3.?i.J w-'?3im mm v$ift'-'t:ti vfl 1. ' .! IMfillWMMMIIlMl Hf. .V' - vif'22 a. ' 1 'V Am- s - ri- ' . c t 4 . ' t PftSSetllflWJ,tBlrt KEAT' ESTATE yen JA.1. I RBAL lTA- T0 8AL t. nivi nfc-iflHT 'itv P1.AM)N H PIANOS UPRIGHT AND PLAYER BARGAINS Knbc Player. jS Stcinway Oprights. 1 Y.fiBL. Junnih.m' Uprights . 7 Lester Uprights. 2 Leenard Player.. . 4 Heppe Uprights. 2 ChlcWing Players. 6'Blaslu UprJflf8- 2 Qirard Uprights. 1 Anaelus Reproducing Player, 2 Edouard Jules (Hejpe) Up. 4 Chlckering Uprights. 2 Story & Clark Players. ThMe Instruments are only a few d the hundreds of most every known Bke in our stock which we are of fering new from $55 up. NEW PIANOS, $195 up 'NEW PLAYERS. $289 up BABY GRAND PIANOS, $275 up TERMS AS LOW AS $10 DOWN HOWARD VINCENr HJ8.838-84&-842-844-840 N. 6th St. 3. XiZaL,. XVednesday ft Friday Rvenlnga yz:-!2rrnir hakKirTeTl BABYGRAND PIANOS w.il very beau Ifiil tlaby Orand Planea. KJn ineiuda Rwinwajr. Ch ckerlnjf. Darker Men inciiiue m(ifc in . aAtfn-nnlahed Saianny. which w haya reaucen te 1: ff you want a, Beed baby grand pli 27B ane HOWARD VIINLtNl ajll.,M-S4ft-M2-Sa4-l N. .JTII RT. n .flfcffi" vFednil..y Friday riven nw mfeiir H MlM3ft player-piano, eeal IDBO, nd 1200 worth of hlth-claai rnuale rellai IU """ "'" . , rOKBALB TYPEWRITERS RENTED vi:nt.E--s mes.. $o.se and vr Factory Rebuilt Typewrltura "See Our New Machine, the Century" American Writing Machine Ce. 02 CHESTNUT T. lel 14M Wain 4OTS emCB KUttNITUnE Immenae aaiertment l illthtly ud flat-top and typewrltar teki In lilT nine and atylea. tablea. fillne K'fc'i fhalra. aupnly cleaeta. aafaa and "hr eempletj ctiuipment: tneat of thla mnr!l ha been uaed only a ahert tlme Sr the Oovernment nnd la nevr te b r- 1 priiiirniii.ii-' e- rr A. aLniTlLILUlU OC ,J. LUMBER YARD All Kind or MMIwerk g W. or. 12(h nnd Mprln Onrden Sta. Fireproof Plaaler Heard, 3r.00 per theuaand up. Hever Heard. 2.1.00 rer themand up. llPPICE KUnNITURE Urrt let of detka. aafea. fllea. cablnwta knd mwal "ff'ce furniture. ler (lxturea. We btiv. aell and exrhanja. , PATTEN FURNITUHB CO. LOCUST 4070. 1127 AflCH HT. nACB 4i0. Felding Chairs -"S" 75c Each flrind new. atrenaeat made. SIS dot. Chafra and tablei' rented for all oecaalpna. CIlAin KXCHANOR. COR, OTH AND VfNW MfTliatiRATORR. meat trlndrra. acalaa. curt fdiliters for grocery, ment and ether tri; Urge stocks of above goods, new and 24 hand. The Howe Heals Ce.. 413 Arch at. CHAIRS and tables, commercial purposes, cinnet be equaled, price, style or finish. u before buying. Invalid chalra sold ft ranted. Oakwed Chair Mfg. Ce., Inc., 1007F.ac.eBt., , CRAIRS'ft tables, commercial purpeaes, can- CM be equaled, price, styls or finish. Hee bttera buying. Invalid chain aeld ft rented. OHiwticxi Cnalc Mfg, Ce.. Inc., 1007 Hare at. BAKES Our entire stock of new safes of all aitaa at half nrlce or less: lack of anaca In it apace in 413 Arch. mw eunaing. tne iiewe neme co -".- ...."- .. r ... .. . - -j- --.::. :- lufRIGERATORS AND FIXTL'IIRS Terms If dealred. RXi Randall,, ft Ce.. 1131 N, 2d at, TnnfH1 hatterv eharglnv outfits, timr. 4 !: manufaclured by Wagteer Rice, half Uriel. Moter Bxehange 327 N. 3d at., Phlla. HINO Hemitenia dark blua aapphlre. sup. PT qianuwu-s ,... ,x 101, ..ruscr uiTlce. IIARU old peataga stamps; all nations; no dealer. 1333 N. 281h at. UIIRARY SUIT, custom made, velour, K. 16th st. Diamond 0882. 2433 LIVtNQ ROOM loose-cushion suit rustnm nd; sac: prlv. 1732 N. 27th. Dla.2U0U J. UPRIOHT piano, first-class condition; must be teld: bargain. UlKl H. 31st st. reOL TABLES bought, sold nnd repaired. L, Klefer, 320 W. Ulrard. Ph. Kens, 2313. nail c&Sfi g.asa 0'4xi feet. 2238 Wliur Wliur ten t. HBATKll, plpeless, cheap. 2134 Market Bt. MACHINERY AND TOOLS WHEN YOU NEED ELECTRIC MOTORS DYNAMOS MOTOR GENERATOR SETS it klnclMl equipment tall us your requlra Wn ua will furnish tha right equipment ' tha order" prices, and rememtier calah mach'ne la backed by an Iren-clad urtntM. which assures you satisfaction. R. SCHEINERT COMPANY 123 NOnTH THIRD BTRBKT MACHINERY BARGAINS ,'.?.' 'h?,,' 2 ,r' v- b'l remeval: jy"'iJler.; '"""" connected te engines 2 123 iff.- ?W elt, 3 phase, CO cycle. Foft 1 Sf.1" - .K- '" Eff, -'ily 4-vaUe onslnea; 2 vJi-.tankl r'x and 8x0 MOTORS AND DYNAMOS ALL SIZES Gee. Sachsenmaier & Ce. Office, 926 North Third St. , WARKHOPHR AND SHOP w-ae-na neiith third hthekt ELECTRIC MOTORS" ELECTRICAL REPAIR WORK ANDREW I. MEHAN CO. i 309 RACE ST. I ritnxw MAJ4KRT 0110 ft WW SHOVCLMeclal 40; ljilyd, dip mi?.', i"-01"' mechanical condition; wll 111 s-2..-s."."in en reaaerran a terrrra, tv... ...,'"" u" reasormnie terms, iitn wi 80th street. .. Yerk, .NEW en, l .,i ,. r; . i.,nf;",nsyl?.l"a7n'X,N': 043 WANTED ". m ' 7!r,an"-.a. "HLr1-;:." riu awif i, - ----- --,, U, 10V1) REAL ESTATE Pfm SALE BMUf2,2? & JACKSON STS. .. A. v ntrsHitM r. ", T., ern. tr.th . -. i . ' " " - fn T I W PARKWAY DDriDrDTrv JPMAIER, 2202 N. 2D ..? 4..mVc?,vAN: aABAbKT h'-wer K." '"cleVcl 'iieVLh ,c"Bnin-RVn".'. fni n-.s!.."ly oeo. j R, WN.i'. H-wiiNa' aJj-u,i "Til ANii 'meya: s me... iiVM) and i.usem. .; t: r; rr sefT,.'; - im i.tier... b. u.. we .. i Lu.erne !., Aerk resd. ii en Yerk rc.rt Vi.vT'e.-."' ,.'-.. Ill -i..AZ--...'inresci. x .. ..".'' -!; ! fcn EVIi-i' J'hlla si. i i cgariv. liirci riTY .lA ..,ni,Vl- "te & dwelling. iWa-iseS v- hiA',Me- ce.r" b.. pen. Usi i Aa.ri.,rln, "l"," bath, perch. Miit v ,?,n' '"' 1"',h" Perch. Hia m' Z"1' ?" bath, perch. H p1Tiu.,??,ruJ,' "' v rooms ft shed, ' '" SMITH. Kim w, Kr), Sl 111. ' il1' PeVi.,,i.0,V,eJ ?it!"' '""owing proper. ?I,N Ji!i..;m. ,n meety days: imu i.-L,n. 7 towns, percll $3300 i$N. JuaIunec? ,ei"''" i'lioe uun rr ,...- - --. ., -.--. ---. M roema SkefSHTT tu-i u. HTIt ST. HIg riii.mii. tits bath. tinec h. efttectf-lei floera. etrii 0 replace); immediate possession, call AValnut 2Nn, - ., nut.nnter n9.11, narawneu lilt I.OMIIARD HT. MS M. FRONT HT. TO RRTTI.K AN KHTATtt . .' ADAMS, 141B AValnut t. 8810 N. OTiVflf.. 2-iiery pnrih dwilfiniTT near Ituntln Pnrki Ml for 14200. P. 3. MOrUllH a BY. 2388 N. Frent it. tt , ATU HT. Flve-stnry building abeuf. ROoe square feet, electric elevator, ate am heat! modern! One condition. Willis Win chester Ce... 23 H. 18lh at, , nAllOAt.V 4(10 N. d nt. through te Orl- anon, 4-elery bul'dlna: noaBeaaleni let ik ITRi ftt muKt be ictttfd. U. C. HRIURti A. 00.. INC.. 41h wnd nallewhlll, , i544 NOHTII Hl STi CetinR htmn"):, urtnl urtnl detuchfd,' lfixilO! wnl'e plumblnits Jlpel" heateri 127001 eny lerlnl, . WISHT.KY, iWA l,ll'ny 1II0R. MTHnH ItAltTIf, ltldgK nv. nd 10th t, aoe H, OARNBT RT. 'V-n roemi lc- iriej Reed annditieni iniim. W w. u. llKYnn. 1Mb nd Hnydr v. AUTOMOIIII.H IMRTHICT ItldiTe nv. el llreAd; rent UV11; $ll.ei; Mtcrn and apart mtntn: will nnntip". , AilKKNKTItY, 1HJH Chimtniit VINE corner property, nulmhlc for ft doc dec doc eor: en Ifnrrlien nt. etmt of Mtiln nt.. Prnnkferd: beat location, 1' 11I2.1, ledger Offlra, , . .'' ' . ' ' " . . 2221-24 W. HAnOl.O: n rm., HathT laundry: A-i eon. 1 eice., ci. ie: nnr j'arK. nar. Cunnlnuhim, Ilei'eall ab, lyhliih. DIM. niiun. 102.10 2A44 N. 20TH: Ideal heme: excellent locatien: larac 3 aterv, perch front; rveryining tip.ie eme, ueynq. a-iin & 1..C nR n, HAHOAIN. i27r.O, N. K. aeotlen 0 roema ntul Bhcd, let te rear at.! Imm, pem.: caxy lerma. iiwner, nj-j ;neuim at. , accenu Heur, 2321 S. 1STH BT. Right roema perch: electric: troen conditien: 107110. .WM..C. I1BYDK, IBth anil Hnyder nve. WHY pay rent when n, emnli nmeunt of caah will buv you a nerthweat nectlnn hrnnn nt q bnriraln price? W. Hnlael, g.'th Hemerat lflOO H. HIIOAD 13 mom nnd hath; ee- trie, net-wntar nnti reasonable price, CAIlTKlt ft nAQ, 1040 S. lflth. 1837 McKKAN HT oaaeaafent 8 roemi: alee- irlc: flrat-r'lnaa condition; $5000. .WM. C. HEYDB, 13th and Hnyder aya. 2141) N. 10TH fhrea atery: perfect erder: electric; prlce $7300, CltAIOHHAD, 173d Columbia. VAI.UAIII.K I'nel'KIlTY. 10th at. below Vine: corner property, 10.0x41. .1; partlcu lare, J. Hdward T.utt, 240 N, 17th at. 133-37 N. OTH HT. 2 atera prepertlna: poa pea poa aesalen; partlculara. U. C. KRIDKt. & CO.. INC. 4lh nnd Cnllewhlll. ARCH IIHI.OW 3D ROOD aeuara fct: 4 4 atery business building: $20,000: prompt pesa. WBHTNRY. 203 Liberty nidg. 003 B. TIOOA HT. New perch-front 7-room iIwMlInn: let 100 feet deep te 40-root drive- way; open ter inapccuen. irvin, Tai Walnut, MT. VI5RNON ST.. NBAR 10T1I tArgn ' rooming heuae, renter! $73, win be (old reasonable. Address 1102 U, B2d. rl. W. COH. 10th and Fenlnlh,. II story, cer- ! ner, 12 roema and bath: prlce 10230. B. ' P. Allies. 2343 N. 20th. CelumblM 43 0 4 . 2444 N. 142D Right renma. bnth, shed, eleo elee trlc: possessien: offer, R. Miles, 2313 N. 201 h at. Cnlnmhlq 4304. IIUILDBR will sell ynu let nnd build your home near (llensldn at low cost nlana and gilctnres. 1 1203. ledger office. 2100 lllOCK N. 2ITII HT. rleven roeinn, percn, aeml-detnchcl: electric; geed cenili- tlen: nd house. 2317 w, Lehigh nve. 2129 SUMMER ST. BAMt'BL OOLD.BR. 007 Finance, mflg. STORR nnd dwelling, near 13th nnd. Hunt- Invdcin s.. 3 stnry; terms te suit. ALllfHlT F. IIROWN. 310 Lincoln Illdg. ai4 N. LA WHENCE HT. Dwelling. 8 rooms and bath: make offer. O. C. SRIDBL & CO.. INC.. 4th and Callewhlll. 100 N. 2D ST. Commercial building; rent $75: make effer: possession. (1. C. SEI- DRL ft CO., INC.. 4th nnd Callewhlll. 470 N. I make ( TH HT. 3-story dwelling, rent $73; 1 offer. O. C. HEIDni, ft CO.. INC., I Callewhlll. , I 4th and Callewhlll. 707 ROOHBVBLT BLVD. Two-atery porch perch front dwelling. 7 rooms nnd bnth: $8230. WM. UNDER. 1328 Chestnut st. 0B1-3.1-33 N.' MARSHALL nnd fi rear prop prep crt'es; total rent $111; prlce $10,300. CRAIQII EA'P, I7.in cjeiunruia nve. 128 N. 3D HT. 4-smrv commercial building; let 20x110: possession. O, C. HRIDBI. ft CO.. INC.. 4lh and Cnllewhlll; URANDYWINB 83".. near 10th; 8-atery; u roems: prlc $3300. MYRRH ft HARTJI, Rldga nve. and 10th st. 900 CARLTON HT In bridge district: 8- stnry brick ciweinr; win anil rer lieu. lX5rt v. AT.I.Kriltli&Y Chnlen dwelling nr.;! ' location. ADAMH. 032 W. Lehigh ave. 2042 N. Hambrey; 0 rma.: pch.: dutch hall: S. WII.I, . , K-rlrU T,l.r,r. . T ,,,! ' Al.iiu J1A.CV.. jniii n 1 , 4 vihiimi-ie piB,,iiiru, w-rfnTW. 2828 N. Judsen; med.: 0 rms.; pch,; ex. con.; ies. luiuK, juusen anil Indiana. "027 N. 24TH -Med.: fl rms.: dutch hail: rick. Judsen and Indiana vac;, bnrg. F 1000 HLOCIC .MOORB ST. 7 rms and bath; electr'c. R. IILARI, 1805 H. sWth St. .'Ml lO'.VTISOnOX I.arn,. let: h.-w doers elec; nch. llaffcrty; 2338 W.lluntlncVden st. ' 2000 ONTARIO 14 rms.: from .i.,A s . 40x140: med. OI.BNN. 1517 Columbia ava, l'RIVATL' nnd buslncau properties Hrnvlnskle 1213 H 2d st Jehn 1714 DIAMOND 10 rma.; npts.: convenient lncntlnn. OI.BNN, 1517 Columbia ave. OXFORD, wist 10th; 13 rms.; .Ibnths: med.: I .uxiik; rose. ui.i.c..i,..u.n ueiumnja av. 1409 .IRFFERHON 10 rms.: .1 hatha; h.-w". ! heat. OI.BNN, 1317 Columbia ave. 1741 N. 18 14 rms. ; 3 hatha; het-water ht.: electric. GLENN, 1317 Columbia nve. I 11128-30 HANHOM and 10211 MnraiTair"ln .... see wm. e, menu. L'l.i g. 1.1th st. lllilldlng Lets. Factory Hltea. Rtc. ..er.'a'ml per ncra and up, DILTICRICH, 787 Walnut I IILDO. let. 53x05, Deiawrtr,. River bridge sections, filinen Well, owner. 1111 N2d llualneaa PreiHTllea and Slerra iie-iii n. eij i-eur-murj- apartment, ,,i,l.,l fnr Ucht manufactur nir or .,.,. J niirnnaea; nr en $18.00(1: will Oninc. CRAHIHEAD. 1730 Columbia uve. UROAD nb. Oxferd: 24x200; rapidly enhanc'g qnci I'riceu riKlll. , ii n.Hiirnu. i i .... LIIIUUIDIB. gaeterlea. Warehanaea. Mnniifaetiirlng Floers FACTORY and, warehouse properties, 3000- 00,000 an. ft.; semi-central; I!, R, sidings; Imm. tMiss, Simen Well, owner. 1141 N. 2d. FACTOP.IEH. wareheuaea, fir, apace. consult Albert nan, i.anci ime iheit, nprucn ..ua. FACTORIES, warehouses floors land. .1AH. L. BTRVRNHON ft SON, Land Title indg. FACTORIES, Wnrennusea. rallreaas; can flnanca D1RTBRICH. 7$7 Walnut at. Oarngra riARAOE Rest location for tiarmlent trade. $15,000 cash neceasAry. Albert Hall, Land Title Illdg. Spruce 25I8 teeaiU!ill)nrlllnga 321 1HJPLAR ST -(loed location for "tailor, must be aeld te sltle tatale: peaaesslcin, O, C. HEIDEL t CO.. INC , Itli nnd Cal- lewhlll. . . WEST HHIj.UIKI.I'IIIA "T7ileNAFFON TERRACE"-SIX R(irSfH AND HATH. l'VINTBD AND I'APERI.D, ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND OAS, HOT WATRR HEAT. IIARI.MHNT LAUNDRY. 'cniVH NBIV HOOP: EXCELLENT CON. I DITION: CAN HE SEEN HETWBE.N 0 A. M AND" 3 P Mi OIHER TIME HY AP POINTMENT. POSSESSION GUARANTEED. OWNER ON i'iuaiini;it, ' MRRCHANTH. ATTENfTIONI filere nnd dwelling, compieio In all respects. i"" ua-v uu.itirrn ...v.... ... ..--......-. . , Ideal site for any llvi-wlin iiiercliunt: count the beenlB that dally pass by III2i Weed and WJU CAMAC ft CO.. 0200 Weed. tha best business uwcu in nnuinweat rniia. TN.nn v-iciu-p noeMs. coiner, iiverv roen ,100 EIGHT ROOMS, coin fronting en street, a leiliy conenlent te cvcrvthliu HAMMOND CO . 1200 I 1 ,.l,,uv ... ...,, ,..u ,le.l--,l.le 1,,.,1'iM rremiim mi r.ir-.-i, .... ... .v . ...--, incnster nn. RADIO HALF - I a ls Tai-TOCl'UlCX.KVQ , ---- 1 x!,Jp V VaiT f?Ai5lO;PAtF 'y Ai.i.-f'.t WICST WIILAIIKLWUA AH A, IIE8IDRNTIAL QUARTER, Beth and AVlllews ave, Ik melt deslrsbiei hear thq park and boulevard, with ins phcriroeti Flold I Uil, Aherwoed Improvement Association, many church!, schools, stores, etc.; It la an Ideal community renter, with trains iitnl trolleys giving- nrnpiB service: wa have a few houses, for ea.e here and some of them nt reduced prices. C. FBMIiKIlTON. JIl.. 813 mtrnrea. waif. BOO MAhl.TN ItOAI), 0 r, bath... IHOOI) iwvh iiuniir at. , 11 r.. iim...i 1.200 I.RI2 Hatmem at.. M r. nn k... .. :. :. -'. 1 ... .... nil bain,,.. 1 imiiu 1721 H. nNlh, n r. bath makn oner r.ea.-i Wlndanr Tirrar. (1 r.. b , saraa-a (1200 i,i.r.wi;i.i.YN u. 1111,1. 225 N. (13d at. llalment 2100 or R14.1. hRiik mad te nurefn If jeu own th inaatfr key te flf.03 l.fliRnen iwe., Orcrbroek; 7 roema, with Karaan; veu, with It, unlock n. hem te happlnpaa, wenlth im) wladem. llamembnr "C'llO.tfl" alnnda ter all Ihafa reed real calat. Ii!)lh and T,nrfhwoed avr. BI.KVKN BOI.ll 114 If than r'nt pnv-i fltPtl rliarjrra and mnrtanRC ItiHlnllmrnt; Tiv pnrcb-.frent home. 7 roema: Osnce nvi-.s r.ad te (14th: cieae te r2d and Mnrkit! npen dallv; 4Him tu I4i'0ili isiKin. AiiBUNirrny. ib2 rimatnut t. 5537 OSAGE. AVE. i!2j:-A?:w.hn:!! Imm. pea.i ft bodreoma, Itiundrr In htiia mi'nt: ewni'r. Tnll Hnnday nr avenlnm. . $5500 Will buy a modern home en wide main itrtit i-nnd rennu linn: convenient Watljr. H!!I juiiin m, knuuhu.. naeT. lialtimere aye,. H. v, COIt. Meilta nnd Krntler ! Nlcn ccinrr perch Dwelling: 3 renma nnd aum mer kitchen, bath, heater, etc. HBNHY imeH,. 1213 Kllbert t. 611 H. nOTH., pert, cend.; 7 rma.. Inc. prh " rtfrlR. fnt." ffafdwoed WraV het'.wt;rPl.t:: elec. laoeo. II. J. SCI.T'.KIt, 1423 Let ! cuat. Hprucn 73S2, Mm.. Vacant 000 block H. Yewdall at.: .,, -'" hoi-water heat; xcellent conuiuen; pnccil ll Ignt, JUU.N JI. KTeurilU, 3207 naltlmere nve. 5041 HAZEL AVENUE Twelva roema! modern; 2 hatha: $3300 ntlBBXlVKM. ft DenNAN. 422 H. 32d at. 4818 CHESTER-AVE. l.arge, acml-delached. 2 bathe; 30x133. AilTlltjh I10HWRLU 233 North lth at. ,7324 IIUIHT AVB. 2H sty., arml-det.. 0 r. I . b. ; let 100x127: med.: 1 an., subway rare. T. W. CAMAC CO.. 021 und Woodland. 1027 CHBSTN17T Tliree sty.. 22 rms.. 3 bnths; sultnble for itpt. heve: geed Invest. Qn. M. Aman's Bena . 1218 Cheatnut at. 5033 UURMNWAY AVB. 7 rms., hath: med.; h.-W. heal, elec, Ine. perch, D. P. Mr- Kciih.', 1332 Pt, llrtere ave, Phene (ire, 4214, f.420 LAUCiFWOOD AVIJ. Seven rooms; moaern; immeniuie piasesaien; iu.iim nrwnwen a pernnn, wi h. rrje at NU13-10-8713-17 IIAItTltAM AVB. Twe-s modern hrlck dwellings; fine condition large Int. (lHlflCOM. 2llM Catharine at. 2300 B. HHIRLDH ST. Medern: 7 room 1300 8. HHIKLDH ST. Modern immediate possessien: small nmeunt en required, ll, C. Mellen ft Ce.. 30 H. 40th 4224 (J1RARD Thre Btery, 10 roema, Im iierch. electric: vacant. A. UALI.AUH1 hravlnskles. 1213 H. 21st. $4300 Very deslmblui (1 rooms anl bath I 34.10 wcesier hi. linker & Hen. 7,ie I 32d at. !'.'. u Tllriutf U'C l,n.l.t.. .rt.L.H (.,. caah, Mvera A Ren, 3043 Ohaetnut at. t ricicQ-ri ..... iiT.t. n" L', .;, .M. . -zri. LOCCHT near 87th 3 sty... 12. rms.: rent $73: small nmt, cash, Address llpe H. 32d. i -- 31, N. HALFORD HT. Clese te Ll fsirch I OVER 200 houses. $2200 te $10,000: Will finance: get our list. Rellly 43" s 31th ' uvTfW-nn-VT, 1 - 103 N 34TII Dancli; home. 4 .licdrcmmH. R. . J. Martin. 14.. N. 34th, Ileltnenl 3(IM. I lllilldlng Lela AQTU CTDCXT CCTTTnM 1 Ovlrl OlrXLCX aCUHUlM SITE FOR UHILDINO OPERATION 080t 1 SITE FOR UIIILDINO OPERATION. 080x ' 110. FHOXiTINO CJ.N STWIi IIOAD. NKXT TO WEST CI1EHTER PIKE, ADV.WCRS TO HHILDBRH. HERMAN HUOTHERS, tlOia MAllKET HT IIRI.MONT HUP. HiiMneaa I'nuicrllea nnd Stnreaj 5003 WOODLAND AVB. Nw store. Just built; thickly pepuiateu reaiiienllal aec Hen: large atore. 2 rooms and laundry first 1 uenr; t roeina nnu unui aiuoe iioer, iiii.ii. I. ..a... ....!.... . .I..A.11, OnnM.uil A.nn,. ,.n I lutelv medern: nlrendy flnaneed. Agents en premises Hundav 11 te 12 A. M. or phone Wnndlniid 4043 J nfler 0 P. M ' UKRMANTOWN 1'KltN.Mni.L HOAI) H ) Heme with garage: hear Wuyne Junction; 0 rma.. bath, hardwood "!' 'lS.-nV.,l: tuba: end house. 10 wln- ........ ..--.- . ,i. . UOWB; new ViiaiPBni lirii.ur.Ki no coal necc. J kurv $i'iiin. Wemlinr 1223 It. )rs SKf 04211 jr.rFBRHON HT. Detached $3000 Electric light, het-water hnit all modern cenveniences: hnndv te train anil trolley; Immediate possession. W. O. DRAKE, r.ii.l Druxel nidg, . , PBI.11AM SECTION (I'psal Station) Modern homes. $18,000 te $30,000. ""'"i1 ARTHUR nOHWKLL. 2.1.1 N. 13!h St. GTN (Ircene and Tulpehei ken ata. bsl w 1th section in uin.: niirncnve nemes i garages. Dreby & Evans. 1007 Lincoln Illdg. 50 W. HIIARPNAOK HT. S rms.. perch, ex cel Jee ; bargain. Trick. Judsen & Indiana. AIRLIOHT. medern: ll rooms nnd garage; hdwd. firs. 4551 Fcrnh'll rd. Wye. 7011 W I..HJAN jri7'i.ii N Hlth Opp. Park: perch 7 rooms h.-w.'lieat, elec , liilwd. floors; near train, trelley: easy terms. Cooper. Otn. 21122 J 'MUST HELL rjlMCK 4005 Camne at.; 3- story side yard house. WEIHMAN A MEL- OIN. 100(1 N. llriiad st Wyoming 400 1 1073-70 N. 1'nil upp . iv.rk. perth. 7 rooms. ' ' It -ii nfi I . i-ltw Ilil 11 Tli 11 1 TM ti. ft r trnlii a ill.. .. t mh- Vi - i Is ' VtWnk :'"" . trnilv: enfl t- rnu CcMmer. titli. J.2 .1. e5N. 1.TTH ST -Tlx loemsW ball.; dec w.M. LINDEH. 1.12s cheatnut at. Tejrr cam' ht.."i or i7p-7e.Tlat7"3-sly "dwgT 4I uftl, 3-r,,r gar. Adams" 1)32 W. iVhlgh." TlllfiA nniv vmnc III) "aterv 0 rma im-in .!.. ZM Ylllliv. nil . wmv, rma., ,up-le-Uate ' med, percll clllfr. .MIA. Yin. IMJ W. Ihlgh O I.N ICY $500 CAHII Oub left out of 31; HiiJen-i. St.. between 2d nnd 3d, t block Roosevelt neulevard. 0 rooms, bath. Inclesed perch, het-watcr heat, electric, hardwood floors HTAHL. 32011 N. 3d st. Wjeming 5728 J 30) CASH btivs la-nullful modern home. 224 W. Fisher live , rlose (e Incarnation I Church; 7 rooms, Inclesed perch, wide street: geed Bfctlen: Imme.linte pcsseasinn; 17 and ! 7lJ0llia,AiiKit.ar.riiv i.isi t neatnut st. RBSIDENi'E. 10 r.. 2 Imtha, all med cenn : hdw. lira ; let 82x121; com-, train trel- ley . rcaa. for Quick sale 1 1,1 W Taber rd. ntANKIORD HUNOALOWH with garages 7 roema first Fkd. 052.1. noer,laatnnpriiienita i)i'ri' riH.l-.TM T HILL WYND.MOOH -Modern dwelllngifruni J3000 up, low tax rale JenklntewiiTrust Ce, I'KNNKVI.VANIX Sl'lll'lllltN NkW .A ( rK KM 0104 Oxford st ; 3 story twin house, 5 bed. rooms, 2 bat lis, lliln-r ,00m, dining room, breakfast room, km hen, initsldi kitchen, gnrage, laundiy, iiiiIumiI pencil. Open Hun day. 0 te 5. lllllll commanding location, i-cnnt fl aires with square Colonial st'jne house, center hnll nnd usual rooms en P.rat lloer. s-verai chnmbera, !l Imllis, cleclil' n, lini-wnlu heat, stene sinble and ii ir.ig. , Bitul iiiiuu lilies uf fiult. 130, 0011 .1 M KRONE- riBl.D Win no. Pa , IIOUhI: IN OVRHIIROiiK Six Urge rooms tiled hath. Inclesed perch and Kara go. Hue location, nu cash neede 1 inn he bought en monthly pn ments AiMrcss M 83(1, Ledger Office. . rrent, 1. ruir;.-. . hum, nine Mnrnei st KM) IKIIIHR. (Ill,', Catharine nt.. lliorenahlu oTHTTNWALNOTHevrnTcren,,: mederni ?A Tti ," hi" ' Hlffirt?;?"".0 CHKHTNUT, 3011 Four bedrooms, medern: I en very cary tyrnis. ' ,'.'.nn.. . . . , ...... si- mnnnrn ini iiiti in: nrirn s -1111 u tp ial enmnii ni mruiarn iiui di 11 n,i i.ms 0 mttx.t ---- $13.000. Illchard I'eweii. an1.' H. nail. I NRDRO A B. AND 13TH ST 118x80 JU-i! ''..''L'1 i.nnevinw. n-u ri '. V- 9aLF WAStHt Xy sia v J-X? W rfr' ou r stre et te MTfz jifcaf I x GET A (?ADI0 SET. T iN r . , W ffl T - He rJew Awrs , kJ W ' TrA fl(3. fowwesTAvnHoWY alf en k.s way te am eme ALFS fRieNQS 1 ,11 11 H OM "ETHER WAVCS" ELECTRICAL SHOP TO SlKK THAr";MFERNAL K encer even f it rfeSm -. V M L I costs vav,$2& wm m0iF? N.i 'J Yi twat's pal? " I Sy3ililil a.Ai 'J- -" " M, Wa V" "ATJJCALrW 5ea .Jjf af tW&PpBt&jJ- REAL ESTATE VOR SALE PBNNHvt.v.M nnwnu w . ntlit.RY TOWNHHM' $17.300:, atone ilHI. . inn nnd n .aqrea nienn. puimc. runn ami ttlillny Hlveri Iplrndld ahiule nnd fruit trria, B rupee: beautiful home nnd delightful loca tion! thla la liw price lit ctntM im eMptes Immedlntn poaM-aaleti. HWBRNKY tc CI.YPti. M 1 .Mnrkei at,, Clicater. la.. rTltHr-HTOHY. atnne nnd pebhie dnah Cole nlal home, 10 roema nnd tl'.ed bath, built in tub, sleeping perch, ateam heat, gns and in tuu, aieeping percn, ateam neat, gas and Jiu'trltltyi let Bualeui I hnvt 11 of tliani. I jiK'iriuiiy: mi riuaiiiui 1 nav-i 11 or mem will niirttirel unlv 111 tntnutea frnlil llOlti Ml Theaf. are very attrnctle. Prlce $11,000. K. W. J'AOB, Bfl N. HHh.Jit. OliT AWAY from the high rent and high taxcai buy your bungalow let nt llroemnil, only $400: pay off $10 monthly! eee It today. lake wet Cheater car at isiith at. Terminal te Church lane. CHAR. W. HUHHK.1,1., 303'neal Eitnte U1dg. HWAIlTHMUnR, PA. Blewn-roem brick-and-frnme heuse: remodeled 1021; 2 Imtha, 2 Mrcplacca, hardwood floers: let 200240; old ahade nnd rrillt; garage, ultli 3 llvlmi room:- price $17,300. M. C Wnlten, near atatlen, ltAHB 1IAUUAIN lleauttTUi nuv Ill-room auburlmn hemnl 2-car Murage: let 73x22.". feet: will l!,gncMflcdl furnlahet or unrur- nlalied. Aildfaea Owntr, Chae. r. Hcheinlng. 41 N. 1 1 tit at. KAHT I.ANBDOWNn Modern hollow-tile 1 aiucce-nnian i-rm. neuan, iec. n.-. nfau lW Kiivl'im rtHllna. nnn4lllnn lltt-nmr. 9fla i,exini;ten nve. fnen" iinanew vne 1410 W. I cee aeml-de. WRI.Ij-IIUII.T stone end Stucco aeml-ue. Innlia,! !, k(iah lne prwltnl nnn tllai I bn'hV if. mlrutca te" center of city." Oilia Weat Chester rftn.1. MIllheumB. 2032 N. (I2D HT. Stene home, incl. perch, n.-w. Heat, garage: wentner atripee nnu . many extras: $0S00. Ineillre owner en prem- litcs Phene Overhroek 001 H W. NEW auburban dovelenmenl en wTa"t Cheater Pike; will gUe a special bargain te Aral' tow l.iivera; Ini niixir.O! nil Imtirnvementa: Bend for Plan. P 1202. Ledger office. I 7142 OAKt.FY ST. H.-w. heat, el"c, Dutch hnll 0 tms, and bnlh; Iwlir house; let 35x a.0. Kafferty. 2338 W. Huntingdon at. I.ANSDOWNK Rleven roema nnd bath ga- rncn: let 30x343: old ah.n ipnui u lecn- lien; het-water heat, tl.'l K. (Ireenwoed n" NRW HOITflR: modern conveniences; 7 rooms nnd bnth: Drlrc $0000. Apply Pred A. Hefer. 22 Meut.-t Cnrmel nve., (Ilena'de. Pa, CaNSDOWNE Twe lets. Hmlth nve, near Wycombe. J. P.. Murray. 2430 Kimball at. TWO beautiful properties, Lawndnle, clienp; nt train nnd trolley. A 303. ledger Office. lllilldlng lila 4-ACRIi l,f;TH, $000; 30x331 ft.. $400; 8 left of 31 acres. TRANK Jnklntewn. RROOKMNK $6750 3ledern: 7 btlroema, let 30x12 seen by nppnlntmcnl only, MYRRH 3048 Chestnut HUHUIUIAN LOTS Has and eler-lrlrlly, ce , ment wslUsi train and trolley, ew tax rn,. jhnkinteWN TllUfc'P CO. FF.RN ROCK IN A rr.OSPniUiffl center of fmrly ln.QOn miM li-.fc i- t..i.i .).. ,. .-.-(- n. i """ ."'."?".'." ."". ' rian-rt imiii ii n,i i.m, a . C HA J PI. A ! AM) laTIIHT.. CIIAMPI. AMI, AND PARK AVB HIIOAD HT. AND CHAMPI. AVE y,miv, m,. aaj,, c'HAMfl. ,WV iTII HT AN DCHAMI'L AVE 112x12(1 40x120 r.2i!U!I r.Ii.i . 1 S,.J?na . I unit TO WARNOCK. 2 FRONTS This popular suburb Is eniv fl llrend hi. from City Hall. Iretwcei Legan and V."'" ,.,.,. , u . , J-"" ' - ,'11 S-P"ra J'v i"Pn Hundny.) t FOX rllAHK FOX CHAHE Hcnutlful det ter home. 12 rma., brick, h -w. heat nnd nil med. coma . 5 mm. le trolley or train: 2-ctir gar., let Cox 130; '4 can icmaln en mtge. Apply owner, tin premlwa, Jehn Hughes, or Rnbblns ft Montgomery nve . Rec kle.lge, RnxChas. OI.F.NOI.DRN ... .-vn, elv U l,r..ijl r,. Detached heusa, ll rooms and bath het-water heal, etc.. financed. $0300. It II. ALLAN, ti'li Prnsricel ave. Moere. Pu llldlry Park 411 W I1LKN3IIIR OLENHIDR A home with spacious, grounds. li-'Sittlful trepa -i-jd slirubbeiy; near Haln and trolley", splendid surroundings; large nt- trnctlin living room, wun n-ncis ,r.ie atnn- wirtfxnww Wr.i.Aa.rv rougneut nrd 11. Wilscan Ce .122 (lrmarilnwn ale r.r. rr.r ..7777. . , - , ,, -. IIUA.ND-.NEW Ingle divg ; nil I'liiai , Imin- jier,-,, rALuniiii ,i,i.ui . ii, in ni" pii,,i u.e'i One single dwg . laign rooms, at fO.IOO. we have ethers, all prices; call today 11", i plnger ft llennlnger, (liislde. Pa npji sti A NEVVeffeilng at $IH..1ini, Inige. h.inilseine ,7 -atone divy . en Enateri rd near efailen. A-I condition, garage prlv Urge: see Ihti and libera. llennlnger ft lIcmilnKur, III. iialde. Vli open every diiv , NEW HOl'SE, modern conveniences, 7 rooms and bath: price $0000. Ard'lv Kred A. Ilefer. j Mt Carmel r.i . Ulcnslde. I'. IIATIIORtl 'MiiDRRN brick divelllng en Ilvb.-rrv nve 1 --a et "" acr". goon location, te close an ,tL'!tk',i., Tr'jstcn dBHIHAHI.E dwelling en Yerk mud. 10 rm. modern, gnr.ig.i anil I outbuildings, large ; let I'l (()!' ll T1IMC. ,P1H1IHHW1I I I II HI 111 IIir.HLAND PARK 1 iiiiint.ANli. PARK- Modern ahlnule hiineu I ev, rmiiiiP Hm. DAin, nn .iwxiie 9..au, ' .. 1 n-..n.. mhi rki.,t tc.i..... . . .. T .... -. . . -...-. - - i " ,f.ill-ri.-v .IK.Mil.NTQWN MODRUN "hI.uie dive lllngs. ".s.-.()ii up," giei.1 I l'-ntlcins . Jrlntmn Trust c. . I.ANIIOVNB Hl'NlJALOWH, i liedroems, aeml-buugalews 4 and 5 bedienms; $7500 te $0,100 also many lieautlful homes, $lii,0ni) te $.o,nue CLAYTON, 31 H. I.anadeiviie uvc l'hen ' Lansiln-vne ,i. (Jpen bunilay, 418 H, WYCDMIIE AVB. Colenl.il-a, yle I brick dwelling, latest featurea, large let, 11 roems: vaije $10,000. prlce 112 500, Phut). Sivure 3fi.1l. Jlulldlng Lets FH-TY-FOOT leta en improved streets. $1000 up, corner 12UU; will build rer pur chasers. Clayten, 81 H Ixinsdewnn ave I'lien HunibiV Phene I.iinsilmvne 1071. I.AWNIIAM". 1(117 HELLERM..N AVE. Ilingiilii, lieatit. Iienie-. Ideal loc . let KiOxlOi) rhi. ken heuse. Hei. i'71'3 te Inspect, 5u cum en 51b m r.3Q0 neith. Richard1). 20ll Walnui sol LES'ICK, ST. Fourteen renma, bnth all modern convenience, fine neighborhood, let , ?, '! ".,r,n ,c!..n B,?,"V VA'-"-',N ! "i''"x '- . 1000 (1. rmnnlewjinve MKR1IIV I lluMdlng Lets IRGR buiidiiiR ets, ni -tnet unnroie ments: rest! cted area: ii I Ii ixretir.il I .'. iniiiuica' from llrend Ht Slatlnn lliuh S. Walker. 025 Land TltleHld Si-ruce I1M7. JNARIli:ilTH ALL-STI'CI'O w)iiii-i'.. t.ichi cl In ,11, . 1! ,,nnin and bull. eke. llHlita. hirdwned i'ick, liet-wnter lient. gns kttclien, price J530H Jehn A. Caldwell. Narhertli, Pn. Nar I7.M I OVERIIItOOK NEW LAST ONE LEFT III0I Oxford st , ,1-aiurv twin hour. , 1 Ii. dteiims. 2 linlha. living renin, dining tefiin bie.iKfaat room kitt'hen, eutslile kin h n gnnige, lauuilri , iiiileaeil puich. tip n Hutidni., ll In 3. ... ...... .-.. - . ...-:,...,.. , h,n. ri n "', i . ' .1' V "S.. '"" ' 7S -"'-'"""' "rrausrst .iiiiniiiiietiirinx rioers n,.,mnia r-c-ltnl.p noir.. ac.em.ancf or 1. ..-. .,.... him hai.u or rem nc.iuiiiMi -.V".-.,--". :,,.'"...'-- "..."'" "-i"" "' 'n- i.-i.df.ti r,. ,,,,,.,, , n ..... .,.r.u..rr im'ck funds con Mnt .11 Dlatt." ty. I1HYN MA WR-Three story. 10 room-, 2 ," Si E fi ' Im" 1 a I Vln" Innil inn u m nt "e ,, ,f S': , '"I"1, "1"!1",1 ""f "' l" Intl... .tv! Mn.ll. n P.-OSP'nna Illdg Hpruca 3.1M. : ,, ,n. hnt.ia; gnrage: let 123x130; raia. .ssinn; fin-1 '". errJ'' .?.'.'." .!.' "I.? "liVii .2 i at iacrl- rnrni park ni: e ii ( ImViima V .i".mUi5. 1r....ll lih de.-llgl.t. iliir for piaang.ia , rrr: '' "'14 anced..Oae. M. AtTIMLft Hnns.1218 ChetnuL " ". V " " '"I " T.";- uilel-vi ell.. Pern- Tiega,,. !in:,f":,n. ."''''.M'.V.ri. ""JV 1 ;K,'r ' P.nOM; FOR (lEMT s 1 is. isnoe Attract, small Imp, det.: geed order! i,-r.nn Tlnulevnrd Hrewns-.MIlla-ln-the-Pines, vtinn.i rnMt "' Vi i h.. ,,,., ' " - JH - - - r ,-,i-l all near alatlpn. K. K. Hellers. 1201 Chestnut. ZJI'm m "". '.f Aiitly Adit. V. e 3 IRfll.M.FARMs , 1.01 h-tni.t at r,.lf.. AVi: aiil'i 2 cornfer. f -1 il- KIKINS PARK "" Jenes 1 13 A-hland phic". lfrneklyn. N. VIRHflMIA TADM DADPAIM ''",",,." with I n -tretil central ,., ms J2. 30-13 week prhAte owner. ? ' III, KLKH IAKK nungalev. built 1020. Hale prlceJ$2S0O VmUIMA rAKM bAKljAiN ,"."rl " "'auuii. f..et lets of di- '' r-.-nfty -24I3 Nlce'y fnrn.. attriW " 1M-."P.wKV-R.'r.MI:.-"",,r.-.."rj!: ' " " . . X5 Hvr.zv. .. w"!". ':-" iAni.Biip.r'ir..KTMAv rfVi.. "SseV .w: "'Ii-V rm,'.'l".ii -cenanienre.. aB;'.r,lfflSfet ; . "("iiiHiMjH! xir.,M(.ftl .?1r.. .. -ii-i'iir. .... .,,,. . , v.... ....rtn iitintfninw: :":" """- nurnini nnup uhuiii inrm .,. ., ..f..,, ,, .irmr a . ."TiJ" ,;'".'." B(iin?"'k..f..f- Yn,y living-room , iiSlnS' rJem.-kTlrhan. "J ', '' '- " fn.lt I,., n.eil ii, - -is , - . fVl.(M.,rAVir"sTTiC-Lifre. beautWft, , H J.".'.r?t, " ' M.JJ...-..jes1 hr akfaa i7l;. 2 bedrooms, Vith and attic - -; " " Vennlnn li el, " ,T '""..""'PHI . "fully furn fro, room,. e.p. Tark! li..A . t'liiivvnirtii irvaauisi ' i, . r. ,-,-.,, ...... i in i tu order; '.,,".. ,."1'. nil renu, cnnenient schools ., ., , , ... - , ....,, , . L.'IL7...." u.. .,..., hk wn.i lam la ib a r ji iiiiiiii a.iiii.ii r. i mi iiuaiich. i vr nwu" r .. . n iiniinir niu tu ,.n t.i i . S?? r I s l ... . . . c.- n . .. .1, ; y REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALR rUNWRTLVAWIA MtBUKIIAN . MmiKRR MOOllliJl New detached heuee, 3 roema and bath; cor ner; $3800. New atUcce heuae, 11 remna nnd bnlh, het- water heat, etci 7aui eaay trrma, New mineral stucco. 0 roema and bath ,i"r ,1 ;, ,u,r ,,., nn nelitiiierhnnd Wauilf ' fetlV,'n,nrH"1 nnp ""icnuorheon trafin J(, il. Ahl,l,., rrnr i-rinpci ave, Mnerea. Pr.. Itldby Park 411 W PARKMNIl KOH BAf.K Keur Ieta. 20x100 each, at Parklnnd, Pn. Call 20.17 Arnmlnite ae. RIIHf.VN llnllillng l.nl neslt.YN llOMBKTBAD Improved building leta, nicl. H'Ctlun. en Rnaten read above Olrnalda: leta 30x223 ft,. $100 up; eaay tarma, $10 monthly! agent en nremlres every day JOHN PATANa. aieiialde.. Pa, ' HOXHUnOlOH 7 MODBHN dwelling with 10 rooms and bath: mi nnrtfln ft. 1 electric light and garage for 2 cars: convenient te train and trely; fur- nnipnt tu train anil (rely: fur- 1 onion; .ihihu uiuuk ivi,iu,c,.. .r1"" vi ,-..- - .. .- --. vl:' "' - ' -- S bought If "ealra-l? J. J. Celmar Htutlen en the Heading nairway. 2J fJI-RK for rent, rejaenable. 1001 Common Cemmon Commen CraeBon at. Manayiink 0976. mlleg from City Hall. Philadelphia; the eatnte , weslthHIdg t-raaaen at. Mitnaiiina jiiu. evr ,., w, ln.tlic fur $7.1.000. , MTCUle" fFn" SAVMiiif "Tir HT. IIAVIDR Calj U week or phene Una Lexington Rt W V l.ANSIiA?.BNH7 Waimil nlture can I; fernti, 4410 vKl I'EIIV dealrahlv lecutnl. with southern ex .. . . .. .. ..... I !. 111 nwilna .enTra. - p ant Ttiam" heat: large' let with ' garngV; all conveniences. llrdoed doers en llrat fleer. -.,,., ... ... .iin. ji. .. .. ........ -.. ,.j. wixhAIIICKON IinAUTlKI'I. fjOMK. 0 rma and bath: h-w. .""., ')'. 'Ii2l?inKui .nK Mtec J 3. new aliidea: poaaessleh; only iijut. . J,.!- !iiiAif' MJSTSSL"J MnayiinK wi. WAYNK riVK ml.lutea from atntlnn; frnmn b"Ue with 3 rooms en Tnrei fger, nnd bnth en the s-cend and 3 en third! let 0(1x200 feet; prlce Isnoe Alae another located between Wasne and Ht. 1)1 Ills with I rneins en oral inir. e 1 - li'S'STir: Pll-e- ea heater, bardrtoed floors, let 01 ft. front J7SO0. .1 M. riUiNRI'ICLIi WVNHVTR Pa. NRW dwelling, hungiilew tvpc, 11 rcema all renva,, room for unriige: weed locution, IBfNMI .fenklnlnun Trnl e, Plans furnished, v rm CHAPMAN I 4th nnd Pine ate. ii which. Audubon. N llOMR, well worth the bath, parrtry. laundry. miniv- te fmi' money, m rms tkTiMrlPff awnings, garage. Inrce ie-, HIX rooms, bjlh. stucco flnne: 1 blwlt from treliev: imnnaiews nein :i7..n 10 .1y.1v. 7-room house, modern, geed location. bsl buv in .1rsev. $.1300, ctcm Hiinday. dally. AUDUIIOX KRAI.TY OFFICR. In front of MOOHEHTOW.W N J Cerner house, 1) rms and bath, llreplat-. all modern renven. het-water h.it, 1 s.iunre from trHlii nnd trel lei: coca) school n.-irby, prlc a7.10O, Anely owner. 011 N 13lh St.. Ililln Pep 1721. WOODIIt'RY. N. J Ten-room heus, bath, hardwood floors, electric llahts. elcrtrlcj washer, gas kitchen, large burette, gnragu. let 110x100. L C OIIEBN. phone Wood bury 53. 52 Center a: LAWN8IDB AVE.-Hr'ck. 0 room,, bath. h -w. heat all cema: $5000 rellings- ,in,i ti.ni i-.iei.. fn T'ei Had, Inn ave i-.il. ...... .......-... w. - 1IIIH1.111IOII l".i. I ur r.... SEWAI.L. N J TweUe miles le ferry; 41 acres; eulrk anl, wantel. TACLANE. 111(1 Wulnut st. i.MBDrORD. ;. .1 14-acru fiirm. geed house. $2,ii)ii, terms, W'estne. 203 Liberty Illdg Atini'llON NEW bungalows nnd lieusen for nl", fine ' lecatlnns, convenient in ttaln and treliev- from $I75 te $l17ii'i. at your tcrma. '' "" '' loeKing ler an vow cm gei ic.r veur money then see ua before veu buv , K.t ff rnr nt .rie st. nnd wall; eiuire ' ie.t eliel HllllllaV ' CHAPMAN ft IIARIIBR Cor. 4th and Pine sts , Audubon N J Hell phone H.idden Heights. 1 HP W. . iti.Aaivu.nn FIVR-ROO.M llt'NUALOW n: lleachuoed N J , furnlsheil ;, tulnut's' walk from Lesch. s tiinlcd among the pines, want te sell for $1200. will tent fur ae.isen for $150, size I 21x21 fl MRS r MBYER Cinntiwmd N. J CAMDRV IMR SALE riii.) dwelling en N 23J st ; 2 atery. finme. mm h front, fiult ml old shiidm trees, prepertv In geu,i condiden. let 'OtleO, geed i,"qhliorheoJ. can be bought nulck fur IPjmi N J REALTY AND ri.NA.NCE CORP . L'l Itreadwny, c,,mden, li.M N' 30TII ST Conic in. in en .IIiiih. piis i ycsleri M i v 1 H.Iimi ee,sv terms .! T DAW;S(i.V 128 .MARKET ST. Camden. , f'OI.I.IXfiHtUlllll I MADISON AVB Hrlck H roema. baih and all modern conveniences in geni! condition. ilet 33x133 ft , I minute in train and irullet, I l.liinn Colllngsweod Real Esiat- Ce . 72'i Hnililen av" u Cullliigaivend 11)33 erM1.1 2'v-STefli' Fniiie house en high ground", i everl .oiling lake, let .laxlBd h rvems anl Imth; all cenvs , cum te trolley, triln and , bis; only $0800 in he, r nmes of th' hotter ass.Sc'vern TjIt Ageniv, 72MJIiiildni ave. LAWNRIIJE A"vi: Hrlck. 0 rma., bnth, h.w ht ; all cenvs.. $5000. (ollliigaweod Heal I'Ullte Ce., 7.0 lllljllen ave. Cel, 1053 or M15 KI.WOOH HeCHB. bitr.Rii'ew tjl'e 1 acre of weii-Ui.pl lawn; 20 miles heui Atlantic. Ciiv 'in While Heie pike ve'v leiisunuble terme P I 123 Ledger Office IIAIIDIINriRI.D HEAt'TIFHI. RESIDENCE- Nine rooms nil 1 unienleiu os. altinctive mcitlen. like 11.11 ; large let. Iiet-water henf must go .11 $7.-,j;e owing in death, also ,1 hi tut .lei.n b'-d modern Iminea at $2s10 JJUOIl i.l.liiu rel'ST, 313 lMkcvlcivi. Colllngsweod I'liene ,17s LtrillX M'HIMIs 1 Bin. l.iW TILE IIC.NGAI.11W. fuinlslicil. i luetns and sun p.ulgr aiti.ictuc loeatlon; nil iuiiv iiiincea. R. HtEltr K RS.NK1.N. ill. n ale ,Lajiel Spr tigs PA LAI Mil $i.5517 GARFIELD '1 fauns -itnl t.uh let .".iixllii c.ia hiit-ii.il-- le.it half Id... k ,0 11 ilUv and trains, 5 mm 1 . P.ilmi rii-Tai-iny I". 11 WF.ST ('(LI.N(.sv(l()) WES I T'nl.LINHHWiKiii Hiingainw. "ih .e; bath h -w lit.: ganiRe en trellev lin,-. I.. 'Ii.4 Itl-lnc. Ill') RlcheV .11 II I '.'oil III' .1. UOIHIIH RY III niiirs MlilU'RN "lO-ROll.M RRslDEVCE All InrgJ 1IMIUS IiiIiLveihI Hill . 1 Hllil b.ltd in ,1 ll. . 1 -. big epel lllephiie ...is wait 1 eli-i-Int Hi r'liiii.i' for v.1 in- lime (,fniiii! ieaullful lawn, shiublieli net shmle, tight 11 s'litleu .10 nilns .lull Cor pultun iiis MPIilv te .lilllN MAYHI.W U .1 ill. 111 I Hel-llts N .1 'iien,."?,,',- '',!"; bird 'VXe 7;ki ''TA1II.IMIIKO truck nrd poultry farm: 10 3 add;n ma. roema en third prl,. ,J ' cres 3 miles from ifllade.phla In Dela- 1 -r T A nu ;: . '""V 1 "i irniii mill runny, ri' .1 WIHTtS claubentd bungalow. Oral fleer llv- ;ell. A. (if'BTTKR. Reute 1; Media, Pa. Im- rnnm wit ll tlrenlat ... dl.llllg rnOinJ Phnne. Mff,l n.j II t I ,. ., .,-., 1..-. niriL'Tf.fi nH .. .-, ,, ... ,.. . ,, -.... ,. . ... ... ... .ah .-.. . ... "' ' . ,. ...c.1.- UlTII.'R.fA s tan be nrrengcu. REAL ESTATE FORSALE NHVT JKHMF.V HDAWllOKK TWO CtxftAOKR Vn. 0 Wlndaer av,. 10 rnema and bnlh. 'in Hcarh Drive! ?4e. h 1 .. .. - Ornnt at . 14 roema ind bath, near J""e) 1 a?ld a one property. Apply i,''ii Drive; te be i:atntca, i!" Jiananmaf,, iTnmKr VI,KARANTV11XB pLKARANTVn.r.B ('herce building leta, P?f lyiI.Vl!L Title Hldg. Aa. ledger (m, . I overlooking Abaecen llayi reitrlc'ed; J. PHYHICIAN or dentin!; beaut I ul iifllci-, prl ; ' 120! trolley pnaaea tract; water, OMai J10 1 Vnte wnltln nmmi hiindsfime reeldencu up: taring TIIUltl'SON, 60 N Main at., m R L-eth at Hprtice 1 21132. 1 Pleaanntvtlle, HTONr HARnnR 11(1 1 IT rooms nnd bath i I I. t fill I fiirr-laheil! .let 30 iiui exceUent conditien: nrlci :IB(I0. will n.elat nnan?ln; own"" "a '.102. 1-daer Off. ..it ttwnnit 1 B.lillMI. IVIli I WII.ITVP0I . Wll.DWOOD, N. J. Illdg. Ieta, near beath I immwl. pem! Klmen Wll. 1H1 N.2d jj. I'KXNSVl.VAMA FAWMR MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Wonderful aetata, containing 317 aerea of KOCH, Celmar. Pa. MAIN LINK country home, ,"- '. 2 j 10 acres, with 3- rnems, liatn, het. nlr heat. hctrlcltv available; barn, out eut bldga , fruit; 112.000. J M meNBKIKI.I). Wayn. Pa . 'KltO.M IB te 300 acres, farma; very eaay. JOHN I'HAVVlNMKAIt. r.'ir. s. -ja at. I'KNSYI,VANIA FARMS Gentleman's Country, Heme 00 nrrea of fertile land. lO.mmn alone med- ern mnnalen. large ham, garage, thicker houa - heua - ether euil.ull.llngi, all modern nnd In fine com IlK.n. large creek; leraled en Hcthlehem pike, cloae te station, hrtndv for cetmnutlnc te Itv. aacrlflca te nulck buHr. "Mi.". .iiiiameiine, u,iT '..Ur'.'!l" f.r,..!ne:U price. WBHTNRY. 203 Llfwrty Illdg. , 'KW 4RB.MRV rARMR WILL Hi: HOLD, at Court of Chancery. In t. ..""'Vl- -v ' en W'eilnes.lay. April 12, 2 P M Ofl-icre farm, with 'arge heuaa nnd linrn exlenalve Incubator nnd brnedlne aya tern; located Cor. Waahlngten Cruaslnn read nnd Harch avr.. Mcrre.- County. N. J,, (1 mliea north of Trenten. 1 mil. from Pen. 'H UUIl . tllen I hny. grain henab n! ma itmi, Wrlte for ltHllM .MiiitTrw a. TMAMitMnn rnrtn Tmt ttnent ItlchmuiiJ, Vh REAL ESTATE SALE OH BEN? Nj:WJRRRY:l;'i,F,.SII(ltK wimmvoed STOIll nnd .1 anarfm.nfu. mnin .i,..i I,.. , . location for nnv kind of limnns. .fn.iiiii r.M'OL. Wildnend N .1. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE a demnnd for rroprnes in i'l i,tK!.l!il!,iJ.,l,7".,ll"r' -"' years i:pe- IIILNCR l.NSI'HES REAL SBRMCR A l1. Ill .SHELL . ..'' r " l"'lh and Tamr ' Ileal I. state .Mortgages ln-er.in. . WR 11A1 ,E .'li-nta who lll purchui". he 11 1 cst or lire ml nnd M.uth of Lm-ust ' If ou uaril le r-ll, list sour lunixi- with u Ne charuH unless successful Whltesicl a lc- l.nnnhiin. 1.1th andPlnc PART OF HCHl'llllAN hTuae" wanted at .1 ' ,lr h .,", ";' 'V-e-Amrall""' t,l.St,1,?is.i.r .."ll ' .l-talls. only a.Vei , or nPnurS ? nVwir nnmi' ii '"'" " 5..." ien,1.,.,.r ."round fleer roema. ... .,-,., -,.,j ,,, ureau WAN rLD Moderately prired 0 te 8" room rr'1""'' H!" J" nearby suburb, must be easily neoe,,ble by train or trellev. prefer te rent 1 r. with buying privilege '(llv,. fU particulars. AddreasV.llu. Ledger Office IIC.NOAUiW WANTED -Hunq.il.iw." -i-mll for Fun.m r months jniy sh-ept,,,. .lu.irI.r ,' ' in I n Iv.inln or New Jvm a. suit ...!,."" rr"m I'h'ludelphli. rMa.'r.nbl.- M '- Ledger Office. LLsTINGS of preiierllclTln uliur,,"in coin- miinltlea redlHtlnj- fn m dtiih at terminal et.'iisie sr.iH cii,i'i.il-n ,i !. , -i,l.. I bv , terinlsing real csmt, firm - n, tu,i pa-. Illlllnrs le J. f,,.,l,.,r Offle. MODERN 7 or 8 room lnjue. 1 bedroom anil bath 1st fleer. .1 rooms ..t He.ir, Nearly lease g-lve full initfruliiia and rental. , 1,13, Ledger Off . e WANTED te rent ateri and duelling suitable for general inrreh indtue 1.1 or ".e miles out atain .ull partlculara I, Hi ,t lef.-r 102,1 S. Hancnek at. W ANTED Fnrge and tool stic.;. in eutliln.' 1 IsfltCt with 10.000 sMIIlire fee, i.n 1 e f'.i rent with oetlon ,e buv nilm-nt .idint U. 'e -reel -MlerJ p . l.ini! TIHe ll'd: AVA NT "Te LEASE fjr "l v. jr with nisllnn of buying small mub-in house, uri p.-nn si'ia,.' i MaltiJJne 132 Ledger ( iff w RENTS nnd Interest ..,, e i,.(. piempi n turns OIIItJON lil'll m Itrmd HAVE clients ii-nltlnir te Inn tni.s ., dugs E. .Miles. I'.ll.l N I'teth st I'nl I nil WAT t-i buv a henn .,t ill ns. ,, n i ..er $7000. P 1211 L-de i nlfl .. WANTi:i)- lYmrnl ,e.-i e.,.it- mini .ipp'l- c nits S M. Oaviej liif.'i 1'ine st. II V'E ileln.iTnt fe. eu". in l ' i- ,,-t.ei cunts w- limr hiitt -.' .t'1 .In". I I. -i,, OITH'Ks. Hi sINRss KOOMS. i.TC. WANTED 2 I irge or 3 sm.i I re ms, bet 31M and 51M. Pine and l.'ircus'er ave.. fnr Re 1 Cress office purposes Wt te ,,iiih Sen ' .- Section Ameilian IU 1 Cress 218 SJ lOlh at. PRNNsYlA XNJA SI IHKI1AN w'a.NTED Tu IlENM1 Furnished house fr spminer or unfurnished per ejr. neighbor neighbor neighbor heed Swirthmere .Mnyliui. 4 or 5 b-ediei n.s Hex 214 I.a.ngherii' NRW JF.RBY S$-.sIIOKR ATl.XNTIC CITY ATLANTIC CITY cottage wnnted v. Hi 'ie 8 per cent guar stk. A 33.1. ledger Office PI.Ns,V.MA FHMH Wei 1,1) LIKE I i l- i, small f fn it 'h II -ii it l av tiienti mlies , nlllll i A .133 '" I hesler ft I- r i iff; REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ( i rv 1.11 N 3D ST KilM ii. im I. in 231 .N 3 1 hi - -Me. I. rn hullili iK. il ( -.'I li'Ti .'. cn In. lib end ' .i.leiihlll r.MSl'll. oppertu'nti nlfereil tu resi pain te slate utfi.-e 'n l.in.i Tti -ell c itivjmlitie a Ai'i'lv Itoen u .17 S'lORE and hi- in nt fall Smiici-..-! h-.l e II dg hew w Hid. w s U'l'I -710 G. i urn ll' II in ' DESIRAHI.E tl.'eis f. r lent ,'Rhi manufsc. turiug or efficii, inc'udea heat, low --cnt. 1tl8l0' Arv-h st Api" ewnei en ptem 272S N (illATZ T - 7 rms , J31 ,,M me CheaAV Miller l.'ul CommeiiH h Illdg 1011 N HIIOAD- l-'l rms. i baths .i,, vanlR.l-: I HIVN 1TOT N 11th st OFril'F.S'. HI slMs RileMs R'lc DEHIRAIII.B OFFICES fur inn in med , building. N W c,,rnr Pih and Wa n . ats Applj Siipciintcnilinl Rimin jeu SPOO - Tf 'li r i 1?AOlO love I. ramie lanu, .eannminy i.r.c" run UKKIUB HPACM for rent furnlalipd meat l).r0n1!ha,ang 'AVltK-ffi. I (WSM m r . i i . v . RKAt XtTATE FOR KENT . CITV erri'r.a), in:isr:Ka rtrftivtH, r.tr. ... t I. ,L ,.U..,1., ,.l..l...1 with uee of .i..ra .rrrmr. .uiiiiritia. i,.--..ni.i- --. ..nAi.... : . 1.1-.- 'roeni: alae acml-prlvnte uftlcn ltal Ketnte ,Tr,i.i 111,1.. fn,i.i iitnmi m. a .tuai..! iifr. Uvit.t. MitAftR mvfri. l7TT7lln .i.u ind I atrriiikratihlc hfrvlrea. with leaiinnalbte DiKTtlll Oil DKNTIHT l)e(rttliie nffluea I nrat-claaa lecullnn. KBItDINAND D. IHti'llilMi lalil-V Kit IIUI -I ,7 - - . - - - - -- . t- -.-...rr. - - , DI.SIIIAIH.I. efl.ce apavn; hr 'l.tf"? ..rr.. .. .. . Ml'H.JlrtJll.U Ulllkf .Minr, uicfiuv( i,ui,i,',, jnrain rem. .ttipiy Chenttliit at, IIUlKK - HTonY IIUlKK - HTenY modern atune building, with 1 JargB !cnter; Ne. 1224 (llrnrd nf-. All- TI(Uft HOHWBI.U 233 North l.llb at. Mini hack pt Thre.-Blerv httlldlng. atera I and upper fleer miiluhl,, nrrlc.a, llgl.t mfg ; iiiLffiu,i"i. AiuilyjliiaCh'slnut at1JL 2d fleer j.'lHHT""Vlx5t;n." 2 offices', uiiitinit "rm nnd ri'iiai BUUi r, i.Vn. - IIU UWIIff, atlU Hi 'J lluallieaa Properties unit Xnre ren RBNT .u blinding 32 Hi MA It KMT MT 40 by 03 ft I'nin'lng en .Miirliet nnd Wuedl.ind a JBSSi; .1 W SCIIA.MIIKIKl Btliplre lllllg run Htni wmiiut ata Walnut 021(1 lliirc - inn ' ' . 117 SOUTH II TH H'lOIir: AND IIAHBMRNT II W I.U)'l). 712 WAI.NCT SERVICE STATION "" Marturnr'iirtng. et.- fireproof building I TACI.ANR. UliLWAl.NI'Tjy I'RRVH'i: fnlleti 10.000 s'i. ft.'en grnund'fl. 22d N of .Murket at A Hall.l.md Title Ilig, 200-70 B. AMRRICAN for rnr7aag. lat and flth floors alae biacment, about 40W i be ft each; geed light new blilu ; targ elec. levater H.H UHrrtt 2MiH. 3d at. A RECTORY, wateh'iuaa nnd deer speclallat ARTHrit'll KKAHRIt, 21 H.2lhat " WILL RIlRCT hulldlng'r'dft'.niie t"e loe (me yiuirc iti iJir.i i.unti, 7.17 Walnut el ments O. C M linn ft Ce.. 3n S. leth .. n.- . . . T '-tnl it'.. ",1.. JT.. .1., i ill.-" Kiurv nir."iri' . ,,.,1. . ...mhm ii" 1 1 ' l . l.N.ill.l, .e,j ii'"tt nv (.KRMAMOWV rl'RMlll.l July and Aiikus, I ci is., ind girden. overle iklrttc . ":i riw-.it. rn Weeds ,-, ininutes from Wis. iluck ,n i'i. 1c I'Merie (ierrnntcnvn cits T 720.1 LI.MElClI.N PUCE !i rooms aeml-d.- taheil, etK'n dally ancl Sund.: g.ir.ii;e prKI'eges ciak Iiar.e,1720 i.ent A70 per ine rCll.NISlir.D nnlsile heus. .Tl'IC W I'enn st 0 bedrooms 2 b'tth. liilng room h'.m -(rlcliv, iciw O-rmantew n rrusi iji oak lam; RHJHT IiriOMrt and bn'h. b 'iitlfulli fin ish. I with 2 rur ear mi snnple heusn, 031 N llrend st Phen- oak l.an 1037 Cestr ATeetnnan pf.nxvi.vixia -rinRnN WIIITEMARSH VALLEY- Slcaplng perches, .1 bithrnenis modern heu. convenient le Chest, nit Hill, nanr trolley summer months frsh egetnble milk ggs Details call Whit, marshy lNt7 WEST OVRnimeOK 3-afery atena dug . nuel.rn n itaper ancl tiaint l acre of creund garage $150 per month 2 eir lae Albert Hall. 10 r.nr.d Title Illdg HWKRrenn IIRAl'TIFl'I. country estate, rnemv house, gaiage gnrd-n old shade, is rms bv vr , S.nen aummer mes c,00 Ml' Otis IIIlK.l Phene Sp'llen 111$ OVKRHKIIOK TIIREE-si.irv -inn" heu.e, 10 --ecirns. 1 beiha co mpletelv furn .ent. Ilea, long lease, J23(iiie- me A Hall, W LaiulTIH llblg. UYNNKFIRI.il ATTRACT IR Colen a! residence s'e-' p ni peirch dining perch. 3 baths. .1 bedrooms old shad, garden f.,r summer. ; Otis lldg(i phur Spruce mi . NEW .IKItSR -ll HCKIIA.N iineniu.AWN $20 TO J47 50- Feu- file t nn,i seven rems and bath a" ine-slern conveniences a.ngie nnd Fenil deia'ehed. Ini,ne,liate n, ases- !"' '.pen and at'rai ,Ue surroundings, bug., varus, ciimniunin rem i, minutes nv renna. Electric llnl'rend and 3n minutes bv sutebua from Ceiiera! si fe- tes '.'nmj.ii N J.; office lieurs, ii '.u 1 din noun te " I' M Hundiy NORRO REALTY ceMPVNT Hroeklawn N I Phene Gloucester 272. NEW .II.Itsr.Y XKs().; I PR WW 'IWii cethigep for t,e seas n. furnlali.rl el Wlndacr ae lei roen s ,it..i ba'h en lb in h Drive i c! mt It roeina ami lath (ear llem.li Ii-ne Vppl l.ra Estai.a. 700 "arnnm s, Phi.a.in'pht i FOR RENT FURNISHED SMALL house f.ir ihe aiimm' r. il minutes from llaierferd sitnt en i itr.en ent i i tielleye, freshu paper l ..nd painted, lege, table and flniv r gard- n. fruii and shade ir.e-s Teirph me xrtime-e Oil' W MOlNr Xlltl FROM June 15 te Sept 1.1 or Oct 1 ej? 0 room modern house, oenient-nr 'e Allen I. ana Hta'len Ju per .ninth (.a 1 Cherinut IIIJI 1171 for details i PF.SNSXLXA.MA si III IU1XV lliui TO $2.10 per month '..i sui im. r Phene Sw.irihmer 145 Ogeiiis (lis I Wieming 37ill J Gtn 1771 J Gin Mi7 f ,r deiaila W II HALL i SON Land Pile Illdg FOR Sl'MMPR-Cr heus- i; bedrma, 2 baths, neur sar. Pnene I'hestnut ILi. 0185 ST. s iirn" MXKTINs Kfll.N fn-tlr-ssii i- 1 heelrmv ii e..;.s. MORTGAGES " eh qcn k iErr:.EiENT e-tiis without tiublcln ml ne rs.l U ll I, .ape III lOr.11 oil Ills! e, I..1 ... it, r,l i.inri. wulnut .lie-tin ' iib .mi nn.rtk.'iiLeM i.ea t uiNiiinu'1-r ii unaiee te i in persennll' our repn-s. luauie .in can in nu. drup le'ter KAIIN .' Al A v AI.D s I . pii , - . ),. , ,.,. II' AMI Mil' in ni" 1 i. in inn eitliei In buv your home or fu- jour i uslness ,i n uruage inlgii' inswet , it teuur iitents t l w- ii c . ' in.'s in t in , "j hie f ir ' i st anl sei etld lllerlgi-es ee ulll 1c gl lei te ai.Hnr sum nuni lui us s Lam 7u I i i a rut sis I'l uiilern lil'lK 1. h $50 $2000 Rf.i, cstite si utiti liiiiii.iltate setl'enient I, -ies, en estates untight C-isb at urc. EDW. M. MOLL 133 I Jill -t By Jack Wilsen frOR&QH 7 , 'A BPOAOCASTiNG - STATiOhl. ir.-. -i a V A 1 " A" -fl n at!0 .os -qDj; D0Q "N''Y1 - -rHTeRiNa FOJ? 6TUNTS.-SiKG-ERS, TALKERS, WHST-RS Y'LAYtrk'i.FIQMTeRS, SALVgRS.TiAKei, 3H MORTGAGE MONEY:! Fimea rei nrat nnn aecinin inoriaeawaj anawra en dealrnlile appllrattena. DANIKI. H. HI, MR 70(1 r'lntiklln Truet llld. RpriW 'K iim'iii'Ri-VT n of in ir nnil t.inn naanrlittlnn Hf.d daalra llena for flrat, second nnd apllt nw in nnv aectien or trie itttv or aueurji?, WII.I tAetMAMKR KICtXHf, l,ah Tij liJ iritNDR -UNDi4 lin ANY AMOUNT 1MMKD1ATB HKrTI.HMKNT-.i,vi III 1I.DINO ASSOCIATION MONaJt,;? DKMPHBY CO.. 27 H. UtTH HT, L T - ?Jl ANY AM(ISt pnmptly Write or caMUM-t? M. STADLEN Wf M0RTOA91 120 PKNNHTI.VANIA HLIXI. Rpruca '' vf rillAir. VfiHltn nnu uuiiuiim miin:iewikn money available for geed mertaatrfM-W city nr refrbj suburban preperty: vrtMHaKiu' flfMlnnn !leh-rt J. is a an, iia tjW.mtUjK KY' Kl'.SDH fur tlref mOMi"'! "v ,llfll HARRY h. 1HUM5UNM- .i-.t tritANKVnfttl AVTi. ' TMOftTOAtifcH llullillnr association und private fuiMU1 first second mnffgie, a'llck arlcjj A I fll'H.I.1,1,, , !, rvr. I'.'ii rr ..w :. . . ... ...r. ........ iu.n rtiiaiT anaAi .la "".,"";'. "Ji.S,,v"Ln"Mr "ttrii ial .. mm.i m .M,1 tw.f ,rn. an ttsaai, ie . ' r-J" ' " L'V ' 'Ji 11 llll?ll ,len,u,,i'ir, ri(.ie jf " j, MYCIir l.lll.. ... HIIM1K AVBiAND1(rTH -Vtj - - - ANV AMOCXT )..( J JOIfV A RAItllY, v,I . iQT i.anii iiii.i'. m.iMi. , rt 1 j I i.i,i A'ri.- fiTS-ntf fnr first and II. And f. ,f I'. ..- .. .. ....... mtMm 1 1 l meriaaxea; iiu.fK v.nw.'ii niimflimii, ( cbi rcea. O A r. I 1 . r. 1 . un t-H.nnia aai,a. 1 irttltl.,-1 A !4 ritirrvfllll' first tnernaaw(''f for anl. fox 1142. HelhcHm, P MeRTHaVIk money for first k seer age, WIIII-WlncheeterCe, Z IH'.VnH rer lit nnd jrtnlwa., nil M If MatlngerIJalJ'IsUil'' Tt W II I1AI.I, 1 ia . I 13M LAND T1TLB IILDO. tan. 000 ker PHIht and nnd mertMmcariH i J Oriibli 1041 Rail Katale Truat lafMe' '.L.,... ...A......M.I I..I ..AM.l 9Mm'. 1 1 ..-. "ir.v.ni-. :'' -;. ::-:: ivisiw i-hitrge Kred T Iwla, Oil Merris V If RAI.L RON CIS LAND T1TLR RLDO. . for llrst ii rul a'0 ml merteagea. Ir nn. 110 Lincoln Mid- AsVt !' u fTNDS Ial nnd 2d Phlla and Del, t?,vi:-) miKa H r. i.yncn 12 S. lOth. 3pr, TH;aa MONRV "for 1st" "or 2d mig'.. city nr eeulltrI),, I'V.ink S Lewis. 310 Finance llldif, MONEY TO LOAN -$1000 le $100, 00 en'' mO BBTX-lMI pentlnUCMIS POl 1T.II' i-nm - int. .", .,,'- .-rrrrp ni7ri;,.r"""4iii Fln.s, ecaCn: levalv.ll - ." .. ..!.... .,. .ll.n. aKl i" IOT MUHIICI'T "r nn'' , -.r,,r. .... Hl'Itl'l V' 1224 & IJ2U Ilrismende Rlf-tle,. 1 en s'ltt. priv. hatha, elec , run, W14TjI - ' Wal 7171 M'Ht'CR HOI Very attractive large roenw." fur,.ishr..l j.eetru . nmlcl eervjee, "; . ,.'Ti "f 1031 tl,..m ntul nrlvnt hcalfg. -.0. ' serrie hciuakeeTlng eiectrlc, hardwrMM'', floors a, I i e'ienlence ......a a. a.,,.-' t........! . . r . . fa.... ..L..M I. I II. , . in I . ei ...i'.-'.i", - HUIIL iwm. furnished, running vrnler. alae email back . . room home comforts te peraem wishing pr manent Ji''Ie.i.nejruJra,e. Prnt... family? ti I.VTIt N.. 027- -Twe-room apartment, furfv- I nlslvd. ramnnbe Phene Poplar POM. n leTH. N 133. "IIOTRL TICHIC Central, near stat en and shopping district., baravtlf,'" ' fullv jurri rcKims; elec: spotless; med, rttMi , 20TH. S.. 817 Furn rm. for rent, 1 er.2 a. Kniit. enr n private fnmllv. Sprure 241T. m.u JPitTi. N. 2.47 Finn, room for buslna-.j .O'inle, 3 xtpr iec-k ,! - ' ' -Aff 3ITH N 225 Large bright unfurn. rm.; " prlv bath, prlv fam. Owner. Bar, t-lcl."5 l.'.TII ST.. H 420 One or 2 large attrae'.T live rooms, adle In tin bath exclusive Ii tlmi Woodland 3073 J ty MASONIC CLUB - 2027 Chestnut it rms. b" day, week or m has-'dsdMELY tunnslied room In modern private home' electric llgrita. minutes te Cllv Hall. Phen liaring T-c-r,V,T,r-M mnm for el.leriv ladV .-ni...'..i .... in m.,l.r. n.lu.l. llttler " II Alliril nunr, ,i. ...',(--... ,',..n. .. . home reference Wyoming 1332 J. , - JV L' Mi'BI.'y furn rma rum with bath: wnxa2 iletnen preferred. Phene Poplar 0330 J. h i'epiar iiaai, j i,, as., single or tJgJt ATi. RACTIVRI.Y furn rms., single or suite, escl i"lPri1 ram, isnruc -i;'-- ATTRACtlVB furn npts" some heUMa!U. -iheruoeil Apt Agency 1334 Walnut at. U'Rr PHII.XDKf.PHM PIIThRV MINI'TRS from Cltv lla.ll, dealav'- :iL v furn rm ' Am' r an home elec meei iatn: i)rivi, Phene Sherwood 0414 J, ci.l! ! 4.1TH S ll'd t ra room In refined hamejybj P r 1 1 a te h.lth cent . hut water, alacfa ', 1 NEW .JF.RHRY MKRIIORE (ji')INO le the shore for Easter? .Then fl I'll' ji-ui iiiiitni ini'iv mi ji I'i'iiiin fn - s-w m k f-tinilv .1 l"utlful Vninnr" nienabl-. llt-i N' Hrvnnt u.-. Vntner N J. mi ...a . . . r. -. r ..lil ni lartn-1,1 in rtPl-TB KOOMS WANTED " .- . -niN-a LADY. nipleMv Jfirfs furnUUM'Vi ffviin v t i- Jfv,-.i fninie Ties-i prBftrreC, ," ,l ".I ! iiut'i umrr r BOARDINO -l"lll i E 1'i30 rooms with t.i a rdlng the Camln else One or LiV .tie liath or without battJrl-.X - .. ...'if.! , '.' s i! i ..nt .,,. I . ifinliy learn --par n living Span sii lieuce fine roema. lee trleltv: nr I t.iw-rsn .f Penn I' i .lie liaring .an?. . 31 !7 N ll'TII Furnished room for ceupla i- cmpim.-d rntes leasenabie convenient te I ,' ill! ind trel'e v if -r BOARD WANTED Tin NO WOMAN desires room and hear with private fnmlh .envenlent te eratftc of clfy. A 220 Ledger Office. APARTMENTS 40T1I S lloe Apartment 0 (The I-tre- ment i s i ims including bath hardwoect . ne,.tH tiiiii'igheui ir. wlnlews all eulalda; nnu in v tire apt. unfurn hi allabla May 11 $'ie jvr ine inc hid h".it end het water; j present e -op ml 'eillpg elly Weeeell'il 1711 J Fl'HN API 4 i 'cms and baih eee llght.-i. team heii and Janitor sen tee raw ap$7"S i 'U S E cm 17th ami Hummer aia.ij ! i;m i.-r fun ii Applv en premises. ' x7 K cel! Hi ill AND ,!HI rERON SI'S" , t N h J iir2 ml Hied bnth with shewar; 'i H- nil.) till It fiuiit furii,ahi.il ur unfurnished, cl -ninu ! r 1-iti A V't I l -.., -,. ...... ..-. IlB.l" ' I ' lis rtini . I in ill ri,ii. u iiiiiiiisii'ii )( til tu- It 'f' r"t xpltiiUly for bunlntk,! ni i) M7...i tu i.u en iiKinui iiu ny i Hrerid s" .ii iiu.tir.. i iii.-.iiwi tiur.tifl --t i cent ml ai.iitments a specialty HherwOOau ll Apnrti- ni Age-ncv. 13.11 Walnut l It'll i Apnrti r 11.1 S .'iiril ST Heiiiitiful iiiianment. HYJ ! a Irg f utn tjedre'-m. priiuie tile bath, mafd J! 'i, -he l ii iim bath .'J. . N V CdR 4 Tt Ii n'niT cda, ave raj 1 0 i i.uns in.l Imh -itiirimen, third necarr-? medfri In '") d'tnil 8.1 month Apart--ment .'. Appi) en Piemlaes -V 1,13.' AV Neilitin r Hie, roema and bath j! nt prlinte entrance). !J sev- in. I fl me ir erlnie I Phnne ("elnii.LI-i .'r.,2 , i.3D N 17 Apt 3 reunis & hath Apply 1 II ip. rii' ildwcii, i)ia jSiephee Qirard Dldt. (IREENl-: AND COl'LTF.R. Gin Racli. apt., I furn. .' ms ft bath lh Gin. I00. 1710 m het vvaier Janitor servlcej. HAAIIITHN 3013 Cnfurn apt, m clrni 8 'HRe rnisb-ith klichen Jre..en JB. l.'s IITII-TWil APTS I ft 3 RMI. HATH ALL .Aft 'HERN IMP PHBH 4061 J MeDPRN heiisekeep mi apt " Il6 3 ln sl-eel Wl.sl' PHII.XIIKI.PIIJX M'.it'liN hetis-li'-epir g iipirtments, unfur nrlei pi i and seen l fleni large, sunny in-- ne i j renowned eiien rer intpci iOi 1 l. e I P Al Prealnn 1007 llERAI.XMinVN snt EIINO.N ROAD " ii iiiisiin housekeep ng apartlntut, i "mil is tut down in a minimum! and miiletn whli uled bath, built-in shuic repsrate pun Ii refrigerator. line lb etc ier an a. r. in inun wun eiu anaav: iu e..w. ilf link. 2 xii-MAN i I Mpiate tu i"U, t'j cl ih and golf l-inncrcs I i st I el, .XI M HAN I in N i: nr ITrniil and Lhestnut i oil si Heet, LANE ami Pulaski av. I rooms nnu nai i one cenn , larta tn mm i.isi.a $11.1 monthly Apply Mt I nnir 537 fleliraa Illdg MOD 1 rnems-iind-lialh apt newiy rtfta -. wit-el near Quen Lane station, JlAittr ' -e-iv'.e "ii rnel'e cjitl ,l,cje TIOGA TleOA Atmrtment. modern 3 room ft4 Hie bnth bnl-waier heal continuous lldt water electric- lights perimetry floors i laraa eutslile rooms aide yard Jiinltnr aarrlM; UM-e i iiih.i ii- no in... , n.f lejr manwm. Walnut 7h70 I'KNNHVI.VAVIA Hllil RI1AW AHDMeriK 'l-ll'e in il rn ll ineMis ami liAlh ell - ... it-.. i....i x. jiihi niniith ihlnl lloer Ine month. I afl eui.iii.s , ,,. in i. . ii. mi. hi nnu neon" -. - . m-lM-H I11L.L- W, 1I.I1 VWtwJ .- 1.. ... . ..i rtiinii.'ir, , . Ar.iiiierw lW . ivl t. iw .nu. .....i., mm rnaraei ni.uae llecker. 2 a R. Lancaa4r."r.a-' , m Mr' 7, rf - 3li .J w , I f- fll .a T 'i.dl rait '- f 7 IM? H..A. :.a -v Jrtfi S'll I il I V I JIU 'c I T WW m ' . . w. d-;JTi;.!JS immrs IN. 2D . COHTINUeO) tfS.ICpJt I A3 I.. ZS,' ,-.lTV!!it - ' . - . lAv.Keyil.'aOr--, aai.Vit-i..