Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 14, 1922, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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' i.'J' Vli ij Sfc tU JVtWWMBNKWratftWtHVt.JTj-vK
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F &
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FAUtntic City New Jersey
;- rurnuned Apartment
Apartrrent luxuriously appointed.
'consisting et drawing room, dining
f . .c.. ... -.... ".. -..
rooms, inciegeti percn, sleeping percn
and garage. Kins location, three
td exposures. Ker summer season
4301 Winchester Avenue
Owner en Premises
Delicious 3-Minute
Wonder Desserts!
He convenient , eionenilml
Se nutritleU i'uddliie in !
perfect Kieneh lee cream, hline
mange, c.vlec Unveting, im i
rtliicn inuces- nnd tutuiii
Ncer fall. Alwajs reudv
Try It'
At All Grocers, 10c, 15c
Krult Puilillne '., lul.lniur. Md
Believes Maternal Longing Will I But Head of Temple University
Be Satisfied in Seme Won't Accept Ak Cenan
Other Way Deyle in Tote
t .t - il. .It. t u! 4...
(te cencent wic iu-jiuiiu in .-in . -thnr'
belleff. lint bejetid Hint lie will
Easter Suit ft
Is Here
Ne nend te "save np" for it.
We cheerfully tniit you.
Pay at you get paid
Big Suit Special
Litcit Spert
Medal in
$10 5n (
Colen i 'a
Tan, Brown
a im erajr
Pole Ccats,
6ATEir& Fitzgerald
New Yerk. Ajm II t-4.-I.ndv Dejle. "1 lntvc een miny men tile." uli
!tht helpmeet ill Milrltunl 'Olivl(tii)n as- rip n,i.nll U. ('unwell. In comment-
I r.nn!, nh 'TV . ,,lJnni): Slr A!,l,uJ.lnir' te.lnv upon theories ami .lectrlnc
I ( unnti De.vlc. nil Inte the words of , , , u, .,i... i nn.'i. ,
'the wife nml mother jc-tcnl.iv the 'advanced bv Sir rlhur tenan Devlr
I meaning of (he great light of iilrlhial i In hl lecture en pltituallim, ' nnil 1 i
Iiu. which both '"diete muf be dl"- I line seen that lifting of the hands nnil
peiiiinaied until In the nid il sweeps (imt lighting up of the face of thins
.the world entile people which lead, him te believe that
I Handsome .mil visoietis:. her dnik u"i'"- , , , i i n .
hair llslitlv touched with grnv. her thej me beholding beautiful nnd Mndlv
deep gra e.ves glowing with lier thought faces above them I tlilnk tluit thi is
as Mie sat In hoi .luiwlng room m the leIT nrebablv ttue."
!luA,:? :?,"" "r: Jut ..!.,!!.'?. Te thl. exten. Ilr Conwell willing
.. ............ .... ..- .,, ni-inmij
"Mi t'lilltlren." ilii' i-ald. wltli
oft cued mite In her rle.ir xeife. "de et P . ,, , . .. i
'net fen i- de.it h ntM meie than im1iii; "!' ,(1,,,' '. mv F.1' '!' "1,",,11.""''
'ih.eiigh :i deer into the mom bexend imii. at In all things, he said. Iheic
Tliev knew thai en the oilier Hide of " inanv instant es of splrttunliMii in
that tlt.er the will timl their filemls the lllble. with as the visitations of
and loie and the blight, happy life they ntiRcN, nInIeiis of the world bejend,
bine known here. " " and prephcties.
"Hew de I knew whit Is awaiting "It " mniveleun IkieU. which has
them? Thiengli these dear ones who vtoet tlie te-t of ages ns i.e ether lui".
hnw pnscd en and thieugh the me- and I legard it as ui.v uutherity in
dluiiiH who haw told me what their U runtters."
home is like Dr. Conwell laid bis hand upon a
"Then- will be no letielv souls en """"l1 magnrine upeti the table,
the ulhir sMe. These who have tie- "",,w licre." lie fcanl. "I n tliwus.
spued line nnil nexer found it here "Ien of sphituallsm nnd mjsticifm done
will hud It theic. for in thnt blesseu '' TiiU M'lentltle waj. It It a re-
life thc tell us people walk in te ucu of n book en the suliieet by the
in a human love gient French nstronemct, Flnrnmnrlen.
"Thrie will be no chlldien." l.mlr "With Cenan Dovle It is different
Uevle lentlniiptl. though she 'admitted He '" n rrttt "l'tien w-titer. with :i
.lultlren wue the expression of n per- liljslil develepeil Imaslnatlen. I de net
feet thought, but added. "I de believe -ev Ibnt his Imagination l litis nwn
however, thai the nntenml teumtm. wlth'lilm. but 1 think that his ten-
will be In some wav worked out thnt dencv in that direction hns Its "fleet
theie will be ethers te mother. I have P"' hi" investigations and icscnrrhe.
tonseled mi main with this knowledge "It Is net Impossible that he has been
, thnt n ft r ilrnth they will tint the pc Imposed upon by unscrupulous petsen
feet manlngc like mine." and t harlatnns. aitheugh, I. of leurse.
'I he Devles attend no spiiltimlistle tannet tell. At anv rate. I cannot feel
(luiuli In llnclaml because Sir Arthur the greatest ciMiHdPiiie In hi statements
hopes that nil churches mm se medlfv legardlng ieli matters,
their tenets as te include this religion When .uked of his beliefs in the mat-
lie refuses te accept nnv lemuneintleii ,P1' nf phj"-"' mniiifcstntiens. niiili a
for hi- lectures en spiritualism. lappings, knocking- and fe forth. Dr
"I could net teach my ihlldien a Conwell said :
hell wheie thev would be nnnuiie.l "Tlie.e things have been prictlced e
etcrnallv." went en I.idv Uevle "jnv ''ig and se snceessfullv bv uncerupii-i
mere than I could tench them te be '"in persons pe-ing n mediums and
nftiild of (!ed. I tlen't knew hew it is clairvoyants that they have been lalge-
In America, but in I.nglnnd enlv ten in dlci edited.
everv Hi" co te me regular chinches
-v j"i nRUvnWrWvTS!BrWKtM
llLIO hUsWaBn siW I hcaHwHlK&FI.
VW 4&Vk Il II BBBaill OBltflWTsWIlaSMWnMl IBaHaT
giflyyi mi Kf IiIIimI ! H
A Wedding Gift of Sliver which comes from the store of Bailey,
Hanks and Biddlc Company, Jewelers, Silversmiths, Stationers, is
always sure of winning the deepest appreciation.
SztremAs &&
IUST leek Ht this wonderful , THOUGHT that you were
J Chest of Flat Silver!" said the l Rlasses7" "1 de when I am
little bride as with pleasure she reading or working." "But hew is it
v,,.,i ,., i,ei. Wnddlncr fiifts. "Did that thev de net leave a mark en
.... ., nnHhinei llke it?" T veur nose?" "Oh. I wear Comfert
noticed that it was from the stoic Spectacles, made by Avail & Ochs,
of Bailcv, Banks and Biddle Cem- Opticians, 1716 Chestnut Street."
pany and that it was most complete
and' encased in a handsome chest
Wall & Ochs' Comfert Spectacles
are made with a ne-e-picce espe-
of maheRanv. "1 am se pleased," dally constructed te prevent tnem
Vin nnn mi "uiili nil mv Sfiivnr. ' front marring the bridge of the
Mv ft lends consulted with my fam-1 ese and also te keep them from
ily, se that all my pieces arc of the I sliding down. There is everything
ill naviiiK muaHUti vvintn ilk iiui;-
samc pattern, nnu an irem uai
lcy's." Silver is always a singularly
appreptiatc gift for the new home,
lusting, as it docs, for generations,
and bringing pride nnd happiness
te the possessor.
erly se that you leek directly
through the center of the lenses.
And In consulting' Wall A Ochs' expert
fitters you will procure glasses which
combine this qualification with quality
and appearance.
Selling Geed Shoes
Makes Geed Friends
and that's what Walk-Overs are doing
daily, by the hundreds for men this fine
but the
spiritualist eliurihes arc jam-
In main cnes I think it probable I
that electricitv in some fnmi in ie-'
spensible for thce mysterious things '
I'lther the air is t hnrged with naluinl
or nttifieinl elettriinl currents, ei the
chain of contacts feimcd by the joined
finger-tips of the persons engaged in
the experiment in some wav geneiate
enough electrlt itr te cause it snapping
or cracking in the weed, which might '
be mistaken for a rap.
"Ai. for nip anil my tittltude ievvaid ,
v 111 n lectin.. Wciliinsilnv tn" IH'ure llie. I ioek te mv niDie.
Cillllbri.lge. Mass. Apt il II It
stems possible thnt the gicat i-eciet
of tlii- nut lent nh heiulst the nature
of "fit st iimttci ' is the oeplasm of
the modern spultualist. said S. Pester
liiiiii'in. a gr.tilu.ite student at Harvard
I I mcrItv. in an interview vesterdnv.
Mr. I)tiinen was named bv Sir Arthur
Ciui.ni Devl
ni'lit in New
ammm rnimiflTri bus
i Credit Cletflirrt Mr
CI9 Market St. Of '
Q Cpra 3t. Erp FJ
ii in uii; iiiiui wiiii nnil ' ,,, . . . . .. t i-. .
i....,ui,i.n.i .!.,. i i... i-i i. ike unie tun nnceis in nravpn. i nnr
vvcie familiar with ectoplasm scribed en" 'l" l ,,fmP,n ,S,?L' "Vm n r'
bv MdrltutllMs as a tombinatleM of ri:r,. he1 .' "X f" .? LJ'1 J
. Hinder nni r mp niiinnnlii (V..m ,1m 'l, ""' .!" Itl"llu "
.. - .. . v httn y anrlll
I bodice of mediums, which makes possible
1 splnt manifestation.
here en enrth.'
In 6tmy (Bex
The place te be hafiy is licit.
The time te he hafify is new.
Isornsei i.
You'll find Hit' lime,
tlic place
nnd the courteous yirl
le seive jtiti
in even Happiness
Candy Stoie.
Kvery kind
of Kuster sweets
at eery priee.
hee our lisplai
of jjorjjeeus' ejiu''
nnd bunnies !
Aud whether mi -pond
live dellnis
or a pennv ,
you'll depart
nnd iclttin
a friend.
Candy Stores
Twelfth unit ( lipslmit sirreu
1304 Murkel Islrrrt
MD siuutli A.'il Slrt-tt
S74fl (if rnitintti ti Vic
3608 (irriiiuiiKinn ve.
State and Laber Departments' Probe
Finds Reports Unfounded
Washington. April II I Bv A. V
After .in investigation made bv the
Slate and Laber Departments evei a
period nf iliree months, it hae lmca
Fermer Sinn Felner Attacked Sav
agely in N. Y. Residential Section
New Yerk. April 14. (Bv A. I'. )
Death seemed tednvtu be standing bv
rim lii'rlutil,. nf Pntpielr l,iliimi In the
Hecenstriit tien Hospital, and icady te'
heal, perhaps forever, the iiijsterj ai-i
lit.. fl.n ...nA i ...Al. ...ft. I
t , r i . i i . . ., .. iv'niiiij. iiiu -iii.ikv nnu .1 iiiiui . ill 1 1 in'
l.lernitielv tleteimlned. Secretnrj Davis mp(1tJt(I HltaiK ,, nm lnU. jaM
'niineiiii.td ten.iv that no Aimenians n,B,lt In ,. f ,,1P lleM eviusni, IP.
depot ed fit. in the I rnte.l State tin- ,ence sections of the llv
der Hi" mmigintlnn liw have been The man who tired four sh,.ls into
ijins.ii. led bv lurks at ( onstantlneple ruiinur a both had b-en lvlng in wall
' 'lestlineiiv iipiere the Heuse Immlsia- tn,. him nu.. Cnini I'i.pL n n.'
tiiui Ceiiimittte last December bv wit- .,., ,P , niiinber of pel sons iniiver--
mssi. mging miMlili.ntlmi of the law ,,, W1,, another man anil a glil. who
iindinlPil ciruimstantial accounts of the ar,. being sought bv the authorities,
sluuhnr et one pnitj of sevetitPPii Connei laped into uncotiseleiiiiess
Ainieniims liiiiiieillatelv after tht.r ie- bef.nn he could tell the name of his a-
ttnn fnmi the I nlted States te Cen- sjilaut. mid meinbeis nf his fanill.v w(i
ktniitlneplt1 mute when queutieii'tl Maiiv icpeits
'After leaving no avenue nf useful gained ( uriein v . mie being that Connei
inv.Mig.nlnii nut Mileinil s.,,101ril, (1 fnnilP 4lnil v,Mi : ii,.,n M,t
If igln wiete te .Mr Davis in a letter down in tetiibutien fur having beiravnl
givin nut iiidav the Anient in lltgh ins Irish compatiiets te the I'rltish.
( oiniiiissieii nl Constantinople wa ii(i- 'I'lin pollen stated thev had learned
able te lincl the slightest, ewdem i te ilie Cenner home hnd lieen under sin
siibstantmin the iiiihhi in whuli veu veillaiiie el seeial men in llie last fi.
Imve niviied mv nttcntien " wicks Keperts that Cenner was nailed
Mi Hughes fuitliur inclesed tlie whenever lit left the house were being
si.iti iiieut nl n niemlur nf the Armenian inn Mlguted A woman who steml in ur
pntv who deilari'il that it had met one of the assailants told the police she
no sppi mi uniuim upon mir nnlval In aid nun s.iv w lien he snot teniiur:
Six Seventy Five for a host of new mod
els with squared tees heading the parade.
$8 and $10 for Tep Grades by America's
foremost designers of fine shoe fashion.
Harpers '22s markit
WM tKtk 1
,11 I nilslniitllinple
liuili I. allied sp.ieiiuv of the ( oin ein
iiilssmn. told of the 1 In 1 k mad" iiinii
the pre sent Maui nf a numb i nf the
(lipeiltis 111 Constantinople, sImuviiic
ih if all of the number who had been
traietl vviie iguiii.ini el am mituiges ni
iniinl.Ms pet it ti.itnl
Illinois River Drives Beardstown
People Frem Hemes
licariMevvii. III., Ann! 1! -il! a
I' 1 Watei, nf he Illinois Ilivir coil ceil
lliliieil usin ledav and tin ee.feut ths
if tli inpiilallnii nf this mi nl .'Olj
hlil bun diiven fiem theii homes 01
W'ie us ding in tin 11 sin niiil-sret v
Ininns Half nf the iila (if iVic CItJ 1
iiniltM vv Hf i .
II nil mil till' k nf llie ( 'If il .15(1 Hiii
lingten and Wi.iii ,v iln mil v mud still
able In epPl.llf tlilllls hele. VV i I n
llireatened by the rising waters. A
'forte et WM) men wctked te mniiit.iiu
the leiilbptl. Ainitliei l,u go fni ie was
nt work en the Seuth ItPiirclstewn levee,
v III' Il pietci is llOOO ueies nf vvlieat
lining the night ihnlv meie fnmilli s
vvcr- iiiiupplleil te have theli heuii s nnil
I e II the telitgen In the higiiliind Seme
ililhi iltv I tiling t xiieneiuul in nnlu
tuiiiiiig iuiii.iv t niiiliiieus, as man of
the smis Imve bteil bieketl
'I'h crest nf the Meed is net expeetetl
fin anetliei tla.v at least.
an eith.
;et vnu new,
and uttetPi
Myttery of Sicilian Bank Robbery
Cleared by Confession of Guard
r.iiilanl.t. Mtllv. Apiil II. (liv A
I i Mvsteiv siirieuiiiling the i lie ft of.
II mill, linn hie fiem the local branch I
e till- I'. I In il ill Sliilin. a vvtek age,
1ms In . ii ilcjicd up bv tin i mifessien i
of ilie bulk's guard, Martorano
Several tlajs weie eensumed in en
Ritaerlng die lebberj Miutoinee told
the pelli" The iron belts nipl bnis of'
Me Miff deposit vault were sawed one
bv one. and the ci-eks fillnl with blaek
vvj in prevent deteitien
Can't Pay Any Mere Salaries Till i
June Taxes Come In
Sjilnej. V. S.. April II (Bv A
This tit.v, due te ie.il Mi ikes and
lung depieswlen ill the "jteel uidllitiv. is
bieke," arieiding te Mavei I'll.
(.iiultl. I'ntil .lime no meie ilietks for
nvlc Milailes will be signed, the Majei
uiuieiliK.es, beiuuse tlieie nre no funds
nl the bank te meet kin II linpu.
The overdraft allowed the eitv gov
ernment lij law Si.'14.0()i) has beet.
(peiuled. and tlieie is no wny of laising
menev until .liine. when taxes beeeuie
It-gall cellet. I. ible.
Millions of Fresh
Eggs for Easter
It is common knowledge that you can
ahvavR depend upon eggs bought in an
Asce Stere. We have earned this repu
tation by our painstaking efforts te give
our customers the utmost in egg satisfac
tion. Every cgi'dever our counters is
carefully examined5 before we place it en
sale. We keep a large force of experts
busy at this one thing. That is why we
can guarantee you
"Ticelve geed ones in every dozen."
Fresh Country Eggs
612-614 Chestnut
900 Square Feet
Frent Roem Geed Light
Elevator Service
Mr. Dallat
Every Man His Own Wife -By j. p. mcevey
Hew In ( haiige Pillow Slips
man who named tliein pillow
p had a beautiful sense of humor
If there Is one thing a pillow slip will
net de. it l slip A pillow will sip,
I jes, hut net a pillow slip
' I'erhnps ilie.v wert ciilltil thai aftei
this man tried In put one of tliem
en and observed whul the pillow did
I mianvvhilc Itiil then lie dldti'i liave
the beiietit of the knowledge which I
am about te plnee nt veui tlispesul,
I lie piebnblj vvenl at it bv tutklng tlie
pillow nieiind his adenelils, clumping
a slip en li pillow even tlieugh It is
llnep sizes loe kmall, I
I,nv tlie slip and the pillow down in
the middle of the living loom nig.
I'lentv of loom Is wlii.t jeu vvnnt. If
il Is a nice day. then take them outside
en ilie lawn. New turn your slip in
side out. If it lias jiint returned fiem
the laundrv you won't need te bethei
about It -llie laundry will have sent It
buik thnt wny.
our pillow slip new being turned
Inside out, flriulv fafcten the two cor
ner') nt the closed end te two corre
sponding corners en the pillow. They
will held better when sewed vvltn tiinii
his bin .low,, ,, it. , II... hlng his forth , "Xen hcn na d
into It nnd then pulling the slip en lien. "s lwlnP ,,inn ""cnM"'"'
H r v. ; -' " &
, 1 I fr.2ff 71 mad
m mmmrxr .m
m gs!t&
A fk CM" W V
the opposite t nd.
fr.v tlum-beli:
YOU are new ready for tlie final step.
Take a firm stand en that end of
the pillow te which llie slip is net at
rniin piepei method Is hrst te measure- i tachetl. Orasp Hip open end of thi slip
, -L jtiur pillow and then obtain a slip
Iliree kiek luiscr than tn proper nt.
Vmi can determine what Ih the ptepei
lit by Irjlut It en first. If It won't
go en Is the eerrae;t me.
kiMtMkpsMwMMa A Tk mm te. tint wiemn caa ret woman te de It f
In beih handa and pull It ever the
pillow, turnlnz It (the slip) tight Hide
out In the process. That is one way te
get a pillow slip en a pillow,
'.There is still a Detier way aire- sera
for ypu.
K "
LaCvv. Xt
of twelva
The largest and fullest
of the new-laid eggs.
Buy your eggs In an Aaee Stere "tin you can be aure of."
. .wat'SIU!IJi..M.liUUWIV
"PPWRrmW,. . A
&m?jMiiW2ammwuMi ,.,t.K...-
y s
5 1
A i
William H. Wanamaker
Easter News
1217-19 Chestnut St.
WOT 4sS8 m
JMFi wWw
alB)B)B)Vr, ffliJt!8&
aBllSBBlYi.rl''A jtiValKlUBA
mk 'VI
ml w IT m
is va ml m
i-irt 9Br 17 wL
4-Piece Hollyreod Gelf Suits
Have Made a Decided Hit with
Men and Veung Men $35
THEY consist of knickerbecker trou
sers for golf and "outdoor use, long
trousers for business use, sports coat
and regulation vest.
They seem te fill the bill perfectly for
both business and outde6rs wear and they
are popular because the price is unusually
low while the style is distinctive. The
tailoring is excellent, and the cloths are
mighty handsome tweeds, hemespuns and
diamond weaves.'
Plenty of them ready for Easter buytri
today and tomorrow.
Thousands of
'Exclusive Suits
Ready for Easter
Cdhemt (Hljaaf (CljprhH in the new club
checks, $30 and $35. Silk-lined they
are $87.50.
$ nrkflljir 8jjnrtH &uita of our own
design, are geed for the dual purpose
of business or outdoor use $35.
Sritiafi Qllub &utta. one of the most
fashionable of the season, 4-button
sack coats built along English lines
tratfer& (HlattPB we have intro
duced them te our customers this
season with a full presentation both
for .men and young men of this noted
Prices range from $35 te $55.
Silver Gray Worsteds
for Stout Men $35
Then are- very much in demand and
they have been built into conservative
atylea. The clethi nre very fine Wor
steds and at the price, they constitute a
real EasUr opportunity for men or
unusual girth.
Special Easter
Neckwear, $1
Thete are in the new open end design
or narrow width.
Twe and three toned stripes.
Bew ties are also fashionable for
We have them at 75c.
Threw a New
Topcoat Over Your
Arm Easter $35
Fer famous English Aquatite Over
coats in handsome gray tweeds, also in
diamond weaves and hemespuns.
When these are gene you can get no
Dance te
Today's Most Popular Hits
Angel Child
Angel Child
Fex- Trer
The Columbians
Al Jolsen
Dear Old Southland Fex- Tret
The Columbians
Virginia Blues
Fex- Tret
The Columbians
Lela Le Fox-Tret
Ray Miller and His Black
and White Meledy Beys
Doe Dah Blues Fox-Tret
Ray Miller and His Black
and White Meledy Beys J
Seng of India Fox-Tret
Eddie Elkins' Orchestra
Te a Wild Rese Fex- Tret
Eddie Elkins' Orchestra J
Ask any Columbia dealer te
play these records for you.
You'll knew then why Celum-,
bia leads in dance music.
Columbia Graphophenc Company, New Yerk
niN'lilllWI III llllllll!ll!IIIIIillllll!l'l!lll,!l!ll!ll,1!l!UIl!ll I inilllll'l IIIIHIinll n II I 'II il .mm ih,
"" """ ""' " "" "' "r mw iiwi mil iiwhlllllilil nil i , HUH IMI niB I ,i
Read Our Classified Advertisements ;
en Pages 26, 27 and 28
rimiiminrr ii 111 111 riMWTiri
V .1 J . J. M - T
5A.,., ........ .. , ... . f-V ..vA .iT - , J . jLAi. ..
aiSKf tSV4iffiaSuSitLi . . ,
gMttsMsl iiiiiii 1 iivr i MkWiimHmmn-fiJit- '