Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 11, 1922, Night Extra, Image 21

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i, .
r'. .
Recter of Saint Bartholemew' 'a Church, New Yerk
Dr. Parks derives a powerful text from which te
elead the cause of church u'nity from the present crisis
of world civilization a condition, in the author's own
words, "se dreadful that net a few serious-minded men
are asking themselves if Western civilization is about te
fail." The author sees Christian unity as the impera
tive need of the hour, and it is te point a way te such an
end that he has written this book.
At all booksellers, $2.50
Charles Scribner's Sens, Fifth Avenue, New Yerk
Gifferd Pinchot w of
By Hareld Titus
"Net only a capital story, but it stands by itself among
all the stories I have ever read about the
forests of America. It is net only full of
human nature and vivid action, but'it is also
full of forestry andthc true spirit of con
servation. It tells the story and tells the
truth. 1 hope it will have an immense cir
culation, for wherever it gees it will carry
a message that our people greatly need te
learn." '
small; maynard & company
-' ;. .'ivMr-iMMMl.l'HII lil,!,:,,;,!,!!.:!!!.;,,!.;1.:,,!,!:! lih.MMli.aln ; LM fllM..II-,;,! ; 7
"The Most Important Autobiography Since
'The Education of Henry Adams'"
An American Chronicle
TJP STREAM stands en a shelf by itself. ... It stands
"' apart by virtue of its pointed nostalgia, its bitterness,
and its critical edge. It is far mere profitable and suggestive
a book for one hundred per cent. Americans te read than the
mere flattering confessions in which Mr. Lewisohn's pred
ecessors offer us bouquets of our own national flowers.
Te my taste it is far mere palatable than nineteen out of
twenty novels and far better worth publishing."
Stuart P. Sherman
Each v.tk an autherttalhe opinion of this important book will s
riif in the leading literary journals of the country.
'Royal 8ie pit top, $3.00 tveryuhere
publishers new yerk
"We knew no icccnt novel that is a keener study
of the relations between ming husband anil wife."
Jehn Clair Miner, in the Bosten Herald.
Iiu the Auther of "This Side of Paradise"
F. Scott Fitzgerald
". i. hair of a hook.'" Hanv Hansen in the C.UUage Dath
$2.00 at all bookstores
'The Kimene la a symbol with all a aymbel'a
mytterieus influence, of the subjection of
women In Japan and the story of the white
man's felly. The novel KIMONO is a brilliant
and wonderful book." JAPAN CHRONICLE.
KIMONO has been accorded mere space net only
in the literary columns, but also in the news and
editorial columns of English, Scotch, Welsh,
Japanese, and Chinese publications, than any ether novel
of recent years. It is, above all, a fascinating human love
story of mixed marriage, passion and intrigue, which
compels breathless attention from the first page te the
very last. It tells of the marriage of an English naval
officer te a Japanese girl, an orphan of great wealth who
has been educated in Europe, of hew they go te Japan
-6ui ine aavicc of their friends encl for n time
re parted, hnlf by the efforts of her Japanese
relatives, and hnlf by his discovery that her
money is derived from property in the Yeshiwara.
Th5 Londen Timet snys: "The flesh ex.
it mii by.Mr' Pnri does net inflame the semes,
iV.C j i He doe net say ,nal we"'en are
yicKed, he leaves you te see that what they are.
lerced te de is ugly."
S2.00 Everywhere
cnew YORK
The British Novelist Has In
vented a New Kind of Selver
of Mysteries
A, A, Milne thought of an Interesting
wny te kill n mnn. As lie is it mnn
of letters he was net content till In
had "made use of It in n book. As It
was n way by which the killer could
threw suspicion en come one else, the
book naturally had te be ii detective
rlery. The ttery tins just been pub
lished en this side of the ecenn by
K. P. Uutten d Ce. It is called "The
lied Heuse Mystery." The Hed Heuse
belongs te Mark Ablctt, n baehjler, who
had inherited it from n childless patron.
HcJs entertaining a house parry when
the story opens. At breakfast he an
nounces that a brother whom he has
net seen for fifteen years has returned
from Australia and will call In the
afternoon. The brother calls and Is
admitted by a maid and Is shown te
the room called the office, while. Mat
thew.Cayle.v, u cousin, sits In the ball
and fcecs him disappear behind the deer.
A shot is henid seen 'after and just as
Antheny (illllnghnm comes up the steps
te call en a friend In the house party
Cn.vlcy is seen banging en the deer nnd
demanding that it be opened, 'Cnyley
and Ollltngham go around the house
and enter the room by n window and
find the dead body of the brother en the
fleer and no one else anywhere about.
Cnyley Insists that he saw Mark enter
the room before the shot was fired.
The story Is hew (illlinalmiu unrav
eled the mystery and discovered betl
I iiiiiilli
hew the man was shot and what had I Vir; , , V. ";.,' i 1 '..enS toward tnc
become f .Mark, and who did the kill- f ,." "h ,,n ?. "IT'i lc,s ,,,.p, fic.(ret,
lug. There Is mere nnaljsls than j.ici. "L "'P,I .''i'J' ..T"(1!rn "Wue.h1
dent In the talc, but the mystery t se Zul T L," ' f m a." -,,J,nt-,
perplexing that the reader fellows It ., if'" ,,,,J,n.t " , "w style girl, and
...hi. b ...i.,.i..., m.. mii i,.nnu i ll " I'oceminir popular. I ve en exc te-
his subject lightly, with the deliberate , '.'V.'1' 1, T" en " t ve without
Intention of crcntlng the impression 'V .,,, '"' se. w .",ve ,n arM M'.ray
Hint It Is merely an interesting intcllc'c ' l1'" ,,c' Ntve girl, the heroine Jey,
tunl problem which he is attacking nnd i ,i. i, !' I' '" "I'0 : the aturnlne Sal,
net n horrible murder. He does it F ?m,i" Hc1,t-V' ihc amorphous Fe'lclc.
In u most eiitertnlnlng manner, nnd ',' I"r1?,!i ' 'arneterized nnd all clcar
unless the leader lias nn unciinnv In- ,J ""I'Viuunlized.
i Ht n.vii uiitiiiieiii ! imiiiii; iiuinei.i1 '
stlnct lie will be mere than surprised ,
at the outcome. And when he lin '
iiiii-iit'ii me uiii: inn uri. niMi mn in-
tlmt .Air. .Milne may nt nn cany nnte
find nnetlier mystery for Antheny (ill
llngham te explain, for Antheny Is a
new kind of detective.
It leeks ns if Grace Miller White.
author of "Storm Country Pell v. has
repented in "The Marriage of Patricia
Peppcrdny" (Little, Hrewn & Ce.). j
The rend te the ultar does net lie
smoothly for Pntricln and yew branches
rather thnn apple blossoms adorn it.
Marriage comes only after obstacle has
piled upon obstacle and tragedy has
followed trngedy, till her hopes turn
te dust and her aspirations wilt.''
And this is n sad pass for Mich n
blithe, demure, sweet, beautiful girl ns
Patricia I'eppcrday. the light of her
household, the Ideal of mere than one
lever nnd thc apple of her brothers'
eyes. She's) the girl of "Thc Pepperday
Triplets," who go en the stnge with
nn net that Is refined beyond the vnudc-
r 11b nvprncp. in .Pin nut. n HPnnlln
domestic finnncint situation.
Success en thc stage, thc Interests of
life te n vivid vital nature, love Itself
all are relinquished for one great pur-
liese, .the clearing of her brother's name.
It is Michael who is accused of murder,
brilliant, colorful, lnzy-geing, luxury-
loving Mlclinel. who at heart Is sound
and true. Of course, handsome, stead-
fnst Barney, the ether of the triplets.
would never get Inte anv such "jam."
Patricia Is the gang lender of the trln-
lets, their animntlns inspiration, their
motive force.
Se whet: the trouble cemen she Is
elected te save the day Hut it takes
l..r.fn llin.i n ,ln, .......n ll.ri.. .,..,.,. .Ini.e
. 1
in...- ki.w.. ll .,.,,. iii. i ,- iiiiiii iiiiin, iiu.n, i
for tbn mlnhniv In l.renW Ihrnueli M.p '
storm-laden clouds of disaster, which
have kept their theoretical sliver lining
turned from Patricia.
Her life purpose takes her from
vaudeville te n stock company under nn
assumed name mid back and forth from
Breadvvny te the West. Her quest,
which is entangled with un interesting
allotment of love interest also, brings
"The Forsyte Saga"
I .i..:.t u.n.....v. !.... i
inr nln cnnlncf will n trre-H ,.rt,l ' ""V . "V. " ........... ....... unices un cspccillliv coin lliclnir titrurp
playwright, his disabled son who a se ,ki' I ll ev l.e e al e it ih e I, en' f ,lHl111 'f'.1 '"' 'lnin.,. ' Mr. Mi.nt.ll I,,,. ,r 1,1,-1 - ,
loves her. a forceful and fine Inwjer. Wh . v w nt tIoel , , a ,el T,; l" -n ""'"'""''R ""'" - '" l.ghtcr. "ihc M-reliant of Venice" en S
social tvnes of vaudevilllans ami i. anv ' . u1 '"w uL w. !,' . '." .", .' ". 'i'1 lf. .ll,, Photoplay is decledly out of the ln nig hi in Hi, pin... ,.t " Man
ethers. And It come, te an end in u go the boel? s .el es a I si.eml is Z. Z urT'1'' " k","l""K w,,h "'" M,P ' ".' V ""vv-' , T"' "'" "'
sudden denouement ri, 1. in striking j ZK! time as they lil,. "," .l!e"bee ?, Tre uc e,, Ut"r ,,,""np,"u'nl!' ,,f I RlVC" "' "'" 'T,l ,UMin""
quality, jet one that docs net seem When their minds are tiled of coeeim- i'"f'"i. ..,-, ...
V...I..T. - """ ."', " ssuuu,nnn,,-K nerk within the month.
n volume which Is unique in contempe- ' T)ie thcer of .... np... ,.,. ' ,' ..,.
rary fiction, it represents Jehn Hals
worthy s outstanding achievement un-
Klcr the title. "The Fers.vte Saga." In
'the form of one continuous narrative, u
single novel of 8,(1 pages, It presents.
in ciii'iiiiniiii-ic.'ii M'tiut'iire. up vnp rn s
-. , .-
(lalswerthy novels and stones which
......... .. .,.. . -"'
deal with the Kersvte famllv. The first
of the series is "The .Man of Properly."
published In IIMltl. A short story. "The
Indian Summer of a I'ersvte," fur
nishes the transition te "In Chancer,"
n novel published in IPL'fl. "Avvnken-
lug, a story published in the same
ear. afford" the leniucting link be- I
tween "In Chancery and Ie l.et,
the laM novel In the l ersyte series,
which received separate publication Inn
fall. "The Forsyte Saga" carries the
Fersjtes through three generations.
sect.s ren
Kuprt Hush.
A novel of Ih." movie "-nl! nllh many
Intereatle-i nUIellKhf.
mauamb valceuh's wniii: iv. n -
enen OlmmcaO Nev Vurk Perlhner's
Whlmlcal humor ami ilft hnrnctrlia hnrnctrlia
tten nmik tula nevrl of i.cll mratii in Ihn
A I.lTTI.i: I. HAVES'. H Knilii'rlne linn
I'hllmlelplilH. J. H I. pplncnu Pem
pn r
X novo) of th Krntw'ky meuntnln folk
lth nn apprulins hTelnr
THt: WMII'K KAMI II. IMnaril Ahlrn
.leivrll New Yerk V',fri1 Knon
A vivlilly omtle mud of ii nrmilence ami
x vlKureus remanci.' en n .south hi-.v no
mnn'i land
thi: mas' en Tin; eriit:it Him-:, nv a.u
iinnni. " '.. ..i-i.i
a'muI of iiult life Ii. ih- Knslal. conn - cenn -
tusiile. i'iiillicly iMirkcl nut
KlMitui'K THAU. H .i Allan inimt in-
Tim PkfltlliK rlirenli'l''' nf Ihre.i KunriK
... ... it... i.flti. tnrmfn.
liJinpnlli. imnns ..JUTmu .1' 1 il'n y.
A mvn- or i'L'iuDi: u tienain- itirti I
11.1 New Yeik. Theiiiaa Y. 1 rewiii
Thn""Bm."m'B ttf. icn ..f .. mm, wh ,
iimeii While 'leiunui it re.i.N with the
ciuaiit nf fa.t I
",rV.:. "1., ,,ia mpi & i'.. I
Anether Inscnliius nunl'iv varn l. the
aulher S "The Mirlrhhii; I'll "
niK M'ay iii:avi:.ss
ItlllH N' w elk.
llv ilfercn Ihlfrv
Charlei Scrltinr'
'I h" il rii'lnr nf tin' .Mount llnn illnei
vnterv lit. wi Iten iv . mu'l "iim'narv In
Ien. iieu-trrliiM'al InnauitKr, nf the latent
in lilpvenieiit" In nsl.nn.im
u.VIH tll'T OI' liimrtS H llinr ,, 1
ll.ke, .Su'V Yuik I hivrles Hcrlluiu'ii
A pocket column inaittf up uf arlrrllnna
from III" peeilc work uf II " netil ivrlier
who Ii a profeiier. n mlnlter. a critic, a
diplomat, a well ai a vvrltr of vans, tha
rntrlea .Inc'inle lt popular nlecci en blrdi,
flewr. iklei, Ilia iiaaem. etc.
"Dancers in the Dark" Is Dar
ing, Delectable and a Bit
"Inneer.s In the Dark" (tleerge II,
Deran Company ) Is the l.tiey Htone
league or feminine of "This Hide of
P urn d I he" nnd
ether erudite studies
In II a p pc rde in.
Whereas F. Hcett
Fitzgerald lamped
the sex with the
everlasting mascu
line optics, Dorethy
Npeare gazes nt the
genus home, npe'
cles vlr. with the
eyes of the eternal
feminine sharpened
shrewdly with
modern feministic
The publishers
call this n cour
ageous novel of our
gay young people
by one of them. It
Is gay te the jnz
zlest absolute. And
it Is mere than
DuiteTiir yi't:Aiti:
it is intrepid Miss Spearc gees en the
theory tlint there is no Ice that Is quite
tOO thin te lienr l., ,.,.,i. .,..., .... A
for herself as a creative artist, if she has
-v.i.uiiiiiig ie say sue just plunges ahead
and dam wet feet. In the vecabulnrv
of the set she puts en paper thev would
say damn and without dashes between
tin' initial and terminal letters. They're
tliat outspoken.
Tlie very Interesting .lern- ll.- .f
L,.. .11.. , . .. ".'".
niAiit i r . .a .... .
Hut It is in the male counterparts
of the flapper that Mis Speare excels.
.i iuiii'j;e sue learned mere than ex-
traction of (ireel; rnntu nnil .iipilint(,.u
She get u geed clexc-iip en masculin
ity in the cub "tage. And she's very
keen, and sometimes k'lndl.. In putting
them into print, the HckerMi. the
liquerish, the sport in;, the club, the dub
and what net types. Only they don't
seem tjpes they vein people.
The nmrnl of this novel, which is
uglily readable if moral there be, for
rT ,., -M
f-, 'MmmM
none Is iulrntied conscienslv U Hmil,,,, .,1,1 ipu-uii t,.n.ml ln. nit tin. pIi
human nnturp works itself out te the
old end nnd fulfills nncienl destinies.
though the manner of fulfillment Ik dlf-
ferent, new inedernistie.
The "smart set" is no longer the
ne plus ultrn of humnn society. It hns
been distilled qiiintessentlnllv and the
result Is the jazzy et which is displayed ,
In Miss Spenrc's chapters. After tliem
the deluge for there's nowhere left te I
advance! Se thev shimmy nnd bunny!
and eheok-te-olippky their dances In the
dark, llterallv and symbolically, i.nd
wnit for what's te come. At least, they
seem te hnve the courage of their lack
of convlijjens,
Stlistlcally, there secm a parallelism
between Mr. Fitzgerald and Miss
Hlieare. His art wn winhdmnric. Ami
Miss Spcare, even if she has n sheep-
"Stnnds with remor-eleM feet
Where sophomore and junior meet."
- .. -
nrur NtrwccT m am t-
1-' ixcwEiJl rurtix lJ
ivirtivc niLUrCl LCrtri
After centuries of expcrlenre educn-
ors de net .vet seem te he agreed en th
.hest wny te teach children. The new
psychology has given rise te a let of
ncw theories. One of the latest is what :
I 's ('nl'c'l the laboratory plan. The
... . ..... .....n.l .. r !..( ...............I :..
, . .i i,i.
ClnSCS in tllO old fashion
uiiiiui i'ii. iii-iiwiii hi tiring iiss.'iiuii!u in
with set tnsUs
te perform every day. are told that se i
much work in each study must he ac-
t'oriipli&heil within thp next month.
They nie then allowed te make their
own adjustment of their time in master-
ine it. Instead of recitine In classes, i
they study In "laboratories' under (he
diiectien of a teacher. The leference
books nre there nn.l the maps and nil
that thev need. 'I he children may
pliy. for example, they may go te the
History lanoratery nnu study history till
they get fagged and then go te another
room, uut they must complete the
it nllews the child te adjust his work
,, i,i ...r..i.ii, ,..i,v,... ........ '., ,,.
ttcntien nnd that it trains hltn in te
ai t ,.f plnnnlng his work in the wav te
m ,i.e i..i- mueii. t :, ,,,... :....
lav.... u.. ....,(., , UL V ll, ,(,' .ys.
.n... i ..in: 1 .... .-. i . .
uiii is lAiiiiiiiii-u in i-.ve vn l)ewev'
"Thc Unlten l.aljoratery Plan" iF.P.
Hiitten tS. Ce, i, in which the wav it 'has
worked In the high school in Dalten.
Mass.. and in the Streathnm Ceuntv
Scheel in Londen is set forth. The
book contains enough te let the tcaclier
interested in it Knew some of the de
tails of its workings.
The third volume of the lemlnls
cenees of l.erd Prcilerlc llamllten a
distinguished Mrltih diplomatist, i,' ns
Interesting as the oilier two. It is
called "Here. Tin re mid Kverv where"
I Senile II. Deran Company 1, n'nd deal
with all sorts of experiences in all pints
of the world. Heading It is lit,,, u,,,m.
in an easy chair opposite a cosmopolite
mid listening te bis recollection about
,., i,,.ei ...i .!:..., . 1,u".ul
im-- .111. 1 iiuiih ,11111 eurieus I 111 nps ni
mis r.i-1-u nun iii'iiru ii mi ins comments
about them.
I, I , ,
or example, he tells hew a French-
man who was running n u,n in j.
sin abuied the iken of the Kazan .Ma-
dennii while pietendlng ie prav before
,iv inne 1- iiiu hi mive lerced tin"
Mini. 1 01 .itieie.ui ireiii .Aioseevv ami
the Kreiichinan. spcikiug lu hu unlive
language, vv nicn tnc mn-sinns could net
understand, treed his mind. He uImi
1 iiiiueiuiccs Hint no uiscieiiits the local
, , IeP1"1 ,l,nt " mill,' children horn of
.white parents in (cjlnn come into 1 1 1 1
world vvlthiiin abiiernial Mrengtii In .
right Wrist am With II I'll lis nn !.
1..V-. .11 ,K. I. "
icii ciuew . 1 iii'm' peculiarities lire sun
posed te be due te their fathers having
ret,'U their left elbow 011 the ,af
"iiiiiters for se main lieui K of their liven
and te using the right vv rlst in lifting I
mi many glemes of dilnk tu their
",'";, ' ",' ",," 'eeiicntcd by.
sclent tic evidence, he remarks.
tiiiiiiii in- nu mn 11 niiiiu ri,uii)ie ni
neieuii.v, 0111 1 M.iieci 11 e np nn v.
. 1 1
1 nggeratleii," It is a volume which lend
' crs of rcuilulM'cnces cannot afford te
The Story of Mormenlan
Among the hooks miueiiuccil for spring
publication bv I). P. lliitlen ,t (',,,
will be "The .M.vMcr.v of .Mormeiilsnj,"
b.v Stuart .Martin, ml,l te be un un
biased nnd tduccrc attempt te tell the
story nf (he birth nnd ri.se of the Mor Mer Mer
eon Hlgien,
Chaplin, Constance Talmadge
and "The Golem" Head List of
Photoplays te Be Viewed
Stanley Clleplln comedies are se few
and far between tlmt the appearance of
one Is welcomed ns a momentous event
by the Chaplin -lies. j
Of his newest effort. "Pay Day."
there N net n very great deal te be.
said. It is generally amusing In n .
rather messy, offensive sort of way and
is reiriarkably short. A sequence of
pictures showing Charley, after a blbti- '
Ions evening with some friends at the
Hachelers' Club, trying te beard n car'
te go home Is riotously amusing. lien
he finally docs succeed in getting a toe
hold, the press of the crowd following
him is se great that be is pushed right
through nnd off the ether side of the
Toward the end the comedy becomes
distressingly reminiscent of the enrller
and mere virulent Chaplin days, and
the total result must lie clawed as fcome fceme
what above the average film slaptlck
output, net by any means the equal of
some of Charley's efforts and fnr below
the level of the recent Keaten anil
Lloyd picture.
Censtnnce Talmmlee'i latest comedy.
en the ether hand, may be termed a
pleasant surprise. "Weman h I'ince
is its significant name, njid It is better j
than many of her mere recent attemiitj..
I'crhnps that was due te the scennrie
and sub-titlcs ofMehn Emersen nnd
Anitn I.oes.
"Weman's IMace," which deals with
a political campaign in which Censtnnce ..haracteriza.ien that stands out head
nn Ivnv (ierMin runs nuilest the caillll- .... . , ., i .
Sate nf 1 Moe "eh " i, foil n I Md sl""ll'll', "bev" m"Kt "' the playing
love ' with the latter iTnself. Itarts off "f Mmilar parts seen e the sccen
slowly, but speeds up te renl comedy I tedny.
sr Tz.X'iS i: !!::!"' """'!- " ": ";.r
leiih vinit, Wnr.l ,! il,. ...ip.tlnnnhlp
t .. i t i. i. l.il. I.'mi '
,n nvpr ,!? I,.klnr wer nvcellent.' '
MU Tnlmn.!., l,pr..lf Hip screen's
, , , " , ;: . ,","
s'u' i1.;: ";"' .. .''"' ,';.;rh ,
Ideally fitted for the role, and Kenneth
Harlan, although unfentured in the elec
tric lights, ought te be. He is one of
thc screen's most virile nnd unaffected
leading men. and his work ns dim Hrnd
ley, the "Hes," is nji outstanding
piece of rock-bottom, sensible screen
acting. Hnsaril Shott was enpitnl in a
subordinate part.
Stanten There i a strong tempta
tion te speak of "'Hie (!e!em" as the
greatest film that F.niepe has tent us.
In the first plme.'itK sterj , based en
meets of dramatic strength, helghened
l,y (he mvstleism of medieval folk-
hire, nnd' the construction of the
scennrie is very ncnrlv n perfect piece
of work. The scenic 'nrtist has added
te this by devising strikingly effective
and eilclnal sets which carry out the
ntinesnliere and almost turn the unreal-
itv of legend Inte the realty of fact,
lie hns used all the unusual suggest ions
of "Ciillgnrl," but his story gave hltn
the advantage of dealing, net with dis-
ordered brains, but with deeply moving
events of tremendous power and signifi- '
ennce. and thc period of the tale allow
him u license that permits his fancy te
hnve free rein. The result Is a sueces.
slen of scenes which leave a lasting
imiiressien nil I lie snecinier. I Ills is
especially true of the set representing
the (llietle of Prague In the Middle
Ages, both exteriors and interiors,
The legend deals with the oppression
j nf the .lewlh peepleand the impend-
ting fate that a King's decree has dps-
itlned for them. The old Uahbi f.eevv.
nr',,!niI "m",'"1. I,is ,.",'t l,,.,Tlf f"r
the cabalistic letters that will bring te
"If" n ureut day image and send it forth
for their deliverance, finds it among
the rites of invocation te the Flic Hed.
nnd the image becomes alive, "(ielem."
in the undent tongue, means "dumb."
and the giant figure, unable te sU..ik
nnd with the brnin of n low animal.
iiiiu- in ii.-ii iii-i inn iiiii-r siiviug ine
..... ..n ... ni...l.i..n.. n..n.. . . . .. 1 .. . 1.
Jewish people, only te lip reduced tinallv
b.v the innocent lingers of a child which
pluck the cabalistic sign from its breast,
se robbing it of life.
Paul Wegener, long associated with
I.ubltsch In some of the greatest of (Jer-
nm.i !. n,.nu .n.i .i, . ..
wted. He also acts the difficult part
nf the Helem. and does with awe-
Inspiring realism. Albeit Steluureck
makes an esneciiill, ,.,.,,, i,.,.i., n
Arcadia Hetty Compson N a verv
charming young wetnnii, who has be
come quite adept at the art of screen
Fer that reason alone "Fer These
v e l.eve, in which slip is starred.
Is lnterestlnc nnd L-enpmiu- m.r,.i,,
I,,fr' If, ls. nnf '"'r l,''t film, but
wn', ,nf"'" h' " 'smpnny which she
left sutnc tinie ntre. I. is s..i.i ii..
, .. .". ..... llllli
she supervised the film s maUlnc. Imt
it is net impossible that Director Ar
thur Kosseji did most of the heavy
The story bv Perlcj Poere Sheehiui.
Is about a girl who works te ln-mir
alwut the reformation of a noieriou
ciinr.n'ier. i.iu'k ei engimiiit.v s pal
anced Ie e eptlenall.v geed netlng from
a supporting cast which includes j.eu
Chiinev ns the "refermee." Prank
Campeau. thnt gorgeous villain, (Icerge
l'....nw llAr, V'rt,lw..(T n...l ,1 III-
. ...,..-t , ..... ,. ,....,! 1111 mi. i, i unillie
Irteria Mert I..tel's latest se.enn
feature Is a downright, straight -from-the
shoulder piece of entertaining, tell
ing a sterj with some decidedlv n
llenrv-like trimmings and a pleasant
strain of cemedv.
ll is called "The Uiglii 'Hint Prilled
nnil Its author Is .1. p Munpini'd
first published It In n niagiirine. It's
all about u prize-tighter who falls In
love wltli a society girl. In winning
a ring battle, his right hand is se badl.v
itiiuriMl tlmt he h(l4 te retire lumn...
...J...... ...... .-- - .....II..-
inrllv. Al a summer resort he indulges
a leniance with the girl he loves,
Then, one dnv. in protecting her bis
noted right hand falls for geed and
Virginia Valli 1 the heroine, ami
the Mirreiin.llng cnt Includes IV Witt
leiitiingi'. "ns Harlan. Mn Havidseit
and Phlle M Ciilluugh
Kegent William .1. I.
story, "An 1 ld World
makes an excellent tilm,
name. "The Seng of the
' ke's short
Itemniicc. '
though the
ll s
been ncedlessiv tacked en
about th" Jove' of a beautiful bind
and 11 H'rrlblv difliirei 0111ig
di.se, net unlike "Stella Marls'
Neme particulars, and presenting
wimc clcni-ciit. interesting set of c
te it
actors and telling incidents
Vivian Martin Is n charming heroine
hi,,, I'riiz iuner is hiiipiiiiiiI nu 1 ,., h.....
"" . .'..:": '"
The scoiies, taken In Flerida, some in
1 the svviiuip liin.lh, lire alvva.vs interest
, ing.
Capitel A modem "She Steeps te
Cenipti"-" Is one description given te
"The Win of a Maid." Plaine llam
niciMcln's latest Marring vehle'e. The
heroine disguises herself a her nvvu
j maid, and then oho has te go through
nil Mirts or treuuie geiting out of her
NUch Welch I the here: Dlann
Allen has an Interesting part; Arthur
9f vf
j .
Photoplays Elsewhere
KAttl.re,' "On With the Unnre,"
with Mar Murray. ,
PAI.AVK "Leve's Itedrmplten," fta
Jturlna Nerma Talmadge. ..,.,
ami IMPKItlAL"Hchenl OaUf."
Oua Edwards' rlaislc of child child child
hoerl, with Wesley Harry.
ifAttKKT HTIIEET hoofs Para
dise," Cecil II. DcMllle feature,
with Doiethy llalten. . ,,,
LOCO til -Five Days te .lie,' nil"!
Hrasuc HnyaUaun. ' ...
lll'Ol.t"The Hhelh." with Kudelph
Valentine and A fines Ayrcs.
CEUAH"The lire Hater," with
Heet Ollsen.
COLI.1EUM "Peter Ibbrlsen." with
Wallare Held and KMv Frrniuien.
urn AND "7 ic Law and the
Weman." with Hetty Comvsen
xrY-NtNTii nrnKf:r'ihc con-
nuerlna Power." with Alice Terry
ntSLMONT"An tlnwllllny Here,"
with Will tleptrs.
l.KADEH"Foeri PaiadUc," Crrlt
It. DcMille feature, with l)o)ethy
Heusmnn. Charles Hrewn, (leerhe Kiiw
celt, nnd Arthur Dnnntilseli are tine III
their roles. In face, the cast is rea'ly i
nil etar. It sometimes seems u shnmc
that the story lti t.
"Hall the Weman" Brings Out Un
usual Acting and Is Streng Story
Aldinc Ne movie fan who has fel-
lowed the excellent acting of Theodere
Roberts could pessiblv recognize him in
, . , ,, f (.'nai thc Weman."
' i,..i-
As the bearded. hnrd-fHted and hnrder-
charactered Oliver Heresferd. Uebcrts
almost outdoes himself and gives
,n",ns "" luuiMuuni iriiiiiipu .-. "
Florence Vider him never been
, pn!l.,r. v.. m.nvlnpln. or se .Irn-
-,. ' .... .. .-....... ...
iiiiuniiii iiiH-iiwiin- n u milium 'mi.
" "-.""r?" ,m,:.,o..,e.w,l,..9,,..D,??l7. ""
unreieniing rurnnii religion ei iihim
Heresferd and his belief in thc primitive
theory t lint this is entirely a man's
world ami that women are here enlj te
work for men and te bring children Inte
the world. Hi- narrow inindcdness and
his brutal domineering bid fair te wreck
ids fnmil.v until his daughter, plav.d b.v
Mis Vider. revolts and winks out h"r
own salvation and that of her weak
willed brother. .
Madge l'.illatnv has a tearful pnit as
the uroiiKel wife of Up
brother, an 1
I.leyd Hughes cunctx the brother se
we'l that lie properly wins the contempt
of the audience. Tulh Marshall is his
usual villainous self as the village odd
jobs man. step-father of Madge, and
(ierti tide Claue is a pathetic figure as
the downtrodden mother.
There aie point" el tee mm ii coin
cidence in the sterv and it isn't tber-
iiughly convincing nt times, but Ms Mini
is satisfaction and il 1 icallv a Mii'iii!
vehicle. The photeginphy is above the
average an I the diiectien is fine,
. A-eD.- nr.c l CAD"
IN SHAK tertAHh a LtAtt
stap Seen t0 Advantage In Grim
. . . Pm . tratituH
-- - a
Bread Hubert Mantell, ida.ving one
of the tides te vvlllih he i best siliteil,
cave what was deeldedly tliP best por per
trnj.il of the srries nt Sbuk.'spinrian
reperteiies, when he presented "King
l.e.-ir" Inst nigiit.
l is becoming meie and me.p no-
.. ; , .
lk'"!l1'1" ' ''' fc"" "' ,h,s t",,r"
nnd notable actor i- far better adapted
te teilaiii el the roles lie -tieinpts than
te ether, ills wurK ini night went
n long vvn.v te wipe out the Impression
of ".Miiebeth." given Inst wok "King
l.enr," alwajs one of the 11101 impres
sive of the liard's tragedies, demands
a strong pcisunality and ipleudnl act
ing in the title role, and depends, per
haps less than some of the ethers, en
all-iireuiid ability of the cast.
Mantell's I .ear i an liiiimiu" tignn
of grief and tragedy, while his wife, thc
charming .Miss Hamper, i seen te geed
effect as Cerdelia, Otheis who did ex
cellent work last night, as indeed th.'.v
have thioiigheul ihe engagement, were
A C, Hendersen and .lehn Alexander.
aim -
e be
Comedy With Music by Victer Her.
bert Seen Again With Original Cast
Walnut Nobed can claim that
"Angel Knee" icpicsents the best music
that Vn ter lI'Tbert h:i written, nor
the cleveiest honk thnf llinr.v It. Smith
hns pennid. nor the In t si;i;in thai
l.ederer has dune 'I lie linbi'u.M' mratii' mratii'
geer will tiillnr pla, e 11 in th- ethei
I'Mreme for all of them , et fur Viiiu
lcn"ll. thev seem te iniiniige tu Kei p 11
nlivt, and it letunis te Philadelphia
with much the sum cast that it had
when 11 was tirsi 'en licie in I'.MP
I'hi're is net much ilelien te the ue, e
,1 ., ..,!.:.. . 1.,. . ..... '.1 .11.
nnd nothing thai anv one could nussibh
..!! , 1 '
illll ll nn, rii'il III il ilinsiriii iiuiie(V
And unfertunatelv tin 1 ust is laekin
anv eutst.iudliii: nn inlie i- unless
picked out the gietcsiuci les f
Mack, who is 1 1 it 11 v fuiinv ami a ie
mnrknblp iriplc-jiunieil dancer, and
Mertllll Melnieie, v 1 , , is just hiPv'f
done into a laughaMe e.incaturi
Marguerile Zetulei . who i featjncl,
is 11 prcit.v enough cirl with no nei-
I'enality mid enl.v suth. nun v.ui.i tu uc
1 111 imiii 11, r seIIK, ,1111111 1, 1 ii'iuc un
his best te Infuse 1 eine.lv into his lines
and situations and Norn Kellj miijs
Irish songs ucceptahl.t
The iiuiMf of thc s'mw Is a'li.nlv
fainlllir. one of the m. minus "1 MiSh
Me Your Once In .1 While ' In mg
mere or les.s of n mim ilur favorite
Dlllll. Hit's l.HM weik's i-levu ,1 tin
ili-te-.!llle hurles.U. s me beini; I,, ,
nver. and mc suic-tuc laugh winners
he,v in. hide "Th, Wild Man el tjunk
ci own" with Churlic Me.vueu mid .leh.v
l.ciuui'ls. the "Shifters' Convention"
and The Sew Dire, ter" llmmett
Welti, has some new l,,,ll,u. P.eiiuie
PrniiKliii 1 amusing in Ins ".loll ,I,i. k
'l.ir" kit and the olio features are u,.
te siiinilmd.
Shows Thai Remain
I.YI!I( 'the fiitiV." If Semcrrrt
MiiHyhnni cemrily nf iituiiiters, icili
Jen u trru' mid Un l.ealli. ( m .
M)KLI,iri--'l,ilUnm" Thtatrr lluild
imiduftUm of unit Hniinr fn.
fiiificiif pliin. n'.fi cast hiad'il
Iiu JuMjih Si liitdKi'aui anil i:va l.u
Ihilln ntir
CIAIIIUCK ll.e Dltiirn fj,i" ;n,(
ll t t tCS CI'IIO'IHI (1 fill tint fiuny,
M I liimi 1 nu.s ,ii, 1 mnn hi
J'erreil 7lj'-7'e.,- Inllliiphain wu-
ihirtUiti, uith I'i fit Siuiif. sun.
varied hu Human M.irn ,
JVretrn Hrefirrt and Londen Pal.
ucp tiiia; iron .t-cca.
i"OUIiriL t-ai;n KH I I KMs
",--" . ..w ,,m, W.IOV
wttth4u2AW;& .
.. 1
Anether Revue at Shubert
Heuse Tem Wise Heads List
at Keith's Other Houses
Chestnut Street Opera Heuse An An
other revue In a vaudeville sMtlng Is
"The Midnight Bounders." which the
Shuberts took ever nfter Kddlc Canter
galloped Inte bis new offering. What
with much added "pep" In the form
of hnlf a dozen or mere vaudeville fn fn
serites, ceiier that Is "pick nnd pan.
and nn artistic Interlude In the form
of Cleveland Itieiiner anil his ballet.
tlln "U.,,i, l,.ru" ..tn. I,., etnnunil na I lip
I . ... .l. ,tl..l.. ... .. tl.n, n ..
urI iff lllf llllli' i r in'- iiiui. in.-
proving se popular In vaudeville.
These who iaw Canter In "The
Iteunder" will hardly recognize It te-
dnv. At the start, en the Century
Unef In New Yerk. It uns merely a
title tacked en te n collection of vntidc
ville numberi. Fer the vnudevllle tour.
chorus bits have been taken from "The Hull, l.inlly Keller, 1 lui lienl.v .mil Iljr
Iteunileis" and "The I'remeniiders." asi.lcnsen.
Kell as the ii'iial efferincs of thee who
romp here and there in the revue
Sam Hern, w.lh his squeak little
veire, appears hnlf a dozen times n the
chief fiinmaker of the "Keundcr."
Mem of his "bit" lime been seen lieic
before, but Hern usunllv proves versa
tile enough te keep adding here nnd
there siiHielentH tn mnUn lit fun nn -
j)Par ijrUti new. .Inne (ireen. slie of
the sweet, although light, singing oleo
nnd agile teei-. has .liminy Uyler, an
acceptable dancer, as her iiiMiiiit.
Ilurr Hines. who liai his own ipe
einl brand of foell-liueup, dart" In .it
ii unexpected moment t. nnd i" iroed fur
if, " '"; Zr uulTnuS
nilnh ll" "'iie IH'W ones. Iring U liny,
(Vim Cameren. Helen Kly and Inez
Huchanen fill out the ,m of principal.
,,., I,r."',1' ,,. , ,, t,, ., ,,
pV':!: ,s,Z-
back comes in the 'fact that the ballet
imiiw en 01 aruir. wneve cniet i raw
' !M .',,n," l"' f "N- f".ir ,,,0,i "P"nl
""' ""."'. '" "" m ' ' "' !'ai 'I,S or
: musical i (iiiiPil.v march than the mere
i'"".ie.tinK of ,. bane.
Keith's - Tem Wisp is nlwnvs a
vveh nine addition te anv bill and he
iisiiiiIIj sees te it that the addition of
hisnamc is done at the top of the list.
He's one of these natural-horn head
liners who doesn't spphi te have te
vveir.v te stay tl.eie. His contribution
en this nppeurnncp is a c'rc- im t
called "Memories," In which he is
assisted by a callable cast but tin re
'" ' mm n iieuut nt any time mat w i-e
IS llll" HI I.
Cnmi'd.v. music nnd dancing are well
interspersed throughout the leimnnile"
of the bill, with Mechlin's dogs giving
an mccptublt' tlnver of the unusual
Uuth Hove, the ) ucopatiell come
dienne, easily is the feature of the
program, outside of Wise, and collected
a harvest of laughs and applause
Knlph Hlggs and Kuihcrlnc Witchli
displayed some exi client dancing agiitnst
backgrounds that wen. artistic nnd
beautiful in their strikin': i oler cffeits
"Pierrot nnd Pieretle." "Moen .Mild
ness" ami "IJi.isj iSolcre" were the
name of their offerings, jiiuk Punch's
violin soles, interspersed throughout
the net, wcie a pb-asant feature
Lew Van and Tiiruh T.vsen ul-e con cen
ttlbllteil some clever dailie steps; IJalph
C I'evan and Bentrlic Flint had a skit
called "Sli'jht Interi iiptlen." which
combined i emedy and snny
I.eavitt anil Iiclavoed m "( lurselves"
and llei's.'hcl Ileuleic in "I'liinellnge '
were two ether iittract'mns that seined
I lie icmaiiiilei' nf the bill was quiti
te the Keith standaid.
Fa.v's KnliherlMX'Uer With I'm nine
lirlllith in lit r I.e.! tilm. Ninnd
Wives," n the ilietnplav uttiniiiiiii 1.
Is dim, lilt te I'hoese between thc -eieeii
nnd the stage and en the mixed lull this
vviek. .Miss tlrlllith bus innensed lK,
huge following bv her work in th's
production, and the Seuth Sea Nlund
sienerj makes u mi cspecialh at
t-ailivc number ''hc vaudeville en
tertainment has "The Celd Ulggirs" 11,
icvuctte form, and Tliemas Putter
Itiinii, who specializes 111 laughs ami
doesn't believe in blues. Moere and
Klliett have a geed nedv s,,.t,-li
t'antwell and Walker knew a h,i ,,i
geed jokes and area t stingv with them,
and Andy and l.euis,. Hurlow, the
Stanlev Ilreihcrs :t 1 1 i 11 iwe-p.ut
cemedv, "Please lb- Can ful " eiiii!et
II bill llllli is full of lenl etiteitM.il-
(jIeIk- i.iuii k . tu.u
.1 latgi
en's hill
1 "it r 11 1 -
'Ollg. Is
supply of lilllgls, ma.es ti,. ,
al! that mid be deirn "'I !i
v.'ll of eniee. ' -iji ff, , ln .
ns pret' v .is the iiuiih- Hindi
. u. 11, mi, mn ,ijiu ,1 ijisi hi nine p'.i.ers
offer n musical tabloid vvnuh 1 um
siderably in fient of .iimlji little pro pre pro
iluctieiis Dtlieu who men with fn-.or
include Mi and .Mrs. Melbe irne
I'Mrieti and Havel, I.ane and Preeni.m
and Marien nnil Sparling
I 'n . n m n.., I t . .
M.'eglieii) Prem the taii.i... ir of
real merit, the Km.e-ii i.m '.,ui the
llll nf the show 'I'lieii 111 1. 11 ,.., 1 ,.,, ,.
edv is w, l,, nded ,iu, ;, i ,,f nod
eiii,itiv pn 'Mii :i 1 1,1,1. .i 1 ,1.1 . .1 mm
siatlfving le.-ult- 'I 1.1 ii.hs of nu
nvi 1 age imillei aie ep niiu"l bv Mer
nnd Mclfeid "S, tutor" I'r.m, ,,
Murphv gives Iik Views e, ii ei 1 .a
pe'ltli s "Si'iioel I 1,11 x' .Mh iev
llll IT . the litM,. st, i,. ,, !,,.,,
role, is oil', le, us th, ;.,, ir'i.i, ,,
ItlSMllvv.'l 'Ihe ,1S W.ing 'In. ,,r
..f Chines,, vviiuiler-wiichi is iiM.-it,,,,
1" ii'.ili-ni e in the heiiilliiii n. t I 1 ', .,
Iilellllieis llll lulled .l.im, . Mradl
Ml 1
' m and ciii,i,iii,v ,1,
Inn" . I'i 'I Allen, neb
P-V I I 1
1st .III
-i-i.i 1 . nun i 00111 r 1, 11, 1 1., v( ,. ,,, 1( ,
en. 1 11u11.es. ',,.iiu, I in. s i,,i
esleV Il'irlV. W.is till
llli.l v ill 1 uliiniue 111 be -n'
"ill he 11 vaildev llle 1 hmig
1 Inn s.la.' .
11 1 1 ill ii
. :. Tin..
f pi 'gi.iin
Cis.vs Kes Ciism, ,
' ll'l pupui ir
sui cs v- ei" uttered vv H,
bv tin- lie Main, r.v
r' I i. Ills
I 1. uhli ,,
11 ,, ..... ....'a . , . . .
"" H" ' ' " ' II'LHIH'M 111 I
cm t'n 1 1 bv Milium ,1(
I'm v kent iiuinv la is'is in im, 1 ,,n ,,.
Illlev . vv llu Wet ,s
II. ul. .11 'he Ml ,
'Il.lll nil till -lIL'i . 111 it,, ,. ,1
lll.lll nil III, .
f.,11 'III nt Ihe ,i,ii i,.ugs
nnd Mell 1 ,vi lli. an 1 Mils.
Ill senu's and limn e- in. ,i.
V i'i III 1 1,
1 linn ( , I,
Ullli.llll I'eilli i,
' I'I use Sill I I le I'.ev s,
the nu
' .Hull
Hllgi 1
il ein e well 1 nlei 1 mn 1 'Mn 1
v ille fi ,itui,'s me .Ii un lii nees, h
P rev Chin in'iu . iinl I ' 11 iii
"Iv . and tu" Mi I1.10111 S' In ,1 1 It, I
I'lie pheii, dnv is "S -bin I luivs,
N . ev Man 1 mt upri t.n 'ih,
1 Iiai.'u 11 1'.
. nn I
Nixon The I'l.iir Ito Ite
S.w uik llippoili-eiii.i,
IllHiV'tlve stellm feat. lie
s, time :ie
fiirnls'ie'l an
"The Club
Man. a -kit, was ai ,.
11 1 icvcrn bv
1 nii-iii un- nn, .wins no,, v mil iiiti
lelitllbutcd "Mils of Wu ' ie ,e 1 ve
iling's euiei-li luniciit l li'ii niiinl.rs
were ihe 'Iwo l.nih 1'i's. in a viiiulev i.
-I cillev , and ,l:iu .m. Din, i,t, 1,, .
1,1 ' Pun in Ihe Ai' f.l.idv- W ''ion
111 "Plnvlm; Will, I re vva fie llln,
Ml I l.u ll. 111 I'lieie will In .1 1 Im,, 71
Keyatene "Mether lioe-e.' the ex
traTaganza nrcseuted this week bv .1,
ij. Mack and cepipnny. Is full of smiles
1 .. 1.. ... . .. A I.'. .. . t ... . . . I ... .
in. iiuiKi.iri- vnucr v.luilevl'ie fcii'
ere Will -Mefr In '.lust' Wi
the Dlkle Feu.,Wgft WVbb'srtfl
imiiv. in a coined v sketch, anil B
nnd Nelsen, in "Mr Ulrl.". .TIicj
me "Jitgn mm uiz.y nnu tne .l'ftf.WfVx
i -XJW. ' . v !??,
r, I u ..!. l,lt ,l.J.lPj&ft!n
UrBlltl .111 IIIIM'II r-M1 1 IVIIll illl(-lll Fj
Ien the bill tluil it would be hardtop
pick the hendllncr this week, .lay LlllVS
Ien and Hetty Pinker are Veen 111 "NPH
Nncs of New," and Tem Martin flnd-N
cemnanv In a nnc-acr nlavlct, "Jed'
I t ,!.... f .1.1 ..,. M. ..- !.,.'.'
1 .IIIIIIMMI, winrr ll'lll ill ,-n llir I rCw
Mnir I'.ntfriHiiH'rj. itinsiciii ceiueiiT : - t.v
.liini's mid .iiuii'x, Charley Ittickley, A&.
Mile. Thee ihkI her "diindles" and the WfflQ
i .Mcinciii.' due. j ne mm icaiurc is
"Hherleck Helmen."
Tronidci-e- -Jink Held and his famous
"Itccerd Iinalcr ictiirned lust nlgbt Am
mill iIIhIiImWi II IDL'l heV I lint Is Well ViM
"Itccerd Hnnkert" ictiirned lust night.
I in. ,.. Ilii liif.li nt.ifin.ii Ifnlil lilmanlf t
ii i" ..i... i.....H.. ....v. ......M
Jllu his fiiminis lele of M It Intel Mns
I honey, nnd Inter l lint of "Depe" nliaa
."The Information Kid." The Septem-
her Mern chorus is mint her feature In
tins wirlcd ciiterl.iltiment. lueuistiii
i llu
Kcceril IlieiiKci's ineiiiiieK .Manet
Heward, r.i.iliiic Hull, .lesie West, Ijerl
Casine -1 ioed I'liu nnd nl around
entertainment are provided l thc ' Stip
l.ivelj (ilils" show whnh piewd itself
hist night te he a fust -moving, Miinulng
1 Mtngfd affair with plcnt. of iiretty
girN. mil cilbcrt and I'veljn Cunning
ham head ii cn-tt tlmt eeutaiiius many
favorites. Among the liittv arc Harry
Kcllj. (iciic Mnrgaii. diss Wci-s nnd
1'attl Moere,
leek en and
there ere u
ekiiig tune-
I lie horns is pleasing te
can sing. Ini tdcntnlly,
uicessien of whistle-pre-
The National Illghwaj" Assnclntlen
was the host Inst night of the Hacquet
Club, of this cit v , at a performance e
'Tip-Tep" wltli Fied Stene at the
Ferrest Theatre. This Is the 'tlnnl week
of the show- lieic. A beautiful euvcnlr
program, containing pictuies and data
. . 1 .. . t . I. . I.. I . .A ...... I... 1 fli
...'.. -. .... ....., .,.,.., ,.u. ....,
names ei cvcr euipioAcei me rerrcsi
llu all e ami Hie "lip I up company
were inscribed in the program
236 2e.11 5t.
Flione Wal.ld92
Big Account
An old- established
well-financed agency
will make an attrac
tive preposition te a
high-class account execu
tive who has proven that
he knows hew te secure
real accounts. Confiden
tial. A 521, Ledger Office.
312-614 Chestnut
900 Square Feet
Frent Roem Geed Light
Elevator Service
Mr. Dallas
606 Chestnut Street
-fti''iiViViiSiViiv-rrt' fuj
REAL Het Water
always en hand
The It e
! .1 I W .1 '
V, ,1 I ill
a. t c.i I
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jj quehanna Vallry. jH s7,
I 1 .r i.jii. fHrf Muni eihir B k
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