Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 11, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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'f rff, r
jr i
! tiif-4-itr-n
mc wen men -
showers and probably thundef
1 .bowers tonight, followed by cooler!
Wednesday cloudy and cooler.
TB)lPKAT1J,tr lA1 "'' " '"
Entered na 8cend-Cltev Matter t lhv Poitetlip. at Philadelphia. 1'a.
Under ilia Act of March 8, IStO
I'ubl ahtJ lihlly llxiept Bundny. Nuhsuhitlen 1'rne IH a Yettr by XNil.
Copyright. 102:.', by PuWIc l."'lr Cempiny
i -.
Euentng public
rTn no ll is i a 3 4 n
'rrtw itTise 182 iae imp i I I I I
JvL- '
$. i.llll I IL II I U I wwp Kl I V
r faiiw vr- !
rimuLniiiui uui,
U. 8. Agent Says Seized Goods Were
Shipped te Sen of Qen. Jehn Weed
New Yerk. April 11. (By A. P.)
Twe prominent woolen merchant, to
day were nntned by William II. WU
JUms, special agent of the Treasury
Department at the Customs Heuse. a
shipper and receiver of the $600,000
worth of wool tcized here last month,
en Its arrival from Montevideo, pend
ing investigation by the United Stntes
Attorney's office regarding payment of
According te Mr. William-, the
wool were shipped by Themas A.
Weed, of Montevideo, te hi brother.
It. W. H. Weed, of Philadelphia, who
he said he understood were the sons
- ..... i nr iiriirnniDK innnrnt iniin nii n
,, Health, stated the rtiiid i b I chnrRn of ,,, fextile .IranrttnpiiL of the
i'"""1 ,,,l,4rn.i.Htart.i,iKU r-.--.. ? i.. . x
fr$ft H.Thacher Admits Child
. fM Net Given Antitoxin ter
Diphtheria and Died
IY.THE BOAHU ur heal in
(;.& prosecution of Dr. G. II.
tficwr, 20u cnesinui sunii nn- n.m.,
;il5rPrrlnS mmraumvuiv .......-.
: ,ti vrecemmended by the Benrd of
i nZltb today, following Investigation of
F til, forth of Alrsls du Pent, twcive
i The' child was a son of Mr. and Mrs.
llhndsl. du Tent. 1124 Spruce street.
tfi'du Pent Is related te me miinun
5r munitien makers of Delaware.
"iri,7hnv died April 12 from diphtheria
I fa'tle Philadelphia Hospital for , Cen-
5LmiIIeal Inspector of the Burenl
j HmIiH. stated the eh
Ui Christian Science treatments and
tint no antitoxin had been adminlH
nJ' f'alrns. at a hearing before the
I neard of Health in City He I stated
Mktr that Dr. Thaelr admitted he
l . i.i. MtiMf rt Ihn mcn anrl
toot corepicw "i..- "- -
thit be bad admlnhiered no ntftltpxln
bfrime he did net believe In the nrcnt-
Quixzed by Dr. Furbuh
Director of Health Ftirbush. who
treiidrd, asked Dr. Thacher if he hud
tiktn any cultures from, the boy. Dr.
Thichtr replied he had net, nnd that
mm;; cases of diphtheria cleur up
. xrlthetit dlfficultj.
"That Is an amnxing statement,
commented Director Furbush.
"I am en the defensive here." Dt.
Ttieher nsked. "I came here te help
the' beard. If I nm en the defensive
I want a lawyer."
"Yeu rertnlnly are en the defensive,
njeiaed Dr. Alexander C. Abbett, who,
with Dr. ,Iame! M. Anders and Dr.
Furbtiih, comprise the beard.
"The patle.it Vld net Imve the bene
i ef modern medical treatment, which
brteexnlxed all ever the world," con
tinued Dr. Abbett.
n7 Thaeher asserted the antitoxin
I' treatment wa6 net recognized "all ever
K.rTle beard called In Dr. Raue of the
'ileknemann .Mi'Ulcat ueuege incuity,
ibe'lertified that ho'mecpaths use the
uttltexin treatment nnd that the treat-
neat Is taught at''ffflhiiemann Cuilege.
The child's )aren(s-, die.ved iii
Betirnlng, were at the hearing, but took
I, de part In the discussion.
Text of Docter's Repert.
Ur,' Cavln's report follews:
"On April 1. VM2, nt 0 P. M Dr.
Heward Chllds Carncnter. of IS05
r Swuee tret, reported te the Bureau
M Health trint Alexis tlu Pent, twelve
jeirt'ef ae. 141M Snrure sired, was
II Hferjng from laryngeal dlphthtrln, and
itlfrt tncuhatlnn slieuUI be done at the
nlrllett'DOSslble moment. In rnie nf
t tkfc kind the call Is immediately given
'.teltbe Philartelphln Hmpltal for Con Cen
' (tinAll TVI hOm.ne anil 1ia nniriiilnnAM le
atut without delay, ,
''Dr. Carpenter get In touch with
Dr., 8. 8. Weedy, niedlenl director of
U heipltal. who told Dr. Weedy the
cMld had been 111 for several dayj and
Win n erltlml condition, nnd nsked
iii nccnmPany the ambulance,
Uch Dr. Weedy has reported te me
, tut he did, in rempany with the hns-
Ml interne, and took the patient with
ut mother and muse in the nmb..l'in-e
tOlWPIillndelphle Hospital.
lJT;, Woe,1.v 'cirncd the child had
Htt.lll mere than three d.iys. that lie '
win a njen iiesptratc condition, suf-
iidh irem tonsil ar nni.
Heavy Storm Is en Way; '
Gale Expected Tonight
This storm warning was Issued
today by the Weather Bureau :
'Advisery: 10 A. M. South Seuth
wet storm warnings dlsplacd Cape
Hatterat te Eastport, Maine; storm
,of marked Intensity e.vcr,the Great
Lakes, moving northeastward; In
creasing southerly wind will shift
te westerly late tonight or Wednes
day, rcnchlng gale force."
i ..
Wherl. T ,". '".',." ,' '".. Xarnl
'Mpltnl with nil polble speed nml in- '
fUMtien vas immediately performed. '
ei!( Of ClVSnilOP.n fnllnun.l rlin ,.i,,,,.... i
Uui .A l,,rgr ,1nf"' of nirtltexla was nd
Wnlitered. The child grew stcadllv
k?r and died about 1:40 A. M.
OtMdir. Ani.ll -1 -I... I 'm.-..
I, Wulen. ""
Quartermaster Cerps of the army. Ne
I'harges yet have been preferred, Mr.
Williams said.
by secretary hughes
Fermer Greek Premier Visitor, While
King Is Net Recognized
Washington, April 11. Eleuthcries
Vcnlzcles, formerly Premier of Greece,
cnllcd nt the Stnte Department today
and had a conference with Secretary
, The visit calls attention te an ex
traordinary situation, 'litis Govern
ment has net recognized the present
Government of Greece which was estab
lished when the Greeks turned agalnt
Venizelos and restored the monarch
under King Censtnntine. The Greek
Minister. Jehn Gannadias, waits In
Washington, bttt has never been re
ceived bv the Secretary of State, yet
the leader of the opposition te the
monarchy has access te the State De
partment. Of course, Mr. Venizelos Is received
as n distinguished public man. one of
the world's great statesmen. Mr. Wil Wil
eon, who greatly admired him. cnllcd
him the ablest man at the Paris" Con
ference. His services le the allied cause were
se great during the war that he Is re
garded with great favor by all the al
lied Governments, which .did net con
ceal their opposition te the restoration
of the pre-German ruling family In
The anomalous situation with rcvticct
te Greece almost parallels that with re-.
spcci te nussia, wnicn is smi repre
sented here by Ambnssader Bakhme
tieff, altheu3h the Government which
sent him long age fell, and although It
would hardly be safe for him te return
te Russia.
The war left us with many unrecog
nized governments, about rtfteen. in
cluding the little stntes which were
carved out nf Hus-ele. The I'nitcd
StateR new probably holds the iccerd
for refusing recognition. .
- IN 67,000-MAN NAVY
Says Bill Would Break Arms Con
ference Ratie
Washington. April 11. (By A. P.I
Reduction of navy' personnel te 07.-
000 enlisted men. ns provided in the
ppronrlatlen Bill before the
Heme, would reduce the American
Navy below the fi-5-.'l tatie estab
lished bv the Arms Conference, and
"would be met Injurious te the in
tercuts of the I'nlted Stales." Secre
tarj Ifughes today wrote Representa
tive Rogers, of Massachusetts,
Weapon Discovered in Pensau-ken-Creek
by Palmyra, N. J.,
Police Chief -
Faces Fraud Charges
The gun which was mrd in the iiuir- j
dcr of "Honest Jehn' Brunei!, circus
owner, at Riverside, N. J., the night
of March 10. has been found in Pen-
snuken Creek, it was announced today!
by Rllis Parker, County detective. '
ThUfe the first definite step, e far.ns
lie pub le has hren Informed, that bus
feen Taken toward solving one of the I
.ui mjnieneus murders ever prrpc
tratcd in New Jersey.
"The rifflir Iv-it-ml nt l,n m,, , 1.........1
feurf.nce of having been fired." mid
-.ituvc 1',-itKer. "The butt plate nf
tne winpcm Is missing, nnd the butr ,s '
scitrcf nnd marked. Such marks mlcht I
Jinw l,.,.i marfp f the weapon had '
hren fsed for driving stakes. j
"The finding of the gun ubse1u"'lv
convince .uC that the ninr.lnrei. r.i. ...
Bullion home In the Ferd coupe seen
stniidln- ncdrby during the e;-eul:)g,
""'fe' n,ny bv the same means."
1th the finding of the gun Detective
I arker be leves that It will be possible
te etebllsli definitely the identity of the
individual who ciept up te the kitchen
window behind Brunen as he snt reading
Us newspnper. and discharged the
licavy lead of BB shot into the back of
his head.
The ffnn rns tnnA rtAiiM r.u
Mr said, by Slerris Beck, chief of the
1 almyrn police. The neli rUtrt ,irn..A
aRaaMiaaaiWMIHewt Ktf' ? 1
Woodruff Demands Attorney
General Press Claim Against
Lincoln Moter Company
U. S. Policies in Europe
Hang en Genea Results
Harding' Sees Hepe for Lloyd Geerge s Plan
for Recognition of Russia and America
May Fellow Suit
tiff Cerreitxindent Ktrnlnt I'nb'lr l.eilter
lei'uKulil- fJ'?. by I uhttr 1,'ilncr feiiijimw
Washington. April 11. -- Wntchlul b'e illfTereuec lieiwern the French and
uniting get a bad name during tbe Wll- the Itiisvinn v hh'h vveu'd wri'ck the
en AdmlnlM ration, lull no ether plini-e lunference.
better decrilHw the AdiiilnlstnitienV Tin- Ku-tinn ,mjpiiiBn Mi" befoie-
lelict with regard t" Ih'1 Genea mi- . IiimiiI in hi sngzetinn of h w'ller lu
te national cunferen c. But if lieii'ia
nclilevcv milt 11 patti.il "iicci -" Ih
crisis at mm
Allcntewn buidcr nnd rent estate
operator, accused of frauds Involv
ing upward of 9l.00n.one. His
trial began today
cmice. rrc iiicut Hiiriling attitude
uns IndliMtril in the ri'i'cnt White
Heuse Miitemcut that i .hniilil du
nothing with teanl te KusMn until
we had observed the efT'irH nf Ktiro Ktire
ipnn nations te brine nlmut a new di
lation In Rnv.a : tlinl i. until It was
Geerge would -in
Edmonds Indorses Ferester for
Governer, and Will Werk
With "Bill" Reper
Philadelphia independents are 'tnrtliig
tlu rt Ktnff C ormpetitlntl
WaMilnrlfiii. April II. Renewed
clinige.s of frniiil nnd collii'.len in con
nectien with wUr centiiictH and ilm i,.tei'cn whether ,()il
or surpltih goerninent properly fellow -iiig
the war were -nundrd In Hie Heum
today by Representatives Rey Woedruf.
or Mlehlgati, and Royal O. Jehnsen, of
Seiilh Dnkela. Ixiih Republicans and
veternns of I he World 'nr who mw
overseas service.
Impeachinent of Attorney General
Dntlglierly unless he pieceeds Inn ic
dintely te ellect SO.000.000 nlirgul 10
be due the Government fiem the Lincoln
Moter nmpiiny wii tlueurcned in Rep.
reentntive Woedruf.
Sccrctarv of War TVeeks likewise
came In for lgeraus cilticlsin. Ucprc-
fontntlve Jehnsen enlhsl uttcutieii Ut Hushes and Ha-dlng Dissent
.'rL'..,"V:!il',"!.l0c" , ','"' I'nH'.rt''" ! Mr Hughe. N mere skeptlcl ,
... .........,-, ..v, v .?T-1,.T. 1,1 .,". I,PII.
country will be drawn a little cIumt
Inte the work nf lehnbllitatlug I'lirnpe.
as. for efinmle, bj way of lx ginning,
thinugh 11 trcnuslderntieli of IN Ril-s'nn
1....,.. l,h W'l.l,.. 11...... L ...w... n.
I. ., . ', , , , 1 1, 'in t ,1 . 1,,,' it', ii', -la'" mm ,11 ,,
, , nt t.ennu in bringing n bout 11 pur- ...,,. ,...,,,,.,1 ,, :. .,,; ,... ,..:, A,i
1 recegnit m e the M.vlet .nvrni- , , M . ,, ,; Vrt.tMt.M .
CnZ'u,!l( r """" '" ",P "-' l.IIisse. iss.wnpthc.i-witl,t.loydGrergc'
lillllilllMlll, lii At If 1 t t. , 1 ..
,. .. . efffirls at (icniiii. lie hope., for their
Ihe liuplicalieli wn HiHt if the ll- success. I hit-tnvni out of the 1 otifer etifer otifer
natien wltli respect te lliihsia ni ., ,,.. ii. ..t ni.tn-.,,um
te il. We sinjeil out in pursuance el
t'hiinged by the recognition of Kusn In
r.urnpe, we sliepii leeeuslder our policy
with regard te Russia. Il may be sold
here that the 1'reldcnl inclines ,nre
te le hopeful I'eneerning (lie Genea
Conference and Lloyd Geerge's program
and is mere persuaded that we -'luill
have te fnlWw I'tigland In recognizing
a de facto government there than are
members of his Cabinet.
J almyrn police. The police chief dragged fusion movement of their own in the
it in two pieces from th bottom of! interest of Gilferd I'lnchet. candidntc
I ensauken Creek, which the murderer ' fnc the Republican nomination for Gov-
crossed In
which may sweep the State for
of which Secrctnr.v Weeks Is 11' member.
in the sale rf the Besch Magneto prop prep
erly by the Alien Properly Custodial.,
while A. Mitchell Palmer held thai
office. He declared Secretnrv Weeks'
firm "weie donated 7000 share's or sleck
worth S-Tjn.nen at sale value, which is
enl.v one-fourth of their rial value." fur
services in negotiating the sale.
Palmer .VNe I'udrr Flic
Fer this and 01 her tunsnelen. uud
for alleged fniluic te projectile Indi
viduals lie, used of frauds against the
Government. Secietnrj Weeks. Atter
ney Geperil Dniighertv, former Alernev
Mr. Hoever is mine opposed te lecegnl
lien than the President.
The Hash jesterdnv fietveen Chit
cherin and Itnrtheii lllustrntes tlie i.
ticullies which L'eyd Geer;e faces nnd
confirms tlie pessimists vvlm have felt
all along thnt there vwys mi Irreceucil-
a pelic.v which was iiuelnclnll.v an
neunced here dining tlie Washington
Conference of wnitlng for I'tirnpe te sei
her own house in order bcfeie taking
nn.v hntiil in economic restoration
Kurepe Mti"il .sit'a'sltten tp
'I ne Amer, 'an position i inct
Lurepe 11111-I gel together and re-establish
pence before we can take mi paii
in an,v 1 eiifcrence looking te 11 beitcing
of conditions, there.
I'urepe iii it -1 step the prnctiie upon
which she sinned during the war be be
feie any lie'p can come from here She
must dlnrtn. balance her budget., b.v
ciiting out wnstf nnd 'collecting nib'-
i nr.tlntircl rn Parr Twe. ( nluinn s,(t
Russians and Germans Admit
ted te Principal Committee
After Fight
1 Chitcherin Raises New Issues.
Insists Upen Discussion
of Disarmament
Conference Narrowly Escape
Breakdown Russian Prebleni
Takes Foremost Place
HittKinir 111s rtcnnnn t m rriMir.
time the ffun war fniinrl imu r,nt k. ! the Ferpstpr in the rtrimrn ph of Mas ni.
." --..... ((.- ini IM1 II - -7 .- - . . . - I".....,. I 11. .1. 1 . M- 1
announced. It is believed te have been L That became evident when it was ..s- ;i . mmrr ami ei.ier euiciuis were,
in Parker's possession several devs Hearned today that Franklin Spencer "'"b'd m vigorous terms. I
while he sought te Identify the owner' Kdmemls. long an active and influential I lie Republican representatives,
"I want'overvbedv te knew all about " in independent city politics, nnd charged I taughert with deliberntcly I
tills gun." said the detective "be- w,'e was the eampaiRti manager of tlie suppressing frauds and blocking prose-
cause, I believe in that wuv it innv be Voters' League In tlie last .local cam- titlens becauv high Itepublicnn peli-(
tinbsltilA Ia mm. 'i. 'i.... In, nnlvti line 1nf1.iri.nf1 Pinehnt for (lever- tlCinilS Ol' i nilldl'l .111 t 11 II fllifl n I inlpf, Ll,
i ' ,. iifii.' 11. . il iv lie l-M n ill niu ' i'ima,,, '""' ..t.n, . ....... , .m.iii-i,.'
A se. n, ,.PN jt ,1p ,;01f,., c0riferenc
"as lird-ed ledn- when Hnsians and
i.ernmns wrrn n-'mitle,) te the prlnel
Ji.il cnin.nlttee nflci- -tmn opposition
v the Ireiicl, , Belgians.
."siinn iireteM ng'ilnst ireencc
Kc'iuitiinns nml Japanese n
"ru-'livil cnm-iittee was ruled
neirmnn rncta.
(iM.fherln. .... of Sr.,.t ileVgalien.
sM,r.i n s; .lenient 'nsting en dls-
"isMen of illn-ninni..iit.
Uii'sii. dl.nrinnmei.i ,'eiiian. firnt
,",?" " .'"r-'ni. cause., n cih
IWi" ,,,"I ?"!'' 'Mew tin-, -ml tha
,. . V ., 1',",,, ,;p"rce "", Pntf
n.n.p, ,iNt, ,tniis n,-t atr-ie.: ureak
ev ni. T,;,..P0Ire te ngfida.
ii-i.icrniinn or Kussi.ni problem
egiin tediv
InveAlleatlen Was Mnde
,l n"'tisatinn of the case disclosed
ilit if' "IP1S mt out was a pu pu
eed p V0,"',(!omer-V ''oel. Wnne-
PS.'!1"? ?f.tl,p wl"1!. te 1'avc been
-ti nrattn a i ml
premises te be one of the bct clues
wc have obtained thus far."
Sure of Identification
There is no doubt about the identifi
cation of (he gun. because lt,hearH a
number. 11,828. which correspond", with
the number en the grin of the piece, lest
by the murderer in a field near Brunen's
house, striving te take the weapon apart
as he ran.
The gun Is described ns a i'h"ap wea
pon, retailing for about lfi nnd made
r.v a Belgian maker, the Meant Arms
Company. This Is one of the most
widely known of Belgian firms ami ex ex
eorts shotguns Inrgely te this country.
Dctective Parker, through the num
ber of the gun nnd the number found en
the grip, traced the weapon back te
Belgium nnd learned that It was one of
n consignment sent le n Philadelphia
sporting goods store In a consignment
received In 1015.
Detective Parker made Inquiry of the
sporting goods people, but they de a
wholesale as well as n retalj business.
and It has net vet been possible te
learn te whom the gun was nld. It
is a, very ordinary deuble-barreled 12
gauge shot gun, just like thousand,,
of ethers that are turned out by the
big Belgian makers, differing only in
the number stamped upon it.
The announcement of the finding f
the gun Is believed te portend new ac
tivity en the part of Detective Parker,
who has been keeping very quiet re
cently about the murder, though busy
developing clnrs.
Successful Candidates Oppose Med-
ern improvements
Canhel-b.v-tltfl-Sea. Calif.. April II,
(B.v A. P. I -Art dealt bustllns ef-
nor. Sir. Edmonds Joins forces witn vvern involved.
Councilman "Bill" Reper, independent J he Heuse listened for two hnurs in
member of City Council. Woodruff's and Jehnsen', recital, pe.
The significance of Mr. Kdmemls' in- ''""ted In 'nuneciiun with identic in in
eorsement Is that at first he was dls- Intmns nuthen.iug the appointment of
posed te bnck Jehn S. Fisher ngnlnst !-f,H't- members te conduct n new in
anv candidate agreed en by the bosses. veMigatlen into the subject of war ion- i
In fact. In the last session of the I.egls- UuSM nnd pruprtv sales.
lature. Mr. I'dmends aided the Grundy "bile sqiuc of the charges had been
leadership In Its dramatic struggle with heard before in connection with the1
the ftproul-Crew alliance-for deminn- Graham cemniltlee of investigation. I
tinn of the Assembly. Mr. Grundy is ;V,,II'',,. " ,"''" l"' called. piovel.c
new promoting the Fisher candidacy. Brigadier General Dawes, new Dirciter,
Anether significant point about the !0,r ,,l'"' Budet. te employ a profane and
Kdmemls Indersement is that the Vnt- V, ' t"lT'?'i,I,;,r v,,,ahiiliir. in denouncing all
era' League has Indorsed. Fisher. In " ),'k ,?",f,,lh1 nml mvcstlgatteiis nt,. ,
short, the Kdmends Indersement brings l,,',.0 ,hp "'"; ,,t,I,''- miiteiui pre-
int.. the llmell-ht the f.let lle.t Imln. """ '".". ns ires,,. pparciltl til"
pendent men and women voters have '
concluded tlintMlie l.cst thing te de I
against the bosses Is te prevent their
vote being split between Fisher and .
I'lnchet, and se the are fusing en'
Hint Fisher May Quit
Thnt development In the sltuutfen is
espeelnll.v iuterestlti!; in tlie llht ef1
renewed reports from Pittsburgh that ,
Fisher Is thiuklic about getting out
of the tislil and urging his supporters
te turn in for the Ferester.
Fisher headquarters denied, however,
thnt the State Banking Commissioner '
would withdraw. Indications are thnt
the Independents of the State, menaced
b.v the cembiiKd power of the contractor
bosses In Philadelphia and Alleghenv
lenllnufil en Irii KlBhtfn. nlunm Twe
sun ei luvosiiignnens eenilucteil al is i--ing
tlie last jear since the present ,d
ministration came into power.
Rap Dawes and Pershing
General Dawes Incidentally caine in
for a rap fiem Representative John Jehn
son, ns did Griier.il Pershing. e
ferring te the Investigations of the
Grnhnm cemniltlee, of wliic!, .lelmsnii
was a member, tlie Seuth Dakota rep.
itsc ntative aid :
"That committee w.is 'landicapped in
eve,' possible wn.v. While elilMile the
jurisiltitlnn of tlie I nir, Sintis
( Fratni'l Ihe committee, in n couiteeiis
manner. r(sucstei the presence of Gen
ern I Jehn J. Pershing, bailer of the
American expeditionary forces. in
order t tin t it might interrngnie li'm.
But. rel.ving en the -ecuritv et liis iosi iesi iosi
tien. he did net appi'ir ami lcs(,f.
"It is ,e s,nue leinuiliiie before
vvlm" appeared the s'.veailng pulitlcian.
i nnries it, i law es. (niumiuil and fa.
tin ii;i il v Known in
Borne, attorney and member of the Cabinet, hns been elected
President of the Republic of Haiti by unanimous vote te succtetl
Sudre d'AvtiEue.mve, whose term expires next month.
CHICAGO, April 11. Purchase of the Lponaul-Merton mail
order house of Chicago by the Ce-operative fiec'sty of Ainei.ta
was announced jesterdny. Appra.-dinntt'iy $100,000 wa: i.;..d
for the business and plant. Tlie operation et ieu;l tteits in
Chicago and elsewhere will be dlsceut.iiuec! m d tip- . utue L..is.jil&
of tht society handled through the nnil eidti yu ,u.
known in Inner banking clre'cs
Delegates Lay Wreath en Tomb of n'",l Vi'Si"'.'1'';v '-'hnel imrties as 'Hell
..ill l'.lll..s. . ICSIinCI IIIJ1T
there was no graft or cm rum ion in the
Jesephine Kugler, Victim of Am- Jehn Whaley, 72, of Tacony,
ncsia, Is Niece of Weed- Died of Broken Heart,
bury, N. J Mayer His Sen Says
1 Geneese Revolutionist
I Genea, April II.- (B.v A. P.1- Sev -
1 crnl members of the Russian Sevie,
delegation today went te the Mnglleun
Sn for Hiving was
Uitjr vacation period.
uq 00
lime, and the
the customary
ficieney u body blew "at the polls here cemetery and laid n wreath en the tomb
yesterday. 'of Mn..inl. the Geneese revolutionist
The Arts nnd Letters tiekei. headed nndjialriet. calling nlm the "forerun
by Perry Newberry, autliir. inrrled m r" of ihe Riissinn Cemmunlsis. The
the eleellnn. All four members of his I members of tlie delegation vvlm iii.uie
ticket were elected trustees of tliir'ittle the journey wcic .MM. Cliitclcrin.
Business Depression Laid te Them "w"; bleb may be taken as an e,- JefTre. Vorevsky. Kra.lii and l.ltvl-
d d d , prcssien of the electorate that it prefeis, non. t
at P. R. R. Meeting ( nn nrt colony, undellled b pavements.' Premier Rrntione. of Kuuiama. aUe
The business depression from which, te a hustling modern little city. In lit n wr".ith en ihe inmh. The' Pic
the Natien is emerging "Is nothing Newberry and bis supporters steed mier s father and uncle wcic fi lends of
mere than a bankers' panic created for , out for no change In Caimel-by.-tlie- Mnz.inl and belonged te h lamnus
their own benefit." asserted James P. Sea, while the opposition wanted pave- , s( t society, il Citibunail," vvliicl
Kehler today at the annual meeting of nients, ether improvements and Insliiu- ' is t redltcd with having rmiti iliinr
I'ennsyivanin llalireau stocKlieiuers. unns going ie mnse mini nicy utiiive n uirgeiy 10 iiie uueriy ami Inilepeiulcmc
live-wire town. of uumuuiii.
Mr. Kehler. n New lerk attorney,
I spoke at the meeting liNtlie Aindemy
'of Music after the stockholders had
passed a formal statement (ailing for
'co-operation among the railroad man
agement, its empleyes and the public.
War Department.
As I read liis icstimenv the ether
day, I could nm but fe-l ili.-n hisierv
will recall and compare I lie father el
our country, Geerge Washington, the
great emancipator. Abraham Lincoln ;
thai gieuf siHteiuan. Theodete Roose
velt, and tlie great apologist for l lie
War Department. 'Hell and Maria." "
Strviiig notice that he ml. mini te
move (lie impeachment of All irney ti.n-
iial D.iiighcrty uulisi he acts n't e
in the Lincoln .Moter C p.un iw.,
Ceiigii.-.sinau iWiieilrufl s,n, :
"The ainlll leiidncinl ,y the W'.ir
Dep.iitmeut shows thui ihis ciiinp.iii.v
i wes the tieveriimeul inure lluiii '.l.'
IMMI.INlll. lleictofeie I In-, , have be n
similar cases were in., lung ha bet n
d I have iiifermatii.il iliat die of.
minis in -me i.ince,,, .vei.ir ( euin.iin
asked le come in Washington
1- for a cenferenic with il.c
Allnlliev I it IH I III. I llllsi the depart-
i.ieui is n. il i mining true in form thai
will he in ltis ,. u 0.,,. i,.
DWf. "l1""'" '' Hi's Immc. 1I1.M
& ,rm !.'" nitendetl teven.l inn-
Cl'JS1" '" "l0 lu I,1' country
m U uvlrs. no,,,- Wilmington. Del..
Mirth n ' ,rln,ni"''1 "Hill Thursday.
fi " lllnl tMl "'" nnd pre
wZv. ' "?" I"k,,n H,, the dny
"ere W Pillipsiini Mn...l. nn
tftl lli ....ii.ii i, 1
5Fr"n"J I'm.l'?,e!!'r..1.,n,is! Requests ' Further Continuance of f Thought II If f Houseboat or Semathiif. but Found It's FRENCH AND GERMANS
C' n.i t.'i pi', ed 7i r"'1 ."'w ., , , 8IuPrmeMCeu.rtl . . Scheel for Colored Beys and Girls
M,,fii West sire. Vii.r.i.-. i.i Chief Justice Ven .Mesehzlskcr. of the '
" " tiii iiihiFii. in. L' ......( i ..i in t; fui ii tti i.i iii
i i"'I 111 t'l l "sl-Ml I I . ( run. mum i in-- I ' '
show cause why a .enlinuani e in t.e (. ,, K ,anr, "Irensiiles," Ber- places en t Ii ballet ,Uc I'rnnR
1 1, se of Cnlherlne Rosier, held ill the . n , s , ,. n,,resi Ahenrn (two llnesi 4111 IVdernl BuIIU
killing of her husband. Oscar f" , , lnMP. f I.im'rlck Ne. M. tug: Mrs. U. Hubbard. 2?K K,
lnul,.M ...,,l l.ia uleiifirvrimlinr Mllili'i.,1 f1 M ' ' . . . ..i. ........ t ... 1.... l.M . . . "lllll
""-"' " s -.. ,.w. ....... .. u ......in ei it 1 11,10 I Die ii- in mime i in i -sii linn Mneei : i in rrv Sin 1 1, t.iti.
) Rrekltt. sheiibl net be fmn( t(l( ,, ,,,,; I0 une by ' Chfslnii street : Kelhryii' Crocker, I.T!
the preverlilnl skin et i"'' i.n. " .1 ...si , ,,, ,,,, hut,, i,..mn.
'matter of f.icl. that seems le be the low u ; Mtn-r l.asl.y . 1 1.51 enh Tenth
best thing wc tle, caicn n """i . " 1 .-,.., . . 1 .iricr uursk. ,-,,, Sun-
' l-.s-e r.hhMn. lelnnit. Knurl
Harrlson'.i n
I .... simh'511
tsime rnmn.
1, --,,,10
e Aroused
ent at City Club
W nuL '" Mr'' Marguerite liar-
luiiili.,. ", I'Sarette nu y ester ester
"nilieflii, 1, ,ii ,. f ..f ,1...
-ly'i, ,;;.'"" ". I'lgarette
'MUrili.:"'".1, "'''leugh a
tv. ,';-"
. . "iianv
M Infra,- ., Tm "l" l".'"'0-' ngulnM
- t 11 1 r 1 ;i 111 1 siiwim
JlflUb, Mitunsncii rule 01
frk4rbni h''1 "" , "W meke
V'i linnesVli, .?','' I"'1"1' '" ll(,- Ite.'.h.
Oliver , ' m"' " l,0,-"0 t" M"k"'
'h" (kk11 "'e nine time
"il... " 'I I'll .1
CMerrv I Kl'cKltl. siiuillil mil lie
,The rule sivn' liled In the District
Altemey 's efliie after .lehn It. K.
Scott bail tiled 11 petltiini with tlie
Supreme Court for n furl her continu
ance of Ihe case, which was set for
April 'Jl b.v Judge Davis. The rule
is ictiirnable tomorrow.
1 Teutens Will Disclose Secrets
' Receive Half of Profits
piil II (Hi
coat tails.
And as
Allcntevvn, Pa
iir. . ,u
U.i... .1
6m.:""H. "ie
t ."'I'Ok
" lit
llllie heeu ....
X" te .liiset.1. I .... '..'.'
'teri. I." "S'lii 11,
...1-" ''"nil g In. nf,..,.
iliji.i,,"e. II,. ii.."...' . ". t".t
ii."".'iiat ns ... .",K:" '"' loon Ilm
C?rt,'m l,,i r ' s "l I lie cluh
i,rr .mi. :-"
Order Excludes Only Crown Troops
and Constabulary
Belfast. Apiil II. I By A. P I - A
uisllc ener nselnsr enrrylii arms was
i,i s..ued here today. It lends
k7n?Ql k.um ,'r "" l'" 'llli'lspl. I.
,. 'Wtsji, 1, , ' mi weiueii Icfi th,.
'?VwS? ''' 'M e.c.cw,
l hl'IT
WDsuiii. J-; i"": in
b found
Ne pel son will be cllslble le luive or
t'liir) llrcitrnis for any purlins,, what what
seever unless lie Is or becomes a inein
her of the Cinwu forces, including the
Special Ceiistiibular . and only mi long
a, he 1 cina his a mcmlcr nf these
leicc . '
Tills uici.ii- the cancellation of all
irlvitlc pcriniis te cuiry 111 ins.
te nr Hnytliimr tls for th heunT l'r
hip If. In the for Vat column tedsr en
wc de, catch n train by its, street
.. . ,l.r -l,mr feeling nil ' ontlier
U 'Bi'i' "' " . ' .
siiringv inside, liecause of orchards that
showed green lu.ds nn-T an Inviting
WlllCll lOllOWC'l lis lllii-l "i Hi'"
we bcg.in sprciilalliig a- te just
.. 1... ..Ir.'.is 1 es WO 111 linivf lit lie.
Wc se te the camera, man. "Mcbbc
It's 11 houseboat, or 11 battleship, or
semcthin'." And be. serin gnimp like,
-cz (.'"us. "Aw. bow de you knew se
"' Weil, anvliew. with the aid of the en
gineer and t lit wheels, we seen .topped
sp.-culating and arrived in Bnrdeiiievvn
llnil the winner, whose line emu.
.. . . 1 I. . T..II.... .
the 1. in, tick ns 1 '".
I.bn'rlrh Ne. .Il
fellow who clfrl.ed In 11 store
Declared h hs feeling tiiltc sine:
"The boss doesn't." said lie, t
"Half appreciate me"
We've seen square pegs in round
hplea .before. . ,, .
.The ulna 'elder contestants who wen
I l ... .... T t . . u . I .. ,.
'. 1 1)1 ici nm sk, ., 1 1,
street : Gurney Willlii,u
V- 'Li 1:. I. Sd
1 HLMSTuSlfl
1 P9i!9cHP
MHH (. )Mi:i,
of Ih
llcfinii her iiiiiiria';e Ml
,,v,'ll. any hew,
,'" found out unit
lrenhe.s ' , nn
iiidu.trinl school'
ler culm n ,evs'
anil girls. nn, tls
e drove up le ,),
gi minds the cainer-i
','". still ,,r!,J,lg
the grouch, grunt
ed. Hoii,ti-hent
The winner
1.1 . '"""Mance 1
D.in el. whose ,us.
baud letup, s I
iniuiiianilanl ,,
( luirgc of the I.M.-s
.1 1 -. - "'"
l.eeils, I'.inlaiul. April I I 1 Bv A
1 I Ih" Viill.-hlic I. veiling News in
dav publishes particular, of 11 cm,,
inert ml lllllllllie vvliich. 11 says, ,ns be,.,,
com ludcil bet ween Germans amiri-incli
Tlie newspaper ...ijs js understood
a leading Punch dyciun". cenipau.v has
come 10 an arrangement wlili the lift
man de trust under winch tin. Her
mans agree legiv-c the Pieiii-h iiiiifcrn nil
the technical assistance in tliclr power,
te disclose tile secrets of llirlr Inbolii Inbelii Inbolii
teries, tell hew tlie 'ure carried out.
furnish copies of plain design, ,,,,,!
send iiaineil Gcrmun chemists Inn,
Prt lu'li f.iiterTcs te supriinten, ,,e
se, ret puice".s In in lual iiianul'.ic
lurlug npeintitiii".
The I'rencli have undertaken, .a.v s
the News, thai their output of dyr.fu'v,.
.hall In coiitiued ' in the demiinis nf
Kriiiic'. and her cnleuh., ami ilic.v agre(
le pav the Germans ."ll'pcr cent of their
pre til..
C'enllnunl en I'iik Thirty, t'oliiiiurreur
ntnrrmnn., nee paca av, -.iiiv, 1
pur I
Klvc-ycnr-elds "Buckv" Deree slill
1 lingers neiwc'ii hie and ileuih in the
"ns Kpiseepiil He punl. Physicians tmlay
reported 11 sugui impruvcmcnt was , Ceiuiuiiiv
noted jrsterda), hut held out no hope ether breweries in Lancaster. tL-ruii
Ter lU.s llllllliaif , ecu wry. let BOJf
suffering fro memlecnrditis.
I Jesephine l.tuii.e Kugler. niece nf
Mr. CRthnritie Knight. ."I!! Teme
.licet. Iiiille Park, and of 'n tr 1.
Kug'cr. Mayer nf Wnedburv . N. .1
whs round vvniidi'ting In (he .treei.
'ear today ni Brmiil street ;w Ridge
avenue. 11 vierim of amne.ia.
At tir-t the girl w. aide in retail
only I hut her 111, me w,,s Jesephine.
After dmiei-s nt llnhiu matin Hospital
had worked nt, her for s,,4rn hours .,e
I remembered ihui lier I.1-1 name was
Kugler. and that hei ..,11111 was l,-s.
Knlshl. of Itldlev Park Mr. Knight
continued 1I1I. Identitn aiie'n.
"She will be cigllleei, years old III
Mav."-.iid M's K, light
"I talseil her. along with tout nil,
crs nf he,- l.tinili. the the having been
ii'-p'inned In I lit' death nf llieir 1'imier
and inntlicr in San Annuiie. Te,is a
nillilbep of ve.ii-s ;,gi.
'"I heir fnthci w 1. ,, graduate of ('..
lumhlii fii'vcisit an,, was in the Gov
ernnieiit s(.rtj, f. nl i,e time of his death
'I'he mother seen fnllnwed Inn, . Wie
the lillcnts d;,.i Ihe live . Inldten lived
fe- siwernl veins with elhei relnilves
I'm! I brought rhrin all te live vvuli me.
All .'He gniic new. bui the viuing.'st, LI.
1 .tiier. w he is fein'i eu
silsicr Lives in Ihis City
' Anether sister is married and'
living 111 It l hmend. a Anether of
Jesephine's sjk,rs ,. M.. iliiuin
SI, :n e Smith, win, lived in the S'cuieu
i.iriiiieiiis. In Philadelphia She Unew
,i scphiue aildrt ss , I'ranl.feid
"Jesephine w.is witli me irem the
time s,e was seven unill two vcars iign
At thai time lie 1 1 1 . . ,i w.iu'el
te go te the West Ches,!!'! Nermal
St ht'itl She did net leumiii long. 'I In n
( nntlniinl en I'liKr Twe t ulumn lnr
Dry Director Davis Says Beer Is of
Toe High Voltage
Slate Piiihthliieii Diiciinr Da. is 10
tl.iv tincw n iihilut tun gun nis nreuiul
twentv luewerlc- in the Stale. si .
tliem in Philadelphia Ills chuigcs'' n -'
til., I I he liicweiii- wt e ( it lit i- m.iUiiig
beer of ten gicil tell.ige, t lint beer w.i
being ic'cascil vvitliiuii pi mils or ,nter
pel nuts had been 11 veke.l.
The brevvirins aflivtetl hcic an. ihe
Aineiiciiu Brewing, ihe Plillndclph:,i
I'Bewtiu. the Cliis-Nnclied Company
Pied I'ei' Cem mi iv. Jehn llehcimiicl
Ceinpiiuy and i'n Wii-lnaul ,v, ,
1(. lonely and sadly mis.,ng the
wife with whom he had lived fort v-rive
years, Jul,-, Whaley. soveetv -two venr venr
ehl. went te Magnelia Cemeterv vter.
ilnv 10 jsii her grnte A few hours
later he was frutnil dead, lying .1- li.eugb
asleep across the grave
"Il was a ease of brt.'.i'ii heart. '
.aid liis son, William Whab-v imhiv
"Broken heart nun net he rei egnie
hv llic selence nf nn'dn'iie b',1 thai
clt arly caused the end "
Mi Wha'ev 's w ,,'e (ie, 1 1,
1 in
' wen, 1,1 ,e
. Klhel llnrU
Tiicniiv. 1,,,, 1
I't'iiH'li'l v ev 1 1
.mil fall.
1 nve . ml
1 August
Hirer an nines, nr three ye.ns. Through
out III, 11 period he attendtil her .iss,,;,)
eusl.v. even giving 11 his position with
ncnty nis.ten Sens
mill. I le with her
After the finical he
wllli Ins (laughter. Mr-,
".til I Princeton sireet.
iiem mere wein te tht
11.1v inreiignnui Hie sinnmer
liliinting tlewers beside ihe
iif.-iiuiiy ing the sp,.
When winter s, 1 ,, ,,. i-euiinied h,v
tlailv walk tn the teinetery. 1 m e,it whin
(lie weather made It impi...ii"
"Jestcidiiy he went te the gi.ne ,,.
nmke 11 Ic.-iutiful fr Liiste, e cai
ne, (lowers tn. plum Au-mlam s s,m
Inn, busily t work f,- a nine
About I ti't-liick in the llftcn ,
Siiptrinteiidrnt Gib-011 in passing th,'
,,.. s ,,,,. ,,, eillll IVIIIg tlleri
Iheught he hail fallen ii-leep ,
tided net te disturb Mr W hale;
OJ-si'd nil
t It n t let I,, win 1, ;l,e lime came te
'use the ci'iiiet'ry , he relumed Touch
lug the old man le ,iwa1,en Inn, ,e
leiiml Mi Whaley denl
plas"irish parley
Dublin's Lord Mayer Proposes Dij.
cusslen of Political Situation
Belfast. April II i Bv . P i - I r,
Maver llNeiM. ,,f D'lbliu. lies, ,f.r,
Inv it.Ulens 10 preniiiicut leaders ,,f tin
oiipes.ng piriu. ,.f Seilhern lie'aml le
&t'l fin discus. inn f t,, ,.tr, p..
lineal 'liiiuiien will, 1, w te reaching
unity, ii w',s Iciiti'il he,,, this tlf,.,..
neon 1
Il is slated en rc'iiilde ;,u he, ,1 v llmi
Michael Cellins has aciepied the invl
Ne Infill',, ,1,111)1, s .ivillllllile here ie.
gilliling Ihe aliiindi of La ,11011 ,h
It Is pinp.is , ,m, ,( ,,,r,T ,.,, i,
Iti'lil ut the Mansion limp... in D11bl.11
W.ishlngleti vv
iiuir. with iss.
I he 1 01111111 nt
's s" was topped only by
iih ill) degrees and Baltl-
of I iiicc(iler Bliss OB
iiithri prciuatiire tirrivnl of sunt
is that "It l- a hit tee curly for
I.1111I of weather and II won't last
'I Ik ic w ill Ii
row . ihui II w il
mure ihewers tnruef
be Hiiuewluit cooler., '
B.v the Vserlr.trtl Ppess
ttenea. Anril 1 1 .-Admission ,f Ruf
s'in and German rer resenlatives te ths
principal committee of the IVntiemle
C.ipferrnee w.is .(n,r'v -,,m.e (eday
hy both Trench and Be'gian rcpre-cnta-:
1 Prime Minister TJeyd (Vr.P 0f
Greit Britain, together ,' Premier
I rnet.i and Foreign Minister Sehnm-.cr,
"f Daly, intervened, hew ever., ami their
conciliatory attitude tinal'y resulted in
I th.- n-lmlttniKc of both the Russians nnd
the ficrinuus. '
The opposition te the prcence of th
delegates fiem the tw 1 ciiuntrirs wit a'
rn outgrowth of the -mi .INi.tNn
dash at the t- euing scs.ien of the ion
feretiee. M. Bitrtheu. for Kranec. and
mere especially M. Theunys. for Bel
g'lini. plnc'd Ihemselvi's in imposition
te the German anil Bus. inn rr uesenta
1 fives being admired t 1 the piinclpal
committee while the repre. eiilittives of
the smaller countries which fought wit's
tht Allies were excluded.
Lloyd Grorge as Peacemaker
Premiers Katta nnd Lloyd Goe'-ge and
S.gn.ir Sihnnr.er maintained it would
b 'inpnvsib'e net te p rant ihe Rus
i.ttis anil Hie Germans te lie represented
en Ihe ciimni'tlee whiili was te deal
1 liit-tly with the prnh't'in" nireciing Ger
many nnd Russia The; nrguid that
tlie exclusion of these i legates would
s'u'tlfv tl hjects of the einmlttee.
lieiaue all were in agreement thai th
' . ii-nporntien of IJiis.iii and Germany
was indisjieiis;ible te the ret (instruction
of ,IIIT.
Premier Thcimys in liis a-gii'iient, de
ilarc'l tlie Gi"iuiins wire unworthy of
inking pari in die work of a cetiiinlttes
of si h importance in association with
the icpresentntivcs of honorable coun ceun
irles. The ei u-spui became se healed that
Mr L'eyd Geerge tleclared etuphati
tal'v that if such nn intrnnsigeant
spini was going te privail 11 might bs
as well immtd'ately te break up the
1 niifercni e the print if al object of
tvhnh wa- 10 1 1 admit Ritsspi nnd Ger
inaiiv tn the Lurepean fanii'v
Werk nf Conciliation Succeed
Tlie 'work of concilmiieii undertaken
bv Pieuiln Kacla jihI Slgner Schan
?'' w.is linullv sip ,., stfui j,, bridging
the iiiis and securing the admission
of the Russian and lit rmnn icpre&t'n
tat iv es
The tl's,-ussi, 1 ever the inciubershlp
of the leiunnllee nre-e at the first
meeting of thai hedv this foicneon. As
originally 1 laniicd it 1 ipis,-d British,
Prcnch. It.iliiin. Belgian, .lapanes.
German ami Russian del, gules. In
addition in these, representatives of
1 "In ml . Rumania Switzerland and
Swedtn were ailmntcil this afternoon
''lei il mniig's argument In which
Premier The, my s. of Belgium, urged
( unliiniril tin I'.itt- i:i(ltirt-ii, ( eltinin ThrM
Shewgrs Due Today and Tomorrow
Weatherman Says
Shtvvers laic tins afternoon will end
the summer heal of the last two dsys,
who h broke ,11,01 l,ci lei-iml veslerda.V,
reaching s.7 d'giees ami making Phil
lilelplua Ihe tlidti hottest city in ths
1 lilted Sillies '
'I here an also irperis of a "cold
wave" new In ihe Middle West, but
iiavellng Last the maximum temper
1 lure yentirilny smashed the April It
ic'ird by thiee tlegrecs. The closest
appitiicl vus ls7. when the Weather
Unreal' ! ec( Nl tlegrcc"
is I Cen, Wilkes-Banc. Uric, Williuiuspuil, 1 1 volt JVAXT , jeii? thrkk
. j.f,ciiaiien nnu cisewiuri) are nncu et . .:. ..:.v.tT' nvriia in th.
, 1 ..... v.
eiunxn.a.y en p.;, sold" -
,.V I'fM
,,l "IHKl Tfcjt veir
'I imiM tg hi.Bflall fir( you Ml
1 .... Ih. .t.K.Kll M ... '.."... "fl
" Hiic-vpi villi! mum itr IIIBVa
nil illllli'l f'lllluu a.lu...L. ." 7aTi
L-ll klUU IHIHIMV Bll VnMin. IlfBA
tuiuitni v.' ""' "" OP"fl l'S
HIWI,'" A.
il-'t ei: s
A '
S.S.. V
s5. f;
C ,r
' '.
it"' t$JSL&A
tn .??,