tzmr,? Wm HMKJK ' iVIHBS !t 'i Forces g (rir w V Expiate iflhetners Sin The Vengeance of Henry Jarreman By ROY VICKERS Must the Weman Always Pay? . irtita HROlNfl THE BTOBV I uenni Jarreman, releaeed from prlten, I'tLiiiiich he nteiied ienli ufer 'ere '" " tnwraer of uner.ri nau, if kin u.-1f. Irfllrrf Kddla. the crime en him, l dted. Vt mmd fMttntainmvrmm vn rum. tjj urya. ilSftihitwB m In 0rttent an if new h Mm waV Cam- n mF""',r iranuLni " "-.- -- -- - - "--."" irri Ww. " fleueMler, ntrnnaik'a tether. I atartted when he recegnltt a I'lZ s'atlta meara and knows who aha (. rfHiHM CreJ""' " "'' ,c'" lfcm. ..Lj ilrerfxt Jarreman nnrl thtlr I-imeung daughter, the. proprietress 0 n Kierf gambling eatabllahmfnt. Therd, Jarreman i rasceny avticiyir, vmhi irr liid Iren "rr iruiruiiiurt mBiim ,u ifii, Ltfi. Auiahfrr. ITKh lh Mfe 0 clitte jtT0wett' fortune for themiewea, The'd ttUtt Sedla and Jarreman together. t'jtrreman, tee, recegnlaea Camden' a ring, 'entknewa Nadle l net hi a daughter but 'ratnien'a. lit raleleea that the vtettm Mf hate la delivered into hta handa, Jiiita telle Btranack ahe eatttief marrv li, aa her nctc-feund ether la a er- etmvtet. Lord and hadv Deueeater. out ml thtlr pmti have knowledge that Sad In H Jehn Camden'a daughter, Deueeater tin te rneeu 10 uncover wiiar in taller Knew, and then hunta tip Cldudtnr, tWie knewa tne srrrri, aitcr vnrteua conipu cenipu conipu fflKei. A'arfin and Htrattnrk nre mar ried, Jarreman making riioisnem eetlh titnla 0.1 the bride, Thedettctlve letla htm hta etrn daughter la Seil, n factei u girl, lie finda her e crudehj livlcnl Ced- girl, Jarreman, meditating a law anil aeflhtif .Verfla and th; Denrattri aa hla revenge, thua Impevrtahlng thtm end wrecking Rlranaclta career, h'ara from hla detective that Camden uni In Heetnt. He haa a stroke from the theck. and Therd laelatea film from the u or,' rt h Claudlne'a lieuae, AND HERE IT CONTINUES ITTR STIFFENED nnd then swn.vrd Jl lilmself into a bow ns I.ndy "All. my dear Jady Deuccster. liew HI) .T0I1 d(J?" L) l.ady Ueuccstcr. tee comnesed te be Rntlrcly niiturnl. bestowed the neccs- fMry mlnlm,:m of Rreetlnfr. nnd then. IinlilinK IiIh card ns If It were an object f curiosity . nuked: 'What does in re Crfmden and Jar- Iremnn mean'.' It bounds like 11 law- Itull. In it?" "fl may well lreeuie se. I.ndy Den- Ice'lm1. answered 'J'liecd, In n voice jlkp a funeral. "The event bancs laijcely with yourself." I "The event hangs largely with my Mf," repeated l.ady Ueucester. as if the were, Irvine te think nut wlint the irenis meant, as indeed Rlic wan. "That THEGVMPS ' r J 1 'p By Sidney 5ii lliccil. nduljtently. "Kvcn .Tnrreman did net lnmRiiic that, lint hc under the Impression that Camden's daughter luj n claim te certain properties " Lady DeuceMer withdrew her linnda Miarplv from her ehnlr nnd clenched them in her lap. She knew Middenlv ncute fear. That In Itself did net sur". nrlse her.' She had feicsecn the posil pesil bility of fear .when she had rend "In re Camden nnd Jarreman" en Thced's card. But this panic was different j it was born of her nemindcrstanding. u liy was .Tnrreman's blew aimed also at her? She had Incurred his con tempt, she knew, but his nttftude te- ward her had been clear. "Welcome 1 Xedla ns your daughter-in-law nnd the past shall be burled forever," e the lacu unuerstnnding had run. Hnc had bartered her consent for his silence She disliked Jarreman thoroughly, but she had believed him capable of straight dealing. Conjectures whlrJcd up nnd retreated again. She.must play for time. "De I understand, this is where you de me a fnver, Mr. Thced?" Theed looked profoundly hurt. "Alas, dear LadyDeuceMcr, I am as helpless In th? matter as yourself that U te say," he fidded, "that neither you nor I can de anything te avert a terri ble cntnstrephc I might nlmest say a nntiennl disaster, when one considers that the career of se enterprising n young politician is inextricably involved In the scandal. I can de nothing with out your help and possibly little with The wry thought Unshed te T.ady Deucester's mind ."If Theed hed run Mvalglit he might have had. a career." Ihen again the tumult of her mind surged around her memories of Jarro Jarre man. She had thought him heavy, rather brutal, unimaginative; new. In the light of Thecd's revelation, he he came a mass of contradictions. Fer In In Mnnce, he showered luxuries upon a girl he appeared te love nnd respect; new he threatened that girl with mesl dinstlc penalties for nu Innocent im posture. She caught at the solicitor's, last in in Mnmilien. "My help?'" she echoed. "I nm in n moral quandary." Theed' Theed' veice was nlmest tremulous. "Jarro "Jarre tiian gave me his Instructions In the heal of the moment. TIip nnm. fnlin,,. ... jnenns you're going te threaten me ; then stricken he Is helnless ns an in- iwui TOinrmiiiR. n:t uewil. .Mr. urucuinip dudc. Ueuccstcr. Up I Kir W" WWfc MfcMlM tV ' Wt WE 0 TH VrttttMQ - Ht I JetT. UtrUtMIMt rHOM T IHUCrte MfDMHOAft ,M9 HM JMTT M0 00rC Te naie- MHW'ft WIS? HtHWVTTsV MWT HNMC OtOf tw W- s B MMt wks- K urrtt etA6ocee NMtv"rrer W JTt VT WM-T VAMt FOtt ME TO LOOK INTO WIS- 1 Vfitt LIKE A TMW5 BUT rW CWtlOU - t OuT WfcMT TO & if VHt. rws wKTitr fijr twiner ABOUT MV.- IU JVVT TAKE r lATTLfc 9VIM- h. HVTLE ?EP WON'T HURT-. 2 J If .m., tf WKIW1 TflftM&U r. r...irrrrru imiieu tWkt -"Witt, m WVTH YOO ON TMC TOM' ,TCi WB! - CMtLO VH.S OME. A.AIM UkT NtWT- W V. k UTTV6 WAVet) MtirM I luttlllt) MIM TVIC- TRLfLfifeAM - ptc. - cakves wkv eutniAH tcwiwi- He w WDVkpwT Mikiit wi;-piin w -1 , 0 VWTH Wl AVItTt AtAiM A tT VlPSN'T FOU. M MOHW- CARLO VS A MIMO t AOE.H - & M.C. rrei. iMC rttt has AtttUEP- TM maum ta niLL. or fuhulm AMt camx-. hz is cewwa or tohiemt- M6fttV, PtC. BW-e " SC1E. Mil WWMT- tt.CO HKE AH UHfctfcTAKt. ttc. 2S"Ct - (SOT AH AUTOMOBILE CfteM SPIHtUSHAMK- WSW Ht't SIWO Mt SJOME eAOLtNt- JAH. te - TOOK CAtlO Ven A RIMS. tN THE CAH- MtT WM86- F1tMlNW.t ttrlT . MtM- VUILV WtA VOKATMI TeMOEfeONW- . . . L t - rCE VIKS OVM fkOAIH NI&WT- CXLO CALLED Wf VWLE HE WAS HERE - t TOLftl T WA IVtt. ., LOOKCP BWTltieW; Vf, AHfr OM ONCLE felM ' ttAt- t ATTE (- HOT A UNE OF LOVE 00. AFFECtlbH - POOR UHCie ftlM' STAM THAT StOKt THE CAMU: 6ACK UAH. SJ - HE WkUV PROVOSEO LAT HI6HT- I Wt feVEIsyTWH46 COULD TOLAMO HIM UT HE SHIEt LKE A FRtHTtNt! FAVJM- I DON'T TVtlHK. THAT COULt tvt LOVE HlfA-BWT FOR. MARRT A CMtHPAMZF.e- SOMEBODY'S STENOGA Simple Solution of the Parking Problem JWIMrl U. S. rtnt OIBe Theed. I am In the mood te be thrrnt- Itned today." "I assure you that I have neve" threatened any one in mv life." snl.l lllieed, en the apparent verge of teui'i. I "i Knew. said J.ady Deucester. "But. you see, there me a large mini- er of neenle who allow von the nrlvl- I lege of doing them n favor nnd It costs them just as much In the end. What particular favor de you want te de for tie this afternoon?" dy Deucester Is Calm She hart seated herself n was her custom. In a corner of tiie room where e light was softened In- the wimlmv hanging". Xet n Dicker of her eyelid- ctrnyed the state of her feeliii!?s. "Te be frank." said Thnd I.miIv )eucester smiled ncdntedtv "t. 1.'.. frank, I have net come for the nur- ese of doing you a favor unlem It be a fnver te be the first in he-ir nrn tidings." "Kvil tidings!" renealeil Lmlv linn. ester, as it te herself. rt. news'". "Very bad. I fenr." rpinrneil Tlmml I nuit't nsk you te prepare yourself or what mav prove 10 be a severe ilieek. Lady Deucester." 'I'm used te them." snld l.ady Den. ester. "I like them served milcklv.' "Yeu arc under the ininiesu'nn " si.i.l 'herd, "that your son has married Ilss Nndia Jarreman." I.adv Deucester slnu'lv in,n-,.,i 1 hands le the arms of her ehnli- and. tlng her wrists en the curved ei-mi. iiient.s that bore the Deucester crest. 1 her lingers trail limply dewnwurd. It was as If she I'hnllenced herteM as well ns her tormenter te break her anery of the moment. "Was there home legnl Haw In the arrlngc ceremony?" she asked. "N'e." said Theed. sndlv. as If l. rfgicttcd the fact. "Nothing can In validate a marrinen service Imi tin. liirevleus marriage of one of the parties. The lady is Indubitnbly your son's wife. inu nu did net nmrry Miss Xmlla .Ihk- 1'ininil. lie innrrlerl Allc ... Idea." s.. The silenee rnulil lie fnli 'rhan.i leaning fernnid with hands clasped tftween his knees. Imd cpeken wilh bent head. lie did net raise It jiew. Jf I"" "as able te lift his gaze te the in i of Lady Deucester's languid hands. He fcilW tliem (wlteh. nurln. Inn..,l k though te clutch at something that had slipped away. He grinned te hlm- t,u nn" waited. Tills was but the first blew. Well. Mr. 'i'iiii? r b...,. !.- from the beginning." Thced almost bounced, te his feet. I'er nerhaiH the fir:t ;.. 1., i.i ..... --HMjessfnllv shady ereer he had received "wSlli M"T.k ter which he had had net a n.i n iiirparauen. lie who In this Mruggle was te have been the Miper man the colossus! A sense of indig nation swept ever him, se genuine that . J; u ,,,m " speech, Really i" be gasped. J.ady Deuccster, I de beg- hns no chance te revise or modify what migiit well have been n hasty decision. "I am tern between my duty as n solicitor of literal obedience te my client -mid my wider duty us a humane man. I am thftiklng less of Mrs. Strnniick than of .In-ieiiian lilmself. Ik It fnlr le him Is, t right, that I should pre cipitate this terrible scandal, with nil Us attendant misery, when at tills mo ment Ills dearest wish may be te rescind 1 Ills own orders? He may din before ever he recovers the power of speech. I cannot bpnr (e think he would die In the act of causing pnin te ethers. "As jet." be nddwl slewlj, just n l.udy Deucester's cndimine wns glvins wiiy. "te the best nf.iuy belief no e,u "lit myself mid you knew the true siui, ( nffnlrs." Lady Deuccster leaned carefully hack I In her chnlr and her eyes, Kcarchee Thced's with Intensity. Shu measured her words. t Js It necessary that any one -else should knew the true state of affairs:'" By Hay ward , tf . 1 VJELL IM GETTIN' ALP CA' mcI TH S ) fcl 2 4WK VJLL I IX) STSOOT j OTT-S A PEftvn! illlll f CLEVER SO FAK ON M ETl AMW ' COME ON FQTA A GOrfTs WM "mYCWNCA I CANT LtAVE M TOU ft fYES' V I THE WAY T50Wr4 TOWr4 VllllllSlllHl t W CA THIS AFTTONOON- V ""rTJrrT, ( L R rJ SN'T ' Til Tvcem-Y ian-by 1 eBiGcn th- q sedan dewnstairsH SS.eSmgJ Sr- HV In fk DGHT TRAFFK S&tAS "j C0XJ) V LCI f THINK ' V ''ttff ' . ' yiyyy I 1 1 (I l. -rfgj IL A-.-nTWAia.i e tailu0 The Yeung Lady Acress the Way De you mean suppressing the Facts 'My dear "Strange that you should niv thnt. dear Lady Deuccster!" said Thced. "Fer thul Idea had occurred te me." Their gaze still held. "I suppose there are practical dllli- iiltles In the way of n cemplelu sup pression of the facts. lint " "There are niaiiy most prncilcnl diffi culties In the wn." said Theed. "There is. for instance, the question qf Jnrro Jnrre mail's ical daughter. She is u giil In n humble state of life, and I am bound te say it could net be in her own best Interests for her te come te sudden , wealth. Comfert ,cs. The provMeii if every necessary mid n few pleasure I -by all means! itui riches (went . MieiiMind a year! Uellee me, deal l.ady -Deucester, it would be nothing but a curse te (he young woman. If I weie given n free hand I would make a gradual and mutually equitable ad justment by which no one would suf fer. "If peer .larreiiian were te recover. I feel sure Hint he would say we nnd done the best possible thing, that we had curried out what he would ically have wished hud lie " "What about my dniighter-Iii-law? She can't be bought off like this .lal Io nian girl. Will she Nndla have te be told?" "I fear se. I much fenr se. Alie there is no knowing hew It mav affect her. I am pilvileged te have' known her from infancy, l.udy Deucester. nnd I can assure you that she is a spirited, independent young lady. It is most pus pus sible that she might upset our plans bv positively courting publicity." "Nonsense!" said Lady Deucester quickly. 'That would injure her litis bnnd." "True. Yeu and I knew thnt. Lndi Deucester. lint will Mm. Strnniick recognize it? Fer myself. I am by no means centident of my pewci.s te pei -Miede her." "I sec," said Lady Deucester gilmly. "Yeu want ine te tell her?" ' I "I thank you a thousand times for suggesting." said Theed. "In the in- 1 tcrcbts of your son, In the interests of .Mrs. ijtrauack herself, above all, in the Interests of peer Jari-eman " "Yeu might us well say In the Inter cfets of myself," interrupted I.adv Dou Deu cester, "for we both knew that Is what you mean. At 10 o'clock the next morning Lndj ' Deucester pnssed en te ihe drpaituie platform of the lircut Southern ruilwa; terminus. 8he was peculiarly long sighted, nnd the figure of Theed, wult Ing beside the open deer of n compart ment, leaped instantly te her view. She drew herself even mere erect and ad vanced te meet hint. lly the. time Th'eed had greeted her. Installed her in a corner, pluced himself opposite her. nnd made every necessnr.. and unnecessary niraiiKenieiit for their Jl THE OFFICE BOY PUTS ONE OVER By FONTAISE FOX The young lady across the way sajs our reads wear out scandal qiislyv fast and the great heavy trucks ceitainly ought net te be al lowed te use such wide tires. I vMnma StT OFF THIS AFTtRMOOrl BUT VHl ten. Ted WHY fOUHt GOrtA IAUGH ki M I I C '-T ( iTMJ 7 jx yai ij -VN I I TeLp MC MUODEK YoO'e GIMHfc THf. LAOGM BUT 5HE. 5AI0 "nfLL O TUrf Trfc TOTM 7 (D If IT HADDA HrPPf.rltO Orl AMY eTHtR PAY e BOX OPtMihlG DAY I COO A I ' 0 il- BUT ITS OPtNlMG DAY ANO Yeit-J. GIMME. TMt LAOGH COS Mt GrTANOMQTHE.R'S pgAO (D Why I suppose it is perfectly possible Joya boy's grandmeiher -te be really & p f " lm l f m Jfrfl VSMSS ii CzSQiiLJ V. f Dead en Opening lAy s 'A yt - ---es J iBV , i jl- f . I6- SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG wir em it- KTBSlP.Tk SCHOOL O s' START Rtewec5 sieuers-r-.r. TiKS "irr - 0U6XT Si ChaT FihO njiOLCTS .-' .-"' - STWMl eTrt U0vtfc OOTf !? eeTv Sj . mrr- - f . tPVCBj " . I ." -1 TKSEwB , emcI ' I CIRCUS Jrl 9, .' "',' ' Tkerw' v XQN2ttMfA. t J s, '. wicai mw tl -Til2lBl ammjike v nnssf. y - ' UVU2T l -1 r," 'v LAST" eiL " STARTS RONS-FA5T aiwnG OUT- 'gVSSK j. Q . " -- noir 26 lejiens a Teu"s- . m4k9w .. SJ . 'J, OVAR0 Te SCHOOL TO SCHOOL igggj u nix- foeTpuwTs en PETEYThe Great Crime Wave -HUM-. The. Police ADVISE TUE CfiiKfttiHC OF A POUCE VyHUVlB VmmemNeu ar V Idy Deucester Strikes A tlnEC Of cnlnr linil n.ul I...1. ...! the louge en Lady Deucester's face. he had struck awiftly nnd skillfully. Hhe gave her onuenent no time n ,. cover. "Hew I get te knew is. of no in terest or Importance." she eul in with sy riidennss. "wi. i V .' "' : doing newV " ""rr"um" ii'At b? m?n,cnt he Is lying between life and death, unable te communicate. "With the outside world he has had a cW.6" answered Theed, mecnant" l.nrlt' nnitnA.i.. . . .. . . e7.'-i . "lT "BS Blnieu, nut Rhe anaged te mask t iin ........i... Id that she was snrrr f., nr.'i,. I0,8"- b"t l'5', no nu,'as prostrated. peken nf evil Vi,iin.. ir' ll,cea ,,ml-Joint comfort, the train had begun le I ,,tft,fU,M'-'.w ,,.lide from, .he platfein.. I Milled -jiuiu nen, Jn the middle or 'meeds ihiid adjust- hi "Jwii!"'0. " was stricken," he W, deliberately, "Jarreman instructed tien for ;. a ..!ilm "1 I,rese.Su --j--- "." miiwweuiiiiuuh ByC.A. Voight - - V.J KuewThe rrjuce viouiej . ; t4f s. - I C-Aeer- 41 . lrWAUTSe JOrrtETHiMClbSTepN ( UT 5EE- VHEW A Wf O A jV - e - . -tn Cj II . ' -. . . . ... . , .w . . . . t- Yxy ..i.k 4-w Bk ' . I laUU ALL. 1 WKA VM IJ 0 tJy V - Jj"JiT I J I H HkB A. RtrtilTui UlUI.Cn P Aim IT'lL y2? Y J '"" ' 11 GASOLINE ALLEY Ma Didn't Qualify u l..i ir "' .I"-'' "." ""I STen 7.!?.' "fnnnck-and a civil nc me its Vm ;B"cc'"tlin or the settle- bout it. " lma scecl; e Je"bt "JarremnnH it- . itruetlnnuVi i " iIJve 011 '"Ose "' "ii.X'0"f.?.I "J'e asked, bewildered. knowing wiat?ly lmP8ea "L'0" lilm the sTtUntiinthttt.,' wn 1eminatlng rned"tenU,s iRfc " I nm as mnei. i- .'.. .,..,. .. elf " he ,,;... ""." "" uarK ns your rn .? "mI. "I can only re- Very nennv .1 i,n,ntl8 repayment of Ser-kKii t,la ,ft,'y J'as hpent since DeucVii. 's.,'ri'.': protested Lady been L :i"i i'0'- "They have iiisa ram. nua mint f6nVP8hVe.S'tf' ffi hen tfeuiieVu, ' ""eiif i.w PewiM rep It." WPlit? Certtuiy. ,t,if adt ment of the window Lady Ueuccstcr leaned back In her corner and closed her eyes. Her life had been a full one, In n sense even an adventuietis one, nnd en the. whole the ndveutuic hud been worth while. Her methods were entirely her own. She spent no time in suiiiinailes, her conclusions were net born of logic, nor even of that simplicity of vision mis i ailed common sense. Her procedure was Ht range; she fasten i t'e sit - iintieu that had pi' , .mi, she steeped herself in , , ,ie let it seuk into every cranny of her mind, she received it, an it were, into her spirit and yield ed te it her very power of living. Once It was completely her own she held it until illumination camu te lice. Kite would wake from her meditation with the doubt solved, the dilemma decided. There wcie these among her admirers who called it "the Inspired gue.vs"; tiiese among her eneiiilc.t who culled it "slovenly thinking." Hhe smiled, nnd, with the key te the riddle in 'her pos session, plunged en te victor, CONTIN UpirTOMOnitOW CepjrrliUt, Hit, by the cnicig Trieun By King m i : : (mStVr&alt' weweeCAMf ( ' Veu-rb X Ivell i you luck ! BefT Glerv, skeetzix, m Clap I didn-t 1 ) AND V iSSifr MP J CeHG' AW SO J CAK'T SAN THAT ' EXPECT MUCH V ORAJJ HER FOB. A MOTMEIN-7? V mh 1 1 1 If f Afl - his . ., P" .?! M'hM'tiU :i ti",' . '.C'SJ '"! . It.f'vV iftt iy&w JBEv . A,ii.W'til' HBilt,ffWilvil T 'I ifefe,. .:J,,jMmM .;. ,':m. Mwm,mMHHaiipnMMMHHKaanpii-BkalvOs v jj ! il",i"'BBWMWMBlirfBtaBVifc. ih7't7 I ' i.V.tikM.. -"