ff- i'wW'syrasTw3 $ r . .jit.wii it hm?a r,- 5XV Kv u2 rev H fr r W V l-x. - m SPECIAL EASTER SALE Until and MM I.urf Krdurrd exchange, 206 S. change, SOS S. 16th Street Give Shut-im a chance. Cndvcnture (tnrles that Mir your bleed nnil mnUc your pulses lenp te the cell of adventure nrp Ideal tunics nfter a tlrlni? ila Tnke one home, from Campion's. mipxLi BOOIC1L SELLERS 1313 Walnut St. 1(Uhv275.000beebl 'went te Carlsbad last year' Anil 'tifv mm frnm nil etir th werlil te rttrink of th tiaturxt enraMve nrei(ittii for ntemach tteuhl. ttr unil kidney iiwgH, rhumflim renulpi.t an tc con tslnpj in Carlntiail Spruilfl Fprlnii- Vameun for centurl"i New ou can obtain t'lte natural rttntdlen at jour drutt-lst. ASK FOR THE GENUINE Carlibid Sprudel Walfr and arlsbadfJBW & gaeiii!;i'iii!iiiii,iiiii'iiJ!rii!ii!ii!iiiar:!i!;iv'ii:ii'ii' m, , ., Asce Stores are head quarters for "depend able" epRS Fresh Eggs H - 3 1 i dez. a Geld Seal Eggs 32 carton of twelve The bigKest and fullest At all our Stores OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 608-612 Chestnut Street 570 Square Feet 5th Fleer Frent Reems " Apply Mr. Dallas 606 Chestnut Street ECZEMA PSORIASIS - ITCH RU-BON will remove every pet. Ak Your Druggitt. Smith, Kline & French Ce., Phila. Wholesale Dis tributor. DANDERINE . Steps Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies fftC. jtes 35 cents buys a bottle of "Dander- ( af tv'C. . .J.I K.ll .Carlsbad PrcduclsCe. it elil 90 Wt St.. New Yerk gJflU F,wmwMmmmmmmmmmmmmmu. " - - 'f v i TiKSsVssO -n'XT it Ine at any drug store. Alter one pplicatien of this delightful tonic you can net And a particle of dan driuf or a falling hair. Besides, Sllisl"'." " -. ..V ...V, T.W., M.TjW IV.P ltMwfinllfl mm in1nv artA akilM. -r nHir- niivBrsm nsur in u.crnr f.VsJW uiiBitv, vw,w vtist .uwr IRK5.Wfc .. W w y-'ii Wemet Voters Fleck te Register j ' ! ! rem Piiec One Urait 1'nrty tterKrrs me nut In full fnrri" icgNtpritiK ilip Hnpiilillcnti tetn. Tin- Imlli'iitlnliH arc I Inn !!." pi'f i-cnt nf Ihc (IhlsleiiM nrc fullv iikiiiiiiiI bv regu rpKii- 111' IlKlttlMliHI.. U'lillnmi "...I 1.n.t le , llltli' or no Interct bclnc tiihen b In- .. I... I ilepenclents. then' liclni; very few Inde- pcnib'iit workers nl the poll"." I In the registration of lust ji'ur for the ; lern I cnuipnign, women reglereil n ml , I'lirellcil In illsippelutluiily stunll iiuin- berx. AHIiuurIi no ellicinl rereril tn miiilc of tlfc women velerx us ilitlnei from the men voter".. it wni estitmileil lint net ninrc thnn "O.ODd tecl'teriil. Wniiirn leader- uinde n tremendous drive today in get the women wire enrolled. This ilrlw U the cutmhiat ion of .1 quiet I'limpiilRii by ihe women in :i iicmf-to-deor ranvnxs. pnrtieulnrlj In ' Hie Independent u.irdx, The women 1 u-eil n lileek c.v.stem. llK'iRnlllK eneli uemnn ennvnct' n ilellnile nuiiibei of holies te vNitt I The reclMrntlen nnd enrollment te- ' ilny will uliew hew the wind is blowing. A heavy reulstuitlen in I'lilladeljihln as well ns In I'iitsbursli and Sernnten, would hearleu Indepetideutu Willi a genuine feelim; of victory. Kteti or- Klllil7.allen lenders i nneeile thill a big leglMrntien. e-jieelally in fiillti.lelpli.il . would mean a mmIeiis blew ! te In aimed nt the Combine. I'ineliet Mipperters make the point that a liuse rejiMr.itlen win be fatal for the bosses Tiiey saj llie Combine can be benten The. aiRiie lhat if tlie machine ete in I'liiladelphla and ritlslmrgli. which is. tlie iniitnvtay of the Alter candidacy, can he held down b. a streni; Independent vote, then tlie in terior counties will push the Stnte Perester ever the goal line en May 1(1. .Mere thnn .".l.'.".IMHI men nnd women are elljible for registration and enroll liietit in rhlliKlelphia alone. If a large percentage et tills total should he reg istered teda the bosses would begin te wnrr.t nr once without waiting for ejec tion dat Wb.t the Hessps Tremble Tlie 'total cllglnlc voters is 7."S.0li 1, ttlif'se names ire en the tiesei' lists, nnil llierefere ipmlitleit te nppl.t for egistiatieii Of till total. IIIL'.lllli tteie regiMeird for ihv election of last 'ar. and are lit that fact registered fei 'he muling primaries unless t!n'. hate moved or changed their pntty status In the latter event corrections mav be made en the lioeks today. The number eligible te register teda is the difference between the total registered, I''.'-' P.M.!. and the total assessed. T.'S 1 J I. which is :'.'.". s' The nterage last je.ir for each nf three levl-tratien dnts tta 1 Itl.lMHI 'huts On the "big dat ' a leta I of !". I."0 iiieii nnd women tvi're rogi regi tired If nnl.t 1 III. 000 men and women . Id their iinmcs te the books tridaj. 1 icn a grand total of nearlj ."T.'t.OOO would hi' ready for the tirlmarj elec ' .mi Tnai inin . tthich is net as large n it ma. hi , ilii be enough te strlkt lea 1 In the liesii nl" the liesses, I'm ii nf the headiimi'lcrs for tlie gu Ie111at011.il 1 'nnlidnics unule special flntis .,1 gi 1 their supporter-, reg-i-ti i-aiI Prnminent wniiien. inarsbaleil lit Mr. G.ffnril Plmhet and Mrs !nr. II Wnibi.it.in. nl' ter iesisi,a- hi 111 1 M'l t llit isll 0111:111 'louts Waul for Piniliet Mr Stlt'.i Van lieiielin r Shi II In ."irj:i Cluiuceller tr'el. iirnted t te III' - till" of the lllnsl III the Pun het ei's in the in . She tonic ! tnc siuli Waul in a mntiiiciir and biniighi wniiien te'er In the lcgi-triil i' n plnie Mis. SllHIie lilesied I.l-t lligllt III III' elllllUsln-lli Pllli het llie-tlllg III bel home. She miiibd i,imiili"s te nil ttiimeti nil the ls.eiir' 1 1 r The pninjihlets centa'.iieil plcdg te in.peir the forester nt the priiuiir There tt.i a bis Ullinillt in ihe tt Cl'ili linn henii lii hi nr Ml P. In Inn sH Ilk. " I he in iibb- with Ihe Pi mist It. inin." he .aid. iii'i run. 11 il -I1011I1I In linsp of getting ihe Stale' gut 1 1 nnil nt ni "l I hill 11 i . for t In- jnir- liilllies ttcll done lit icilnunhl cost te the tiuplltci' 'i'lin timible Is that eerta n pnlitiinl 'ciders htite for tears been making "si of it for purposes very nilli rent from the senile of the people Thet weil. ii the theory thin n publii etlii e 1. .1 irlt.ite sunii. and thet 1 eme tert 1 lni ' 1 making it I list that 'Vebndv doubts that iiuhl'e nfhcinls sworn te erte the penic have delib erately iii'ieased the burden of laxti laxti Mell lit spending the .enple' iiimiet for their own personal 1nh.1i1t.1ge and nnbuily likes l ecei the little giniip of men who iirntii lit u The penpl" hate submitted hitherto but unless 1 am iittcrl.t mistaken lhev will imi sub 'nut much longer ".statp (ietfiiiiiieiit If .nl "The geternment of Penntianin i what the ielitiilat)s lutte Iniiilc 11 ., peer business otganl.iitien. Its finances are 111 confusion; It does net pav n debts t hen they are due and its cur- See them at the Shew They are steel the most modern thing in windows. Their slender, clean-cut lines suggest the costly English steel casements; but their price is surpris ingly small. Clese-fitting, free work ing, non-rattling, non warping. Beth side s cleanable from inside the room. "Judge a house by its windows." First Regiment Armery, Bread it Callowhill, Apr. 15-22 David Lupten's Sens Ce. AlUfksnr snd Tulip, Pailattelpkis rTMVSSTMSNT VALUE I tjrasw -s 3l h m wv .W .1-" f. r- V J" .1 , EYEING PUBLIC rent IIiiIiIIHIem iippeiir te lie much greater than Its nxsrtM. , "The (irgnnlzatleii of the Stale ile- pnrtmetiK 1h bad. Instead of a chisel knit hed., whevp iiart.i all work In- gether for a common end. ns the iif.Mr, Fisher snld. partmeiitK of any micccssful business "De jeu want It loge out V a (pies, must de. the State government I" a i tinner persisted. loose and clumsy group of seinratc or- "Ne," he said. giuilznttenfl, eai'h going Its own way. ...i.i ;. ;.'..:. i.i. 1 " V " '-' -.v ......... .- "1 " " ' .........-.- --- r. work; no common Mnndards of pa,t i nient for services rendered ; no real super Isleii In the public Interest. ' "If tlie government of IVnusjhaiiln 1 were u private business ergiiui.ath'ii It would today lie broke. It manage ment Is se penV that It could net slay In business at nil In competition with ether lirms Its directors, the pnlln I clan's vim iiuemelnlly eutm1 It, are 1 using the business te feather their own host, it is beginning te leek new as If the stockholders, who are the people, had gellen 1 1 I'd nf It all ami were gniiig tn liiite a change. "It will net he en te mit the State government In order, but it can be . done. ilie-tetiths of tthnl Is needed ! can be done without any new laws, just hv i mining the government te erte the people -net tn serte the politician. I believe 1 knew precisely what 1 needed, for I learned that trade under Hoeetelt. I have actually done il for one of the department.. If I urn elcc led i ioverner 1 will de It for all the let." FISHER WOXT DEN) HE 11 ILL WITHDRAW Slate Hanking Commissioner Flshei became a target for questions as seen as he appeared nt the Ttcllevue-Strntfnrd 1 for the Ketar.t Club luncheon. Ilcpnrts lie was about te withdraw from tc race for Gotcrner hnvc jieen in circiilalli'li through tlie State. Such liii lien would be 11 turning point in llie I'nmpnign It would leave 11 clear-cut is. ue between Attorney (ienernl Alter, tlie uiinliiiie 1 aniljdate. and Glffntd Pin- hoi. the independent. 1 "Wlieie hate .ten been for the last twenty. four hours?" Mr. Fisher was . asked as he entered an eletnter. j "I have been out In tlie weed." In ' replied with a smile. I "Are. ten out of the wnnd new?" 1 "Well. I am in Philadelpiiia." I The Hanking Cnminls inner stepped from the elevator and tried te get away ' ftein interviewers. He appeared an' nn.ted at their persistence. He wa told ' of persistent reports that lie was nheut te get out of the light. "I lme i,n statement te make mm,' he .aid. ltemlnded that the gossip, if unchecked, would weaken his eandldnc lie replied "I le.ilii it effect, hut I want te ' tal'1 '" some of my friends. When I ROAMER A ca that is made in 18 body styles and painted as the purchaser desires. "lint mom Onrn I'-trnliiK PHILADELPHIA ROAMER CO. Kt; NOKTII ItKOAIt ST. STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT FIRT NEW PRICES Effective April 10, 1922 Bring the world-renowned car within the reach of all MODEL 501 BABY FIAT er !'nrnir! Tnjrlm; Sl'll", '.'S51 no Ti);rn' lie uf SJUSO !'Js2J..Ml sieiisn KWi isr.L'j 00 Smlnn Or ut Si: tail?:. 00 MODEL SOS STANDARD SIZE Teurine SMOO JliSO no l.anriall' WISH J-.IT.'i (HI MODEL 510 6-CYLINDER LARGE Tnurmir ! ux HMOO JWlsn (in l.anilniilet MISO JTls.5.00 t.flnilaiilt nr Umuxh.tm r)IuT $r,r,ne J77.10.fti Ofner bodies ami special rfc jijnt obtainable. A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR DISCRIMINATING BUYERS Petter-Dieiinger Moter Ce. Chestnut at 22d Street a6t0tVappine in 6tmy (Bex. .- tS:iSSS Jey moves the wheel of the Ureal timepiece of the world. v' an i ta After another W'nfer, I'.nstcr cemt s ngam ! I land in hand itlt dant'ini;' pnug, Jt'i time for jet and breaking buds. Time for Happiness Candy. Candy bunnies, candy eggs, dainty ben-bens wholesome liemc-mndc.i -200 kinds of delicious sweets te help you celebrate 1 .aster. United Happiness Candy Stores Tnrlfth nnil fhenlniii Hlrrr lAOt .Miirliel Mrrrt Mil Seuth 52 ml Ntrret ST46 (iermantetvn Arnun 3(158 Orrmanteirn Avenue, &$$&.-. Rii TW Kfl5 VtllCl.- rtW.IV Jl V-J. !' ljc" .' hW Tr ' v;i HILAqKBEffljtf, de make, n Mnfeinetir It will he n very ' ileHiiIlp slnleliieut." "De ytni want the Impression te go out that tiu nie nbeui te ullhdiaw''" "I knew that Imnrpssien will go out." "Arc ten going te witfidniw t .. .1. ...: ...1, ;. ""' '"' -J HM.1IIII.I ll "V Mi an air of linnlil.v andiednv ilmi h ulll b.. in l'lttshurch. tit ..-. i- Irritation. "Wlien I niiike u slalcnicnl (ilfferd I'ineliet, the Clilef I'erestcr, 't will he dclinlle." whose candidacy already has wen the Ihe (iiutulO Iniciesi. who are .Mr. support of the miijerltv of women voters Fisher's chid supporters, hate Mated M t),0 stnte. nnd .Jehn's. Flslier, Itmik that they will net support Attorney jnB Commissioner from Indiana, will (ienernl Alter in any etenl. both speak. .Mr. Flslier nnd the Attorney (Ienernl (ieergc Whnrlen Pepper nnd Ditvld nrn friends, nud it Is regarded as A. Heed, candidates for the United possible the Stale llaiikini; Ceinnils- States Scnntr, completes the list of sinner. If he wlthdinw, will declare for political aspirants en the program. Alter. I Owing te the length of the program, Hut Miiineiici'K of Plnchnt nic con - I vlnced (hut If I iher gel out of the ! light It will iiie.in the transfer nf gieat blocks of totes te the Independent cause, i At tlie I'Mier licadcpiarters In tlie I Franklin TmM Itiiitdiint ledny tlie workers gave mil a telegram from Plum ' vlUe. Pa., the home town nf Fisher's i liej lioed. wliicli iisuied the Blinking I Commissioner that Plumvlllp nnd Seuth Mnheniug lire solid for him. ; CANDIDATES TO SPEAK Pinchot, Fisher. Pepper and Reed te Be Guests Tonight of Weman's Club Twe candiilatps for (ioverner nnd two m0 m SUSSk- PM& mi m w m mi mzm :??W-Zi, m M gii Mi $m mtm t Xv. vv yi SSSKxJS &Mim IM: 5Z.:'v SSSSsHW'l M MM m MZ i IEBEHIA, WEDNESDAY;!'"' A;PBIL 12rlfl& ' ' ""' for. United Stales Senater will face n 'firing line" of critical voter- tonight, when they nppeilr nt tlie firnt political dinner unci conference el the iiepui) I llcnn Wnmnn'e t'lnli nf I'piinsvlvniila Attemev (ienernl Geerge K. Alter, thp orRanlatlen's "Klatrd" cnndldate, lM the only eiip of the three aspirants fr (ioverner. who will net attend thn Itnminnr tri In trk-nil Itl (In llnllrVllP .....,... .1.. ... ;,: I M I'll I Mini . IIP IIWIIH'U II"' ' IllllVfc ..Mr. Geerge Herace I.erlmer, president nf the club, has announced that the dill tier would slnrl promptly at 7 o'clock. An informal reception In honor of the candidates for office nnd ether speaker will take place in tlie ante-room previ ous te the dinner. State Dentists In Annual Session Pittsburgh. April IL'. A lecture last night hv Ur. Themas H. Hnrtzell, of Minneapolis, Minn,, en "When te Conserve or When te Destroy the Den tal Mechanism," closed Ihe opening dnv of a Ihree-ilay convention of the Petitistlvnnin State Dental Society. .. .'. .in .. i' f. .j e .i. .. i I which is Heming us mij -inurui milium meeting here. , SO-j; :KS,:: va ': m l ; ?. ! c. . Si Every man can afford Hart Schaffner & Marx style THE quality's se geed that you get longer wear-it means lowest cost Strawbridge & Clothier Exclusive Philadelphia Distributors of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clethes NAVY BILL'S FATE IN DOUBT Beth Sides Claim Victory en Final Day of Debate Wnslilnglmi, April VI. (Ity A. P.) As the Heuse proceeded with Its third and lnt day nf general debate en the llli'l naval budget, leaders 'urging nnd opposing! an enlisted strength nf (iri.000 claimed votes enough in sght today le win en n straight test en tlie big point nt lsue. This may net be reached until next week. ltcprcscntntitcs lingers, Massachu setts; Hrltten, Illineis: McArthur. Ore gen, nnil ether ifcpuhllcnus ,m charge et the ngni ter mu.uuu ilecinrcil pledges hnd ben received from 11 sufficient number of members te dafrnt the com mitlee figure. Leaders en the ether side asserted the bill would go through the house substnnt'nlly as framed. 12-INCH SNOW IN KANSAS Western and Northwestern Part of State Covered, Bureau Reports Shew Wichita. Kan.. April 12. Snow covered Western and Northwestern Kansas yesterday. Ileperts received by the jcdcrnl Weather Bureau here show Inches of knew at Gnedlnnd. twelve ' Housten, Tev.. April 1L Advices from San P.enlte yesterday recorded this ns the hottest April day in four . ., ... jears mere, km 'at 4 1. M. degrees being reached 5.'rtVVV S::xmmmm 6 SlL' ' JWfa'' X 3 y ;.' - '"' ' W'tfffe'ty.'ff YeutH "Heartbroken at Killing Chum Continued from Pane On appeared dazed for n moment, nnd then said: "t feel dizzy," puttln? his hand te his head. Then Topples nnd Dies An Instant Inter he toppled eer nnd was carried te the college Infirmary, where he died without regnlnlng con sciousness n few minutes Inter. We rrrpilrc members nl thn fresh " - " "1IL1..1-., i ,vslcnl excr- ".""fT:'' '"Mf0. - - -ui i with tlio'mnjerity of the boys." said Frederlrk Pnlmer, denn of the college tedny. "An InvoMlgntlen wns made Imme diately nfter the nocldent. Frem what I ascertained, one of the freshmen swung nt the bnll nnd young Turner stepped up behind him just In time te receive the blew en the bend. Frem what I Imve lenrned I nm positive the death of Turner wn purely acci dental." Authorities Hear Details Corener Drcwes, of Delaware Coun ry. nnd Chief of Police h'cnnlln, of llnrprfenl Tewnshin. conducted nn In- vestigntien in the college nt 7:W o'clock Inst night. Ihenuis wns summoned be- 1 "I.istkn IN' WITH hadie rip fore the two efficlnl. nnd In n Voice . Win- buy n rnilln yet when ou run" "1,1.1.. choked with emotion related the Inel- 1 'i '.Ifi wtS Ranui6,i,.c..nri,en dents of -his chum s dentil. fiadle nnlf the nw route, hi1 W'J Tliere were six freshmen In the party, ' gflBfr Tff5j;i"i ?Sii& ' -..' N. 'V;k m he said, including hlnvtcifntitt the tUJ hey. The ethers were I'cnneeV 1 :tj.r rett, HlnrlcIiM nnd llcbtley. Heme e,i tilnced the ball en the Heur In Ilnrclnt Hall, arcerdlng te Tliemn. and he . lected 11 mldlreii iirepnrntnry Id drivlmr It out en the campus through nn enen doorway. lln At the conclusion of bis ps(inen. young TlinnuiH, close te n physical en Inpsp, wns escorted tn his loom. After 11 brief dellherntlen Diewcs and ('hf S'canlln exonerated Tbemas from '.! blame nnd nnueuueed that no prcneeii Hen would fellow. Themns Is n en '. Geerge Tliemns. n wealthy lnndetvnpJ of Whltferd. Chester County. cr Turner lived with his wlilew-M mother, en Herkley read, IIiiterfaH His father wiih nt one time 11 ncw' papermnn. specializing In financial writing. He Inter became a member of the banking firm of Hnrper & Tumor and wns noted for innny jears as n for most exponent of civic reform. Week's Wash Is Burnctd Flic in 1I10 home of Frank Ciirugim at :).'.' North Twenty-second silo ?' early this morning detrn,vii the weekN wnsli, which lay In tubs teady-te bi snaked. 'The owner belie es that cigarette tossed through 11 grating nher. the tub, which arc in the cellar "Z, responsible for the blaze. It Wn, j1 tlngulsheil before the nrrivnl of firemen -AiV, m m mm S.Sl Al4M'r: mm wm. w.vyw' wm ! ma m S wmm ::SS:': &m ?:'.' CM' V " ' k K-VM im. &8f? MijW.W?-:; iS'J.SK'ftrf vm K',,Iwk...--A. j -M ik-.?rtK'- ? '.;. 'J ' ITm' u . , i A ' tf M e iir ViV