Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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it ns Hit. AiVt'i
m -Wf
rl of Various Fleurs
Today's Demestic Science Les
son Gives Protein Content
of Different Grains
. ilki lilt, hu Urn. W.A. Vtttien
CyritM, "";,&, rcscrvld
..t.. ..! nt rve is much dnikcr 1
I ..'.. .I.-., tim whfat and somewhat
. .... i.. nnnrnraiu'C Ill- flour dlf
L from nhnit flour In color, texture
md fliTer. 'hip si""'" ' "'" "
, j.. ni linve the same tenneleu
Lilly and ilew et yield a leaf of
Ibe fime Irxtuie and quality as wheat.
per llil' rcaien the leaf of ryf
hwid I" I1""1 1'P,llnr nn" " WL
. i. imnnrtnnrp. In the hrcadfctuffs
t mntiv llurepran countries ryft flour
fcLtaS whMl. bcretiw of the ces with
U.K thp itc crn n is rniwu. mm i
which ",'" , ,h- .nWter countries
Cml H stialKlirrye flour It
luJmerr pretrin than wheat flour.
1;, ib lese completely iiuesicii. v ncnt
J'j, flour, when blended, make n
"ich better leaf than the straight rjc
flour alone.
Barley and (lata
In teneral structure the eat ami
urtr Vain are somewhat similar In
JnnMrance te wheet or rye. but the
composition differs greatly, bran coat
hi making up a much larer percent
Ip of the Brain than cither wheat or
Thue (trains contain very little rIu
ifn although the iiltroBcneuM content
iniiesthem rich In n veKciahlc tiretem.
Tlife nralns de net make n detJrnble
leaf of bread when ued nlene : the
miilnmm amount used cannot be Brest.
ft than -'" per cent, and n much finer
fna( Is produced when the amount 'Is
cut te fl or 10 per cent.
Rice Millet
Hie, nhlrli Is grown cjttcnhe1.v in
the United States, is a popular starch
feed and can be used In bread-making
In the same proportions as cither bar
le.r or corn.
Millet is eaten In China and Japan.
India, at well ns Kuseila, in special
dlhes mnde in "much the same way us
jrf reek our cereal".
Ilrcad' miile from whole wheat, gra
him and lower-grade pntent Hours con
tain mere pietein than these made with
lh fancy or tine erode of flnur. A
knowledge "f the dlscstlblllty of In cad
l of Importance, for utile the prerei
of digestion utilizes the greater part
of the bread It i of no real Milne te
the body. Ter It Is from the feed di
luted thnt thp ImhIj obtains its nourish
ment. The digestibility of bread de
pinds upon the lightness largely, se for
this reason a well-raised leaf of bread
is necessary. Kxpcrlmenta mode upon
healthy jeung men nt several experi
mental stations ns te lh tr.tal diges
tibility of bread made from several
Sours' was ss follews:
The average of the results with three
jrides of fleungae the following pro
portions of nutrients that were digcMcd
rem these fle.ire, the factors being
commenlv described as the ce-efficients
of digestibility.
The Standard Patent Heur
Protein, about SS per cent ; enrbo enrbe
hydrates. P-7 per cent.
Wlrelc-Wheat Heur
Protein. 82 per cent j carbohydrates,
!H rer cent.
Graham Fleur
Protein, 73 per cent ; carbohydrates,
f0 per tent.
When cenlderlnz the digestibility of
the fresh-made lenf, one must realize
that new or frch bread is readily com
pressed Inte n mete or less solid mnBS,
and one nuallj chews this bread less
than If It weie Male. Thus In a solid
or compact mass It will resist the action
of the dlgestltc juices of the stomach.
When bread is tented the change
that takes place is of n chemical nature
and nets upon the stnn hy cententl mak
ing It mere soluble nnd therefore easier
Induct. Alfce, ferments nnd bacteria
that may be picsent In the bread are
lllled by llie Intense heat necesnry te
char of te.it the bread. Toasted In cad
imv lie cnten te advantage bv poisons
'uirerliiR with digestive distutbani es.
The first lessen en breads gave ou
the fner that biead lentnins from ,"3 te
40jier cent wnter, and the icmulnlng 0
per rent miliitivp material, mi one can
really believe that geed bread Is whole
Mme nnd nutritive feed, supplying by
far the laiget amount of our cnrbeh.v
draic need, with some protein, n miiiiII
"mount of nilnernl matter and no fat.
New, sliue llieie is Mich an exccfs of
urbelijdratc and a deficiency of pro
tein, one would baldly consider blend
s'ena In the nutritive scliemc for plan
ning s diet. This means it should he
combined with ether feeds that will be
rich In the elements that tbe bread
iii aml ,,irvp wl" bp fe,,ml '" mcnl
milk, butler, cheese and vegetables.
Hy Helen Decic
Things YeuHl Lehe te Make
f'jbaf' " nil""' jj i
Marcel and Halrelrett, 75c .
Shampoo aV Scalp Treatment, $1.00
WO tHESTNt'T rilONK U'AI. ttil
RDOM, 300
III If ajKwffyl Or BaaTCTaCaBlL I
nn. 1 '' ,," '"'eniliiK coat"
ler ILT" "' '"v time, befete P. M
tl,lc han hin!ye"rV Bra l,,a ,,n""r
b of tie ? I e entire suit may
etrlneii eni reMSCI H "lnv be of erav
:," b5uM?1",, ,",,I1' distinct rtlffer-
"iMaie iSttiu . (0,re"t 'hoes for an
Mhl.utlnnf( ldnil'V, '."." p'lte,u lentber.
Vm mas UM. nKl11 )pi'' Thft bride
" nm ,,," 7f' K'V bat, nnd
Pn or V.VJ!, ' i-V.AU"1 s, ,trt . ,"i,B ,,f
iWMn-ha ml iii. ,I,1CI m,w knots ci
J't ma", J,a ' ?")er '" fi Hie
for the thaJ'1 " , iMi-mntchlnir color
i6"1 Bheiild i.e , olut'iitlennl evcnliiK
l Bneui,i be 0i-n nt a rileht wed-
rr?nnS i '"'flh-Prnveljlne fWn
JWtl'HE nubli.h. ,lu trlat CuMI(-
"' "'' It u llnblt." Adv.
Beaded Bags Repaired
. "4l. li V',N ! k.kii
Here Is snmethtnir new In Hie nnv of
the girl or housewife who lUcs te keep
her thlngH spick nnd span. Mark off
two or two and n hnlf-liiili bnnds nn
linen or Mnene. (Ker the heavier
Ihlnus, sheets and, bath towel-, the
wider bands are better.) Have the
strips seven Inches lenn. Then mark
off ether strips each one and a half or
two Inches wlde and eighteen Inches
long. Have tbe material hemstitched
almtjr the markings. Cut through the
h'msfltchlne, forming pkel edges. New
join h small ivory ring of the desiied
color te endi end of one of the shot)
bnnd". .loin one endef a long strip te
one of the lings. Sew one part of a
snap fastener te the under side of the
loose end. -At one-half Inrh Intervals
-ew the ether sections of snap fasten
ers. Having several lower part? of
fasteners enables jeii te regulate the
size of the band te fit the bundle te be
held together. Embroider the words
HATH. FACIS. etc., en the hrend pnits
Wedding Gifts
125 Patterns
1212 Chestnut Street
Read Your Character
nu nhhii Phillip
The Lew-Toned Voice
Dees it mean nnj thing te jnu who
are salesmen when you greet a new
prospect and he replies te yen In a
low-pitched voice?
It ought te. Fer this type of voice
Indicates a certain type of person, with
certain definite trails of ehnrhcter
It Indicates that jnu are talking te
n man who has a wealth of human
warmth nnd emotion, n man of nh.vicnl
and constitutional vigor.
Te Midi a man Aim de net want te
mnke your appeal along the lines en
which you would talk te n cold, cal
culating Individual. On the ether hand.
de net rush te tbe ether extreme of
making n purely emotional appenl. for.
though he ma j be a man of strenir
emotional nature, it does net necesunrilv
fellow that be Is purely instinctive in
forming his decisions.
Hut de net neglect this element in bis
mnke-up. Hee first If the shape ,,( bis
head, ns explained In previous nrticles.
supports or contradicts it. If se, if It
Is the shape of head which shows llie
clement of friendship well developed,
jour cue is te cultivate this man's per
sonal geed will In a straightforward,
sincere wny. treating him net ns n
thinking maclilne, but as n red-blooded
man. i
Tomorrow Selling the Up-Hill Writer
'I I'
- aaTvsaWPiBm ' I
v !" S i
1 w
i I
1 I
( &?&
il J
, -K. J
Special Showing of rlK
weed Suits for Easter m
Featuring fsahlen'n favnrlt all- 7 s-. JfL
lieufltn exprejfl In nertii er.l m rXl
Klrletly tailored nulls te uriler nrV WM L. Ilf
riidv le put en. Your arly In- r r M Vft
Kpertlen Is Invited In anllclpatlen SJ m m ilZ
of ih uiual last-minute runli. 4Hv saT ld
Hats te Slatth Your, or Our Material
Purchatinf Agents' il
"' Orders Accepted 7
)) rJfc (( 123 S 13 St.C )
f VoNei . ' hR
II ftJfW FLOOR. Ontlnirrl's 9j
Fer the children
at Saster
Crates of Eggs
Chocolate Eggs
Cream Eggs
Parisian Eggs
Chocolate Rabbits
Chocolate Chickens
Chocolate Hens
Chocolate Ducks
IJS20 (lipstnnt street
It Measures Up in Tea Quality
100 of its Selling' Cost
When "Ne" Is Geed Sometimes
Isn't It Better At All Times?
A great many people have learned te say "Ne"
te tea or coffee at neon and at night learned it at
the cost of jumping nerves and disturbed digestion.
Thousands of ethers who passed through
that stage have learned te say "Ne" te tea and
coffee all the time, and have found a most satis
factory "Yes" in Pestum.
Pestum's full, rich flavor delights the taste
and meets all the demands for a het, mealtime
drink, and it contains no element that can harm
anybody. Even little children may share in the
delights of a het cup of Pestum with any meal.
Whether or net the thein in tea or the caffeina
in coffee has begun te serve warnings en you,
you can profit by the experience of ethers and by
the information which any doctor can give you
and find charm without harm in Pestum.
Suppose you make the test for ten days, with
well-made Pestum, and compare the "feel" with
your former experience with tea and coffee.
Your grocer sells both forms of Pestum: Instant Pestum
(in tins) made instantly In the cup by the addition of boll bell
injr water. Pestum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for
these who prefer te make the drink while the tneal is being
prepared) made by beillnc for 20 nilnutee.
Pestum for Health
"There's a Reason"
Made by Pestum Cereal Ce., inc., Battle Creek, Michigan
April 11, 1922
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere
Most Beautiful
Pearl Beads
We Have Ever Had at $5
(And They're Made in America!)
Never have vc had beads with such a.
depth of color, such a soft glow of pearly
whiteness, such beauty! And for only $5!
They're as durable as they are beautiful,
tee, for we have tested them thoroughly,
boiling one string for twenty minutes. Yeu
can see these "boiled beads" at the counter
and you'll find-that they have net lest one
whit of their luster or beauty. That augurs
well for beads that are destined te be worn
in warm weather.
We can also show you the beads before
they are coated with the fish-scale. prepara
tion which .gives them the appearance of
pearls, and there is also a bottle of the
preparation for your inspection.
All of these $5 beads are in a lovely
creamy shade, evenly graduated, and finished
with a 10-karat geld clasp. 24 and 27 inch
With a white geld catch, set with a chip
diamond, at $10.
The Easter Hat
Variously Interpreted at $6
Fer some women the Easter Hnt (it should hmr n capitnl
hy all means!) is, a graceful lovely thing with soft estiu-h te
blew pfntly. It is heie, in various coleis nnd combination--periwinkle,
yellow en black, jade, buff and ae en.
Fer ethers, Faster would net br Faster without the hat
with flowers and this year it is very lovely and their is wide
choice. It comes in blaik and it comes in toleis. .Sometimes
the flowers air very colorful and mixed with fruit.
The favorite hat of hair braid is here, tee, mostly in hlnek
or brown, with circ ribbon bows nnd with cire facing the brim
Hats of gleaminp fiber cloth and of cool taffeta are well,
represented, tee.
It will be the exceptional woman who cannot find her
Faster hat here.
Easter Tints in Women's
Light-Weight Capeskin
Gloves '
Special at $2.65
Women's lovely Faster gloves are in eight-button- '
length and .tiaj-wml ".U'p at this low price. The
capeskin is an ecellent elastic quality and the gloves
fit beautifully
The ntiap-wri-t gloves aie full piquu sewn and
bae self-tone embroidered backs. In I'n'scilla gray,
blonde and cafe au lait that has se much cream that,
it might be called iveiy.
Fight-butten-lengtli gloves aie in mousquetaire
style, full pique sewn, with plain backs, in blonde
and cafe au lait.
When washed with caic they will come out like
new and last a long while.
White Gloves at $2
.Six-button-length slip-en gloves of white glace
lambskin are evcrseam sewn,
Men's Percale Shirts
Decidedly Spring shirts in frc-h, ( Iran-looking
stripes of blue, green, lavender, black, etc. Many
of the much-wanted pin-'-tripe ate among them.
All made ever a comfortable, rnenn pattern and
Wanamaker shirts in every particular. Men who
wear them knew what that mcan.
((iillcr.T. MnrUM)
$6.25 $6.25 $8
Women's Lew Shoes for
Sports, Street and Dress
at $6.25
"Crcnm-and-blfuk," the sports oxford, i. of light smoked leather
with black wing tip and waistband. ' The rubber-like sole and heel
have little pads.
The sandal with the cut-out tee is of black patent leather with
thice straps and buckles. The sole is turned and the heel is baby
Anether slipper is of black suede with turned sole and baby
Flench heel. It also has three straps and buckles.
A Strapped Sandal in 3 Leathers at $8
The sandal with the vertical center strap that is sketched come
in black suede, calfskin or patent leather. The low heel is covered.
700 Pair of Little Beys' Shoes
Special at $2.90
Keth straight-lace and blucher styles, for play and '"bc-t," aie in
sues 9 te I31". They arc of geed, sturdy black or tan leather".
Sizes 1 te 6 aie $4.
KiilllfT, Marked
Levely Box-Leom Crepe
Breakfast Coats and Negligees
The crepe is charmingly cool and dainty looking and the colors
are most attractive. The following styles aie all in eichid. rose,
pink, Copenhagen or light blue. The woman going away ever Easte'
holiday will be delighted with any one of these.
at SS a bieakfast coat, that can be used as a negligee, has tiny frills
around the neck, sleeves and pockets.
at $5, n negligee has satin down the front and finishing the lecves
and pockets.
another at S." is a olip-ever with flowing sleeves and silk ft nit
at S0.30, a negligee with flowing sleeves and hand-embreiderv te
distinguish it.
(( cnlrnh
. -fife fPTi 1
New Easter Frecks
$12.30, $ 16.50, $25
A charming new wool jcr-ev dress, vvith a pleated .-kut, hns
checked gingham pipings and large smoked peat I buttons. In
iciiulrer, blown nnd Copenhagen. PJ."0. Sizes II nnd JR.
New Silk Frecks, $16.50
Navy Canten crepe, taffeta, heavy crepe de chine and
Russian crepes are used in a delightful assortment of typically
Faster frocks, Senle of tlie prettuM crepes have (lowing
pleated panels en the skirts. Otheis are beaded in white, black
or colors.
Tweed Cape Frecks, $18
In tnn and Copenhagen, each slip-en frock has a long cape
te match. Sizes 11 and IS.
At $25 te $38.50
Fvery charming kind of Faster frock one can imagine.
Afternoon dresses of crepe and lace combined, frocks of soft
and lustrous silks, taffetas, beaded Canten crones and Geor Geer
gettes, Fspecially line is the collection at SJ5 for veung women
wearing sizea 1 1 te 20.
, (Market)
Women's Sports
Stockings, $1 Pair
Tweed uit colorings peri
winkle, tan, cordovan and black
(teod looking sports stockings
of silk and fiber vvith cotton tops
and soles. "Seconds."
(( pnlral)
A Little Sale of
Sample Silk
Wemen''- umbrella in the col
ors that de se much te chcci up a
rainy day puiplc, gteen, ted.
brown, navy and, of course, black.
' Handles aie ever se piettv some
with gay bakelite rings or caps
in lovely color', ethers with nat
ui al weed u-ed with leather loops
and bindings. Satin border', deep
tape edges, long rib-tips and stue
ends are some of the geed points.
Sun-and-rain size among them.
All perfect, all specially priced
and all decidedly suitable for
April-Faster gifts.
(Miirkrt )
Pink Pajamas
$1 and $2
Ore-piece pink pajama aie
trimmed with blue stttchery, ever
se dainty and fresh.
Of pink nainsoek at $1, of cot
ton ciepe a: J.
Pink Chemises, $1.50
Lacy affairs of batiste vvitn
ribbon .shoulder stiaps.
(I ,'iu nil i
Peter Pan Blouses
In 25 Variations at
$1.65 te $5.90
Undeubtedlv the blouse stvle of
the moment, and deservedly -e
for it is becoming n maid 01 nm
tren. A blouse of this t.v pi is m
dispensable te am woman with a
suit in her Spung waniiebe
Price range fiem Sl.G'r for
dimity or voile te !ui for a lnvi
ly French voile wth much real
Irish iace trimming, with gingham
and n any vaiieties of voile ami
dimity between.
( MurUrl i
Yeung Women
Want Elastic
Corset Girdles
They have feurd hew comfort
able and satisfactory the.v are and
new th"v will weai no etheis. In
no ether eeret are tiimness of
line, comfort nnd perfect freedom
of movement se ideally combined.
A very wide assortment of
these gudles will be found nt
moderate puces in the Down
Stairs Ceiset Stoie. Among them:
at s, a 10-inch girdle of pink
ceatil with two elastic uiseits.
at $. a 1 1-inch girdle of pink
broche with four elastic insert.'.
at St, an all-clastic girdle 1 !
inches deep.
at ?.r, a gil,dle of brocaded
silk faille with four sections of
Mirgical webbing.
at $7, a l.'ly of Fiance model
with surgical webbing.
Of Course, a White Freck
for a Little Girl's Easter
She will leek like a Snring (lower when she wcats one of these
pretty snowy frock;, en Fater Dnv. Imported organdies, sheer
'oilei and nnti trimmed with wee ruffles or lace will dclighf the hearts
if girls of 0 te 10 vears. 5 l.eO te $11.2.").
Twe-Piece Tweed Frecks at $8
i. very gin of I -j or 11 years
wants a cape-frock! These are in
tan and rose, and the buttonholes en
the gored skirts are piped te match
the facings of the cape,
Pretty Silk Frecks
f natural pongee or tnffetn in navv,
brown, lese, henna or Copenhagen.
Sizes 8 te It year, Si;.?.-) te S 10.30.
Levely frocks for junior girls are
of Canten eicpes. plain or change
able taffeta or printed Mlk crepe in
individual medcK . 13.30, SI 3 te
Tailored coats and pole coats;
dress coats with loose backs and
dolmans the grrN have as much
.heice ns women in Spring coats.
Tweed's, veleurs, homespun weaves
mid new checks are verv smart.
Si. 30, $10 te Sl'3. 8 te 1 1 year izes'
v,s- J yO
- 'y-f
i I
$6.75 $3
Central Aisle
Women's Nightgowns at 55c
A special let of these cool substantial gowns-in white,
flesh or orchid, very prettily made at ."roc. Either stitched
in contrasting' color or hand-embroidered and adorned with
French knots. Sizes 1G and 17.
Men's Foulard and Striped Satin Neckties, 35c
Fine ties for a man's Faster gift at a mialler price
than one would expect. Pelka dot foulards in geed looking
brown-and-white and black-and-white effects, smartly
striped satins in arieus colors and plentv of brocades.
Many are all silk.
A couch hammock is a pretty heavy lead for the Easter bunny,
but is there anything that the children would appreciate
f A gay spring assortment at $10 te $30!
( lirslnill )
MM i4
.1 li
ZSr'k"" ,YW I
zszTaa ' cxv .i.. ,. i-mi.. .. l i- v
mm w n P4H
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Easter Coats and Wraps
Sports Coats at $16.50 te $45
'I weeds, herringbones, m t,m- .md p(1)u (e,it nt-e in various
light colors, with plentv of tans .,n. giavs among tluni Senm '
have full or straight lm back-' and ethi'is nic belied Almest
all ire full.v lined with silk
Capes at $15
aie of tweeds in herringbone veae. They aie cut lull atvi hnve
silk-lined jokes.
Wraps and Capes
of voleui or behvia aie trimmed w th buttons, biaid or em em
breuler.v and aie lined with pretty silks. $lu'.50, RUI) and '!".
Navy and Black Wraps
are of -eige, nicotine, wool peplm, I'enet twill and belivla in
many models. :,t $27.30 te S30.
'lhe.se wia- ar i t light in cekr, I r t' -y au deci ledly
new and k rmgl kc. '
is 'A
i.1' 1 . J
" -VI
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at t