:;;, -1 mm, rr.'ABtft ft OAljOLTKi daughter of CartlfM ( '( Gardner Celby, RD LA MAnSHALT,, nan et Atlca Mr: -Xnirt I ivssm, ewara inarsnau, ei uaii uranie,, Sv J- i .Fa Seatijs 111,'Tll, wife of Jphn F. Anderaon. Itclatlvea nnd frlenda are Invited te Iho aervlre,' en tTklay afternoon, at 2 o'clock, nt her late residence. HBO Leldy ave. Interment prl late. Frlenda may call Thursday evening, from 7 te 0 o'clock. AFTMrreN. On April '10. 1022. SAM rill. W. APPLETON. Itelatlvea and frlenda are invited le me. service, en Thura ity afernoen, at 2 o'clock, at his late liYldence, 21 Strathmero read. Droekline, ra. Interment private. Frlenda may view remnlnHrWrdneaday evenlnr. rA8IIjf0ItE. April 10. JOHN, Sr.. hui Mnd of Kmma Ashmera (nee Jehnsen), need .l.firn. Cem. Viewing Wed., after 7 P. M. UAMllKflOKa April 0. IDA K daugh ter of late Jacob nnd Minn, llnmberser. of "0n flprlnir Oarden at., aged 02, llnlatlves nnd frlenda ara Invited te, attend funeral rvlces, Wed. i 11 A. M, precisely, at th.i i "rlers of Merris lloeenbers'a Ben, 2009 N. Lead st Int. Mt. Hlnal. v HA UER. April 10, CHAnLKa c. UAur.n, In his S8lh year, llelatlvea and friends, Alse alt societies of which he was a member, milled te services, Frl.. 2 P. Jr., latn resi dence, 21B3 K. Hagert at. Int. private. Friends may call Thura.. after 7 P. M. BRVDKK. At Montcemeryvlll, pa.. April i Ifi2' ItAIUtlrc.'. daiurhtnr at Tr. n. nrwl lliiima Ilonder. Services at Montgomery Hap. tlsi cnurLii. iiiuia., ., -, in. am. i'piti. ndjelnlnir church. Autes will meet, train UVnie Heading Terminal 12:30 P. SI. en arrival at Celmar, l'a. 10. 1052. HAItAH, widow of Olie hinder. Hjnral servltes Thura., 1:30 P. M parlors of C. A. Qulnby & Ben. 1848 N. 20th at. Int. private. BLANK. On April 10. 1022, OEOnctSJ V.. huband of Kate Illnnk. Bervlca en rhitmlfiv afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at bin late residence. 810 Klmber at., Catnden, J. Interment at Ilvorareen Ccmstery, jeviinir nefineKuny cnnuur. jj UKUMi.r.i. April iv. ii..iii, nuanann r Mfitf1a Itremlev. nired 74. Relatives mil friends, also reaoeoy l.onue, xe. 71 Ait uil. eve. VniXI! On Aerll 7. 1029. ATinT.n IlKEOOnY COANK, wlfa of Themas M. Ccinc Itelathes nnd frlenda are Invited te I ren'lce. en Thursday nf ternoen, at a i i'ecIc, at her lata resld"nce, 3010 Sprlns lintden t. Interment private, COIin.V. At Wlldoed, N. J., April 11. 1022 NATHAN A. COHEN. M. I). Ttelatlves .n ripndii. also F. and A. M. nnd I. C). ii. F.. nnd all ethe organizations of which 14 WAS a meinuvi. inviieu id luiieiHi ner. tr.. at hi" lata residence, 217 Fi. Oak hvd., IhUrf.. l .. .. i iiua mu' iww remaina Wed.. 7 te 0 P. M. Int. at Cape May Court "rei'n April 0. MATILDA C, widow of Henry F. Cepe. Funeral aervlcea at her lata t.!rinrf. 000 C Chalten ava.. Oermuntawn. Thurs., 3 I'. M. Int. prlvat CRAVATH. April 0, RUTHANNA JACIC riv nltAVATH. widow of tha late Ernitua Jllle Cravath, In her 80th year. Funeral y.rvlcfs at ner laie rcsiacnce. in , ariner tt . West Chester, Pa., Friday, April 14. at i 30 o'cled:. Interment at the National Cemetery. Nashville, Tenn. Ul IWir.UlliV.4. ipril 1.1, XVm. UbbA C. daughter of lata James and Margaiet Cunningham. Itclatlvea and frlenda Imlted te funeral, Men.. 8:30 A. M., from her late residence. 1021 P. 10th st. Helemn high mnin nf requiem at Ht. Paul'a Church 10 A. M. Int. at Hely Cress Cem. EDK.INS. nrll 0. SUSAN n. fn Mark. ward), wlfa et William C. Edklns. Relatives and incnas are invuen 10 nitena tne ru peral services. Thurs.. 2 o'clock precisely, from ner laie roaiennce, u ii, jiirst nt, interment private. Ilemalns may be viewed Wtt. ce. ELLIOTT. At llrldaeliern. V. J.. Anrll i. ALnnnT N. ULLIOTT. In hH 70th year, llineral Thura , 1:30 P. M.. from his late residence. IJrldccbore. N". J. Int. nrlvntn. Monument Cem.. l)eerly. N. J. tirsuuiiB. aunaeniy. en April B. 1822. 10IIN K. ENOCHS. Relatlveii unit frlMirin are lnlted te the sen Ice. en Thursday .iltemoen. at 3 o'clock, at hla late residence, l!)18 Germantown ave. Interment private. Friends may call Wednesday evening-. KRB. April 10. REBECCA &.. wife of Daniel Hrb, aged 80. Ilclatves and friends irit Invited te funeral. Thura., 2 P. M.. from her late residence Dlun Hell. Pa. Ferv ces In Peehm'a Church 2:30 P. M. Take 1.02 P. M. train .from Reading Terminal te I'enllyn. also 1:30 P. M. trolley from Nor Ner Nor rlixewrr te Center Senars. rATTORT Anr I 10. MARY K.. wlf. of Demlnlrk Fatterl and daughter of Jehn and Mice Miller, iieianves ana inenas are in lieil te attend funeral aervlcea, Frl.. 9 . If., late residence, 8710 N. Oth st. Int. lirliate. rTienaa may can inun, eve. I.e). widow of Capt. William S. Flss. Fu tural eervlces Thura., 1 P. M..' at her lata isMence, iietnienem piae ana "Jinrtranit j.ie . Ft wasningien, l-a. int. private. riTZBIMMONS April 10. WILLIAM I-.DOArt. son nt Hdgar K. and Mary R. Fltz- STEAMSHIP NOTICE'S . .... - lll If 1 Vt t ClWlilF ri)N. WdeW of Oeerga Woolley Allen, nged tif i cars. Funeral nervlcea en Thuriday, nt f.V M.. t 88 B. 40th at. - .ViiRllSON. On AM I 11. 1B22. BI1ZA- t or rpt. ., re inviteu te iunerni aerv ei, Thura, l'P. M., at his late residence, nl2S thedwlck St.. Falls of FchuylkllL Int. drenoeil (K. of P.) Cem., Friends may NAWSCO LINES Send Your West Coast Freight by Steamer Deliver te Pier 19 North by Team or Belt Line Freight Prompt Leading Careful Handling Regular Sailings Dependable Schedules Minimum Insurance Express Freight Steamer Service Philadelphia via Panama Canal te San Diege, Les Angles, San Francisce, Oakland, Seattle, Pertlund, Asteria, Tacoma, Vancouver, II. C. S. S. Celd Harber April 20th S. S. Blue Triangle May 6 NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Owners and AaenU XT. R. Shlvnlna Unnril Ktmmcri 136 S. Fourth St., Phila. Phene White Star , ., .,.,.. ,. .. i ll.VMl'IO Apr. 22 May 13 June .1 1 UEnTIO (new) ...Mar 20 dune 17 .Inly n ;. V. TO COUH (Quaestevvn) A LIVERPOOL I SiWiA for. 15 May 13 June 10 IL1 NTJ6 , . Apr. 10 tPRIG ' .Apr. 22 May 20 June 17 kDRIATin Mnv'JH .1ntifl .lulv no nV TORK TO AZOIIKR, MADEIHA. GIU- 4W.ljXiVt(, AIAtLlflA, Al'ICS A x? r jii v. i R IIIf! I9.94A nnn AnU OK ... a ... rti. . iRhnO Aiir. '8 Hrnl.23 Zi MrOMAN Anr. IK llfAVirn imnriv mt- k t. 10 nn III f f MltnOH tWSK ii Au. HI L. I .uin unu mira-cmns paHnengera carrieu. PHTT.AT.I.7T.mfT Xf a WPliraTPn MTONTMi .'..... '...April 13 m Red Star tim fT..K.TMOUTII. CHERBOURO. ANTVERP IIXT IV1I A . an . .. ... . .:.:(-..p nwi fliar.i diiiv 1 KKUM) Apr. 20 June 3 July H iOIINI.M Mny H June 10 .Inl'v n ;' MavlS June 17 Julr32 lVi,f"v.T0,.I.IA.JnlUI,Q' LIHAU. DA.NZIO SIIi.VM) Clil cl.ins i.iHseiiKers enlv I JIu 10 l..n. . """i'r.l,. inn ,i I I. lit L''iym''l'l MAIIOPAO .June .1 IAChIXAWv.SIny 25 I MIH.SOUIU. JiinJlb W American Line V. TO HAMllUllO VIA PLYMOUTH AND WMW'IA ir. 20 Mnv 31 lONtjtil.l '. ', V"!' .Mil- 3 .Iuiih 7 June 21 I'llll.ADELt'HIA HAMIII'lia viiUADlVN Apr. 22 MAIIOPAO ..June 3 .ILNTIi: lltANMMHtr LINE Pllll. VI11M.1MIIA IIIMIlilU Ifth1111'''1 Apr. 17 MACKINAW. Mny 28 lAllllAHLlN.Apr. 22 I MlhSOl'Rl.June 15 I'll II. A I IK I. till I A Ttd'p'Pl.'lMi 0FI)K ...Apr. 10 I IILYDirNDYK'May 13 ntcrnatinnal Mercantile Marine Ce. 120 RTEAJIFJIS. 1,300,000 TONS l'anrer enire. 1310 Walnut St., I'hlla. rrrltht Uftlre, 4115-414 Ileurse Hide., l'blln. April 12, 1922 DIAMOND LINES Announce me opening of n Philadelphia eiiicu, elTtTtive May 1, 1922, at .137 Walnut Street ufider the nianagunient of Ir. Geeice M. Ball. Jr. r"""-'IiOmlard' 728, . ' iMMI TtiwM .' t u -..I. it riv,t.w iHf finbfiT.V " J" "w ?W PRANCirfA. wWow'et JeaVph oil. lasher. Frlenda may call Wed., after 8 1'. M. Funeral aervlrea Thura.. 2 I. m. , n Tine royldence of her daughter. 6xferd, a" tOAUI.. April 11, 1022.. Mlpa CATttA. niNK UA.UI.. aged 8S. Vuner" I .erVlcw Thura., 2.30 P. M.. at the. I'raabytVrlaH Mema, BSlh at. and drecnwiV ave. Int. Mtl ' UI.UN'N.bn April 01022, r.DWIN F . .n!2S -9"npAV .Marshal! nsth nnd Hnrlntt. mt, rrlate. On view at rcsldencn of daughter, Mra, J. Hovd Mevar 321 ,N. Hlth, Tuesday. 7 te 0 P. jf. Meyer' OlVhLN At her realdence. 2000 N. lnth St., en April tl, 1022. ANNA JOai:pfntF widow of William H. Oreen. ltrlatlvei and friends are Invited te thn servlce. tin Thurs duy afternoon, nt 2 o'clerk ,nt the Oliver II. Hair Illdg.. 1820 Chestnut at. InlermXnt private. I rlends may tall at 1820 Chestnut at. Wednesday nvenlng aUTLKUNHT.' On April 10, MART A., daughter of the Inte Godfrey nnrf Cntherliie Outekunat., Relntlcs and frlenda Invited te funeral, en Wed., at B A. M.. Inte residence, 1432 N. Oth at. Helemn requiem mnsa St. Peter's Church 0 A. M. Int. Hely Sepulchre Ccm. ' HARKUR. Near Vlnccnlen, N. J . Anrll 10. 1022, MARY U.. widow of Jehn A. Mar ker. In ner 01st year. Funeral and Int. prl- IIUNRY. April 10. CHARLES IRWIN son of Chara II. and Flcrencii C. Henrv' aged 13. Funeral services Thurs.. 2 p, jf.J resldrnrc. 13.18 Cehvin st. Int. private Westtnlnilcr Cem. HL-iW. April II. MARY Q., wife of Clar enci M. Hess. Bcrlrea Thura . 2 P, M residence, A1A N. Hehnrt st. Int. private' Arlltmtnn. Frlenda mny rail Wed. eve IIENIJIHCKSO.V. At Wenonah, N. J April 11. FANNIE C. , HRNDIilUKSON, wlfa of Heward C. Hendrlcksen nnd daughter of William W. Clark, nged 03. Relatives and friends am Invited te funeral. Sat., at 10 3d A. M.. from hr Inte residence, cer. r Man tin and Jeffersen ncs,. Wenonah. Jnt. Wenonah Cem. Friends may tall l'rl.,'7 te II P. M. HOFFMAN. April 30. CILMILKS H. HOFFMAN. Funeral Drlcen Thurs.. 2 P. M., nt hla late lesldencp, 1200 W. Russell st. Int. private. . HOLLOWAY. April 0, CLARA LOUISE, wlfa of James A, Holleuay and daughter of Sarah R. and the Inte Miles R. North. Rela tives and friends, also Snulhwarlc Star Ledge, Ne. 7. S. of If.: Mln Temple, Ne, 0, 11. O. of r..l Camp Ne. 157, P. O. of A.; t'hattahoeclieo Council, Ne. 132. D. of P.; Rainbow Temple.. Ne, 213, L. of O. E., are Invited te funeral eervlcea, Thurs., 1 P. M., late residence, 2234 Moero st. Int. Green wood (K. of I'. Ccm.). Friends may call Wed.. 8 te 30 P. M. 1IOHSFK. April Ii. HENRIETTA W.. wife of Frederick M. Heuer. l'uneral servlcea 'Ihura.. 3 P. M., fiem her late residence, tiOlU Cnllewhlll at. Int. Montrese Cem. Friends mny nil Wed cenlnK. s te 10. lltlOHEH. April 10, FRANCIS I. HUGHES, nged 80. I"unernt scrUccs Ihurs , 2 P. M., nt daUKhter'a reeldente, 2UJU S. 73d at. Int. Cedar Hill Ccm. KEALY. April 8. Rhv, THOMAS J. KEALY. Rnvennd clergy, relatives nnd friends Invlted te attend funeral. Wed., April 12. 8:30 A. M.. from St. Charles llorremco Church. 20th and Christian ats. Divine office at 0:J0. Solemn requiem mass 10 o'clock, tnt. Hely Crers Cm. KELLY. April 10, JOSEPH R., en of Jehn nnd CaWinrlne Kelly (nee Dougherty), In hla 21st ear. Relatives and friends are invited te attend the funeral. Frlilay morn ing, U ojcleclc. from parent' residency, fill Helland axe. Ardmerc. Services nt St Col Cel man's Church. 10:30 A. M. Int. St. Denis' Cem. KLATSS. April 10. ELIZA J. widow nf Jehn Klnlss. Relnthes nnd friend invited te funeral services, at her late" residence 310 Hansberry Bt., Germanteun, Wed., 3 1', ji. Int. prlvnte. ICNIOHT. On April 10th. RICHARI) MEXTER KN'IOHT. In Providence. R. I., In the 01st enr of his aac. Funeral private. Pleano emit flewerB. MAYER. Suddenly. Anrll 10. 1022. JOHN 31. MAYER, beloved husbnnd nf Dinmii M. I viayer tnee vvenzeu. agen 07. itesldencc, 401 Saville at.. ItoxliureuKti. Relatives nnd friends, also Heard of Dlrectera of the Ger- Man t!nlln,U nf TlAnnn . 1'nltn.l Ulnn.... n. ....(. ww. ... ... . vi. nt.. ; Link, ii ruiHuini nr i terhes of Common l'lens Court Ne. r. nnd 1 nu oilier Bocietiea or wnicn lie uaB u mem br. nre Invited te nttend funeral rervlces, Thura.. 2 I'. M.. nt the runeral home of Jehn C lClmmerln & Sfmu. J1',r..'7 V lfrnnH Ht. Int. 'private, Gerniun Lutheran Cem. I i'winir vvcti., i' ai McAllister. April 10. areRan a.. husband et Susan McAllister (nee Lere). Relatives and friends Invlfd te service". Thurs., 2:30 P. M residence, 2324 N. ri,.,!"t.. lnt- Prlvnte. Viewlnc Wed. ova. MIX1BB. en April 0, FANNIE, wife of Walter Megee. Friends call Thursday cvo cve nlug. 8 te 10. nt residence. 1,225 Spruce st. Services nnd interment nt Presbyterlan th'ireii. Ft. Roblnen, Pa.. Friday. 12 neon. efJAUY?"; 0f .'!007 N ,-tl1 April 10. SOPHIA L., widow of Herman F. Meyer. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend funeinl servlcea. Thurs.. 3 P. M., funeral apartments of Hareld II. Mulligan, leth st. and Germantown nve. Int. private. Frlenda mav call Wrd.. 8 te 10 P. M. MIDDLETON. April 30. ELIZA A., widow et Henry Mlddleten. Relatives nnd frlends are Invited te nttend funeral serv ices, Thurs.. H p. M., rosldence. 4710 Large at.. Frankford. -Alse aervUbs Frl.. at Don Den nlsvlllc, N, J., M, B. Church, en arrival et the H-rtO A. M. train from Philadelphia. Int. Diinnlsvllle Ccm. MILLER. April 8. MARY, daughter of Inte MarBerel Simen. Relatives nnd friends STi:MSlP NOTICES Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7781-2 New id&'k te Seuth America otiUS.QevQmmentSliips Fastest Time te Rie dp Janeiro, Montevideo nnd Buenes Aires. Kinett ships- American service American foeel American comforts. Sail ings In Pier 3, Ilobeken. Amerlcnn I.eslen. .. .April 1" Pnn Anierlcn April 20 Western World May 13 bentliern Cress Mny 27 "Fert nightly) Thereafter" Menson Steamship Lines 47 Wall St.. New Yerk City Philadelphia OrTlee, llrrxcl Hide. Manapinp Operators ter LlJ.S. SHIPPING BOARDJ 'N.ew Yerk te EureptV De Luxe Service B .O PLYMOUTH, DOULOCNC. HAMBURG By New American Fist Steamer Resolute Ma 2, May 30, June 27 Reliance May lt, June 23, July 11 Regular Service TO HAMBURG DIRECT Sailings every lliursuey, by the pem. HI VCHIIi. .M,. ", " - n red, Mount Clinten, Hinsa, Bsyen, B Wuerttembr. with ipeclnl cabin aetl I Irnpreved third class accommodations. I UNITED AMERICAN LINES, lac. I 0 Ureudnur. N. V.. or 1-eic.U bluett 1 sL elila Asrnls. yf1 QOf1il1RC9An PHILADELPHIA te FEN1T, CORK, DUBLIN and BELFAST s S S "BALSAM" April 15 Moere nnd McCeimack, Ice. 444-4G Oeuna Bids., PhiU. aJLemb. 0585 Main 7513,- also 6l yet Ledge, tfe C07. T. and A. it. Invited 'te .funeral services, en Wed., at " 1. M.i nt Netthmlnstnr I'rHalivierlnn c'hnrpl. r'-i',.-: II .tfTlCl.. ' ' MeellWil April 10, ADOLPIt, son of late Bernhardt nnd Chrltllns. Meeller. Fu rerat services, Thurs., l!30 P. M., nt rssl rssl dence of his sister, 1042 N. 22d at. -Int. prl vate. netralns may be 'viewed Wed. eve. MenA';. April 0. 1922. THOMAS J., hus band of Annie Vel an. Relatives and friends Invited te funeral, Thurs., at' 3 P. M., late resldenre, 2122 B. Cambria at. Inr, Uelvue Cem, Remains may be viewed Wed, eve. PAItVIH. April 10, LILLIAN (nee Mely neux), wife of the Inte Franklin Q. Parvls. ltelatlvea and friends are Invited te attend funeral services, Thurs., 2 P. M., at her late residence 3040 N. Percy st. Int. private, PET11Y. On April 10, 11)22, ANDHEW, husband of Cntherlne retry, aaed 70 years. Relatives and friends, nlsn PreKreselve As sembly. Ne. 4. A. O. M. P.. are Invited te the service, en Thursday afternoon, at if o'clock. ,nt the Oliver II. Pair Bid. ,1820 Chestnut st. Interment private. Friends msv mil Wednesday evnln. ltniXHAJrnn. At Wllkes-narre. Pa., April U, Phi Lit. husband et late Mary Item halter (nee White). int. April 12, West 9 mTN'niL April 0. 1022. FRANKLIN IT. IltTNEIl, nged 70. Relatives and friends In vited te fnrrernl services, Wed., 3 P. M at Kirk & Nice, 0301 Oerrnantewn ave., Ger mantown. Int. private. KOIIINHON. Suddenly, en April 10, 1922, TIOIES PENROSE, son of Theresa May and the Inte neene II. Robinson, aued 28 vwirs. Relatives nnd friends, also American Leflon Tayler L. Wnithnm Pest. Ne. 282. are In vited te the servlc. en Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, nt the residence of his sister, Mrs. II. O. Dreseher, SO "enn Reulevnrd. M. Lansdovvne, Pa. Interment nt Mt. Merlah Cemetery. Friends may view remains Thurediv evening. . . HALTWR. April 10. 1922, OEOROn W.. son of late Casper nnd nilxn, Salter, nwd 70. Relatives nnd friends art. Invited te attend funernl services, nt his late 'residence. (1441 N, Park nve., Thurs., B P. M. precisely, int. Mt Peace Cem. .. SCHALL. April 10, ATIEL SCIIALL. IlelatlveK nnd friends, also empleyes of East ern Penitentiary. Invited te funeral services. Thurs.. 3:30 P. M.. nt his late residence. U.II Oreen lane, Manayunk. Int. private, West minster. Cem. Friends may call Wed. eve- "'sCHMIDT. April 10. IRA WARD. Jr.. only son of Ira Ward and Edith Merrow Schmidt, nt parents' residence. 1812 N. 22d st. Services and Int. Jrlvate. .,. . SLACK. April I). 1022. J. RUSSELL SLACK, husband of IsabM Slack (nee Helt). Relatives and friends, also Progress Ledce, Ne. I'.OO. P. nnd A. M.i Jerusalem Chapter. Ne. 3. R. A. M., and Pl-Uelta Epsllen Alpha Chapter, are Invited te nttend funeral serv ices, Wednesday. 2 P. St., residence. 1002 Rockland st. Int. private. SMITH. April 30. 1022. R. STUART, son nf Inte Edwin Pester and Nancy Kins Smith, In his lt2il yenr. I'uneral eervlcea at his LiIa residence. 1S11 DeLnncey place, Thurs., 2 P. M. Int. nrlvate. . SNYDER. April l. ilENJAMIN W.. lilts, bund of Cecelln II. Snyder. Relatives nnd friends, nlse Jerusalem Ledee. Ne. BOO, r nnd A. M.. nnd all ethT societies of which he wns a nvmber. nrn Invited te nttend fu nernl, Thurs., 2 P. M.. from his lute rcsl. dcr.ee. 802fl rrankfenl live., Helmcsburc. Int. Emmanuel P. K. Chyrch creund. nc m.ilns mny he viewed Wed.. 7 te II P. M. STEER. Suddenly. April 10, JACOH If., husbiml of Mary nnd son of Emma nnd late Jnceb Steer. Funeral, te which relatives nnd friends are Invited. FrU, 1:30 P. M.. at 22D5 8. Fient at. Int. at Fernnoed Cem. Friends mnv call Thurs., after 0 P. M. UTPI.L.1M U..i.AnH Ar,rl1 If, diTIAtt E.. daimhtcr of Louisa W. nnd the late Ed-1 ward w, Mtenan. lieiaiives ane irienas nre lnvlleil te attend the funeral services. Frl.. nt 2 P. Ml nt her late residence, 3314 N, 18th at. Int. private. STEVENSON. Suddenly. April 0. ROB ERT t, son of ReLcrt and Sarah A. Steven. Hen, lured r4. Funeral services Thurs.. 2 P. M.. at 11140 N. 2Cth at. Int. private. rrlndH call Wed.. S te 10 P. M THOMPSON. Suddenly. In I'natesvllle. r., en April 11, WALTER O. THOMPSON In thn 77th year of his nae. Relatives and friends of family nre Invited te nttend fu neral, without further notice, from his late. residence. 43 1 aiapin nve . loaiesviiie. l'a.. Snt. Meet at the house at 2 1'. M. Int. nt 1.'uIi.aui Cm. THOMSEN.-t-Aprll !). RASMUS, husband of Kntherlne Thomsen vnee iieimeruinner). Relatives nnd friends, nlse members of St. Michael's Lutheran Church. Patriotic Order Sens nf A.: Enelnecrs' Union, Lecal Ne 2M). Firemen's Union. T.ecc.1 Ne. 285. Invited te rcrvlre. Thurs.. 2 P. M nt his late resi dence. 2100 E. Cumbrl.ind st. Int. pralvata. Mt Vernen Cem. Vlewlnn Wed. e.ve TITMAN. Suddenly, nt her residence. At lantic City. N. .!.. April 0, ELI7.AHETII F., widow of Chnrli'S E. Tltmnn. Relatives and friends nre Invited te attend funernl services. Thurs., 11 A. M.. rhnrel of Andrew J. Ualr & Sen, Arch nnd 10th sts. Int. private. TOI.AND. In lMltlmere. Md . en April 10, 11)22. nt 7.30 I'. M.. I.YDIA R,. wlfe of thn Inte Jehn II. T.iland. Service en Thursday niertilnir. nt 10:30 o'clei-k, nt the Charles F. Evnns A. Sens funcrul parlors, 118 W. Mt. Royal ave.. I!altlmer. Md. Interment nt Ivy- Hill Cemetery. I'hlladel rhln. nt 3.13 P. M. . .. . TUTTLE. Of Il.irrlnirten. N. J.. Anrll 9 ELIZAllETH. wlfe of Jehn W. 'Cattle. aBed 47. . Relatives nnd friends Invited te funeral services, Wed., 2 1. M . son's residence. 2208 N. Qrnt!! st. Int. Norlhweod Cem. Viewing; TUVOLK.-Ap7rll,'-10M 1922. JOHN FRED RICK, husband of the late Margaret E. Voile. Relative's and friends, also Pest 2. (J. V. It.; Ollve Castle, K. of O. E.; Fidelity LedB. I. O O. I. Invited te attend funeral services. Thurs., I P. M.. nt his late rest rest denee. 10SO N. Robinson st. Int. prlvate. Remains muv be v lowed Wed. eve. WAI.DllOV. April .0. 1022. ANNIE MAUD, wlfe of VutiRhnn Waldrnti (nee i Htlne), of Jlerchentvuie. --. ,i llelntlve and friends are Invited te nttend funenl i s rvlces. Wed . 3 P. M . at Parlors of f A. Oulnhv ft Sen. 1S48 N. 20th st. Int. private. ' WALKER. April 8. JOHN W. WALKER. Iiusb.md of Inte Marv Walker (nee Haver- i Htnck), llelntlven nnrl friends, nlse Shacku Shacku ninxen 1idge, Ne. (143. Indepenilent Order of ' Odd Fellows, nlse all ether organizations of which he was a member. Jire Invited te attend funeral services. Thurs 2 P. M from i his Ink- residence. 248 E. Olrnrd nve. Int Greenwood Cem.. K. of P. Viewing Wed. "tt'IIAt.r.r Suddenlv. April 10, JOHN. huuand of ihe lute Marv J. Whnlev, nged 72. Relatives and friends nre Invited te Htteml funer.il services. Tl.ur 3.30 P. M. I at the lesldencn of Ills hen-lndnw, Jehn A. i liurUe. 30114 Princeton ave'., Tacony. Int. MWu'ANlT-A..rll 10. EDWARD W. .en ' of Hese and Inte Charles Wlelnnd. aged 12 Relatives and tilends Invited te funeral . services. Thurs.. 3 3D P. M . brother's lesl dence. 2734 (I St. Int. flreenmeunt Ccm. . Friends mnv cill Wed . 8 te 10 P. M. WINDSOR. Ainu I", aiajiui.i.i; ii wife of Earle i;. Windser ail daughter of Elonner N. and Lite Heward W. Merris, HKed 32. Relatives utid fr'ends ure Invited te funeral. Thurs., 2 30 1. M,. from her Inte idsldenci. 0320 Woed'awn ave.. Lawn dale. 1m nt Noithweod Cem, Remains limy he view id Wed. eve. WOLF. April !. ut his late residence. 2348 N. Wnteilne st.. Al'Ul'ST. beloved hus bind of Jesephine Wedf (nen l.nmr), Ilvla Ilvla tlves and frletiils, also members of Fraternal Order of Delivers LeiIu-h Ne. 2, Caslyu Tribe, Ne. 483, I. O, R. M,, tind emple)es of S. Ilachnrach & Ce . Invited te funernl serv le es, Thurs , 2 P. M , nt parlors of Jehn F. I'luehr. 104 W. SUhituehanii.i nve. Int. nt (l-eenmeunt Ccm. Remains may be viewed Wed 111 1(1 P. M. I!NF.KTAKKRS BIG VALUE SPECIAL OFFER Only 1 te a Customer BOTH FOR $1 3 in 1 SHOPPING BAG THE BAG OF A HUNDRED USES Wuinen will find this I) In 1 li.it: the Ideal combination for dally use. A linml lair tlint combines tl a n ! sumo appcarance with fie maxl niiiiii nf fccnlce nnl liurnly use fulnnni. w It e n eitneil nii'iiaures lliu in, Chinese Sewing Basket Decorated with beads, tassel, and real Chi nese money. A Special Combination Offer: Beth Articles $1 .00 for Parcel Pest Prepaid A. W. P0MEAN & CO. 1R40 Cermtnlewn Are.. Philsrlrlpliis, Pi. RazerBladcsRe-sharpened biNtii.i: Jr ueuiiLK rnnii " nnen - KBiUr Itarern (Ireund K Honed. 330 I'omplete UrlnditiR Uttalillshmcnt TMM FIMIKKT CRINDINO CO, me .riibcrt st., vfaiui,, r H'"i "All SXjlV BROAD ahe DIAMOND - f PARCEL POST wienniiPafi Still iBSjll t''WW' H MV'V.V II M,!i;;;, .A tJil',"M"iiiifriii'i inHila s2SK"'CCS!iv5s f!ffltlSff.W&V saBlti gg'Slfey iiL JNiimm w.i ins niiiU4y.i,f' ci 'vW fdi riV' 10 e e el e e e e - , oe-j i o.e a Oi oei ?t F "Siectiier te tit Het.Wtr Bettt" LasU a Lifetime Kastsr te use than thn Met-water Ii e 1 1 1 e quicker1 te let ready OLO-I'AX la the true auceesvtr ts the old fashioned, water heat stimulator. FA turn of the wrist and ttie con- ' nefltlen la made nt any electrin IlKht or wall plu An Instant later ou have warm, aoethlnc heat A alight turn of 1 f Miercaulatnr dial adjusts ttie dearee of warmth te your deslrs, UI.O-PAX Is ery lllht, mad of aluminum! Tne sanitary feature alenn makes the modern OIXJ-PAX the leilcal successor te the old-fashioned rub ber bottle, -. Price, $7.50 PAncEii pesT.pnnn wlrti 10 ft, of cord, Z-plece Plui; thntiflts any lamp or ferket. Guar anteed te clve satisfaction or money refunded. CHAS. EMORY CO. Hele Distributors 120 N. 13th St., Pnili., Pi. Hell Phene: Locust 420S FREE 1 CAN MALT COMPI.RTR IFVOUM,LenFTELKn,ONK,NAN 5 S&5 MY-FRIEND 75c s 9 JFvrii MALT COMM.ETn I'ACKAnK ru Out-of-town enlers will r-coUe rnmpt attention If accompanied by money orders, checks or rafh illy Orders Delivered I rre EASTER SPECIALS JUMPING RABBIT PRICE. 50c I'arrel Test, fie Kitrii Same size as a real Baby Bunny! Covered with real Rab bit Fur. When the bulb is pressed, rab bit hops along the fleer, flapping its ears. SPECIAL EASTER COMBINATION OFFER NO. 7 1 .lumping Ituhblt. 1 bev of lilrh-zrnilr rhoielnte (one pound), both for ttl (f I'urcel 1'e.st free. ax"v A. W. POMEAN & CO. 1610 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia, l'n. X ruxiTDAi y ItUMBING SUPPLY CO1 sw.cea. at IT- ft SPRING OARDEH IS2l enr-plcrp Irrn enameleil -liil.. 1 n r I u il 1 n k 2 h p I k e t s and nkkr'l.platcl 17 Baumi trap, $11.50 Nickel-plated Portable Shower with Curtain Complete $5.00. ,'ix.ln roll - rim. Iren e-nnmelea nnthtun. In cluding llttlnKA te I (tour. 2. Com partment Nuitene Fitting te Fleer Prompt Attention te Mail nrdrrs Hell I'leiie, I'eplnr 876S Acme Filter A Filters and Pnrlftpi ' Made of Heavy Copper Has Brass Check Valve Can Be Hung in Any Place or Anywhere 3-QT. SIZE $2.50 6-QT. SIZE $5.00 PKI0E8 flN I.ARfiF.II 8IZKS ON RKQUEST Snd money erdrr, clitck r rfilttrrad letter. Ne. C. O, n. nrrrptril. DIXIE MANUFACTURING CO. iU Ktnlmten Aw.. I'lilludelplila. Va. k ijB m HII : t Syrup IiendK8' 5 i 'HOAOCI.fHIA.'' I JW sr w iiri. i-epinr 4uoe H.KASS P-AOO MASTER ST. (asiasiasiasiasiasflHaflastiKk! ' v7j ! $Z4.00 1 fji'r' UM' TVfJt I frrjfya I'j.''SJj'ii SNYDERS kMAILORDERHOUSE 808 Sonth St., Phila. DKPT. P. I,. fiattaT Um Special Special Beys' Baseball Outfit OenslstlnB nf llaseball, Catcher' Milt, Cap and Hut I nil for QOr A IltO IIAItOAlM s,4. Full.Sixe Resulatien BaU B4 or .ir-lnch! nntural wnexler burnished finish! tape handle. Kertilar nlue S2.00 98 Cents fTfttfr""1 FielderY Gleve emul Pjf A."er,"',nA1'!: leather. rift I leatner lined, laeed lop. $1.98 neaular Value. 14 60 ARCEI. POST, 10c EXTHA Catcher' Mitt All leather. Geed !ze. 1.59 Heys' PUe, Oilc rtecular Value, $11.00 PAItCEL. PORT INSi;nDD. 10c nXTHA kK Baseball Shoes These heei nre same as used bv nre. fesslenal play ers. Prte. $2.98 vef: $6.00 PAJICnij POST INSUnBD. 15e EXTRA American League Base Ball Tills hall ituoran itueran tepd for li InnlnKs; -eal liersi'hldn rover. Iteir. vnl., IL'.SO, Dur price, 98c Other 'soed bas balls, 10c and un. PARCEL lOST AND I.NSITtANCn. Ic CKTRA Snyder's Mail Order Heuse 808 Seuth St., Dcpt. P. L. Phila. Opm Kvcntnes Till 0 Star Brand Malt Syrup 1007e PURE We deal In only en urade of Oarleir Unit, tne l.eat. Uujrmuee.l te clve tee best results. IAR BRAND Malt Syrup FINtCY antrrHERS SOU OifLTaiairrnss, 2 Package, $1 6 Packages, $4.50 12 Packages, $8.50 I'liene 1'epl ir 8181 FREE DELIVERY IN CITY PARCEL POST FREE FINLEY BROS. 2008 Ridge Ave.. Philadelphia Wi-at I'hlla. Ilrniuli 4214 Lancaster Ave. EYES EXAMINED FREE. NO DROPS USED . SPECIAL,! 1 Bifocal Glasses $ 2.50 Geld-tilled Frame '.ncrlal Value S0.00 All prtsc.llHIell.l nileil nt a bftMnc et 2S te K0"e. Ol.isses made en tre oreni ereni Ises wtille jeu wait. MYERSON OPTICAL CO. 8 NORTH 9TII ST. Open Men. & Sat. Etji. Till 9 P. M. We Can Fill Every Requirement in REFRIGERATORS GROCERS, BUTCHERS, HOTELS and CAFE MEN Computing Scales, Electric Collet Mills, Neat Grinders, Cash Registers, Salts. Ciihli prices with priileire of Lusj I'a.wnentH. llluiti uteri Circular en ,'r,, ct H0VE Scale Ce. ?,? St- rlllliiilellilil.i REUPHOLSTERING f the niaher Oratlv RrriiiHtructlni:, KrllnNhln - r I p i ii or llv i b room ruin' un. r in it in new Sir. f"ii i-i M-.H I IMNti IIIIIIM It km. Tl KI-I..'K.T M ,'s ii li.iuilful iles, red -u,,, tries V ours nn.l M.,.. Pluth (e order at iinnuriicturer'M prli.es. Mill (etrrM d Anilines Our Sperluliy Quaker City Upholstering Ce U'jnbird 4S.M1 'JOO.'JD-t Cheetnut S PATFNTS r,?"4''" WILLIAMSON & WILLIAMSON PlinNin 1325 ARCH ST- PHILA. Iliillr. B te Si Men. Jnd 1 bura. Eve., 7 te 8 Hae your old Tclt Hat made 75c new Ladies' Hats Cleaned and Mocked ' CHAS. CARPEN 133'! I'IIImtI M I'IiIM. out I'r.nriT t niis i.i itTi.i; ioe", I I'KOKIT. m IIIMi Id SKI.I.. fAMI'l Eh Je,. I LENNO NOVELTY CO. mix wn, viiii.a. " BMmwfs L.W smisv,'- :; ,-v W fSBW,frJlu Ti&rtggi mm ji 1 1 3Lk pest i dim wkl 'X L. Heme Drinks that make you smack your lip with sat isfaction, are made from BLUE RIBBON MALT Ne malt syrup or extract compares with Hlue lllbben In slrenictti, flaer nnd purity. Test proves I llxtra thick and all malt. Sure te natlsfy. Wholesome I Healthful! Enjoyable! Absolutely free from artificial fillers and harmful sub stitutes, , , I e.an uempicie 98c Add 12e Postage Special II Cans Complete $2.75 Postage Free 1 Case, 12 Cans, Complete $10.50 Charges Prepaid Special This Week Only BOTTLE CAPS, 30c Per Gress 1 Gress $1 00 A Ne 1 IJeuhln lacquered geld rreHii, Ne seconds. Regular price aric sre5. liettle opener free with each order. Mall Orders filled Hume Day IlecMted cippp, Our Nev Hprlwr Cutalesue r ICju mI n., Booklet. I)E.I.P.KS WANTini piieNK SPRUCE 1370 183B f and "fyforereomg !27lSrerthl3thStiwt Philadelphia, Pa. IIKANCIIKfi 530K Market M. I'll.: Itelment 0130 2048 rirrmnnlQHn Ave. IHumend 3341 017 ltrevlnii, C'umden, N. 4. Kucterlrs: Uerntur, Ilanvllle, 111,, MeulM-mlllf, O, Shipped l'repald Anywhere 6 Packages. . . .$4 12 Packages $8 Send for Price List It Will Pay Yeu Bell Phene, Kensington 1933 Keystone Phene, Park 1486 KiAsTER 1217N.LawrenceSt. 17 N. 2d St., Phila. Just Abee Market Street i BUDWESSER. tr BARLEY MALT SIRUP Made by Anhcuser SascbM St.Levis Jy 1007. Pure NF.T COT $1 S5 $9 I'rf Rbbinjen Supply Ce., 14th RaceS. Spnce4232 Phila Rc-385 Heating Boilers AT LHSS THAN Ci" TO JIAliK Cleernment Materia Mncle te heat 4 0 -oeins or for het-water upplv II r a n d new Eiiar.inteeJ In niiflndl rrntes marked f r Trance $35 te $45 , Urn quick, they tren t Iaat lone. Special price for iiuantllles te Build ers. rittere. Htthtuba. Pr, nn F'ttlnth New i, ?,nl iini -haml Vnlve.. ,s ( Toilets nnd e i . r !"nnmi Ware iiHl, American Pipe & Supply Ce. 1 120 Seuth filh St 'liiiiii'. Ori'Biin :i7i Mii Mitlll ;(()() I'earce Gas Range Tep ii mi i ii Annum iiurnrr Rrilurea (Iiin lllll Vinie lirniilne Wltlinnt I lue ."enil fur Clrruliir Ilex rlliliu; tin mime. KtASUNS WM. H. PEARCE & CO. 52 S. 2d St. Lembard 41 15 WALL PAPERS 10c, 15c, 20c, Deuble Rell Theunin.lH of heni folks de their own IMiicrliiini. IK. I'm uailpupers are of Ceed iini ts and tin te hane rml for nam. pie lioek. Window Shades ,- 45c Geed Ptrints ;;", $1 Gal. WALL PAPER COMPANY , H N. hKC'OM) ST.. 1'IIII.A.. 'A. PAPER Jlllk'S. lulllp r.lllelmiM ,J riiMiiliiK 1'iiner (.illiliiied y nr, .u. MiHlilm-fc mill I'aiirr Motli-I'renf llnus md sheets EZRA LEVINS0N, 26 SOUTH 5TH rhaiiai Uiinhurd Hitll Mnln SH1K IlftLT Syrup II ill 100' Prr Cent I'nre u 1 wmm mm ' I It jntfsff- Complete I'm knur Hif Agsemje 5;'..irO? nr"i lij 1 Pkg., mm:tGat- j 1Z PkS- - ili2!ltiii "'jjl'.iriel I'nst Ol TSBES l " tire BARGAINS Standard Makes UNITED STATES F1SK GOODYEAR FIRESTONE x VACUUM x TRENT GOODRICH HENDERSON LEE-GLOBE PERFECTION KOKOMO and OTHERS State First, Second and Third Choice Suliei Ka'.irle 30x15 $7.00 30x3 Va 7.9 32x3 Ms 8.90 31x4 i3.nr, 32x4 14.70 33x4 15. ir, 34x4 1C.50 32x4 M, 19.0 33x4 i 20.20 34x4 Va 20.70 35x4 Mi 21.10 30x4 a 21.0(1 35x5 23.30 37x5 25.10 MAILORDERS BETTER TIRE STORES CO. gft 300 BROAD ST., PHILA., PA. N S fOIlNKIl STORK Hread i. Vine Beware! De not.cenfuae these WITH OTHER SALES of small at a cheap price. u'liiiuiiuiiii'iiiiiiiiiii'iinii'i'Ki'iiiiiiiiii'iai'iiiuniiiiuiiiiiiiiiii niiiniMiiUiiiiiiii'i;. PARCEL POST CANDY WHOLESALE S OlilKIt MOM kwixh i(u)is Chec, f ero, r. Febb (M ( lien. m u. ( r. I :itK I N ) ( hoc. f ike. r. Kvks (l I f hui'. Coin. tr. IIexh Chec. M. M. Kn fhei. Hens. Kulitilts, I'll 120 s.ne I' e- '-' . !l or I3 ." 4 ,. 34 .05 or t HIV" 1" or 24 . flier. Drc. (ero. r. Kkkh 4K 1.00 hue. Ilellnli K'luter V.KK ..J Jrllr Kn . 40.Hi. Cae 1.40 .Iell lir. In ll'rre! Pr Hi. .! .,..-(Hlioc.l)ec.Ceu.C'.lRs t.) ea. 1. 00 e'3.fi0 Checlh-ct oce.Cr.F.ers (AJ en. l.'l H..-.0 flitii-. lire. Cece. Cr.Kcss IA) e. I.OO SI.0U t'liec. Dsr. Coe. t'r. Kirrs AJ .0 TSc hoc. I)e . Cote. t r. KKKH (A) en. . .Ilic hce.llrc.Core. Cr. KgK 3 te tn. .(!. 3.1c hoc.Ifec.Cero.Cr. Eb 4 te cln. .0j 2.".c t lioc.Drr.teio. Cr. Kick 0 te itn. 1.00 ir,c Chec. Dec. ece. Cr. Kr 13 1.30 Chec. Icc.( ece. Cr.i:i:s (A) 13 or 2 .14 citsAit srr-ciAi.s The "dltlMM" Clariir lox of .10 LIS (I'neimuleil fcr kIc. duality, tastel The 'Test Cl"-r' t.1 for ! I"t of .10 I. IK FKKSII (.UIIIIX AT BOTTOM I'KICK Al. ( hoielitCH (Hlcli (mde) .1 Ihs. 1.1.1 fhnc(nt. Almend ruir a 130. .10 Urnii HIrU Canilr IM .'' Itr.Pr.TTI" Chec. .Mints 1c 31 I5J "RKI'K'rn" ir uncle 5c III .11 KKI-KI'TI" I,lrir.te IeIh .1c ill .4 J "l'I,TMl" Knll-e-rcn Hire .1 31 .'. "I'LANTKlfs" (oceunut liar .131 .43 "I'l.ANThKV liw. Cr. Mentu llur. Sc 31 .4.1 "I'LANTIIIts" M.M. t oce.U.irs ,1c 2 .1.1 "I'l.ANTKIt" 31. 31. I i u ii u t Muiimls ,1c 31 .1.1 .-, ItlUlns In IIeich 21 .10 (fnilMI M'KI IAI.1 lr ." lie t rim Cenca Ispcc.) 100 .20 Mlielc ( li-rrl-s rinmir) '-j-tjil. Jnr 3.00 ( rushril rllir.iinili-IAriiielirliv-zlil.l ir I.T.I Kr llilnc f. Kithlne In nnil, I'unrh Ite.inK ,V Curds. It.ir.eri. A Hindi's. Fmin. Ililn ".iniplli'M. II.iuh. IVnrlls. etc. LEWIS NEWHOFF L 255 Market Street, Phila., Pa. M A It Kin' .1110 F.1T. 1HII0 MAIN Slat White Label Malt FOR HOME USE We guarantee tuir Malt te he 100 pure liarlvy Malt. One can coin- Q1 OC plete . ..Vl ? 12 Can (MA AA VVfJtlAiel: W.T str Blue Label Malt 1 can complete 6 cans complete 12 cans ceniDlete 75c $3.50 $7.00 T "Wr vr He alsn in innfai lure t erl.s, trciHns nml t.cncrnl Hettler --iii'i.lles 4I'll( I.I. I'OHl I'lit 'l A. F. STOY & CO. Ittltt-.'H rrankfenl r IIOl II I'IIOM.n I'liil i THE PRUDENT MOTHER lwa.is Keep-, a Mettle 'f H-V-0 ! ! in Iter medicine eheM. ler lu !,,..... ..... :.. .. i.... i inii"" men- i? no ut'iii-r iniiiit; ! remedy for CITS. IiltriSCS.j i HUKNS. S V A L I) S. SOI5KS, I RASHKS and CHAFIXd. ' I Urilri l lnittl.j new a mi, (Ii u -t I I ei 1 r'it li Mia i I : Sl.oe l'Kli:i. imisi I'ltl I'Ain I jCHAS. G. HARRIS, JR. J I i:0 S. l.-.th St.. I'hil.t.. I'.i. JJWR10tPASE If "in " and address ,n l e I le iu III1W Mill talk jret His 1 jndnen e 7 .Vile, ln.vcar mi ir'inleed i;i i) fn fil Inure'et Watth AllsOI.VTI'.I Iltr.l It'll eniler th nut pian i UtIN'T ' ) 1 1 pi cent Urn ei i h nc te vju in an elnlminte i et i,m . miin for Fliri-; a' i I' an HOMK SI'U'IA CO Mil ViKsitti rt.. IleiH, ;, N, 4 Geed Werk Lew Prices IT cuarantea job aatUfartlen nnd Pinlce Dentutry l I.Ollfit M? ni in riiiii lllllnit. S0r & St Dr. Hyrnan SBSS'C Dili Ii Market 3 unu llruncha aVB DIAMONDS BOUGHT ' r.JttM hIK.P.t,llJl.re..!ldi: .,rlS'Ufe?r',W Ne matter what ethera tall ou they ar. (Werth set cur .rice hefure ou aell. We pay 1f no te M00 (in fei each dlaineni mete than ethers n, e us and t,i cm inr d V liu uni sle uiifia ... ..i !?". lrZ,A" '.".1 dlainnndj Wiuahi UEI,l,li 'U, CAM, UJJ t'HFSTVIIT t ' 1'henei Walnut 13U "uU?ai iT fleer, urcr Child.' ttt, Vi-PWl JUUL.-H ..CU AJMiEil . H u f n uir I w F- r '' " T" '"StricHy FIRSTS" Big OVERSIZE CORDS ALL NON-SKIDS Average 8000 te 10,000 Milea Ovrratze (ertlit $11.95 14.90 15.75 19.60 20.15 20.05 25.20 25.75 2G.50 27.15 27.95 . 32.90 34.45 Twe-Year Tubcf $1.60 1.75 1.85 2.00 2.15 2.35 2.50 3.00 3.25 3.60 3.75 3.90' 4.15 4.25 We Ship C O U. but If you ant te save express collection charges aend check with unl'r nd we will ship subject te examination 2 ON CASH ORDERS Phene Sundays Locust 4188 ft Krenlng Open BIG GIANT OVERSIZE TIRES undersized cords made te sell iiinuniw HIII!IIM 1 CERVICE CHOP AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING m BT TAf'TOY-TAINED MECHANICS 117 MABTHIt rerin ssie iiiiiiMuiMiiiiiaiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiniiiiEwiui tpiiiii'KJiiS'iBMEtiiiiijiiniuiiitwniiifnw MACK TRUCKS 3l also Bi tens. cractleaUy new: iuuv Eiiuranteeii, wun dump neuies or lu'incn w. u. cnasms. I General Moter Truck Cerp. !3 20th nml Merris its. '.iiimiiraiiiniiTiwiiiira'irai3i RIMS, $2.00, ANY MAKE BPiinriKit. .t.ie-tr, matikkt F Help Wanted Situation Wanted Employment Agencies and Lest and Found Advertising win ee leunci en Page 30 :J rARCEI POST Uaiiinl Wliiel (hiimI. m nil llunluar. .salls nien u m". un I i emin rslen the IOIr. .11 N .IITNI-. in .si popular chain .In i inlil s w i, .r cm the marl,! fulll I,' i In en ilea ers puce - i in 'l i.f i Te liins hair .,' t I - . r"iu . -I'M 1 IIIM. IIVMKVITIKIM. (I), lii'.l -ur llhli:. . tliiehlniten, I). C. III I nlteil I'rnllt xlntrlnc Ceiipnna en i,rn ( an The Heme Beverage Season I. Mere Ull MIT II WK III! llfT GelMalt - I ike Nil Siihslltiilr II I'u ' Mi, I I'e I or s lie In Ml llruleri,, or CONSUMERS PRODUCTS CO. 28 Se. Delaware Ave. il. r nun ( s' b Hei ? I nnilmnl 241!) .Mnln 9mC III I'nlli'il I'l.illl hirin ( eupvn. en I.itj ( un 2-t uler (iiiiiii ,eil 1lililiiiiK l.jiiei, Keil llenlrr. lllne Imiirlut "llh rllutv II n Uireund. 2 A 1 000 FROM - THIMINILABEUPRINTING&Y' - LABELS - lllll il lllll . FOR .prliil un I'riulliie I ntrr lllllliriiils, 'tiileiiirnii, (O , ( uriK mil Knii-lnp,".! l, ajllllil) n:it.MIM I.ABKL & I'TG. CO. '-' " "" "I I'lilli.. v. mtte l It rile fnr rlwmt.tmm VIMMatTtMla. klmlng iiumn ii lid irar mt or inr, . Ferd tour., reef ceter ,.'id claused rear rerlaln us lllns- (7 Kf trateil a'aW flitf?l lord one nun lop wllh tide B27 arik inrtulnt hv. esjrs COMFORT CUSHION CO. HUI (IKItMANTOW.N ,VK, I'hlln.. I'a I)rnt. I, HONEY DelicieuH Kxtracted Heney (IIIBKCT ntllM HKKKEETCHI 3 Ihs fur $1 nn n lt !.. or 12 Ihs. for 18,00, Dtlivtrad b i-eii nanaraciien (uiran. ! or me'ni re'unded. Trr It, lleatrtter, Raul 0. Laafatlar, Fa. WINDOW SHADES llu d re i from manufacturer ariQ aatu .ud, email pinflUi f I 00 rtiadea for He ll - e shsdee fur 7Mc. II.H.1 iliadia for JI.SS, IHe etra for liuuulng. Kll;nal.s i ram" HVW.'- C" Ulm", """w' ir u no 'atiunv rc - . a L. K. &V fe- ..fUJHU hwaiii 1 ,m :!? mi A'W .14 " tim '. if :t ,i ,y jfi y fll a A 1 vWi h 3 i jJ 1 V v s -m li-WlM ir i l V a n 31 "" S aMi1d?MV'l - .. ..'. jTAW .".t ,... ....r w ,,9 ,( iej - rws'.t;" lit 's? , .r Mr. .- r tfbrijlAEfa&&i. i SLr Xsfctf.:.. & . H lJ.V.' -iLiii