Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 22, Image 22

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    W. M
1.1 rf i
Pl -'
tnjiuHes te
$jNatienal and American Leagues Each Has Seven of Its
Best Players en the
Many Chances in Exhibitions
SlMrlt Editor Krnilni I'iiIiMc Iilirr
OME of the blfj league hnscbull dubs
weeks age. nml will step Inte the
st en the sideline". Injuries hnve weakened seven tennis thus fur, nml mere,
is no telling hew tnnn ethers will he affected before the hairier drops.
It seems this jear that the plnjers either were mere unfortunate or took
tee man t bailees 'in the ehlbltlen games. The earlv se.inu eentests mean
nothing outside the gate reeelpts. and usuall the athletes de nothing but
spend the afternoon in the 111 U ball p.uks. The? get a
little prai tli p, but tlmt is all. Nothing else matters except
the lime the train le.ivcs for the next town.
This jenr T.v Cobb was giving nn exhibition of dating
base ritii'nlus and sprained bis tinkle. Steve O'Nell
stepped n foul tip with the end of one of his lingers and
new nures n split digit. Max Flntk. of the t'ubs, was
bit lit the head In a pitched bull and is laid up with a
tracked skull. Tils Speaker Injured his knee in practice,
and doe Weed also is hobbling around en one feet.
The list of lnjuiles te date follews:
National League American League
Kill Deak IMe I)m Is
Jacques reiiniler Trls Speaker
Max Flack -Ine Weed
Zeb Terr Stee O'Nell
Heinle Greli Ty Cobb
Frank Frlsrh doe Dugan
Fred Tenej Wnlter Jehnsen
Cleveland and Pctrelt apparently are the hardest hit in the Ameiknn
League, and, St. Leuis and New Yerk In the National. Fla k and Terrj inn
easily be replaced, and the lied Sex nnd Washington nie net leuntlng en their
stnrs. Dugan and Walter .Inhnen are net in geed phjvluil shape, but were
net Injured en the held of bittle. Jumping doe Is reieverlng from stomach
trouble and Jehnsen lentiaeted a mild ease of flu down in Titmpa.
THEX ire muit net forget the 1 unU. Jluth and Mcusel tall be
abient fur fixe uccki, and this pair uill tccaken the attack eon een
fdctably. Mutiny Breaks Out in Yanks Ranks
THEY say every cloud has a filler lining or something like that, and per
haps the disasters are all for the best. Nobedj can claim the New Yeik
clubs are top-heavy and will walk away with the 'penn.int. The Ciniits'wiU
lese only Frlsch, as (irnh will be In the opening game mid Tem.v will be rendv
in a week or se, but the Yanks will have the tough time.
All is net well with the Amerliiin League champions tills ,ear. Mutiny
has bceken out in the ranks, and some of the players hau epc'iiK defied the
manager. M. Hugglns. Carl Mes was fined 'M) for throwing the bull ever
the grandstand In Mobile, and ether athletes have net
acted as if they cared w nether the wen or lest. The
war correspondents, who toured through the Seuth with
the team, lefer te it as the Kuppert and Husten (irnnd
Opera Troupe. There aie tee manv stais and tee manv
temperaments. Unless order is restored nnd the players
get down te business, the Yanks will be in a bad wnj
this scas-eii.
The ball club leeks geed en paper nnd should win the
pennant. If they are beaten the pla.v ers can blame no
one but themselves.
Cleveland Is quallfjlng as the hard-luck ball club.
Last spring Wnmbsganss broke his wrist, nnd Lunte, the
utility inheldcr, sprained his nnsle before the opening
game. That made it neiessarj te drag1 Higgs Stephen
son out of cellese nnd place him in the Infield. The team
was weakened at the start nnd lest games that would
nave helped a let later in the jear
New the Indians are minus the seivlccs of Trls Speaker and Steve O'Nell
two of the mnlnstnjs or the club. Speke has a sprained ankle which is net
responding te treatment. His Iers will weaken the team .10 per cent for he
Is one of the greatest lenders the game ever has known, and when In incline-up
sets nn example ler the ethers te fellow. e'Ncil u a wonderful back
stop and n geed hitter While he is convalescing his tlmelv w.illeps and accur
ate throwing will be missed.
Jee Weed strained bis leg in one of the prni tlce games and this injurv
nay ln him low at nn.v time. '
ji is saici Ken tatier lias a bad Knee,
nwr miner cu me v lute Svx lias
game against the Giants and appears te have as much stuff as last viar when
he wen twenty-five games. The Sex, however, will st..rt without IM-kKeir
who Insists he will net put en unifeun unless he receives H big b,.es, i,
Mlarj. He hasn't received it jet
10H DVUAy is ndl expected in
Jehnsen u ilenly getting back
Cobb Will Be Missed
nm: cenn
s needed en the Detroit
A there ever.v ih.v te get the best lesult
a man te (ill his place In the eiitlicld.
Tigers need theli boss In center held.
T.v injured his knee two veins nun In
Btead. TI.U Inii.r. i.n, i....: .... ., .
specialists were
. - ,,. ...ib i.i.ii it i uj ill
Unfiled until Dr. J.
loekid him ever.
In a week.
This year Cobb sprained his ankle. The injurv is
considered serious, nnd he will net pla.v until neu month
Therefore, Detroit will be weakened in three positions
Lmer.v. at shortstop, is an experiment, a new second
baseman must be used nnd a sub outfielder will sit In for
Cobb. New, the four second-division . lubs nie about
even Jt s nnjbedj's iaie for fifth position.
Dixie Davis has n sere arm. and the' Hi owns will
miss him. However, it Is nothing serious, and while he
If , vT ft
is ..-.,, ring. snoeKer. Danlertli. Havne. Vnngllder
W right will de some nlftj pit. hlng for St 1 euis
I he 1 nrdlnnls
.i nn i i limn -nm
ii-u nie league in
ty cenn
ins eiiiew wnii n will
nn lnfei ted
ftr n time and Sherdell will he used In
Ti.l " .". 1c Mhlctin, I'lnh
haul lutk
(!,. Ik,.. i....
..... e,...,,y in.;
(.epviliiM. 131! I,u Public Itiljrr Cainpaiu
League and Semi-pre Gossip
THE Donevan Arnistieng bnselmli
team, wbicli has hem practicing for
several wciks, Is all set for the npemn:
game with the (Slenslde lii'Jl) and l'V.'l
phnmplnns of the Suburban League ,
Heward M. Donevan, of the adveitis- '
ers, is also piesident of the I'litlndel
phin Ilnsehiill Association
With "Meese" MiCermiik, fenmrlv
of the Niw Viik (Hunts handling the
managerial leins, the fans of West
Philadelphia nie lentident tlie tuim will
k be In at the linlsli us em- of the ion ien
testant fui the iliniuiiien-hip of Phila
delphia The new liiilesi.l grounds, at I'ertv
eighth and Walnut streets, nie almost
ready, nnd bv the opening g.ime rass
wveral imhes tall will mvei the field
The new pnik Is a ciedit Ie the iluli
nnd the ceiuinunitv It repiesents, and
the pla.v ers signed Include the best in
the city.
On the pitching stuff nie "I.iftv"
Oilllninn. of I lie Athletics and Hamil
ton, of the Mlililgan-Ontiirle Li ague .
Hill Heckcnbur.v , of Nutivlt), and Pred
Iloblnsen, of the Itet kdnle, Delaware
County League clmuiplens. llehlnd the
kat In Jehn llcir'umu, also of Hiiinll Hiiinll
ten, unci Mike Lean, of the Phillies.
On the inhcld nie sin h pln.vers ns
Jeseph J. Thiel, who lid the tuim In
hitting last ,cnr; Heur.v Kvvnlt, who
turned down iiuijer league effcis; Sam
Uel McConnell, of the Athletics and
Aberfevle: "11111" Pesset t. of 1 bhlier,
and "Eddie" Ms ere. of Stetson's. The
outfield (entiilns Mime of the best.
4? 'leaded by Manager M
"tlUy U. Veunif. who w
WH' ' tt "Tsisi'figralieisi inni
McCeiiuklt and
IIS 0110 Ot tile
Teruev last- rear
i"v-'- r'''--1 mm"r-.
(MMMatuAaMsaaaer-ef FertT-
Players Greatly Weaken
Side Lines Take Toe
ure net mi strong as the.v wete two
opening game tomeiiow witn a tew
but no one could mitt, n i. ti.u
been inn
well In the
vlal until next month nnd
into condition.
in tigers Line-un
Club. Like KnenLcr 1. l, , i. ...
nnd niivvvn.v. It is impossible ie tind
Outside of th mnnngiiiil did, the
rMr-n.,, !,, i, ...ni.i.i ...
.,. B . iii-ii iiii ling
ini). in Ti
or weeks, .mil nil .if the
11 Cninet.
Ir. Cninet
the I'hiliyliiphia surgeon,
had him ImiIc ia the game
hnve been bard hit thieiigh the absent
rummer. The spit-lmll huile
i , vv he
ctiectiveness Ust jeni, has
I kinL. In
net he
Ironed out. and Jmnima i.r,c
Cnlner probably will plaj first hase
the opening games instead of Deak
and f'lnaiuuih
hrn r nn hn,l ,...
, . . . . '"
mur vnnuqn m if njlrr lie
ilghth nnnl. Is nil mi for the open-I
i.'K. P"1.'"' nxl s"lur(lliv .iftiiuoen vvitli '
lllliiisbuig. en the former s tielil down
town Tlie home lemi hns added I
iiuinv newieniirs te the innl.s this'
Mar and will plnv all the lending I
le-ims in the Phihidilphli Iiasehall I
AssoiUtien. "Ar'" Suminers has com cem
I'lele charge et the sihuJule
'I he pltihlng ttalT is headed bv
I eiigncit, of Devl. stewn. and also has
.imkMiii, of (lim,i, Cits. Themas, ,,f
mideshiirg, and Mnith pluver bv
tin same name, nml feimeilv of Wlld
wimiiI. will be s behind the bat.
Tie leiuiiiuilii of the n nn U doling.
u-.i ,nlin ,1,Kt '"k' "niklns. ,,f
Ulilwued. si i nml base Iteenev of
Camden Cltv, t lilt tj bus. ; Hellj. I.f St
Itininbas. shortstop. Kiuslet,, ,.ft jeld ;
Short, of the (lid Timers, right field,
nnd Kellv, of WHdwoed. center field.
Kellv also will iiiptiiln the team lie
lueivid an effci from the St. Leuis
Cards tills ,vi at
Tlu I'lilluiliinhlii Mumif.irluriTs' l.i-nsw
iilieji t Ur Hi. e..m l,ui him .Iru Ic
H na In K(.ti,. nruunilK Ther In a In I a
ihiiine for en inerM tuim In m-cup- n Irnn-
hl" Am clulii hi.vlnif fllcln id it BrH Mic
en Sntunlnvii er hu riVmr. t. I In ih)
i I Hirun ran lu hi b enilnn In touch Hith
luini-a Hunter ur of Kuuves A Invvnauiil
The Inilustrlitl Ammi-ur Iau will in rt
!! fvenlnif hi th plant uf II M l.uniiin
i en Uw AlUKhem uvenu" te uinuM'r ihe
mukr up wf llin 111.'.' dicuil lhr nr mill
everl vncivnil In tnin Imeud Itfere ihe
n"iien tru
"Unite" t h iniliers is Hie litest nihil i n t
thi hurlliiK strrf of the .ShI.iih K'l.lln (inli
ne!. Is sltll leulllllu Hrriuh.l fnr niinlher stnr
nimin.isre.iin, Jiumurs were nymr Hreunri
i;1 ,n oevvniowmr. nyn signed jranis
I nnisrar.-ivniisrir, ui ju .rnus, nm imieficr,
'but OettllsTj-aulckiT-denlei'the urn..
Wife: i?
TiS ALLEYS' AMftRevv---.
wrtfts LoeK OUT
n AJurU '
loe MUCH!.' A,
. "C"r a
r IT- VI
-? iMil
- -
ilMiiik TTrAfii
Meney Is Reet of Evil in
Writes Wilmington
age ci
somewhere a thousand jear
go some one twltteied thet .Meney
Was the Itoet of All 1M1." And he
utteied a whe'e mouthful, tee if he
were rcferilng te bnlng. Such are the
sentiments of mnnv people Inteicted In
fisticuffs, both en the inlde ns wel
as the ei-dinarj fan. .
..... . . . '
(Hie follower of the sport, who ln
tnken n let of pains, going Inte details
te show "What Is the Trouble With
Mexing?" dehes in length. He Is Her
nie Dane, of Wilmington, nnd pens as
fo'levvs :
what is tjif. tiieltii.e with iteMsn
Thli fulijfd which l-a hcr'tnfare bef n I
tr'Mfd llghtl) by Aimrlcan writers has
aii(M"nlv loeme 1 up In the apertliiB world as
a aueKtten of International illrcusslen Ter
Intanre from the sune s.pirt'man of
tendon KnKlani ve read a vri ondem endem ondem
natien of the llritlih lieard of lleliis Con
trol ' After calling this funrt.rn a wajheut
and afl'r crltlcUIrs' It for lj.nr referees
rertlllcatea te tinemretcnts, the nrtlclu ter
minates in this tenor
" Thit what with controllers whn cant
eontrel end champions who cant 'champ '
the (tame would seem te le presresslnsr baik
warda uulte nlcelv thank ou
"Again, a New Yerk sporting acrlbe of no
lllt'e Importance plpca thin comment Th
trouble with bexlnir la the 'punk and In
competent referees Is th game going te
emlthereens for the wrnt of hralrs and
I'rem these sentiments It bctanie prettv
iippar'nt te me thit tlier. was . blac' ee'
In fltt ina sumewh r and It wis ie solve
this enigma that I 111." l Ilenrv In hl
eli of th i 115 ' iikd up m nftj-thren
artlcks (a itk of cii Is nnd un oil ehlrti
and assumed the sarb of a slf censtltutea
Invtttlaater. Soine'ven I fe t that the 'Hex
ing Commission nnd punk referee' Issues
were merl Incidental fiults What I
sought was the fundamental fault
In mj quest I lrvl greeted Ulllv Tenn
some six different times and was se embar
rassed by failure that I decided te hit th
hsv when X surreptltl ulv utumbled across
a eonversetlon vvlibh tnde mv rare recx
' '"ay Cehen -s une l'xlnr emhususi
te nnnthT n nie ni-irp I ell me ds triM
new dal Harr has Iaui cilbbens ii u
tlnk he vlll he ll 1 r'-st of il boxing
sui its und Oreb f r all of de tnenev '
Here' thnuhlc I, ns I carefullj lg.iel
the ferelnit s idea thrt fellow litis wit.
urn v rcehn!zel th gre-vtcst oil In the
liOYllltf blfl" tOTIX
rinan' lal lexeis and minau'ers b sheer
pn nteerlng and tTOrbltint tirlces have be
come verltnlla hed up sriftcis who are kill
Inc the geese thit Iajs the nMden esgs
Think of the outrageous runrantees and pi ,
ccntagis dnminded b nnv ordinary boxing
upstart demands fe ridiculous and out of
the nuestlen when considered thit many a'
struggling club and promoter who hive
courageously tried te men them have been
Gushed against the rucks and forced into
'Imagine paying from SI te 13 te see I
... i . i. .... i- it... .-.I
Cllllllllilll UllBUl.'UMIlV llllltllllll 111 llllVU m I
with the sli& the limit' tn sen a. ciiatnulnn
1 I
hlp fracas Vciln Imaglni fighters de
mandirur an where from J21 000 te JIOil fsni
'e i IfIv a t tie match- llthters vhn will mer
Knew tre sulenre of A .tes ciins or ,i ne'i
Fltzsimmens illennj Ienurd lelng etrpirli
In these das ' e.hfed an old timer a
leier ws klid te make u living a 1 ihe
public ra led h m a "pug" lluf teilnv the
word xer sfi-ms te te a snenm r r
.Sew hcrf s the dope The war ga
liexlng Its Impetas and plai ed " nn the
map Nermal tlrnra can hrrsilt It nnd place
It lyeiid uceven 1'nlces b xers ant mm
agers become hnlf wa reasonable m th r
d mands f r g mrnntses ant t-rcenthKte
thus prm ttlng the promoters t i is1ulh the
prlt-e of a Imluiloe and wter te the retpj
these wel es are rjelnff te tniure Ihelr own
game and cut their own thinats They are
going te lese public cenflilence un I support
nnl when that time arrives tl e m I .
for th" hanlwrttlng en the wall ' rinnlh
their avarieieusness Is gnln ti m te the
iixtrirre ami prudish reform K-,etis telr
irnntest utvument for a t til abilltlcn of
the speit
"n'ither e Hh'cW has I em me manifest
ami whl h ninv t,-- eradha'il the prep, r
leglsliit) in Is ill it despite buMns inmmls.
sons nnl lefereis tee mum frime ups and
fske flshts ectur It ma nm strange
reilue thit eer mux a bore N puiu off
out it h true ii ai ngniers s-i i m sien i
Just ihnl nun h mere ,li the .. m, runilsn the
Sew while this evil CAnnni 1 e nl selutel .
elimlnat. I still .i tiruiri.sH , ,i.,i nilaht le
taken b the various b xln onimlssiens ,e
nisUe frlie flahts or t efforts en the
pert f the contestants .ion. ir t retty well
"Ilert I elljer in i! areun. sport critic
has vu.er the sjluMen I Iiiih In mini and
he h-vs said It se well tha 1 herewith re
peat his ran nt tin u. f-mlnnnt rlnc'.ev, ns
whi we'ilil mak lli u n. e n fart
I'rofessle nil hji,u n .ilu well tike a
leaf from the fuliijiiAte r u-t uerfertiiHi In
ih Inter. ellexl it HsirUilm cllmhliiK Is
I arr .1 i nil Lenteitrtiits must break anl step
barx tlM.in th moment ihe are ertlere 1 l
the tefere with a v nilly if failure cjuntlnt:
ana ii at them In the final decision '
'The result Is sul te h wonderful In I
stie.llnrf up of bouts Professional bexlne
these davs certiwlnlv needs a let of speedlnK
UP anl If the aliulitien of clln hind: will ac ac
rempllsh It let s have It much pronto
There Is nethlnr meie illsKitstlnK than te
win h s ceui I f able bell. d alhlets hanic
Un- .n ii a. h eiher as If thej needed sup sup
rert anl emhra. In is If thui vvore aiieur
Uw In an r.lm r i.ln act
F. itnin vilnii iIii.hiiiK m uldn t tnne
..ii th,. stulllnv but It would make atlllln.
all i lw mop Migrant The u'd rule i sufficed
vlien t il llu'htini men weie In llic arinn,
hut In Ihis er of powder pi rfed nnd in. ne
i.uffel flsnt liUliiena cathartle measures
ar re iu'sum ,i aet action anl a few re.
vie iii.h mih sHinulntn the naiu
Seme lexiinl fncts nre nvcale, in
'the feiegnliu' letter bv .Mr. Dane, nnd
lenj refeiecs would win themselves Inte
the (tenil gtuns of tlie fans if mete
louts were "topped und beeis (llniuiill
fied fei net glvlnu theli best (ffeits
Dlieiter Coiteljeii has the aiitlifultv le
nt clown bexeis for net ndheiliiK te
rubs of the 1'e'lce liepiirliiunt, iiiiiIh
which liillscllctlen Ihe kikui is piomeled.
and better matdies would lm in order,
ns seuii us ecral "cxitmplvs" were'
I ' I kMv YixiVEffeT'ENffiNKNiNtj-A I J I r1 L
Heeir nM L JAMONTir"LowrMwe , s2wr L
t; W r"
I j" l
v n
Several Big
-sS VeuTJlt MC-
r - II -
uu x
Veu SAiT Veu I i
Ain Cr Sutfw t'
w l.Miiiini.ii:-
--"' ; JJ J.U'A Ll ' J-.Wmi I
SilvPHlMY'fall P
y ,DBiaiafe;iBKi "i
if 'tun iiiiEKSl',
Old-TimeTennis Records May
Never Be Beaten, Says Tilden
D, Sears Wen Seven Titles in Rew; Lamed Tied
Number in Ten Years, But These Days
Yeu Have te Play Through
TrnnU (liimplen of
nnHIj greatest
sporting event In the i
-L world of
amateur sport is the annual
I battle for the Amcilcan tennis chnm chnm
ipienshlp. The enormous crowds, com
bining social and aitistlc celebrities with
I a1, nf.n fr tnnun nt tliA rrAI1Atil1 fill Mill tfl
tR(ltI)Jp ',, tl0 grfnrc,t ,,IaJers from
nil of the nations challenging for the
Ia is Cup. mnke the championship n r "
....!.... ... .t. In Iia .nnvMnff rttl 1 ntl il n I '
uiiiiiue event in the snorting calendar.
Man remniknble iccenls have been
I established dining the thirty-four rears
of the teuinnnients. Names have been
wiltten In letteis of untiring fame en
, the books of tennis history.
I Matches that will never be forgotten
ibnvc feiituied the final rounds when the
title it-elf butts In the balance. It is of
eme et these eui-
ri standing figurcfi
1 that I would write.
I The dajs of n man
holding the title
tnndlng figurcfi
lengi r than a few
shett j ears nre
ever. There aie
tee ninny gieat
plavers new in the
gnmc nnd far ten
manv rising te take
their places te al
low ntiy one te
outdistance t li e
field vuintlenth te
iiisuie him n long
leign. it is te tne
linst that we must
leek for the cliamplens of n term of
continuous success that will never be
Miipned. in nn opinion. It must be i
ecnlled thnt. In the old davs. the title'
holder steed out and met the winner of
the All -Cemers in the i halletiRe round,
u inline which clenil.v had a bearing en
the results Scnts wen the Ainericnn
title for seven cen'-eciitive venrs. fiem
the liinuKUintlen of the event In lSl
ill til the Hoke of lST. Ne mnn In the
Instill .v of the ennu' litis i'iunled llinl
ri.'nd, iiltheucli the een vlcteile. vveie
tiiil bv Willluni A. I.nined ever a ile
um of ten eni I.nrned ln-t wen the
('haniiiimliip in ll01 aftir kueckinit at
th deer of fame for some seaen".
7fV cenipfclcd nn uendciful
rnicer in 79, defaulting te M.
:. Jfc.oueMm in 1012, tehen the
heldei icas called en te play
through the eient.
II I Wren, with four 'veais as
champion te III-, credit, irttlie etlier out
Mainline hguie from the davs of die de
fitidine tltle-heldei O. S Campbell
nml M. D. Whitmnn each wen the
chnmpinnlilp three tline.
The miueii of 11)12 found the de
fendinc champion n tliinu of the past,
and William A. I.nined tetlred with
one lee en the new tmphv cup. which
1 still In competition The effect of
pla.v ini? through 1 ileailv fhewn bv the
fact that no man litis vet kiici cede,! in
vvlnnliiR tliree veins dm ins the last ten.
I nm ii (jiiat believer in the champion
nlnjini? through, for, nltueuicn it is
imrder en him, I cennldet It a far faiier
nrranitemHit. The cup, which In still In i
competition, Is the most famous trephv I
new In exlstince.
ItiM Mini Wins
The immes en the cuii tend like n i
Who's Who" of Ainericnn tcnnlri of,
. . ; . , .
I Hie nst in eniie .
Illl -William A I.nined.
llil'.'-M, i:. Mc I.eiikIiIiii
Din m. i:. Md.euKhiiii.
Hill It N Willinnis
HU. W. M Johnsten.
l!lltiU. N. WllllnniH.
11117 It I. Murra.v (tlusevuit was
tlie I'nti Icitic 'loin naiiieni).
IfHV- It I, Miirrnv i
IIilll-W. M. lolinsten.
V'.s Krax
TJii:sn vvnr
office hem
rni il i.vs tlie
he.vs In
that all
'inean l lie 1 n. t
fnns ure nt the ball park
lfrr serin.; th A's is.
tre'te still Haitian te tec a
Our Dall.v (iuessliij: Contest Wlitl
K.une is pla.v cd wllli u baseball?
R.l , t.1'1 bv
ths Hi-':' nils In skirts
tlie rlAlni.' ctnernlUii
II run J. In the I'ln.'liiirst elf finals iwis
T.i,i,iiic, hit "ii niDlien.
lil'H MWI.Y MtiTTd A iiirte is uir:
tram gut
air tn the
Ihe I'i'nn
With luce Itic lir.rds cemlnc te fast.
uianj ju edict next
W. T. Tilden. 2d.
League Clubs for Beginning of 1922 Ciiipafj
- -vzfsu ijmjmimrji tn x
ivpyduil, I til, Oil fiiMii J.ulgir Vemvanu
T. TIDES. 2d
the World. 1020-31
11)20 W. T. Tilden. L'd.
1021 W. T. Tilden. 1,'d.
tiem the foregoing it can be seen nt
n glance what a battle royal there w, ill
be this jear for the cup. McLeughllh,
Johnsten, Williams and I hnve two
legs each en the bowl. Anether victor
for one of us and the cup is ours te
keep. We all vnlue it. net for the cun
Itself, but for the names cngrnved en
There is no reason. n hn mira rin
the CUM will miss out of ceninetlttnn
this vear. for all the grent plajers of
the world will he in the championship.
Vef afner tftOI. uhen E. h.
heheitu cariicd the title te Enq
land, has the ilnglcs championship
left our sheics.
"JT.T net enlj must the Invading nrm
J- of foreign pincers be seiieusly con
sidered ns contenders, but n eung
Ainericnn who hns come te the front in
the Inst three je.irs must be placed in
the front rnnk. If the cup is saved from
passing out of competition, it is mv
opinion that the man who will .tve it
Is none ethir than that greatest of all
junior players, Vincent Richards. I am
sure that It Is only a matter of time
before Hichnrds places his nnme nmeng
the singles chnmplens of Anie ica. It
would net sumrise me if 1( font..!
him crowned the new champion,
Mr. I linen's next article will
"The Women's Chamnlenaliln."
Will Defend East at Railroad
at Columbus
Superintendent Kennnn's Car Service
cirls' team bv defentine Plilln.li.lntiin
iLiiiiiiiui liusspi, um eveiuui; at the
I. II. H. Y. M. C. A., eighteenth nnd
I ilbcrt street. In M.M( nf m ( ij
entned the title of i liiimplim sit!' (mm
of the KnM in the IViiiisvlvnnia Svs-
tern chninplensiiip. ( felumbus, O ,
April 1!2. i
I Ter the third consecutive time the
I Car (Service miscs shut out tlie Ter- i
nilml ItiiMis without a field goal. The
(flrht half ended 11 te 3 in Car Service's
I fa or.
n !.., .-i'. ", . -" .!.....
K lJ. i'01"7' "'"' ' hnrlette Walten
excelled for the winners, while Edith
Uiewn sceted all the points for the Ter
minal lassies from the 1,',-feet mark.
Basketball Officials Will Award
Pennant te Celts Tonight
Tin- i:nste,n Uiifekctlull I,.,,,;,!,, win
held Its aprlne nicotine IeiiIl-Ih hi the
Until Wtlideer. The iivinuli- ' '.
10U2 1 (hniiipienshlp te the Celtics Is the
lib f business nt in, hi mi,
. Tn"..!'1,;',Ul, '." ,l'" 11,,Nt s,,""' ""I
III nil likelihood lie dlbcussed but no In In
tlinntlen of the teams le fciiihcemliiR,
nltheiixh it Is ha Id that Ceniesv Ille
i would like te transfer its franchise te n
lointien in Wist Philadelphia,
Tills would iie n peer move, ns Phil
ndelphin must he lepicsenud bj n club
that menus hemethlnB nm with I'lilla
clilpiilii bin ki is. n nheiild be Jasper,
Jltfvhto.uei KeniP pin tic uliu nelithbei-
jioeii wmie me fans uie inteiested in
the 2 Hill
Heavyweight Champien Expects te
Miss Nothing In Europe
New orb, Api il 11. In his invn invn
mem of l.meiie ,Imi1; lempsiv, who
Miliid en the Ariiiltanla tedav, will
be iiiitiliitiiiK the iinblt which most of
llic Aim 1 1, mi win Id hi n,v weight
hniiipiniis hnve become nihil, ted te
Ifciiiu' the iieniuilic Jehn I, Sullivan
leek Kiiiflnnd bv storm
'ihe I.empfej pnitj will land nt
Southampton nml pieieed le Londen
bv mil te leek around. Jack Kearns,
the clinmplen's mannner, hns no deli-
, uite plans, but fiem a Veiucal of tlie
pihspetis the Kieup Is rnirviiiK it np-
ipcius that mine nf the numerous lands
et i. mope is Hkelj te be missed.
Downtown Cage Team Plays Eastern
League Team
Seuth Philadelphia, basketball fans
will sen the Sphas In net Ien this eve
Hint; at Nivv Auditorium Hull, Seventh
sticet and Snvder nveniie, ubiIiihi t10
Cninden live, nf the Knstern LtnRiie,
'Ihe Mime clubs met about a mouth
nt,'e unci the bin leiiRucrH were retuined
n winner bv u few points after n hectic
fort) -minute fuss. Malinger iinny
I'assen. of the Hphns, expects te have
,vcm thcj'lj ranklenc or two eitra plnscis of note In the
game and may surprise me Nkeettre.
Cennie Mack Seeks Services of
Infielder for Veteran
I.nwtmi W. AVIlt, otherwise known
ni "Whltey," 1r nbeut te be sold down
the river.
The tow-headed outfielder, who has
tel'ed for Cennie Mack for six long
seasons nnd qualified ns the veteran of
the sound, is en the mictien block, nnd
will be nwnrded te the highest bidder.
Several clubs arc nnxieus te get him,
nnd the bidding is fast nnd furious.
Ne favoritism will be shown, however,
nnd Cennie says it will be every man
for himself. The best offer will be
snapped up, nnd Whltey will be meas
ured for n new ial'rend ticket.
"Don't think for n moment flint Witt
ii through ns a ball plncr," said Con Cen
nie Mnck this morning. "He Is an
nble nthlele, a geed outfielder nnd has
many sears, of nctlve service befere
him. I knew I am allowing n nlunblc
man le leave us. but It must be done.
"I need nn infielder mere thnn nn
extrn outfielder. In ning Miller. Mf
Gowan, We'sh and Tilly Wnlker, the
outfield Is well tnken enre of. I want
nnether bnrd-hlttlng infielder, nnd hope hope
te get one.
"Waivers were asked en W itt n week
nge nnd nearly every club in the lengue
claimed him. Yesteidny I withdrew the
wnivcrs nnd notified the clubs tlmt he
wns en the mnrket and would go te the
highest bidder. I don't wnnt money.
I wnnt n geed Infielder."
It would net be at nil surprising if
the New Yerk Yankee klikcd in with
n cry geed offer bifore long. Miller
HuUglns needs nn experienced outfielder,
nml Witt would lit in nlcelj until ltuth
nnd Mcusel nerve their sentences. A
dinner like this is tee geed te be
passed up. , , .
.limmv Mitchell is nn experienced in
fielder. but It is doubtful if Onnle will
Inke him. He piebnblv would listen te
n trade which Included McMillan, for
Mnnager Mack is might v sweet en this
veungstcr nnd ban tiled te g(t him for
the last three jears. , McMillan plavcd
third base nnd shortstop nt (trecncville,
S. C, nnd the Yanks purchased him.
I.nst enr he wns with Rochester.
McMillan would be n geed nintr for
the Athletics nnd could plnv either third
base or shortstop. He is big, fast, has
a gieat mm nnd will hit around .MO.
Witt is enh twcntv-sl juus old nnd
ban been with the A's since lillfi. He
started ns nn infielder nnd Inter was
shifted te the suburbs. He ia a geed
Phila. Jack O'Brien
Announce Sprinjr Course
Tniiiht without piinlshmenti 30 lessens,
tares Km 3 handliiill courts, runnlns
trsek, slieHers. also special flesh retluclni
and liedr liiilldlnff.
ClueU.Peabedy &CoJnclreyKY
' i HI .s
mm imm ,a&v ,
. Bwiimsiisa'ixia i
(fr ZJKPm I ' I Q i I ll lS "flt I uuumumt lLLLLLLw ABBBaBBBBBW BBBBBBBBBBBBH I m W&L
New Yerk knows real quality and se does
Indianapolis. That's why White Owl is the
DggCSI setter in eacn city.
White Owl value at White Owl price is possi pessi
ble only because of enormous White Owl
production. Mere White Owls were smoked
last year than any ether cigar.
lave a
SiiVM fT-Wry - .-"" '-".
hitter, having nn mcrngc
of .316 last
yenr nnd ..T'l in 1UW.
Nnjler May Start
Mnck Mill l undecided nbeut bis
hurlcr for tomerrdvv's opening game In
Bosten. It Is likely thnt either Kellle
Nnjler or Hey Moere will jet the as
signment. Nnler proved that he is
In splendid form en Snturdny when he
turned back the hard-hitting Phil in
the first Ihe innings. Moere also is
in geed condition nml rnrlng te go.
The Mnckmen left here this morning
nt 11:1W for Bosten. There were
twenty-three In the party. Mnck will
net lenve until tonight.
The twent -three athletes who made
the trip te the Hub are.
Outlieldeis Miller, Wnlker, Welsh
and McGewnii.
Inficldcrs Hrazlll, Cnllewny, Galle
Sheei,H50 te 13.50
Glevei,2.00 te 10.00
Bati, .SO te 2.00
Masks, 2.00 le 8.00
Sliding Pads, 2.00
Sweat Shirts, 1.75
"Net what you're premised, but what you get?
Ask the teams we outfit
Marshall E. Smith & Bre.
724 Chestnut Street
Tan and Black
The New Celers
have caught the fancy
of fashionable folks.
You'll see them en the
heads of stylish men in
every large city from coast
te coast. Spring-Tans
the newest $ry and
in men's hats i up
Stetson,, . .
fc BBBBBBBBBM?H4((1BnslssssllBV.SllM IbUL l4lBsl 11
m H I 3iltv'.nl Hbmi r !
-,.- ...jj-iif
wv'' tmm
way, Scheer, DykcsIInuser nnd Jehn.'
C'ntehfrs Perkins nnd 'Fuhrnikn
Pitcher Nnsrler. Harris. iELn' ..
Moere, Hclmnch, Sullivan, Yarn...
Eckert, Leftus and O'Neill.
Pen leune. who has been
from Detroit tin the waiver route IS
been ordered te rennrt In TIaii.. . qH
been ordered te report in Bosten.
The players who did net tret- ti,. .
ten trip will remain hern and lSl
at Shlbe Park. Among th u,?r
homes is Beb Hasty, whose arm li EU
in the best of shape! H. W. M
Leenard te Defend Tills, i..i.. . 1
New Yerk, April Jt. Rtnny U,.H f
werM'e llfhiwelshl rhsmplen, vl?ll dPf
Ms litis at Mlrhlcan Cltv. Jnri.. Ji! & 1
nilly aibsen, his manaser. announced Tsi '
Dundo. Charley Whlte ur necky Kmm?&
Skirt, Lttteriai, Pastt,
Heietap, Belt Cempfeie
Leafnc, $13.50
Unirmity, 11.25
Semi-Pre, 10.35
Scheel Leafae, 7.50
Beys' Leagve, 5.00
Saaif !m ieat ea reaaitt
And Isn't it
logical te expect the
best in liesc where you
find the best in shoes?
Hiaai Shen
Chestnut SI
ereverueu pi)
& AjHf. 'V (. '
k .
m,'r?Mmiiufr't9 1,
Hfc.ri. Z K
1'VF.jvi w. i.. 'n
, Z Vi. . . I i '
l.-flf I V I
: 'ul v. .up - . -
x i. rciv.' -"t i
rf.r?kA.K fiStfaffiL 9ia.lVIiiBfei r. . .XfA
M.rVfrJ"r " - ib