w$faffiw$M&i -wwiLWhii 'i,97wun mmmmm HTi mmywmwmmmn umwFmm, ' ' n-kiMi ffirl'WM W ' ! in iKaifitM ..-. i . ' , i -1 -r --w - - . . .i ...-. 1 1 . ft r ilia . . . v. i i Xj - t! '.New Issue ''lm'mwSmSMSKmBSmr ffwPw 11 Philadelphia Rapid Transit System $200,000 Darby & Yea den Street Railway Ce. First (Closed) Mortgage 42 Geld Bends Guaranteed as te Principal and Interest by endorsement by the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company 2re Nermal Federal Income Tax Paid by Company Free of Pennsylvania Personal Property Tax Dated December 1, 1904 Due December 1, 1934 Inlerett payable June and December l.t. Coupon bend in denomination of $1000 each. The Land Title & Trut Company, Philadelphia, Truitee. Redeemable en any interest date at 105 and interest. PROPERTY: The Darby & Yeaden Street Railway Company was incorporated in Pennsylvania in 1904, and is leased by the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company for 999 years. The read forms an important connection between the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company and the Darby, Media & Chester Street Railway. SECURITY: The bends are secured by a closed first . mortgage en all the property, rights and franchises of the company new owned or hereafter acquired, in addition te which the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company guarantees the principal and interest by endorsement en each bend. EARNINGS The earnings of the Darby & Yeaden Street Railway Company are consol idated with the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, which latter Company showed, as of December 31, 1921, a balance of $1,807,292 above all of its fixed charges, including rentals. Price Upen Application GARRISON & CO. WIDENER BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA MEMBERS Philadelphia Stock Exchange New Yerk Stock Exchange i TELEPHONES Philadelphia Spruce 8370 New Yerk Recter 3672 As nil of tliej. bends h 1 n eM this nclrrtlfemnt appears enh en a mutir of record Irbef informatien-hs bn ebttlncd from feurcis which c dni rcliiblc nd whlld net RUrntPH , acc,rte bx us as correct I STRAUS BUILDING , I WJ lilfflHS NEW Y0RK What It Means When S. W. Straus & Ce. Recommends a Bend Issue We recommend these bends as a safe investment' is a phrase you have frequently seen in the bend offerings of various in vestment houses. Did you ever step te think just what such a recommendation means? In iTiany cases, it simply means that the firm offering the bends believes they are well-secured and reasonably safe. But with S.W. Straus &. Ce. it means much merc.This Heuse bases its appeal te the investor en our record of 40 years with out less te any investor. This record is our greatest asset, and we could net afford te recommend an unsafe security. Our recommendation means, therefore, that every bend we offer has back of it our forty year record of safety. May we submit our investment recommendations te you ? We will be glad te de se if you will call at our office or write for BOOKLET 838-L S. W STRAUS &. CO. INCORPORATED OFFICES IN FITTEEN PRINCIPAL CITIE5 ESTABLISHED iSSl STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA Telephone, Spruce 5628 FORTY YEARS WITHOUT LOSS TO ANY INVESTOR 1 I f-- .Fat-tyiJTmHrT.ttTww ftriy - r- .n. y h. w. attaust Lu. a vJT" ijjill u ' SPr'vy i 'After Yeu Leck Up I art' th.'n? D J"0" l"e the , wh 50iA0 cellectnl nftcr bank- I fcv V. 1r ,0 ,l Issible pllfcrliiK VV turglnrs? Mn e mire by making deposit etery nlnht We are - unui je p. ji. ffisx cSfeiS U 4PQr: . c. ; JOURS 9AM-1QPM We own and offer Joint Stock Land Bank 5s, 1951 at 1013 Thmr henili iir Hilriimeii Intuit or I In' I . S. (iorrn (ierrn inrut anil urr free friicn nil luifii rucit liilu'i.luiiie taws. WlDCNIft BlD0PHIU0(lfHM iUvhn Pliliiit'rti i cJ Am )eri Stilt l:lh jiii UfwveaK ruiiMTM N I e.oi.curk&ee. BANKERS I f 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Established 1837 I I Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges Traders Column April 11th, 1912 CA88ATT eV CO. BPRuce 2000 $20,000 Baltimore & Ohie Eq. 6, Jan. 15, 1933 5.65 $10,000 Baltimore & Ohie Eq. 6s, Jan. 15, 1934 5.65 7r $10,000 Delaware & Hudsen . Eq. 6n. Jan. 15, 1930. .5.40 $20,000 New Yerk Central Eq. 4', s, Jan., 1931 5.25 $15,000 Atlantic Coast Line Eq. 6s, Jan. 15, 1932. .5.50 $10,000 New Yerk Central Eq. 6s, Jan. 15, 1931 5.50 COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY SPRuce 8200 Will Buy Pub. Serv. Cerp. of N. J. Perp. Int. Bear. Ctfs. newhall; gross & diffenderffer , WALnut 2690 Kansas City Ry. 5s, 1944 Shaffer Oil 6s, 1929 Geshen Gas 6s, 1929 Atlantic City Elcc. 5s, 1938 Indianapolis North. Tr. 5s, 1932 ISAAC STARR, JR., & CO. Raae 7938 Spruce 2881 Pitt., C. C. & St. L. 5s, 1970 Bell Telephone of Pa. 7s. 1945 Lake Superior 1st 5s, 1914 City of Phila. 4s, 1944 N. Y., Chi. & St. L. 6s, 1931 Federal Farm Lean 5s. 1941 Kiscnlehr Cem. & Pref. Denner Steel 8 Pref. Pennsjhania R. R. 7s, 1930 Colerado & Southern 4';s,1935 Chattanooga Rys. 1st 5s, 195G Harwood Electric 1st 5s, 1939 Kankakee Gas & Elcc. 1st 5s, 1930 Ter Kpace In thH column Pheno Spruce 6720 SINCE 1871 the year in which Phil adelphia started te build her great ten million - dollar City Hall this institution has successfully served many hundreds of prominent Philadel phia business houses some of which began in a small way and gradually grew te a great size. We Can Serve Yeu Well .Savings Fund Department open errrj Monday evening until 7 P. M, y S2.230.600.0q' II Niiunuin Knui'wirjiiiiii'iiiinrMWiii iiuircuj i VJE HAVE just compiled up te-the-minute reports ei the following corperations: Studebaker ' Midvale Steel Penna. R. R. Royal Dutch Davisen Chem. Bald. Loce. Cktck the rtpertt you art inttrttttd in rtci'wing. OUR FINANCIAL INDICATOR keeps ou posted SEND FOR L-11 L'tittd itcnrititi can it d en comtrta cemtrta live margin. Inqniriti and accounts invitti CULVER & CO. STOCKS & BONDS 1 ember? n n n n n b Vhilndtlphin lleck Eichana m Consolidated Sleck Kxrhanee of .V. 1'. a CULVER HLDG. H 1504 Walnut St., Philadelphia B "IT.'" ,tM,B iriicr 8SiO m rittkhureli. I'n., nrnnnttllr, lx.. S Htruhrnlllr. O. ' S, PATTON &CO; " lIU'.ST.NIir VIS. BANKERS :nhen SutrfiMir uursrsik&' lu. b.-1-- !' ..-"" .mil ?! Kf I'! and aeld. r. DQSilEl CSJ 1SJ.U AXSJ JULSaSJl S S 111 SJLUSJLSJli, Jl Accountant Executive I 'Irihiuil In I'rfilll". CiillcitlimH nnU erilLD ArnnnKemmt. new atallabl. Uet e( refrifnca. A RIO. Idcrr OMm ' rwiiifniTmfiiiiiisiiii Unlimited Funds Fer First, Second, Third or liuilding Mortgages HI l( K ACTION ABE KOLSKY & COMPANY, Inc. N. W. Cat, tth ui Wahat te. J WANTED Phila. Truit Ce. Stock Cern Exchange Natl. Bank Bank of North America Stock BARNES & LOFLAND M7 h. 4 rn sr.. I'iiii.A., r.. TH. lembnrd 4172 A Bank that was obliged te take cioditer's merchandise te liquidate lean hnn n larire quantity of Cylin der Oil, which is for sale at a very low price. Specifications furnished upon request. Ad dress Oil. P. O. Bex 5, Station F, Nw Yerk City. S2 00 000 ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY Equipment Trust Geld Notes 0ted January IS, 1920, te mature in fifteen equal antjual instalments Redeemable as a whole en any interest date, at the option of the Railroad Company t,t 105 and interest, en sivtv das preieus notice Interest paablc January IS and July 15. Principal and Interest paab!c in U. S. Celd in New Verk Cit. Coupon Notes in denominations of $1,000 each, registrable a.s te principal only. These Notes are a direct obligation of the Erie Railroad Company under an Equipment Trust Agreement between the Director General of Railroads, the Railroad Company and the Guaranty Trust Company of. New Yerk, Trustee. The title te the equipment under the agreement remains in the Trustee until all of the Notes have been paid. Through supplemental agreement,' dated January 15, 1922, 33 "6 of the Notes of each maturity, held by the Director General, are te be stamped se as te give preference and priority te the above offered unstamped Notes out of any moneys received or collected by the Trustee under the Equipment Trust Agreement in case of default. Upen the execution of the supplemental agreement, the unstamped Notes will be outstanding te the extent of only about 58 of tilt original cost of the equipment, viz., $4,501,500, en which they are secured. Original issue $4,501,500 Pid off 600,200 Amount outstanding $3,901,300 Held by Director General, one-third of each maturity te be subordinated te Notes new offered 1,301,300 X Notes new offered $2,600,000 The equipment consists ef: Heavy Switcher Locomotives Heavy Pacific Locomotives 200 50-ten capacity Steel Underframe Bex Cars 16 15 Heavy Mikade Locomotives 20 25 Heavy Santa Fe Locomotives Fer the year ended December 31, 1921, the Erie Railroad Company reports net income after ell bend interest, including this issue, taxes, rentals and ether fixed charges, etc., of $2,694,425. We offer the above Notes, subject te prier sale, if, as and when received by us. at prices te yield as follews: Maturity icld MaturiU January 15, 1923 5 40 January 15, 1930 15, 1924 5 50 " 15, 1931 M 15, 1925 5 60 ' 15. 1932 IS, 1926 5 70 15. 1933 " 15. 1927 5.75 - is. 1934 15. 1928 5.75 . - 15, 1935 15. 1929 5.80 Yield 5 80 5 80 5.75 5.75 5 75 5.75 Payment for Notes allotted is te be made in due course In New Yerk funds at the office ei J. S. Bache Ce 42 Broadway, against delivery of Guaranty Trust Ce. Temporary Receipts exchangeable for definitive Notes when received by thern. , New Yerk, April 11, 1922. J. S. Bache & Ce. Members New Yerk Stock Exchange 42 roadway NEW YORK 108 Se. La Salle Street CHICAGO The abesc statements hae been obtained from official and ether sources which we liclicxc te be reliable, but they are net guaranteed by us. Guaranteed Unconditionally as te Principal and Interest by The Dominion of Canada Canadian counsel advise us that these guaranteed bends are secured by the full credit and taxing power of the Dominion of Canada equally .with its direct obligations. Grand Trunk Railway 7s Due 1940 Nen -Callable up te 1935 Selling te Yield about 6 Grand Trunk Railway 6s Due 1936 Nen-Callable during entire life Selling te Yield about 5.85 Canadian Northern Ry. 6s Due 1946 Nen -Callable during entire life Selling te Yield about 5.75 Canadian Northern Ry. 7a Due 1940 Nen -Callable up te 1935 Selling te Yield about 6 The above bends, selling te yield from 5 te 6, constitute, in our judgment, an extraordinary investment opportunity and we strongly recommend their purchase. We shall be pleased te execute orders at the market Dillen, Read & Ce. St. Leuis Merchants Bridge First Mortgage 6 Bends Due Feb. 1, 1929 Price te yield about 5.90 Description en Bonbright & Company New Yerk 437 Cheatnut Street, Philadelphia Botten Chicago Detroit Estates of $5000? Statistics show that estates of $5000 and eftrn times mere arc dissipated in a few vears "here tlieie is no trusteeship. We assume the responsibilities of a trustee, uhich assures the future of thesi- you uih cared for. A censulta tien minus mn set ,our mind at case en many of your firincial responsibilities. THE REAL ESTATE TRUST CO. OF PHILADELPHIA Bread and Chestnut Sts. vP5H555 "Dividend-Paying Pelicitt" AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE EXCHANGE 07 ChastMt Star MCewnyCa Laad Tide Bid rati, flask Bstaaaw TAX FREE MUNICIPAL BONDS Haverford Township, Pa. Scheel 44 1932 4.171 City of Reading, Pa. Scheel 5s 1933 te 1945 4.15 Upper Darby Township, Pa. Imp. 42s 1952 4.15 Redstone Township, Pa. Scheel 5s 1929-34-42 4.39 Township of Ridley, Pa. Scheel 5s 1952 4.39 M. M. FREEMAN & CO. 42 ft Cheatnut SI. PtHlasUlthla Talenan UmbarsJ OUt "7il.T12 U iWAI ?W4 m: m V'-'PJ ' 'U rri Wi ? J-tfyr" l r N ! 4- . !J Z t-Al tjf it t . .'ffifUVfl 'f i lidJL 2iL A ij f tts 1 W V ..w.'-..-r.rflA.Vlw. . .-.; . .lj .'. a & ' tt iMAlt.r IJUVKr.'iKl.MlS '.., 'A i A HHLwBHkBiHllliHV T