ssra )mmmMBrmmwmimp'&jTmmmmmmfEms y-a.i sSS& 'Stft.'- 7,& la ' ft ;S ifi i -A, 1fcXii-j'As'BY' rm Daily mbelkltc Tem Brent, Hiker By LIU ACE MONTGOMERY MITCHELL wmm&JT wjeu mmmmmmmmmiM. m uuuiiph u Mffw,V"f - ' Tz.i.w7r.T,mTw:? -rmiwfT7 ttirTr!rri'r-, vv ,: nt. -.y g"1 '" ' : if'jiii . r- .'"--lii.'-ii- 'v'&x.a"iaaiarjKsw: ATUVNTie titt! w, . TntntwriwArw - TOWNsA WKACH I I Spind the Easier Holiday la I 'V V 1 1 V.TV A CT" s TET 7r 1 lKUrlJlI A JLPrJUJnL, 15? JTIILKCX IKWIN opened her y vjes nnu mw inr minium munnuni ,'Mif ktnlled nnil rat Id te licr sifter t.nx:j' . -'cva. -1 1 .1 ..l.. . ijprjB nircnuj uruiMiiK . V.lri-i '"Anether letelv tiny. rK" PyAad quite ns suddenly as her face kLtijyiiVrentlied lLself In miles the 3th fell Inte n straight line. It wns Itrl Krister .Hiiml.u ami the Hlk- I nlnli tt ntllil fT.l rid Itblint til I llrt wZAm .UU ii imi liinnlinnn. Kvir RTVJE .. . . V- 7 i ' ii i ..... i-. KSAWp " ivjimieeii iinti ii'-i-n jm- rwfntis ever the uresmet t ' "iy in inr huskily, "c'e heen taking hikes to te nether for n lone time new. Why net snT' I keep it up nnd-r-hlku rluht through life . who ' teccthei-V'' "Dear me, I hone you haven t caught cold," paid Kntliloen Irrelevantly. And that nlk'lit as Kathleen and her lUtcr were taking down their hair Kathleen listened dreamily te her Bis ter's werds: "Well, nnether lovely day gene. Is." "Yes, but this was the very loveliest one of all," Kathleen murmured as she Inld her hairpins en the dressing cave. weeds after the Inns week standing at v, ,' . jjtUO musie counter, iikki'miiik nw Kf. fcene or that, rulllne i-euutless little l&TV SV jV. I1 rolls of sheet music. tnUnr; reuntless lumbers of dellats and half .dollars te M.V. this cah rcgl-ter .iml returning te the 1!3 Misnomers reuntless lumbers of nickels ferA'and licnnics. ... ?Vi Hut ciy ether hundny ha I been ,ijpnlyr(i common Siimliu, se te sneak "Erers ether Siuulm she hnil put fresh, r Mi. xnllnta nml fttlTv en her trlcetlnc Trf frock and had frehl glared her fur ff 'rlieker. se that it gleaimii iiit new 'after its water bath mid brushing and .she had been .is well ..IT ils au girl In the lub Tem llreilt ha" rlilclitl ' Iheught that she looked niiei than inn of the ethei girls, for he. as blker-ln t-hlcf, as he niemllj called h'm-elf lifter he hid bedt ilievn leader for the wibsefpieiit half ' had " far ihescn Kathleen ewri time te h'ke nlth blm and Icid the iet. And new it was I.ater Sundn The dav that em one eNu in the ilub iveuld hae new de'hes. a new Miif Vrebnbly, new gbes. new low shoe-, row hat. new e c r tliiiic And Katli Iccn alone was the She J.HCW that Mmii tl e girl who si.'d mu sic albums a re-s the aisle frm hei. hed n new suit. It w.i n b'ne ti in line with tin em n front iMhd m with ieft lace ruffles. , , ,,, Her ha i fiffiti with "ilk ruffles'. Her shoes w.te str-inned Uppers with wendeiful luels just h!.( the ones in the u.tgi.iMiie Kitlnn et the Siinilnv paper. Kathleen eeuli1 have drawn with great lurutac this outfit, for Mru lud told her about It In great detail ier time there was a slack moment In the music depart ment. Te be sure. Mmii Had te jet most of the things at a ti;iu-pi-tnent house, but. after all. whit did that niattei? Time w.h ncter enough Meney te e mound ntnhew. and wh.n difference did it mtkc white It paid eur1 Fer the moment Kathleen reiietteil her desire te keip her 1 ills nil paid. Myra hml alieid. I ec u i'M ii; friendly ejis upmi the tall Tim ISirut Men loved geed t lellies, iithitul K itli Jecn. There was no leasen te suppesi. that Tem lirent was anj exuptlen te the rule. Kathleen was bite at the m-etlug Of the Hil.eis at "J n'llml.. ..s s' slipped ill .it the H'ltr el tl'i iuoee iueee iuoee ien. wlm h was en Its u.n te tin railroad -tiiinii whlih wmld Like thcni te Ilulh-trd - WeihK. beie tin would t.iit the long walk. It i emed 'te her that eu't membi r et the club lld every one who had imv hi en m- GAS Spind the Kaittr Helldt; la ATLANTIC CITY AT HOTEL MWSCEfl.10 Exceln In Comfert, Servlre and Callln KentiieVr Are. Ner Beich .. . Atlantic ritjr't Flneit, Larctit and Ueit Popular MeJiralc Hale Hetfl $3.50 up Daily. Special Weekly American Plan Ct.elrr. well fitrhlthrd rooms, titlrate batht. mftal t'eJi, elevator te trtt, nnuiualU' attractlTf teM7. parlors and rocfDtlen roemii capncltr SOOi errheatrai danclns. Newlr papered and rcnetatad throuiheut, 1'tihllr theirer. RINSING WATER IN Alt ROOMS Ownership niinaeemnt. lloeltlat. n:i u:it a UdU.tNnRii &ji3&k4" Ideal Spring Seashore Resort " Sai ,, - m it -lt. a 11I..1I. -..K tA L L...I Onus iwpntf mild iram nenumi un niiaiHiG vcuni in inv iitvt et the Natien' greatest historical events and places, Virgjnla Beach has every etsentlal for a delightful gyring vacation or week-end outing. OCEAN. BAYS. LAKES. CASINO. ONE OF AMERICA'S FINEST 18-IlOLE GOLF COURSES Is that et the PRIN CESS ANNE COUNTRY CLUB, open for play throughout the year. HARD SURFACE ROADS FOR MOTORING. Numerous hetela and beanllnir heuecs new open. Excellent steamship service from Baltimore and Washington, via Old Point Comfert and Hampton Reads. Geed train schedule from Norfolk ever Norfolk and Southern R.R. Ter helel rate fall tatarasatlea AsKreas Helel Cemaaltlee, Vlrilala Beash Cheater ef Ceaaraeree We lsP sCi J" I iCVa mm Sjtf' Wru jis- aC3 - WawXy wa. mm Soldering Furnacn and Appliance Manufactured by L. D. Berger Ce., 59 N. 2d St. flfll. Xlarktt IH Kevntent. Main 7H IH'KNA VISTA SI'RINim PA lll'KNA. VtSTA BrWI(l-. PA. jtl Latest Styles TVenr Hie Prerr tint Frem Milter te Wearer fin rleiir for KVnn SK.00 Sofia for 1.00 Sefts for $1.00 nerbis for SPECIAL EASTER RATES 'I ALBEMARLE Virginia nienue. one block from f ameus I IleiriliinlK hihI sircl Plir eiiens April lilth. after tlie remrletinn of Impreiements restln I s.Ti.coe, malilnc; this hoii'e strictly modern in eierv fftin RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS niectrlcitv ihrrtusheut. Spicleua selarium: I sun ilecu, private balhn, elevnter. Reems only Jl BO per diiv up Onnerlilp maniiKcmcnt. (jiti,r, a dhvitt G. Ervin Donevan, 135 S. 10th Street . SPECIAL EASTER RATES CLAD'S URNS for COFFEE Chocolate, Het Water .n style or se Kitchen Equipment Fer Hotels and Restaurants nin.f ienm Tahl. 1' ii w limit ri. Orldtlle 'nt ' jokers, Watlle VICTOR V. CLAD CO. 119 and 121 S. 11th St. ILEWOS Pifllle rue. neir Illlneln In the fnshlennbt Tr Miifn u'.iriet, a nieilern, medernte-rate fam i Ii tr TiwH renniatul, latcat appoint- I iiientn in ni "i '" rhurrie!i, nmusement" tnil Mint i rn Mint Mmk in llisch. Hpitleus. w I furt, ' il e hnnee anil lnunitlnc roemi. I inrc O iful Udrueuij, s rnjlc or en suite. Running Water in Reems Prl i'e lathi electric ItBhts. bountiful tnb'e nuppll'il with best the market nrferdn. uniler , trifltial eiiportlen nf the maaairement. spp ij spr nu int-s Atnerkan and Kurepcan I I ,ar- fnr rpb ii nnnacenient. M A'l MIO. f rnic.rl et Jfolresj Hall ' K. SPRIMJ U1OKTS TI.NTIC ( ITY. N. .?, HOTEL MARTINIQUE Kentucky Avenue & Boardwalk European Plan IC linem u h runn ie ntr toem h jirintp l ath i. aJ inl iti(urant $1 ."0 up II! .'0 up MtmVQt HULEDBSON Mil MIC. IN AM.. M'All IlI'AllI AMI HUAIill At K ... AII.AM1C CITi's I)SI 111 Allltll IMIIi:i. SI CTION RUNNINn WATF.K IN KVERY ROOM Nrvsi n'HNif-iirn Private Bath-. Kli ctric Llxlits, Llevater Serrlce European l'lan J 42 up Dnlly Deuble Roem ) $10 up Weekly Slntli' IUiiim, ft CO Per Ilnr I ft i . i 7T7 TTTJ 58tti?a Btsta Sprtttg etcl Blue Ridge Mountains The Alps of America Buena Vista Springs, Franklin Ce., Pa. 300 ItnOMS 100 PltlVATE DATIIS Attitude 2000 feet. Ne moe.ultos. Pure spring; water. Geed feeds of treat t variety, most of It produced In nearby farms and rnrdens. Splendid nine hele Belf course, tennis, saddle horse. Geed read, delightful and i ! jj. t.tK. ,n nAwl.v Atitlilam Ittcb line V anil Pn Mar. We number ameng: our Ruests many prominent and interesting; people from all sections of the country. or DoeKiet, reaa map, raics, etc.. Address JOHN. J. GIBBONS, Hetel Rennert, Baltimore, Md. Seasen: June 3rd te Ne ember 1st I'l .illllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIII III. I I . ll.ll.UlllillllllllllllllllHiilHlllllllllllllinTTTTTTr m Fall River Line Te Bosten AND NEW ENGLAND POINTS Orehestra en each steamer I.r.rier 14 N. B. (Fultan at.) Bi0 P. M. Bally N. Y. K. Line NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA OFFERS MEW. MODERATE PRICED PASSENGER SERVICE SEATTLE te ORIENT AND FAR EAST Via 13,000 tens commodious steamships Kaga Maru Shidzueka Maru Iye Maru Yokohama Maru These steamship are furnfshed and equipped with modern appliance and conveniences. Cabin are located en llrldee Deck nnd most of them contain only two berths. excellent cuisine In liurepean siyie. ieirfiiiiicinn. wicpi... Rnd mineral waters nt moderate prices. Deck chairs for passengers free. RATES OF TA8SAGE Te Yokohama $210 Te Manila and Heng Kenp; .$275 Proportionate Fare te Intermediate Points Fer information and Literature apply te Railroad and Tourist Acmcie or NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA Maritime niitsr.. 8-10 Urldce St., New Yerk Celeman Hldf.1 Seattle I.AKr.WUOD. N. I. The Madisen, Lakewood, N. J., Ou'et. reflned surrounding. Belnrluni, Oolf. , Mo.lerato rate HOUKRT M. CUOt'CH. I ABHEVIf.I.r'. N. O. THE MANOR. ASIir.VII.LE. N. O. In America, an Encllsb Inn, TOflf TOURS SPECIAL EASTER SQ.eO Wci'rF $0.50 O up Hnds 'Oup KENTUCKY THE PLAZA ST. CHARLCS & PACIFIC AVES. P ect Heme. Ike Private llathi ltunnlnj Water Telephone tn ill TSnnrrs. ALVVAY5 OPEN DHITItK II .1 Kl M:i.I.. Mere. KENTUCKY AVK NKAR IIL'ACH Anitricsn Plan $1 00 up daily. SI7.50 up veetUr Pepiljr ursprtn Riles Etetster te ltrcet t letrif itv anil finene In all reena Prjfste bsths. Kunnlns witer hlrr-rroef addition. wuieserrlc. ewnanup Jpnurm't. KlNOaiJAlUlAKT Clinlfenti Atlimtle ( lt- lljililen II.lll -On the tin irilnnlk OfKW CITY, N. J. SPECIAL EASTER KATES SQ.."i() Saturdaj Dinner Until ?O.50 O Monday After Dinner O LEWIS .lA.l a, I..,, ...,-i ,. imut Itiitts t ' ' Z .- i JT eJ- Ta Cr'r-'srw ui in ui-i.ii.ih; .1 ) . TTSwfeyt. Arr'r-i-4fc.TjJ ' "" ''. i -r IlllneU- i meduli, med. ; tumeil out en thN ! .i ill ifttl I..iur , Y . Lif-.rSiC' W ""', ' ' " ' ,u runnlnc w.ner in ' UlldnT t'l show ail of tin- IH'W ilnthn rvrVr.L--V-'V'-':S-C- "" ..I" l 'J1 1''''1 OnrerMilp iniiniue- tlmt lmd bei'ii .uiiuiml in tli- .a-t f V-K.; Zf ( ' "r f. ' r, i n,,, iiail v moral n.. ,,...i thfii Biaii... ..t i... fsjTxi .te Iwi i&!UUSMd1LUJ iKxlUJ n-atch. but -ti.. kept well out et Mlit ' JyCAr:..U J l &IU VSHTJlS&HsifKSf Juw it He liilsht fi'i-1 that li- niuht te k yrV 5"A;rJ;ve?'t , M.MI t uv EMU ni:t Ii z irr x. t- .. j I I 1 wii i. v x-r -fvjv.zjb. K. ' ( Ler te iidi'Miiaiij lilm teiln. imn'I. liecai!"-p In1 lia.l deni' uen nllii't tiimilav anil -lu did net want te Miiuii' him by lier old wmter thai looked M out of idiue in tl.i' biilli.uit "-11U-blue. In the train Mm 'aw htm -t.irt tlireusli hOM'ial tliiii'. iiduith in si-nrcli of wiiiie Dili', but c u li tinn' In Wll -tOl)0. b) llH"-tIl)ll .1- te lout.' or tickets or turn- of ii-tiini It wa 4 o'clock in irtibbard'x Woe.N wlicii the s-uii fin i red It fine in the loin' that burn in-tatitly and ohm ml tin hikers with tain M.m.i. who wi vnlklng Kntliloen. -toppeil Mini' "What -hall 1 !" ' Mn niid in.di--ma. "ih, Kathleiii. jeii h.iw eiil your old tilcotine en (inr m.ii let me take jour te miir up tin tow HltV' Kathle -n ub nlroaei uiilnuteii i the when tin' ene of Tem Itrint Cllt ill. ".Mi-- llekeii. ou eu'jht t" hrlin; prepi r wiap" I'm eiij Im Kntliloen noeiK lur IicimIi Cfuue (in. Kuthloen, I'm be. u loekini: all evor for jim ier -nn we -t urt -l AViiat wa- the lili! lib a. sneaklnij uleiu liore at the end':" And iiroentl -he fnund lieitlt lieins .wept ulenc teunrl the brad of the proie-lon "Hut 1 dulii t bin.' niiMhiti.' new t wear," Mie wa- aint' i- thej tin nod Inte the cut i .tin of the houe whin Kathleen and ber Mter lneil ib.u e- nine. "mi. I I didn't want " "That's jnt what I loved about jeu," cut In Tem Hietit. "Hew rldloit rldleit lnus it leeks te wear hUli hoeN and silk ruffles en a hiking trip ! -l'retij oleth's lire all rUht In their pl'ioe, but net IiIUiik!" "Kut if I'd had them." 'slid Kath leen, hone-th. i i i -i Tin her nrj blue eii'H te lu. 1 would haw Mern tiiem." "Well u that s the ae " m nined Tem Hn it his hands in the junket et his jeu H.'ilK moil "..mobeih ty-ei will ti take . tin el mmi ICatlilein, whose cm-- 1 'id In ii ipun hi but tin iustaur lefme, new . I cut of thh deer "Yeu see. kntv," iud Tem Rrenf STY K& eni.'- 0CEA NtWJCRSCV A SEASONOF RETJ01CING ENJOY IT BY THE SETA JOIN the throngs of premenaders en the fascinating Boardwalk, enjoy the exhilirating climate, the warm, spring sunshine and fresh sea uir, partake of the hos pitality, synonymous with the ever growing popularity of this delightful Senshere City ROLF. MOTORING HORSEBACK RIDING CONCERTS. DANCING TIIEA1RES. r.TC. Writ HARRY A. MORRIS, City Clerk, for a cieseriptive booklet of Of can City. n cf -. ! ntttnet!nn and amusement. lur-nijis v iter, 1 nvatt? luth tii..iter te if t iHittiLie throukheut. riulc. r ui te-in Him Amer an plan Heek et. own. rslilp m.mat, ment. lulph M.cklty. CITlt.I IIOMr.LIKlV- COMl'OKTAIILK UfiQrWcxtteUsrvS beutll et i r Cirel'm A" near Beach w re, bltnr Mether or Diu 3 m . ftrbaL5-2Las I Lincoln ,M OCEAN CI TV, N.J, SPECIAL RATES Palm Sunday and Easter AMERICAN PLAN s ipeiier Sei ice & Cinnwc It ri'c Running Water in Every Roem ner n I'.an. Weekly rate 2 te 24 t'r i.t I i li 21 te J10 Dally J4 tn ja IINTON II. MtNOI.I). (Inner .t M inncrr , CHESHE HIM M.U 'M1HK Ar.. .NKK IIKACII Centrall) locate.) Cemennnt te cnLrchtt unJ a'l .lUrailienj huen h with running later in 1 Iirnute Imtlis n.ectrle Helm 1'nat r ) treet lore l.arve comfenatile exch mcea un.l IeliibIiip r 10ms 5re:UI pr rn' s Ilkll MRS IJ KN'MTR. EASTER SPECIAL 7 xTII!H I1INM1I IMII, J7 I MtlM) Mil It M I'I'I.K HOTEL PITNEY Trr . nr Hi h v a furnihr3 & t it i (ifTVnns? t lucommeth n w h h nn t K k i ' rlu ed rat. North 1 a(? 4t Jf.'ekrC Cruise Gelden Opportunity for the Yeung People Iceland"Midnight Sun' -the Fjords The most Intensely IndlMdual .Summer trip In the. world. A cruise te rlctur miue r eleni full of Brnncleur and gorgeous ecen-nj-y. l.-inds richly historic, conspicuous In Beoleny, eclence and mylholeBy A route uhlch ha neer been equalled In comprehen cemprehen nlenes ami rllscrlmlnitlve selection Iceland, North Cape, "Mid night Hun." Narni HerKen. Chrlstlnnla. the Fjords, etc. Sweden Stockholm IfelslncljerK. Hamlet n Castle, etc. Denmark Copen hagen, etc. HelRlu'm ZccbruKsc. Orusrea. Oatend. etc., and Londen. ,4b fifiul snip. 8. R. 'Otltrlcv " W'nllu equipped perectlv msniied. Accommodation ucll (Jiirr(W. Katei 1875 tip Including meals, enter fa.nfiienf, snete ricvrMle aid ttfuin laitunee. MaKe retervatient new te me 'I l.apie.ninien. iidIv ler Xew till North Caft Booklet. European Tours Mediterranean Cruite FRENCH TOURISM CO. offer three exceptional teuri, including all expenses France by Moter 62 Days Frem Tort te Tort Chateau Country. I'jrencca Klvlcrn.' AIpi, Jura, Alsace Lerraine, Hattledeian. First-Clans Trael Throughout Frs. 8270, at present rate about 1 1 44.00 France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Passion Play Ilr Rait and Aute Salllnrs) July 1, returning Sept. 0 Frs. 7100 plus $213 ocean fares Total at present rnte about ?004 00 University Study Tour fleenty-tie dass. Including six peeks' Hpeclnl Summer Courses nt Trench unt erslty nnd numerous excursions by rail and auto. Frs. 4305 plus $2.1,1 ocean fares. Total At present exchange about ICeO.OO, Rate quoted In francs te elre Ten the sole benefit of the exchange. Programs and Particulars from RAILWAYS OF FRANCE 281 Fifth Avenue at 30th St. New Yerk m-"hwwwii Tuarar-.-'Bracmi fY(f5V w '&V X$ '2i.tit.M a ...' : '-.IL oei.i nziwm. Arrange wwenwiui vjaiiss ieursj for Europe Km OBERAMMERGAU ia again preparing for the spectacular renewal of ita religious d cennial vow, which will be enacted during May June, July and August of 1922. Special arranti . menta have been made by Oatea Tours for reserved bookings for this old world religious drama. ' Every itudent el the life of Christ ' want te tee 1922 Oberammertftu All steamship, tietel and ordinary IMna end ttate seeing npenses are inchiifedand the Itineraries i. in France. SwUierlani tensions and return en Complete Tour fiiVl.?." costing .from $895 ud' Apply direct op tJ, .? t JR - GATES TOURS "WtrUTrtrell MitiUttt" 225 Fifth Ave., New Yerk Losidea fsrit 'Rem; All Gates Tours include with' cut extra cost, Paris, tits Aroenno nttd elner American Battlefields . ills.-",?r.y rover 11(1 ether old-world cities In France. h.i.. r.?1! and ItAly. Yeu may take extensions and return S optional dates. Get the Hates Complete Tour iToelt inrinit tours nre described, cestlnnr tmtn ten ..J. -'---. . i .. k. . m.. .:. - .:.i:..--' ranginir rrnm uu te uu uays. ( mend A WhJtremb Ce.. tleneral hlreet. Phil idelphlit. Write for lloeklef .B ylniit htexas Galveston via . Key West 11 WsWl Regular Weekly Sailing Fast Through Freight Service te All Points in the Southwest STEAMER Henry R. Mallery, largest sbip in coastwise service, and ether fine, fast steamers afford a comfortable means qf travel for both tourists and business men traveling through the great Southwest or te Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona and the Pacific Coast. EVERY WEDNESDAY TO KEY WEST.FLA. Miami, Palm Beach and ether Flerida re sorts also are conveniently reached by Mai. lery Line via Key West and the famous panoramic Overseas Railway. MALLORY STEAMSHIP CO. S. A. MONTEITH. 629 Chestnut St., Phile. Tel. Lembard 7 IS ' . flssssssHLsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssLsssssssssssssssssssssssssfl ssssssssssHsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHsssssH tA.Canadian Pacific VeteIAm eVOEl Quebec Tours el arled length and routes All the uorth-whllr'at-tractiens old and neu. Tre quent departures during- the Spring nnil Hummer 102; Lurepe Booklet en requcnt . I'll . IV, fort ship,'1 1B28 famed "com. 8 8. "Betterdam." ib days en most hlstorle watem of the world. Lands of art, poetry, drama, history, ltntes J6ZS up New Yerk te New Yerk. 2 Cruises Round-the-World Jan. !) and 16. 1923. en two finest ships fur Hound-the-World Cruises, "Resolute" and Volendam" oil burners Most interesting and comprehensive routes eer planned Panama Kllnuen, 14 las Japan, China Philippines, 'ambeansa. 4 days Jan, Hurma. 21 days India, Cashmere. Ceylon, Egypt, Purls, etc, 1S& days Most ex lurlenced company with most' up-te-date contact In round the.wnrld business, nates $1050 upward New Yerk te New Verk. Ask for pamphlet. Call, Write or Telephone te RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO. 1338 Walnut Street, Philadelphia Telephone Filbert 3864 "Travel Free Frem Care" ( Bartletts FOREIGN ' Hours ( M'ri 1 PlFILiW 35 g 1 IDLEWILD ' " t,,N STOKES HALL Ofirn Greie, N. .1 modern cenv 1 fur reldn ?g I .r I i ic 1 ur i ei J K M HHM I.KIIM N .1 Uaryland Ar Crntrallr located rar btaeb and all attrarttera Amerin Ian Always open and pre--lllrir fery rumf-irt I riwe batH Ilet and rcla runnire water tltttnc HshU Escelltct euislna and atrvl-e UeOtrate rati, Ceurleales eittndad. On ncrshls tlanascncnt. Mrs C. J. CoedtaUaar. HOTEL BELVEDERE" -( ( irelln.i Ae. neur ltiirli ipi 1' - ii InrMh lit! new and medpn tu t nt. r n . rooms. Mn Kh m h K it r Stinrl r U.siri i r it . (.Inncttl lireH,, Own or-,. k i a ii i. eijinl house from liuardwalk a I -ti I tr, r.veiy titpelntmen'. Hlchest indirl r jNine anJ ttrirL UenKlt. t i w i i te. .T PethweM Prep We travel leisurely nnd unos tentatiously in small parties thus assuring te our individual mem bers the personal freedom of independent travel. Our selected parties travel first-class both en land and sea. They enjoy, without extra cost, many side trips, drives and meter runs. The hotels they visit are of the highest standard of comfort and refinement. Our prices are inclusive and reasonable. We point with pride te our forty-two years of successful travel management. Write, telephone or call for our complete itincrariesef 1922 Season. WATERMAN'S INK A I WFUNEBSVII.rK Oeenn Pnthnrnv. AH K Strassburter. Tre. h l H '0 TOR fOUNIAIM It I H U ANO CCNERAL UJl II fa y tg-vte,rm&n tempV ' sbithHsbbbHHKsbbbbbVIOsbM Jtf w w I.x. m tt..;. ' Misn x aM bK . JUK3 Ck t dj,tf -.ML?. :w Is a nerfert rheinlenl (ompeurHl; neii-enr- role nnil free e( ..ed- Imenl It I uniform In lluw und lunMnteiicyi unrniuneiit In reennl lininertles; and nrnc tliul for all wrltlnr nurpnsa. Dts., $1.25 Pts., .75 V2 Pts.,.45 4 oz., .20 2 oz., .15 Head quarters for Water- man's Fountain Pent i'. Gai,enHall 1 n WERNERSVILIE.PA. R !U NOW OI'KN H I Dry Air, I'nutual ieeurry, 1,100 II J ft. elevarteu, f.elf, ete. lu.le. 11 Pi llatb. ma.aaue. bydrlatie depart. 11 I ment. Ilealilent Hbf'ielan. II 1 Garage, tleachtd tI M.ll.d.l- U I pbla RaaJing It; U HovAReMViwclj jj MANAOCIK. Ijj hriiturk e. nnir lleuih ijxten e mreiil, eietm Ayl 1 1 tli Hut n tk w r inl nler irl ity throughout f'riae bi ' -i nr 1 showers, pecia h aster itei IIIII.S J. Ml IIP1IV. Ilnsrr. PARKVIEW rACinc ai:mk at iwrk it.ack Homelike. Deslrable central locution t'nob t'neb utrutied eceun low. Hun parlors, prli laths. "'hern h me talile MAHY UJt,i I rnp s& TMC HOTCf SJwmtHOm COMrODTS ftW RlOLLslMia I Oerun rri New verk Ave Fue ntl!lr nmhrn I I 1'rivatu hth, runnin,' itr ltetrf 1 tfit I I Cuisirt (hum coektnii) pe til SrHri; mtft I K OwnTshu rntiHsitfem't I li II VuuJ Jr ilw'r RIO GRANDE New erli inr, l,i j rep t I nt IlimrcItvulU, Tttinrnnr w itt 1 rrproef. n li rmri FRANK'S TOURS Wpstmirnter ntucUy a nr. Jieacn. WC91II1UI91.1.I K( va,er pr, al i,u,nti runrun wat'r Operj nil ear. A V. KCJPP. New Clarien Ken'u k Heir i i A a Jim off K Ilenlftic EUROPE Independent and Escorted Tours with all Reservations Secured in Advance vIsltlriK Passion Play, Battlefields, France, England, Scotland, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Helland, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Etc. De Luxe Tours Moderate Price Tours Largest nml flneil tniufrs limit Ions lietfW 1'lrst i ass thrmiKlieiit. Limlteil ij 1- incmbcrM I'tipul'ir kteaniers arwl I uleli Atr.uincd fei r.iiifi)rtiilil( 1 1 avel tit in e il c r it t i r 1 c p MK'II.I.I.,k (Itn K PA. Marshall's Falls Heuse V f w (.uestH th i Ftret hm is n l'rlv vti ' it"! N'UIOIAN ll'll rM V.S I'rep aief.NT recn.NQ pa. HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always epau, alw.vya ready; terms iiiedarata Wrlla or phena. XI. WAI.SII DUMCAJS. Hetel Boxr-ehel UtM ' '- Av' ' hasek riOlCl DOJCUOCI Kxcellent t a. b 1 a. I f ihfl trout WUIy. ratea. HW up Ph 117 A B. MARION MI.AIXIMMIU. INN Mt. I'nrene, Pit. In I lie Porune Mountains. Newly built, all outslde roems: steam neu electrlUty. pmutaljaths. ttedueed rates. " iatil.r.SMI--KKl,.KKi PA. h(il.l.s Mi:itK PAKK. P. Dslrntt furnish 1 rummer rntlaiiss nenr ikn and Kuif eursu f r rout tiy the inenl'i or season. ril II. . Kl.LIt, .Mcr. I I'I'KIt hAHNAO T.AKK. X. V: 2r kS 'Sir'5 W" I V uy Staiientfp JTmrrve Bink b00l . m I VIkiW Mfn. I.1.!?' .jj ne.i2N.i3,h5f. ;;,; mtiMOJHlk v.r it SARANAC INN Tents CLAKK'S CRUISES hy C. P. R. STEAMERS Clark's 3d Cruise, January 23, 1023 ROUND THE WORLD Superb S s "r.MPICOS (r I'ltANCl." 1H.IKI (ire Inns, perl ill) Llurlcrril 4 MONTHS CRUISE, $1000 and up Ir.UuU tj; HjI'' 1'ei Jmv i. Cluldes etc. Clark's lOtli Cmlse, Tcbruary 3 nj;;. MEDITERRANEAN .iimiiliniiu ss "i:MPItl.S4 of s( OTr.AND" j.iiuii tirii'.i. 'Ions, M)rhilb Chartiretl f5 DAYS CRUISE, $600 end up Inelulni; HeIbIh I'cek, Urlies, lluiaes. etc. Ill dujs i;k lt. I al.ii.Ulie, Spajn, Italy, rireeie et l.urein) htoi-ecrs allowed en ruth ciuls i, Europe and Pattlen Play Pattltt, f400 tip Ilartlct Tours Ce., 200 Se. 13th St IN THE HEART OF THE ADIRONDACK! MNri:iVilV!lVr"eA,1,,a,ihM,e,t ehar-I CIHe.ple. Klnpert. 4 Ue.rd. I US Walnut .'J'. -." ERICSSON LINE 719 Walnut a r tUpr CUliline, mi riiviruiuia?iil desi ruble i uttuxfH fur Kent, t nnfA4 nn itiaa urinru nf' tliM IIMII.UILI. I'PPKIt ftAKANAC I.MJK Kill llli niiiHU Mll(tiit statG reads, uoeil LUlf. Al ik.i u.iv i. IMII Ml Tim. .Spurts nn'l AmuaementH nt their best. rrnm I iei ,1 Su l)el.iveift Iully nt 5 1 ,.W.KvnttE'.'a?nl,,;!4.V V,"HV.' . P SI :i I-.M Ne Hunduj stumer aJJ.".i'..Vr rVifi1..' 4K.WnlrferfWn P H m r f I nm n.ll KlslphU calls MenJa t,s Addrtss Ustel drsften. Washlnttoe. D, C. 'xlu ,pecUI et 3 o'clock. MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE I ebru'iry nnil Jl.ircli, 13:23, 1 -n t.Ul clutter New Cunard Line S. S. "Scythia" Oil Uurncr 21,500 tcrne Madeira, Spain, Gibraltar, Africa, Italy, Egypt, Hely Land, Constantinople, Etc. PACIFIC COAST TOURS with escort, visitinpr National Parks, Canadinn Reckies, Cali fornia, Aluka, Honolulu, rrequent departures. Du Luxo partie?, limited te 15 members. Everything firbt class, best trains, best hotels, liberal siiihtseeinf,' nnd time for resting. Bermuda Tours 8 days nnd longer, 105.00 nnd up. Other Tours te Southern RejerU Steamer Tickets Choice Cabins. Regular Rates Call, write or phene for complete informa tion nnd detailed itinerary of Tour desired. FRANK TOURIST CO. Fer Independent Travellers We represent every steamship line and all special and regular crudes. Rates exactly the same as these quoted by the Steamship Cem ranles. Ne matter where you with te go, we will prepare your Itinerary, supply your steam ship tickets and make your reservations. i BARTLETT TOURS CO. 200 Seuth 13 th St. Philadelphia The Glamour of Quebeckan NigbU "IsTight is full of strange glamour from the -1-N Grand Terrace in front of the Chateau Frentcnac. A great moon, hung ever distant hills. A silvery pathway te it, ever the St. Lawrence. Te one side, the ancient citadel of Quebec. Di rectly under feet, a quaint town; its French, its :(reels, its life just as they were 3oe years age. Then behind the hospitable chateau, its far-flung 4 towers ablaze with light. Gay music. Dancing, dining, and promenading by the pleasure seekers of a continent. . . . This place of the present in its setting of the past is but an evcrnightrun. Geed meter reads. Make reservations new. Informa tion at Canadian Pacific Oflice, 629 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, or Chateau Frentcnac, Quebec, Canada. IFrllc and lei uj help you plan a v'uit lbu Spring CHATEAU FRONTENAC 219 Seuth 15th St., Philadelphia Established IB73 New Yerk Bell Phenci Spruce 5824-5825 Pari. Londen 3&m OPPORTUNITY TO SEE THE WORLD A whole Winter's vacation. 130 J,. Ms.,, relics, strange peoples, fascinating lands. 30,000 wuriuer mues.wiin everv iuxurv nf tra...i ij j sea. Planned and managed by the experienced Travel Or ganizatien et the AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY Sails from New Yerk, November 21st, 1922, en theealnfial .. -nvvumvumiara L.tne) turbine, oil burner Lareest teJSKff P" 'bat 70" wcntndthcwSd?and ?JES JJVlVi,JiSS aPPejntments. Famous lean, and through Europe. saSEE3" D VMbtWll V4 4UUI113 Tnri-- a !fc Bypt, Tlie Mediterranean, and threuah Euroee TA'redjourneysashereatmorJhan WY saw Write or Phene New for FmU Detail A& 2"" 'Ja Europe. Sprint end Sum, len-a,..,.., - "Z"" ' '"".' roreltnTrtdeTaur.Feretri T ru.'S,"!" l?ut, """,f"' "mhip ticket, e .,r,r;:;v ; ' " ,. nmnttiwvjM tAl'KliSS-TRAVELDEPT. 1 va Chestnut Street Philadelphia Spruce 5596 W-: a S'jlSP an t' -i K' ',!! v, m 'V. 3 , 4 y MsMMM a: i j.ii .tt-. UJ . it vmmis. WLt ' ' " ISSt'v