MBSSSSSSSSSHBHiNm"'Tga'TraBBSjsssssssssMHiM ''.'' . . '. 'lUHBJ 'I L t ' Jli'i'll'miHWf SJ.IfJ .1 II I J J "I1 '.'' ' a, ' " "TWa' ,riE&flWVi'97Ww&Kmll w m mt'" 'JJ7 fflh IIS ;? ?! K kU l ; kV L tvitvii a nruiTr LI awU I m HI am I L hmm. mmi Mms . Xi.l ' j?Wltf i'i'SLT, Governer -te -Campaign Issue of f Liberalising , VetiteadXct ' KES "BUSINESS SACRIFICE" f,VSi4"' DUpatch te EvcMxe Public Lrdetr &.J.I. T.V .uw.MW.ai - w.... - M ,f Wrk, elected In 1010 en n dlxtlnctly "tret" ticket, today announced his can- ?V'" ,"' or t,,c UnUedStnte nenaterinl v5i , mwraHintien in tiie ucmecrauc oieie pn- J!,." SMrles next September. .-rw . t.i .,., . i. , minting una iiinimiifuciuviii iiiu $VA Governer Mild lie had been convinced In fi? .t-l4imt few weeks that there wnr. n tp ' Iffeal demand for hfx candidacy and that x Jit came from all walks et life and ill S- fel.tteal faiths. 1 ,- lfe was convinced thrv net only dc- , 'it-red In honor him further ns n man, ut. beTicved that by LN rnndldacr he l"iv'ald typify n movement In the State and Natien which ehnttld be determined at the pellN." He, did net clarify thN allmdenj contentlne hlmvelf with the nnaunccmeht that he would iue state stents from time te time leaving no doubt 8H te what his position would be n the insue of the campaign. It l understood In political ctrcleit that one of his Ijiuies will be liberalizing f the Velxtead act se as te permit the manufacture and Nile efiight wines and ieer. The Governer en ill that hli entry into the race would entail "11 grout oiivlnci eiivlnci Mcrlfice," which ha said h t firet did et feel that he slieiihi be called upon te make, but as the State had nlgnally honored him by electlnj: him Governer he considered, it his duty te heed the demands of hli -friends, i " . The only ether Democratic candidate for the senatorial nomination thus -far la State Senater Alexander Simpsen, of-l Hudsen county, minority leader in the upper btanch of the Legislature, San Francisce, April 14. (By A. I)( Miss Dclera "Angcll, twenty yearn efd of Pirwulenn, who will come into possession of $25,000,000 left by Jehn W. ("B a Millien") dates, when she is twcnty-twef dis closed definite plans here today for using, part of the fortune. She says she expects te marry a jeiing American surgeon who has an ambition te maintain a hospital for the peer. She did net name the L surgeon nor indicate that his name Is known te her as yet. r The Daily Novelette An Absent-Minded Bridegroom By H. LOUIS RAY BOLD 1 vv m 'II7ELL, well, congratulations, old Vnian!" and Jerry Green cave' Davis a slap, en the back vtliicb. caused him te wince, even ns he had an Inward doubt- of the sincerity of his fellow hoarder's felicitations. "When Is the happy event te be?" "Can't say as te that," returned Davis. plensnntly enough. "The sooner the better.!' 'Te be sure, te be Mire. Only, mind yeuDave," and Jerry shook a was m Isb finger under the ether's very nose, "don't get one of your nbhunt-niluded Wreaks en and forget there Is te be such, a thing as a wedding when the joyful day 'comes. That would be tough en Deris! And count en your fellow boarders, old top. They'll be en hand, very man of them!" The affable Jerry left Davis at the ext corner, 'and. thelatter proceeded tore slowly, Yeflectlnif- bitterly' that if -i.Jie and Deris could only bklp their wed ding day their ;merringe j would begin Bucb mere auspicieusly.1 The, ver.v thought of going through' the 'solemn ceremony with that bunch of conspira tors eyeing him nnd nudging each ether If -he fumbled for the ring or Deris kesitated ever the premise te obey. Oh, he ,hated It in anticipation. Deris, be knew, was of the same mind s 'himself. But ten years' humble subservience te her aggressive mint had Induced In the girl a docile ucciuIem ciilc In -all'thlngs. It would never have oc curred te her te combat her rclutlvc's wishes, even in se' personal a matter as her own wedding. Yet that night Deris, with troubled yes, poured out her heart te Dave as the two walked down te the moving pictures, their one escape from the ueI.y phonograph-ridden parlor. "It's net the ceremony part or even the supper I dread, Dave,'' she con fided. "The crowd will be decent enough then. It's afterward. I was getting clean towels out of the closet for Aunt Fanny as that awful Jerry Green and .a narrows came down the ball. Tliey dfdn't knew I wan anywhere around, but I beard Jerry say that we didn't atsnd a chance of getting away together. THere are te be a couple of flivvers owned by friends of Jerry's at each end of the street and you are te be well, kidnapped, and I'm te be taken te the wrong station, and, eh, Dave, It'll be just cheap horseplay!" "Let's chuck the whole thing, dear," aald Dave thoughtfully; "slip away and be married by ourselves." "I're thought of that, of course," confessed Deris. "Only well, uunt would never consent. I m sure she'd be mad enough te hang en te my clothes and all. Yeu knew she Isn't my own aunt, and she's always cared mere for the boarders than for me. DIsannelnt- lng them would make her desperately angry with the two of us. If I could enjy get my trunk away first!" Davis was silent for several moments. Be suspcitcd the existence of a state of affairs of which Deris was ignorant. In the tirtt place, ever since bis arrival at the bearding house some years age he bad been an object of fun, If net contempt, te the "gay deg" young crowd of clerks which boosted Mrs. Barker's place as a "really live joint!" Davis had chosen it because of its low rates and Its nearness te a branch library, where se many et his evenlngi were peat. That trait was especially pro vocative of criticism that a man would prefer mulling ever books te a geed, nappy same of cards or a billiard party with the ether roomers. The fact that he was really absent-minded at times forgetting meal hours or his hat or aeme equally Important item had fur alahed further opportunity for their bafts of ridicule. But, most vital of all, Davis sus pected that a very real, enmity toward him existed en the part of Ed Barrows and that Deris was the cause. Ed, who fancied he bad a way with' all ladies, had tried te philander with Deris, had had his passing Interest stayed and lamed by her quiet .indifference, .and had seen "that absent-minded book worm", make feed where h'e'had failed. Yes, Davis felt mi re that Ed would ini tiate and forward any little scheme et deviltry te get even. ' -As 'they , reached the theatre' Davis threw back his shoulders. "Don't worry, little girl," he whispered ten- derly. "Just leave everything te me," But it must be cenfesbed that during , the entertainment which followed his thoughts were tee deepjy .centered en problem te get bis money's worth l of the program. ,, , -t V1r !yllllV HIIUIVI lUCtnvUlltlJB III! Ull- :,Mrcurrent of excitement was distinctly thoughtfully excused her from further duty In the kitchen. Every one was prompt te the meal that In, every one except Davis, in fact, it was well along tewnrd the end of the meat pic course when the tele phone behind Jerrv Urcen ranc noisily. Jerry jumped te answer. Then he hung , up me receiver, neuuieu up in laugnicr, slapped his thigh and all but choked. "That bird Davis will be the death of me ! He's clean gene and forgotten It's hi wedding day. Says te expect him in about an hour or se te take Deris te the mevlcs.c He's eating at n quick lunch re's te step at the library I" There was utter silence. Then te a man the boarders laughed, only sober ing slightly when they saw Deris, face bowed in her hands, rise and leave the room. Behind her lingers hid a trem ulous smile. Thus It was that while the crowd trnltpri tnr 1)nvn nml Mrs. Tlnrknr nl Icnilcd te the expressman, Deris slipped out and met her bridegroom nt the cor ner. A few minutes later, lit n quiet little parsonage uptown, a perfectly satisfied couple said "1 de" and "I will" before only four spectators the minister, his wife, his daughter and the pnrtenage cat. $1,000,000 FIRE IN VIRGINIA Five Hundred Families Made Home less by Berkley Blaze 'Norfolk, Va April 14. Fire which swept the suburb of Berkley, across the Elisabeth Ithcr from Norfolk, did mere than a million dollars worth of damage late jesterdajv destroyed 170 homes nud ether buildings, made about r)() fami lies homeless, caused the deaths of liberal persons and injuries te mauy mere. The blaze was one of the most de- strtictivciln the history of Virginia. It cut a swath mere tnau a mile long nnd from two te four blocks wide through the heart of the colored residential dis trict and sent out fiery tongues which licked up several sceic houses of white persons be nml the Negro belt. The gracst danger arose from the proximity te the flames of the great sns tnnks of the municipal gas plant. The Intense heat nearly belled the plates of the tanks nnd If seemed for u time Imne-sibld thnt a terrific explo sion ceit'd 'be avoided. Finally, hew ever, heroic firemen crept cle enough te turn the safety .valves wiihii drained the tank.s into ether receptntles well btvvend the tire line and the peril of n disaster meic tetrlble eien than the (he was averted. Unauthorized . New Yerk, April 14. (By, A. P,) The New Yerk Times last night made public a letter from Woodrew Wllrien denying ,that he had sent-" or? author-' lied any one te. convey aj message te the Jeffersen Day dinner here last Sat urday night. When doubt as te the authenticity' of the message first arose, Jeseph P. Tu-i mtilty, Mr. Wi'sen's former secretary, made an explanation in Washington In which he said ! "The message read nt the banquet came merely in n casual conversation with me, at Mr. Wilsen's home en Friday last, when, he remarked that he would support any candidate who steed for justice for 'all. "If Mr. Wl'sen's says the message rrvsinntunc na THH VOKT Every en Intercited In. hipping' .news, ehc4ulM'iilllriKi, movement of vtiitla and pemplcW. KUtherlUt'v shlpp Ins Infermut en Should l re3" 'MAntrtB HEW, H COMMhRCfl IT Xlte rvijl Bverjrjnpriiiii,n tuw OTBKg li n mniii "' LstlSK. "MSKO tt a HB ROAMER Easy te Drive " Itestful te Ride in ' $2785 Delivered Philadelphia Showroom Open Evenlnct PHILADELPHIA JIOAMER CO. 813 NORTH BROAD BT."' ENTIRE TRAIN LEAVES RAILS Track, Undermined by Rains, Gives Way Cars Ge Over Embankment Onavay. Mich.. April 14. (By A. P.) An entire pat-eii2er train en the Detroit and MiicMnm Itallwav left the rail near licie itcriln.v and plunged down a" twenty-feet embankment. All but one of the pnengern escaped seri ous Injury. The airident was chumm! by a sefteulnj; of tin track hi Heed .waters of the Black Itlver. lluM'iest of the Heed hail paised here today 'and iin1lnr tepertu were ic- crlveil from ether towns in tills p.ut of the State, which were threatened curlier In the week, by the high water. Diamond Ring - f This ring is one of the newest designs. It Is" " r made of platinum, effectively pierced and set with two diamonds and two calibre cut sapphires $135. , In selecting a finger ring from our stock it is very easy te cheese, because all arc attractive and designed in accord with latest fashion. Prices arc very moderate. ' S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut st. DIAMOND MEItCHANTS JUWCI.URS SILVEBSMITH3 kiwb- rKtas; -3!!$&&&'i 'bHHIIIHbv (BBaHarii 'bbbbbHbk BBBBBTt Ul . J li'" Al ' vl 1 mi m W.'4 sfllgV T French ' Seal ,' Ceat - 49.50 Regularly $110.00 Don't let your kids envy ethers -Choce-Pics are geed for them 10 CH0C0PIC CHOCOLATE COVERED PHILADELPHIA ICE CREAM pf, PRESENTS SMART TAW,SKa Dsens en theSeles of Your Shoes is a Guarantee that They Are Rijjh,t Bastep In the Newest Styles Fer the Lewest Price! rpHIS spring DALSIMER presents an even better opportunity than ever $.90 The variety of btylcs, leather and color combinations is se unusual you are assured of finding just the model that will please you. m rev ?- '(HU . VUL U.0 as; rlSl at at the suDurr table at Airs. Bar- ,' Tbf cereaibny was scheduled for tha.MDrt'wman was te come for htWfcka.afTland Derlwas te put fiaAaAl4.'MlHad J.'.l lH ...1.11. ll.A ;kr a4-awa. ulf In which she m lauBMiaieiy aner te.chMr4.'tie, ki ftC l Orav Built with Tan Calf. White Buck with Black Calf. New Tan Calf. A new Btrcet oxford, uniquely perforated. All Gray Buck. Patent Celt with Gray Buck. Brown Kid with Brown Sueije. Patent Celt with Black Sucde. Dull Calf or Patent Celt. awsen MISChestmirStieer Tojnerrow---An i Extraerdinaiy Opportunity Te Secure Dependable Furs At Half the Original Prices Fer a Small First Payment fc-Nete'6ur Special Deposit Feature - On payhxent of ( a Small Deposit we will Reserve Your Purchase of Fura in our Storage Vaults, without charge. Payments are te cpntinue throughout the summer, with Delivery, as you wish in the Fall or Winter. Leepard uat Coats 69,50 Regularly $140.00 V A I Muskrat -4 r Natural Iff Coats 98.50 V Regularly ' $200.00 AU coat arm length. Wrapt are full tength. uHi m Formerly Marmet Coats '. 80.00 Peny Coats '100.00 French Seal Coats ...; 100.00 Leepard Cat, Seal Trimmed.. 140.00 Peny Coats, Opossum Trimmed 160.00 Natural Muskrat Coats 200.00 French Seal, Skunk Trimmed. 200.00 Marmet, Raccoon Trimmed... 200.00 French Seal Wraps 250.00 French Seal, Squirrel Trimmed 250.00 Black Caracul Coats 330.00 Moleskin Coats .. 830.00 New 39.50 49.50 49.50' 69.50 79.50' 98.50 98.50 98.50 125.00 125.00 165.00 165.00 Formerly Moleskin Wraps 400.00- Hudsen Seal, Hearer Trimmed 530.00 Hudsen Seal, Squirrel Trimmed S30.00 Hudsen Seal, Skunk Trimmed. 530.00 Natural Squirrel Coats 600.00 Hudsen Seal Wraps 600.00 Natural Squirrel Wrap 800.00 Taupe Caracul Wrap ..1000.00 Broadtail Wrap 1200.00 Ermine Wrap 1200.00 Natural Mink Ceat .v 1500.00 Natural Mink Wrap 2000.00 . New 195.00 265.00 265.00 265.00 295.00 295.00 395.00' 495.00 595.00 595.00 745.00 995.00 French Seal Ceat I Skunk- .Trimmed 98.50 Retrularly $200.00 Extra Six Coats and Wrapt Frem 46 te- 84 Butt. . (Hudsen Seal-is dyetd Muskrat. French Seal is dyed Ceney) Moleskin Wraps 195.00 Regularly $400.00 7.50 Kef. 15.00 Chokers ef Natural Squir rel, Jap Mink and Kelinsky. 14.50 Reg. 30.00 Chokers of Stene Marten, Natural Mink, Taupe and Brown Fex. 29.50 Rag. 60.00 Chokers of Blended Sable, Baum Marten and Stene Marten. 44.50 Reg. 70.00 Pearl Gray Fex, Dyed Blue Fex and Hudsen Bay Sable Chokers. 79.50 Reg. 160.00 Steles of Kelinsky, Jap Mink and Natural Squirrel. Natural Squirrel ueats 295.00 Regularly .$600.00 amuiniaiiincciii'iNninBiiBmBiii iPurchesing Agents' Orders Accepted mwmmmmmdwwmwmiwvi Hi iSSBEMi HWSSfrl LVVT H$ Mill ! Kllii mi lip em Ready for Everyone STERN & Ce. There are no two ways about it! Yeu will want your riew clothes for Easter and we will help you by arranging the payments in small weekly or monthly sums. JUST CHARGE IT we add no interest and there are no extra charges for this extended payment privilege. 5 MBSBBlBBBBlBWlBBBBBaSeMSBbsHB9HPaBH Jf fl ft A '. M!Kls:n jmm lv Wl m 111 i ' iifcml m ill M 111 I'll 4 ST" wjesassssisssseask p m MR WJMKW5B5 ssam Hand-Beaded Dresses Canten Crepe and Georgette Dresses with cut crystal or cut jet beads. Others with 'bronze or sapphire blue beads. One model has loose panels with beaded fringe. An d0 En te d C CA excellent assortment of dashing P5',V PJJj7OV models for women and misses Suits. Wraps, Coats and Capes They are very much in demand for spring JOC and summer wear this year, and we have a very Pa0 geed assortment of them at most reasonable prices. te $65 Mrji TkT i ' Very Special Values in -L-IN-! SUITS & TOPCOATS .$' SPORTS SUITS of fine tweeds and herringbones as well as conservative 2- and 3-button models of worsted mixtures and cassimeres. All newest pat terns and colorings. A size for every man. mmtlf! 1 J-J '.iLiiiiiiiiiikiiLiiiW 5S Patent Celt with OraBuck. All Patent colt. "Mary Jane" Pump, combining perfect line and unug fit. PUTTY COLOR i;LK with Tan or Black Calt saddle. Rubber Sole and Heel. Trs A FEAT TO FIT FEET &fftfiWttil!jl!iJHiiwiH! i rfjf; -m K'iLi mm nm. l STA V lnti!lHi!l!BT MM rfiViiK jiRRriii yHMiMM. Ull' I I ... , II.., - ... . . ' i,u1HlrJ.'"lll"l"Slll'.l . I. Ul' I 'I ll iiij.iiiim, ,-. jilMIl"!'!, liiSriiQiii ij'Mh'lpul iw Genuine i , vmmm- Hosiery. The Famous "Geisha GkV 16 -strand pure thread silk, ail new Spring shades, in35 THE BIG SHOE STORE Four Fleer With Seating Capacity for 600 Men, O'ftiwr sren r Women, Jiiiises, Beyt and 1204-06-08 Market Street v mz ie-3.c 2 sj rm Columbia Grafonelas - Ljd This is a sensational value and an idea of the worth while savings you can always1 make in our jewelry Depart ment. Geed, sparkling dia- gem mount- This 1 0-pc. "Queen Anne" Dining Suite $1 Q In American Walnut A M mTM aiiT?!!1 , y" "rs mends in seiia ings, 1 i I mmmwemmmewemeMmeemmmmmmmmtMmmmteeem 1110 tow nrice almost ninkn nnn believe that a mistake has been made ' 25THthANNIVUERSARY0SAtLE.,nany Sen8aUnal Va,U3 in Ur Outfit Ne. 1 .Medel E-2 2 10-Inch Records 24 Stltctien $94 Outfit Ne. S Medel G-2 12 10-Inch Itererds 24 Sclictieni Bm3 America's Largest Heme of Furniture $134 712-714 MM t EJ If li I ' mnnni-ii f9 STREET J9 iM tm si m "I n: a si S RP $f'3ct'' ,A!ww,yifA'' I gfvvaswBflf mfl&&&jiiJll . IffiiM.;,