rt! i' : iftY4AXinufcfci.?AMre w. re, v u -" r.H. ki.w ''"' v.i j ' - B-rY. ' -..- . U . L z BKTrfaei Tes " i .... , i i i , . -i ii iXiiT & I Wit APRIL 14, 1922 W ANAMAKER'S , DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S WEATHER ( Cleudy -Sn Hi.' 1 v Jk w 9 a " 1 Sf. e ram am eggs ! BftwSScP f i' Dclicidus Eggnog for Easter Is Incluacu m f nuay s Menus This Week n MltS. M. A. WIU " ...- 1 wtfiau iiif. n r. it ,. "" All staren. mine arc usually very pepulnr, isen : ...... w i ieM. ""Art TUB preparation of three recnls en Earfter Sunday, should bring te the toBMwlfe' mind the fact-tliat spring Is 1,1 v here and that the Southern mar Kti are wmHnit the early green crops Kftiir tabic. The old, potatoes ere Ja done, and while the new ones I?,0 1 uU a wee bit expensive, the heura. life ti 111 find them just as economical Mini : te the fact that there la very rntle waste when they are scraped and "," !.f imic when they are washed well TroeKcd In the skins. "?. .. mu renwin T have planned n jTliil menu featuring the sfnsennble Ktcr product. Easter Sunday Menu BREAKFAST Strawberries and Cream Cern Flakes riacen and Eggs, English Style T,vennalse Potatoes Het Hlncults Coffee DINNER - Eggnegg Olery Radishes Baked Slices of Ham Caledonia New Potatoes New Peas Buttered New Beets Celdslaw Strawberry Custards Whipped Cream Coffee SUPPER Bukftl f'nrn Puddings Kacen Garnish Creamed New Potatoes Tomate salad Spenge Cake Fruit Custard Tea Bacen and Eggs English Style Remove the rind from one-half pound ef bacon and nick the edges well te pre vent the bacon from curling while cook Ins. Urewn a very delicate brown and lift te het plate; open eggs en the - -...1 1ln tntA itiA fin? fnf . ennk l Mucrr miu e. ...w ..... - I v t .. .1 iiimt- a avnn no thi ttaau begin te set, turn ever, using a spatuta. Lift en thin, well -buttered Micos of lestt and garnish with the bacon, add ing a (.lice of broiled tomnte, and then sprinkle thickly with finely chopped parsley. . Eggnegg rincc in large bowl Yolk of four com, One-half vup of powdered ugar, Tire tcanpoeni of tanilh. Cream well and then ndd One Quart of rich milk. Vsat for five minutes with tlie prr beater te blend. Then, whip In the ttiffly beaten whites of the four eggs tntl three-quarters teaspoon of nutmeg. Whip up with the Dever style egg beater and pour In tall, thin glasses and tarnish with spoonful of whipped cream. Then dust with nutmeg nnd serve. Halted Slices of Ham Caledonia Trim two slices of ham into pieces ef suitable size for serving. New place la HIMi and cover with Four tahlcspoeni of melaites, One-half vup of giapcjuicc, One-half cu)i of uatcr. M Mand for two hetir. Then lift the ham te shallow baking di"h anil pour ever the bain two cups of thick cream sauce, spreading evenly. Then pour eel the mixture in which the him was senked. Sprinkle ever the top Onr-ltalf cup of bread crumb. Three tablespoons of grated cheese, TtaKe, In Mew even for forty-five mln ulep, 'Scrape the new potatoes nnd drop at onto Inte boiling water. The peas and potatoes may bn cooked to gether, taking cam te remove the po tatoes as seen ns they are tender, plac ing in n het dlh and covering at once with n unrm napkin. Sprinkle the potatoes with finely , chopped parsley nnd pour ecr some melted butter and Mrve. Tess the new peas when cooked Inte inrltMl butter nnd season with salt and pepper. Cook beets until tender, ic n.mp ill" skiiiH, cut in slices New place In saucepan One-half cup of uater, in u hich the IfrM ti nr conked. One -half cup of vinegar, 'Ihirn tnblopeoni of ceimlaivh. Stir te dlvsehe nnd brliiK te a bell. Cook for live inlnute; then ndd I her tablespoons of butter, 7 hc.licets. One onion, chopped fine, ''no itrips of bacon, chopped fine and nicely breu ned. Heat slowly until "caldlng het. Set Set en. Strawberry Custards When serving the berries seit ever nil place the soft and small beules ilde for use In the uibtarda. Itub the rustard ciipi well with butter, nnd then 'hit with giauulatcd sugar. New place lieiries in ciipIi cup, tilling the cups Ghoul half full. New plnrc in mixing bowl no cup of milk, One-half cup of sugar, I no tablespoons of melted butler, Yolks of tice eggs, 'lhree nhele eggs, One half teaspoon of nutmeg, One tcaipnun of vanilla. Kent with Kg beuler for file minutes J'' blend; then till Inte the cup. Set the nips centnlning the prepaied cus tard In a pnn of water nnd bake slowly for thiitv minutes. Then use the whites Jf eggs te fenn meringue, and pile en tjp of the custards, dust llghtl with flnnrtmen and place In even te set the ,i meringues. Is And mm m .m m ' W V"V ! Lharmine Easter Clethes ter All the tamiiyJna a Most Moderate Prices Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere wigs You'll Leve te Make Slit-Beadd WfJK1 iw.t "in . IIM. MP Z.-J4 fV.,1 (l,, . ,,' "'i own in least one iii(iuc en r"1 'iBsnnt lines te be up te the minute 5 ti i In r wimlifilif. Iloie is ti si.nut g',,,,;N'H lUIAUnn PEASANT Ulnr ! '" '" """ w bleuse the 'Per luuih, ('Ut ,e Hleevcs en the ii peiisniit lines nnd miike n bended ""'I iibeiit half wny up the hleeve. Int.. ." '"" "f heniNtltchlng put lil.u .i ,,,"", n"p al0'" ""d '"' ff I'"' bentleil bund. Cut HiieukIi - 'i-lllsitK "MX. W llh l,,U i.f ru.l l.l.ixlr .. ,1 tp form the plcetcd jiiin. ".. "l'!,(lK "' rv" "luck and ' l'lOV. (Illlllnn nt. .HI ..III, .. ....! Joyous Hats, Radiant With Easter a Wide Choice at $5 Merry hats, lovely hats, hats eager for Easter and a joyous Springtime world hats in the very spirit of Easter newness and rejuvenation ! "Only $5 for that hat?" will be heard .in tones of wonder, for most e the hats in this special Easter array leek like many dollars mere. Seme exceptional hats are here that will thoroughly delight the women who wear them. Straws, silks, fiber cloths, haircloths, dark hats, light hats, small and large hats every hat is an Easter hat at its loveliest! Mrk.e Last Call, Sir, for Your Easter Suit! Men's All-Weel Suits With 2 Pair of Trousers $32.50 Wanamaker suits in every particular, cut se well and tailored se well thai you will wonder hew such suits are possible for only $32.50. Of fancy mixed cheviets in blues and browns with indefinite stripe effects. Coats are cut en the right lines for young men, have two buttons and are single breasted. Every thread is all wool, and there are two pair of trousers with every suit. Sports Suits in Grays and Tans, $25 te $32.50 Yeung men are blooming out in them every day. Mostly tweeds and herringbones in light mixtures coats with pleated backs, half belts and plenty of pockets. Business Suits, $25 te $35 Suits for every man all the geed spring patterns and colorings in all-wool ma terials, cut en the semi-conservative lines that men of geed taste like for business wear. Thoroughly dependable in every particular. (finlter. Mnrkel) Easter Silk Dresses Special $10, $12, $15 te $25 Fresh new dresses of Easter silks have just peppod in in time for Easter wearing. $10 for dresses of crepe de chine in brown or navy, trimmed with bends or contrasting piping. 512 for navy blue taffeta dresses, of excellent quality, with little flow ers of henna, duvetyne and self embroidery. $12 for beaded crepe de chine dresses henna with iridescent beads and black with red. Tricelette Dresses $15 te $25 (Sizes 36 te 46) Many women find tricelette frocks the most becoming ones they can wear. Heie are a half dozen styles in navy, brown, black and mahogany, with long lines, button trimmings or flying panels. Most of the dresses . show the new wide lace stripe. Georgette Dance Frecks, $16.50 A Third Less White, apricot, orchid, red, jade, - Aq IUIUllia Mill UIMV. Ml rrwill w . v , i. ?1" charming coleis in these pretty dieses. Sonic have girdle; of flowers and silver' ribbon, some are hemstitched in silver or have silver lace underskirts. Levely Afternoon Dresses $23.50 and $25 Seme very unusual di esses of exquisite brocaded crepe ate made willi draped or panel skirts and some are edged with tiny black beads. In sand, orchid, gray and navy most unusual material at $123.50. In the $25 group are dresses of beaded Georgette in navy blue, of ciepe (If chine and Canten crepe in navy, black, siher and white and of taffeta nnd (leeigette combinations with navy as the predomi nating color. (Murlirt) Sale of Women's 1 6-Butten Length Gloves of Finest Chamois-Lisle $1.15 and $1.65 Its seven years since we have had chamois-lisle gloves of this quality at any price. Here they are at much lower prices than inferior qualities have been selling for all season. They arc of the finest, most suede-like chamois-lisle, beautifully made and finished. By close comparison we have found them better in every detail than gloves at considerably higher prices. $1.15 gloves have spearpeint backs and are in beaver, beige, mode, fawn and white. $1.65 gloves have heavy crochet embroidery, English cut thumbs and are half pique sewn. In white with self embroidery and in fawn, beige, white and mpde with two-tone embroidery. Leng Silk Gloves Are In 12-button length Milanese gloves in white, black, mastic and mode are $J.25; a trifle heavier quality, $1.50 pair. 16-button length in all the newest shades, $1.50 and $1.85. (Crntral) Women's Silk Stockings With Pointed Heels, $1.50 Fine, even quality silk with seamed backs, cotton tops and soles, in African brown, silver, cordovan, Russia calf, pole gray, creamy tan, navy, white and black. Lace-Striped Silk Stockings, $1.50 Black, white, navy, Russia calf, cordovan, African brown and silver. (Central) Elastic Corset Girdles i Central New Blouses Bring Easter Loveliness $2.25 and $3.50 Ciisp dimity and soft voile blouses in Peter Pan or roll-cellar slvlc3 are trimmed with imitation filet, gingham or colorful dotted Swiss, $2.25. Hand-made blouses of batiste or striped dimity in Peter Pan hutton-dewn-the-back style (some with real filet edging) are the prettiest of the season at 3.50. White tub-silk blouses in Peter Pan, roll-cellar or convertible convertible cellar style nie exceptionally geed looking at $3 50. Silk Jersey Knickers, $2.85 .leisey silk knickers are in American Beauty, purple, Copenhagen, black, gieen nnd navy, $2.85. Net Guimpes With Sleeves, $1 Lacc-trimmcd guimpes with popular elbow-length sleees made of fine cieamy net, a third less at $1. Just right for slip-en di esses and swcateis or for wear under suit coats. Sizes ,')8 te -14. New Easter Clethes for the Youngsters Silk diesses of taffeta are in navy and brown, pongee dresses aie in the natural shade or in pietty colorings, some with touches of hand einbieideiy, sonic gay with ruffles. 6 te 16 year sizes at $10 te $16.50. Organdie Frecks at $7.75 They combine white with tnngciine in a charming manner and are trimmed with picet-euged frills. Sizes 8 te 14 years. Regulation Frecks for Gifts White jenn regulations with rose, Copenhagen or icd cellais and cuffs are $3.25 and ? 1.50. Bright checked gingham icgula icgula tien frocks nie in geld, brown, icd 01 gieen at $5.50. Juniors' Tweed Capes at $10 Twe-tone brown and giny tweed capes with armhelcs and pockets are in sizes 14 and 16 years. Other belivla, vcleur, tweed and pole capes aic in many youthful, pretty models, some fully lined. $10, $10.75, $12 te $25. Capes and Coats for Little Girls i of 6 te 10 years include all kinds. Little circular capes, tailored coats, tweeds, etc., at $6,75 te $10.60. ' $10 $7.75 Meie young women arc wear- I ing them than ever before and arc enjoying the comfort and freedom of movement that such ' light corsets assure. Prices start at $1.50 for a 12- ' inch pink girdle with elastic inserts. Deeper girdles with meie elas- tic are $2.50, $3 and $3.50. Girdles of pink breches and silk-striped poplin with four in serts of surgical webbing, all beautifully finished, are $5 te T.uO. (tn(ra) Beys' Suits With 2 Pair of Knickers $10.75 Right different patterns in grayish and brownish all-wool mixtures. Coats are in three Norfolk model's, lined with mo hair; both pairs of knickers are fully lined and every seam is strongly taped, te withstand hard wear. 7 te 17 year sizes. ((allfr.i, Mm Urt $35 $13.50 $25 $20 $20 $22.50 $13.50 New Easter Capes and Coats of Tweeds, Herringbones and $13.50, $15, $18, $25, $27.50 Brand new and just unpacked, most of them ! What a choice for Easter ! $13.50 for excellent herringbone sports coats, in tans. SI 5 for a navy blue tricetine cape. $18 and $20 for tweed capes in gray or russet flecked with bright green, purple and rust. Half lined or fully lined with silk. $20 for soft belivia capes in wistaria, Copenhagen and petunia, lined throughout with silk. $22.50 for navy blue tricetine capes lined with gray radium silk ; some trimmed with silk tassels. $23.50 for light gray and brown herringbone tweed sports coats and tan pole coats, lined throughout with silk. $25 for a great variety of capes of belivia, eleur. tricetine and silk crepe. Alse some excellent tweed sports coats and pole coats. $27.50 for navy blue Peiret twill capes, beautifully cut and lined with crepe de chine. Finer Wraps Newly Lowered in Price $35 te $75 In the Salen will be found a collection of very handsome and luxurious wraps of tne finest coating materials of the Spring. Lady-bird, cafe au lait, beaver, mode and gray are some of the mere fashionable tones. Of course, plenty of navy and black. Seme of these have cellars of tan, gray or white caracul. (Mnrkrl) Tomorrow Is Children's Patent Leather Mary Janes $1.50 Sizes t te 8 in these most wanted pumps for children of geed leather with turned soles that will wear. the Day for Easter 900 Pair of Lew and High Shoes with welted White Mary Janes Sizes 8 12 te 11, $2.25 Sizes 11 12 te 2, $2.50 Girls' sizes 2y2 te 6, $3 Of line white canvas with one .-.trap and but ton regular Mary Janes. Special at $2.90 Children's nnd gills' high lace shoe- en wide tee shapes aic of black and tan leatheis with geed-wearing soles. .Sizes fi te 'J. (Climtnut) Heys' shoes of black or tan, sires HI te l.'i1.-, $2.90. (t.ullfr.v, Mitrkrl) Men's Lew Shoes $7.90 'I he best styles, the best leathers, the best workmanship altogether, the best low .diees that we have ever offered at this price. They are superior low shoes in eerv respect. Sports oxfords of smoked' hoi se trimmed with mahogany leather. Black or tan calfskin blucher oxfords, tnn and mahogany leather oxfords in manv styles. (Gallery, Market) for Women at $2 One-eyelet ties of patent leather have welted soles and low heels. boed-looking, serviceable high lace shoes are of black leather, Bums ami jew neeis. Special at $3.75 Women's and Girls' Oxfords Tan leather oxfords, in the desirable style sketched, have well-rounded tees Wltll StraiOrht tins. Snlpa nva nf nr,r,,l lnl,n.. ,..!,, i .i... i i i i. . , i ber heels. l' "Wt a,m mt low nee,s nave ruu- $m X?rf33 and and 1000 Pair of Lew Shoes in 3 Styles Special at $4. 75 sports pumps with a buckle strap have rubber-like Black calfskin oxford ties have welted soles and low Smart oxfords of tan grained leather, with full wing New tan low heels. leather low heels. All these heels. tips, have welted soles s1Bi $0.50 are suitable for irirls. as well as wem.n. 60 Styles of Spring's Best Lew Shoes for Wern $6.25 te $9.90 backs aered ., '" Wm ' ,0alher W,lh ' ur b $ euuruj oxierus in many styles, some two-ten mu nmn .iii, .,i.i .. r.i.... ( Scores of light-weight pumps with turned soles and babv French heeN Jii Street oxfords of fine soft calfskin in black, tan or brown JMm" onuercaoie and geed-looking black kidskin oxfords. And all the season's newest styles. (Che. (mil) soles. Shoes Afjav s S a$yr f " i j' JL s soles '--iz?' I axXb x,... mr BK 'Wsr iv t$Zf L v $3.75 $4.75 $4.75 $6.50 jm" $0,00 S1 tf vv . m frJM 8 .If itl fVflfl m a m IIAlt.. fit. ,. P.,,,- l, 111 n Fl.nfllll W5H ivi ,Q.,M,',T AND BEADED w (IP V L 1 t-.tfypitsifsntm f . : . JSt . mm m a.... a,1 $ti&&m rtbvEl.aV If mm Jimmi !Tv tiu&ii&U ft. Ai&fei i $3S&1 T"rS- - I.M. (Mark) j I isi