WW V.?u; W fc -?" m Nancy Wynne Attends the Republican Women's Club Dinner She Hears of Interesting Wedding te Take Place Here Sattirday Miss Orten III in Hospital ' ft IF Til 12 wlml JuM )'" Jewrt a bll ami It iloes net yet nn.v' collier It will bnbet't; nil ilglit mil of down den t ThWnnrr Inn nlislil of tin- QHI rtlrnn Women's Club uns a weKt wen- lrrfiil -urcc-. II wni Ilia lirrt no 1 Meal (llnncivslM-n ujider the niiiU.'ei M he nlitb'Vul rrrlnlnly llu-iv were J" th" fiWt-tl""' r Imd M-fii Miv. Me Hi" M'lMlck. of I'lilonBe., She N Jh" NHtleiin) H.'imblU'an IJxccittlvi; reminlttrp flintrmmi J en knew, iunl l,e mn.lc nj.MMt liil.'ietliig mid wdi'n ;il,l inMrcvAml I ns Rirntly In Jfrcted lu-Allte Uoliei'tsoii, our ('on ('en ircswnmiiii. She linn nih'Ii n liwn miis of liymei; njul mil-1i ceiunufn cli, t0? .." V I ....I...A. l.l.l ...! Aire. ueerRi;' J-.UI '".' ip".-'te u Introduced tlip'dppnkers mint KritrimiMy. - . It 1... tfiml H'Hu limul 111. jip, riurnvi i-ii" - terrMlng and itmiwliis. The (Jovcrner va8 there rtnd tln Mnver. and .both of thrni e-peke and Senater Pepper tame ip from Anoh Aneh Anoh InKten for tliP'Oiieanlen. There were it leaxt- a theuJnmrt there nnd the nmpn were (.ertnlnly most beautifully lownetl. I WAS- lutcrcrted te hear yesterday ihnt Pali Altmnn W te be mnrrleil at the llcllpnti'-Hti.'itfmd en Saturday afternoon.! 'Yeu, knew- he was thn o.np e.np tfttn of the fnnieiN 101T. tesiln of tin fnivcrsltv of Virginia better still. M as a captain In the air nervloe dniliiB the war and was n warded the V. S. ... ind Creh de tJuprre. 1U bvnitftlit down two (ipintnn pinups and one balloon and tyai wounded in the: nervlep. II;;' wdti Matlened at 'lmli and lfiseujllii i France. That's net a bad record. In It .' He l lelnted te the 1larniim nnd lrds r Viielnin tin- rdn of Ulchmeud, yen. knew. . TMp urine ii very niii-mux. .-im- -Florence Parkn. a daimhter "f,,1""' Itebert Wellington Parks, of U llkoj llkej Ilniic. and nice of (!. AMier Park". the composer. Sunbuiy l'nii.x is iwi nther uncle who liven up in the Stiite. The marriage Is te be erv nuli'l, juct the two ImmetllntP fiiiiilHex. fiitbenj and mothers, brothers nnd nMerx nnd t i'iv clhf,p friends, .ludse Putter Putter ten. wlie Is nn old friend of the family, will pei form the ceremony at 1 e clock In the afternoon. I WAS Herry te hear that 12llen Oiten has te have her tonsils taken out and U te qe te th'j hospital today. Ml'Mi 1 micIi n tiny, cute nine uihik i " i like te think of her haxlne te suffer, and I de hone she won't. Kei Minutely. It does net inenn n Ions, tiresome wtm at n hospital, for suck operations Mddein keep one li.'d up mete than n week at the ine-t. Klien i- wenrlnic the jirettlest brown frock nnd rape of tneed. She has a lint which nintehes the cestuinp. nnd it's met bccemiiii:. I hope the operation will net prevent her fiem pinging In the Savev this uprlnir. It would be strange te liiiu u Raw performance without Klleii te lead 'in the chorus. Slip has done e for a number of jears, and T nlwajs leek for her first. The Savey is te filu' "Inlanthe." and I benr that the date of the opening performance has been set for May 'St. P0I.1.V I1AYAUU is KeliiR down te Wllmincten next week for a house party. There's te be n big ball down their. ,eit knew, and u number of Wilmington people nre giving beuse parties anil dinner.", apa several mini (lelphla girls will go. Pelly I going te Kay with Mnrgarettu du Pent, who is a imiigliler or tile lrenqe (ill renis. Mergaretta llnrrisen will be, with the ielu ilu Ponts, and tliere are a nuin br of ethci's going down, tee, AUNT Al.K'i: and .Tackle were Inking euro ,of little sister for the afternoon. It was nuri-p's afternoon out and mother had gene te a card party. Aunt Alice is devoted te her small niece. nnd entertained .Inckie by planning beiv te Interest tin '.small ten-months-elil lelative when she nwoke. ,H time came for the afternoon bottle Aunt Alice snld: "New. .Inckie, I'm going down te hem baby's bottle. If she wakes, cull me." "Op, jeu won't have te be called, you'll hear her. She's a tegular alarm clock, " nsterted .laekie. "Tlie minute he wakes up she tnrts the gong.'.' nAxcy wynnk. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES An inRdRcniint of Interest te this city announced today In New Yolk Is that of .Mlsx Kmlly Sluane Unmiueinl, daughter of tr. imd Mis. Jehn Henry Hamnieui, of u Ilast Nlnety-tlrst wtreet. New Yerk, nnd Mr Jehn Merrymnn Franklin, alto ei New Yrrk. Mies Hammend It. a Kcinddiiughtcc of the late Mr. William Ueuglas Sloenc. and JL.STeat-ai.iiiildauBliter of the late Mr. William II. Vunderbllt. Mr. Kiunklln ia the mi nf Mr nn.l Atru IMillli. A S. Tranklln, of 11 llnst SUty-sMh nieet and Rojaten, Locust Vnlkj. He la u Braduate of Harvard, 'IS. nnd wna a enptaln in the HOIst Hattnllen of llcay Janks. Jc was awarded the HritMi Miliary Ciesa. Mins Hnmmeurt is a elatle of Mil's Jessie Ha Cesta, of Xbhwoeil, Vlllaneva, arid h.s fieiiueutlv -ie,itu hi mn cn. wimwwM . sha will be RMUted by WO.' t.vmtm my:- i - -; Ks,Vv"s &? sj& ?iM iBi A l V' ' J& w .-'v'l ,- " ' A: ' 1 ' , J - -J r i:, fife I'hoie liv Miincnu. .MISS JOY DKKW-ISKAR I'hoie liv Miincnu. .MISS JOY DKKW-ItKAR Daughter of Mrs. .1. Drew-Hear, of 102 Seutli Eighteenth street, who will ba the guest of honor at u Mns and Wig party, followed by supper at the ltltz-Cnilten. which her mother will give nu Tuesday eenlug, April 18. 'nt Mofneilal llall. Kali mount Pails, en .iiijiHiaj nirxi III .i : uU e I'lOL'lt. Miss Marie l'. Zaia, d.uiKhtci1 of tlie Uv. Mlchele Xiuii and .Mis. Xai.i, of Kit West Coulter street, Geim.intewn, will Kle a .senpe recital en Wednesday jfiar i... iI" r ". I'nuaaeipnia Heruci mreet Mr. James Cela at the piano, Mra. 1'erlte ,I.engnecker. of 2015 Chestnut street, will entertain at a din ner en ftatunltiy evening, April -, nt the Meridian Club. Mm Albeit J I. Iteatngarlen, c-f 1808 He Lanbey place, who has been upending a fortnight rat White Sulphur Spring, W, Va., has returned te her home. Mr. nnd Mrs, Merris Llewellyn Coeke, who spent aeveral months In the West Indies, have returned te their home, 101 West Walnut lane, Oermantewn. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A, Ue'le and their daughter. Mlsa Marguerite J. Beyle, who have been spending the winter with Mis. Ueyle'a mother. Mis. Jehn K. Jefferds, (t 2300 He l.ancey place, will occupy their autniner home, Keswick Heuse, Jtydul, en May 2. Mlsa Beyle will be a debutante of next sea sea Hen. Sfra. Jeseph J'. Tunis and her daugh ter, Mlsa Nancy Tunis, hae returned lO IlieiF I1UII1I5 IICUl ..lUltl. 1IV1II IV niuj at Atlantic City. .Mlsa Klcaner llray, (Uughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Uray, of Mellen, who has hcen the guest for seeral ...A1,., rt trtnvtAu lii C.hrt (IntlrinyA. Tnn.. lias leturncd te her home. i Mr. and Mra. I.elgliten Hanka seiner. of Ctlenslde, announce, the engageincni Of their daughter, Mlsa Kthlyn Mar guerite Helner, te Mr. H. Miller Mack, T a a.. 4 ".I'm... 1m In IT fnnl, tt HOU Ot A11. IIU .ir, l-ll l. -n, v- Elklns Park. Mrs. Joaeph V. Geedman, of the Long Leng acre, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. M. O. Tldeman. la spending Easter week at Atlantic City. Mr. Geedman will Jein them today for the Raster holidays. Miss Edith A. Selberllng. of .1S9 Seuth Eighteenth street, wmb the guest at a dinner given by Mr. Henry Iludd btock bteck ttfn Heed, of New Yerk, at the BelUvue BelUvue Stintferd en Saturday evening. A num ber of the Phi Uatuma Helta attended. The Orpheutu Fraternity will held Its animal Mdy bop en Friday evening. April 2S. nt Cooper Hall, Twenty-third and Christian stre-sts. WE8T PHILADELPHIA Mrs W. W. Graham, of 253 Seutli Fertv-flfth street, announces the engage ment of her dnugbter, Miss Marguerite Stewart Uiahani, te Mr. Jeseph M. Cook, of this city Mr. nnd Mia. Ilcben M. Herter, of 43.", Seuth Forty-ninth atreet. base Issued Invitations for a dance en FrU day e.venlng, April 21, at the Itltten Itltten heuse. NORTH PHILADELPHIA The MIjp.s MoCleskcy, of 3M(i North 1 P.read atreet, Tiega, are spending the week at the Hetel Traymore, Atlantic City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jeseph Wurzel, of 3713 North Nineteenth street, are receiving congratulations upon the birth of u bon, Hareld Allen Wurzcl. Ml;9 Helen Burns, of North Sixteenth street. Is nt Atlnntlc City, where alie Is upending nome time. Mrs. If. William Bishop, of Eighteenth and Green streets, will entertain the members) of her card club at her home tomorrow afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Simen Oppeiilulmer. of 3GHU North Bread street, have tnken apartments nt the Lengacrfa Hetel. Mrs. Hareld Bailey, of North Sl teenth street, will leae In a few days for Cape May. where alto will open her cettagi. for the summer. Mrs Bailey Is accompanied by lift- Mster, Mrs Heward M. Patterson. The members of the Ladles' Auvd iai of the N. A. L. C, Ne. 3 will held their meeting this evening at Its head quarters at 1803 Spring Garden street. Among the members are: Mrs. II Harvey. Mrs. n. Hurang, Mrs. A Duck worth. Mrs. M. Preston and Mrs. A. ' Merris. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA MIks Stella Conden. 2505 Seuth Fif teenth r.trect. has left this city te 3pcnd the Easter holidays in Avaien, . J. The W. II. C. C, at a meeting en Friday night, elected Mr. James GuTnan, iirealdeut; Mr. Jeseph Duane. vice presi dent : Mr. c. Schwab, treasurer ; Mr. ' Paul Geffert, secietary. and Mr. Jeseph j Murphy, commutes ptesiuent. The membera of the Stl Alejslus Players presenteu .consigner taeeri Hugh Bensen's panlen play. "The Marrfed Yesterday i v"z$ypn uL3'; LHH LHH X&K r.vjH 'flv.i.WWifriiJlA$tfrf&4j,-,$it " " ""' -.y Mrs. William VanUy, of ilr t-trtat, Is at Atlantic city, whera she will spend several week. Mr. nn.l Mrs. Chatie Slmklns. of Penu and Lelper atreet. have returned from the West, where they apent some time traveling through canrernia. Mrs. Heward Krrifdley, of Harrison street, lias as her guest for several weeks her alstsr-ln-law, lr. Frank Purvis, of New Yerk, Mrs. Smedley and Mra. Purvlss will leave' shortly for Ocean City, where they will remain a few weeks. MltS. HOKKItT K. IIKNSINOKK Hefnrf her marriage .icstenlay Mrs. Iteuslngcr was Miss Dera Virginia l.exensteln, daughter nf Mr. and .Airs, S. V'unce Levenstcln, of den den lilntewn. She Is a nlcce of Colonel and Mrs. Samuel I). Lit. Mr. and Mrs. Benslnger will go te Califor nia en their wedding trip Upper Ream," en Tuesday evening In the pailsh auditorium at Twenty-sixth stl cot below Tftsker. The company In cludes Miss Marie Ifaag, Miss Frances Lechnit, Miss .Madeline Wllllard, Mr. Jtebcr Kellv, Mr. Jeseph Beyer, Mr. Albert Diem. Mr. scett Tinney, Air. ' Jeseph A. 'McGee. Mr. Emll Poles, Mr. , Gustav Winter and Mr. Francis McGee. v Named Aide te Bucknell President' Newark. X. .1., April IK. Jeseph It. I U'ia1 trim t'aililfriintl I'su'dlit K na nrnnu tlvc secretary of the Federation of Churches, lips acc?pted the p'sitien as assistant te the president of Kucknell University ut l.ewlsbuig. l'a. He will assume lils new duties Saturday, NOPIRISTOWN A ..i.KliniMaHt It as tistAti mim nt t Vis marriage of Miss Hese Mellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. IV. Mallen, of 401 Cherry street, and Mr. Max Stein, of Camden, N. J., en April 9 In.Ph ladsl phln. Mr- and Mrs. Stein will live In Camden. Miss Nellie McCoy, of Dekalb and Summit streets, has lasusd Invitations for a bridge party at her home en Satur day afternoon, April 22. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hull, of Green street, have returned from . a visit te Atlnntle City, They celebrated their twenty.first wedding anniversary en April 8. Mr. Frank Heep, of West Main street, hns left for a two months' trip te Salem, O. Miss Edna, Weaver, of Wllkes-Barre, Pa.. Is the guest of Mrs, Harry Mor gan, of 1449 Powell street, Mr. and vMm. Kdwln Morrison, of Powell street, have returned from a stay In Atlantic City. Miss Sara Seheetx, of Jeffersenvllle, and Mlis Marlen Stivers, of Knox street. Norrlstewn, will leave tomorrow te enter the trulnlng school for nurses nt the Jeffersen Hospital, Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs H. Jeseph Weinberg have returned from a wedding trip te New Yerk, Bosten and Atlantic City, ami are living en East Maranan street. Mrs. Weinberg was Miss Mellle Ripen bergcr, of Philadelphia. V,.ft . , . r 1.1 I aiQMUt'jLwiiliAl tUU:' vcr- Mr. atid Mrs. Itlchard W. tn,jjl shortly move te their new home near Kldley Park. Mrs. Batten was Mls Mary W. I'urdy, daughter of Mr, and Mrs; O. Curtis Purdy, of Wllmlngteh, Dai. Mrs. William II. Weed entertained the j members cc ner enage ciue v f ..-...- in Meaia, recently. , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keblnswi Jehns and their cntiaren, wne nave ue ,.. guests of Mis. Jehns' parents, Ur. nnd Mrs. O. Edward Janney, at their home In Baltimore, returned te Media a rew days agOj HARDING AIDS RILEY FUND President Approver Plan te Erect Hospital In Hener of Peet Indianapolis, April 1.1. (By A. P.) President llnrdlnr. in telegram read nt the opening of the drive for ap proximately ?S,KH.000 for the section of the .lames Whltcemb Ulley hil dren's incmerlsl Hospital here, today impressed niatltic.itleu nt the prnpeFed memorial te the. "Hoeslcr poet. Secretary of Laber Jnmcs .1. imvi was the principal speaker at. the open ing session. Several thousand dollars lind been pledged te the hospital drive prier te the opening of the campaign. Oorerner Warren T. McCray, instru mental In having the Legislature- pass the bill providing for an appropriation te build the first unit of the hospital, also spoke. Women Control Teachers' Committee National Parti, N. J.. April 13. Mrs. Agnes Ulrlch and Mrs. Jesephine Cleveland, the two new women mem bers of the lleatd of Education, will control the Teachers' Committee this year nnd have aupervislen ever thnt part of the schools, an well as the selection 4 a. .... . .. ..1. .. PI.,.. , m.i nil. l ei uiij hen wiium-i n. aii.-.i v..- .,,.- ; pointed en the committee esterday. along with Kllswerth Roberts, by Alcx- anucr jiiurey, xae new prcBiucm.. DB. L0NZ REJUVENATED ' BY QLAND OPERATION Departs for Austrian Heme, but Will Return in Fall Xcw Yerk. April 1.-Ir. Adelf I.erenz, the Viennese surgeon, sailed yesterday en the French liner France, looking well despite his strenuous work here. He attributed part of bin vigor te the glandular operation performed before lils nrilval In America, nnd re moved his hat te show thnt some of his hair, epec white, had turned blonde. He said he had been startled by the great number of ilpfnrmltles hi-niiaht te Ills attention In Americn. Hi; Mild he would I come back In September with his wife and two sons and make his home here. hen the photographers took his pic- ' Hire he MiggratPil thnt Mrs. Anten I Vedl, who. with her husband, also, willed, vhetild be Included, ns t-be had , saved his life by her looking. He said that eatltij In hotels hud innd" him ill. ! Confesses te Free Brether Montreal, April 1tf.- Jeseph Lerain yestcrdaj called nt police headquarters and told the officer in rharge that he was guilty of a criminal nault. for which his brother, Kinllle, Is serving a I fi ft eon ca r hen tence . NINftTKBNTH A MARKRT JsPU i It. t:SO8:BO, n:S0, 7, Mfi ', i ririST NATIONAt. rBATUWI ifd wm mmm m . .1 Constance lalmai iv pmsT fliietirfxa or HA itrNtfiaiie m Asf-vVH, mmmFmm? r jbxv.k. xa j a nnr a a rfirt . nuiynt Al a ifK nun ff& CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN NEW TWO JlEKLEn el "PAY DAY" . .Mnir.n j.im ifi tiMtiiwiii. vinujji ; Knit? r W'k My Murmx in TAiiclnatienV Gersets for Spring Expert Fittings a Feature ; of This Shep ! .";)( fnl Attention te Steut.i, Nuiqlral nnd Matrrnitu I till line 0 UrnsHlrrt 1 ' Tlladcuiu CbuL Telephone Spruce 45-94 Furs Properly Stored, Repaired utd Remodeled BLAYLOCK & BLYNN, INC. Established 1850 1.128 Chestnut Street i P m-J" Hate Gowns iSfrK 6W 1517 WALNUT ST. WS M HATS FOR $1C W II EASTER lO IV VrW Hat.-, for eveiy Kastcr-time function that embiacc JnJ0 w, the charm anil quality of Chodoff creations yet fflp ' J qM me.sl moderately priced. ffm ' j A Special Offer of (R I Cffl) Exclusive Easter Frecks Jj&r - 59 ' . .. Al.. ..l ., T . 1 . ... . . .mm .urn. i.euj aril iieiKfcCUrr. el Be nKbreke, Iladuer, will enteitnlu at a dinner en Satuidar eenliiK'. in benur their daughter, Allss VliBlnhv HecK- ?S.'r'.jvh05 mairlnKH te Mr. HarcUy 5li'.ll,.?.f" wUl tal l,lace n Satuulaj, pni Ji, 1w ....I "M. . ,1 ,. .. tk;'.'" ,"' -" nuruen lainan and q ', K Uer' Ml!ls Agnes hi null, of ri.. ' ' "ecusi sirecia ami veil! '",e : ,''u,," Ucven, who aie en n. """" ""'ii cruise, nre ai pieaeiii fpendlng seme tlme In Naples. HaJ"r, f',VItryil Sumner i:iy ami Ml". ' b ; f 'v V'"-J '.l""u"i:. " '.' i i.7w ' ii.e urcn Human jur M)in in !."'0 !lt !,rpHen' In Fails. They i it li i ' .iuiib. .miss I tm i iel , int... "i "; ,."" " '" uuriiiB me winter, has fully icceercd. rtaulLri,na!rH-,V'U!1 r'avteii and their ' eauglitQi. , .Ml-s lUrhaia 1,, Clayten, of ilay "vvri -iiujn, jiuvciieui, te-1 The lfltnf Uil.. l'niu.. ., ... ....... I mil ,, """"h"."ii iuiicj i-uuiury uiu m ,?' . ,"., i'exil'l!n"-d.ii. e" Hat- nnu ihi ' iii' inemuers I if ii,. . t."""" "in ea eiiienaineu L" ',?.. clubhause this week-end by a I itmwstratien nf in.. tn,nn,.i.n,.n i el. l,'i',..V5Vn,'t W' Londen, of 7S0S l.lu- kiiini....- "rnv ul ,,ln "is iHsueu lu- Anrii "," u, eriujre parties en Fi day, "Pni -1. and Frldn, Apill js. .v thi V'i1 n",, ,Ull'l' will bu given Choel n ? y0'"1 C,1Ul) ,f U) AKt,t4 '""' h? l 'H?i" ',,uu,lly eidilng, .M.iy , at Sa hi.ii ii U1,catre, for the bencllt of "-.uiiiK'uiiu uie cnuevMncnt funds. larlv n Vt ' """'ihhi ai u uruiKi henn,??,y.,!i;..!."?r'n. .prii s. erif "' ':'"? i'v.ulm "avis, a align - lone lmuJu01 T1?"" 1,uvls- " 1'a,is ninbar r3 """''age te Mr. I.awrence I'llii.-r, , iXr.X. : rt' .. . r. nnu .Mrs. Ill ak, ,Z ';:r.U"J "n,n,"' kill 1 1 "7 ,' u. . " . "" . ladling, 'rtt8alw!nv The Bllfst,i w-lll Inelude thtl Mlq Tin . .. Ive ii i,,,,,i ' ""ru,.s, ur .lleiinn, will ,.L" ' '"C'eeii and IiiIiIku mills i.t her ( 5i r."ll,NW' Am" -"' In honei trii ik",!'"1, li.Midliu. (liuiKhur of ami i,.mic,l'..n"1"mi'''' win, j inai- Jtia un ; ,'.,',.'U'..V"1 .'"! I''-'' lClUllii th l.M ," " '"" KU'!-'" Mill 11 ili,i .'? 1,,rdril.V!y Mrs Kennies 'WmalilV Me"""' " oue of Ikt i'D1n!.vi,'C.l."''jhl.llll'i Mui-eum and the (idui.ii """uiiien of the Hehoe or icumiai sn wlll g(ve a reception Heuse of Wenger 1229 Walnut Street MILLINERY By B. Chertak Wenger The many Philadclphians who appre ciate the individual touches of exclu sive millinery seek Chertak creations, no matter what the occasion. SUPERIOR FURS By Merris Wenger Stene and Baum Marten Scarfs. . $40 up Foxes (Platinum and Other New Shades) $75 up Fishers $ 1 00 up Silver Foxes '. $200 up Bebby Ceat Tweed Suits Link-Ceat Tweed Suits Braid-Bound Suits Cape and Matching Freck Short Cape and Freck Oficr Tti'ccd Suits in Twe or Thee Piece. 25.00 te -35.00 Ceat, Silk-Tep Freck Cavalier Cape and Freck Piped Cape and Freck Twe-Piece Tailored Suits Spengeen Cape and Dress Other Tae or Three Piece 7'jvi Suits, 45.00 te 150.00 MISSES' THREE-PIECE COSTUMES, 62.50 TO 150.00 Replicas of Youthful Paris rashiens Featuring the I rock With Matching Ceal or Cape in an Infinite Variety of Ingenious Treatment. MISSES' DAYTIME AND DANCE FROCKS Fashions That Feature Every Phase of the Mede 38.00 Taffeta with Ruffled Apron Plaited Panel Canten Crepe Frecks of Velour Checks Emb. Twill Cleth Cape Freck, Twill Cleth Striped Weel Canten Geld-Stitched Canten Crepe 55.00 Meire Faille, Cap Sleeves Crepe Mongele, Wing Sleeves Crepe Rema with Ribbenzene Lattice-Worked Canten Crepe Crystal-Beaded Canten Crepe Shell-Girdle Canten Crepe Draped Chiffen Dance Frecks i r OTHER DAYTIME AND DANCE FROCKS, 25.00 TO 165.00 MISSI-.S" FASHIONS-(bIZLS 14 10 18) FOUR I H FLOOR j AW 835 Chestnut St. rrlc( Alwaj Moderate StANfOW i n XIXTKKNTII MAflKKT 11. se i;aa. a.an. s-no. t ita. e.ia Tin." iiiavt nv mir.TnPi.iTn "THE GOLEM" ' nfrehlnlv erlittnal." T.Jtr.. AtiDru-pnet.cKii'B -"r.r.i km' nilKA HOnXHTIN'K. A'PfAMBT NEXT WEEK PlfTfKlZATION OI' FAMOUS SONG Where I My Wandering Bey Tonight? Cl'l.t.nN t.ANDtSl nnd nUTII ' PATHT" JtlM.nil Htnil Cunt "When Easter Cemes v I .JkStg. ESZS 'c2ft HjHK--s5TPnwiivr p- r tFrHOlBIDDlTl rrrnXE-mmlkw WSgsmw?' " ' ?8BSBBraHM VKhvJr xxVu 1 DUJVW11 ILLLtKCuUU f i f7 e . ei rni . . i. . tr te is cne uDeaniw cmen or unainauend r llvlS SJI I B M -- MTUzJ Wfl PHRSTMl IT AT l.'XTH .QTDP717.T W '- I 3 E TAMriDDnU CtaiTTAt e Easter Medes for the Jeune Fille s . i MISSES' TWO AND THREE PIECE SUITS 3 ? i (i ' 1 In Tweed In Twill 1 29.50 ' 49.50 ! . 1 te ll Inte BIP ,n Your tS" Your Sbet Foel. Balk ALLEYS F00MASE The Antiseptic, Heallnz Powder for the Feet Takes the friction from the shoe,i relieves the pain et corns, bunions, calleuses and sere spots, freshens the feet and gives new vigor. Makes Tight or New Shoes feel Easy At night, when your feet are tired, sere and swollen from walking or dancing, sprinkle Allen's Feet-Ease in the feet-bath and enjoy the bliti of feet without an ache. Over One Millien fivj hundred thousand Sounds of Powder for the Feet were used your Army and Navy during the war. In a Pinch, ase ALLEN'S FWT-EASE aT 1 nneAD a chkstnut 11 -no, 1.30. 3 30, & 30. 7:30. 0.3D final Week of Paramount Hlval Tedaj- 1T:u MU.reUD I'HODK'TION "Beheld My Wife" villi Milten Sills, Mabel Julienne Scott Elliett Dexter and Ann Ferrest TOMOR. AND SATURDAY Cecil B. De Mille Production "Den t Change Your Husband" with Themas Meighan, Gleria Swanson Lila Lee, Bebe Dnniels Wesley Barry, Rebert Cain, Thee dere Roberts, Raymond Hatten EASTER WEEK "IS MATRIMONY A FAILURE?" v i.Aieut.NO kk;ti vr. J 21 1 MARKET ST 10 A. M. m H-t P. U. ' I.OVK'S :l:PTte,, PALACE Nerma Talmadge r ARCADIA ier ?A r!ih Betty Compson and Len Chaney 'i ' rert Tnen wn t.evT:" & MARICBT te U:1S P. M, TIIK IltQUT THAT PAIT-KP'- VICl'URIA .T5.' BERT LYTELL PADITni bTI1 MARIvKT CAill vl te a m te it tr. p m. Elaine Hammerstein 'AJA?g.. DBrCNT "''" MAIIKUT KEiUUl 1 VIVIAN MARTIN 8exa np a sour." JtMl'fcli A- JIAKKhT AfDKVII I.K I ONTlVfOl'8 11 TO 11 "CARNIVAL OF VENICE" GLOBE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Kill mill sanem Street GOOD FRIDAY, THREE P. M. mictiens STABAT MATER WIM. UK M M. m OLK N'KIV ( IIOIR So!eiit XIa-l Wt ln J.iliefcd JIajbUe Jterri-t'a rarten Herace It Hueu. PKBUKHICK .MAXSON. Ork'alilM unil Muii. ai I)lr n- IIKDIA1. INVITATION TO l.l. rilll. -H t.EADINO TIIHATRK" DIRECTION OF LKU J. J. f-IIUBERT PMIIHEsWT THL WORLDS 8 tST TlJltr Mut. at 2:13. I.i,. ,.t Hits Midnight Reunders" n Ali-.SIar t ami n.i n.. , M, -.a With a Typic.,1 Winer O.irdeii Churu'i in conjunction w th i 1'eljmnc Vamlet. e Str li't" 4J.,ll"lv.'i'" Hm. Hhitt Hlnes. Helm EIr. Alice Illdnur. .lurk Krllr. in.l" I''T, I hurlri Uhrelrr. Uayty i ii.iL' ...""t. ' "nirmn. Inn llurlinnnn. ,.i n "ashliiirn nnd the Famous t'lfre land firannrr Ballrt. Itfll klUT MAT. SATURDAY vALnU I 50c TO $1.50 m VICTOR. HERBERT gBlC0Sr MUSCU COMDY SUCCESS AHGEL FACE OR.IGAJAL VIU YOQJ CAST . W W0I1M GIMTBT EKTRTAIMtB -iWEEKS A AU 3 OSLYWff AAU . "lii . mmm BROAD Lat 3 Evg,. i-Wj keiiekt n. MANTELL nnil .r.T.VIKVr, IIA.tirFR TONIGHT AS YOU LIKE IT TOMORROWMACBETH .":' ..Mnl" It'LU's 'AKSRi Sat. Mulit. MKKC H INT Ol' VTIVU'K. ni:.vt vi:kic fuath tepav SAM H. HrtHKIS ANNOL'NriJS TH1. RKTfRN TO THR STAOK OF ELSIE FERGUSON In "TIIK VAKVINO snORE" rn- Ze Ak!n Auther uf nclallp' Orlslnal Cemuany and Proluctten FORREST Last 3 Nights I ;T M.XTINl.t: SVTfltfMV Jinto Uoeki" te All Children CNtmtS D&tNMMM Avsrrfr v TIP TO trtttrst eF All FRED 3TQNC &iem NEXT WEEK SEATS NOW The Mask & Wig Club "TELL-TALES" ji ul Hull n In Twe Slien '..Mat SOctul.'.SO.W nl JUr SOctelS m wmm a r l.e . GARRICK Last 2 Weeks r.riNi:i: SA.ri'fRUAJ GEO. M. COHAN'S COMEDIANS ir tlie Vhiiinm Musical It t THE O'BRIEN GIRL IMAUV S Il'cj Sav '. v f ji a m: hk r, srsTnrti nu mntr nrfnrnini.n SCATS IkiHIC GREATEST Mir NOW pan. i WEEKS B0HB0 LYRIC MR. JOHN DREW SKUSTnSMIM' f VZZ-mZ. A yysrTx ficiSr i..isi :i kik. I..N MAI. &A1I ItllW MRS. LESUE CARTEX HASTIKPIECC Willi JOUVHM.l.inAV BUM T AWrORO, HHTTY I.INI.EV. UOHt.H1 Kh.MiLt. Monday at 8 Sharp Seats T Setherr-MarL. Firit Wctk: Men. Eve. St. Mat., MERCHANT OF VENICE; Tuti., TWELFTH NIGHT j Wd Fri. Ev., HAMLET; Thuri., Sst. Eves. TAMING OF THE SHREW. $Ue S3, Plu tsx. ADFI PHI Eve:. .18:10; Pep. AULLmi Mat. Ted.r, Sl.se FRANZ JIOLNAR'a CemJy of Ufe "LILIOM" !5i2" JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT wither feEVA LE GALLIENNE IVIK IKOHH II AM eikka K--ll-.lt Kh , , . J,0l.ii'L AFK1L 17 MAKTIMI MON. MAT. Matin Me ml i rrt i iitri lll.l'l'l ' LD I Np (.lir.lniit ill lOtli AiBSsfl ( rntlnueui. II . M lull . , IIIO. II IMi: I'U.ma u" HAIL THE WOMAN :'i:W&, HI (Irr't tnri Merrm ,llr ii,,i i n. im I H13'1 "P8'" rl lliirhr. I hf.'diirc l(riit, Mmir,. ;r'in.. rtMCnN ntnil II A Mwr, il?:i.ii.i. ii.i..,i. "'" ",'l""'", tliilr hiuI Huililfr. ii'iu'i. tenn. iinatrln n,n.i. HrliMlify. Tlikl Xi'iiilfiny mill llfii'i, Ml Trl. nnd 8t. The Fun Shew of Ihr World and All eu Tli 1 3 Trip BRINGING UP FATHER In Wall Street Taiir the Kidiitt Ste Jiggt and Maggit Alive. II Will "rlnt Jur (. riirlr I.lttle llrarts. MATINEE PRICES. 2Sc, 50c 1 Ne NIGHT. 25c, 50c, 75c & $1.00 Higher SEATS NOW SELLING Mftrunelli in Orn-r i lleiif nnd MmlWU EITH'S THEATRE TOM WISE ."'wn'ANr. . . ..I .j.niin Itl TH IIIIVR I I WITT A I III UtVIHIII rtrif-c iii.i. iii.M.KitK & I I n II iliei A Ourr 'B A rHi,n M.i-hnl' n I HMififH- AND KIUU3 S WIlMlfc M-ii. ji s. i . ni:NKriT ur .. mi VMlur nnil Htiilur n' i)Fn or mi sir "" h i-nl nc nril '.'IV unil rirriiiieii .Mur t I hi; UKKTH h I'llhSKNTN ' MK KTIII It C0NAN DOYLE THE NEW REVELATION nri.rin, Fi.nq in gj.j,, I lit) I ln-.tniii Mti ai ii:m or mi mi - D,'J'I'.N rerfermanct ' iMirilun, J, .ft. niuim, " "IU f K UUMONT'S "T Alien cvg . h.u Ac.i.mv-lit.Hes err. a lUppt'TTiiiijh-- CUUtrr uw. 5,".ni 'ill- ..?n nHlLAUU.rHIA -fRiikn. HJM ftuiiMrkJIirlrV .TSSSXltir. OJlCHEiTILAl sssiwa m 11.I X.il ",: S.i ( 1 ''M?M t .WtA m ' m &. n AI 4 h If ft t1 )t 1 'rfl 'i if A'.V i 1 lll r'i y Ur w W& p m f . .'Jt .e.j w. trfiS-us'l.!: ..:i..v '.' a H ft .. - ..,,,,, H ' , S UMiMj. . .V, . .. ..A. l - Vj i',. t 1 ' j. rt"l ,.v.. . i- i . . i . 14 . . - .M 'te u,?ikiivv,.. ?,. .. yf. .. MmA . if , &0 ' i--mtLaa &&SL-ZL-i waiii-n M.