yxmuAT fSfercea Expiate 'Anether's . Sin 7Yi Femamce of i Henry Jarreman , By ROY VICKERS Must te Weman Always Pay? THIS BEOINH TUB STORV i mfr 0 CharlM KMl. VKru "."".. niurilrr '.Vi lK 'AMI ent(m rt ?r "?.i""VM.rfH. kd en imi ? 1?:'.. . .Mf. billed Kildl. Wi.SKrtt ertmt en Mm. !?. r: .turUhtd hu hatrta or vi Camden and new -"lis make com- Cf fit SeiHi1 Mt fcelrt "ifit.tii hiart Wt Aim rnant yon yen yon !"'57ehl'r a rlfKm m piaeeef her ml,Jaramdt",i daughter, who A be. tHffi He love" htr mid e.fc fcer e ESK i. tlerllfii when he recegnleet a fiUwia totert and knew who n It. feXiln? Crei. Ih iele who -2? and derUd Jflrremcn and th'ir ttan'? rascally x-lldter. vMte htr Tulll hit -Jarreman deilrtt e ilHd Vftauehttr, WUh thtidta of petftng VLSSSn'Ytirlunt ter thcmtelvet, Theed SrSrlS nd Jarreman together. TZ&nn loe. recegMet Camden' rliiff. aTfclSitt WndK It el Alt daveMtr tu fliiS?" We hWm" rtne lie ylelliit ZtM hate It dfllwrfd Inte Alt Anndt. ttrflu !" filrmieffc tA cannpl marrw fiffn, Arr tKuveimd eAr It nn ex. SSitet. TAd inaket Clendlnt. lohe de El,," compuncttent. visit her rent tSSiur. who ia tetn wared In lh ,..... .mIme fcr. claudlite nr. iSS'ie .land lVThttdnri.erd nd I.adu fi?tr of e IAlr pett. Aflut knout kneut ffiithatSadla It oAemdtn-t rtnuffA- iff. COKCftlT 00C le 1 cr.i JJXal In""" knew! "" Jf CteKdint. lAe kneiut JW vartevt complication. innack art mnrrUd, Jarrei zLrmiui ttttltment en the tS. Deucetter aet te Theed te dlteever ":..i.Zi,i.r lennuat. mill then huntH it Claw" . iAe , knew, the ecret. man making ncrmev) tettlimenta en the eriar. The dlttetlve I'llt mm 1 own nuHwnirr l Y,l" a factory elrl. He And her a inXtlV tvtXcal Cockney elrl. Jnrraman. MltaUng a laiutull eaalntl adla e SrJfl Alt rft'fnet. receives dlecencirltng Itui from Alt dclrellvt. AND 1IERK IT CONTINUES rtriAMDKN. nctuully pnlil 100 te Ed- Vjrll I imvc traced the note but he did net pay It In pewen. Up had In In ceosed It In an envelope mldreRscd te Eddls. As be left bis, own block be was acrosted by a friend nnined Hlcnk Hlcnk lren. Tlicy walked (egetlier te the next block and then Camden gave the en en nlepe te the lift man, with Instruc tions te take It immediately te Eddls. The. lift man knew Gamdcn by slgnr. ind obeyed his Instructions. Attached tee will find name and present address of lift man. , thus ran the detective s confidential report. It continued : "Camden and lilraklren then passed en. Bltnklren wns stepping off the pitemnt when a brewer's dray knocked him down nnd crushed his ankle. This occurred at exactly 4:27 a time at which Kddls Is known te have been mini the telephone ?a few minutes, In fict, before the moment of his death. The time Is proved beyond the possi bility of doubt. I found the record of the civil action brought by Dlcnklren iialnst the brewery company (In which (Smden was a witness). Further, the police record of the btrcct accident and the hospital record of the ambulance rill are both consistent in point of tine. "In the face of these facts the theory of Camden's KHt Is, in my opinion, wholly untenable. I therefore beg te notify you I consider my Investigation it an end. "I am yours faithfully. "JAMES SEGROVE." Fer ft moment Jarreman stared nt tie lines before him, while his brain tried te focus the fact that Jehn Cam den was innocent. Camden Innocent! Jehn Camden was innocent! Jarro Jarre man felt his universe tumbling In ruins about him. In a flash of self-rcvela-tlen he saw his hatred of Jehn Cam den bad been the life line that was drafting his feiiI through the turbulent waters of his destiny nnd he knew new that the Hue hnd been cut. Agnln enmc that hlgh-pltchcd cough which hnd marked the stampeding of his emotions en the previous evening. His hand worked convulsively, snn tell ing at something, missed it and then the waters closed Aver him. Theed, from the position te which he bed crept behind Jarremnn, arrested his rm In the course of its downward weep as Jarremnn tottered nnd fell iu u Inert mass at his feet. Theed sprang bnck In fear. The fear was net physical but superstitious. He Md been in the act of committing murder the knife, secured with the Jtfety catch, was still gripped in his hand when the proposed victim hnd fallen, smitten by an unseen hnnd. He slipped bnck the safety catch nnd thrust the knife Inte his pocket. An ncter Is the slave of his part. His perpptual role of benevolent elderly (intlcmnn gripped Theed and made him mutter with completed spontaneity : "Heart failure! T-.t-t-t! Struck down without i; moment's warning! Peer peer Jarremnn!" He steed for a moment with bowed "id and then steeped ever the Inert Mdr of Jarremnn. As his hand felt heart he drew it back ns if it Md been stung. Jarremnn was indubitably nllve. A savage disappointment Unshed In tie watery eyes of the solicitor and u gene in an Instant. While there Is life there Is hope." "id Theed aloud. "The nctien of the Hurt seems te me te he feeble, but one must pray for the best." Fer a moment he hesitated ns if In ubt. In that moment he hnd bummed "P the situation, concluded that Jurro Jurre nn wbr probably about te die, nnd Mt nothing could therefore be let by Jis dying in the presence of an author M witness. "The telephone, of course!" he ex claimed, and begnn te turn the leaves a directory. "What a blessing the i.H"ene In le be sine! It must have "JJd Innumerable, lives." ,Je f01id thu number of n nearby wter and sent an emergency call. mi, moving te a part of the room mi'.,,f.B ,n "' l'ftSe out of Jnrro Jnrre &. ' ft0, of. vlsie"- l,c unfolded the lBiVwhlch,,1,e "Md'cn man hud read utt before he fell. i. , ." ll"J (lee,er nrrlvcd Theed was tin Ittrn!IKl,t n,s n f"ssJr benevolent (l elderly gentleman could be. u',," talking te my old friend, fti' .f.rremn"' w'ien he hnd this drend t , Ti . ,,0 "Plnlncd. "He is t i ''1 c11, l 'I8' "et "ve him I might cause palh." Mf ?can llcl' mp "ft ''I'" n " lls "1 ";', y,m wl"-" ""''I the doctor. 4 n t examine him like this." hrreman lias a Stroke ThPfrl iinl.l I .. .... whii. .L. T "" "' "" unjeining room nelle the tlnelnr inf..l. i.i. --...i. i serious?" he asked In nn nwed ' the doctor made his examination , -- . acrnius: no nuk-mi in , ii., roemin wi.iil0 iWt0T l'mcrBC(1 ,f,ein the '?. ,ch Jnfreinnn was lying. doctor TCr ",' ' .,f "rtf" snhl the friend hA .trl.fl8 . lrnrntlcntly. "Your Vrek" d wb,u ls """"only called Theed,S hls ,lfc ,n lnnser?" naked lilt ii " ,.(,''!',n.l Pxtcnt, yes, natur- lltili .V1'"1'" tn.e doctor. "Ve can say Hit e ar nw,tnL it. ... . " n ;, i "" ,,1S conuitien may rt of i.i. V e ' ,or " nm' Im,t the e n,n,fi,t,,nt ,,," 'I'" ner It '''"erW0.1"11 1,n will he none tlther nff .r. " '" n few weks-but lVUMfl,,r,en W,thrB ,,,C "Thl brca"il clcVply. ftUi0" d0 "0t UnM "s ,0 l'Pe?" iher'tl?' '"''' t1"' 'l''ter somewhat ,,litfetn1,!'i;1,1 m"IiP " 'wnvery. will Vlt cn'?tl,t'0,b! or raduul?" uLfarj t be ether tlum .umiimi SI,jjKlPr' "our, regular ' . J . L. li J r' "Se long ns his present condition lasts," continued the doctor, "he will be entirely helpless. He will wnnt a trained nurse. It wouldn't be a bad iden for him te go le a nursing home, I should think." Thecd's brain wns working quickly. The nursing home; preposition would be no manner of use te him, "I could net bear te think of him in the hands et strnngers, doctor, however skilled end however kind," he said. "He is living nlene here bis daugh ter, as you probably knew, wns mar ried yesterday and his servants have left. Is it possible for you te have him removed te my house?" "Yes, of course," said the doctor. "If veu like I'll send nn nmbulnnce nnd ,a couple, of skilled men te remove him." "un, tnniiK you, doctor, tuanu yen, said Theed, seizing the doctor by both hands. "I shall remember your words nnd I shall put my trust in them." "The ambulance will be here within nn hour," said the doctor, and made his escape. When the doctor had gene Theed re turned te the telephone and gave Clau dine Craync's number. A moment later he was sncnkfne te her. He glanced nt the couch whereon Jar Jar eoman was lying, wondering hew much he could hear nnd' understand of what was going en around him, and decided te assume that he could hour every thing. "Hulle? Theed speaking. I am in Mr. Jorretnnn'B tint. I fear I have bad news. Peer Mr. Jnrremnn has hud a seizure a paralytic stroke. The doc tor suggested that he should go te a nursing home, but I feel sure that at such a time you would wish him te be surrounded by friends, se I thought of bringing him te your house. We shall be there in nn ambulance within un hour. Yes Yes, I feel sure that could the peer fellow speak he would wish this te be done, and I knew that it will be great happiness te you, no less than te myself, te de all that we can for him." The rational rogue realized that was all that need be said en the telephone. The benevolent elderly gentleman sighed deeply, sank into nn nrmchuir, and, with folded hands, awuitcd the arrival of the njnbulancc. Theed and Claudlne A couple of hours later Theed wns lunching tcte-a-tcte with Claudlne Greyne. In a quiet room upstairs Jar Jar eoman had been put te bed nnd was in the handii of a trained nurse. The room in which luncheon bnd been served was a small, eccentric apartment te which Claudlne rarely Invited any one. Celling nnd walls were covered with nn iridescent substnnce that gleamed like mother of ueerl; in its depths the faint green hangings were reflected, and the deeper glow of the rosewood furniture. Its long window opened en te n balcony filled with flow ers the color of flame, and beyond them was the garden with its closed gate. Whlle the servants were present lheed excelled himself in bnnnlltles. His admiration of the tjevres coffee set wns verging en the incoherent when Clau dlne brought him nbruptly te the point. "All the time you have been talking I have been trying te calculate what's at the bnck of your mind nnd I admit I've failed," she said. "Why have you brought Jarreman here?" "pear lady, his life ls in danger. Yeu would jiet have him in strange hands at such 'a time." Cinudine's gleaming nails beat a tat too upon the polished surface of the table. . "His present seizure wns brought about by a terrible piece of news," continued Theed. "He has made the disturbing discovery thnt Nndla Is net his daughter but Jehn Cnmdeu's." "Ah!". It was like the snarl of a cat, and, as she leaned forward in her chnir. Involuntarily Theed backed his chair an inch or two. Fer a moment her fierce disappoint ment held, then she rose nnd moved about the room. When she reseated herself he saw that her resentment against the fates had bceu beaten down te n mere petulance. "A pity Bhe drawled. "That puts an end te this brilliant Intrigue of yours. IJut I still don't see why you brought him here." le obtain your assistance in ether ah brilliant intrigue," awcrcii .riieeu. Claudlne looked her Impatience. "Yeu will have te drop it, surely, new that he knows?" "The vital spark flickers It is be yond the power of man te sny when it will be extinguished," intoned Theed. "And while we can but endure the threes of anxious uncertainty, the sit uation is te alt intents and purposes the same as if our peer friend were nctually dead." There was a silence. Claudlne's petu lance hnd vanished like snow before fire. She fidgeted with her opals, her eyes en Thced's flabby visage. "Yeu mean you're going te get te work nt once?" she suggested slowly. "I'roerastinntien," answered Theed, "Is the thief of time. When opportun ity knocks nt the deer " . "Suppose Jarreman recovers?" "An eminently logical supposition," Fald Tliccil approvingly. "I confess that possibility occurred te me before I telephoned you. I was assured that medical opinion would be equally un Mirprlxcd if he were te live or te die." Claudlne dropped her opals nnd shiv ered. "There arc limits," she said half te herself. And then: "What de you wnnt me te de?" "Yeu will knew better than I," said Theed. "Yeu will knew hew te use your sweet, wemnnly Intluencc te pro tect him from jarring contact with the outslde world." Lady Deumter is Startled "And new," Theed added, rising. "I must thank you for a met de lightful lunch most delightful." Claudlne teke also. "In plain English, you want me te isolate him from the outside world," she said, curtly, "Ah! Plain English! That cruel little phrase has broken many a heart and caused much unnecessary suffer ing," murmured Theed, blinking his head. He wns apparently still labor ing under thnt reflection when he emerged en te Cornish Terrace, hailed a taxi, and was driven te Deuccster Heuse. "Is Lady Deuccster at home?" he nsked. "Ne, sir," answered the butler. "Dear me!" said Theed. "I have come un buslncSH of the utmost ur gency. Dear me!" The butler began te close the front deer. Theed drew u fountain pen front the pocket of his dove-culeri'il waistcoat and scribbled n line en the card, "Will you tnlie thnt te Lady Dou Deu ccster, plcase?" Theed waited In. the hull. A couple of minutes later the butler returned. "Her ladyship will see you, sir." Theed, wnltlng In the study for Lady Deucestj-' te appear, studied the backs of thu well-worn volumes en the shelves that lined the room, "A tinn old collection," he mused. "A grand old family! Sustains the best traditions of aristocracy I In these decadent days (he Deuceftera are' u positive ornament te society." CONTINUED TOMORROW ' Ottrrtaht, 1MM, W)i GhUtw IMM an-mi' THE GUMPS Wedding Bells IS By Sldneg Q Mt W.Y Or THE NOVO OWW TWO tN$ OM twe WVTOlW VV CODING GOWU ytei tvjwwmN& UtVEX We "WtU Jk QUfctVl NONDfcRFUUN XVUN SH VilV. BE 0r4 HE V)ttNG "WkY- . Mtirs . UNCA.C 81WHEN JHO oewd te ewe tve Mtt JkWM- -nut w THE $ECOHt fte HtS pone vr- 0 r IT A HARtl-. ME CJKH KXfVX STfcNPWb en out toot IRL3- LOQKATWvS BtMyttTUV. WtN6 60N- mtUVS VOUtj BE WvEfcfcCTEb m a. TtscfcttmeN of it- evt k Stf OF SHMMUUM6 CLOTH OT SltVER IMWEt K TOrWC Or UMtST TVUCE, EMOKtt' IX VLEXJIt tE t W VWCtU TeMtS, AV4t 60V.tt VlTH JV POOBIE eE of fcUMOHP. OKWtVAtT UHE.TMAS eV. CASCADE. OF OUANGfc leSOMt. NWVTM rt-ATttWrA SWA', AMP TREMBtmfi iW Wt Ct NTV. or E"ACH BVOVtOM t A WMONt eTvWV. W OT UtlOH, FAVUNG THOrA A 0M1AM CORONET OT REAL VAct, vwch cfc Alse veet w fct6( THE "il WAt COURT TKAlM AhP K& NtVS M THE HOE VWT.H VJVTH THE U?rWB. WtCH AW or U) V WM PVArAOW TOtPE& WEA.V PIAMONO AI6HT Bt WINE STCMCB- WE WtPM6 SUWS' LlllHaaVt IcHjflSL'UTN K .aaak i.mm- i. . v ,,11 . 1 THt BWtt OMUV ORWAMEMT TO BE. A. PtNTAT; OF- tAM0NOS COrAPOt or Htm AJN THE. WWE9OR00MJ lNTAt WTtlCVAnVJtO, VATM A tOVE ATO? TMB VlOtt- AHt IY AUU COMC$ XE ism- t .JV SET A TUk AT KmT AM A4N' HE WON'T BE. A5MAME0 09 HV fttLATWitS- tWE-VLU STACK ? VIT4 THE BtSY OF TMEM- VUXAT TMCT t Te TWAT ROV.I. THM" UNCLE B1M OAVE THEM S COUPLE. OF VVEXK ACjO A ?5TEAM ROLLE? COUWMT O IM A. HFE- TlMe- V5 AV FLAT K A AH OF STALE TiEtlt- K wmM 111 Vfl fflS 1 "i Vi' lAltu vmt 'x:a jrjn, 'jT.VV1T' IPNCt' , fSJIriS&m tS-JHl & xt 11 m w y 'A 3 ""j , SOMEBODY'S STENOG Still Learning te Drive Her Car By Haywardirflj v t Itearlntereil U. H. Pnlnl URIce K A. t.J, LT IF CAM HAD THE REST OF HER ' I 5I::rTr 17- -l n " I "1 s2 1 SAK-CAK I TURAJ &? t I ,1 -- &10.OOO AL0A16 SHR SPILL IT. r J 1 T 7 TO THE. RIGHT OR Zs 'l $ IbW I " 7 1 mA1 WS L HEY?!-,-1 ,- L UFT HERE? f-1 S S Uhea itnABEiH S . S V r a J 1S x t CAMT STOV 'J D0A4T GO THERE I fl rSAY- 7 -'f- lt S I -' In ITS A BUCKTET pJ J CJ 7' L J L S V ,q.6 n" Ss SKPaP ; i 1 , "n The Yeung Lady Acress the Way THE T00NERV1LLE TROLLEY - By FONTAINE FOX SCHOOLDAYS :- -:- :- -: By DWI& Tlie young lady across the wny iJfy tesjX&A uAe -ym-Kx. Cu. Til K J fSMl " 8ays mere men than used te give s Mi HevvCt ud te vryvu wuaaA wwi 7 T" TtnwJf ' their wives regular allowances new, ??fa eaUmX "d SKifirf "C wt(6u UGly "XaXji . ' "2 ' but tee many resources arc still ' " M.VrOST " ' c:"efc- J)IKr) husbnnded. "" --a m u. t j PETEY Simple Slang for Simple Seuls, Say We : : : : : By C. A. Voight m H j '&7 lg tdf t GASOLINE ALLEY Meet Juliet's Ma Again : " '. ". p vt " -i . . tsy t.tn O Se TrtATS THE Babv JULteT VvrbTN Scee2ic! what An AWFut N Veu weulpn-t catch Me taicnI ITT. e. I S HA Told Me about J viell H6 vuumws- nam' wmv eidnt Veu taue hv I w,tm amnboev 6 cast off ) f ITS all ;ht wow skeezia - A LO0IC4 HEALTMV ENOUGH 80T YOO J Tu?S k fT Te Akj ORPHAN ASNLOM YOUNaSTPR! ks IVHAT , ' . - SHES CjONE ! THATS EMCTLV I M Cm NCtfggTfeLLl $ slTeezivVl5 A& V FO0Mt M Qy AM AvJFUL DISPOSITION! , ' THE IVAV j FELT ABOUT IT Tbe! J m 4m'.. mmmw- - sCirZS' iA3 aju mi-BIaala - I W,'.B i, - ; : ' - ?- ' " -- 4W&I 4m&"m , .. " ,1 I ! .,M