Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 08, 1922, Night Extra, Image 9

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Brew 'f ffj I '' -i! -'ftM f"' " iri m iAyJ"?'g '.?;' .
Ipsf w$8JPteeutpmLE
i i
ftaricy Wynne Talks of the Engagement of Miss Toegood
and Mr. Floed, of Germanteivn Plans for
Miss Glawserts Wedding en April 29
VrtMM y y-yvyrr.t??!ffCTrggTf
VEHV ONIi will Ix" interested te
ltar of AI.UK.iti 'JVuse-itl'M cnanRP-
r in Hrnmlcv Floed, whlrlt is nn-
. , inrp.1 terfnv. Mnrgeh w the nrcttim
'Tr She Im'Vthc meiit wonderful Unlit
till nml this ''! Jj"?,?,.'!!"
Vat. which with ti tnn nole coat Is very
a1 lenklt'K. Shi? Ih ft. dntiRhtcr et
jit?. nd Mrs. Krnfrt Toegood, uf Ocr-
BM"h i" " nt ,I,P, b'11? whn ,lc;
pliied they would net jr.xt hnve geed
J npj. se kIic took n roiirse nt I'enn nnd
iniihed lift enr nnd ltn Hinee. been
rnnll In buMnrw house In town.
Xii "ee her remlng Inte Hrend Sheet
ftintlen in the menilngi en her wny te
'"nremlcy flood is n ten of the Ed
"wnrd T. riiii'dc. e' (ieimiintewn. He
I. very nepulnr In the jeimser tot, tee,
nn.l l n brother of Klmcr Floed, who
married Ted Leepold, nn.l Mn.
llarry Hutleruerth. who Wan Henlrlee.
Floed. Hrein U n member of the 8nvey
1'emn.iiu nnd will tnke puit In the pre.
dudlen r "lelunthe," which Is te be
glvtn In May.
liivltntiens nre out. She nnd Hen
Heffman nre te b tnnrrled en April J I
In Hely Tilnlty Chinch nt 4 o'clock
In the nfltrnnen. Mnrsnrrl Ih the
lnuihtcr of Mr. nnd Mr. Jehn I.vnc
ria-eii. of '-MM 5 Wnlnut street. The
vuddlnR will be n pietty one. for hc
t... ..i.ni-nn ..iiine vnrv lnve v nttcndnntH.
1heilld mi. r.liznbctli Ilenp, who Ih
, ENGAGEMENT announced
' ' ' '- ' ' rf "' I -
Knthnrlne l.ucltett, Mlns ISIIMieth Tear Tear
'en. fttlss Marjmret Pbclen, Ml Frances
.1. Hess, Mlm i:ilf.abelh Hess, MIkh Mar
pnret II. Hamilton, MIhs Aisle Ilme
Mnrsteti, Miss .Tenii Thompson, Mien
Julia Illnkelev, MIm Margaret "Wiit "Wiit
jen, Mlsn Emma Mnrtyn Geerge and
Miss Uarbaia Shoemaker.
The cuests who will attcnil the dinner
en Friday evening, April 21. which Mr.
nnd Mrs. Jeseph A. Stelnmels!. of West West
vlew nnd Wayne avenue. Clcrniiintevvn,
Will ule in honor of their daughter.
Mini Margaret Stelnmetz, before the.
Inst meeting rf Miss Locbweoil'H danc
ing cla will Include Miss Josephlne
Jenes. Miss Margaret Kenderdlne, Mlsn
Jane Iledce. Miss Nathalie niKHtnu. Mlt
Anne Hnrten. Miss Klrtaner Wlstcr, Mlsi
Hatty Wlstar, Miss Peggy JCIegler, Miss
Anne Stetson, Mlsn Mary Anne Mech
ling. Miss Dorethy Atfelhelm, Miss Miir
gnret Stelnmets, Mr. Wnlter Da, Mr.
Hebert Drewn. Mr. William ktaclcr,
Mr. William Woolston, Mr. Charles Ito Ite
lnlid, Mr. Nicholas Pctry, Mr. Alexander
Wiener, Mr. Krnncls Hncen. Mr. It a
Barnes. Mr. Uewlt Scott, Mr Htelftn
Trult. Mr. Jehn Mustard nnd Mr. Jo Je
seph J. Stclnmrts.
Mr. C. Berkcv Tn.vler. l!ni Seuth
Thirteenth street, will entertain at n
dinner en Friday evening. Auril 21, in
noner or nis nennew, Jlr. lMniund 11 .
Tayler, son of .Mr. nnd Mrc hcimumi
C. Tayler.
n,SLr,- nJid !rs- Theniaa Chnrlten 1Unr.
of St. Mat tins. Chestnut Hill, wll' Nal
Parli. Tliey will hpend the ii'.nmer
traveling through Europe. '
Mr. and Mir. .Inlm l? i.--n r n '
llawr..lne returned fiem a fortnight's
stuy at I.akewoed,
. I .. 1 .. ....1.1 T l.nnn,. ,1 1 f I I .11 TO i l,, AM T.m..l t . . .
n cetisll, is ie i.u iiiiiui ui uuiiui, "', v., ,,;... ' '". "n" " r fMiig i
Str. Hebev Perter nnd Mrs. Court- $". Mlss Prlscllla Da Is and Miss Mary
J?I5V iiV-i,;,.,l.n., lll 1,n H.e inntretlH ?r? . aM, and her son. Mr. K. Hever
Kr "Mrs. Perter was Abbie Aus- "K.-iSi.?1 ,3.I..JS:"!L "t-:. ""
"I ' ln. i nil r-;rii inp irrnunn
tin and Mrs. lUeluudsen. Mercnee They will spend the summer trax cling : In
eunnnn Tlie li r 1 1 1 1' . i n ii 1 ( I . I hear, France. Itnlv nml &u.ii,.ii.i
', te be Mnrlnn Tpulmln. I--;i Ir.filJOt 1 M A w , dnugliter of
Ttnffman. Mrs. Leenard fx'lieff nnd , i... niui Mr. tn..',, a")'.' ,"auK'i",r-ri
1, , TI t- J i !' jciiii It il I II 1
M HnfFninn will
Thacher, of KdRCwater Pnrk. for his
bert man they me great frlencK jm
,nevr nnd hi" uher. will be !. Jnlui
Hume, Henrge I.ipplneett. Dr. litnnett
Buckenhnm. Michael Derlzns. Jnelt
JHnckley nnd Clnwsen Jloep. Ihert;
will be n Miinll reception for the fam
ilies and Intimate friends nt the Cluw Cluw
een home after the ceremony.
Mnrnpn Bti..r hn. .i '. .........
hnve Y rank College, Northampton, Mns., where sh"
is a Hiwieni, aner spending the spring
vac? lien with her parents. .
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur If I.ei, of cftet '
Walnut Htiect. will Ichvp puriv im.i
month for their emintrv nlaee at' Client
nut Hill, uhere they will lemaln until
the autumn.
Mr. and Mrs
bHIbmIbbbjbbjHkbK ; - i&m
kiBBjBjBjBj&BQlMBjKV " yA
Bbhb1bbbbbbbbHL''Hbai IsbP"' "CijijijlB
rBBBBBBB .. Mt' ''''vPIBBBBBBBBBB'' ''' '""!' BBBBbT
iBBBBBViw. -mw - m - " 71m
BBBBBBBBBBl j vl? ;;'v, . BBBBBi ? S y 'UBBJJ
BBBBBB -v w, , .BJBJBk ;V & ' 'tBBBBBI
PBBVPBI. ;T' ;-.' BBBBBfc: -'"-v'iBBBBBBl
HbW' -. ''i'--'r'-''f '':P9BHbbbbbbbI
PbsH ,;A ' f" ' 'JSavavavavavsl
BB, ' : : ' . .:bHItbbbbbbbbbbB
PflBn - 1
Slkb.JLJM' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
bHbwVIIsH " bIbbbbbbB
BbBJHBEBbbsbV , , M
BvIHTbv :; : il
bbhSbbbWVIHbbbbbV VWSMRKMLW9k vIKtt jmmimmmmhhhbhMmnk7'"uv
Letters te the Editor
1 Mm te devour 00,000 human beings nn-
nuniiy. , , ...
"Mr. Temperate" said be would 1 ke
Kllcn K. te show proof of her state
ment where prohibition hart worked
wonders. Well. P. J. M.. here Is one
wonderful wonder, nnd what Is true
In thl rase, must be true In mnnv
ethers. During my jenrs of slum work
1 used te sec nil these filthy dives this
side of City Hall with nil the rest,
of these "murderers' dent;," whence
thnt "enormous revenue" enme, nnd
t... i t.. .n.i- ...i-.i ... ua ..ntffnr nml
,...-. v.. !... ...L ---- .-- . i tiint. ill j. nil iiiiiui inn cu i.jk..
excellent time for the indcpcntient eieri.. .,t s .- ion t(
"When Reguet Fall Out." Etc.
Te the Kd,tnr of the Kvrntno'PuMle J.eter!
Sir While reading the tiuineteuH ar
ticles and editorials regarding the J
lltitnl situation in Pennsylvania nml
the lack of harmony nmeng the wi-cnllcrt
"lenders," the truth In the above into inte into
tntlen is emplinslwd. nnd one l lm-
prcs"ert with the men mm i"i- " "
who ron&tltute a lnrge PcrrentnBP ei ( Klghtccnlb street nil is "quiet en the
i ne rang ami nie in iu, ,"':i'i'"' " " 1 1 'olemac." I enn only exclaim, won wen
Party, te embrnce a longlpeked-for op- d(,r flf wemjm! (.nn )rcnthc Oed's
pertuinty te tuke the neminiung i. n,r inl.ifail et th(! ,lev's brew. :e
nwny from a gang of ,0,1Ji,V"' ?'?!i" little swinging doers. Ne snwdu-t, no
tltlfit "Whdt te Tnlk," trt'nl
"Talk hMpplnen. Thp erM li pm eneush "
Mrx. H, H, 1..
rhllnil.lrhl. March 2S, lti22.
Talk hupnlnnp. 'nie ei'l U i ennuih
Without your vw Ne tuith It wholly reush
Loek for the places that nre tniietli nnd
Anil KpHk pf ihe te rt lh vtmty 'r
Of arth, d , hurt hy ene rontlnueun traln
Of human rlltcentnt and srlef ami piln.
Talk faith Th wnrM tt titter off without
Your uttered Ignorance nml mnrblil ileuht.
If you hae fiVitlt in (led or man or alf,
Hay re. If net, push back upon th chclf
Of alienee nil your theushta till faith ahall
Ne en lll srl9 be-aue jour llpa nre
llrnail an.1 finf.. ... laaa v.t ill! 1
. JOOOaeatV. , "" '" ""?&
JIUH3KI.I, H. ceNWEI.U pslnf" 1
h 'Marvin Hannn. .Musical Director, 5
I rerterlrk K Htnrke, Orcnnltt. ,A
iaim nunaay will tm emetyen Bjr'i
muMcnl nrecrama at both mernlfl
evanlne ervlc llaptlam at th
Ins aervlee, Mr. Cenwcll will pr
both eervlrea. Temnle rherui wlL
'Rejoice, the lard la Kins." by.Afl
i-im iirnncne,' iy raure nnav
the Oaten of the. Tempi." bv Knp''
ylbla Bchoel. Jere I.. Create, aupt., 1
r. M
Teunr People's lewihti hour, tj
Christian Endeavor meMlrsr at 7 P.M
ciena Kr'day Services. 11 A' M.. n r.
nJ at f. Jt.. the e'rvlre in the Up
irmpiti, nt wncn tn( Tempi" w
I'herua. aaelaleil bv Mn Kbrey Hots,
a a Leenard fMrnnndi. Vlhnlaa nnulv
Horatio Cennell, will alnir Pudley M
"The Story of tha Cress ,T ?lf-iei)Tal i
ferlns; Mr Conwell will apesk t,(
Kthlrnl Hnrletr
r,iR.iiv or Mi'sit
iiib Minfl! or iiminnism
iiii-iiiu'iiiuiiig nn iniui-in ", , brass mils, no little round tnnies ter, mix nnum inp ereiry nevcr-enain tile
Hint power theintclves, thus demen-'trai- . . . ..., nieiind nnd drink (,f morbid maindits ia em and ataie
Iiir thnt they are net only teal llepub- gJS rlnnrHtes nnd 1,2 v ! I n'v ! , v'nn..t charm nor miertst. nor iea,e
llinnu. Km ,l men na we . I ...l. ',.., ...Vl". " ".".'"" J Li. ' lnrplnic en that miner chord, dlseaa..
TLnn.mnn the rnee fnr the " lBr "''"' me cicnn -i i Pnv U1U IirP w,., or 0ll ll4 w, w!th yf)11, SMf?
J Z,,ll .'.'LcJ ,nri. t well known NorrewinK .,.netllc', nt l,emp- S" .Ml ' An (M wl" "" our we"i" " "' &&!' -W
z fu'trrSlm'i1 ?!ores! t FS "V' P ' r ;-ft? !,,'vr i i -s , r.ffrrr.h. tejisi1sj!.jea.i T'm'
:"., .,?..",.."? ....in., ' t boldly forth. Above nil things, den t i;VK.vtNri I'unr.ic Liifu Knrum Krlda Qiak-r Meetlnit Heuse, en Montgemfr2?"f4,,'i
:m i miiii in ii iiiiiiin iininiiijii - ' i r.. .. . . s ... i . 1.1
MISS MAKIiAM c. Toeisonn
Daughter of Air. and Mrs. Krnest T. Toesood, of 7141 Creshelm re.td,
(ei'mnnlewn. whose rngasement Is announced today In Mr. T. Itretnley
Floed, son of .Mr. nnd .Mrs. Ldwnrtl T. KJoed, of Wane aenuc nnd
llertlcr street, (iermantewn
Tiiprnn I -r-.., nr ier ininpa, i la . in join air.
Oreene street. Cermantewn. have re- !lenc' ""vre ,,u,' wm ,naKe ,1,clr ,,omc ,,emc
turned from a trip te Honolulu and the j Mr .'lif-tlce Schaffcr nnd Mrs. Kchaf
Hawallan Islands I for. who have been nt Virginia Het
- Mis'? Kveljn I'r'lre dnimhler nf m, I Mprlng" for two tteeks. will return te
and Mr. f KU Kirk Price, 'of 1709 Walnut lhe Mellexue-Wtratfcir.! tomein.w.
street, wne nas Deen spending the Rprlng
I f,U,. , acatlen with her parents, has returned
... eiiuiii uui-K--. ,il III.IIIIUU1I. .UI1S,,
where she Is n student.
Mlsi Tlnchel IWker. daughter ()f Mrs
j.euis i; iiaaer. jr., or nt Asaph's toad,
SPEAKINti of smnll reception .re
minds me of Walhurga Pnlne'swell-
illni!. Phe nnd Sanilv sailed en en
nerlnv. ou knew, for Kurepc. 1 sup
pee thnt was their, reason for being
mariled In Lent : a sailing date. Tliev
who went nn te .New leik for the u ed
iting tell ni thnt "Piilllc" looked nw
ftllly pretty. She bus mnrieleus fair
Jinif nnd ery pretty coloring. Thcj
fc going te live In Leck Haven.
Pnndj's biilne," interests nre there,
and I urn told the Kciilys have lnterc-ls
In that part of the Stnte tee.
Mrs. Pnlne, Snndy's mother, who
died nbeul three ears nge, n an at
tractive wnuinn. Tlie Inst time I saw
her elie had metered from New Ymk
te hour Father Mnturln .penk. Yeu
nnirniber. lie came en here from Kng-"
land te glie a I.enlen course in New
Yerk anil lectured here, tee, nnd wns
drnnned en the LuMtnuiu en Ills re
turn te Londen. Fie wns fermcily
reetor'ef St. Clement's Cliurch, in this
cltj . when n member of the Cliurch of
England, but resigned te enter the
Catholic Church. Mrs. Pnlne, with
man of his former imrlshiniicrs, was
eager Ie entertain him nnd hear Ills
talk. She was ill for some jeitrs be
fore her death. Yeu reinemliri. she
was MIm .Maud Potts, a daughter efiDr. MacCell expects, te sail en June til
Mrs. Itebert M Clrvln. Jr. of r.nsp.
ment. will rIm nn K.ister hunt en Sat
urdav. Anrll IB. in honor of her dntiRli.
t-r. Miss Alttv llenij The Ktirsts will
Bala, who has been' spending a feu ', h i' ,lh ' ,'choel pet
n West Chester. Pa. retumwl te hr " r,em tnoiineoi Fet.
home last evening-. jr. c. Wallace MncMullen. of
Mr nod Mrs .fosenh vi,,,.n.. T , I u wineiiem. entci tinned en cim-d.
pineett. or oak I III, IWthinies. whe
hae been spending several weeks
Mr. IJniilncett'fh nnient. Mi nerl Mi
J Bertram I.ipplneett, of 171 J Spruce
.ifttrnnen nt n bridge pait In honor of
Mrs. uicnnre warren, or uosten, wne
id. nre expected te Tetun, l.!'1,,!"lll,, !lfr "'V"""'' r. nnd Mr
and will Miend a -hert time with w,llU,m M,l,l'Vf Mount Al,v' f2V n
few weeks The
Harry Basett. Jr
(tU"stH were Jtrs,
Mrs. .Iiitncs li'.lan,
Mrs. Isaac I.amlln Dctweller, of 1917
North Twelfth street, cnteitalneil nt
dinner last c ruins; In honor of Mrs. It.
McPherson, of Chicago. LY-vcrs were
laid for twelve.
Mrs. I.. Hecker entertained the mem
bers of her lirldfra ilub at liiriiheeu cs
trrday at 0SJ5 North rifteenth sticet.
The members include Mrs. Kdwnrd
LeathiTinan Mis. T. Frank b'cntrmin,
Mrn Oscar Wlntu, Mrs. Henrv Wieant,
Mrs. V. De Vell and Mrs ,l. Thompson.
Mis. and Mrs. Felix Spatnln, of ". 9 1 1
I.ntena street, nre reeclvlnu conciatula cenciatula conciatula
tiens upon the birth of a daughter. Mrs.
ripatela wns Miss Ulsle (Jregan, fci
nierly of Seuth Philadelphia.
The members of the Phi Sigma Tau
Mis Oscar Kenned v. Mrs Mlllnin Sorerltv will enteitaln this nttcinoen at
l.nnergan. Mis J Heward M" ke. Jr. ic arils In the "Bex" of the Hlttenheuse
I'ncle Him and nlse either making her
r.n.' nil l.n.. .... h I. III.. .... n..nn1l.. U L
...v..,. . .... L.a..., .... -- . "J ... "VI IFlt 1,1111 UI lllMl.tlB ....
ply means harnmnv nmens the bosses et trelf.srai Iv( ll0l.KltlB ).,. Li,nnccs,
Twenfs -second
him ilnlr n morn nltructlve than pe
lltlcnl preferment, nnd when the tct
enme he these the former. There is no
man in the State better enulnped for the
office uf (loverner than Is Mr. Piuchet,
nnd. besides lie bus no boss, no entan
gling alllnnn- witli nny political gang,
nnd be has n pnst record tlint is nbio nbie
lulrly free from ialnt.
If i In. umnli. i,f Pftitisvlvanin rrall
1meIm n ,.n. .... ...I... uli.ill nun till
ii. -ii ii . ii,i r. ii.'l i in, .ii... ..... ...
them and net te any political faction
both ills sclci'tlen nnd election, why
should they weiry nbeul party linr-
inen ! The term, ns they ue it, sun-
the several fuctlens thnt compose the
During recent enrs we linve bad
many instances of disastrous- results te
our country nt large, due te the fact
pnlitlcnl beses have ignored the ex
pressed wisli of the people nnd, with the
Idea of fiirihfiln; their own personal
intercsls, have forced thrlr candidates
upon the people.
It seems Inconceivable that nny con
siderable number of cltlzsns of Ptnn
syhnnln should net be glad of the op ep op
peitnnlty te sirike nn effective blew at
gang domination of Sinte nffiiliH.
If we ntc what the nnmc of our pait
signifies nnd believe in the ihctrine of
"government of, b nnd for the people,
let us tireM- it nl the prlmnry en May
1(1, ii ml Ihere is net niucli doubt nbeut
wlie will f the Itepubliian nen-inie for
(Jnveiner. K. It. P.
West Philadelphia. April !, 1!'-.
Britain Net Foreign Country
Te Ihc Edltm e the Kirnintj ubl(i- l.tdaer:
Sil Pleiive permit me te icply te
"C. I.. I"s" inj) nt the Knglish critic.
In the first place, we l-.nullsii came te
this country for the same reason ns
emigtants fiem oilier countries, beciiu'-e
It Is the land of opportunity : and uKe
because, ns n rule, a HritWier does
net consider the I'. S. A. a feieign
teuntrv. In proof of the fait that the
I.ngllshnian makes n geed citl7en. I
need enlv pilduce tlic fact thnt of the
Iwenly-elght Presidents of the Cnitcd
States, sixteen were n i;n;;iin ucsceni,
forget that mv mlcldle nnmc Is Prehl-
bltien. KLIiKN K.
Philadelphia. A pi II 0. UVJ'-'.
Sees Hepe for Uncle Bim
Tn the llditer of the J.uiijiie Tublie l.idaer:
Sir Will, the Widow Zander is cer
tainly pinking pieparntlens for herceitir
lug wedding. Tell old Smith I have a
hunch that j,st before the fatal day ., rC U' V,
the widow s husband Is going te tun ' Ar nur hanntUl,
ui), as we nave never heard what Kinci i
et n widow she Is, thus saving
for n breach of iiiemli" suit.
Am I right? (iet something deep.
Phllnclelphin. April .r, Jl)'2.
Questions Answered
Chestnut nr(, Scotch, one Welsh, six Scotch-
.u. hiici ..irs .iHines i ratios .sulll-i Mrs A en Pa-'rnieie. Mis " (icrr sh Hetel
vnn niwi tnniii jiniieiifn 1 1 .... i.i .. I . . . . . . ...... ml . 1. -. . . . i I.
........... ........... Kiiy. ..ii--. r r inces jspieu c, M r.i nntr. laviei- .mis Me- sireei". um ir.cniuin in ' .i""'"1' Ii-sli nnd two Ilutc I.
I, Sullivan and Miss Ulalne S. Sullivan, gargce Walsh, Mjss M-iH,. Cairlgan. , Include MNs L-netta UHiiiinn, Miss ltese ll i' i' , ' , .. luh , , ,.,,,, c I, I'.'
who have been spending the winter at I mi,,, Miitl." Jeluisinn. Miss Nnem Jc iklll. Miss r.lenere Ue e. Miss Helen I le'101 " ' u" ' " ' ' ",, . '. ; ' ,,
the Htz-Carlten. will occupy their ceun- v 1 ' i. i!, w,i.n nB,i S Hale Miss Helen Jenktnsnn. Miss of deliberate m sstntemei ts. hut lb
tiy pince, ine wools. Jtnrtner, the Lit- iinrlnn witsnn M-s Mni.Miiiien wnu l'Tei enre Jerdnn. Miss Agnes Kcllv, Miss met is iiinvrrvil inev leugc- inni i in
ter pait of next week. mi., f,, i.i. ini,rnr.i ,.e ,.,.... a Annn I.nnn. MIks L.'cancrs Mi Carre. Miss , i 'ninnies of the Hrltlsli l.miilre (rnth
I uii'i iimiien iici" i i icniuni. ui i jiiii jm
W. H. Hudten
Te (lie Hiinr nl Ih" Hienine Picbllc I.rde'r:
Sir Will ou klmllv furnish the writer
with nhaleier Infcnmallnn ou hcivn of Ihe
life rf W, ! Iluitsen, the man whom .lehn
Oh svnrlhy hiis termed ' the create! wrltc
of the e' DAVID II (SOr.DO.S. I
rhllidelphu, Msreh :. 1022
W II Hudten ! nti nnzllshmen wlinse
ivritinRs have liepn ralie.l hy n rrltir 'the
Jnv of nil froeci rejflerw nnd the. rte?iMlr nf
sll Iml uu'hers " Among- his hook" which
nre numerous, "NMure in DeunlBtil' .itnl
"U'llil Life in n .Southern ('euiitis nre
clesi rlliea ns --rires as nature! nn.l un-
! ferreel as (tie notes nf his own beirr e.l bh l
ani nt full of (.-race nnd siirrhliie - VI
Hudsen lus hi-en said te hnve the true
nulurnllM s feellns. seeing, ns he does In
an nnlrnal eemhlnff te be admired snd
studied net something te he btim iiu'J
stuffed or mmeigeil In lintll nf spirit N'e
one. It h.is tif n declared, ceul 1 peiMMv
nccusn Vlr lludnen of Hiltlnir sush ' though
his note is alums the note of lee nnd
wonder ' III, bonks bslds Ihe t-e Just
nimed. thnt ara rnreriallv commended te ih
reneral re.nlei Inrlude "1 he l'urple l.and
-"II19 Natmallit In t,r. Plain. ' ' Birds I- s
Village ' Idle Dais In I'atsKeiln Tllids
In I onJen "HI Ombi ' ' llAmpsiui
Dais. c.reen .Mansions ' V cre a
Afc-e '
Mcirrh HI '1 hey (ire by Margaret K. an-
sler. 1. C. !
1'hiif.delp'iia March 2S lf22.
11) .Margaiet hnncsler
It in I the i.i at u de dear
It s the thlwr seu 'nr undone
That s-lves ou a lilt nf heartache
t the setunif of the sun
Th lender wniii forgotten,
the letters inn .11 net write.
net jend. dear,
nur h.iuniihic snesls at nizni
The stone jn-j mtcht have lifted
Jut cf n tirnther s n,
"Ih" Hi of heartfem." reune
Ven v ere hurried loe much te eey,
Th IciinR InuiJi "f the hand. dear.
the Kent e u inning tone
VUikh ou had no time nor thought for
With treuhlei enjuKTi of our own.
rimee litl e arcs r. lclr.dnes
Se OHSili out of mind
.k nknB.. ... 1. ....I.
. lll'.F 'llllTr. ii, if- mi. --
Whlrh e peer inertnli find
Ihey rnn.e In lllfcht and si'ence
i:nrh sad repreiehful rnlth.
When lieje l faint nnd tlajgine
And a (hill has fallen en faith.
first. day (Hunriay) mnrnlnsr nt the Olcl
Q tali.r teetlnv Tlnuse nn Mnnfari ,
lUKe. .Merieir r rnis .vieeiinr was esiiav-, kVi-
iibiiu (11 ,.", ,, .i3 ,.ri7 i.iiuam rmini . j. 'e.-j
worshipped visitors cerdlall)' InrlUd wjiAgl
Riirnu Sr.irft
Mrtlimllst Knlsretisl
Ttll'lA. 18th and Tiega sts. 'i"fi "M
Hamu'l McWIIIismi D D Minister. .y'JlrfSR
in -.n Tiiii vvcjmi,d I1HKATK5T Tm.
I ?'." Iv'J1
nn itim.i: mi iiijiii. snu liisitiej. e-,
r- "thi: worlds nnBAiTMt2K5
T 10cjrn rterlial nnd "SUsbut
ii cjiarcei rnsi Asntiriuge. or
gsnlst. Tttv
Ter life i nil -" short. dnr,
And 1 row all mn creit.
Ie suffer our "te- compassion
Ihet inrrles un' I I"., lute,
Vnd II l-n t 'he thine wiu de desr.
I. s the lhln vev leave unilnit
Whieh Klies miii ci hi of hennm-he
M the settles nf the sun
.... 4.
IU11 KT. Cllt'ttril. isth and Areh.
Dr .MarCnrtney will Dreach at H P. Sf
- involution Was .Man Made In the. Im
M, II..I m In & 1h.nA nt .1.4 U...M
... vj.1.'. ... ti. iiv i.t.i.n.. ... ..i" ..
The Khot of this u.iestlen wBlcn em i h
falrely thought had Ien se bsen Uia.H i . iT-t
,IR ..IH n Ill.nr- nil.ru iu ".....'ll. mn vuu. . UJ
of man ulth Its terrible Implications. It'ilfl. '.!
wss said mere than s generation a se lhatjjrf. ., '1
einlutlen would eventually lead te randr Z if
cnn. rpilens ni .j'.'i hiii ill." ir.iin. ui ,.,Mr- j .
Has this prediction hen Justiried' Or haig 1
the rcsu t neen tne sieiv isuing et ccun . .
In c5nd .leus c hrlst m life te come, from 9" " "t
the mlnde of these who took man tn b()r '
tne relative nni n-c-nueni m in-, kmii . .ifci
V srerlal invitation te students Jyer ,j
in 45 The eteliratlnn of the Lord's Sup- p, v'
rer l; nihle Scheel ... ,1
Tlie People's Tenim will nppeir ilnllr
in tlie r.ienlne I'nlillr ldgpr. nnd nl.e
In Hi- -unilnv I'lihllp I.ec c r. I-eHers
llsiiisslni llineli tonics will ti- nrlnted.
is well ns required pneitis. and tiur
tlens of eenenl Interest will he nnswered.
iien .a end Diamond ets
rtev VVUI'am I. Jtcr-nrmlik Tssler.
nev Mimuei rt r'urrav Asst Paster,
in an A 5f Hely Communion.
2 3ilP M Sshhath Pehoel
7 no r M Christian K.ndeaier
7(VP M -'Whnt Shall I De
,. rn n M llnli Communion
ai.i. skatsi it.ki: at am. rcrtvicwi.tf'f' -2A
- - - r.i7:.r.T.rr tV -v.
First Unitarian Church
Chestnut treet e-l or 21st sirret
niivinN in
Rev. Frederick R. Grifhn, Minister
Sunday Morning, April 9
at Eleven o'Cleck
"Old Thoughts Made Larger"
-ihe lands Knd -Afoot lr kht- -j-e Relationship of 1'nit.iri.ins tn
A Phcnheid s I.lf" Vdventures n,i,0 rhrintiati Tnilhs
lllrds ' nnd an autoblrcrnehi Par. Ulner tliriJIia51 laitns.
Awav and Lene Age. te .iv nothing nf hm What Dees L nitarianisni (rive in
me inte air. anil jus. liceiKc
retis, or tin-, cltj.
Miss Anna I.. I-'eulkc, dauuliter of Mr
nnd Mrs. William (I. I-'eulke. of 211
West Tuipehecken sttect. Certnunlnvwi.
will leave en Menda for Atlantic- Cltv
vvnere sne win spend a tew dnvs
guest of Miss Florence Kemhle.
Mis. Alexander MacCell and Msi
AII.H.1 C. MacCell. of IJ20 Sprucu stiept.
win sail ier nouinninpien in April
Dr. MacCell cxnects te sail en .lime
Kllstls IThe.v will spend the summer In Enplane!
Mrs l.i) ten M HpIiepIi nnd her son
Mr letter .Srhech, or Jtosemeni. hav
,ntllrnpt1 frnni Xi-w Vnrk. where thev
. I'll t . . -..-.,
-,- speiu a hcck.
Mi and .Mis Mentis K. Parker, c
New Yerk, nre vvi-i-k-Hinl Knests of Mr
nml Mti" David S l.udlum nt their home
In Itosement
'I Cecil Kennj. Miss Mai yMei lai lt , Miss ( 1( kClf-i;evernlnB nations nf the Km
lellghtful fnlrv tale. l.llt'e tin l.i
A comparatively recent volume The Heek
rf .1 Nllturillsl" hi. been f.liershv mm
Pr I pared with the best of his predecessors
and Scotland
i. Maile Muiphi. Miss "Katlilecn Mullj'i plri., volunteered their services ; a fact
, fellow tlie ciuctmrt of )c rMvh (.nMmnics
Miss Ktliel Hieeii, or fam
stay at
Pennsylvania's Law of Wills
Place of What It Takes Awav ?
The Question nf the Atonement.
I'rotfstent Klilsenpnl
or thk tiei.i .i'nrt.r.s
Ti f Ii r tttnf fit . li f ma I n fl.ilil.x ( f.lnari
Til tier cent of the Rrltlsh casualties. Bi,.v.n i. ...... .,.., ... ,..,,.. i
' . ill 1 1 t 1 ' ' stii Ji'n jfi.--ii- nitens.1 ill-- fit ii ilist
Were IJIIKIISII. It will in seen new uun ,,UeMllen
Is the statement thnt we placed the rirst. If a man.e! i,.jn buis n heu- In
Colonials in the front. ' h.s own name nn h- sell this heue mh
1 knew It Is nn necessnrv te point out the slunature ,,, permliiien of his
street. Ins icttirucil from a
Atlantic CUV. . . .. Killmr. wife-
Mr nnd Mrs. Chailes Hirten, erf T.11T i ,,.,, t a. il, tn sa'v that the publl- feennl If a tmrried mm h-s hi. r.ai
nneniiir stipHt hnvp left for an ex- , r ,.. i, ..,., n, mmenii itnei I eii" nml ninnei m nn own name mini h-
. . I I 11(11111 111 f 1.1 iisensll i-sI-ii- -' ... ., ,- -.
Mifs Jean Il.oeke RIIpv. dai.Kl.ter of ',:., ,.L "?.!'. .':... ..".h,r'lJfe!.' tended sta In Honolulu ." I.,.., , , ,l ,,,., ninrli lll-feellnc. I "' l " " n.l the rest t, istui.uns
grm-T was ri s,ck J,,., ,ll , ' .""l""",-,, Mar'fwili, "'in -1 l '" '""' n Tli"-iaV afteinn' , p Mrs 1. tfteW'A?rn& hu!,,l nnil. wltlujn. P.-uinlnR te , iilicize tee "-- '-;- , , f
-y net want te he betlieiecl She looked I C.altlnwe. left llie.e. yestcidav feu M,-. Jehn Wall h.ia letuineil le his ilt -il "ulv t hei hem en 'luesdi after- scvcrelj the policy of publl .litis such , ,,., , ,., , Mlr(h th,n n,th ,m.
ike a cleliiute little Illy bin- there en Plneliuist, N. c, where she will visit home In Teil WavhliiKten after snemllm- iin neM. letters. 1 will inerelv ninl.e a iiuery. nn ,h, iMh ,t M.inh nni en- en -h. IM
the white pillow, net ceinplnlnlns, I her unL'1" nll(I ""nt. Mr and Mrs. Max- tin- winter in I'lerlda i ,,.h rirt,. r ,,,, f .,0 nimanuel vb. : "Would an l.ngllsh journal per- uf April, and h tiles en ih- vMh of vin
theiiBli her car hurt her leiiiblv. llctt.i , "c" Stiutheis 15utt. Wnm(ii ,. , , c'hurcli of Hefmesbiirs. li Id n mec tins inlt le be pub't-linl nt ibis r resent time whhh win .. receKnize.i bi ih. lteite. i
Ij four ears old.- an I the docter1 M,s -,., Matties and her ..URhtM. I !, Ich Miss f Ma l W I nolnceM- of I'.st i-venln-; at the Heme nf Miss Lena Ulicn scch sincere -Ret -teRrtli-r ' of- ''? .. ., ,,,., ,, V '
SftfrSA!:!MrxviaM(iis,r.K." "'' BZvhVZzxyvr
HMt.v'scies ,.rp open and s. was " ' """ ""'"'"""' -"'" " "iuai nKnts bll. I mi,V Helen i.iiiiz. Mls Kiln H-ittln. . bejh no need for such hne.lt,. ns "The , ;c,;rM ,, ,,,, lr ,n, . rt.. v
lepklmsr liidlffcrenlly nt the deer when I ,Mr; ,lml Mr" -'esepli I. Woeiston. of i jIr HHrn-ird Wllnuen of Snrlnc nie Miss l-'leience Ktter and Mlsi Helen Ancient Gruclse.' Anil crliiclsms of the jy fi,, aRilnst ihe w u and undei m
ftlclilcnlj the doctor's bend bobbed In i(,lend""- ' lestnut Hill, letuitied last 0, .;iklns Pnrk. hni returned from Iar. ' KnclNh. cpeclnll.v that very much Ul , m,. ,ih ili. .. mii. h... -grin
1 he leinnikeil. "IVck a lioe'" She ? "'" ' " l,H, ",,e"1 hmw Pliichursl, N C, w her., he spent a few , I abusecl statesmiin. I.lejil (Jems', me of iren en hi. I m tike h.t fi' i - d i RW'
did lint vinlln nnr ...el.. fr.l .. '. . I time. weiks. IWIRSINnMIND LlilK nc lirreni p. I lnteU'.. v-nt Ihit th J-.niht a in. W
' IP-t , .. , m,. rl . .. - . ..... T. .... ,., ll ,.Cl
226 and Spruce Streets
Kei. .1. Dle U'irllelil. Minister In ImrKe
S V. VI. nl ( nniniunleii
11 . M. Mprnlnc I'riTer
I 'aim Suntlav Evening
pnii. !. Ar r.iciiT ' lock
Sir .lehn .tiilner' sue red Miilllatlnn
The Crucifixion
untr t the An pi ena. Cie r under th
fi faction nf
Mr. Ernest Felix Petter
Orcin lteclt.il nml f.uest su,rnnn "olelst
in ;.in ! vi.
I T, "'"!"- "lepniiiK back inle Ihe
null, he dNnppeniecl. itil le pep bis
J;'I in iicnln. lemiii-Mn-,' the while.
I co ij, ,j" -r,H ((l) ull(,h
for Hetl.v. Slie Pnuld net 1,p betbeied
tny rnniP i,, silly people, and se In a
de'ji vcIcp s,0 snld llllJst ,iKRIst:
UIl, jnii gn te hell."
Mr and Mis Themas .1 Mvcr
turned vestenlii) fiem their, wi'ddluK
Hip Mm Mver, befeie her inaritiifre
cm March 2.1 was Miss Amies Itciwlund
Lev's, ilaiiKhter of Mr Clvules Mc-Rnrp'
l.nv-ls. Mr and .Mre Mver will live at
6624 McCilluni street, Cermantew n.
Mr and Mis Charles It Tteecl of
Chinch rcnil Knrft mid New Second
Hticet near Klklns pnik, hiv,. leturnecl
from IMiiehurst N c. Mis n...i w
if il illlllKOlfr CM .1 VV TOSPli
Mis. Kdward Kverett Marshall, of claiiKliter of Mi Wllm
Plillnclelpbla, Mnicli 'J'.i. VM'J.
Mavbe They're Bewlenged!
it'iur mlit in! ns Mis i 'aleh Cot, ,lr , for- ' !i h in Hpiisenhur.-it, N Y, where idle in the l dltex nl th' K -"tw Vhlic , cdncr
.... . ., "-- i i iininwi Anether i wll
I Wilms,.!,. Mr 1 I'lii.rU.L.
Rvdal Waters H-.ilal. who lina neen I lUemlev, of revnl liwi (Imiiinntnu,,
aercnu since .innu.iry, is at present in i "-'s mjiu- ie , iiiuie i-ij, vunre nIip Is
Heme. She villi shortly leave there for recupirntlmr from a irpent Illness
Spain HcfeiB cturiilliK l-r-me in June, Mis llieiuiev, i.he was Miss linrei'hv
Mrs Maisliall will spend sonie tlme lnHevllln Wilinsu, w.i tliL dtiw of the
cans. I line "imam n i eiweii, ail.
Mr and Mrs Jehn McMerdle. of
Hennei street, nre repelvlnif ciniBiatula ciniBiatula
tlens upon the birth cf a son.
tiua Helen Hummerfleid. of KIsIiik
will be Sun nveniic. will spend the Kister hell-j
'dnvs in liensenlnir.-it, . v . wnere ime
r i will be the. guest, of Miss Madallue l
tinder tlie Intestate apt wheie iheir nre n
phlldien r.innet te. iltnned c.ifis m.nle '
lnstllut.e-is are old ulnars mule at less!
ihliti divs before the tejtnier s rt-nih nnd
linleeM ll.Tft Jll tW I or mere it,! nr1
ilielniensi.il wl'ne,ns
I Ihirl 'Ihe will lis! mil" wet! I Oe the
one iinentel for pretilp I. Ih.' I.-.' '-r of
raieit sheu I I e ti ert h s
Sir All the time the men are pick
i jr.ir en us "iris I lie) enn u nappers wnii unies
, and make fun of our short skirts nnd rnni -stunt.
lour trnlesbes and our powder anil our I
Mrs Themas Downs. Jr. will enter- pnIn n, ellr Kv r!etbes. ' Easter Sunday. 1863
frldre'abavl"' ",m 'en' Wedne'si , .Hut new let us llnppei-" w some- 7e ,r n, ,. ,,,;.,,,,.,,,. , ,.,,.
nlftprnne.: Til J e.liesU w II he Mis ' tllinR in rcpl) .1 till-lk lie men nie Mr.w , , ,u ,, hU1, . . ,
...... "'' . . .. ' .. ., .. ,. 1.1... ..I .. n. In... nnl.'(,.l, l.lll.nl. HU f.F ,. .. .... . .... ..... t
lehtl VV Allams, .Virs 11 I' OOhllian nil- bihiiiiih-i i"'"" 7 "", "' r.Kvll 1-1 hi i 1 . . -. r. .i m- nan r e ,-r 1
in in in "i" i" i
lliister in I ".3 (ell no vprl
History of Thirty-seventh Division
7u ( t d lur of the Kwnviu I'ulhi I dj r
SicOyn ou te 1 me if a divi'im. 1 1
tni, hue .iei If, 'l JiuhlUhMl nf Ihe Ihll
seienth Ulilsnin
. Mr. aiul Mr,, KlneR, T .. , Mr". K Hell, of the Itartiam Apart-!
mi l rcslieim rnna iM.n ....... . ' l ment.s. will enteit.tln at .1 him hemi. fel. 1 VArre-r piljii Arr?, r,.,.
Munre the rM..,:....J":V"."WM- ""' lowed hi , th...iir 1 mrtv en uv.i, .i .. " " ' rniLnuBLrnifl - Mrs Heward Kile). .Mrs Aiceri .lenn-, 1 lellies go inni anv one i-mini iiuaKine.
''r- Mis,, MarKah Cas,ard Te ?, ,iUB'in ntt-rnoen. Anrll U-. In honor cf Miss' 51m Walte. Wheatlej. or 40 J I s, ,.. son. Mm Vlllani Jnnunlte, M,.- I nv ) f ,,lM M enlv Hess up a little life w.uiM
M", T Btetnlev Floecl sour fTr '. a''11 el Medial. dauL-hte, of Mrs. Sam- I W' ""stained at a luncheon and I '.udluin. Mrs Jehn l.ei 011. Mrs . , ,, br8hpri
?J 1-dwai.l T Vlec . of ' Wavne'avl uel ' Hnnunei. of .'1.10 Spiuce stieet. " ; ls.; party vesicidiv The suests In- Jl?" I-nnriB. Mrs. Chailes V. rke Irs , , , ,
n,-e and flertter sticet nJ nJiii.?, w nose mirrlae tir Mrs Hell's son. Mr Vl.ud.p.'1 'M,.s., l''' lhmien. Ji . m,-s. Themas Simpers. Mrs. I- rank 1 01 cltl- "" ,,' ,. ' .i.-i' :,, ,h nt ninke vnu
Mrs. Toegood nnd Miss Tnm ,1 ,..nWi ' W. Hey Hell? will take pluc In the ' Meetler Illtten beuse. .Mis WMInui ane. and Mis. r.dward A Stoc'.ten il 11R) clothes darn sult mat make veu
at hem.8l,f0,,nn!U e'S? ,d v of e1,'" Hel-eml P.e,h terl-.n Cbuich. Twen.v- , hilter. Mis Itussell WiNe-i. M,s r,a"!k - Bloomy te leek nt em. and Miff, uclv
non Ne cards ' ""nn.i) nnei- n,st (lnd Walnut streets, en Snturdav , ' McKalR, Mis l-Yank 'i!uu and Mm ei r.-w,!.,. hats anil gloom) neckties nml lieavj
An l Am II 1'9 The cuests will Include the , barren I'rtsten, , rinn urayaer Lhees and stiff, uncomfortable cellars.
ft and ;. v,V V' . ," "erest in this urinal pari Mr nm, Mi.s T J Shenrniin nf Mr, iuni; u nHnfis, nmcn w m lain, j , , , 0seill nut II leal clothes and when, .an one l iuri,i..-d-
S K.e,BVVXUeTf, MrV ' MP"IMrs William n he, rerd and ' NnH.ni. !, ' . u. e "l e.l, f.?' TempKTmrn- se?Snd I n'ves us Kirls a Heat- cca.s and . , , , " C '
Daniel nske KelleRR u 1 ,&, tl.elr son. Ml. drace D Sherrerd of of th.li duURhte.-. Miss Uernlcn I. Street ami Moutseii lieusers and .vellew neckties and I mil fl-.Phw M"' r I''--'
Bdu' ;;",', "f.,Mr- "'l Mrs Wei -T fadJe.inell. N. J and Mis. He Wlti.'S,; ' Albert c Fell, of ? iat of Miss buS ? C? a der. t j"i5Bht"r nf ' B een hats. Anlhlnit fr a chance. '" V" "I ?" "' '.,". '.' hTn i,
have'nl ,B(aibam Hetel. T 0 II udds ' c lc,m,e,l,i, f W,l 'iC- ,mUV ? tn" M"- ' Mrs. Samuel Crayrier. of JT0 1 Mn, l. IVe cot romantic ideas, but h"'" ' ' T a. ML ; Z ,
r r::o,,rlens,u th,s'it; ie? r;n7u.-,,,j:r.M :
"1 .Sp 1cnMr,,reefrl",1V W. S'V"" ,,f UMY T',e5 PXpCCt '" be ,va Cl(?"1 e I, T 1 hirI, yr.M Yeu knew pewWerrd vvlCs and ' fom.M.en ,., .. the h,.-e,S .f ,h- lh,r.
dinner? followed ,' v n",,!.He"-,ln. at '' w,cK" I'"" Hi Id' nV. nn.l Mr LclBlUen (VricI ' 1,rlt1' ',ld,lln Unl '"'rt "" Kiilil.ts of knee bieeches nnd bin klcs , nil that nlh.
'heir home en Thursday evenl'm 'Vi;n Mi. and Mrs Jeseph Chew Murphey. ei l.lndts, also of this i-lt.v h Pvthlas The Itev. Marvin Nathan will an' they nsbanied of limit- les? I.,.t
AX VffihttK' $" SJWAft,'r MKaK: " """ M ,r 1 'r.'T' " C'W&wWti&.W ' a '' ,,"UI ,,-k, Kliy Poems and Senps Desired
SXRK-! ?! "nVru'S1 A'rftt1 H" ?' ' lki L. Frank- . tWl, !"&' LSi 5.Ji "."S ffiinnVK Pbila-lelpbia. AprK W."""'"
r'"' " ' sixty i-ruests liildesniHlrtH will Include Miss Jean
11 lie..! IInsi,-ii mill.lll. t
Womrath's Library
VNMII N( Ts I1S!!I It Mil 1:
nm uwv. tK niMit iiimikn
liip in ind KereliL. rnrtiiu.irN
. ..,.1. imvknvTi'.nieX ciirni'ii 1 1 ri
Jlst end W slnut rte I v
Uev Alernnder Ms. fill It n Ml n 1st Jr. ,.
Ue Alvln n Ourlev Assistant 1 T"
!,r MnrCnll will nrenc h nt 11 nnd 1 j
Mernlnic series of sermons en 'Ortkt .,
r.vents in th f.lfe of Jesus will coin-'
,iude with HI Hrlef Heur of Uartlily a
CJlen nenlni series en 'The Oesnel (Irv
nter' villi conclude with 'The Hnrrtn
irT(riOlf't'M -THt: I.IFi: OF CHRIST IN'
"UNO 041
Cc' of snihems dliected hy N Lindsay
NerIn imv-d h I're.Jerlc Cook violin-,
1st and Vlrceni 1'inellt h-irpist, both of I
t-hilidelnti 1 Drrhestia
in m A M Sundny Scheel and Blbls
II , Week Services M mdsy te Prldar. ri
incliislie 4 4.'. 1' M ' X
VIMlflltS VVKl.l'UMl- vrt
i unit 11 or thk iini.i .rnrt.r.si ,
21"' nnci iiirisunii ns.
Itnv nr.ciltrit: Il 'icier. reeter ' ft
(1 no A M Cetniniinlt.ii , . ,
loin V M Mnrtilnir I'm-er and lermen
bv the rei ter ,it
.e I- M 'undHv Pi hoot
T 00 I M uuni, IVeple's Rervlee
I eai.ue 0
s cinpI R vv-tn e re"m. Jr.
TIV1TV , , r
11th and Mount V erren sts t,
Kb" .Ami.-4 evv. c-rusfen iteeter,
seivlrei Sundsi 4
Hi in A M Hely i-iinmun'in and Berrannrvr
7 4'. I" M r.ven'iiK Ssrvl'e Preachernj
lv c II lie. , e -
l.i 1 Ices 'n ll')i V'- h ,
Wed T I" r M nvenine srvfe nd
s ritrin
rh as
1. .e.l I'rl'J.f
7 I'. I VI - stalnei s
t)i 1 hnlr
si- ri.TiiH'i in i:rn
I ilrd nnd pine ets
It. r.l ird VI j-ffe-js
7 in A VI Itnl 1 .'minimi-ip ' U
s Vi A VI lleU Ceminiinlnn
k rmen h Hlshei. P.hlteiander The choir
. 1 1 intf
r P-um In II F-' Stanford
s n 1 p vi -spi:i-iai, ML-sic-Ah sunv.
1 K The eh ilr " 'nc TUB RKVEN,
I vs-- V()ltl)S up i-llltisr hy Dubois.
., alT Whertm V r. ir r, Jehn W.
Nv Is Imsr
' nm'1! Th irsle.
s nip M Rep-ni en of c-anisis MThej d
s ., I ii U-niJ of 1 hi in h Dubois.
i'.ie.I rridii
t ' Oil In .100 P VI Prei.hnit nf the -.a
Paslm PriP. h-i 111' RKV PHILtr
1 niil n I' 4lsr'n if Pel 11 a re
I nltarhin
tl '
t 1
I", P VI Heh 1 ommunlen and
in ,in
vi l.ltsny and
Crueifiilen" by
." T D Usetnr.
' M
misi rwrxitiAN t m nt 11
,1 1 ll'"lll'll i .-m.ISISiaf s ft
KKKlJi.Itt' i il uhicri nrniwiPT,
.n liniri'i m 1 p-ei(.n nun
1 r 11 t ' f
i, mi i i 1 k J
I ( r a ' M 1 . - I1
.rrnpl" s In '
l.- Seuth ISth '(
RMtt. NS IN I n1) Until, s
rhe lie nMen "f I niinnanlsm te' '
1 nt . 1 hi 1 'Hnn 1'jlth" ' A 11
a VV hai d's I nliiiilan 1111 i e m plc A
1 vhai 'i taKes nw a. - '
1 r.1 Tile u lest .,nnf lh Alenemenl -y- n
iNiiuiN 1 111 ii( 11 or ii:iivixTewr i
1,. a i and VV c irUrn aie
in.li Ai.nl H tr'.'.' - u
.or 1 . Hi II 10 1 M 111. Vlitl ster, ReVfl"-
I icr I.irh. r will prejc n Subjtetj
II c"i ' Real .T sfa Hen nf fled ' "
c uit h 1 n ' n 'he unnh heins vry,(l,'
1 . 111 ir t c at t e antn. hour.
a- t . im ''11
. .
.Mrs Jehn T Tern,, .. .u 1.- ....
hrner nnd ii..',,"" 'T, "Z."r. ' I low ,1 , ,1a luhmr of Maver and Mis
. ..i.iii v I'lpin no " . : . ... ..... .
Mr. and Mi
nlxty i-nicsts
Mr and Mis Ileiner ll"ndt li-'is tlrirv
pa. . ' neimr at the marilairp of mi, Hampton .vioere., nave retnrneii 10
Ellzaheth Kllieu All llcr da KlRer of l)i their home In Ambl.-r. 'after an eMenslvv
nSul'Tiie-e',0""1" Tlth MUU.r.'f IU9 y I" Atlantic Clt
'nant Scot? .VT-fmil MreJ,,v.,,nd. r'le.,, I Mrf IMwatd Malcnej has left this
which uin ,-.i. , ' . s - of nbie, . -
PreteLtr 1 r, e ,,Uc,e ." 1'1 st Petei's , , ,
J'lnaeli..'.'1"800!";'. hurili, Tbii.i and I Tn AmnfAiiv'S inur
Bi.Tl (II V'fil1linu,ln. , m B 11 milULl.111 LJ11U11
.llllll' I
luldesninidn will Include attss .lean
l.keff. Miss HattlP Uress. Mm .lenn-
nette Mlsbe and Miss Kinm.es Kalua
Prohibition but Net Temperate
I nerA ..in . . ..-..- ..
tenant ,,i ,. ,Vi", """malds Men
tenant W, v" iV n!'.""le'l by I.liu
man an, - Mer- l -s N . as best
Twemlelh'-"'!"1 '" ""rrisi. of .-,00 Ncitb
') IE! e'rh M s';eV f"'W"l"l l l."i
'"si Mrs ti.,ii'Ul?.n N','""H' "ml 1"'
Rene te CiPfy,'1 'Mi'!li,'K Kill-". b.i
has h 'en ill l'.ii..s KciilcK. who
AWln ,JIMUH,ell,ii.i,,,s,l,,l SUf" ''"''J'1"
Mam i. i. Helen Ilussei. Mies K
MK, ,'ll"iV' M,I,SH N"""1 He Miss
'a Mils' nn,ll!l'n' ')' l"1('" H-
M.r ii iDP. "UV ''ce-. Ml"-" Alb'-
Ms. ii,,'...'. TT'.'" 'aei-in r
i I'.u neil,
hslla ii i; ' '"Kt- aiu .M is Anna-
'rd Via. rVJ,H' MI'., I'Oiliie .11 Hlti Hlti
Verk uL f W"?ct". Tntbain. of New ,
"lid Mik. vi. .i" '...''" "'" ,,r llestnn
Mst I., ,J ''.'"" ' these uhe nil
whlin i, "n , " "' '" mi.cimieii.
w'll eve i ll,'r li".Cl'' llciuiintevMi.
V,f .iVwime,,M,,,,,ni,',,,ler' MlhM
f .M? a?,'a"l.'.l.lP .V ."'iet I.uikIiI.'i
I Wlssii ei reiiliiand I (i u e
Mreei V ?'r, H''"",', '"' Mnnbelni
nuctlJ,. I, ,i'"1m"' wl I tnteitaui ai an
n..i..,'1,(ne parli nt her limn,, en
"I" MIS MnVla "i0."'.' A,""' '' "' '""""
r e l ' lM" """"Kline. dailKli
huc. if i.ii ''':'., Mr" ( "amid DencK-
SH '-' Stea
BJM- ;3Mf
L r&
-sHl ifr & wta
MlUm: wSmM
H0HII, Irii itJsBr!Es53
HKlnu, jWh!Qmffflwa
S .
!jnd e U,a,e c.r ",',. VS rlWill1' Mr JeXur IIKlim'" ill 'he best";,, , ' r , ,ae r.d te, of ,he ,,.. m, ,,da,r.
'thir.rs.'ieet1 T lUnV ImIVm'i'JsI V, h , " $ mV.?''"' " ! Sir- I .e the r,,run. ims turned ,
Siay irett , swlney Uve.'s anci in InvinTiihlne- , 5"'",!'" -t.-iiipet nf" fe low A Inrsn
Mis llenjainln Nrvviemh of 5sB
Walten avenue, nu-italnecl at dinner '
and cards jesteiiliiv The suests In
eluded Mis J HnlKPs, Mrs Kieemiiu.
Mrs l) II. Ilelicils, Mi? P Kebli't and
Mrs H Sterner.
Refc-red te Readers
7e Ihe -rfllin nt th I'l ruin a P! If ( eifjr
SH I'ti'i i i Mil'i ll'li m i
imem c our In n H -i' lss ' h, n i
i'ut lneith nur chariot Mh,e ' . i
tmne of the auihei
I ueuld nlse appreclvie the unrdi ,f i
son? Rises of Pieai.lj V VI l
Phi idelphla, Mar. 'i Vh tn;.-
vvltr A reception will fellow at the , tuililiv cu u -iiipc -i-iih '. i in- irew n anil
Majestic- Hetel, nfter which Mr. nnd Smlllis nren I ill II About nine nut
Mis. Finn will leave, en an extensive i of ten I tlnil b that name as J weii,
trip thieuBh the Scuth j tlirniiRh the cilv, icmvceliu' vvilb dlf-
feient iiiilivuliials 1 in- bind te instil!
IMUrirlle I OWN It Inie i bein that every ninn and weninn .. nm., nt ,i.e , ,h . .r,i... i ..i...
Mr IMuaid It Mien, Mi (leeisp W .Mm Cerrlran, of sOL' ilrenn ctreet ! en earth is icalh a priliibllleiiisi , that ! I '! aprrnUte. u if ou wi pi n
Cmnnhell. el Hewling Clliell S aild ling intlireprl from .1 visit illli Iter u,i. tin. i iiiHhI liiehiliir (11,1 .lehn .., c.i... r ,- in ,n P, mi'n , Pnrnm rhe n ,am .,
..:... ,..i.. .,, ..i.. u, ....ii. .l.i.., ; -:."-. ...7 .-.:.-.. ....::. --.." -. -"
i.iiim. u nm .ui.i.i.i -i. .... ...i in.fi.- rir null ciaiiRiuri -iii-mw ir nun Airn
Christian Science
Peler V. Ress, C. S. B., of San Francisce, Cal.
Venilsr nf the Itn ml or I e tiirehlu nl Hip Mnilier t Inn ill Tie I irst liurrh of
(lirisl. stenli n tin tun Mi.. I ni'rr ihc Vuni-i' of I en rt II Chnrili of Christ,
c lenll-t of l"h liilrli.li i
.d Street Seuth of Market Street
Sunday Afternoon, April Sth, at 3:30 o'Cleck
The Public Is, Cordially Invited
"What te Talk
r 1
uiiPHtri of Ml and .Ml
S'Ol.lll. of -IU Si lllll !' fH -lllllll sllilPt
P lalvvanl Walter J Cen lijan, of Nli vioed, 1'a.
hi illnn. i nt the
t venliiB
Hill.'vu -Sliatfciid last Mr' J Ke'sler. of He halli htieet, i
spencliiiK sem" nine in .New verK.
Yearns for Wartime Bands By j. p. McEvey
A I.Mt
A iiiiul
njta win i." i ,trinn'ntit.ii Tin Tin
en. jr m.'J1',1,110 M" Hwiiv Mars
fcn CasT, n8;p"cV "?" .:."
Ml.. v- ..Miss CeiiBtance
w Arheii.' a1,.ui'B'?nce . i-esiiett,
illy. Mi,, pu"0'" J.1.""4 Je,t "Urv
n. Binediet 1sn"er.r' Slean. Ml Alice
A W Hiss, ..n c Hendersen, Mlea
l'a:,.,1 .. ii
Pluilci hs l,isrn Phoie .wnu,
miss KAciiin, riMci-;
Untislitrr of .Mr. anil .Mrs Kll l.
Trice, nf neil Walnut street. Miss
Price i active in (he Junier League
i and various iharltles
I, Ml 1ST c would tindi-rvirlle insiruineiits and tinin Ihem te plaj nnh
.iitliir ttiirlM buiu- back ihi-lii.ivei "' wi Mirnni? u inns and one-
bniiilh iliul uwil te iiiiip.ili-iiiiip.ili1 "' 'i;'- i. , ,. i
ill i.UKh the Mieeis even half hour If the r, s ,iie .1 Inrge nim nn.l
Md .,. s mi mil u.iilv in leave "" bu-inen. ,.ti let is ecatt. red, e.iiiip
..in- desk nml iiir-b in ihe vviinlews. c
1 nil-s tin in new.
If we tll.lii'l hnve a tn cellivtm
I einliiK iiiiniii.l eviij half lieur In-lend
! i. lb" biiml vve w iilllil liin.ll.v belii'VC
Ih. M'l- Intel liei ii a iv a I
Then- sluillbl be Milne vvn te le-tnre
' iluii liiii-nionleiis flu tin 11- that se
illMhmluillv soelli.d Ihe iiviu-e hleiin.
Ki.iphlc In ca I Neil the Inn; mm hlllf,".
I ii k b, en wcni le.'f mill l'n dieis
llfteilio'elis slllkSei- dettil le llicll conn cenn conn
liise liliNIi willieiit a slllle Ibrlll or
i-Mlillll llieii At the 1 1-! of illxniKiin
lllijj the cm li c buslnesi wm Id I pin
' piisp lie felliiwing rluiple nliilliin :
ij -.
fltj i av .s
LKT ciiili stcnnsniphei- in Ibe cltj
contrlbule ii small sum tewnnl the
hlrlii(?iiml llttliiK out of n band of
trnlnel imisleliiits.
Kift)p all musician wlh xtra-leud
i.' '.
.v4''.jii,. .r..
several of ihese build.
NOW iueiiiii I lie b.iinl en a lare Heel
of limks and reule these trucks.
lliteiiRli tlie liiihiness illr-trl-l, IcttliiK
llieni pliiv as iliej pi, The seul-stir-ihiK,
ilb-tieklni;, beait-warmliiK nielo niele
dies will Hsu and Mini- thriniRli the
fill m uilivens of steel nml stone ami
will peiiueale nil the elll.es.
All l lie sleiiesinpliPih will then luue
an opperliiuil.v te leave their hateful
t.vpiiiK or stupid tilliiK nnd rusli te the
wlnilewH in In If nn hour or rs the
band can come hnik and there cun lie
inielhei- riir-li te the windows. Hy
caicful iilnunlng veiy little weik need
lie clone and the rutin1 daj can lie made i
entlrel.v weith while.
The Htenegrnphers' Oo-epeiativc '
Hand blieuld be warned, however.
never, never, XliVKR te play during
the neon hour, ,
The Church and Your Health
When church-ffeinp. falls elT. nerves come in. This
i mere than a coincidence.
Late sleeping, leafing at home are net restful as
they seem. Chauncey M. Depew used te gain res,t
v hen tired by making speeches, bringing a
different set of brain cells in use.
(.leing te church does this for you. It is a change
in mind. When you go te church and forget your
self and think of Divinity you are changed.
Yeu are stronger mentally and morally; you have
been in touch with beauty and purity and mystery,
and the experience will serve you through the week.
If going te church is with you an effort, an act of
unselfishness, all the better for you, the mere geed
it will de you. Invest an hour a week and you
will see.
Information te Public Cencerning1
at the
Academy of Music
Monday Evening, April 10, under auspices of
Deers open 7 o'Cleck. All holders of reserved
scat tickets must be in their places by 7:.'H) or run
risk of losing their reservations te holders of general
admission tickets. Mass singing begins at 7:30,
under direction of H. C. Lincoln.
Meeting called te order promptly nt 7:45 by
Jeseph M. Steele, President of the League. The first
speaker will be Rey A. Haynes, National Prohibition
Commissioner, followed by Billy Sunday, topic
"Safety First."
t 4 4
,r ril. .
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k rfiSV
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