Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 12, 1922, Night Extra, Image 12

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TL '
' J.tf"1
- -n
htwutiMal Lacresse
. W XI
JOiiferd'CamliriJcri! v
i fSwarthmere College
4 I M.
PtfitAl flwarthmore Ce
Millien at
The Ntnrr lirr ntir Meney
does Hip Furthest
The Old Original
i:s7 rei.riM vi:.
KMibllnhrd 30 Yenr
"If It's w t llmr II"
Ol'K.N f.VKKA r.kMMI.
.J ' Oh, Geedy!
akes delicious blnnc mnnse, custards,
pie fillings, .nuce, ice rrenm. I'lne for
( children. Fneg egps, milk, sujrrir. Saves
you time nlwny plenr jour cue't.
8 luscious flavor'. Quick nnd cny te
sake. Never fniK
At All Grocers, tOc. J.
' Fruit PiiJdlne Ce., Halllmerc. Mil.
Careless Shampooing
Spoils the Hair
Seap should be ucd very care
fully, if jii;i want te keep your
hair looking its be-.t. Me-t soaps
nnd prepared ihutnpoes contain tee
much alkali. This dries the M.alp.
makes the hair brittle and ruins It
The best thing for steady use Is
Mulsified cocoanut oil ".liampoe
(which Is pure and greaeless), nnd
Is better than anything fl-e you
can use.
Twe or three tenspoenfuls of
Mulsified In a cup or glns wl'h a
little warm water is '-ifjelent te
elcnnc the hair niiil -m'p thor
oughly. Stmpl mei-ten t!i hnlr
with water and rub it In It maUs
an abundance of rlc h. cienim
lather, which rlnes out easily, ic ic
mevlng every particle of dun". llrt.
dandruff nnd exews oil. The Imfi
dries quickly and evenly, and It
leaves the scalp soft, and the hair
nne and silky, bright. liMreut-,
fluffy nnd easy te manage.
Yeu can get Mulsified cocoanut
oil shampoo Mt any pliarmaiy. It's
very cheap, and a few ounce- will
supply evcrj- member of the family
for months. Ke sure your druggist
gives jeu MuUified. Adv.
Don't envy
the girl with
a clear skin
Soethinq &nd He&linq
Seap and ointment
They gently cleanse
irritated pores,
overcome roughness,
subdue u$y blotches,
and usually produce
skin health
Have a healthy skin
that everyone admires.
At all arujystb
per pat
Everything in Flown
1327 West Girard Ave.
,212 East Girard Ave.
136 Se. 52nd St.
13 Se. 60th St.
612-614 Chestnut
4 ' 900 Square Feet
Frent Roem Geed Light
Elevator Service
"tf Mr. Dallas
'sssfasV isaaiMBsl Cl-
Tt ,-
V -aA .vtpyin n
f iwfJ? ,e"n Brni"
frXMfSV Sil5 and 3:33
i, '.'fF" .
Kj JfelWs PwjjJ' Millinery Stere
EVvi A Newer nnl HUM Sm-srler Hllra
K& .Lsssssssssfcs.
IfisfeD mJ
feiTO '
Letters te the Editor
What Was Dene With It?
Te the Editor of the Ettnine Public Ledger:
Sir It wn with srent lnleVest that
t read Jlr. Wllllnm Sliiednnnld's Mntc
merit a te what the United States Net
owns' liiire.an In new dulnc for the Mil.
dlcr. I fupiiese It was in the nature of
fti ntiswer te the article of ii(lne re
sardlns the inlxlinnilliiiK "f 'he s-eldlerj.
money liy the War Hl-k Insurance. e
urv riwire that the War HMt lii'iirance
Hureau, the Health Korean 'Hid ether
h.ireniix luinillltiir unit ter- nertnliiliu te
tin. unlfnrn nf lln v(,1illrr nf the 1
war have been combined under the
I'nlted States Veterans' Ktircnu, nnd
iliat thin hureau handles insurance, oi
ntments, vocational education, etc.
Tlie figure elen by Mr. JIacdenald
tnd the general tone of his letter would
.the the inipresslnn that eerj thing is
elns done for the soldier without any
ipendlture en th.- siMler'a liait. He
tales what the bureau I- ieii(Hni:. but
he does net Mat.- wlnt the biireuii l
rcelv Injt in iriiniiim from olie.UieIU-
en. lie aNe does net mention that lull-
li.iti ..C .Ijillnra u ilii
celleeled tieiu tne
majority of mmIIci.h tinting inr war. iu
number of enlisted men and
iimminllm. In nbellt 4.0(H).fKK). As most
of the Midlers had $10,000 liiMirance
and were paying $78 a year, the amount
collected In premiums would be nbeut
$1,000,000 a day. or approximately
$.100,000,000 or $400,000,000 yearly. A
large proportion of thce men dropped
their insurnnce. and all the money they
nni.t in ns 1ir.t. ns there was no ex-
l - tended In-urance feature, no cash sur
render Nttlue. nor pain-up iiunuicc. w
i. the nnse with old-line insurance com
panies. Furthermore, the lnMimiiec
held by the soldiers during the war was
the cl-rniest kind of insurance tnat can
in it. .'. . k .- .-.- .. .
ne purenaseii iron n ""';""c '
ltIH l hliwi,ii tip -, " "-" .
What was done with the large amount
ef niennv that was deducted for allot
ments and hew can n soldier get n ree-
nr.1 nf llll WnV this IllOnCV W3S (liS-
I bur.ed? Can Mr. Mncdennld tt-11 me
that? Or was there no record kept of
j the di-rur.ements for insurance nnd al
lotments during the war. '
I Wc appreclnte what Is being done for
, the soldier et the present time, bur we
1 enn'r see where there was much done
for him during the war except separate
Philadelphia. April S, 1!)'J2.
McCain's Article en Plnchet
Te the i'diler of tht i.'iciitna Public J.tieer:
Sir It affords me great pleasure te
congratulate you upon the excellent ar
ticle in jesterday'h lu:ue about e-ir
friend. Mr Plnchet, by Colonel Geerge
Nev McCain , ,
The colonel outdid himself in a
tribute evtry wav deserving te tne peo
ple's mndldate for Governer. All hall
the coming victory of fairness ngalnst
a bind lieirdln up millions taken tin
justiy fiem city and State. Thanks
1,Km" .lOll.N .1AV McGAUVRV.
Philadelphia, April 7. 1022.
Sees Only Geed In Prohibition
Te the fd ter el thr A,'i 'iima ;'ullic l.cduri
Sir Pleui-e de me the favor of pi lut
ing this letter te Harry Kurns:
Itvally, Mr. Burns. I wonder that
yen de net blush for shame ever your
selfishnebs. If you are tin ex-sildler
you must have been a very uuleyal one.
judging from some of your lemaiks un
piolilbltlen and the bonus problem. I'd
you i.et rfalbe the harm that came
from the example of Utile children ien-i-taiitly
setlng eith'r their lathi i. ius
In manv cases then mother, be'n,!
nreund drunk all the time? If veu weie
te iiiteiest yeuiself In making the
L'nltid States of Anierka a proper place
for nun ami women te live in your l!rt
thought, as 1 sie it, would be te start
our little ihildrtn en the propei path
of life. Ter are net i hllitrcn the founda
tion of humanity, the same a cuti
iiete and cement Is the foundation of
unv palace''
I am quite sure, Mr. Hums that If
you were te spend nbeut two ei time
'weeks doing nothing but walking round
tie i ity or leuntry and vlitlng the
pili-eiis'nnd v ai leui ether places where
'ii lermer days people vveie put for dis
obeying laws, jeu would tlnd very few
meu ami tieyH en tne stieet (Diners in a
drunken condition.
in llm mlsrii.s there '
aie net nearly ns many men nrretid for
'- .
being drunk, nnd what about tue mini- i
tier of people whom have gene, liibiine
from liquor In former dnys? Nete the
hange When you speak of wiving
hundreds of lives bv restoring whisky te
them veu are merely suggesting the way '
ami means of either killing or spoiling
lives tiiat would nine times out of ten
lie n credit te the I'nlted States rathei
than an obstacle, as such a your kind'
are apt te be. '
When you spenlc of passing the Hnnus
Illll you only show mere of your self,
ishne'sfl Since when did wc come te the '
age when mn nnd women must be
handed large sums of money for making
a sacrifice? In the lirst plnte, did
net these who stayed at home mnkc ii
Micrithe? Of course, net nearly as large
is these of you who went neies. Hut
trniembei this, encb one of us i judged
net bv the amount of geed we de under
f'lveiable conditions, but by the geed
that we de by sacrificiiu nil we have
te save another. When I suv unfavora unfavera
ble conditions 1 mean thece who were
i Ither tee old or women who had their
families or were untitled for nursing
did uulte n let of geed iit'hemc in vari
ous ways vvlinh uie already known te
us all,
I Mneerily hone that vel will net '
take offense fiem tin: above, n mv
views ma Ijp far worse than veur own.
One who will be a seml titiin.
Philadelphia, April 10, llt'.'J.
English Girl Asks Amity
i a the l'. Ilter el the Evening Public ; rdgtr-
Sir In reply te Mark Nlcld's letter
rencernlng the I'nglisli nnd American
people I would like te say just a couple
of words te him In the first Instance,
does lie Knew wne started tlie illsnis
Meil nbeut the KngllshV Ie net think ,
It was an I.ngllsh iieisen who begun
lhi debute, but an AtueMi.in who criti
cized the Hnghsli and sieinul te be ir
litated because Printess Mary'H wed
ding was dlhcussed m much ever heie.
Whv should such trivial matters as
these worry nny leal Amcnuin or any
one else?
, Anether thing. Ten spenk in your let
ter as If just because we arc strangers
nere anil net in our own country we
have te just sit still and be pi rsccutcd ' Nlr.etv eari without slumbering
with Insulting rcmurks. Tick-tock, tick-tecK
e Amtrlcun In our ceuntrv wn.ilil
stand for that, and would pretest and
stck up for himself even If it wan net
his country.
I have never heard peepl criticize or
write In the Kngllsh papera about
Americans the way they de the Kng-
llsli ever here.
I Alse. snv ngnin. every KnglWi pel-
son does net (eme ever here te better
i himself. I, for one, can prove It. De
I net judge, everybody by veursclf,
I Yes, 1 say mvself, there is tee mmh
trouble in the world nnd has been te
keep stirring up these contieverslcH, and
I'm sure we would like te see this thing
, ended as It Is only hurting evety body's
reelings ueiu siues, r.nKiibii and Amer
ican. Jt peems te me people nre net j.ntls-
fled te have peace, but are centlnuully I
oe the lookout (or upheaval and take )
a cellist In the.
lffct te the. 1 yp te
sec thlil
jra.vv.!f Tfti.'ftflftSv w
r-"- .-rs jp ---, ";-Y.vuwn:
I matter drnpiicil, I nm wire It will
i plnisc both tides.
Darby, l'n April II. 102,-,.
"Just Like a Weman"
Trlhe KUler el tltr Kitntna Public Ltitecr:
Sir K. A. WellBleii. M. M. nnd
Pilots' Association whatever that 1
get sere because I dared challenge hlin
in reference te foreign news nnd l'rln
cess SInr.i's wedding, whereby he claims
I am knocking America. This nensittvc
man gives me his fatherly adWc te
go back te the country 1 came from,
where 'I will be nb'e te lle In mere
hnimnnt. Allnu- mn te Inliell. for 1
'live III pel feet harmony here with Oed
and man. And thut peer, nbused Jeke
of "going back" ought te be killed nnd
sunk te the bottom of the ocean. Say
something if jeii want te arbitrate.
1 don't mind having a little fun with
you, but don't weaken.
"We" de net want knockers, he
writes. Ne. "he" undoubtedly wants
te de all the knocking, nnd Is Hick be
cause 1 did net agree en Ills knocking.
He nln wllies te knew what the In
ducement nri be te this individual
he ding a biiif for the KnglMi. I lake
ler cranted he means LngllHh news
, - . ... t -,net f0 be
waiting at the church, and I want te
leek likn Princess Mary. That's like
n woman you knew. GOOD NIGIIT.
rhilndclphla, April 10, 1022.
Pleasant Evening at Theatre
Te thf Editor of the Evcrtna PuWe Ltdgtr!
Sir After reading Ring Lardner's
"Amendments That Might Be." and en
joying them mightily, the thought came
te be that but let me tell you about
an experience I had In a certain vaude
ville heue Inst Saturday evening.
i i ii iu mi:
I hnd the misfortune (or perhnps geed
)fertlin(l) t0 be spntC(1 next t0 ceupic
I that, from the evidence, were there be-
cause lie had lest n uet or something.
Sbe wns one of these people thnt have
ine time el incir lives at u wkc, ier
every time something was sprung mat
made a hit she was strong with her
"teb. teh, teh" between clenched teeth.
I'll have te give her credit, though, for
net giving veite te her feelings, though
1 am sure if she had spoken w-nat sue
would have said would have been, like
Miss Ophelia. "Hew shiftless."
What 1 can't understand Is why pee- '
pie like that should squander S3 30, 1
when they could have hnd n let of fun
for nothing (people die every day) and I
her escort might have meandered home j
with a pocketful of teal cigars. ,
However, the bill was se ceed thnt l
they did net spoil my evening one bit.
(If she hail known that, her evening
would have been spoiled).
Oil, yes. nnd I almost forget nbeut
the cnramel-eater en my right. He had
some real nice caramels nt least they
sounded geed. And the angel child di
rectly behind me. 1 knew from her foot feot foet
wotk that she belonged In the orches
tra, but she must have come in late, as
they already had a drummer. She was
geed, though, enlv miscd two beats in
the entire Hist number. In the next
she gave me measure for measure. '
Don't you love the kind that one can
hear all ever the house? Yeu knew the
kind I mean, when he tells her what the
fellow is going te de. She is supposed te
be his wife, bur (die isn't; wait until
the end nnd you'll see." etc.
The only fun I get out of life is te
studv life as I go. I work every dav,
thank you ; net a Bolshevist or a bonus
seeker. J lead a kind of n deg's life,
leu knew, the psychologist sny we nre
in iiuis. jiny i near from some of my
brother or sister nuts''
Philadelphia, Apill 8, 1WJ2.
Questions Answered
Literary and Historical
A the r.diter of thr Kitning l-vbllc Ledger!
Sir Klndlv publish In th repl'i Forum
th fpltnphn en the tombs of Wllllnm Shake.
r-ar n Jchn Ka:t
no ou or em reader advlie m In whtt
work of Dal7.ne the chaiacler of l.uelen d
Uubcnprn appearn4
V,hu wa ch'ef of pellci. under Napeleon
Atlantic City. March 30 192.'.
Th epitaph en Wi. lam ."hakeapeare
tomb l
Ooed friend, for JetuV take forbear
Te d K the dut lncleicl here
UlMt be the man who spares ths atones.
Ar.?. c""'1 ? '' wll m"ei mr bones
mat nn .Tnhti iZ ! ' inmh
fhat en Jehn ICeats' tomb, frame v
himwlf '
Here lies nne irhe, najnt mi vrrtt In i
natr " '
I.ucien i Itubenpre l character In aev-i
eral of li-iliac s novel, Inuludlne "Lest
Illu3lena and "A Dls'tnaulshed Provincial I
nt I'nrls ' j
jesepn i-eucne jiiik nr otrante, va
M.nlster of l'e'iie under apoeen I
Temperature, August 19, 1882
7e the Editor of tlie Vitning Public Ledger:
Sir -Veu Ehe eiwli vnlerful Infermallnn
in veur dpjrtrr.ent that I ajn enreurarcd le
aak lha fellow low question, hoping you will
be nble te kIve m the nnsvrer:
WTia' was thu temperaturu In Philadel
phia en the rrerninc nf Auirirt 111, 1SS2
ntAvcti ciiKSTcn.
Cormnntewn April C 111.'!'.
1he maximum temtr.iture In Philadelphia
Vuitust It) tssj was 70 the minimum. Is 5
a n I the mean, !'.
Jtartraret i Mulvanev. Tra -words of the
s nc ou natn and of th entire opera
uie cepjrlshtfd and therefeie cannot bn re
printed without p rmlsslen of tbe pabllaher
V renrtT cf No-neod can find "biogra
phies of lldvar A. finest and Jehn OrlnK
water In anv reference library. Space l m
ttitlnns fnrWii their publication In Uie
People s 1'erum.
Poems and Songs Desired
"My Grandfather's Cleck"
Te fir L'diler of the Kirnina Pulllc L'daer:
Plr I would Iiku te htve this aena- printed
in the People's 1'erum If seu can produce it
Tr was sung bv the Il-ers tinteri IN'egrecai
In New England, and was useil by the Cam Cam
cress ft Ulxey Minstrels, I have only th'
much of It. I have a. crandfather clock.
I and remember this as a girl, and would lilts
, te have It In full I vnew the tune It was
1 rumr bv MItf- It W. SMTCHKR
I Mount Alrv. Philadelphia, April 1, 102S.
My irrim'.father s clock was tee ta I for 1he
Se it atoll ti ntv ears vj the Poor Peor Peer
It win taller by half than lie old man him
self Iheush It weighed net .a penn nelght
Ji ere
It was bought en the mom of the day that
h" was born
And was always bin treasure and pride.
Hut It stepped short, never te no sguln,
When the old man died.
in "' recends nurrDrirr,
Tick-took, ttck-teck
It stepped short, never te go again,
When the old man dld
I fan a reader surrl the additional ver0 i
"The Mether's Lament"
Te the 1'dUer of tht F.'nig Public Ledger: '
Sir fallowing mas be the poem desired
bv a. Camden reader who asked for "The
Irish Mether's Lament " I quote It from i
memerv The nan.e aa I recall It Is "The '
iMnihr's Lament A.
PIUMdjIphla, April 8 18:2
A moths- csme whilst stars were paling, ,
Walling round a lonely spring.
The Prenle'a rnrum
In the Kvrnlns; Public
Vlll appear dally
nday Public Ctdr.tr. Itti
timely teptra.wtli he print
ni it aciMTal ietaratt wilt
iieer. ami alto
in in, nunaay
lisfqssinir llm
nd qoatlec
Thu she crld whilst t(r.wer falling-,
Calling- en the fairy kln:
"Why with spells my child caressing.
Ceurtlnr him vvllh fairy Jey
Whv ilestrnv a mother's blessing
vVherefore steal my baby bes ?
"O'er the mountain, thieugh th wild
a Weed,
Whtre his childhood loved te play,
Whsre the flowers are freahly spring, nsl
There I wander day by day.
"There I wander, srevrlnir fender
Of the child that mad my Je ,
On the echoes wildly calling
Te restore my baby bej.
'Tare seu well, my child, forever;
In this world I lest my Jey;
In the next we ne'er ahall sever;
There I'll find my angel boy."
You'll taste the
At all our Stores
Usrl Ibeu-IbbVSIii
Ii? I sWlBrsTrsB
Circle Garage
Atlantic City, N. J.
J. P. Oden Aute Ce.
Yerk, Pa.
,. e ffr,f.t.W'V ,Utrt,rtrtidl
A tret Harte Peem
Te the Editor of the JSeetilne PuMIc Ledger:
Blr Please print In the People's Forum
of the Rvemse Piane Ltisirn the Ilret
llarlc poem entitled "What the llullet Hung."
JAMKl T. l.OniNO.
Philadelphia. March 30. 1023.
Ity Ilret llarte
O Jey of creation
Te be I
O rapture te fly
And be free'
n the battle lest or wen.
The Quality Car
Stearns cost is based en what it does, net en' the sale
E I'he Knight meter built by the Stearns Company is
s recognized today as the most powerful, economical,
i most silent and lasting meter built. Z
The rigid adherence te QUALITY in the Stearns is f
5 what makes our customers. An inquiry en your part
will justify the investigation.
With smart-looking and well-designed bodies of both
open and closed type, the purchasing of a Stearns-
Knight today is a sound business investment.
Open Medel $2250.00 1
as" 908
POPlar 13246
s. I
YOU will want te knew hew we can
de it hew we can make the Earl a
meter car se distinguished in appearance,
se powerful in action, se rugged yet vel
vety smooth en the read for $995.
Ask us. Come in and let us convince you.
Ge ever the Earl unit by uni., from
that marvelous long-stroke meter te the
56-inch rear springs. Ride in it. Drive
Touring Car $1285
Custom Roadster .... 1485
Sedan 1995
Brougham 1995
Delaware County Moter Ce.
Cheater, Pa.
Lehigh Valley Moter Ce.
Allentown, Pa.
G. P. Rusk, Shenandoah, Pa.
. l -
1 .f
. j,
Though tt amok small hid the aun,
I ahall find my love th one
Bern for mel
I shall kneir him where he stands,
All atone.
With the pener In Ida hands
Net o'erlhrewn;
I shall knew him by his face,
Uy his godlike front and grace,
I ahall held him for a apace,
All my own!
It Is he O my love I
Se bold I
N.Bread Street
I , IV
miri -iTisuyy
associate dealers
H. C Dewitt
Fisher Ferry, Pa.
Lewis R. Slocum
Trenten, N. J.
i,,,,,, '' . ...
wwwm.mm s' rs5lWJMs?r-5aTrrw..
rtwv WiW'SsT "i -rvtpmm fp"""
' -." ".J
It la 1 all thf leva
Foretold I
It Is I. O love! what bllia!
Most thnu answer te my kiss?
O sweetheart! what Is this
I.leth there si cell'
i m
20,000 miles en a set of tires
is net unusual with Cele. At the fac
tory they have a pile of letters two feet
high from owners who have enjoyed
that much or better.
This is one of the reasons why we
say that Cele 890 is the best value en
the market, and we can prove it te you.
At our salesroom there is a new 890
full of gas and ready te go its the
best way te learn the truth.
245-247 N. BROAD ST.
NL L P NW V P"ftAT assssssHl
WmfSBBBBfwSwi ej-A 'n
KV JssssT
it. Put it ever the hills. Turn it loose
en inviting straightaways yourself.
Ferget "price-range." Compare the new
Earl with cars that cost 50 per cent mere.
At its new low price of $995, no ether
meter car offers you se much actual and
visible value as the Earl. Come in and see
for yourself or 'phone for a demonstration
at your convenience. Spring's here.
earl prices new
Touring Car $995
Custom Roadster . . . 1485
Sedan 195
Brougham 1695;
Union Moter Car Company
Scranton, Pa.
Union Moter Car Company
Wilkes.B.rre, P.
Nyquist Moter Ce., Reading, Pa.
- it"-. . vmrMi&kwiit'kw,
' , ' , ,? Vicf""'
Theodora J. Green. DeUnce.
nhd publlshej in the Forum' r Hert sYir
afterward under the title "Destiny "V
V.nnterl bv Mr. Ctreen. lhe IIIIa l. mi.....".'
inr wiirus in nuns rasa ler nv
"r' f
"Absent (
the words nre Identical.
Your territory may be
open. Write or phone
you are interested,
Jersey Meters Cerp.
Camden, N. J.
Elmer M. Yeung
Weatherly, Pa.
" j