Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 19, Image 19

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te the Editor
Inf Kilncalinn gate mi the .opportunity
te nttcnd high school in Hip evening
wmie cmiiieyni (luring the tui.v.
rv, I Mm
. ;,:t..;im(ieu
W ,M '""" i,i nn envious crea
, rett 0"VU" .... .. .!, fruits
. iiftnc im -" . . .1
rT... n.il vet Legiuilgini? U""
pray for the
fee of the dark CtiTO-
. nertin ..... In.iri-iicl
Sn'HP " JIJlnMH of ether.
JW ',":,, ,,b jour " ,0
ieni .",,' n-inurnc.vins "
Vt?tieil"t K" ;, i..iiiff i ip r
& VfeKlKjj ',' ;lpmier nf.cr ou
Wine' I" "'' . ... .. Iipw ilsUcrcd
!.... I IIHIII III' " . .
J """ I. i I their profusion me.
Kk"S t.v 'u.N en their ieum-
nee -
new- ,..,,,1 he niucli of thin
ffkr'l"' "1',1 tl1cnn.eti.uptnnt
jievs """..wlnnt t'-O tlmt I no "'.
K"' t,naVce;.-iu"p.rP
fe,t.,n!:"-n(lH .through te
.'"'" f ilip flri'llluT lull' "'
riMi MJ tlint ' ',.. nii rivntzkr.
!'". '"""?.." . rill, this
.,. TO,.' .""iTi .1eln VeT
""" :' ... I.n,. n vllHt ICROIlrfP
'M,,'ffah,kp eiir editerlnN nit. Yeu
'l ' ' ,,r,Veiinl penfnb with
JSu tt& ,1,c mes!
lk,b,nd" in l!isln. who lit -invent
f,B?iS "hv net Innert this
let Ins heV. NW 'JeK
V i nrpMime Mu re inuiincu i.".
!iIrSn being, net Rett ..
, -J .1 the light Of I'"' einim " '-
SL"1 ,nnnnblp In your i-rltl-
Pt- .i"', ..I ... mir-iilt-. -e why net
M. ni. .pieiitllli' rltidsmx en po pe
wrt some -r ii" , , . )0tl
wfc.1 queMii.ii-.' in '' ""' - .
""fflbtful . ""' but I" the fm-
Wr "? '; i.t i..ii vvih n
netualltlc rtf
a. . . .... it iuii mir in
-tihthe. i" n "llH. iu" ".':...' l;
fcj pewiblHt
i .... i ii
TOiirfii "" v.' ----- ......
MKriif' "l!,t ,,m n,,u,le ,0 "
nnibllltii" enl V
VKirm the Uelslievisl? as iyraii
jAemenne't Krt. cs. tney muy ur,
Iteted nn IiikpiiIeiih way te win ever
Fa .""'.i. l... ilrnnn ne lenllrts
."..J.. ..nrnn HP lintlllll. I"". "llliuill
. JUJt tMHlll.
.nn lmp no right te
ffle llieni "i'h"'" hping rentlPiniied
Knllv in tetnl "hllvleu through the
I- U.. l !""""
Orcet Spirit of Oed. hoe bed In the
Wh'iM'vumrum of pence In the bow in the
Will the'i re le th wenle of the clamor
ou taven ,
Vet turn it ilenf er, te mj. rlteun cry?
O'er the ruln of home, o'er my henrl'e
Ke mere ehtlt thou her my unblent timen timen
tatlen, Fer death' ilark encounter I make prep prep
arateon: H henra the latt cry of th wild Chero Chere
1c ee.
Kilt Why a re net our niilit high
sclioeN eppn for n lenjpr period than
March? Why net keep them open until
at leant the middle of Mnv, thus puttdj;
uieiii en a iiiere equal ehhib whii iu
tiny hlgli scIioeIh? ' Open only three
nights per week, of two hours each, It
fallow that certain subject must of
necessity be shortened.
An exteiiNlen of the nlsht school term
till cay the tpcdntl or thlrtl week of May
would lend te make the night Bthoet
course almost llkp that of Hie day
Hclmel. Already a few cltleci including
New Yerk, have rci eznlzcd thU anil
have lencthened their nlsht choel term
te enunllzylt mere with the day frchoels.
Philadelphia, Ions recegnlzetf for her
line cdticntlenat system and ether In
stitutions of lenrnlnj, should net permit
hericlf te las behind In this Important
respect. li. K.
Philadelphia, April 8, 19'J2.
It't Feminine" High Art
Te t;ic Editor of tliu Eieiilne Public l.'dgtr:
Sir Will j ou pel iii. I a brief reply
te Alls Cnm O'Plngp'x letter en the
subject of mere man's sartorial defi-cleneicf-?
Tell lier. please, I lint a masculine
person between the ages of thlitv-and
thlrty'-llve ngiecs with her most heart
ily and believes her charges te be en
tirely just.
Kxplnln te her. If you will, that thes
lads who arc laughing CM nt the girls
have net nrrivcdat the age of discre
tion and are in a feeble and most un
successful wt,v trjlng te establish rep
utations ns wits.
Assure this jniing lady that only per
sons of crude manners (there nre ic-
ffl'ettnhlv n Inrffe nmnhep nf thptti pk-
tnnt) comment upon one's habiliments ' un "bout like thie
fxcepl in ii manner denoting delicate
admiration and respeet.
K jr.u think it wise, you might add
111 at the man wet III while (and 1 am
speaking advisedly) believes tbat the
modern glil dresses net only intelligently,-
but with most becoming taste
and piepiicty. Furthermore, he re
alizes his own shortcomings and under
stands full well that he Isn't nil there
when it comes te clothes. It's a femi
nine art, and the average fellow will
never get en te the fine points. Ask her,
please, te desist. She's tee clever
entirely tee clever.
Philadelphia. April 8. 1!22.
I .JtW-fc--') A
A . OotUalewn reader aaka for
centjlnln the llneai
"They cannot ! where Oed la net,
On any land or "
"A. 0 " Ardmore, Ia. Klpllnit's reemn I
Ulna protected by cnpjrlaht. republication
In net pirmleelble witneui renncni ei me
We Buy Old Geld
Diamondi, Silvar, Platiaia aid Fah Tattlil
06 FILBERT ST."I,J,l,!,7h'',,,
Verset- for an Album
Te the Editor of tit Eirrlne rtilc l.eiitr:
Sir If th rren who aaked for werdu
appropriate for an autograph album rlehee I
"In the tjind of Bealnnlmr Aealn." 1 have
It. Here are veraea that mlaht nnener the
PU-pesr. K, V., LOUT I
Phlladilphla. April 1. 1932. '
t.lve for thene who love you.
Fer I hone whose heart are true j
Fer the heaven that amlles ab. ve u
And the reed lhat you can de.
If eVerv kind wleh nae a reue. '
And-the roe had net a thorn, j
Tour path with falreat flew-ra.
Dear frltnd, t would adorn. '
But (lower will fjde and reaa die ,
And all bright thlnas ilepsrt
I vvleh ou Jev thai always lasts j
Th peace of the. pure In heart.
Can a Reader Supply?
Te the Editor of tht Ev'enlne Puttie l.rde'r: I
Sir I would appreciate It If vmj rnutd
locale and publish the poem entitled "Maid
of My Draama " I de net knem- the mrlter.
The pe"m has four or five ataniaa and
Maid of my dreams come bsck te me.
Maid of my reatlesa aleep.
rianish mv cara with uiir aavetv.
Thrill mv heart, with your mystery:
My heart Is In your !!."
Philadelphia, April 4. 19IJ.
MWliifeliiilHa .
n t . v "' " VN'a' '" " tTj"" '''11 r r'.'tf. '..... ' - - - . i i i i r i I i "i
1 ' saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaa.a I n I ...... ( j . I. . - J
lf5--TOl- '
I V,- -- V .F.
iatXFS2S?!rrilPllktfi i m. . m
MjaifcaaOLiaaliaaM ! jf A V
I KciAalar l2&lJ TorrvryprfeV.
hLemr;i 1 . - Sgjg-gj
It's something mere
than a reasonable
behind the reason why
y e it eventually select
your fixtures from our
showrooms. Come out and
let us show you today.
Lighting Fixtures
384656 Lancaster Ave.
Oven Halerdar Till 4 I'. M.
Take Ne. 10 rar In subway
Phene JJAItlriB O'fie
Chaitia Prica
1 tea"
2 ten"
i ten "
3J ten "
I. e b. Buffalo
The Right Truck
for YQUR Business
Over 200 different tinea "
of buiines ue Stewarts
City, Seashore or Country
'Sheltld Have n
In Mi" lilli'ien (omblnallen Ceil and lias or lust
for mil Thev sav I.iber h'nel iiml llenalre
pnivlili. rill iiliuiKHnrr (if Hut VV'jt r and broil, bake
nnd mast ixtfcctlv "'
Sn l the lmi In renovate Ihe nbl ur Install Ih
ii Hrntei or Maime
m.ir'. I.niindrv Stmee hud llel-M liter lleuters use Mile cval. "nenr'a nil
trlliuler Is the Idciil holier benter
Cat Ranget in all liztt end ttyltt te tmit money and labor. Cemt
In end ttt appliance! in operation booklet ler the tuning
1823 Market St.
Hell, Sprue. M
Ket.tnne. lime
V.itablUhril in t'hllatlrlphla l.i I8M
CTEWARTS are built for Business: sturdy.
sirnplr, practically trouble-proof. Profit
able te evn at the start Stewarts cost $200
te $800 less te buy; improved design, quality
materials and workmanship assure years of
long life and faithful, ec6nemical service.
Nine year old Slewatls. still in daily use, prev
why Stewart teputntien for Price, QyaJily and Service
has circled ihe iilebe. 1922 Stewarts represent the
greatest truck' value en the Amerien market.
Gemery Schwartz Moter, Car Ge.
Salts. Beem, 128-140 North Bissf
Serrlce Station, 2400-14 MsrhjjeSLBU
City of Naw
Yerk first
bemlt 8
new own 21.
f I'''eelkl
I i t St r
Is Your Kitchen All-Gas?
labor - saving, cvji.jfert-
woman should be without
as Range, Gas
In these days of
promoting devices, no
the convenience of a G
Heater and Gas Iren.
When all the kitchen work is done by means
of gas heat, you can be sure of greater convenience,
cleanliness and economy.
We new have en display new Gas Ranges,
with many attractive features. Seme are finished
in enamel. All are built according te American
Gas Association specifications, insuring geed
material and workmanship and perfect cooking
Call or ask us te send a rcprcseitfative
Questions Answered
1737 North Tliirt-hrt trcct
Philadelphia. Apiil 7. I"'-!-.
Mined by Evening Public Ledger
f(lM.ler ' "" ''"''"'' 'r,'3"":
Sir lie iir-ivntiner "'' im -
miltst nihifvi'ini'nt.
Fin..v.icfi. Pi m.ii' T.Kiiem ar-
tlele April !. cIerif Iiib nntl "lilellglit
In, Ihe ii "lilt of rnstctir
I til n ? ii nriiui.v.
ftnpatitlnll""'". Mrr power te veur
r" . ... ,,. ,..n v lV'
urtsiei, i ii., .'I'm v, ..-.
Kileentent's Net Wanted by U. S.
htsifttfler ''" ru'iKr 1-eitper:
gi,I lmii- lend the k-ttrr of Mr.
Jiraw X. I.ril nml ns It vviim written
ij'i fair. liKMil-mlnilfil nnd courteous
nln. I liall imlenver le nnvver it nc-
(ttdinglr. ... , ,,
tl. I -l IVnls til. 'it I vvns ll.'lllllV
fcililied lu nut iKiiurliiB nn KiirUkIi -
1?L.-.. i.... M...I minnnrr.il 111 tlin KVE-
'nin 9 iii.-i i ri ' " " --,
TOO rnuic I.miiiMI of Saturday.
U...I. is hen I en ir n lieu i u v nn-
rr liv i-avlDS Hint If tlie wilier et i.u . Lriaira
lilt date Mill believed Americans linn
fae nnthlng in the vvnr nun nee
Terthle-N enpt for ImnMlnB. lit- reiiln
fhntie me mid matters ceultl tie promptly
Bwlvins In tlie slllic sill'lt. I lien
ttremlnil linn mv letter was net pie
tlpitatclv iuiiim-eil In the heat of tlie
mnmi-nf lini ! iMii-e tlie r.ncllshinnii's
Iowa Benus Legislation
Tc th-. Editor of the hieiine fiibllc l.rdcer:
Hlr Will nu klnuly lei mn knew tlirnuch
the People a Forum whether the Stale of
lewj. cave Ita eeldlcra n tenui nnd If te.
hew much' AVherj ami what department
must 1 wiltc te for partlCTjIaia"
Oamilen. X. J . Marrh 31. 10.':.
'Ilii leua Legislature p,ied a bill pro pre
vldtnE n rash rxinua of fifty tenia 'a. dev of
seivke, mixlmum $1SO, te all in Ihe United
tatea m!lltar eifrvlce. Write iii the Ad
jutant Oenral a Duiartmcnt, Oes Melne".
wus i In. j
Forty Checker Games
Te thf h.liter of the hvenlte Public l.rdarr:
Sir Klmllv Inform me thriuah the Iee-
rle' Keium If the fen checker Kamee
plaed recently between Hebert "tewart nivl
Newell PankN at Ulassew, .St'ettul, are
publlihfil anl where te net thm If th" are
Phlladi-lphla. Apill 2. 10'.'?.
An Hnnh nation of the sani mide hv an
1 exprt aent te l.laacew for the purpose bv
, tee I't pne I.rtHiKH. and printed tn the Pun
j d iv nilttlnn Februiirv 2fl. It Ihe enl:' nil
I therltaile report or the mntest lasuxl In the
( L'nlieil Slates, h fnr as th renplp'i forum
la anare. Cepv of the aamea namd can
'be nbtali ed from the. I'lrrulatlnn IVparl-
menii of ihe Evr.MMi rum if Ledqicr and
Bli Bl aal aH
HHiiiiiiii v 1 H H
one- eleven
The Sesqul-Centennlal
Tn thr Fditer nf Ihe Evnxna Public l.edeer:
Sli What Is the real object of th- sanul
Ceniennlal Expiltlen and whit will really
taxe placn at that tlm?
it margulie".
riUladetphla. April 4. in;'.'
Thfi Ststiul-t'enlennlal lll ha the celebra
tien of the 15lllh nnnlversvry of merl'an
n atrip alone th Attantle aabeard, new
developed Inte ferty-elRht btRlca, HretchlnK
etrea n renlltient. threw off alleslanre te
the UiiBllsh monarchy and established them
aelves as frce and lndpndent. Thera will I
lii exhibits no', alone from everv one of
these nnd from the far-nunnr Island and ter
ritorial posseseieiiH of Ihe United Ptatej, hut '
ft. m f.ulh Amerlra, from Europe Asia
and Africa from con corner nf th Kleb.
Harth a nenlfe'd wonders lll be rprant
ed nl this nerhl Jubilee, nhlrli mil b a
prartiral dcn'onstriilen of th nhncs mid
liv AinrlcH and b humenl., In sci.nre.
urt. Imliistrv h m.1 ell that has inntrlhuted
te niHkliic ihe world a better place te 11
,Tesph Olenmnrth There fa nn record of
the Sen of Malta In rubllshed lleta of the
secret and social onranltatlena of Philadel
Poems and Songs Desired
""' --,.-- I nun sit HUT lUiilll llllllliri 111, si i "VIIC'I l nn
tpWlt ttliiili I vvns HIlSW CI itip was tlie dependence. It will be an exposition of
riimlnatlmi of ! l"K berles of insult- the rregre. of the Natien since th days
nit lrllrr" loiiieinlnir Anuriea thnt when the thirteen original colonies, ferming1
mleus Kinjllsliinen. UviiiB here nnd
obtaining llnlr livelllioed here, hnva
from lime In tltne een lit le send te i
ttelilgei" ( niiMnnt reiteration et n
studied iniili will litimntely ebtnln I
mults. If tlie Londen 'I lines rentlnu- i
cwy iitihlt'.hril npprebrlntix letters'
tout I'ncl mil fiem Ametii ans living
im) ebtnln i us 1 1n ii miMi iinni' there.,
It would he -in.ill wonder liiiild some
Enilivhin.ni eventually heieme easpei -IW.
Di'ieatenled l',ti;lsMiiiien in tills
miinlrj app.trenll.v overlook tlie fact'
that numerous stemii'-lilp line leave this
pert ami New YeiK for Soiithainpten !
Mil Llrerpnul. and no one here Is de.
iireui et iletalnliie nn niiilcenlent". i
Wf weulil mil ten gladly vvi-h them
"bon vdjiibi' "
I apprediile Mi. Let il lefenlng ine
la Mr. tlwen Wi-icr' hook. "Sniiaie
KVI," iinl In tlie aitlcle In the At-
lintlr Mnnihlv. Inn a few ear a se I
tratcleil exiinivelv in Cnuland. and
IWeeileil tin me tlnniieli Klirepe Ulld
round the win Id. visMinc viilnallv all
tlilliitlli nlini .. vi, iiml 1 lmve lind
luequate iipiiintuiiitv te simlv KiirIIhIi-
tini ei v minis tv pes inities diveis mn
J!linn; iiihI I luisi I lmve been able
Ij form n fniilj Hii'ltl Knowledge of
rnfnrlnnnii ll It lk li.nnlK- llie 111.
ejir, lintinvsihle tvne of Kticlisliman
te in-4.ts i inning publicl; hut
"tn lilliittlliL' for I his. nit nun nv. -
J'liilcd eh-i n.iilniis nnd these nf m.v
Wends nnii'ii 1 nit' Iii i.lnle tlmt the
Tfrage Ilnli-hnuiu of mi t.vpe seems
j" wcrrta tii'ilie inner convolutions of
"ueri'hruin tlie m d of a petty jeal
Ml dlallki f, Aim i leu nml all thlnirs
AOrritan. i.iw.inii. ti...... ,i... . ...,..i..
l" mii.faiimv cinisiiinmntlen of
Amtrlea s mn m th,. iVmii v,n. m,.i
AmfrUa s, pie-tiuineiit pesitlnn lu the
iii . .tlMl'u ' ' iinfeitunnte tlmt
' Inborn IInrIM, uttltudu exists, but
lean nn. . . .
i , -urn- mi, imu llllll'iusieil",
l"(l (in illllllllll lllliln ,.TIw.rl,.n,...u
Or-hialh .,f r.iiKllsh stmk invself.
Pi.i.1!i r, s '.V"lh '""""I lime fiem
niL",'1 ln,','sri d mv mother's t
Wrexlruaii'lv the s,,,,,,. time, nnd
5ffi.",,uu ""i-'-of-arms In .,.,
Srn",'" ",f n1kh HH'tets who
min.iS.i"'1". """' " 'Klnd with
wiliatn the i'(,uei,'. , fuithei-
llil !,i ''" " "'" "dmlri-r of Knc-
2ii..na,,'u i""1 "ll,l,,s "ni' ",stit"-
jy S I'ud ll... pleasu.eef mee.l,,,;
Iread ., i V'" "," "'.presentatlve.
.",h '''dtim I te nppteclate
hrOUn'n.'T1 -"""'"I lORlPi ll.Hl
Hen? n,"' M1"' AnifiLunH In.llua-
ilth i V"01""" ""' Ituifll
tl"-. level :!!"s ""l "'""mmdabl,
ffi.!'uli!N t:,H.m:rr.
KH aH r-fcC- V
L-il A I mm
three Friendtf
In a new package that fits the pocket
At a price that fits the pocket-book
The same unmatched blend of
Turkish. Virginia and BuRLEYTobacces
l'1"1'. piil '", WJt'2
iiS,.r,Term for N9ht H'fl" Schools
. IW'loreifc, ,,r, ,,.,,. M
. O.r 1 nin e . i ...
"The Cherokee's Lament"
Tn the riiei of Ihe Kicnlna Public Ledger:
Sir t will .ippreclate II vrv much If ion
I can pilnl fei mj the poem '"Ihe u'herekee'a
Lament" and nam the author
i.vuitv r. lUTtDerK.
Camden, N , March 31, 1PJS.
thi: ciiEneKnt: s lament
H Jeslali IiearwCannlnir
Oh' soft falls the de In the twilight de de
seendlnn i And .all grows the shadowy tree en the
I plain,
And tilghl o'er the far distant forest Is
I.ILe the Hlerni spirit dark n er th trem
ulous main
, Dut midnight enshrouds mi lone heart In
V Ita dwelling,
I tumult of wen in m besom Is swelling,
Mnd a teai unbefitting the warrior la tell-liik-'i
hut hope has abanlened the brava
I Can a Inn lhat Is tein from Its root by the
, fountain
'I lie m lie of the valley, green-spieadlnr
and full
Can It flourish removed te tha rock of the
Unw armed bj Ihe sun and unwatered by
i cure?'
Though espr b kind her sweet dews tn
I bestowing,
Ne life-giving brook 111 Ita shadow Is flow flew
l Ins..
, And nlin the chill winds of the desert are
blew ins",
Se dumps Ihe transplanted and lone Chero
kee. I
Loved gia of mv sires' Have I left jeii
Hew melted m heart when t bade vnu
, adieu:
Shall Jev ilcht the face of the Indian Ah!
While meniniJ sad has Ihe pewr te re
new As (lies the fleet deer when the bloodhound
la 'itnrtrd,
Se flnl winded hope from th peer brekn-
Oh' c.iiil'l she hive tumed 'eie fereer de
pailel Ainl beckoned with smiles te her sad
"I (I III urn
Had, nf ..'..""" " "' Kiateful thou
ikd tl,.. vel, '""i' ,"ml W,,,n,, II"
""villa. 1 ....7 ., r. '"'i"i hi i-niin
' Mill I 11,111 L till I ...
"ll lllll
it the Kenid
I'ennl'.. -
'A' Krn ng I ,,i " .'"J 'I'""' '"''
J.tunilaf i. M' Afff- rl nlae
J"? renniuj . " '"' I'nnien,
IL teBsriTO.I'A PQ'!K: nnel qnra.
j" "" win l a ill were J.
la 11 the low wind Ihieugh the wet willows
Thil fills with numheis my listening ear?
Or Is some hermit rill In the solitude gush
'Ihe strange plajlng minstrel whose music
I hear"
'lis the velcn of no father sle. seMnnly
i see In. dim, term where Ihe glpum gathers.
la ihe Ued of th whltt nin, lb Obrlitun
ppaalltujv ,
The American Tobacco Company
honored "111" cigarettes by cheesing
for their name the address of its
Heme Office 111 Fifth Avenue, New
The American public honored the
fc ? Guaranteed by
rtf J . O
judgment of The American Tobacco
Company by making it one of the four
biggest national sellers in less than 18
months' time.
We would be honored te iiaye you
try them.
r rtjwKrTfc I
t iNceaseaaria
Which means that if you don't like "111" Cigarettes,
you can get your money cacti irem the dealer
..A M
i ,
eV P
, rj&
, f;.ii
. r , ""t, Jfi4 (If Vi .AV4
-; Mp A-ii
" Tl. '
'3. If Ai
! f 1