Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 23, Image 23

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i 'li - T r W,
'I.W'HOTi l .WYi'J-TSra
Befly AcSiiist layers Who Sign Contracts With Mere Than One Cnti
y iU'.'VrJ ssy" V ?.7 "
n S amcs nnd reasons for the dlwiuallflentlen of tbe students Have net been
HS r.riinihan'fl alnJcmcnt wns negative rather fjinn ponltive. He
iW'Aifillr denied tlie students were dropped becnuse of professionalism nnd
''"fw faculty decision did net reflect en the character or Integrity of any of
h'th'en0 should Ihc facts be withheld from the public?
Tii result of audi lndcflnlte announcements Is rumors from mere or less
k tic sources. Eventually the story will leak out. There always are peep
already has been learned that some of the Inellglblcs received money,
itflwed money," the report gees, from 'members of the alumni nnd failed te
lwith the rule which commands students te report such financial advance-
""lie leans are said te have been made by members of the alumni, nnd
' utm& the athletes intended te reimburse their benefactors after graduation.
The point te determine, It seems, is whether the funds were advanced te
mlttae bejs te receive the benefits of higher cducntlen or te give l'rlnceten
Sifcenefit of higher athletics.
i Tbe Nassau faculty Athletic Committee claims the Investigation started
'...i. D.in.nn' nails. This is hlclily commendable. The college itself should
Jiiiibe the first te ferret out facts in suspicious cases In its own ranks.
AFTER watching the Penn nine In action jesterday, Kllze Wllhclm
stated that there wasn't a professional en the Red and Blue squad.
TbU may be taken as a boost for the Quakers.
Wew Dees It Strike Yeu i
a. j ;
, t
Princeton's Heusecteaning
l&Nea Tennis Star
Up fnd Fulton's Mercy
L.. ' ... L .... La.H .IamI.IWA.1 lt.Altntl.tA At ttlllHrttAn M"!.!.. M,..t.
(AimTEES athletes nnrc uccu ui ...t,. .. Uv imivir. .iui muiu
ff aI'i but no details have been forthcoming from the Halls of Nassau.
UfH II UU"-..
Lawrence Rice Latest Star in Tennis
fE latest star te flash across the tennis horizon Is that herculean
'. ' New Centre. Mass., Lawrence Rice himself.
One year age itice was ranuca tniriy-scvcnin in inc national list, tie nan
a. aiAAHAInH M aAI M 1 I AAlf-A. Ik In rl1fMAM Al tf A t Sf . n Af I 1 9 at.
km ittraCtlng SOmu llliuilliuil iiiuuuu uumiiii uj urn njuraenc iJJ'u i rjuiiie,
W . . ... i .1.. ..! L l.l. ....! I... II
UlirOtind StrOHtS null lC Blicvl lie gui. ml inn wiim null.
Suddenly lie ped te fame by beating 1)111 Tilden In the Rhede Island clay
Mtt championships, later defeated Vincent Richards in the finnls at Bermuda
sd finally came within a couple of service aces of eliminating Tilden from the
Middle States indoor tourney here recently.
The final set of that semi-final match went te Tilden, 12-10, after Rice
slant' had the match mere than once. Rice has been chosen te play en the
iMtira team In the annual East vs. West match this year. Many pick him
jpfsDatls Cup possibility next year, if net this. '
"One of the ery best tennis players in American ranks today." That's
ifl Vincent Richards, Tilden and ethers have te say about Rice.
BOSTON has Just come out with its golf handicap list. The New
Yerk and Western districts lists were out long age, Where, eh, '
i where is jour list, Philadelphia?
Fulton Should De te Others as Has Bent Dene te Him
MOM Grand Rapids, Mich., came word the ether day that Fred Fulton had
. 'Hemer Smith outclassed almost as been as they put up their hands, but
nfrslned from knocking out his opponent until the seventh round.
Seems funny that the big plasterer should be he chicken-hearted when it Is
ttltalate consideration hew quickly some of his opponents have put him out for
tki count.
Fulton no doubt has net forgotten the night he was stretched en his back in
tathan a minute by Jack Dempsey.
Al Paher was another who had no mercy. He put Fulton down and out
Ori? la the fourth round.
Then there was Harry Wills, who knocked out the mammoth Minnesetnn
Ut the third round.
Se it appears that II would behoove Fulton te defeat a man ns seen ns he
pelbly could when he found one from whom he could win.
AMERICAN methods of training college athletes are all wrong,
according te the English. The Penn relay men, adhering te the
Velstead act during training in England, were defeated by 75 yards in
the race with Cambridge, whose athletes conditioned en beer, ale and
Merien, 10-Seeend Man, Injured.
Fresh Trackmen Trounce Sephs
Harry Andersen, former West Vir-
'-pal Unlversity student and rated a
'Ur sprinter and football plnjcr, pulled
i tendon yesterday afternoon in prac
i! en Franklin Field. Andersen is
lidlfible for the track team at present
eciuse of the ene-year-rcI(lence rule.
mass been practicing for the annual
wuu uuuuii'aii meets tomorrow alter
Aftdcrsen was. timed in (rn seconds
jmril times for the century. In four feur
taU Andersen starred while dt Virginia
(it halfback and expects te play witn
swain's cloven in the fall. He welghx
Woeunds and is built along the lines
et Ben Derr. the slashing fullback et
wml years nge.
Mere than 00 entiles for the spring
ettihave been handed in te Ucerge
Orteaind Al Kranzleln, who nrecoach nreceach
if tee track team in the nbsence of
Uwsea Robertsen. The meet is open
W UT Student In tlia 1Tnlvrlfv atwl
wAUy draws a fast field in every event.
Scraps About Scrappers
Princeton Student Explains Sit
uation Resulting in House Heuse
, cleaning by Committee
Harry Seibold, Formerly of
A's, and Charlie Glock,
Beth HurlersDratv $25
Princeton. N, J., April 11. "It Is
very costly te go te Princeton, i think
thnt tioer boys who roine here seeking
an education and lmve athletic talent
arc particularly unfertunntc. A man
who has the ability te make n varlty
team nnd (Iecs net come out for it is
considered dlsle,nl te the university.
"Many bes ceme te college depend
ing en financlnl aid from ether sources
than parents nnd gunrdlans. If n boy
is wealthy he Is n strictly amateur ath
lete. If he's peer he is looked en with
suspicion as being a pre. Eighteen ath
letes et Princeton hnve been dcclnred
ineligible. Speaking for some of them,
I knew thnt thTy hnve been abielutely
honest; that they have turned down
offers te ploy professionally solely te
retain their positions en Princeton
'teams and that they were Ignorant of
wrong-doing, if they nctunlly did nny
Thus speke n Princeton student tn
day. He Is a close friend of sevcrnl of
the athletes under fire. He Is thoroughly
cemcrsnnt with what has been going en
"behind closed doers" here. Fer sev
eral reasons his name cannot be used.
Three of the students declared Ineli
gible were captains of teams Ollrey.
football; MeNnnmrn, baseball, and
Wittmcr. basketball.
Thcv were barred because there Is a
rule at Princeton that any athlete re
ceiving money from ether sources than
a parent or guardian must report the
amount nnd source te the eligibility
committee. It is said the first thce
men .knew of this rule was when it
was published eh the reason they were
u . .u. .... ... I
Their spokesman denied tedav tnai ,
THE Philadelphia Baseball Associa
tion has begun te function in its
entirety. Twejilnyers were fined at n
mcctlne of the Beard of Governors held
last evening. These who felt the heavy
hnnd of the association were Charlie
Glock and Harry Seibold. They Were
fined $25 each, for signing contracts
with two clubs.
President Heward M. Donevan in
delivering the decision te the parties
concerned said that such a light fine
was meted out as it was the first cae
te come before the beard. lie made It
plain thnt mere drastic action wvtild
be taken In the future.
"We are abselutclv opposed te nnv
such double dealing." he said. "We
are determined te break It up at the
start, and I personally believe that jeu
have been let down rather easy. Sign
ing two centrncts Is mighty bad busi
ness, aud you have been given ns square
n deal ns any one could expect."
Neither plnyer had nny complaint at
the decision
Nativity In Beth Cases
The parties concerned were nil pres
ent. Nativity Catholic Club was In
both cases. In the first Phil Haggcrtv
produced a contract of Charlie Cleck
"lgned April .'1, also an agreement en
the same day te play with NntUity.
Twe days later Glock signed with the
Gnrtlnnd Club, of Parkland. Beth mnn
ngcrs and players took the stand. Glock
offered no defense nnd the verdict was
speedily reached.
Harry Selheld. former Athletic
pitcher, who signed with North Phillies
AtAtAtAtA9 VC .tJtV t. ' AtAtAtAtAtAH
f fit P5mjiIaBM1
Contests Listed for Interscho Intersche
lastic, Interacademic, Catho
lic and Bux-Ment Nines
Standings and Schedule
of Scheel Games Today
W. h. l'.C. . V I,. F.C..
Oln. IIIh. i n l.oeo rkd. lllch e e .(ion
W. P. If.. 1 e 1.00(1 Seuth'n It. O 1 .0(1(1
ntmi it. n n ,oeo ct helle Hei .000
N. K. It., e e .eun
Cntholle High , Southern Hlsh. Cnhlll
Krankferd !lch . Central Hluh, Housten
Northeajit HlBh mi. Ocrmanlewn High,
...?.' J"ePh' 1'rep a. Vlllanea Prep.
Oermnntewn Aradcmy vi nplnrenal Acad
emy, IlerwJck read at City I.fnc
Fred Plum Retains Sheet Trdphy-Jf
Atlantle Mr, April It. frtd Plurrt, IlR.
Atlnntle City, holder et many tltlea, r-ElX
lnlni.il tinViifftiilnn nf thn Xfniien.TJlKnn eha.14 lvSi
lengn trophy In hla match with Itatnti li.-J
Hpetln, captain nf the New Yerk Athltlla f 1
Club trnp sheeting tum Plum smaah4 f3
n leiai or jjj eui ei inn larvcifl. dpvui
ureKO i.u l jA
- w
Kahanamoku te Ge en Tour
Oakland, Mat.. April II. Dule Kahana
meku, world chsmplnn sprint a'vlmmer, or '''iS'.vl
lienriuiu, nnii recnniiy nnnnuncru ni r- liMf
I .;. -19
tlrement from amntiur ranks, la plannlnB
te tour the Unltd Hlnlfa thla summer and
rpprir m arleu.i resorts.
Fermer Athletic hurlcr. who was
lined $25 far signing two baseball
Veteran Southpaw Will Make 1922
Debut en Franklin Field
The I'nlvcrslty of Pcnnsjlvanin base
ball team will return te Its own clai
this afternoon when It meet Ver
mont en Franklin Field, Yesterday the
collegians tried their skill against major
leaguers and are new satisfied te meet
cellege teams.
The Phillies trounced T)r. Cnrlss'
nine 17 te ii In n game that rctlcctcd
little credit en the Wllhelmltcs nnd
didn't beet the standing of the Red
nnd Rlue any. Wlldness en the part of
Mcfjuillcn nnd Mewcl.n and mlsplnys
Beets and Saddle
&&riUB wVitu a-. I... l . y ,. a.
"f in:
bTj1t race Reckabye. Be Trueman,
4n.e!lna: second Welcome Stran
Pf, Harry Maxim, Prudence; third
Wrnabeut, Pcrlgeurdlne, Alexander
Himllten: fourth Avlspa. Cape Pil
"iMlMEmnm C; fifth Icgacy, At-
f'sv .'iinr, weary ; sixtii I.uey
Jte, Anna Gallup, Financial. Rees-
J, seventh Iren Rey, Devil Deg,
B. P I.U..,. T, , . .
i ' - "iiiihcj a ixmie, nerscs re
Sfwed themsches somewhat yesterday,
i1S?lI,ndnd Yashmak both winning
"May. Yashmak needed n route, and
A?.!?"? f'Tlengs suited her better
Jtbe five and a half furlongs en Sat-
1n UlrAA.lfL1..nM nlll u .. ..
ffNMrated year. TOtenln Is te linre n
K iffli-'ih ?.' J0. ."!; wf
WMhlp din. The TWh- U ..il.
"Wt $53,000, while the Preakncss and
teana x?nt fi,akt"' cn,,, l worth
ff;X" Nc,?r bcfore in 'he history of
Win 2rn r?cln.R have 8ll'h Inducements
tetrtJf'fl1 thrce-yenr-elds. The
" that the Derby and the Preakness
r1- 10 DO run an k -...- j i ,
IP" responsible for the new 30,000
;'n l.atenla. Unrtn ntun,., k.n...
di .Fri?tMe8 l,lccase their horses
Srpr? be Prm"tcd try for both
Sa f w"". Sml the Derby- the
Etarf-r1?!"'' .the nvorlte for the
illnmnnd. Thev tllOIIKll
him they elected him captain. Why
net? lie deserved the honor. The Lni
vcrslty approved it. He wanted nn
education. They wanted him te play
ball. tee.
"It wns hard for him te get nien?
financially in college. Many times he
wns approached last summer bv hotel
league teams nnd ether independent
teams te piny professional baseball.
AVitli thnt money he would hnve had no
trouble in getting through college. Rut
he turned "them nil down. He refused
scveial offers In Philadelphia because
he was arptaln of the team nnd wanted
te tetnin liN amateur status.
"Rut this self-deprivation would have
put him en the ilnnncial rocks unless
he had been able te borrow from nn
" 'In the summer I can piny base
ball, after 1 graduate, and then I'll
pny jeu back,' he told the alumnus.
Reth were ignorant of the faculty
It Is said the whole investigation
clnctml n Itti Trrnf the Rnstnn Pel-
Whilft this la nn nrf-n-eelc for hnvlnnr imrf... i-- .1 it ... .. l. .,. tn TK.Innn.
BMsa.- v&terzst aii ;? ;rB in"fc ; iw net piv
j'!1 , the Oelden (Sat. (National), and , till a vear had i)Bs.ed. Treat borrowed
!2mitcllru'e'!y'a-Prt":raI0 "'"-""enMth, mency ' treln an nluiuiiiiH with the In-
I tentien of paying It back. There were
rannm. .l0. Can and Mlpnt Pur-ar -nlll 1 ther nthlctcs who cnine down from
claah in th nimt-up at the (Seldi n riate te- Hosten. nnd it is said wind tame te
u. iehnn iVurin'"?. 'ZY1', L '"in.v. '""Ill" Hun iird Of It.
!'"". Shifty Smith Kid Hurbeii and
h i,a.i ,i.,,i nnw wrnni? iiiliep than "I'd Nativity, was the next case heard.
break the rule thcv "knew net of." ' I r'-e secretary produced Seibold's con- psychological moments accounted ler
"Take MrXninara. for Instance." .Jrnct .filed bv Nativity nnd dated March J the .pout. ,,,,,,
said the 1 student tedav. "He Is a ven- North Phillies produced n centract1 .r ,'" Innings Penn looked like
ler He has kept up in his scholastic as jet unfiled dated March 0. , world heaters with a -.'-te.) lead and
work only with h" greatest difticulty I I'eiry RciNnjder put In evidence n H" w"nR " nil cighl. Cnine
and extra work, for the reason thnt Mt-r written by Sclbeld te Catcher L',P thir' . In,n "K nn,,1l,.,, 'th from
h Is serv ces wc?e bndly needed en the Bpehrer, of their club. In which he a,- nTS ' J1"1, .,"'V "I alL0I!.,,l,1ni: '.
.a ....irti. r i i eniPM fnrrnu nu i.''nKn..n.. ! . 44u mn unit inu iiii nu fimu in u j.t'riir i
ii Ml linn II ii" i-nii i.aiii-i I'll I1 llll mil t . yini'i
Harry Jtlller va. Kid Lubln
The iitmer Is that llnrnid suggested
the status of these Fejs be examined.
It is said here, however, with great
.Tehnnry,iiTriif.ltw;''.nrat...n!;a',,:' and emphasis that the whole Investigation
fth?hJ ".V.n,err0,!urdayl-niBnh; .'t I." '1 Parted "within Princeton's walls."
flnnMi f hlib- tv,a, i .." ?' I .
Chick Jannettl la rrometlne th'ia
hlaTfiADJ?,Bif'FiLUaln,l,n ' Hana.yunl for
at thi ei'IJhlW X""11" n"xt -Monday nlKht
SimifiMWu"' Capenl and Ynunw
y?iehJn h"' aml Jennny Mayhook ii. A
ii 0"? Ffnehfttl. whe.e bexlnc caie.r I. h.
Ileied te ha. ben curtailed ir. ,uli nr
rn.tlnrh!'r,.!'li.7,,r" ,,n n" autome"bMer "c-lden
sf-varis ;vrhmh han i&'tissssts
rh&p8rtndChaay. hf,.thJ7ne"th., 1"",
barony one at lis ,& ffi"h$i
amtiiel,- f V" . c invuriiu mr I lie
Krien ? 0n'n', ce,l'd cheese only be-
Hew if i. ' ?rDi' -"ml the Preekness.
f te Lid ,w,n,8 th1 Dprby he can still
ft. l 'J? f5.r t,lc ehainplenshlp. or
5d te Mthe.Der.b'r' h"Pe wlU net be
" te blm in the stel ar events.
the arrival from Hewnrd
K IJiiL,hc.?tab, of Commander J.
wM?u,iii,he !'ele,.,y "f thorough-
" mat Will mnWn lm ...ni., f !.
I1 te 4 )?cc, snrl,"8 meeting April
If) ?ilclu,U;?-lM 'cd te above
Ne.ur.cnrfy,;Tnl,nb,e1 bti" within the
At.BUra Of ThA flLunn ...I .. Ill 1..
MDM ,, ."""'"UHUII Will UU OH-
"it of ..". ,,1,10 "Mt few ''aja, and
Wbv f'h 8 ft ? ? "'e stnblea of the
"rt!!,0 U Game Indicator
7i ire t .""""'
can leu
" uy me rniine nmi
ff t"t th i, V, '" l'r"t .aeaaen ty
llaim.i a"" Market atreeli nn H.v.
en ., "!''' wnen the g.ma
: Wi.th.rWi.Ji.5 urd' "'
yhjllr.-by "the" end of the men'tT'-Tf'"
Sim.heiu,9?"bUy ,0bacce ,or th-'ni.n'Vn'tta
?n"h1llnR,0.',i? ?f hi" opponent. GeSffi Tulley?
te box In thelr laat meet nx .Shearn iayi
i?,fi?,iZ,c. out Tulley t ,hv meat alnTn
r"li ,h la,ter ex?"' "P a llttla bit. Johnny
la open for any of 'em at 120 pounds
iiJ,".lr 210?F' ?,f '?t Thlladelphla, would
Ike te M Dan Qartln'a flrat opponent when
the latter makes hla professional bow.
Ii. M. niakln. wires from Itouaten Tex .
that Johnny Mcf.auKhlln. of Hmekv Hellew
wen pn i J foul from Tlllle Kid Herman In
the eighth round of n, bout In that cttj the
UIIITl 1,1.111. -
nnbbr Ilurman may b matched te meet
Terry llanlen In the wlnd-un at the North
side A. C. Atlantic Oltj. for the nleht of
April 18 Al lleltzman, of HUerslde. Is ex
pected te box en tbd name card,
There la n letter In the Sports Depart
ment of the Kemno rim ie I.rpeER for
Kt&nk Hurley, of tha Marehall Amateur Ath Ath
letle Jlexln Club.
Five Middle Atlantic States Cham
pions te Compete In Bosten
Philadelphia will he reptcscntcd In
the national amateur boxing champion
ships, te be decided In ItoMen. April
17 and IS. Five of the .Middle Atlantic
States tltleheldcrs who wen their
crowns in the tournament at the
Olympia several weeks age will com
pete. Harry McGrath, chairman of the
local A. A. U. boxing committee, will
be in charge of the team which will in
clude Alex Ureenherg, S. P. II. A.,
flyweight; Ocorge Helmer, Fnter
prlse C. O., bantamweight; Chnrles
Rice, Shnnahan, featherweight: Temmy
O'Mnllcy, Meadowhreok, lightweight,
and Snm Blacklsten, Curtis C. C,
Big League Jottings
The White Sex will round out their eprlnc
training today with n phert pnirtli-n nnd
Minager Ulrasen expects te send l'ru,in
raber te the hill nsiilnst lh Jlrnwni In
tha epener.
Chleace aperta writer exeei l the Sex man-
n semen t te renew neKOtlutlena with Dick
Kerr. He was advertlimd te pitch semi-pre
ball last week, but failed te d se nnd the
way Is left open for further dealing with
the star hurler.
Three regular of the Cards may net be
In the opener tomorrow with the Pirates.
They are Clarence Mueller. enter fit lder,,
Jacques Foamier, first bis, nnd Johnny
I.Kiin. shortstop, who mn be out fei twi
fljde Milan, manncer of the Nitlnmls
, as tendered a dinner bv emp fn'ir hundred
fins iHht nleht, itu did net pudlct a pen
nant Inner, but declare, In bad i wlllInK
And nhle amreitatlen uC bull playurs that
weu'l make uny team liuille te slay ahead
of It.
TIieiieIi MennreT Tj- C'ehli took part In the
warmlns-up practlce betwtcn Columbus anil
Dettelt esHrday, he will net net Inte the
npenltiK irame tun, arrow naltist the Cleo Clee
)ai d Indians.
much deliberation Sclbeld was awarded
te .ertli i'lnlllcs, but he tee was rcp-
four-base play thnt was brought into
tne bleachers hy a renleiis joungster.
who reached out nnd took it off the
'I lie man nf "IfnLn" rni.nmnu i.,. n .i. mii iym iuin ui.'iu.s uiu umc.
nitehcr Pln whirl LC r Ikl Mcgulllen rnme back In the fourth
nn d Man LI tSLph . &- nt mi1 rctlrctl ,1,c M wlt,le,lt '"' dan'
lUhtli !?Ll nKe- ln ,he fiftl1 M'UiiHlcn and
w"s nKe heard ' it na J ,' I M'welyn were hit for flvi singles, which
Thenm ha "accepted ?rn n S r kMl iTVT i?'1 " " r
Wn P.e dure In XlJlilZ't11' I "k- M- "& 'l'- nfternJen
The ense nf ' r.ld u riiLii - V i , ' "Rn'n'-t the New England team. A
both I, HW.lei; II n vK Hrir1nlmC' I llF,,vv ,,"I,I "Pt I.nii InwtUf the first
iDuinifii .urn lurui Mini win cive ur.
; n.iJ"VA?"n"cJp.nia.,cri,V- I-'"' MiWhh addition te the hurl-
..-. ...v -' ui ue Jiuit mceiing. ill ing staff.
the meantime Uridcburg hns been ghen
permission ie piny UoIln'lier en Satur
day against Forty-eighth Ward.
The Umpire Situation
A committee from the United I'm I'm
pires asked for a hearing. President
Donevan told them they had been nils nils
infermed if they cnine with the undir
stunillng thnt they had been sent for.
ns tney reported. He listened te the
Facts Shew Richards' Entry In
National Only Tentative
By TAI'I, ritEP
THE largest number of scholastic
baseball gamei se far this season are
scheduled for this afternoon. Four
leagues have games listed en today s
card, while many ether contests are
The Catholic League season will open
this afternoon, when St. Jeseph's Prep
meets Vlllnneva Prep en the Main T.lne.
This game dieu!d be elee, but the Vllln Vllln
eova team doesn't loom se strongly ns
the CrlniMiri nnd (irny. Johnny 1avln
hns n snappy team tit Seventeenth nnd
Stiles streets,
The Intorehentle League ol-e win
open the HIL".' campaign thN afternoon
Twe games nre scheduled. (Jcrninntnwn
Academy will be entertained by Kpls Kpls
ceunt Aendenn. nnd I'enn Chnrter will
travel te Hiicrferd Scheel. Kpl-cnpal
has another "-peedy aggregation till"
year, and should bent the Qunkers from
ftormantewn nenue and Scheel lane.
The Churchmen have n hnrd-hlttlng
crowd and the fielding Ii geed. The
pitching, however, Is weak.
Hacrferd Streng
Penn t'hnrter loom strong, hut
Havcrferd has a crack team. The
Main Liner-. hae been going along at
a great clip this .ensen and have ctnb
HMied a better lecerd than the Fif
teenth street institution. Dick Mer
rlt's bnj, however, hae been meeting
the best ln the city, nnd have made it
geed showing. This game should be
Three IntorsrtielaMIe League con
tests are hooked. Catholic High antl
Southern High will meet en Cahlll
Field. If Catholic gets the pitching,
there won't be anything te it. The
Cahlllites have n strong team, and with
n little I'eninleiice will make the ether
teams hustle. Southern Isn't very
strong, and It leeks ns though tlm
down -tow nets are going te sink farther
Inte the rellar.
Northeast High will meet (icrman (icrman
tewn liissh at Pencoyd. This should
be a little mere than a practice game
for the Cllveilcns. Germantown has
another wonderful team, while the
Archives nre woefully weak. The lied
nnd Black tdinuld earner very few hits
eft1 the (Jrren nnd White twiners, while
fieiniuntewn s hitters will be able te
boost their nverages. The game should
give (Jermanteun a stronger held en
first place.
Central High Favorite
Frnnkferd Hleh will pln.v Central
High en Housten Field. Central has a
fairly geed team nnd should be fa-"t
enough te bent the Pioneers. Frnnkferd
doesn't appear te he n team that will
emiiC any trouble, while Dr. O'Brien's
nine is llnble te upset the dope nnv
time this season. The Mirrors should
win by a fair margin.
A pair of But -Ment League gnmes
arc en. tee. Soudertewn High will plnj
Perkasie High, while Quakertown IIIkIi
i entertained by Lnnsilnle High. Net
P, nn Charter vs. Ilawferd Hchoel
Souderton High vs Terkasle Hlch, rerks.-
UlEh vs. I.ansdale Hlth,
Medli Jtlch vs Chester Hleh Chester
Virginia, avenue, one block from famous
Keardualk and Steel Tier, open April IStn.
after thq completion of Improvements cesllns
f.lVOne, ninklmr this liouee strictly modern
In every sense.
M ri.n.nVi'S" " "' u"manlu"'' '"SO Kle,trlcty throusheut. Hpacleus
lisrbJ inK. Si vnrri.iun m.h k I sun deck: prlvatn bathsi elevnter. n
loin Norrlstewn High. Nerrls-! t -0 p(!r dav ',, enerehlp ma
liAiii.r. nr.vii r
Chestnut Hill Academy vs. friends' (Vn I
tral, Tortj-feurth street and I'arks.de avc-l
Ht. l.uke's fchoel vs, Oermantewn
I rlendi. (Jue, n lane,
noems only
Kentucky Ave , adjacent te Ileachi newly
renovated and refurnished, rooms slnclt
nr en suit, wltfi private baths.
Running Water in Ever Roem
Elevator beautiful sun parlor, perches,
spacious lobby Kenned patronage. Will
be open for Easter Holidays en tha Eure-
Eein Plin. American Plan will begin
lecoratlen Day Reservations new Lelni
med. Owp.r.hlp rurectten.
Pitcher Traded for Kepf and
Marquard Said te Have
Bad Arm
Pacific avenue nnd St Jimes Place, cle tc
beach, opposite Cathella C.iurch
Running Water in Reems
Hntes 3.50 day up. Swclal Weekly
I 3.(.sreljns At.
jull off Dd'wd.
mpreied at m
coil ,t..HlHg fiO.OOO HOT nnd COMI
Gelf privileges. Moderate rstsi, beginning" st 120.
Booklet STITlErt & iTI IYER. OwnrM
Al.l. 1IIUII KAI'KUT A 11(1
Bosten, April 11 Ciinccllntlen of
thn tinrle hr uhleli Cinidnnntl irnve tn
thenramiMtchcrIlub.Maiqu.rd.rid J BREAKERS
hhoittep Larry Kepf ln exchange feri
Pitcher Jehn Scott, Is aid te be under Atlantic City, N. J.
consideration by Owner Hrriinann and On Ocean Frent Fireproof
Manager Moren, of the Heds. The
fact that Scott's pitching arm ha been
bad all spring has caued the Iteds te
mictien vvhi'ther the Braves' manage
ment knew his condition when the trade
was mnde.
Manager Mitchell, nf the lvoueti
team, inid there wns no reason te doubt
Scott's condition nt the time. Cin
cinnati regretted the deal an hour after
It whs made, he said.
The Hed management is reported te
he gathering fnets for submission te
('i.nin.lteiiinr l.nrwlt.. St.mtf linu l.mKl
qufMleMul. He U reported te have ...! , DE VILLE 1;"' " '
Hint nis arm iroueieu nun engiui.v in rnte JES.r.n eek up.
P.educed rnts durln preant season.
Ameririnana European I'lans.
Worlds Greatest Hetel Success
1.' S Ho'ten Ave , adjacent te Ambassador.
Kxrerutsjn. A'trar rate' .1. II. Cenner.
Tenne ave nr Heach Kurop. plan Out
side rms Running water. MRS E. Gl'NNER.
one game toward the cle-e of last sc,.
son. and that he had te abandon a
barnstorming trip because nf it
He has no reason te believe that ijie
loten management knew of it. hew -(ver,
he is said te have told the Cin
cinnati ewneis.
Cincinnati. April 11. An X-raj ex
amination of the right i-houlder of
l'itchcr Jehn Scott shows that the cap- j
sular ligament and the shoulder knuck
les are seriously displaced. Dr. 11. II.
Hlnes, the club physician, submlttid
his report te August Herrmann, presi
dent of the Cincinnati Nationals, and
the dlrecteis of the club tedaj. The
phjsielan paid that in time tln li:
Themas M. O'llrlrn.
Hetel Boicebel K'n,&lkkc.1ievntn,r.,br.,!
Wkly. ratea. t!8 up Ph. 117 A. E. MARtO.V
RIPAYNF ew "Pent running water In
DLl.rinL(fr) rn()tn K mA N1JI
New Yerk, A pill 11. Indications are much is known alviut these temm, and piai emints would yield te treatment.
thnt the Inst hns been lienul uf llw nre. ' l predictions cnn be made.
test of the Seventh Ilegiment Tennis' Chestnut Hill Acadenn will be op-
r..l. n..l..L, ,1.A .lAin ....i:A .......!. fince.l liv Trietiila (ntilrn1 nl Inrli.
lour ettic als. headed by lern Glcisen, befween the Middle Stales chatnnlen- fourth street and Parkside avenue. St.
.is individuals. shi in Philadelphia and the national ' Luke's Scheel plajs (ietnianlewii
The whole matter was gene erer indoor title event in the local nimery Priends en the latter's grounds Tlie
again and Gleasen presented the nub- ( nnd against the action of Vincent Iticli- ! Priends' team seems te he fast, and will
ject in a clear and concise manner, arils in defaulting his match in the hit- Be & Luke's n hard fight.
After the confab the visitors retired nnil I ter tournament. ' Parbv High will meet Norrictewn
i iic iiiitiiugi'rs ngnin mnoe it liiain tnat
they were through with the salary ques ques
tien and the dosed or open shop, which
has been npplicd te the situation ill
advisedlj. The iimpiics hoped that a committee
te arbitrate the matter would be ap
pointed, but the managers informed
them ns before that there was nothing
te arbitrate.
Given Big Beest
T.. - II -e .i. .. w. ..
nnnevA , , T. ..V n,?i . ,rcM;,:r lentil Iteglment TmiiiN Club therefote
Donevan sflld: A caieful stud.v of the i,,,,. ,,,. -iilf ... ji,i i,i, i ,i,
independent baseball Munitien in this "'' X thi fir, luZ
cltv list vpnr disclose- il.e f,.f ,l,e I l,rnw l tlie llrsl lllaiC-
virtually every club, with the exeep
The reglmentnl effidnH appear te , High, Media High battle Che.sti r High
have judged the situation rather has- I and the 'ecend team of Northeast and
tlly and te have protested luteie mnk- (icrmantevvn Highs will light It out ln
lne sum of their fnits. Tlie lontie- the ether contests scheduled for the
versy has proved te be a tempest In n ' day.
teapot. I Twe tennis matches nle nreyRevenue
As for protesting Vincent Itielmuls Fcnetitneti mr tne nirernoen. iiwer
default, the farts vhew that Itichnrdi' i Morien High will entertain German
entry In the national event had been town High. The ether match will be
mil (putative; that his enti.v h.id been , bjtvveen (iermnntewn Academv and
aieepted bv telepnune. which was con- I Northeast High, en the latter's courts
tiary te tlm rules, ami that the Sev -
but that Scott would lint be able ie
pitch for several weeks, if net for the
entire sejsen
.Scott's aim went lame last autumn
when still with Hosten. it was claimed
bv the Ked management. What action
the Cincinnati Club will take in view
of the phvsician's report will be drtt r
mined at a meeting te be held ln .1 daj
or se.
Dry Air, Unusual Seenerr, 1,100
ft. elrvsllun. Ceif. elr. ' Muele.
Blh, BLMir, brdrialln depart
meet. Reiidenl I'bjlilrlin.
Garage. Reached la MiUadal
phia ft Reading Rj.
Heward M.Wmg
tlen of Illlldele, was . big financial
"The teams en the average paid $10
per game that Is, $5 per man. This
ear we have voluntarily raised that
amount te 15, an Increase of GO per
cent. We have also made it arbitrary
that umpires arc assigned and net under
the control of any ene club.
"We have made mere and better base
ball possible and feel that our mniiageis
arc best fitted te decide the amount we
nre able te pay. We have t,be applica
tions of eighty-five men who have ieg
istered for positions, nnd have no reason
te feel that they arc net competent.
They will meet tomorrow night and
ergitni7e; a supervisor will he ap
pointed te assign the same."
Decide en New Rules In National
Open Championship
Chicago, Apt 11 11. Important
changes were iniide ln the plan for hold
ing the national open golf championship
Ht the Pkekie Club, Chicago, at a con
ference here between itebert A. Gard
ner, of Chicago, vice president nf the
and Terminal Meet
Railroad Supremacy
Revenue and Philadelphia Terminal
meet tonight at tin- P It U M. C.
A . Lightcenth and Pilben tnet.. iu
the tiiial basketball gim of the series.
A win tonight for Ilevnnii will give
them the undlsputtd title us i hum
pious of thn Lust of the Penn Ivanl-i
SMem. Ilevcnuu has wen t In ee gatin
nnd Terminal has two victories anJ one
defeat. '
Manager O'Haia Is confident that
Terminal wljl defeat llevenue nnd tie .
up the series, hut lermln.il has one
mero game next Tuesilav nt Alteena,
and will have te win both games te
Evening Ledger Decisions
of Ring Bouts Last Night
I.OMH1N' Genres Cook . dliqaallfled
Charley Pitts, of Australia, Awarded
Decision Over Philadelphlan
New Yerk, April 11. After flooring
Charier Pitts In the second round and
battering him all ever the ring up te
thn seventh round. Lew Teudler, the
Quaker City southpaw, was disquali
fied en neeeunt of u claim of foul b.v the
Australian at the llreadw.i Inhibition
ni i.i .1. ,. in.,- .1 ..i . . ,
I eh iiiiivv i nil i mis cnuiiii'ii H.is low i,i,, ., ,. , , , ,, .,.,,.
loeke'd te be a well-diiecird left-hand ' ' '.I.' "JV ,L ","" ,,c,-l,l1' , te M'Ht tm-1 Cage Honors at Stake Tonight
t" i'i i si. ,r ,r rr .. nr r necessitate nn estra game, ns Alteena I
1 nltcil States' Gelf Association, and ,1H, let three games. ,
Geerge Sargent, of Columbus, pros- .,. ,.,. ., -.., ,
,i.,., -,,,i ii. tn-,, e.i- , Auiiuer nevenu rnila Termlnnl
(lent, nnd Alec Plrls, rhieage, secretary Powell fnrArd i,.i vch'r
ei tne rieicssiniiai (toners Assnclu ' "n""1"
tle'l. n-Kun
t . t . .. .... I VrinstreiiK
Instead of the whole field plaving Kirkpirick
eiKiiieeii neic ,m tin- nr( ei tne u-ii.u
ferwrl ,, ec tt
ntpr (,i nn
ktl.inl I als
, cuar I ... prrene
jDayj- fremNewiViari
I'll' Tennis I nder Sunny .stiles
A vlsltlnt; experts
derlar" It Is alwies
a de !ght te plajr
T"nr s in IWmuda.
A e her sports te
h ure -fit If Kid
nr PrKlnc. Cy-
, ' nif Sailing, Me
i-r Pouting, nth
lnr Klshlnu
N' Tassiierts Modern Hutels.
Sailings Twice Weekly
Krem N T. Aery Wed. and Sat.
Frem Bermudi svery Tuesday
snd Paturdar via
Tickets geed en either eteamr.
nrferlnc uneiua!ed eiprs ser
v ce.
Vrl'e f"r Illustrated IJoeklets.
S Whitehall st . .l. riirnrss-VV Itlir
S, ( e , Ltd.. Knurse Hide I'liila..
Or n Tourist irent.
- r X
Miittsh te the Pit of the rfinncli. t ight , '" "i l, '""' '"' rfl".n' ,"!"n,ls et
above the Australian'i, belt line After '""r . r... "'. ",un '",,', ,,n,r'-
nmlliiir the mi i b ew 'I'eni ler fellow nil . '"''"" ' " "'"'"' " " I"" Illiriy
Inrarnstlen Junleis will meet riftl.th
TlaiitiFt J iiilrrs In Ih ih'. I in 1 tin Kanii
for th championship t th N'"rth',t Ju
.1. i.. .. ,, , , , j a . I r i eacje i na .line w m n p-aea te
up with another well-timeil blew te the ' : ,"'' ', ."" :,lnl '" ' ""' " : nr s,r; '.":h,u,',t r"R.' Duuu "J ' n'"rtn nJ
liw. this trme sdiiliiii? 1'itts r the n"'l llrl-s holes en Tuesdnv and Dajphln streets
'" ' r " tun flilrl 1ia m. a i,.en... .... ii-.-
,.., VMIKI lH- 4II- Jlllll'lllll nn lll'UIlU'
Over 160 offices throueheut lbs world.
Tbes. Cook A Ren. SfS H. ifread fll
neleir Wslnnt
bout with Jee IWkett. Uth.
NBvv VORK Ivv Tendler lest (e Charier
I'ltts en foul, seventh
ATI.AMIt' fill A. Verbeeken defeated
Vennle I.iiiHvi Rebin Welnnst von from ,l
( .onion t lludd) Inlrv lie.lt llebhv Wllseiii
liuiili. itiiiFiiieiii. iiriritini imuii
.elitn Rnblileuu ilefeuted Veunr I'eter Jink
en: Mnrti Hums rnd Hebby (I Ke-.-fe. drew
HAUKIslll RO- HUM (mnnnn tnnC.i .....
llnm ()(h. sevrnlhi I'eter Husle leut lllllj
Iterit'l nuiiMi nri'iiiiin nuiiNMiiiiti 4-i Heltll!
I'red Ilnrvnlh knocked out llurk leuni:
llrsl: I.lltle l.len knetked out -Mlcke Air
C'unn. tlrst.
riTT.sHVRfill Oene Tunney kneeked out
Jaek Hurke. ninth.
01'N(STOW.. (I. Hill) Mlske wen
terlinlr.il knockout ever nillj Shide,
sis end
HI h-ai.ii rrnnkie cneeu n.inurd Jack
I Twe Inclnir.
i- it 1...1 .. ..i. i.i. dliv. The best twcntv-fetir scores ln
1 I'llUIL-l 1IU11 UU I'll"! HUH. Willi HIS nrt, ,t. , , ,, .,- . , ,
opponent all thioitgheut the abbreviated e '' J1" will qual fv for the cham-
contest. 'I he (Junker lightweight made
Pitts leek foolish In every one of the
six rounds that the bout lasted Tendlei
hud Pitts missing every blew he started.
Lerraine Wins Amateur Honors
Lerraine nptured th championship of
the I'hlivle'ihli Amiteur Hil, thml l-iau
1 1 Ht nl'ht v h,n Mfiv.n. i is d'.fe.nnl in
ill no "n 1 time an I deild.ui.- m of ili
ser. at thi I nl r(s l(uii ih" m n.
I .'s n id I urialne prow 1 the ltt r
ti im in 1 etli p unes (
Corbett te Referee Race
sun rr.uulsie Vprll II Inn. i J i r.
I. 1 1 f rn er wirldu h'.ivni I.ht liiln
illHinplill Is te refe-ee th tViyilla Helilen
Hat." in fur dfrli ni-l .SiiihIiij nn th" (Ireai
or an I'linilsiu hKeda at San V irl s
iKur In i".
plenshlp play nf sinentv-twe holes.
College Baseball
l.rtnien".. ! ' nhmiMa, 2,
C.lnnts, !.1 rnrdhnm. ?.
(eorKCleun, l.'i ( nrnell, .V
' i.".i,l 1 1. f .,
I'lilludrlphlii S. 1,.). 7i Tenn. .1.
Itosten. 14 1 VllddlehiiM. 0.
Ihirviiril. llll Nnrthnistern, I.
Vermont. Hi VlrclnlT. a.
Terninnt vs. Penn, Philadelphia
Prliiulni, vs. (iliinls rnle (irnunds.
IteU rtivs vh. ( iithellr I., VV i.hlnictiin
I nrnell v., Jehn-, Hepkins, Rnltlmnre,
V,irlund vs, M, Jehn's. AnnniMills.
viiinhnttnn vs. Mount M. Man's,
rininlisln'ru, Md
('. t'. N. . vs. C.ett.Tsburic, (ieityshurc.
Beth Sexes
Banks Business College lrfftlmu'
success of Its jiradu ifes. and their continued
rtliancement In business ra srhoe Mht
Scheel 1200 Walnut Ptrt'et Phi adeiphla
STRAYFR'S The Rest Hualnras school
lv' Elv ' H07 ( IIKsTM'T HT.
position ciiarsn'd. Knter new Tr or nleht.
rnequilleil equipment and perfect rnlsln
send for cemtMlmenfiri trae It Ne 10
snl. Federal Riillrnads,;4 Ath ve.,N. .
tyc Economical Cigar
The Match Is en the Rocks
I i
-J S MCftRO -KX )
"feOSAiO WV SerA
t SftiO SfeWE'N
T'.'. T SMD Ht
swt, A UOT UVKE Vi.
Wvs pftTrAeti; m
AS ( UevEMAEfi rtE'5- Ois& OF
vy& ewEvt. met! 'M-fe.60 '
PLKftfV COPiO Vkld rtlrA'. I'vlC
AM'Ouvere. OerA' MfsfCrtl VeO
CAM'T tWAKe A 9ftl
v QOEEN fv'
. .
7 jfj??; AN-OUVCre. OerAT MfsTCrtl VeO 's?a
ml f i .JWZ'lV'S' I CAKl' fViaU-C r. Ottll " MW aC '',. ('J
h.??Sr ' JtT luV.-rcf.CsA VeO Te SfRiKe
PetfCi tiuwi iih ' I
" T wmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm -----Sas---a m. I
In Russet the light shade
In Black Wax calfskin
CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut
The Claflin Baseball Sprinter. $16
Standard f America for 44 Yeart
v v
..-uk ttefiteIaSSi,ft t"t&sf.
.!'; J
. ji'.iw a
.-11 M .'.t'JA t
f"l u.f.1
3"T ' ,
t .11
f" ,HI
": 5i