Hi4p ir.,c i.v,iv 'r '"" 4mi : worn nir I ,.i','A.i liMlilMfS: KAt ' MTATS tOft WW CITT. ritr OFFICE FLOOR SPACE 140 North Bread Street Attractive emcee-. Iiirge und Bmall, In thoroughly modern, centrally located, fireproof 'building. This fleer "lflce Is pnrtlctilnrly adapted for organization! fn whleh te handle large efl'ca forces economically and cRlclently. STEAM HEAT v SJ'LKNIMO LIGHT AMD VENTILATION ELKCTJHC PASSEN'OEn AND FRKIOHT KLKVATORS LAKOU AND COMMODIOUS WASH ROOMS LlNOt-EUM FLOOR COVERINGS We nl have '-no 2000 sniinre ft. store space en the ground fleer, and dry Htorage space In the bnscment. Fer further particulars apply te GUARANTY CORPORATION CEOIUJE E. OLLUR, Secretary & Manager 140 N. Dread St., Phfla., Pa. A'liunui npiuuu 1UUV X MOVE the Red Bull wv: no cleaning neces sary: experienced mover take your furni ture, from old horn in new In lara-a vans! .Insurance en all ieada by reliable company! largest irucaing organisatien an Amtricm Red Ball Trantlt Ce.. national mover. BOD Land Title Hlrtg., Locust 07091 branch offices In principal cities, -jUrirKK. iilisiNfss rooms. jrec. "shifters are all right L?mii!"n5 H. 4th al.l l'large office or f SaWdenH vlalt." ApPlXflffi PHONE LOMBARD 300 iiiiimiiiiiiiiwinuiiiiii'i'i'iiiiiii OFFICES DENCKLA BLDG. N. W. cnr. It Hi A Market Ste. HEYMANN & BRO. widener ut.ia. nPHiim'iiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiinaiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiffliiK !mmmmMni!niiuniiiiinniit!UimnmmniniiiirinHt(Hiiiiniriiniriitiiiiim BELLEVUE COURT BLDG. 1118 WALNUT ST. UtO su. ft flrft fleer, corner spnee; tipeeliillv eultnble for stock and bend brokers; mtiy dlxhln If desired. EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT HT. baMHIIfiBlllllillllllllRlllll iuuuiuimiiur.iWaUiaUUJiiUiinuuMimiiitiUjiuiiiimiuiiiuttifluii Uhrlttb REYBURN-BAILEY BLDG: 1211 CHESTNUT HT. HEYMANN & BRO. widener Tir.iin jMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMirii 69TH STREET CENTRE OFFICE' SPACE FOR RENT Apply P. J. LAWLER 69TH AND MMWCT STREETS CORPORATIONS DESIRING ., nfcVa nurcrters aheuld Inspect the new Iireef and thoroughly modern office build- KlZrli 101.1 ArMt at meat reasonable nfflcn S( in the city. aH.WEBBls008pn"7r5.rf- DESinAHLR modern Mer or office. X0 inn i. iuhh te rnrHvny, J. EDWARD LUTZ ;; HEED BUILDING ,211-1213-1215 Filbert St. UUTB-D1- U-UJS SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street A URAL OOOD OFFICE milLDINO OKRMANTOWTt MORTGAGES Building Association Funds Fer Immediate Investment PHILIP N. ARNOLD 1201 Chestnut siteet THIRD MORTGAGES ALSOXAllOB FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D, Phlla. county enly: gt-neur service; no charge ler investigation; Dring. your paper. FINAN02REALTYC0RRF.NaASc7e mu TOfcAQ AWD XOVIMd it W t y. rami '' ? .',.. '- JANSSEN'8 express and storage want lead or carta te -or from New, Yerk, Bosten? Providence or points en routes also te and from Pittsburgh, 120 and upi we ' atclell.2 en long-distance moving. 618 W. Montaem. eiy Rve. Diamond 0780 " "ontgem- The Jehn Rhoads Ce. ,&,. Stnrge. Packing, Moving. Carpet Cleaning. MONARCH BTORAOR CO., earn VJXNCAB. TKR AVB. AUTO SERVICn BToffiaBV BTeffiaBV FACKINO. lNO-DIBTACB lte8K BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BRICK YARD ?0n,m.?eVib,il!,1V?,,aicrel.O,nnneOd.ep0ray'l.5,l1n B square of railroad depeti a kllna Old Dutch type, 110.000 and HO.OO0 capacity Martin brick machine. 2( H. P. meter c"' .nhA8Hc.Per kll0"' 'r drying r racks for p.OOOi ether equipment, all In wed con cen con dltleni ether bualneia ntereita feree It en market at only 1400; $2200 caahj amaalnJ jnlue for quick buyer. Bex 100, PerkVale. Bell phone, 217 Perkaele. ' '""" TO BOMK CONCERN aeeklrut effective rep. reaentatlen In New Tork the opportunity ! preaunted te aecure aer'lcea hi aMca reprr" enlntlve of man 35 yeara old, active. etab- lln', i iyiiiuie una nuccessru com mercial and bank referenceai only auch llnea considered that Are eatabllahed or capable of development Inte permanent. we.paynz BrrkTynTN. Y. "' r - J" ""'''"' eAmrxT OMAWIWO Telephone Kenalnnten 2l-2.1t-S90T QUAKER CITY CARPET CLEANING CO. im te 118T K. Columbia ave. Cleaning and Dyeing Ladlea', and wnta wtarln apparel, holme helme holme held aoeda. Oriental and demeatlc.ruaa, car pet, tapeatrlet. blankets, curtain. Damp Wash Laundry NATIONAL CARPET CLQ. CO.. MHO N. , lfilhi Tleea 0812 Cleanlnn. aewlnic. ra iSalrlnai enlnra reatnredi prompt arv'c RADIO aXOHANOE WIRBLKSH MUSIC In your home! market rPr dll:itlmA? et three plana! they show you hew te make i BOO-mtle reneratlve loud receiving : ael I ft choelboy can Put parte teitether! complete plan, une eena momfera;ri" v Monmouth DealBnlnt Ce.. 73B Oth ave.. N. T, RADIO EXPERT help, advlaes ou Platinln lnatalllnf., everhaulln Jer et. C, 5. M-Ianer. Prinne till IP.M.1 Lelumbla 0217: after n r. m., " " "i""" " " r..m, errn rf)MI'I.r.TK I,,n.c'npar,UaTn".r?ecRk' SSSgi'n STfiSrUlSg! 513 Market at.. Camden. N. J. tOJkti KITATg TOR MALM Q1TY 1202.1218-1220 N. HUTCHINSON BT. 8; atery Prldt dWf., 10 roema inear uiraru WM. L. C'nAVEN'H BONH, 7th at. eve.) aell separate cheap and eaay term. 1810 PARK AVK.a-atery brick dwelling. will tent ler $00. Immediate posaeaalen. rnuat be aeld, want offer, J, It, Masaey ft Hen, 13lh and Qreen. , 2500 BLOCK ORATZ BT. 18B0OI 2 atery. n roema and bath! all Imprevements: ex cellent condition, ... . HKIUlMAIKn. 2203 N. 2d . H, Dll I.OMUARD BT. 1MB 8. FRONT BT. TO HKTTLE AN KBTATE U. ADAifB, 1418 Walnut at. 142N CATHARINE ST. Twelve rooms, elec tric llahla. lwla Cehen, 2d. 8. W. corner litn and iiaineriare eta. IIUILDINO with 2" store frerta and dwelllngi geed for bualrtss. Jehn Uravlnskua. 121.. h. .-a at PROPERTY-llmlnesa, bakery restaurant: eetabllshed 40 years: en Frent t. In heart or Kena , win nn. rijiuruimii." .. ........ 1 ' . . . '"' .' ii ;.vi. v I mm a V alwaana n Waiii', RIAL RSTATB TOR BAI.R WKBT PHILADELPIIIA. LARCHWOOD AVE. B732-TW0 atery. - ennmm. Dun, mjivn. i.iiir..,, -- ;: v.,... . - . iVtl Till! ener. tum. iatn hitat: want KNATZ, 231 B. 0th at 17 IV. 1 M. Phene Sherwood B flOTII BT . 1007 uemi-eeimcncu ""' ' 'b?lck 8 roema. bath. Colonial nntJdi elee trliltyr hardwood fleer;, het-wMer 1AT atrlcted residential location, M, , M. "f, J. 'A' INC.. 2B1 B. "0th at. Phene Hherwoed 17IO, LARUE. aemt-detachediS baths: 30x133. 4818 LHtMfcK AVE.. AtiTtfttn BOflWKLL. N. 13th et. . . ' ...n ..11 of W. Phlla. properlle:naatlsfactien guar a UnCli'MA.. !! I Ui Biu :nninen, iivi m -- :-.r-- - (iiutKTIAN HT.. 0116 Twe story, brCK C"Vr8y med. "convenience! let SUIIOU"'! 018 N. 12TH BT. (corner) Renting meii. will bring 4i for quick sale. $4000. J. R. Maseey Hen. 13th and Qreen. 804 JUDBON HT. (Centennial district) 2- story, brick dwelling, rent $22! price $2000. J. it. wnssey Hen. lain ana urn, "WANTED HRST MORTGAGES In Riy amount oil Phllndelp CentrHl property preferred. H.H. FRITZ, 713 WALNUT ST. W nnted In m-y amount en Philadelphia, real erieiQ, uenxrHi property preierrea. MONEY TO LOAN QUICK LOANS UP TO $300 TO HOUSEKEEPERS FROM THIS LICENSED. BONDED RANK ING DEPARTMENT SUPERVISED COMPANY Very eney terms and payments arranged Te suit your mmenlence. Ne fees of any kind charged, etrly Interest at the rate provided bv law. Our many satisfied customers find It te their nilwintuite te use our MONEY HERV ICE te fill their coal bins. An Inquiry put jeu te no expense. Write, or If In a special hurry, uie neil phone, locust 7B37. PAT ALL YOUR SMALL OUTSTANDING HILLS AND OWE HUT ONE CONCERN. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 246 SOUTH 15TH STREET Second fleer. Roem "111. Cress Hulldlng Member of Phlla. Chamber of Commerce. MUMHY TO LOAN $1000 te $100,000 en accounts rrcelvable. notes, acceptance or mertgage: quick funds confidential ptnn. Mndlcn. 120K IVnnn. Bide. Spruce 3502. OOINQ BUSINESS WANTED Want te purchase substantia) active Interest. mm w 1..1VW1 111 lunau manufacturing ousl eusl neis capable of future develepment: can get adequate capital for expansion. Please de scribe preposition sufficiently In first letter tn permit of Intelligent consideration. A 314. ledger Office. ' WL JVANT a young man'wltli an ambition nnd $30110 te $8000 te handle a new auto mobile article; will t.ell easily and party can rstabll-ih ntninelf In bu-Jlne-i with this amount. A 330. Ledger Office. WANT a man who can give references as te character te represent us In selling hlgl. trad j security: net steck: quick seller: we will flnanee right party. A 8211, Ledger Office. IIKill-ORADK MEN can secure very choice territory for handling the distribution of a new safety device Just Imperted: excellent preposition for live-wire men. M DOS, Led ger Office. AN OPPORTUNITY te secure an Interest In ncii-csiRniinnca cosmeue manufacturing enterprise: articles new en snle In all leading drug and dent, steres: additional capital for expinelun. R. M. 300 Bailey Bldg. MILLER'S CLOTHING CO. Hleh prices paid, allghtly worn street and W OT-iSS'i S ffAWilb-"- Will call crt"'etrDubu;Pb's'.'B1ell.','Fllbert-t208. STAMPS AND COINS 1881 ISSUE United States canceled stamps. 1 8. ft. 10 12. S4. 30 and 0J cents. R. E. 1. a. f. w r....i;i- tnntreal. Que. iienneti. sme iiuw Montreal, Que. REAL ESTATE FOB BAUB C1TY SALESMAN with trade open for v.ell-made. popular-priced line of shirts. Including netcltlei, from a reliable firm: St. Loul nnd adjacent territory. M B22, Ledger Off. FOR RENT One-half of store or te suit tenant aultahle for any business; beat corner location In town. J' hnny Jonfe Claar Hinre (1th and Market. Wilmington. IF YOU HAVE fBOO and are willing te work where your, efforts will give you a geed Income, write and give phone number for appointment, A 41.. Ledgpr Office. ACTIVE business desired earning annually 810.UOO. Address V. O. Bex SSI. Dayton. O. WILLIAM L. CRAVEN'S SONS 2010 Columbia Avenue 2444 CelumbM. 3-sty.. 12 rooms, vacant. 2B42 Page. 2-story. 7 "i1,?'- 1703 N. 2Ith. 8-story. 12 rooms. 807 N Tayler. 2-story. 7 r nema. 2040 N. Woodstock. 2-story. 0 looms, lima Merse. 2-story, """". 2430 W. Nerrls. 2-story. 7 riinrai, 2044 Nicholas. 3-story. 8 rooms. 2008 Turner. 3-story. 8 rooms. 2044 Tumor, a-story. 1 rooms. 1B43 Opal. 3-story. 0 rooms. qjiirnft,,i.n ".atni-v. n rooms. 27BBOratx. store and lwe"An;' . 1713 Montgomery, 8-story. 10 rooms. 1021 W. Oxford. 3-story. 1 a rooms. 11112 N. 1th. 3-story. 12 rooms. 1800 Bleck N. Judsen. 2042 Oxford, 3-atery. 8 r"em,"' . 1H22 tvnnrf.tnrk. 3-story. P room. $02002844 N 20TH: Ideal heme: excellent iMtaiiAm i.,u a ainrv. tierch front! everything up tn date. Coyne. 24th A Lehigh. 2120 COLUMBIA AVE. Three-story atore and dwelling: possession. J. H. WE3TNET, 203 Liberty Hldg. MAIU1AIN. $27."0. N. E. section 0 rooms and ehed, let te rear St.: Imm. poss.- easy terms. Owner. 022 Chestnut at,, second fleer. 2003 S. GARNET ST. Seven rooms! elec tric; geed conditien: $8700. WM. t'. HEYDK. lBth nnd Snyder me, 20TII AND TURNER, STS. Modern 2-story dwelling. reclally suitable, for doctor or tmntiei. ,amji, i ARCH BE story bu pose.' wi brick, Mpmi- wrv med. convenicnue, i..v ?.. detached! price. .JM00, WM. "fiiY,,. INC.. tI n- "u' " ' -'" "-- Phene 0072. " M ln B ' Ml qtt"y ,;' a sty. m,.n iniu Iln Kt 'ffl&& in rms.. sine BKAC KlTATg go B-t' rgNNBVI.VANIA WimiJRHAK. L-XECUTOItB' PUBLICBALM "NORTH VIEW", , Peautlful country home of the Ute Jaeeb r. Lewa, deceased (formerly pf W Imer Atkin son) at Three Tuns, near Ambler. Montgom ery County. Pa., te be avid en premises. hXtUHDAY. April 20. 122. nl .2:30 P. M; Beautlbul ceurnry place of 28',4 acres wltn English Colonial msnslen house, of most at tractive architecture; 13 rooms, 2 batnai modern throughout; gardener's cettage: renns and bath! 2 ainall cottages, each e rooms and bath: coach house; garage, i artesian wells: beautiful Ibm.ii of ever 10 acres neled for Ite shade trtess shrubbery and landscaping; erchatd of al'jut 400 peach nnd ether fruit trees: small fruits; black black lerries: raspberries, slrawberr'es. curiants, rhubarb, asparagus, pcretnlal fljwtrs. etc, : quick possession; 1 resent capable gardener will remain with purchaser If wanted. Fer further details, cxanr'natlen, etc., ap ply te H. J. DAOER, AmMiw, Pa.. Agent, or Jehn H. Freeman. BaVei BI.U., Phlla de'phla. attcrnty for executers, catutc Jacob K, Ija, deceased. mAL liiATK re ii . PKWWwrt.YANIA mmtWWAK it itmni.i n'Aww HIGHLAND' PARK Modern shingle ,- iu .'.i.. ... ,:.. az ' Gee. L. Barnes. 12nl Chestnut. Wslnut 488i, & ..-.' ' E .VA, L IKNKINTOWN MODERN stone dwelling. $NS0O up iiK-atiens. jenainiewn 1 rust i'e, KINO OF rnl'BHIA . iPi? --,- " I-- -e 2 ACRES with 17-room house, easily con eited Inte 2 h,iue: het-air heat, elee. JtJI llelits, electric pump, large stahlei stream) ,'(. iie.teMF. j. at. i--hii.ni;kujui. wayne, t-a , I.ANSDOWNE BRICK 2H -story heuse: most desirable lore iinn: ei snaija;4 Denroema nna nam, nuur; u-uroems iia noeri nianner. rnene owner, I " MKRIUN edroems nnd bath, C Wl i low price le desliahla Af-S ', Lanedewne 1240 R. iM q - -'&.f 4224 GIRARD-Three story. jr.VAOHEli: k..2ib s.2is,:- :---r--r- l2L ' "... nrirtn.! IBBI OREF.NWAY AVB.-t rms.. '", .,.; fi55iI5SS 101 N.!4TlI-n''ynnVrment 3084 SL---iI-5E-ffi.S. ... .. n,.ur pur. n-tharlne St.. thoreUBhly "medern: JVt 1flxl1.PIeJU HELLERSVILLK, PA. 210 Washington ave,; 2-etery-and-ntlla ,,frame dwelling, perch, f roema and bath, electric light, hot het water heat; chl( ken heure, nariige; let 42x lli, M .minute from atHtlen: ISStM). GEORGE HTKH.N'KR, 13th and Mirlcet ate. Geerge Hlerner. Rlltenheuse lOOU SOUTHAMPTON l'i acres, frame dwelling, 0 rooms, all con cen veniences: garage, poultry house for !)0O birds, old shade, erchard: near station, en highway; price JIISOO. W. FORREST MA- GEE, Southampton, Pa. HIGH, commanding locution, 3 acrea with all brick stucco covered house, several chambers. 3 baths, nlec, heat; I2O.0IH). J. M. rneNEFIELD. Wayne. Pa. , AIIM 2780 Glrnrd nve. .. a ;;;iiii.- -fTnr . bath, eler., 2 sty.. , irnstrurtlen: steam hent gHS. electricity .-iiVw .'.1. uZ. ",-'". . T "24 H,u 1 eim2 reitFN 17th and Ilalnhrldge water, etc : a' nrresi rallretd frent.tKe. eld EI.OW 21) HOOO square fet, 4-1 perch. I.Ql IB renr-.i"n "" TiTiT ln: excllent lber conditiens: rHsenabl( iHItfr bS!M"i,?k,r,t!l,0,nffli ,,0n1t,, ' 220NV B6TH ST. - IM0O: 81 room-, lath. , rr.eJuey"Br,rs.Tmm0edl"t.npoSScseler I.STNLY. .'03 lbrtv Bldg. , iniiih rlHTTTF" r"" "7'ment .7i . j, , DAOER. LANSDOW.N'E 2 lets. Hmltli ave. nr. Wy eembej J.P. Murray. 21BU Kimball st Faeterles. Wareheusw, Manufacturing Fleere FACTORY. Amblir Pa. 10,000 sq. ft.; fine nablc $0:., 000 STONE HOUSE: slate reef! verr large let; Immediate occupancy. W, 9. Smhenand, Hala-Cynwyd. Crnwjd 2tJJ. Building Lets, ' - VK. 1-ARGE building lets: I'll street ImprovO ImprevO ments; restricted areaf high ground) ft minutes- from Hresd SI. Station Hugh f. e.fl23l.and 'r"lc '"'' Spruce 42eTt, MOORBS '" 2 baths. 1B0O block N. 13th at., let te CimicH. 1048 N. 10th at., a sty., llr. 4 - h.. c ec. 1000 block M. arut-. 2 stv.. 8 "n .".. "' 715 n. Wlllard at.. 2 sty.. 0 r. & bMx 627 W. Somerset St.. 2 sty.. 7 r. & bntli 1B02 Snaln at.. 3 sty.. 11 rms. t bath 2020 N. 17th St.. 3 sty.. 9 rms. t h 1721 W. Jeffersen St.. 3 aty.. 11 r. , ft b'"' 1U18 W. Oxford et., 3 v.. 10 rms. ft ntn 3300 block N. 17th St.. 3 sty.. 0 r. ft 3 b rn ht iiAiiiHe r . 1 hi v. i 1 ....... 1627 N. Grata St., 2 sty 1817 Ingersnu St., e u 810 N. 20th St.. 3 nty., 2025 N. 24th at., 2 sty r. rnH A. 1 hnth 8 rms. ft 1 bath 11 rms. & l,iw' . perch. 7r. ft 1 b. H. J. FASY, 18th & Thompson - ""T.a Mrt-1-7 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS mm 1 5iMii!ic:i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!;;iii.iiii,i!!i',!iii:iiji!i13:iiiiiii!iiiii:i'i:i!i!ii!!i:i3 FURNISHED HOUSES 1 Are you looking for 11 f urnUlied home for th tumnier months? We ha a complete list te select frem: houses that rnnnn In nrlce from $1110 un te I B00 per month; the ntter n beautiful estate un West Scheel Heuse lane; let ui semi j en a list te meet your rcuulreiuents. GLYND0N PRIESTMAN 5607 Germantown Ave. BBlllllllllllllillllllilllllllllllllllllllllillllllllilllllllllllllllllllllPllllllllllllllllllll l'ENNHYI.VANIA St'nUBIIAN ifiU'inuiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiin'Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii ATTRACTIVE LIST OF riMtNIHtlCD AND UNFURNHED HOMES HERKNESS & STETSON g LAND TITLE HI. I'll. - S mmmximmiimmmnmmmmimvwits, OVKRIIHOOK 880 WYNNEW00D ROAD t FURNISHED Frem May 1 st te Oct. 1 st reit.S'ER SINGLE HOUSE Well terrai-id: lurgi' nerch LOTH OF OLD SHADE TREKS llniment lUtnl J. PIANOS UPRIGHT AND PLAYER BARGAINS 2 Knabc Players. 10 Steinway Uprights. 1 Vese Upright. 2 Angelus Players. 5 Cunningham Uprights. 7 Lester Uprights. 2 Leenard Players. 4 Heppe Uprights. 2' Chickering Players. 5 Blnsius Uprights. 2 Girard Uprights. 1 Angelus Reproducing Player. 2 Edouard Jules (Heppe) Up. 4 Chickering Uprights. 2 Story Clark Players. These instruments are only a few of the hundreds of most every known make in our stock which we are of fering new from $55 up. 'NEW PIANOS. JnlQi nn 1 , NEW PLAYERS. $289 up BABY GRAND PIANOS, $275 up TERMS AS LOW AS $10 DOWN HOWARD VINCENi 83G-838-840-842-844-846 N. 6th St. Open Monday, Wednesday & Friday Evenings BUSINESS PERSONALS WE PAID A WOMAN IOD.R0 for a let nf Jewelry she had been offered 40 for elsewhere; bring your dia monds and Jewelry te us; we guarantee a full honest caah value- established 18H5. THOS, R. I.EB - CO.. 712 Walnut at. DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANDK? ZWlh SnTstnM09 Suite 2-22. second fleer, ever Child' Rest. DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH, 717 SANBOM ST. SEWINO mathlnes repaired: go anywhere. 2111 N. 10th. Dla. B.137: eves. Plft. Mlfln M. ,MAtil.t! nnartmenta. JflXW. fl!3,VNcorm5e,hrdrM.3ms,40g,OS. Oerb6- :035Oreen. 17 rooms. 4 baths, electric. 860 N. 2-lA. corner. 13 rooms 5 1 baths. ".144 E. IIAI'PIUN 2-sterv. n rooms.. 11700 142ft K. Oxford St.. 3-story, frame,... 1200 WM. L. URAVEN'a SONS. 1.140 N. 7th at. URK'K mill, cer.; 20,000 t.1. ft.: elev.j suit box factery: financed. Armstrong, 1120 S! rtre. &02H-32 N. CAMAC ST. Eight rooms and bath, modern, with garage. ROWDEN- 11A1II, 4Z0OJS. Itll st 1S10 N. 8TH A buver. 12 room WEITZENSELD. S3S N. 4th st. INVESTOHS 1020 Ogden St. und house In rear: rnt $40: price $330(1. J. R. Massey & Sen. 13th and (Ireen. ERMAnU ONLY $5000 Inclesed perch. 7 rooms, hard weed Peer.. Ambler, l'a. Hullillng Ixts MOOHES New detached house. S roema and bath: cot ner; 13800. New stucco house, fl roema and bath, het water heat, etc.; $7200; easy trms. New mineral sturce. 0 room and bath, modern, all conveniences; fine neighborhood S $7800. , R. If. ALLEN, 810 I'respect ave. Moores, Pa, Ridley park 411 W NAHHKRTH ' .ctT 1 1 Tt a JIW 't:wxTi ' 0420 -L ...... c-. n.i.rn.ii jjjrr'.iu'W' .r-zzru' ..rtrte: mt real bargain te a ..ulek !' fe ,' .y SAMUnL1 HARTINC1 - and bath. Apply A. , heXS. 20 E. .Inhnsnn St.. Oermantnn. 2129 SUMMER ST. BAMIJEL UQLDER. 007 Finance md. IIUII.ei;ii win ren you let nnd build your home near Olenalile at low rait plans and pictures P r.'n3. L'dger office. .'321 W S. 1STH ST Eight roems: Inclesed nerrh: electric, geed condition; $070. .M. u. MfrriJK. lr.tn and Snyder ave. 1837 McKEAN ST PoHselen- H roems: elec tric: nrat-la condition; $3000. WM. C. HEYDE.lBth anilSnderave. 2140 N. 10T1I Three story; perfect order; electric: price $7,100. CRAK1HEAD, 1730 Columbia. INVESTORS Ringgold at.. 3-atery dwell. Iijgs; rent $tlO: will bring $flft; price $.-,000. J. It. Massey A Sun 13th and (Irefn. 130.". N.10TII ST. Stere nnd dwelling, rent ing $40: will bring $4.1: price $3800. J. It. Massey & Sun. 13lh and tlreen. lftTH Irge will be sold i MT. VERNON ST. NEAR rooming house, rented $".-, leasenable. Address 1102 S C31-33-3.1N. MARSHALL and n rTar prop prep crt'es, total rent Silt, prlrc 10,S00. iiiaiuiim'u, i ..in (.Miunrbla ave. T : : i. ... .....a... nrai. 2fc ?.?.-MS?... hand; te train and trolley; Immediate possession. UltAKh, una J;r"' W. "mi-y'nfvr3he-sJ VACANT LOT. 150 ft . en Olh St. near Cel. Aenu HUtlen, will build and lease. R F. Pummlngs. 14 Drenel Hlrig. I.em. II Oil, MAIN I.1NR ATTRAI TIVE heus". living room with fin plate, illnln? roein, kitchen. 1 chn.mbtc, bath, nttle. el?c. gas. h -w. heat: let .10 ft. front; $12.000. J. M. rrenefHd. Wayne, pj. ALDAN PARK loean; A RADLEY HOME 002 N. Hd'nh';m( irin."-'!" lu"n:S?? tf SSrcfafnl rcasonable "sure. , , ,,,,,. r 1 Park and Oln-y Wyoming 204!i Shlvd. NINO. 1420 ChestnutJiPrucejL!00- -i35AS-s3iniV brick twin , house . "ceH-nt location; i . """-'. Ai,ion. Title Hldtf ALDAN PARK We are offering two of the finest houses In Delaware, County .for your Inspection to day; California typ. with extremely large living-room, sun parlor, fireplace, hardwood, 3 bedrooms, tile hath In a hich-class resi dential section, only $7,100. Alse a single, corner residence with 4 bedrooms of like standard en construction; price $8:i00: would sell elsewhere for $12,000. Take electric tar (Sharen Hill IDV.) from neth St. Term. Get off at Aldan Station. Walk west (te right) (1 mlnutea te properties. Or 3 minutes from Primus Station en P. It. R. A few choice building sites. 50x145; rea sonable. OEHRC.E M. RRICKKR. builder and owner, en premise., Aldan Park, l.ansdewne 150 W. ALL-STUCCO wml-detni'tied turn". 0 roetnn nnd bath. elec. lights, hardwood rtnnrs, het-water hent gas kitchen, price. I5.KHI. !n!!.!i!,.iNs rherth, Pn. Nar. 1731, NESIIAMINV FLL rHRCU'SON'H TRACT Near st. ami creek; fine beating and bathing; geed train aerv.j ii--i iiiii.-'jiii inKUHHr; inrge itfis, if, un, c'l,yeiE,,i!l.t,.y'," uar- "He. Send for bklt. FERGUSON, Frent 5c Yerk NORTH WALKS SEMI-DETACHED dwelling. 11 rms.. bath, heat, electricity. eas alt conveniences; A-l condition, let 401140 ft.; garage for 3 car -JiTJU" ln LTtt menth: real bargain at $0000 te close esUte. H, J. DAOER, Ambler, Pa. Farterlea, Wareheasee. ManufactOrlnrjr-. FACTORY. Ambler. Pa , 10.000 aq. ft.: fine cuiiniruciieii. sicam neit, gas, electricity, water, etc.; 2'j acres: railroad' frontage, aiding, excellent labor conditional reasonable ?r,cr(;v7;.".y l?rm.".! Immediate possession. H. J. PAPER. Ambler J'a, PARKLAND FOR SALE Four leta. 20x100 each. M Parkland. Pa. Call 2037 Aramlnge ay. nnnt.YS Building Lets ROSLYN HOMESTEAD Improved bulldTni -'""V.. 'xc.1, eetlen. en Bosten read abn! Oienslde; lets 50x225 ft. $100 ud; easy terms. $10 monthly, agent en premises every day. JOHN PA TANK. Oienslde. Pa. AMHI.ER KTRATFIIRD NEW RI'NOALOWS. hollow tile, with stucco exterior. Hshestes "Centurj" shingle reefs; lliinir nnm, dining room, kitchen. 4 bed rooms and bath, all modern. Including ee. trlclty Inundry tubs, etc.: let 50x1051- ft. eml-de- each. $5800 $100i cash, Uilance easy terms. whit uuiikhhihs nnu neuses in Ameier and ether stiburban towns from $5000 te $50,000, II J DAUER, Ambler t h"Ai?iNH.l!!l iriTLINDLr5Y AVE. 2'A -story. ii i ft "! . Anlrin.llV lar. rtESiiS AtWrSEI.!. QUtC K-4n05 Camnc st. . story sld"-varu nsi.se. --;, til-.TACiipn v. .i u.v.. n ...... qiN4JuL'":trh: near 'mdrcT vacant, 'nke VargV let "" 3- I HA LA HRANUYW INK ST.. near 10th: 3-ste?yi 0 MYKH8 A HARTM hiii. . Q-.i m.u .. S-.- -rrTlrzizZrrcanh: nr tIlrj : vacant, nice Urge let t-...Ti. : rr r : i -v v. ..;. . fAf;Rit:i i-iuiii . . V " ,"2M" 10r..lh;.n.rch hal.t.Xw. 4.0 Kranklln Ht. it., nnu in-., iiinni' uiifr. r.nrn. ."it v iia mav 171-Mt Vernen. 15 rnis. 4 ruths, h. w. heat 2. S. CONESTOOA SV; .1r7Tb;iurv;s'rv'" . cORNrTR-heu--mn)ern. near train: price lJn.w.ln!Ts"Vi.n... l--, rttetrl0 , --''J?. L.wl.Cghen,l JTAjISinbrldgAJ $S1C' 8033 Diamond, briiwnjitene. ,13 raemi 1; Nuc,Ytg 00" "'ARLTON ST In bridge illatrict-".- 4t3 CAMAC ST . ler up-te-date 3-sty. dg-. HinllEltl) H. WORRELL - CO- Q-'l.iHl .tort lirlck ilv, elllrw. w'I sell for- $2100. ' with 3-car gsr. Adatns.- JLT. LSlL: price .Hit VIN NEW Hi i let. xroe- W S Sutherland PLDMUINO nnd heating; registered; Jobbing of all kinds; low price. Ridley Park 363 W. FOKSALE SPECIAL lf01 Mt. Vernen st.. comer store. 2011) Spring Harden st. in7.?! SSaX -HSl-rl :: n.eemplnl-a'pw. 1742 Qreen St.: cerner: 2.. rooms. ,X,7Wa."Y,erk ",V.; chcrfeOUlclC .!.. 1M3 Carpenter, tNlEA .,--- 420 PBKHY in. -"J. 1320 W. ALLEGHENY 1 .llilie 111,",, iniu MT 2 lemn'ete ant. ..lee Price iw.ioe. Craighead. jMiMinlnmU- a,e! !ii W. ALLEGHENY Choice dive"liTmi"and ' SACRlT'lCE modern corner dw ling. .1 ocallen. ADAMS 113.' V. Lehigh axe. I business leea. Moellh and Wlndrlm a LEO R. SHEA ST HELMC1NT B.102, train. Irel . Hala-Cynwxd HHOOKI.1NK WOULD YOU LIKE te own a beautiful re modeled Colonial .tone house, painted white, with green shutters' gpacleus, well Planted ground of nearly .1 atres: house fin ished en the inside le white, and there ara 10 large rooms, with" 3 baths, steam heat; with the place la a gardener'a cottage of S r-i ms nnl bath, also stable and garage cenv blued, close te statien: i,rlcn $.'1.1.000 TREAT I TREAT. Wayne, Pa. WAYN15 lUSKS All eiene, slate reef, large r lee. nr. train, Irel , schools, etc, ,J. houses. FRVKRJ! and 7 rooms, cenv $6750 location. '"aUr'Sfi: iWViBP ?rrl 'W.". Oath: , "?,',,, ,l"a--nt. price. .-rm. reas liiu ViUTLVi Of t .-- IA'. "ts-H J 1111 -i. . . , - n.,'. un.. i-.e,i -i,.","' m. i ,.ivi.-v .,w.. .. .,.,. ...... iuiuiiiD a ave. l ..- Modern- 7 bedrooms en by ant ointment e'lly .Ml I.UM 5943 Cheitnut HERE IS AN IDEAL HOME for the avert family at a !rlr thut la as nttractlie aa the prepertj ; house Is built of stone .brick nnd shingle. 0 rooms nnd bnth. plenty of targe cle.etB, let 200x50; trees nnd hedges; le-ated In W.iyne. one f the most delightful suburbs if Pli ladeipliln; 5 minutes from sta. i tlen. SO minute, from Dread at.; unumal pn peny for $8"oe. , TREAT & TREAT Wa.ne, Pa. j A FEW MINUTE?' walk from the ts7len"; we lin" a most unu.uil of ne-and-stucce let 30x123: '.r.r. "'. 'n'" '" ",?. ..". '"?.7 '." f00"1' cn SALVAGE BUILDING MATERIAL! FOR SALE Lumber, rll sizes. 2 and 3 cents per ft.: II". O. II, cars: telleta and tanks, complete. i.i anil s.u cacn; ateam radiators. i anil 20 cents per feet. Electric llghtliur equipment, urinals and sinks for factory use; some small buildings, suitable for hen heuseH and gar-get. Three small buildings suitable for bunga lows. ' WM. A. PRIDE SALVAOtNQ CO. HARRIMAN. PA. SEE MR. PRIDE ALWAYS ON THE JOH PHONE BRISTOL 180 with open flreplate. llaiit ronrev rilnln-- r,tm I pnntrs and kitchen, eeiiinate en this deer Is I the mld'a room nd bnth, second Met. 4 I li.ilrnnniu n ul ltC,Vi u I . I. .t..n.l. -.-. ' .-. ..-.... ..... ....... ...,. .-vi',ti)( i-jrci URYN MAWR I hardwood rtoers, het-water heat. One Ola --; " .-;.-, r ; ,-r- r sh.ite. nice size gr lUnd. price $13,500. WE HAVE fir ale a small, very modern TREAT A TREAT Wavne. Pa. brick and sturce house In this attractive ' -, rrT.T.- ' .'.i.; T ": ." v. - - I suburb; the hiu- Is nltvlv planned, centain-j 4s. Ai lll-.S with most Hitractlvu house In Ine 10 rooms nnd 2 Dntns; dot-water heat.' -'" "'" - m nmr wuu umui NEW JERSEY MIUIUUIIAN SPRING LAKE, N. J. SUMMER HOMES FOR RENT Established 1895 E. V. PATTERSON'S SONS lOPFICE TEL.. 131; HOUSE TEL., 781 BABY GRAND PIANOS Several erv beautiful Hnhv Orand Pianos. wMch Imlude Steinway. Chickering. Decker und several ether makes In s.-itlu-flnlshed m.ilieguny. which we hae reduced te $273 up; If jeu want a geed baby giund piano cncaii net qui-Kiy. -trmt, ! HOWARD VINCENT I S3I1.81S-810. 842-81 1-840 N OTH ST. I Open Mendnv, WcdmsilLy i. Friday Evenlnza STORAGE AND MOVING JilM. .ii.hsev M.Asiieitr. ATLANTIC CITY MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANY DISTANT POINT Weekly service for sma" shipment between Philadelphia and Washington The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. 87th and Market sts n.rlng 1201 1'OCU" """ miUdlng Let,. FJ,NQJ?SJU,ejL..Ktr. 531 I TREAT WaMiePa'"" "'"""J- T"UAT & I chaSh."-" II maid's chambe TL-ll?,'.";;,: FINE IN VESTMENT-CLHAR PRICE $8500 cr'i-p.TtFrRl'cRtV.fg?,'.' Nw ..rrgrcl-f rent ....,. 0 r . bath, h - ' ljI? cuffeTs rl.T.I.OOfJ.'' Tax and water lent , Jtiiyi' EAJlU3iljCehmibu aj Boulevard. rooms, bath. Imdose ' Perch COI.WVS mAld's room. 2-car gnrag-. old shad-, let .... r..,.rn en $8500 3 ,0,. J1 "?.M ST' ! basemenTTSLIfP ' het-water beat. '.-SL7?US jt'- TTrir HH-ft front .I.IOnij rct return nil e.i-" .. lOH-lli Walnut at., fle.ir. m,,,, ,'iii .'".. stjiii. 5"iiii N 3d et. ynmlng.i.a J . ACQW n-..H.rt i..il .i...iii. - t t l-iievi-pil-i i. v- t WM L CRAVEN'S SONS 1.110 N. 7th st. Westnev. 2D3 Liberty Hid. Locust aii'ir.' " i,e CASH-buvs beautiful med-ni hem- JOW rooms and bath, electric llahta, ' "r.7'.,-r" :.. . -T-f i rtT tn-.i.i. iui. .t.iif.i, uiawar UKr hr.ir. 'J-- ri--nT -. '" L ;,,, i i,lJ.tr. '" ' "LT: I" ti-l,".- - . - - .- -dSllf. W llllrl 5l. HPf-uenw. wimen uM. owner. 1MI X "m Church. 7 room. inci"f-,i .u.. ."'".i" ; : I ( u An 7 17 1 I-rr4!Iari-l Av Ni.w rtwriitng. bunHiew typ. u nrmi, hi im.i u. vejiiirti; '-i mi. mtif I hn.f .' ; -" .;.--... s-t-.. a i'k-.(nii mt '" :'."" - -"":. - -.--..-.,, .. . i t .... ------...-.-.-.,. iiiiait- . -.! lulu ..( r-ir iiii. iai xii -"--- -- ' ' ' " -- - e k ' I ii I ian ntAit n tniui f-.. .- ICDULV UI'III nniv . rTT . - .L '. f""- (AT BOl'LEVARD) ."r-.'i'iUJ'-nhinc'g ? trolejsT A i2-'Jmma. HTTv" tXs"K"rue2 Iliinllngden pIKe. 3 sterv, ni ....... .inrn front S rooms nnd b.ith. en-I closed perch, modern tnroug-ieui. 11 '"' luclerlei. nurelieusca. Miliiiifartllrlnr rSanr. n rooms, det. frame med. cer brick garage, for 3 ears. iia-. " '"" THHEE-STIIKY brick f...inrt. "ee..i.... ..- l.in. te cle-e estate. J70(n,cueh, f 1ER. 1201-07 Coinmenwci-tn uma. 22D & JACKSON STS. Hen. e'evater. all conveniences win, nr ilwner Chi'ltenhamUOiJi Int. .Mix 300 terms i without builnss. y Lf'-r Office. GARAGE FOR SALE Huilding 30x012 ft. high: electric lights. 2 toilets und sink; 2 windows, 4 large deubl doera, no Joists in the way as the reef 1. truffed; all taken down and leaded en th tars; complete $S75. . ... A REAL UARUAIN WM. A. PRIDE SALVAULNC3 CO. Harilmun, Pa. Ofllee i pen DAILY AND SUNDAY Thenc Rrlstel 1H0 TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISIBLE MOS.. $.B0 AND UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriter! "See Our New Machint, the Century" American Writing Machine Ce. 9 802 CHESTNUT ST. Walnut 4I Main 4X1$ FACTORY Olid Wurellen.e nrnTwril,,. -.en, ..... .... ... 1,1 II nrt. .1,1 Iiri,. .... W. .. . .. .. ... .. nnd bath, washtraja and leu;ic I'shtliu; , Imm. poss Simen Well, imner. 1141 N. .I. iiii. -uiiuiii.e. nl,ucl. . r ,. luiur..-) wiireneuf-ert. nr -pace cenwulr ,'Q.fc ll.l I I.MIUI illie MIHJ MprUCfc n-H HItICK .MILL. cer.. 20.000 s i. ft..e'evatei -. N, A. F RUSSELL E. cer. 13t.i iindjrnsker, st . IlEAUTIFl'L country place cheap furnlsneii or unrurnisri'u, iicr.- .--. .,..-.-.. house- ga. electric light. Mteam. all modern JiK'-J-J'',L1i.J)?-lc.'' J., ClAlvI.FY ST. 11. -w. neat. eei . uu I. 217-240-231 JEFFERSON ST I502-I5IM-1500 N HODINi: hP. 1.101-lBli.l N. CADWAI.l.ADER SI Z SO ATLANTIC CITY Beautiful louitlen. prlvatn prepity; be lireen Ocean mil lliach Thoroughfare en au.e neuiard Will lent for periods or 10 daji or liiein te u llinited number of Hnjd peeplu who enjoy the outdeorn IJtn their nutei nnd camptliK eultlls. wclrle light connections, tunning water. lt-ry toilets, Wrlte for further In formation, terms nnd mien periods. Ad- ereii vacation Manager, Roem 3U5. 003 -heitnut st , Plilludeluhln. VICTORY STORAGE .15200 riLHERT. Phene Ilelment 4070 for I .stlmnte Pierce. Arrew vans T 8 3-story duelling; tell te.-ethei ; line m-WMmL.tCRAVENSONS,,54llN.- 7th st. 2828 N. Judsen: med.' il rms.; peh : et. con.; poss. FRICK. Judsen and Incllami. 2221-24 W. HAROLD: 0 rms., bath, I uindrv; A-l con,: elec. excel le; near Park. Bar. Cunningham, Hei.-all ub. 1-hlgh. DU. caoe. . 1215-17 HROW. S1. for sale; let 34.9-130 ft. te R-nii st.: Ideal alto for gurage; Im mediate possession. . BARHER. HARTMAN it CO. 1201 Chestnut st. 1311 SOUTH 20TII .vr.Fcr sal: net te cer. of Locust St.: 4-story dwelling: let it it.ft n tn WoeHiitocU Ht.. tcoed iirartmint I linipeslt'nn and c.in be bought right BAR- 1IER. I1AHT.MA,N - CO I .'it v. neninuisi 210 S. 12TH ST. and Including 214 S ' Sartaln st.. for sale, let 18 by (10 ft . 2 dwellings; 4-story; en 12th st. .nd 3-stur en Sartaln at. HARDER, HARTMAN & CO. 1201 Chestnut st. U20 SPRUCE ST., for sale; 17-roein. I evi dence: let 1(I! ft. te Cvprcsi st.: electric llghta. 2 bathrooms; Immediate po.Hs4len, HARDER. HARTMAN &. CO., 12H1 .Chestnut st. NEW 2-story brick daynght factory building, 175-111 und 72, with elevator, steam heat, electricity, etc.: 3 ,1 nnd Reed sts. Anelv devices, chairs, supply closets, safes nnd i ?m .vvarner. -j . i.ne ei. ntliee enmnlete ermlnmeiit : most of this fi.4' N 1 1T1I ST. S.X ",,rnp. tile bath. material has been uncd nl a short time perch, electric, het-water belt, hardwood by the Government and Is new te be re- floors, open tlrcplace; Immediate possession suit l"'x fjcter. flii.Annstmnir.1120 Snrucn FACTORIES warehouses floors, land. .IAS L. STEVENSON - SON Lnnd Tltlejndgl FACTORIES, uarennusrs. railroads; can finance DIETERICH. 7.17 Valnmaj NEW ' 2-sterv cljyllght fncten . large let. MILTON WARMER. 2232 N. 13th st WKST PHILADELPHIA hall II ims nnd bath, twlir heue. let 33. 60. Ranerlv 233S W HunllHBdenst. LANSDOWNE Twe lets Smith ne. near Wv'combe. .1 P. Murrav. 2450Kmballau 7 renni nnd bath. STEAM RADIATION FOR SALE About 3000 feet, will sell the let at 11c per feet; nlie pipe alves und fittings at one half the whelesrtle price. ..,. WM. A. PniDB SALVAOINO CO. See Mr. Pride, llarrlman. Pa. Bristel 180 OFFICE FURNITURE Immense assortment of slightly used flat-top and tpewrlter desk In all sizes and styles, tables, filing rEH0iii'lGiiiiiiiiii JFOB RENT FUIiNISHED flKRMANTOWN iii!i!iiii:iiiniiiiiniiit.iiiiiMij'iiiii!'i!iiii!iiiiiii:iiiini!iu FURNISHED HOMES -EttMANTOWN CHESTNUT HILL $100 a Menth Up Our office, bus ii complete, list of "'iHall the best homes In (!er-Ji--teft'ii and Cheatnut Jllll which CM be rimed furnished for the sum JJJf or early: semu very line prop prep ernea; B0p or j,,uii0 ui whut reu want. B. B. LISTER & SON 51)12 nllllMANTlllVV AVI!. !l!l!ll.l!ll,ll!ll,IIINiWII!UIIIIIIIIHIII!lil!!llllllll'lIPI!lll!!l!irin Fer Other Advertising of All Classifications See Advertisements Set in Small Type in Following Columns t-lteH hv ... nl nrftm Ihnt will nlease VOU. 111'HHKH, 11T11 AND B UTTONWOOD ' OFTeiCE FURNITURE Large let of desks, safes, flies, cabinets and ccneral off ce furniture, store fixtures. tVe hill- aell -nrl e. chance. I PATTEN FURNITURE CO. LOCUST 4070. 1127 ARCH BT. RACE 4209. THEATRE CHAIRS, new and used, for the atres, halla and shoe steres: theatre chair repair Darts; lowest prices: Immediate dsllv- ery. Chair Exchange, cer, nth and Vine. JOU LOT of Douglass low-down toilets and tanks, about 45 left nt 113.5(1 each for the let, Wm. A, Pride Salvaging Ce.. See Mr. ride, llarrlman. l'a. lirmtei inn, CHAIRS tables, commercial purposes, can not be equaled, price, style Mr finish. See us before buying. Invalid chairs sold rented Onkwned Chair Mfg. Ce Inc.. 1007 Race at. Cell Walnut '."'HK, 000 CALl.OWHILI. ST. for ssle: Imn edlte possession. I suiiure from Delaware River bridge entrance sms.ll prurei iy; low t rice. HAItnER. HARTMAN CO.. 1201 Chestnut N. RTH ST. Flve-sturv Liilldlng about REFRIGERATORS It. T. Randall A Ce ND FIXTURES Terms If de-lred. 1131 N. 2d NATIONAL CASH REOISTER. bargain for niU k sale. Walnut 3H1M. FURNITURE Ent. heuseh'd for sulu, player piano -, large maheg. hall clock 8uO S. 58th. SAFE, largu A-l condition. Cull 2227 N. 2Hth st. Phene Diamond 37-1. POOL TABLES bei'Kht, sold nnd repaired. L. Klefer, 820 W. Olrard. Th. Kens 2113. all rerven'ence. neur Frutikferd L. LEWIS IIORNICK. 2J34 Frnnkferil ne. COLORED HL'VERS 20th st. near Berks, 1500 cash vvl I buy u di'slrnhla home, hal. snee en mortgage, J, R, Massey Sen. 13th nnd tlreen. .214 NORTH 3D ST. Cottage hnune. scmT- detached, 18xii0; wire plumbing; plpelesa heuter; $2700: easy terms. WESTNKY. 203 Liberty IPdg. 1218 W. HAZZARD ST. Nevir 12thand Huntingdon sts.; 2-story brick dwelling; 7 rooms; conveniences; cozy home. WM. L. CRAVENS bONS, 15411 N, 7th at. 1JIW-BB11IBII MORTGAGES Diiniiii FIRST MORTGAGK MONKY . ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATE ANSWER CITY OR SUBURBAN VfoHWiLSON&Ge. 1017 WALNUT ST. i;iiiii:iii!iiiii:i;iiui'i!!!i!,i'i!:;! If you MORTGAGES money ,r, ,l l',rP-rty owner, why borrow !!-. r?m l0"M "harks, repnviible in te VieV. .)' Hr wentlily payments hard iibi,."1' It ehange the mert- en liiiir i-.lui ...n.- eyerman, 11 13 Lincoln Bldg. nruiiCE 7155.7150 Mi s fELL ME 1 1ELL MR Ym !P ppnm rm r .n. "" 4ww a iwuuum I.."'1' CIVl M11 ummivt .....t -nnr..I..ilfii1 PCrV fa i I. .-"" "itii, (tiii i riiiiimviiiini rte..n'1 "hllrat. mcceiiiI or third chl SSIii.,,aji,,l0 weekly, meiuhlv or iiilll wrlle me full mirllculiira te IPexi innwr"5 ter nil-lnlinenti huvu i, inif iimii given un HI Addresa P12ia. Ledger Office. I ' 63 rllevtitiNM Pnlumn u iui.un...jvw....u. SAFE, largu . A-l .condition,. Call 2227 N. ,"'lvKHTil-V Til.ertv ..,- I g L HEATER, pipeless, Fhcap. 21114 Market at. 1 RADIO HALF . : : ! 1 ' I " S. s'f j-O he.v 5Ped, come quick! a THERE'S A KiFW VlMO 1 A ' " 77. .' '"."-;-..... g i -.or NViitL55 csOiN' 'yewN - I V -L TriE STREET? j - B i f i H w 7-i-t TT .-ht bIW ) Et a yMH k vQ. PC!. Uw----X----ik-- 0VERBRO0K SECTION 'Thrcc-slery semi-detached geed-looking stone residence, with Inclesed perch. II chambert and 2 baths, ninrb.c sta, I shnwer, Hpacle'" llvlnc; room, real open tlreplnce, Icrge let, wlilto-und-miiheaany Interior, hard- i weed rloeri; choice, high elevation and excellent cnvltenment, prlte IlS.OuO. Frauds J Lambert. 403 N. O'lJ st Bel 3777 I Spee'allm In OverbioeU rcalt ' 2217 HONAFFON TERRACE SIX ItOOJJS , AND BATH. PAINTED AND PAPERED. ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND HAS, HOT WATER HEAT. BASEMENT LAUNDRY. I TRAYS. NEW ROOF: EXCELLENT CON- , III HON: CAN KB SEEN HE I'WEEN 0 A. I 41. .AND 3 P. 51.. OTHER TIME BY AP- . POINT.MENT. POSSESSION GUARANTEED. I OWNE1I ON PREMISES. f.Oil MARI.YN ROAD. I! r. bath kO0n 5723 Hunl'r St.. il r.. bath 5200 5812 SatiNeni St.. 8 r. and bath 571111 !.',;i ?..i,V.ln' tlr bA'M . make efter Ma Windser Terra'e, II r.. Ii Karage 0200 LLEWELLYN- O. HILL 5 'N' L,'1,Lt'. Helmeiit JliKicir.sH.-, 3644 CHESTNUT ST." Large 3 story. 11 recms an I bath, hut-water' heftl. C'l t trie ItV. Nlt.lflhle fnr nnnrtm.n.. CIIAS. MILLER. 1201-07 Cemiiunwealtli 5115 MNE ST 'IK, tiT.-ri.t-iic mart. het-water heat. eiectricuy nuruwoe-i 1 !)i..i;i, iriLi noe?i C. (1HCHLICHT1:H. H ISth st. 'J'riV,m. with K a04" YORK BO 2 story l rim up-te-date ertv Hide rnocLPercn ''J.r '"- J--iJti- iJJ;Xtiiii,l COLONIAL' PROPERTY Stene and tile, stuccoed heu-e, large living-room with flrepluce and bookcase center hall, dlning dlning dlning roe n with fireplace and china cle-t d-n breakfast rjem. kitchen. 0 bed cbainter, . 3 baths, linen und trunk closets, hardwood floors, complete laundry, gas fecirlclt rMvu NEARING cmplctlen. nnd clelgn il bed. room-. 3 Itiithn high grejnd, will bid. gar V, s Mitlierlnni.. II. ill C.Minjd rn 242. DEVON IXJR Miijene hi wants a lnutlful pbice at ' an unusually attractive price, we have un English iitene house, well built. 17 r turns. 3 laths, with everal ncies p'anted with old trees and Iiiupm. in'lu i'nvr -ceveral bes Lushes, for two of which Hie owner has I eon cfT.i.d J1500 etnble Hnd garage le- thun 5 minutes walk from until n TREVT i. TREAT Wane. l'a DRKXKI. HILL -Modern Colonial rnge P.hlmhlcr. Iiei- I.lb- llulldlng I nls SEVERAL excellent lecat'd bin ding lfes en the original Drejcel Hill iract. e.mv terms T Lvnch. 112 S Ulih spruce 71M4 clc . excellent conuuiens; Kurage. coiner 10c about ' acre tine landi-caped e J etiad shrubbery niul hedge no reaoenab'.) efftr will be refuse 1 lusiesslnn April 15 II. .1 DAOER. Amb.er. . WYNDMOO I- .Medem dwellings from noun up. low tax rate Jenklniewn Truni cm jKL?iN CORNER HOUSE med near tralr. price 1200 C .G .schllchier. -iln S. '15th. mqsuwKON FOR SALE 3113 Salalgnac Ht IssnhTckell, 2 hlerv, 0 rms. and bath, side erch hot het water heat. stu. wash tubs, let 2U15tl ft. BARBER. IIWtTMAV i 10, , li'Tl ClletllUt St PENNSYLVANIA M"l Rll N AI.I.-TONE house, near fel.ej hei-cvuier heat, elec light shad's and s'ie-ns in. 1 clud'd. Immediate pesters en. I LEO R. SHEA ! BFLMONT 0502 F.HDEXHKIM TERRA! E .SU1IURI1AN LOTS-Oas Mini elirtrnli c ment wa ks. train and irelle.v low tin rate. JENKINT11WN TlllVf CO Don't Wait Buy New Terms J30II te 1300 BUYS CITY AND St'JII'ltPAN homes bee properties In Cdtndtn Clt and County. See photos at office ."tdendld for home or investment JS FRONT FOOT IMPROVED SITES CN.MDEN Take Peneauken Trenten and Westfleld trolley te 34th st. Ag"nt en sites. Hr phere 2.1 2! Ask CRA4IER. Realtor 307 Market. Camden. ONE SQUARE FROM RIVER 10-rnnm house, new Spar heiter and all enn venlences. garage let (10x100. photos PETERS SON 0IH linsTNFT8T PHILA MEDFOlil). N. J t4.aer farm, geed house; I250CL terms Westney,2i3 Lllw-rty Bldg, Fncterles, Warehouses. Manufacturing Floers FOR SALE- Modern brick factory plant, about four-fifths nf nn acre of land 20 000 su ft of fleer fpace, railroad riding; situ ate Frent alii Atlantic avers Camden. N J,: tiic-lns new Rending station lend frry Gee W. Jessup Sen 531 Federal st . Camden $7000 BEVERLY f KRN JMK K IN A 1 F.iiSPHLel cepiei of 1, uiv ln'oej sciuls theie in needed great .1 ennk or truxt cem;ucn modern iietei an hour 'iiu it. c se. Iltf r.prirutientH l.euse put' ic liu I , itlvi 11 iiiparlni"iil 111 1 . Intt-.m.- store Fust ,c.iis ' ernei 101 I .r business rurpe-'s en veiv eiisv i.rins NEDRO AB AND 1.TT1I -T .11is0 CIIXMPI. AVE AMI 13111 ST H2X12H I'll X.MI'L AVE. NI PRK X'E 4'txlJO BROAD ST. AND CHAMPL A E .OxlflO ICU'.In Rll. AMI I'llAMPI. K 20xu0 I2TH ST AN DCHAMPI. XVE -ix'4 lli'lll TO WARNOCK 2 FRuNIS CiHllis 1 nis popular sunurn u ,niv ii miles up icreuci si irent 1 n u. ci c 'nk l.anc 111 PE. T . 1321 Veclre CXMDKN betw. e, Leiijii nnd " ipen Sundav 1 lil.HMII DEN 1 FOR SALE Fine dwelling en N ?3d at ; 2 stnrv frame oereh front fiult and old shade trees rreteny In geed condition let lOvl'J') geed neubborheuii. can be bought quirk fei JI200 V J REALTY AND FINANi E i'ORP . 21 Broadway, Camden, COLMNCiMUinn V'l-sreiliT frame house en hlgn ground. ever) .ilclrg like, let 3flxl5u h rooms and bath, nil cenvs cenv te trolley, train and ln enb- 10100 ether remex of tn tvett'r , iks svrti TvJr Agency 720 Hadden ave. I.VWNSIDE AVE - Brick il rms , bath.'h w ht , all cunvs t.1000 I'nlllngHW'ied Rei CsiB'e Ce.. r;r, Hh.Hqti ave. (Vii. in-,'t or t5 FMRMF.W l I.K.NO .nfJ 1- V ll'V I l'V Mere ! x.,lln Mnn.,r..,n. .. O. . . pelnrhcil heure. r, num. in bnth he'-wtt Heme at Fnlrview. w . aie the owners of I1e.1t, etc flnancecl Oram . 311 prepeitles no mi.ld mnun nienc- .011 II II ALLAN. Minims Pv Mil l'fesci.e. t ave Ilid'.v Park III W (JLF.NMPE 2 J evvu WIUIB 11--.1. ricnu nictnvur, ic"lll I , '..irTniv-w j'P rC I " " 7, . .. .USB'TH ItH Al li, fOl I It A.XIJ" I C i, I III! ........... --" -, i u iinprev tmrni , heat; medern: fine condition, WI I a Win- ""J"- l-ei LSI sr. I-or 'ale, 2 stcrv. perch- none dwelling, d roen.s and .nt 1 open i ' ' '"iner. HMtl'iU the ,.i,er let ;mmi. Chester Ce.. 25 S. IHth at. I ,, .re" dwelling: het-water heut. electric ' nreplaces- ele"tr!cMJ aV.iilahle e , ,, " ' respectix. iv $1 1..MHI ar.d 112 dell WM T nB4L4-5-4- W. OAKDAUrST-r.1-2U7y 'W' ",,rjK0'"1 nor"' Hmt condition. . g'frnge. ce 13200 mere Tend I C de- 14 IIOIIKIITS i SON. Olrn-lrle. P. Phere dwellings; choice location; cozy homes, sell cm"p- ,, . ,.,.-, .,.,,.. . .... shed W. FORREST MAGKE. Seuthamn - separate or together. i i",,iV.:.V.l.:,V'..f u0, . ion. Pa. HH V.ND-VF.W single dwg . .1 com. i,.,,,, WM. L. iatAVK.ysapN,lS4p.N. 7thst. YiFiPv sfiT iT BT AWAY frTrtTthe high rent und high l'es 'vrfil,'.nl ,""-" ' n pr"'''' '"".'n lil"n AUTUMOIItLU DISTRICT Ridge live, lit jh , ihM S ,, j k J taxes; buy our bungalow let at Uroemall 5"'.' H,nf .-. V 1 1 . 'f" r"um, at JiI.Miii we Bread, rent 1120: $11,000: stcre and apart- riVrtca 'e niStallment1 flii i.r, h f Jl'Jni" . nd nnl' m: Py off "' menthl see It ledav. , J"1' f1 " '' .l'Ti'''- ' nda Ren. ments: will tlnunce. I 7 rooms Osage live -.Id' i,, siih 'c esT , t''l" vv""' Chester car -. tluth St. Terminal ' nngerA njili nM P". 'Pnta I AHERNimiY. 132H Che,m.tat. mTjji" f, ?,i,!'i,' dl vffi'.u'S in,'.0 ,lS,?W '.W'l. A NEH offering at ln ., ,, lu,T,N.,m- i FOR SALE Immediate poss.. 5233 Duffleld $5i)u AHERNETHY lfll's Chntriut -it i -" ' "ur"'-i-'" ''" "ea r.iac mug. -i eiene j, en i..isien r,i neei Millien t.. nerch front M moms. I,nl.,en le. h..e, - - 'I It : V( WMf .,., u.mi I, I,,,,., . I,,,. in -1 i endlt ion; C.irilge prlv I'rce roe 'h's ..nA 5143 CEDAR AVE. 2-story s rooms nnd bath, het-water heal elcctrlcltv, biauilful location CIIAS. W. MILLER 12U1-07 A'ominenweiiUli Hldg ClilllSTIXN ST "H2J" N.'xtlo'CebbH Creek blvd . .1 Mter 0 roenm, 2 butlis garage. Inc lened peich, a meat beHiitiful home. Wm 41. Kn.it.!. Inc. 251 S OUth st. Pli Sher wood 17U1. rooms, cenvs., near tu and Neshiimlnv Creek, price $40110. cisli reqiiln,! $l2mi. FORREST MAGEE Suuthn npl'ii Pa :.'j ACRES. NEAR SOMEHTuN - Eleven room dwe 1 ng, m iv con eiileiues oil shade fruit, stah'e, gsi ige ,,ue Jil.'iuil. W FORREST MAGEE, Mmihamp en P.i. NEW suburban davelepm. nt en West Chester Pike, will give a special barg-iln le flr-l few buyers, let .-.nxl5n. .n imMni.n,,,,!, 50,1 V.inilH.AND TER. I40ili and H.iltliiiiire) i send fur plan I12l'2. Ledger office. Seiilhexp, from und side yards. 12 rms.. 2 CENTRALLY located .IcThed stone hoene L,ths, . 1. 1; light, space fei gar.,,, vviier l.av.i gin.g, . nvnllablc m.e i WXITI'll ' clt, pus. 311 clave. Mc-Clm., & Ce.. Is .s. 40th. , SU niERl.A.ND. Hala-Cnvvd cMivvd "I i n bcie Bcnnlim-er i. Iteninngei ill. uvide r ESIT-NTI.Y JiHricT""e7i "high TreuTTd sein dria hed ,-innn heus. h.iiwai.rl I Ml K.- und el.c. light let ! si.". I5ll,ir Umui u n gar.ic;.- WM T II R. ilU'Rl.s ,t. nN Glers lel , I ipen , ,.iv 1 t x HATIlOltll 7 j .Mi'lil-.IIN le n I, uwe.lliu in ! I,, rr- ,ve giiiiM Mi.-.iiM-i, i , , ,,n nn cv i l ee oe.ni. .usineH u feci with I i. ewnai our list of these modern honies incli.iie the rch choice heusea our !en u-e leasnnabe e hive miiie all neces.-ir repairs, we cn give lmmeciihte iiosmssIeii can U pur'haed lem 12 ui ip office looted near Colling" nnd Kehrrarge mud Ti Ir lew. trolleys and , 1 usses from Mirket st. ferrv Camden, psfs i I uujrs. ctiet, nuneuv m . A c e. ft J "". in.icc i.N TINGLE large 4-com neune. bu T"cvn i- ROSNER. Cj'llngs nve. and Alabama rnnd. I -c'rv tea l am len H DIM)M"li:i.D f;,',(i(i Frame house, slate reef i) rooms bnth. let 110x20(1 1 block from station trellev schools et, l(i Washington ave 1 t et 1 11 if i n hi ie Ji iiKi.itevvn Tr-ist DF-.ll: XIII.E dixi lluig en Yr eaii In rms in 1 n, km ue and Hitb.illdina"' iik let ti i- mi 'st.it Jenk mown Ti it c u X SAW HIM USNG- T As Me wtir 'Rouhe THIS CORNER,' By Jack Wilsen TMAs Him! veu go Ask ABOUT IT -WILL VA SPUD? W.'SERE ARE -j voer air BH IBbRC4 -SiYmmmmmS z a -, J "'"" ihtiiiii'r i '- ..m-..... ..-.-.. MKIH II Tn.LK l.-.nn Te" JilSu buvs nrv one of 14 lets. BtU 152 ft . (or dvvei ing purt" em enu . 2 blocks ie slat cm nnd trellev J M Danssr .'."j Markeist 'amdeii I'Wcl en large let ,.nr nnln nd trel'ey. 7 rj.mn. bn'h i, alius' weed finish nieum heut s'at tubs 2 p. rchee reueutiuble offer 'enhil J M Iianeei .'ye Mircet it i umden sJllllKKvniiVN I'M Bl'Ali nppnr'unlP te acciuire "mcderii ii derate slze-d home sltuute 1 Hi E Oak ave nmis Mas n ruuina end 2 baths, hnrd hnrd vvecd n ,crs throughout, open fireplace in living room lec eric lights modern hut wider Imatln" new ropier solemn perch In closure i.,iraki' tlowerv nnd shrublery let bilx.'ull, in Ice J(I5()( pi.Hctl May 15 JOIKH M .viOKES. Ir Phene Moorestown 127 PITMAN E-T AVE. "iimmtr ullage, 3 iMdroemi i ii.l modern bath 'Iccirliifc (fui iiishecl) percn, geed cundltter and best ec iilen pi I, 12iy'd Doune, 31137 Hm lev e Tiega 0734 HIVKHTOV ' CORNER PROPERTY " '"" 11 rooms, Itn 2 butbs and nil cenvs ; an espi."lalv well built und nttrnctlve home; let mu inn, nicei) snHiien near station, PETERS A SON ilOs I'lkESTM'T SI. HltLA MOODIII HI IIFK.HTK illJDHrN"l'i-ltl)ii.M RESIDENCE "a HrK. looms hanlwiii'd tltils.i nnd hardwiiud l fli CIS big Opel tilcpluie gu u n ter elec trlcll) gaiiiuc fei 3 ciieR, lur.'e greumls beautiful lawn, shruhlerx und eli mc.-; ilgln ui ntictleii 3d irilne dall Fur piirtlcuiurs , npil te JOHN MAYIIEW, owner. Wucdbuiy 1 Pe'l-llts N I . KW JKKSKV -HK.hIHKB FOR S LH Three-family apartment, in diii'lug Income of 117U0 at a bargain prjee, en ess teims HARRY F STANTON Hlli at le-low Asbury uve . Ocean Cltj N J, ATI, NTH' riTV S. S'lllArFeRD AVE "7 remms' I baths, jriinice near iic'im, WerreU. 551 N, 17lh (l('KN tnx .a, -i' ir-tt r Isl M W COTTAUi: at Ocean City t blncli from le'iiuli en lull st.; 4 Inrse bedrepm, X baths, era-n llrrplacw: aaragt for 2 cars, double peich; completely screened and paberM throughout; an excellent Tlexv of the eeaal m "t..n J!f-r JJ!!. Ji? R a ' ! A Jrl' Vt R!'l c "!l m a i v. m 4 i r ". Bi' r it , nl KSiw'MS'kr"'"' r"" ''?., r'nm ' i IK M e .-A? ..AP - Jr. e-tc. ". . 'Wyvjfj . . - . t:te-v.t -w,,;,.. ,.fa,., A4aA..a