ROMS i.?Pr7(" fmmwm n,s UM'S., C'"-fTMJ-j,ui7, "PWW MM?'? Hft a Ji t"T .-., . 'TVli.l f.t BFv1 jsm1 IP ---- - . . g.'-'. ' KJmS i-v m .r - ' K JkaWW If Cfce JJaily Mevie Magazine S. 'ji!'iH.l' " "- . i..l..,l All..- 'IV... l. al.e.nlf t WBkr If K s I'ne Ttic vtr it va-xvc nrt Aitnnntr ', ,.,... :V. V ; .V;.' n ....' u nVm f fcjJiJE v l"yn M.MMMJ M. iijiti MSM.ll O lJUIll T ltl -mil umi. -in i- .i timt .....i... ,m" m m ."r lflyC'" i , , '. iliiiw nnnntdit suitrs will tlmr-nil I Jf U uttmaBmz. w- . ak nriuimi tv nr nor. isii inu ne: enie t hkI l,llt if' H Ik-rIii tn te mere i nl i S tJamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamaMWWPi .... ili.. IiIIm 11 Bra tft ---H 'jnBHB I tin- IrnRrdv she net- 72ViZ BH HJv'HPPmHKH nriesi te these Mlm kce ,.l03te3 UFV'&JVi H 7' sb. ' )HV - H hi niixiix aj ,urn $-''&, 'RiHk'4 -. . g ? ijHK.,):' "" wimt te. It lie uns an. Iicttpr. f IT .. H 'lVtjU ; - - ,.?-HKfl 3 H te? f&Iwi -- ''' iaaaaaWaWm in 1 HHs Hk' "" HHVJGHVHKl' HI HI HttHHBHfHBHVI A pJjHHm HHHHHHHHHhtpwHI HI fHHKjBHHHHHKy Vj m !H HB till' inleis iel 01 ... 9 HHHHHHHHHHHHHf f JHH HI -lewi.v. 0 (iitincti imagine , I fLJ? Chk, A js, HHHHHHHHHHHHHHMf HI ' mir te 'c fp v- j Ik HVHVHVHVHVHVHVHVHVHVHkw 'whH "i" iicn w en tiic IF;- . . & VHHVi ; 'HH He's n line m' "!",;'"':: 161 b jsfPpspP EVEKINO PUBLIC tBmEBPHIl3A!dteBPHrA r RIt)Y, 'APRIIi 1, 1022 I i 1 d Jk- WeiHc e Service PftWBl MATHUSHEK RS MAfDK onenor. IPr tr (If he intl publuh the inctaic of Mtch errcn playrra a me iitgijritcil bi the nn I THE MOVIE FAX'S LETTERBOX Isv HENUV M. NEni.T "Constant Header" write "I Iuine nur v!pw, wlnrh Renerally neil broad bread been a constant tcider nf jour column 'limit. 'niul, ultlieusli I hiii iicnpi- written te! ll'Vf I .. I . .1 rtimiiin (i tAn- ft tit II lit. -. . ., t ." 1MM It II U llll"llfa IIIHH.-111'IIIIU you. 1 Iium te I.Mithn. whim jeu. no ll( h)u, M)(,,.lnI17C, lu --ilti iller' pi. ileulit. u well jemember Hue, fur mniiv ii-iim mill thi'i eniinut P: fe. H Well. Iipie spt'i ( note llie blue ia perl. "lild eii vee 'Neught ami I'.ilil I'ei '' Don't ,miii think .lad I loll N a tine nctnr nlv lii" Aciiph .Ure"' "A'len'r AValh anil Umlv stttins nlrkenlnRV I ilen't seem te be able te get nm menuln? out of theii nirttite". Take 'The four Her-eiuen' ami "Kent Free." 'Camille' ami 'Don't Tell l',r thlng.' Nii7imea Is getting iletei.iblt nnyua;. "Don't jnu think 'Tel'nblc Daiil' vfitD ic.illj lefie-hmg after the nnnene we are getting lately'' "De .Seu like (.Jareth Hughe'' fmerltex me .laek Helt. Elliett DeMi'i. Hartison Feul. DIeU 1!irtlieltni4. AjtneN. I.llu. Doietln (SIli ami the in evitable Nenna. ,"1 Uipee I'll better step, him preli. nbh .a en will leigiM tiic for wilting en both siile (I'm net feitunHtv eneiigli te linxe n typewriter). ".Tun n weril in pine of muu ile- ptrtnient. It (eitainl i- -tliniilntlng te reau a column e iiulquc inn ent." iilentih Miur Hi it Hale, either in name or !(" 1 ipl Ien. If itnv of mi tenders i an niiNWer tlie iiie-"tIeii 1 il be glad te ptibliMi It I'm gl.ul uu likul Alue Tun Her method" nie "e ipikt and "nbdued that her re.ilh keen vi"ne of ait doesn't "gi!L net ess te the in.tierm 01 tan. I reillv didn't knew that I n -en-vithe about Jin pergenal opinion". aw tin ilelenll. uii Alli'e Tcuj. Tie nltrmly uild that she Is of thnt prcullnr type wlue-c appnienl miiu" will depend upon whether the pei tater likes, her pcisenalltv or net. Seme de: some don't. 1 de. ' Let.-. Ittlt 1 think if ou re te ee her eftencr. Iiei wetk'wlll begin te appeal te you mere and mere. It's cry Millet : she seldom lilts a high Mint, ''ust as Ea I,e tLliilliene, in "Ml- iiiir' liner inises ner veire nunie n flat and hepeles monotone hut, gosh; Mhe poignant Irngnh that she get- aeies te these vim see lindeiiipatli ! I'll be liitiM'steil te knew f Miss, leirj III lli"i wins jeu. I feel ns j en de about Meigh.m. i I'esvlblv 1 would except "C'it of Silent .Men" from iieent inudeinnatleiis, feri 1 ienll liked him in tlmt. And y en aie at llhett te iae eer Kosloff all i oil want te. If he gets an. be(er. I'm going te jump up mid kirk my' ht'ils tugelhir and Ming m.x hal In tlie all llljelf. HeCiiiileha's .iM pli'tuie was "Tlip doling liiaiui." with Millien D.nbs. Then he went en the "ppaklng stage This pktuip lni-n't been leleased i'l. ' but I'll' Mile you'll like his weik In It. , I Miw him making a let of It in tlir ' Cosiuepulit.iu studies and noticed one i thing about him p.u tlnilatl.v ; wheteas. the elher aiteis spekj( ei ilveliiimeil their lines, he whispered hln. always lowly, but se illMlncth that I Imagine, you will be able te tell even word he -ins vhcn you see It en the seiecn. line I'lmp.) VIRGINIA VALLI HAS REAL STUFF IPs' HER, SAYS CONNIE Ily CONSTANCE I'AIIIIU JlollyweGd. Calif. THIJ hist lime I met Virginia Valll she had just lenip te Callfetnla te1 make a pn ture with l'.eit 1Ttell. The journey fiem New Yerk had bpen hei I honeymoon as well as a business trip. I My impresilen had been one of pt- ticnie sweetness imd gentleness. Aha. s,ml I. "hut what would she de if thing- went wieng?" Mv -,sniiil mi (ting with Miss Vnlli iviiiireij dining the making of "'I'he Stmin" A big fere-l-tiie -(ene was him;; -het at nlghl en a hill-ide neji I iiiM'i-il CIt A bitliu winter wlml in me in a iIpiiii -wiep thimigii a i in in yen. from di-l.iut -new -i lad meiintmns We biiiupid ei er wliit wa- theereticalh illed a but wlin h aelualh lieie a i lese reliitinusiiip te the fnmeiis high way te JJiiblin "Tin- - i" the -third night Wp'm- wnrktd." was lelti'd from .Mi-s V.illl "Hew late de you -ta ':" 1 m muii(i pxplesiU'h, mliiil hi.el himly mi the wind. ' I ill iliun ' -he replied ien-eiu- The Supreme in PIANOS, PLAYER-PIANOS, REPRODUCING PIANOS 1 While tlip' Matlutshck costs mere than the ni dinary commercial piano, its durable features of conduction maintain its value lone after the Llicuncr ittnde pianos aie discntded. Mathushek Pinnes nic handed down from one feneratien te .another. Reasonably Priced Convenient Terms: We are always glad te dementtrate IVERCO. Sireci. Just Itrlew llth St. Shampoo Your Rugs ! Our precegi will remove every atom of dirt, grit, stains and germs without injuring the "sixinp," coloring or fabric. The rug will be CLEAN, its color refreshened, iti pile or fabric renewed. We are experts in dyeing faded rugs te any color de sired. Will you test us with one rug? GARMENTS AND DRAPERIES CLEANED OR DYED 6 Phene Poplar 7660 Fer Aute te Call Philadtlphim'g Quality CUmntrt A Dyrt 28 N. 21st St., Philadelphia itnut St. and S5S7 Germantown Are. ramLlMLiSs Special. 5-Light Fix ture Solid Brass. Res. $85, Sale price $14.25, OOlli'MTTB Plamklar, Htttinc, Eltctrieal 2D FI)OR ADELPH1A SALES COMPANY 23 N. IMk St Is Your Kitchen All-Gas? In these days of labor - savins:, comfort promoting devices, no woman should be without the convenience of a Gas Range, Gas Water Heater and Gas Iren. .-veius i . Hit- i M- iiwiii... " .' " tn0u, , ,1(. , ,,. (1111 , s(n b , k .....a . millfltl. km ii ilutllt f III I ... ' -....., ........... .-.,...,,-,.- .-. .. -... n in iiiniaiiurui 1,11.1 . .ue-s it- -tag- Nexr time I -hew -en-itijene- drop me,,,,,,, w.ileis one . enld -. e" .1 line .111.1 till me about it ) liguies of men nievln,' about, busy m t- " ' 1 fug up lights anil "Old-Timer" wilt.- ' dope. , "Ll night we had the nil lne lint the w.m 'Klaiidi.i' 1 jilalns the lliiie weie -imipii iiiiiii-i.i- en It .1! little bud -pet- m Themis MilghnnV "" ' "II I."iu difliiiiit angle- Heu-i piiunes (that I-. his uunt one-i She P'teis 1- the -t.u. .mil Matt Moeic get nei the tile 1 that we hae till I'lay- one i.t the piin.lpil pan- Mi bet 11 1 lying ter mentlis te eim At '',",, "" siippe-nl in ie-ue Mi lei-t I knew I hne tiud in .un le 1 "'"'le from tile tl.uni -. but in spili el I tUuie out wlml was the uuttu At ' Ibeu pieti-t- the Inuei-al elln 111I 'tnnes it -iciiis link of itmie-t In and mild net lit thiin 11-k benu buriud. -Miipatbv with the iele- ! i- pitting. -se a double was hind for Ml. I'etei- (. . .... .. .....I.. . uit... "il... and 0111 diniiinv 1110L Mi Mrmii. .' ' litter- 1 im,,' 1 m ,n, In, ul ic, think It wa- H s tlie same ilumnn wee ueil all I hi- bi -t lili'tim. Ihleiuh the plituie. V( 'c hein lii ln 'VewniiUs.. I'm -fe.' him all the ' 1 ' " leniti.m. nml the iluinnn IWt..' .1... 1 tli,,.. II.. ,.,.t .... l.i t.....,i '1.11. i.' "".-'" in mill lit l ! If If-IIIJ HI) , When all the kitchen work is done by means of gas heat, you can be sure of greater convenience. cleanliness and economy. We new have en display new Gas Ranges, with many attractive features. Seme are finished in enamel. All are built according te American Gas Association specifications, insuring geed material and workmanship and perfect cooking results. Call or ask us te send a representative THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Safe Milk Fer Infant! Inralidi NOCOOKINO The "Feed-Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch Fountains. A$k h HORUCK3. 99-he'A Imitation A Subititatu 3 KiftitrKnjTiiriTOiiiMiiimmmifHfliimimiiiiiinifTTirrTrjiri'RnmTinfiiiiTrrinEiniHiiniuii' 60c Quality Asserted Chocolates 37 'lb & These are exceptionally poed Chocolates, and' we knew you'll- like them. Step in one of our Stores today and get a pound. rm im.rm!iriinn iiiiirmmmjEiinj .itijiinmmiiHnri.rrrHHTnmniTmiiiiitiinnMimiifi wiitr 1 s Sephie Tucker sings the High Brown Blues 1 FIRST with records by Sephie Tucker, ecctashre OKeh artist, and America's favorite vaudeville star. FIRST OUT with "High Brown Blues" a tre mendous hit. That's hew OKeh Records are turned out First in everything. Try Any One of Then FOUR BIG HITS 4MJ ("HIGH BROWN BLUES-CsntraKeXtb OrchcMri- 7S, x IM (C ln. SHE KNOWS IT Conlrahe'wtth Orthtttra- ophlaTaete Sephie Tnebar 5M I ON THE 'GIN "GIN 'CINNT SMORfc-FO Tr in in.-; nuiiiii" erchmtf fie. (OLD FASHIONED CIRL-Fm Trat-Markeli' OrehMtra W JvmCINIA BLUES-roiTret-Mrkelt'OrehMtra c, 1 MAMMY LOU-F Tret-O1aal and Hit Orehertra 7 MY MAMMY KNOWS-Pax Trat-Cattfernla Raabtfa '"'lWHIIXMIAMI DREAMS7F0K Trat-Callferela RamMara F0rtaUbjyomrneithbfheddtaltr OENBRAL PHONOGRAPH CORPORATION, NEW IORX. OKJ Records "SSfy it ti K. it lk wltli wi Klnc 011 both sales or tin p.ipi 1 .' Can't jnu wilte 011 nne -iile nnh with! n pen? e-. I Knew uu wiete te t.'iu- j thin about me. nud I iepi e.n lied jdj for It in this lelumu the ether din Menu trkK mlng te nud 0111 abeur me that war. Itesidps, jour pnpei i-u't the rlglit Miade of blue and .mui don't 11-e the same blue pcrfiine T liked "Huiiichl and I'liul Km ' pretlr well, but I'm afraid I'm le-in,' mr lnc for Agnes Arcs. Shnim . 100 I hud iilie a eru-h nu hei lint I'm llklnc .laik Helt bfttu extir linn. I see him. - Yep. '"'I'el able Nope, ilen't like don't dislike him, ilen't like him. 1 . id" wa- tine liarerh llimhi- - .v'uniler-lan'. but j IK. rV ie R VL r 1 - P riiank- for the nije thlncs ,1011 -in aiul innie airnln after ou leijew I'M, Four Ilmsenien" "Hiiliaii nil me it w.i. n reallj Bend piece nf werk.i ".lust Smith" wilte-- ".t p,i.-,Mit there are immv icall. gin.,,1 ihne, ihne, nnienit our aiteis and nuifh-i-. Hut It strikes me that tiler aie all muu ,nr lei., Inlns sight of a eaidliial'law -that pantomime, nu f ns uitflr vil should pe--e-s the indlspen-ab'e qu.lit' . of ail. ewndas 0i,r jiiayirs are mere eendTned ier the (ffett pieduceil In their personal appear.ime b then actine. "I am spe.ikms senetalh of mui'e as there are exceptions. um0i,B them mch player- ns f'eniad siU'el, l.nn C'lmnei and Thnmas Meighan Anether farerite of mine is AUrc Ten v. 1 my opinion she w,ir the star of "I he jniiicriiiK 1'ewei.' At belt I meieK teleinte Valentine. lie dies , . press me greatlr as ,m nitei, .u len-t net jet. 1 am plen-ed te note that unll.iie rteld is waking up I bl!ew that both nf them nie hound te re-ill-n tlint It pais, 111 the end. te endravei te p!ea, the thlnkin.'. eritluil publle rHtlicr than stlioelRirKr J'lfilt 1 fear I am iiecleetlni; ihi main tnple (niieeinlng which I ,m wilting Seme file ,mis a?e I was with mv tnther in Austtnlia While there I heard of a gentleman tiv the name nf Hale llert Hale. I think. I m nor kiiii iiii a hiiewu, or Oi'ienmiL' and I -hall alwin- In one of hi- bnn-t- . t . Mi. I,.. 1, 1,1 11 ,, I.,,. .11, 1 I mi -tiling tin piiitkulni late I ..... , ... , 1 , . - 0 H IIIHIM I! I WOll 1(1 (IHie in HIM' ir Uheiideie Ko-lett again.' I gatlu 1 fiem miiii Tile-da iiIl' tliat mi'I -oil et like hlui. ninth.' 'I lie leiulet- will seen Imagine we aie p.ud tin inn bee-Un of him. Hut tell un . I'heebi. I j . I mui eier - 1 .1 (hiiailei 111.1 11 en 1 lie -(.11 en that 1 euld de mine lliti lllj.i'lit nm k V With I lie e-.nptleu of liiiMiiend Il.itteu, lit ha-n t a 1u.11- 1 ju il. ' I haien t -un hi- new pnime hut (in will Imagine tin 1 omlilu.itien he, nnil I!i its L'einp-tiu would mnki III tin 1-.1 k.iI iiise of lii ,uit and bi.iiu-" 1 embiin d, isn't -he' 'New ter the tincih. folk- Heiim and I aie about te dl-ugue 1 tilt nil along that we agiud mi tee hum thing- r-n I niu-t come light nut iknh and -in I don't like Aim '1 1 1 Nhe ilni-u't si i 111 -inn .1 hnwliiu -111 1 - te mi 1 111 It i" tee (aim and ui--hi', don't ou think V "i If eeiii-e, I 'i 0 niilv m en ,ir in one pii tin e and -hall tnuiinue tn wnnli her wink and be nnh ten glad te lit mm ei ted if I like lu 1 tin b'a-t little bit 'M,e little iiie-tlen III Ien 1 inn limb IJenienibi 1 I'nllii llel'iildnb 1 ' I think he u-eil te be with I.i-k Ioe Iee ain one iiei hiar ainlhin .ibnut I11111 l.itdj'' 1 -ei in in hui In-t 1 1 ad. nt lit 111 (ninplttel) ami weuilnul whit he was dnin, in plilim-Vat ihe pii-mt time. Would be l.ul it m 1 imild lind out fei me "Am -eny but m jn mniii-liip ion ien tllllies nu-i table InuU inn euilrnt. 1 gui-isi. but a- we mi little IJ'in-Ing-woed in nm heiin I imiN uui-t iiuitluiie tn -ling i bid pi 11 in ipt(S intMlf Whin nu nu im Iniigi, tie ( iihei the i-p.-tli- I i ml 111 ju-i dun t hnthci tn ili-wn fin Untie mui ilen t take tin- tee siilmt-li. ns 1 like eiil milium 1 Ml' -'I llllli h .lint wmlil II ite tn be e( luded inui.h nttJthnl tn il I iJnn'l 011 Hum iiheiit In ing e. 1 luded. t'ld Tep. If mui wiu'e In 1 line Itmm In-iilptinn- I il take thr umible in -end 'fin mil tn ilu Mu-eiim mid hie Mini' letters known, ns tlie 'thrill king.' I ar him aie ilwm- well worth wh lr everal times afterwaid In Au-ti.ilin ana was nninreit. ter inst.iine em (ni plctuie any sane man dining a mr Iraylliig at the rate of third -the mile nn beiir along n narrow, preiippe rn(l "-with Inn feet' Ab-nlutelj. As one would utter a wled. ' "Anether time I nw him thrown from his herfie at the edRe of , nlnetv I fire-feet iliff, and go palling down Inte ' flie sen, in peifisi form. Alse he Is ' the most expeit hnisemun I'm- ever ' seen or heaid of. Dees all this -numl fisby te jeu? It would te me ten. But 1 saw the pu tines aim the loin -, tlens wheie (timed, se I knew wluienf I upeak. Of ieure. getting thinwu from his her-e was only part of the pie ture. "Hut hnt T Intended te ask jeu is (III: Did jeu net hear of hkyV He you knew whnt became of him? His cnrrr wus only of some four veins' titration, when In, suddenly tlied of it ind resigned peimnnentlr. He btuan te travel, anil tlint was the last I ever Ba.vSf.Jiearil of mm. remap l lune net tin lapwi I den r sie ihat we c dl-.igif nl -e Lht'AI.IA juilrff the leal pei-eualit) t u pi. nu b the attitude inward him m her by the teih1np.1l M.ifl 1 ni the inmptin Whin pisjile an thinwu tn.ithir liuiing the 11 Ivsitude atteiiiliiu' the making of a plituie, the bid 1 talitlt- au hnuilil te mini" tn tlie sulfate Nnt ! lr iw.n 11 f 1 w ai ter wen lu-tii 1114 abei.l .1 bonnie The si.llbt 1 mat- .mil Ineail-btimiuiil of tin lv Neithwct nieiiiitid pnlue iinlfonn iinlfenn 111111I1 a nilniliil pntim ,igain-i tin tall plni's in 1 he li 11 kgieiind ' l'i" li.lllliil in 1 mil. -line I -aw mui.' iiiil i 11II1 piniidh " ' mtei ie-i d he hiis'innd l.iiiib 1 Imp- .ind lauinil soup " ' "lib. will. I'm going tn ii.nn liew tn make miiiim- pietti snmi." II11 Iiinliiml m nit sume Ini-banilU iMiiink whiili dntuilieil the lnil mil 1 whit I'eihap- -he lie-nil tindf l npiith 1' the ilnp "ilTeitien wliuli iii.ikes iheli 11 lntiiiiihlp -11 h iip . ' It'll In- an hunt bi fine we're ip.kU te -hoot, ' -aid 1 lie assi-tant diuitit luiiuliig a blanket 10 pill around .Ml--V11II1 limit mui ivrr get impatient nT lln e wait.- ' I .i-ki il "l'hi'ie nallj 1-11 t iniieli -ene in lnjng d -tiiibid." i-lie replied. "I nit 1 1- un job. .mil the b(-t win I ktim nf filling 11 it tn take things .1- tluj 1 eme ' Aiiiaih 1 li id teuiu! gentkne ami -wntne-s in hei 1 harai lei . and nn I i-iw giuuine geed si n-e niul telerntuui 1 fur londitieiis wliuh il was net in 1 hii-ini te 1 hange "Whin things st.iitnl te te w 1011,5 Ien the hi-t iti of tin- pit lure. I knew tin v d b" going wiimij "li I lie hi-t '' tin 1 hP't t lectlnnn ' nu d littlei i min umi In the tne Mi 11II1 I was li tin- lime lining nn hi 1 -lineinu -11 -In' -aid 1 had hettei gu liuiiie and gel win 111 Sin mhi-nl me In ill in 11 hut li iiiuiiikIi nud in tnl.i n mm j lint bath Shi elilleil the rii ketj I mil nud iliuigiil tin ill im 1 tn gn 11 iui(kl at pe-sibb . . 11- In 1 guest wa, t migrating lj last glnnpi-e a- we lien mletj awn wns of hei slight hguie hnililllng erei ihe bull ti 1 ( . llie pnwriful lighM illuml iiating the mil tieis .nu) ihi -ibnt lake in ,11 In I Saturday ffSsJ-feZT T f Evening gg:.a M S. 1 1 k N,'X-....v'Jv?S.VS k. .VU XS!N.W-V T 1 11 iLLILS iiA. t - IllVfl vvN xv !... S y&$y v wvVywXy .V v' V,"' '?v! -v-V? Wonderful Easter Special Every Diamond Absolutely Perfect 'there has never been anything like this beltne net just a chip or small stone BL'T A REAL LARGE GENUINE DIAMOND, unusual for its clearness and sparkle. Set 18 kt. White Geld in newest basket mount ings. Don't miss this big a.ui; tomorrow. We Trust All Honest Felks! BE SURE OF ADDRESS leOK FOR NAME ON WINDOW f C I OUR ONL.Y gTOREl f A AKr LARGEST EXCLUSVE CEDtT JEWELRY HOUSE INPHILADELPHM 39 North 13th Street Fleischmann's fresh yeast increases the action of the intestines The familiar tin-foil package with the yel low label it the only form in which Fleisch mann'a Yeast is aeJd HUNDREDS of men and women have already found free dom from laxatives byating Fleischmann's fresh yeast Doctors are new agreed that proper elimination of waste matter ' should be brought about by feed. One doctor comes right out and states plainly that the indiscriminate use of cathartics is en of the causes of constipation.' Physicians all ever the country are recommending Fleisch mann's fresh yeast because it is a fresh feed, rich in these ele ments which keep the intestines healthy. Try it out for yourself. Begin today by adding 2 or 3 cakes of Fleischmann's Yeast te your everyday diet. Keep it up and see hew normally and regularly your intestines act. Yeu can get Fleischmann's Yeast fresh daily from your grocer. 1 Ml J 'A "aaaaaaaaawaMamaammawmamamamaawaaasmmwmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmwammatttm , i -a I'llOTOPIwWS 1'linTtll'I.Al'. I'IIOTOPI.AIS The following theatres obtain their pictures through fhn QTAMI1?V r,v..- e A.t-..: ...u;u . .. ... JQienUiy J antee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask through the Stanley Company of America. KDRRy-KRQUtG: Qflgtdsy" B II t g rNOW OPFNT SA?ESUAOEr?TS W Thr. Exclusive 202& fP'-escntative Swrance 4 I I Anni I O t-D THOMPSON ST8 di.eiuiK viTMAinui: I'Reiiurrm.N "THREE LIVE GHOSTS" 1 ORIFMT Woodland A nt U'.'d St. v-fnS i MA'II.NKI! I'UIA CHARLES RAY In " MIIIMC.HT. I1KI.I." vt r irrcct iinuu", but It imij- suuiiil fniiiilun 4 M;ronie Diieh.- mr ne wniim lie icn.-ii- THnn Am f rcMittm! liltn Iia un. .. !.. (liandaeme. and nu iiniisiuil twie. li nilfbt interest you tn knew thin I hiue lit, ns jet, Keen iiuv thai enulil iiilti un I hi re with hint, Ner en n I'nii lunik r'UutchlHin. ' ydt cfins ii mc jeu -are some. tnit ivp in, jesnui in jeiii per (Mlton If . Jiae unliili'iitinii- aeeauiuaiwcii m j.ta " .i .t t iiiliw aueui it. nor M MARY JANES IN PATENT COLT Fer the Kiddies' Easter Sunday OXFORDS IN BROWN CALF A httttr the for Iris money with twice the wear. Special ACCORDING TO SI7.F. Ask your neighbors whose children, have worn Korry Kerry Kronic shoes. i r.9th&Chcttnut t f ERNEST COTY Famous Parisian Perfumer 'Ihe I'incst Vnnitj Sliup in Town PERFUMES-COSMETICS -BEADS NOVELTIES VANITIES The LnUat Fads and Fancies of Paris' At Prices Ne Other Stere Can Touch ! Here .rc Sonic of Our Opening Offerings Coin's Face I'ewder All Oders In I'upiUitm lln? Cely's Knee Powder All Oders hi Unitdeir lln Coty's Origan Perfume ,'-oz. IMtlcllcy. ??..''. Our 'rite Imported French Derincs 43c 23c $3.13 $1.13 ADPAnlA C'HKsr.M I' Del Kll H ArxWALMM iii M mil li f M BETTY COMPSON in mir riiesr. m: i in i a CTHD "uiUHIH & (Sill Mil) AVE. i3 1 Jt MVIIMli: IIMLY. sMI'IION IHUIIhSIRA Hareld Lioyd, "A Sailor-Made Man" viiui.ii" KM i' te run int.inj BALTIMORE VMf WANDA HAWLEY In "Till: TOVK IHKM" e"l I ICDIDH Irnil A t-usyuKnimna DLUCdIIM- Coniliiueus J until II TOM MIX iiijenu. BHi'mi m miimi" j pre a nw AY "" r;' 'r.r..AV.' . Ul 'K'? ef - - - . ' " Ml I ,H I I UJ THEATRES IfifJ MAnKET e 1 1 1. WTU ft CUUAR AMiNUB 1 3n mui 1 7inr OVERBROOK u-b-V!!u ewu ' BELMONT ''-UD0 ATvJr5 BtKl LY TELL t speciai. ybv i 'jiVUi!! "j"Ji!iv. "Bunty Pulli the Strings" HAI ACF 1JH -MMtKi:i STt:i:i;i r-isi-. iii m i, i '. . j NORMA TALMADGE in."iKN m-.iiKMi'rniv PAI M riiANMeni) wv. t ' "-',' Siillllis sriti.KT HOPE HAMPTON InMJU fcNJ'IA ,n " REGENT Murl,,,t, ,'",. ",'' J- , VIVIAN MARTIN 1 -. injsoN(jerjiin siim,' i RIA1 TO auitMiNrew.v ami.sjjf"1 . .inuiw i pi-i nKiiecM't." tir j JOHN Ml III HT Vt"N Sr' I "5HAIWE" , CEDAR RICHARD TALMADGE III "I'llh C LII Khl'OKTrB" ' COLISFI IM Market tet COili ft 0t --VIIOILUM i -n r,i i 7 . it 0 P. BETTY COMPSON In "IHI. ian AM) 'IHK MOHAN" rj'.ONT 81". I Gir.AflO AVZ. linilhn lunc. en KranUferd "I" Mllhl. 1IAI.I.IN In Chnrletlf llrenle'l 'JANE EYRE" JUMBO SHERWOOD 5V,h,i l.V"V.,.n?r,,Asi ll4DIIt a .-.. ...... ' 1 " iiHiimij.niii.m ill "The Child Theu Gavest Me" 1 STANLEY Ttril t?ltilV7, CHARLES CHAPLIN in "PAY DAY" ONsTMI.TIAMII(.K.Memun'lnr" Come In Today 119 Seuth 12th St. Pm umwiMjirag SIANTON ?I,U.,IK A,.'!' '0T KZWJ: U.Kiini ri,,,N "THE GOLEM" 333 MARKET..".1, ',':?. ;ii-i- iHHiH 1 1 m' WESLEY BARRY In "MIIOOI. I) Ms" sAni-rni "-- MVRKin' .si LAri I V.1-. in V M in II 11 r' M I ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN COLONIAL u,n ..,M?"Tif Avi 1 WESLEY BARRY I in ';s iliun. j.' FAIRMOUNT tt SHIRLEY MASON , lii "Jt KII.'J cl'TI I CT TllKXTIir llelew Sprue DO 1 l"I O 1 mmim:' iiam. hl"'IAI. t -1 IN MM Oil IIW.O'S JUDGMENT GREAT "NORTHERN 'JWi' StfX WESLEY BARRY In ;;-i 111101. ius" j 0 II I .C WAI.M'I hrs l tK t'"'l ''.;j T All WESLEY BARRY i !-uiei!!!i is'! AMBASSADOR ,",l,,m'"-' Ae i inth KARLT0N ""VrVVJ, ? H.ield I LleydA sSirerltt' Man" ii.h nr. in .it n'H "Till: I M IN 'inll.,J I OK IHII MKhKS ni.lllNNIM. MONlS TUULI5H WIVES" IMPERIAL I FADFR 4IS1" hm'amkii av l-r.rLILI ; 30 10 4 30 T le 1 1 P. V. , WILL ROGERS & LILA LEE Jn "(INK (.I.OIIIOLS Ill" I DPI 1ST 5-" " t.f'cusr stiu'Kts UUV,UJ1 Man I '10 V i:cn. II 10 te It MABEL NORMAND In "MIIAT IIAI'1'I.NI.t) TO HO- V I NIXON iJU A-N'u ma uk i:t rs . GARETH HUGHES In "I.ITn.K t'A. AsltMlV ' -L .ND SANROM Sl.s . , t '.I. .H,l Q . ... I I P IL mnei.i'ii i,"tpmi a'.nks ubb RIVOLI THE SHEIK" 11I1 tiTJI II I'. M 1 "POVERTY OF RICHES" VICTORIA M M"f ''" BERT LYTELL in "i 111: rc15.n1 ruT pU K.. GRANT "J-,,',',lm,U,U ,? STRANn('"mnntevn.M t 7n.t. GEORGE ARLISS WILL ROGERS" & LILA LEE riQTM T ThMlre Onp, I. Tiiiiinl UV 1 n Dl . .'ID 7 im I li f. M, mii.iiii nr. mii.i 1: I'liiiiii'tTieN "MISS LULU BETT" in "IIIHIIAI.I.l" In "OMJ (II.OIUOUS IIM" 1 AT OTHER THEATRES. MEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. A '(I nillX SHN-II .V I 1.1 10 r I IUAII.k "Uen't urtange lour rusband" I di;dt iiiieaii 1 01.1 miiia av - 1 L.1DL.IM Mxris'i'i: ii.muv Germantown ''" ,l"fMiHimn a nAKULU LLOYD BERT LYTELL U "AU. AI)i4'MiKKB" JEFFERSON M,hMT!f-hl,W (.i.eitdt: in .mai mtr. numl f neM , "THREE LIVE GHOSTS" PARK imK',.,A: l IIAUT'HIN 1 i' . n is te ' it "i!fl ,rl I Mlil kMudui ms&gsm W""" f "a In "A tUILOHIADE A " 1.. mam ui.v Sam Tifi n ,tf f tri 4 ? ? ' 9 aALfeisUte',. a r$mb Mkte&&4KA. Aj