"M LIS? WOT? RSfc.TOjT WV,Bift:WsX:t1R tfVTfSfl . v tyy t r-'v Wmri,Y'W SSif V- SV Ufc i . ?. ?".'' "W mess at , Tw - 'J &&&"j i EVENING PUBLIC liEpGERPHnJAp: !--,( (.!.? f - 1 " i " "'"'"' i i - n ' '"'mm li " PhUadelphla, Tuesday, April 11, 1922 Stere Het, 9 A. M. te 5:30 P. M. Gimbel Brethers MARKET' CHESTNUT EIGHTH NINTH fFef Men particular as te clothes should sec the excep tionally nnt line of Suits at $50, of imported woolens ; silk-lined. Fer Easter wear and later. Second tloei. Gimbels are exclusive Philadelphia agents for men's Kuppenheimer and Society Brand correct clothes. $35 te 565. Fer Easter wear and later. Second fleer. Wednesday Wednesday P (d m . m -K. MILLINERY SMARTNESS AT MODERATE PRICES u r$M Frdm Coty ? '. Il3, u. B. 4 j. Vtrt x K iv. ,,, F KV Li ri ij, rriK few 6& i n le K.r- y'fir &-. f'jt "The Master Perfumer of France" Imported Perfumei, Toilet Water, Face PewdersAt Prices That Gimbel Merchandising Keeps Remarkably Lew At Easter TimeFer Easter Gifts "Debutnnte Droop" Shape in very fine open-mesh straw. Trimmed with g l e w l n g pheasant tails (HmhfU, Mllllnrr.r Nilen. Third deer. en-mesh straw. $8.50 One of innumerable semi-small smart shapes with great beauty in burnt estr ich t r i m -ming .... OlmbfN. Mllllnrr.r Sulon, Third fleer. :s with great beauty $10.50 Wide side-brim short back and front. Charming open-weave straw, trimmed with maiden hair fern and asters in high colors . . . -OlnihrK Mllllnrr.v Salens. Third fleer. imed with maiden- $13.50 Heady-te-Wcar Hat of horse hair and silk crepe. Tnm c r e w n. Smart straw tailored bow. Twe color. . . Cllmlttls, Kead-te-ttar Section, Third fleer. c crepe. Tnm $2.95 Basket - weave "flop" shape with Canten crepe facing. Gar- landed with g a ', lovely flowers epe lacing, uar- $4.95 -Glmbtln, Rtadr-te-Wtrir Srrtlen, Third fleer. Women's Sports Coats and Sports Capes muMm f the Famous British Tweedy Fabrics We Imported At $15 te $59.75 The gloriously beautiful, light of weight, wonderful of texture, just warm enough for spiing net tee warm for summer's travels fabrics that Eng land, Ireland, Scotland lead the veild in making. , half what we could sell them back for, f today! Had them made up some in Londen: eme here, but after Londen's smartest models. Coats of Galashicl Tweeds at S19.75. Coats of Calcden herringbone Tweeds at $23. Coats of Galashicl Checks at $25. Coats of Manningham "Bcaiskin" at S28. Coats of Batlcy mixtures at $29.75. Coats of Yeikshire mixtures at S39.75. Coats of Belfast friezes at S4."i. Coats of Manningham camel's-hair at M9.75. Cape3 at $15 te $45. .lmlK nluns of Prtn. Third fleer. Women's Suits i I1 f . ' "ill 'ft I' Sale Groups That Ranee from the Tweed Suit That Everbedy Wears te the Novelty Suits That Fashion Demands $25,$29.75te$125 it's net only because Gimbcls Crcpenge Dress and Cape Suit, $59 And it's net only because are foremost for newest fashions that you have less trouble finding your suit at Gimbels than elsewhere but because Gimbels are ultra-particular as te fabrics as te color-tones as te pattern-drafting as te variety. Cheese from thirty styles in Tweed Suits sale-grouped at $39.75, but $47.50 te $69 grades ! Cheese from a dozen styles in Tweed Suits sale-priced $29.75 including "rain bow" or "Dentwoed" tweeds. Cheese from thirty styles in Tweed Suits sale-priced $25. Such a color range! Endless "ones" of novelty styles at w.ve, .y, vy, ijsse, Sy8 te S125 the dc tured model, crepenge Dress with Fur Cellared Cape. L'Origan $7 Original Bettle Perfume, $3.75. , , $13 Original Bettle Perfume, $7.50. Bulk Perfume, per or. at 51.90. . $7 Original Bettle Toilet Water, $3.75. $13 Original Bettle Toilet Water, $7.50. $24 Original Bettle Toilet Water, $17.50. Bulk Toilet Water, per oz., 75c. Chypre $G Bettle of Perfume at $3.75. Perfume in bulk, per oz., $1.90. $7 Bettle Toilet Water, $3.75. S13 Bettle Toilet Water, $7.50. L'Or $13 Bettle Toilet Water, $7.50. $24 Bettle Toilet Water, $17.50. Toilet Water, per oz., 95c. Iris $6 Bettle Perfume, $4.35. Jacqueminet Rese $6 Bettle -of Perfume at $3.75. $11 Bettle of Perfume, $7.50. Perfume in bulk, per oz., $1.90. $7 Bettle Toilet Water, $3.73. $13 Bettle Toilet Water, $7.50. $24 Bettle Toilet Water, $17.50. Toilet Water in bulk, per oz., 75c. L'Effleurt $10 Bettle of Perfume, $7.50. Perfume in bulk, per oz., $3. $8 Bettle Toilet Water, $5.35. $15 Bettle Toilet Water, $10.50. Frem Paris Gimay! Exclusively at Gimbels Origan Perfume, original bottle, at $4.85. Millc Fleurs Toilet Water, $4.50. Champs de Fleurs Perfume, per oz., at $1.50. Champs de Fleurs Face Powder, box-, at $1. Ambre Antique $10 Bettle of Perfume, $7.50. $11 Bettle of Perfume, $8.35. Perfume in bulk, per oz., $3. $8 Bettle Toilet Water,$5.35. $15 Bettle Toilet Water, $10.50. $28 Bettle Toilet Wafer, $19.50. Styx $9 Bettle of Perfume, $7. $5.50 Bettle of Perfume, $4.50. $8 Bettle Toilet Water, $5.35. $15 Bettle Toilet Water,. $10.50. Toilet Water in bulk, per oz., at 95c. . Lilas Blanc $5 Bettle Perfume, $3.75. $12 Bettle Toilet Water, $7.50. Cyclamen . $13 Bettle Toilet Water, $7.50. Muquet $24 Bettle Toilet Water, 517.DU. Toilet Water, per oz., at 95c, Glmtwli. FInt fleer. -01mhK Salen of IirfM, Third fleer. Women's Gleve Silk Vests Heavy $2.65 Grade At $1.95 Fine heavy quality glove silk., Bodice tops with ribbon shoulder straps. Pink. Bleemers te Match, $2.95 Gimbels, First flour. Limited Let of Demestic-Make Sewing Machines at Lewest Prices An Easier special for the teaman who leant s te make Iter eun clothes for spring. Terms Weekly $1 Demestic at $21 Sale of Girls, Coats, Capes, Dresses and I Dresses With Matching Capes at $10 Values $15 te $19.75 Tweed Coats. Pole Coats. Raglan Coats. Herringbones. And dressy models in serge. Pole Capes, and the cutest, cutest plaidings. Tans, blues and rose. . Tweed sleeveless Dresses with matching Capes button-trimmed pockets. Butten-trimmed sleeve-slits. Big patch-pockets en the cape. Rese, periwinkle, tan and blue. Taffeta Dresses three-tiered model with the tiers all piceted points ! Henna or cornflower blue. Splendid for the Easter party. Weel Canten Dresses mostly in two-tone effect. Beth dressy and practical. 6- te 14-year sizes in each grouping. Olnibfli, Salen of Drct. Third fleer. Silk Petticoats Sale-Grouped at $2.95 at $3.95 and $5 . Values $i and $5 Values $5.95 te $6A5 Values $7.95 and $8J5 Silk-jerseys, taffetas, radiums. All Easter's col orings. Plenty of novelty styles among them. Beth Bleemers and Petticoats in the S2.95 group. Bleemers, Creepers" and Petticeat3 in the $3.95 group. All Petticoats at $5. Olmbfl.i, Second fleer. Little Beys' Easter Hats Styles, Variety and Values Warrant Gimbel Leadership All-popular "Tarns" for the little man of 2 te 6. Cutest styles of tweeds, sports weaves, leather or serge. And fine straw hats with rich ribbon bands. Smart octagon or "ridge" crowns; smart new two-tones, blacks, navy and white. At $2 te $5 there's a straw beauty at $5 that we believe un cqualed in Philadelphia at this price! , FANCY TWEED HATS AT $1.50 TO $4 for big and little boys. Including the new "Pcnn" hat. But turn downs, snap-tops, crcased-crewns,. "bulldogs" variously $1.50, $2.50 te $4. Beys' New Caps. The new "Penn" Cap at $1.50. And "Babe Ruth" Sports Caps for very young "fans," at $1. GlmbclR, Dr' Uat Section, Third fleer. Slightly used in demonstration. Fleer samples equal te new. Lim ited quantity. New Willard Machines Demestic, make. Brand new with all attachments. An unusual tQQ value pOV Lessing Drep-Head Sewing Machines at $29 Five-Ycar Guarantee Women's Dresses Priced Ne Mere Than $35 New Willard Cabinet Machines But Paris Had Her Finger in Every Style! And bUfh a grouping of well-bred styles as you don't often see even at $75! Several models included that are exceptionally wonderful for the "e.tra-Mze woman" models with wonderfully flattering ways of slenderizing. A heay Canten crepe in one of the Paris new fageted models comes in cither black or white. An all-silk Crepe de Chine, with the very oddest side-drape tieatment; comes in black only, and in sizes up te '16. A typical .-t.'ncs model in satin-back aepc, beasts Agnes typical side tunic. Black only. An adorable licnee reproduction pictured and all tucks comes in white Canten crepe. The black lace gown pictuied comes also in bridal white. Plenty of Navy blues and browns, tee. But the white and the hlnck are se exceptionally smart! Sizes up te 461. GlmtwU, Snlens of Drcsn, Third fleer. F ft V $35 $33 Women's Crepe de Chine Breakfast Coats A New Chenille-Fringed Style at $6.95 Thai's Lewer Than the Usual tcsy jit . esr rrice hm Exquisite shades of rose, turquoise, Wi ..&..v u.uv., icnuwu, mau small, juauucui navy. All chenille-fringed in self color even the new square cellar is fringed and caught with a rosebud. And full-length, full-cut. An opportunity for Easter "Week-enders!" Alse Fine Box-Leom Crepe Kimonos at $2.93 worth $3.95 and $5.95. Embroid ered or ribbon-trimmed. Levely Easter flower shades. Glmbtln, Srcend fleer. 4 New Easter Suits for Beys Norfolk Medels $8.50 te $15 With Extra Pair of Lined Knickers, $10 te $18.50 They are fine quality cassimcres and tweeds, in neat stripes or checks, and gray, brown or olive mixtures. Several popular styles fully lined knickcr?. And for Older Beys High Scheel (Leng Trousers) Suits $15, $19.50 and $25 Sports, single- and double breasted models with long trousers. Many have an extra pair. Herringbones, tweeds, cassi-meres. Ii5i Up, R I Ui" -GlrnMn, Third fleer. Women's Washable Fabric Gloves at $1.25 a Pair Tweh e-butten-lcngtli. In mastic, coffee or biscuit. Twe-Clasp Chamois-Lisle GleVcs, $1.15 Kmbreidercd backs. In gray, mocha, beaver or pongee. Strap-Wrist Fabric Gloves, $1.25 Washable gloves smart models. In brown, white, ceert, beaver and nenccc. (lmbrl. I Imt Heur. 1 50Sp or ts Skirts An extremely geed-looking cabi net. When closed resembles n music txftbinet All attach- t 7 Chinese Shantung All -Silk Pongees, 75c Fer Regular $1 Grade - 3WI An exceptional quality, in the popular natural bamboo shade. A firm-bodied lustrous pongee, free from "weighting." Fer blouses, shirts, sports dresses, under wear and cool draperies. 33-inch. New "Hawaiian" Fringed Sports Satins The recent "triumph" of a great American silk mill. Particularly smart for skirts the fringe trims and "hems" the skirt! Straw color, porcelain, sea-foam, sea jade, henna and black and white, fringed in self-color. At $5.95 a Yard filmlirld, Silk hulenn, SrcencJ fleer. fit ;f Made of the famous "Munro Scotch Tweeds" (bought direct in Scotland) and in the glori ously inimitable Scotch color ings at $6.90 litis (ilmbtli, billen of DreM, Third flejr. A Shee Event! 7385 Pairs of Children's Stylish New Shoes Af 49 fK Regular $5 l P4.00 and $6 Values I.Web& And sp,ed,dly made -soft, Shoes that let the little feet grew natural ly and comfortably. ' Strap Pumps : Mary Janes : Blucher Oxfords : Play Oxfords Dress Ties : Ankle Straps : Sports Medels fcizcs for tiny people up te hhecs for the cellccc miss Alse 2500 Pairs of Children's) fcl ce jpx.ua r m, i x: sti.k uf.h di pi r m k. v" "uim-miii i ibv aneex rnr CSS 5k&i d rdm BfiBliLfi t KW!' wt Mna imt im budwij biem. we4 Hi 6-Wfiir jZU. i.-l. ll. Jf ,0 . ti'ftUt .tttaif&ni. " "" """""""""""""""" (ilrulirU, nhee Mere. Huead Boer. v ' ' V 1 r. v