wA?W wwmmm :,' 1 i.,jnt isat&mMSiT" rvw i WJsrMK'smm vwuFJHraxK'iJXfFitfWi:i' , hv svjii r,"i i...-jArr JfcaW.rftaiiU. .V. ST Alt WIW T' Y, TtitaSlli.'XEll tA'fC ' ','. SiS fc.J H . mvwwmF7F i .umm: 1 , 1 W fi ... m sW.'- &U NaUafatanl Radie It is predicted that radio will rival the phonograph and telephone in utility and popularity. ' What is the signifi cance of this te these interested in stecc of Radie Cerp. of America? Public Interest In thl senst senst Hen of the age U growing by leap and bound. f Send at once for Free Repert en Radie Corporation giving latest company and market developments Ctllhhvter write Jenes&Baker Members New Yerk Curb Market """" Direct Private Wires VtwYerk Cblcite Boiten rbllidflphU Pimbafh Detroit Baltimore Clmlsnd "PHILADELPHIA OFFICE , Widener Building ... l .. Bell Lecuit.4730 Telephones Keyltene . Race 5861 BALTIMORE OFFICE 433 Equitable Building Telephone- FlaS451 HARPER &TURNER Investment Bankers tlembtri Philadelphia Stock Exchange Stock Exchange Building Krtnten Philadelphia neadm Central Vermont Hallway Company, ,5'n 1030 PaMIc Service Cern. N. .. IVrpet n' PennirKantn Knllrend Kqnlp A 1DSS jjree CIO'. Heb. St I'atrrsen V 10IU (Jeerla llallwnr I'ewer Ce.. V 1011 Indiana Men Ice Corporation All Issues Samuel K. Phillips & Ce. Mtrelier rhlladelphln Stock Ksrhunce BO: CHESTNUT STREET FINANCIAL t0 THE IIOI.MKKM Of SIIAIIKR Oil. AMI KKFIMMI COMPANY K1KST MORTOACiE CONVEKTIIH.K fi"r NINK IMl FUND (iOI.U MINUS, 1IATEII JUNE 1. 1010. Netice Is herehy nlvcn that nn the drat (it of June. 1022. pursuant In the terms of Article 111 of the Trust Inrtenture dated June 1. 19)1). from Shnffar Oil anil Ucflnlns; Cempany te Continental find Commercial frtm and Savlnca Dank. Trustee, and Wm. p. Kepf. Ce-Truitee. there will be deposited by tn company ivitn a Trustee as Bin ine Thousand Six IlundredfjSlxiy-Flx dollars and glitr-slx cent1? (S7H0.OllW.nfl) for the purpose et the purchase or rcdemptlrn of eutstand ing: bends, secured hy nam On June i, in: Trust Indeiaurs, the Trustee will arnlv Jim smsine hunu te me purmnse or re re imntlen of said lienda at prices net ex ceeding the redemption price then In effect Helders of said henda are hereby notified te make proposals for Che sale of said benda te the SlnkliiK Fund. Proposals must be mads te the Trustee at Chicago, Illinois, nn or before April 2(1. ID-".', and ahatl ba for all er any part of the benda offered. All bends offered and accepted for the sinking Fund must be delivered te the Trustee Sri fir before June 1. 1022. HAFiun nu. ANn rei-ining company. By Henry C. Cummins, Secictary. April 1. 1P22 innnvoen electric ani traction COMPANY Sinking rund Netice ruraunnt te the Sinking- Fund prevlalnn In th Mnrtc.icn of WII.DWOOI) IJI.URTItll" AND TRACTION COMPANY te HKCUniTY TRUST COMPANY. TIIUSTKE. dated April I. lftflS. proposals for the ante te aald SECURITY TRUST COMPANY. TIU'KTKIl. st a price net te exceed 105 per centum of par. of a sufficient number of Henda Issued !?? ".I1.1 Mure te take up the sum of I4.J0O will be recalled at the onice of said Trustee. Ne. 801 Market Street. Camden, ffl '"' ""til Friday, April twenty-first, IMl. at 12 o'clock neon. In tendering lienda owner must specify ti ea date of the coupon rim payable and aald Mupan and nil subsequent coupons must b Sltacned te the Henda. Henda will be pur. chased at n fl.U price. Benda accepted are te hn surrendered for "2iJV.! ICT ."' Acrll Twenty-slxth, 1022. SECIKITV TIllIRT COMPANY. Tru.tee JOSHUA II. RORTON. President. Camrt.n, N. J.. April 11. 1022. "lueI"' Animal Meetlnra THE PENNSYLVANIA AIl.K0AJ- General Office: Bread .Street Rtntlen , , Philadelphia. 21at Jrarch. 1 ..Ttf Annual M!.ln pf the Stockholders !.lhl,.rfmi.'?niU'" b ncld n Tuesdav. thj Illh of April. 1022. at II o'clock. A. M In the Fejer of the Academy of Music, firead and .Locust Streets. Philadelphia, at whch R,?.'.1!16 lhr Anm" Hepert of the Heard " P,rSctur"..fer l!? 0nr e1"1"1 3'st December; ii. and such ether subjects aa may he ireperly presented, will be submitted ter censlderat en and action 1y the Htockhelders! a.!,0ikteM .mr7 "h'ln copies of "he annual Repert of the Company arid the nee.s. ana after the 4th day of April. 1022. bv Mrienal application at. or by letter i?' . steratary's office. Roem 200. Bread atnt Secretary. station. I'htlsdelnhla. LEWIS NEILSON. 3gP TIIF. 102D ANNUAL MEETINfTeF the Apprentlcee Lllirnry Company win s.M"'1n,,t Jns ''""ry. llread 8tr?t Rhe!" Jrrln Clarden, en Tuesdny. Anrll 2. t t. M for the election of officers for..,? OminET l.ir Cempanv. HCNJAMIN ether buslnesi for of CAnnURY. Secrelarv Ef "IE ',KNNXVANn7nAn.U(lAir General OITIre '. nrnjjrt Ntrrel Station i. ., ""Jlarteiphla. lti April ii'" -A" 'lectien for four Directors tc wrve fe.r the term of four iMr t .'"i f.t,e -r NEW YORK BONDS r.ra im tteeal t tr. ... ... .. '. ... . TI' Are Itep'e As n net Arne Hep' 6 7s 0 HD 7 011 8 Dll 1..... IIHV 10 Iill'i 8 t)U? Chlnesa Uere i UK Rly Ri (HALER IN 110001 1. t. 1.. 1.. 2.. city 8. 10. 2 r.r.u ... 88U, ... M ... en ... R.M.'i ... Sj'i Ucrne 8i .. 112 .. 112 .. 112 City of Bemen 6s rets 2..., inew 1.... 100', 8.... 100 City Berd'x II. 2 R7i 1 RR 2 88 1 S7T4 Cty Chrls'a. 8 1.... 110 City of Cepcn- hncen 6V4e 8 02 4 City Lyuni b 1...'.. 87i JO 87, 8 H7 1 7 City Mars' e et 10 RS 1 87i 18 87' City of Perte Alesre 8s 10.... 102lj Cty Rie de Ja- ncrlj 8s 2. K, .. 3... I03 101 ies; 104 104 103; 104 108 104 104 104H 103 Vi 104 101 104 101 104'i 101l 2.... 104U 7 104 City Teklo lis 1 7214 City Zurich 8s 4.,.. 112! 0.... 112s Czechn-Sleiak Rep 8a wl 2.1.. 10.. 13.. 1.. 10.. 8.. 14.. 1.. 3.. 1.. 18.. 20.. 10.. 1.. 8.. 10.. 00 '.i 00 no een 110 4 en II!) no ', no tt'i no no 004 no nm. oe 4 21. 7 . 1.1 12. 11 'i- 20. 3 f.3. Denmark con ct A 8a 1.... 112 .r ... 112't Denmark con ct II .89 1 112'4 Dept Seine 7a 2 en; 2 00'i 2 nc; 8 001, mis. neu no' Otl-H r. 04 1 04!. (Je-e't French n 7Ws rets 18.... 102H A.... 102'i '(sale) 102W 11.... 102'i 21.... 103Vi 10.... 1Q2(, 1.... 102H 1.... 102H 1.... 102S 1.... 1024 10.... 102'i '(sale) lOJVi lfKflnt) 102S 1.... 102 Cere't F R gs 0.... 10O' 1..,. 10n 1 10014 dr'd Trunk of Can 8a rels 1.... 10l!4 1.... 101 2.... 101 80.... 101 4.... 101 4.,.. 103 Or'd Trunk of Canada 7s 1.... 110 Jap Qove't 1st 3 80S 8 00 1 -804 Jap Ouie't 2nd 1 8n Jap Oeven't 4s 10 784 K Ilelitlum 8s R(nat) 1024 1.... 102i 4.... 102 IC Ifeit'm 7s 1.... 108 ',4 1.... 108i 2.... 108'i 2.... 108U 1. .. 108U ts Uelc'm rets 3.... I0 I.... 108 Kingdom Den mark' ct 0s 1 0S 2 no 2 08 3 no 08 '4 03 0 08 08 00 084 08S 2 2. . s!!.'.'! 22. .... ?'..... 2 Olanle) 1 (flat) OS: 2 08 2 08, fl(sale) OSS 08. 3 OSS Kingdom Den. mark ct 8s .... 112 7(sale) 112 1.... 112 IC of Nether lands ct tin 1. 1... ft... 1)4 H 04, 01 04', 01',; H4'i eta, e 01 '4 04S 04 i 044 04 Kingdom Ner way ct 8s 1'-.. 113 Iv Sweden Os 1.... 100J 1.... 109 1 100 Paris-Lyens M os wl 1.. 1.. O 1.. n.. 10.. n. :t.. 38 . . 14.. '-n.. 43.. r... 83 'i 83 83 U 83 83 i 88 83 ""iqueen'rt As wl "'; 1.... 10ia, '" 1.,... 101 !'' a'... 101 : 8 1 13 1 ..r.. 10 in 4 20(snle) eih.iic; iie"3i 2..., 101 uem itepe r.t Queensl'd Ext I.'jin 7 1.... 10SS 4 10H1, Hep Chile '2rt 1.... 102 1 102 Rep Chlle '41 I 101 Rep Chile '4(1 1.... mti, 1" 104 2 .. 104 1 .. 104 It Cuba Ss '0 0 00 Hep a of Uru cuay 8s 2.... 108 3.... 100 :tnt of It CJ'e De Sul 8s 1.... 103 Swlts'd Cen 8t 10 no 2 02 D Canada "JO 10 ... inn 8.... 100S I.. . 101 D Canuda '31 0 08 1 08 1 08 2 08, 10 .... 01 Putch n I 11 7 04 1 04 7 04 1. ... 04 Dutch n Ind rets 3 . 12.. 1. 47 04 04 l'4'j 04 Ind Dutch V. re's '02 3 . IH, V K Ort Brit V fd 1023 I'J... 107 4.... 107 11.... 107 7.... 107 S(aale) 107 U K Ort lirlt I'd 1020 fi.... 107 2.... 1071 U IC Ort llrlt & rd tear 2(8at) 10014 Htlat) 100 fi.... 1O0S 17.... 100 U S nrasli 8a 10.... 107 JJ S Mexico 8s 10 03 10 (13 10 03 U'd S Mexico Large. Es 10 no 10...... no b r,e Ajax Rub'r 8s 1.... 100 1.... 100 8.,.. 100 Am'n Acr'c A Chm 7a 10.... 102 Amn B a R M . 00 . 00 . 00 00 . 00 . 00 00 1 8. 1.. 2.. 2.. 0.. I.. 3.. American Sue Ret'g 8s 1 08 2 08 1 0. 1 OSVi 1..... 08 Am T b T clt 8 00 A Tel A Tt es 2.... 114 8 111 TS Fa a 1 82 A T A S Fe 4s 10 87 8 87 1 87 3 87 2 87 At I Coast t. 7a 1 108 Atl'e Fruit 7a 41 40 1 41 1 41 2(sal) 42 2.... 3.... 1 8 Atlantic Ref'c ct 0s '2 104 Bait & Ohie cv 1 81 2 81 1 81 Halt & O 3u 4 02 .".. .. 02 Halt & Ohie 4s 1 80 1 .... 80 Halt & Ohie As 1 83 1...... 85 Bait & Ohie 8a 42 12 43 42 3. 10.. n.. 10.. 1.. r... ft.. !0. 08 08 08" 08 08 08 08 08 Bait A Ohie a We'n 8s 7 01 1 01 1 01 ." 00 II & Ot Te) 4s 1 08 ft (ISU Bell Telephone of Pa 7s 2.... 107, B Steel Bs '88 r 01 1 00 Beth Steel (Is 2'l 00 Bkn Edl 1:0 0s 1 102 B Edla'n c 7s 1.... 103 B Kdla'n D 7s 1 107 2.... 107 3 107 Brkyn n T 8s 1 80 B Ran T ct r,s 1 fi ll Rap Tran 7s 0 .... 81 Cana Oen Elee 0s wl 2.... 101 Cnnadl'n N 7 4.... Ill Cana'n Pae 4s 4 ... 77 2 77 1.... 77 31 .... 77 0 .... 78 12... . 73 18 33 4 fl(aale) fl 0 2 R O(sAle) Ctl D 2 .. '! 78 77 77 78 78 78 1. 78 7714 77 Tole .', 48 3.... 4..,. Chi B 1.... ft..., C H in.,.. 1 ... 3..., ft..., c & n s 23!!!! 7..., 11..., Chl & Cen'l of (la 1)1 1 H8'4 43 03 O(salc) 78S Ctl Pacific 1st 4 84 Cere de Pas'f Cep r 8s 2.... Its C 11 A Q II ,1s 3 81 C O cv 4i 1 80 2 80 C'k A O cv 8s 2 00 20 110 1 00 1 00 B 00 CM A Alt 8s 3 40 40 40 no q r.s .. 08M . . 0(1 Q ns . 104 . 104 . 104 . 104 . 104 I Os '61 . . 70 . . 78 . . 711 . . 78 O W 4a 2 11.1 Chicago Mil & St P 3s 1 00, ChiciiRe Mil 4 St P'l d 4s n 02 3 83 Chicago Mil A St P 4a '2.1 0 77 S 77 3 77 Chlcace Mil it stp cv 4s ft 08 1 03 1 08 a...... 08 Chlcnite Mil It StP fd 4s '2 8 02 Chlcace Mil & St P cv 8s 1 (10 1 (10 C ft Nwn 3a 1 74 C It I A P M ft 70 Chile Cep'r 8s 1 80 in 88 1 .... 80 Chlle Cep'r 7s ft 101 C N Y 4s '81 1 03 Cl'd Cln Chl A St L 4s 8 80 Conn Rwy A l.lKht 4s 3 73 Cens'd Gas 7s a.... 100 Cuba C'e 8 cv 2 H.1 1 88 3 83 Cuba C'e Sue 8a sta 2 88 Cuba Railroad Ce 7s 2 102 Den A It O fd 1 4U Det U n 4s 1 .0 D de Nemours Pwdr 7a 1 105 VU1 Lleht 8s 2 101 2 101 Erie G-cnl Lien 12.. 10.. 60 30 V 50 ft0 81 61 M .11 .11 M'J .11; .us .11 11 .11 ftl -.1 106 Standard Make Phonographs en laJs at 50 oft llet prlee, prier te our moving te 20 Seuth 10th Street May J at. WsAKEBIJBKAfiT S. W. Cor. Uth and Walnut MwPearcgGdsRangTb -'ps tci 111 win urn ra t aatailv,wJs :rcw-K '"?, 5. JI.. anil three o'elerk ! "'','" u cieck. gn-eth'SSa', ren 1n directed by 11 a 3ill'f" "h"" nae r- i.nvt.i .i.n.vn Secretary. - JiliMtivt, ' WE riTisni'itnii 5.. Wk.t vnwiCT." K ILVAY rnJiiVrj... ""'IMA bs quartnr ended V arch 1 u"W""'v ,,,r ritt.bUrh. jrpri'i'-a'.'AiR?a:sy: i,,"re,n' U UVU. WITH TO Or STOW I UBr $7.90 Sent P. Prepaid. fills name nml number of range when ordered GEO. W. PEARCE & CO. 84 111 Mnsrhrl Ut. I'hlla. Wxurulnc 0281 I 3 . .. n in ft(sale) 1 1 8 Erie R R cv A 1 47 2 47 ft 47 l.ne It R rv D ftO... . 40', Erie Rly Ce I, 1 n.i 7 03 8 M 8 04 10 tl4 1 03 Erle A Jer Os 8 HHU. Flslc Bub'r Ce SB rets 2.... 103 1 10.1 Fram'n lndust Dev 7a wl .1 oe: 1 inn 0 nmj 23..... 00 2....': nD Goodyear T & KUD'r '31 tnt M ct 4i 10,. 40..., ft.... 4.... 4.... tntb'e 10..,. 4.... 13.... 11.... I.... 10.... a..,. 10.... 8.. , ft.... 2(1.... 8.... 17..,. 60.... 8.... 10 10 10 in in T fd no en 08 1)0 00 00 en vi en nn nn nn 00 00 00 nn 0.1 ( M Marina tit 8 pe ft en 3 00 1 . Iftt'l Pap h fn 1 84 1 81 6 84 Iowa Cent' I 4s 3 40 3 47 Kan C A H 3s 4 CO r.ack Steel "-M 0 00 .RAW 2nd 2.1 81 . 8, M S 3s 4 70 Lake Shern M S'n 4s '28 4 02 4 92 'J Lake Shere M S'n 4s '31 n 01 1! 02 LrhlKh Vel 0s 2 102 Leng- HI It fd 1 77 0 77 2 78 L A Nash f.-! ft.... 102 1.... 102 1. 10 102 10.... 102V Mex I'etr'm b 20.... 101 Mid S A Or ,1s 1 80". ft 87 M ft MIL en .Is 1 70 M StP & S Ste Marie Gs 8.... 101 1IKIT ul wi 10.... 40.... 1.... 2.... 18.... 3.... 7.... 32. . . . M IC A ftO.... 16 1. 3.. St L 1.. II., 4.. 10., 1., 1., 1. Bt I, ft S Fran Series A 2 71 1 71 1 70 5 71 St L ft a Fran Series B 1 8.1 3 8.1 St 1. Sew'n en ft 7.1 1 75 St I. Sew'n 5s 3 80 8 80 St Paul 4 K C Line 4s 2: .... 70 ft3 . 84 . 54 . R4 . B3 . ns . R4 . 61 Tex 1, 77i 7- M IC ft T 6s ul 23 83 M IC A T 8s ' nn e.'J 1 0.1 2 0.. 7 OR M IC ft T notes 35 72 M Puc R It ts 32. R.. 1.. fl.. ft.. 3.. :r.. 10. 04 01 l 04 Ati 04 04 04 Merris ft Cem pany 4 a 1 84 N Tubue Ce Rs 0 09' N Y Air II (la 3 00 New Or Tex ft Mexico 6s ft 1.. 10., 10. N Y IS. 1.10. 8. 18., 10., 7., N Y 1.. 1.. 1., ... 68 ... 08 ... n8 ... 08 Ctl 51 'wl ... 04 ... 114 ... 01 ... in'i ... 04 ... 04' Cent'l fls .. 102. .. 102( .. KI2', .. 10.' N Y Cent'l 7 20 lOfli N Y chl ft St l.euls 4s 2 8J N Y Edl'n Ce 0s rcta 2.... 110 2 110 110 3.... 110 1 110 .1 110 4 ... 110 N Y ft Jer .H ft ... 4 V Tk I.lBht M & Pwi 4s 11... 82 New V N II II 4s '67 10 K,l, 1 t7 N Y RDs ct 4s 2 3.1 N Yk Rlya Si 1... . 0? New Yk Susq ft Wn fd Ksale) (12 New Yk Susq ft V n em J... ft . 15.. 10.. A . 7 . II 31.. .. 2,1 , 1 . 12 5., 102 102 102 102 101 102 101 102 102 101 101 102 102 102 102 102 102 .(C.T) Triw ." 7 C?'' LHKtTS Proposals DEl'ARTMKNT-OF l'U,,0 AlTfv M Proposal. "! be rXilvk 10":- I mc. noem 215 City Ian,,run?M ti nt "'' BUREAU OF rei.ICE- p, ... 'IL?1'"..,!!11 namele.t sireet .fin."'" nntl 1 rear 105?. nml tr. ... ... ... B'Kns for m, J 'iardi IlJIfV 1 lie h n H i.: -:-'' !. - " w'OTdl. eVpa'r?, erVd'?hJ0 " .. best for the ,p, " h f- - may b. SLAG ROOFING A EHRET ROOFING St A VteMFG. CO. Z m.. 10.. doedyear T Ilub'r '41 2ft ... 113 1 ... 11.1 4 .. 11.1 2 . . 115 1.... 115 Oranbv C Mi's K ft P Ss R 02 fit N'n Rly ut 1 . . . htl Oreat Nerth'n Rly Rs ft .... 00 7 0(1 4.1 .. (ifli . .10 . no ele'e '41 . 103 . HIS . 103 . 1H3 . i:i icl.1 N V TeleV 1(13' S. 4 N Y ' 3.. 0 . 0 . 8.. 1 . Phlla 8... n... 12. . . 1... niys 4s . . R.1 .. nn . . no . . 50 . . RO'i Pitt Cln cm 4 St I, a 4s 2 03 Pub eterv Ceip n Jsy ss 1 82 tteadlmr Ce 4a 1 64 1 84 1 84 Rie O ft W 4s 8 78 Rie Ufftnde ft Wn clt 4s 8 OQ'4 Reme IVater'n ft Ocdn nn 2 00 St L I Mt A H R A O dlv 4s 2 80 10 80 10 80 10 81 St L ft 8 F aj 20 80 ft S 70 70 F In r,8 08 08 08 08 0,1 n 0 70 Sesb'd A 1. nj B 2R 11 2.1 n 2.-, 4 2 Seeb'd A L fd 10 14 10 .... 44 10 44 3 44 Senb'd A I. 0s 7 R8 2 R8 10 .... RR 2 58 5 R8 7 ftHS R 6S 1 60 8 60 .1 68 h Steel II 8s I 00 Sinclair C oil Cerp 7a rets 1 08 1 08 1 08 1 08 1 118 2 .... 08 10 08 10 08 1 08 2 0R Sinclair C Oil Cerp 7s in.... 103 10.... 103 1 103 Se'n Pacific, frt 3 80 2 87 Se'n Pacific 4s 8(snle) 80; 1 81 S'n Pac cv 4 10 nn 8 004 Sn Tac Term'l 8 8t 81 Sn Railway 4a 30.. ft.. 1ft. . fl.. I., ft.. 3.. 6 nn 0.1 nn nn n.i n.i en no 00 n Hallway Rs 1 04 an nail'y 11 Vj 08 08 08 08 087 08 08 08 08 08 1.. 1.. m.. 2.. 1.. 7. . 5.. 1.. n.. 20.. S'n Rly Mobile ft O Ctfa 4 B 74 Stand'd Oil of Calif 7a .... 100 (sale 100 2 . . mn 1 . . 100 2 .. 107 Sleel Tube a of Am'a. 7a ft 07 7(snle) 07 6 07 1 0811 Third Ave a J ft .... 63 12 83 Tidewater Oil Ce ct 0s 5.... 101 . Tobacco Pred ucts C 7a 2... 110 1, Teledo St I. ft Weat'n 4s .l(sale) 118 Trl City Rly , l.lxht Rs 1 100 .,. Lilian j'ac c ' .1 .... til 1. N Yk W C Hest 4s 1 40 3 40 3 .. t 2. . ftlb Nefk BnllSi 1 . . 85 Nfk ft Wn 4a 2.. .88 7 S0 Nfk A W c Us in-.. 2 10H n(salu)!08 3 . 10S 1 108 North Western Bell T 7a 1. .. 1"7 2 . 107 1 . i7 1.. . 107 N Punlflc It It 2 . . . . 83 1 "3 N Parllkt It fls 1 I H.I l, Ore ft Calif M I .. O"!'. .S,1"1." MRMMVMMMMMMfcMMa.MaMHMMMW, PAWS FRIENDS ENJOYEDFAT FEES Repert of Alien Property Cus todian Shows Sums Paid Politicians and Lawyers PROMINENT NAMES LISTED saaaeWsjassMsiase-MsMtaskssstaa mm 1 1 a a iiaMsSBamiisai"S""JfsssssW Bv a Staff Correspondent YVnshlngten, April 11. Fat ftps for fnverltcs of the former Dmecrntli: Ad ministration, Including mnny frlend.i nnd pellticnl osseolntcs of A. Mitchell Palmer, of Penns.vlvnnln. nre (1Im'1ep(I In a report of the Alle nPrepcrty Ctis- tedlan'g office submitted te the Henntc by Custodian Themns AV. Miller. Pennsylvania lawyers nnd iielltlcinns arc shown te have received wilntlcs nnd fees ngBregatlnK r.Ti.OOO from the Alien Property Custodian, principally while Palmer held, tlml office. A dozen or mere of Palmer's neighbors in Stroiids Streiids burg received moderate fee. Altogether a tetnl of $2.128,fM0.03 was paid out inv attorney fees up te March 4, 1021, when the Kepubllcnn Administration enmc Inte office. In ad dition the salaries of officers nnd di rectors of enemy concerns seized by the Government amounted tn $l.r74.01-7.02, limbing n grand total of disbursements for legal nnd executive services of $3.7112,rfl4.r..-. As n further charge against the nlien property taken ever, of which $:!."(). IIOO.OOO still remains in the- hands' of the Government, a tetnl of $1,084,. 8."!). 2.1 wus paid out for nrcnunting, auditing nnd appraising previous te March 4, 11)21, when President Hard ing nssumed control. There wns also paid nut a total of ?2."i8,00T.52 for advertising nnd printing. Prominent Democratic Lawyers The records show a number nf promi nent Democratic lawyers listed as counsel for clalmnnts In cases before the office. They Include Hubert I.nnsing, former Secretary of State; former Sen Sen aeor Helte Smith, of Georgia; Oscar W. Underwood, Jr., son of Senater Under wood; Themas W. Gregery, former Attorney General ; former Cengrehsmnn O. C. Cnrlin, of Virginia, and Gorden Auchincloss, son-in-law of Colonel Ed ward Heuse. One of the chief beneficlnrles of large fees wns Frank T.. ('rocker, of New Yerk. Mr. Crocker's fees reached well into six figure. Throughout the report the name of Mr. Crocker appears along with expenditures In varying sums, some ns high as $80,000. The nnme of J. Hnrry Covington, former Chief Justice of the Sunrcme Court of the District of Columbia, and close friend of former Attorney Gen eral Palmer, also tigured conspicuously In the report. Covington nnd Crocker each drew large stuns, both ns legal representatives and ns members of beards of directors of corporation. Mr. Crocker nnd Judge Covington In some cases participated libcrnlly In legal fees paid out by the same corporation. In the case of the Uaycr Chemical Com pany, Covington get $15,000 and Crocker $10,000. Anether entry showed they received jointly from the some concern $3117. Mr. Crocker was paid $30,000 fee for representing the Ilerlln Aniline Cempnny. Covington received n $!!0,000 fee from the same concern. Covington received $1000 for a routine legal service for the Ilesch Mngncte Company. Palmer Defends Expenses Criticism of lerge fees paid for legal services is answered by Mr. Palmer with the assertion thnt the total amount expended for legal assistance wns less than one-third of 1 per cent of the value of property seized, amounting approxi mately te .fiO.OOO.OOO. One expense of Item which attracted nt tout ion vns n payment of $l".'l. 7.17. ."iO te Lybrnnd Itess Hre. & Mont gomery, of Philadelphia, for making an nudlt of the office of the Alien Property Custodian. Seme of the members of this firm nre snld te have been active as supporters of former Attorney Gen eral Palmer during the pre-prcsldentlal campaign. A tetnl of $1.0St,8.'0 wns pnid for "accounting, auditlns nnd approving" during the Wilsen Administration. In the case of the pn incut te the Philadelphia auditing linn, Colonel Miller said that when the audit was completely it wan of "no practicable value." Pennsylvanians favored by Palmer while custodian included It." J. Maker, of Hnrrisburg, who was carried en the payroll In Washington ns u member of the legal staff, and nlse received fee os an officer and director of n number of corporations seized by the Government ; nnd G. S. McCllnteck. of Wilkes Harre, who profited similarly. Fees for Supporters In many instances fees were paid te inen who were active in Palmer's sup port politically. It Is disclosed by the report that when the Harding Administration came Inte power the services of se-called State counsel for the custodian wcie terminated and new counsel appointed. These, dropped at that time Included Kdwnrd Wiener nnd James Heed, of Philadelphia, representing the eastern district or the State; linker, in the central district, nnd James K. Mnc Mnc Cieskey, of Pittsburgh, In the western district. I hey were succeeded bv Willinm J. Ilrnily and Vincent A. Cnrrell, of Phlla dclphla, In the eastern district : Hen Uriinch, of Mniich Chunk, central, and Ilnruinr D. Denny, nf Pittsburgh, west cm district. Attorney James 13. MacCleskev. of received the largest amount bands' llOeOi, William K, La'Dar, .iiretrif burj, vice president, $1200. I'i. N uineapie, I'lttSDunn,. currcier Mumm Chnmpaitnj era Importation Com pany, Nihv Ymk. .Jle, sprt director Rankin Yettes-Hmllh, lnci New Yerk, liquor deal ers, S12I). ' . S. McCllnteck, Witkcs-Parre, director Karfe-IIat Corporation, New Yerk. $40: di rect .r M. H. KManj Jr., Cetrp.-iny, New Yerk fur dealers 8225; dlrfcter Kurhs A Ce., New Yerk, fur dealers, J100i counsel, director nnd secretary Iloasle Velet Ci.mpanv, New lerk, 12, 0.1.11 ns cevnscll 110 ns director and no salary or fen ns secretary. Oeertte II. Fllnn Plttsburch, director Ker baush. Empire Company. New Yerk, $.10. David Malstead, l'h'ladelphln, director Llloelle Cempnny, Ir.c, PhllRdetihln. manu facturers of patent nitrln, f2,,1! 12. Law rente Fell, sarn;, 1:30: Rebert S. lirlzht, Philadelphia, cenntel SOOO, J. I'urdy Cepe, Uelnwnre Water (lap, sec retary Leen 4 Ce.. dealers In "inderwesr snd hose, drew a salary of $1,100. nt the rate of $230 a metth. nn- recretHry of the com pany nnd $105 as a director. .11. I'. Qulnn. Phllideltihla. director Ger hard ft lljy. Inc., freight ronlrniters et New Yerk, $26. Jacksen U Reynolds, Philadelphia, direc tor Clerslen Derfc:1 llrethers Company, Inc., New Yerk, dye manufacturers, $27ft. Antelne Ilournenville, Philadelphia, sam, $243. Jeseph F. Wallwerth. Philadelphia, di rector Dr. Jaejters Banltnrv Wreltn Under wear Company. New Yerk. $80. Jehn C Knox, aermfiiitnvrn. treasurer. C. Walker Jeres. Inc.. of Orrmnnlewn. .deal ers in knlttlne supplies. $12011; P. 8. Smith. Philadelphia, director $150; J. Ashton Llevereiix. $1)0. , -m. 1: wuinn, rnuaueiriua, uirerier uiuicr Match t'emtiany. torts, (hit. in. manufacturers of Bas re- SOUTHERN POWER MSTONBE Tennessee Railway L. & P. and Chattanooga & Tennessee Power te Consolidate Wm. Steei-k & Sens Ce. taiAeutHte ie ARCUTTKCTB KNOlNKRHfl CUKHnWUrOBS PHIlADtLetll " TOeONTO nt J. S.ROGERS CO? BUILDERS. MtXtL IIM.' Clmrlrs It. Turn. P.tleudsblire. ilreW 1402ft In salary as treasurer of llelnrkh Iranck Sens, Inc.. ihlcery manufacturers, of I lush Inf. N. Y. at the rate of $35e n month, and $280 ns a, director of the concern . It. 1'. Heeper. Philadelphia, director terfc Mills, yarn rmnufacturers. of Pastnlc. N. J.. $1117.07; Themas J. Kltsen, Strnuds hure, same, $1101.10: James K. MacClos MacCles kev, Plttshurrth, counsel. $10.10.08. It. 1'. IlLiiper. Philadelphia, president New Jersey Worsted Spinning: Company, Passaic, N. .1., $21183,83; T. J. Kltsen. Streudsbure, director. $1101.111: James E. MacClesksy. PlttsburBh, counsel $inr. It, F, Heeper, Philadelphia, treasurer and director P.itsnlc Worsted Spinning; Company, I'hssiIc, N J.. 22lM.03 nn treasurer. $110n h directer: Thomaa J. Kltsen. Streuds-bura-. director. $1100; Jnincs II. MncCleskey, Plttcbureh. counsel $1051'. OS. J.ims II. MacCleskcj'. Plttsburnli. counsel OeerRe Itenda Neu Ycuk. manufacturers of brorre powder. $1.30.34 James .. .MncCleskey. PlttsburBh. coun sel A. W. I'liher. Newark. N. J.. $03.1.25. Charles S. Colwell, Philadelphia, pnsldent end dlr-ter Schutte ft Keertlns Company, Philadelphia, manufacturers of shipbuilding machinery, 132.M: n. Pueey passmere, Phll nrtulphla, lce uresllent nnd director. $..lftO; R. J. llaker lltrrlsburg. secretary nnd di rector, 1217.1; l)ald H. Hal'tcd, rhlladel nhla. director. $32.10: A. H. Celeslierry. as- slstnnt secreinry fiald by company). $IJ.- suv.un; jenn K uunn, engineer ipm'i w tempany. U'100.72, Rebert S. Ilrlsht. Phila delphia, enursel. 20l)ii; Owen J. Roberts, rntinscl. $in47, Rlph J llekcr. IlarrlsburB. ceunrel. jseii It. C. McKldewnev. Pltlsburch, director Hetany Wer-urt MIII, New Yerk, from Match 20 101S. te Mnrch is, in 10 "Mary .-O0O a ear, William 11. Folwell. Phllnuei. Phla. acrxid s u director nf the tame com pany from Mnrth '8. loll), te June . 11. 1020. nt u similar salnry. in addition nrev $1850 monthly an supervisor of production from Atut-al 20, 1018. te May ". 1010. and $1000 a month as nsilstant te the president fiem the lat'cr date te June 11, 1020. when he resigned aa director and assistant te the president. The Heard of Director of this concern At present lnilude IVnlter D. I.ar r'lere, of Philadelphia , llornce C. Jrncs. of Conshihedten. and William II. Henld. of 'WIlmlnRten. De! . unions ethers. Charles II. Turn. Strctidsburs. director Atlantic Weldlns; Co.Terntlon. 1100. William A. (Jllliert StiniidshiirK, direc tor Meyer Silk I'emntnv. $ln:i 27 Frank A. IlxrrlKan Phllmlelphla, cnun tel Otte On KiKlne Wmka (paid l.v com pany), $1.1,l.H0. (Tlie tele cf this cenccuiH In 1017 wnn Inxeatlitateil bv counsel for th'j Allen Property Custodian, and will shortly te breuuht up for Judicial determination ns te Its nlndlty). Vlt.cnt A Carrell, Jo Je seph M. I'cnstcr and Charles A. Wlsmere, of Phlladelnhla, nre servlnir as director I without fees. IVaslcr drew $000 ns presl- dent, correii sipue as secretary, ununiu ununiu mere $300 as trensurr. it, .. wtitres. ncrnnien. nirecier -h- tlenal Zinc Company. New Yerk. $1.10. i II. II. McCermlrk, Harrlsburir. director Nerma Cempnny of America. New Yerk, manufacturers uf ballliearlnrs, $27.1; (JcerB I II. I'l.nn. I'lttsDurRti. nirecier. no ices Ch tries I.. Fellows. Kast StreudsburB, Pn.. director Ilosce Tradlnu Company, Im porters nnd exporters, of New Yerk, $.1e'. A. M. Llverlaht. Philadelphia, counsel, Pchacffer ft Iludenbere ManufacturlnB Cem pany Hioeklyn, mnnufnctuiers of ens'tneer InB lnstrumnts. $1130. O. S. Hebard. Philadelphia. director American Lumber Cemnanv, Flerida $000. A. W. Mellen. PlttsburBh. director Amerl can Metnls Company $000 Thninna A. H. llav. Kastep. dlreclni- Traiis-Atianth- ImpertlnB Cempnny, jilne I Patke It Davis, Kasten. dlrectur Victer I Ilnlnta and Textlle IScltln? Company, LJas I ion $100. , Dallett It Wilsen. Petbtehem, same, $70 J. IVasblnsten Lokue Phllndelrhla, coun sel Senefelder Realty Company. Inc . New Yerk, shared In counsel fees nmeuntlns te I UMi. K. J, I.snett. Scranlen. newspaper pub lisher, rei.elid $00 as director of the Hayer ' company, urui; ana cnemicui manufacturers Announcement wns mode thnt nego tiations nre in progress for the forma- ' tlen of the Tennessee Eleetrlc Power Cempnny, te effect n consolidation of the companies controlled nv Tennessee , Hallway Light and Power Company, with tlm Chattanooga and Tennessee Ilivcr Power Company. The properties' of these companies have been operated en' one system, and It Is new proposed te bring them together ns nearly os possi ble Inte one ownership. The reorganization plan gives te the holders of the Tennessee Power Com Cem pnny fi per cent bends, Nflshvll e Hnll wny nnd Light Company refunding nntl extension fi per cent bends nnd Clint Clint Clint tnnoegn Hallway and Light Cempnny " per cent bends the choice of the follow ing options in exchange for each $1000 bend: Option A $000 in cash; $200 par vnlue i per cent first preferred stock of the new cempnny; four share com mon stock of the new company. Option It $000 principal nmeunt 0 per cent. Series A first nnd refunding mortgage benis of the new company : $100 pnr vnlue 0 per rent first preferred mock or the new company BUILDING B,LDWIN LOCOMOTIVES A WORLD'S FAIR IN JTSELF 1 H A WWfrTtr nnin Mnttt ttnlnr tMAfU fet rka C? Aflntl t .tpArtl . tt I a 1 ttfMs. '., Willi. JJlUlin IIUV UUlil IHOWC A s-saC WLOMIVVIIItVIIHIBI lAJIV sitien in Philadelphia in 102G, it is interestlntr te note that f the area needed for such a World's Fair is net much largtt.S than that covered by these, Works. In Philadelphia we. eeeusy V .nn I l t.l-J. i 1.1. Enfl . rm M l'j.e ui;n-'3 unu ut uur .uuyaiuut: jnaiii., uu acies. m' Se far as modern machinery is concerned, these Works art gftl veritnhln World r lnir. " J ii THE BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Philadelphia tin 'ft ,.' ?Ab &' T. t- sl . W '.P tl United States Shipping Beard (Through the United States Shipping Beard Emergency Ft?- WUl JU1 QttUiiy Invites Offers en the Securities Described Belew: tiki ;-4" ; Tim t?m.'i,i c.e... ct. ::..- n-.i 1, .. t. t.- tt:4-,i c.ta cuintft it , . , . ,, i. ; n..it . u r "v u,"l(-'i einua sJiuifiJiiiK uwiiu. uiiwukii uic uiiucu aJiri.e sjniiiHi SMWrk"iimMltt Emewncy Fleet Corporation invites offer, for the Purchrtvaft Hardy & Ce., Inc., the four firms in- a,,y or ?'.' ,,lc securities described below, which are te be sold at privata- Iho properties. Issued tlie tempctiiive sale v All offers received before April 19, 192?. will be considered; and n award will be made before that date. Negotiations may be continued there after; and all offers received prier te final award will be considered. $72,916.65 Notes of DAVISON CHEMICAL COMPANY, aecurtd by preferred mortgage dated July 22, 1920, en Barge "ASTREA." , $72,916.65 Notes of DAVISON CHEMICAL COMPANY, secuttd ii by preferred mortgage dated July 29, 1920, en Barge "VOLANT." 'J $S8,043.47 Notes of DAVISON CHEMICAL COMPANY, secured t, hu nr.f.F.. mnrtnana A-A T,,1.. 9? 1070 nn UmreM "ASM. J MVU ...W. .. UHtVU JU fcb, AteW, V... W.,W aw- ( Hnrd tere.steii n following statement yesterday concern ing these eilers: , "Option A provides for tlie payment ) of a Inrge part of the present market price for outstanding bends In cnh and , the delivery of first preferred stock nnd i common stock for the balance. Option It provides for the delivery of bends and first preferred stock en which in terest and dividend amount le SCO t j ear en each $1000 ns compared with the present Interest of $."50. an incrca-'' et 120 per cent ever the interest new being received. The bends nnd first j preferred stock of the new company de livered In exchange for present out- I standing bends will improve the bond bend bond heltlerM' position, as they nre supported by such diversified security nnd sources of earnings as should rnniinnntl for them high position and quotation in the in vestment market". "When it is known te what extent such exchanges can be accomplished n .supplementary plan will be Mihmlttcd t" the preferred' nnd common stockholders of the Tennessee Itailwey, Light and Power Company stating the term en which they mny acquire the mailable , spctiritlee of the new cempnny in ex change for their preferred and common stocks." Helders of the bends covered by the exchange offers arc requested te de de Ieslt their bends by April '-'." slth the Hankers' Trii'-t Cempnny, First Nn- ! tlenul Itnnk. ltoten : Fidelity Trust Company, Philadelphia, or tlie Nash ville Trust Company, Nashville, TVnn. LONDON STOCK MARKET Sentiment Cheerful, but Trade Less Active Dellar Descriptions Held Londen, April 11. Sentiment con tinued cheerful en the stock exchange today, but trading was less active, be cause of the approach of the F.nstcr holidays. The exclianrje will be closed from Thursday night until nert Tues day morning. Official Intimation was made ever night t lint a decision had IfftlND. a $34,873.20 Notes of DAVISON CHEMICAL COMPANY secured by preferred mortgage dated November 15, 1920, en Barg "DOVER." . $623,085.94 Notes of PAN-AMERICAN PETROLEUM AND TRANSPORT COMPANY, secured by preferred mortgage ' dated March 27, 1920, en Tanker "WILHELM JEBSEN." $380,551.98 Notes of PAN-AMERICAN PETROLEUM AND ' TRANSPORT COMPANY, secured by preferred mortgage "A dated March 12, 1920, en Tanker "E. L. DOHENY III." $271,393.74 Notes of PAN-AMERICAN PETROLEUM AND '-' TRANSPORT COMPANY, secured by preferred mortgage r dated April 9, 1920, en Tanker "W. L. STEED." $1,010,625.00 Nete's e THE TEXAS COMPANY, secured by firtt mortgage dated January 2, 1920, en Tanker "ARYAN." $1,010,625.00 Notes of THE TEXAS COMPANY, secured 'by firat " mortgage dated February 6, 1920, en Tanker "DIRIGO." $1,010,625.00 Notes of THE TEXAS COMPANY, secured by first mortgage dated January 19, 1920, en Tanker "LIGHTBURNE." N $1,010,625.00 Notes of THE TEXAS COMPANY, secured by first mortgage dated January 5, 1920, en Tanker "SHENANDOAH." $1,260,007.50 Notes of WILLIAMS STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC., secured by first mortgage dated February 3, 1921, en SS. "WILLPOLO." X $1,255,653.74 Notes of WILLIAMS STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC., secured by first mortgage dated February 3, 1921, en SB "WILLFARO," ex-"Richmond Bore." , L. A. Wntrus, Scranlen. dlretlnr Heer i, ..l,.l . ,..., f,..i.,1,,l,. ...,,. .lenltra. SSIinn ""ll .iev.i.v.. .., .t ....... ....... . ,., ... i - . tlements, subject te confirmation by n S,)i1hclinrr & 'e. tnttnl James r. .ii,iri;msKe. i ittenursn. cnun J'!...1" V"anltr,ln''V.t'lu..,u.,',,.T?.!,,. Lnl''1"v' I speclnl committee next month. If np fr ftuin lini r-ni'- I'vrmu f I'Mii'U I rrm ins)l i .1 i ill .t proceeds of th iialn and $le,3L'3..'!) nddl- ' proved, the plnn w euld become operative tlenul. paid m the rnnnnn" in Sentember. $299,468.75 Notes of MUNISLA STEAMSHIP CORPORATION eitra Vn Tsjrf frrfi mAfteraer A A 'hM sV if i non man "MUNISLA." 7 $607,500.00 Notes of GULP NAVIGATION COMPANY, INC., I issued under contract dated February 7, 1920, for purchase of r SS. "ALFRABA," ex-"Lake Fisher." ' Fer the amount of the several notes of any issue, the dates of maturity rates of interest, description of security, and terms under which said notes' n .Klitrniiniia nre issued anil nut standlncr. reference1 is marl r U t $r,f".)u"as counsel'" inim'sne"!'1''.! ' T1,n ,iT ','t"", hnrdeiied further, with mortgages or contracts abee described, which may be inspected at Roem fT'Tthe 'pnt'cd' iuT-ir' SrlC"";, "t1'.0 ""E '."nlent. Hexnl Dutch uns 1706 Ncw Nru. Building Washington, D. C , or copies thereof at Roem' rmCh ..r ceniiMm. ... j -is shell 1 raimiMiM ami I railing 201. 45 Broadway, New Yerk City W In conu.ctlen ulth the seiruie nn,l ni if the Hehni St Hnes renipaiu. of Phila delphia. eM'uitliu," tin cli ni.i'.ti "rtrnpen." Vini cut A. I'arrnll. u' I'hiladelphlii, 10 eeiiid SISiiO as . uns.-I Arthur II Huev A. Merris 'It. liecklus. nf rhllndelphls. nlse nppar ns tc unsel but their fees re net listed. W. W Washburne. of Philadelphia, served ni. director of the same concern, nltheut fee. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONiil'.UI STOCKS mr 10:;, and for furnishini? for "II for Police beat Jehn Fe iVrM-nf plcincatiei.s for all of the .ii,.1,'1?1 t Roem 113 City Hal . aU"8 " be rinrii tn lllem.li.ul l . . " '" l"I S.. air.','.'"' """1 3 ss ( sais. nntl llcsUeni ,i" n nPI'llcatlen -:' niYsnii. it-cflivetl nt .. Prl-, rnd U.,.. Of Drutxianlsi .l in il,V r....'.'" " Dp-w..fm.nter-,,;yrT,r,i: o'clock a and l,i..i; VAV.. "'". '. i'neu m nan en ssjartt nt a . ..;:.. ""ri ""' "Sininnlnn rj, Ci AN UFA i I'm i v..u ..... - '.??, til" ?MMuuu l'"S Meapl 5!r.dCe. HYDRrlULICDirnIIDC IMCHINR)fKLrHIKO We nre equipped tev de the work nt your plant and save 'you the expense of long tie-up. 1'heiie Will. 1811 mid .Main 3JII J PrKle-irr1shlnls5ff XI2-2ia.nARISNST.W nn" nn'j nn'4 mi", nil", nn'. -' Ofl's art Nn ltl 7s 1 .. 107". in . mi tm, lores-eil's I. In", Weet'n Pac lis Union rae Is A 01'', 4 . . 1)1'. Union Tac ,; 3 ... in;ii, U H Ilubb'r fts 3 .... Sstj 1. ... ssi. I SSI, 2 SKi 2 Ssii U S Huh 7's 2, .. lull U'd S Steel ,1 .... lOi'i, 1 .. lO'.'i, 3 . .. lOi! lH HIL", ' Ch 7 4s ' I Pittsburgh .. . em, nni tllc ciistedlnn, accenling te tin1 niy Ce r,s i''l"'it. ue was pain tees ranging fi out . . . . IM'fe 1 ,?llllll 2 !)3 inn 1 imi ,l,,n "'"' ,," HlI1"0 nl"' ellli) of the w n"v vi 'Orensteln-Aithiir Keppel Ceinpanv, it 'it 1st "m" Pittsburgh, the report slates. He s . .. 7,-, leceiveii n tieiini--n jenr as state cenn fash He .I'm llutlcr MiicVamiini . Ciesient Midway Ml.pah HMeiislun Meniana North Suir Hcscue i;uln Tnnepali Uxtensau ., West Kml West Tonopah . . DIVini; Allied Dlv'de Altu Plilde Itelcher .,.. Helcher Kxlei.-.'en . , . Hen Ilur Ilreuith I'lvlil" Divide Hxlcnslen Illllde fill Iilildeml Kast lililde Ilnrmlll . .. Hasbrmiek D'vute .. IllKh Dlvlde . Kne Iteiert P.'llde Hpiie lll Me Itn.-.l.l silver Kins uthf rlnrnV Tuimpah 1 ill Id" .. T'lii :ah Ha-breutk . Vlcturj D i Ida . r.l.j JiMde . . . Zene Hl.l OH .mi .11 II." ni.i OS us 13 .113 r. .STOCKS illeiiih . I .mi I I ii ti t t in ,113 lll mil, Oil', Dm, .70 '.J 01 nn'.j .III liOI.DI"Ii;i.!i STOCKS Ciai ivn I'J 14 Oil OS (I s u .11.1 ll.'l Is .. 11, .01 a .in, ,"i' .03 S .OI)ij ,01 .O'l'-j .01 .111 .0 .01 .03 .01 et en HI 17 "J .113 .11-' 01 nii'j 01 .U .HI ".' US 01 and .Me.Ican Kagle '' 7-H. Heme rall- were btrens. particularly the trndc lines. Dellar de-crlptlens held well, but eperatlgns were professional. Ad justments made the shares of Argen tine reads irtegiilar. The Industrial department was strong In spots en better business advices. Hudsen's liny was (i'-j. Rubber issues were firm in sympathy with the crude article, ('linage in Knilirs were narrow and mied. The gilt-edged section was checkered but little .selling was in evidence. French leans were firm en an improve ment nt Paris. Closing of Bank of Greece Reported I Washlnsten. April 11 cpsnir of ihe I Ileurse snd the National Hank nf Oreece 'as repert'd today In cable dispatches te the Commerce neparimeni. A certiiied check for two and one-half per cent (2'i) of the amount offered must accompany bid. This sum will be credited en the purchase, price if award is made, or will be retained by the Beard en account efr damages if the successful bidder fails te complete the purchase. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be promptly returned. Full payment must be made in cash upon tender of securities. The rate of interest carried by the above listed mortgages is 5 per cent'' Tlie Beard rcserics the right te reject any or all bids. Bids should be addressed te , .1- HARRY S. KIMBALL, Vice-President in Charge of Finance United States Shipping Beard Emergency Fleet Corporation; Washington, D. C and marked "Bid for (name of Securities)." , . iH nt hi et acker Jack Diniiiiiiiiltlelil nine Hull riorence 1".' (leldfleld Cor; 7 linl.l Dei nj (leliltlcld l.-cp ill lirMt Hem! inn, Junii'n Kt'!islnn 0' IT, anus ic I .en Slur , n.' uiu . it., i tin , epj SllVfl I'irk IH Hpearhmi I .... nj ii. !.- inr iuni ii-." running; tlOIII ) le $1000 iii several smaller cai-cs, $2n,.,l23..V.) for services In counec- a . 3.. Kunr'd Bs ,1 .. 0 Ore-W R It c N Ce 4s I West 3 . . a l. .. . I' Coast 1 107H I. Tilt. 7(1 i Ml SU C ,1 78 107 "... 10761 a lu.y K w e '.' .... 10H Hud Si Man fd TOKW9 "!5ft feiv jV' l(1? ap cndlnp Afiiw ni mis " H B.0l?I,i.,,0 'urnlsl. 102S. hat lilT .SyThT"''"..""!!.!. I1K OPKNIMl rs. a-n"'..' "' i-ien neiiees, riillmlelnhln. rfWMS Snd,....,r '"; m (nr 'ISelllie. iSliene'n .ln'"',?"".,f"r " r IM3 H'TiV" wiiTi. iir nrr.NKii p ! sannui.. i LkV..:..' .."": s"v:" I iia:,nc7tj.a, a .- te mmi JsMsK --- Philadelphia National Bank Northern Central Railway Delaware Railroad Minehill & Schuylkill Haven R. R. WM. W. FOGARTY Lafayatta .Building,., r ., i ... 1..., n..., Hud i, e 1 SI'. SI H Hl'a Mn r.7 i r7v Ills Cenlr.il id n... . no n .... nm; Ills Ct I 4s 'M 1 . sink lilt n Mel 4 4s lft's IftStMf Lembard 10-ea Mla 8W, I... 4... . it t 4..i 'V... . IS . IS . 17 ',, IM ' 1 , . S.SM Pa nd en 4 ',4 1 4 ,. Ufi's P ltd m 4H 4 . SS Henna It It .Is 10 . . H7' I. . H7 10 07' IVuna ltd i!is 4 ... 107 1.... I"! 7 1071 IVnna It II 7s 1 . . 107 1 107, Peoria A H In HanliO 3' I'ee Una l.bjht A C'ral B a. . ss I'ee (las I.Uht & C.al ns 1.... Hl.l'i nn Shoie s e.Hj I W Union ll'Sa 1 n . . ins I 2 . ins. I I 10S WesMnshs'e I! & lilt 1. 2 inn, mm. : . inns, 2 lam, : imi a, VV & I, 17 1 14s nn. M'l for the titedlnn for the Vclcin lilstrlct of Pciinsjlianla, I i.-n.,.. c. ...... I lllll 1 1. . (.Ml, .M'll ,t ,1(111111 I'llJ' fieergp II. I'linn, of Pittsburgh ami New erli, millionaire contractor nml I cliihiiiau, served ns director of scleral concerns, including the. Anierican Step- nge 1 empntiy. renting (locks and uaie uaie heuses In Cuba, without compensation. lie was paid an annual salary of SlU,. 000 as president of Ittnkln A YiThten. ! Smith, Ine,, liquor dealer- of New I Yerk, in process of lliiuldatlen by ihp Allen I'l'end'lv Ciistndlne. nml c'n... ,..i I e nil. ...tlliMiit ,i,iiiiiiii. nllfin iil .,,.,,..1.1.... ... I hi l,' Ml'"" Chnmpdgun ami Importntleu 1 sin ' ('eini)nny, of Neii Yerk, al-e In process Wlluon.ce let; f liquidation, the report nIieiin, H '!,,, I Pciinsylvanlaiis who scried as of " "' un fieei's nnd dlrecteis of ce.msel for alien- . ..1 . ,.. ..i...r 1... .1. . vivir'll l-iillii'l lie cri.i'li li, IOC llOVet'U nient. with the nmeunt of their com cem com pciisatien, nre listed In the report as t'oMews: MISC KI.I.NAKiH's Mnr mi .Irl'ium I nlld Ciliilniii.i r.d- n Ilur ia l ci Curekn 1 --' -M Kill lui 1 lolls 11 1 .a Mi ih-i I. "lie V is. la Hills l 1. 1 1 W onder . 1 .. . . T cmia Millllis- . While ''HP u a 11 11' On', i's III "1 .'I ".' nn "-ii.t os nj in 01 i'i.I ni .!.' n-, ii'.' n-, ini'3 m't IIS III 0.' Ill .0 1 03 n. 1111, 11.", '.'l .111 I ml 10 113 t 03 ill ni 10 in c.'l Reserve Banks' Discount Rates nfl clsl redlsniunt rales in ihc mel'e I'ed ci.tl Heere H'inUs ai, ns felliius I r.as I. II. ( ,.in I Hkrs 2 . . nnv s nut, 2 07 Wilsen O 7Vj . 101 2 Hill '4 in I00, Wis Cent'l 4a 1 ... 77 w u hup a d Dlv -T's" : irr.;TTr (I II, Ceil.fi Pell idtf'phls. president mil director 'eer .Meniifncinrlnif I'nmiMin nianufacturtrs of i elding and cutting aii plliticcs, flili II. I.aniencn u I'lifiuili I juiin, psnir, f.iw, . u, c. .icri- I'llllndSl- niH, serieiy sii.u . iiuecier. U(li Mebsri rQiinssl tltxh JSltraudSbiuic.. tacrciary IliHtmi ei ','i . Plllllldelp'lla C.evel mil Hit liiiinnil Allilli'.l I'hli.ik.i S'l. l.eill Mlnm "i 'is K'iiis iiiln Dall ik I nn I 1 I' ' " ctfs. 4i 4M, i 4't l' I 'v ,1 I'i liundi. I't ! 4'i r. 's IS l'4 PHI acicpi 4', t'-a I't U.S. Certificates nnd Treasury Notes Phla. eecrvtaiy and dlr .Bl,jVlthl- PhllsdelphU. I lit Mut itt . I l(l.. Hit, (I1, .lline H'.'S t'.-.'t June 111 .-j Hi, Ai'i Hi'."-' I'j Sew IP.".' t'fti, Si'pl Hi! J fl'i D ' lU'.'S I'll, .Mn 1 1. 1 1H'."I t'S't .line H'-'l t.V Si'i V2 t4, Mnnh, IH'.'fi tl -March. IDL'n Hid Iskel Vlel.l IO11 3.3'.' Kill 3 111 3 08 IOO I I 3J toil 7 111 3.0" inu. me a;i-s'i Hi KHI 13-3" I1I1114 a 11 ion '.'3-:i'j ion j7 j a ', 1 Ml 111 -ij nm j:.;i.. ;) ', t( 11 in ;u me 11 in 3 is mi nns J IIS 103 .1 HI 1113 .". HI 4 en 1"l 10IV 4 U HIP. IAS A 'r.sriiui. iiamji Qimfa, euinini inremt fag, . TAcce4iUbJ..7er payment oiUicems tax dus en date of inateurlty. -. V The Church Is Ready! Your Presence Is Requested at thq Wedding of Mrs. Zander widow) and Uncle BilTl (Australian Millionaire) Thursday, April 13 Don't Miss This "Secial" Event en the COMIC PAGE. "Andy," "Min" and All "The Gumps" Will Be There Euentng public ledger The Evening Public Ledger prints move entertaining features and en an average of 25 per cent MORE NEWS than any ether Philadelphia evening newspaper. t IS I ; i " "Make It a Habit" . . ... W m v j i.i U Js ;.' a l :nM "J fiil rVtsk. a -Tel vvl ri ' ttl V '-I i i i t j t i i ' ' 1' 1 : 13 i'- 5 I t, ( IS.? . 1 t vsty-1 . . j, t - li r.'t VI t 1? .-"Kt?-mWM- . .''fevwK t. 'Bmjt .,miw.. i&JtnMS&Ei!ki& hi kismkMsms ;. vm j4,,.;!Vt : jv iJ.--di.j-. ti LssslsiriiissssssssssrSH SISSSSSBrSIlSSV-SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSI . tw. J i' I T' ' .