iHiHHIH IBamniKlllilllBHHLnHr7TVr m i High Lew P.M. inn Arm Celli 1 1 1 3nn Arm Packing .... 4i 4,1 in inOAMIf.1 Packing- ... n 10 10 treAm Thr.ad pf ... A 4,V i4v 710 Brit Am Teb coup. 17 ,17 17 IftO llroeklyn Clly Uy. 7' 7i 7'i inoe rtuddv Jtuds 1,'. iH t,-, inn Butler Bres 30 39 3D SflO Chlce Nipple .. 1'i 1 1 '4 lOOf'ent'l Met K H 12nrrurant Met mi S.1i aan 970O Eastman Kodak . . 77'i 7Bti 77 SOOElce 8 ter Pit 44i . 44 100 Frent.nae Met ... 11 11 11 40Oattn Aldn Ceal.. 4R ti 4!) inftOlllrtta Saf Rar...21RU 210 21nU 400Ctendyer Tire ... 13S 13't 13S lOOOGeldwyn Plo 7 fl ! 100 Havana Teb pf ,. 1 1 1 100 Int.r Ilubbar ft (1 I) JOOJullua Kaya.r .... 27V 27' 27U . aenubbr MoNeii .... 2H in, 2H 20OPftelrd Met (114 ', fl',4 0PIlfy Wlsslay .. 411 4rt 4tl 100 Perfection Tire ... S'4 ,1'i L 700 1'hlllp Marrl 1 13 ISti lUfll Radie 3; 3A 34 mnomdle pf 3 . u SOftR.e Meters 2I 24'i 24U een Ht.rlln Tred 4l( 424 nK lne Southern CI Ir. eh tin pi 4ftnttplrr Mf l:4i lit isn 120 Rwlft Internal .... 2n ins 20 milTenn Rwy 3 3 3 aoeTob Pred i:p ... fi nu n: iweu li t II .... 1U 111 l' AMU 8 Sl.am in 1ft m ntnnir s Heffman .... 22i 21 22U inni'nlt Ilt Candy . . ft ft ft inn Union Carbide .... MU Ml; rut. SOOWsyaa Ceal 1 i l, STANDARD OILS toeAnr Am Oil IS ms jan, 300 Allan I.ohea ft", D'l 0! no nuckrye p i na, nti ni(5 lneOal.na OH no 4f)U 404 :.n imp oil Can me ine inn 4nOhle Oil 2Nt 270 270 innsmith PO ,.1K0 JKO 180 4:nn 8 OH Tnrf.. .... SOS Ml hii: oeos Oil of Ky 784 7H 74 SOS Oil of N V ...3711 373 370 in Vacuum en seu seu 301) INflKPFADKNT OII.R 40ii0 Am til Oil . . . 2ft IK 2ft 101 Allan Pet .... ft ft s ;nn Ark Si fiaa . . in't in'. km; 100n Hen Wyom .... 70 70 70 FiiirrrrniiAh ; . niWnft. :v. itf: .' v-irfiiiHW' &a ewhi u atlM rate cut ' l . w - '' mmmvi aa3 aM i ' r by ! r a ar iu i.u Hirv iiAini' . ana Mia w tnnv -..a.i. nmu - naii. veil ueij. i b ww-uwmmm w - 1 i r 4 1 .-'J 111 irilr nllf IIIT' ' ?"-t nrv nt" ciu aiu a(U 21 4 1000 m,tr cm 7. ......10a KM-"!.! Illl I LI II- liriL.lJll ) ,,. l. eri; prer ' ul un' '" - 4; fflElZOJ" HITS NEW HIGH Stock in Urgent Demand en Curb at 21 2 '2 Market Ac tive, but Irregular New Yerk, April 13. The curb market developed considerable activity following n steady opening, although prlce movements were Irregular, with erratic changes 'in some of the higher priced Ibkucs. There was an urgent demand for Gillette Safety Rnzer. which advanced te a new high record at 2121&. Klrby Fotreleum continued tinder pressure, selling down te a new low at IB. Durant, old, fell a point te 33, while Glen Aldcn yielded nearly a point te 48. Eastman Kodak rose nearly a point te 70'A. Tidal Osage was an other strong feature, moving up nearly 2 points te l44. IMIUSTHIAI V- -"uiri HI .....,.1, 1 f:?.2 "rn cVprtf, 44 lOOCrceln Hn 2 1700 Knln..er Pet , 5! ihvii Knsinpcri ""u ra mi , 100 Kf inland l 200 iliiiiiaml OH ... Mill) at West Pet ,. Suoufem-eck Oil ,. 1000 Hudten Oil . , . '"0 Jnt .Petrel 100 Klrby Pet .... MO Livingston Pt I'OO r.yen Pet . . . . 20OMarland Del e 200 Miracalbe Oil . .m.u ..ini 1IIO jh , 2000 Merldan 1'et nnwi mexice OH 22000 Mexico H.n 100 Mount Pred 1000 Mutual OH 100 Nat OH N J nu neDir prer , , lOOONerthw Oil , 0400 Omar Oil 200 Premier 1W . , 100 Pred & 1W ., 100 Rapulpa Ref lOOHeabeard O A 700 fclmma Pet ., 1300 Hkellv Oil . , lOOHeuthern P A linnoTexon 2300 Tldjtl (( t . . 200 Tidal Osara N 200 Victeria O new MO White Kasle .. 200 Wilcox OH ... mm Woodburn 3000 Y Olt 8' 1 '. 8SH JI 57 '4 1 Jli, lii ?$ M 2 22U .'A i" iS & i -. IS" r i 4 3;; ai bd .... 43.x , 41 lj 41 tr. n ii i fle 22 i'4 31' .14 .1 1 10'4 ft(4 I flft 1ft 101J Oft 24 4i 01 17 MINING Sen Alaika Ilr Celum.. ?'i 2O0OIII Iedse ID (1000 Deet Ment 24 3700 Beat A Ment Cern, lift lft WO Canada Cep . ... 42 2000 Candelarla, M 2rt 3000 Cem Cep M I'i 000 CrtMen Held .... 2t .'00 Doleres Kan 2.100 Rureka Creeau 4 300 tint Nat Mln .... Oft 4A00Oadacn Copper ...10H lOOOUeld Cene 0 lOOOOeldfleld Fler .... IS ftOOOQetd Zene It lOiiOllarmlll Divide ... 14 ine llelllnter 4000 Independent l.d . 21) lOOOIren lllosnem 21 inoe.leromn Varda .... 3 200 Kerr Lake '.4 inoeMcKIn Oar 21 1700Maen Valley ... 2000 Mether Lede Clt. 4200 Nat Tin 3000 Nev Ophlr 000 Nev Sll Hern . . . son Nlplaelnr ...... 3000 Ohie Copper .... lOOORex t.'ena 200O Ban Tey 1100 He Am V A O... 1000 Hteward Mln .. IKiO Tonerah llelment 2200 Toneaah. Divide . HOOTonenah Kxten . 7H00 itnlted Kantern ... J inne Whita capi 7000 Huperatltlen 0 100 Trinity Cep - ItONDS 1000O Allied Packer J4 2000H Allied Packer clfa. ftH inne Ailed J'acner -. " li 30 3 '4 11 ft s 44 14 1H ft i: de I f; 3'. n 3 1 Ul'4 ftl. e nii 124 10 nn "3'4 01 3'i 1S 23 HH 3R 2n J. 23 lift SO s IS 11 14 n'4 2S 21 3a 2?'4 J'4 3 3 'l II tl H t'i 14 1l 7n " ' 12 J n4 ft4 3 alt, An 1ft I OH no 24 4'4 m 17 is 23 02 42 an ) '4 2fc 23 lift 10O 0 IS 1 14 n4 2S 21 314 a' 24 Si S3 as 3 n'l II M s 4; 14 1i 70 1 1 74'. ftH'4 no .000 Aluminum 7 '33..103J, I03J. ies. ..iiuit lunw iw" 1 22.100S 100V4 100N 73 3K no 4 10000 Am Ms.lt 6 mnnA Am Tl Ha nt mnnn Atn T1 n nf '24.10114 101 101 IIHiO Am Tell 7a of '23 .102H 102i 102H 2D00 Anaconda Cep .. ftni 99'i 90'i 12000 Anamnda 7a '!O..I03'4 103V4 108 li lftdOO Anc Am Oil 7'4a..l03H 103 103S 7enn Armour 7a . 1.10OO Harnadall Sa 21001 Ileth stl 7a noeo iieth stt 10CW Can Jv'ut Ilwy fta.. nn, 10000 Can Pnc 0 10l4 1(00 Cem Copper 7a .. 12 ft" K2 3000 Cena Uas 7a . . 101 i 101 'i let ' i 4O00 (kins Textlle Si . . Mil IIS OS Ml'in Cep Hxp 8j .'.l. 102, 102U 102ti 20t'0 Cep Kxp Si '2ft 101 104 104 moon Deere . Ce 7'j. 100', 100"t 100'i 23 .103 1034 103t . inn inn leni . .102 Ht 7s '3ft ..102 102 11)214 102 102 n4a ( leiH leis rau'' aie&r ufl lei4 103 "4 seu ae'l 100t5 10OH r,eu mi; Sl4 Ml'a esti no 1084 10SS we-4 vnM )4 1000 duff Oil la f.OOO lined Rubber 7a.. SI aenA irMi.u .m v . 4entl ..VY.' .lunii'lB -ll in ...bvv.v .'OOO Int Ur N'er fia.... BIIV (1000 Interlioteusli 7a .. S0T4 liOOO jnterbnreush Sa .Hi COOOKane (.1 A K (la... US 2000 Kennecett C 7a, ...104. 2000 Laclede Uai 7.... DSV 2000 I.lbby 7 Oil 2onetJett Weat 7a,..10l ROOft Marland 7Ha .... 08U 70000 Me Pae s ...... IlOO lnOONnt Aetna lit 07 tOOONat Cleak Ha. InSU insU 10SU 10000 N T N II A It 4a.. S3 4 S3 S3 i lftOOON Y N II X H ji.. S4 S3T4 S4 , SOOONer Am Kdtaan a 024 924 2H inoe Ner Ohie I.laht ea. nn nn oe 30000 Phtln Ce Oa 07i l7U ' 17000 Pub Setv .V J 7a..l00U 100'i lO&tt 4O0O Raka A r It. nun. Iilll S000 Rears Reeb Te, '28.101H 101a 101H mam nnawaneen . ....ivata iii7a lun'n 7one h w neii 7a 102H I02i iesu DO 10(1 SU n? M 1nn flfl'i stI "i 1OO0 H O N T 7a "Jr.. . . 104. 'in mTU I inai ies'4 iOT 10S ,me. v, llla IIIH'l ff 102 102JI Vl 107. 107M 10O4 .lllla nil", llil-i .103'i lra' 103M 1 insii 10Ol 101" 1000 H O N T 7a 'g. mono nun en 7a 10000 Hwlft C 7a '2ft. 2S0O0 Hwlft Ce 7a 31. 6000 Tex Ce 7 12000 Tidal OatUe 7a.. 3000 Tel IMIren "a... 80000 17n Oil Pred S.. 1000 Vacuum OH 7a . 10000 Warn Hus 7a .. lOOOOWeat lilee 7a .. inOOO Winchester 7'.4 3000O Arsan 7i lannentv Sela (la .... 1K3000N T N II II Fr 7a. 20000 Rua 8W Ctla .... S4 24U 24 H IBOOORirUa SMa tem lelH leiv, 137000 U S Mex 4a SOU 4Si 40 !4 .10l4 .1014 .inr.t4 .10714 . lOfl'i . ask nsn .lese; leSn: 101 t IOIVj 1111 14 101i IO.-.14 10i,4 104 107 mn- inT4 nsi4 inst. 1011'. jneu 101 1; "Oh Oft'i an ASt, SAT, na s.i -14 11 a ART MEETING ON TODAY Representatives Frem Many Col leges Mat at U. of P. The eleventh annual meeting of the College Arts Association opened today at the Fine, Arts Scheel of this Univer sity of Pennsylvania. Representatives from art departments In all the leading universities and colleges in the country attended. There also were representa tives from various secular art erganlza tlens. A number of erudite papers wers read during the meeting, which will continue until Saturday. Among them : "Oriental Art," by Lnngtlnn Warner: "Newport as an Art. Center," bv Stephen B. Luce, of Bosten, anil "Chrlstus Cricifer," by C. Tl. Merey. of Princeton. Reduction .Waleemtrf Further atep Toward Nermal Conditions Londen. April 13.-(Ily A. !.) The Hank of 'England today reduced Its dis count rate te 4 per cent. The last pre vious reduction was en February 30 last, when the rate was dropped from S te 4V6 per cent. The reduction, coming en the eve of the Kaster holidays, was nn entire sur prise te the money market and financial Interests. Business in Lembard Street hud begun this morning without the usual "subject te lower bank rate," which is usually posted when there Is a possibility of a reduction during the tlav, nnd the belief is expressed that the ncilen was prompted by the treasury, which has been ruling the money market for some time past. The reduction, however, was wel comed as another step In the restora tion of mere normal conditions nnd the loosening of money for trade purposes. With the exception of Hwitxerland. Great Britain new has the lowest bank rate in the world as the result of the Bank of England reducing Its discount rate te 4 per cent today. Switzerland cut Its 4 per cent rate te 3 per cent nn March 2 en account of the excessive geld supply' In that country. The present British rate compares with a high of 10 per cent en August 1, 11)14, nnd a low of 3 per cent January 20. 1014. The monetary situation hnd become mere favorable te n lower bank rate through the reduction In the open mar ket rntea by which the treasury had been enabled te borrow en easy term and at the name time deal favorably with the national debt. The reduction of the rate caused as much amassment en the stock exchange ns it did in the money market. It effect was gradually apparent In the quotations for geed yielding stocks, which added fractions te their recent upward movement'. The cheerfulness Inter spread te all departments. BAR SILVER Par alher ivaa '.id hlcher In day at 38Sd. linden te- Fer Rent N. W. COR. CHESTNUT AND 16TH STS. 42 Feet en Chestnut St. 1 53 Feet en 16th St. 42 Feet en RanMcad St. On Improvement Lease ESPECIALLY DESIBABLB SITE FOR BAXKINf; "HOUSE OR TRUST COMPANY JOHN H. SINBERG 1211 Chestnut Street "" ' NEW ISSUE $1,381,900 The Texas & Pacific Railway Company 6 Per Cent. Equipment Trust Notes Issued by Messrs. J. L. Lancaster and Charles L. Wallace, Receivers of the Texas & Pacific Railway Dated January 15, 1920. $106,300 due each January 15, 1923, te January 15, V935, inclusive) ' Autherised and Issued $2,392,500 Matured and Retired 319,000 Held by Director General of Railroads and te be subordinated te the remaining notes. . 691,000 Balance new offered $1,381,900 Interest payable January 15. and July 15. Principal and interest payable at the office of the Trustee. Coupon Notes $1,000 each, with prevision for registration of principal only. Subject , te redemption as a whole, but net in part, en any interest date en 60 days' notice at 103 and accrued interest. Guaranty Trust Company of New Yerk, Trustee These Notes are issued under Kquipnicnt Trust Agreement between the Director General of Kailreads, the Receivers for The Texas & Pacific Railway Company and the Trustee. The Court order which authorizes the Receivers te execute the agreement and issue the notes, provides that the' Cor poration shall, assume the obligation of ihc Receivers under the agreement and the notes issued there under with respect thereto. The original cost of this equipment was $2,445,085.75. Twe of the fifteen serial installments of principal have matured and been paid. The Director General by Supplemental Agreement has subordinated the lien of the Government en this equipment te the extent pf 33 1-3 per cent, of the notes of each maturity, which notes will be stamped te that effect. The unstamped notes new offered represent a first lien en standard equipment, described below, te the extent of approximately 56 per cent, of the original cost thereof. II Light Mikade Locomotives, witli tenders 7 Light Pacific Locomotives, with tenders 14 Light Switching Locomotives, with tenders 18 Light Santa Pe Type Locomotives, with tenders The Texas & Pacific Railway Company operates about 1,050 miles of read, a through line from New Orleans te western Texas, touching such important points as Shrcvepert, Tcxarkana. Dcnisen and Kerl Werth, and providing connection te these points for both the Missouri Pacific and St. Leuis & Southwestern Systems. Since October PJ16 (except during Government control) the Cempatiy has been operated by receivers. This receivership, however, is a technical one and is net due te lack 'of carniii" power, but due te litigation with the Missouri Pacific Railway, the largest stockholder and owner Jt practically all The Texas & Pacific Railway Income bends. The litigation is chiefly en account of claims for payment of intcrc-t en the-c Income bends. The Receivers arc two of the corporate officers. Since 1(16 earnings have averaged mere than double fixed interest charges. .'or 1921 gross income, alter deducting hire of equipment and joint facility rents, was $4,887,011. Total fixed charges amounted te $2,140,287, leaving net income of $2,740,724. The Company has outstanding $38,763,810 of Capital Stock -clling at about .ih. Meedy's Investors' Service rates these hquipment Notes Aaa. MATURITIES January 15, 1923 100.36 te net 5.50 per cent. January 15, 1929 101.38 te net 5.75 per cent. January 15, 1924 100.82 te net 5.50 per cent. January 15, 1930 101.54 te net 5.75 perejeent! January 15, 1925 101.26 te net 5.50 per cent. January 15, 1931 101.70 te net 5.75 per cent! January 15, 1926 100.83 te net 5.75 per cent. January 15, 1932 101.85 te net 5.75 per cent! January 15, 1927 101.03 te net 5.75 per cent. January 15, 1933 101.98 te net 5.75 per cent. January 15, 1928 101.21 te net 5.75 per cent. January 15, 1934 102.11 te net 5.75 per cent. ' January 15, 1935 102.24 te net 5.75 per cent. Accrued Interest te be Added These notes are offered for sale if, when and as issued and subject te opinion of our Counsel, Messrs. Henry, Pepper, Meiline & Stokes. It is expected that interim receipts of the Commercial Trust Company, exchangeable' for definitive notes, will be ready for delivery en or about May 1, 1922. Jii-W- ni n ' &. '!$ fiAT - i.hJ4 wr w-mw Cohoes Power and Light Corporation First Mortgage 6 Geld Bends Dated January 1, 1918 Due January I, 129 Interest payable January lt and July lat at Cantral Union Trust Company of New Yerk Callable at a whale or in part at 105 and interest enany Intertat date, en 30 days' notice. Coupon bend. regltUrable aa te principal, in denominations of f 1,000, $500 and $100. Registered bends in denominations of $1,000 or $10,000. Coupon and registered bends Interchangeable. CENTRAL UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE Company agrees te pay interest without deduction for Nermal Federal Income Ta te an amount net exceeding 2 which it may lawfully par at the' source. The Cohoes Power and Light Corporation has unified the power possibilities at Great Cohoes Palls en the Mohawk River near its confluence with the Hudsen River, and has built a modern hydro-electric plant of 40,000 h. p. capacity. This power site and new de velopment bear an important relationship te the industrial development of Cohoes and the entire se-called "Capital District," which in cludes Albany, Trey, Schenectady and vicinity. The company's property includes the hydro electric development and also a gas plant and distribution systems for electricity and gas in Cohoes and vicinity. The company also owns a number of large parcels of land in the City of Cohoes much of which it leases virtually in perpetuity te in dustrial plants. The leases further provide for the purchase of certain power, the payment for which must be made, whether used or net, and this charge becomes a lien en the build ings of the lessees ahead of any of their mort gages or ether obligations. In addition te supplying electric light and power and gas te Cohoes, the company sells power te the Municipal Gas Company, which supplies the entire City of Albany and the larger portion of the power requirements of the Albany Southern Railroad. These Bends are secured, in the opinion of counsel, by a direct first mortgage en all the physical property, real estate, franchises and leaseholds new owned or hereafter acquired by the company. The franchises under which the company operates are, in the opinion of counsel, with out time limit. VjaXrV'- ; ftH,$f W v The capitalization upon the completion of the present financing will be as follews: Authorized Outstanding STOCK paying annual ditidends of 6 $8,000,000 S2.S0O.000 BONDS First Mortgage 6'a due January 1, 1929 (including this issue) 10,000,000 The earnings since the company started operations increases as the following tabulation indicates: 1921 Gress Earnings $896,524 Operating Expenses and Taxes.... 419,787 3,900,000 en its present basis have shown steady Years Ended December 31, Net Earnings $476,737 Annual Interest en $3,900,000 Bends 234,000 1920 $818,756 378,242 $440,814 1919 $683,289 273,299 $389,960 1918 $484,241 233,107 $251,134 Balance $242,737 NET EARNINGS OVER TWICE ANNUAL BOND INTEREST We recommend these bends for investment Price en Application Bends are offered for delivery when, as and if issued and received by us, and also subject te the approval of counsel and authorization by the Public Service Commission of New Yerk, Second District Paine, Webber & Company Halsey, Stuart & Ce., Inc. 1422 Se. Penn Square Land Title Building Philadelphia Philadelphia Thla Information and ih.aa ttatisilca are net ruaran'i. but haw bn obtained from aejrc bfli. te he aceurata. I own and offer 100 Shares ' Kentucky & West Virginia Pr. Ce. 8 Preferred " at 88 GEORGE N. FLEMING 221 LAFAYETTE BLDG. Fhenei I-embard 8414 JOB WANTED Ne: pealtlnn or i.rrth. but a job vner i lm:,atlit and tnamnarlal ability wilt b I rewards). I am thoreuctilv trained an.1 experienced Accountant, net th kind that dnrtaea ieapenlbilllea. hut en. who araka them At present lefated III Nw Terlc Clly. Me Si. Mauled Phnra nrflld 0208 Vf i ur wrKij a ei. i.KTK.Kit erntF. rrxAM'i.1. Annual Mwtlna. Commercial Trust Ce. City Hall Square West Philadelphia Edward Lewber Stokes & Ce. 20 Seuth Fifteenth Street Philadelphia e Harrison, Smith & Ce. Biddle & Henry 1 2 1 Seuth Fifth Street 1 04 Seuth Fifth Street Philadelphia Philadelphia 'J'.ie Infoimailen nnd fUiieim I'enuineil herein han been obtained from sources which v. bel!ee te h reliable. f JSW OI'r'M't: OF TIIK I MTKII ll. IMfll(Vr.ilKT IO.MPA.NY N. M. t'erner dread nnd Areh Street. Philadelphia April IS, llr.'i'. Th. Annual Meeting- of tie SteeUhnldera rf The I nltd f I. imneAvemetW I'mmd... v ill be held at the efflie of the I'nmnany. I N W Cerner nf fiujil nnrl Awh ,frii rniiiuipipmu li.uiinr nay i. it'Z. at 1- , e -Inck neon (davllrlu n!i" t.in.l. when an I eloctlen villi La held fei Preinlam and alv I nil Ul'eitu.-K le aene for the enu.na vear, and audi ether tmalnea will be trn.ieted ' a. may b lireuaht Were the ni'atlrr The atncl. iranafer books will h. rleatd from .1 I M. Wedneadav. April lit. 1'."' unt it 10 A ,M. Ttied. M :'. l-.'i U. W. Cl'P.UAN. Serretarv I'ropeaala TKKAKl'RV DKPAKTMEM' tvaalilnatun. I), c. April 10 II"" :KU."I l'HOPO.S U.s v..!l b. recelYad'bv tf.e !lnr.it ."uDlly Committee Wa.hltuflen, fi C until a o'cleoli P. M H'ealaeMlav Mar 10. II2-.'. P'-'l then public y opVnJdVfer (urnlahlna. dtirlna. the flcI nr beainnlni Julv I. 10KB -ltd endlna June BO 1B23 mater'a'ti .uppllea end enulument deacrlbed In the Pneclfl'-atlpiia and Proposal, for CI.AH1 0---l-iirnltiir and rinrr CnerlntT (for the period July 1. iel'J. te Jim, an 'c'l.AS 10 Ciroeer.ee Prnleiene Cl.anar T'el'ali Seeurln I oinpeund Hean and Ke.. I)ikp.neni and Poda (for til. period from -:. : i .:ij-..:- "' tn; ire.n Ji,? 1 io'TCteWr T lO-fr ' cf.AHS 14 Ite (for the p.rled from iiTiu 1. !P3-f te June S J, JOMJ.bf "hi e"n.ffi 4-ht.lu of ftuoellea. for f... .t.vv!",r,i ,h. Cicu. tle IJepartmenta and lither KalaTi lahmlr... f ih Government Jn Wpahln"ten ij 'c ,nd for ua. by aueh fl.ld aarvlr.,' i, ... Included lu the apeclnoatlena. and for SirV.! delivery from, ror.tiaeler'a ahlpplna ?i,i.r,-i Oarnmeiit bill Win,. "liVSoee S'."! or. i wun Daraaiavti i. ui inrm a muat be executed n accordant nh lni,"i tlnna and en hlanka which will hi frni. frni. upen application ,te th.a.ncr. Hupp v"ch,td 1 istisEJa&WS i UANUFACrL'RKHh AND rATAULIhiiar.. Staler, ile.lrln. te b.il an auapllSi Ti?, ft" Jital. Hospital for Ih. It.aanf it J3an'vif. HTM.TA) I'ROrnSAtl W., UK OPKKKn P.hr ;.h'rs.uW:;.oa'f;!,e?aij: tfg neatrlen. and acten for fiscal y.'r ia"s' Information en application. ... The Land Title and Trust Company Bread and Chestnut Philadelphia STATEMENT OF CONDITION APRIL 4. 1022 ASSETS Cash .......... $4,791,523.43 Lxchange for Clearing Heuse 843 224.23 Leans en Collateral 1 4, 1 65 045. 1 Mortgages 3432i9896l Securities 3.034,870.86 Real Estate 5.578,000.00 Plant ....... ; 275,000.00 Accounts Receivable 432 900 91 LIABILITY 32,S7i;5S4.22 api;a! y $3,000,000.00 r!ur?--i juS a 10,000,000.00 Undivided Profit. 390,636.25 Reserve rer I axes, etc 107 qa? 27 DePsits '.'. '.'.'.'. '. I8,995,874.'70 T 1T r , $32573554.22 Total Trust bunds : . . . . . 55,638,926.04 Our facilities include, besides the Uhunl riini-kin nmi ..,,, 1 complete Trust ServlcV and a Real EstX DcpSunen Ul W nXZrdT' of property, collect rents and a Title Department "entain"ns tTrvttilltv e.7' gate anil insure title. "ni) terj lucility te m-esti- Our officers aie readily .a edible and uIwun "lad te iIimm 1.,, i., investments and le cxplnin the werkiiirV of "UI Tvvide L S preh!!m' "' 'reside 1 1 WILLIAM R. NICHOLSON Vtec-I'reeidtnt Vice-Prttidevt & Treasurer Vice P,-,,j , EDWARD H. BONSALL LEWIS P. GE.GER, JR. HENRV R ROIHNS LOufsTZv.S , rn' Office ' LOUIS A. DAMS CLAUDE A. SIMPLER ta.ln at HUtm.Mr! LI.htt.eua.' IliatfT&M srt. iniernuiisn appUsallsa. '7 V-ifrtyx ,t, w iiTanian ' 17 1 U. ' v ' -k $&&MMk i -c BkW h S .., .MkMjmi f.n WE OFFER SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE 200 Shires Otte Eisenlohr & Bres. Common Te yield 8 Per Cent Tat r're. In PrBnajleaal ISAAC STARR, JR., & CO. lltk k Smm SU PhUadelphia HARPER-&TURNER Investment Bankers tltmbcrs ritiladtlphla SlecI: Exchingt Stock Exchange Buildinir Scrantea Philadelphia Itsaami .. f. .Tftivvlf. . V' , A'mIaM A lbM,m:i:su Vi!V).Mrf ,- tatt"SUKV iffi it '"iif 1 aniiTsaM i iiii 1 1 isaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaMsi i. j. -w -"AW i h." . i -. ttKKKtHmuSSSMti Safe Bends for Invetmat Halsey, Stuart COsJ-C, TU.UU: T,u7m C. ST'FAtTDN'S" ID 4 LtymTNUT 8Td. tsAnr.rC COT MfKMiMtnt I. aaMHi.aaaaw as aairiaa-aiMU aia-PiiH. "k rr 1 naaawawas 1 aLasak-r ' M. rww mm LTttWaWf. fr! .s-Bii " tife&iii .; jyi. n 01 :i-M m rr . x' 1 w la 2a-C;vji (...