melt or Fhent Oritrt Ftlltd On y Subway Fettwar Beys' $1 Blouses, 69c .Stripad percale; attached cellar. Blsaa 8te II. Kt SUKBTmiMI : $22.50 Suits, Coats and Capes, $10 fvsK rw . V 335 j Bnlts Tweed, tan and black . henu'.iuun a 11 jcrsey in TiprinB shades Seme lin ed. Coats ft CtDti , Tweeds, k rK r, . "perta ceatlntr, Hirht unlcrht t.. lour, etc In Cop enhagen, rt e r r, brown, tangerine, reue, green, etc. Sema lined t e walir. 1 v 1 (I ffY-rVf 1 f I'll info Beys' Suits and Tep Costs, $3:98 te $11.98 New spring fabric s te It years. ' 1 hi 11 - sm k '6r ' hi .. Td rSiS W ? .'WHi 'm -. l. m '? i'J u -I . ,1 Jl J.,: 41 W '..its 1 u I. ! r r djfi fe m Wit '14 mmmm 'W iMMmA ;i' I MmM m M y "1 V t0&&&&13tiMEm K && liiiisfc M ' UV ' , ; v, . jKi ' WrWu " II iiilJBBsfisiT 1 lii 1 JMssMiTii l