uvft y' fc! 22mj21s u ' - ... M Want TO JOIN NAIIONAL ' A ,'' W 5U0QEST TENNIS DRAW ' MADE IN TWO SECTIONS Ottrfet WciM Affiliate With With U S. Bedy te Benefit of Beth Hebans Delegate AMATEUR-PRO MATCHES By SANDY McNIBLICK mHB Philadelphia Professional Gelf. X rs' Association has reted te afflll ste'wltb the National 1'. 0. A. This wis one of the most important steps Uken at the local meeting this week. The national body is assured of con centrated support In this district and (he local body will benefit by the assist ince of the U. S. P. O. A. in many wiyi. The najlenal bylaws, with necessary changes for the local situa tlen. were adopted here. With these things done and a paid-up membership of mere -than half these eligible te join, the local aesociatlen feeli that it is thoroughly organized and nil net for a vigorous tournament season. The meeting developed decided senti ment in favor of amateur-pre matches hereabouts, events heretofore almost nil in Philadelphia. It is hoped te dis tribute such affairs liberally through the schedule, the. wind -up being a big match in which it is hoped that the Pennsylvania Lesley Cup team will try out its strength in n match against ten professionals from this district. It is proposed te make this an all-day match, foursomes and singles. In this nay the weaknesses and strength of the Lesley Cup team would rieelep and changes could be made be fore the team actually emDarxs ler tne Trl-State battle. Iselc Hebftns, vroftailenat it Huntingdon Villtv. Is national official, and wilt rapra--nt th local P. a. A. at the mllenat meet ing In New Yerk ahertly. flelfers ara wendarlnt It tha reported land Inr of Chick Tirana In Rncland la true and -rhut It' all about, tf Kvana la ther and plans te play In ths British amateur. Arnerl m nnanrtii &rs net ae bad. Uultferd. Oulm't and Harrison Johnsten are among ethtr repenea mm mn:nar 10 enirr nr tdtre. Marraa Greer, the PMIadalphlan. who la champion of the Province of Quebec, Can.. In hitting them high nnd wide at Cebba rrteV. The ether day he carried clean ever the creek 4n the fly at the flrat hole. a. feat aald net te have been accomplished before. Vfhltmrt will open up Ita new CryaUl Filtce dining room end dance bail next week with aptreprla' eeremenlea. Plane for the rlubheuie call for one of the meat elaborate In town when completed. i.njM hard cut for non-cenflletlnc 4tta In June, when It deslrea te held Ita en nui! Ueiawarv .unir vuftniviunnuip. iiw committee la new scanning the open dates In iliat month, both of tbem. Tk ilur i& three left-handera were noted In one fourieme at North Hill and two ethera were also battling with par, wonder ther were wild. Ne Davit Cup Rounds Divided, U. 8. and European" New Yerk, Aprii 12. Davis Cup of clals expressed Interest today in the suggestion advanced by British tennis authorities that future drawa for the international team trophy matches be made in two sections, American and European. - The idea is based en the three defaults last year made by team, representing nations which did net desire te travel twice across the ocean with the pros pect of playing only in the preliminary matches. Australia's wish te play all Ita preliminary matches in the United States this year is also a factor. If Australia's plan should prevail it meansthat Belgium, and afterward probably Czechoslovakia, and then France, will be compelled te cress the Atlantic, whereas if the team from the Antipodes should go first te Belgium much unnecessary travel would be ob viated for the losing European contest ants. Along the same line, if Japan insists upon playing Its preliminary matches in the United States, Italy, the British Isles, and probably Spain, must send teams te the Ignited States, Instead of Slaying their elimination matches at eme or nearby. Since devotees of the net game are apprehensive that the money required te send n team flitting back and forth around the world is beyond the treas uries of clubs in countries such as Italy and Ipdla, where the game is just get ting n held, Heme change In the rules Is probable. fEgjpTjgt 7. i -f f , ,-. f lyTrf ti trw' -f J ,' ' "' yl " ; '' 1 --- 41 X. CnttetUf areata ter 'the 'classic tro phies offered by that organization there will be events lh which benta will be entered for trophies recently turned ever te the American Power Ment As sociation by tlm Nnllennl Association of Engine and Beat Manufacturers. The season will open June 24 in New Yerk and New Jersey waters, nnd close September B off Detroit. Other water scheduled nre Lake Brie nnd Lake On On tnrle, Lake Geerge, Niagara Itlvcr and Leng Islnnd Sound. Y. M. H. A. te Open 8wlm Peel The Yeung Men's ltbrew AisoeUtlen an. neuncea Iho opening of lie netaterlum May 1, nl Hread and Oxford streets. Y's Krax Ri i INO LARDNER and both spell "borrowed" b-a-r-r-e-d. e e One Jfle aetf hall in the hand teerth two Tl haltt 'in ihe rough. e Our Dafy Guessing Contest Hew metny oarsmen in Princeton like this: it Get Valuable Suggestions Varsity Eight! One flapper says jett can't feel her David Harem was a Turk. BAREBAT.T, SEASON STATITS IXKIXK TODAY. AM, TOOBT11ER, EOYS. "WAIT Ttl.b NEXT YEAR!" Our Dally Motte Early te bed and early le rise makes Jack a dull boy. The only hone some of theae guye wear Ing rldlnr hahlta en the Boardwalk M1 ever get la the "herae" taush. SPEEDBOAT RACES Season Opena June 24, With New Trophies New Yerk, April 12. Eight race meetings for meter speedboats are In cluded in the summer schedule an nounced here by the Amer-enn Power Beat Association. In addition te tlie en cement barns, stables, silos, etc. The free ALPHA CEMENT 104-page, illustrated Hand book cm Cement Construction deals extensively with these improvements, also with pests, tanks, troughs, cellars, platforms, driveways, culverts, etc. Yeu don't have te buy any ALPHA CEMENT te get a copy of this instructive volume. Just tell the dealer what cement improvement interests you most. He can help you, and when you are ready te build he will tell you why he prefers te sell you ALPHA CEMENT. W LHE HERB ARE BRIDES Ari.ENTYl In Brittany. It la aald: "Brldea bloom almost aa plentifully at flewera." Be euro te read "The Eaeter Spirit Over the 8ea" te appear in the Magaitne Section of next Sun day's pceue LaceH. "Make It a Habit." 4V. GUARANTEED PORTLAND ' CEMENT ti mam umnv 5. Alpha Portland Cement Ge. EASTON. PA. 140 S. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL. New Yerk Baltimore Bosten Philadelphia. Pltteburgh Battle Creek, Mich. Ironten.Ohlo AWU Plant Alpha, N.J. Cementen.N.Y.Jemeevllla, N. Y. Manhelm, W. Va. Martina Creek, Pa. vLa Salle, III. Irenton, Ohie, Bellevue, Mich. txi 6 e All of a sudden the city needs light Next time it grows suddenly dark in the afternoon and you switch en the lights, think of the fact that thousands of ether people are acting en the same impulse. This unexpected demand is heavier than the generators in the central power stations of a great city can respond te instantly. The burden is, therefore, put en huge Exide Bat teries, weighing hundreds of tens. Nearly all the central station batteries in America are Exides, which are relied upon te supply power through every emergency. Wherever batteries are used whether play ing the calliope in the circus parade or propel ling submerged submarines you will find Exide supplying dependable power. When, you want a long-lasting battery in your car, that will give you ease'ef mind and freedom from trouble, go te the nearest Exide Service Station. The Electric Storage Battery Company Philadelphia 67L673 North Bread Street Telephone Poplar 3385 BATTERIES mm Mi sk K EH1 m Mm Uafnlall lilil'l I I imMw,W lliannKmnvlTeflMnMRaAMsi Si ti! laMaLBafe. SBPllflf ' R' I Wolf RHinr lM xsSKmtxxL la almmBB&x nr TT1IZ yuXWL itn gBvM !Mh . JpaSSWHr RADIO Get an Exide Radie battery for ieur radio set Whatever make of battery ia In your car you can be confident of ekilful repair work, fair prlcee, and re. epenalble advice at the near cat Bilde Service Station, THE LONG-LIFE BATTERY FOR YOUR CAR Economy Basement Specials for Thwsdcm ISeethelecalMJrdeaIer WB- B I I up- Special Easter Values in Dainty Undermuslini) Women's Twe- Piece Pajamas at89c Tailored model "of flesh lineeric cloth. Women's Undermuslina Exceptional at . . .aaeaeeaaaeeMeMeMeMeleamaeMMaMeMeemaW MtavMl LW 1 Wedneaday, April 12, lt. Htera Oping A. M. Clam at 630 r. M. V MITT I ITMRTTRaTC L J ENTIRE BLOCK-MARKET Il&rl,f2 STREETS L J 49c 35c 89c KiiVelep chp ls. drawers and bloemern of flesh or white lingerie cloth. Women's Corset Cevers Una-erle cloth, finished with embroidery edge. Women's Gowns at rink or white lingerie cloth, beautifully trimmed. Women's $2.59 Silk c;evm?rs si.65 Lnemiscs. . . . Seft crepe rte chine, tailored or prettily trimmed with lace, nibben shoulder straps. Women's .$1.25 te $2.50 Silk Camisoles at 69c, 89c & 98c Satin, radium or crcpe de chine. ' Tailored or lace trimmed. Women's Novelty Step-in Vest Sets 7Q, Each.: -. .e Batiste trimmed with checked gingham. A Art Extraordinary Purchase of Girls' and Juniors' $10 Levely Easter Dresses Truly Marvels of Werth &- at $2.65 ee Imported Organdie, Dotted Swiss, Barred and Striped Voiles and Dimities and Lingeries Bur Your Bey! His New Easter Outfit Here Where Qualities Are Fine, Styles Smart and Prices Extremely Lew! SneuTnburgS Economy Basement 400 $10 Lamb's Weel Filled Comfertables $5.95 Te Sell at. . Satine and percaline cev ered with plain aatine berr. ders. rretty new patterns. Lamb's-wool filling. Full size. SNELLFNBURXjS Economy Basement - " $2.63 $4.95 $2.65 $4.95 The daintiest, prettiest frocks we've seen In many a day and in such variety. Beautifully trimmed with white erarandie. contrasting color embroidery, sashc, larce and small tucks and evcrskirts. Sizes 7 te 14 years. Delicate pastel shades and white. Sheer, Charming and Becoming! Twe Pictured Just Arrived! 200 Girls' Easter Coats & Capes Exceptional GA QP Values at pmUD Tweed mixtures, hemespuns and herringbones in the newest Spring shades. Stunning full circular capes. Swagger coats, belted and pocketed with half or full lining. Sizes 7 te 14 years. Twe Pictured. bNELLEHBURGS Economy Basement Beys' $8.75 Two Twe Pants Suits, $6.95 Mixed cheMet stiltp. KnlcXer pants, full lined. Sires 6 te 17 years Beys' $12.50 Twe- Pants Suits, $8.e0 All-wool trti'eds nnd chev iot Ceat" mohair lined Full lined knlcUei pants. Slzm 7 te 16 ears Beys' $13.75 2-Pants Suits, $9.95 All-uoel blue serce, tweeds, and ca'almeres. Full - lined Knickers. Plzes T te 18 jears. Beys' $15 Twe-Pants Suits, $11.95 All-neel tweeds, 'with me-hair-lined coat and fulMlnr-d Knickers. Pise 7 te 18 years. Beys' Oliver Twist Suits, $4 All-wool blue sersie, with three rows eC braid en cellars and cuffs. Beys' All-Weel Reefers, $5.75 Blue "err" and reed, with sleeve cheren. Sizes 3 te 8 jears. Beys' Knickers, 95c MUed chciets Sizes 81 te 17 ars. Beys' Playalls, 81c Extra quality tan khaki and blue denim. Sizes 3 te 8 jears. Beys' Blue Denim Overalls, 48c Apron front and shoulder snaps Sizes 4 te 14 ean. SFIeTlZnBURCS Enmy Basement An Exceptional Brand-New Let of Men's 50c Four-in-Hand Neckwear at 25c Excellent quality cut silks in the newest and most wanted colorings. Wonderful assort ment of vstripes, also polka dots I in geed foulards. Snlenditl. Onnnrtunitu te Buy Twe for Usual Ceal of One! SMELLENBUROS Economy Basement afl--.H iHmiV't -.iiiiH vPTVaiiW Sf Aw Continuing Our Remarkable Sale of 10,000 - Brand New U. S. Gev't Werk Jumpers Every One Cost the U. S. Government f2 72c at ea. "f iV rnfair 1 1 Working Around the ihe Garden, Etc. Marvelous values! 'Way below half price! Econom ical men will buy in quan tity. Sturdidly made of blue denim and brown material. All seams strongly sewn. Ca:t Be Used for All Sert of Werk Shirts, for Mechanics, Drivers, Firemen, Engineers, Stevedores, Porters, Railroad Men, for Fishing, Camping, Garage, Working in Pretty Easter Apparel for Wee Tots Veru Speciallu Priced Sale of Babies' Short White Dresses Wonderful Value at $1.00 SNFLLEHBURflS Economy Basem Three Thursday-Only Specials in I Alexander Smith & Sens Rugs Smith's Seam-' 200 Heavv less Velvets High-Pile .min8iers 200 Heavy Quality 9x12- Ft. Tapestry Brussels Rugs Oriental ilrtljrn HO alnri, Fer tndit.v only. $9.89 Dainty yoke styles of ex cellent quality nainsoeks Skirts arc beautifully trimmed with lace and in sertion. Sizes 6 months te 2 years. Babies' Short White Coats ' $3.95 $4.95 Numereu cunning stlfs from which te cheese, attrac tively smocked or embroidered. Carefully made of cashmere, serre and piping. Sizes 1 te 3 years. Children's Cleth Coats at $4.69 te $6.95 Homespun, tweed or pole cloth. Score of smart models In Reed colors Mzcs 2 te 6 .ears. Babies' White Lawn Caps at Prettily trimmed st les. Children s Organdie & Voile Dresses at Variety of winsome styles, with larre sashes, ruffles and smocking. Beys' Wash Suits , . .UlttllSI" J"liiv material In Tin in I'einr with bra.d Vu. 2 te 6 j ear' Children's Drawers Muslin In bloomer stle, with neat ettfrinR Sires 2 te 12 a ears bNLLLCr.B TieS Economy Basement 3 pattern all wool face, 8.8x10,6. Limited pattern!, ft. site. 30 Raines. I 0,2,, '" l miurii rer loaej' i only. Seconds. Far today only. $18.59 $23.89 Heavy Cerk Linoleum In Roem-Size Lengths Many Pieces Alike, Sq. Yd 35c (Imperfect) Cerk Linoleum Rugs Only 307.6x10.6 ft., te Sell at der $D Only 407.6x9 feet, te Sell at G4 f (Imperfect) 59c $1.49 $1.29 smartly and tie 25c SFlELLCNBURcS Economy Basement $1.75 Bar Harber Chair Seats PHENOMENAL at 75c Ea. Made of he y cretonne, 2. Inch box, eight-button tufted and reversible. Wanted colors and dels;ns. Full ilie will nt any stjle of wicker chair. 69c Half-Sash OQ Curtains, Pair. . . OVk Well made of scrim and elle. with hemstitched, edres "" vfi iu iiang. Snellembi Lcone conemy Butraent Men's & Yeung Men's New Easter Suits Seme Have Twe Pairs of Trousers INCOMPARABLE VALUES at $19.50 each Well-tailored, snappy or conservative models in single or double breasted effects. Made of serviceable materials in latest patterns and colorings. Men's and Yeunff Men's CIO CA Fancy Spring Suits $1.DU Mighty fine values. Men's Trousers, Special at $2.85 Men's Trousers, Exceptional at $3.65 SHr.l.lE'JBURGS Economy Basement Furniture and Bedding At Savings of Third te Half! $6.00 Parler Table, $3.95 $2.75 Chair $1.29 at $18 Genuine Reed Rockers, $9.95 Spring Seats Ceered In pretty cretonne, brown or shellac finish $11.50 White Crib, $6.95 HIM IIP $8.00 Steel Felding; Cot and Pad te Fit at $3.95 $60.00 Mahogany Living Living Living Roein Suits, $29.95 sprint .f-nis cnerri m tipeitrj. r.xtrn fine werUnians p and ilrunh VammQmmm Sanitary Mattresses 510.00 Reversible Mattress, $4.9.-, $13.50 Cotten & Felt Mattress, $6.93 $18.00 Imperial Edge Cotten MattresH, SS.93 $15.00 Ever-Ready Deuble Da-Bed Frame at $6.95 an be used "11 Kle or (lOtlt)lf . ttff fr.une villi Htrenc 1 n i spi in k . flni'litil qrrf .Miainel. 512.00 All-Cettm Maltrcsh Pad lit Da-Htd rranu-tit te $7.95 $50 Bureaus at 52-1.75 A $22.00 Metal Bed Outfit $13.95 t mitiiiueus pests. 10 nilem and pnnel crew jar, u.Btt( "Prlnir ami cotton top rnntfrcsfl. i.zr Feather Pillows, 69c All full size Large mirrors Walnut, malienaii and quarleicd oak. bNELLEiiBURCS Ecenpmy BMtment. imv, m-v.r-'SmM lsinBei 5 A - & Ai I i ?j it'ss rfM Kl l: A ,1 'U hM m '. "1 V J . t JtAif zm f . Xtt' & (H W. SMJBLLENBURG & CO. N. SNELLENBURG & CO.l ir" :' 7j N. i - . "-- r ' - . ' V i i .(A... n jv, xwiwm'i , - . i T? i h i&8 biSSfife, M ,rVj m i A' few ;AVf r'-e., ilf.-'j -ffi. r