m SftSWfr m W;; W.J1, Mftfi ' ::& i .fft-Fet MWV! J-', Ki ... . L -an:: . ".X, i WrUtl .i'J,'. .-,"j ' ..' .n.'ri(,.l.M.,.....,...l-..,M-.r--uv.",v,.V BSEER 1 "Z h',1 .l'"-J" i 4 $t). m &' tw:. M neaui P"- A . . rl? (C -r Ml A - c2 - Overbleuses lit fi &. 8 fiLL"'. il F " ,i , J t , , .. JO Accompany zne natter suit yeiy Specially Priced Tpjlay at $5.00 ea. -iA ma ::.: m a '.";' i m E&&W J&fiM) Ail 'pwr ... masm Hggg One ft Peter Pan MedeV of Georgette, h a n1 a e m ely trimmed with inserts of filet silk fageting arid embroid ered dots', the cellar and cuffs finished with edging of filet picot. Designed with pretty sleeves and tic back, sash. .Cernea In Flesh, While and Bisque ft ' The Other, of Crepe de Chine,, a bccemlpg model, eeilarless neckline style, finished in tics which end in Ineffective ball trimming. A sash also ball trimmed ties smartly bi. cam uiup ai anu waisume, as snewn. In Periwinkle, Me, Mohawk, Gray, Bisque, While ' ' ' and Navy, . , , Fine Tub Blouses '. In Many Attractive Styles at $2.00 te $3.95 Ea- Choice quality Voile, Batiste, Dimity and Nov elty Voile Blouses, variously trimmed with lace, fine pleatings, frills and tucks, in dainty ve'stee models or in smart tailerc'd'stylcs. Choice of Peter Pan or Tuxedo cellars. . SnellenbOrgS Second Fleer U Women's . Beautiful, Serviceable New Undermuslins Wor Hurried Easter Cheesing At Special' Lew Prices Tomorrow The New Step-in and Vest Sets. Of Striped Lingette in Dainty Spring Shades 98c each 'Attractive, practical models with I, the luster of silk and the wearing l qualities or satine. , une sicetcnea. Novelty Gowns of Batiste and Windser- Crepe In the Newest Styles $1.50 and $1.98 Ea- CM -if siT lT88c WW I'll :..:i':v f Asxvv'v.AvS Several models, carrying out the new neck. and hem lines. Radium Gowns, Each In flesh, orchid and light blue. Levely models. ' Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise. Each A large assortment of styles at this price. SNELLENBURflS Second Fleer $4.98 $2.98 Snellenburg'8 First te "Bring Forward a New Lew Price en Women's Wide Gres- grain Bordered Silk Umbrellas at $4.95 a. Cevers are of choicest quality all-silk. Handles are 'of hardwood, strap effect; or i of full-length bakelitc, in amber, white and a hAl2 nAu. aaIau mTmh atiti 1 mamI Tm ltn ferrules, rings and rib tips te match. All brand-new, perfect umbrellas, strongly constructed ever finest eight-rib Paragon M..JframcSi Choice of the smartest styles and most fashionable colors of the season navy, purple, garnet and green, SNELLENBURCS First Fleer Remarkable Pre-Easter Offer of the City's Four Finest ' , II Luggage Values Finest in Point of Construction, Materials, Finish and Price Cowhide Bellows Suit Cases. . . .ttQ QA 24 and 20 inch slzea. Extension feature )U mUJ tWirrants holding enough for continental trip. Black, 'wewnand cordovan. 'Cowhide Travel-Bags ,7 OK ,. Variety of shapes and styles. Bleck, tP I OtM uwn, mahogany. 16, 18 and 20 inch sizes. r3" ?"r: v; -r '.Hrt -- vi ,u men bi.uh. nruwu auu vuiuu -vw - 'in iTnr.rl.eaiirAl MnMMAMA 1,-H ""im-OBnVU tUI liUlOi !' around. Well lined. Most of them have straps sCewhide fravel-Bags &A QK ( BrOWn. fan nnwlnun.. Manr 1B.ir.pll tDrtlijtJ rlj16' father lined.. Very strongly built frames. The hags and cases in these lets are all Made from tine, selected top-grain hides. fcU'll stand up under tremendous- travel, ye believe you cannot duplicate these offer- w anywhere. SNELLUNBURflb First Fleer tN, 8NELLENBURG 'Arrived Just Ah Time ferEa$tcr-A Wonder- ful New Purchase of Miiliiifery Trimmings. Splendid assortments of Jeng and short flower wreaths,' rrlved Just in the nick of time te adorn your Easter ''bonnet.',' Marvelous values! ' $2 Wreaths ai $1.49 Ea. $2.50 Wreaths at $1.75 Each $3 Wreaths at $1,98 Ea. Hair Braids, in Ten Yard Pieces and Ail Celers, $1.25 Ea. SnellenburgS ""d rlhr Women's Stunning, 14-kt. -White Geld Wrist Watches In Three, Favorite StUles-i-Exqulsite . Easter Gifts r Specially Priced at $13.85 Ea ssWWWpnL3!pUkWWWW Octagon, equare and ten ncau eliaped watched, with 15 jewel hlgh-grade movements, 'fltted In beiuttlfuliy hand-engraved white geld ceses. Twe styles sketched. SneTlenbUrcS First Fleer Studded Steamer Trunks A VerySpecial Value at $10.95 Sizes 33, 36 and 39 inched. Strongly built 5-ply con. structlen and designed with divided tray. x A trunk that will give you exceptionally 'long serv ice and all-around satisfac tion at a very, small outlay' SNELLEHBUROS Fourth Fleer s NELLENBURG NTE BLOCK- MtfiKtr ji2isre firs These Handsome Baronet Satin Skirts Are Perfectly Marvelous at Only $5.95 Each Vcry-stun-nlng skirt, in the favorite shirred - top style, with smart varia tions in the n'att'ev of pockets 'in set,, cut - in pearl button .trimmed or '.'strapped." . Very beau tiful Bkirts for (sports and street wear ex t r,a ordinary at this low price. In flesh, rose. jade, brown. Cepcn. navy and plenty of black and white. Band sizes 25 te 32 ins.' Three Shown bELLENBURGS Second Fleer m M sun " (ft fill i : H 'in 1 ift Jr m u n ft Ml fe, '0 J Latest, 1922 Medel Tennis Rackets At a Third te Half Off Regular Prices A. splendid assort ment of hlgh-grade rackets, Including all models, ' types and weights. Every racket Is guaranteed for the tennis season against dcfectlve workmanship and material. $3 & $3.50 Rackets $1.85 Each $4 and $5 Rackets $2.85 Each $8r$10 and $12 Rackets $4.85 Each A. J. Reach Tennis Balls $6.00 Dez. Weeden Racket Presses $1 and $1.50 Each Tennis Racket Presses and Cevers Combined $2.50 SnellenbOrgS, Third Fleer Wonderful Last Minute Assortments of, Beautiful. Toys and Novelties, for Easter At the Lewest Prices' in Town 5cte$9.95Ea Silk Specials $2.00 Black Silks 1 90 35 inches wide, all new perfect 6llks : the tf A mi il weaves are of taffeta, satin duchesse, satin messallne and peau de cygne. Fresh, clean, dainty Kaatcr tlilriRB in wonderful variety ready for hurried last-mlnute Chicks Fink Karcd Bunnies Weeden Carts Baskets te tie filled, and ever be many ether novelties that will bring Jey te the kiddies en Easter morning. SNELLENBURTjS Flrat a1"1 " Fearth Floers r-i. The Newest Medels in Women's ' Beautiful Kimonos Frem Japan Ready for Easter Cheesing Tomorrow at ' New Lew Prices $2.95 t0 $5.50 Ea Beautifully embroidered itt floral and bird designs. Choice of all the wanted bright colors, including rose, Copenhagen, light blue and pink. Wemens Silk . Breakfast Coats ea. In Levclu Two-Tene Effects $7.95te$19.75 Satin and taffeta coats In many attractive styles, ruffled or pleated, and flnlahcd with rose-bud trimming, Wemens Silk Negligees Regular and Extra Sizes $9.95te$22.50ca Crepe de Chine. Satin and Crcpe Meteer models, In slip slip slip over'or open style, mostly In straight-line effects, finished with pleated girdles. Others ruffled and pleated some rib bon trimmed. In all the dainty boudoir shades. Women's Negligees of Silk-and-Cotten Crepe As Pictured Ea. $2.95 Slipover models In all the wanted shades. Including navy, black. Copenhagen, rose, light blue and pink. Prettily fin ished with ribbons. SNELLENBURTjS Seoend Fleer Household Furnishings and Utilities $3.00 Black and Colored Satin 1 QC Charmeuse 1,7- 40 Inches wide, all pure dyed silk: soft, heavy quality. 'Cemes -In black and a large line of colors In be(h light and dark shades. $4.00 Canten Crepe, Yard 40 Inches wlde. All pure silk. Heavy weight. Black and a geed range of newest colors. Alse white. $2.98 Silk Ratine at, Yard 35 Inches wide. A new rough woven Cemes In a geed range of sports colors. silk. 79c $3.50 Brocade Crepe Radium, 2.10 40 Inches wide. A very pretty solid-color brocade for dresses, lmlngs, tea gowns, dressing sacques. All seftpure dyed utile Colers: White, jink, light blue, gray, light navy, brown, dark navy and black. $4.50 and $5.00 Colored Dress Satin OO 40 Inches wide. Very beautiful soft qualities, finely tytj woven, mostly In light colors, satins te De naa, They are best American $3.00 Sports Satin 40 Inches wide One of the best qualities ma in ilil tuMititlfnt hlarh lustercd satin for sports wear and In a full line of sports shades. $2.39 bNELLEHBURflS First Fleer On Sale in Our Notion Department The "Big Three" in Hair Nets WiU De Wonders for the Easter Coiffure 10c 15,000 Ft. 20c and 25c Garden Hese te 19 Sell ati Per Feet it,1 is te no couplings. Filled. ft. Ne lengths, with Mall Orders 100,000 Pint-She Cans of the Famous "Whiz" Non Nen inflammable Cleaning Compound for Polishing Metals Selling Regularly at 33c at 1 Q( Can Made for the U. S. Navy, under Government specifics tlend, by R. M. Helllngshead Ce., 'Camden, N. J. Nen-ln- tiammabie non-expleslvo aDseiutciy safe. We SUggCHt buying them by the dozen b e e a u s e they are bcII at less than one - third price, an d evcry hotel, apart ment, factory and home should use them. Fine for Seashore Use or Beat The Thirteen Real 1 Oc Hair Nets, Each.. LO 2 for 25c The Rese Real Hair Nets, Each 3 for 25c frjjfSfij'iXtjj MK1Miim. 9S llMTHiuMiutq,ctt Cap Shape Frinpe Shape Siiwle Afcah Deuble Mesh In all wanted shades, in' eluding gray and while. I , lOtWfti? , marT.HVTO)lTiT..'"t'Ml''.W. B Cap Shep Fringe Shape Single Mesh Deuble Mesh All wanted shades, Including gray and white. Our Special Real Hair QKp Dezen Nets at Cap Shape Fringe Shape AH wanted Rhades of light, medium and dark browns, blonde, black and auburn, , We guarantee every net sold in our Notion De partment te be full size and perfect. Should you find any Imperfections upon opening, kindly return them immediately and we will replace them with perfect nets. CQ.a SNELLENBURflS Notion Dept., Firit Fleer v. f States Gev't Utility Bags, Razor Sets Including 4x3-lncli Leatherette-Covered Case, Silver-Plated Razor and Six Blades 2-Blade Cases, Brush, Nickel Seap Helder. Nickel Brush Helder, 42x3'2 Swinging Mirror (Ckp Complete IFerA Four Price. Can Blades. Times This Use Cillette All Lucas Paints 15 Belew Regular Prices A. "Broadcast" of NeW8(Ab6ut Radie Supplies On Sale at Snellenburg Savings Nydre Crystal Detector Sets, Complete wllh Head Sets, $45.00 en. Murdock Variable Condensers, $4.25 ea. Tuning Ceils, $4.00 ca. . ' ' Purntenc Detectors,, $2.25 ca. " Stacy Couplers and Herns, $1.35 ca. . Radie Frequency Transformers, $6.50 ea. ' Amplifying Transformers, $4.50 ca. Dials, $1.00 ca. '' Kelleg Phenes, $12.00 ca. SneLLENbUrcS F'fth Fleer F V w Anether Fine Let of These Fast-Selling $4.50 Ukuleles On Sale Tomorrow at $1.75 Each - Wonderfully well made llttle Instruments light and easily carried en camping trips, out ings and all nert:i of jelly In formal occasions. Tremendously popular at this nominal price going out as fast as they came in! Fine Musical Instruments Cerneti llreti, $17.50) nickel, S28.50. 'Bugle. S3.S5 te fS.OO. Saxophone llrans, f 00,00; Silver, $125.00. Clarienets, $34.50. Flutes, $33.50. Snare Drtjmn, $15,00. Guitars, $7.7'te $35.00. Banjos, $13.50 te $30.50. Tener Banjos, $14.50 te'$40. Banjo Ukuleles, $7.75 te $12. Harmonicas, 35c te $3.85. Banjo Mandelin, $10.75 te $34.50. Accordions, $4.00 te $5.25. Slide Wlilntlen, 25c te $1.50. Tomorrow in Our Sweater Department, Second Fleer Anether. JBig, Timely Sale of Women's Stunning Fiber Silk Scarfs at $1 QK & SO QK ca. JLitJ i& Alse a full line of Strings and Cases for all instruments. SNELLENBURCS Fifth Fleer for rlioelbugs, ctetheiplm bum, teurlatu' but, etc, $2.90 3-Pc. Garden Sets, $1.58 Complete Consisting et 10-teeth st ee I rake.full.slice garden hoe, 1 LJ-' $3.00 15Q.Pt. Rell Poultry Wire, $2.69 2-Inch mesh, 2 indhea iun. Utility Bexes, 50c Ea. tMade for a Foreign Gov ernment and Werth $2.75 ' We've Just Purchased 3000 U. S. Army Regulation Pup Tents Ta?e" $1.50 Thcse tents are In perfect condition and water proof. Each tent In two parts, easy te assemble. Ideal for Campers, Bey Scouts and for Children's Play Tents. Mail and Phene Orders Filled SNELLENBURCS Third Fleer Rich, beautiful colorings, in plain and Reman stripe effects the very newest and most fashionable scarfs for smart Easter wear. Tremendous assortments te cheese from every scarf In the let a most extraordi nary value at Its special day before - Easter prtcel One sketched. SNELLENBURCS Second Fleer April Numbers of vTj3 Joert-bj- Shanghai. Jut a IJttle Let Sen. Llttle Gray Sweetheart of Mine. Old-Kanhiencd Girl In a Ging ham Gewn. Pick Ale Up nnd I.iir, Me Down In Dear Old Dixie Lund. Bie Niclils. Sntllln. Who Belieied In Yeu? You've Had Tour Bar. I Get It, You'll Get It. All That I Need I Yen. Carolina Rollins Stene. My Mammy Knew. Easter Hymns in Q. R. S. & Vecalstyle Rolls, $1 and $1.25 Chriit Arese. Crucifix. Easter Chime. Adesta Fldell. Consider the Llllr. The Hely City. The Falmi. Hely. Hely. Christ In l'lamlcrj. Chanel Clilinrn. SNELLENBURCS Fifth Fleer Easter Motorists Your Final Chance te Buy Giant Oversize Girard Tires CORDS aoeo MILES In cF e 26 In. lone, ItHv In. wide, lOVi In. hlch. Mail or Phene Orders Filled U. S. Government Utility Bexes, Werth $2.25 Each, at, Qgc . ft.- m F LJ msr-K And we Include one pair e( cxlra-lieavy ittrel hlncrs (hut lone are worth 35c. Splendidly built boxes, ulzn 12V&xUVaMl?i Inches. With uireore-eniercuig metal straps. SNEUEHBUROS Thiro; Fleer At the Lewest Prices Ever Quoted en Tires of Equal Quality and Serviceability Girard tires are used exclu sively by thousands of motorists. Every tire is single cured with wrapped tread. Finest quality ma tcerial and work manship throughout our own special brand, bearing our own name and guarantee. Net te lie Confused With Se-Called "Cords" Made en Fabric Melds FABRIC TIRES 'fifiWiEir 30x3 30x31. 32x31. 31x,4 33x4 34x4 32x4 s 33x41. 34x4ij 35x41. 36x41. 35x5 137x5 New Trice $7.50 9.50 13.30 15.40 18.20 10.60 20.25 20.75 21.50 23.70 26.15 29,30 30.65 Old rrice ?11.50 12.25 16.00 18.50 21.60 22.50 23.25 24.75 25.50 27.70 30.15 33.30 34.65 CORD TIRES New Trice Old Trice 30x31. $12.95 32x31e 18.20 32x4 21.70 33x4 23.80 34x4 25.20 32x41. 30.80 33x412 31.50 34x41, 32.20 35x41. 32.90 36x41. 33 JO 33x5 36.80 35x5 39.20 37x5 42.00 $18.75 23.25 29.00 30.25 32.B0 33.50 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 42.00 44.00 46.00 SNLLLENBUKOS Third Flew M IHV A Dezen Bia Easter Sped . , Z , fJT. Eevk FurnishiniM Offer the Finest OppertMliet'"0Si the Citu Tomorrow .& am 94b Beys' Fine White Madras Blouses. .. . Cellar attached nnd neckband style, with soft cuffs. Beys' Highly Mercerized White Pongee C" AH Blouses tf-IVil Cellar attached and ncckbarfd style, with soft cuffs. Beys' White Peplin fljl Q7 Blouses...... U.m7I With cellars attached and soft turn-back cuffs. .Beys' While English Broadcloth Q tK Blouses O.OO With cellars attached and soft turn-back cuffs. Beys' White Shirts, $1.47 highly mercerized pongee and line madras, vritk -attached and in ncckand style with soft cuffs, Beys' White Peplin Shirts, $1.97 and $2.47 With cellars attached and in neckband style, with soft turn-back cuffs. Beys' White English Broadcloth Shirts, $4.45 In 'neckband style with soft turn-back cuTTs. Beys' White Sports Blouses, $1.00 Of fine madras, with convertible cellar and hall sleeves. Beys' White Pongee Sports Blouses, $1.47 Convertible cellars and long sleeves. Beys' White Silk and Knitted Four-in-Hands, 48c Beys' White Silk Windsors, 40c, 48c and 74c Beys New Easier Neckwear, 25c, 47c & 97c vIn the new regimental and college stripes. SNELLENBURCS First Fleer Of hi cellars t kSkWWWWWmV'rt m ' Men's & Women's Silk Hosiery for Easter Splendid Qualities Extraordinarily Lew Prices. Seme Groups Very Slightly Irregular Women's $2.00 Embroidered Clocked Silk Stockings, (QK, Pair VDC Pure thread silk with fancy embroidered clocks. Black with white clocks, white with black clocks, also ether colors with con trasting clocks. Slight ir regulars. Women's $2.25 Silk Stockings, M OP) i air. .... Full-fashioned thread-silk stockings with mercerized garter tops. All the wanted light colors; also white and black. Slight irregulars. Women's $3.00 te $5.00 Silk Stockings, (1 Q pajr t . fDXeUO Ingrain thread-silk stock steck igs in rich, lustrous black, all-silk, including garter tops, first quality. Alse highest grades of chiffon thread-silk stockings in va rious light colors. These are slightly irregular in finish. Women's $5.00 Silk Lace Stock- (JJO Apr ings, Pair.... Beautiful all-silk stock ings in lace pattern de signs. Black, white and cordovan. First grade. Men's 75c Silk Socks, Pair. . . . 39c Pure JTircad-silk in va rious colors, including black. Slight irregulars. Men's 75c & $1 KQ Socks, Pair e;'i' Pure thread-silk Onyx socks, also imported full fashioned silk-plated seckt, in two-tone colors.,, All first grade. Men's $1.50 j Clocked Silk Qf Afl Socks, Pair. . . &AW Full - fashioned thread silk socks with triple stem embroidered clocks. Black, white, cordovan, navy and gray. SNELLENBURCS Flrst Fleer Men Can Get Their New Easter Hats Here at Big Savings! The Snellenburg Special T.Ta. $2.65 Other Geed Derbies and Seft Hals $3.65 te $5.00 Jehn B. Stetson's Derbies and Seft Hats $7 and $10 Men's New Cleth Hats for Spring, $1.85 Men's and Beys' Caps 95c te $2.50 Splendid Line of New Easter Hats for Beys and Children $1.50 te $5.00 Smart, practical styles ficeres of thPin, In cloth and straw (Hid a pplcmlid line of i.iuis aim noveitieH Sale of U. S. Gev't Penches Brand New and Waterproof In Our Sporting Goods Stere 95c Each in mk M-v IP xPyJ 'i'l Penches made of double texture cloth, rubberized and rainproefed. A very real protection against all kinds of weather; ideal for Bey and Girl Scouts, chauf feurs and truck and auto drivers, fishernien, campers, firemen, school children and all outdoor workers. Mail and phene orders filled. SNr.l.LhfJBURTjS First Fleer Sporting Goods, Third Fleer Extraordinary Day-Bef ere-Easter Sale of Beautiful $15 Sheffield Silver Plated Water Pitchers In I Sizes and Shapes (psr5 t ru K v .rwju afl Tti TEffl Wyr WW fT''V Ull H0WB, . A'l nickel silver base. Bright, finish. , Thraa styles SNEUEN&U?V;Wft'Ww fi- 1 m - fc. AS i m mi M' 8 fi Ml . ii a JM j. mz ivl im 1IW s xM '.-c KrM "V3 1 " 'i a IM I i .1'. .? ' l! 11 & 1 m il z J" te I fm i. T S1 .: 'Hi ffl v.'l'l 'J y$ .7 M SAtS few j 1U1 v. ffHWBJ jrg & ca . "-' fc '" -" "'.aJ-.V -'? 7&ftjt KKh .".'UHSi.-. - "?? . MsmswmmkMmmmmiSK W