t,f L iV ' 74?: mmssn arBsraiL Macai f v NitK. li' BtMtar tins As fatlirwai v t-4.au far rrttmmmi of iTf r fUtry Notes, All uf tbs a wr cent se- anr rtt rerl w ait. .Tims in in. a ttjspenilen and Termination of fists ronrrrslen r.rnfll'lf.In view eell for the redemption of all SJi r isle, Jim IB Vlrtari of tba ..- . .-M...I.... .. tl ftU .. eu ler in nuriiiciun w "ti wi n Victory Nena en June id. 1033. ana our. atient te the previsions of aald Treasury IM r : a a a eut 1 1 1 w nin 1 . m . a .nn ..lrnulai. Ne. ISA. Ih nrlvllsea of conversion of Victory Metes efelther ,erle Inte Victory Netea .of .the ether aerlea le fltrtby suspended from Kibrur' i l2-6 June 15. 12. both InWusJva. atid nn June IB, 1022. will terminal, "victory Nutaaac v!ei n sua lnlaHnhtift Itilal ufait. five February 9. 1022. and nn ani aftlr that Jute no convcratena cf the netea may be aiaa. a Detailed Informatleijiua te the praseata- .imi mA iupmiimp nf ass nt rnt victers1 1 ann surrsnasr 01 at Nttes for redemption la alven m. Treaeury h.nilmiii( j,lp..,il.l Mn iTB22. ceple.i of which are available tt the u..im .ml th. lT.,1.r.l n.a.rv. TtflnWs. "4l-.. " ""- . ... .. . .-J (Blshei of the tnisneai a. ""-"t"VJ; I A. . wuuuw.i. Treaeurv. Prb. B. M. Secretary feTHR Hei.nrns or imiiirai.K wkht- EflN RAILWAY COMPANV KOUR YKAH ' MX VT.n CKNT BECCBED UOLD M0TK9 1 DUB MAV 1. lMe. Netice la hereby given, aa provided In 'article 4 of the agreement dated May 1. U!0. betwean the" Norfolk Western Hallway Company an'd ttie duaranty Trust Company 'c-f New Tork". Truetee, 'that the Norfolk .Western Railway Company haa elected te 'redeem and pay en May 1, IBM. all of Ita leutetandln four Vaar Blx per Cent Hecured field Netea lisued thereunder, te wltt-'elaa 'fecarlns numbers 1 te 2S0O Inclusive at 101 at par and accrued Interest. Ueldera of tha above netea ara requested te present them for payment en or after fay 1. 1M, at the Trust Department' of the Guaranty Trust Company of New Tork, 140 Broadway. New Yerk City. , After May 1. 1021, Interest en the nates wilt cease and the coupeni maturing after aald data will become null and void. Coupeca lue May I. 1U22. shuuld be detached and pre sented for payment In tha usual manner. NORFOLK WKSTBRN RAILWAY COMPANT. By B. It. ALDEN. Vice-rrealdent, Dated February 20, 1922 ALEXANDRIA COUNTY LIOHTINd CO. J-lrst Mortance B Per Cnt Hlnking Fund Oeld Bends, due Jans 1, 1931 Pursuant te tha previsions of the Mert- 5 Ute executed June 1, 1011, by the Alcxan rli County LlBhtlng Cemrany te the un dersigned, as Trustee, te secure an author auther ised issue of One Millien Dellar First Uertgage S per cent Sinking Fund .Oeld Sonde, due June 1. 1031, thn undersigned hereby give nettca that It new has en hand trie sum of $8753.0" In tha Sinking Fund provided by aald Mortgage and that It Is Its Intention te npply said sum, under the pro pre visions of the said Mertgase, te the purchase of said bends. Offers of said bends are In vited, at a prlce net te exceed par, accrued lnterert and B per cent premium. Healed tinder" should te addressed te the Phlla delrhla Trust Company. Trustee Sinking Fund. Alexandria County Lighting Company. Liberty Ilutldlng. N. E. corner Breed nnd Chestnut sts.. Philadelphia, and win by p p ived until 12 M. Saturday. April IS. 1022. MIIUVDELPHIA TRUST COmJjANV. Trus- teeT Hy JOHN C. WALLACU. Truasurcr. Phlladebhla. April 12, 1022. t.Fllir.11 NAVIOATION ELECTRIC CO. K I It" TMORTtJAOK THIRTY - YK.K MNKINO FUND UONDS. SERIES "A" AND SERIES "H . . . Under previsions of the mertcane rtnted Julv 1. 1013. securing aald bepdr. sealed prg. vesnls will be received until 3 o'clock P. SI.. Anrll M. 1022. at thi office. of the Pennsyl vania 'jempnny for lnsumnceH en Hie; an.1 Orentlng Ar.nvltIea.Tnu.tcc. for the rt'demij. tlcn ccx of moneys hjd In the Sinking i-uml. at 'h leivwt price net evieedlnR the rsdvtnp rsdvtnp tlen ir; ssirclfled In srijlb-inds end nccrueil Wtcrct. of as many Wn.' i IB7.U02.41 will piiii'inse. All iTP)Oia.la should b- uddreiised te the iinrtcrsli:nid. ... Tim PENNSYLVANIA COMI .NY I'On INSURANCES ON I.lVlS ANL-ORANT- INfl ANNUITIES .117 Chestnut St.. Phlln., P.i. Prnrnal for Sinking Fund of LcnUh Nav Igatlcm Eleclrle Te. FirTSHURWII AND WESTMORE LAND COAL COMPANY FIRST MORTGAGE B PER CENT OONDS, Dl'i: NOVEMI1KR FIRST, 1023. Pursuant te terms of mortgage, dated No vember 1. 1005. 133. O00 of said bends, as fellows, have been drawn for redempt'en at risr and accrued Interest as of May I. 1021. out of moneya payable tn Slnklnt Fund, when all Interest thsreen will cease. HiTbt (Jolted Ptat.es ei America convertible Sold Wet. e fOM-lSM.. otherwise knen as l4 Pr ". vlclery Nitaa, are harAr called ?r fediraptlen en June IB. 1022, pursuant u ihi orevialon for redemption contained la the ne'ee "i Treasury Department clren. ir?(v"' dated. April al, tin, under wlilefc A net?. wrre erla-lnafly Issued, In terest en all Victory Netea nf the S par nn mil latin via hiu ifuciuuiiua viz.: 11 144 320 010 127.1 K,31 H3 227 714 1)12 1S7'. I'W'l S3 228 70S 043 1307 17J 120 237 800 047 1310 127 210 828 0111 1B41 130 318 Oil 009 15(2 AbevA bends, with all unmitured coupons I attached, should lx) prcsenieJ ler patient 1 st thn nfllrs of the trustee en or after ' May 1. 1022. 1 CilKAUI) TRUST COMrANV, Trustee I THOMAS S. HOPKINS, Treasurer. riilladelphln. Ta.. Anrll 11. 11)22. EASTO" OAS IVOKKN KIKHT COS. SOI.U)ATi;U MOHTOAOI; 5 I'Klt . rr.XT hends, nuu july 1, idje The unilerslimed Invltea tenders of nhev hfjnds for sale and delivery as of Auxusc 1, ! Hhi'2, nt n price net exreedlnr: lesi Hnd accured Interest, te absorb SU1U2.0O, a stun new available In Sinking Tund. Sealed tenders, statlnR numbers of bends erTereil, addressed te Ulrard Trust Cemnsny. i"rutee. Slnklnic Fund, nasten Qas Works I First Consolidated Mertuaife Flve Per Cem I Bends, will be received until It in., Awrll I 17, 1022. 1 (illtAKU TRUST COMPANY, Truster ' THOMAS 8. HOPKINS, Treasurer. Philadelphia. Pa.. April 1. 11)22. 'J UK I-AM TITLE AND tTTh.ST t'OJU'.Wv -Murch 31. l'J2L'. t'arltal le.OOO.Viiu.VO SurplUH s.oeo.oon.oo Undivided profits 1.321,773 20 The Heard of Directors nf the I.and Title end Trust Company lins this duy declared a Quarterly divided of Six Dollars per shure. jiaynl.le Mav 1, 1022. te Mockhelders of reu- sni ni .1 1-. 111,, .iirn u, iu,;i anu naa trans. furred .ll.OOU.OOO te the SuipIuh Account In- trcaimff me nurpius te sio.uqu.ueo, I.10W1S I'. OKIUEH, JR.. Treasurer Proposals IIKI'AKTMKNT OK PUtll.ir WOHKS IIUKriU OF HIGIIWAYH Iloem 332. Cltv Hall Philadelphia u ritKD C. nUNIVP. Chief of Ilureau. April 10. 1922. sealed proposals will be received and signed In Iluem 210. City Hall; at 13 o'clock aeen, Friday, April 31, 1022 fer: Oradlnir. Asphalt Pavlnir (Assessment Werk). J'euntry llead Improving. Itedressed Granite Illeek Renavlnar. pradlnc, Pavlni; and Kepavins Yerk llead. Improvement et Delawnre Avenue. Materials for Repairs te llrldgss. ' fill for Mesquite Kllinlnatlen. League Island Park Ilathinw Ilench. Air Compressors nnd Air Lift for Twe Arttvlan Wells. Tller.trle Meters. . Shene Hewaue HJccter. KJecier Chumber. Omnerllnir and Discharge Piping-, -..Dt. v.iQnniiijf division, Push llroems and Spindles. J. .'larness and Cellars. F Caps. I Hleckmen's Carts, Street Dirt Cans. waaen Scales. Ilcfllllnr Breem 'n .."tfi aBen springs. 1- , Street Dirt Pans, uinulre at Roem 32, Cltv Hall. FRANK II. CAVH.V, uirecier. "Mi1 .u .P T1IK RUM. M. KSTATK TITI.K l.V.L ''"CK VNI ursinut hi ni- i-niiaiieipiiia. Anrll 11. 1002 A quarterly' dividend et M per share and n extra dividend of M per ahare lm" Lm! Msri,'diX..,".a "ertnJ w? Wl"eotersmpayable date, OANIi:i. HOUBKMA.V, reneurer. INTKUNATIONA I. PAI-TuTcOMFaNV" In. r.nn-H -?WJP.-LSL,"I-S..I2?. renlar quartef y dividend if 'SnTSSTi, ltlcP,J"!,i ,ilV4' en lQ irefarrert eapitli 1S2 i,r."l1' eempa-ny. payali 0 April IS ti. 'i-tu ""'efrfJ stockholders of record at tU close of luislnexs April 7. 10'.'" """'" " OWBN smjpiiliitn. Treasurer. emca or t'pnna. saw iiiu" thA rt""'1"1 0' the Heard of Directors held . mi. te ItnlVKS!! ""eiv"'' t,a.'i" A"r" "Jr,ch,.ck,.0,,!,0lt:r,mo.'iieedcerd M"rch 1' J:"lle.lphla. afarh 8l!'Tl".:.7r,"Ur'r' -ASSL3'5rJJj'a,i & Vii.?KAh TATI! TITLK IXSL'K- '';.". iiiKKi'inA.' TKVST t'05U'tNV ,K l'cMm.'N"J"W. M"'tlnt nf HliirMielilers nnd trtli. , V .t ,0M' e'elwk neon, at ll.e it 01 the compeny, r.S.1 Chestnut .st. ' I tillAltl-KE H. KINO, mjM.:imvmm WteVKSPr NEwYb'RKBO tflALBs'm $10001 A Ariranep'e 7e 8.... 100' K Blg"m rets 11.... B! 2S.... 90 8..... 09 1... 101 D Canada '81 B (flat) 08 2 08', 18 08 Dutch B Ind reta MT 20.i... 04 3 04 3 04 13. 04 Dutch E Ind rcta 'C2 0...j. 94t 1 04 n m e... 107 B.... 108 H "!...., 107 2.,,.' 107U City of Barten a reta 4,... 1NHJ '1...I 110 Kingdom Den mark ct Os 1 08Tt 2..... 00 l.i... 08 8 084 City Derd'x 6s 4.....:, 87 2 88 City of Copen hagen BVi S D2U 1 024. Kingdom Den mark ct 8a 1.... 112 2.... 112U 23.... 112 Cl(y Lyens (J '- 88 1 87 8 fi7 2 8H4 City Mars' i 87H 3 87'i City of Perte Alegre 8a 2.... 104 Cty Rie da Ja rerlj 8a K of Nether lleva't French lands ct 0, R 7,Ha rets 1... 04, 04 14. 102ti 102H 102H 102t 102 102 42 10...., r,..,.. is 1 1 It. 10.'. 14.. 04 114 04 04 04 H 04 04 U. N.. 102 Geve't F R 8s 20..,. 100 K Sweden 0s 10.... 100 10.... 100 B.... 100 1.... 100 1.... 100 Paris-Lyens M 104 K 0.... 10(1 0... 100 20. 1. 10. 3. 104 V. 104H 104 104 H 104 104K 104i 1044 Or'd Trunk of can 0s rcta 1.. 102 B.. 1.. B.. fi.. 1.. 102 10214 102 1024 102 102 v. us wl 33. 83 M 83 h.'l 83 83 84 8U 81 81 81 83 84 84 81 84 84 81 84 81 12 2.., 33... e '.'. 23... 48... B... 20... 25... 18... 7. 1 B... fit... 10... n is'. '. '. 3.. r.... 10... 1044 101',; n... 1... 1... i... 1.. 0... B... 1... i'i 10.'.! 1... 104 Jap aove't 1st 101'i 104M 1 00 A(sale) '1)0 1 00 104 1041', 104 ti 101 'i Jap Oiive t 2n'l ...,.. 80 2..... 80 104 Jap Qeven't l 1041, 1. 73 M 104 'J 104 W 104 II.. n is!! in.. 87.. 10.. 11.. 73 7n 7B 73 73 78 T'lW 70 70 70 70 70 Cty Man Paule 8s wl 1.... 10A City Toltle Os 72 Queen U On wl 1 72H Ctccho-Slevak Rep 8a wl 2.... 101 12(flat) 101 0.... 101 10.... 101 2.... ien: 00 ti 0... B... ... 10... 1... 8... 2n... n 27!!! 10... no vi no u 09 00 u 00 03 V4 00 00 00 00 09 K Helulum As 2.... 102 10.... 102 O(sale) 102 K IJelg'm 7s Queensl'd Ext Lean 7s .... 108 1.... 108 B.... 108 1.... 108U B.. 108 1.. 3.. 8.. 3.. 107 108 108 108 107 108 107 107 107 108 107 108 108 103 Rep Chile '20 10.... 102 Rep Chile '40 1. 2.... 104 1.... 104 4.... int 0.... 104 4.... 104 Dept Seine 7s 2 Ofltt 20 04 2 00 1 00 D Canada '20 3 00 13 00U D Canada '20 1.... 100 SO.. 1.. 7.. 1.. 1.. a.. 4.: 3.. R'c Cuba 4s n .0 Rep'e of Uru guay 8s 1-... 100 2.... 101! JLS-sjjiagnssisssssssssnissisanrsssf. CALL OF THE TIMES An InvPHtmrnt po?3enlnr; ex ex trcme characterlrtlcs of safety, a substantial yield te meet the exIpenclcB of hlch llrlnp; costs, a demonstrated earning record covering a period of yeara nnd n management of uncommon ctficlency. We offer a first closed mertrrage lendjf a corporation which lias lieen successfully opsrateil Jer Rl yfars and which embrace all of there ftatur?s. Circular A. IS. en icqur.it Fairman & Company Drcxel Building, Phila. Established 1002 Correspondents Lavrence Chamberlain&Ce. US Breadwny, New Yerk :ssBssjssASSsasssiussissss riri vrrai Are Yeu Lesing Meney en Your Ceal Properties? -TMsgssjpjfiK'1wy 332 Se. Vptrating 36 Bitumineai Mir.t in 11 Fitlis BHMHHaaiHaHHaj aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVSJQsTQeVffVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBaBasaaaBSBBSBBSSSSBPSBSSA. When Your Children Are at Scheel it's a comfort te knew that the safest pos sible school building will guard their lives from death by fire. But has your children's school been made as firesafe as it might be? Concrete is acknowledged te be the highest type of fire resistive construction. Schools everywhere are being built of Concrete te secure the maximum of protection te the . young lives of the community. Our Boekftt 5-5 Ulli all about CencrtU tchoelhouitt. Wills for your copy PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Finance Building PHILADELPHIA, PA. cA National Organization te Improve and I e4 National Organization te Improve and B H rui.H J it. TTm .C f. --.- sal Extend the Uses u iiicnu mc wcj uj vintrcc I B Offices in 23 Other Cities fl H U 0 Perte n S 17s rcta I B 07 1 07 State of Sae Paule ct 8s 1.... 103 B.... 105 B . . B. . i 1. . . . 1 ia 16. A 14 8 47 Chicago Mil A fltPgm 4s 1?.... 85 2 84 2 8B 12...,. 85 1 80 Chicago Mil ft St P cv Bs 8..,.. (10 10 00 S 70 2 00 6 00 O A Nwn 3Vs 1 7B Chi A Nwn 1 7s 1.... 111 Chi Rwy 5s 2..,.. 80 c n i a p fd B 80 8 80 10 80 0... , 80 47 '47 47 48 47 48 47 Swltz'd Cen 8s 48 8.... 115 .... 113 20.... US Atlande Ref'g ct Olti 2.... 101 1.... 104 U K Urt llrlt I'd 1S22 B.... 107 B.,.. 107 2B.... 107'.i O(sale) 107 11..." 167 1.... 107 1.... 107 U K Ort llrlt A I'd 1020 10,,., 107 2..., 10.7 8.... 107 25.... 107 1..., 107 U K art Itrlt A Powder 7s 1.... 104 Dslt A Ohie cv 0 81 5 81 B 81 Ualt A O 3s BL'V Rait A Ohie 4s 25 80 Halt A Ohie H B.,.. 88 2 08 2 00 01.. 8.. 0.. 80 80 80 80 80 B A O P L B! A W Va 4a A I'd 1087 10 78 2 78 8 78 7 70 1 70 8.... 101 IB.... 101 B.... 101 Chile Cep'r 0 8. 80 80 80 80 t0 80 80 80 .. 101 10... 4... 2... 4... 1. 8. 3. 2. 3. 17. n U3 f,. 10., 4, ,. 101 II A O Tel fil .. 1U1 .. 101 .. 101 - 101 .. 101 1 83 B Steel 8s '30 It... 01 Eeth Steel 0s 10 00 3(sa!) 10... . B 10 .. 101 H Hap V ct 7a 0 84 Buffalo Rech'r 80 80 rrrasll 8s .. 100 .. ini-v . . liw .. 100 Chlle Cep'r 7a A Pitt 4U 1 80 0..'.. 101 Cuba C'e a ev a. Csnadi n Nthn 1 84 X! S Mcxii.i it 2 f.7 0s rets 10..,. HO Cum T A T 0s 2 01 i,t, Den A R e fd 16 40 3.. . 17 80(sa!e r. B7 37 Canadl'n N 7s !.... Ill Caaa'n Pne 4s r. 87 7 . . . 57 ,t 10,. 78 2 4714 I 14... v 8. . . 5.'.'! 5... IB... 78 78 78 78 78 78 Del LMI Ce Us ' U S Mexico it :.... 102 1 03 1 fflat) 05 3 (flat) 01 8 OB 8 04 IB 05 80.. .. OB D de Nemeur.i Pwdr 7s 8.... in:i l.... 1U." 1.... 10511 Ctl Leather ,1s 2 00 D.uq Lgt 7s ,".... 100 Erle Oenl Lien Ctl Pacific 1st U'd S Mexico r 85 Large Ba 8 00 B 00 1 01 no 01 Cere 0 Paa'i 4. 0. Bl 61 01 B2 32 r.a 62 V t"l 31 B'J 52 52 52 52 58 52 52 02 62 62 63 52 Cep'r 8s 1-... 114 7.... 114 2(sale) 114 10.... lis 20... 10.,. 25... 17... Adams Exp 4s 1 70 AJux Rub'r Bj 11.... 100 C'k A O cv 3 1 00 1 00 10 K0 10... a... 10.. 8... Am'n Agr'e A Ohm 7 .... 102 Chi D 4 Q ft. 1 08 8 DOV 7 00 Am Cot Oil Bs no... 1 85 20... 14... 1.1... 13... 17... a... Aran S A R Bs Chi D A a n. 1.. oetpi.... 101 B 00 American Sug U U ft QS S.... 104 Iters 0s a, . 13.. 1.. 10.. 25.. 104 104 104 104 104 101 104 104 104 1. 08 4.. 25.. D8 08 03 118 09 09 08 08 0S 12 34 20 1 3 ti.., SI).., 20... 1... 35... 1.. 2, 20..' 0.. .. 63 ; cv A 48 Erla K I: 18 1 H4r. 48 C A E I Bs'Bl Erle n R cv n 7(sa!e) 08 3 mat) 0S Am T & T clt 2 110 8 00 Am'n W V 0, 1 83 1 83 1 81 Amcr'n Water Works Ss 1 75 ATlSrl. a .... 87 0 87 At T S I-'.. Arts cllv 4 '4s 1 08 Atl'e Fruit 7s 4 48 11.. .. 48 8 JM 3 70 1 70 5 711 Erie II it cv D Chi fc O W Is 0 50 2 60 51 Erie It tn lata 3.... 103 vJLv.;.. l 8 03 Chicago Mil A ri l-aui 41 5 78 Chicago Mil A StP cv 4s 1.. 14.. 4.. 3., 3.. 5BV Krle Hly Ce 7s JI 3.... 103 "2 7.... 101 's nrln A Jer fls EMI M '" ,1-ram'n Indust 1.. I.. 5.. CS Dev 7s wl Chicago Mil A StP fd 4s 2 03 7(snle) 03 G 03 5 00 2 00 10 00 4 20 nail 10.. 1.. 10.. 40 47 47 47 T'i 47 Uen Elee 3s 1 78 Our specialty is making money out of coal property. Our records show that we have done it for 39 years. Give us the chance te make your coal property make money for you COAL COMPANV Feundtd iB8j Michigan Ave. . CHICAGO With Annual Capacity ei 21,000,00 Tens 1 I . I I , II) I I of Concrete BBBiricliaiHlllsJI iSi'UFII iawnn.jt mm- OetM'i Blab Bs L !!- OS OenaLEIe lis dt . ... 40..... 7...... 10 60(aale) SB OS 84 B4 64 84 B4 54 n 60 6 00 St L A 51 Fran ..., ivnyt Ooedyear T A erles A B 71 1 72 B 72 I.....' 72 Rub'r '81 a.... 3.... a.... 10.. t. leas 102 102 64 lBO(sale) B4 in r.4 St L A S Fran 102 IV C4 16 64 Series II 1 85 1 88 S 63 4 85 2... i. 83 102 102 8,... 5,... M K A Tex 44 102, IP..... 78 5 77 80(sa!e) 77 1 78 4" 78 B 78 4(flat) 102 3.... 102 10... 102 3(asl) 102 18(sale) 102 3,.,. 102 18.... 102 St I. A 11 Fran Series C 3 08 U K A T 4fl wl St L Sew'n Ss B 6011 2 80 10 80 ).... 102 17.... 102 l.-i. 102 fM K A T 64 wl 10 83 0 83 2 83 2 88 St Paul ARC Line 4s 1 70 Ooedyear T A Rub'r '41 1.... 11B 7...-. 115 1.... 115 2.... 118 23.... 113 t(flat) 118 Seab'd A L nj M K A T 0s Wl B 27 10 27 10 27 3 OS 10 00 M Pae R R Ik Scab'd A L fd 6 04 A4 1 44 38 45 44 lO(sale) 43 10 45 1 1 18 8 2 2 5 !)..... 7 1 10 10 2 Granby C Ml'g 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 05 05 04 64 e i' ii 2 03 Great Nerth'n 9 A L 4s sta Rly 6s 2 68 10 88 3 B8 1... 80 00 00 07 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 07 l"l 07 00 00 0... : 3.. a... 33... 2... Smb'U A L 0s 17 00 2 00 B 00 80 01 Me Ment 10 80U Sinclair C Oil Ntl Rwys kltx Cerp 7a rctii 4 or '67 1 30 1 30 B. 08 08 08 08 08 08 UH flM. ns, 08 1)8 08 01 OR 08 1.. 1.. B.. 1.. n 4.'. 5.. r... 3.'. 12.. fi. . n N Orleans A 1. 10.. 6.. 1." 3. . N E'n 4s 1.. .. 83 New Or Tex A Mexico 5 1... . 08 N Y Cent'l 6. 10 6St.ii Ort Xn Rlv 7k .V Y of I nc 4 1. 108 0 01 107 107 108 N Y Ctl Bs wl IS.. 04 10. 10.-. 10.. 10.. 14. 1. 12. l'l 04 04 04 04 Sinclair C OH 103 108 108 Cerp 7s 1 1031 10.. 8. 0. 10. 4. 17. 3. 81. B. 103 103 103 103 103 103 109 02.1. 2B... . .. 04 Cent'l fls .. 102 .. 102 .. 102 .. 102 .. 103 .. 103 . . 103 .. 103 .. 103 Cent'l 7s N Y 4.. O B.'. 0.. 12.. 3.. 20.. b!! 103 Je'n 1311 T 3u 03 Se'n Pacific fd 3 NT Se'n Pacific 4s N Y 1 81 : 1. . . 100 Edl'n Ce S'n Pae cv 4, N Y 0 00 10 00 5 1)0 l nn. 0s rets 1..,. 110 1..1. 110 N Y Rlrs ct 4s 3n Railway 4s 10 33 B 08 B 00 33 00 12(sale) 00 N Yk Rlys 3s 3 0 5 0 0 10 1 1 16 10 00 00 07 00 N Y niy ct 5s 70 0 25 O N Y Tole 4 Vis 3 06 5 70 Hn Railway 5s N Y Tele'a '41 1. 04 1.... 103 1.... 103 , 8.... 103 S Rall'j- a4 1)8 oe 00 0' 118 3.. 3.. 14.. 5.. 1.. 20.. 3.. n ?.'. '. no no dit'i MM enu niUi 18 1 wsaie) 1U3 ' " N Yk W C ii ' Hest ia is.. 4H7 I lllll fi(sair) 48VMand'i'eii of ' enu s no C'nllf 0014 Nfk A W'n in 1. len , ' U 0 87 iTMi-J Av ul I it Marine fl. Kfk i W cvlsl 10 a, 8.:... Dfli; 4 mat. 1 -., 17 Dfl tt North Wrstern in ,'i I 0.1... 00 Beii t 7s 'Thini Av . I Int' I Pap b Ss s.... 107;, n (-, , S 84 4 s-m Kan c Ft 8 & Memp 4s 10 78 .1 78 6 7:1 7S 10 70 Ksn C S fis n S7; 10 S74 K C T Rlv 4 8 8IU Kelly Hprlntt'l, Tire 8s . .:i ..... .... . 10. i .Tldew.ttr lit! .n-,' 'w. i ... J.... IUT Ce Ct flU. 107 iv . ., Ce ct 0ts ..... 1071; a.... 107U 3.... 107U N Paclile n 4s 2. ... SOW 1 0 s.m 11...,. R5U 20 N.'.li 0.... let', I 1,-.. 101, I 85... . uu-i ' Teledo St L &. weat'n Is t ns 3 CM, Union Pae cv I i 04 ; Union Pae ftl I 10 .. fifl'i I Union Pac 4s Out Pwr Nleu 'alls Ss 10 no Orecen S L 4- i. ... nt nm til's ' Oli I l.... inr.VOrciren 3 Linn iu ian;c g ii 1. . m.-,i, ). . leaij Unt'd Drus gi 1.. . 107 Ut'tl Illy I Ce fl Tran Bs 1... . C-, Vi 8.1 "0 S3 U S nubb'r lis 1 88 3 .. 8S. 1.. .. 17 tuar'd as - 107 I ei)'. ... . 107 Ore-W U n C' Lack .Stee '2'1 & K Ce 4s . 1 05 4 1 7Mi L. S .M H :m I,. . 7Ti I T04' SO... . 71)', 1.0 ke Hlieic Ml ft. .. sn a n 4s '31 Pan a Petr'm P2 . T Ce !.' . . niv. l 08ti Pa It K 4s '48 1 n. Lehlah Vnl.fls r ' " ' v ' 88 II.... 10.H, & Jlyers .Is - e m 4r,u S Hub 7Hs 2 S8S 1.. . joeu I, ' -' OSTs I L lid It Bs 'S7 , 78H Pcnna R r r.sU'd 3 Steel Ss 3. 'l 20 102 Vi lf24 102 U 102'4 102 ; 102 102 U 102 102 102'i 102 10m: B 79 W. 21 Lfiillluril C (Ss Penna lid (Pj, .... 4 1 . 10.. 1.. ft . 1. 8 . 1.. n 0.1 107" L A Naah AH a 4.... 1024; I.... 1024 I.e i. Nash 7s 1.... 107 Mnnntl Suar .... in7t 1.... loon 10.... 107U Pennu n It 7s .... 107W 1 in7t: Ce 7 Ha wl 10 100 Man Klev'rt 4s l(mle) (17'j 1 ;... r,7Vi Man'u tie I, Is .. U2 Market St rtly $1 Prnt. ... Pera Marqt 4i 2 79 Pert Slarqt Ks 1 OS Utah P 4 I. Si 2 02 4 02 U 1 05 1 11.1 C(saln) n.1 1 (IUt 05 Phlla Itlys 4r Ve-C Ch 7 'is 10. .. B7H H. ... 07i 1. 07, B.. . 07. 1. 07 '. -. . ..... ,nfc t . en a 63V ,?" , .. !'7 iPub srv nrr Market .St Illy N JBy C, 4 0 Prun ll - .. 8.1 ;Vh u,i Cr nj 4. 0(1 7 . 05 1 . 8.-1 Reading Ce 4s Vh it! s w m n Mex lrriB 4Ws Itle (J i' iv 4s!lVaba'sh II "at itwy 4a IWest'n Md 4s .... 4.11, .IMsale) 43', lll'l S A Or Bs 0 87 1 . . 87 Mllw'e Uan 4s 1 01!i 1 ... 01U Mln & St L 4s 1 40T4 1 .... 4Ui S .... 40't 1 40', 1 .. 4fllA ... Ml ' s St I. I Mt B " in; (id cn'i Q dlv 4.1 K U' I'.l.. n,, ' st 1. i-s rj !,... 09' t.. I)i Westlnsha's K 0.. 10.. 10. 60 . ... .04 .. 80 .. 70'4 . .. 70Ts . 7974 b fi F In . . . n 1, ... flOt, .. new . ., nes ... ooh . . . en Ii . . , no ii . 9'i U iite 7s r. ioe'j 1 10013 Wilsen Ce 1 v , 2 Sll. Wilsen Ce lit 1 A()Ti 1 07 nilsen O 7 Ha 1.-.. 100 2.... 100 1.... ie:i, 1.... 100 " 1004 JIHtP 4 a Htel.St L .Marie (H,s I.... lOUj .... 101; 1 ... mm .1".. . 101T4 UKiTuJwl r.4 .-,( 1 :M P. 31 Ull.fiS DD.7S I wi.ne Lew D0.4S 0D.7O ll.44 0D.70 Hud A Man fd B 81 8 81 1 81 8. ... 81 1 81 Hud ft Man tn 1 53 1 58 B 58 8..... B8 Ills Central fd IB 80 7(sale) 80 1 80 Ills Ccntl B 8.... 100 Ilia Steel 4s 8 00 Info Met 4s 8 18 Int M ct 4, 10 13 6 15 Intb'e BT M 3 0 00 1 00 1. ... 00 0 00 1 00 I.II'erly .'!! ...,1(10.00 Liberty Ht -Mh. HfUs 'Liberty 2d 4',h.. HO.r.O , Liberty 3d 4k.. i)f(.7i .Liberty lth -l'.s. DD.80 111.70 im.,0 1)0.71 .1, 1 10 Aetes Ha. lilrtni 11,. .... .""' viexote3.s.::i;ie:8sj;;nan Rewrve Banks' Dleceunt Rates .r..'TilCe.errv'e1i;SXtnrraeUa'.",tol,lheW.7,v' ' Treus. Tl h i l t vs. cirs, . ''t : V' : . i't bends, pniwr. accert 1". Xz 'Bosten New Yerk Philadelphia ... C'leelniid i lllrhmund .... i Atlanta i.'hlcsKii HI. luls ... iMimuMnells ,, Kansas City .. . DalluH ,. San t'rancls:e.. 4V. 4'i - s Ii .1 4,i 4V5 nVl 4H I'i 41., " . IOTK, April IS. The ruw mL. . ... . U. S. Certificate, and Treasury Notes fcJ.WnV.fStt e.Wt $'fi$ Int. Maturing cenlj. cOBt and freight, und for ?la hin KJ!" Dale mj Asli.i vi t. Lne.nt l -N l''n", cot and frclsht 1. ,,!S t4U June, 1 1)22.... I0O H.S1! lOOa-ln A i ?LV?V" t,1,rt ',HUa et ,'"" it" nwratn'r" it t5V June, lH2,.,,...l0Ufl.lil inn ?i ?. ?'.V1' Wtf esurdHy, a is-al rellrier imV. ir.. J t!i riS Auir. 11122 loe inVsu 100 11 Wr 2-V1' -0-uw ""'" ''w1""' "r Ma imn.nV r . , a.u ' 1 '', Sept. IC2 ItOM-iffl-i.?,'; S",.''.r'1",v,' ".l',, rather heavy, l'eln5 In ..i . . I'-' . 11122 . f I-H2 ) 0 'i,': 3 n,'. "' . 1BI.0U ; tmus .llatrlhuied 'hs feMims s i 'I'. AM) ili'."l ion 1 Id ion ''lr' '! r,,,-0il" ,,,04"ai'' '''V' ''', t the ,nrl .''. June. 11.1:4 inav ie.V-: i liV1 ""'.. lu,a-r,",rnLru ''""" HI Mm ,, Vi ,., lie; 1 103 5 1ft 1 il;l 1,1 1'?! 1 I'i ,"'. VJr.-ii M-v.,i lleH,B ' ,' !M! Meh.. lli'jn 1411 e,V'.'-'" ,''?. ..I.,.ln' 'n.".l. '. N'-n-na! s.nrnr Itelln'iiK '( Nm 1 " I' JIfll 111 .l I-..... " W . '. "" 4 111 CllIlMlCnA.1 I 1 th II- 1.1 ,..,.1 Hi. A,. 1 ' .."'N lllll- .v - GOSSIP OF THE STREET Ucenusc everybody is leek Ins; for one, nnd the majority would like te bce one come is perhaps the reason the mnrket lins hnd no reaction te upcak of. A mod erate setback In the speculative leaders would be welcomed by the active trading element, and some of the mete conserva tive interests behind the constructive movement openly advised profit-taking. The reaction which is certnln te oc cur, sooner or later, will net be heralded by trumpets but will be Hpmng without the slightest warning. That is the his tory of. all major market movements find there is no place under thd sun where history repeats itself mere frequently than in Wall street. A reaction of one te five points docs net necessarily mean the culminntien of the forward swing, but simply the elimination of n weak following which is a sure trial after any big market owing. Stonige Battery's Skyward Keule Klcctric Storage Hattery at yester day's ten price showed u clean ad vance of ever fifty points from the low of the yenr nnd ever eighty points from the bottom quotation registered In last year's nlump. The movement would seemingly represent something out of the ordinary en the speculative line its the high price would preclude ery extensive operations en the part of the average market tinder. It has becntnp n mllllnnnlrFH' tOV. - .- The bulk of the dealings. However, , are new transacted en the New Yerk , I'eccmiicr . I net income MMft. -mi auei auei Steck Etehance and the Willi Street ; charges and tax. equal te $1 ft share. traders play as recklessly with the high- priced ones as they de the lower grade. TI... Mctlnn nf il. ieck. and the lie- cempanylng advance of the new stock, which will be exchanged for the old en the basl3 of four for elid, indicates almost rfurcly an increase in the divi dend rate from a 12 te 10 pur cent basis, which, of course, will be only en a $4 basis for the new stock. According te all reports the company Is doing an overwhelming business. The plant is working te n fuller capacity, in fact, it is said, the lnrgcr volume of orders will necessitate the opening ..w .... V - -.-- ... of the new plant within a short time, i cr, it was reported yesterday, 'rr1''" ( ninmercial Trust f einpany and ig equipped se thnt il can bc,M. M. 1- reemnn & Ce., of I'hlladelphin, vcr for manufacturing within, and Bernhard. Schelle & Ce., of New The latter was being rilPriinl nt'nr atrv .invu nftnr it tu iii.piiled te tmt It in operation. Ldttle Steels (Jetting In Action One of the noticeable developments attending yesterday's market move ments was the reviving interest mani fested in some of the smaller steel com pany shares. While Otis, Neva Sco tia and a few ethers were In wider de maud, some of the ether Independent steel shares were Irregular. 'I lie lm making en which deliveries; arc new being made. It ulll hn Heme months hefere II niimher of the indeneiidcnt cemtmnies nrevcracnt in the steel industry is going 1 mirgii uiuireim yeeurcti approval ireui rnoenlxvllle nml t te heln all the steel plants through the I the Interstate Commerce 1 emmlvdnii tmit. having separate country, hut few of the independents are ' today for issuance of $1,100,000 In 4M. L. PasHinere. Len menev heenusn of the low nrices per cent refunding mortgage hends. due nWterl sccretc.rv. ' 1 will be In position te resume dividends j The Federal Land Bank nt St. I'aul. which were cut off last year because of Minn., since January 1 has increased the pauperized condition of thc steel i its leans te farmers by $.',000,000. mak lnihiHtrv. Itenublic. Midvale and Lack- ing total leans new slightly mere than ' nwannu have a long and hard read te I travel before they can begin te tils- tribute surpliiH earning again. Ke- Dublic Is iiavine netlilnu en its preferred 1 which is ciimiilntlve, and buck dividends will have te be made UP etv this issue before anything In nnitl te the common. Renuhlic. as well as Lackawanna arc . .' . . ... -. .&.... .- ..... ...- - ciT,n .if rti.li li.tt 1l.liMll,k nfrwiilliif. tn .!. ......! ..,..... ...1I .,,.,.,ll.l - : --- .--: .-. .. r - HIV .UI11UU1 irivil, in i.vil niiiinii.u. West JersDj- Expenses Cut The minimi report of tin West .Tewey und Seashore Railroad Company for the year 1JK21 will be made public in pamphlet form today. It will show the company had a net income of .$1!)0,.'2S, total outstanding rjpltal rtet-k com- pared with a deficit of S.'iOIi.dO!) In i neil. The renert. will show In-re WlllI'll IN I'lllllll Llf 1 .11-. ll.'l I'lTUI lillllll III,. ting a (Tei ... ... yvu.i . ... "l""l . ........v7 compared with 1!)!)20, but a (Tecrease of mere than SL'315,000 is operating ex penses, wliieh enabled it te meet its fixed charges and earn a smnll ppi-ccntuxc upon the rnpltal stock. The report, will fully review the situation which con- I fronted this and all ether railroad com cem patiles iu the depressed condition of 1021. Outside, Buying (irewing Outside buying orders cn:nc Inte thc stock market In large elumc agjln ...le e.t t,le )..H., .,.. ' v. ': i . "".'"" i" " 1 effective in ferclnR many stocks up te 1 new nun rcceriiR ler tne vcar in unite of reullzing sales en an enormous scale. : nf r.,.,, ! IS A IVn n i,n,tl-nt, mmnnu"""' '"' '. '-'' '. .' '. Miie eitenngs et long mock uy operators sueil it repot t for the j.-ar' ended I)e ficHirinif te take prelils, however, eember .'11. eliewini; net income !e-.s f forced recesclena at freittent interval ! ST.-H'-'.MHI after '-liaise-, depreciation iiiakliiK the market one of constant varl-'and inventory udju.Minent. This ,.m. ntlen In price movements and tone al- 1 pares with net inconie of .Sl-,0,"."i,!i0. though the trading was conducted nt j equivalent after preferred ilIviilentN te the highest levels of the year, even after reactions occurred AIntrkP ntnnla ninl the nete.tletitii tu. ' 8ues were the strongest groups and ad vances in these i-sues were attended I at times witli a geed deal of excitement. I Royal Dutch was 11 prominent feature I moving up from fil te Cm en buying ' coming from Amsterdam nnd local bankers, nnd Mexican petroleum nfter selling at i:t0 moved up te 13 la,. ntucleiinUer IiriI a wide range. Ilrsi 1 .1 llt.t.tli H, J.. 1 74 , nun iiii-u ttiiv nucule I te 121. but the greatest advance In that group was in Htremherg l.'arhure- , ter which made a gain of B-V, points te 1 BS-Ti. United States Steel ranged from 0!)'4 te l)Si,a, but some of the ether in dustrials swung ever a wide range and ' several of them made new high records for the year. Electric Sterage llattcry ' inade a new high record, advancing ever I ,'5 peinta te 172',i. thi: TUADKIt. ! LONDON STOCK MARKET Holiday Feeling Pronounced and ; -Iness Smaller liOiulen, April 12. .Securities en the stock excliange were steadv genetnllv today, but the EaMer holiday feeling became mere pronounced and business whs smaller. Oil shure-. weie firm but quieter. Keyul Dutch a.- -I2;l4 . Shell Transport ami Trading ." ,"-l(i and Mexican L'agle, 3"i, liiduhtriiils were hard, with the feel- lnir eheerftil. Hiwljtti'a 1 c. .- ...... it-. "ocesf'Iens en the crude article can-ed ! -"r. ....... ...... .... ,-. ..... WI-- .,'e. I nn easier tone In rubber Ismics but changes were narrow, Dlnmends were strong. Kaffirs were listless around pre vious leveU The gllt-edge department wen inactive but well maintained. hrench leans ere (julet nt former nuu ttitinns, Hume rails were geed in spots with fresh buoyancy in trade lines, which were aided by improved commerce pros pres pects. Dealings iu dollar dcMTlptlnns were professional but prhes were limi I here was moderate realizing ; A " gentiue rails. Raw Sugar Moderately Active .!' 1UTK, - 1 - -1. . - e nr I lliniMl IN .'I II ... rmMiwmm Electric Bend find Hhare Company reports for year ended December 31 net Income $2,377,014, against !?V 1J7,600 In 11120. , . Trnnefer books of the Ocncral As phalt Company close April 18 and, open .May 10 for nnntml meeting te be held Mny It. .Stockholders of Union Twist Drill Company at special meeting ratified proposed -1,500,000 7 per cent bend issue. Frederick AW Buch lins been ap pointed ns assistant treasurer of the Heal Estate Title Insurnhec nnd Trust Ceinnnhy. Nashville, Chntlanoegn and .St. Leuis reports for year ended ueccmucr j. net deficit $2511.801 after charges and taxes, against net deficit SI ,0."i,813 in i;. The Stock List Committee, of the leenl cxehatice has admitted tn the regular list of the exchange. $500,000 ; additional stock of the J'runklln isa isa tiennl Bank. The average price of the twenty active industrial Mecks advanced ti.ee per cent yesterday te 01.01, while the twenty rails advanced 0.10 per cent te 84.11. Ohie Kuel Oil Company reports for the year ended December ill Inst, gross income $2,011,813: net after expenses. tuxes, etc., $37'1,230, deficit after dc dc pieeintien, $43,704. Net earnings of the I'iggly Wlsgl Stores Inc.. during March were $11)1. 000 after all charges and depreciation, making n tetnl for the quarter ended .March 31 of $203,000. United Hallways and Electric t em tinny, of Baltimore, reports year ended vcar ended 'n n femmnn aliiNt net income ?i.u..!,- ,'! r '. In 1 l-'O. --Americiiii District 'lelegrnph of New l.lM,... .......K... J",... ........ .... .1.1.1 .,........ , her 31. net Income $070,084 lifter all charges and I'edernl taxes, equal te ?!).S3 n .vlmrc en .TO.Oe.'.HeO capital Meck. iigaint net income $.'43,013, or .f.i.4, in iai. ; After nn association of thirty-three jciirs us trustee und officer, Lincoln K. Piist-more retires from nctive duties with the I'cnn Mutual Life Insunincc Company en dune 30, but will continue with the company in an mlvibery ca- '"" '.''.. . . . . Yerk, arc offering SS00.000 Atlantic .City (N. J.) temporary school notes,1 I due December 15, J022, nt a price tu I yield 4.2.i per cent , , -J he nominating committee et tiie New Wk Stock Lxchange has pit- seined te members the regular ticket te be voted en at the annual election en May S; Seymour L. Cromwell,' pres. Ident f the exchnnse, and Warren B. Nash, tiiiu. The treasurer, are slated for re-elec- Huffale, Rochester I'itts- lO.'O. Receipts from the Issue will he used te pay off maturing indebtedness, of tile corporation. $00,000,000. North Dakota leads, about two-fifth of the money being plneed in Unit Htitte. Minnesota is second, Wisconsin and Mlcht?nn combined hav ing only about a fourth of the lean. Finland will probably enter the mar ket shortly for lean of between $10.- 111)1). (HID nml SMI. (Ml. DOf). Itmniv rvitl -. ...... -, ,.., . . ..... ..... .1, ,tl. iliti linni. ,1.1 K nn. iiaii( 1.,,,...-.. .---.- -."-.. - ,..-... I-nlf.. Itnilu-niH Invesimenr I'n.n. pimy. for the year ended DccemW .'!1, BXvu?.r,"""",i '"f ,Kln- . ,, shows total iiK-eme of S1.7r.ti.."S-befer . ,ilrwU lmJ?n l-l-,l,"t "S1? tl,' " i-ixe nnd clini-ces im ntmmrnri vt if, Hn It was Impossible for crooked peli- 1 7V' l!S f - the fisc, e n. ., lk'il"" "' nbtn,n ,hp rt'!,,lse undpr nr- .IiineSO li2'. cn,,w,,wsr. He also told of the development Fer the .rnr ..iule.1 Il,.nn,lu 1 the Pliihidelphia mid Caindeii Kerrj Company nhews operating revenues of .... .... m.. .,. . "- . ',, ''''' '' ,,nse nar-, lit ! ',' ni'" iV?-,Alr V,u V i, ' ,'.2J-L' ?1:'"' ':" ' "eC "IT ,l.'n '""eme .SiJi,- lion-encriitiiiL- ,,,.,,.,, Slllll.l eme Mill. Mi. llicri'iise SI.! ''...!. .-mil net ini'emt M.'.i.M.;, ilecrcii'-c .((), ili.i. Twe iniiertani chanRcs in Xorthern I'acilic Italhvuy tlirocterati wrrc an nriiiiiccd at tin annual mrctini;. belnn tKirempiit of James N. Hill antlTheinrii W. I.iiineni. Ne evplanatleu va made 01' Mr. Hill Ilails from the beard, but linnncinl pin-lex Interpreted nbsrnre of Ids mime frmn nominations as lndi eatiiiii that Hill Jnteret has been re duced InrKlt in reeent veur-. Tin lute .lames .1. nm wns cred'ted with iarcc li..1,ll,tr- M 1 n.r,...,' ..!...!.,.. . . ...... . ''"."" - ' .' ' '"""- ll-nikllHUUli, men Mime time age. was i-au-ed by banking relations between Northern Pa- ,.;i;.. ..,..1 r i i...... t. -.. International Paper I empaiiv has is. MERCER MOTOR CARS A Better Difference Mercer automobiles are different from ether meter cars, but the difference is in proven "better ness," net in unproven novelty, experiment or freakishness. In vestigation will demonstrate why this "better difference" should appeal te every quality car buyer. Curran-McDevitt Moter Ce., Inc. 933 North Bread Street Poplar 8180 UJ'" .fBaanssm-HSMai tans wair,- YiJil Av4rihMf f4UV ill the previous year. Repert of Arizona Commercial Mln Ing Company for ?enr ended December 31, shows gross Income of $330,75(1; expenditures, $072,003, Including $123,010 for expenses during suspen sion of Operations and for special liti gation ; less, $335,330. This compares with less of $83,135 in 1020. Itcpert of Hkelly Oil Company for year ended December 31 shows n deficit of $838,050 nfter cost, operating ex pe.nsea, incidental losses, taxes, ct.'. Income account follews: Grew earn ings, $12,100,314; cost, operating ex penses, lesveH, $8,185,072. taxes uml interest $323,075; reserve for depletion, depreciation, development, etc., ?.. 080,351; (Illicit for year $388,050 : ' dividends, R041.101; surplus December 13, 1021, $025,208. GLOUCESTER SCHOOL i DIRECTORS MAY QUIT Twe Said te Be Contemplating Re-1 signing In Ma i A report is being circulated In I Gloucester City thet at the Mny meeting i of the Beard of Education there will he nt least two members -of the heard, resign. If this occurs it is likely that there will he ether resignations. Harry Cenncrs. secretary of the beard, in new employed and residing in Atlantic City, but attends the regular meetings of the beard. Mayer Ander Ander eon, who makes the appointments of members, has been urged by a number ' "' persons te nsk for his resignation Dcraiise ne is nor in ine city during tlie mentn te attend te tne duties, , Dr. J. A. Beck, one of the. directors, , said yesterday that one official of -Hie, schools hud advised some, of the teachets te ask for mere hulnry. Ne prevision lia been inutle for increases and the til- ' rectors declare that none will be granted and say advice of this Hind routes trouble. CHESTER ELECTS SAYL0R ..... ... Superintendent of County Schools, f Named in Lively Contest , Thc vcllMt ,, of thc Scheel i Dlreetiir.' A)..unc ntlrin of Chester County in years took place yesterday at West Chester, when tiie contest for position of county superintendent of public instruction wns fought te u finish between Ira D. McCord. of Klver- , son. and Clyde T. Snyler, the former limn m)w,n f Iim utiu imnnlfitn.) tit'n -......V V, ...... ...... .. ,.,.w-..-v.k. ..... , ywir, nRa t0 mi the place vacated by Themns A. Beck, promoted te the1 1 Rural Schools Bureau. ' . Until sides had been preparing for the test of strength, nnd there was much electioneering work among directors, but friends of Suyler mustered all their strength nnd lie wns elected by a sur- .1..I..., Ml. nf 1M) t l.'J Wimt f'l.outei ,...-. ....,.- -.... ... ,v ..y eaiesvuie took no listrlets. Thnlii.is den (Jreve. tim TCie salary of tlie superintendent as continued at $3300 ; a cat and thnt of his assistants at $2300. STATF pniinp V Nf! V P.P , v.aa . .k. Quiet Raids Break Politicians' Grip, Says Dr. Edward Martin Vice in being stamped out in Penn sylvania by means of quiet raids con ducted by the State Police under the direction of the I)?partment of Health, Dr. Kdward Martin, State CVimmN CVimmN Hlener of Health, declared nt n smoker 3.J"' Vl)yKMn MOIOT riUb In the .. m . . . --. . . . ,"l.".'T " I'mtu, n m k inreugli till' establishment of clinics by the Health I'ppartmenr. tireater leeway for phjsi elans in the enforcement of the triitfjc inws was premised by William li. Mills Superintendent! of Police, another speaker at the smoker. Cuticura Seap Is Ideal for - The Complexion Bep.01ntaetit,TI mJJ. irwhjre. Persannlea addrsas; OtttsataLa SsTltJs. ,w.w "t"?- -- z ROAMER 1 - A worthy car, which merits the consideration of every thinking buyer. Showroom Open Kvenlncs PHILADELPHIA ROAMER CO. 8S NOKTII ItKOAII ST. Open Eveninfa $2785.00 Delivered in PhlladelpW Hlinwrnem Open Kvenlngs Vj PHILADELPHIA ROAMER 842 NOItTII II IK) A I) arA Fer Tired Aching Fi Mi Nexzema Greaieleti Cr with iU wonderfully teeth! OIL OF CLOVES gees right te the pi nerves, giving blessed re at once. 25c Cake of Seap Free During April your drugKlt will glve you ii sr.c cuke of Nexzema Hkln SeSd free with each purchase of n fiOe jar of thu Nexzema Skin Cream. t)r send this clipping with 10c (cost of mnllliiB) for n. Iiirge free demonstration Jar of f'rcnm Xexzrrna Chemlcnl Ce., Uiillltnere. Mil. KL 4-12-23 FARM AND GARDEN IEverdreer? te ulilfli no put ere renlil de J"f'f; Here 11 our iNurscries ui n"i plants of We variety Come Bee them make your every select en veur own prraniiul choice. Thnt v, ay always means ctimplele sntlsraciieu. We deliver and ulunt for veu Five finest 2-vr. old Monthly ROSES 55.50 Vain $3-50 Stm nit. sturdr p I a n ts, costing 11 In nlnslv. esDa- cian .i-en ,j for this ertar. the wtieis; cei'ir ranp or r.-a-.ty is cuveru ey K. Al'fl. VKTUKIA. soft prly hlp: IIKTT1 . i'lle' unci plnkl MMi:. CAROI.ISK T P. STOll T, slhrr-rdsrd ulnk: ItADIANCK, brll llnnt nirmlne ulnki (lltt'HS AN TI.'l'I.IT.. rlrhrst Hcnrlrt. Guaranteed te Bleem Thit Year' OHUKH NOW H-nt nestnald when Clnti'i 1 sfii-i 11 eimiis l're Collin I? IMS (.atalogue, listing inerythlna" ' ARTHUR J. COLLINS & SON I'es I.. MoerrMown. New JrrscT, Jfoerslovn Car te Pleasant alley Ave.! POULTRY AND SUPPLIES If."! ''."?'"r. - iiucKs, iviiuui' ir-iuiiu ikiis, t mie m ynndeti Hlark Minorca, White Ieliems. K2.0O nettlna. In rices. Kent Biife'v te nil nirii. en reel pest. i;. C. VAIII.K. 310 Market. mrcATieNAr, COSTUME DESIGN Fascinating Werk Big Pay Hen Academe student! learn Cc.turue and Millinery rjeslirn la y ahert mentas nf simple .aicinatlns lessens Graduates toen earn big; siUariei la pre reieleual poiltlem. Fashion jtcndemj u th. .as Injoertnnt choel doTetl ex clailvely te Cestumn and lllllln tsT. ""12 "n1 Pn.hlen Art, Bnflereed by manufacturers and macexlnes. Ita teachers nre ex E!rVvVh Tcttr' et eperlenc. In prnctlcul work. Ita director. & F" A', ""rtman. U en. ei ttie werlJ's foremost designers. Train 1 1' c net enljr Blres jen iii,lty t0. "lel,,cn original coi cei times anil hats but teacliee you JrJSHSf. '""'Pi' Kurments from draughting of pattern te tha Tery last atltch. Ravlnir. en Mese!r'", U,Ual,y pajr tw JT-wH?!0 Aca J era y ner Phils. delphla Scheel Is e. direct branch of fnmeus Ntw Yerk Bchoel Ployea. Classen four days iwaek T5i.ern,i5F'.. """""en endT ". hihfiinnJi' .t,r. P--nent ex ex mrltlen or students' work, or int .all ceurres nn.l of money makiiiK onpertiinltl for th professional designer. Fasru en Academv. Inc. MS2 NertK Bread Stmt CHDROPRACTIC Day ami ecn ng clahsea Knrell new V?r..pr-0R'' tl''l.M IJeBinnii-K June liJt. FULL COURSE IN DISSECTION Appl. Mm, Wit ,ii.( i-i Vfterneqn r l.wnlng KEYSTONE COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC 1701 CHESTNUT ST. i.nit 1 M.i.(iKs at the BERLITZ SCHOOL inn rui'vi'M t st. (i:nlninr en 1 (lilt si.i ri-lriilieiiP! Sprme I HIU TEACHERS' reiiiinii'r ( mir T . .. . ..... .... "'-.. l ID IIIIHUI ;,'"," .'.". '""'! ". "".I Mfthed ri- ii. ed. lb, .h-m;.! "..;.. ,v..'i!ri."j ??. ' 11 7irr. fir, ii Shnituamt , ' fi'ri,i J 11 ii't wi I'h !in;iiifi" 'J'-BMt I- WIIKIIK .SKKVK r, '(It'S'TNt u sm-iip. .hu i.'i...i t.. :. . ' ..'"-- ? 1 "- :'. "" niini-r itutiiii unii tin- Itliul ur re.llluii Dralrnl The Bryant Teacheri' Bureau, lac OlO-nr'Wil.l ,Mihrrni...iij mil. I'hli. ' PH. I.rrn..i. 111,1,.. vUMuiih llM. Ill SINKsi ttll.l.KiJi,-'"" STRAYER'S "S ".''""''"cj tun CHKMTNUr H1 I'nslllun RiKirHn'il Untrr t.en M hit AllvrillCT10W RAG I'iane Plavinv Taught Qcginasi s Adult llt-flnnrrs a Mpril iltr A'lTiinre L'eiirsF If ieu .Nuu I'lajr I'henri Hnrnrr llltfll ion ini'.K iiiHiKi.irr lllltlMriMii,.. M 11(101. OI' '. UPU fl , .... ...... ..,, . , , uuni.r.i, Jin', NOXtfA ! ijmk BaBssssssssssssssssssssflassssyflarssssir I Tenne Women and Gtiis ' ""r or nirt . ity'WIH TKH.-3 C. TSCKOPP f":?, s ''!' B l'. . ... .. v.-irv. ".! 1 vm ' w txj tP. f I ' ls it .1 m 9 r. iu,'s..vm. yn$K I S'i .vsrt ei)tSSFw)SK , secretary. . iinuuii.. 11 i, r.f,ir y H,;f IV cuw, mitHAtStKltWi. R v. ia ., fe'K MMMh.. v. I j! ." Ji.l.iV kmmWt,m -jf 't'&i.i JA' .. . . 1 . .i-iah Lle:,v" r.i...i. 1 " i-L.v., ; . , . - i , ii&Mmmiizv. .f.-..-.Mj'jwrfctm;itM:w.. twiuiaa?