IP fT'Hf'JWW r.? ';. " m a RV. Dr. Ewing Declares Noth ing in Measure Justifies Surgeon's Attack s I ...un STATEMENTS FALSE pnnrav - . fhohihlHen ndveente? nrc Mlrrcd by (hit Ittack upon the VeMpad act by 'n. Jehn B. Denver, president of the 1 v, nf tlic most outspoken In re- inlhi hal Dr Denvcr "'d ,nst nlght it th Forum In the Academy of Music i 'it,. Her. Dr. .TempIi Lyens Ewln. farmer head et the Anti-Saleen League llj!lrd'SlJS.V.I-- I .. - .,f. W. j.j theie l.iinthln thnt Justified the I'ittaek make by ur. uenver, saw . ..fpi. iiuinrr of bneze la the history I if treason, and what Dr. Deaver ha; III li in line with the utterances of Tnarthlst', who want nil Jaw awept '& Deaver recnia te think thnt 'heauw n1' n"me is Dcam' ,h PCP,C trill listen te mm. nut up win nmi mm i Is mistaken, his opinion iq merny lilt of an individual who li knew,, ia h the possessor tef a well-filled ""Anether thing that will take weight from Dr. Denver's uttcrnnccs li Mint h has been known as an oppescr of prohibition. All Need te Ba Checked There Is no inere reason why mem bers of a medical association should be permitted te disregard the law than Itit such license should be given te ... Mh.r nrt of association. A horse aVter might insist thnt he should be Mrmitted te disregard the prohibition law just as reasonably as any ether dectnri , "Thf Government must keep an eye upon all of u. Nene of us arc se geed ttat Wf HO "Ol lie"" I"C i-iirrmn " rtifralnlng of the law. .This includes ertaclier'. ... "Dr. Deaver a Intimation that crime, bribery, lawlessness and debauchery hare increased since the beginning of h enforcement of prohibition is net .jH.bawd en truth. Instead of an Increase, there ha heen a decrease. "Dr. Deaver Is barklnc up the wrong tre and has said some foolish things." Tie Kev. Dr. Hemer W. Tope. State nperintendent of the Pennsylvania Anti-Saleen League and acting super intendent of the Philadelphia district, "la": , "Dr. Deaver is a noted surgeon and what I have te say is net Intended ns attacking him. Every man has the right te Mpress. bis opinions. But there is be truth in hia stntcment that crime, bribery an(l debauchery have increased. Propaganda, He Says -"Statements et that sort are frequent nit are n familiar nart of the 'nrena- finds of oppesera of prohibition. "There is no doubt that there has hmi an increase in certain kinds of crime, hut this is net due te prohibition. Certain crimes have shown nn increase after every war. "Records show that In the I'nlted States drunkenness lias decreased 00 Mr cent since prohibition went into ef- fwt. In England, where the sale of liquor is still .permitted, drunkenness has Increased C5 per cent in the same period. "As te bribery, we hnvc aiwn.vn hnd erae who were weak and unworthy. Rut the brlbc-givcr and the bribe laker were net made by nrohibltien. On the contrary, we believe that as jcars pass we will see stronger and tretr men and women and the clisan- pcaranpe 0f many evils. "Even in the days et the open sa loon it was customary te close drinking places In time et disorder, rioting and similar troubles. That act testifies te tba value of prohibition and needs lit tle comment. l"Dr. Deavpr's reformer in t)i .! eflmedlrine and smgery recalls te mind iniinet mere than UU.OOO of the 152. 000 physicians of the country took out permits under the Velstead Act. allow ing thera te use alcohol in their pro pre pro iMileaa! work. That indicates there Is nothing in the Velstead Act te work hardship upon physicians. Question New of Ijiw 1R nt1tfnn la nnw .a. ,.-lt 2 Mbitleri. It la whether we vrlll or will net unheM th mti.iin !!H'm lchol8en, Jr.", president or the J-aw Enferccment Leanip. uiri HtatemenU are net made true just became Dr. DMr.n m.b. .i.. ' i" J wlah . ld' BSt- befere "plying we "li . VT'r hil ndl1reM carefully, uis leference te the lour-hnired "n nd the short-haired wSman did X? Xth.V0 much- IVI,at d0 "" at wint ''ey nr'' n0t the tnln8 k. iJ?"!!!? 'm! ."'ncrltjr of purpose is mn iinnneinHt i.i . . .- --- - -rv.inin iiune. A fill f hA !-. wTenm1 ,hnflVl,P "hert-hnircd wemn,, SS..?'"'' mediate and drastic Dr"MD..l,"Ui!"n,r tht, y,."f' r. elf. .T." !or, a11 8rl,ne1 children in f l', 'J'lh'lr likelihood of infee l?J',,l,,,,,?r,B- ''tended vlvisJc .. tit irmiiiunnpii tiia Kiik ,i. 'j awuii'H Ihfi ifeetlen and n..i i ' "'"""en vivisection "re.n(,ef,tPaIm:n"0" f " FCdCrfll BOYS' WEEK COMMITTEE My0r Moere Annnnnr.. D. i In Charge of Werk Mnr M,,. ..i.... . . Plwi itme V ' "" .announced the '''nil lent of a rnmm tlpn .if mnmi. cemmittee df piemi- f 111 VlltltA n I) f 3:' ""js.j'' ?'? y i'vh' .Mn in.' "'iiiiiiii ii-n i ill iimpr in '(V'ent ten i ArH ... ' I'lirirKii.i . '.,. -'."! - -...I., -,--.-.. iwwm iiiai rsanle ,,,,1 ,","'" u - " -lock te ian te 1.. ' Mlk I"1 'lpnlIi' ' ix-0-brsliei, ' ,,",, 'arh y "f e cele- 'I he ' .-. ln or VnV".1"''6 appointed hy the .,n'-, follews: Jl Alnrnfwln.. All.tllA It '''!!. l'"nn Iplin L. i:isf.werlh V.rh::.c,"'-v: Aajer Harclay II. Kirfcbbai.n, 'V01'1' Kendrlcl;, David " iiw VkJeh w: Kerd' c,,arl" "'orje I ffi " , ,Artn', Vittens. Kahn I.- stT "i'snv. iinrry III. ,.'.' h- -Miner I'eiiten. William ft en Jtalnh.u.'''"'" .' imxtei Charles W, 'ui.""'.'.u' llinnin Arnivtrnnc l in,.i.? TheaiasTM i' .,.fnr,.v '' ,0"'" "nrr IVnr, lffl' .ttuk W- --- '' dackse. "'u"r' .'.,1!,,.,n,,,,,' nr L- i.iv W nu'"vn0' W. xMTKian,!! 'J'lienina Uiilcr. inirn.4 """""' -".iil Anranii Nltcly, i:;:"' vpener M m DRY LAW FRIENDS i 51 Kn,r.i.. ."".'" " r.asten. w. Free am Ooedn inh' iv", V. K,,ev- Writer Wllllan? ' .,,,(:m;r,T lM' June., J0"- Will.,m8,,t"rklv ,Te.hn -U- Va"f- .anm- i . ... .... - .. . , f r ,i 1 1 . nxti s imijiffjEs! .Tohnsep, Frank i, - SUES CONGRESSMAN FOR HEART BALM , MISS ANNA NIEBKL Zlegfeld Follies beauty, lias sued Manuel Herrlck, Oklahoma Con gressman, for $50,000 for breach of premise. Here she is shown picketing the Na tional Capitel, waiting for Her rlck te appear (e) WJile World Tholel FATHER DIDN'T OPPOSE i AWARD TO SON'S WIDOW But Compensation Beard Caae Made' O'Reurke Technically an Appellant i A case before the State Compensation in the unpleasant position of being technically opposed te granting relief te nm son 8 widow and little daughter. The case was that of Frank O Iteurke. 4C0O Woodland nvenuc. who died October 1M of last year from in j iries received when he was attacked by two drunken men who had stepped him and asked him te buy them mere Hiier. Frank O'Ueurke was employed bv his father. Jehn O'lteurke, a contractor, who is insured with the Kmplecrs' Liability nnd Assurance Corporation, Ltd. The Compensation Beard awarded te Mrs. Catherine O'lteurke. the ulilmv $100 for funeral expenses nnd payments totaling $3000. at the snme time giving payments totaling ."5130'- te Anna, her daughter. The Employers' Liability Corporation appealed the award in the father's name. II. A. Davis, attorney for the com pany, who technically also was utlerney for the father, unrucil tlmt venn'c O'lteurke was net en duty, though the father himself nt an earlier hearing had testified en oath that he was. The boy was en his way te rnah nnr clipckM 101 the com ns n v when he wns Idllml. I In eicplnnntleii of the curiously in- velved case of n father put in the posi tion of apparently opposing pnment for his son's death, an official of (lie insur ance cemany today said that employers arc required te sign a contract which makes them a party te any suit for com pensation brought by the families of empleyes. The boy's father today expressed in dignation at being made cveu. technically party te the appeal. 1 never mithnriTPfl ntiv mm ntlnMinf or otherwise, te maku an'nppeui against ' the award." he said. "I had no emm- , sel at the hearing before the beard. I "ue? "ns 'eien into Dy robbers yes pay the Employers' Liability Cerpera- I i?"!;'1v' hn took dicscs valued ai lien ler compensation le.r my workmen. ' My son wns included. The inmpnny mnue an nppeai witneut consulting or notifying me. TROLLEY KILLS WOMAN, 70 Aged Weat Phlladelphian Lies 15 Minutes Under Trucks Mrs. Mary Beatty, event vcars I old, of U24 Seuth Fortieth Miecl. ' was wedged under the truck of a i Heute 42 treller car for fifteen minutes ' last night until the arrival of an emer- I gency wagon with n jack. ) Suffering from a fracture, of the skull and with her leg and feet broken. Mrs. Beatty was taken te the Unlvernliv Mm., i pital, where she died nt 1 :'M o'cleuk this morning. The accident occurred about 8:2." o'clock, while she was crossing al Chestnut and Forty-first streets. .Tesepu Ceyle, the motorman, of 5(139 Osage avenue, jammed en the brakes nnd tried te step neiere tne ear struck Her. u screamed as she saw the car bearing i down upon her and when strjiek Inv under the wheels silent. yevcral women In the car became hysterical. SAY GlRLJROBBED NURSES Yeung French Weman Sought by Benefacterr at Wills Hospital Twe nurses nt the Wills Le Hesjillnl nre waiting for the chance ie prefer charges of larceny ngainst h young ' French woman, nineteen jc.irs old, wlie has a French ting tattooed upon her i diest. The girl, according te MIks Lama Feurnler nnd Mis Evcljn Webb, was befriended bv them when she first came te this hospital ns nn apprentiie ' nurse. Lnter, they declnre, she left. Inking Willi her a suitcase containing clothing of her friends valued at $100. ' The girl left the hepitnl Tuesday, it la anid. At the same time a fur- i trimmed coat belonging te Miss Four Feur nler and a dicss nnd serge suit of Mis.s ( Webb's disappeared. She first came te this country, it in said, as the bride of an American soldier. BURGLAR ALARM GOES BANG.'! Police and Citizens Rush te Jewelry Stere 'Twas a Mistake A loudly clanging burglar alnrm nt the entrance te Hoever and Smith Cempnny'n jewelry store, 01(1 Chestnut street, today brought n rush of pelkc and citizens te the place. Krcltcment gripped the crowds hur rying nleng Hie street u few nilnuies lifter It o'clock. Mounted patrolmen galloped te the stoic, diawlug their i long riot sticks, while patrolmen nn feet ran up, prepared te light a bailie with bandits. 4 In ihn store the police lenrned thnt an empleye forget te disconnect thai alarm before opening die s.ife. But ns a dress rchenrsnl t lie affulr was n com plete success. CARRIER PIGEON PICKED UP Patrolman Takes Registered Bird te His Heme Exhausted by a long flight, n canler pigeon wns picked up yesterday at Fifth and Whnrlen streets by I'ntiol I'ntiel nut ti Bleck lii) took the bird te his home, Ji',17 Wharten street, wheic he ' bus it hunted in a cage nwaliin tin; owner, Tlw pigeon bears the rcgisteicd num ber O-U-t'.A-7'-'30. II nulckly icmv- avnil aft A I ftlrtiib liarl fail If II III I llimln !r l.$esakrt4la4UdB-4'ual,,., EENlftGr5 'tJBlireLEDMRPHTjkDEEPHl FRIDAY, i!1'"'iwfcj; mt aBLmwlLiVEiLiiLiiiiiiiiiiiiH a',' " 7MBaii 'JlBaiiMaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMaiiiiiWBBiar''' ;;, -'!aLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwB'i B aMaHBHiaax 'aaajBjBBBBBvejBjHpjBH TWO FATALLY WOUND MAN WITHOUT PROVOCATION nee After Sheeting Once Victim Dies In Heapltal Twe unidentified white youths Inst night shot and mortally wounded Ed ward Bnrzcy, a Negro, twenty-eight .carx old, 1J117 Lemnard street, at Second nnd Houth streets. The bullet pushed through his bend, and he died in the Pennsylvania Hospital without regaining consciousness nt 11:30 o'clock. According te the police. tve jeung tTicn met Barzey at the corner and with out provocation, one of them drew n revolver nnd fired. once. The men then ran. There was no pursuit, as few per sons were near when the sheeting oc curred, HAVERFORD USING RADIO Students' Club at College It Getting , New Equipment A twenty-watt telephone transmitter has been added te the radio nppliances of the College Radie Club at Havcrferd College. Many of the stations in the vicinity of this flty have become fa- lilllinr with tlin trfincmltt am ... 1I.... c.i-.i ,..! n,a ii ......i .. , wm-keii m. Un,ei ,iki.. ...! 'I lie ciuh members, Iinve been experi menting, with many" different kinds of equipment, and have in operation a one kilowatt spnrk transmitter and a two set regenerative receiver. The experi ments nre possible because of n lnrge current supply that the radio students "borrow" from the physics laboratory. Loet Stere of Dresses Tile women's furifisliinir i.i.n f iamuel Katzen. nl. 1'iaj Columbia ave- .... - r --.. i. ''""' "'"-""""li nuorinaiien given the police today. A tear deer of Mm store was forced open. THK "lne IIADS' ARB HERK! 'TJOO DADS" ar runny mti. peeplt nettd PKATUnK publlnhed xprly rer rhlldrm R pirn oppesln Cemlea In Vxt Ktinine Penile I.neH. "Mat,. It a lUblt." Adv. ROAMER Kichtccn Bedy Types Optional Celers and Upholstery $278.1 Delivered Philadelphia' Showroom Open Kvnilnn PHILADELPHIA ROAMER CO. 842 NORTH BROAD ST. Unrlnm IKum. nuUl. Trar. 1 sfnl nnd nrtlKttf- all In r.aifriin jietiri, ADAMS' 310 heulh llread Strtrt YOU can exist without advertising but prosper- eus firms are consistent users. The Helmes Press, Trin 1313.29 Cherry Strrcl Philadelphia Weranuurr t&m&wd SUPERB VAtUUn CLEANER. Philadelphia Made Phila. Gaaxanltti n 1 1 t Hrlleii leiiirn In rrrr owner of an I. in err 4 huirti, liernuiB II Im ii, hlchtkt quality iem .,..,.. ,.lll. Itrii It U I lilludelphU Mnde nnd I'lillnrtelplila (liiamnteeil. Ilersnte lierr home new ierrerll.r rlenn unci her heu. work inurli eauler. Charles W. Emery & Sens 1301 Diamond St. KMab. IS rear nt It at th ! Katata Shw iniiiii n vmWM i imr ' Ifllllnlll Nllillnllu' I 1 11111 TMWr -- I MHr 'tML'lHJlr j i r vjvJB) ' A li I 2FsvU9BEa. Ti u WILL BE CHECKED Residents en North Bread St. Cheered by Werd Heley in Street Will Be Fixed A tyENACE FOR MONTHS Ship-wrecked, sailors could net. have greeted their rescuers with greater gratitude than that expressed by rcd dents of Bread street, near S'errls, when city workmen appeared wlfh picks, shovels and a steam roller, and put a cement cork in a yawning crater in the pavement. Ever since lart March, these who live at 3033, 10315 and 1037 North Bread street, have been surTering from severe earth shocks which shook their homes, rattled dishes and sent family portraits askew. Recently, during o'ne of -the earth shivers, a heavy slrtb of gtanite crashed te the pavement from 103." Xerth Bread atreef the home of G. W. Shepherd. The quakes in qucatlen were meter quakes quakes produced bv ten-ten trucks bumping through n ragged crater In the asphalt. Since early in March this crater, an big as a family wash tub. has been yawning in the nnth of motorists. The shock of impacts vj brated buildings for a half a block or mere. Howls of complaint poured Inte the Highway Department via the telephone, and scathing criticism was turned in by letter. Fred Dunlap. chief of the department, bowed his head resignedly before the storm he could de nothing mere, se he says, because he wns doing the best he could under the circum stances. Fer weeks he had had two gangs of pavement repairers working toward that gaping crater working from opposite directions, working nt n dally cost te the city of $1000. But these gangs, energetic nnd capable ns ( ttA A a nil. a, A. I ..V l.J. .a. .1.1 . ,. V"tj ,ic nurjni ur, yuillll UUl Keep I .... 1,1. 4l. l..U !.- -,., v I uii ,lu in,- jiuiv-uuniifc jireiieiiHiiiea of the five and ten-ten nuomeblle trucks en North Bread street. ' Mr. Shephard declares that It cot him .$54 te replace the slab of granite fhich fell from thq front of his red deuce. ( At the home of Max Anreu. 1037 North Bread sticet, a maid pointed tragically at n beautiful painting of home tlreek women in light draperies tccllning In a Mrt of dowered pnradWr "See that beautiful painting'" Mie exclaimed. "We came downstairs (lie. ether morning and found it en the fleer. That horrible hole In the street did it." MOTOR THIEVES AREB0LD Werk Fast' In Stealing Car as De tective Lurks Nearby The daring nnd celerity of automobile thlexes in stealing n motorcar under the nese of a detective nnd a trnu patrolman is being told along Yerk read this morning by Dr. William L'mI inann, of Buckingham, whose ear wan stolen while lie was in the Hiiptlst Temple. Bread and Berks sited, short ly before 2 o'clock jesterday afternoon. Ur. hrdmnnn told the authorities he i did net lock his mncliine hecaic-e a traffic patrolman steed en the corner of Bread nnd Berks streets net twenty feel from where the car wn parked. Completing, his business in exact r four minutes Dr. Krdmnnn letuincd tii find thnt his meter, which was valued n .$S0O. had vanished. A man, according te Krdmnnn. who was seated in nn automobile dirciilvi behind the spot wheie the docier's aiM had been parked asked him what I be trouble was. On intrediir lug lilinwe'f le the loser of the mniercnr. Kidinnnu t-a . the man proved nini-clf te be n e'iv Hall detective. A rcwnid of 8400 li,i- been ellcrrd for the missing car, which bore !Vnnt vnnia llcenve number 270-':,,7. li ORQUAKES i Philadelphia Entrance te Pari usm tirtfl a x. J erntu ""F I F tm aifr SSth Street sNew fyt ftit?-arlten BROAD AND WALNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA woe-iuctsk J1 yi rj.v cvmmmtmm iMMisa J Y2f yBttglllWSv . rffl -w FOR EASTER "Loek what I bought my wife for Easter! "Pretty nice, eh? "I get them at the only store in Philadelphia that specializes in HOSIEKV exclusively. "Talk about SERVICE and QUALITY they :an t be equaled. ' "Yeu ewe it te yourself te try them when reu buy your EASTER stecklngi." , CThe hjf I'io'en Hosiery Sale i 'still ' nt full hxeiug. (Sycciiil Prices for This Week). Colonial Stocking Stores, Inc. "If U's Hesieru We , n 1,17 S',v.thv Twelfth Street Jfi TO. REBURY' VETERAN Military Funeral Tomorrow for Wil liam McK. Hennlnger William McKlntey Hennlnger, for mer member efBattery ll,10$th Field Artillery of the Twenty-eighth Di vision, who wns 'killed in Belgium No vember 1, 1018, will be burled tomor row. The funeral will be held at the Second Iteglmcnt Armery, Bread and Diamond streets, nt 2 o'clock. At the request ',et the boy's father, Daniel Hennlnier. the B Battery men. new organized Irt an Independent pest, known ns the William McKlnlcy Hen nlnger unit of the A. K. h, will con duct the military services. The Rev. Rebert (J. McFctridge, pastor of St. Peter's Church, and .one-time chaplain of the regiment, will officiate. ROB CHESTNUT ST. SHOP Thieves Get Goods Werth $150 Frem Jewelry Stere Thieves et lute the offices of the Rankin Company, nn the second fleer of 1118-20 Chestnut street, last night nnd stele watches nnd ether je.welry valued at about $150. W. T. Cenner, n member of the firm, snld no marks show upon doers nnd windows. Why let the high-priced tailor's label have the whip hand? Rogers Peet suits and overcoats match the finest custom made at half the price. And you sec the fit before you buy instead of after. FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Peet Clethes Chestnut St. at Juniper Fer Service in j Office Furniture 1 Stationery ' and Filing Devices 9Q4-906 Chestnut Street TINE FRAMI.VG Etchings Prints Water Celers Paintings TEE R0SEBACH GALLERIES ISU Walnut blrt 'XT iu c ins 67th Street Yerk FOR TOWN COUNTRY Woolen Plaid Skirts in all the hrijrlit hues of a Scottish h i j? h la n d e r are shown both kilted or plain Knitted Dresses with matching c ;i p p s arc most practical and smart for tin sunny days of spring. 7&4K27lL fe) rSenJint VtaftRH.' v 14, "1022 ' ' TWO CIRCUSES COMING ... iiiu...j. .. ... M.,. i Wild Weat Shew, will open or a week Gay Billboards Carry Great New8jllll(Jcr ennvns nt Ytfrk read, Tenth and for Children i Luzerne strce'ts. (Jreal news for the children. Toting ' and old. Fer the circus u nnminif-u.1 nnnnin . of ,.eene. Ami I lin lilllhennl nnnnnnce - uiiiiha tt I.UHI'IV l the news. .nCYB) ANKSsl mVS 5"rVEn3Mtnu tvgjg r Fine Diamonds A recognized standard of Quality or amest a century Su-pramqqy assured .' V- , Have you seen the J I ' i i New Hemes en Lincoln Drive Near Allen Lane Station? 3 BATHS 5 BEDROOMS 2 BUILT-IN SHOWERS Radie Telephone Cunpletely 1 C CAA Equipped ia Each Hame Reached by auto Wissahickon Drive te Lincoln Drive te Mount Airy Avenue. Flectric train P. R. R. te Allen Lane Sta tion. Representative at lieuies Deily and Sunday JOHN H. McCLATCHY fr 3 Builder of HfflTnTTTL 33 ! ir-yj Docter CenwelFs Earnest Appeal te the Generous People of Philadelphia !A X UI'POKTLW'ITY muIi a- Fer tlu'rty-fic year you lu n-Mty until it lias itirniiu'd ........ .1 irr-v-n . i. . te iiiuil iiuiu iijv,oue iii(iuinijite conic te give its great advantage the I'oninieu cheul grade. In and Jew are alike te be hcuelitrd l uay iiciaiiiiicms ier werKing pcep 'SltX), ou new liac i he ihance educated city in America, hack needs at once another Innlding: 'hc College of JJberal Arts and Sciences The Teachers' College The College of Commerce The Scheel of Law The Scheel of Medicine The Scheel of Dentistry The Scheel of Pharmacy and Clinical Research The Scheel of IVIusic Win. building-: Will full- a- a iiifiiiei in (.Oil well genereii cuitu leiKcnnng tin- CTacaeaMiLJj-j.,vr SUMJULl JACOB 3 1424 'ViV On Monday. May 1, the Hclls-Flote Circus, combined with Buffalo Bill's ."'? -Y.em,l ?.owing, u.e com- I hilled,' Ringllng Brethers and llarnum iiauey circus will begin a week's - . performance HI iMnClCCntll street and Hunting Par It avenue. Hemes niiniii mm ut c t-r linti !, new veurs. m niaiiuaincd the Temple Uni- an fflti-.-alien uf . College irade -tmicnt-. ic time lutb new - te it. ill tile ip11I1" licenle :iiinp uccc?s Calhehc. l'retcstaut W itli its full-unit and liatf- )lc and ptc-cnt enrellnient of te inaki I'hiladeiplna tlic l,c-t fellow in? departments of tlic endow iMir ej tlic-( ir :ki id te lenffi with am ic.a ebicct U L I fS JXTEX Jflw Hat ir Their Mark nt tin- u-urld aren't vary riot lus. I hey must have some ' hi n g i ndividualiem et hi n r dijj erent . 'J' hey u-aiit clothes that .uV hem tj from the common (date. Siki me:i come te this Stere, where quality, style, superior woolens and superb work', manshift are the determining factor in the cheesing of their clothe. Spung and Summer .Suits, .1 re priced and upward. The values at 540, .5 ?-0 are especially attractive. REEDS SONS 1426 Qxesliiwt Sirred M iilrCVJ) M$ 5" 1 tin 'I ft. f Sl Here's Your Easter Outfit at SU PER -.VALUE , PRICES $28y $33, $38 and, $43 Everything goods that all stores have and goods that only Perry's have. Yeu can de your Easter clothes - buying here tomorrow quickly and economically. The. unsurpassed variety of styles, fabrics and colors te cheese from and the attractiveness of the Super - Value prices will prove a been te men who want Easter clothes and want them in a hurry. Here's the menu: Spring Suits "W Spring Topcoats """ Sports Suits (with or witti out extra knickers) Junier Suits ' Evening Clethes Separate Trousers Each at a Super Value price you knew what that means. Perry & Ce. 16th and Chestnut I SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men Lenten Specialties. Oytler Pie, 49c Lnnrhenn. 4r, U:SB A. 51. f P. H. ZISSES HOTEL 820 Walnut Street jenN e. n. MTrama. rwp. It's unlv the 'ffe-2cttcr" who "gets there takes encrsjv and -and it te health stay en the go. Conic get push and pep at the Cellins Institute. Trial demonstration free. COLLINS INSTITL'TK OF PHYSICAL CU-LTUKF! 219.2.-. North Bread Strwt 1 Our own standards of photo - en graving craftsmanship arc always a little higher than these of our clients. This is why our service stands for your satisfaction. The Che'Tnut Street Enorkine Cefc E.C0R.HTCHETNUTTr 1 lade sati.yjicd u'uh or di and m J-"! l m 4 ji sol J , . -e v.n A Yf :MMMMkh.i. i.'a. m. V -'ai" iM& t &MMMk: . J. vsm 'ir M$mM$iM 'ffi-h aa:i4:ift . rs. jiv' m IfifeiS